#doctor ren is upset
azzayofchaos · 1 month
In False’s description for the MailDemon Au you said Ren has multiple partners. Can I ask you they are?
Big Surprise I’m sure, is DocM and Martyn.
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Doc: (Doc, Maddox 77)
- Doc and Ren got Las Vegas married, it was spur of the moment, they’d been close for a while and Doc definitely wanted to study Ren under a microscope a little bit:
“This man is an anomaly and definitely possessed/not human. I MUST STUDY HIM.” “Whatever you say dude!” - they were both severely drunk. (From Sere)
- it’s an open marriage, Doc is not upset about whatever Ren and Martyn have going on, just about the fact that Martyn’s a bitch. (They bicker, a lot, they might also eventually kiss though, it’s okay.)
- Doc is rather convinced that the “Salmon Mafia” (whatever that is…) is after him:
Salmon sushi appears on the doorstep— Ren: “Oh, hey! Rad my dudes! Free dinner!” Doc: *Hysterical ranting in German*
(He’s not wrong but no one tell him that—)
- Doc is x-military, hence his abnormally advanced prosthetics. He presumably got dishonorably discharged…
- He is in fact a doctor/surgeon and works a lot of odd shifts at the local hospital.
- he’s doing his best to deal with RK’s antics but isn’t that involved in the HOA tyranny stuff— at least not now.
- he is definitely peeved about the direction GigaCorp is shoving Ren towards though…
- despises the Permit Office, especially that Pesky Imp, also the Police force…
Martyn Littlewood:
- weird situationship with Ren/RK. He’s a bit of a jealous bitch but also has eyes and is in fact looking at Ren’s husband. (Flirting will definitely help ease this rivalry…)
- Unfortunately supports RK’s horrible tyrannical schemes. Bdubs is also trying to suck up to RK, but keeps getting ignored cuz RK has favorites (it’s Martyn).
- Martyn hosts then local radio show, he’s always down for some gossip and the Postal Demons are of great service to him in that sense, especially considering their relative omnipresence. He likes bothering Jimmy about it.
- Martyn and Cleo have known each other since forever (I need to fill in the backstory here… I’ll elaborate if I do a post about Cleo specifically later <3)…
(Several of the quotes and base ideas are from my lovely collaborator, whom I forgot to @ before like a moron… @queseresere )
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Transference Ch 2
inspired by @scealaiscoite 's touch-starved prompts
TW: First aid on bad wounds, uhhh swearing? cuz Danny should get to say fuck, can't think of anything else atm, if u want a better list follow the Pt 1 link to my Ao3
Go gently friends,
Pt 1
Danny wants to pull this plane apart. He would do it happily! With a little extra enthusiasm. He wants to remove panels to see the guts, how the wires connected and weaved together to put this wonder together. What gave the engine that quiet whisper of a purr that even with Danny’s dialed up senses he could barely hear it? Was it made out of special metal? A plane used in vigilante missions must have been reinforced with special materials in case of impact or a crash. Who oversaw the maintenance? Danny wanted to meet the person who regularly got elbows deep in the bowels.
How many special security measures did it have? Since this was Batman’s plane probably more than Danny could think of. How many secrets did it guard? This plane probably had access to some very dangerous information, so one would assume it was a target. The plane was vulnerable being left unattended wherever they were. With the vigilante’s away on their mission their rogues could play. Danny knew firsthand with his own rogues. Was the plane on the same network as the Batcave? It had to be right? At least the comms? Was it in case they had to share updates on confidential files between locations? Danny’s fingers itch to get his hands on the controls, examine the programming, maybe find a systems list. 
He can’t see the plane that well yet, but he can feel it hum under his feet. The soft vibration works its way up his body-it’s nice, he decides, to be able to focus on figuring out what exactly was running down below rather than his brother collecting a number of things before moving behind him. Danny was close enough to the wall that his fingers traced along barely there seams between the smooth, cool to the touch metal. He wouldn’t know how durable it is unless someone told him what the material was, but the likelihood of them divulging their secrets was very low, if nonexistent. 
Still Danny was free to wonder, no one could restrict his thoughts. What kind of weapons systems did it have? Surely there must be a bathroom. Regular planes had those small ones, if Danny’s experience with Vlad’s displays of wealth told him anything, the obnoxiously rich liked to embellish their already expensive things with expensive add-ons. Danny can’t yet see how big the cabin is, but he’s perched on some sort of cot. He must be in some sort of medical treatment area that the Bats use when they get injured on missions and there is no doctor readily available. 
If things go well after his eyes are healed maybe his father would let him take a look around? (They currently were itching something fierce as they slowly healed.) 
The parallel between the Fentons and Bruce Wayne’s intelligence was not lost on Danny, and he cannot help but feel so heart wrenchingly fond.  He has had a lifetime habit of collecting parents that have made brilliant vehicles. 
(He ached for the time before the portal when he was close with the family that took him in, when that GAV was simply an RV to take deep in the woods and lay out a blanket on the hood or roof to watch the stars, talking about the possibility of something more out there.)
Danny can’t stop his flinch from where Nightwing had accidentally rubbed too hard along the edge of his shoulder. “Hey Bud?” Nightwing calls out, “Lookin at your back, well, some of the tissue has started dying,” The man genuinely sounded upset about it, did he not know? “it’ll need to be removed, but I’ll have Agent A take a look when we get off a moving vehicle, okay?” His brother finished explaining over Danny’s internal tangent. His back doesn’t hurt that bad, which is concerning in its own way since the wound was- as dick pointed out- awful, but it did draw him back out of head. Danny bobs his head in acknowledgement. “I’ll clean them up the best I can for now.” Danny probably wasn’t supposed to hear that mumble that sounded like Richard was talking to himself, as though he was reassuring himself there was something productive he could do to improve the situation. 
Despite the setback, the vigilante is calm, sitting behind Danny painstakingly cleaning his back wounds. So far unshaken by what Danny is certain is a grotesque scene the man is chattering away about patrols and the person called Agent A, who he is reassured will meet them back at the Cave. It kind of amazed Danny how the man was able to endure his tiny flinches and hissed breath to try while trying to distract him. Danny currently wasn’t an easy patient to stomach. 
The sores tunneled down through fat and muscle to his bone. Most of the sores were in stage four, it didn’t take them long to eat away at him and fester, even before becoming a halfa the boy was tall and willowy meaning he had no body fat to slow down the progression of the forming injuries. They hadn’t tried to hide anything from him in the time he was trapped there. After all, if a ghost isn’t sentient, it can’t possibly understand in-depth scientific experiments so why bother to attempt secrecy that would be a waste of precious time and energy. They had simply discussed it like everything else, over his twisted body for most of the day. The scientists had only moved him previously when they needed access to a different part of his body. When they discovered his body started to develop bed sores They were excited. (Danny felt himself slipping away from his body into his memory, he was slipping away from Richard.)
“That’s odd…Honey! Look,” The woman said softly some time into his captivity. She’s pointing at his side, Danny can’t tell what she could be pointing at, all of him hurts. He can’t remember what they did there that could be worth pointing out now. Them not remembering sends a weak chill down his spine, they kept meticulous notes even if it was swallowed by their disorganized storage, it shouldn’t be possible for them to be surprised at the state he’s in since they carefully crafted the condition he’s in. Her fingers flick his collar on, unbuckling the right restraint as she goes before they sharply dig into his right shoulder, before flipping him onto his side roughly to see from another angle like that old map on their family trip to see Aunt Alicia last summer. “It’s getting sores! Stage two I’d say.” 
“Bed sores? It’s hurting itself?” The man’s voice comes out bewildered before he leans closer to see and then cheerfully muses. “Seems like the ectoscum can cannibalize itself! Look at the inflammation! Do you think the infection and strain could kill a ghost?” Danny whimpers behind his muzzle when he can feel the man in his curiosity starting to poke at the edges of the wound with something metal and sharp. “Huh, Mads?” The man prompts.
The woman doesn’t respond. Their silence blankets the room, the scientists both thinking over what they see, what it means. 
The woman makes a small sound and goes rigid reaching for her husband. “I-It’s damaging Danny’s corpse!” She wails in grief, Danny wants to wail right along with her that they’re already destroying his body, "Degrading him further-” A sob echoes in the lab ripping his heart into tatters, Danny tries not to think too hard on the fact he’s so affected by her distress even though they’ve been elbow deep in his ribcage, poking, prodding and removing organs. He tracks the diagonally moving tears as they dribble down the side of his face, across his left cheek to disappear into his hairline. He feels ashamed, after all this hurt, he still loves them, his core still cries out for them. He realizes she’s not just sobbing now the woman is screaming at his prone form, “-how cruel is your species going to be!? Get out. GET OUT OF OUR SON! Murderer! You-” 
No, now isn’t the time to think about that. 
Danny can taste the iron from his bitten cheek and the salt from wayward tears. He takes a deep breath trying to ground himself in the present. Nightwing had seen the lab, the sight of the mad scientist’s work had made him physically sick, pulled him so carefully from that table, smoothly carrying him away from his own personal hell to the Batplane. They aren’t here. He was… safe with his brother, for the moment.
A crackle of static explodes from behind him causing Danny to flinch away from his brother before a mess of different voices comes through. He can’t hear what they’re saying, the voices too tangled, too unfamiliar, and too quiet since he didn’t have a direct connection, but whatever is said at the end is enough for the vigilante to go rigid and pause in his ministrations to reply. “Woah, B, I’m still here, no need to sound so scary!” Richard chuckles a bit and doesn't feel scared or worried, so Danny relaxes again. 
The eldest son hums, “No, I just was ignoring you,” Danny cracked a small smile at the plume of amusement that drifted between them. Richard’s hand grasps his own gently, “Yes I know how batty you get when I shut off my comms. Yes, I found the main lab.” Richard huffs, “Yes. B, I got ‘im out, we’re in the plane, I’m looking over him now. Have you forgotten I’ve been doing this with you since I was eight or that I took over the Batman mantle under the assumption you were dead?” Richard's voice strains a little in frustration by the end.
Another smaller burst of noise comes quickly in response. Danny flushes weakly in embarrassment as he realizes, like with Team Phantom, it was probably Nightwing’s team all talking over each other in his earpiece. Danny’s core aches at the thought of his sister and friends, how long has it been since Danny’s heard their voices? Weeks? Months? Ancients, could he have been with Them for a year? More?
A single voice breaks through over the others, whatever was said had Nightwing tense, ready to spring to his feet, bursting at the seams with rage-protect-refusal-grief. 
The sudden change in his bubbly brother would’ve knocked Danny down had he been standing, because he isn’t standing Danny reaches out. Danny might not trust him but his father’s eldest hasn’t even tried to hide what he was feeling. Might not know he needs to. He has his ‘eyes’ wide open now. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and he became a lab frog. There will not be a third time. Danny will not trust this side of his family blindly but that doesn’t mean he can turn away from the man now.
He squeezes his brother’s hand gently to draw his attention, Danny could hear the man force himself to take a long, deep breath. A soft burst of affection-love-love-love-protection brushed against him in return. It was delicate and wispy but strong enough to linger in the air around them. It couldn’t hurt to keep the contact going, Danny decided. Anything to keep that depressing cocktail of emotions from creeping back. 
“No.” Another breath, “Stay there and finish what we started.” The tone is cold and leaves no room for argument. “No one comes on board. This isn’t about what you, or Robin or anyone wants. This is about him. What he needs to feel safe enough to leave here with me. This is about trust. So. If he has decided that he would like some peace and quiet on the way home, he’ll be getting it. Anyone who has an issue with that can take it up with me in the ring when we get back. Any questions?” Nightwing growls into his comms, a singular voice says something after a moment. 
Danny strains to try and catch what was said. He doesn’t want them to fight over him. “Good,” His brother loses the edge to his voice, “I’ll send the plane back to pick you guys up!” The coms shut off abruptly and he says to Danny, “Sorry about them!” 
