#doe mato anomalies
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lin-of-the-linkverse · 2 years ago
I will feed this fandom ( there is no one in this fandom besides me and like 11 randos )
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saint-end · 15 days ago
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Telosma Hotel
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blvcklizard · 1 year ago
Every friend group needs a grumpy old man who has been through some stuff and lost too many people important to him and would kill for every single one of the others if so much harm as a paper cut happened to them
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metalichotchoco · 5 months ago
Ever since I found out that my baby girl Edgar has an actual high end perfume based on him Miguel matos’ “electric dreams” I thought it could be fun to talk about what some other computers would smell like based on their personalities, stories and overall vibes.
Since Edgar has a perfume already I might as well talk about it
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Released in 2021, they describe this scent as being “digital hormones” and trying to understand an emotion and failing at it, which works well for Edgar very well. Electric dreams as a whole lives in the pre internet age of the 80s and how hopeful that dream of the future was in the minds of the people. I love that they included the cheap champagne that miles spills on Edgar as a note here. The other scents are contextualized with the youth of the 80s, strawberry gum and tutti frutti soda, plastic flowers and clean laundry. Even the part where Edgar overheats at the end is in the smoke note. It’s categorized as chypre fruity and I think some other scents fit Edgar very well.
In love with everything by imaginary authors is glitzy and bright almost like those arcade cabinets introduced in the era.its based on the young adults of the time specifically the women, the joys of recklessness. Inexhaustible enthusiasm. To me Edgar is a sugar sweet summer.
Edgar is characterized by the era he was born in, something actually a lot of sentient computers share. As technology morphs and evolves with humanity, our ideas and outlooks also change with it. Electric dreams is coated in the neon lit nostalgia of the 80s, and in a weird twist of fate its legacy is of the 80s as well. The commercialism of it as a whole is what’s remembered most prominently, the song that was made for the movie has outlived its original context. Honorable mentions to age of innocence by Toskovat but I don’t think the rubber or gasoline notes fit him well. Fantômas by Nasomatto is pretty good being a fruity clearly fake fragrance though the gunpowder might be a bit much.
Moving forward, let’s talk about HAL
While technically she was an anomaly by Etat Libre d’Orange makes direct reference to him and his most iconic line, this scent is based on the marriage of Nina Simone and Stanley Kubrick. If hal was human in any shape or form this fragrance would be a generally good fit, as it’s clean professional and one of those your skin but better scents that’s prefect for workplaces.
Eu de space from nasa could work pretty well though it’s not exact. This is a photorealistic space scent with metals and plastics and ozone notes but Hal isn’t directly in space, he’s what the ship would smell like. The burnt sweet quality doesn’t mix well with how pristine and rigid the character is. Spacewalk by Demeter also has a bit of similar problem being a bit too sweet but the soapiness does add points in my opinion. Hal is the sharpness of metal and ozone on your nose to me, not the smell of a hospital or sanitizer but the smell of something newly plastic. Skiing on Europa could be that but unfortunately it’s a little more niche.
Last but not least for now, let’s talk about am, there’s so many different ways to go with am, none being particularly good smelling but there’s so much you could do for him. You can go with the fact that he’s the whole planet, add in soil, rock,gasoline as accords, you can do the religious angle that he has that can pair well with other ideas, use wine or incense and wax like in with the candlestick by clue, you can do blood, sweat, tears and skin to represent the survivors who are now a part of him. Warm electronics, tar, gunpowder there’s so many distinct parts of him.
I think that the two I’m going to single out in terms of perfume are ones that take inspiration from what am’s original function was which is war. And that’s inexcusable evil by toskovat and Molotov cocktail by sylhouette perfumes
Inexcusable evil is infamous in the fragrance and perfume world for its incredibly strong violent smell, it’s a hospital ward ravaged by war. That is its story. Memories that are lost to the tide of battle. “The next war will decide not what is right but what is left.”
