#do you think that’s when the complaints started rolling in or did they intensify after
ultratradmalewife · 3 months
I’m rewatching Hen Begins and Aisha acted so well in the I See You (See Me) speech. Like it brought me to tears the first time, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from her eyes while she delivered the speech. Not only did I see the women who was standing up for herself, but you can see the years that passed, those years of being told you can’t and shouldn’t do something because of who you are, and it’s just… breathtaking. I love everything about it.
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sc0tters · 6 months
Present | Nico Hischier
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summary: Sydney and Nico were given a second chance but do they take it or leave the once broken relationship, broken.
request: for @writingonleaves in the @callsign-denmark‘s luck of the puck fic exchange.
warnings: swearing, drinking, like two brief mentions about sexual themes.
word count: 8.75k
authors note: this was SO much fun to write oh my god! there could have been about 3k more in this but I was trimming portions to try to get it out in time. Think I have fallen in love with another fic couple and this was honestly really different to my normal stuff so we might see some small changes to future works because of this!
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Nico was like a bad smell she couldn’t get rid of.
Albeit they had broken up well over four years ago, Sydney still couldn’t let herself move on. That was the first relationship that she had been the one to end it. What made that all the much more painful to swallow was that she was on a losing battle playing second fiddle to hockey.
The last normal conversation they had felt like it was weeks ago. Sydney had forced herself into everything that wasn’t Nico after they started fighting. Arguments ranged from complaints of how long Nico was spending at the rink away from practice to how she felt like more like his roommate than his girlfriend. Both had the same complaints behind them, Sydney missed her boyfriend.
Yet each time she tried to confront him about the matter Nico reminded her that she wouldn’t understand what was going on in his life as it was hockey. Those blows were low and she hoped she could forget about them tonight when she swore he was going to be the same caring and thoughtful Nico that Sydney fell for a year and a half ago. Her birthday was one night that Nico made Sydney feel like a princess.
So as this night came around for the second time in their relationship and the third time since he met her. It would have been understandable for her to have had expectations. But in reality all she wanted was for him to show up.
After missing two different nights with her friends and one dinner with her parents after cancelling in the last moments. Sydney’s friends resorted to saying how he was flakier than dandruff but nobody thought he could miss his girls birthday. Sure Nico had things to learn in life, but just like hockey he was learning to be a better boyfriend each day.
Sydney tried to remind herself of that as she sat at the table staring at the empty spot next to her. Everyone did their best to take her mind off of the fact that this time Nico hadn’t even given her an excuse. But no matter how hard they tried to mask their disappointment for the Swiss boy, nothing changed the fact that Sydney felt so alone in a room of the people who were meant to make her the happiest.
So part of her felt a little relieved when it came time for her to go home. Her coat was heavy on her skin as she began the short walk back to the apartment “wait!” The voice made her freeze as her grip on the gifts she held intensified.
Her mouth felt dry as she turned to see Nico running towards her “schatzi I’m so sorry.” The hockey player blurted out as he finally stopped in front of her with his tie loosely fastened around his neck. Sydney clicked her tongue as she shook her head “all I wanted was one night where you would put me first.” She admitted looking at the ground.
The boy was quick to place his hands on her shoulders “of course I put you first, you’re my girlfriend.” Nico spoke plainly like it was the stupidest thing he had heard her say “do you really?” Sydney scoffed as she took a step back.
It seemed as she had snapped “you never want to spend time with me anymore and when you do you’re on your phone distracted.” He avoided her eye as she mentioned that “but when you do pay attention you make me feel so awful like I’m uncool like or not good enough for you.” She brought her hand to her eye to wipe away a tear before it had the chance to roll down her cheek.
Nico knew he hadn’t been a great boyfriend as of recent but he thought he could change “practice went late tonight.” He confessed letting her look down to see his devils bag still in his hand “I think we should break up.” Sydney blurted out and in that moment the hockey player swore his world stopped spinning.
His eyes widened as he tried to figure out if this was just some joke “I mean we barely act like we’re together anyways and when we do we fight so it won’t be much different to right now.” Sydney shrugged as she pointed it out to him.
