#doctor cerberus's house of horror
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Zelda Spellman, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Chapter 𝟙𝟝 : Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror
#zelda spellman#miranda otto#(̅_̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے#aunt zee#aunt zelda#auntie zee#zelds#also known as love of my life#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#caos zelda#part 2#doctor cerberus's house of horror#myedit#my screenies#stgedit#scheduled
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chilling adventures of sabrina season 2, episode 4: "doctor cerberus' house of horror" in a nutshell
#lilith#zelda spellman#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#incorrect madam spellman#madam spellman#miranda otto#michelle gomez
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018-2020)
Episode length: 49-63 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy
Language: English
As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.
Season 1
Part 1
Episode 1: Chapter One: October Country
Episode 2: Chapter Two: The Dark Baptism
Episode 3: Chapter Three: The Trial of Sabrina Spellman
Episode 4: Chapter Four: Witch Academy
Episode 5: Chapter Five: Dreams in a Witch House
Episode 6: Chapter Six: An Exorcism in Greendale
Episode 7: Chapter Seven: Feast of Feasts
Episode 8: Chapter Eight: The Burial
Episode 9: Chapter Nine: The Returned Man
Episode 10: Chapter Ten: The Witching Hour
Episode 11: Chapter Eleven: A Midwinter's Tale
Part 2
Episode 1: Chapter Twelve: The Epiphany
Episode 2: Chapter Thirteen: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman
Episode 3: Chapter Fourteen: Lupercalia
Episode 4: Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror
Episode 5: Chapter Sixteen: Blackwood
Episode 6: Chapter Seventeen: The Missionaries
Episode 7: Chapter Eighteen: The Miracles of Sabrina Spellman
Episode 8: Chapter Nineteen: The Mandrake
Episode 9: Chapter Twenty: The Mephisto Waltz
Season 2
Part 3
Episode 1: Chapter Twenty-One: The Hellbound Heart
Episode 2: Chapter Twenty-Two: Drag Me to Hell
Episode 3: Chapter Twenty-Three: Heavy Is the Crown
Episode 4: Chapter Twenty-Four: The Hare Moon
Episode 5: Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil Within
Episode 6: Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches
Episode 7: Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Judas Kiss
Episode 8: Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sabrina Is Legend
Part 4
Episode 1: Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Eldritch Dark
Episode 2: Chapter Thirty: The Uninvited
Episode 3: Chapter Thirty-One: The Weird
Episode 4: Chapter Thirty-Two: The Imp of the Perverse
Episode 5: Chapter Thirty-Three: Deus Ex Machina
Episode 6: Chapter Thirty-Four: The Returned
Episode 7: Chapter Thirty-Five: The Endless
Episode 8: Chapter Thirty-Six: At the Mountains of Madness
Watch on Netflix
#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#B#T#G#bisexual characters#Zelda Spellman#Nicholas Scratch#Luke Chalfant#pansexual character#Ambrose Spellman#trans character#Theo Putnam#gay character#Robin Goodfellow#bisexual#trans#gay#tv shows with queer characters#series with queer characters#lgbt#lgbtq
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina S02E04 (Doctor Cerberus’s House of Horror)
Book title: Eleanor of Aquitaine (1999) by Alison Weir
#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#caos season 2#chilling adventures of sabrina season 2#doctor cerberus's house of horror#eleanor of aquitaine#alison weir#books in tv shows#michelle gomez
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ft. @victoriansuggestion
#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#netflix caos#caos season 2#dezmelda#zelda spellman#ch15: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror#victorian suggestion
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror. [S02E04]
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
Ses med @kulturdasset.
Hmm. Det har var ett avsnitt som avgjort inte hade den inriktning som jag trodde det skulle ha… En del av mig vill kalla det ett ”mellanavsnitt” men slutet med Wardwell får mig att ana att det här avsnittet kanske lagt både en och två tvister på jäsning tills framöver. Även om det är svårt att säga vad Wardwell själv fick ut av det här – mer än det uppenbara: att få se rakt in i de människor som omger Sabrina. (Och i så fall, varför utelämnade hon Hilda?).