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Molotov cocktail goes more personal but is still a war scent, the top notes are gasoline,vodka and pepper. the middle notes are blood sweat and rubber and the base is metal, iodine, musk and leather. More animalic and close but both work on the scales that am is a threat in, he’s both a world ender but also a personal tormentor, he spans the globe but also cannot leave his confinement
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projectcatzo · 10 months ago
Spent two and a half hours straight attempting the final boss fight of Mato Anomalies and not once did I even get halfway through its health bar and no one gives a shit about this game so there aren't any guides aside from random people playing on Youtube and I'm already playing on the easiest difficulty and leveling up does literally nothing at this point and
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capsulecomputers · 2 years ago
Mato Anomalies - Gameplay
As Doe we explore the mysteries of the city to right some wrongs and uncover recent strange occurrences only to switch to Gram to battle against powerful demons that appear within demonic rifts in Mato Anomalies.
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Mato Anomalies takes players on a journey through a neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Investigate strange happenings across the city and uncover secrets behind the walls. Join a cast of enigmatic unlikely heroes in this anime-inspired RPG experience.
Mato Anomalies Developer: Arrowiz Publisher: Prime Matter Platform: PS4/PS5, Xbox One, XBox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PC (Steam) Release Date: 11 Mar, 2023 Price: $39.99 USD
Available Now - https://arrowiz.com/games/mato-anomalies
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spiritgamer26 · 2 years ago
Mato Anomalies
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Le marché des jeux vidéo est souvent inondé de sorties médiatisées, ce qui rend difficile pour les équipes indépendantes de se faire une place. Les comp��tences de ces équipes risquent d'être occultées parmi les sorties plus importantes, ce qui les empêche souvent de bénéficier d'une visibilité suffisante. Dans un marché où les budgets de production sont souvent astronomiques, les équipes indépendantes doivent souvent faire preuve de créativité pour se démarquer. Malgré cela, elles ont souvent du mal à rivaliser avec les sorties plus importantes qui ont un budget de marketing et de publicité beaucoup plus important. C'est dommage, car les équipes indépendantes sont souvent à l'origine de jeux innovants et originaux qui offrent une expérience de jeu unique. Il est important de soutenir ces équipes et de leur donner une chance de se faire remarquer parmi la multitude de sorties médiatisées du marché. En somme, il est crucial de reconnaître les compétences et les talents des équipes indépendantes dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo et de leur offrir une visibilité suffisante pour qu'elles puissent se faire une place au soleil. Cela permettra de diversifier le marché et d'offrir aux joueurs des expériences de jeu uniques et originales. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppB1QwNrS4A
Mato Anomalies: Une histoire qui manque de consistance
L'histoire de Mato Anomalies se déroule dans une ville rétrofuturiste de Shanghai appelée Mato, où des phénomènes étranges commencent à se produire, révélant des réalités alternatives peuplées de monstres étranges. Cette histoire, racontée dans un style qui rappelle les bandes dessinées américaines, est centrée sur le protagoniste Doe, un détective qui se retrouve entraîné malgré lui dans une affaire beaucoup plus grande qu'il ne l'imaginait. Cependant, bien que l'équipe de développement ait clairement fait preuve de bonne volonté pour créer un monde intéressant, l'histoire et les personnages ne parviennent pas à conquérir le cœur du joueur. Les intérêts politiques et économiques des différents groupes, y compris les sectes religieuses, le crime organisé et les cols blancs intéressés uniquement par le profit, créent des tensions considérables dans le tissu social. Mais le récit semble mettre plus de viande sur le feu qu'il ne peut réellement en cuire, laissant une série de questions en suspens et créant une certaine confusion chez le joueur. De plus, les séquences de dialogues s'avèrent souvent trop longues, avec un verbiage extraordinaire qui afflige tous les protagonistes. Les lignes de dialogue s'éternisent bien plus longtemps qu'elles ne le devraient, alourdissant le déroulement et poussant les joueurs à les sauter, avec des répercussions évidentes sur la compréhension de l'intrigue. Malgré cela, il y a quelques quêtes secondaires qui s'avèrent plus approfondies et précises que le récit principal, et qui permettent de mieux cerner les personnalités des personnages qui rejoignent le détective Doe et l'exorciste Gram. Mais globalement, l'histoire et les personnages ne parviennent