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rahleeyah · 2 months ago
I never use Instagram, so shout out to @doctoraliceharvey for telling me that insta had automatically followed fucking Vance from my account. Not just they were showing me his posts, he was listed as an account that I follow and I 1000% do not. Wasn't following a generic vp account before him either. To call this kind of interference from the tech companies dystopian is I think an understatement; choking the flow of information and force feeding lies to millions upon millions of people like this ought to be criminal
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Elaborate Lives - Chapter 27 - Theloversthedreamersandme82 - The Doctor Blake Mysteries [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: Things come crashing down
Notes: Happy Birthday Dee! @doctoraliceharvey Thank you all for your patience as always. I moved jobs and am dealing with some stuff in my personal life which is not leaving me much brain space to write. I'm struggling with the timing of the events in the next two chapters, hopefully I can work through it soon. Tried to find a balance between Mei Lin being a bitch, but still giving her a reason to why she's wanting to hold onto the family she lost and Lucien trying to be his beautiful gentle self but also calling her out on her behavior, I hope it rings true and doesn't give you whiplash.
Personally, your comments are the only thing keeping me writing at this stage. I'm committed to finishing this story, and I have the next three chapters loosely written, but if you could leave me a comment about something you liked about the chapter, that would go a long way to help me persist. It's a hard slog for me at the moment.
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andallthatmishigas · 1 year ago
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Tagged by @blossom--of--snow
post a pic of a place, animal, plant, character, season, hobby, color, gemstone, + food that reminds me of myself
(Disneyland Haunted Mansion, fennec fox, purple peonies, Abbey Bartlet, autumn, playing piano, violet, star sapphire, mac & cheese)
This was fun!
Tagging: @bella-caecilia @comepraisetheinfanta @doctoraliceharvey @featherpluckn @holy-ships-x-red-lips @margotgrissom @ohtobealady @rae-gar-targaryen
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years ago
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ajdgdgdhsk thank u @doctoraliceharvey ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈
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echrai · 2 years ago
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @ofhouseadama even though you know I'm terrible at continuing these lol
Were you named after anyone?
My grandmother and great-grandmother on my mom's side! First name is from my great-grandmother and middle name is my grandmother's name.
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, recently, probably about my grandmother
Do you have kids?
One son who is twenty and terrible in the best ways possible.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Far too often, I blame my father for instilling a love of Monty Python and letting me watch The West Wing unsupervised.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe, tone of voice, stuff like that. Gotta love that enmeshment training.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I've seen The Conjuring I know I can have both!! (keeping this because she's got a point! I've read the fic! you get both)
Any special talents?
per son "plan task like you're an AI, scary", bilingual, I can eyeball just about any amount of physical space and be accurate as long as it doesn't involve cooking/pots/pans. raising incredibly spoiled dogs
Where were you born?
West Virginia
What are your hobbies?
Reading, re-reading the same fanfictions twenty times, beta reading my wife's fanfiction, crocheting more blankets we don't need, raising incredibly spoiled dogs
Have any pets?
Two terribly spoiled dogs, Lady who is 6 years old and Beau who is 8 months. We lost Bella to incredibly old age in November but she's still haunting us and we might have accidentally made her the ferryman for the river styx so does that count?
What sports do you play/have you played?
Does barrel racing count?
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
History & political science for sure
Dream job?
Trophy wife, but honestly I kind of actually already have it. I work from home and write grants and it's great
Tagging: @cosmonauthill @doctoraliceharvey @goosegoblin @shieldmaidenofsherwood @bijoumikhawal @its-mothmaam
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olafur-neal · 4 months ago
Thanks for the tag! I love the variety of colors of the palette. The rich tones fit me very well!
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I tag: @doctoraliceharvey @lodessa @mystupiddumbflyboy @ellie5192 @rahleeyah
Which oddly specific colour palette are you?
Thank you for the tag, @citrus-moonlight!!! This is... quite literally my wardrobe color on top of the eyeshadows/lipsticks I wear on the daily so this is actually quite spooky skfjsdkf
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Link to quiz.
No pressure tags (and you if you see this!): @sixpennydame @nube55 @littlerequiem @pinkberryfox @thechaoticarchivist
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mandalamarigold · 1 year ago
15 questions
tagged by @andallthatspookymishigas
1. Are you named after anyone?
A joke in my family is that my mom saw my name on the marquee for the local gentleman's' club that wasn't far from where she grew up. She denies it but she's also a terrible liar.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I can't remember, a few weeks ago?
3. Do you have kids?
Yep. And he's pretty darn great!
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I was a competitive figure skater and I also played soccer. Now it's golf and yoga.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Facial expression. (I people watch for a living, I take in a lot at once so it's hard to narrow it down)
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both, but more recently I would say happy endings.
9. Any talents?
Not really, no.
