#documentary letter of credit
pacificcorp · 7 months
Learn about Documentary Letter of Credit with our complete guide. From types to Unsecured DLC, get the right knowledge on Trade finance.
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yieldfinance · 8 months
Your one stop solution for standby letter of credit providers
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Yield4Finance is a renowned Standby Letter of Credit Providers (SBLC Providers). With a stellar reputation in the industry, they are known for their expertise in facilitating secure and efficient financial transactions. As the best Standby Letter of Credit and Letter of Credit service provider, Yield4Finance offers tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of businesses worldwide. Their team of experienced professionals ensures seamless execution of transactions, providing clients with peace of mind and financial security. Whether it’s for trade finance, project funding, or other financial requirements, Yield4Finance is committed to delivering reliable and prompt services. With a customer-centric approach and a focus on building long-term relationships, they have earned the trust of clients globally. When it comes to Standby Letter of Credit and Letter of Credit services, Yield4Finance is the preferred choice for businesses seeking excellence and reliability.
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yield4finance1 · 1 year
What is a Documentary Letter of Credit?
 is a bank’s promise to pay a seller on behalf of the buyer as long as the seller complies with precisely defined terms and conditions specified in the credit. Parties of the transaction are the applicant, beneficiary, and assurance of payment. The applicant is the buyer of goods, the beneficiary is the seller of goods, and assurance of payment is the bank that substitutes its credit for that of the buyer. Minimum terms, conditions and information are needed to be agreed upon between the Applicant and Beneficiary for the Applicant’s bank to issue the Credit to the Beneficiary. To understand this further, we should acquaint ourselves with the documentary collection, the documentary collection process, and document payment collection.
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tradefinancecompany · 2 years
Radisson is a Leading Provider Of Issuers Of Standby Letter Of Credit Sblc Services.
Radisson is a leading provider of Issuers Of Standby Letter Of Credit Sblc services. We have a long track record of success in helping our clients obtain the financing they need to grow their businesses. We work with a wide range of banks and financial institutions, and our team has the experience and expertise to get the best possible terms for our clients. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and the best possible financing terms. Contact us today to learn more about our SBLC services.
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sriyaenterprise · 4 months
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fmohamed · 1 year
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axioscreditbank · 1 year
SMEs ie. Small & medium-sized enterprises play a vital role when it comes to strengthening the economy, especially in developing countries. They represent about 95% of the global economy and are considered an important contributor to job creation with a significant majority of the business worldwide. But thanks to the sudden outbreak of the global pandemic of Covid-19, businesses in all sectors are facing an economic crunch and are becoming risk-averse, especially for international trade finance.
SMEs have limited access to financial services and one of the biggest challenges they are facing when exporting is to secure affordable & flexible financing from banks. They need working capital to run their overseas transactions smoothly but traditional banks don’t often provide lending solutions to companies with smaller balance sheets. Here, one of the best & affordable ways to survive in the international market is to apply for trade finance from various international trade finance providers like Axios Credit Bank. They enable SMEs to not only fulfill their efficient cash flow requirements with an instant fund but also finance their overseas transactions across the world. Now SMEs can have several alternative financing solutions which are specially tailored as per their business needs.
In this blog, find out why trade finance is beneficial for small & medium-sized businesses. Let’s start:
It Eliminates Breach of Trust in International Trade
Undoubtedly When two unknown parties across the borders having different rules & regulations enter into a contract, they are at risk of trust breach. The lack of surety in paying & performing the T&C of the agreement can turn down a business opportunity for parties-to-the-contract. Here, using trade finance instruments like Letters of Credit can help SMEs mitigate these risks as well as build trustworthy & strong global trade finance relationships. While operating in the global market, having a trade deal backed by an intermediary i.e. legal authority like a Bank or an FI provides SMEs peace of mind, establishes credibility and surety of payment on time.
Originally Posted: https://www.axioscreditbank.com
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emeriobanque · 2 years
A type of financing known as trade finance is created especially to support transactions involving international trade. It gives companies that import and export products and services access to short-term working capital, assisting them in managing the risks involved in international trade. Short-term working cash can be obtained through a variety of trade finance services, including:
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1. Letters of Credit: A letter of credit is a document that, under certain circumstances, a bank issues to a seller of products or services to guarantee payment. This can lessen the seller's risk of not getting paid and give them the working capital they require to complete the transaction.
2. Documentary Collections: A documentary collection is a payment strategy in which the buyer and seller trade documents and money through the help of banks. Given that the seller can get paid after presenting the required paperwork, this can be a helpful way to get short-term operating capital.
3. Invoice Financing: Getting short-term working cash through invoice financing entails using invoices as collateral. Businesses that have unpaid invoices that are approaching their due date but require cash sooner to meet their own financial responsibilities may find this to be a useful option.
