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Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for January 8
Tozer in the Morning Songs to Live By
Sometimes our hearts are strangely stubborn and will not soften or grow tender no matter how much praying we do. At such times, it is often found that the reading or singing of a good hymn will melt the ice jam and start the inward affections flowing. That is one of the uses of the hymnbook. Human emotions are curious and difficult to arouse, and there is always a danger that they may be aroused by the wrong means and for the wrong reasons.
The human heart is like an orchestra, and it is important that when the soul starts to sound its melodies, a David or a Bernard or a Watts or a Wesley should be on the podium. Constant devotion to the hymnbook will guarantee this happy event and will, conversely protect the heart from being led by evil conductors.
Every Christian should have lying beside his Bible a copy of some standard hymn book. He should read out of one and sing out of the other, and he will be surprised and delighted to discover how much they are alike. Gifted Christian poets have in many of our great hymns set truth to music. Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley (possibly above all others) were able to marry the harp of David to the Epistles of Paul and to give us singing doctrine, ecstatic theology that delights while it enlightens.
Tozer in the Evening When ''Adjust'' Means ''Maladjust''
A word that is being greatly overused in modern society is adjust.
I am certainly not the first one to complain about it, but my objection to its overuse is, I believe, on a little higher level, for most persons who register their objections are thinking only about its social effects while I am concerned with its effect in the spiritual realm.
Thinking persons who deplore the present mania for adjustment point out that almost all adjustment is made downward to bring people into harmony with the common and the mediocre, so that society is educated toward a dead level with ordinariness as its ultimate end.
This passion to be mediocre and to make everyone else the same begins with the parent in the home, spreads to the schools and is propagated with missionary zeal by the advertisers. And advertising, at least in the United States, is the most powerful educational agent extant. Those who write the advertising copy probably do more to determine the way the average person thinks than the school and church combined.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for October 27
Tozer in the Morning Growing Numbers Do Not Guarantee Increasing Quality
The question of numbers and their relation to success or failure in the work of the Lord is one that disturbs most Christians more than a little.
. . . There are Christians, for instance, who dismiss the whole matter as being beneath them.
. . .They prefer to sit around the Lord's Table in a select and tight little circle, admiring the deep things of God and, I very much fear, admiring themselves a wee bit also. This is a kind of Protestant monasticism without the cowl and the beads, for it seeks to preserve the faith of Christ from pollution by isolating it from the vulgar masses. Its motives may be commendable, but its methods are altogether unscriptural and its spirit completely out of mood with that of our Lord.
The other and opposite school is the most vocal and has by far the largest following in gospel circles today. Its philosophy, if it can be called a philosophy, is that "we must get the message out" regardless of how we go about it. The devotees of this doctrine appear to be more concerned with quantity than with quality. They seem burned up with desire to "bring the people in" even if they have not much to offer them after they are in. They take inexcusable liberties both with message and with method. The Scriptures are used rather than expounded and the Lordship of Christ almost completely ignored. Pressure is exerted to persuade the people (who, by the way, come to the meetings with something else in mind altogether) to accept Christ, with the understanding that they shall then have peace of mind and financial prosperity, not to mention high grades in school and a low score on the golf course.
The crowds-at-any-price mania has taken a firm grip on American Christianity and is the motivating power back of a shockingly high percentage of all religious activity. Men and churches compete for the attention of the paying multitudes who are brought in by means of any currently popular gadget or gimmick ostensibly to have their souls saved, but, if the truth were told, often for reasons not so praiseworthy as this.
Tozer in the Evening Condemnation or No Condemnation
A sinful man should be afraid; he has plenty to be afraid of. The consequences of his sins, death, judgment and hell are all awaiting him and he cannot escape them by looking the other way. While he lives on earth there are dangers of every kind facing him and everyone he loves. Any religious teacher that exhorts him to ignore these dangers is unrealistic, false to the facts and a deadly enemy to his soul. The prophet of tranquility is indeed another source of danger to him and should be considered one more object of fear. Where there are mortal perils and no place to hide, fear is the only sane reaction. To dismiss fear while the danger still exists is little short of insanity. Until the danger has been removed, fear should remain. Only that man has a right to be unafraid who has fled for refuge to the mighty Savior. Such a man knows the danger is there, but he also knows that his Almighty Lord will bring him safely through and present him at last faultless before the p resence of God. There are in the Scriptures innumerable exhortations to put away fear; but they are all addressed to Gods own children, never to the children of this world. Someone must care, and if a man has not cast his fears on Christ, he must bear them himself. The safety of the Rock is for those who have put their trust in the Rock. All others must face their enemies alone.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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BYU is like if a beauty contest were combined with a church camp—except instead of running on coke, everyone is running on vending machine chocolate milk and mania from sleep deprivation. And school is happening in the background, but you can't hear it over the slow trickle of indoctrination into the nonsense opinions of the worst seminary teachers that CES could find, punctuated by prayers for the same 4 things over and over and over and over again. We Thank Thee for this Day, the Weather, the Spirit, Travel Safely—over shitty mics in the same accent by identical looking people until you either graduate, you drop out, or the sun explodes and finally takes you with it.
It's not a school. It's the Utah extension of Guantanamo Bay. Do not go there. Not for school. Not for work. Not to find a spouse. Not for any reason.
In the entire two and a half years I lived in Provo, the only place that felt real to me was the walkway going to the trash compactor at my cleaning job. Everything else was an overly-saturated Technicolor fever dream, divorced from space and time, that took me YEARS to recover from.
If one more narc thinly disguised as an educator or a mentor said "I know you all are sick of talking about dating and marriage, but" before launching into an identical speech to all the ones before it—asking me to submit to a binding and eternal covenant of marriage to any random 🦆 boy named Dallin I wouldn't trust to take my order at McDonald's, because it was the only truly important thing I would ever do in my life—I was going to lose my mind and give up on reality entirely. I was ready to climb inside the yellow wallpaper and never come out again, just to get some peace and quiet.
So let me be absolutely clear on one thing: if you went to ANY of the BYUs and were traumatized by it, IT'S NOT YOU. IT'S THEM! IT'S ABSOLUTELY 100% THEM AND NOT YOU.
It felt like torture because it was. It felt like being trapped inside of a reeducation camp because it was. It felt like every independent thought was slowly being stamped out of you because it was. It felt like you didn't belong there because you didn't. And if you survived it and came out of it as a better version of yourself, instead of the drone they tried to turn you into, you are one of the strongest and most resilient mother🦆ers walking around on planet Earth today.
You're a survivor. You stared into the great maw of Satan himself, into the face of every lie and all species of false doctrine and false prophets, the imaginary Christs conjured by those who would spit in his face if they actually saw him in the street, and were not deceived by them. You faced the test in Matthew 24:24 and you PASSED, boo boo. That's the only grade from that place with any value.
You are the elect of God and you should be proud of yourself. And since no one else is going to say that to you, I'M going to say it to you.
Being at church sometimes is a unique experience bc it feels so good and normal and comforting to be here. Like this is where I belong this is home. But there's also always an underlying anxiety. Even when people are sweet abt my being queer, and generally they've been VERY sweet with the exclusion of byui, I feel this insecurity like I have to prove to others that I belong here just as much as they do. And I've had to work so hard to be here, had to overcome relatively unique adversity, had to learn to overcome my trauma response from byui. It's hard to be Home and still feel like you stick out.
#byu#byu idaho#i need a tshirt that says Proud BYU Dropout#because I've never been prouder of myself than I am for holding onto my humanity in the face of what that place tried to do to me#i was at BYU during the Mothers Who Know and the Prop 8 era#I've seen some 💩
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The Moonies Cult, Politics & Mixed Kids – Are They All Connected?
Becky and Cedric #TheHalfieProjectPodcast
The Unification Church (also sometimes referred to as the Moonies Cult) is a religious organization that sprouted up in Busan, South Korea before making a very bold movement into the United States as well as many other countries around the world. Widely known for their mass weddings, the Unification Church has intrigued and disturbed many people in many ways in many circles – whether religiously, societally, financially and even politically. We discuss the possibility that the Unification Church has had an impact on how many mixed people, primarily mixed Korean, there are around the world today.
Japanese woman recruited and sold to Korean farmer
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
Why did a Japanese Moon church member kill her Korean husband?
Japanese member, Ms. U, married to a Korean man who beat her
Atsuko Kumon Hong “suicide / murder” 2013
Japanese member, Ms. K, was forced to marry Korean man she did not like
“Apology marriages” made by Japanese UC members to Korean men
Top Japanese ex-UC leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, interviewed
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
. A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
The Sunday Journal USA published two articles in Korean about the failing Moon ‘dynasty’.