Danny just shrugs in response as his brother resituates himself on the cot, unhooking Danny’s hand from his to move it so it rested against Richard’s calf. Danny accepted the change with a weak flex of his hand feeling the rasp of kevlar against his palm. Danny always remembered it because of its interesting texture. Perfect for their dangerous nightlife. If Danny needed armor this is what he’d want to get his hands on, a team with resources tends to help too. Keeping in touch with one’s team is important, Danny can’t fault Richard for that. They settle back into a comfortable silence. 
Because they were connected it was easy to catch the beginnings of Richard’s hesitance stirring, “If.. How would it make you feel if your brother wanted to see you?” Richard asks hesitantly as he unexpectedly starts on a new wound making Danny flinch forward. “Sorry Danny.” The genuine, unfiltered feeling of remorse unsettles Danny a bit but instead of retreating he leans into it. The people who once had been his parents- who he still loved despite what had happened, it was all encompassing and intertwined with his anger and longing- had never felt remorse for hurting him. Danny shook his head a bit, Richard is still waiting for a response. 
His brother? Richard was his brother, technically, even if Danny’s not sure he can risk staying with the Bats. He won’t deny anyone their connection to Bruce or Batman. Richard was gentle and caring while his emotions bubbled up and warmed Danny to his core like he was in a jacuzzi. He couldn’t have meant himself so that must mean one of the others wanted to see him? Would they be like Richard? Are any of them upset at the idea that another child was connected to Bruce? 
They were all siblings, all family through their father but that doesn’t mean the connection has to be acknowledged or the label meant anything. Brother, sister, son, they were all just words. Family extended only as far as the living with the Fentons. Him being half-dead disqualified him quickly once they discovered his secret. Danny wasn’t exactly excited to find out what his father and his brood thought of his after-life.
Unsure, Danny shrugged again and played with the sweatshirt, he liked bunching it in his hands. 
A few minutes of silence went by before a beeping started up. His brother sighed, not sounding surprised and started digging around looking for something. That something is placed in his hand, it takes a second for Danny to work out what it is. A comm. He throws a questioning hum back at Richard. “He’s calling on a private line, I figured you could listen in and make your own decision.” That. That was very considerate. Giving him a choice. Seems to be on trend for the man. Danny is rightfully suspicious but slips the comm into his ear nodding to go ahead and connect them. There’s a beep signaling the connection was established. Danny wasn’t prepared who he would hear on the other end.
“Wing. I am converging on your location. What is his status?” The voice is breathless, and the tone is harsh, filled with frustration but familiar. A voice lost to time and those damned sand dunes. 
“He’s currently conscious, Little D. Banged up but we expected that. Thought I told everyone to hold their positions?” He questions softly, a distinct contrast to the almost harsh tone he used on the comms earlier. Dick knows Damian has been desperate to find Danny running himself into the ground searching labs and bases, the team tried and failed to get him to rest or slow down for a moment to regroup. Isn't surprising that he’s decided to abandon his part of the mission and head for the plane. It kills Dick but he’ll have to be very firm in his stance besides Danyal, if he says no other Bats on the plane, Dick will leave Damian behind.
“Tt. I did not abandon my responsibilities. Orphan is finishing our section,” Damian sounds offended their brother even implied that he didn’t do a thorough job, the familiar reaction lessens some of the uncertainty Danny is feeling. “I have arrived, open the doors, Wing.”
“Sorry Baby Bat, no can do!” Nightwing cheerfully responds, “I’m-” Danny tugs hard on the man’s sleeve.
Danny signs frantically, D.A.M.I. comes aboard. Now. Hurry. We are mirrors. Dangerous 
The man looks confused at his interjection but has such a soft smile on his face at Danny’s response until it turns to a frown at the last bit, one that Danny realizes with a start that he can finally see. Slowly the man reaches for his comm, “Scratch that, Baby D says you need to come aboard. Looks like those bastards could have it out for you too.” 
Dick watches both of his brothers as Robin rushes inside as soon as the door is cracked enough to squeeze through. Dick stays where he is by the console, hitting the buttons to close the door and listens to the many locks reengage. Once secure he inputs their destination and hits autopilot. Better to get Danny to Alfred as soon as possible now that both twins are on board. If he has to separate them… Well, there are some tranquilizers on board and Dick is sure Damian could enjoy his nap in the bathtub as punishment for upsetting their very injured new sibling. Damian freezes a few steps from the door, Dick sees the desperate drive to find his twin that has been hounding the boy for weeks extinguishing the moment he laid eyes on the cot. He’s ripping off his domino mask with no hesitation, exposing his full face for them to see.
Dick almost relaxes when he sees the awe that broke through first on Danny’s face at Damian’s entrance, the emotion flickers away quickly before he tucks his chin in and his face is obscured in shadow. The urge to jump in and soothe him rises so quickly Dick almost rises from his seat but instead throws his weight back further until his hip digs in a bit to the arm and he knows he will remain in place. He would not interfere unless Danny became physically distressed. Danny had wanted to see Damian, Dick reminds himself. Dick had a few reasons he had even asked the boy about it. If things went well it truly would be good for both of the twins. 
Dick had seen Damian determined before, seen the kid get news that left him shaken and lost, but no one had seen him flip flop from rattled to be as focused or push himself that hard, not even when Damian was convinced the only way to prove his worth to Bruce was killing his older siblings. He’s grown so much over the years and is now making his own decisions and having so many different experiences, his little brother has learned so much and came so far. Dick didn’t think it was possible to feel prouder. 
“Dami.” Danny croaks with a wince and a hand at his throat. He’s looking at his lap, his other hand fiddling with the sheets.
“Danyal.” Damian’s voice wavers, “Ahki.”  The boy is rooted to his spot, waiting for permission to approach. The words visibly hit Danny and he shakes his head a wounded whine. He clearly didn’t expect his twin to be here nor Damian to recognize him as blood, as a brother. Danny’s hand drops the sheet reaching for Damian. His body starts to tilt forward, and Dick can’t help but take a step towards them even as Damian rushes to meet Danny, carefully draping his arms around Danny’s shoulders which gently keeps him from falling to the floor. There isn’t much unbroken skin to rest Damian’s arms on, but Danyal hardly seems to care.   
A heart wrenching sob fills the cabin, their youngest sibling gripping Damian’s cape so tightly his knuckles are white. Dick can just make out the quiet tones of Damian speaking Arabic quietly in their brother’s ear. Their bodies sway with the instinctual drive to comfort, it’s touching, very cute… 
Always one to take advantage of sibling shenanigans Dick quickly pulls out his phone with a smile and snaps a picture to send to the boys later… And the group chat that Damian isn’t in. Picture sent, he tucks his phone away. His phone vibrates with multiple notifications but doesn’t check it. The Bat Brood can simmer. Dick smirks as he moves back over to the sink to wash his hands so he can continue treating Danyal’s back. The tears and sobs abruptly cut off behind him. 
If Danny didn’t just spend an unknown amount of time being tortured by the family that chose him as a child, he would be sinking through the floor in mortification. Damian was here. His gaze burned from the entrance and Danny for a long moment was afraid. What was Damian seeing when he gazed at the pathetic picture Danny made hunched on the cot? Danny couldn’t help but fidget with the sheet to try and ease the unsteady feeling in his chest. He’d wait. Yes. Let Damian brave the quiet- “Dami.” The broken sound leaves his throat, oh ouch. 
He raises a hand to hover over the area, cradling it as if his palm could dampen the scratching pain. Danny waits. He had fucked it up. He hasn’t even given his brother the respect of meeting his gaze. (Not that he can see clearly for more than a foot in front of him, everything past that was misshapen and difficult to make out.) What in the Infinite Realms has possessed him to call out to Damian so casually, affectionately? Damian had only ever allowed that name in the hush of the night when they were alone. 
“Danyal.” Oh. “Ahki.” Oh. Oh Damian, his other half. Awe-grief-regret-vengeance- protect-help-love whipped across the space between them, heavy and fierce Danny can’t help but shake his head with a sharp whine. Guilt chokes him for doubting his twin, his other half. With distance he was able to bottle up his yearning and then he was so busy with the portal, rogues and Zone, he had been too exhausted to reminisce too deeply about his childhood. He kept his eye on the news for surface level stuff, had seen his brother go to their father but didn’t dare make a move to follow him. 
He regrets that now as Damian slips his arms around his shoulders gently securing him back onto the cot. Damian was holding him like he’d shatter at too hard of a grip, but Danny doesn’t care, he’s in his brother's arms. Damian is hugging him. Danny can’t stop the sobs that bubble from his chest, it hurts each inhale pulls at his y-incision, the pain he hasn’t felt rushing forward. Danny fists fabric and pulls his brother close.
"Baby brother,” Damian crooned in quiet Arabic “Danyal, I’m here. I got you. You did well enduring until help arrived, I’m so proud of you.” Damian’s emotions were overwhelming, they accompanied his sweet words enveloping his senses. He wasn’t lying, Danny can feel it. The rage that’s rising within Damian should scare him yet he’s leaning on his brother harder. Damian is furious with Them, not Danny.  He sobs and listens to his brother's promises of safety, of retribution. He feels safe here cradled close in Damian’s arms. Truly safe, something hidden deep within him unwinds. 
He knows how stubborn his twin is, how he would’ve fought tooth and nail to be part of the team that was looking for him. He’ll have to ask about that later, how they’d even know to go looking for him when he’s years dead, buried, and bones for his birth family. He was a little mad they’d bring his brother here when- 
His core shutters in his chest. The feeling that something was wrong hit Danny harder than Skulker. “Fuck.” Danny reluctantly pulls back from Damian. His core pulses weakly. Danny somehow knows it’s a warning. 
“Danyal?” Damian sounds wary, his hand grips Danny’s arm tightly. The pressure is reassuring because Danny is so scared right now. But this could be worse. With Damian here, perhaps things will turn out okay.  
Danny wants to linger looking at his eyes. A shade he’s never found a substitute for, but so desperately tried to keep fresh in his memory. Time slows. His core pulses. Danny’s body wavers for a heartbeat in his brother's grip. “What is happening?!” Damian looks alarmed, his grip tightening and releasing like he does with his blades while gearing up for a fight. It’s cute and almost makes Danny coo at his elder brother.  
Running out of time Danny grits his teeth and frees his arm to start signing as fast as he can to try and explain. It would help if he knew how much they knew about him, the Fentons, the GIW and ghosts but they didn’t have time for a report. He doesn’t want to say too much but he has to warn them. If Vlad finds out he’s away from the GIW and vulnerable he was screwed. The Bat Parade isn’t trained in ghost fighting. Danny would be taken and who knows if he’d ever be able to escape.
Had an accident. Not fully human. Too much physical damage- Danny signs.
His core pulsed weakly interrupting him before it pulled, his body rippled in sync. His head swims, words are hard to remember for a moment. Danny has to hurry, and he isn’t really sure how he wants to phrase this next part, if anything causes the Bats to change their minds about helping him, it won’t matter what Damian wants. The only way for Danny was through, avoidance wouldn’t help at this point. 
-I’m about to hibernate in my C. O. R. E. Core- He continues.
“Core? What is a core?” Dick breaks in. Danny’s eyes jumped to the man, before focusing back on Damian, there wasn’t time. They would barely be getting a shitty explanation out of Danny didn’t have time for questions from the peanut gallery. Damian's gaze is calm and steady when it meets his. He hasn’t turned away from him, he didn’t interrupt. 
 -I haven’t seen it, but it’s… my everything, heart, organs, brain. Core heals. Without a human body DANGEROUS for me. Danny is sure to emphasize again, DANGEROUS, vulnerable. 
Find J. A. Z. Z. F. E. N. T. O. N. Useful. Ally- Danny hesitates on why but gives in- knowledge, weapons, shields. 
V.L. A. D. Enemy. Vlad is bad. Don’t trust. 
He makes the sign for creep and sees Damian’s expression shutter under his protective rage. An instinctive small trill leaves Danny’s lips, pleased that if Vlad shows his face Damian won’t make it easy for him to have his way. 
Despite his best effort Danny is losing steam his instructions come out choppy. He has moments left. 
Damian watches him, like he can feel Danny’s core shift, resignation seeps off his body in waves but determination makes his expression fierce, “You will be safe, Danyal. I will be here when you return.” We will be together. Danny hears the unspoken promise. 
