#doctor x flamebringer
raiden0vitch · 6 months
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i preordered a flamebringer nui (i want a supersized version)
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novemsolis · 2 years
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A small Flamebringer x fem doctor (my doc oc) compilation post
I want to draw them more.... seeing them makes me happy...
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
ship thing for matoimaru or frostleaf?
NOTP: Matoimaru x anyone sneaky and manipulative. Her files say her ideal companion is someone who won't deceive or betray her.
BROTP: Matoimaru canonically likes soccer and sparring, so she'd probably love hanging out with Rhodes Island's Jocks (Gavial, Indra, Blaze, etc.). She's also a fan of floral arrangement, so she'd probably get along well with the Greenhouse Gang (Perfumer, Podenco, Flamebringer, and so on).
OTP: Hard to pick one but I think I'll go with Matoimaru x Hoshiguma. Oni x Oni love.
Second choice pairing: Matoimaru x Doctor, I guess. She seems to place a great deal of trust in them in her talk lines, and those same talk lines indicate that she's quite fond of them in some fashion.
Fluffy pairing: Matoimaru x Indra. They'd be fluffy in a very boisterous fashion, I think.
Angsty pairing: Matoimaru x Doctor has the potential to be angsty if Doctor starts falling back into their old Ghost of Babel ways. Otherwise, anyone who has a habit of using people could generate some real angst if paired with poor, gullible Matoimaru.
Favorite poly ship: Matoimaru x Hoshiguma x Yato x Noir Corne. Let her have an Oni polycule.
Weirdest pairing: Matoimaru x Specter.
NOTP: I don't really have one, honestly.
BROTP: Frostleaf x Projekt Red. Iirc she and Red hang out and work on their homework together.
OTP: Frostleaf x Jessica. Love bloomed on the battlefield.
Second choice pairing: Frostleaf x Meteorite. Love bloomed on the battlefield.
Fluffy pairing: Frostleaf x Projekt Red, Frostleaf x Jessica.
Angsty pairing: Frostleaf x Meteorite, Frostleaf x Dur-nar.
Favorite poly ship: Frostleaf x Jessica x Meteorite
Weirdest pairing: Frostleaf x FrostNova.
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hako-aiko · 2 years
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Flamebringer x Female Doctor.
The idea came from “Kogarashi Sentiment” (Monogatari Series OP) but it’s too hard for me to draw the car from the visual so only Dr. Hana’s pose and hat refer to it.
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loudkidsoulfreak · 7 days
scout x doctor x flamebringer is so herding dog x lamb x wolf hwehehe
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veedraws · 4 years
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I’m really sorry my hand slipped. 
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pulpenaga · 4 years
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Doctor(Leo) x Silverash doodle
+ ExeFlame
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zer0desuu · 4 years
First Encounter - Flamebringer
Note: I imagine Flamebringer like a stray cat. People need interaction, physically and emotionally. This is the basis of this story, where Flamebringer has been ostracized by everyone due to him being infected, on top of being Sarkaz. He is willing to let his guard down around Doctor, allowing hist vulnerable side to be shown only to Doctor.
This is a story from years ago, when I first met Flamebringer. Or at least this is what he tells me. I was on my way home from the lab, exhausted from the overtime I had to do to patch up the intern’s mistakes. Night had already fallen and a cold rain fell from the sky.
As I walk down the street, I hear a clanging noise coming from the alleyway next to the lab building. Curious, I peek my head around the corner. I pull out my phone and used the screen as a flashlight to illuminate the darkness of the alley. “Is someone there?”
The light falls onto a tall, dark haired male sitting between the bags of garbage that wouldn’t fit in the overflowing dumpster. There is a broadsword wrapped in ribbons of red cloth strapped to his back and a katana on his hip. His head is down as if he were unconscious, his hair covering his face. 
“Excuse me?” I kneel down next to him, holding my umbrella over the two of us. “Sir, are you alright? I’m Dr. [y/n]. I work in the building nearby.”
Black horns protrude from his brow. Drops of water drip off his long lashes. Fresh blood from a hidden head wound trickle down his face. Upon further inspection, I see the black crystals on the right side of his neck and face. Oripathy - my field of study. It is a highly infectious disease that was beginning to make its presence in the world. But, I couldn’t just leave him here.
