#dodge ball incident
butterflybuckethat · 2 months
Stranger Places
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🦋 Masterlist 🦋
I'm back at it again trying to combat writer's block. Hope you like it!
Notes: Carmen Berzatto x Fem!Reader; Carmy finds you drunk in the bathroom of The Bear. (1.8k words)
Warnings: Slow burn, toxic ex-boyfriends, drunkenness
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Chef Carmen Berzatto designed the restroom of The Bear as a complement to the main dining room, extending its warm minimalism to the wide sink basin, pale wood shelves and simple fixtures, all tied together by a signature scent of jasmine and oud. Not that you noticed any of this, your head being in the toilet and all. 
“Cousin!” Richie was forming a plan, which always meant bad news for Carmy. A line started forming outside the bathroom. “I told you we should’ve put in two.”
“Would you shut the fuck up, Richard?” Today was not the day. It had barely been a week since the deep freeze incident, and Carmy still felt shaky at the helm. They were half a turn behind.
“Fuck you, Carmen. How am I the only one taking this seriously?” 
“We need to focus.”
“No, we need to get whoever’s puking in the bathroom up outta there.” Carmy took a deep breath, forcing his gaze off the tickets. Richie continued, “if people think our food makes people sick...” His eyes blew wide, head bobbing, as if this were a foregone conclusion. “Okay?” 
Carmen looked at him, practically flinching when Sydney yelled “hands.” Lately, he had seriously been considering the thought that he was a bad person. He knew that Sydney was capable—in fact, he would proudly describe her as brilliant—but, after she took over for him that night, everyone else saw it too. And yet, he was reluctant to hand her his position. 
“This is big picture shit, Carm.” Richie said, softer this time, using Sugar’s words against him: some things are more important. 
“Syd,” he could barely look at her. She moved into his spot, as if it were the easiest thing in the entire world, and began arranging the tickets, yelling commands. Carmy balled his hands, pushing the air out of his lungs. He didn’t resent her, he just hated himself. “Do we still have those water guns?”
“Fuck,” you spat into the toilet. Everything was spinning. This was a new low, touching your forehead to a public toilet just to feel the cold porcelain, and you had no idea how you got here. You were drinking wine! You never got drunk from wine. At least, not like this. You hadn’t been this obliterated since college, the night Mark joined Sigma and introduced you to jungle juice. You retched again, just thinking about it. 
You tried to stand, digging your nails into the ridges between the subway tiles. But you stumbled, knocking into little decorative objects so meticulously placed on a shelf, and sunk back the floor. “Fuck.” You wanted to cry, but everything was so out of control. You tried focusing your sight on the now headless ceramic bear by your stockinged foot when there was an urgent knock on the door. 
“Hello?” It came in all muffled.
“Mark?” you responded; voice hoarse. The doorknob jiggled.
“Are you okay? Can you unlock—” the voice was drowned out by cheers in the rest of the restaurant.
“Can you unlock the door?” he repeated louder. You crawled over on your hands and knees and turned the lock. The knob turned and the door cracked open.
“Wait!” You pushed it shut. He tried to open the door again but you leaned against it, hastily smoothing your hair and wiping the makeup from underneath your eyes. Mark had seen you worse but that was when you were still together. It’s different now. “Okay,” you slurred, scooting out of the way and letting him in. You looked up. “You’re not Mark.”
It was a hassle getting you into the office. Carmy had you by the waist, dodging the squirt guns and confetti that came with the impromptu surprise, while you stumbled and swayed in the opposite direction.
“I’ll be right back,” he reassured once he got you settled in a chair with a big bottle Pellegrino and an uneven slice of bread. Richie and the sommelier, Ernesto, were waiting for him outside.
“Nice,” Richie pointed to the puke that rubbed off from your dress onto his shirt.
“Whatever,” Carmy responded, deciding it wasn’t worth it to mention that Richie’s suit was half soaked and covered in glitter. “What’s up Ernesto?”
He looked to Richie first which made Carmen’s palms sweat. “They only ordered two bottles.” Ernesto spoke quietly, wringing a towel in his hands.
“They?” Carmy asked, patting the kid on the shoulder to try and ease his nerves.
“She was sitting with some guy.”
“Who is this guy?”
“How should I fucking know? It’s a woman’s name on the reservation.” Carmen wondered, not for the first time, if Richie was capable of speaking at a reasonable volume.
“I don’t know, ask him?”
“He left.” Ernesto added.
“Don’t you have a receipt, credit card, something?” 
“He ran.” Richie was practically giddy. “Look at this.” He carefully unwrapped two empty wine glasses from a linen napkin.
“What’s this CSI?” Carmy scoffed.
“Just look,” Richie lifted the first glass up to the light. “What do you see?”
“There’s a lipstick st—”
“There’s a lipstick stain, right.” Carmy was very quickly losing patience. “The girl clearly drank from this glass.”
“Can you get to the fucking point, please?”
“Look at his,” he held the second one up. “Notice anything?”
He squinted, searching for something to find, “No.”
“Exactly.” The glass was pristine, not even a smudge. “Thanks, Ernesto.” Richie dismissed.
“Wait,” Carmen stopped him. “You poured him a glass?”
“Both of them, yeah.”
 “And you kept pouring hers?”
 “No, he did all the pouring.”
 You felt like shit; your head was pounding. The seltzer had settled your stomach a bit but you couldn’t bring yourself to touch the bread. And, to make matters worse, you were surrounded by strangers, with puke on your favorite dress, and where the fuck was Mark?
 “How are you feeling?”
 You peeked through your fingers. Carmen. “Horrible. How do I look?” You began to stand, tentatively.
He let out a little laugh.
“Jesus, you’re laughing?” you asked, incredulous.
“No, of course not.” But he had this fucking smile on his face.
“What the fuck?” You did a little shimmy, tugging down your dress, and flipped your hair which did little more than make you woozy. “How about now?” you asked after steadying yourself on his desk.
His eyes raked over you. You watched them land on your thighs, the curve of your waist, your clavicle. “You look great.” 
You cleared your throat, hoping to mask the shiver that ran down your spine. “Great,” you said. You took a sip of the Pellegrino, swished it around your mouth and headed for the door.
“Wait, where are you going?” Carmen outstretched his tattooed arms, blocking your path. Your eyes widened, suddenly understanding what a compromising situation you seem to have gotten yourself in. But he backed away immediately, taking a few steps out of your way. “I-I just meant…are you sure you’re feeling well enough?”
 “I’m here with someone,” you explained, shoulders relaxing.
How was he supposed to tell you? “I think you should sit,” he started.
“Did something happen to Mark?” Your eyes widened, “is he sick too?” 
Carmy felt an unexpected wave of rage. You were concerned for him? This fucking bastard “Mark?” “Please sit.”
He watched as you tugged the hem of your dress and sat primly. Carmy knelt in front of you, hands ghosting your calves. He was trying to be comforting which he had never really had to be before, being the youngest. He suddenly wished Sugar were around. “He left.”
“Left?” you repeated, crease forming between your brows.
“Ditched.” Carmy braced himself for your emotional fallout. But all that came was a bitter laugh.
“What a fucking asshole.”
He searched your face, looking for some kind of explanation. “First date?”
“That would be less embarrassing. Ex-boyfriend.” You leaned back, causing the leather to exhale.
“Did he do that often? Get you drunk and leave you with the bill?” Carmen didn’t mean for that to come out so bitter. He barely understood why he was getting so worked up over this. 
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry. Obviously, I’ll pay. I think my purse…” You just looked so helpless. You got a raw deal and Carmen just wanted to make sure you were okay. Big picture and all that. What kind of restaurant owner would he be if he just let shit like this happen at his place?
“No, that’s not- That’s not why I brought it up.” You looked at him. The color had returned to your cheeks, making your smudged makeup look less scary and more…hot. 
“Thank you,” you blushed. “I’ve caused you enough suffering, I’m sure. I should really get going.” There really wasn’t much he could offer you but he didn’t want you to leave.
“Are you hungry?”
Was this pathetic? To be letting the man whose restaurant you just violated cook you a grilled cheese? You had a distinct feeling you were engaging in behavior your mother warned you about.
“How do you want it cut?” Carmen asked, towel slung over his shoulder. 
“Triangles, please.”
“Excellent choice,” he mumbled. You couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders and biceps that strained the material of his perfect white shirt. He set the plate in front of you. “So, what happened with you and the guy?”
“Asking the hard questions first, huh?” You grabbed half of the sandwich, licking your lips at the stretch of the cheese, and pushed the rest of it towards Carmen.
“It’s for you.”
“We can’t share?” He picked up the other half and took a bite, making you smile. But it was short lived, he pressed the question. “I don’t know. We dated.”
“How long?”
“Five years.” You shrugged, as if it were nothing. This was a practiced movement; one you’d perfected for a while now. 
“Oh.” Carmen put the sandwich down.
“It’s been two years,” you assured. “It’s not like— It’s not like I’m still in love with him or something.”
“Then why’d you meet up with him?” 
“What’s with the third degree?” You got down from where you were sitting on the counter. The Bear had long closed and you and Carmen were the only ones left in the kitchen. “You don’t even know me.”
“Your puke on my shirt feels pretty fucking personal.” His voice was soft, not a hint of anger or frustration. He looked tired all of a sudden, like he lost something.
“You don’t even know my name.” You spoke quietly and he inched closer, wanting to hear you. You could smell the candle, the jasmine and oud, faint on him.
“I know your name.”
“Yeah, what is it?” He was taller than you; not by much, but enough that you had to tilt you head to look him in the eyes. Bright blue.
You were just staring at him, for a while, a mix of shock and confusion on your face. Did he do something wrong? “What did I say?” He asked, placing his palm on your waist.
“I should go.” You pulled away from him. Carmy wanted to pull you back but you were already halfway across the room. He could’ve kicked himself.
“I’m sorry,” he followed, watching you move things around the office. You were unsteady on your heels. Carmen rushed to help support you but you recoiled, like his touch burned. He apologized again. “Can I help you?”
“No, I got it.” You said, pulling your clutch out from behind a stack of bills.
“Can I at least take you home?” He offered, now standing on your far opposite.
“Uber.” You shook your phone. You weren’t unkind. He was a stranger after all, but he could’ve cried anyways. You made your way to the front of the restaurant, your Uber came quick. “Thanks for your help, Carmen. And the meal.” You pushed the door open, a burst of cold Chicago air cut through him.
“I’m sorry, Milly.”
“That’s not my name.” And you were gone.
Part II
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
With you now having young justice could you do them meeting a mutant buddy with the personality and powers of gambit from the x-men? (Also love justice league unlimited)
Mutant Buddy has entered!
Hope you enjoy!
Mutant Buddy with Gambit's powers with Young Justice
SFW, Platonic, Mutant reader
Buddy had been recruited to the Young Justice League after an incident with Gorilla Grod.
One that ended up a slightly sizzling gorilla, a laughing Flash, and a slightly burnt Lantern.
It was the two leaguer that managed to convince Batman to put them on the team after demonstrating their mini explosions with their deck of cards.
It might have also helped that Buddy managed to steal Green Lantern’s ring without him noticing it and giving it to Batman.
Despite all the confidence they rode on when Flash and Green Lantern introduced them, Buddy was anxious to be in front of these seasoned ‘sidekicks.
Their anxiety only grew with the looks and silent faces they were making at each other.
Thankfully, Buddy did know one of them.
He was their classmate in school.
And just so happened to be the one member who had just arrived late.
Kid Flash, Wally West.
He would later become the ‘olive branch’ to bring Buddy into the group.
Team that takes an almost instant liking to the newest member
These members believe that what Wally says about them being good is true straight away. While they are a bit cautious, they quickly learn that Buddy isn’t some one who would strike fear onto anyone. If anything, the only thing they are striking is their cards to any unsuspecting member who gets on their last nerve. Doesn’t happen often, mainly to Wally when his flirting and comments get out of hand. The members appreciate how Buddy balances the seriousness of certain situations while letting some fun lines slip every now and then. These members end up picking up a habit of carrying a few playing cards around in case Buddy needs them.
Kid Flash
Miss Martian
Buddy: “All right! 1…2��” M’gann from a safe distance: “Go!” Buddy starts throwing cards left and right while Wally tries dodging them. One manages to knock him off balance. Buddy walks up and offers him a hand up. Wally: “No fair! You put more kinetic energy in that last one!” Buddy: “Did not.” Wally: “Did too!” Buddy: “Did—”
SPLASH! Buddy and Wally blink feeling the water seep into their costumes. They look up to see a slightly giggling M’gann and smiling Kaldur raising another water ball over his head. Kaldur: “How about you continue with today’s training?” Buddy and Wally look at each other before smiling. Buddy getting their cards ready: “Oh, you came into the wrong game Kaldur! Ready West!” Wally stretching his arms: “Born ready!”
Team that takes a bit more time to get used to the newest member
These members take what Wally says with a grain of salt. They keep their distance from Buddy and their mini explosions. Since when does a hero do good with explosives? Some members have a personal distaste for the explosions near them. Once Buddy finds out their distaste for the explosions near them, they stop almost immediately. It’s a slow process which involves some missions and training time to finally get used to the newest member. These members try and teach Buddy different ways to defend themselves, so they don’t have to rely solely on powers to win.
Buddy looks a bit uneasy at Conner on the other side of the training mat. Dick and Artemis were watching from the sidelines. Buddy: “Listen Rob, with all due respect, WHY?!” Dick: “Everyone has to fight everyone Buddy.” Artemis: “Its good practice for future scenarios.” Buddy shuffling their cards nervously while looking at the Super: “Yeah but when am I supposed to fight a feral Conner? Conner’s a nice guy! Why would he attack his teammate?” Conner, Artemis and Dick look at each other: “…”
Buddy: “… My goodness… did that actually happen?!” Dick: “Buddy—” Buddy: “How many of you guys went feral on someone else?!” Artemis getting her comm line ready: “Buddy it’s okay—” Buddy: “What?! The next thing you’re going to tell me is a what if scenario where we fight the Justice League?” Everyone: “…” Conner: “Let’s just focus back on the training.” Buddy: “…Nope!” They throw a card to the wall and make their escape through the hole. Artemis: “Wally! Get your friend back here!” Buddy from down the hall: “I swear no one tells me these important details! I deserve to know!”