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 877, April 18, 2013 (part 1)
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Here is an extract from part 2:
전격취재 2
통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’
한학자와의 사이에 14명 자녀 중 4명이 비명횡사 나머지 자식들도 불운의 삶 ‘정신병, 마약중독, 섹스광’
문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들�� 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 문씨의 실제적 장남인 성진씨는 1973년 7월 18일 통일교의 주요한 멤버인 김원필씨의 딸 김동숙 양과 결혼했다. 문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일). 그리고 문 씨의 세 번째 부인은 김명희 (1955. 6.30) 씨이며 문희진씨를 낳았으나 사망하고 말았다. 김명희씨는 당시 Y대 대학생이었으며 처녀로 통일교의 교리인 혈통복귀의식을 받아들여 문씨의 세 번째 부인이 된 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 1969년 8월 1일 열차사고로 세상을 떠났다. 문씨의 네 번째 부인인 최원복씨는 통일교에서 큰 어머니로 불리고 있다. 문씨의 다섯 번째 부인이 현재 통일교 총재인 한학자씨다. 슬하에 모두 134명의 자녀 출생했으며 그 중 4명이 사망했다. 그리고 한학자씨외에 또 한 명의 부인이 있다. 말하자면 문 씨의 여섯 번째 부인인 셈이다. 이름은 최순화씨며 처녀 혈통복귀의식을 통해 박사무엘을 낳은 것으로 알려지고 있다.
“Shocking Report – part 2
The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’
Four of the 14 children of the marriage with Han Hak-ja died in accidental deaths. The remaining children lead unfortunate lives: ‘psychosis, drug addiction, sex mania’
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). On July 18, 1973, Mr. Moon’s actual first son, Sung-jin married Kim Dong-sook, the daughter of Kim Won-pil, an important Unification Church member. [Kim Dong-sook was born on January 30, 1955. There have been many reports that Moon was her father. She was listed as a ‘True Child’ when she visited Moon in 2012. She could only be a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her biological father. There is no family resemblance between Dong-sook and the wife of Kim Won-pil.]
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband Chong Myeong-seon of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam. [Charges of bigamy have also been mentioned by the Los Angeles Times and other sources. Mrs Kim Chong-hwa spent one year in jail at the same time as Mr. Moon. See below.]
The third wife of Mr. Moon was Miss Kim Myung-hee (June 30, 1955). [This date seems to be the date of their marriage – not long before her departure for Japan. Three Korean scholars reported that Moon married her. UC publications in Japan state that they had a marriage ceremony.] She gave birth to Moon Hee-jin [on August 17, 1955 in Tokyo]. He later died in a train accident [as the train approached Maepo station in Chungbuk Province] on August 1, 1969. It was known that Kim Myung-hee was a student at “Y” University [Yonsei University in Seoul]. As a single woman, she took part in the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], according to Unification Church teachings, and she became Mr. Moon’s third wife. [A Japanese FFWPU / UC publication, The Chūwa Shinbun, states they had a marriage ceremony in Korea in 1954. See issue dated September 12, 1992. Perhaps the UC gave 1954 as a marriage date to give the impression that the couple were married before their child was conceived.]
Mr Moon’s fourth wife, Mrs. Choi Won-bok, was called the ‘Great Mother’ within the Unification Church. [She joined the UC in 1954. She was also known as ‘Second Mother.’]
Mr Moon’s fifth wife is the current Chairperson of the Unification Church / FFWPU, Han Hak Ja. She bore 14 children, but four of them have died.
And there was one more wife in addition to Han Hak Ja. She was, so to speak, sort of like Mr. Moon’s sixth wife. Her name was Miss Choi Soon-wha. It was known that through the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum] she conceived and gave birth to Samuel Park [who was born on January 28, 1966 in the US].”
▲ Sun Myung Moon with children of his from three different mothers. This photograph was taken on January 5, 1965 at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon Sung-jin (born in April 1946; mother Choi Seon-gil) is on the left. Moon Hee-jin is on the right (born in hiding in Tokyo on August 17, 1955; mother Kim Myung-hee). The younger children in the photo are Ye-Jin and Hyo-Jin. They are standing in front of their mother, Hak Ja Han.
문선명의 정체! (1) 김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 . 박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
일본인 멤버 K 씨는 자신이 싫어하는 한국인 남자와 강제로 결혼했다.
일본인 멤버 U 씨는 그녀를 폭력을 휘두르는 한국인 남자와 결혼했다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
통일교, 한학자 – 7남 문형진 미국서 골육상쟁 벌리고 있는 내막
문선명 7남 문형진 어머니 상대로 골육상쟁 소송 ‘전말’
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What drives your fascination with the southern gothic aesthetic
honestly, i'm not completely sure. for one thing, i've always loved creepy stories and mystery - i'm not sure if it was hardwired into me or if that's just how i was raised (my parents have always responsibly exposed me to scary movies and stories, and i grew a love for the paranormal and mysterious from a really early age), but either way i ended up the same. for another, i often deal with the theme of religion soured or gone bad due to obsession or misguidance in my writing, bc that's honestly how i feel - i believe the traditional christian doctrine, but i differ with the organized christian church on a lot of important things (gay/trans rights, feminism, abortion, etc.), so i don't have much use for organized religion. i think a lot of the church's fucked up views and standpoints come from that place of being misguided or lost too deep in the forest of religion to see the big picture, and i tend to explore that theme in my writing a lot, and what better setting to do so than a small hidden town in the american bible belt (where most southern gothic stories are set)?
also, i love the combination of emotions and vibes i get from the southern gothic aesthetic - from a creative standpoint, it's like gasoline on fire. there's hopelessness and brokenness and complacency, but also a sinister vitality under the surface?? and there's sneakiness, and mystery, and cunning, and underneath/behind that logical front, there's great potential for ferocity and religious mania and violence - it's like a sly dog on a chain who's just waiting for a chance to break his leash and go crazy. i've been working on my southern gothic wip for a while, and although i haven't managed to do it yet, i sense great potential in that project for a beautiful transition from that original complacency and calm into horror and fire. i love reading transitions like that (like jack torrance's character arc in stephen king's the shining), and i'd love to pull one off myself.
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Case: 0113005
Name: Father Edwin Burroughs Subject: His claimed demonic possession Date: May 30th, 2011 Recorded by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
Thank you for coming. I know that this can’t have been easy to arrange and I appreciate the opportunity to make my statement. The Prison Service probably didn’t make it easy for you. They’re understandably hesitant to give anyone extended access to me in case I get violent, but I’m very glad they made an exception for you. At least, assuming that you’re real. I hope you’re real but maybe it’s that hope that’s being used against me in a cruel joke. Or maybe the joke would be that I would let that doubt cost me my only chance to tell my story. Either way, I choose to make my statement and if you’re not real then hopefully no harm done.
We’ll get to the cannibalism, of course, but first I just want to provide some context. I don’t know how much you work with the Church in your Institute. You may be surprised that a man of the cloth such as myself, however far from grace I may have fallen, would enlist the aid of an organisation dedicated to studying the paranormal. Well, to be honest, it’s generally kept quiet, but the Catholic Church is not against belief in the supernatural outside of the official doctrine. Demons, ghosts, black magic... It’s generally up to the individual how much they believe in these things, and I believe that very much of what you research is real. Dangerous, but real. I’ve always seen the Devil’s work as a very tangible thing, and those priests who might speak of them as metaphor or symbol are, I fear, often placing themselves and their parishioners in a position of peril. Sorry, this is becoming a homily. It’s just been some time since I’ve had a chance to express myself like this; I almost don’t care if it is on one of Its phantasms.
So it was only natural, I suppose, that it was relatively early in my vocation as a priest that I trained as an exorcist. It’s not something all that special really, every diocese should have a trained exorcist available, or failing that a bishop can do it, but nine times out of ten the duties of an exorcist are to recommend a good psychiatrist, doctor or substance abuse program, and bishops don’t usually have time for that. I was an exorcist for the Diocese of Oxford when this all happened. I trained as a Jesuit, so I was used to moving about a lot, but I was at Oxford from about 2005 right through to my arrest in 2009. There were two exorcists in the diocese, myself and an old Augustinian by the name of Father Harrogate. I would ask as a favour that you not follow up with him; he plays no part in what happened to me and would, I think, be upset by any reminder of my actions.
In my time I have performed just over one hundred exorcisms, with varying degrees of success. It was relatively rare that it felt like much more than a blessing or a prayer. It still helped in most cases, but as one of the most common types of possession is not The Exorcist-style of speaking in a demonic tongue and floating off the bed, but rather that of an unnatural depression, it was often hard to be sure. It is difficult to say how many were devout believers who came to us with a very natural depression, and simply preferred to look to the Church than to counselling or medicine. Even those were helped to some degree, I believe, even if only as a placebo. On a few occasions, though I did encounter things that served to firm up my belief in the Devil and my faith in my Lo– my L– I’m sorry, It won’t let me say the words. It won’t let me pray either, but I hope I will not be judged too harshly for it on the final day.
As I was saying, there were times when I felt things pushing back. I was once cursed at in Sumerian by a young man who was utterly illiterate, and had the names of my childhood pets thrown at me by an old Jamaican man. I will admit that there were times that I have been very afraid of what I was trying to remove, but I always had faith in Je– I always had faith. None of it prepared me for what happened on Bullingdon Road, though. That was something else entirely.
I was doing some work at the Catholic chaplaincy in St Aldate’s, generally trying to help the spiritual well-being of the students who came to us, when Father Singh, one of the other priests working there, came to me. He said he had a student from St. Hughes asking after an exorcism, and wanted to refer her to me. I told him of course and he set up a meeting between us. The student’s name was Bethany O’Connor, and much of what she told me was under the seal of confession, something I will not break even now, so suffice it to say she believed that she was no longer in control of her own mind.
Even as we talked, she spent much of her time looking around or staring into my eyes with what I can only describe as pointed suspicion. Bethany told me that her will was still her own but she could no longer trust her senses, and had found herself doing much that she did not understand.