I place my hand on his shoulder and gently shook him. “Excuse me. You can’t stay here. Can you stand?”
His eyelids flutter open, revealing blazing amber eyes, like the colour of the golden sun. The next moment, his hand is on my neck, squeezing, ready to kill. “Who… are you?” He snarls, baring his fang-like canines.
“I’m a doctor from the lab in this building.” I tried to remain calm as my heart hammered in my chest. This guy was no joke. I could sense the killing intention from his grip. “My field of study focuses on Oripathy, which you are indeed suffering from, judging by the growths on your face and neck.”
I gently placed my hand on his hand around my neck. His grip loosens slightly. “I can help.” I reassured him.
He released me, muttering, “I don’t need any help.”
“You do. You’re injured. You have to treat those injuries, or else they can get infected.” I stood up and held out my hand. “Come, I’ll take you to my place.”
He hesitates for a moment, before taking my outstretched hand. I pull him onto his feet and swing his arm around my shoulders to support him. Well, as much as I could, because this guy was enormous! I nearly fall over as he puts his weight on me.
We slowly make our way to my apartment, the rain gradually slowing to a drizzle. No words are exchanged between us as I lead him, stumbling, to my apartment complex. Unfortunately, by the time we arrive, we’re both soaked to the bone. We leave a trail of water as I haul him into the elevator and to my apartment.
I press my hand against the reader and the door to my apartment unlocks. I use my elbow to turn the handle. The door opens and I lose balance, tripping into the doorway. 
“Shit!” I am still holding his arm as I fall, pulling him down with me. His body partially falls onto my back and I’m momentarily squished underneath him. 
"You…" He mutters as he pushes himself off of me. "How can you treat an injured person like this?" 
“Well, it’s not my fault you’re a giant and way too heavy for someone as small as me to haul around.” I send him a glare as I rub my hands which were already sore from taking the brunt of the fall. “You seem fine enough to move around now. Take off your shoes and sit on the couch. I’ll get the first aid kit.” 
I kick off my own shoes, still filled with water. I’ll have to deal with those later. I bring out the first aid kit from the cabinet. Sitting down on the couch next to him, I start treating his wounds. He barely flinches as I apply antiseptic on the open cuts. He must be used to getting injured. 
“I totally forgot to ask, but what’s your name…?” I say as I spray liquid bandages on each wound.
“...I don’t really have a name. It’s not like other people would care about me, since one, I’m Sarkaz, and two, I’m infected.” He held up a finger for each of those reasons. “But, I guess you can call me… Flamebringer.”
“Flamebringer.” I repeat his name to store it away in my mind. Finished with the first aid treatment, I shut my first aid kit and give him a small smile. “It’s a wonderful name.”   
Flamebringer’s reaction shows that he didn’t expect such a response. He quickly looks down, hiding his face. The tips of his pointed ears flushes pink as he mumbles, “Thank you…”
“You should probably shower. I don’t want you to get a cold from being all wet.” I stand up from the couch. “I think I have some clothes for you, though the pants might be short. Leave your wet clothes outside and I’ll dry them.”
He heads to the washroom and shuts the door. Moments later, the door opens again and he deposits his clothes outside the bathroom. While he showers, I hang his clothes up near the heater. I rummage through the depths of my closet. I have some oversized mens’ t-shirts to sleep in, so I’m sure one will fit him. 
I hear the shower shut off and Flamebringer comes out in a pair of fitted black boxers. I try my hardest not to look, but it’s hard not to. His lean, muscular body is covered with scars. Multiple patches of black crystals marr his pale skin, some with black veins spreading out in his skin. A black tail flicks around lazily.
“Here.” I toss a white t-shirt at him. “Unfortunately, I only have a shirt.” 
“Thanks.” He pulls the shirt over his head. The back of my mind protests in disappointment when the fabric covers his torso.
I shake the thoughts out of my head. “Anyway, you can stay for the night. Make yourself at home.”
I quickly take a shower and come out of the bathroom, towel drying my hair. I spot Flamebringer curled up on my couch, nestled in the pillows. His eyes were closed, like he had fallen asleep.
“Hey…” I reach out to wake him up. 