4. Supply Chain Finance: Financing the complete supply chain, from raw materials to finished goods, is known as supply chain finance. Given that it offers financing throughout the entire production cycle, this can be a helpful way to acquire short-term working capital.
In general, trade finance services can be a helpful way for companies involved in international trade to get short-term operating capital. Trade finance enables companies to manage their cash flow and lower the risks involved in cross-border transactions by giving them access to financing that is particularly suited for such transactions.
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eddiesghxst · 11 months
The After Party
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this is nothing but smut and entirely based off the gorgeous and delicious request my sweet stink @mmunson86 sent me <3
credit for cute lil dividers: @cafekitsune
pairing: rockstar!eddie x makeup artist!reader
summary: you and eddie celebrate after a successful night
contains: eddie is a little anxious in the beginning, grinding, oral (f and m receiving), p in v (unprotected - don't be silly), creampie, multiple L word bombs, and eddie being a sweet lil rockstar bf <3
word count: 4.5k
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The Oscars.
A night full of pretentious actors and actresses who walk with their noses high in the air with straight backs and posh accents to match.
It’s a load of bullshit, is what Eddie thinks.
Maybe not bullshit— that’s a harsh way to put it— but it’s definitely not any place for a metalhead rockstar, let alone four metalhead rockstars.
Yet, here Eddie is, preparing to step out of a black SUV and into the swarming crowd of flashing lights, nameless faces, and a hailstorm of screaming questions. Not the ideal way Eddie would choose to spend his Sunday night, but he’s more focused on what will come after the award show.
A night spent with you.
His lucky charm.
You and Eddie met many moons ago, back in ‘91. Corroded Coffin was finally going big and landed a shoot for their first official music video. Eddie hadn’t believed the day could get any better, but then you came in, all panicked and spewing apologies for running late. And you were gorgeous; everything about you was perfect: your hair, your lips, your eyes, your hands, your legs. Everything. And, well, Eddie was stoked to find out you were a part of their makeup crew for the day. 
Obviously, Eddie managed to end up in your chair, and it’s the best decision Eddie ever made— because now, four years later, Eddie’s riding to the fucking Oscars with the love of his life.
Fuckin’ ace, right?
When Eddie asked you if you were doing anything on the night of the Oscars, you had initially thought it would be to do his makeup since you don’t often attend these types of things with him, but he quickly shut that down, “No, I want you to come with me— you do know you’re also my girlfriend, right?”
You were surprised because, well, shit, it’s the fucking Oscars, but even if you insisted that Eddie should take Wayne instead, he refused to take no for an answer, and now he’s thankful for his stubborn manners because you look stunning.
Eddie can’t wrap his mind around how beautiful you look tonight. You always look beautiful, but tonight, it’s a different tier of Disney princess incarnate. You’re breathtaking, Eddie thinks as he watches you apply your lipstick.
You’re wearing a custom-made all-black lace Chanel dress; it hugs you in all the right places and sits around your chest in a sinfully perfect way that has Eddie shifting in his seat every now and then. 
Eddie doesn’t realize you’re talking to him until you reach out and touch his knee, “Huh?”
Your lips curve into a soft smile, “You doing okay, hon?” You ask as you squeeze his knee.
Eddie hums, resting his hand over yours and curling his fingers around yours to bring your hand to his mouth, muttering into your knuckles as he kisses your warm skin, “Peachy.”
It’s not Eddie’s scene; award shows like this. More so because Eddie is a singer and not an actor, but the band was nominated for best documentary feature. For the past two years, Corroded Coffin has been working day and night on their rise to fame documentary— and fuck, did the film pull numbers.
Initially, the boys hadn’t imagined the movie would get this much attention, and Gareth wouldn’t believe it even if you showed him the actual numbers, but reality settled in when they got the letter for their Oscar nomination.
The boys have been excited, to say the least. Eddie has been preparing a speech for months now and has been talking about it for weeks on end, and now that the day has come, Eddie’s a nervous wreck, and apparently, he’s shit at masking it because you’re leaning over to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“You’re gonna do great. You have nothing to worry about.” You assure Eddie with a squeeze of his fingers, and Eddie thinks you’re right— there’s nothing to worry about, right?
Eddie was wrong.
The show went great. Corroded Coffin won, and Eddie did somewhat okay on his half of the speech, but whoever the idiot was that was in charge of seating arrangements sat you right next to Steve fucking Harrington— and god, Eddie couldn’t stand how close Steve leaned in each time to speak over the chatter of the crowd.