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bloofinntoona · 2 years
Baby's Breath
Word Count: 1.4k
Themes: Fluff, a little bit of angst? Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader (Reader's house can be up to you!)
Summary: (SPOILER FOR HOGWARTS LEGACY ENDING) You're asking Sebastian Sallow who will he take to the Yule Ball.
Author's Note: So... This is my first fanfic(after a while). I played Hogwarts Legacy and I love Sebastian's questline and his story. I'd thought I wrote a little bit of a story after the main HL story. Based on the marriage question???? scene from the first Avatar movie.
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A year has passed since the massive battle with Ranrok, as well as the murder of Solomon Sallow. You, Anne, and Ominis had decided to not turn Sebastian in. The weight of killing his own family member was tormenting enough for the teen, there was absolutely no need of putting him behind bars at Azkaban. Despite the darkness that has been brewing inside Sebastian, his friends still have much love for him. Especially you.
You didn't think much of it at first. Why, Sebastian Sallow was notorious for being the Slytherin bad boy. Dodging detentions here and there, and persistently asking his schoolmates to duel in his not-so-unsanctioned-secret-dueling club. One would think that this boy was a menace. But you know that he was more than that. Sebastian was smart, curious, relentless, outgoing, kind, cunning, and obviously as ambitious as a Slytherin could be. As if the boy couldn't be more perfect, he has the most beautiful hazel eyes you've ever seen. You particularly noticed the tiny freckles that adorned his face — you swear you could see constellations if you connected the dots.
Getting back to your relationship before the incidents was not easy. Ominis and Anne took their time to make small talk and joke around with Sebastian. You, on the other hand, shared a kinship. You also wielded the unforgivable curses with him. You often found yourself between Sebastian's arms, finding consolation from the responsibilities of being the so-called Hogwarts Hero who possessed the Ancient Magic. There was also a time when Sebastian broke down in your arms, feeling guilty for being too absored in the Dark Arts. Nevertheless, time is the best healer as you both were able to cope and live somewhat normally in school.
After all that you both have been through, there was never a point where you confessed to each other. Yes, you hugged and comforted each other. You swore you felt him kissed your forehead once. Perhaps it's the archaic rule of courting in the 19th century that your guardians had been drilling into your brain. Or perhaps you're just too scared of being rejected and loosing the closest friend in your life.
You shifted your feet back and forth, hearing the snow rustling underneath your platform shoes. Merlin's beard, you thought, where in the world is Sebastian? Saying that it's freezing in Hogsmeade is an understatement. The wind blew past your ears as you cursed yourself for putting your hair in an updo today. You jumped as you felt hands tickled your sides, "Hey!" you shouted, turning around. Sebastian grinned, "Sorry, 'had to pick up something earlier." He patted your head, which prompted a red blush spreading across your face. "Shall we?" He offered his hand as you head into The Three Broomsticks. Nothing like a full glass of Butterbeer can make you feel better, especially with Sebastian as your company. This is how you both liked to spend the weekends after a tedious week full of classes and homework. The outing almost ended with You and Sebastian racing on the broom, cruising over the lake until you both reached the rickety docks in Lower Hogsfield, looking over the school.
"That was a good race. Obviously, I was here first." The boy puffed his chest.
You rolled your eyes, "Sure, consider yourself lucky that we're alone 'cause I literally landed first!"
Sebastian and you playfully bantered, pushing each others' broom. He accidentally pushed a bit too hard which sent you flying back. "Oop-!" you yelped as you felt his swift hands caught your back and pulled you close to him. Too close. You felt your chest pressed against Sebastian. Godrick's Heart, did he grow taller? You also swore he was not this strong and muscular before. Puberty years did work wonders for teen boys. Feeling his warm breath against your face, you started to panic and gently pushed him away. You swore you could see a hint of disappointment in his face.
"So," you cleared your throat, "The Yule ball is coming soon. I, uh, heard that you're supposed to look for your own date." You paced around the dock, afraid to look at Sebastian. "Have you thought about who you're going to ask?" You bitterly questioned him. A part of you was a bit disappointed that Sebastian didn't ask you when the ball was announced. You'd expect him to take you, even as friends. The thoughts of Sebastian secretly having a crush without telling you made your guts churn. It's not like other boys haven't asked either, Garreth Weasley was very sweet, offering an enhanced (his words) Wiggenweld potion warped in a bow with an invitation to the ball. You were flattered, but you thought there wasn't a point of going without the boy you actually had a crush on.
"I thought about it." Sebastian calmly said, using his wand to cast Levioso, levitating a rock and flung it to the lake.
"Oh..." you gulped. "May I know who?" You wanted to slap yourself for asking, why would you want to hear answers that will hurt? You still have your back facing Sebastian.
"Guess!" and there's Sebastian Sallow, never making it easy for you.
You used your wand to flung some pebbles into the water. "Well, Imelda Reyes is an amazing flyer. I bet you learned a flying trick or two from her," You smiled bitterly, "Plus, you both are in the same house, so I bet you're close with her?"
You could hear his laugh. "No way, I'm not keen on being ridiculed by Imelda." Sebastian flung more rocks into the water.
"I guess Natty is a good option too. She's brilliant, probably the kindest person I've ever met-"
"What about me?" Sebastian joked, "I'm also kind."
You rolled your eyes. "Also she has a professor as a parent, like you."
"It's not Natty, too... Gryffindor for me," He shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, Natty's a good friend. But she's just a friend for me."
"What about Poppy? She's the cutest girl in school. I think her passion for the beasts is amazing too." You chimed.
Sebastian shook his head again. "Nope, not her."
You raked your brain, thinking about the rest of your schoolmates. You didn't even notice Sebastian's footsteps inching closer to you.
"Ominis?" you blurted out, now facing Sebastian. Hearing your question, he made a face and blurted out an explosive laugh. "I mean I would, but he probably would kill me first," he wiped a tear from his eyes, "no, not my dear friend Ominis Gaunt."
"I give up!" You held up your hands, "I don't know who you have in mind."
Sebastian lets out a sigh. "There is this girl," he stood close to you, "She is beautiful, brave, and possesses an ability like no other. She's always eager to beat me in duels and learn new things. This girl is always there for me, through thick and thin. Even though I was a sodding disappointment of a mate, she still greets me with a warm smile. I don't think I could be here right now without her."
Your breath hitched, feeling warmth crept around your face. Sebastian's face is turning red as well. He took your hands in his, caressing your fingers softly. You can feel your body heating up despite the cold air. "I'm glad you came to Hogwarts. Having you in my life was the best present the universe gave me." He reached inside his pocket and presented you with a corsage decorated with baby's breath and baby blue ribbon. "I was going to give it to you tomorrow. But since we're having this conversation..." He smiled, face red as ever, "Will you go to the ball with me-"
Sebastian didn't get to finish his sentence before you crashed your lips against him. You could feel electricity sparked all over your body, butterflies flying all over your stomach. It seemed like forever, feeling his soft lips molded with yours. His hands rested on your waist, gently pulling you closer. You snaked your hands around his neck, entangling your fingers in his brown locks.
You broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his. "I'd take that as a yes?" Sebastian whispered. You nod, couldn't get a word out of your mouth. He smiled, peppering small kisses on your cheeks before capturing your lips for another kiss.
He pulled back, took your hand, and wrapped the corsage around your wrist. "You know, I had to do a bunch of tasks to have Professor Garlick help me grow this flower." He chuckles, admiring how the flowers looked on you.
"Sebastian.. I-" You grinned widely, "Thank you. I would love to go to the ball with you." You couldn't help but to wrap your arms around him again. "Why baby's breath?"
"Well, darling, they said it's the symbol of everlasting love."
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
Is me~ back to haunt you Ask Box o/ because I just had A Thought(tm)
What if~? The OPPOSITE of my Magic Sex Toy idea? Uno Reverse?
But how would that even work? You say. Tim would very obviously notice!
Oh ho ho~ ye of little Faith! *slaps my "join the Church of Civilian Tim" poster I obviously made myself* CONSIDER! Not a cape! Semi-stable schedules!
We open our scene with stalking. As ya do. Tim would prefer you call it "bird watching" or "observing the night life" but... let's be real here. Stalking. He's getting them NICE Premium Pics for his Definitely-Not-A-Stalker-Shrine. There's a newbie on the scene. A gaudy robe wearing mofo.
3 guess what HIS shtick is. First two don't count.
But! Thing is? Tim is no long a wee baby faced pre-teen. He is a Man(tm). Legally, twice over. And well... you find a LOT if Neat Late Night Shops running after the bats. He may have been persuaded by CERTAIN libidos that maybe he should check them out. Who can say? You can't prove ANYTHING. These bags are groceries and no you can't check..
Where was he? Ah, right, Pics of the Nightwing booty. *click*
Tim forgets Rule Number 1.5: ALWAYS keep an eye on what the villian is doing.
By the way... what that bright light? Oh, just a SPELL BOLT. Fuckin DODGE, MAN!
He fails to dodge.
🥺 H-His camera... Night-booty... Also why does he feel? Tingly? He doesn't stick around to figure it out. Grabs his TRAGICLY dead camera and bolts. Not getting caught at the scene of the stalking TODAY, no sir! Batmans definitely gonna check the area and he SHANT be there! Early night it is!
He gets back to his apartment. Still feels tingly... but less? Maybe those charms he looked up how to make protected him after all. Still, shouldn't push his luck, you know? He settles in for the night. Gets a warm shower.
Comes out and eyes the bags he dropped by the bed... and... well...
He DID wrap up early~ Maybe treat for Timmy time. He digs them out.
They? We're already pretty life like (it's why he bought them) but... when he TOUCHES one? He swears it gets MORE life like? He really should look this up or something... suspect toys in Gotham and all... but on the other hand? Horny. And the boxes WERE closed. It's fiiiiine.
But which one? It's kinda been a while. And he doesn't want to be sore tomorrow. This one!
So Tim lays back. Let's himself enjoy working himself open. Then works the fake(?) Cock inside himself. And oh~ it's WARM. Twitchs. He let's himself enjoy a slow, lazy session. Get really sloppy and relaxed before finally finding juuust the right angle aaaand~
Across the city, the current Robin, Damian Wayne, is shaking APPART on a roof top. Sweat pouring down his temple, thighs trembling as he tries ro stop himself from rutting up into empty air. It won't help. Won't make the damnable TEASING go any faster. Wet and tight and PERFECT around him.
Came out of NOWHERE. One second he was patrolling, the next barely catching himself from falling. Stumbling into an alchove on some god forsaken roof. Hands fumbling to turn off his comms. Absolutely not. They could NOT hear him like this.
Panting into hands pressed tight over his own mouth to stiffle the sound he wants to make. Beg and demand that magnificent heat go FASTER. Plunge him DEEPER. But he CANT. Because there's no one there. Just him and the slowly increasing pressure in his balls, begging for relief.
Then, like prayers answered, it DOES. He could WEEP. Can't stop the aborted jerks of his hips as he chases his relief. Soon is trembling like the virgin he ISNT anymore as he spills into... into SOMEONE.
They take it so well. So perfectly.
He's RUINED. His hand will never be enough after this. And Tim has no idea.
Sure, he's not stupid. He didn't buy toys the fake cum. (So to be safe plan B it is) But? In the cold like of day? Prooooobably magic sex toys. Eh. It's Gotham. Not the weirdest thing to happen. Tim's keeping them.
And using them.
Thus begins the "phantom lover" incident, as Bruce will insist on calling it. Because "we were haunted by random fuckings" sounds... unprofessional. And he's a Dramatic Bitch at heart.
Damian, obviously, told NO ONE. Patrol? Utterly normal. Mind you business. But Bruce? Uncomfortable conversations for EVERYBODY~☆
See, Tim has a long day. His new camera isn't gonna be in for a WEEK. There is no point in going out. So his evening stretchs long and empty before him. Which... SPEAKING of things both long and things empty... >.>
He remembers. There was an absolute UNIT that he bought. It also has that base... which mean he could put it on the sex pillow. Try riding it... oh he's GOTTA, now.
Lucky for Bruce, he's not even in the cave when it hits. Unluckily, it is a cock teasing hell. Nothing to hold. No body to press close. No skin to run his hands across or ears to whisper filthy praise. So TIGHT. Fluttering and fighting to take him. Sinking little by little. Can't even HEAR him praising them. He can't even distract them, rub their clit and sooth them as muscles relax.
Can't hold them by the hips and work them up and down. They way he knows will work best. At angles that will make them SOB. Just nothing, nothing, nothing. Trembling and eager around him but so SLOW. Pausing again and again to adjust. Can't thrust in, can't pull out, only TAKE it. Let himself be teased.
But OH. When they finally, FINALLY get a rythme? He knows they can hear a word he says. Not yet. But the FILTH he growls. The audacity of what they're doing. He's GOING to find them. Going to pin them done and-
Tim spend the next day sore, but happy. Definitely not an "every day" sort of toy, but holy shit the orgasm. He hasn't slept this well in a WHILE. Though... when he wakes up? The Bats are acting weird. Violent, hyper-focused, seemly shaking down leads with a single minded enthusiasm. Weird.
Speaking OFF. Now he's wondering... does the possibly fake cum... TASTE like real cum?
One way to find out.
And... look. Dick may have been warned, but it's one thing to hypothetically get your bits milked dry and another to be doubled over seeing the face of god. He would gladly kill a man for the ability to grab hold of whoever is doing this and ram home. The mouth on him is a thing of wonder and it keeps TEASING the tip. They keep running soft, pampered, little hands up and down his length. God he wants them to feel him in their GUT. Fuck their face and their ass and any OTHER holes they have til everything is sloppy and wet and-
Yep! From the tast flooding Tim's mouth, that's real cum. Good his he got his shot. But it begs the question... whoms't exactly is he fucking? Tim's not sure he's comfortable with random hook ups. What if, Gods forbid, it linked him to the JOKER or something!? He'd have to blow up the city and everyone in it.