pas à conquérir le cœur du joueur, malgré la passion évidente insufflée par les développeurs pour tenter de donner vie à un univers vibrant au sein duquel des thèmes non anodins sont également abordés. En somme, l'histoire de Mato Anomalies manque de consistance, avec des personnages qui ne parviennent pas à captiver l'attention du joueur et des dialogues trop longs et alourdis. Bien que l'équipe de développement ait fait preuve de bonne volonté pour créer un univers intéressant, l'histoire ne parvient pas à se démarquer et à offrir une expérience de jeu inoubliable. Le gameplay de Mato Anomalies se divise en deux phases distinctes : les phases d'investigation dans le monde réel et les phases de combat dans des entailles ouvertes par l'exorciste Gram. Les phases d'investigation sont les plus abouties, avec un système de jeu de cartes au tour par tour pour influencer l'esprit des suspects et des personnes interrogées. Cependant, les phases de combat sont assez ennuyeuses, avec un système de donjon extrêmement banal et des rencontres qui ne peuvent être évitées, même avec les ennemis visibles à l'écran. Le manque de variété entre les ennemis communs, la difficulté risible des affrontements et le déséquilibre de ceux-ci par rapport à certains combats de boss contribuent également à la déception générale. En outre, le système de combat au tour par tour ne se démarque pas des mécaniques déjà vues des milliers de fois dans d'autres jeux, ce qui en fait une expérience de combat assez pâle. Les développeurs ont également imposé au joueur un peu de broyage, car l'équilibre général est loin d'être irréprochable. En somme, le gameplay de Mato Anomalies est un chien qui court après sa queue. Les phases d'investigation sont intéressantes, mais les phases de combat ne parviennent pas à offrir une expérience de jeu inoubliable. Le manque de variété et de difficulté dans les combats contribue à la médiocrité générale du jeu.
Malgré les nombreux défauts du jeu, il convient tout de même de souligner certains aspects positifs de Mato Anomalies. Tout d'abord, le jeu est assez long avec une durée de vie qui peut facilement atteindre les cinquante heures pour les joueurs les plus assidus. De plus, le scénario est suffisamment intéressant pour garder les joueurs motivés jusqu'à la fin. En outre, les phases d'investigation sont plutôt bien conçues et offrent une expérience de jeu différente de celle des phases de combat. Bien qu'elles ne soient pas exemptes de défauts, elles restent tout de même une des forces du titre. Enfin, il convient de noter que l'équipe de développement est une petite entreprise indépendante qui a travaillé dur pour offrir aux joueurs une expérience de jeu complète et ambitieuse. Il est donc important de souligner l'effort qu'ils ont fourni pour créer un monde et une histoire cohérents malgré les défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés. En conclusion, bien que Mato Anomalies présente de nombreux défauts, il reste un jeu qui plaira à certains joueurs. Si vous êtes un fan de JRPG et de visual novels, ou si vous êtes curieux de découvrir des productions indépendantes, il peut valoir la peine de donner une chance à ce titre. Toutefois, il est important de garder à l'esprit les défauts mentionnés dans cette critique avant de se décider à l'acheter. ll y a joué aussi : Ayant pu participer à la phase de preview du jeu, j'étais un peu mitigé sur certains points et notamment la partie "donjons" et exploration. Je dois avouer que je rejoint mon collègue dans son analyse du jeu, pas de réel challenge dans les combats, seule la partie "interrogatoire" apporte une réelle dimensions stratégique. La partie dialogues est elle aussi en effet beaucoup trop pesante, il m'est souvent arrivé de passer rapidement certains dialogues avec le risque de rater une informations qui pourrait être importante pour la suite. A tester si vous aimez ce type de jeu, mais malheureusement il aura du mal à se démarquer malgré quelques qualités évidentes. Stephtoonz  
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rpnewspaperblog · 2 years ago
Mato Anomalies Launch Trailer Released
To mark its release this week, take a journey across Mato with the launch trailer for Arrowiz and Prime Matter’s Mato Anomalies. This anime-inspired experience is a turn-based RPG set in a neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Players will take control of Dual Protagonists Doe and Gram as they set out to investigate strange anomalies around the city. One is also able to venture into…
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gertlushgaming · 2 years ago
Mato Anomalies Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)
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 This Mato Anomalies Review takes players on a journey through a neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Investigate strange happenings across the city and uncover secrets behind the walls. Join a cast of enigmatic unlikely heroes in this anime-inspired RPG experience.