You’ve mentioned Steve in the past, something about working together on a past film, but Eddie wasn’t aware of how close you two actually are— and is it a crime to get grumpy when a guy is clearly fiending for your girlfriend? Eddie doesn’t think so.
But how can Eddie be upset when you’re peppering wine-sticky kisses all over his face?
“I’m so fuckin’ proud of you.” You mumble between each kiss.
Eddie can feel the curve of your smile against his skin, and his stomach flips as he squeezes at your hips, pulling you closer as he melts into the plush hotel covers.
“You’re so sweet. Got this hotel for me when it’s supposed to be your night?” You hum, pressing your body into Eddie’s as you leave one wet kiss against his chin. Eddie smiles, “I wanted to do something nice,” Eddie shrugs. “It’s a celebration for us both, princess. You were a part of the journey, too, you know.” He presses a kiss to your lips, and you snort.
“Barely,” you grin. “But I’m honored to have been mentioned in your speech.” You dust your nose across Eddie’s, and Eddie hopes you don’t see the blush that rises to his cheeks at the mention of the heartfelt words he’d said to you while on stage. It made the crowd awe and coo, and you had tears in your eyes when he found his way through the arena back to you, wasting no time in giving you a bone-crushing hug and an excited kiss.
Eddie’s hands trail over your back to squeeze at your ass, humming against your lips when you push back against his touch. Eddie’s fingers curl into the fabric of your dress, “Take this off,” he grumbles, and you smile, kissing him once more before pushing yourself up, “Not so fast, I’ve got a surprise.” You crawl off his lap and roll your eyes when Eddie groans at the loss of contact. 
You fondly gaze down at your boyfriend dramatically splayed out on the hotel bed and snicker as you softly kick at his foot, “Pause the theatrics and unzip me, please?”
Eddie sits up with a grunt, lips twitching when he sees the smile on your face as you turn your back to him. Eddie’s fingers are cool and gentle when they brush against your skin, knuckles grazing down your spine as he unzips the dress. You hold the dress to your chest so it doesn’t fall, and you shiver when Eddie leans forward to press a kiss right in the center of your back, his hands slinking into the opened dress to curl around your warm stomach. Your teeth bite into the smile of your lip as you shimmy out of his hold, teasing him for being greedy and ignoring the annoyed remark he sends toward you.
Eddie watches, lovestruck and in awe, as you saunter into the ensuite and disappear behind the closed door. And as Eddie sits on the edge of the bed, watching the shadow of your figure move beneath the door, he can’t stop himself from asking, “So, what’s up with that Harrington guy?”
Eddie tries not to let irritation seep into his tone, but he rolls his eyes and nods as he responds, “Yeah… Steve.”
You knew Eddie had been thinking about your interactions with Steve ever since you found your seats and realized you were sitting next to your longtime friend. It was all friendly, an excited hug to see one another after so long, followed by a lot of conversation throughout the night. Eddie didn’t interrupt, but he kept his hand on your thigh for most of the night.
You had been extra touchy with Eddie all night to remind him that Steve is not who you want and you only have eyes for Eddie, but it seems to have still been on his mind. 
You shrug, even though Eddie can’t see you as you slip on the intricate lingerie. “I told you, babe, we worked on a set together a while back in like ‘89.” You respond before adding on with a joking tone, “He’s too famous for me now.” Eddie immediately responds with, “That’s not true.” and you smile as you strap the garters around your thighs.
You can practically hear Eddie’s gears turning before he speaks up again, “I didn’t know you knew so many people in the film industry.”
Your turn to see yourself in the mirror as you respond, “I mean… sure, Eds, why does it matter?” You ask as you slip on a robe over your decorated figure.
“It doesn’t matter! I mean— it does matter, but I’m not like… bothered.” You giggle as you tighten the robe around your body before swinging the door open, stepping out, and gazing at your flustered boyfriend. The first few buttons of his shirt are open, and his lips are stained red from the wine you’d shared at dinner. His brown eyes are wide and shiny from the light influence, and your heart squeezes within your chest as you step in between his legs and cup his face, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose and then his forehead. “What’s wrong? You’re upset about Steve?” You hum.
Eddie pouts, ringed fingers sinking into the soft material of your robe. “No.” He grumbles. You smile, tilting his head up so he looks at you; you press the palm of your hand against his eyebrows, gently pushing his bangs out of the way. “You have nothing to worry about, Eds. Steve is just a friend… and I’m like ninety-nine point nine percent sure he has a crush on you.” Eddie rolls his eyes as he squeezes the softness of your hips, “You’re just saying that.”