A. H. K. I. You’re a target. I love you. Danny signs their personal signal for head on a swivel and then reels Damian back in, desperate for one last touch to make him real. Tucked in his twin's arms Danny gives himself over to that feeling of safety, clinging to it as he sank into his core. 
Damian blinked light out of his eyes and frowned at the big black spot taking up his vision. His hand now hid what was left of his twin. Danyal had just been in front of them horribly hurt but alive. Finding and freeing his twin was all that had mattered to him. Damian lightly squeezes the hand holding his brother’s quiet core to feel the shape of it in his palm. Once more in his life Danny’s vibrant presence is just out of his reach. 
Grief is an old friend that rises to swallow him. Damian beats it back viciously. Black and blue move closer in his peripheral vision, his eldest brother snatches him close-no. Them close. His brother is still alive. He’s healing. Damian reminds himself despite the sudden wave of failure that crashed into him. Holds onto the thought stubbornly as he examines the stone in his hand. It’s the same shade of blue that makes up Danyal’s eyes. 
The impulsive part of him calms looking into the swirling blue. 
If he hadn’t seen the transformation himself. If he hadn’t been allowed aboard… he wouldn’t believe it. Damian is immensely grateful that captivity hadn’t broken his brother, not completely. Danny had been hesitant but had put his trust in them. Damian had seen his hesitation, the wariness, how Danyal had shrunken into himself, his instincts likely screaming to run, to hide. Whether that trust was because he chose to, or if he ran out of options, Damian didn’t want to know the answer. The unknown time between them no longer was a curiosity to be explored in ‘what ifs’ but a potential threat that Danyal needed to handle carefully. It stung, it being logical didn’t detract from that. Too many years apart, too much had changed within each of them, and their relationship cut short before it took off but not before carving out a part of him. Nothing could compare to the cruel crater Danyal’s life had left in his wake of his death.
His twin’s core gleamed innocently in his palm. 
“Damian.” Richard’s worried tone draws his attention away from Danyal’s new form. 
Damian keeps his gaze on the core, takes a calming breath and promises himself that when Danyal is back, they’ll go to the place he secured and created with his twin in mind after coming to Gotham, show him Damian’s sketchbooks and paintings, and introduce him to the animals in his care. Damian will finally get to share this strange, chaotic, but warm family with him, as he was always meant to. Damian would be careful that there would be no mistakes, no lead unfollowed, every piece would be gathered together and turned over, a plan would be made that would safeguard their victory. Danyal is relying on him. Damian will utilize everything he’s gained over their years apart to protect his brother.
“Release me,” Damian demands as he wiggles out of his brother’s arms, but it doesn’t come out as firm as it would normally and turns to glance at the closest monitor. They still had two hours left until they arrived at the manor. Damian glances at Danyal’s core in his hand before he turns to face Richard. He looks like he needs to lie down but he has managed to keep a wobbling smile on his face. “Tt this is a mere setback,” Damian scowls at the little marble, he can’t be mad when his little brother gave him such valuable information on what pieces are on the board, the board he’s been playing on wherever he’s been hiding. 
“Here, hold him for a moment- No!” Damian’s shout is too loud, it echoes around the cabin. His panic morphs his expression and his brother thankfully does halt his casual reckless reaching for their brother who is a quarter-sized marble. Danny only had said he was vulnerable before he ran out of time, they must exert the utmost caution. There would be no causal anything going on with Danyal in this state. “Let me. Please hold them flat.” Damian says softening his tone, Danny going into his core wasn’t Richard’s fault nor was it the families. He didn’t want to take his frustration out on him when Damian knows his eldest brother is reeling at the transformation right alongside him. The soft tone makes Richard’s smile come a bit easier this time at Damian’s mother henning and Damian tries not to preen under the approval he can see in Richard’s dopey smile. Carefully he places Danyal in Richard’s hands, they close softly around Danyal in a protective cage. 
“He said he heals faster in this ‘core’?” It’s a silly question, but Damian nods watching Danny rest in Richard’s palms before sharply turning away to gather his things. He starts digging around for paper and a pen to make notes, folders for organizing the information, and his laptop before hunkering down. 
“Uh.. okay,” Richard’s confusion both amused him and had Damian ready to snap in frustration. Danny had spent his last moments in his body giving them information and it will not go to waste, not for a second. He carefully labels the folders with the names Danyal had given him, pointedly ignoring the crisis Richard seems to be going through next to him, before he turns on his laptop and starts his search with this ‘Jazz Fenton’. Danny didn’t give Vlad's last name but this woman has the knowledge, weapons, and shields the family will need to protect their youngest. Damian knows what loss is, knows this loss specifically, he is determined to never feel it dig his claws in again. 
Robin gets to work.
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simmi23 · 2 months
any headcanons on your version of Renata (Mrs afton)??
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RENATA AFTON HEADCANONS OF SIMMIVERSE AU! *Disclaimer* (I don't own Renata Afton because I didn't create her, this is just a alternative universe of her in my own version and the creator is Mobox87, but I have added many different arrangements to this character because I dont want to affiliate to the og creator. This is not copying, more like inspiration. )
• Renata was a young sweet vulnerable girl, in her earliest years. She mainly spent most of her time being the "perfect" daughter for her extremely rich parents. But it wasn't a toxic family, don't worry. There was love in her home but also stress.
• Coming from a rich family, Renata was treated well and normally during her childhood, with many friends and happiness, although she did get some people to hurt her cause they were jealous, Rena would be so compassionate and let that be. She even knew how to kick butt, but really, she was shy.
• Even though her life was good, it was not great. Her parents started to expect more from Rena as she grew older, like about her teen years. Rena always wanted to be a ballet dancer or a pianist, but her parents wanted her to be a doctor, with this, Rena studied to be the best in her nursing school and medical degrees.
• As a teen, Rena was a cheerleader at her school for some time,, but also a simple girl who met William, who she had feelings for; but was afraid to ask since he was graduating earlier than her. But they got along pretty well and soon got closer.
• Renata's father, (who's name is Lorenzo K Rennings) was a CEO of a grand business that succeeded well in their city, but after Renata's mother passed away when she was 18, her father decided to join a (mafia group) but that was a secret he kept from Rena even though she already knew. Rena kept her distance from her father since he disapproved of her husband (William Afton).
• Renata's ethnicity in this AU is most likely Hispanic American , but she grew up in Utah as a teenager when she was studying her career as a doctor.
• Renata and William both have a beautiful loving relationship, they both admire each others work and care a lot for one another. Renata even designed some of the uniforms of Fazbears for William, while he created Ballora for her. (But she is not Ballora.)
• Here is that, Renata had 4 children with William and they are ALL related to him, even Brandy is. This is because they never cheated on eachother. Renata and William both took great care of their children, but after Renata died, William just couldn't handle life.
• Renata died from tuberculosis , this was whenever Brandy was 4-5 years old, and before the deaths in Fazbears/Fredbears. Renata managed to survive her condition for the first 6 days but eventually in the hospital she passed away from losing too much blood.
• Even though Rena is not an animatronic or Ballora, shes still a ghost that lurks around the afton house and watches over her family through heaven and she also knows about what happend to them.
• When Renata found out (as a ghost) that William did horrible crimes and deeds, Rena was very upset and resentful she almost didn't forgive him, but after a long time, in reunion, Renata decided to be compassionate and loving, and eventually she still cares for him. But she doesn't forgive william. She has some trust issues with him in some ways but only when he is suspicious. She almost went with the "I'll forget you but I'll never forgive you." But she didnt, she still loves him and her family. Renata will forever always be the most beautiful, loving, strong in a way, sweet, caring, and heavenly member of the afton family. (She's the only one that didn't go to UCN hell like the rest).
That's it! I'm proud of this
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
There probably an ask to this, but no doubt loss in one of the numerous purges I take upon my ask box. If so; Sorry!
Growing Pains
Jaune: Ughhh…
Pyrrha: Everything go alright with the doctor, Jaune?
Jaune: Noooo…
Pyrrha: Oh no! What’s wrong! Are you dying?! Please don’t die, Jaune!!!
Jaune: What?! No, no I’m not dying!
Pyrrha: Oh thank gods…
Ren: Then what is wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: Haa… You know I went to see the doctor because of a headache I’ve been dealing with?
Ren: Yes, you said it’s been keeping you up at night so we said go see the school doctor.
Jaune: Yeah well… The doc said it wasn’t some random headache… It was growing pains…
Ren: Growing pains? Well, you’re still at that age where people go through puberty. But, why would it be giving you a headache?
Jaune: Haa… Look…
Nora: Did you bump your head?
Ren: Twice?
Pyrrha: An equal distance from each other…? Uhh… Jaune, are those pumps?
Jaune: No… They’re horns…
Pyrrha: You’re growing horns?!
Nora: Dragon faunas confirmed!!!
Ren: You’re messing with us, right?
Jaune: Nope… the XRays the doc took confirmed it… I’m growing horns…
Ren: Are you okay with this, you looked pretty… depressed.
Jaune: Haa… I don’t like how people have been treating me lately… Sure it’s better than being the butt of a joke, but I don’t like being treated as some sort of messiah figure! And, before because of the nature of my traits I could easily hide myself from the more fanatical faunas, but with this! Haa… Can’t hide horn sticking out from the side of my head… All I can hope is that they look cool, and aren’t six inches tall! That would suck.
Pyrrha: Are they going to be like that?
Jaune: Maybe; The doc says the horns may stay close to my head, and possibly fetter out the closer to the end of the horn. But, since I’m a dragon faunas they’re not sure what they’ll look like.
Nora: Have you finally accepted you place as a dragon?!
Jaune: It’s either that, or a freak… I’m going with what sounds cooler…
Pyrrha: Hahaha~! Oh that sounds just like you, Jaune.
Ren: So, are you upset you’re growing horns, or are you more concerned about the shape they may take.
Jaune: The later; Depending on the shape it will determine the burden they will place on me. And, how much of a pain in the neck they may be…
Ren: Are you being literal, or rhetorical?
Jaune: Meh, same difference.
Ren: W-What…?
Pyrrha: So, do you think you’ll be able to handle growing horns?
Jaune: Well, I talked to a bunch of horned faunas, and they gave some very helpful tips to dealing with horns. Since they’re growing I will get accustomed to the weight, and moving about with them. Most of their advice was cosmetic stuff.
Ren: Like what?
Jaune: Oh stuff like I will have to start wearing button up shirts, and other stuff like that because of how wide the horns may become.
Ren: Make sense; your probably won’t be able to get them on your head.
Pyrrha: Or, tear them ip trying to get them own.
Jaune: Yeah… They recommend that I also get ask for a longer, and wider bed to accommodate the horns. Also get reinforced, bedsheets, benefits, towels, anything like that.
Ren: Make sense.
Jaune: Oil to help maintain the condition of your horns.
Nora: That’s a thing?
Jaune: They were very insistent on this. I guess I’ll learn when the time comes…
Ren: Noted.
Jaune: Also, if I have to, I should wear little caps on the end so I don’t tear anything in my sleep…
Nora: Naww~! You’d look adorable.
Jaune: …
Jaune: So, yeah I learned a lot of useful stuff from those guys. Mostly…
Pyrrha: What did the girls say?
Ren: What makes you…?
Nora: Shh! She’s about to get very angry, don’t get in the line of fire!
Jaune: They gave me several recommendations on how to properly handle a Faunas girl with… Haaa… Handlebars… Very descriptive recommendations…
Pyrrha: Grrrrrrr!!!!
Jaune: Faunas girls are…
Ren: Excited…?
Nora: Desperate?
Pyrrha: A bunch of hormonal whores?!!
Jaune: Haa… Yeah, pretty much…
Pyrrha: Stupid hormel faunas bitches…?!
Nora: Okay… That’s it… Let’s go do some training, Pyrrha. Work out that steam! Ya!
Pyrrha: Yeah~! Bet up some faunas whores, that sounds like fun~! Hehehe~!
Ren: …
Jaune: …
Ren: You heard everything she just said, didn’t you?
