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marawrders · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/60
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death 
Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Regulus Black & Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black & Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & James Potter, Sirius Black & Marlene McKinnon, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin & James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Peter Pettigrew/Original Female Character(s), Mary Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter, Mary Macdonald & Marlene McKinnon & Dorcas Meadowes & Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon & James Potter, Sirius Black & Marlene McKinnon & James Potter 
Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Original Female Character(s), Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon 
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Long Shot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff, Hogwarts, Post-Hogwarts, First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Order of the Phoenix Missions (Harry Potter), Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Everyone Is Gay, Trans Regulus Black, Genderfluid Sirius Black, Bisexual James Potter, Bisexual Disaster Sirius Black, Bisexual Marlene McKinnon, Pansexual Lily Evans Potter, James Potter Lives, Regulus Black Lives, Everyone Needs Therapy, Mental Health Issues, Gender Identity, Sexuality Crisis, Internalized Homophobia, Internalized Transphobia, Canonical Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Drug Addiction, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Underage Drinking, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Making Sense of Peter Pettigrew 
A long-haul fic spanning from roughly 1971 to 1983 and multiple genres, covering the Marauders' years at Hogwarts as well as some of the years following.
Trigger warnings are in the tags, and I will include specific ones in each chapter as needed for potentially strong triggering elements as they arise.
This fic is planned to be 60+ chapters. It will not be finished anytime soon. Buckle up and enjoy the ride (but remember to have tissues on hand the further we get)!!
*If you notice typos, spelling errors, grammatical errors, etc. feel free to politely let me know! Oh, also - enjoy the references and bits of foreshadowing. ;)
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mangaien · 3 years ago
rp? 🥺👉👈
" no padfoot!!! give me back my chocolate!! you are such a bully!!! i am telling lily so she can tell james off about this!"
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potterroleplay · 5 years ago
Luna from marawrder/quidbitch is one of the most amazing people ever. Her writing is SO good and I still can't believe she's writing with me... She cares a lot about her character and it SHOWS and she's also incredibly funny and ahh I could go on and on I just love her so much
@marawrder / @quidbitch 
Potter Positivity Party! Send something nice about your favorite roleplayers and we’ll @ them for you. (Guidelines.)
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vivaciousdoe · 5 years ago
@marawrder​ sent “…I may or may not have tried to eat a spoonful of cinnamon.” // always accepting
lily’s eyes dart across the mess of rust coloured powder which now coats the floor, to the tell-tale trail of the same substance on sirius’s chin and chest
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“ and how did that go for you? i mean  —   well, i assume, because how could eating a spoonful of cinnamon ever be a bad idea right? ”
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marawrder · 5 years ago
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     loyalty is a promise                     without expecting a favor in return                               it is idealistic, but knows no one ideology           ⏤ just the feeling of being known      loyalty is sacrificial                     when it is true there are no conditions                               it is trust, and therefore vulnerability           ⏤ oxymoronically fragile as it is strengthening
                                   and mine is yours
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stagcharmed-a · 5 years ago
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 ❝   I   think   it’s   going  to  be  a  long  time  before  this  is  over  -     ❞        the  words  are pulled   violently   from  his  chest  ,   a  hopeless  admission  that  he   usually  would  have  held  tight  to  his  chest  .    but  james  hadn’t  been  able  to  cage  them  this  time .  maybe  it  was  because  there  was  so  few  he  trusted  like  sirius,  or  maybe  because  he  was  so  tired  of  pretending.     they’d  told  themselves  small,  hopeless  lies  about  the  war  ending,  only  a  few  more  months,  a  few  more  weeks,  but  when  his  face  tips  toward  sirius,  naked  with  fear,  vulnerability  open  across  his  expression  it’s  clear  he  never  believed  any  of  it  .     ❝    what  kind  of  world  is  this  for  a  baby -- ?   ❞
starter / @marawrder​
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killedbyvoldemort · 5 years ago
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sirius  black  (  @marawder  )  &  dorcas  meadowes              ↪  beside  me  always,  a  kingdom  of  spirit;  inside  of  me,  a  haunted  house.  
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enforalla · 5 years ago
do you like ever just gently weep over sirius saying this to harry “it's been 14 years, and still not a day goes by that I don't miss your dad” bc  that shit will get to me forever.
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doecharmed-arc · 5 years ago
logging in only for @sevsnoop snape was a hero xo
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advivc · 5 years ago
@marawrder​ asked: ❛ And we all love you for your contrary opinions ❜
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“how could i be contrary mary if i didn’t have contrary opinions?” she asks with a broad smile on her face as she looks at sirius. “but i’m pretty sure most people agree on the fact you look terrible in that.”
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braveswine · 4 years ago
‘  shut the fuck up – i’m gonna murder you.  ’
                                  meme : @marawrder
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           holding back laughter, although not able to hold back the most blindly beam on his face. the green in his hazel eyes shone in the morning light, as he regarded the other with nothing but pure fondness.