You shake your head with a snort, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you move to straddle his hips. Your robe shifts from the position, and Eddie’s eyes flicker to the small open view he has of your chest, and he groans at the sight of black straps and lace. You shift on his lap, grabbing his attention as you reply, “I’m not actually,” You hum, leaning forward to press a wet kiss to Eddie’s jaw. He breathes, warm fingers ghosting over your stocking-clad legs and squeezing the thick of your thighs. “Everyone wants you, Eddie.” You whisper as you pepper kisses across his jaw and neck.
Eddie’s hands smooth up your sides and back, ghosting over your neck to cup your face and tilt your head, pressing a soft kiss to your lips as you smile and mumble, “S’too bad, you’re stuck with me.” Eddie hums at your words, and you lean in to kiss him again, “Forever.” You add with a joking tone. 
“I don’t mind forever,” Eddie mutters against your lips, and your heart flutters as you imagine forever with Eddie. Settling down in your home together, maybe raising a family, getting a dog or a cat, growing old together. Forever. You want it.
Eddie’s hands are still roaming your body, and you sigh when his fingers gently squeeze over your covered hips. “You gonna show me the rest of my surprise?” Eddie looks at you with hunger in his eyes as his fingers hook into the straps of the garter, pulling and letting it snap against the skin of your thigh and snickering when you jolt with a yelp. “Because these are giving me ideas.”
You giggle, “Ideas?”
Eddie nods, softly nipping at your chin, and you roll your eyes before nodding down at the tied belt of the robe, “Fine then. You can open your gift.”
Eddie’s like a kid on Christmas when you give him the go-ahead. He’s always eager to unravel you in any way, shape, or form, and you have yet to find yourself growing bored of watching him indulge in his favorite toy— you. His gaze is excited, and his fingers make quick work of untying the loose knot, tossing the belt to the side, and pushing open the sides of your cover-up. 
“Jesus fuck…”
Eddie is speechless for the most part, mind struggling on which parts of you to focus on and which parts to touch because every inch of you is just so fucking perfect. Eddie pushes the robe off your shoulders, fingers warm and gentle as they drag down your arms, running over the tops of your thighs and gently squeezing your hips. And then he sees it— the fucking words woven into the fabric of your black panties.
Oscar Winner’s Only
In red cursive lettering. Eddie’s lips quirk into a smile, and you grin as he surges forward to press a searing kiss against your lips, “God, I fucking love you.” He groans as he flips you over, ignoring your squeal as he presses sloppy, wet kisses to your neck.
“You like it?” You ask, and Eddie moans against your skin before sitting up to look at you, “I fucking love it, baby. You’re so fucking good to me,” He kisses you and you hum, “I want you.” He adds.
“Want you all the time,” Kiss. “Every day.” Kiss. “Every second.” Kiss. “Three sixty-five, baby. You’re so fuckin’ it for me.”
You preen, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him in close as your legs cinch around his waist. You sigh heavily into a kiss, your body melting into Eddie’s when you feel him stiff against your core. You squirm, “Show me.” You whisper against him.
Eddie thanks you for the precious and thoughtful gift as he unwraps you from the lacey garments because even though you look like a goddess wrapped in lace, Eddie can’t take a single barrier between you— “I need to see you. All of you. Every inch.” You don’t argue with him on that and allow him to undress the little clothing you had until you’re bare against the hotel sheets. It’s a blurry whirlwind of clothes, kisses, and soft praises as you and Eddie grapple at one another, yearning to feel skin on skin.
Eddie’s kneeling over you, veiny and decorated hands smoothing over your spread thighs, his hair now pulled back into a shitty excuse of a bun— and god, he’s so beautiful. Stark naked body on full display in front of you, tattoos fluttering alive with the steady rise and fall of his chest. Wisps of hair escaped his grasp when he tied his unruly locks, and they now frame his face in an almost heavenly way, and you want so badly to capture his essence in this very moment. Snap a picture and keep it tucked away so you can always gaze at and admire him in this moment.
Eddie’s cock is hard and almost leaking as it stands proud between your bodies, and you want to reach out and touch him, but Eddie is leaning over to kiss you and mumble instructions for you to turn around.
A shiver rolls up your spine in excitement as you flip over, grabbing one of the pillows to hold beneath your chest. You rest your head against the height of the pillow, goosebumps painting all across your body in anticipation. You expect Eddie to hitch your hips back towards him and pull you up to all fours. You expect him to be as hungry and eager as he always is because you and Eddie usually play that way. Rough, hard, toe-curling and sloppy. But you’re surprised when you feel Eddie’s gentle touch travel up the expanse of your thighs, ass, hips, and back, the pressure of him leaning over you to push your hair away from your neck and press a soft kiss to the warm skin.