Jaune: It’s cute that she forgot I can hear her grumbling. But… What she says in her grumbling…
Ren: What are you going to do?
Jaune: Haa… I’ll level with you, Ren. I’m very interested in several girls, including, Pyrrha. But… I’m unsure what I want, or what they want. So, I don’t plan on doing anything, until I’m sure what I need… What I want…
Ren: So, I take it most of the girls asking for your kids is not a willing quality?
Jaune: Well… for most of them…
Ren: …
Jaune: Oh shut it… Besides, I’m not going to bed a bunch of random girls just to have some kids! I only did that once, and I had a good reason on why I did that!
Ren: You… did…?
Jaune: Yeah, my sister, and her wife wanted a kid so they asked me to… to… uh oh…
Ren: Uh oh? What’s, Uh oh?
Jaune: I need to call my sister! I’ll be at the CCT tower if you need me!
Ren: …
Ren: Probably a faunas thing…
Ren: …
Ren: Oh…! Oh… Uh oh indeed…
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
edit: i decided this would drive me nuts, but i still want to keep it in case there's something worth salvaging in the future. ignore all of this ^_^
for some reason i'm interested the idea of poke!ren beginning our friendship with that like... unintentional infantilization a lot of people do with disabled people when they're trying not to be actively ableist? not because i enjoy that LMAO ABSOLUTELY NOT -- and my pokesona is prideful as hell and would DESPISE it -- but i think it would make sense.
[cw casual ableism, infantilism of disabled ppl. also, disclaimer: i'm basing some of this loosely on my own health issues so it may not 100% apply to all disabled people. just want to keep that straight LMAO.]
most many doctors are SUPREMELY ableist, but doc!ren went into his field SPECIFICALLY to help disabled people and so focused on how best to treat each individual person according to their personalities and disabilities. sure, poke!ren's also technically both a clinical doc and researcher, but if doc!ren is like 80% clinical 20% research, poke!ren is like 10% clinical 90% research.
so poke!ren... doesn't have that knowledge. he does mostly field work and some lab work, with the rare "what do you think about this specific medical case?" appointment. he's the kind of person who hates the more vocal brands of ableism, but is consistently overbearing with his treatment of disabled people in a way that's inadvertently exhausting to deal with because "what happens if i tell him this is also ableist? will he have a fit? will he get angry or upset? will he decide disabled people are too picky if i'm not the Perfect Disabled Little Meow Meow?" so you just end up suffering through it.
therefore, he goes full "paper skin, glass bones," with me, very, "oh i can get that for you! no don't stand up, i can do that. can i cook something for you? no no no, i mean, i know you COULD, but wouldn't it be /easier/ for me to make it for you? you might hurt yourself!". 🙄
we have an evening outing in another city. it gets dark, we're not at the point where we're comfortable staying at his place together, he offers to maybe help me find a hotel, and i say "nope i've got this!" and fly away home on a Fucking Lugia.
and then he has to sit with that and realize some things.
like the fact that he has no idea who the fuck i am beyond surface level. after all, i've been carrying a legendary bird around in my back pocket and he didn't know until now, months after we first met.
like the fact that i can take care of SOME things by myself with the right "tools" or pkmn. i SOMETIMES need help, but i don't ALWAYS need help, and if i DO need help i have the option to tell him myself.
like the fact that he simply saw me as Disabled. as though i didn't have a life before or outside of Disability. i was simply the pitiable, lonely, disabled vn nerd he talks about games with.
and then he has to relearn Me from square one, and it makes our relationship so much stronger. we're able to work on our perfect balance together and build the trust that HE won't take things over for ME when I'M capable of something, and that I will let HIM know when i need HIM to do something I can't do. he has to trust that i'll let him be more doting on the days when i'm having flare-ups, but simultaneously has to respect when there are things i still want to do myself even on those worst days.
.........idk. this is a lot of words to say "god i want to be taken care of, but in a way where the other person sees me as an adult with a personality and decision-making ability and a life that's deeply AFFECTED by disability in many ways but isn't JUST disability." yk?
tbch, after writing it all out, this maaaay end up as canon..... OR it might remain a theoretical offshoot depending on how comfy i am when the Mental Movies (tm) of us finding that trust come together. poke!ren's supposed to be like. PURE escapism, so something like this honestly might hit too close to home to feel good fdhfghfg. like at least he'd end up learning that balance, which is nice... but everything leading up to it? 😬 Maybe A Bit Too Painful....
(damn. verbose king over here, wrote all of this TWICE just to say "i might throw it out" lKNMADKJFNKJDNF)
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spiderdramaqueen · 2 years
i’ve been thinking about this for some time now, but after watching mumbo’s new episode i just can’t hold this thought in anymore. so. hear me out.
what if ren doesn’t feel any guilt about what he did as a king of the hermitcraft?
[DISCLAIMER: 1) in this essay i talk about rendog’s character/minecraft persona, NOT ABOUT CONTENT CREATOR;
2) i’m not trying to make ren look evil or to make anyone think he has any ill intentions towards other hermits. i just found the thought about ren not feeling guilty interesting and decided to dwell on it for a little bit just for fun.]
back to the topic.
yeah, we can all agree, that it seems kinda out of character, at the first sight. after all, ren is a kind soul, always ready to help his friends out and all that jazz. but i think there’s much more to it.
firstly, let’s go back to rentheking dethronement. episode 20 of ren’s season 9. when hermits find out their diamonds are nowhere to be found, ren just... changes the subject. he doesn’t try to explain everything or fix it, no. he just goes on about how he will banish himself to the cage of shame, and then quickly leaves the scene.
later on, he indeed spends some time in said cage and seems to regret his actions.
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hermits forgive him pretty quickly tho. and there probably wouldn’t be a need to doubt ren’s sincerity, unless...
let’s move forward to hermitcraft/empires crossover. episode 21. after going through the rift, ren is awake in the grave, where’s “the kings of old” are supposed to lie. upon hearing about that from pixl, ren says: “i’m not a king anymore, they took it away from me”.
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even tho ren didn’t confront pixl directly, it seems pretty obvious that ren is upset and salty about the fact that he was dug out of the grave by pixl. he expresses his annoyance about it many times to viewers and other emperors. he even sells his giblets to emperors just to piss pixl off, because ren knows he would want to collect them all.
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“thou he is a gentleman and a scholar, i think doctor pixlriffs needs to pay an annoying price for exhuming us a few weeks back. don’t you guys agree? i mean, seriously, it was so peaceful and quiet in that tomb before he rudely awakened us from the dead”, - rendog in ep 23
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“he [pixlriffs] awakaned me from a deathly slumber; i was fast-asleep in a tomb, having a lovely time in the afterlife, he ripped me asunder from my slumber” - ren to shubble in ep 24
why are you upset about being dug out of the king’s grave, ren? is it because when you lie in the grave that is supposed to be the last resting place for the kings of old, at least you’re still considered to be a monarch? do you miss your kingship that much that you would prefer to be a dead king rather than alive peasant?
well, you can say, this proves nothing. yeah, he might be missing his time as a king, what’s about that?
let’s talk about ren’s reaction to other hermits bringing up his past deeds.
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when keralis brings up missing diamonds in ep 26 and blames king, ren immediatly denies his responsibility. when keralis presses, he is quick to accept his guilt and turn the whole conversation into a joke. what could cause such reaction? one could say, that maybe he feels so much shame, that it’s hard for him to even listen about what he’s done, but what if he just can’t accept his defeat? what if he thinks he’s in the right?
let’s hear out what ren has to say about his kingship.
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“i was just telling sausage, pixl, that a great and wonderous king used to live here, before he was dishonorably removed”, - ren to sausage and pixl in mythicalsausage’s empires s2ep33
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and, finally, the dialogue between mumbo and ren in mumbo’s ep 7:
mumbo: i mean, are you happy with what you did as king? it sounds like... you weren’t the best king
ren: i was a great king to start with, i sorted out hermitcraft economy, and then, mumbo, they partied in my private area and that just changed everything.
all things considered, i don’t believe ren feels any kind of remorse about his time as a king. he calls his king self a great king. he blames hermits for his downfall and spiral of madness. he thinks his dethronement was unfair.
he misses his kingship.
...or maybe he’s just being dramatic and i hyperfixate and think too much
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
and finally for If You're Still Taking Ficlet Suggestions For The Theoretical Persona AU, i am always a fan of skizz.
Impulse looks up from bed, where he's been reading. He's not sure what for; it's a book he's already finished. It won't help him... no, it's a book he likes though. He can re-read it. He doesn't need to perfectly optimize every second. He's wasting time being sick after the sleeping - but he's supposed to just be doing things he likes. He likes this book.
But he's read it before. He's wasting time. Maybe his head's still a mess; maybe getting rescued didn't entirely fix that. He's been considering asking Ren to sneak him a book he hasn't read to get that last bit of intelligence anyway, even if he's supposed to be resting, and not thinking about that, he literally just got rescued from a spiral of thinking about that, or more accurately thinking about Bdubs, that he put him into, that, he shouldn't...
"Dippledop! I brought cookies!" says a voice from outside.
"Cookies? Oh man, come in!" Impulse says. It's a distraction from the book.
Skizz is bright-faced for someone Impulse thinks has probably been up for multiple days. As promised, he's brought cookies. They smell absolutely delicious. Given that the main things he's been fed by Tango (doctor by proxy of having healing magic) are things like "soup" and "saltine crackers", he's pretty excited by the cookies.
"How you feelin', buddy?" Skizz asks, tossing the basket on the bed next to Impulse. Impulse reaches in and nearly cries. They're his favorite; they even have the walnuts in them that Skizz normally claims to hate.
"Like I got hit by a truck. Talk about a role reversal; I can feel why you didn't get back on your feet for weeks."
"Yeah, well, don't go rushing it. We didn't patiently spend all that time with me just to rush you, you know," Skizz says.
"I'm not sure I'd describe that as patient," Impulse says.
"Hey! I was plenty patient!" Skizz says indignantly. "Look at you! Wouldn't you also wanna rush it? But nope! Not doing it! I'm putting at least as much love and attention into you as you put into me!"
"...yeah," Impulse says. "Uh, you don't - owe me for that. I've already gotten plenty from - yeah. Besides, at this point I've technically been through worse?"
"Dude," Skizz says.
"You've watched like half of it?" Impulse adds.
"Dude," Skizz says, a bit more emphatically. "Impulse. Dippledop. Light of my life."
Impulse laughs a little incredulously. "Yeah?"
"I never want to think about you going through worse again," Skizz says.
"Oh, shoot," Impulse says. "I get it. It was - well, it was really hard, watching it when it happened to you. When I found you it was just... that hospital, man. I - yeah, I'm sorry. It had to have been hard, whatever was in my maze. The memory's fuzzy. Ren tried to describe it, but..."
"I am so glad your real-world apartment is cleaner," Skizz says. "And I mean it. Seeing you lying there just... still. I never want to... you can't do that to me again, Impulse. You can't. And when I get my hands on Bdubs..."
"Don't worry," mumbles Impulse. "I won't let him do anything that upsets you like that again, okay? I learned that lesson."
"And I'll learn him! I'll -"
There's a pause.
Impulse blinks several times at the sudden shift in Skizz's tone. "Yeah?"
The man leans forward and suddenly wraps Impulse into a bear hug. Impulse yelps. "Stop trying to talk about my feelings when I'm here to comfort you," he says.
"I mean, it's fine if you were upset by -"
"Impulse, you spent like, eight months, all of which you were talking about me, and all of them tracking my recovery. And yeah, you had whatever your tarot card thing is that's going on, sure."
Impulse flinches. Every time he remembers everyone knows about that now, he sort of wants to throw up. Given that nausea isn't actually a symptom of recovering from sleeping sickness so much as just extreme fatigue, he suspects that either he has an unusual reaction as a persona user, or... it's just all in his head.
"I don't care. You'd have done it even if there wasn't the weird magic, right?"
Impulse opens his mouth to say something, and then closes it again. He could say something about how, yeah, back at the beginning, sure, but at this point his head had - well, if he hadn't gotten so mixed up, he wouldn't be in this situation to begin with. If there wasn't this ever-present sense that he had to use his time wisely. If...