I remember one moment very clearly, in our second meeting I believe. We were taking a walk around the botanical gardens, as she said it calmed her when talking of her problem. She reached into her bag, took out what appeared to be a small slab of stone, slate, I think, and started to lift it to her mouth as if to eat it. I asked her what she was doing, and she stopped, looked at the rock she held in her hand, and threw it away before bursting into tears. She told me that it felt like something was in her head, changing what she saw and felt and thought. I asked when this had started, and she told me it was after she had moved out of her college halls and into a house on Bullingdon Road with her friends. I suggested that perhaps it had something to do with the stresses of entering second year, but she insisted it was something to do with the house. Finally, after several discussions, I agreed to look over the house and perform a small blessing in case there was anything wrong with the place, spiritually speaking.
It was a cold morning in December, near the end of Michaelmas term, when I visited 89 Bullingdon Road. It was an old house, though not so old as to be unusual in that part of Oxford, and had clearly once been a small family house, now partitioned by the lettings agency to house as many students as possible. Bethany told me that there were six of them living there at the time. I went around the house, looking for signs of anything amiss but found nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. Bethany kept asking me if I “felt any evil” in the house, and I tried to explain to her that priests unfortunately don’t have the power to simply sense the presence of evil. I didn’t realise how unfortunate that was, at least not until we got her room. It was on the first floor at the back of the house, and was a long, thin bedroom, easily the biggest. It was adorned in typical student fashion with movie posters and flat-pack bookshelves, but my attention was immediately taken by a large patch of wall where the wallpaper had been crudely hacked away to reveal the bare brickwork underneath. Written there, in faded blue paint, was a single word: Mentis.
I’d been out of seminary for some years at this point, and had never been one for the Latin Mass, but I still knew the word for ‘mind’. My immediate assumption was that Bethany had painted it in some sort of mania, but looking closer I saw that the paint was far too old to have been done since she moved in. It looked more as though it had been painted on the wall and then covered up with layers of wallpaper over the years, until finally being unearthed by stripping it away. What was slightly more concerning, was that watching Bethany pace around the room, following my gaze with some confusion, was that she didn’t seem able to see it. When I asked her what the word on the wall meant to her, she looked at me as though I was talking nonsense.
I didn’t seem like there was much more to be gained there at that point, so I performed a short blessing over the place, took some photographs and told Bethany that I would have to come back later once I’d looked into a few things. She seemed disappointed there wasn’t anything more immediate that I was doing, but didn’t try to argue. And so I left what would turn out to be my first visit to the house on Bullingdon Road, calling Father Singh to arrange a meeting the next day where we could discuss whether to attempt a full exorcism.
It was at that meeting that I got the call from the hospital. Bethany had been admitted with severe facial lacerations and was asking to see me immediately. I made my way to the John Radcliffe as soon as I was able and was surprised to see two police officers standing near her bed. I was met by Anne Willett, the nurse who Bethany had asked to call me. I knew Annie a bit already, as she’d attended the church where I ministered and I recognised her from the congregation. She explained to me that Bethany had apparently attempted to attack one of her housemates with a kitchen knife, and in the ensuing struggle ended up falling head first into a full-length mirror, cutting herself very badly.
I was, to put it mildly, somewhat taken aback. This was such an escalation from what Bethany had described before, and I was starting to fear that if I didn’t manage to do something the poor girl would most likely end up locked away somewhere. Annie was convinced that an exorcism was the only way, and so finally, I agreed to do so. I had already got permission from the Bishop, but that was before Bethany’s hospitalisation, and I would have preferred to discuss it with him. Still, it was clear she was getting worse and I decided to take a risk and try it anyway. It was a stupid risk to take. I was cocky and complacent, full of spiritual pride and an eagerness to test my faith against whatever was inside of Bethany’s soul, not even considering that I might be risking it. Still, I have paid dearly for my hubris.
We waited until the police had taken their statements and left, and then I set up and began the exorcism. It went... unusually. There was no resistance from Bethany, almost no reaction at all, and in many parts of the ceremony where in my experience there was usually a response either from the demon, or at least the victim, there was instead just... silence, as she stared at me with a look, almost seemed like pity. Annie just stood in the corner, watching and clearly eager to help, despite the fear I saw in her eyes. At last, Bethany locked eyes with me and slowly shook her head. “I’m so sorry,” she said, “It wants your faith.”
Without warning she began to convulse. Thrashing in obvious pain. I tried to continue the ritual, but the doctors pushed passed me, desperately trying to help Bethany as blood began to pour from her mouth where she had bitten into her tongue. In the end they couldn’t save her. Brain haemorrhage, they said, probably from the blow to head when she hit the mirror and they just hadn’t spotted it.
I was asked to leave in no uncertain terms, and the doctors made it very clear that I may not have been the one that hit her in the head, but they held me very much accountable for her death. I was also given a very thorough dressing down by my Bishop, who told me to take a step back and leave the exorcisms to Father Harrogate for some time. Annie almost got suspended over the matter, but in the end was spared further disciplinary action, as she had been simply passing on the wishes of the patient.
And for a couple of years that was it. I felt a great deal of guilt over my involvement with Bethany’s death, and I started to drink more than I had before. I was never, I think, in danger of becoming an alcoholic, as most of the priests I worked with had done work with substance abusers – not to mention the fact that priests are certainly not immune to alcoholism – and would have picked up on the warning signs. But they did express concern over the occasional disappearance of bottles of sacramental wine. At the time I was sure it wasn’t me. I preferred scotch and the Muscatel wine they bought had never really been to my taste, but looking back I can’t really be sure what I was drinking. I know it’s something of a jump from unwittingly stealing holy wine to my later crimes, but I’m trying my best to fit this into a relatively coherent narrative.
Apart from that, the years passed uneventfully, and I was starting to feel like I’d put the whole affair behind me. Until I got a call from Annie. She said that a gentleman had been admitted to the John Radcliffe after having something of a scare in a house up on Hill Top Road. I explained to her that I wasn’t performing exorcisms at the moment, and said she should talk to Father Harrogate. She assured me it wouldn’t need a full exorcism, and if I did we could bring him in, but she didn’t know or trust Father Harrogate, but just wanted my opinion. Finally, after a lot of pestering, I agreed to pay a visit to the house.
It was late when I got there, and starting to get very cold. The whole affair was starting to bring back some less than pleasant memories of my arrival at Bullingdon Road all those years ago. I was also a bit annoyed at Annie for not mentioning that the house was still under construction, not only making it unlikely to be the haunt of demons or spirits, but also meaning that the coat I had brought along would be somewhat inadequate against the chill in a house without windows. I knocked on the door and one of the builders opened it. I forget his name, I’m afraid, something Polish I think, or maybe Czech? He seemed confused at first as to why I was there, but I explained and it turned out he was the one that had been treated by Annie at the hospital. She had not mentioned the builder’s possible schizophrenia to me, but I began to fear that this may be a waste of time. Still, I had a look around and asked the builder questions about the place. He certainly did have an interesting story, but I was unsure of how much of it I believed.
Eventually, I decided that I’d seen enough and that there didn’t seem to be any malicious presence here. The builder was looking at me in such as way as to make me hesitant to tell him that, so I decided I would at least give the place a quick prayer or blessing. I asked him to wait outside, though. Something in his manner was a bit off-putting and I felt uncomfortable with him watching me like a hawk, as though I were about to vanish at any moment.
He headed into the back garden, and I was alone in the house. I moved into the hallway and began to pray, praying for protection and sprinkling holy water around from a flask I carry on me in these situations. As I spoke the words I felt something... alarming. I was starting to grow very hot, as though the room was heating up very rapidly. I looked around for the source of the heat, but the radiators hadn’t been installed yet and I couldn’t see anything else that might be warming the room. It continued, though, and soon I was sweating through my shirt. I began to cough, and I could smell smoke, even though I couldn’t see any or any fire, for that matter.
I fell to one knee and choked back a scream as I felt my skin began to crackle and burn. I began to pray again for protection, not for the place this time, but for me. As I did, I felt... something answer me. And yet, I cannot stress this enough: what answered was not G– God. It wasn’t Him. Something else answered my call for protection. I felt my lips move. They made no sound that I could hear, but I felt them form every syllable. “I am not for you. I am marked.”
The heat slowed in its increase but it did not stop. My mouth continued to speak for me, when I heard the sound of a car engine outside and a great crash. Instantly, the feeling was gone, as though it were never there, and looking out, I saw the builder had managed to uproot a tree from the back garden. I sat there for a while catching my breath, and when he came back inside, I told him I had completed the prayers and excused myself quickly. It was the first time I had experienced–
Archivist Notes:
Unfortunately, this statement as it stands is incomplete and stops at this point. It does not appear to be the actual end of the document, so I have hopes that the rest is simply misfiled somewhere else in the archives. If this is the case, I will record and add that part when it is found, either by myself or, given the scale of the Archive’s mismanagement, by my successor when I pass away from old age. With this in mind, all but the most preliminary of investigations into this statement are being put on hold until the rest is found. Most of the details do appear to be correct and match the statement given by Mr. Ivo Lensik in 2007. We did find Father Burroughs’ arrest record, though, and I am very curious to see how the events recounted here could have led to the incident in 2009, wherein he apparently murdered two first year university students following Sunday Mass, and then peeled off and ate most of their skin.
