173 posts
WE ARE MANY SHAPES, SIZES, AND SOUNDS. We are a mascot net label devoted to bringing you some REALLY NEAT tunes! Our genres span from noise to electro to ambience to chiptune to drum and bass to house. There's something for everybody!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
audmonsters · 7 years ago
sadnip releases “Nemesis”
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NEMESIS is out from our new member sadnip, check it out! It’s bassy goodness at its finest, taken to a high zenith. Each track has been refined over a long while for maximum enjoyability. We’re proud of sadnip and we hope you enjoy their work as well!
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Preview the release above and buy it here if you like it!:
NEMESIS is out from our new member sadnip, check it out! It’s bassy goodness at its finest, taken to a high zenith. Each track has been refined over a long while for maximum enjoyability. We’re proud of sadnip and we hope you enjoy their work as well!
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
AUDREMONSTERS 2 is out now!
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Grab the new compilation here!:
The creature feature is back with more appendages than ever before! That's right folks, it's AUDREMONSTERS 2! Monsters, animals, robots, jellies and stuffed toys have all been jammed into this, the latest and greatest compilation of aud minds mixed together! We hope you're ready to assimilate, because becoming one of us has never sounded better.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Preview the new compilation above and grab it here if you like it!:
AUDMONSTERS newest compilation is out! Our members remixed tunes from other members for this one. It’s all morphed into one giant MONST- I mean release. One giant release, for sure.
The creature feature is back with more appendages than ever before! That's right folks, it's AUDREMONSTERS 2! Monsters, animals, robots, jellies and stuffed toys have all been jammed into this, the latest and greatest compilation of aud minds mixed together! We hope you're ready to assimilate, because becoming one of us has never sounded better.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Applications to AUDMONSTERS are closed, and other things!
As the ticket says, we opened up our submission form to allow musicians to apply to us but that time is over and we’ve taken on a number of new musicians we’re comfortable with. In fact, here they are!
Maidnaut, Misato, Aquellex, sadnip, Skyberyl, Dovinte, Luanna.
Look forward to seeing their music in upcoming self releases and compilation contributions! One of them might just have a release coming veeeerrry soon.
We’re always open to being contacted about various other things but for now our submissions are closed. Thank you to everybody who applied, even if you didn’t get in we encourage you to keep working on your music!
Some members are joining us, but one is leaving our collective. James ♥ will no longer be releasing with us. We’re sad to see them go, but we wish them well and hope for their continued success with their music.
We’re rebranding to an artist space instead of being a netlabel! This has almost no affect on anything that we’re doing but we feel it’s a better fit mentally for how things work around the AUDMONSTERS space. (We’d actually love to have a physical spot somewhere in the US for our members to travel to every now and then and chill but that’s just a pipe dream~)
We’ve been very slow about releases lately. There’s a lot of reasons to that but most of it is just various members getting involved with other pursuits than AUDMONSTERS. We really don’t make a lot of money doing what we do so it’s mostly passion alone that keeps our releases coming.
That having been said we DO have a compilation release in the works for you all! Look forward to it releasing somewhere late this month or early next month is my best guess.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
No people in any city I’ve ever been to have made me feel so welcome and appreciated.  My time in Seattle has truly been the happiest time in my adult life thusfar.  
I’m sure many of you have seen me posting about the structural problems my house has been having, but my girlfriend just broke the news to me that our home in Maine is now completely unlivable, as the extreme coldfront/snowstorm combo that recently ravaged all of New England has ruptured several pipes and left our already damaged plumbing system completely destroyed. Since our home is very old and only 3 sides of the house are properly insulated, we cannot keep up with the cost of heating oil and have been forced to displace ourselves and stay with friends.  Our landlord seems to be overwhelmed by the damages and says repairs could take months, meaning we won’t be able to even consider returning until the cold winter is over.
On top of this, my girlfriend and I both have emotionally/verbally abusive family who live closeby and are bent on convincing my girlfriend and I that WE are the ones at fault for the damages, and that this situation would not have occurred if it wasn’t for our incompetence as adults.  This is only the latest instance in a seemingly endless chain of guilt-tripping and manipulation that we’ve both been dealing with our whole lives.
My girlfriend and I are fucking sick of living here.  We’ve come to the conclusion that we will do everything in our power to move out to the greater Seattle area ASAP. 
The Seattle scene presents INFINITELY greater booking opportunities for me, and living closeby will make it drastically easier for me to make a living as a producer while we both remain out of reach from our families. 
We have incredibly generous friends in Seattle who are willing to house us temporarily while we find a new job for my girlfriend, as well as search for a permanent place to live (outside of Seattle city limits, where the cost of living is cheaper).  
