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cewyllenw · 4 years ago
@doecharmed | 💬 for a starter
it’s hard on all them, sirius thinks - but none so much as lily and james. its’ a beautiful little house they live in, together with harry, starting their family. sirius imagines it must feel like a prison now, the way they’re kept inside, locked away from the world. he knows it’s hard on james, who was always one for stretching his legs, for relishing his freedom. 
but sirius can’t imagine it’s any easier on lily.
so he’s here. he’s here, and it’s dangerous but so is everything else. sirius makes it a point to be careful about how he comes -- it’s probably the only place left in his life where he’s this careful. because it’s for harry’s sake, and james’, and lily’s. he can’t afford to be anything but careful.
james is upstairs with harry now. and sirius is here, with a newspaper wrapped package. chips and mushy peas. a soft smile on his face. ❛ you like this, don’t you? i remember you saying that. ❜ he pushes it into her hands, and then presses his lips briefly to her forehead. ❛ how are you, lily? ❜
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years ago
@doecharmed  sent :   ❃ = dancing together .
he  has  never  seen  the  great  hall  decked  out  like  this  .   as  soon  as  the  large,  double  doors  open  an  ‘  ooh  ’   seems  to  sweep  through  the  crowd  behind  them .    though  james  hardly  has  time  to  appreciate  the  beauty,  when  he’s  thinking  about  the  upcoming  dance  .  
his  partner  is  beside  him,   her  arm  atop  his  as  he  guides  her  into  the  great  hall,  like  tradition.    james  can  still  hardly  believe  lily  agreed  to  go  with  him .   he’d  been  sure  someone  else  would  have  asked  her  first,  or  that  she  wouldn’t  want  to  go   -   but  she  had  agreed,  and  he  had  been  filled  with  a  sort  of  untouchable  warmth  since .    
it  was  nice,  to  go  with  a  friend .   even  if  he  had  hoped  it  would  have  shielded  him  from  more  nerves  than  it  had .   he  felt  nervous  now,  especially  with  lily  beside  him,   who  looked  beautiful,  and  confident,  and  who  he  was  expected  to  dance  with  as  one  of  the  champions.   he  just  hoped,  that  the  two  of  them  could  have  fun .  
they  finally  reach  the  great  hall,  and  the  champions  all  prepare  to  open  the  dance.   he  can  see  the  beauxbatons  champion  beside  them,  smiling  wide.   he  and  lily  are  face  to  face,  and  he  catches  her  eye,  and  smiles,  and  feels  a  jolt  of  electricity  go  through  him  he  chalks  up  to  anticipation.  it’s  like  playing  a  game  of  quidditch,  there  was  always  a  strange  mix  of  nerves  and  excitement  before  the  game  started.   
the  music  starts  and  there’s  no  time  to  think .   he  and  lily’s  hands  meet,  his  other  hand  on  her  waist,  hers  around  his  back.   they  had  had  to  practise  this  in  class,  so  many  times,   but  it  felt  different  now.    all  the  awkwardness  seems  to  disappear,   the  steps  coming  easily  to  him .   they  move  around  the  room,  the  crowd  disappearing,  until  all  james   can  see,  can  even  care  about  is  lily .   they  seem  to  move  closer,  as  the  music  swells,  the  stiff  position  they  had  both  taken  easing  slightly.   he  realises,  all  of  a  sudden,   he’s  having  fun,  and  he  almost  laughs  as  they  twirl  around  the  room  for  the  final  time .  
the  music  dies  slowly,  and  james  smiles  as  he  looks  at  lily,   half  bashful  and  half  joyful.  her  face  looks  a  little  flushed,   one  strand  of  hair  falling  out  of  place  and  into  her  face,  and  he  doesn’t  think  when  he  reaches  out  to  tuck  it  in  place  behind  her  ear.    immediately,  he  wonders  why  he  did  that,  it’s  not  the  kind  of  thing  he  would  have  usually  done  for  a  friend  -  but  he’d  been  unable  to  dampen  the  impulse .  
❝    thank  you  for  coming  with  me    ❞     it’s  easiest  to  forget  what  he’d  done  by  speaking  instead,  forcing  himself  to  think  on  something  else .    beside,  he  really  did  need  to  thank  her  .    ❝    couldn’t  have  survived  that  without  you  ❞  
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duelmartyr · 5 years ago
@doecharmed​  //  lyric starter call
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though in tough situations gideon found himself almost naturally slotting into a leadership role it was never one that he sought out. the decisions and pre-planning that came with being in charge all the time had never been any interest to him. still when moody gave you a task he made it hard to say no, “you have to take the long way down, through the underground, under cover of night, layin’ low and stayin’ out of sight.”