His eyes open before I touch him and he grasps my hand and brings it up to his face, nuzzling his cheek into my palm. “You smell nice… It’s been a while since I’ve touched someone.” 
My thumb lightly brushes against his skin. “Come, you can sleep in my bed. You’re the patient after all.”
He settles down in my bed and I shut off the bedside lamp. Just as I turn to set up my own spot on the couch, I feel a hand on my wrist. Flamebringer pulls me sharply and I fall on top of him.
“I don’t want to be alone…” Flamebringer wraps an arm around my waist. “Stay.”
“...Alright.” With his pleading eyes shining as if he is about to cry, I just could not refuse. I crawl over him to the other side of the bed and lie next to him. “Good night, Flamebringer.”
“Good night, [y/n].” He snakes his arms around me and snuggles closer. His body temperature feels warmer than normal humans. I gradually relax to the heat of his body and slowly drift off into sleep.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Helloo i've read your stories for a long time but this is my first time doing a request so idk if im doing it right, but can i have a flamebringer x doctor! Male reader or silverash x doctor! Male reader hmmm maybe for the plot is wherethe doctor got injured??? And make it angst and fluff in the end. Im sorry if im doing it wrong butthanky ou for your hard work and stay safe /^_^/
Flamebringer x Doctor!Male!Reader [Angst&Fluff]
Warning; mention of a gunshot wound, blood & surgery. (I added operators that I have so sorry if it's not accurate to your account)
Game; Arknights
It was unusual for Rhodes Island's doctor to involve himself in a fight, but this time, he got caught in the crossfire when they were trying to get back up, some Operators had to retreat from the battle, and (M/n) had to help them heal and get ready again, but while he was doing that, he got shot.
Every Operator on the battlefield heard many of the operators that were brought as backup yelling out for their doctor. Shining immediately ran to him to heal him and keep him from bleeding out, but they had to leave as quickly as possible.
Silverash, who had been guarding their base clenched his teeth and looked forward, "Keep fighting! Defeat them!" He yelled for everyone to hear.
While some operators gritted their teeth, others nodded, but every single one of them fought with everything they had, the healers were exhausted from healing everyone and themselves, melee and ranged attacks running out of breath and almost passing out, but after getting short breaks while the enemies got closer, and the Inspiration buff from Sora, they finally won the battle.
Without rest, they rushed back to Rhodes Island to treat (M/n), Saga and Mudrock watched their backs while Hoshiguma carried the doctor on her back, rushing as fast as she could while three different healers kept (M/n) alive, who had long passed out.
Every operator that got held back at the base panicked at the sight of their bloody, unconscious doctor, who was immediately taken to the infirmary where he worked to find a cure for Oripathy, but only had a treatment for the symptoms of it so far.
Hoshiguma walked in and gently but quickly laid him down on the bed, backing away to let the Medics do their jobs. Pretty much every healer under the doctor's command was there, making sure everything was clean and disinfected before proceeding with surgery to extract the bullet.
Outside the room, Flamebringer had just woken up due to all the noise, with a frown he approached the group of operators outside of the doctor's infirmary, everyone there was quiet, with empty looks on their faces and those who came back from the battle were still dirty and beat up.
Curious about who had gotten themselves badly injured, he peeked through the glass window in the hallway, only to stare in shock as he saw (M/n), his lover, laying on the hospital bed, unconscious and bleeding.
Flamebringer turned pale, his knees giving out and falling to the floor getting the attention of a few operators around him. His head was tilted down, hiding his fear and concern from prying eyes, but his sight was getting blurry as the seconds passed, soon covering his face with his hands and crying quietly, holding in his sobs even if that made it hard for him to breathe.
He ignored anyone that tried to talk to him, and just sat there on the cold metal floor, waiting for the Medics to be done so he could be with him.
After what felt like a whole day, one after one, the healers started walking out, letting out deep sighs and glancing back before walking out, those reactions made Flamebringer feel uneasy, so he stood up with shaky, numb legs, and held Ansel's wrist when he walked out.
"Is he... okay?" He struggled to ask, unsure of how to phrase it, but the shorter male seemed to understand him.