He considers this as he resumes his sta- he means, BIRD watching. Newly be-camera-d. Weirdly enough, now Nightwing is acting off too. What is going ON? Also... he could of SWORN he saw the Red Hood a second ago. Did he leave? Aaw D:>
.....what's that sound?
*boss music starts playing* That would be the Red Hood. Owner of the mythical Common Sense gene. HE immediately phoned a friend! And by THAT we mean he beamed up to The Watchtower to get poked at by magic users until he had a scanner.
Beep beep, mother fucker. You have explaining to do.
OR, counter argument.... Tim makes a run for it. Doesn't GET far. But he Sure Did Try! Jason is unamused. Consent is sexy, kids. And he has the gun to explain that. But! TIM has the panic babbling to explain his horny stupidity and innocence.
Fair enough. He's confiscating them though. If you get horny, just fucking ask.
Wait.... really? Does Jason really mean that?
And... two things. Cute Horny Idiot knows his identity. And.... he never said HE wasn't also apparently a horny idiot. Sure, why the fuck not.
He confiscate the magic contraband... then bends that twink in HALF. Comms off, back into it. Tim can barely breathe, pressed down so tightly to the bed as his guts get re-arranged, callused hands holding his legs spread, his childhood hero rumbling FILTH into his ear as hips snap against his, again and again and AGAIN. The world is hot and fuzzy around the edges and... AND-!
Jason's pretty damn smug that HES not only the one who found mystery twink, but them fucked him incoherent. He seriously considers just... not saying anything. Whoops! Nothing to find here folks. To bad the Watchtower is a fuckin snitch.
So obviously Bruce finds out. And wants to "talk to him". Which inevitably ends with Tim, pressed close to his front, held still as he "fucks him properly". Which as far a Tim is concerned is a god damned excuse to EMPALE him on his monster of a cock. Work it deeper and deeper, all while holding him like a lover, as he absolutely DESTROYS Tim's poor puss. Makes him lose count of how many times he's gotten off. Until everything is too bright and hyper sensitive. Til it's nearly hurting but not quite there and all Tim can think about, as he whimpers and drools, is SLEEP.
Oh... and THEN he wants to talk about how Tim knows their secret identies. Ask him in the morning or Tim WILL cry at you.
He wakes up in Wayne Manor. He did not go to sleep in Wayne Manor. He can't move his lower body with out pain. Bruce is clearly pretending he planned that. Liar.
Then? Karma. His horny chickens come home to roost. Has Bruce introduced you to his sons? This is Dick and Damian. They remember you. And would like a "word".
(The word is sex and they would like it as soon as possible)
👀👀👀!!!!!!!!!!!! a reverse magic sex toy!!!!!!!!!!!!! where tim tortures the other bats by fucking his little pussy with their cocks while they're forced to just suffer and endure it until he's finished. more than once they almost scream from frustration because tim finishes before they do and he pulls them out of his warm, slick little hole. 👀👀👀👀
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Can I please request Sara, Lumine, and Noelle watching their S/O run through a hoard ot monsters(with a noticeable straight tunnel through a mountain behind them) to give them the lunch they packed for the girl, tears in their eyes at the thought of them going hungry?
(Genshin Impact) Sara, Lumine, and Noelle's S/O bringing them a packed lunch
Me omw to get stabbed by 400 treasure hoarders just to bring Sara a bowl of rice:
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Sara hears rapid footsteps approaching her, which she responds by readying her bow, about to let loose an arrow to whatever dumb monster thought they could ambush her-
(S/O) "SARA!"
Sara falters when she realizes its S/O's footsteps they heard.
Many of the soldiers under her command raise their weapons on instinct, but quickly lowering it once they see who it is.
(Soldier) "Halt! What business do you have with the general?"
(S/O) "S-Sorry, I forgot to give her food for the road!"
Many of the soldiers looked at each other in confusion, and Sara could not resist doing the same.
They had departed the city nearly an hour ago.
In fact, they had taken a path through a mountain that was previously crawling with monsters not a moment ago before their arrival.
There were still some monsters crawling around. How the hell did they get here?
Sara awkwardly clears her throat, trying to not blush in front of her own men as she accepts the bento box, filled with cutely shaped rice balls in the form of small animals.
(Sara) "T-Thank you, S/O. This was not needed, but it is appreciated nevertheless."
Now she was absolutely failing to contain the blush as they smiled, wiping away a singular tear.
(S/O) "Thank goodness I managed to catch you in time! Stay safe, Sara. Everyone else too!"
(Soldier) "Thanks...?"
(Sara) "Wait, there's monsters crawling around back there! You can't just-"
S/O dashed back through the tunnel, every monster just seemingly ignoring them on the way back, despite the fact Sara and the other soldiers were ready to jump back in at a moment's notice.
They just...ignored them.
(Sara) "...We continue our march. And no one will utter a word about this incident. Understood?"
The soldiers immediately straightened their backs.
(Soldiers) "Yes, general!"
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Lumine's hand readies itself to knock back the attacker with Anemo before hearing a familiar voice.
(S/O) "Lumine, wait!"
(Paimon) "The heck, S/O!?"
Lumine and Paimon turn around and find S/O nearly out of breath, holding a bag.
(S/O) "I forgot to give you this before you left!"
(Lumine) "...Oh, our lunch! Thanks S/O-...Wait a dang second, how the heck did you pass by the...?-"
The two looked at the tunnel behind them.
Yup, still absolutely crawling in slimes. Did they just dodge all that?
(S/O) "I thought you'd be hungry out there and I couldn't bear the thought!"
Lumine noticed they wiped away a tear, which softened her heart a little.
(Lumine) "Hah, you're a sweetheart, you know that?"
(Paimon) "And also crazy! We were dogpiled in there, don't tell Paimon you were following us the entire time!"
(S/O) "Alright, I'll see you at home!"
(Lumine) "WAIT!-"
S/O gracefully dodged every slime that leapt at them without even batting an eye, taking a light jog back to their home, leaving the two speechless.
(Lumine) "...I think we need to take dodging lessons from them."
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(Noelle) "An attacker?"
Noelle's greatsword materializes into her hands and just as she's about to spin around and split them in half-
(S/O) "Noelle, you forgot your lunch!"
Noelle's eyes widen in surprise and she stops herself mid swing, tumbling over and catching herself by stabbing the blade suddenly into the ground.
(Noelle) "S/O?! How in the world did you get here?!"
Noelle was handed a cutely wrapped box in green cloth by a smiling S/O.
(S/O) "I just ran and caught up! You're really fast, you know that?"
Noelle leaned to her left, seeing the tunnel she had exited.
There were Ruin Guard in there! The only reason Noelle got through unscathed was because she was built different her vision protected her!
Why and how did S/O get through that without getting hurt?!
(Noelle) "Dear, thank you for giving me this, but-"
(S/O) "I don't think I could've gone through the rest of the day if I knew you were gonna be starving."
They wiped away a tear before nodding in content.
(S/O) "I'll see you back at home, dinner will be ready by then!"
S/O waved goodbye cheerfully and ran straight back.
Noelle's heart dropped and she dashed after them.
(Noelle) "Goodness me, S/O! PLEASE WAIT!"
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cz19y · 4 months
Not sorry for the title
CARS ! [HCs]
Multiple × GN!Reader
[!] A.U. — Cat / Them as Cats ! . . . [ Part 2 ]
∆ Fluff, PLATONIC, NO ROMANCE, pet & owner dynamic, OOC[?], slight hint of injuries[reader, Chigi's part], mention of overworking, no cat breed description because I'm lacking in cat knowledge, grammar & spelling errors[? NOT proofed] I have no idea what um doing this is just a word vomit
FT.: Chigiri Hoyama, Niko Ikki, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro . . . . Check this post ! : [Cat!Isagi] — [Cat!Nagi] & [Cat!Nagi 2]
NOTE: um, I'm alive.
NOTE2: I got a little excited in Niko's part, guess my favorite guys !! So not obvious.. :3
[ starting . . . ]
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CHIGIRI would be very much the type of cat to stare at you and slowly push something off the table.
Does not care + sassy.
But if he broke something important, he'd feel bad and try to maintain distance from the things after the incident for a short period of time. Would let you scold him in that scenario.
Other than that… Threats you with breaking your important objects if you neglect him for too long[he won't break it but it's so he’ll get your attention]
Would be THE cleanest cat you’d ever seen. Grooms himself often, you don't have to worry if he has any tics or anything.
For that, Chigiri is a very handsome cat.
10/10 fur, soft fur, pretty feline eyes, in good shape, has a way with things..
Even though being clean, he forgets to clean after himself.
Balls of fur laying around the house.
Talking about fur; he doesn't let anyone touch him — at least anyone who isn't his owner and other cats he’s friendly to.
He was cautious of letting you touch him the first time you adopted him. Hissing and not hesitant to show his claws.
But after some while, Chigiri started to let you near him more often after gaining his trust.
Agile. You cannot catch that cat on your own and with a group of 5 people.
Purrs slightly when he gets a compliment of his speed.
Chigiri has his monthly check in with his leg, poor thing is used to it although seeming to dislike it.
He just accepts his fate and takes it.
If there's visits, Chigiri is not paying one ounce of attention to them.
Dodges everybody and sits prettily on your lap. Asking for the daily dose of affection before running off to some corner until the guests leave.
That thing is shameless when he wants to.
If you're overworking too much, he'd threaten you by pushing your mug off the table.
Distracts you to waste your energy, so you can get your rest.
I feel like he’s very subtle with affection sometimes. But stills make big moves of showing his endearment for you.
If ever having the scenario of gaining a lifetime injury that can disabilitate you — he'd be by your side in those dark times of distress.
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Too timid for his own good — NIKO takes the longest to warm up to you.
Does NOT let anyone touch him. Even you had trouble with approaching the small black ball of fur.
Seems cautious of anyone who tries to pet him near his head. You're worried his fur will irritate his eyes, but he seems to prefer it like that.
He’s used to the fur covering 90% of his vision. But not used to you grabbing his face(gently) and smashing his little face, spilling words of how cute and beautiful his eyes are.
Guests? No Niko in sight for the next hours till they leave.
Where can you find him? In your bedroom, under your bed or near your manga shelfs he somehow seems fascinated with.
Adores plotting next to you and “watching” TV when you're playing some anime series. You doubt he understands a word they're saying but he seems transfixed on it anyways — so you just let him be.
Was weirdly quiet after the day you bawled your eyes out watching Banana Fish.
Rarely initiate some type of affection. But when it does happen, Niko is so cute. Just a tiny ball of black fur on your lap, purring under your touch.
Has a hushed purr. Cannot hear the feline almost all the time, but you can tell he is enjoying being pampered.
Loves being massaged and just being taken care of, just make sure to straighten his fur when you finish.
Fluffy tail.
Grooms quite often, you don't really have to worry about him being dirty or leaving a mess behind(different from chigi-)
Gets all awkward when you pamper him — doesn't know where to look at and just funbles around with his paws shyly.
Only lets you pet him, but Niko looks like he has mixed feelings about you muffling his fur.
The first time you tried to introduce Niko to other cats, it was a mess. It started out slow, but stuff got heated. Other cats are too intimidating for him. Being the youngest and one of the shyest are difficult in this situation.
After a lot of persuading, he finally found somewhat of a group he could be in. 5 other cats that was a weird combination but it worked.
You're proud of your little companion for becoming more and more bolder.
It’s supper on the spot when hunting a bug. Calculated and on aim, if missed, Niko knows it’s next move. It’s like a way of repaying for taking care of him.
Not a big fan of vet, quieter than usual but he doesn't make a fuss about it.
If he senses you're upset or in distress… he’s clueless. Bro has no experience in that at ALL.
But one can try, and he's in for making you feel at least slightly better. Why not give his best purrs while he allows himself to curl up next to your sulking form on bed? Flap his ears gently against your arm to tickle you a little? Rub his small ball of fur of a head on you as a green light to slip your worries out even if he can't do anything about it?
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Protective baby.
So protective, safest kitty to be around.
KUNIGAMI is surprisingly calm and collected for a cat so damn big.
This feline is huge, almost like a dog. It’s a whole workout to just pick him up.
Loves walks, really does — or just overall being active in activities. Easily mistaken by a dog when he so excitedly wakes you up for the morning walk.
Specially muscular for a cat but it's not a surprise for his size. It’s hell if you want to guide him or when he just pops himself on top of you. It pretty much… crushes your lungs.
It doesn't take much to approach him — warming up to him is a different story. You have to be a good soul for him to acknowledge you. Good vibes and someone who surprises him in a way can already be accepted by him.
Social but on the quiet side. Will not complain if you put him in a room with other cats, and gets along pretty well.
He is MESSY. Balls of fur here and there, he can accidentally make some things fly off the corner and he won't even notice.
Feels bad for making you have to clean up, so he plays a role in taking care of the house when you're out.
Guard cat frfr.
A good boy — lot of energy too. Loves engaging with you. Type of cat to linger around where you go, not too far but not too close. Kunigami just.. there.
Has a lot of fur, it’s a miracle he’s so clean with so much fur.
Often intimidating, despite being friendly. Other cats are weary of his size. And Kunigami does know how to put up a fight — a big fight by the way. You learned that in the hard way when he encountered a blond cat with lashes and exotic eyes.
Indifferent about the vet, he just accepts it and gets over with him.
Protective. Did I mention that? Legit takes the role of protecting his home seriously. This includes his owner. If a guest looks too out of place or a stranger is pushing things on you, Kinigami’s hissing and glued to your side.
When you took him in, the previous person that was in charge of him mentioned his two other siblings in his litter. You assume that's where his protective nature comes from.
Kunigami isn't blind to not notice how you're not taking care of yourself. Be drained because of work or study, this cat is going to drag you aside so you can rest.
Gives his best to be of any help when your mental state isn't in the best shape. He really just hopes for the best for you.