*statement continued in 0113005-B (MAG 20)
Source: Official Transcript and Podcast (MAG 19 Confession)
#the magnus archives#magnus archives#MAG#MAG19#MAG 19#Confession#The Spiral#The Distortion#The Desolation#Hill Top Road#Statement
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Growing Numbers Do Not Guarantee Increasing Quality
by Aiden Wilson Tozer
The question of numbers and their relation to success or failure in the work of the Lord is one that disturbs most Christians more than a little.
. . . There are Christians, for instance, who dismiss the whole matter as being beneath them.
. . .They prefer to sit around the Lord's Table in a select and tight little circle, admiring the deep things of God and, I very much fear, admiring themselves a wee bit also. This is a kind of Protestant monasticism without the cowl and the beads, for it seeks to preserve the faith of Christ from pollution by isolating it from the vulgar masses. Its motives may be commendable, but its methods are altogether unscriptural and its spirit completely out of mood with that of our Lord.
The other and opposite school is the most vocal and has by far the largest following in gospel circles today. Its philosophy, if it can be called a philosophy, is that "we must get the message out" regardless of how we go about it. The devotees of this doctrine appear to be more concerned with quantity than with quality. They seem burned up with desire to "bring the people in" even if they have not much to offer them after they are in. They take inexcusable liberties both with message and with method. The Scriptures are used rather than expounded and the Lordship of Christ almost completely ignored. Pressure is exerted to persuade the people (who, by the way, come to the meetings with something else in mind altogether) to accept Christ, with the understanding that they shall then have peace of mind and financial prosperity, not to mention high grades in school and a low score on the golf course.
The crowds-at-any-price mania has taken a firm grip on American Christianity and is the motivating power back of a shockingly high percentage of all religious activity. Men and churches compete for the attention of the paying multitudes who are brought in by means of any currently popular gadget or gimmick ostensibly to have their souls saved, but, if the truth were told, often for reasons not so praiseworthy as this.
#Growing Numbers Do Not Guarantee Increasing Quality#Aiden Wilson Tozer#Morning and Evening#evening reading#devotional#October 27#2018
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▪A variable timed rapture? This is worth considering in your personal study as you search the scriptures to see what is so. ◾SUNDAY OCTOBER 25th, 2020 ◾ABIDING IN GOD'S GRACE ©MINISTRIES ◾RAPTURE MANIA - GRACE THROUGH FAITH ◽For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3) ▪As a management consultant I was often asked how much employees should know about the workings of their company, especially in financial matters. My advice was always the same. If you don’t tell them the TRUTH, they’ll make up their own version and it will be detrimental to the company’s profits. ▪For example, after taxes your neighborhood super market may only get to keep as little as 1/2 of one penny for every dollar’s worth of sales. That means it takes $200 in sales to net them one dollar of profit. Admittedly, this is one of the lowest returns on sales in the business world. The average is 3-5 cents on the dollar. But according to surveys, the public thinks the average business makes a 35% profit on sales. They think it would only take $3 in sales to generate one dollar of profit. So would an employee be more concerned about wasting (or stealing) a dollar’s worth of inventory or supplies if he believed it only took $3 in sales to make up for it, or if he knew that it takes $200? ▪“People can’t tolerate a vacuum of information” I said, “Better they should know the truth than be susceptible to fantasy.” 🔸HISTORY WRITTEN IN ADVANCE ◽“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” (Isaiah 42:8-9) ▪The Lord has always used advance disclosure to validate Himself. We call it prophecy. Knowing the end from the beginning, He told His people things that hadn’t happened, so that when they did, they would know that He is Who He claims to be. Since we know the TRUTH about Him, we’re NOT susceptible to fantasy. ▪But there’s one area where the Lord has not been crystal clear where End Times events are concerned and that’s the timing of the Rapture. For this reason the most outlandish formulas surface whenever world events take a significant turn for the worse, as people look for reasons to believe our time here is nearly up. Many of these formulas can be easily debunked with only a tiny bit of knowledge and discernment, but for some reason they gain traction in the Christian community because of our desire to believe what our itching ears want to hear. Not knowing the truth about the timing of the Rapture, we’re susceptible to fantasy. ▪I’ll ignore the dates arrived at by the cults and kooks and focus only on things taught by believers. Probably the most notorious of these was the booklet entitled “88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be In 1988” by Edgar C. Whisenant, but the latest example I’ve run across has to do with Noah and the Flood. It goes like this. ▪Genesis 7:11 says that Noah and his family went into the Ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month. Using Rosh Hashannah as the beginning of the Jewish year, someone calculated that the 17th day of the 2nd month would correspond to November 8th of this year. They also determined that Noah died 2006 years after Adam and declared that because the Rapture of the Church would be “as in the days of Noah” the Church would be raptured on Nov. 8, 2006. It didn’t happen. 🔸DO YOUR HOMEWORK ▪Anyone willing to do a little studying could have predicted the outcome. ◽In the first place, Matt. 24:37-39 says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Ma
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more Hawes:
But Victorian Britons (and, later, Americans) found something about Germany quite impossible to take, as well: ‘the average German of every class is of the opinion that there is no difficulty with which the State is not fit to deal’.
The State looks after his mind, his bowels, and his soul. From birth he must be registered by State functionaries, educated by State functionaries, married by State functionaries and shovelled out of this world by State functionaries.
Our own modern assumptions about the role of the state are far closer to nineteenth-century German ones than to those of our own great-great-grandparents. There is little in this catalogue of German strangeness which we, now, would find at all questionable, but it appeared completely bizarre to freedom-loving Victorians:
If you would hear the best music, you must listen to musicians who are paid from the public treasury. A government minister preaches in the government-owned church that you attend on Sunday, and if you are a student in a university the professor who lectures you is a government official. Sometimes you can even trace the government inspector’s stamp on the chop served at your restaurant.
This state was served by legions of functionaries who seemed almost to worship it: ‘No English Lord of the Treasury’s private secretary ever identified himself more thoroughly with the government he served than the humblest Vice-Deputy Sub-Assistant Temporary Inspector or Supernumary Clerk in the Berlin Public Office.’
This bizarre German mixture of overdone brain-work, heady theories, a biddable press, state worship and brutal militarism could only lead to one, dread thing: socialism.
Whatever we nowadays may think the word ‘socialism’ means, our forefathers were quite certain of it.
Two generations later, the first guru of neo-liberalism, Friedrich August (born von) Hayek, was to make his epochal claim that despite their apparent deadly rivalry, National Socialism and Soviet communism both sprang from exactly the same roots in Bismarckian anti-liberalism. But Victorian Britons did not need another seventy years of thinking time, or the personal experience of the Great War and its ghastly aftermaths, to come to the same conclusion. To them, the Bismarckian state and ‘socialism’ were in practice, quite simply, one and the same thing.
Socialist ideas are by no means confined to the lower stratum in society. The whole professional class is more or less infected with them. This class, living in a world of dreams, delighting in destructive criticism, utterly unacquainted with the practical aspect of such questions, has been captivated by the specious promises of Socialism. This is especially the case with the professors of political economy in the German universities. The chief professor of political economy at the Berlin University is a rank, an undisguised Socialist.
The Guardian warned that these German professors of economics are ‘a class of thinkers whose views frequently differ essentially from those usually adopted in this country’. For ‘though holding most of the doctrines of Adam Smith’ (as well they might!), they ‘take certain peculiar views’, namely ‘the policy of State intervention, which the socialistic professors are continually advocating in regard to all kinds of questions’.
So, at the end of the 1870s, Germany was a very strange place indeed to Britons. It was a world at once far more controlled and far less safely respectable than home. Going there, you would find a land plagued by striking class divisions, where a ‘toad-eating titular mania’ confronted an equally foreign, assassination-attempting social democracy. Even well-bred people had awful manners. There were soldiers, and penniless but dangerously touchy aristocrats, everywhere you went. The politics of the country appeared to be a quasi-military, one-chancellor arrangement comprising bitterly opposed parties, none of whom exercised any real power over the executive arm of government. Precisely because they knew that in the end nothing they did or said would change anything, these parties allowed themselves ‘to play at opposition and fronde’ with a level of public invective unknown in real British politics. ‘We talk of class hatred; but it is in Germany that true class hatred exists . . . the daily increasing hate and estrangement between the different political parties.’ These parties seemed able to agree on one thing and one thing only: the bizarre German doctrine that the more powerful the State, the better.
maybe the Germans won the war after all
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Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional: January 8th
Tozer in the Morning Songs to Live By
Sometimes our hearts are strangely stubborn and will not soften or grow tender no matter how much praying we do. At such times, it is often found that the reading or singing of a good hymn will melt the ice jam and start the inward affections flowing. That is one of the uses of the hymnbook. Human emotions are curious and difficult to arouse, and there is always a danger that they may be aroused by the wrong means and for the wrong reasons.
The human heart is like an orchestra, and it is important that when the soul starts to sound its melodies, a David or a Bernard or a Watts or a Wesley should be on the podium. Constant devotion to the hymnbook will guarantee this happy event and will, conversely protect the heart from being led by evil conductors.