"Hey. No. Look at me. Buddy."
Skizz steps back from the hug. Impulse looks at him. Skizz's smile is blinding. It really is like the sun, Impulse thinks distantly. Around them, there's a soft glow. There's a flame in Skizz's hand, Impulse realizes. He doesn't know where it came from. He doesn't think Skizz notices.
"You gave so, so much time for me. Let me help you. Let me do this for you. Okay?"
"Okay," Impulse says hoarsely.
"Okay," says Skizz, and he claps his hands around the flame and gaps. "...oh."
"Hey, I know we just had a conversation about me redirecting to talking about you when you don't want to," Impulse says, staring, "but like... is your persona supposed to do that?"
"What? You're the one who's supposed to know!" yelps Skizz. "I mean, not supposed to, dangit, we were just talking about -"
"No, I know what you mean, but no one ever said - dude, it's like a Pokemon or something! Why is it different now? I thought only mine did that!" Impulse says.
"Haha! Not anymore! I'm catching up!" Skizz says, and he reaches across the bed again to try to give Impulse a noogie.
"Hey! Hey! No fair! That's cheating!" Impulse says. "I can barely fight back! I almost died yesterday!"
"Well I've almost died too, so it doesn't count! That just means I can win for once!"
"Cheater! Cheater!"
"All's fair, dippledop!"
Impulse laughs, and Skizz laughs too, and he forgets entirely about the book.
Thou art I... And I am thou... Thou hast established a genuine bond... Thy bond shall be the flame of inspiration that expresses the true beauty in your heart. We bestow upon ye the secrets of the Sun arcana, granting you its ultimate power.
[MAX rank!]
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srorgana1 · 1 year
Into The Reverb (Kylo Ren/Reader)
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Chapter Thirty Five
You look down at your phone’s calendar, rubbing your brow. The next week’s schedule looks atrocious. Two of your bands have final reviews, on top of your normal meetings. You text Chewie and one of the band’s managers, confirming your meeting tomorrow. There was a slight issue with their release party plans and it was your responsibility to fix it.
You found you enjoyed this part more than you thought. The problem solving and organizing. It soothes that little part of your brain which craves law and order. Trax’s release party last week was the first one you planned all by yourself. You didn’t go of course, but Rae and Chewie said it went off without a hitch. You were proud of your progress and were feeling more and more confident in your role at D’Kar.
Your phone pings. It’s Rae seeing if you wanted to order lunch and if you are still up to hang out later at Cassian’s. Since your little heart to heart, you have become quite close. You two were a lot alike. LA transplants who had a deep love of music and jumped at the chance to prove yourselves. Rae hid a lot of her self-consciousness behind her vivacious personality but now you knew her better, you saw the cracks.
You accompanied her to her first appointment, which confirmed she was pregnant. You gave her space when the doctor went over options with her, deciding it was a good time to check in with Kylo. Kylo, sweet and caring as ever, took your random phone call and stayed on the phone with you until she was done. You fought with yourself when would be the right time to tell him about Rae, but you decided you will let Rae lead you on that once she decided her course of action.
The biggest surprise was how close the two of you got to Cassian. He was a constant fixture at D’Kar now, representing the Knight’s interests as well as other clients. He would check in frequently making sure you were doing okay and became a pseudo big brother you never knew you needed.
You remember the night you had called him asking him to come over. You were upset and emotional and missed Kylo more than normal. He held your hand and let you cry and vent. He told you about his own struggles with the same thing when Hux is on the road. It really helped to know even long-term relationships struggle with long distance.
You respond with a thumbs up to her as you get back to your schedule. You sigh, accepting there’s no way around the massive clusterfuck and you will just have to deal. You text Dr. Morgan, asking to see if your appointment could be virtual this week. Your phone pings a couple times. You smile as Tiktok and Instagram notifications pop up from the Knights’ accounts as well as a text from Kylo. You smile and giggle at his text. I fucking hate doing these. You click on the notification, giddy to see what he’s talking about.
“Hey everyone, this is Kylo from KOR. I want to thank you all for coming out and supporting us during this tour. We really appreciate it. We just rolled into Tulsa and we look forward to seeing you all tonight” he says to the camera. He smiles tightly and does a quick wave as the video ends with their band insignia. He looked so good. His amber eyes looked golden in the sunlight while his luscious dark locks fluttered around his face. It looked longer to you. Your fingers twitched, wanting to feel those soft strands.
The show photos from the Rochester show were saved in an encrypted file on your phone along with your boudoir shots. Your mouth had gone dry at the pictures of Kylo post show, shirtless and sweaty. But what made you legit moan was that his hair was pulled up, his ears and neck exposed. You were instantly wet and wanted to taste the sweat off those intricate tattooed lines.
The file was slowly increasing since that night. He would send you pictures and videos and you returned the favor. His favorite seemed to be shower pictures or videos of you begging for him while you pleasured yourself with the vibrator and dildo he shipped to you. Yours were the ones focused on him stroking his massive cock slowly, telling you all the dirty things he wanted to do to you in that low raspy baritone voice. It got you off every time.
Your phone buzzes as you finish watching the behind-the-scenes TikTok video. It was filmed on their tour bus. You smile at Vic smiling and yelling something at the camera with a banana in his hand. They guys are spread out along the benches, and flashes to each band member in an erratic fashion. The video ends with a close up of Kylo fiddling with his guitar.
He looks up and puts his large hand up, making the screen go dark as the video ends. You shake your head as you text him back. What? I loved them. I like seeing my big sexy rock star wooing his fans ;) Pushing send, you pick up your items and head to your next meeting.
You are looking forward to your night tonight. It’s become routine for the three of you to order whatever and watch the show online. Afterwards, you would laugh like fools at the comments people would post. Their snarky comments always made you feel more comfortable with the situation that Kylo is an internet sex symbol.
Rae’s particular favorite were when there would be the gossip threads about who Kylo was with. You were mentioned a couple times, but it would quickly move on to different celebrities and online influencers. More than once, a picture of him and a woman in a red dress from the release party would pop up, stirring up the thirsty beehive. “Oh please” Cassian would say “he literally pushed that bitch off him and walked away at the party. These people are so stupid.” You smiled, thankful Kylo had at least a little wherewithal to remove himself from that situation at the party.
He is obviously a very attractive man and it made sense why people would comment on videos and photos of him. But each time you got uncomfortable, they would remind you that you were who he reached out to for pleasure and comfort, not them. As he said before, you were it for him and no matter what you read on the internet would change that.
“That sounds good Noah” Kylo says, taking a hit from the vape pen, drawing in a short but deep breath. He lets go and holds his breath for a couple seconds before releasing tendrils of smoke out of his plush mouth. He looks down at his tablet. Noah is visible on the screen, writing something down as he shifts his guitar. “I feel like we can work with this,” he says, smiling.
Kylo smirks back as he puts his acoustic back on his lap. He has been on a writing binge for the last few nights, barely sleeping. He doesn’t know where these bouts of inspiration come from but he is thankful for them every time. He knows so many artists who struggle to write, even selling out to have a songwriter to do it for them. He would rather die than do that.
His fingers instinctively tap out a rhythm on the body of the guitar. He can hear Noah humming to himself through the speakers as he picks out a random melody. He missed these random jam sessions. He hits the pen again, expanding the notebook tab. “I think this should be the bridges, it’s what came to me first and wrote around it” he says, highlighting the lyrics.
“It’s strong man. It’ll be really powerful” Noah responds, “but I feel it needs to be sung in a true top melodic tone, then have the heaviness in the instruments.” Kylo nods in agreement as he gazed outside into the darkness. He loved watching the world roll by under the cover of the night sky as Poe drove them forward. “Ky, you cool to start here” Noah says, pulling his attention back. They continued to work on the song, their styles swirling together to make something unique and special.
Noah finally logs off around three in the morning. Kylo understands, tour life is exhausting. Rogue had just finished a two night concert in Vegas and had a couple days off to recoup. Noah had reached out to check in and see if he could run some collab ideas past him. Kylo jumped at the chance, looking forward to a new project. He hasn’t done one since before they left First Order and this time, he won’t have old man Snoke nik-picking the shit out of it.
Ideas swirl in his head as he gets up to grab a snack. The marijuana is hitting him now, making him feel like he’s floating. He didn’t indulge often, not as much as his band mates do, but he didn’t oppose it. He felt like it helped sometimes, especially when he couldn’t sleep or his brain was too loud with negative thoughts.
He invested in his own vape pen when they were in Michigan when Cardo begged them to go to one of the dispensaries, citing he was low on supplies. Upon talking with the guy behind the counter, he learned about the different strains and hybrids. How some are bred for relaxation and creativity and how the THC works with the chemicals in the brain. It was fascinating.
He opens the pantry, smiling at the variety of snacks. Perfect. Stomach growling, he grabs one of Usher’s Café Boyardee Mini Ravioli cups and pops it into the microwave. Gathering his other ingredients, he hears the microwave beep. He grabs the bowl and sits back down, opening up the Triscuit box and uncapping a can of spray cheese. He smiles at himself as he builds his little snack. Triscuit cracker, a mini ravioli and a squirt of cheese. He places one in his mouth, savoring the nostalgic flavor.
Building another, he thinks back. The tour so far has been a resounding success. Their sales are up and most of the remaining tour dates are sold out. It makes him happy to know people enjoyed their music and spent their hard earned money to see them live. It was a dream a lot of people had and only a few got to truly experience. He considered himself lucky.
He smiled looking at your good night text. He feels the routine you and him have set is working, staving off the loneliness. But even so, he was still reeling internally from yesterday’s conversation.
It started off normal, exchanging updates of the day and I love you’s. He loves his nightly conversations with you. It was his tether to the earth through all this. It showed him, even though he lived and breathed the rock star lifestyle right now, in the end he was just a man in love with his woman.
But then you told him about Rae and her pregnancy. He immediately felt guilty for his annoyance with her, for he really didn’t know her as well as he does now since becoming one of your close friends. She is just looking for what they all were looking for: love and acceptance and unfortunately got lost in the wrong person.
His anger at Kurak continues at a low simmer. The son of a bitch has fucked at least seven girls since this tour started. He literally kicked one off the bus before they left Lexington last night. He’s pulling this bullshit while there is a girl at home dealing with this alone.
He sighed, licking the spray cheese off his fingers. He promised you he wouldn’t confront Kurak about it. You stressed to him that it’s their thing to work out without outside interference. That it’s not your or his place to dictate the ending. He knew you were right. You only knew because Rae trusted you. He didn’t want to break that trust just because he was angry at his vapid bandmate.
He blew out a breath as he hears footsteps and whispers. He looks over to see Vic and Damien whispering to each other in the darkness. While most of his mates kept most of their escapades to their bi-weekly hotel stays, Vic has been reckless in this new fling. Damien has snuck onto the tour bus multiple times, surprising everyone with his presence in the morning. He really was a good guy. He seemed more mature then his age and seemed to understand what he was getting into with Vic.
He can feel the bus slowing down, turning off the freeway either for gas or a break for Poe. Standing up, he picks up the empty bowl and trashes it. Grabbing the box and can, he heads to the kitchenette. He only makes it halfway there before Damien addresses him.
“Oh, hey Kylo” he says awkwardly, shifting away from Vic. Looking over, he can see the hurt in Vic’s eyes. “Hey guys” Kylo responds, hoping his tone calms both men down. Grabbing a water, he nods and silently heads back to the bunks.
Brushing his teeth, he wondered if Vic was upset because of tomorrow. Tomorrow Damien’s band is starting on a separate tour, opening for The Meg. It is a great opportunity for them to tour with both bands, expanding their already increasing fan base. He feels their sound will compliment the other bands on that tour. Maybe they are having issues related to that, he wonders.
Laying down, he wraps himself in your blanket. Your scent has long faded but it still comforts him. He can hear his bunkmates snoring through the curtains. He shifts on his side and pulls up his Spotify, picking a Sleep ambient playlist. He sets his alarm and puts his phone on the charger, having it face him. He pushes play on his ear buds. As the soft ocean sounds float, he looks at your picture, his heart and soul missing yours.