Get’s annoyed when you give him an “insult”(affectionly).
Shower him with compliments and he’ll get awkward. Loves it, but he is just too lost to do anything.
Hang outs with the red-pinkish cat and other two cats are his favorite hang outs.
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Sleeps 24/7 you bet he’s at the top of his life — he has never been so satisfied with this lifestyle, you bet NAGI prayed for this in his past life.
Gigantic, even bigger than Kunigami. Difference is; he doesn't do shit like Kunigami does.
But hey, don't judge him! He’s giving his best… and gives up(as if he cared in the first place).
Fur all over your house. In your clothes, couch, bed, everything. And he didn't even bother to clean up.
Definition of ball of fur, but add messy to the mixture.
The only effort you'd ever see him make is chase the sun on your floor to lay down and sleep.
Okay jokes aside; he is somehow active, just not often.
Nagi got one if not the best reflexes you’ll ever see in the body of a cat this huge and lazy. Good with limbs and manipulating whatever object that calls his attention enough.
Surprisingly good at running, you'd never guess it if it wasn't for a black cat that’s X3 smaller than him. It rarely happens, but you still have to keep an eye on them or else things might escalate.
Gives absolute no fuck to guests, if he wants your attention he will get it. But if he has a choice of where to be when guests are in, he’ll be buried in the best place on earth: your bed.
HATES vets. Hides and actively avoids you when the date comes. Good luck being able to drag him because he's heavy.
Bathing or grooming him is pretty easy, just tiring as heck for his size and how much fur he has
Looks like a wet rat when you bathe him.
Letting Nagi out in the wild is safe. You know he won’t go too far either, he just lingers and if he does go out; he always comes back somehow.
Nothing serious; he just surprised the living soul out of you when he came back with a rich purple cat trailing behind him.
Loves getting pets from you. If it’s from another someone that’s not special to him, he doesn't care then.
Purrs rather loudly, but it’s very muffled and low.
It's 9/10 chances you’ll wake up having difficulties breathing because the cat is either being your personal scarf or laying across your chest. He won't budge, so just try to flip over if you can.
Funny habit is that he’ll go for affection and then disappear, reappear, and repeat. He does like being alone after all.
Like the other cats on this list; bro actually has NO clue of what to do when you're down.
“It's so bothersome”… but he knows he can't be like this. Nagi comes to be a little more active, being to call your attention or just to get you to understand he's there.
Nagi actually has a clue of what is happening, he just has to be put in the right mind to get his gears running.
A/N: I was gonna make a small doddle for this one but I gave up X3 damn this has been sitting on my drafts for decades holy shit
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sheeple · 11 months
Miracles don't exits | 27: Teddy
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Theo's a dick / Quidditch casualties / IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING badly written bUT FINALLY / Reader being a badass [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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It's Game Day. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Everyone's buzzing with anticipation and house pride. You lean your head against your fist, nursing a cup of tea as you watch Theo gobble up plate after plate. You chuckle to yourself and shake your head.
Theodore’s already dressed in his game sweater. It clings to his body and shows off the hard work he puts in to be a member of the Quidditch team.
"Whot?", he asks, almost spitting out his beans on toast.
You grimace with a shake. "Nothing. I'm just fascinated to see how much food you can inhale in such a short time."
He wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "I need my energy to perform. Since Draco dropped out we need to be on our A-game."
That's a new fact. You look over to your cousin, who looks really solemn and tired with ginormous dark circles under his eyes. The Dark Lord's mission takes a lot out of him. The worst seems to be the cursing of Katie Bell. After the incident, he just looks like pure shite.
Clearing his mouth for real with some juice, the dark-haired boy turns towards you, a serious look on his face. "Will you- will you wear my practice hoodie? I promise I washed and kept it nicely. I even spritzed it with my cologne and I-"
You watch amused by how Theo anxiously rambles on. He wrings an emerald green fabric between his hands. His hoodie. Because wearing someone's Quidditch practice hoodie is practically telling the whole school that you're a thing without actually saying it.
Laying two fingers on his lips, you actively shut him up. His whole face and neck are red as he looks at your fingers on his lips. "I would be honoured to wear your hoodie."
A giant, radiant smile takes over Theo's face and he nods, a lovesick look in his eyes. "Cool. Great." He gives you the hoodie and you immediately put it on, shedding your own sweater. The heavenly and familiar scent of sage hits your nose and you breathe in deeply.
The two of you enjoy the remainder of breakfast in blissful peace until the captain hits Theo on his shoulder as a sign they have to get ready.
"Good luck and be safe out there." You grab his hand and squeeze it tightly.
He does the same and gives you a smile. "For you? Always."
After the players have left for the stadium, the spectators follow soon after. You join Pansy and Lorenzo, who look not all surprised to see you in Theodore's hoodie.
As this is your first time watching a Quidditch match in a very long time, you're buzzing with energy. The three of you find fairly good spots where you have a great overview of the entire pitch.
It's exhilarating, watching the players soar through the sky, passing balls to each other and dodging bludgers. Theo manages to score a few goals and you cheer every time, jumping up and down.
You hate to admit it, but Ron's on fire. Stopping goal after goal, he's doing a really good job. But sadly, that means that Slytherin's not scoring.
The final signal is heard and you see Harry fly around victorious with the Snitch in his hand. Just as Theo wants to dismount from his broom, a bludger comes flying out of nowhere and hits him in the back of the head. And hard.
A scream unexpectantly escapes your chest as you watch Theo drop from a considerable height. Dread settles into the pit of your stomach as he stays down. He gets loaded onto a stretcher, his hand hanging limply over the edge. You quickly turn around and push yourself through the masses to get to Theo.
Once you reach the hospital wing and when you're finally let in, Theodore's awake. Praise Merlin.
You rush towards his bed as tears pool into your eyes. But you're trying hard to not let them escape. "Thank Salazar, you're fine! I was so worried! Where are you hurt? Did you break something?"
Theo looks up at you with wide, blank eyes, his lips parted. "I'm sorry... but do I know you?"
Your breath hitches and you clutch his hoodie. "I-I'm... I'm your... Teddy, it's me. I'm your fiance."
"Teddy? That one is new." His face breaks into a stupid grin that tells you he was joking. A cruel joke at that.
The floodgates open and you begin to sob. "Theodore Nott you fucking dick! I tho-thought you lost your mem-memory." You stumble over your words and try to wipe away your tears.
You feel him grab your elbow and Theo pulls you into his chest. He lets you run your course until you're calmed down.
"I know I promised to not get hurt but I-"
You interrupt his stupid ass excuse by grabbing his head with both hands and pressing your lips against his. At first, it is soft and Theo's frozen. But as soon as one of his hands cradles the back of your head he's all in it. 
Hands slide from faces to necks and back, noses bump against each other, and bodies feel like they're morphing together. If someone told you that it would feel like crawling into each other's skin, you would have called bullshit.
Getting light-headed, you attempt to break the kiss. But Theo has other plans. He chases after you, trying to savour the taste of your lips. Once he finally lets you go, he connects your foreheads and wipes away the final tear.
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you." He nudges your nose with his own to evoke a smile from you.
You're still a bit out of breath as you notice you've crawled into his lap while kissing him.
"Real dick move, Teddy."
He pecks your lips as an apology. "Please say that again...", he whispers between kisses.
"Teddy." You lay your hands on his shoulders and squeeze. He hums content and starts to kiss you more feverishly.
He breaks away and holds your face in his hands, pure happiness written all over his face as he looks at you. "Merlin, I love you", he whispers, his thumbs rubbing circles over your smouldering cheeks.
You freeze, your eyes wide. Does he actually… love you? Theo eyes you warily, his lips parted as he watches your reaction.
Nobody… ever told you they loved you. Not your family, nobody. Theo’s words bring something unfamiliar to your body- to your mind. Something you have never felt.
Before you can answer him, your lips already parted, Theo wraps his arms around you and presses you against him, smothering your face against his shoulder. You have no way to answer him and every time you make a sound, he shushes you.
You and Theo stay like that until you're kicked out by Madam Pomfrey, claiming that Theo needs his rest and that you can visit him tomorrow again.
With a pout, the dark-haired boy gives you one last kiss until you're practically dragged out by the matron.
Taking a detour to the common room you spot Draco walking in the distance with a bottle in his hands. He isn't... going to drown his sorrows out, is he?
Concerned for your cousin, you follow him again to the Room of Requirement and watch as he unscrews the cork. He produces a small flask out of his inner pocket and drops the entirety into the large bottle.
"What are you doing?" Your voice comes out horse and in a whisper, scared if you speak out loud, someone will find you.
He whisks around and hides the bottle behind him. "Nothing", he hisses.
Marching up to the table, you jank the flask out of his hands and inspect for any label. You take a subtle whiff and something pungent hits your nose. Poison.
"Draco!", you gasp, practically throwing the empty flask on a table, "what is your plan? March up to Dumbledore and force-feed him the poisoned liquor?"
He angrily turns towards you, baring his teeth. "I am not that stupid!"
"So, have someone else do it for you? Imperio another student and have them deliver it to the professor? Like you did with Katie Bell?"
Angry tears start to form in your cousin’s eyes as he grabs both of your shoulders and rams you against something. You let out a whine as the handles of a closet dig into your back.
"You have no right of speaking! You have it easy! You don't need to kill someone because your father fucked up!" Draco screams in your face but you don't cower away. You keep staring at him with a cold look and wait until he's done.
Pushing him harshly away from you, he trips over his feet. “Don’t you ever lay your hands on me again”, you growl between your teeth, looming over the shaking boy. “Oh little Draco Malfoy has it hard? Little Draco Malfoy has to do something he doesn’t want to?” You take a step forward, and he crawls backwards, fear in his eyes. You pout and angrily mock him in a baby-like tone.
"Well, guess what? THAT'S MY WHOLE LIFE! If there is someone with the right to speak, it's me! Did you know that your mommy came to me this summer, begging for me to protect you? Where was that when I got the Dark Mark? When I was forced to torture an innocent man? Where was that where I — a child of fourteen — was wed off to the highest bidder?
"Nobody gives a crap about my feelings because I am the heir of Tom fucking Riddle and it is expected of me. So don't you dare to lash out at me!"
Your body is buzzing with anger, your hands itching to grab your wand and lash out towards Draco. Instead, you storm out of the overcrowded room.
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Taglist (if you're bold I couldn't tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @mythicalamphitrite @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters
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messedupfan · 1 year
Chapter 1
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Summary: An incident occurs in Wanda's house.
A/n: Hello!! I am back with yet another series. Listen, I have been given many oneshot requests and ugh, I always want to turn them into series. Like, Comment, and Subscribe hahaha Enjoy!
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Tommy and Billy run around the house. Billy is chasing his screaming brother with a ball he’s threatening to throw at him. It was a baseball that Tommy had thrown at Billy in anger. Billy was upset but he was used to his twin's outbursts and he wasn't going to do anything about it until Tommy started laughing at him for complaining that it hurt. And claimed he was a cry baby and that it wouldn't hurt if it hit him. That their dad wouldn't have started another family if he was better at catching a ball. So, Billy picked up the ball and demanded, “Apologize!” 
Tommy was screaming that his brother couldn't take a joke and Billy asked him to apologize. To take back the claim about their father. “Gosh you're so sensitive!” Tommy screams as he stops in front of a wall. Seeing red, Billy lunges the ball at his brother. He dodges it and the ball flies through the wall behind him. 
Wanda hears the loud noise from her home office. It snaps her out of her work daze. She was in the middle of measuring the model pieces to the blueprint she had drawn up. She drops everything and runs to find out what is happening in her house. She walks in to find her two boys yelling and blaming each other. She sees the gaping hole and a broken picture frame on the ground. It was a family portrait. 
The last one before everything in her family had fallen apart. It was taken two years ago. She was a naive woman in that image. Her husband was three years deep in an affair. Shortly after this photo, he revealed that he got his teaching assistant pregnant. That he was leaving to be there for his new family. He claimed that Wanda had been cold and distant with him since their daughter was stillborn. He said that he was a man and had needs that she couldn't meet anymore. 
Wanda sighs and the boys stand still, terrified of what she's going to do and how she's going to punish them. Instead, she walks away into the garage and returns with a sledge hammer. She swings it against the wall, creating a bigger problem. She remembers when he painted the wall the color she didn't like and made her feel guilty that she didn't like it. “You never appreciate when I do nice things for you,” he complained. “You should be grateful I did it at all.”
As she whacks the wall, she hears every complaint and condescending comment her ex-husband ever made. When she's exhausted, she drops the head of the hammer on the picture. Destroying the frame further. She turns to her flabbergasted boys and offers them the hammer. “What? You don't want a turn?” The boys remain silent and Wanda shrugs and drops the tool on the ground. “Go get cleaned up, we're getting take out for dinner tonight.” She walks through the living room, leaving her kids behind to grab her things. 
A few days later, Pietro is visiting his sister as well as giving his daughter time to bond with her cousins. He sips his beer and stares at the destroyed wall. He looks at his twin and asks what that is. Wanda pops open a bottle for herself. “I’m renovating,” she says and after, she takes a long drink. 
“You know that's not up to code, right?” He says, eyeing his sister with concern. Wanda shrugs without a care. She knows all about the proper ways of construction. Their father taught the two everything he knew about construction. She didn’t need her brother’s input. He knows that, but he didn’t know how to get his sister to open up to him. It seemed that since her marriage fell apart she has shut everyone out. “Do you have a plan for it? You can’t leave that wall like that for too long. It isn’t safe for you or the kids.”
Wanda takes another swig as she stares at the broken wall. “I’m drawing something up. Don’t worry about me, brother.” 
“I am worried about you, Wands. What’s gotten into you?” Pietro asks, desperate to connect with her. 
She looks at him with empty eyes as she shrugs again. “I wanted a change so I’m making one. It’s no big deal.” She finishes her bottle and gets up to retrieve another. There aren’t any left. She sighs as she grabs her keys. “I’m going to go pick up some more drinks, do you mind watching the kids?” 