Every Christian should have lying beside his Bible a copy of some standard hymn book. He should read out of one and sing out of the other, and he will be surprised and delighted to discover how much they are alike. Gifted Christian poets have in many of our great hymns set truth to music. Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley (possibly above all others) were able to marry the harp of David to the Epistles of Paul and to give us singing doctrine, ecstatic theology that delights while it enlightens.
Tozer in the Evening When ''Adjust'' Means ''Maladjust''
A word that is being greatly overused in modern society is adjust.
I am certainly not the first one to complain about it, but my objection to its overuse is, I believe, on a little higher level, for most persons who register their objections are thinking only about its social effects while I am concerned with its effect in the spiritual realm.
Thinking persons who deplore the present mania for adjustment point out that almost all adjustment is made downward to bring people into harmony with the common and the mediocre, so that society is educated toward a dead level with ordinariness as its ultimate end.
This passion to be mediocre and to make everyone else the same begins with the parent in the home, spreads to the schools and is propagated with missionary zeal by the advertisers. And advertising, at least in the United States, is the most powerful educational agent extant. Those who write the advertising copy probably do more to determine the way the average person thinks than the school and church combined.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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…the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, AND IN HIS RIGHT MIND: and they were afraid.
Luke 8:35
The man of Gadara was a madman. He lived in a graveyard amongst the tombs. He was completely bonkers! Psychiatrists would have loved to have him as a case study. It was only after Jesus ministered to him that he had his mind normalized.
There are different kinds of psychiatric disorders. The layman often thinks of all mental patients as "mad men". However, several different mental conditions exist. For example, there are anxiety disorders, chronic pain disorders, psychosexual disorders, personality disorders, etc. The more serious ones are mood disorders, which include depression, mania and schizophrenia.
All about Depression
In depression, there is a lowered mood varying from mild sadness to intense feelings of guilt, worthlessness and hopelessness. There is also a loss of interest generally, with reduced involvement in work and recreation. There is difficulty in thinking, including the inability to concentrate and a lack of decisiveness. In depression, there are also apparent physical complaints such as headaches, disrupted, lessened or excessive sleep and a loss of energy. There may be a change in the appetite with a decreased sexual drive. In severe depression, people are often suicidal!
The Highest Kind of Mental Illness
The highest kind of mental illness is what we call schizophrenia. This is a serious illness, which my lecturer in medical school described as "madness". He used to say, "These people are mad." Schizophrenia is the problem that the madman of Gadara had. Initially, I used to think that everybody in the mental hospital was "mad". However, with time, I understood that there were some patients who were "madder" than others.
The Lord impressed on me to take a second look at the symptoms of these so-called mad men. The two cardinal symptoms are:
1. Paranoid Delusions (Fears)
2. Hallucinations (Accusations)
Paranoid Delusions
Delusions are beliefs (or fears) that are held by the individual in spite of contrary evidence. In a person suffering from these delusions, you will notice a pattern of thinking.
Such people are preoccupied with the supposedly threatening behaviour exhibited by other individuals. Paranoid delusions make people afraid of things that do not exist. "Paranoia" means "fear". Paranoid delusions are delusions in which the person is afraid of something. These people are paralyzed or motivated by terrible fears that seem so real. This form of thought may cause some patients to adopt active counter measures such as locking doors and windows, taking up weapons and becoming enemies of genuine friends.
Accusatory Hallucinations
The other cardinal sign of schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations (accusations). With hallucinations, the individual hears and sees unreal things. These hallucinations (accusations) are often derogatory in nature. In other words, the person hears people accusing him, insulting him and saying derogatory things about him. The accuser of the brethren is at work!
These two sets of symptoms: paranoid delusions (FEAR) and auditory derogatory hallucinations (ACCUSATIONS) mark out schizophrenia (madness) quite clearly. Simply put, fears and accusations are key weapons of the enemy. Have you ever wondered why Satan is called the "accuser of the brethren"? Through the power of fear and accusations, Satan is able to convert normal people into mad men. Satan also eliminates people through these two weapons. For instance, he used the weapons of fear and accusations to eliminate Christ and send Him to the cross.
The reason that I brought this up is for you to see two strong techniques of the devil when he is taking control of someone's life: The techniques of delusions and accusatory hallucinations (fears and accusations)!
When Satan is given a free course, he will totally deceive. He will paralyse with fear. He will accuse, insult and criticize because that is his nature. These two weapons form the basis of the highest kind of demonic activity unleashed against human beings. Fear and accusations are the hallmarks of Satan's presence. This truth is borne out in the life of Jesus Christ.
When Satan Attacked Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was the subject of the highest kind of satanic onslaught. He suffered directly from the paranoid delusions (fears) of the Pharisees. The Pharisees feared Jesus.
And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: FOR THEY FEARED HIM, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.
Mark 11:18
They feared His ministry, His power and His authority. They were moved with fear and deception until they eliminated Him. He experienced firsthand their derogatory and insulting accusations. Jesus was arrested and treated as a thief. He was insulted and accused continually until He stopped breathing on the cross. This is the highest kind of satanic attack that comes against God's messengers. Make sure you are never an agent of paranoid delusions and accusations.
The two well-known titles of Satan are "the father of lies" (John 8:44) and "the accuser of the brethren," (Revelation 12:10). He is described as "that old serpent that deceived the whole world".
It is important for Christians not to imagine the nature and activity of Satan but to believe what the Bible says. The principal work of Satan is to deceive and to accuse!!!
Through accusations and criticism, Satan is able to turn the brethren against each other. He is the accuser in the midst of the brethren. He is the accuser in the midst of the church. Through the activities of the accuser, we turn against each other and destroy each other! Accusations produce guilt, confusion, hatred, pressure and erroneous counter measures and counter accusations. Accusations cause distractions and the sidetracking of a powerful army from its true purpose.
Delusions are the highest kind of deceptions. A deception that a person cannot break away from, is a delusion. The church is labouring under a variety of strong delusions. Delusions of what money is not, have led many astray. Delusions of human quest for achievement have led much of the church into deception. Unfortunately, in the world, right is paraded as wrong and wrong as right. Black is called white and white black.
Do not be an agent of accusation! When you accuse and criticize, you are employed by Satan himself. You are being used to divide the church and to bring hatred where there should be love. The greatest attack of the enemy on the church is not from without, but from within.
An erroneous and zealous delusion of self-righteousness is the foundation of all accusations within the church. Remember that it was the Pharisees (zealous and error-filled religious men), who opposed and accused Christ continually. They brought Him to the cross and eliminated the holiest, the dearest and the best! Through the power of accusation, they ended the loveliest gift of God. You have no idea what you may be destroying through your criticism and accusation. You may destroy an entire church through your accusations.
Do not be an agent of delusions. The words of Christ are the words of God. No particular doctrine or teaching can replace Christ Himself. He is the way, the truth, and the life. It is in our interest to return to the words that Jesus spoke. This is the surest way to save ourselves from delusions.
Paranoid delusions (fear) and auditory hallucinations (accusations), are what ultimately cause madness. This is the highest kind of mental affliction of man. It is indeed the highest kind of demonic affliction. Wherever the presence of Satan is, accusations, delusions and fear will abound. The madman of Gadara who in my opinion is typical of the highest kind of demonic expression, suffered clearly from these two weapons of Satan.
A church filled with accusations and delusions will seem like a mad house. The world looks on in amazement as we fight each other and propagate erroneous doctrines about God.
May we be delivered from this madness. May the Lord set us free from delusions, fears and accusations!
Furthermore, by these few pages, my son, be admonished because of making many books there is no end.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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APEC Meeting and East Asia Summit, Catalonia and East Asia, and Papal visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh
APEC and East Asian Summit
The TPP11 (TPP without the United States) was signed, finally, after the rounds of rather secretive negotiations. Unlike left-leaning people, my centrist self is supportive of free-trade agreements and regional integration in Asia-Pacific as long as the state still has the upperhand in the tussle with corporations. To my delight, Jacinda-mania of New Zealand wasn’t confined to the isles of Aotearoa. According to media, she apparently handled these summits well and helped bring Canada back to the TPP11 table . Poor Trump! The most well-known unconventional politician of our times, like the United States and TPP11, was kind of an outsider when it came to the trademark handshake of ASEAN, at the group photo time.
Catalonia, East Asia, and Andorra Model for Myanmar’s restive hinterlands
Catalonia and East Asia What’s the connection between the Catalans and East Asians? Let’s cast our minds right back to 16th Century, and remember that it was from the Iberian Peninsula that many early Europeans in military garb, whatever was in business fashion back then or cassocks sailed to East Asia. Indelible marks of this encounter remain in enclaves of Southern European mixed-race descendants in Macao, Penang, Malaysia and a handful of villages in the Myanmar midlands to list a few. In language and linguistics too, keen observers may notice c – th sounds in the dialects in contact with those enclaves.
Enough history. Coming back to the 21st Century, separatist politics is common to Iberia and East Asia. Outer provinces of the Chinese mainland, jungles of Southeast Asia, the India sub-continent and the Southern Philippines are no strangers to separatism, just like Iberia . Do not forget General Franco’s military junta in Spanish history echoing the Myanmar, Thai, Filipino and Indonesian juntas. In geographical Catalonia, there is a tiny patch of sovereign land – Andorra tucked in the Pyrenes ranges . A geopolitical anomaly if you will. Ruled by two co-princes: whoever wins the popular vote in France and a man whom the Pope entrusts to lead the Catholic souls of the Diocese of Seu d’Urgel get Andorra as a common perk of their offices . Quite literally, the only patch in the nation of Catalonia to enjoy the privileges of being a state.