You can feel him, hard and heavy between your ass, and you can’t help but push your hips back into him. Eddie moans, pressing wet kisses just below your ear, one of his hands slinking around your body and dipping between your hips and thighs to find your soaked and throbbing core. You moan when his fingers explore the familiar area, teasing and dipping and caressing. Your hips move with him and, in turn, allow you to rub against him until he’s panting against your skin. 
“I want it, Eds.” You pant. Eddie hums as he sinks a finger into you, your legs instinctively spreading more beneath him. “Yeah?” He hums, and you nod your head against the pillow. “I wanna taste you first.” He responds, pressing a kiss to your temple. You whimper when his finger ticks up against your spot, thighs twitching in pleasure. “Can I taste her, princess?”
You nod desperately, “Yes,” you pant, “Yes, please. It’s yours, Eddie.”
Eddie’s fingers slip from your core, and he slinks down your body, smattering wet kisses all over your back as he goes. Your heart races as he presses one last kiss to the bottom of your spine before gently tapping your hip. You raise onto your knees at his kind instruction, opening yourself and presenting all you have to him. Eddie groans, hands smoothing over your ass and squeezing the warm flesh before parting you open for his gaze. You whimper at the vulnerability but find yourself clenching in excitement anyway.
Eddie leans forward and kisses the spot where your cheek meets your thigh, “You’re so pretty, baby.” He presses another wet kiss to the other side as his fingers slide through the messy and sticky expanse of your cunt. “So perfect,” He kisses you again. He keeps playing with you as his other hand squeezes the dip of your hip and thigh, “All mine?” He says. You squirm and nod, voice needy and small as you reply, “All yours.”
Eddie leans forward, tongue warm and wet as he drags it up the length of your pussy. You moan loudly, fingers curling into the sheets as he palms each of your ass cheeks and immerses himself in your heavenly waters. He’s calculated with it, soft and languid strokes paired with toe-curling suckling moments over your clit. He moans against you, nose pressing against your ass as he laps at every inch of you.
He parts from your dripping wet folds with a soft gasp, and you moan as his fingers go back to playing with your clit. He smears sticky kisses over the flesh of your ass and thighs, mumbling sweet praises and words as you whimper his name, “M-more, Eddie, please.” You slur.
“I want you to cum on my tongue.” He softly says into your skin, fingers dipping into your pulsing center. You gasp, squeezing his fingers as your legs quiver. “Can you give me that, sweetheart?” He asks.
You nod, wriggling back into his touch, and Eddie hums in appreciation before diving back into you. He slips his fingers from your cunt to hold your hips still for him, wet fingers digging into your skin as his tongue drags through your folds. You gasp when he licks one long journey from your clit to your ass, and Eddie hums as you shiver. He’s a tease, never giving you the rest of what you want as he goes back to devouring your pussy. You don’t mind though because soon, Eddie has you seeing stars.
The feeling is all-encompassing, a lick of fire rolling over your entire body as you quiver and shake in his hold, position faltering until Eddie has to hold you up with a hand pressed to your pelvis.
He keeps going until he’s had his fill and lets you gently fall onto the soft covers in exhaustion. He watches your back rise and drop in heavy breaths and leans over to kiss the middle of your spine. You hum, hips rising to meet his, and he smiles against your shoulder as his fingers wrap around your hips. “Flip over; I wanna see you.”
You’re an angel, Eddie thinks.
Your eyes are clear and blissed out when you look at him, lips swollen and tinted from biting and licking them in your depths of pleasure, and there’s a thin sheen of sweat over your body that makes Eddie’s brain short-circuit. Your hands drag over his arms and his shoulders, softly pushing in an indication that you want to switch. Eddie doesn’t protest, hands finding your hips as you both swap positions so you can straddle him.
You can feel the heavy weight of his cock against the inside of your thigh when you lean in to kiss him, and it makes you squirm. You want nothing more than to lift your hips, line him up, and sink down onto the length of his cock, but you want to taste him first. You want him to feel loved, to feel needed and wanted.
You kiss as much of him as you can on your way down to your destination between his thighs— with the anticipation and excitement bubbling in your gut, they’re more sloppy and needy than intended to be— but Eddie seems to enjoy it, considering the pearly white smear of cum already leaking from his tip.
You smile, settling on your stomach and wrapping your fist around his cock, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the tip. Eddie moans, reaching out to rest a hand on the back of your head as you wrap your lips around him, softly sucking and licking. 
You take him slowly, warm mouth sinking over every inch of him until he reaches the back of your throat. Eddie always loses his wits when your mouth is wrapped around him, and most of the time, it doesn’t take much before he’s thrusting up and fucking your throat, but tonight Eddie only wants to sink into the euphoric pleasure. You’re all around him; the smell of you is on the sheets, the taste of you on his tongue, the feeling of your warm mouth dragging over every inch of his cock, your nails softly scratching up his twitching thighs. Eddie thinks he might be in heaven.