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adminbryantsaki · 6 months
Welcome to the Multiverse Part 2
I Do not own the Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything related to the series. It belongs to the Walt Disney Company. I own the Four sisters though. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: MCU Spoilers, OCs, destruction, war,
WC: 1,849
Within the walls of a very secure vault under a house, the six Infinity Stones glowed in the darkness within separate cases. All of the sudden BOOM, and a wall fell through, a tall, slender woman stepped over the rubble and into the vault where she grinned at the sight of the glowing Stones. The light of the Time and Mind Stones illuminated her face to reveal an angular face with high cheekbones, thin lips, and beady black eyes that seemed to radiate absolute greed when she saw the Stones.
“Those foolish sisters left all the Stones open for the taking. Guess I’ll just keep them safe for those sisters. They are such a thorn in my side. I’m glad that they up and disappeared with no trace. Stupid of them to leave the stones here though.” Lamina spoke.
One sunny afternoon, just after training with Doctor Strange, Ren and Azar received a letter
From their home universe informing them that their Infinity Stones had been stolen by their arch nemesis, Lamina, and was currently wrecking havoc on their home world. Azar later showed this letter to her sisters after summoning them from the other sanctums and they decided to go back home, so they could save their universe.  Ren was upset about this as she worked hard to help make a better universe for her sisters, but she stormed off to her room and began to pack. Terra went after her and leaned against the doorway. “You know why we must go back. Lamina will tear our world apart piece by piece with those Stones.” Terra spoke as Ren walked past her and out the door. “I know, that’s why we’re going back. We must stop her and get the Stones away from her and locked up again so we can come back and keep learning the Mystic Arts.” Ren spoke and carried her bag down to the main lobby where Dr. Strange was talking with Azar and Zephyria when he looked up to Ren and gestured for her to come over. “I have told your sisters this and I’ll tell you now. The four of you have done so well in your training that you are ready to move on. Go back home and save your world. If you wish to visit this world, then you may do so, but leave your Stones in your universe.” He spoke. Ren was shocked, thinking they still had years of training to do. But the sorcerer in front of her was right. She and her sisters needed to go home and stop Lamina. Ren nodded and turned to the wall, where she assisted Terra in opening a portal back to their home, back in their house. Once the portal was open, Azar and Zephyria went through first before Ren and Terra followed and Ren closed the portal, cutting off their connection to the World of Heroes.
Ren took a deep breath and turned to the dark grey walls of their home and the empty pedestals where their six Infinity Stones once stood. The pedestals had been smashed to bits and there was a hole in one of the walls just past the pedestals that looked over the crowded city that seemed to be burning below.
“We’re too late.” Zephyria spoke as she saw the destruction that had been wrecked on the city. “No, look up, Lamina is there with the Stones. She’s using them to cause all this destruction.” Azar spoke and pointed to a figure levitating in the sky above the city. “If we can do anything, we need to use our skills in the Mystic Arts that we have learned these past few weeks. We need to bind her down and take the Stones back, and always keep them on our bodies, Incursions be damned.” Ren spoke and put her necklace on that had two empty places where the Time and Soul Stones would be. Azar had a pair of gauntlets that would hold the Reality and Space Stones, Terra had a headband that held the Mind Stone, and Zephyria had a bracelet that held the Power Stone. All the slots for the Stones were empty, but the sisters gathered their courage and followed Ren who charged out of their home and created a glowing shield to help her float in the air and sped quickly to where Lamina was causing destruction all over their home. “LAMINA! STOP THIS NOW AND HAND THE STONES OVER TO US! THEY DO NOT BELONG TO YOU!” Ren bellowed. Lamina paused what she was doing and turned around to face Ren who was seething with every fiber in her being. Lamina was a tall and slender woman who looked like she had one too many plastic surgery operations to try and achieve the ultimate vision of beauty. She didn’t achieve that at all. She looked like a skeleton with flesh wrapped around the bones and a metal armor that was skin tight and showed every part of her bony body. Across her chest was the Infinity Stones in this order: Reality, Soul, Mind, Time, Space, and Power. Her face had twisted into a frown at the sight of the young women in front of her. “Took you long enough to realize that your world is in danger. Where did the four of you go anyways?” Lamina asked. “None of your business. Just hand the Stones over and we will leave you alone.” Ren spoke. “Now why would I do that when I’m only just beginning to have fun?” She asked as she plucked out the Reality Stone and spun it around in her gloved fingers. Azar’s eyes widened and lunged forward at Lamina, trying to get the stone away from the villain. Lamina caught her and pulled her hand away, chuckling at Azar at her failed attempt to get the Stone away from her. “You all should know by now that I’m not going to give these beauties up so easily. I plan to wipe this world clean and remake it to be more beautiful, and no longer such an ugly, grey world that it is now.” She spoke.
Yes, their world did look grey and lifeless. But it wasn’t ugly. There were things of beauty to be seen within the small cracks of the city. Clearly Lamina was blind to these other forms of beauty as she was too focused on her own self-image to even notice them. “You’re wrong.” Zephyria spoke quietly that only her sisters could hear and Lamina caught a whisper of her voice. “What did you say?” Lamina hissed, lunging at the girl, and pulling her up by her hair. “You’re wrong. Our world isn’t ugly and lifeless. You only think that because you took too much time on your own self worth and never thought to look at beauty in the small things. You only focused on the grand picture and how your ideals would fit into it. When you didn’t fit in, you went to more drastic measures, altering your body until you look horrendous and like a skeleton fit into a skin suit without the organs, muscles, and fat, and even planned so that when my sisters and I left to learn how to defeat you once and for all is when you chose to strike. Taking what isn’t yours to try and unnecessarily change the world into what you think is ‘right’ and ‘beautiful’. You shouldn’t do that, but I can’t change your mind, and I’m sorry for you.” Zephyria spoke and smiled as someone approached with the cops. “Lamina! Give up! You are surrounded with no escape. Turn the Stones back to their rightful owners and come with us peacefully!” The chief of police called through a loudspeaker at the villain who glared down at them before looking back to Zephyria who had a smirk plastered on her face. “If you decide to not give up the Stones and turn yourself over to the police, you’ll only make yourself look uglier.” She told her. Lamina snarled in defeat and floated down to the ground, pushing Zephyria away from her and into the arms of Terra who felt safer on the ground during this fight an held her wrists out to the police. “Alright, you have me.” She spoke in defeat. “You must hand the Infinity Stones over first. We cannot trust you to not use them against us.” The chief spoke. Lamina hesitantly turned to where Ren and Azar were landing next to Terra and Zephyria she plucked each of the remaining Stones and floated them over to the sisters who took their respective stones back into their jewelry.
Once the sisters had the Stones back, a cop took Lamina under custody. Everything seemed to be going easy, almost too easy. Lamina had been taken away in the police car and the sisters were heading back into their house to begin cleaning up and helping with fixing whatever other destruction that had been caused due to Lamina’s control over the Stones. They had put the Stones back on their pedestals for now as they contributed to the cleaning up and repairing of their city. But once those operations were over, Ren wanted to go back to Dr. Strange and ask if they could still train under him as she knew that they hadn’t trained for long enough when the threat had risen-up in their world.
Ren went to the same wall where she would open and close portals to other dimensions and opened one to the New York Sanctum in Earth-616 where she found Dr. Strange sitting down across from his fireplace with a cup of tea and a good book. She stepped through the portal and approached Dr. Strange. “If you are here to ask about furthering your training, its not needed. As I told you and your sisters before you left to save your planet, which you did an excellent job. But you finished your training. There is no need for any of you to come back.” He spoke. Ren felt hurt and crestfallen. She turned to go back through the still-open portal and go home. But she was stopped by Dr. Strange who stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. “But, I had a talk with Wong and the other Sanctum Leaders. We decided that the four of you should help us by gathering information on Kang the Conqueror and any other threats to our universe that seen like an issue to us so we will be ready for anything.” Dr. Strange spoke. Ren lit up and thanked him before running back through the portal to home to tell her sisters the good news.
The End.
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apuzzledprince · 11 months
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[Image ID: A photo of the artist at the Renaissance Festival. He is wearing a red plague doctor coat that covers most of his skin and compression gloves that don't cover the tips of his fingers. On his head he has black and red cat ears and a plague doctor mask over a regular black paper mask. He is pale and white and has short brown hair. ./End ID]
almost walked into a guy while going into a shop and he stopped and said "oh!" then looked at my cat ears and then my mask and said "that's hot" before leaving. was it surprising? yes, it was the first time i had gone without my parents (tho, i usually separated from them lol) and the first time id gotten a comment like that lmao. was i upset? not really, i thought it was kinda funny (Sunny was upset though). god i love the ren fair [honest]
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animatedinugami · 2 years
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Art by Nox on Facebook
Name: Yamatori Ren
Aliases/Nicknames: Aka, The Dancing Wind
Age: Part I (21) Part II (23) Blank Period (24-37) Boruto (38)
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Kekkei Genaki: N/A
Chakra Natures: Wind, Water, Yin
Nationality: Land of Water
Rank: ANBU
Appearance: Tall, long black hair tied into a bun or ponytail, and black eyes. Wears a gray, knee length kimono with long sleeves and thigh high black sandals. Under her kimono is a mix of black mesh and wraps. When in civilian garb, Ren carries a large fan with 4 purple cloud designs on it. When in Hunter-nin uniform, she has two small hand fans on her thighs.
Family: Ren’s father Saishū is a doctor, and her mother Tori is an interrogator. Ren had an older sister Ro who was killed during the Third Great Ninja War. The family is very close when behind closed doors, but understand how secretive each member must be due to their duties.
Occupation: Hunter-nin, ANBU Commander
Relationships: Ren is still friends with her old teammates, and she has a love hate relationship with Hidan and Kakuzu because she is constantly getting in the way of their bounty hunting, but gives Hidan a very good fight in the process. In truth, Ren's relationship with Hidan and Kakuzu are borderline treason, but she gets the job done so no one really looks that closely.
Personality: For a while, Ren presented herself as cold and serious, and that tends to be the case when speaking with those of high rank and outsiders. Her family and students, however, get to see the more laid back, joke cracking side of Ren. She has become quietly prideful of her abilities and will play with her food if she's able to. The longer the opponent fights, the more intel to get, after all.
Ren was born seven years before the start of the Naruto series to Yamatori Saishū and Tori. Her older sister Ro trained her to be a lethal ninja in order to survive Kirigakure’s graduation system. However, that became unnecessary when the process was retired thanks to the actions of Zabuza. Ren was too young to be involved in the Third Great Ninja War, but her sister lost her life in the fighting. Unknown to her at the time, her older sister had been Aka in the Genshoku Program. With her death, Ren was chosen to be the sucessor and was placed into the program.
Ren graduated from the academy and was put into Dōkutsu Kita’s, a skilled Genjustu user, team with Yuki Bachi, a staunchly loyal shinobi to Kirigakure and future head of the Hunter-nin, and Tone Asari, a generally stable shinobi who became a powerful and diverse beast summoner. The group had a rough start together but after finding themselves dealing with B and even A ranked missions, quickly became Chūnin. Ren had made it to the final match in the Third Exam, but was defeated by Uzumaki Taro from the Land of Rice Paddies. The group somehow stayed together after many years, with all three being part of the Genshoku Program.
While on several missions, Ren was forced to battle with Hidan and Kazuku. She could never defeat them permanently and they could never get close enough to take her down. So, Hidan, Kakazu, and Ren came to a truce. If they were hunting the same target, Hidan and Kakuzu would retrieve the bounty first and, once the money was counted, Ren would steal it back. It was a dangerous game, but they managed to hit the jackpot each time.She was upset at hearing that the two had been killed, and even more so that Kakazu was revived during the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Ren fought against the white Zetsu instead of fighting her old “friend”. After the war, she continued to be a Hunter-nin, only stepping back when her village needed another teacher for genin squads. So far, she's trained four of them, all slotted to join the Genshoku Program should they need to. After her fourth team became Chunin, Ren became the Anbu Commander under Chojuro.