Having read Myanmar’s bilateral ties with Andorra in 2009 as a prelude to its later reproach with the Holy See this year, I would use Andorra as a model to pacify some insurgents along Myanmar borders if I were ever thus tasked. Take for example the Wa straddling the Myanmar-China border . We could perhaps hand the Wa warlords to the Americans to start, effectively securing stronger US support than ever before. After all, many of those warlords are on wanted lists of US law enforcement agencies . Once the strongmen are gone the powers that be in Naypyidaw must fill the vacuum quickly to stabilize the Wa lands.
Here’s how Andorra comes in to play. We could replace the warlords of the Wa with a co-principality just like Andorra – a Catholic bishop in Shan States and the Chinese President will do. Who knows? This arrangement could even catalyse a reconciliation between the Holy See and Beijing. In short, in exchange for giving up formal sovereignty over a tiny patch of Myanmar in Shan State, Naypyidaw can pull some wonderful diplomatic card tricks with many benefits to itself, not least among them could be the holy grail of stable borderlands, elusive stuff in Myanmar since 1948.
Pope of the Peripheries to visit Myanmar and Bangladesh
Pope Francis will land in Myanmar in a fortnight to preach to, about and in these countries where there’re humanitarian crises. The most prominent of them are Rohingya fleeing Myanmar into Bangladesh right now as I type this article. True to his stated mission of ministering to the peripheries, the current pope has spoken about the Rohingya publicly to pilgrims in Rome at least three times. Whether overtly or cryptically, he almost certainly will bring the subject alongside overarching themes of “peace, love and harmony”, in either or both nations when he lands in Asia this week.
However admirable is his people’s pope image, one should keep in mind some reservations against his papacy. First, as liberals in the free and relatively free parts of the world are disappointingly aware, on Catholic doctrines and other issues he is no revolutionary but will get on with keeping up with the modern world in glacial piecemeal fashion only . On the other hand, his sense and articulation of socioeconomic justice had earned him the moniker ‘Che in a cassock’ in some quarters. Yet, looking from socioeconomic and political perspectives Francis’s love of peripheries is not only financially burdensome to the tiny Catholic communities he visits, but also fan the globalization flames that the Catholic Church long ago started . His refusal to be separated by bullet-proof glass panels and his encounters with the slum-dwellers increase the security and logistic costs. Remember his visits are often to poor countries like Myanmar and Bangladesh. Even in the developed world, having the tiny Catholic minorities in places like Sweden cover the costs of a papal visit is not ideal and present challenges in fundraising. His trips to peripheries benefit the centre more through the processes and outcomes of globalization. The papal entourage and press details stay at hotels almost invariably owned by those in the Global North . It is the airlines from the Global North that transport the pope, his aides, the press detail, and the globally-mobile Catholics and papal fans to the peripheries -not airlines of developing states. In Myanmar, the souvenirs of the papal trips are made in neighbouring China and Thailand. These then are shipped by logistics and delivery companies, again from the developed states like DHL, FedEx, or TNT from Thai and Chinese factories to Myanmar shops – meaning Myanmar loses out on the production and shipment while the devotees fork out money to fund the trip and cover costs of manufacturing souvenirs.
Of course, there are also intangible benefits and costs in papal diplomacy depending on one’s values. But, for the purposes of this blogpost I am merely pointing why visiting the peripheries is neither always wise in tangible economic senses nor empowering to the people at the peripheries. The pope is hardly the only one falling into the trap of unwitting commodification of the poverty of these places through their actions. There are hordes of voluntourists from the rich world compounding the problems of the peripheries however genuine their intentions may be.
Lastly, did anyone miss? Pope Francis, dubbed the pope of the Global South, is also an overt colonialist ! Myanmar was part of this dark side of the pope, too. He is the one who annexed Sovereign Military Order of Malta when the Catholic order, a sovereign entity in the international system, was in a leadership crisis after its aid projects in Myanmar had strayed from Holy See’s line on Catholic teachings . Just because he’s the pope and the fact that SMOM lacks physical territory altogether, unlike Holy See possessing a token territory of Vatican, is no excuse for Francis’s overt takeover of another sovereign entity. What is good for big states rich in both hard-power and soft-power like United States, Russia, China, France, or United Kingdom is good for Holy See lacking hard-power yet still wielding a big amount of soft-power!
admin. ‘South East Asia and in Far East Asia. List of Portuguese Colonial Forts and Possessions’. Colonial Voyage (blog), 20 February 2014. https://www.colonialvoyage.com/south-east-asia-far-east-asia-list-portuguese-colonial-forts-possessions/. ‘Andorra Country Profile’. BBC News, 2 November 2017, sec. Europe. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-17028050. ‘Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Myanmar and Bangladesh [26 November - 2 December 2017]’. Vatican.va. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://localhost:4503/content/francesco/en/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/en/2017/11/26/viaggio-apostolico-myanmar-bangladesh.html. ‘Does Voluntourism Do More Harm than Good? | Voluntary Sector Network | The Guardian’. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/voluntary-sector-network/2015/may/21/western-volunteers-more-harm-than-good. Gibson, Richard Michael. The Secret Army: Chiang Kai-Shek and the Drug Warlords of the Golden Triangle. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. ‘Govern d’Andorra’. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.govern.ad/. Hays, Jeffrey. ‘GOLDEN TRIANGLE DRUG LORDS: KHUN SA, LO HSING HAN, MISS HAIRY LEGS AND THE WA STATE ARMY | Facts and Details’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Myanmar/sub5_5g/entry-3078.html. ‘How Much Does It Cost for the Pope to Meet the Poor?’ Foreign Policy (blog). Accessed 26 November 2017. https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/25/how-much-does-it-cost-for-the-pope-to-meet-the-poor/. Kingsley, Patrick, and Raphael Minder. ‘Catalonia Separatism Revives Spanish Nationalism’. The New York Times, 5 October 2017, sec. Europe. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/05/world/europe/catalan-independence-referendum.html. Lind, Dara. ‘Junipero Serra Was a Brutal Colonialist. So Why Did Pope Francis Just Make Him a Saint?’ Vox, 24 September 2015. https://www.vox.com/2015/9/24/9391995/junipero-serra-saint-pope-francis. ‘List of Active Separatist Movements in Asia’. Wikipedia, 22 November 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_active_separatist_movements_in_Asia&oldid=811527481. MillsReporter, Christian. ‘President Macron Assumes New Title– as Co-Prince of Andorra’. Royal Central (blog), 16 May 2017. http://royalcentral.co.uk/europe/president-macron-assumes-new-title-as-co-prince-of-andorra-82297. ‘Myanmar Mission Review Facebook Page’. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.facebook.com/MyanmarMissionReview/. ‘Patrick Gower: Jacinda Ardern Helps Keep TPP Alive’. Newshub, 11 November 2017, sec. Politics. http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2017/11/patrick-gower-jacinda-ardern-helps-keep-tpp-alive.html. ‘Pope Francis: Che Guevara in a Cassock? | RealClearPolitics’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://www.realclearworld.com/2014/10/03/pope_francis_che_guevara_in_a_cassock_161860.html. ‘Pope Francis in Myanmar-2017 Facebook Page’. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.facebook.com/PopeinMyanmar/. ‘Pope Seizes Power from the Knights of Malta, Brutally Ending 900 Years of Their Sovereignty’. Coffee House, 25 January 2017. https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2017/01/pope-seizes-power-knights-malta-brutally-ending-900-years-sovereignty/. ‘President Trump Learns the Art and the Awkwardness of the ASEAN Handshake’. USA TODAY. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/11/13/president-trump-learns-art-and-awkwardness-asean-handshake/857955001/. ‘Principado de Andorra’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://www.bisbaturgell.org/index.php/es/principado-de-andorra. ‘Saying No to Burma’s Druglords’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://www2.irrawaddy.com/opinion_story.php?art_id=282. ‘Self-Administered Division and Self-Administered Zone | Myanmar President Office’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://www.president-office.gov.mm/en/?q=cabinet/self-administered-division-and-self-administered-zone. Service, Catholic News. ‘Bishops Fear Any Mention of Rohingya by Pope Will Bring “Chaos”’. Accessed 26 October 2017. https://catholicregister.org/home/international/item/26244-bishops-fear-any-mention-of-rohingya-by-pope-will-bring-chaos?platform=hootsuite. Thackray, Jemima. ‘Beware of the Two Faces of Pope Francis: He Ain’t No Liberal’, 22 January 2015, sec. Women. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11362224/Pope-Francis-he-aint-no-liberal.-Beware-of-his-two-faces.html. ‘The Pitfalls Of Debating The Pope’s Liberal Politics’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://thefederalist.com/2017/06/30/the-pitfalls-of-debating-the-popes-liberal-politics/. ‘The Reality of Voluntourism and the Conversations We’re Not Having’. Accessed 26 November 2017. https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-reality-of-voluntourism-and-the-conversations-were-not-having. ‘The United Nations and Decolonization’. Accessed 26 November 2017. http://www.un.org/en/decolonization/. ‘TPP 11 Forge Ahead with Renamed Trade Pact after Close Call’. The Japan Times Online, 11 November 2017. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/11/11/business/economy-business/eleven-trade-ministers-reach-deal-tpp-without-u-s/. ‘U Saw Hla Min Appointed as Ambassador to the Principality of Andorra’. THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR. 15 October 2009, XVII:182 edition.