"Doctor is still unconscious, we extracted the bullet and disinfected his wound, but he hit his head on the pavement and his skull suffered some cracks," he explained standing next to Flamebringer, looking through the glass how Kal'tsit finished up some things, "We had to sew the wound on his head, and do a blood transfusion since he lost a lot of blood, but... he should be okay, it might take him a couple of days before he wakes up."
Nodding in silence, Flamebringer let Ansel go, and he walked to the door, observing as Kal'tsit picked up the dirty, bloody, and torn clothes from the floor, putting them in a paper bag to get rid of them. She got sight of the male by the door, and she signaled toward the stool on the right side of (M/n)'s bed.
"You can sit there," hesitantly walking in, Flamebringer fixed the stool and sat down, reaching his shaking hands to hold onto (M/n)'s, feeling his tears clouding his sight again when he saw up close the state of his lover.
Kal'tsit walked out of the room and reached for the door to close it, but she stopped for a second, "Make sure you eat something if you're gonna stay the night, alright?" Mindlessly nodding, Flamebringer leaned down to press his forehead on (M/n)'s thigh, turning his head to look at (M/n)'s face.
And eventually, he ended up falling asleep.
For the next following days, Flamebringer was on edge. There were times when (M/n) would wake up for a few seconds before falling unconscious again.
He wanted to be there every hour of every day, but Reunion was still hot on their tail, causing him and other operators to leave and battle, leaving (M/n) under the care of healers, whether they were medics or not. His friends would usually stop by and talk to him, letting him know everything that had been happening, usually things involving funny times.
Every operator from Kjerag visited him, since (M/n) was a close friend of Silverash and Gnosis. Rhine Lab came by too, but Ifrit couldn't stay for too long since she got irritated easily. Laterano and Iberia operators too came by and stayed with him.
But every night, Flamebringer was the only one there, usually after Kal'tsit or Shining came by to check on the doctor's wounds and condition. He was slowly going insane, staying awake day and night just in case (M/n) would, miraculously, wake up, sometimes being forced to rest and other times just passing out from exhaustion.
He couldn't understand why (M/n) wouldn't wake up, he was stable and his wounds were healing properly so why...?
Why hasn't he woken up yet?
With tears wetting his cheeks, Flamebringer held tightly onto (M/n)'s hand, silently praying that he would wake up, and in the midst of his pleads, he passed out.
The next morning, feeling his eyelids as heavy as cinder blocks, (M/n) opened his eyes and looked around, seeing Kal'tsit replacing his IV.
"Oh, look who finally woke up," she said with a sarcastic tone, but the small smile on her face showed her relief. (M/n) felt ich on his face, so he tried to lift his hand up to scratch his cheek, but something was holding it. Glancing down, he saw his lover sleeping on his hand, an obvious trail of dried tears on his face, "He passed out last night after I left, he's been keeping an eye on you, waiting for you to wake up."
His heart fluttered at the words, feeling loved and a bit guilty for making Flamebringer wear himself out like that.
"Alright, I'll be giving out the news that you're awake, so get ready for the room to fill up," he nodded, slowly moving his hand enough to gently caress his lover's cheek, who started waking up, his eyes opened and he seemed alive again once he realized (M/n) was awake.
"Baby!" He exclaimed getting up from his sit, getting closer to kiss him, "You're awake...!"
Smiling, (M/n) wiped the tears falling down Flamebringer's face, the male leaning closer to his warm touch, "I'm back," he whispered, bringing him closer to kiss him again.
Extended Ending
By the time everyone walked into the room (M/n) was in, they caught sight of Flamebringer sleeping on top of the doctor, the calmest and most relaxed expression they'd seen on his face for the past weeks.
Even so, they were happy that (M/n) woke up and was feeling better. They had no idea what they would do if they lost their doctor.
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marahuyos · 3 years
anon asked: Hello there beautiful person! Could I request an Arknights fanfic of Sesa x reader x Flamebringer?? Thank you ^^
*:・゚✧this was sitting in my inbox for almost a whole year i sincerely hope the person who requested this doesn’t hate me alsdjailjdasd
gn!reader | reader is not doctor
tw: swearing, polyam relationship
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• Quite a surprising and curious relationship that you share. One side, you have one of the loudest operators in Rhodes Island whose vocabulary extends to the stars above, and an ex-mercenary who seemed to have a deep fascination towards taking care of plants. Both so sharp and dangerous yet their interests couldn’t be any more different. The only middle ground that these men seemed to settle on is you.