Men en sak går iaf att hålla med om: Cerberus och Hilda är ett sött par, och jag är faktiskt glad att de hittat tillbaka till varandra igen. Och kanske kan Cerberus inneboende demon göra att han är mer ”tillåten” i Hildas värld än om han varit den dödlige bokhandlare han utgett sig som?
Jag blir f.ö. inte klok på det här med Weird Sisters, ok nu inser jag att man kanske skall ta de här visionerna med en nypa salt, ena avsnittet är de nästan allierade med Sabrina bara för att nästa koka ned till samma oinspirerade mobbare de var i S01E01? Och man kan ju undra, spådamen säger ju här att Sabrina skall lita på Nick och ingen annan? Så frågan är då, är det så att Nick Scratch och Lilith har ett förflutet? En sak som givetvis är positivt är att Sabrina iaf har små problem med att Nick faktiskt ljög i förra avsnittet.
Apropå möjliga manipulatörer: redan under förra säsongen så undrade man ju lite vad Dorothea hade i baktankarna när hon ”vägledde” Susie/Theo och även här (igen då med en nypa salt) så verkar hon inte direkt ha sin ”skyddslings” bästa i åtanke. Men som sagt, visionen kommer ju inifrån Theo så kanske är det så att han själv misstänker att Dorothea spelar ett annat, mer långtgående, spel? Sedan är det ju givetvis märkligt att välja att bryta sig in och stjäla formeln när man inte innan kollat med Spellmans hur de ställer sig till det hela.
Zelda/Blackwood-visionen var väl kanske den mest ointressanta. Att Blackwood är lite av ett kräk som med glädje skulle spendera bröllopsnatten med någon annan än sin fru kommer liksom inte direkt som någon överraskning. Så det enda vettiga vi får ut av det här är att påminnas om att Blackwoods son har/hade en syster. Frågan nu är kanske: lever hon eller inte? Var det enkom Zeldas rädsla vi ser eller något annat?
Och kan man transplantera ögon? Åter igen så börjar man undra om det här verkligen är en möjlig framtid eller bara karaktärens egna rädslor för den. Intressant dock det hela om att Roz inte tappat tron på gud, men kanske inte direkt tycker om hennes fars utnyttjande av kyrkan. Det finns ju gott om pr��ster som utnyttjar sin position för att få ekonomiska och sociala fördelar, och jag kan inte låta bli att uppskatta att man i den här serien låter Roz far vara den som sladdar inne i gråzonen. Det hade nog varit lite för mycket om han varit någon modern form av puritan, även om en del av mig fruktar att han i framtiden av serien kanske kommer få den rollen. (Och då blir det ju intressant att han inte är ren som snö själv).
För Harveys vision känner jag mycket samma sak som för Zeldas vision: vi får inte ut så mycket av den mer än att Harvey kanske mer behövde ursäkten att stanna hemma och inte åka på konst-grejen. (Översättningen säger koloni men det verkar bara vara Harvey och den andra killen där? Väldigt mysko).
Och jag undrade ju tidigare varför Blackwood limmade så på Ambrose, skall vi utgå från att visionerna kommer inifrån snarare än framifrån och stammar mer från rädslan inför framtiden snarare än framtiden självt så verkar det som om Ambrose frågat sig ungefär samma saker. En sak man frågar sig är om Luke verkligen är död, eller om det bara än något Blackwood säger för att få ha Ambrose för sig själv? Amrose håller ju fortfarande i tarot-kortet.
Mja. Främst är det här ett märkligt avsnitt, där jag som sagt får känslan av att en hel del har satts i jäsning för avsnitt längre fram i säsongen, men som sagt: avsnittet i sig var kanske inte så intressant som man kanske hade hoppats på.