#asia-pacific#pacific#east asia#asia#Myanmar#new zealand#tpp11#APEC#east asia summit#pope#catalonia#separatism#peace and conflict#intercommunal conflict#globalization#pope francis#papal visit#papal diplomacy#diplomacy#andorra#foreign relations#iberia#history#linguistics#language#expoloration#colonialism#post-colonialism#colonization#international relations
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Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional: October 27th
Tozer in the Morning Growing Numbers Do Not Guarantee Increasing Quality
The question of numbers and their relation to success or failure in the work of the Lord is one that disturbs most Christians more than a little.
. . . There are Christians, for instance, who dismiss the whole matter as being beneath them.
. . .They prefer to sit around the Lord's Table in a select and tight little circle, admiring the deep things of God and, I very much fear, admiring themselves a wee bit also. This is a kind of Protestant monasticism without the cowl and the beads, for it seeks to preserve the faith of Christ from pollution by isolating it from the vulgar masses. Its motives may be commendable, but its methods are altogether unscriptural and its spirit completely out of mood with that of our Lord.
The other and opposite school is the most vocal and has by far the largest following in gospel circles today. Its philosophy, if it can be called a philosophy, is that "we must get the message out" regardless of how we go about it. The devotees of this doctrine appear to be more concerned with quantity than with quality. They seem burned up with desire to "bring the people in" even if they have not much to offer them after they are in. They take inexcusable liberties both with message and with method. The Scriptures are used rather than expounded and the Lordship of Christ almost completely ignored. Pressure is exerted to persuade the people (who, by the way, come to the meetings with something else in mind altogether) to accept Christ, with the understanding that they shall then have peace of mind and financial prosperity, not to mention high grades in school and a low score on the golf course.
The crowds-at-any-price mania has taken a firm grip on American Christianity and is the motivating power back of a shockingly high percentage of all religious activity. Men and churches compete for the attention of the paying multitudes who are brought in by means of any currently popular gadget or gimmick ostensibly to have their souls saved, but, if the truth were told, often for reasons not so praiseworthy as this.
Tozer in the Evening Condemnation or No Condemnation
A sinful man should be afraid; he has plenty to be afraid of. The consequences of his sins, death, judgment and hell are all awaiting him and he cannot escape them by looking the other way. While he lives on earth there are dangers of every kind facing him and everyone he loves. Any religious teacher that exhorts him to ignore these dangers is unrealistic, false to the facts and a deadly enemy to his soul. The prophet of tranquility is indeed another source of danger to him and should be considered one more object of fear. Where there are mortal perils and no place to hide, fear is the only sane reaction. To dismiss fear while the danger still exists is little short of insanity. Until the danger has been removed, fear should remain. Only that man has a right to be unafraid who has fled for refuge to the mighty Savior. Such a man knows the danger is there, but he also knows that his Almighty Lord will bring him safely through and present him at last faultless before the presence of God. There are in the Scriptures innumerable exhortations to put away fear; but they are all addressed to Gods own children, never to the children of this world. Someone must care, and if a man has not cast his fears on Christ, he must bear them himself. The safety of the Rock is for those who have put their trust in the Rock. All others must face their enemies alone.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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Faith Yen interviewed by Caleb Maupin
Twitter: www.twitter.com/faithy3n Instagram: www.instagram.com/faithy3n
“I was 18 when I got kicked out of HQ. I was 19 when I started breaking rules but was still mentally in. I was 25 when I realized I was completely mentally out and had a Neo in the Matrix panic attack.”
Faith Yen Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC2eGLsbToZ5so4VVpRuJPw
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
The Dark Side of True World Foods – owned by the Moonies
Sushi and Rev. Moon – Chicago Tribune special 2006
Sun Myung Moon could have spent a second spell in a US jail in 2007 – for encouraging poaching baby leopard sharks
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon and Koreagate – Robert Boettcher
Moon Church human trafficking is despicable
The Moon Church schism explained
‘Will they let us live?’ Inside Xinjiang, survivors of China’s internment camps speak – Los Angeles Times Dec 17, 2020
Cult Indoctrination – and the Road to Recovery
1. VIDEO: Why do people join cults? – Janja Lalich 2. PODCAST: The Cult Vault – Introduction to the Study of Cults by Kaycee 3. VIDEO: The BITE model of Steve Hassan / The Influence Continuum 4. Father Kent Burtner on manipulation of the emotions by the UC 5. VIDEO: Terror, Love and Brainwashing ft. Alexandra Stein 6. Robert Jay Lifton’s Eight Criteria of Thought Reform 7. VIDEO: The Wrong Way Home . An analysis of Dr Arthur J. Deikman’s book on cult behavior 8. Cult Indoctrination through Psychological Manipulation by Professor Kimiaki Nishida 9. Towards a Demystified and Disinterested Scientific Theory of Brainwashing (extracts) by Benjamin Zablocki 10. Psyching Out the Cults’ Collective Mania by Louis Jolyon West and Richard Delgado 11. Book: Take Back Your Life by Janja Lalich and Madeleine Tobias (2009) 12. VIDEO: Paul Morantz on Cults, Thought Reform, Coercive Persuasion and Confession 13. PODCAST: Ford Greene, Attorney and former UC member, on Sun Myung Moon 14. VIDEO: Steve Hassan interviewed by Chris Shelton 15. VIDEO: Conformity by TheraminTrees 16. VIDEO: Instruction Manual for Life by TheraminTrees 17. The Social Organization of Recruitment in the Unification Church – PDF by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology 18. Mind Control: Psychological Reality Or Mindless Rhetoric? by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D., President, American Psychological Association 19. Socialization techniques through which Moon church members were able to influence by Geri-Ann Galanti, Ph.D. 20. VIDEO: Recovery from RTS (Religious Trauma Syndrome) by Marlene Winell 21. VIDEO: ICSA – After the cult 22. “How do you know I’m not the world’s worst con man or swindler?” – Sun Myung Moon 23. VIDEO: What Is A Cult? CuriosityStream 24. VIDEO: The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion by Kristin Neff 25. Bibliography
6. Robert Jay Lifton’s Eight Criteria of Thought Reform
“I wish to suggest a set of criteria against which any environment may be judged — a basis for answering the ever-recurring question: “Isn’t this just like ‘brainwashing’?” – Robert Jay Lifton
“Ideological Totalism” is Chapter 22 of Robert Jay Lifton’s book, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of ‘brainwashing’ in China
Dr. Lifton, a psychiatrist and author, has studied the psychology of extremism for decades. He is renowned for his studies of the psychological causes and effects of war and political violence and for his theory of thought reform. Lifton testified at the 1976 bank robbery trial of Patty Hearst about the theory of “coercive persuasion.”
His theories — including the often-referred to 8 criteria described below — are used and expanded upon by many cult experts.
First published in 1961, his book was reprinted in 1989 by the University of North Carolina Press. From Chapter 22:
Milieu Control – The control of information and communication.
Mystical Manipulation – The manipulation of experiences that appear spontaneous but in fact were planned and orchestrated.
The Demand for Purity – The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection.
The Cult of Confession – Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group.
The Sacred Science – The group’s doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute.
Loading the Language – The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand.
Doctrine over person – The member’s personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group.
The Dispensing of existence – The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not.
Eight Conditions of Thought Reform as presented in
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, Chapter 22.
1. Milieu Control The most basic feature of the thought reform environment, the psychological current upon which all else depends, is the control of human communication. Through this milieu control the totalist environment seeks to establish domain over not only the individual’s communication with the outside (all that he sees and hears, reads and writes, experiences, and expresses), but also — in its penetration of his inner life — over what we may speak of as his communication with himself. It creates an atmosphere uncomfortably reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984…. (Page 420.) Purposeful limitation of all forms of communication with outside world.
The control of human communication through environment control.
The cult doesn’t just control communication between people, it also controls people’s communication with themselves, in their own minds.
2. Mystical Manipulation The inevitable next step after milieu control is extensive personal manipulation. This manipulation assumes a no-holds-barred character, and uses every possible device at the milieu’s command, no matter how bizarre or painful. Initiated from above, it seeks to provoke specific patterns of behavior and emotion in such a way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the environment. This element of planned spontaneity, directed as it is by an ostensibly omniscient group, must assume, for the manipulated, a near-mystical quality. (Page 422.) Potential convert is convinced of the higher purpose within the special group.
Everyone is manipulating everyone, under the belief that it advances the “ultimate purpose.”
Experiences are engineered to appear to be spontaneous, when, in fact, they are contrived to have a deliberate effect.
People mistakenly attribute their experiences to spiritual causes when, in fact, they are concocted by human beings.
3. The Demand for Purity The experiential world is sharply divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the absolutely evil. The good and the pure are of course those ideas, feelings, and actions which are consistent with the totalist ideology and policy; anything else is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. Nothing human is immune from the flood of stern moral judgements. (Page 423.) The philosophical assumption underlying this demand is that absolute purity is attainable, and that anything done to anyone in the name of this purity is ultimately moral.
The cult demands Self-sanctification through Purity.