10. Where were you born?
Ontario, Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading. Puzzling. Playing with words.
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Biology and English
15. Dream job?
Owning a bookstore
Tagging: @dreamofragtime@pumpkinspicelove@doctoraliceharvey @scully2u and anyone else who wants to play along
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rae-gar-targaryen · 3 years ago
NEW JOB HUZZAH!! You’re doing amazing!
Thank you, babe!!! Ack! I am like so floored by all of this -- the good news, the positive response. Literally everyone in my life was like "you'd be insane not to take it," and I kinda agree! I can't wait for the change.
Big hugs, lovebug! Thank you for being so sweet to me always! 💜🌿✨
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yesmadamepresident · 4 years ago
A birthday present for @doctoraliceharvey. Matthew, Alice, and a roadtrip. Pure, unadulterated, tooth-rotting fluff. Also on AO3.
I hope you had an amazing birthday, friend, and I hope you enjoy this! I tried to fit as much Malice cuteness as I possibly could in ~3k words, and if I didn't reach the limit I sure came close.
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rikertroi · 4 years ago
Big sweaters, chilly air, thanksgiving?
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
definitely somewhere inbetween, that sweet spot where you can walk outside in pants and still be comfortable
cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
anywhere with my wife, and anywhere in our home
thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
I really love my roommates, my friend elizabeth who spoils me because she’s one of the most generous people alive, thankful for @ofhouseadama for losing her marbles over the conjuring with me and becoming an even closer friend in the process, thankful for patience and growth and understanding.
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rahleeyah · 7 months ago
This is a public shout out to @doctoraliceharvey who years ago introduced me to the best little Greek restaurant near my office I cannot thank you enough for that bestie. Their hummus and pita is so good sometimes I'll get just that for lunch. And I've turned all the office ladies on to it, and they all love it, and today I bought lunch for everybody and we are all very happy. Full of hummus and love
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Wherever you find love - Chapter 9 - Theloversthedreamersandme82 - The Doctor Blake Mysteries [Archive of Our Own]
Summary: The Wedding Day!
Notes: SURPRISE! Happy Birthday Dee! @doctoraliceharvey I know it's been forever since I updated this fic but I thought what better day to post a Malice wedding, than the birthday of the person who got me shipping them in the first place!? You guys might need to go back and re-read the previous chapter, or like the whole thing… it's been THAT long… I hope it was worth waiting for and you enjoy it.
Sorry, not available on ff.net just yet. Password issues.
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andallthatmishigas · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @ohtobealady
Are you named after anyone?
Not really. A client of my mother's named her daughter Ariel way before my parents even met and my mum always wanted to name a daughter Ariel, and here I am.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Friday. I was at my grandmother's funeral.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Hopefully one day.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played tennis and I swam as a kid but stopped around the time I almost died of pneumonia and got diagnosed with asthmas.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Probably hair
7. What’s your eye color?
whale blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
9. Any talents?
I sing and I think I'm a good writer. I think those are my best talents.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading and writing and art projects and cooking and baking. I'm back on knitting right now and I've been baking bread.
12. Do you have any pets?
A bunch of fish and two cream retrievers, Linus and Lucy
13. How tall are you?
A respectable 5'6"
14. Favorite subject in school?
I always loved history. My English classes were the most challenging and probably very good for me, but History and French were my favorite in high school. In college, I got degrees in Sociology and Art History and I loved all my art history classes. Some extremely good classes in sociology, too.
15. Dream job?
In another life, I'd want to be a Disney historian or a zookeeper.
Tagging: @doctoraliceharvey @aboxfullofdarkness @blossom--of--snow @holy-ships-x-red-lips @mandalamarigold @margotgrissom @whatsabriard @rae-gar-targaryen
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bigmammallama5 · 4 years ago
from the supercorp vampire au that i think needs a plot and not just smut:
Kara was seized by the old eagerness of a freshly minted superhero and stepped out from behind her cousin, finger raised in the air in front of her. She hadn’t come this far to be outshone by her cousin on her home turf. Again.
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actuallylorelaigilmore · 4 years ago
turns out i worked on more drafts than i remembered, before i got sick. this comes from a ‘odaat + superpowers’ prompt:
“Believe me, I understand why that sounds more reasonable, and why you would even want to believe it. But it wasn’t random. You just explained it. Say it again, Elena, what you were thinking right before the walls blew.”
“That I wanted them to understand...we’re all in danger.” Elena’s hand went rigid in Penelope’s. “I-I did that. I did that? I blew up my school?”
“Not the whole school,” Alex offered helpfully. “Just the cafeteria.”
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing 
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the-adventures-of-dave · 6 years ago
my four year old boy is 15 lbs and doesn't look it! he's a very dense boi (and long! he stretches out from my hip to my ankles lmao)
Omg he sounds like such a good boy!! The new longcat!!! Give him a pat for me!
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