P.S. Kanske kan det vara värt at lägga in en blänkare så här mot slutet av att Weird Sisters här kanske präglas av en rädsla hos Sabrina att de egentligen inte har förändrats så mycket utan i grund och botten är samma mobbare som innan hon skrev in sig i Satans bok.
Omslagsbild: Ljudboksversionen av pjäsen “Doctor Cerberus” av Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa som även ligger bakom den här tv-serien.
#chilling adventures of sabrina#sabrina - tonårshäxan#sabrina the teenage witch#sabrina: tonårshäxan#action#fantasy#dark fantasy#netflix#netflix sabrina#chapter fifteen: doctor cerberus's house of horror#S02E04 doctor cerberus's house of horror#kiernan shipka#lucy davis#michelle gomez#miranda otto#gavin leatherwood#richard coyle#spiritus familiaris#doctor cerberus#alessandro juliani#veronica cartwright#roberto aguirre-sacasa
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lucas really had no backstory huh
#chilling adventures of sabrina#sabrina#doctor cerberus's house of horrors#doctor cerberus' house of horror#sabrina the teenage witch#tbh i like it but like the inconsistency of plot and character is the worst#nobody has a consistent arc#who is the demographic for this show#what are the morals#what is the black church's stance on everything#what is it trying to tell society#like I just watched an episode that was very much encouraging sabrina to have sex#whilst at teh same time not?#i swear if this comes back to her and sex i'll eat a brick
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FUCK. That Tarot lady was FUCKING LILITH.
Also, if it’s true that Luke died, I’m very much annoyed. Stop killing LGBT+ characters, fiction!
Also, Tarot lady when not in the Lilith glamour was played by Veronica Cartwright, AKA Lambert in Alien.
#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina spoilers#caos spoilers#season 1#Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror#ashleybenlove posts
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Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus’s House of Horror
I’m honestly not even sure what I saw and am very confused about this episode so I got no commentary for it. Sorry
#the chilling tales of sabrina#im confused#sabrina commentary#sabrina spellman#harvey kinkle#rosalind walker#theo putnam#ambrose spellman#zelda spellman#hilda spellman#sabrina part 2#pt2e4#chapter fifteen: doctor cerberus’s house of horror
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Sabrina, Theo, Roz and others attempt to navigate the lines between fact, fiction and fate when a mysterious stranger sets up shop in Cerberus Books.
Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror
#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#sabrina spellman#kiernan shipka#nicholas scratch#gavin leatherwood#zelda spellman#lucy davis#hilda spellman#miranda otto#theo putnam#lachlan watson#harvey kinkle#ross lynch#mary wardwell#michelle gomez#tati gabrielle#prudence night#rosalind walker#jaz sinclair
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Hellstrom V/Defenders VI
Marvel Spotlight #18-19

Marvel Spotlight #18-19 - writer: Steve Gerber | penciler: Gene Colan | inker(s): Frank Monte (#18), Mike Esposito (#19)
This was EXACTLY what I wanted from this series! Steve Gerber knocked the last arc out of the park and I’d say he did even better with this exorcism arc. Gene Colan is my favorite artist from the books I’ve read from this era (late 60’s-70’s) and I was so excited to see that he did the art for these two issues. He brings that horror aesthetic that his art excels in Tomb of Dracula to this book. This felt like the first time where the Son of Satan has truly gone in the horror genre and it just enraptured me. Daimon goes to a party with Dr. Reynolds and meets Wilfred Noble and his dog, Cerberus. I really liked Noble and felt so bad when the demon killed his dog. I’m glad they didn’t show it and kept the dog’s body shadowed. It still had the same affect. I love the idea that Allatou the demon who possessed Melissa Manners to burn Noble’s house down and murdered his dog had the ability to body jump. It made the exorcism more interesting when Daimon is trying to banish the demon, he’s having to contend with several different people. I loved this story and it was effective in making me care about Reynolds and see more of her.