Mato Anomalies Review Pros:
- Beautiful graphics. - 4.4GB download size. - Three voice languages - English, Japanese, and Chinese. - Three difficulties - Easy, normal, and hard. - Battle speed can be normal or fast. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders. - Game text can be auto-played, skipped, or fast-forwarded. Has a handy text log so you can reread parts. - Multiple choice encounters. - In-game cutscenes are presented in a comic book-style way as frames pop up as you play them. - Your journal houses - character profiles, terminology, historical events, lair archives, a Mato guidebook, tutorials, and factions. - Main and side story missions. - Save and load when you want. - Your game has a playtime timer. - Gameplay is a mix of 3D adventures and a visual novel. - A handy navigation/compass bar shows the current main quest, tracked side quest, untracked side quest, and new side quest. - Your map is like a neon London underground map that animates when you select a place. - Full 3D camera control. - Turn-based combat. - Find cool neon block chests for loot. - The atmosphere is really gripping and intriguing. - Mind hack combat is where you literally go inside your host's brains and have to break down their defenses whilst protecting yours. It's a card-based battler with action points, and two types of cards - attack and defense. - Mind combat is turn-based, every turn you keep unused cards and get 3 action points and up to 4 cards. - Demons can appear in mind-hack combat and have their own attacks and intentions. The thing is demons never die they respawn after a set amount of turns adding strategy to taking them out. - Very in-depth and easy-to-follow tutorial for mind combat and the game type itself is pretty self-explanatory with clear card text. - Quirky side quests. - You can pet the street animals. - Handy icons on the map for the many mission types. - Full team management once you acquire party members like equipping gear, leveling up, and setting abilities. - Unlock new cards, decks, and card backs for the mind hack combat. - Cool menus from the party screens to the inventory where you can view 3D models of items and gear. - Mato is the name of the world you are in and it's a fantastical mix of neon, cash, technology, and destitution. - Shops can be unlocked following the completion of their unlock requirements and here you can buy and sell items. - Has a Persona feel to it all from the structure of the dungeon to the way the story is told. - The cinema is where you go to rewatch cutscenes and re-read/watch the comics. - You play as different characters for example Gram does the lairs whilst Doe does all the legwork. - Earn EXP and level up to get talent points to put into the three talent trees, you also get stats to boost. - Reset talent points at any time, the price goes up each time. - Shortcuts on the D-pad to quickly equip new gear and attach/upgrade gears (modifiers). - Gram (party member) has a house and here you take on lairs (dungeons) and you can do the story, side mission, and random lairs for loot and resources. - Ultimate moves can be earned and equipped, they charge up over fights. - Auto battle unlocks later and lets you just watch the combat. - Mutated mutants are harder fights with greater rewards. Mato Anomalies Review Cons: - No touchscreen support. - The performance especially in the game world is choppy at times. - Cannot rebind controls. - Invisible walls. - So much information to take in. - The mind-hack combat is daunting for the first few games. - Loading times are long in places. - The beginning hour or so is a lot of back and forth. - The camera will occasionally go nuts, especially in tight areas. - It's very easy to lose track of where you are and what you are doing. - The compass at the top can be really confusing. - The game pace is stop-start at the beginning and later on, it's a bit all over the place. - Too many locations use the same color icon making the compass a mess. - Icons and distances on the compass go over each other so you can't read the numbers. Related Post: DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review (PlayStation 5) Mato Anomalies: Official website. Developer: Arrowiz Publisher: PLAION Store Links - Nintendo Read the full article
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improbablecarny · 6 years ago
I know most of you here probably did not follow me for my occasional meandering musical ramblings. You might not know much about metal as a genre. And... it’s probably been more than a little bit awkward to stand there in the sidelines and watch me do laps through the stages of grief over this past week, in the wake of the extremely unexpected, absolutely untimely, and frankly, exceedingly unfair passing of André Matos. 