He won’t last much longer if you keep sucking him this good, so he tugs you off his length, wrapping a fist around himself as he looks down at you with low eyes, “Come here, baby,” He pants, “Come sit on it.”
You were eager to have the taste of his cum on your tongue, but your empty core clenches at the thought of Eddie filling you to the brim, so you crawl your way back to straddling him.
Eddie kisses you feverishly, letting go of his cock to grasp at your waist as you settle over him. You gasp when his cock slips against the wetness of you, and your hips rock against him, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you press your bodies together. “F-fuck,” Eddie stutters. He wraps an arm around your middle, aiding your movements as you grind against him. Eddie’s lips dust across the warm skin of your shoulder, and he softly kisses the area. You whimper, nuzzling your face against his neck as you whisper for him to put it in. 
Eddie reaches a hand between you both, and you lift your hips so he has room to grasp himself. He languidly strokes his tip up and down your pussy before lining himself at your entrance. You wriggle yourself down onto him, moaning when his tip slips in.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie moans, fingers tightly gripping onto your hips, “Take it all the way in, baby.” He presses encouraging kisses across your neck and jaw.
You whine when you finally have all of Eddie pressed into your cunt, your pussy fluttering around the base as he stretches you. You shift your hips and whimper, “Feels so good, Eds.” 
Eddie runs his hand up your back, caressing your body as he subconsciously shifts his hips up, bullying his cock deeper into you. You lean in to kiss him, and it’s not the best kiss you’ve ever given, but it’s filled with nothing but soft appreciation for the man beneath you. “I love you.” You remind him, hot lips brushing over his as you speak. Eddie’s cock twitches within your walls, and you pulse around him. “I– fuck,” Eddie doesn’t get to finish his sentence because the drag of your velvet walls on his prick is mind-numbing.
You sink back onto him and hum, “You love me, Eds?” You softly say into his neck. Eddie nods quickly and desperately, heavily swallowing as you lift again. “Yeah. Yeah— fuck. I love you, baby. So much.” He breathlessly pants, choking on a moan when you slide down his cock with a sinful grip.
You’re overwhelmed with pleasure, your mind becoming a blur of sensations, and Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. You whine, wriggling your hips against his, and Eddie coos as he pulls you in tighter. “Need me to do the work, princess?” He softly offers, a gentle hand petting back your hair. You nod against his shoulder, grinding down onto him and pulsing. Eddie sinks lower into the bed to plant his feet on the mattress, causing him to inch deeper into your cunt. “Ah,” you moan, “Yeah. Yes— give it to me, please.”
Eddie doesn’t waste another second, smoothing his hands over your sides and thighs before situating his grip over the globes of your ass to begin thrusting into you at a steady pace. It’s deep and slow, and every single thrust is the right angle, and he has you moaning and grasping onto his shoulders for dear life because “I’m gonna cum.”
Eddie’s head drops back onto the sheets, eyes shut and lips parted as your wet lips smear across his shoulder and neck with each thrust. “Let me feel it, princess, come on.” He encourages.
Your toes curl, and your body tenses as you topple over the edge, spiraling into the warm pool of pleasure. You’re moaning Eddie’s name as he presses his lips to your temple, mumbling how much he loves you and pumping himself to the top of his climax. “Inside, Eddie. Do it inside.” You softly gasp.
Eddie presses into you with a deep groan, pumping his entire load into you. It’s a familiar feeling, having Eddie cum in you, but he’s so deep, and he’s holding you so tightly that your chest squeezes with so much love for him, and you barely notice your eyes welling with tears until Eddie’s shifting back to lift your face. His eyes soften, like he already knows what you’re feeling, and he softly kisses you until you melt into him.
You’re fragile like this, and Eddie knows, so he doesn’t even think of untangling himself from you until you softly sigh, nuzzling your head against his neck and shifting your hips. Eddie groans, dropping a hand to squeeze at your hip in warning of his sensitive cock. You mumble a soft apology, and Eddie brushes it off with a quick peck.
And in a very loved and typical Eddie-fashioned way, he breaks the quiet and soft atmosphere with a sudden question, “So,” he clears his throat, “What were you gonna do with the panties if we didn’t win the Oscar?"