Marvel Spotlight #20-22

Marvel Spotlight #20-22 - writer: Steve Gerber | penciler: Sal Buscema | inker(s): Al McWilliams (#20), Joe Giella (#21), Bob McLeod (#22)
I’m not gonna lie, this arc came off very problematic. They drop the g-slur countless times. I found myself losing interest as we got deeper into the arc just because it felt so stereotypical and kinda gross honestly. There’s an “evil witch”who’s called the g-slur the whole time and they even go the whole way by saying she g’d them. You guys know that I’m always honest in my thoughts and opinions on this stuff and this storyline has just not aged well at all. The only part I liked about this arc was Daimon having to fight his other half inside his own head. I loved how he realized that they are better together because otherwise they are going to be stuck in an endless loop of fighting. It was actually a really cool idea. Also we finally got to see Satana and Daimon together even though I’m not sure if she was really in his head or just a construction of his mind. I love her powers by the way. I read her appearance in Vampire Tales and I love that she’s a succubus who sucks the soul out of people and their soul comes out in the form of a butterfly. I want more Satana cause she’s awesome. So yeah, I’m not gonna go through the plot here just cause I didn’t like it and it’s clearly outdated. If anyone wants to read it, you have the issue numbers above so you can see for yourself. Also I gotta say Sal Buscema did the art and it was fantastic.
Giant-Size Defenders #2

Giant-Size Defenders #2 - writer: Len Wein | penciler: Gil Kane | inker: Klaus Janson
This was a fun crossover. I loved seeing Doctor Strange meet Daimon. I gotta say it’s weird how there’s a Satan, Satana, Satannish, Mephisto, Baphomet, etc. like I would love a comic to explain these demons and which one is actually Satan. I’m a little confused right now. Asmodeus returned at the main bad guy for this issue which was cool. I like his design a lot. I love how he tried to use his powers on Daimon but it didn’t work because he was holding his trident. That’s a cool touch that just adds to the mythos surrounding Daimon. Also, I didn’t mention up top but I love how Daimon flies holding the trident with flames shooting out. I liked that this continues Valkyrie’s struggle with her identity through the hellish visions she’s struck with. The highlight of the whole Defenders comic so far is Valkyrie’s arc. The guilt of her existence and identity when she took the body of someone else and does she deserve to live inside someone else? It’s masterful storytelling and I fucking love it. She’s probably my favorite Defender (not named Dr. Strange). This was a cool team-up with the Son of Satan and has lots of fun action and it left me wishing Daimon would’ve joined the team. This was a fun issue and I can’t wait to see what comes next with Val and the rest of the team.
#marvel#marvel comics#70’s comics#70s comics#daimon hellstrom#satana hellstrom#Hellstrom#son of satan#doctor strange#dr strange#doctor stephen strange#stephen strange#the hulk#hulk#bruce banner#Valkyrie#nighthawk
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"Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror” (2x04).
#madam satan#zelda spellman#chilling adventures of sabrina#madam spellman#michelle gomez#miranda otto#season 2#caos#caos season 2#mars#tomlinnsom#caosedit
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592 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Great news! Anything cursed in modern Exandria (fcg's flat earthing, campaign two hospital heist) can now be happily marked down as 'the ring of brass died for this'
1,006 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
I don't for one second believe that that's Sam's BIG twist for this campaign. We called that one from episode one, episode two. No, i think this is lulling us into a sense of security so that the next thing knocks us out entirely. Who are you, fresh cut grass? What have you done? Where were you stationed when the cities fell and the betrayer gods rose? How many apogee solstices have you seen?
1,381 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
oh. lucy was so scared. she was so scared but she was still helping. her mother died on top of her, she lost her garlic safety blankets and she was still trying to comfort the maids even with a broken window and a house full of horrors. and then the maids went down and she was alone and so she wrote out a final goodbye and hid it on herself, determined, like the captain, to finish her story on her terms. oh lucy
3,591 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok ok ok, imagine the game of telephone that's happening rn. Orym calls Keyleth and says it's the Cerberus Assembly. Keyleth goes, fuckin wizards, and calls Allura. Allura goes, oh those bastards, calls Caleb and goes get ur fuckin wizards and Caleb, exhausted, ambles up the road to beau's house, bangs on the door at 9pm and just goes 'ludinus'
5,345 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
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CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA ⇢ 2x04 | Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror
And who knows? If the Apocalypse is upon us, even His plans might go awry. In which case all Hell would break loose and it would be every woman for herself.