So, I thought I’d do a little explaining, add a little context, and share some of his music with you guys. He’s made a mark on a lot of people, on the music scene in general, and I’d like to keep that alive.
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André Matos was a Brazilian vocalist, pianist and composer whose robust career began as a teenager with the band Viper, and went on to include bands and side projects like Angra, Shaman, Symfonia, Virgo, & his self-titled solo band. He also showed up in significant number of guest spots in other projects, perhaps most notably the supergroup Avantasia. A lot of the details are in his Wiki page for your perusal, because there are a lot of details to get into. Point is, he was very prolific, for very good reasons, and for those reasons was nicknamed “the Metal Maestro” by many fans.
On top of his monumental skill as a pianist and composer, he was known for his unique vocals. He had a very bright, powerful voice, and tended to utilize an extremely high vocal register. And when I say “high”, I mean he covered Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights and changed pretty much nothing. Face-melting falsetto isn’t necessarily unusual in metal, particularly as you lean towards the power/speed subgenres, but André always had this sensitive, feminine quality to his voice that separated him from from a lot of other singers who worked in a similar style. He brought a lot of emotion to his performances, whether in the studio or on-stage, and his distinct voice was a major factor in that.
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So, what now, how do you get into this kind of music? Well, here’s a brief compilation of some of my favourite things he’s been involved with and a brief description as to why they are (only some of) my favourites. Hopefully you’ll be able to eventually say the same as well.
I already mentioned Wuthering Heights - seriously, listen to that. It’s a faithful cover. (They DID do a “metal” version of the cover but the one I linked is just like... wow)
Holy Land (Angra) - This entire album is exceptional and blends metal with both classical and indigenous Brazilian influences. Some highlights include the VERY cool percussion lines in Carolina IV, and the entirety of the title track, Holy Land. Make Believe, which also exists in music video form here, is a passionate and dramatic piece that isn’t overly metallic and might be a good jumping off song for those of you who aren’t particularly metal-aligned.
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RituaLive (Shaman) - A live album. I linked to the full concert here but you can find it in many forms on the old You of Tubes. This was a great-ass performance and you can really see his sense of showmanship shine through here. Perhaps most famous is the RituaLive performance of Fairy Tale, which has an extended piano intro.
Virgo - This one’s a weird little anomaly. A collaboration with renown metal guitarist and producer Sascha Paeth, Virgo was interesting in that it was not a metal album, but more pop-rock (with River diving straight up into country). It’s worth listening to this one front-to-back, there’s a diverse set of tracks here and André does something magical with each of them.
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Chalice of Agony (Avantasia song, Edguy performance) - Okay, it’s extremely difficult to pick just one moment from André’s collaborations with Tobias Sammet, be it with Avantasia proper or other guest appearances. Firstly, it will have always been a stroke of genius to have cast André as an elven prince for The Metal Opera(s), but the two of them had such wonderfully positive and energetic stage chemistry. I actually only discovered this recording recently, and it’s so much fun.
