#dodger rants
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
kuroo is the type of man to swear up and down he rizzed you up but in all you reality you def asked him out first
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
"Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating" and "Too hot to cuddle" has so much potentialllll
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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nectardaddy · 7 months ago
if you want a writer to keep going with something, you don't demand. you don't repeatedly ask. if you want something from a writer, or frankly anyone on tumblr that makes content FOR FREE, tell them you really enjoy their work!!! like, reblog, send POSITIVE MESSAGES
it's perfectly fine to want something!!! it's perfectly fine to want a series to keep going! but at the end of the day writers and artists here on tumblr DO NOT GET PAID. we don't have publishers or contracts WE DO THIS IN OUR FREE TIME FOR FUN!!
artists and writers alike take so much time and effort out of their already busy lives to create content. don't belittle it by demanding or sending passive aggressive messages. we all have lives outside of tumblr, a lot of us don't even do this as a main job or career. don't ask about updates. don't ask about wips. tell us you enjoy our content and continue on about your day.
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francesderwent · 8 months ago
overall I just have so much less patience now for shows that once upon a time had something interesting going on and then betrayed the specific thing that was good about them. sometimes it’s a sudden death, like Veronica Mars or The Good Place (or HIMYM). sometimes it’s a slow transformation, like Gilmore Girls or Ted Lasso. sometimes you get through a whole show and only realize later that the things you loved were only there accidentally (Community was a bit like this for me). and I’m just. so. tired of it! it’s okay to lose your way a little bit, it happens to the best of us and a good ending can blot out a multitude of sins (Vampire Diaries). but the bottom line is I don’t wanna do all the work of finding coherence in your story!! I’m not listing shows that crashed and burned as favorites anymore! only shows that lived up to their potential!!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
So, haven't ranted in a while, and I noticed that no one has actually posted about this and it's been three days(?)
Honestly, I'm glad y'all aren't giving the attention-seekers anymore attention. But my friend 👸 notified me so I know this is something fishy, so to speak.
Without further ado, let's look at the suspicious everything...
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We all remember this photo. How it sparked another wave of outrage for the fandom. Knowing how old this photo really is, along with the weird caption in both photos this "fan" posted. Well, she changed the caption about three days ago, at least from the time 👸 told me about it.
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So, the "fan" is living in the same building as Albitch? Because this makes it seem like Chris and Albitch have an apartment in PT.
A far cry from the caption saying it took her awhile to talk to him and recognize him...🤔
What's strange to me is why the hell, did she change her caption? Seems like someone wants this narrative to be a specific kind...
But that's just me seeing things, right?🙃
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
yall do NOT know the woman I am going to become when this man gets animated
I swear to fucking god bro
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Husband 🌻 (glasses were necessary)
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dionysus-complex · 2 months ago
like the thing about LA proper is that - and I say this with the affection of someone that has lived here almost 6 years now and has a genuine fondness for it - it sucks. it's a mess of traffic and bad urban design and overpriced rents and underfunded public transit and getting anywhere takes twice as long as you'd think it should and basic things that would be easy to find in suburban nowhere America are weirdly difficult to find here. and all of that keeps the faint of heart away and there are real joys and delights to discover here, fantastic food, incredible live music, great art house cinemas, beautiful hiking trails, etc. but sometimes you just need to run a basic errand and you spend an hour in traffic and come back empty handed and that's when the suckiness of it all really gets to you
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joeyveleno · 4 months ago
i'm actually pretty satisfied that three of the teams with the highest payrolls made it to the final four with two of them ending up in the world series because maybe that will finally get my cheapskate owner to start pumping some money into roster upgrades after a decade of bargain bin deals and payroll tightening! yes the team was unexpectedly good but you can't sit on your laurels and try to sell fans another year of bargain bin deals, or blaming the lack of spending on the one big free agent you signed (who was not even the best fit out there at the time). there are players out there that make sense and who fill obvious holes on the team!
the owners- yes even your cheapskate owner- can afford to pay players! they just don't want to if they can exploit a cheap player with an underutilized skill! we've progressed beyond the need for moneyball! it's not 'small markets can't compete with the most expensive teams for talent' it's 'your billionaire owner isn't your friend!'
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fictionadventurer · 1 year ago
I thought that it was stupid that Brandon Sanderson had the narrator of Tress of the Emerald Sea call all the unnamed sailors "Dougs" when he could have just called them, you know, sailors. But then I started using the term. Turns out having a word for "yes, we know that realistically all these individuals have unique identities and personalities, but they're not the focus of this story so we're going to treat them as faceless background characters" is surprisingly useful.
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
when I have a GREAT idea but I have to actually build up to the part that my idea was about
I just want my instant gratification
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strawberryscarecr0w · 8 months ago
I take a break from Tumblr for two weeks and now everyone’s yapping about Faust and football….
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lackadaisycal-art · 1 year ago
Since you like Oliver Twist, have you watched The Artful Dodger?
I have! I enjoyed it because I think Thomas Brodie Sangster and David Thewlis are cracking actors and all their scenes together were great. And I found all the Oliver Twist slander bits very entertaining! That said, I don't rate it as a sequel to the story per se because the Dodger's characterisation was very off to me - he shouldn't have sounded that posh and he shouldn't have been so solemn. In my mind, the Artful Dodger grows up to be someone like Fletch from Porridge or Delboy from Only Fools and Horses, he should have more bravado and like to hear himself talk - and he should definitely not be ashamed of his thieving past! But it's obviously a really individual thing, that's just my personal take as someone who's loved the character for ages. I loved TBS's performance/character in its own right, and since they were going for a YA romance type thing with a large American audience, I guess they couldn't go for a short verbose cockney con artist type (cowards).
(David Thewlis' Fagin was brilliant, you could put him straight in any adaptation of Oliver Twist and I'd eat it up!)
What did you think?
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bellamysgriffin · 11 months ago
i need a new ship to obsess over that does hurt/comfort and near death trope as divinely as deckerstar like. what will fulfill that urge ever again
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
this man right fucking here is my type
I'd bark like a damn dog for this man
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No because I’d let him do whatever he wants to me.
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countesspetofi · 11 months ago
As my Grandma used to say, this show is tripe.
I understand the characters wouldn't be the same as in the book; this is set years later and they would have changed and developed. (Although, I think it would have been good writing to tell us a bit about how they got from there to here, somewhere near the beginning of the story instead of leaving us to guess.) But 1qthe characters just plain don't make any sense in this story or setting. God, I am so sick of every single character in every series having to be gratuitously edgy and wise cracking 100% of the time. Most of them are constantly flouting every social convention left and right, and suffering no negative consequences at all from it, and anyone who doesn't is automatically evil or stupid. Especially the women. To the point of being offensive.
And I'm not saying I want some kind of racial caricature like Alec Guinness in the 1948 movie, or even the original book, but I think maybe they just... forgot to make Fagin Jewish at all?
IDK, I guess I'm going to keep watching for a little while, so I can say I gave it a fair chance. I'm tired of getting excited about series that sound like they're right up my alley on paper, but turn out to be a disappointment. Tripe.
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dodgeryaps · 8 months ago
my husband getting coffee and sitting down fully ready to hear about my rants about all the shit I've read lately and my plans for my writing
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