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smolfangirl · 1 year
Just watched a documentary on Vincent van Gogh and more precisely the woman we owe his fame to. Johanna van Gogh was his brother's wife and fought over years, over decades to make Vincent van Gogh a known and loved painter. She met him three times. Her husband and Vincent loved each other so so much and so she loved Vincent too. She lost her husband, had a young child to care for and opened a pension and yet she did everything she could to give her deceased brother-in-law the appreciation he deserved in his lifetime. She read all the letters the two brothers wrote to each other. She sorted them, edited them. She was looked down upon because she was a woman with no education in the arts, and her name wasn't even mentioned in the biggest Van Gogh exhibition in history. (Which was held in her lifetime)
I don't know, something about these beautiful pieces of art only being known to us because of two people who loved him. Because of a woman who persevered, even when she didn't get credit for that. His brother loved him, and Johanna loved his brother, and that's why we get to love Vincent's art. There's hope for us all as long as we are loved
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christelightlavo · 4 months
Jun 13, Thursday : moceit headcanons & songs recommendations.
Moceit song recommendations :
Lemon boy - cavetown
Lies - will jay
Its alright - mother mother
Pomegranate seeds - Julian moon
Sinners - Lauren Aquilina
Curses - The Crane wives
La Seine - vanessa paradis.
Oh Ana - mother mother.
Love like you(end credits) - Steven Universe.
Stawberry blonde - mitski
Tongues & teeth -The Crane wives.
Me and the devil - Soap&skin
Take me to church - Hozier
Hymn for the weekend - coldplay
We belong - dove cameron
Moonlight shawty - Fatboibari
Somewhere only we know - keane
Running up that hill (cinematic version) - kate Bush
Dear Arkansas daughter - lady lamb
Into the unknown - Thomas sander cover.
Moceit headconons :-
Whenever, janus makes something for patton. He always acts like he poisoned the food or drink. Patton always plays along, eating the food he then acts sick and asks "what did you put in it?". Janus always replies with "my love for you". The other sides roll their eyes everytime.
Patton may make the best hot chocolate but Janus makes the best chocolate bar. Together they create the most tasty beverage that ends up making even Thomas suger high.
Patton makes cute stuff toys and leaves them inside Janus's room for him to find.
Janus makes those old Victorian type love letters and gives them to Patton like they are romeo and Juliet even after the sides become okay with them dating.
Janus is the sun in a cloudy day and Patton is the sun after a rainy day. That means they both are often always smiling and alluring together.
Janus only sings to Patton or if Patton is around him.
Patton sometimes steals Janus's clothes when he feels sad. So whenever janus can't find anything he goes over to check on Patton first.
Janus acts and Patton directs whenever they are acting something with roman or remus.
Janus allows people to touch his face scales but only Patton can press them or hold his face for the matter of face.
Patton carries Janus bridal style.
Janus was once practicing his evil laugh and Patton joined in with a "hueheuehue" It made Janus snort.
Patton watches snake documentaries to know Janus better.
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yieldfinance · 9 months
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not-goldy · 6 months
i just don't understand why you guys are so adamant to think jimin is a liar and just simply not listen to him. jimin has never shyed from the truth and even if there are times where he tries to be subtle he makes it still glaringly obvious. im convinced majority of you just didnt watch the documentary and just watched the jikook cut because otherwise you would see how jimin came up with the lyrics what he said about the lyrics and meaning and why he chose jungkook to do it. never once did he even slighty imply it was a romantic love song for a secret partner. jungkook is the vocal model all members use. he is the member all members go to if they want vocal backing. he's done it with yoongi, jhope and now jimin and not to mention the group itself😭 and it's not letter ft jungkook it's letter by jimin. full stop. jk has credit of backup vocals just like namjoon has writing credits there is no difference. the least you all can do is respect jimins music and not just see and hear what you want to fulfill your shipping narrative.
Aht aht aht aht
I'll stop you right there.
I don't care bout all you said from paragraph one - I mean if it don't apply i let it fly. Find whomever is giving you the said headache and take it up with them but I won't let you conflate the credits of these men.
There is a difference between JK being credited as background vocals and Namjoon being credited as writer. No it's not the same thing. They both contributing their unique strengths to his project.
A singer is not a writer. Not all who sing CAN WRITE and not all who write CAN SING.
You do not have to take away from the art of an artist just because crediting one of those artists makes you uncomfortable.
Like you said, JK is credited as background vocals.
Why can't you leave it at that and be okay with the fact people celebrate that? We will celebrate that whether you like it or not. Will do🙂
You can't be this peeved that people want to celebrate that. You can't be. That's so messed up arguing the degree of importance- if it wasn't at all important to JM he could have skipped having Jungkook on. You not the least bit curious why he bothered with Kook on his song to begin with??
Messes with your head don't it???
Whether his contribution is to you minimal or not he's on there.
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that FACT. And if you can acknowledge THAT FACT THEN WE HAVE NOTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT.
Yall solos sound the same whether it's Tae solos or BTS antis. I recall this same debate over Jimin's part in Angel pt 1 with some saying its irrelevant because it's 5 seconds.