Abilities: Ren has a wind chakra nature, making her an ideal fan user. With her large fan, she uses brash attacks that cover large distances. These are meant to cause as much damage as possible, whether to her enemies or to the surrounding landscape. With her small fans, she focuses on quick and precise attacks, only used while on Hunter-nin missions in order to bring down her targets as quickly and silently as possible. Ren can also create vacuums with her attacks, drawning all the air out of the spaces around her for her jutsus. This has allowed her to have an almost impenetrable shield against all Wind and Ice style attacks, with her vacuum removing the Wind Nature. Wind disappears and Ice is turned into harmless water.
She can summon peregrine falcons, either as scouts or messengers.
As a shinobi of Kirigakure and the Land of Water, Ren has trained in Water style, becoming quite proficient. This has allowed her to create a psuedo Ice Style, but could only do so with her fans. Upon training to learn Yang Release, she was finally able to produce Ice Release without aid.
Ren is well rounded enough as a member of the Anbu, but her Genjutsu abilities are exceeded by her Taijutsu, and her Ninjutsu is her strongest skill. Stealth, information gathering, tracking, and other such skills are at her forefront. Caught in a fight, she is much better at range than up close.
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johannesgrunenberg · 2 years
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&&. announcing his royal highness, ( johannes von grünenberg ), the ( 31) year old ( prince ) of ( switzerland ). he is often confused with ( jannis niewöhner ). some say that he is (fatalistic, aimless), but he is actually ( steadfast, magnanimous ).
{ what a lonely way to lie - a tragic tracklist for a wanderer }
All I Need - Daniel Blake || Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay || How Do You Feel? - The Maine || After You’ve Gone - Judy Garland || Taker - K.I.D || Aristocrats - Raleigh Ritchie || Treacherous Doctor - Wallows || Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus || Fragile State of Mind - The 1975 || Feelings - Lennon Stella || Hit My Line - Logic || India - Alexandra Stan (ft. Kent Archie) || Box in a Heart - The Maine & renforshort || 
Name: Johannes Fredrick Elias Von Grunenberg
Birthday: Thursday, June 27, 1991
Age: 31
Astro Sign: Cancer 
Station: Prince of Swizterland, Duke of Bern
Marital Status: Married
Fun facts: (TW: Depression, OCD)  
Hans has a diagnosis of clinical depression and OCD. This doesn’t define his life but it definitely throws a kink in his ability to cope with the loss of his father and his exile. He is currently in online therapy. He prefers it this way because he finds talking to someone that close (in the same room) would be too intimate an act.
Hans is a jokester within his family who uses humor as a way to mask his sorrows. He is very kind and loving but has since closed himself off to the world.
If he doesn’t know you, he is very standoffish and often very aloof. Painfully quiet when he is upset or unsure of a situation.
The best way to keep his mind busy is to be physical. He likes to work out in the gym, go skiing, and spar with Klaus for funsies.
Hans can speak five languages fluently: French, German, English, Italian, and Japanese. He went through an anime phase back in Uni and picked it up as a side hobby. He knows a few others but not in the sense of speaking comfortably for long periods of time.
Hans and Ren are very much like irish twins (born so close in age) the two basically bonded like twins. Ren is the only sibling who Hans feels like he can pour all of his feelings into without being a burden. The only secret he has ever kept from Ren was the subject of his exile.
During his exile in Paris, Hans had thoughts of following in his uncle’s footsteps as a disruptor and potentially lay claim to the throne but that withered with time.
One of the better memories from Paris, Hans was able to be an adjunct professor in one of the smaller educational institutions and he loved every second of it.
Hans attended Oxford but isn’t as forthcoming in flaunting the fact that he followed in Max’s footsteps. 
Hans is riddled in tattoos, all in places that you can’t see unless he shows you. He considered getting a neck tattoo but knew it would send his mother into an early grave. 
Johannes “Hans” Von Grunenberg can be called many things: Prince of Switzerland, duke of bern, black sheep; more notably: second born and first scorned. Born under the luminescent glow of a  penumbral lunar eclipse, he has been steeped in the inky darkness of the unknown before the light trickled back along the rolling horizon in Geneva. Johannes, the second born son, sat as a failsafe and a replacement if anything were to go awry with the rearing of the next heir to the Swiss throne. His father never stated that precedent but the world had always brandished Hans position as such; his uncle only played on this notion throughout his childhood. Hans didn’t mind much that he was predestined to follow the tails of Max’s coat because he simply wished to be included in the grand adventure played out in the deep reds and gold. For the most part, Max had been the best big brother one could be before the walls came crashing in. Their father’s death marked a shift in the family dynamic that never quite set correctly; a broken bond riddled with weakness and doubt.
Hans’s sense of camaraderie had been turned on him with Max’s departure. Both young men needed to reflect the values of their country with the crown shaping their futures. Hans comfortably skated on following the framework laid out by Max. Whatever he did, Hans strived to do better.  The fires of competition fanned for the greater part of their adolescents and into young adulthood. There was no reaching Max on an emotional level but he obtained some form of reaction by vexing the young man. Unbeknownst to him, at the time, this need to one up Max came from the belly of their uncle who wished to obtain power through him. The voyeurism and greed set Hans on a course that would alter the very fabric of his being and the relationship between brothers. His unlikely kinship with their uncle and the overcasting doubt of a secret discovered but never professed forced Hans into exile on Max’s order. Despite their unspoken competition, Hans faithfully hung off his brother’s word and would never stray from his loyalty. If he played his cards right, maybe just maybe, Max would join hands with him once more and they’d be brothers instead of rivals.
Hans excelled in school. It had been the only place he ever felt seen. His brilliance came from the vast words written by dead poets and scholars who came before him. Much to no one’s surprise, he followed Max’s footsteps in attending Oxford and obtained his Juris Doctor in Law. Hans knew he would never see inside of a courtroom in his lifetime, the limits of being a prince, but he loved the order of law. He desired being able to teach it to University students looking to make a change in the world. He felt the most at home behind the field of browning pages. He could escape himself in there and be whomever he wished to be.
Unfortunately, that was a latent dream smothered out under the guise of a “greater” Switzerland. An unrivaled ascension to power that couldn’t be tainted by Hans presence in the country. Taking his leave, Hans found himself in the pleated folds of silk and tulle in the heart of the Parisian experience. Paris opened a new world to a woeful man and garnered love that always seemed out of reach from his mother and older brother. Hans became a bit of a recluse diving into his only safe space, academia, while flirting with danger. Manon marked the start and end of an emotional expansion within the stoic young man. He loved her with every inch of him, despite the holes in his fortitude, only to be denied the same love back. Manon broke him into frayed pieces and cemented that sense of listlessness. He couldn’t even keep it together in a new city with people who didn’t know him as a younger man. Hans left Paris to return to Geneva. He resigned himself to the whims of the crown, waiting for the next string of directives while keeping an eye on the younger ones. The spaces where Max couldn’t connect, Hans happily filled the void. He fielded every issue, woe, and growing pain each one had experienced with a smile. He was the brother that one would call from a jail cell to discreetly bail them out; big brother was a job he took very seriously.
Acting dutifully, Hans made the decision to marry. He grew tired of the mindless matchmaking and conversations about when he would be next to follow Max’s footsteps. He wasn’t getting any younger but his heart didn’t seem interested in loving anyone else. The welsh princess kicked through his chest and left him hollow. By an act of God or cosmic humor, Hans drank himself into a stupor once night and stumbled into the throes of a majestic woman serving out her own personal exile. Enthralled by her charisma and the prospect of a mutually beneficial courtship, Hans proposed to her on the promise that he would allow her to continue to live how she wished with all of the protections of his station. Ascending to Duke of Bern, Hans hopes to be able to provide shelter for his wife’s own plans to overthrow the opposition in her own family and regain her place in line for power. Hans is well aware that when this happens, their marriage will dissolve but he doesn’t mind it.
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nostarfights · 3 months
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1. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
3. Anakin Skywalker
4. Bucky Barnes
5. Loki Laufeyson
6. Din Djarin
7. Geralt of Rivia/The Witcher
8. Doctor Spencer Reid
9. Aaron Hotchner
10. Derek Morgan
11. Eddie Munson
12. Steve Harrington
13. Warren Rojas
14. Sam Wilson/Captain America
15. Angus Tully
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1. "Whenever I look into your eyes I feel as if you are putting me back together again. Piece by piece."
2. "Stay, please. Just for now at least."
3. "Why are you so scared of love? I'm not going to hurt you like everyone else has. I promise."
4. "I honestly didn't think it was even possible to love someone as much as I love you."
5. "Can you please just hold me? All I want is right now is your love."
6. "I'd do anything to keep you by my side forever and ever."
7. "I'll take care of you, don't worry."
8. "You're mine, all mine."
9. "You need rest. I'll take care of everything else.
10. "Just shut up and kiss me already."
11. "The thing I hate the most about myself is that even after all you've done to me, I still love you."
12. "What if something happens while you’re gone? What if you get hurt and I'm not there to protect you?"
13. “You're so perfect."
14. "The only thing that matters to me is you."
15. “Nobody compares to you."
16. "We'll find our way back to each other eventually. I've never doubted that."
17. "If this is a dream, I never want to wake up."
18. "I wish it didn't have to end this way. I love you."
19. "You don't get to say who or what I am. That's up to me."
20. "You aren't the person I fell in love with anymore."
21. "You have to let me let you go."
22. "We'll see each other again, I promise."
23. "I used to say that l'd never fall in love, then I met you."
24. "I can't leave you. Not now when you need me the most."
25. "Come back to me, please."
26. "You are lost. Nothing can save you now, not even me."
27. "I was only falling in love with you."
28. "It hurts to see you with someone that isn't me."
29. "Sometimes when you look at me, I feel as if I'm seeing you for the first time again.
30. "Forever and always."
31. "I'm just a memory to you now, but that's okay."
32. "I wish you loved me like I love you, but you don't."
33. "I can't loose you."
34. "Always?" "Always."
35. "My heart will forever belong to you."
36. "It's you and me, do you understand?"
37. "I'm so sorry but I have to go. They need me out there."
38. "All I want is for you to be happy. It's what you deserve."
39. "Don't look at me like that."
40. "There's no one else l'd rather die with."
41. "Will you please just talk to me?"
42. "I want to settle things and make us right again. I can't bear to see you so upset with me."
43. "You bring me to peace just by the sound of your voice."
44. "I have to do this alone, you know that."
45. "You don't need me. You don't even see me."
46. "I am truly a fool for you."
47. "You make everything worth it."
48. A lot of people love you, okay? Fuck it, I love you."
49. "I have always loved you and I don't think I'll ever stop loving you."
50. "I love you with every fiber in my being."
51. "I'm afraid that some day you'll tell me that you've stopped loving me."
52. "I'd die for you, truly."
53. "I fell for you, a lot quicker than I should have."
54. "I've now realized that I have fallen in love with you, something that I cannot have."
55. "I wish we could've had more time. I wanted to love you for a lifetime."
56. "If worse comes to worst, I'm here for you."
57. "In another lifetime."
58. "I love you to the moon and stars. I swear."
59. "I just wish we could've had more time."
60. "I love you. I feel like I haven't said that enough today."
61. "All l've ever wanted is your love. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"
62. "There's my girl."
63. "I will love you forever and a day."
64. "I wish you knew how much you meant to me and how your name plays on repeat in my head. Day and night."
65. "As long as you are under the same stars as me, 'll be okay."
66. "You have done nothing but tell me how bored you were with me. I was the chore, the job, you didn't want to do. To me, you were everything. To you, I was nothing, a nobody."
67. "It hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to over and over again."
68. "I'm just so tired."
69. "I have done nothing but love you and accept you for who you are. Why can't you do the same for me?"
70. "I could never hate you."
71. "I love you, without end."
72. "You could have anyone you want. Why would you wanna be with me?"
73. "Forever isn't even half of the time I want to spend with you."
74. "You could take away all of my senses and l'd still find you."
75. "Dead doesn't mean gone."
76. “It hurts so bad. Make it go away.”