• Whether you were an active operator or part of the logistics staff (rather, whether or not you can fight because Orchid was both a logistics staff and an active operator), you are never left alone without at least one of them beside you. Inside, the air-conditioned logistics office, people can see Flamebringer taking care of the potted plants that he’s grown for you on your office cubicle as he whispers that you missed a typo. As you printed more copies of the contracts, it was Sesa who energetically fills in the empty noise with his rambling of just about anything with his verbose words.
• If you were an operator, you three are always stationed in the same squad. Whether the Doctor knew of your relationship, you couldn’t say. Flamebringer covers the low ground as he tears through his enemies like paper as Sesa covered the skies, even though no one is safe from his explosives. Meanwhile you were defending Flamebringer’s six o’clock, making sure that his killing spree doesn’t result in him accumulating more scars.
• Still, it doesn’t help that he influences you to be more violent on the battlefield. It also doesn’t help that Sesa is an enabler too.
• Winding down during slow days, three of you try to make your different hobbies work together. As three of you are inside the greenhouse, Sesa makes sure to prose to the plants as he showcases his newest weapon as you make sure his rapidly wagging tail doesn’t hit pots. Flamebringer might not show it but he loves to see you be so active towards his hobby.
• It does suck when Perfumer has to kick you guys out for being too loud, though.
• Speaking of tails, both Flamebringer and Sesa’s tails will always be wrapped around you. It was instinct at that point for one of the tailed men to wrap their appendage just to be close to you. Sometimes it wasn’t pretty; sometimes you had to clutch their tail when you were fallen in battle or either one of them wrapping each other’s tail around themselves just for comfort.
• But regardless, you three make this rocky relationship work. Somehow.
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dawnroyalty · 4 years
Zarina needs to see the list for research sake. Someday. In two days, printed and signed by operator Lappland. She can only hope her name’s not there but she’ll use that list to laugh for the rest of her life.
Section 3 copy. There seems to be tons of scribbles based on what Lappland sees.
Zarina x Silverash. Listen, out of all the operators, I can see them getting along after laying down their business persona for a bit, or in private possibly? Silverash’s bird gets in the damn way. - L Zarina x Courier. Courier seems real friendly... Until you find out what’s up with him. He might work for Silverash, but doesn’t mean he won’t support the doctor or take her to lunch. - L. Zarina x Flamebringer. The latter seems tsundere enough! - L. Zarina x Utage. Weird pairing I know, but they seem to be good at hiding things and picking up hints from each other. ...Hopefully I don’t get caught by Utage -  L.
There’s a sticky note that’s an written apology. She wasn’t trying to write fanfiction she swears!!
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
whats your queue got in it, if you dont mind sharing?
Already Written: Doc x Melantha (goes up today, did Adnachiel and Steward so it was only fair), Shining reacting to Nearl’s new skin, Zima and Indra getting into a fight (tied to the Nearl story because dance-off, also the return of the Ursus Doctor), LGD getting a cat named Swire, Siege x SilverAsh, Matterhorn x Pramanix, Siege x Indra being Shishiro’s two moms, Doc being Ifrit’s uncle who helps her with homework, Lava and Hibiscus catching up, Amiya helping a VERY exhausted Doctor, Big Bro Flamebringer pt. 2. That gets us through August as far as daily posts go.
Not Written Yet: Nearl Comfort-Fic Pt. 2 (I’m close but need to find a way to finish it), Aak x fem!Doc, Something something Manticore, Something something Hoshiguma, Midnight x Orchid Pt. 2 (something something Team A6′s parents), and Liskarm’s Revenge: One Franka-Prank Too Many.
What I love looking at this list is only one of these wasn’t requested by someone. Also, to the anon who probably will noticed which of their requests didn’t make it: two out of three ain’t bad? Couldn’t find the connective tissue for that one - if you have a seed I could work off of, I’ll slot it in. 