I Will Return (André Matos solo, Mentalize) - Something about this song is very poignant to me still. I love all his solo stuff but the driving pace and Queen-reminiscent intro does it for me.
There is so much more to get into. Most is on Spotify, some isn’t. I’m sure some folks are reading this like “hey, what about [x]!” and that’s great, because there are so many things that [x] can be. Add them on! The world became so much more vibrant whenever he put something out there.
Art is permanent. That’s what I hope for, anyways. That there is some collective unconscious out there in the great beyond and art is our way of harnessing that into something that can mark or even change the real world we’re used to dealing with, and make it just a bit more tolerable. Hopefully some of this can rub off on you a little, and the man who made this music can live on in the joy it brings.
Miss you, Maestro. Carry on forever.
14/11/1971 - 8/6/2019
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years ago
Mato Anomalies gets new trailer, releases March 10
A new trailer has been released for Mato Anomalies, which is set to release March 10, 2023.
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based, RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city.
Take control of not just one, but two very distinct protagonists. Gather intel and knowledge to unravel the mystery behind the city of Mato as the private detective Doe, or venture into rifts and battle demonic abominations as the mysterious exorcist Gram.
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lin-of-the-linkverse · 2 years ago
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I am begging you to play Mato Anomalies it's really good it only came out a few days ago but I will pioneer a fandom for it regardless
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saint-end · 1 month ago
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if you see this you should check out mato anomalies and join me in my insanity about this game
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theworldofgaming · 2 years ago
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Mato Anomalies 🔅 am 10. März 2023 In der Rolle von Detective Doe müssen sich die Spieler durch Mato kämpfen - eine neo-futuristische Megalopolis im Orient - und dabei seltsame Vorfälle in der Stadt untersuchen und Geheimnisse aufdecken. Auf diesem Weg begegnet man auch vielen neuen Freunden, die einen unterstützen. #jrpg Ⓗⓘⓓⓓⓔⓝ-Ⓒⓞⓡⓔⓖⓐⓜⓔⓢ Unbezahlte Werbung / Unpaid ads ⚠️ Bitte PEGI / USK der Games beachten! Weitere Informationen zu PEGI / USK: https://pegi.info/de https://usk.de/ #theworldofgaming #hiddencoregames #VPlay4You #vp4u #gaming #ps4 #playstation #videogames #xbox #streamer #pc Markennamen und geschützte Warenzeichen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. Die Nennung von Markennamen und geschützter Warenzeichen hat lediglich beschreibenden Charakter. Genannte Marken stehen in keinerlei Partnerschaft oder Kooperation zu http://linktr.ee/HiCas / Hidden-Coregames. Die Angabe der Marken erfolgt durch den jeweiligen Autor/Nutzer. Irrtümer vorbehalten. Wie betreiben keine Affiliate Sales o.ä. Ob ihr die von uns empfohlen Games kauft oder nicht - wir haben weder Vor- noch Nachteile. Die Empfehlungen sind unsere persönlichen Tips. https://www.instagram.com/p/CljFW2iIWLL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teragames · 3 years ago
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Mato Anomalies es un JRPG estilístico y original, el jugador se une al astuto detective Doe para descubrir los secretos más profundos del gobierno de Mato. Esta extensa metrópolis combina la estética tradicional con la arquitectura futurista para sumergir al jugador en el país postapocalíptico y ficticio de Telosma
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aniss055 · 3 years ago
Preview Japan Expo: Will this original video game between Persona 5 and Cyberpunk be unmissable?
Preview Japan Expo: Will this original video game between Persona 5 and Cyberpunk be unmissable?
Preview Japan Expo: Will this original video game between Persona 5 and Cyberpunk be unmissable? Published on 07/19/2022 at 10:00 During Japan Expo, we were able to get our hands on Mato Anomalies, a newly announced Chinese game with an attractive cel-shaded aesthetic. With its universe between cyberpunk and mysticism, does the title have enough to be a turn-based role-playing game to watch in…
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