#caosedit#caosdaily#caos#chilling adventures of sabrina#chillingadventuresofsabrina#sabrina spellman#2x04#caos 2x04#mygifsets#mygifs#myedits
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Hi! Can you do a zelda x younger fem reader where they have an established relationship and have their first fight? Where zelda maybe treats her like she treats hilda (says something rude) and the reader says she won't be treated like that and leaves? Then maybe a reunion? Thank you!!
Here you go, Anon. I hope you like it.
“If you’re not going to act immature you can sit with the children,” Zelda snapped.
Your mouth fell open, the indignation rising in you. All you’d done was suggest that maybe you push some tables together to let everyone sit together and apparently that was enough to earn the ire of your girlfriend. You knew sometimes she had a short temper but it had yet to be directed towards you.
The only time she’d been this rude was towards her sister. Hilda took it on the chin. You were not Hilda.
You turned around and stormed out the house. If she didn’t want you around then you’d remove yourself from the situation. You weren’t going to beg for her time. You were worth more than that.
You walked into town, ignoring the stares of the other people. You were used to the stares, being one of the few townspeople who had gotten in with the Spellmans. It didn’t help that you were one fo the few out people in the town.
You pushed into Doctor Cerberus’s, expecting to find Hilda there with her fiancé. You could understand why she was spending less time at the house these days with Zelda treating her the way she did. You sat in one of the booths, happy to be mostly alone in the cafe.
A cup of tea was placed in front of you by a smiling Hilda. She left you there to stew over your argument with Zelda. You wrapped your hands around the mug, breathing in the steam. Hilda always seemed to know what you needed.
The bell above the door jingled. You didn’t bother turning around to look at who was entering, assuming it was one of the teenagers from the school looking to join their friends in the booth in the corner. You took a sip from your mug, closing your eyes to enjoy the taste on your tongue.
“You came running to my sister?”
You snapped your eyes open. Zelda was sitting across from you, the rage still burning behind her eyes. You drew your mug closer to yourself.
“I didn’t go running anywhere,” you replied.
“You stormed out of my house in a huff,” she said, “you acted no better than Sabrina in one of her teenage tantrums.”
“I decided to go sit with the children,” you snapped.
She pursed her lips but didn’t bother to give you response. You took another drink from your mug, enjoying the tea Hilda had given you.
“I don’t appreciate your reaction,” Zelda said.
“And I don’t appreciate being talked to in that way,” you said, “I deserve more respect from you than you showed me tonight.”
“I showed you respect,” she said.
“Where?” you asked, “which part was respectful?”
She opened her mouth then paused. For the first time you might have actually won one over on Zelda. You were so used to listening to her and believing in her wisdom. She had so much more experience and an aura of command that let you trust her more. Not this time.
“I’m sorry.”
You could feel your mouth falling open in shock. You’d never once heard Zelda apologise to anyone so to have it directed your way was beyond surprising. You softened, giving her a small smile.
“Apology accepted,” you said, “but I might not forgive you so easily next time.”
“Can we return home now?” she asked, “there’s only so much ham house horror I can deal with.”
“Can I finish my tea?” you asked.
She reached over, taking the mug from your hands. She sipped from it, scrunching up her nose. She downed the rest of it, leaving you very disgruntled.
“You’re on very thin ice,” you said, standing up.
She slung her arm around your waist, drawing you into her body. The kiss was warm and tasted of the herbal tea. It was soft and sweet, and reminded you how in love you were with her.
“Okay, let’s go home.”
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