                  " so to my understanding what you mean is : yes of course i'll join you james, my dearest friend ! the person who i would be lost without and would never wish ill will on. — it would be my absolute pleasure to come with you this fine morning. "
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mangaien · 4 years ago
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      @prophezeiung / @marawrder  / @quidbitch  :    for the sirius to my james, the luna to my aggie, together we make up 2 out of 3 of dawn’s children and to me you are one of the best people i know.  this was meant to be for your birthday but as i am a good friend and totally did not forget about your brithday... but hell also i mean i don’t need your birthday for me to have an excuse to just love you.   so i made this shitty edits for you so i hope make you happy. which i mean you always seem to be able to do for me when i talk to you... i am just happy to fuck around with you and just talk with you. you never fail to make me laugh even at such stupid fucking jokes and you have from the start. i love when i talk deep stuff with you.    you are honestly one of my best friends and i am so thankful and will forever be so grateful that rping has given me the chance to get to know you. 
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huffleprick · 5 years ago
yes i’ve been absent on both of my boys for a while BUT i would like to inform y’all that i wrote one of my oc’s biography which ended up being 1500 words long in one afternoon today. and yes i do not know who this person is either
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vivaciousdoe · 5 years ago
@marawrder​ liked for a starter
lily threw herself down in front of the gryffindor common room fireplace, staring blankly at the ceiling                                    “ have you ever just decided to just...         not submit an essay or do required work ”
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she raised her hands in the air above her, gesticulating as she spoke                  “ i talk the talk about not doing what people expect but for some reason that goes out the window when school is involved. i wonder what would happen ” 
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stagcharmed-a · 5 years ago
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  @marawrder​ sent   “come on, stay with me!”  /   injuries starters  ( accepting )
  maybe  james  was  already  dead — —        he  thought  he  must  be,  when  he’d  opened  the  door  to  find  voldermort  there,  he’d  known  it  was  over.   it  just  wasn’t  a  housecall  you  survived,  especially not  him,  not  when  voldermort  had  been searching  for  them  for  a  year.    he  hadn’t  even  had  his  wand.   he  didn’t  know  his  mind  had  conjured  sirius  in  the  flickering  space  between  life  and  death,  but  he  didn’t  mind.  it  was  nice,  to  see  his  best  friend  one  last  time.  a  breath  pulls  through  his  chest,  slow  and  unsteady,  before  finally  resealing  in  a  rush  of  words.       ❛   padfoot,    look  after  harry   —  promise    ❜   even  if  this  wasn’t  the  real  sirius,   but  just  an  image  his  mind  had  conjured,  he  needed  sirius  to  remember  that  promise.     that  somehow  him  saying  it  would  mean  the  real  sirius  heard  it.  
     but  if  james  is  dying,           he   wonders  how  everything  is  becoming  clearer.   sirius  face  coming  into  sharper  focus,    his  pleads  for  james  to  stay  with  him  rattling  louder  &  louder  in  his  ears.  he  didn’t  know  what  happened  after  you  died,  but  he  was sure  it  wasn’t  blinking  to  realise  you’re  still  in  your  house,  it  wasn’t  staring  upwards  and  realising  you  can  see  the  sky  through  the  ceiling,  because  the  second  floor  had  been  blown  apart.   his  eyes  fix  on the  stars,  bright  lights  reflected  in  his  hazel  eyes,  as  he  tries  not  to  think  about  what  this  all  means.    he  takes  another  breath,  and  he  still  feels  it  shoot  painfully  along  his  ribs,  but it’s  easier  -  and  he  has  the  sudden  horrible  realisation,  that  maybe  he’s  not  dead  at  all.   
realisations  come  in  pieces,   the  knock  on  the  door,   the  green  light.  james  had  thought  it  was  a killing  curse,  but  maybe  it  wasn’t  -  something  different  ?  or  it  had  missed.   he  didn’t  know,  whatever  it  was  just  hadn’t   managed  to   kill  him.   he  remembers  telling  lily  to  grab  harry  and  run,  considers  this  with  the creaking  house,  the  second  story  blown  to  pieces.  and  every  realisation  is  painful.   he  wants  to  scream, but  he  doesn’t  think  he  can.   instead  his  hands  reach  for  sirius.  he  clings  to  him  in  the  wrecked  house,  in  the  aftermath  of  his  whole  life  torn  apart.  sirius  is  his  oldest  friend,  his  best  friend,  and  the  only  person  in  the  world  who  could  offer  him  any  comfort,  however  small,  in  all  this.   
 ❛    no,   no  no no no   ❜       the  words  are  the  first  he  can  manage,  coming  out  a  low  moan  more  than  anything  else.     he  doesn’t  want  to  ask  anything  yet.    doesn’t  want  to  have  to  hear  anything  about  what  happened  to  harry  and  lily.   doesn’t  want  to  think  about  how  voldemort  found  them.   he  can’t  bear  it,  not  yet.   so  instead  he  just  keeps  holding  onto  sirius,  because  maybe  it  was  just  the  two  of  them  left,  in  a  world  that  had  fallen  to  unrecognisable  pieces  around  them.   
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killedbyvoldemort · 5 years ago
@marawrder​  but  what  if  this  is  how  i  imagine  sirius  &  dorcas  kissing  ??
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