“Wanda, I don’t think–” he stops as soon as he looks at her and sighs. “Okay, yeah, I’ll wait here. Just,” he starts and fails to come up with the right words that won’t set her off. “Be careful,” he finishes and Wanda nods once as she leaves. 
She drives around a bit longer than she needed to. There is a supermarket around the corner from where she lives. But she didn’t want to be recognized by her neighbors. She didn’t want the questions of the hole in the side of her house. She didn’t want the threats of the complaints to the HOA. She just wanted to get her beer and head home. 
Wanda finds a little liquor store at the corner of some street she isn’t familiar with. She pulls into one of the parking spaces in front of the small business. She grabs her purse and keys and locks the car on her way in. She browses the market for more than she was on a mission for. She finds a few brands she used to have handy for her ex-husband and she wants to smash them on the ground. She can see herself, dropping every bottle on the ground. The glass splattering around the store. The liquid pooling around her feet and seeping through the cracks under the shelves, making it almost impossible to clean up. She would keep going until the cops are called and she has to run away. 
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re actually going to buy that,” you break her thoughts with a disgusted look. 
Wanda looks between you and the bottle, “What’s wrong with this?” 
“Well, if you like a very bitter taste, then by all means. I just think your tastebuds deserve better.” You pick up a brand that Wanda actually enjoyed but hardly ever got to have since Vision usually made her feel bad about ever spending money on herself. “Here, try this. I’ll buy it for you and if you hate it, you can meet me back here in a week and tell me off.”
Wanda takes the bottle in her hand, “And if I love it?”
“Hmm,” you look around the store for an idea and snap your fingers when one finally comes to mind. “You can buy me a drink,” you state in a friendly manner. There didn’t seem to be some ulterior motive or red flag about you that was alarming her at the moment. But why were you being so kind to her when she looked like a mess? Did you think she needed your help? Like she was some helpless damsel? Her thoughts start to upset her as they continue to run down a very negative path. “Your choice too,” you offer, getting a little concerned by her silence. Almost wanting to take back the offer. 
All of the loud angry thoughts come to a full stop and Wanda is left with an empty head. “Um, okay, deal. This time next week?” She asks and you nod as you reach for the bottle back. She releases it to you. Knowing that she will be buying you a drink next week.
“Yes, if that works for you,” you tiptoe a bit now. She looked like she could use a friend, you weren’t sure what she was going through at the moment but it didn’t look like she was in a good place. 
“It should be fine,” she states a little softer now. You smile at her and offer your hand to shake on the deal and she hesitates before accepting. “I still need to pick up a few things to take home. So,” she looks around the store awkwardly. “I guess I’ll get that from you outside?” 
You nod, “Yeah, for sure. I have to get a few things too. But I’ll uh, yeah, I’ll see you outside.” You walk away to allow her the privacy she was clearly asking for and you grab the beverages you came here for. Your ex-wife Jean had called you in a hurry. She was making dinner for her new in-laws tonight and she didn’t have time to pick up the wine that they liked. You told her not to worry about it and offered to bring it by when you came to retrieve your daughter. She even invited you to stay for the meal so that the older couple could spend some time bonding a bit more with the little girl. It was going to be somewhat awkward but you figured that the better connected you were with this family, the better it was for your daughter in the future. 
They were very involved parents when it came to their daughter, Jean’s new wife, so that meant they wanted to be very involved step-grandparents. You were going to have to encounter them at birthdays and special events. Is what you keep telling yourself to make you feel less awkward about going. You pay for the bottles of wine and the extra purchase and grab a pack of cigarettes while you’re at it. You light one as you wait for the stranger inside. Hoping the nicotine calms your nerves even though you know Jean is going to be upset as soon as she smells you. 
“You know those things will kill you,” Wanda says as she exits the store. She doesn’t know why she said it. There is a pack sitting in her bag as well. It had been years since she had touched a cigarette but lately, she was feeling as reckless as she was in college. Why not complete the behavior with a terrible habit? She had negotiated with herself when she saw the wall of smokes behind the counter. 
You drop the cigarette and put it out with your foot and look at her. You notice a familiar label poking out of her bag and smirk. “I’ll quit when you do,” you say as you point to the box poking out. Wanda shuffles to hide it. 
“I wasn’t going to,” she says defensively, “I have kids.” 
You tilt your head to the side as you look at her. “Then why get them?” 
“Not that it’s any of your business,” she starts and you put up your hands before she can continue as the words have snapped you in your place. 
“You’re right, my apologies. It’s not any of my business.” You hold out the bag with her bottle inside. “Here you go,” you say with a smile. “I’ll see you in a week.”
Wanda is taken aback. That line has never stopped anyone from imploring more information out of her before. How is it that you have shown her more respect in the last five minutes than her husband ever showed her in their nine years together? “Uh, yeah,” she takes the bag. “I’ll see you then.” 
“Take care…” you laugh as you realize you have no idea what her name is. “I am so sorry for my terrible manners. I'm Y/n. I guess it just felt like we'd met before."
"Oh!" Wanda hadn't even realized that she hadn't introduced herself yet either. "I'm Wanda."
“Wanda,” you repeat with a kind smile. “Well, it was enchanting to meet you, Wanda.” You offer your hand for her to shake again and she does. Feeling a little flattered by your choice of words. The two of you part ways. She blushes all the way back home to her brother and the kids. You drive to a house that was once yours to your ex-wife, daughter, and the extra family you didn’t ever think you would ever have.
Chapter 2
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @olsensnpm @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Constantine is done, but so is Tim
(This happened a bit before Alfred’s and Jason’s headcanons)
*”And I’m tell you that I would know if it was something supernatural. Even Alfred checked you out and nothing was wrong.” John grumbles as he closes his occult book and his hands stops glowing as Tim puts back on his shirt.
*Cue very unhappy Red Robin noises as he reaches over and grabs a huge mug of steaming hot coffee, and drowns it.
*John simply rolls his eyes and wonders why he agreed to babysit the bedridden Robin, but remembers the look of stress in Bruce’s eyes as he asks for help.
*”Fine, you spoiled little brat, let’s get going.” He grumbles as he helps Tim up off of the bed and follows him out of the Batcave and back to the building in question. (While also sending a quick update to the rest of the Bat family)
*Cue a very long, and awkward, walk to the abandoned warehouse, still covered in yellow police tape and the floor covered in dried and old blood.
*Splitting up, while not the best idea, did help Tim remember where he was originally meant to enter from. Which was covered in claw marks (deep into the brick and steel surrounding the high window a good 40 feet up) and a black slime that smells faintly of what he thinks stardust would smell like.
*While Tim, dressed in civilian clothes-trying to blend in, is checking it out, he hears John yelping and cursing in ancient Latin through the steel and brick walls.
*Tim scrambles towards the hole in the wall, and finds Constantine trying to dodge some type of sheep with wings, colored in blues and pinks, that was firing some type of dust at him.
*The sheep, or ram or something, seems to notice him as well and begins to speak in English….
*”Great, another two bit magician who can’t keep his nose to himself.” It huffs as it dodges yet another blast of magic. Before it simply begins to grow and change, spreading dust around itself.
*”Am I high or still asleep?” Tim yelps as he takes cover under a overturned table and covers his nose and mouth with the thick material of his jacket, as it was slowly turning cold, but the creature jumps John before he could return the favor.
*”Get off of me, you sheep whore!” John curses as he scrambles to get his trench coat off of him, as it was being covered in the strange dust, but gets a heeled kick in his stomach in return.
*Tim peeks over to find some type of demon standing over John’s groaning form. Horns like a sheep, or Ram he would have to look it up later if he remembers, and its hair twisted in blues and pinks.
*The clothing, if you can call it that, barely covered anything and he could clearly see that it had black, leather, wings and a long pointed tail.
*The demon jumps off of John and looks over at Tim, giving him a very confused look. Before it gives a clap and floats, flies?, over to him.
*”Little Sleeper will be so happy to see you up and about! They were so worried that they somehow killed you!”
*Cue slow realization that this demon thing, whatever, knew who he was and that it knew that he got his ass kicked by accident! Cue Tim trying to play it off, but him getting a disappointed look from the demon and a choked off chuckle from John.
*”Can’t lie to a demon, sweet little thing. But I like that you have the balls to try. However, I’m not here on a social call, so please drag this sorry excuse of a human being back to your little fancy house and leave the bad guys to us, yes?”
*The demon gives Tim a creepy smile before simply disappearing in a cloud of dust, that strangely smells of peppermint and spiced cider.
*The two men agree to never speak about the incident again, at least until they both get enough coffee in them to properly process what they just experienced.
*Also, cue Tim blaming it on the drugs in his system, which he has none of btw, and goes back to bed.
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
I saw you ask so….
Do you think you could do a George Weasley x male reader who has a fainting condition or got a quidditch injury?
If you’re comfortable obviously,
Or if not even headcannons on dating George?
Thank you ! <3
quidditch george literally has me drooling and sweating 🤭🤭 also, i’ve never done a male reader before, so i apologize if it’s weird. i wanna get more into writing for gender neutral and male readers tho — also i’m still doing the dating george headcanons, i’m just gonna do a separate post for those
Blood & Quaffles
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summary — ever catch a bludger to the face? now you have.
pairing — george weasley x male!reader
disclaimer — i do not own harry potter/the characters or the gif
warnings — blood, quidditch incident, as always i didn’t edit
Quidditch practice with Fred and George Weasley was more in line with a mythological fight than a friendly competition. It didn’t matter that the game wasn’t real, and that their opponents were on the same team as them; they were ruthless. And, unfortunately for George’s boyfriend, he’d been put against them.
“Merlin’s sake, Fred!” Ron shouted as a bludger whizzed past his head. As he ducked out of the way, it gave the perfect opening for Katie Bell to smack the quaffle through the highest post.
“Keep your eyes on the ball, Ron,” Fred yelled back, a wide smile adorning his lips.
“Try not to knock our heads off, would you?” (Y/n) groaned. He flew back to the center of the pitch as the team reset their positions. When the quaffle was tossed, he was able to get an immediate grip on it. He soared across the sky with the ball under his arm, dodging the opposing Chasers as well as Fred and George's attacks. That was until he was met in the face with a bludger.
It came from nowhere (actually, it came from Andrew Kirke, who was on the same team and trying to knock out a Chaser who was on (Y/N)'s tail). A whistle was blown from somewhere in the distance, but he'd already fallen from his broom and was barreling towards the ground. The words "aresto momentum" filled his ears, and right before he smacked the ground, he stopped, floating in mid-air for a moment, then hit the grass with a thud.
"Bloody hell, mate," Fred swooped to the ground beside him, "You aren't supposed to fall off your broom."
"Thanks for the advice," he scoffed, clutching his face. Blood trickled down his nose, and the throbbing of a fresh bruise stung between his eyes.
"I'm sorry!" Andrew landed on the grass, his face filled with fear, "I was trying to get Katie, not you, and I didn't mean to hit it that hard-"
"S'alright." He waved Andrew off, pulling himself up into a seated position. He let out a grunt as the pain washed over him. Before he could move any further, George was at his side, his face both utterly concerned and guiltily amused.
"Up with you," he said, placing his arms under his arms, "Let's get you to Pomfrey."
"I'm fine," (Y/N) protested, but another gush of fresh blood shut him up almost immediately. He could hear Andrew's voice behind him, shouting out remorseful apologies. They continued to walk along the pitch, George waving off the team members as they swarmed the two with concerned faces.
"We're just headed to the hospital wing, not the morgue," he announced, holding the boy under his arm a little tighter.
"Hey, you alright there?" George's voice was soft when the finally made it off the pitch, his eyes soft as he looked at his boyfriend.
"I'll survive," he responded, holding his head up as he pinched his nose. George nodded, rubbing soothing circles on his back. A small grin lit up on his face.
"Y'know, you look kind of hot with all that blood on your face," he chuckled.
"Sod off." (Y/N) rolled his eyes in return, though, a small smile lit up on his face.
When they'd finally made it to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey rushed to them, taking (Y/N) from his arms and to a cot. As she fussed over him, groaning and complaining about how "horrifically dangerous" quidditch was, George silently watched from a few feet away. Luckily for him, she hadn't noticed he was still there, so he was able to watch without being kicked out.
"Is his face going to be permanently damaged? I can't have that," George spoke up, unable to contain his quips.
"Out with you, Mr. Weasley, get back to practice," Pomfrey replied distractedly, her attention focused on the injured boy in the cot below her.
"Keep that handsome nose intact for me," George laughed as he moved towards the exit of the wing. Though (Y/N) let out another exasperated groan, he couldn't help but grin -- even if George was a git.
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a/n — i never use y/n but i tried it out w this one and i really don’t know how i feel abt it
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Caramel (Ross Macdonald)
warning: language, reference to the inseam incident that i will never elaborate more on but love to reference over and over again
note: continues in this fluffy lil mini series that sorta starts here. i think i might continue this into a little mini series because i like this dynamic and i think i need more of y/n and ross in this universe. if you want to, you can imagine all the ross one shots i write all exist in the same universe cuz that’s what i do.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
it’s been 2 days since ross forcefully entered came to check in on you at your shared apartment with violet. you’re still on your period, so of course, you’re still finding it difficult to look ross in the eye without succumbing to your wildest dreams, so instead you made plans that are essentially a huge turn-off for you: hanging out with his friends.
“do i do eyeliner for this? is this, like, an eyeliner occasion?” violet questions while pretending she’s not as frantic as she truly is. she sits on the bathroom counter, having knocked over a few things on her climb up but you decided not to pester her about it.
“it really depends on who you plan on talking to.” you are sitting in the empty bathtub, fully clothed and a throw pillow hugged to your stomach. the bathroom door is closed and violet forgot to put on music so both your voices fill up the room, slightly echoing with enough enunciation.
“give me a run through again?” she pleads. you’ve done it twice, so you assume this last time is the last time but for real this time.
“first there’s adam, he has a girlfriend so he doesn’t care. then there’s george-“
“that’s the other big one, right? the blond?”