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sungdreams · 5 years ago
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        emmeline  is  used  to  having  a  whole  room  of  people   look  at  her  ---  she  was  used  to  attention,  having  spent  her  whole  hogwarts  career  trying  to  be  number  one.   she  wasn’t  alien  to  being  talked  about  in  whispers  either,  but  at  least  there  were  hundreds  of  places  to  avoid  hearing  or  seeing  it  at  hogwarts;  there  were  only  so  many  now  at  the  order’s  headquarters,  and  if  she  wanted  people  to  start  trusting  her  then  hiding  wasn’t  exactly  a  step  in  the  right  direction.   ❛  not  to  sound  like  that  person,  but  how  long  do  you  think  it’ll  take  ‘til  they  like  me ?  ❜
@doecharmed​​ - from  e.  vance !     starter  call.
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dogcharmed · 5 years ago
“   good   old   james   thought   i   was   coming   to   see   him   .   can   you   believe   that   ?   ”       @doecharmed​   ,
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marawrder · 5 years ago
@stagcharmed @doecharmed
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with crossed arms, sirius rakes his fingers through his raven black hair and scoffs. “ what you two are doing is literally madness. are you serious? ”
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mangaien · 5 years ago
i would like @marawrder  @stagcharmed and @doecharmed to delete their thread bc i need too go out to night and interact with normal people and i can’t have this mental image in my brain when doing that. 
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enforalla · 5 years ago
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        “ —— oh yes, i know about those ! “  he exclaimed in delight, at recognizing what the girl was talking about. “  —— actually when i spent a lot of my youth in new york and i became quite familiar with the muggle world. “ a got a warm smile on his face as the memories of his days there ( and the many many parties he had taken part in. ) 
starter for lily from fleamont . @doecharmed​
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cewyllenw · 5 years ago
@doecharmed | “you can’t keep doing this”
❛ hm? ❜ sirius blinks, clearing the haze out of his brain, and focuses in on lily, who’s standing in front of him, and who looks incredibly radiant, if sirius is anyone to judge.  the fire crackles low in the common room, which means it’s either very late or very early, sirius hasn’t decided yet.  he knows remus went to bed massively early, knows that james had quidditch practice, that peter was worrying over his essay.  
he’d tried to sleep, but -- well, it just wasn’t coming.  he’d thought perhaps the common room would be easier.  the problem, of course, as indicated by lily’s frown, is that this isn’t the first time.  it isn’t even close.  
sirius shifts a little, making unhappy noises, and doesn’t do much past that besides ensuring there’s enough space for her to sit down if she wants to.  ❛ m’okay. ❜ it’s only september.  his sleep schedule hasn’t evened itself out yet.  ❛ ‘sides, you’re awake too.  means i’m not doing that badly. ❜
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years ago
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❝  it’s  not  much  further   -       ❞          hand  in  hand  with  her,   trying  not  to  drag  her  behind  him,   though  it’s  hard  when  he’s  excited  .     he  had  thought,    it  wouldn’t  be  a  particularly  memorable  christmas  eve .     no  one  having  much  to  celebrate  with  the  war  still  looming .   but  this  had  been  a  bright  spot,  something  he’d  found  in  the  village  he  couldn’t  wait  to  show  lily .      ❝    look   -    ❞       pointing  up  ahead  to  the  square,   a  large  tree  in  the  centre,  glittering  with  lights,  pixies  dashing  in  and  out  of  it’s  branches.  a  choir  at  the  base  sang  carols  and  people  milled  about,  warm  chatter,  the  occasional  burst  of  laughter  as  they  talked  to  vendors       ❝   christmas  markets,   I  didn’t  know  they  had  them ,   but   -    thought  we  could  have  a  look  around  ?   ❞ 
@doecharmed​   [  a  little  christmas  thing  ]
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theblckheir-a · 5 years ago
                    fingers  play  distractedly  with  his  pack  of  smokes,      anthracite  hues  lost,      staring  at  nothing.      violet  underlines  eyes,      sleepless  nights  the  only  solution  he’s  found  to  avoid  the  nightmares,      the  images  of  that  fateful  night.      bright  clear  hues,      pale  cold  flesh,      warm  fingers  pressing  against  it,      begging  for  a  breath,      begging  for  a  heartbeat.      but  she  had  been  lifeless,      infuriatingly  lifeless,      there  was  nothing  he  could  do  but  sob      &&      beg      &&      plead.      there’s  a  dark  fog  in  his  mind,      nothing  truly  reaching  him,      nothing  truly  touching  him  anymore.      he’s  aimless,      consumed  by  sorrow,      the  coldness  of  her  skin  one  that  sticks  to  his.      
                   days  are  filled  with  alcohol,      smoke      &&      endless  reunions  when  he  has  the  strength  to  go.      nights  are  filled  with  shady  missions  on  his  own,      dumbledore  using  his  desire  for  loneliness      &&      distractions      --      he’s  right  to  do  so,      you  don’t  win  a  war  by  being  kind,      by  being  mindful  of  people’s  pain,      you  use  that  to  further  your  plan.      sirius  doesn’t  mind,      people  looks  at  him  suspiciously,      exchanging  glances  at  his  pitiful  state,      whispering  about  his  disappearing  act  during  the  days  after  she  died.      he  knows  what  they  say,      he’s  never  there,      he’s  always  on  supposedly  secret  missions  that  no  one  hears  about,      he’s  the  spy,      he  goes  into  knockturn  alley  a  lot      --      honestly,      fuck  them,      his  business  is  his  business.