As for anyone worried about the queue getting filled up, I’ll be honest, I really appreciate having the breathing room on not having to rush out a post on an off-week. Although I understand for requesters how the delay would be annoying, I really have no idea how much time I’ll have in a given week to write, so thanks for giving me a buffer, keeping me accountable, and openly expressing your appreciation for these fics. Y’all are providing the three things I need most in the world to make something happen on a consistent basis. You guys are awesome.
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veedraws · 4 years
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Today’s practice~
I drew some food for Executor and SilverAsh already. It’s only fair that I draw some for FlameBringer.
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veedraws · 4 years
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WIP Excerpt from my FlameBringer x Fem!Doctor Comic
Sorry for posting a WIP but I would like my tumblr audience’s opinion as well on this matter ^^ 
I’m currently working on a lengthy Flamebringer x Doctor fan comic. It’s at least 22 pages and will be published digitally when it’s done. 
My question is: would anyone be interested in a physical version? Kind of like an anthology.
If interest is decent I’ll make a second “after story” comic that is physical version exclusive as a thank you to all the backers. Book will be NC17 as it deals with mature themes, there will be some nudity but nothing explicit. 
It won’t be for profit, I just want to make arknights otome content really I just need to crowd source enough to cover the printing/shipping costs. I’d imagine 10-20USD per book, of course more backers the cheaper it’ll be for everyone. 
Please let me know! You can shoot me a DM(twitter/ig) or an ask! 
Also if you want to follow the development of this comic please check out my twitter! I’ll be documenting everything there. 
Edit: Asking now in the drafting stage cause if print copy is possible I’ll have to set it up before the inking stage.
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zer0desuu · 4 years
Dance of Flames Until Death
Note: Flamebringer x Unspecified Dokutah. My first completed work in a long time, so please be nice! I only recently got into Arknights cuz of my crazy friend @veedraws. I have yet to bring Flamebringer home, so I’m not super familiar with him, so all this is based on his files and Vee’s fangirling XD. Also, sucks that he’s terrible in the game meta, but he’s supposed to be super OP in the story :c
Night has now fallen in the outskirts of Lungmen. The battle has gone on forever. The squad barely made a dent in the enemy army. Everyone was at their wits’ end.
I chew on my lip, frantically trying to come up with a strategy. The squad was exhausted and being pushed back by the enemy forces. 
“Doctor… It’s time.” Flamebringer’s low voice comes through the comms. “Send me out there. There’s no other choice. I’m the only one who can take down this many enemies.”
I hesitate, looking into Flamebringer’s eyes. Flamebringer is notorious for losing control of himself, at the cost of his health. But he was right - he was the only one capable of dealing with this many enemies and surviving.
“...Alright, prepare for deployment.” 
Flamebringer salutes me and exits the control room for the helipad. Moments later, Flamebringer drops down from the deployment copter right in the middle of the frontlines. 
“So…” Flamebringer draws his dual blades from his scabbard. He readies himself, pointing his katana at the hoard in front of him. The katana blade glows like a flame, illuminating the shadows with an orange glow. “Who will be my next opponent?”
Flamebringer lunges at the enemy front lines, blades reflecting the soft light from the full moon above. The glow from his katana and the strips of cloth hanging from his broadsword swirl in an entrancing dance of blades. Each and every swing and stab is meticulously accurate, something only a master of their art can do.
All the other operators on the field are frozen in their spot. Once Flamebringer starts, he cannot be stopped. He will cut down anyone who gets in their way, even allies. The air of the night is filled with Flamebringer’s howls, growing more and more wild with every enemy reduced to ashes. No matter how many times I see Flamebringer fight, I am always stunned by the beauty and carnage. 
Blinking to clear my head, I yell a command to everyone in the field, “Flamebringer, lead the charge. Snipers and mages continue supporting him from behind. Defenders, brace for any enemy charges that leak through!”
The squad puts their all in the fight, their morale renewed by the arrival of reinforcements. The hoard of enemies gradually dwindles. The enemy frontline begins to retreat. We were winning.
“Doctor! Flamebringer’s vitals are reaching dangerous levels! Heart rate is exceeding normal values, blood originium levels have increased sharply.” Ansel shouts from his post in front of the the medi-screens. 