“we’ll he’s not actually blond, it’s just bleached. and very fried too. so if you’re into a man with a thicker head of hair, then you’d want to go for matty. but he comes with his own things to think about.”
“i’m skipping ahead, sorry. so george, he’s very nice, very sweet guy, he is the other big one, he’s 6’4. smokes a lot of weed, like a lot. aside from his occasional forgetfulness from that, he’s very kind, very polite and respectful, very much a feminist. and he loves dogs.”
“well, i’m more of a cat person.”
“and you’re out of luck there. all his friends are dog people. you’ll have to adjust. anyways, then there’s matty. he’s like the ‘wattpad bad boy’ of the friend group, i think he got voted most likely to be a mafia boss and purchase a girl named ‘y/n’ from her junkie mother.”
“can you maybe like tell me something relevant about him?”
“that is relevant. he’s a little shorter, curly hair, a lot of tattoos, i mean, they all do. i think george might have the most, actually. he’s a bit of a dick at times and i know he means well or he’s mean in a comedic manner but more than often he just gets on my nerves and i know you have a much shorter temper than i do.”
“so you’re saying i should try to talk to george more.”
“i’m saying you should be careful. men are unpredictable and weird. and gross. you heard about the inseam incident, didn’t you?”
she visibly shudders. “god, how could i forget? fucking grotesque…”
she turns back to meet her own reflection in the mirror, staring blankly, but soon realizes how easily you dodged her original question. “wait, so eyeliner or no eyeliner?”
you give her a long, studying look. “eyeliner.”
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
you hold the door open for violet, always feeling like a gentleman to her damsel whenever she’s around. the inside of the boys’ house is much warmer than outside, and it feels like home, if home was a set temperature.
matty and george bicker over something in front of the tv, a case of dvds, maybe. adam is balls deep in conversation with his girlfriend, carly, while he pets allen, george’s matty’s dog. ross is in the kitchen grabbing a soda and a beer when he turns around at the noise of the door being opened.
“there’s my girl!” he exclaims, seemingly tipsy before the party has even begun. he drops both beverages on the kitchen island and circles around to give violet a brief side hug and you a much more substantial one. he squishes you in so tight you feel your ribs crack and splinter under the weight of it and he’s warm like a home should be. “good to see you, violet, you ready to meet my mates? they’ve been giddy about your arrival all day.”
“fuck off, we have not!” matty hollers over his shoulder and while his head is turned, george swiftly sticks a dvd of his own choice into the player and stands up, fleeing from the scene of the crime. he dusts his hands off on his jeans and reaches out to help his friend off the floor.
once matty realizes what has been done, his jaw drops in offense, and pettily, pushes g’s hands away and reluctantly stands up on his own. he stretches his arms up high and his back and elbows crack in the process. you’re much more used to his antics than violet, so you know he’s only doing this action to make the bottom of his t-shirt ride up, revealing his happy trail and his sexy tattoos.
this isn’t just some weird head-canon you have for him, you’ve actually heard him admit to this trick before when attempting to woo a woman.
ross leads the two of you over to the three men loitering the living room. “violet, this is adam,” adam doesn’t stand as the dog is in his lap, but he gives a humble wave that suffices, “matty,” violet doesn’t need to be pointed to who matty is. he stands and smiles widely and wraps violet in a hug.
“bold,” you mutter. matty flips you off behind violet’s back. you roll your eyes but he doesn’t catch it.
george approaches then, exuding a strange energy you’d never seen before. not from him at least. “and i’m george,” he extends a hand for a firm handshake, and when you watch violet agree to it, you can see him squeeze her hand just a smidge too tight.
they both are so weird. why can’t they just act normal around your friend?
“why are you two acting like freaks?” ross speaks the words right from your mouth and you feel a strong sense of adoration for him the way he can just simply share a thought of yours.
“no reason. anyway, we’re watching 'monster house,'" george dismisses and fetches the beer ross had been in the process of grabbing for him. while in the kitchen, he grabs two more sodas, holding both the cans perfectly in one large hand and you wonder what it must be like to possess such an ability.
ross drops down onto one end of the large couch, leaning into the arm of it and matty gets comfortable on a single arm chair, not leaving much opportunity to sit near violet and you start observing the weird male hierarchy that is already set in place when a new female is introduced to the ecosystem. were they like when you first met them all? you never bothered to ask, it never happened across your mind.
george returns with the sodas and hands one to you and one to violet, ever the gentleman, and sits down on the other side of the largest couch in the room.
“hey, wasn’t that coke supposed to be mine?” ross complains.
“there’s only two left. and y/n and violet are guests, so if y/n would like to share with you, that’s on her.”
ross sticks his tongue out at george’s back when he turns to fuss with the remote. you join the men on the couch, sitting a distance from ross and he immediately pulls you closer than close, you’re basically on his lap at this point. you’re confused at this sudden pda but then you notice it gives violet enough room to squeeze in right next to george on the couch. stupid unspoken male hierarchy rules.
you hand the soda to ross, not even having to ask or say anything at all, he knows it’s his official boyfriend duty to crack it open for you. he does exactly that, stealing a sip of it before handing it back. you squint at him.
you are sly when you side eye violet and george, completely eavesdropping on their gentle conversation but acting like you’re caught up in your own with your boyfriend. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say ross was listening in as well. you’re so in sync with him.
“i moved here after high school, my family is back in california,” you hear violet inform him and george looks all too interested.
“that explains the accent. it’s not everyday you hear an american, especially around here. why didn’t you go somewhere cooler like london?”
“y/n and i used to live there but then she started studying here so we made the move together. and sorry about the whole accent. it sounds a little silly compared to you guys, i know.”
“it’s not silly at all. i’ve actually always found it quite sexy, the american speak.”
it would sound like a load of bullshit if it were coming from anyone else but george is always so sincere in every word he says, you decide to leave them be for now.
you turn back to the man next to you. “can i kiss you?”
he scrunches his eyebrows, “since when do you need to ask?”
“i’m wearing lipstick. it’s gonna get on you. it might be… i don’t know… embarrassing.”
“why would it be embarrassing to have visible proof i just kissed a girl?”
“so that’s a yes, then?”
“kiss me any time. i love your lipstick. get it all over me if you want to.”
you decide to take that as a challenge and use both your hands to hold him down still, kissing every inch of his face that isn’t covered by the dark, coarse hair of his beard.
it takes him by surprise, so he sits still in shock for a few moments, letting you make a complete mess on his face, before finally retaliating, grabbing your face this time and kissing you properly.
“ew, get a room,” you didn’t even notice matty in the corner on the chair, now wrapped up in a thick blanket and pile driving a bowl of popcorn completely solo, looking like a young girl menstruating for the very first time.
ross wraps his arms around you, cradling you protectively into his neck. “mind your business, dickwad. watch the movie.” you mumble something into ross’s neck and he lets you loose so you can speak up. “what’s that?”
“douche canoe.”
he cackles in laughter, “yeah, you’re a douche canoe.”
matty rolls his eyes and you’re more than content with his irritation, so you finally give it a rest and cuddle back into ross, enjoying his warmth since matty stole both of the couch blankets.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @indierockgirrl @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @americanangel @butyou-callmewhenyourebored
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Right in the 1 D /concept/
AN: here's the fic i promised a day or two ago. also i'm unsure what really hit harry on this night so i made up what it was (sunglasses).
This story contains: getting hit in the balls, kisses, experiencing pain, fluff
{ boyfriendrry - soft!harry - current harry era }
word count- 458
Harry gets hit in the balls on Night Five of his residency in Chicago and after the show you help examine him.
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Many things get thrown on stage each night and most of the time Harry can either catch them or avoid them. But tonight he wasn't so lucky. While trying to talk to the crowd on Night Five of his residency in Chicago, a pair of sunglasses came flying towards his crotch. He was so focused on the fan he was speaking to that he didn't have time dodge it and well, it hit him right between the legs.
This caused Harry to double over for a moment before he shook off the dull throb that surged through his dick and carried on speaking. From the crowd you watched the incident happen with a sad frown. What kind of person would throw something hard enough to inflict pain on the person they paid money to see, you'll never know.
After the concert was over with, you rejoined with your boyfriend Harry in his dressing room by running up to him and giving him a big hug. But from the forceful crash of your body into his, your left knee accidently went between his legs and touched his aching cock, making Harry hiss out in pain. "Ah, fuck, careful." he whined out.
"What? What's wrong?" you asked innocently, having forgot all about the sunglasses incident on stage an hour prior.
With a pained expression on his face, Harry mutters, "Got hit in m'balls on stage. M'whole package is sore. Sorry if you wanted sex tonight but I honestly don't think I could even get it up, it hurts so bad."
Realization hits you, now remembering watching this happen and you respond sadly but reassuringly, "Hey, its okay. I'm sorry they threw something that hurt you. When we get back to the hotel do you want me to check it out for you, you know for bruising or swelling? Then maybe run us a hot bath, hm?"
Leaning down to kiss your lips, Harry replies with, "Yeah baby, that would be nice."
And that's exactly what you did. When you got into your hotel room, you helped yourself and Harry undress. Then while the jacuzzi tub in the suites bathroom filled up, you got on your knees and very gently examined Harry's cock and balls. He really must have been in pain if seeing you on your knees naked didn't get him hard. Usually he'd been hard at the mere thought of that scenario.
After noting no significant bruising or swelling to his genitals, you helped Harry step into the bathtub and you both relaxed for a while before actually washing yourselves off. Then you got out, dried off, and cuddled in bed before falling asleep in eachothers arms. Careful to not accidentally touch his dick throughout the night.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @bohogothic // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptresss // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1
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let me know if you’d like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
My Masterlist Masterpost
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swelling-ftm-belly · 1 year
Stealth at the Sports Club
I always waited till all the guys finished using the shower rooms. Only then I felt safe enough to be there; I was stealth at the sports club. With a majority of men I always felt that I missed out on quite some fun in the showering hour. I remember that evening clearly when you took me by surprise there. You were one of my favourites. I liked you for your kindness, your smile put me at ease, and whenever we chatted your eyes would gleam with interest while looking intensely at my lips.
 I knew we liked each other but I dodged your few attempts to ask me out. I was stealth; and I wanted to keep it this way at the sports club. But you were adamant to find me at my most vulnerable moment. Here in the showers. The guys were outside socialising after the intense games. We were alone. We were both naked. You stood there as if taking it all in; the sight of my body.
I expected the worst, I panicked, ran to the lockers, grabbed a towel, quickly dried myself, I felt ashamed and I couldn’t hold back some tears; it was all over. I was going to have to leave and never come back to this club. But you held me. I heard myself apologising, while you were apologising to me for what just happened.
You held me, comforting me in your arms, I felt weak, oh how I was starved for your gentle touch. I couldn't remember how we ended up kissing with agonising passion, all our pent up desires for each other unleashed, the towel I wrapped around my lower body dropped. I didn’t hold back and neither did you.
You were ravishing me with fiery lust; I let you give my body the appreciation and care it craved. For all those years I oppressed myself living fully stealth - I never allowed anyone to come this close. And I was burning, between your big muscular arms, your hairy chest and belly, your full thick bearded face buried in my chest, in my belly, between my legs. Then you turned me around, and bent me over one of the washers, I was ashamed of my wetness. My pussy aching to be filled, penetrated, taken, and appeased with your cum. But I was stealth, I must deny that part of my body any desires - that was how I dealt with it all those years, with total repression. 
At that moment, though, I knew it was too late. I felt the tip of your cock opening up my slippery lips. My whole body clenched at the sensation, I whimpered; and you took it as a sign to go deeper. You went in slow, careful -and I was whimpering, your pace growing faster, your grunts louder, and I was moaning loud enough to be heard from the outside. The guys must have realized by now what was happening. And I didn’t care. We both came around the same time, my cunt clenching around your cock with years worth of hunger, milking it to the last drop; you were balls deep inside me, shooting your thick, potent load into my womb.
After that incident, all I was afraid of was that you were going to out me. But you didn’t, the guys never behaved differently around me, although they were starting to whisper about the two of us. It became a ritual; you fucking me bare in the showers, my moans loud enough to be heard. You always wanted to fuck me raw, you said you wanted to feel me; that my pussy felt the best, tightening with that wet, intoxicating warmth around your insatiable cock. And damn, you were insatiable. And I wanted it all, my pussy never getting enough of feeling you fill me up to the brim, I was coming to terms with how empty my womb felt, all those years, and that I wanted to feel your potent seed take root there.
At some point, you couldn’t get enough of our casual shower-fucks; and you wanted more. I didn’t expect you to become exclusive for me, and we continued our torrid, stealth affair until the fruit of our lovemaking couldn’t remain stealth anymore, neither could I. 
Four months later I was showing, struggling to hide the swollen belly that you so eagerly gave me. I was the one who was ashamed, while it made you pleased, the more undeniably pregnant I looked. I didn’t expect your pride and contentment seeing me carrying your child.  And soon enough, to your own delight, everyone would know that you knocked up the only trans guy at the sports club.
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Dad, I'm sorry I stopped calling: Jack Chambers:
*Mentions of slightly abusive father/parenting, harsh words, trauma, discipline and generational abuse. Also some offensive terms and mild cursing.*
"Waahh!" Four year old Roger had fallen off the slide at the playground and was now wailing from his skinned knee. "Roger!" Jack had shot up from his place on the bench and ran to his little boy, arms wide open. "It's okay, shh, daddy's here," He cooed. "I know it hurts." Jack wrapped his arms around Roger and kissed his knee a million times.
"There...isn't that better?" He said with a baby voice. Roger gave his dad a toothy smile, leaving Jack to steal another kiss to his cheek. He helped Roger up and sent him back to the slide again; Jack walking back to his seat. The sweet interaction happened to revive memories of his own childhood. His father contrasted in many ways to Jack.
"Walk it off!" He would bark whenever Jack had a scraped knee or elbow. Jack couldn't even think of his dad kissing or hugging him for comfort. Jack wouldn't even receive regular compliments for his achievements from his father. In fact, Jack could count on his fingers the time his dad showed genuine affection, one of them being when he was moving out and another was when he found out Jack had settled down with Alice and had Susan.