                   loud  sound  of  a  door  slamming  makes  eyes  look  up,      jaw  clenching  as  eyes  avoid  him.      he  places  a  smoke  between  dry  lips,      nostalgic  smile  as  he  finds  her  lighter,      he  couldn’t  help  but  steal  it,      really  couldn’t  help  himself.      cigarette  is  lit,      lighter  turning  between  his  fingers  as  a  cloud  of  smoke  starts  engulfing  him,      he  wants  to  snicker,      to  laugh  for  how  did  his  life  become  so  fucked  up  ?      how  did  he  manage  to  find  himself  heart  --  broken,      ostracized      &&      so  hopeless  ?      a  cough,      gaze  looking  up,      fuck  off  is  on  the  tip  of  his  tongue,      but  it’s  bright  hair,      kind  eyes      &&      friendship,      eyes  look  down,      too  ashamed  to  admit  he  didn’t  think  of  her.      for  she  lost  her  best  friend      &&      him,      well,      he  lost  his  warmest  secret,      he  lost  the  only  hope  he’s  ever  had,      he  lost,      he  lost...      well,                    it  doesn’t  matter  anymore.
@doecharmed         /          plotted  thread.
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bigartiste · 4 years ago
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“   aw,   come   on,   evans!   don’t   be   so   boring.   ”    @doecharmed​   liked.
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rcmus · 5 years ago
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❝     she's  been  missing  since  friday  and  you're  not  worried ?    ❞
      @moonytheprofessor··         ——         dialogue generator
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“ i --- of course, but you know marlene, she goes her own ways... ” was it convincing enough? as for someone who has a kinda big secret, remus was a terrible liar, even more with lily, he’s been barely able to fool her at all. rem’s been crushing on marlene for a long time, but it’s never been anything more than a secret glance or help with homework. until she asked him out. and he said no.
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marawrder · 5 years ago
omg i love ur fc he's sooooo sexy
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thank u isnt he! he’s this indie film actor called kylie ren
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magicworn · 5 years ago
 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 / STILL ACCEPTING.  @doecharmed​: davey for lily.
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❛ i lost a button on my cloak today, james pointed it out in front of the entire class. ❜
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bespokd-bye · 5 years ago
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       cursed.  it  was  a  familiar  sensation,  one  that  washed  over  her  in  droves,  and  melody  hated  every  second  of  it.  she  hated  feeling  out  of  control  of  her  own  body,  like  she  was  a  victim  of  another’s  whims  and  fancies.  the  scottish  blood  in  her  burned  as  she  clenched  her  hands  in  to  fists,  glaring  at  the  idiot  who  had  dared  wave  their  wand  in  her  direction.  she  even  bared  her  teeth.  with  her  jaw  clenched,  she  desperately  searched  the  great  hall  for  someone,  anyone,  who  could  help  her  without  taking  advantage  of  her  vulnerability  . . .  her  eyes  settle  on  lily.  
                                       with  a  snarl  at  the  boy,  melody  pushed  away  from  the  hufflepuff  table  and  made  her  way  to  gryffindor.  she  sat  herself  down  beside  lily,  straddling  the  bench  seat  so  she  faced  the  other  redhead,  and  she  grit  her  teeth.     “  can  you  do  something  for  me  ?  it’s  importan-shut  up,  black.  “     melody  rolled  her  eyes  at  the  boys  seated  on  the  other  side  of  the  gryffindor  table,  before  she  sighed  and  resigned  herself  to  the  inevitable.     “  davis  cursed  me,  i  need  your  help  voiding  it.  “     her  scottish  lilt  is  particular  strong,  indicative  of  just  how  angry  melody  was.  nevertheless,  she  turned  a  slightly  pleading  gaze  on  lily.     “  kiss  me  on  the  mouth  and  set  me  free  ?  please  ?  “
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           the  look  melody  gives  lily  then,  she  hopes,  clears  up  exactly  what  she’s  asking  of  her.  she  wouldn’t  if  it  weren’t  serious.  melody  has  no  idea  if  it’s  true,  but  she  has  no  interest  in  letting  any  of  the  usual  suspects  anywhere  near  her  lest  she  actually,  properly,  kill  them.  she  trusts  lily  though.  a  flirt  melody  may  be,  and  she  flirts  often,  she  would  never  put  a  friend  in  this  position  if  it  weren’t  her  absolute  last  option.  she  can  already  feel  her  body  temperature  rise  -  she  has  no  idea  what  the  curse  or  prank  or  -  whatever  it’s  supposed  to  be,  will  do.  but  she  imagines  it’ll  start  with  a  fever.  she’ll  kill  him.  she  really  will.  but  first  -     “  you’re  the  only  one  i  trust  not  to  make  a  big  deal  about  it  . . .  pleeeeease,  lily.  “
send  ☾  for  a  randomly  generated  sentence,   & @doecharmed​  sent.
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