As if on cue, Flamebringer collapses to the ground, one hand clutching his chest. His other grasps his blade, using it as support, struggling to keep himself upright. He gasps for breath, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Perfumer rushes to his side, hands quickly reaching for him, ready to use her healing magic.
“Flamebringer!” I shout into my comm. “Retreat now!” 
“N-No…” Flamebringer swats Perfumer’s hands away. He pushes up off the ground using his sword, his body swaying. Flamebringer brings one hand up to his face, swiping the blood away. The black crystals embedded in his skin had spread further up his neck. “Not until you…”
“There’s no way you can continue in this state. Retreat immediately! This is a command!” 
“No…” Flamebringer’s voice trails off as his knees give way. He drops to the cement, unmoving. 
“Deployment choppers, retrieve Operator Flamebringer immediately!” 
“That idiot!” I hiss, slamming my fist into the desk, seething with anger. Flamebringer always pushed himself to the brink, as if he didn’t care whether he dies. But I cared. He is one of the most valuable Operators on the team.
I try to push thoughts of Flamebringer to the back of my mind while my squad finishes off the rest of the enemies. It goes smoothly due to Flamebringer greatly thinning the numbers. 
Once the rest of my squad boarded the choppers back to Rhodes Island, I run down to the medical centre. Flamebringer lay in a medical bay, with his eyes closed, not moving. A medic-droid removes the final electrode stuck onto Flamebringer’s bare chest. Another droid stands near his bed, tapping away at his medical log displayed on a holoscreen. My heart sinks, bracing for the worst of the news. 
There is some silence as the medic-droid finishes up filling in his information. Finally, it spoke, “We managed to stabilize him. His blood originium-crystal density has increased by 0.03 u/L and his cell-originium assimilation level has increased by 0.06%. Recommended actions include rest from battle to slow further increases. This concludes Operator Flamebringer’s medical report.” 
“Thank you.” I say to the medic-droid. It flashes its eyes in acknowledgement before gliding out of the medical bay. 
I slowly sit down on the stool next to the bed. Flamebringer’s face looks peaceful as he sleeps, different from the scowl or the smirk he usually has. The crystals have grown, some new growths emerging from his skin. 
Flamebringer stirs and slowly opens his eyes. He starts to sit upright, but I place a hand on his chest to stop him. “You need to rest, you idiot.” 
He lays back down, frowning at me in protest. 
I sighed. “You did it again. You pushed yourself way too far.” 
“It’s nothing new to me.” He gives a small shrug. 
“But the more you do this, the worse your health will get. What if you lose yourself again but the infection progresses too much for your body?!” I catch myself, realizing that I had raised my voice. I took a shaky breath, my throat unable to say the next words. “You’ll die…” 
“I don’t care. I already know what will happen to me. I don’t have anything left in this world anyway, so why not go doing what I love?” 
“But what about your plants? Who will take care of them if you’re not here?”
“I guess they’ll just die with me.”
“W-What…What about me…?” My trembling voice was barely a whisper, my heart pounding in my chest. The tears in my eyes threatened to fall. I look down at my hands clenching the hem of my jacket. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t around, you idiot.” 
Flamebringer’s eyes instantly shot in my direction. His face was frozen in a state of shock as he processes what I just said. He slowly sits upright. “What…?”
"I can't imagine what it would be like without you!” Tears slide down my face as I look up into his eyes. I was always so irritated about how he treated life with such nonchalance. I knew it was dumb of me to feel this way for someone who was dying, but I couldn't help it. "Stop running towards death, you idiot."
Flamebringer's expressions change rapidly as he made sense of what I am saying. Finally, his face softened into a small, sad smile. He reaches for my face, brushing away a tear with his thumb. I lean into his hand, grateful that it's still warm, like a fire is still burning in him. 
He leans forward, pulling me closer to him. His lips brush against mine hesitantly, as if I would shove him away. It seemed like he had a bad relationship with me prior to my memory loss. When I don't protest, he kisses me with more strength. 
"Doctor…" Flamebringer pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I will always be by your side, even when I'm gone." 
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Flamebringer x Doctor!Male!Reader
Silver Ash x Top!Male!Reader
Silver Ash x Top!Male!Reader
Silver Ash x Doctor!Male!Reader
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