However, it’s going to cost us quite a bit to move ourselves and our belongings all the way to the other side of the continent.  We would really like to be out of here before March.
We would greatly appreciate any contribution you’re willing to make to help us get out of this shitty situation, 
or buy my music at:
(note that if you purchase my music, a small portion of the money will be taken by Bandcamp, but I appreciate it either way). IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO DONATE, SIGNAL BOOSTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. 
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
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So, hi! Uh! I have big news!
So I was trying to figure out a way to work out how to sell trucker hats and I accidentally released these for a really reduced price but for only 24 hours? I really don’t care enough to fix it right now because I got to figure out some other features of the new site and go to work so ya’ll can go ham? @4lung you gotta tell ‘em
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Applications are back open on AUDMONSTERS!
The application form is available again on our website. If you’re a good musician and a good person, consider submitting an application form and collaborating with us!
This form is for musicians only. If you still have something else to offer us our normal contact is always open.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Preview the mix above and if you like what you hear consider checking out our new Halloween compilation!:
‘Tis the season.
You were looking away from the TV screen when it flickered on. A series of shadowy figures dance across your wall with scary faces and monstrous appendages. You twist around in a panic to see what program has such menacing creatures, but all you see is static rolling across the screen. Before you can wonder who set your TV to cable, the static seems to whisper something. You move in to hear better, but you still can't quite understand it. You move in closer, and closer, and by the time you realize what's being said, it's too late. The Terror Channel turns off, and your room is empty.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Terror Channel, our Halloween compilation, is released!
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Grab it here!:
You were looking away from the TV screen when it flickered on. A series of shadowy figures dance across your wall with scary faces and monstrous appendages. You twist around in a panic to see what program has such menacing creatures, but all you see is static rolling across the screen. Before you can wonder who set your TV to cable, the static seems to whisper something. You move in to hear better, but you still can't quite understand it. You move in closer, and closer, and by the time you realize what's being said, it's too late. The Terror Channel turns off, and your room is empty.
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Something spooky this way comes~
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Mazza releases “Agenre”
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Grab the new release here!:
After an interesting 4 years of making music, I wanted to go back to the album that started it all. Upon having my ears assaulted by my earlier production skills I decided to breathe some life into these old tunes, and this goes out as a massive thank you to all the people that have supported me over the years since my first proper release. Happy anniversary to Agenre, here's to many more releases to come!
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audmonsters · 7 years ago
Mazza has rereleased and polished up an old album with us!
Preview the mix above and grab the release here!:
After an interesting 4 years of making music, I wanted to go back to the album that started it all. Upon having my ears assaulted by my earlier production skills I decided to breathe some life into these old tunes, and this goes out as a massive thank you to all the people that have supported me over the years since my first proper release. Happy anniversary to Agenre, here's to many more releases to come!
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audmonsters · 8 years ago
Sluggjelly releases “I need time.”
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Grab the new single here!:
""I need time, but I want it to be over."" It's me- Ditzy Doe! The name is officially retired as of this release, and will now just be one of my personas to be on cover art when I want. It represents a worse time in my life, and the name was self-depreciating, as well as confusing, and inaccurate to the present. Instead, meet Jelly, my monster-sona. SLUGGJELLY is my username on all social medias. I'm working on one- potentially two- other album(/s) now, but this one didn't fit at all. I'm releasing it as a single on my fourth anniversary of publishing albums. I didn't release much this year. It's been a time of learning and growing. I'm restless to see my efforts fully realized, but I can't rush quality. I hate keeping secrets.
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audmonsters · 8 years ago
Preview the mix above and grab the compilation here!:
Hey bruh, you donk? I bet you do. This donk? It goes HARD. Our managers are donkin' left and right out 'ere, and the A&R just sold all our future seats to bangin' bass lines. I ain't playin', we donked it up so hard that our producers put an engineer on donk duty alone. You gotta donk with us. See that record? Time to put a donk on it.
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audmonsters · 8 years ago
“Put A Donk On It” compilation out now!
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Grab the new release here!:
Hey bruh, you donk? I bet you do. This donk? It goes HARD. Our managers are donkin' left and right out 'ere, and the A&R just sold all our future seats to bangin' bass lines. I ain't playin', we donked it up so hard that our producers put an engineer on donk duty alone. You gotta donk with us. See that record? Time to put a donk on it.
Mastering by Mazz: Original Concept Art by Sammi Line Art by Nobusuke: Coloring and Text by Tarocco:
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audmonsters · 8 years ago
Putting in Pocket releases “Schendor Mefffins”
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Grab the release here!:
Preview a mix of it over here:
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