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Yuta's Mother: I see. So you're exactly the type to destroy their friend's futures, then? Well, it doesn't matter. We warned you.
*Before they leave, Ren speaks out.*
Ren: You people truly are terrible. Bunny was best friends with your child. You should have supported them, not criticized them. For something they had nothing to do with, no less. You don't even appear upset about what happened to your son. Are you?
*The parents are silent.*
Ren: That's it, isn't it? Yuta's future could have been your future. That's the only reason you're upset. Now that your meal ticket is unconscious, all your chances are lost.
Yuta's Father: This conversation is over. You'd best go ahead and leave before we have the doctor kick you out.
*They both leave the room.*
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deviantartdramahub · 2 years
Hello! Gelly again! I have another big speech of some sort, but first I wanna say that I forgot something in my last one, oops haha. So another example of hypocrisy with sock-puppets on DA Drama Now is that one of their followers, Doctor Ray, made countless "Kylo-Ren" accounts to harass our friend, Club. And yet, they're wrongly attacking Sam for the same thing.
So, the other thing I intend to tackle this evening is how this group is falsely saying they "want to help me" when in reality they're just trying to scare and manipulate me. I have quite a lot of proof and cases to demonstrate this.
So for start, as you can see here: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/tagged/gellygirl
They made a whole ass tag for me. They made this so whenever they talk shit on me, they can tag my name for people to click and see everything else they said about me. They likely did this for easy access proof I'm a bad person, the same thing they do to other victims of this group. Sure, you can go "Bro it's just tagging" but notice how they only do this to people they're against. You don't see them tagging Morothias, do you? But yeah, I can admit this is probably my weakest proof, which is one of the reasons why I listed it first.
The 2nd instance of proof I have is them having no problem threatening me with bad things that could happen to me: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/tagged/gellygirl (This one's debatable as the best proof, as the threat seems to be more of a warning, and this person isn't acting too malicious towards me. Though I'd appreciate it if they'd act less condescending, lol.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704925080424251392/wow-of-course-the-sick-fuck-club-would-take (threatening me my good friend would betray me. I haven't made one status thing on my DA, yet he continues to be a wonderful friend.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708006114919399424/i-unfollowed-and-blocked-gelly-what-she-did-was (I know I already talked about this post, but it applies here as well for obvious reasons. Yes, the threat is non-sensical, but it's still a threat to report my account and get me in trouble. Another thing to add about this, if they were truly trying to help me, they wouldn't let my reputation get hurt by this, and stick up for me at least a little. But yet Evie happily posts it there with no comment, letting the user say whatever about me. It's also one of the posts that are sexualizing my drawing by calling it a fetish art, but we'll talk about that later...)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704836510984372224/laughing-my-rump-off-one-of-clubbys-pals-gelly (And finally, this one. This one's just disgusting and horrible. I expressed to Club long ago how upset and uncomfortable this post made me feel. As this person laughs as they say he'll choke me and take me away. Not to mention no one ever showed slight remorse in the group that I was horrified by this statement. Dear. Fucking. God.)
Another reason that it's obvious that they aren't trying to help me is their willingness to insult me. Insulting someone while saying you're trying to help them is toxic as FUCK. It's way too obvious they're trying to manipulate me, and make me feel small so they can scoop me up away from my friends and use me. Evidence: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704922897775542273/gellygirl-you-are-a-fool-for-a-minor-other-kids ( Here someone's calling me a fool, calling me unintelligent because I don't jump to conclusions and immediately abandon a friend like some people do.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704925080424251392/wow-of-course-the-sick-fuck-club-would-take (Already talked about this post, but yeah, here's them once again referring to me as a "foolish kid.")
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/705009194279043072/disgusting-i-see-that-club-now-has-watched (Someone calling me stubborn bc I don't listen to their bullshit lol.)
And finally, the last reason why I know they aren't trying to help me. They refuse to hear me out and listen to what I have to say unless it's helping their word. The main evidence of this is them accusing a friend that is YOUNGER than me of taking advantage of me and making me draw fetish art. They refuse to consider the fact that hypnotism can be in a non-sexual context, and are making me and my friend out to be fetish artists when we are BOTH MINORS. I knew Lina for a while, and never ONCE did I see her use hypnotism in a sexual way. Neither in RPs or fan-art of hers. The way she uses it is either one of her evil OCs using it to get minions to take over the world, a classic fun story used in lots of fiction. And when it's used by good OCs, they simply use it to calm chaotic characters down. Oh, and one of her OCs in the fan-art they're sexualizing IS A CHILD CHARACTER! Lina confirmed her to be 14! So not only are they sexualizing a minor's art while accusing another of having a fetish, THEY'RE SEXUALIZING ART WITH A CHILD CHARACTER IN IT! All while they refuse to hear me out. Evidence: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707728661508472832/i-feel-bad-for-that-gelly-kid-shes-definitely (The shit-stain that dragged Lina into the drama in the first place.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707830463335628800/someone-should-warn-gelly-she-drew-fetish-art-im
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707975406018592768/gelly-instead-of-saying-we-were-wrong-quit-acting (Okay, Lina's not the person who blocked me. The person who did was actually Sam due to a misunderstanding.But we made up and are friends now, so don't worry. She fortunately doesn't even know about the drama going on, and I want to keep it that way. She deserves better than to be dragged into this mess.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708083771187019776/wanna-bet-how-much-club-will-try-to-request-diaper (Now they're saying Club will request fetish art bc of the stupid shit that was started. He was just comforting me after something stressful happened, you creepy sickos, leave us alone.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708083897300402176/funny-that-you-have-this-in-your-favs-gelly-yet (Ah, and finally we have this. This post right here implies they think I genuinely support pedophilia now. Holy fucking shit XD No, hons, ofc not, I support in having ACTUAL pedos get their ass kicked, not a innocent man who wants to make friends and educate those of the importance of helping those with special needs.)
Well...Oh boy that was a lot. I'm sure there's more examples of them manipulating me but I'm sure we can agree this post shows enough, and I feel it's way too long now, haha. Anyways, I hope this post shows some people who are still confused about supporting DA Drama Now how they manipulate their victims.I want them to know it won't work. I know they think I'm a complete idiot and they can easily manipulate me, but they'll never drag me to their side. It makes me sad, I truly wish I was the only one who had to deal with this.
When reading this I thought about that too. The hypocrisy (or "seeming" hypocrisy, in the off-chance they have a good defense about it and why this doesn't affect the worthiness of the support given to them through the followers of the DA user Morothias) about Doctor Ray and his participation in raiding would be (aside from their KiwiFarms affiliations) the most glaring/discouraging to us. Their idea of helping people is conquest. And yeah tagging can be used for good or bad; I tag people so it's less backbiting-esque for recurring peoples. But then again, they have a written hate list, as if a group about justice would write one. So there is a greater chance they aren't as well-intentioned when tagging. True peacemakers would not readily resort to extortion or ridicule.
We here promise to stand with you against their tactics.
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
We all know Dr. Ren celebrates Father's Day, but what about Daddy's Day? 👀
oh my god, well for father’s day i’m at a splash pad park with my dogs and my niece. so let’s make Dr. Ren go to a park for a family outing.
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TW/CW: NSFW talk, father’s day, female reader, children are involved, smoking, doctor ren is not having a good time, the Ren family has a German Shepard named Hux
Please enjoy this photo of doggie Hux
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A splash pad is a water feature in parks all around america where there are fountains and buckets and other water toys for people who want to play in recreational parks.
“Honey, did you pack the sunscreen?”
You rummaged through your tote bag on the grass, using one hand to dig while the other was holding onto Odins wrist. He kept trying to wiggle out of your grasp so he could bolt to the playground, but he was so pale he would burn from the sunlight.
Belle was sprawled on the blanket next to you, reading a magazine because she has been grounded from her phone for the weekend. After Ren caught her kissing a boy when he picked her up from school…
“He’s fine, Love,” Ren grumbled from his lawn chair. The man was trying so hard to look relaxed, too big for his lawn chair. Bare legs sprawled out before him, black swim trunks with hawaiian flowers on them (courtesy of Belle). He tore off his shirt the moment he sat down since it was 100 degrees outside, almost blinding other families with his pale chest.
A top his head was a black bucket hat, that you found at the store. It was a joke at first but he looked kinda good in it, despite his frown when you threw it over his well manicured hair.
“You need sunscreen too,” you glared at him, finally fingering the bottle, “Come here baby.” You dragged Odin into your lap, slathering his skin with a white cast of protection despite his whining.
“Odin, stop crying. You’re upsetting the dog.”
He glanced to his right, laying down was your new dog you recently adopted. Without permission, which was the result of you scrolling on Facebook. Seeing this beautiful german Shepard up for adoption at the local shelter. You had to rescue him, and despite Ren being upset. The two of them hit it off, napping together just this morning while you made brunch for father’s day.
After getting Odin fixed up, he dashed off into the abyss. Ren growled at him to stay where he could see, and that was that. Leaving you to sit between his knees while you watched. Belle had wandered off next, complaining about the heat.
You leaned your head back into his lap, a hand came up to play with your hair. “Happy father’s day,” you mumbled, pressing back into his massaging hands.
“Thank you,” he whispered, you felt him lean forward, his hands sliding down to cup your cheeks. You puckered your lips for him, expecting a big kiss as a sign of gratitude.
Rens voice dropped lowly in your ears, “You know what would make me happier?”
You opened your eyes, staring up at your husbands handsome face. His auburn eyes blown almost black as he hovered his lips over yours. You swallowed slowly, “What?”
“If you gave me a blowjob in the bathroom.”
“Shhh,” he hissed at you, landing a sharp smack to your cheek.
You giggled at that, you were on your knees in one of the changing cabanas. A towel under you for cushion, batting your paws at his swim trunks.
Ren ran his fingers roughly through your hair, a makeshift ponytail at the back of your head. Perfect for him to manhandle you, “Be quick, I don’t want the police to be called because you can’t give me faster head.”
“Oh?” you mouthed at the fabric, feeling his hardening length beneath. Straining against his muscles, you slipped your thumbs into his waistband. Tugging down, “Are you being impatient, Daddy?”
Ren raised a brow, maneuvering your mouth to the tip of his cock. Red and pulsing in anticipation, you opened your lips a little. Letting the velvet skin slide across a few times.
Both of you sighed at the feeling, darting your tongue out to lick up the pre-cum. Salty and smearing across your supple lips, “Open up.”
You obeyed without question, letting him pop inside. Hitting the back of your throat, agitating your soft palate. Crushing back a few times in shallow thrusts, Ren groaned loudly.
Echoing off the flimsy walls of the hot box you hid inside.
“Good girl,” he purred as you sucked around his length. You gagged, spittle pooling around the corners of your mouth. “Choke for your Daddy.”
You doubled down on your efforts, placing your palms on his hips. Choking yourself on his cock as he rammed it down your throat. He fucked into you, stroking your cheekbones with his thumbs in rhythm with his hips.
“Baby,” he groaned, “I’m gonna cum, can you swallow it all?”
“Yeash,” you garbled, swallowing a few times until you were at the base. Nose shoved into pubic bone, trying to take in deep breaths through your nostrils.
His length twitched on your tongue, nudging the back of your throat. Ren took a deep breath leaning over your kneeling form and letting out a strangled moan.
You closed your eyes as he came down your throat. Gagging on his head while he spurted jets of hot cum, you swallowed. Working your mouth up and down the length, slurping any remnants of his spend.
“Mommy,” Odin spoke with a mouthful of his snow cone, the corners of his mouth were stained red from the flavoring, “Why are your knees all bruised?”
You smirked, eyes hidden by your sunglasses. Your knees were scuffed from the cement. Ren fucked your throat hard enough to scoot you across the flooring, leaving a streak of cuts on your skin.
Ren let out a plume of smoke, followed by a drink of whatever he had smuggled in his water bottle. “She’s fine, Mommy was helping Daddy earlier while you were playing.”
Belle snorted to your left, “Guess you had a good father’s day…”
love the sassy Ren family
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttles @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @blowthatpieceofjunk @reyloaddict55 @emeritusemeritus @livi-s
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