Then they argued Jimin didn't deserve writing credits for his "sick and tired but I don't wanna mess up" in BTS' disease.
If he appeared 5 seconds in a movie yall will call him an actor worth nominating for Oscars
If Jimin did Bg vocals for any one especially if it were a song this good and if it trended on the charts at number one yall would be doing back flips so kindly SIT SOMEWHERE AND LET US JIMIN JIKOOK STANS HAVE OUR TIME.
We have yalls digits. We know how yall operate. You are the same. So please just fuck off these Jikook spaces and do this toxic shit in your own spaces WE DO NOT WANT TO COMMUNITY WITH YOU😩😹
Downplaying Jungkook when if it were your faves you'd be rejoicing
The disrespect 😤
The Tuktukkers syndrome yall have😹
One and the same brain cell I swear.
What else did you say...... oh right-
Everyone goes to Jungkook for backing because
Wait for it
But Jimin went to Kook for letter because
So even if you believe with your whole chest that the song is for his fans, ITS FOR A SPECIFIC SET OF FANS WHO WOULD APPRECIATE WHAT HE TRIED TO DO WITH THE SONG- AND TRUST WE DO
Read my lips
Or hands
You know you hate it SAY that to Jimin and go. Tell him you hate Letter because he dared to involve his Jeon Jungkook. Your problem is with him not US you just have a weird inarticulate cognitive dissonance that's preventing you from admitting that.
It's one thing to call out jokers making a song made by jimin and Jimin alone about Jungkook but to come out here with convoluted think peices about the degree of importance attached to a members participation on his song is sad and pathetic.
Fighting for a song yall not even included in😹😹����
Best to believe that.
Wipe your tears with the back of your hands I'm out of tissues
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yield4finance1 · 1 year
Documentary letters of credit 
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sea-changed · 3 months
hey hi how bout that directors cut commentary on the sources behind your liebgott fic. open ended q would love to hear literally anything abt your process. uhh eyes emoji
<3 <3 This is a completely delightful but also extremely dangerous message to receive; that fic occupied my whole mind for a while there and I have so (too!) many thoughts about it.
A lot of the research I did for this fic I did without knowing I was doing research for it; stuff that ended up in it came from a whole patchwork of sources. Books, fiction and non-! Documentaries! Museum exhibits! TV shows! Movies! My goal for the fic was for it to be as nearly structureless as possible, to capture something of the recursive, time-is-out-of-joint-ness of PTSD; this did not fully succeed but it did allow me to be almost modular in putting it together. I didn't structure it out at all until I was over halfway through the writing process; before that I was just writing section after section in a doc, and so I could incorporate ideas pretty much as I had them, without worrying about how a segment was going to fit into the overall structure. There was no structure! So if it fit the themes, it was allowed in.
The format itself was inspired by a few different things: in rough order of when they entered into the process, they were a) my memory of Slaughterhouse-Five (I didn't actually reread it until I was nearly finished writing, and it had been many years, so it was very much the memory rather than the thing itself.) (At first, semi-jokingly, the summary of the fic was going to be "Joe Liebgott has come unstuck in time." And I still might write that fic, tbh.) b) quigonejinn's Marvel fic, which I also have not reread in many years but had a huge impact on me and how I think about writing and structuring fiction (the dream segments throughout the fic are a complete homage) and c) reading Catch-22. The high of experiencing Heller's ability to control and corral the chaos of his timeline, while letting that chaos be integral and indeed inextricable to the story he's telling, is what launched me back into writing this fic when I had more or less fizzled out on it for a couple of months.
In terms of more concrete sources, of course you're well aware of the reverberating influence of Studs Terkel, both very directly and more nebulously. (I even followed him as a style guide! That's why "army" and "kraut" aren't capitalized.) The PBS documentary GI Jews I found fascinating and valuable in reinforcing some things I'd already been thinking about regarding Liebgott and introducing new facets to my thinking. The part about the USO workers handing out comic books and candybars to returning soldiers (and the soldiers' reactions to that) is something Michael C. C. Adams mentions in The Best War Ever; the section with Skinny's letter was inspired by Ambrose (loath as I am to give him credit for anything).
A lot of other stuff was, as I said above, pretty piecemeal. The scene where he punches the man at the drugstore is from The Best Years of Our Lives; the part about him reading comic books at the drugstore is from an oral history; I got part of my Kaddish transliteration from Angels in America; the part about transferring to a segregated train is from a story my grandma told me; I did a whole deep-dive figuring out where his family might live in San Francisco and discovered that in the early to mid-20th century the Jewish neighborhood and (one of) the Japanese neighborhood(s) were in fact right next to each other, which inspired a couple of lines. &c. &c.
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