#dodger rants
nectardaddy · 4 months
kuroo is the type of man to swear up and down he rizzed you up but in all you reality you def asked him out first
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francesderwent · 2 months
overall I just have so much less patience now for shows that once upon a time had something interesting going on and then betrayed the specific thing that was good about them. sometimes it’s a sudden death, like Veronica Mars or The Good Place (or HIMYM). sometimes it’s a slow transformation, like Gilmore Girls or Ted Lasso. sometimes you get through a whole show and only realize later that the things you loved were only there accidentally (Community was a bit like this for me). and I’m just. so. tired of it! it’s okay to lose your way a little bit, it happens to the best of us and a good ending can blot out a multitude of sins (Vampire Diaries). but the bottom line is I don’t wanna do all the work of finding coherence in your story!! I’m not listing shows that crashed and burned as favorites anymore! only shows that lived up to their potential!!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
So, haven't ranted in a while, and I noticed that no one has actually posted about this and it's been three days(?)
Honestly, I'm glad y'all aren't giving the attention-seekers anymore attention. But my friend 👸 notified me so I know this is something fishy, so to speak.
Without further ado, let's look at the suspicious everything...
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We all remember this photo. How it sparked another wave of outrage for the fandom. Knowing how old this photo really is, along with the weird caption in both photos this "fan" posted. Well, she changed the caption about three days ago, at least from the time 👸 told me about it.
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So, the "fan" is living in the same building as Albitch? Because this makes it seem like Chris and Albitch have an apartment in PT.
A far cry from the caption saying it took her awhile to talk to him and recognize him...🤔
What's strange to me is why the hell, did she change her caption? Seems like someone wants this narrative to be a specific kind...
But that's just me seeing things, right?🙃
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asparkofapricity · 8 months
that shit was fucking devastating what the actual fuck
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weepinglavenders · 2 months
I need to watch the Artful Dodger BUT I CANT SIGN IN TO HULU AND ITS KILLING ME
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
I thought that it was stupid that Brandon Sanderson had the narrator of Tress of the Emerald Sea call all the unnamed sailors "Dougs" when he could have just called them, you know, sailors. But then I started using the term. Turns out having a word for "yes, we know that realistically all these individuals have unique identities and personalities, but they're not the focus of this story so we're going to treat them as faceless background characters" is surprisingly useful.
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strawberryscarecr0w · 3 months
I take a break from Tumblr for two weeks and now everyone’s yapping about Faust and football….
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dodgeryaps · 2 months
my husband getting coffee and sitting down fully ready to hear about my rants about all the shit I've read lately and my plans for my writing
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lackadaisycal-art · 8 months
Since you like Oliver Twist, have you watched The Artful Dodger?
I have! I enjoyed it because I think Thomas Brodie Sangster and David Thewlis are cracking actors and all their scenes together were great. And I found all the Oliver Twist slander bits very entertaining! That said, I don't rate it as a sequel to the story per se because the Dodger's characterisation was very off to me - he shouldn't have sounded that posh and he shouldn't have been so solemn. In my mind, the Artful Dodger grows up to be someone like Fletch from Porridge or Delboy from Only Fools and Horses, he should have more bravado and like to hear himself talk - and he should definitely not be ashamed of his thieving past! But it's obviously a really individual thing, that's just my personal take as someone who's loved the character for ages. I loved TBS's performance/character in its own right, and since they were going for a YA romance type thing with a large American audience, I guess they couldn't go for a short verbose cockney con artist type (cowards).
(David Thewlis' Fagin was brilliant, you could put him straight in any adaptation of Oliver Twist and I'd eat it up!)
What did you think?
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bellamysgriffin · 6 months
i need a new ship to obsess over that does hurt/comfort and near death trope as divinely as deckerstar like. what will fulfill that urge ever again
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countesspetofi · 6 months
As my Grandma used to say, this show is tripe.
I understand the characters wouldn't be the same as in the book; this is set years later and they would have changed and developed. (Although, I think it would have been good writing to tell us a bit about how they got from there to here, somewhere near the beginning of the story instead of leaving us to guess.) But 1qthe characters just plain don't make any sense in this story or setting. God, I am so sick of every single character in every series having to be gratuitously edgy and wise cracking 100% of the time. Most of them are constantly flouting every social convention left and right, and suffering no negative consequences at all from it, and anyone who doesn't is automatically evil or stupid. Especially the women. To the point of being offensive.
And I'm not saying I want some kind of racial caricature like Alec Guinness in the 1948 movie, or even the original book, but I think maybe they just... forgot to make Fagin Jewish at all?
IDK, I guess I'm going to keep watching for a little while, so I can say I gave it a fair chance. I'm tired of getting excited about series that sound like they're right up my alley on paper, but turn out to be a disappointment. Tripe.
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nectardaddy · 2 months
if you want a writer to keep going with something, you don't demand. you don't repeatedly ask. if you want something from a writer, or frankly anyone on tumblr that makes content FOR FREE, tell them you really enjoy their work!!! like, reblog, send POSITIVE MESSAGES
it's perfectly fine to want something!!! it's perfectly fine to want a series to keep going! but at the end of the day writers and artists here on tumblr DO NOT GET PAID. we don't have publishers or contracts WE DO THIS IN OUR FREE TIME FOR FUN!!
artists and writers alike take so much time and effort out of their already busy lives to create content. don't belittle it by demanding or sending passive aggressive messages. we all have lives outside of tumblr, a lot of us don't even do this as a main job or career. don't ask about updates. don't ask about wips. tell us you enjoy our content and continue on about your day.
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
another day another ‘what even is baseball’ moment. last night, a goose flew right on the field during the Padres vs. Dodgers game. the poor thing was disposed in a....... trashcan 
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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asparkofapricity · 4 months
“oh how i love happy endings” no, false. i need this story to give me a visceral reaction. i’m talking screaming, crying, throwing up, rip my heart out, end it all type shit.
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metropolitianmania · 7 months
question. when do we stop pretending to give a fuck about everyone and own up to caring only when they're professionally diagnosed with a disorder/disability??? do u forget that some of us are american and broke and can't afford therapy or any hospital bills? or that a person may be a POC, and probably not even get diagnosed/diagnosed properly??? or that some of us are not in situations that would allow us to get the help that we want/need because it may as well cost us our lives? im so sick of people telling me to hush up about my experiences when i'm venting because i'm "perpetuating falsehoods about a disorder you're (I'm) not even diagnosed with professionally" like girl!! I will die if I try to get professional help right now!! I also literally have to live paycheck to paycheck!!! what makes you think getting diagnosed is my top priority?!
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