He was taught to bottle up his emotions. Jack recalled one incident were he cried over being pushed down on the ground by the school bully. His father chided him harshly: "Stop crying like a jellyfish and knock him down back!" Jack shook his head; he knew it would be wrong....even for a six year old at the time. Those times were met with: "Sit up straight! Be a man! Watch your mouth! Say that again and I'll smack you boy!" A shudder penetrated Jack's spine...the thought of him speaking that way to his own children was inhumane.
Jack's mother just took her place in the back; not daring to speak a challenging word to her husband about his behaviour, but would instead take Jack in the back and shower him with her undenying love. "He loves you Jack....remember that." She would always say. But......he couldn't. Even at the tender age Jack was, he understood this wasn't love. Constant criticism, harsh words, condescending remarks, getting berated in public and chauvinistic slaps were the usual for the lad.
His dad was never physically violent; never daring to lay a finger on his son or wife....but his words were so jarring that any 'smack' across the face would be more bearable. And....there were some smacks. Jack cringed remembering getting a spanking for crying over something. "Suck it up Jack! A real man doesn't cry....don't be a bastard! And don't embarrass me like that in public, you hear me!" Jack was always a hothead. It escalated in his early teens when his dad had went too far and duressed Jack with a baseball, throwing it at him to 'dodge'.
Jack grabbed the ball and shot it at his father with a brisk arm. Eyes full of fire and steam shooting from his ears like a boiling volcano. Jack felt someone grab his collar and shake him. "You wanna be a tough guy? I'll show you a tough guy." His dad sneered bitterly with enrage. He still could remember the feeling of his heart sinking into his throat and then dropping to his stomach. His father always punished out of anger rather than love.
"Daddy?" Jack snapped out of his cantankerous thoughts and turned to Roger. "Ready to go home now?" Roger lifted his arms up for Jack to latch onto. "Jack?" He looked up, still in a crouched position about to pick up Roger, he spotted a gray haired man walking to them. He picked up Roger anyway and held him tightly in his arms, still looking and waiting for the man. That's when Jack recognized the codger. "Son! What a surprise!" Jack pressed a tight lipped smile and gave a nod.
"Who's this little monkey with ya?" He smiled, making his way closer to the father and son. "Roger. This is my son....my youngest child." Jack's voice a little edgy but still polite. He clutched onto Roger tighter. "Well I'll be damn! You and the Mrs. had another one! He's looks just like you." Jack kept his artificial smile still; secretly exasperated with his father's potty mouth. Especially in front of his grandchild. But he stayed tight lipped and just looked his father in the eyes. "So what's changed? Are you still that larrikin that you were?" Jack sucked in an eyeroll. He was never a troublemaker......just a little choleric at times....well, still was.
"No, I'm just pretty busy with the kids you know....and Alice," Jack tried to be bright. His dad nodded, "What happened to being in New York? The kids would go to a solid public school, and you and the wife could probably get away for a little while and come visit us,"
"I wanted a change of scenery...San Diego is perfect- what are you doing here though?"
"Me and your mother stopped by to visit. She's in the hotel right now, but....I just had to come see you.....I thought you'd call once you got to California?" Jack gave a small smile, but no response. "What could I say?" Jack said, jokingly...but his dad got the message...there was nothing to talk about with him.
Roger gave way to a whine. "What's wrong with him?" Jack's dad had this pang of annoyance in his voice, making Jack shoot him a look quickly before turning back to Roger. "I think he's ready for a nap- aren't you puppy?" Jack said; softness ricocheting in his voice with cooing sprinkled through. "Whining won't help. Remember that's what I taught you Jack right? And what type of nickname is puppy anyway? He's a dog now?"
Jack furrowed his eyebrows. Puppy was an affectionate nickname he came up with because Roger to him was like a little puppy: hyperactive and followed you everywhere. Not to mention, you had to watch him with eyes in the back of your head. But yeah he did remember being told not whine. Five hard smacks to the backside.
"It's just his way of communicating," Jack hissed a little, "He's practically a baby." Jack cooed to Roger; gently rocking him back and forth in his arms. "You're going soft on him Jack, I'm telling ya, he's gonna be a twinkle fairy," He continued, "He ain't no baby anymore...it's time you teach him how to be a real man." That did it. That was the last straw.
Jack could feel his teeth clenching, his eyes becoming red with thick fury like a preying shark about to attack, becoming entranced in the smell of blood. His eyes; white that roll into these big black lifeless eyes like a doll and then....he bites. Hard. Jack showed his murderous fangs; his claws protruding about to swipe deeply into the flesh like a whetted knife. Steam poured from his ears and his skin became red and sweaty, cheeks hot and moist; burned with rage of agony. Eyes were thin slits of a snake, but dark and lethal like dinosaur. But just as Jack was about to rip his father into a new one, Roger let out a cry.
Instead, Jack bit his lip, set Roger into his stroller and saif goodbye to his father, internally flipping him off. He mumbled and grumbled all the way home; mind still racing over those nasty words. Twinkle fairy.
He might as well said Bastard. Well no....then Jack would have even more of a reason to slaughter him for that. Words couldn't describe the ire and resentment he felt in that moment. The very ground he stepped on became like acid; it burned up dry as the anger of Jack was too toxic for it. But underneath all that rage, was sadness. Deep heartache of the offensive words that slithered from his father's tongue.
Jack looked down at Roger, almost in tears. He loved his little boy so much that it was killing him. Killing him in the sense of Roger not understanding the loathsome putrid meaning and intention of those words that he didn't understand either. Jack had to stop. Despite being halfway home, he bent down and kissed Roger's forehead deeply. "None of what grandpa said was true....you're perfect the way you are and I wouldn't change that for anything."
Then they continued on home.
Alice, was busy visiting her friend, Margret, with Susan. The house painted a thick muteness. Only the sounds of the key being turned and Jack's footsteps along with Roger's stroller being wheeled into the house echoed. Roger was halfway asleep, so Jack carefully took him out of his stroller in tucked him into his bed. "Have a nice nap litt one." He kissed his cheek and tiptoed out of the room.
After storing the stroller away, Jack sat down on the couch; smashing his face into his hands. Jack's eyes were glossy upon ruminating thoughts over the intricate he had with his father. He had insulated Jack's parenting and Roger simply for being gentle; for Roger being able to cry freely in the arms of his father when he was hurt or something didn't go his way after a bad week.
Jack wouldn't lay a finger on Roger for simply expressing human emotion or yell or scold in for being a 'sissy.' It was those memories that made Jack assay to be a different type of father: one that wasn't respected just for the merits of being an authority, one that was loved for being the best version of himself for his kids. Jack would give a right arm and more for them.
Click! The front door opened; Alice appeared with a sleepy Susan in her arms as well. "Someone wore themselves out blueberry picking." Alice softly giggled. She petted the back of her head and softly rocked her. Jack got up and went over to Alice, eyes surveying the sleeping beauty. Alice furrowed her eyebrows, noticing the weariness and anguished look on her husband's face. "What's wrong?" Jack shook his head, sending a rictus to convince Alice to drop the subject.
But Alice quickly whisked Susan into her bed, before coming back to Jack with an answer to her conjecturing reckon. She guided him to the couch; twiddling her soft hands with perfectly manicured red nails into Jack's more bulky one. "What's up baby?" She smoothed his face with the back of her hand, "I can tell when something's bothering you....you just get this look.." Jack turned away, eyebrows furrowed wondering what look it could possibly be that would give away his secret.
"When me and Roger were at the park.....my dad came up to us; my parents were visiting for the week. All those memories of everything he did; the way he treated me just blew up in my face! And then he criticizes my parenting, tells me that I'm too 'soft' on Roger and that he'll grow up to be a twinkle fairy!" Jack gritted his teeth, slamming his fist down on his thigh. Alice listened patiently. "That did it...I was just about to give him a piece of my mind when Roger started crying. It was his nap time so I took him home.....Gosh, dad really would've deserved a good chide. I pride myself on the way I raise Susan and Roger and how I don't follow the same pattern of my upbringing. Your stronger than my mom in many ways Alice and I'll always be thankful for the way you nurture the kids."
Alice rubbed Jack's back. The lump in his throat was becoming thicker and more suffocating the more he recalled moments of his father. He shook his head, a single tear finally hitting the cotton of the couch cushion. "I could never do that to them," His voice cracked, "They deserve to feel safe....everyone does." Alice snuggled her head into Jack. "Some parents....just don't deserve the rich blessings of being one at all. If they can't give their child the best parts......then they shouldn't even bother."
Jack nodded, pressing a small kiss to Alice's hair. "I love you," She looked up, eyes filled with profound esteem for Jack. "
I love you too. And you know what? You are so much more of a father than your father could've ever been. You teach Susan and Roger and guide them with love and compassion beyond what is possible. You're never afraid to show them how much you love and appreciate them and it fills my heart everyday to know that you truly love being a parent and giving them all of you. You were meant for that Jack....what could he say? Your very presence says enough for him to know that it was you who chose to be the man who is Jack Chambers....a man your father could only imagine of being. You had the guts to do what no other man would've done.....teach a boy what a real man is in love," Alice kissed Jack's lips passionately. "God couldn't ask for more."
Jack sniffled. His faith was reassured again. He was an exclusive rare type of father. And a real man. So Jack got up, and marched into his car and drove down to the hotel his parents were staying at. "Hello, I'm looking for a David and Lucy Chambers?" Jack asked the young man at the front desk, "Of course, they are in room 307."
"Thank you." Jack marched into the elevator and channeled his steadfastness. It was time he needed to confront his parents once and for all. "Jack!" His mother opened the door and threw her arms around Jack's neck. "Oh I missed you so much!" She peppered his cheeks with kisses leaving Jack to smile in warmth. "I missed you too mom." He hugged back. "Where's dad?" Lucy pulled away and looked toward David, "He's in the bedroom."
Jack marched over to his father; shadowing him in his discontent. "Well hey son! You shoot off so fast from the park." He chuckled. Jack gave a tight grin, "Roger had to take a nap. He was getting cranky."
David shook his head, "Being at a child's beckon call won't help...you gotta teach em who's boss and Roger's gonna be a schlemiel if you don't you fix him rig-"
"That's enough dad!" Jack barked, "Roger is not a schlemiel or a twinkle fairy or a gutless person the way you portray him....and me to be. Roger, much like Susan is on the right track to becoming an honorable member of society, and the reason why is because I love them.....I will never be afraid to show them that and to me that is what a real man is......that's what makes character of the person, regardless of gender. I came down here because I wanted to set things straight....whether or not you chose to believe that men can be emotional is between you and God, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand there and let you call my child weak because he cries, because he shows his emotions and doesn't bottle them up.....like.....like someone who's brainwashed into believing that a man's sensitivity is nothing but a mere setback; funnily enough when it comes down to taking what he wants- a woman- then it's okay. But I don't give anyone that much control over me and tell me how or when I should feel things. Then I would be gutless......so no dad, I don't want you talking about my family like that anymore. I'm proud of myself and who I am and what my family's turned out to be, and if that's weak to you.....then......I am a twinkle fairy."
Jack clutched his car keys and walked out, feeling satisfied with everything he said. David followed Jack, conscience stricken with the same pangs eating out the strings of his heart. "Daddy!" Jack, who was halfway skirted out the door, turned to see his little Roger running break neck speed to him. Jack stretched his arms out and tackled him into a hug. "Oh, hello Rogie! Your mommy and sissy are here too!" Jack cooed, upon looking and seeing a tired Alice with Susan in one arm and an assumption of Roger was supposed to be in her other.
"We came for moral support," She kissed Jack's cheek once approached, "We took the trolley, I figured we could all drive home together." Jack noticed his father looking out the door a little, looking pitiful at the interaction with his son and his family. They were never that happy. "I was thinking....maybe we could go out for dinner?" Susan and Roger jumped up and down excited, leaving Alice to shush them. "Well....it is getting late, and it's not like anything's thawed." Alice agreed to the suggestion.
Jack escorted his family out of the hotel and into the car. The family drove out to dinner with Jack feeling his sense of pride again; fluttering at the gospel that he finally broke the cycle.
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rebelscums · 2 years
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Blue (Crosshair x Scientist reader)
Ratings: Fluff | Angst (I mean it’s Crosshair)
Summary: Who knew simply loving a man would be so difficult
Pt 2 of Blue
It had been a week since the incident and I decided to hold off on finishing the modified rifle. I have also decided to fully avoid the bad batch at all costs. At least for this week. Instead, I have decided to focus my attention on work and my friends from the 501st and of course Clare. I have no doubt in my mind that my embarrassing flirting attempt got around the bad batch. Possibly Fives if he saw... But he would have come up to me by now to joke about it.
I squinted my eyes as I added the finishing touches for the new decked out med kit that I made for Kix.
“I’m heading to the chow hall.” Clare announced.
“Is it lunch already?” I looked at my watch and cursed, “I thought it was still morning. By this rate, I’m going to miss Kix before I can give him this.”
I silently prayed that the 501st haven’t dispatched on any last minute mission as I worked a bit faster to finish it.
“Is it finished?” She leaned over my working station, “Wow that looks really good.” She smiled.
“Almost finished…” I said as I finished up the wiring in the med kit, “Now it is!” I smiled taking off my safety goggles and closing the box.
“Nice work! Now hurry up and let’s go before we miss all the good stuff!” She said bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Alright alright.” I laughed as I stood up, “You just want to go see your sweetheart.” I smiled to Clare who immediately turned red, “We haven’t had a proper in office lunch together for an entire week now.”
“I’m sorry! It’s just… It’s different with him now. Before I would hang out with Tech and the bad batch as friends, but now after five years of friendship we’re finally dating! And I just can’t imagine five minutes without Tech.” She admitted with a blush.
I gave her a hug, “I’m really happy for you Clare and I’m only teasing about our lunches. Now let’s hurry up! I bet he’s just excited as you are.”
I quickly grabbed the med kit and with the door to our office closing, we began our mission to track down Tech and Kix. Also to get something to eat.