Only by pushing toward perfection, as the group views goodness, will the recruit be able to contribute.
The demand for purity creates a guilty milieu and a shaming milieu by holding up standards of perfection that no human being can attain.
People are punished and learn to punish themselves for not living up to the group’s ideals.
4. The Cult of Confession Closely related to the demand for absolute purity is an obsession with personal confession. Confession is carried beyond its ordinary religious, legal, and therapeutic expressions to the point of becoming a cult in itself. (Page 425.) Public confessional periods are used to get members to verbalize and discuss their innermost fears and anxieties as well as past imperfections.
The environment demands that personal boundaries are destroyed and that every thought, feeling, or action that does not conform with the group’s rules be confessed.
Members have little or no privacy, physically or mentally.
5. Aura of Sacred Science The totalist milieu maintains an aura of sacredness around its basic dogma, holding it out as an ultimate moral vision for the ordering of human existence. This sacredness is evident in the prohibition (whether or not explicit) against the questioning of basic assumptions, and in the reverence which is demanded for the originators of the Word, the present bearers of the Word, and the Word itself. While thus transcending ordinary concerns of logic, however, the milieu at the same time makes an exaggerated claim of airtight logic, of absolute “scientific” precision. Thus the ultimate moral vision becomes an ultimate science; and the man who dares to criticize it, or to harbor even unspoken alternative ideas, becomes not only immoral and irreverent, but also “unscientific”. In this way, the philosopher kings of modern ideological totalism reinforce their authority by claiming to share in the rich and respected heritage of natural science. (Pages 427-428.) The cult advances the idea that the cult’s laws, rules and regulations are absolute and, therefore, to be followed automatically.
The group’s belief is that their dogma is absolutely scientific and morally true.
No alternative viewpoint is allowed.
No questioning of the dogma is permitted.
6. Loading the Language The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. [Slogans] The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. The cult invents a new vocabulary, giving well-known words special new meanings, making them into trite clichés. The clichés become “ultimate terms”, either “god terms”, representative of ultimate good, or “devil terms”, representative of ultimate evil. Totalist language, then, is repetitiously centered on all-encompassing jargon, prematurely abstract, highly categorical, relentlessly judging, and to anyone but its most devoted advocate, deadly dull: the language of non-thought. (Page 429.)
Controlling words helps to control people’s thoughts.
The group uses black-or-white thinking and thought-terminating clichés.
The special words constrict rather than expand human understanding.
Non-members cannot simply comprehend what cult members are talking about.
7. Doctrine over Person Another characteristic feature of ideological totalism: the subordination of human experience to the claims of doctrine. (Page 430.) Past experience and values are invalid if they conflict with the new cult morality.
The value of individuals is insignificant when compared to the value of the group.
Past historical events are retrospectively altered, wholly rewritten, or ignored to make them consistent with doctrinal logic.
No matter what a person experiences, it is belief in the dogma which is important.
Group belief supersedes individual conscience and integrity.
8. Dispensed Existence The totalist environment draws a sharp line between those whose right to existence can be recognized, and those who possess no such right. Lifton gave a Communist example:
In thought reform, as in Chinese Communist practice generally, the world is divided into “the people” (defined as “the working class, the peasant class, the petite bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie”), and “the reactionaries” or “the lackies of imperialism” (defined as “the landlord class, the bureaucratic capitalist class, and the KMT reactionaries and their henchmen”). (Page 433.)
The group decides who has a right to exist and who does not.
The group has an elitist world view — a sharp line is drawn by cult between those who have been saved, chosen, etc., (the cult members) and those who are lost, in the dark, etc., (the rest of the world).
Former members are seen as “weak,” “lost,” “evil,” and “the enemy”.
The cult insists that there is no legitimate alternative to membership in the cult.
The full text of Chapter 22 appears HERE courtesy of Dr. Robert Jay Lifton.
The Cult Vault #1, 3 and 45: Introduction and The Unification Church
This Introduction to the study of cults is excellent and helpful for understanding #3 and #45.
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Korean language information on Sun Myung Moon is available here
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
The Sunday Journal USA published two articles in Korean about the failing Moon ‘dynasty’. Sunday Journal USA Vol. 877, April 18, 2013 (part 1) Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Here is an extract from part 2: 전격취재 2 통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’ 한학자와의 사이에 14명 자녀 중 4명이 비명횡사
나머지 자식들도 불운의 삶 ‘정신병, 마약중독, 섹스광’ 문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들이 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 문씨의 실제적 장남인 성진씨는 1973년 7월 18일 통일교의 주요한 멤버인 김원필씨의 딸 김동숙 양과 결혼했다.
문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일). 그리고 문 씨의 세 번째 부인은 김명희 (1955. 6.30) 씨이며 문희진씨를 낳았으나 사망하고 말았다. 김명희씨는 당시 Y대 대학생이었으며 처녀로 통일교의 교리인 혈통복귀의식을 받아들여 문씨의 세 번째 부인이 된 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 1969년 8월 1일 열차사고로 세상을 떠났다. 문씨의 네 번째 부인인 최원복씨는 통일교에서 큰 어머니로 불리고 있다.
문씨의 다섯 번째 부인이 현재 통일교 총재인 한학자씨다. 슬하에 모두 134명의 자녀 출생했으며 그 중 4명이 사망했다. 그리고 한학자씨외에 또 한 명의 부인이 있다. 말하자면 문 씨의 여섯 번째 부인인 셈이다. 이름은 최순화씨며 처녀 혈통복귀의식을 통해 박사무엘을 낳은 것으로 알려지고 있다.
Translation: “Shocking Report – part 2 The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’ Four of the 14 children of the marriage with Han Hak-ja died in accidental deaths. The remaining children lead unfortunate lives: ‘psychosis, drug addiction, sex mania’
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). On July 18, 1973, Mr. Moon’s actual first son, Sung-jin married Kim Dong-sook, the daughter of Kim Won-pil, an important Unification Church member. [Kim Dong-sook was born on January 30, 1955. There have been many reports that Moon was her father. She was listed as a ‘True Child’ when she visited Moon in 2012. She could only be a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her biological father. There is no family resemblance between Dong-sook and the wife of Kim Won-pil.]
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband, Chong Myeong-seon, of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam. [Charges of bigamy have also been mentioned by the Los Angeles Times and other sources. Mrs Kim Chong-hwa spent one year in jail at the same time as Mr. Moon.]
The third wife of Mr. Moon was Miss Kim Myung-hee (June 30, 1955). [This date seems to be the date of their marriage – not long before her departure for Japan. Three Korean scholars reported that Moon married her. UC publications in Japan state that they had a marriage ceremony.] She gave birth to Moon Hee-jin [on August 17, 1955 in Tokyo]. He later died in a train accident [as the train approached Maepo station in Chungbuk Province] on August 1, 1969. It was known that Kim Myung-hee was a student at “Y” University [Yonsei University in Seoul]. As a single woman, she took part in the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], according to Unification Church teachings, and she became Mr. Moon’s third wife. [A Japanese FFWPU / UC publication, The Chūwa Shinbun, states they had a marriage ceremony in Korea in 1954. See issue dated September 12, 1992. Perhaps the UC gave 1954 as a marriage date to give the impression that the couple were married before their child was conceived.]
Mr Moon’s fourth wife, Mrs. Choi Won-bok, was called the ‘Great Mother’ within the Unification Church. [She joined the UC in 1954. She was also known as ‘Second Mother.’]
Mr Moon’s fifth wife is the current Chairperson of the Unification Church / FFWPU, Han Hak Ja. She bore 14 children, but four of them have died.
And there was one more wife in addition to Han Hak Ja. She was, so to speak, sort of like Mr. Moon’s sixth wife. Her name was Miss Choi Soon-wha. It was known that through the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum] she conceived and gave birth to Samuel Park [who was born on January 28, 1966 in the US].”
▲ Sun Myung Moon with children of his from three different mothers. This photograph was taken on January 5, 1965 at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon Sung-jin (born in April 1946; mother Choi Seon-gil) is on the left. Moon Hee-jin is on the right (born in hiding in Tokyo on August 17, 1955; mother Kim Myung-hee). The younger children in the photo are Ye-Jin and Hyo-Jin. They are standing in front of their mother, Hak Ja Han.
문선명의 정체! (1) 김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1
. 박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유효민 – 통일교회의 경제적 기반에 공헌하고 배신 당했다.
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
김덕진 – 섹스릴레이의 실천자
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
박사무엘 비디오의 대본
한인 농부에게 팔린 일본인 여성 일본 통일교회에서 모집한 20세 여성이‘사과 결혼’을 통해 연장자인 한국인 농부에게 팔렸다. 그는 통일교 신도가 아니었다.
일본인 멤버 K 씨는 자신이 싫어하는 한국인 남자와 강제로 결혼했다.
일본인 멤버 U 씨는 그녀를 폭력을 휘두르는 한국인 남자와 결혼했다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
통일교, 한학자 – 7남 문형진 미국서 골육상쟁 벌리고 있는 내막
문선명 7남 문형진 어머니 상대로 골육상쟁 소송 ‘전말’
원리원본 原理原本 1952년
정득은 丁得恩 / 鄭得恩
진정서 “25년동안 속았읍니다” 송 부 웅
김백문의 ‘섹스 타락론’, 무엇을 말하나
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