“Coruscant is amazing, we should really try that new restaurant we saw the other day by my apartment.” Clare mentioned.
“Sure! I think I’ll have some free time next week on Wednesday and Friday if that’s good with your schedule?” I asked dodging a technician as he walked by.
“Let’s say… Friday?” She asked and I nodded.
“Girls night!” We cheered.
“How have you been since last week?” Clare asked her concern not subsiding since the fiasco.
“Since I was embarrassingly rejected? Fine I suppose.” I chuckled, “I shot and I missed. At least he won’t forget me easily.”
“I wouldn’t call it rejected per say.” She said trying to lighten the mishap.
“He looked so uncomfortable when I asked to get him a drink.” I cringed at the memory, “Honestly, I think he said less than five words to me.”
“I think it’s because he doesn’t know of your feelings that’s why I don’t think you should give up just yet.” She explained, “Tech told me that he never thought that I would never date someone like him. It wasn’t until I asked him first that he realized I had feelings for him even and now look at us. I proved him wrong didn’t I? He didn’t realize he was exactly my type and I had to show him that.” She smiled.
“I don’t know… I suppose.” I muttered contemplating, “But Tech is different. He already liked you. Crosshair doesn’t like me.”
Is this even worth trying?
“Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, but there is no harm in sitting with me at their table.” She smirked.
“Huh? Wait! No! I’m not ready just yet!” I whispered panicky at her.
“Too bad!” She sung as the door to the chow hall opened for us.
Clare grabbed my wrist before I could escape. I did everything in my power to keep from dropping the med kit as she dragged me over to her boyfriends table. It was easy to tell that they were the loudest of the clones as they made one hell of a commotion.
“Clare.” Tech smiled standing up to greet her with a kiss on her cheek, “How has your day been?”
“Better now that you’re here.” She giggled.
That allowed me to slip away from her and I mentally thanked Tech for the distraction.
“There’s the weapons genius!” Wrecker cheered raising his drink to me before I could get away.
I laughed nervously, “Hey Wrecker, how’s it going?”
“Awesome! I still can’t get over the weaponized gloves you made me, it’s so cool!” He cheered.
I smiled, the tension in my shoulders easy at hearing how an invention I made helped improve Wrecker’s odds on the battlefield, “You know I’m always happy to help.”
“Finally out of your lab?” Crosshair asked though he didn’t turn around to greet me.
I stared at his back, watching his muscles move as he ate calmly, “Ah yes.” I muttered after a split second, “For the moment. Finally out of the training facility?” I teased trying to start some kind of banter, “You know you don’t need any training, you’re already a genius sniper.” I complimented nervously hoping for anything.
“Hm.” Was all he replied and ruined any chance of any further conversation.
My shoulders deflated slightly as I huffed a bit at my foolish attempt at flattery. What I didn’t see from being behind him was the small smirk he wore.
“Clare, come sit down. I’ll go get you something to eat.” Tech motioned for Clare to sit where he was sat moments ago before he left to get her some food.
This left me standing alone awkwardly by the table. I looked around the room wondering if I could spot the 501st or at least Kix, but it was just my luck that they haven’t shown up yet. What’s taking them so long? Please don’t be on a mission. Please don’t be on a mission. Please-
“What brings you here? We usually don’t see you at lunch. Do you finally have some free time from all that genius work?” Echo asked and I felt relieved that he was talking to me.
He was the only one I really knew from the bad batch. I got along with the other members of the team, except Crosshair, but I’ve known Echo since he was in the 501st. It was actually Echo was the one who introduced me to the bad batch a year ago. I didn’t meet Clare until shortly after that when she transferred to my lab.
“I do, surprisingly.” I smiled, “But not for long I’m afraid. Duty calls.”
“I know that meaning. Why don’t you take a seat?” He asked.
I was about to decline and go look for Kix, but one look at Clare’s her blue eyes told me to sit as she looked towards the empty seat by Crosshair and then to me.
“Uh yeah, I suppose I can for a few minutes.” I nodded looking for a spot, “How has your missions been going?” I asked looking for an empty seat.
“Pretty smooth actually. At least our definition of smooth.” Echo joked.
Unfortunately for me the only seat available was beside Crosshair and I knew I had no choice. I placed the med kit to the right of me on the table as I sat down while giving Crosshair who was on my left enough space between us.
“What’s that you got there?” Hunters’ eyes darted towards the med kit curiously.
“Ah so you are still working.” Echo laughs.
“Guilty?” I shrugged with a laugh, “I mean it’s somewhat free time.” I answered Echo before answering Hunter’s question, “This is a new and improved medic kit I have been working on. I’m going to give it to Kix so he has it a little easier during missions. I’m hoping he likes it because then I can request for it to be mass produced for the other droids.” I rambled on as I admired at my invention.
“Whoa! That looks cool!” Boasted Wrecker.
I smiled, “Thanks Wrecker.”
“It looks like a box.” Stated Crosshair causing the group to quiet down waiting for my reaction.
“That’s because it is a box.” I said simply with a raised eyebrow towards him.
The group bursted in fit of laughter at my comeback.
“Why are you always creating extra equipment like this for us?” Crosshair asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows at his question, “Because I’m one of the head scientist in the weapons lab?”
He rolled his eyes, his tone seemingly suspicious, “We’re just clones, what are you gaining from making these unorthodox gear?”
I was too busy looking around the room to notice the accusatory tone and replied, “Because, I need all of you to have the best fighting chance… To come home.”
I missed the slight frown on Crosshair’s face as he looked at me. Suddenly his food suddenly seemed less interesting next to the girl sitting beside him wearing her uniform that told everyone just how smart she is.
“You…” His voice was soft, but was quickly overshadowed by Echo’s exclamation.
“There’s Kix.” Echo pointed towards the entrance and I looked to find the 501st squad entering the chow hall.
“I better go before I miss him.” I stood up and quickly grabbed the med kit.
“Mind if I join you? I want to say hi to the boys.” Echo asked while standing up.
“Of course you can Echo.” I smiled at him and waited for him to round the table towards me before we headed over to our old group of friends.
“She works herself too hard.” Hunter commented as the group watch the interaction.
“She got that from her mother.” Clare chuckled, “I’m pretty sure she survives on caf and sheer willpower.”
“Sounds like Crosshair over here.” Hunter mused causing the sniper to scoff.
“Okay Kix, this medical case is lighter and can withstand more blaster fire than a droid.” I set the container down on the white table, “And it has- No!” I yelled gaining the attention of the entire chow hall, “That does not mean to try it out!”I yelled as stopped Fives from putting a blaster to it, “Put that blaster down right now Fives.”
“You said it was blaster proof.” Fives insisted but surrendered at my stern gaze.
“Right now.” I crossed my arms.
“Fine mom…” He sighed, rolling his eyes dramatically, “You’re no fun.” He grumbled as he bolstered his weapon.
“Anyways…” I eyed Fives suspiciously as I continued, “I even put your name and logo on it, Kix. It’s all yours.” I smiled, my happy demeanor returning from watching Kix’s eyes lit up at the one thing that differentiates him from the rest. Something that gives his name and his job meaning.
“Has anyone told you your amazing?” He said lifting me up in his arms in a quick hug before putting me down to inspect his new med kit further by opening it, “No way! It lights up too?!”
“I figured it would help you see your medical supplies better when out on the field. Of course you can turn it off here,” I showed him a button outside the case, “If there is trouble and you need to remain out of sight.”
“Genius!” He wrapped me in another a tight hug, “Thank you.”
“Of course.” I laughed feeling squished before he released me.
“Jesse!” He called to Jesse who was in line to get his food, “Come check this out! Everyone get over here!”
I missed the hard glare directed to us as I talked with my old friends. The rest of the bad batch got up shortly after to join the commotion except for a certain sniper and Hunter who could sense the anger rolling off of his brother. He decided to get up and sit beside him so others wouldn’t hear their conversation.
“You could always try going over there and talking to her.” Hunter suggested.
Crosshair rolled his eyes as he returned back to his meal, “And why would I need to do that?”
“Because I don’t want to see any of the regs with blaster holes in them.” Hunter said causing Crosshair to scoff, “I know you didn’t go home with anyone that night and I have a feeling I know why or more exactly who.”
Crosshair remained silent, refusing to answer any of Hunter’s suspicions which only proved that he was correct.
Hunter stood up, “Why don’t you try congratulating her. That would be a good start.” He patted Crosshair on the shoulder before he walked away, hoping that Crosshair would take his advice.
“I don’t need to do anything.” Crosshair muttered angrily before glancing over to her form, watching her smile at Rex.
His fingers curled around his spoon as he watched the interaction. He found himself taking strides towards her, not remembering how he got up in the first place, but there he was being drawn in by that stupid itch in the back of his mind. He didn’t even understand why he was doing this. Why he was suddenly standing in front of her as she peered up at him with those dumb round eyes.
“Cross.” I called out to him inside of why he was suddenly here.
The other clones gathered around Kix as he boasted about his new gear, but all that noise seemed to drown out with him standing so close to me.
“I…” He began and suddenly the words caught in his throat and the uncertainty in his voice made him angry.
“Crosshair! She said this thing is blaster proof and you’re the best shooter here! Let’s take this thing out to the landing pad and try it out!” Fives yelled.
I looked at Fives incredulously to which he raised his hands in surrender, “You said not indoors.” He reasoned.
I shook my head with a chuckled, “Alright, why not.” I agreed causing Fives brothers to join in on his parade to the landing pad.
I smiled up at Crosshair, “Let’s go, I’d like to see what you got.” This time I didn’t miss the faint pink dusting his cheeks as a majority of us headed outside.
Crosshair didn’t move away when I stood beside him and I felt giddy this close to him. He smells like blaster smoke and the comfort of rain. I thought and cursed at myself for acting like a teenage girl around her first crush. I focused my attention on Kix who was hesitantly placed his new med kit on the ground. He looked at it as if it were his child that was going to be taken from him. I could see the question and worry in his eyes as he looked over to me.
I gave him an encouraging smile, “Don’t worry Kix! If it breaks I’ll make you a new one, promise.”
“Thanks.” He said in relief before racing over to Hardcase.
I stood by Crosshair as he readied his rifle. I watched him or more so his forearms as they tended while he cocked the gun in place.
“Do you ever get tired of it?” I asked him still not looking away from his arms.
“Of what?” He asked.
“Of shooting.” I motioned to his weapon.
“Never.” He stated, his voice holding a gruffness to it that would only tell the truth.
It was an answer fitting for him. Simple and precise while holding a world of meaning in it. I admired him for his passion.
“Hm.” I looked up to see a toothpick placed in his mouth and my brows furrowed, “Where do you keep those?”
He smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He said before raising his rifle up and aiming at his target with ease.
I scoffed with a smile at his teasing response, “I would-”
“Hurry it up Crosshair!” Wrecker yelled and the other soldiers followed suit.
With one shot, Crosshair hit the med kit dead center as if anyone had any doubt. We all watched as the smoke cleared in amazement. Any other kit would have blown up deeming it’s contents inside unusable, but this one… This one remained in tack, the only thing that happened was that it flew back a few feet.
Kix ran over and picked it up, “It lives!” Kix held it in the air as a chorus of cheers grew.
“Nice shot.” I commented while the others celebrated over a small triumph.
It made me happy seeing my friends have fun over something that wasn’t war even it was in a sense going to be used for it… At least in this moment no one’s life was at risk.
“Nice med kit.” Crosshair replied, his gun now on safety as he held it at his side.
I couldn’t help the small smile on my face nor did I hide it as I looked up at the tall soldier. I was surprised to find him already looking at me and I felt stuck under his amber gaze. Butterflies filled my stomach while I looked closer at all the small perfect imperfections on his face. I think this is the first nice moment between us… Should I ask for more? I really want to.
“Cross…” I said softly, “Do you maybe want to-”
“She’s a doll, isn’t that right sweetheart!” Jesse suddenly walked up beside me kissing my cheek as he spun to go talk to Rex.
Rex gave me a thumbs up as he called out, “You did great little genius.”
I laughed my cheeks turning red at the sudden display of affection from the goofballs I call my friends.
Crosshair glared and crossed his arms as he watched that display between her and his brother, “I get it now.”
I turned to him at his sudden choice of words, “Get what? I don’t understand?” I questioned, looking at him. My brows furrowed at the sudden rigidness in his stance, more so than usual.
He pointed a finger at me with a hard glare, “I know exactly why you are doing this. Not for us, not to keep us safe like how you said, but for your twisted desires of being praised. You just want all of the clones attention. I bet you get high off it. Well you won’t get it from me.” He said before leaving.
I felt my world turn sour as the door shut behind him, my shoulders slumping in defeat. Clare noticed this and quickly made her way over.
“What is it?” She asked, “Did something happen?”
I looked at her while trying my hardest to keep my bottom lip from trembling, “He hates me.”
Stay tuned!
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@ttzamara @kateii @brynhildrmimi @theamericanjewitch @dream2501 @spaghetti-666
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snarky-magpie · 9 months
I'm writing something new after 4 months, finallyyyy, I missed starting something new. (Jegulus quidditch rivals from James' POV - haven't done that yet. I usually write him smitten.) “Flew here? Why? Apparating too difficult for you?” Regulus asks with the confidence of the man who’s already counting his winnings. 
“Can’t. Concussion,” James spits. Admitting he messed up and didn’t evade the bludger coming his way fast enough is embarrassing. It was such a rookie move. He can never admit he failed to spot the ball in his last match against the Magpies because he devoted all his attention to Regulus, who moved on the broom in a way that had to have been illegal, and James was determined to prove it. Not only did he fail, but he got a concussion for his effort, accompanied by an apparating ban. Now, the cause of all his problems stands in front of him, smirking as if he’s privy to James’ shameful secret.
“Yes, I seem to recall an incident. Unfortunate, that.” Regulus shakes his head in mock compassion. Compassion shouldn’t come in a mocking flavor, but somehow, Regulus Black succeeds in serving it just like that, with a sprinkle of humiliation on top. “You should learn to dodge.” 
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