The boy remained silent as he wanted to wake up from whatever bad dream this was meant to be “goodbye Nico.” She mouthed trying all that she could to not let her voice break as she felt her heart go.
He watched her turn her foot as she began to leave him “please Syd don’t leave.” Nico pleaded feeling himself grow nauseated by the silence as her heels clicking against the sidewalk echoed in his ear “I love you.” It was a place hope statement for him wanting to make sure that she couldn’t leave without hearing him say it one last time.
Nico let out a sigh of relief finally seeing her turn around “there we are.” He smiled holding his arms out as she hugged him “I love you Nico.” Sydney sniffled as she felt a tear roll down her cheek resulting in him kissing her temple.
It took everything from her in that moment to stop herself from listening to her gut as she was close to staying with him “but I simply do not like you anymore.” Her confession had him dropping his hands from around her as he grew confused “and for that I can’t stay.” Sydney shook her head as she cupped his cheek getting one last time to look at him before she stepped away.
Nico felt like the world hated him as a cab pulled up in front of them “I’ll get my stuff during the week.” Sydney announced knowing that he was going to have a roadtrip and wouldn’t be able to stop her. What killed him the most wasn’t that she left, it was the fact that she didn’t even look back to him before she got in the cab.
Even as that happened years ago, the memory still managed to haunt the Jersey native. Even as she completed her degree Sydney couldn’t help but avoid that block. Nico had done well pushing his emotions down as he tried to respect her wishes. It hurt him that Sydney had walked out of his life but he knew she wasn’t unjustified. Nina made sure to call her younger brother out when she was on the other end of a drunken phone call from him.
Despite the fact that, his family only met Sydney on a handful of FaceTime calls, it was clear that she was ready to give him the world. So it was suffice to say that the family was shocked to hear that things had ended. Nobody blamed her for leaving either, but when she revealed to her Instagram page that Nina of course still followed that Sydney moved to Florida. Seeing her in a new NHL teams colors served as the harsh reminder that there was no space for their relationship to come back together.
From time to time Nico would drive past places in New Jersey and would see the memories of the grin imprinted on her face. He’d sometimes go back to the old restaurants and places that Sydney showed him wanting to make sure her Swiss man saw the real city. Nico somehow always ended up disappointed when she wouldn’t show up.
They had each learnt over the years how to live apart whilst never letting go of the remnants of that stained your hearts. Sydney loved being in Tampa, her dream was to work in sport and she was doing it. The lightings began to hold her heart and Sydney swore she would never leave, even as the garden state was still her home.
So when the star’s seemed to align and she was let go from Tampa mere hours before the offer came to go home. To say that Sydney was contemplating it that was an understatement, a life she loved that she ran from was ready to catch up to her. All of those years avoiding the hockey shows and the prudential centre were now for nothing.
Her friends swore she was stupid for even considering turning down the offer, not only was it finally a chance to come home. But it was also the job that Sydney had in a big circle on her vision board as a teen. Nico ended the season injured and that meant that Sydney was going to have to work with him.
That’s why she ended up on FaceTime with her closest friend needing all of the advice that she could get “what are you so afraid of Syd?” Willow sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair “what if things end up the same again?” Sydney’s voice was barely above a whisper as she swirled the wine in her glass. The fears were justified as the girls remembered the time that Sydney was always left waiting only to be met with disappointment.
Willow much like Sydney had left New Jersey after they graduated, yet she didn’t have as much to lose coming back “look I’m in New York if he thinks about being an ass.” Willow offered resulting in a smile forming on the older girls lips “I guess I should get on a call and tell them I’m coming home?” Sydney announced as she figured that nothing could go too badly wrong.
Family skates were a time that everyone loved and to celebrate the start of the season Nico convinced Sydney to join him for her first time on the ice “you seriously telling me you don’t know how to skate?” Nico couldn’t help but laugh as he stared at the girls nervous expression “I was always a field hockey girl growing up so don’t even!” Sydney scoffed as she shook her head.
It made the boy smile “think it’s cute you didn’t know.” The hockey player confessed as he looked down to her skates “just keep your doing that with your feet.” Nico nodded as he loosened his grip on her hands.
Sydney felt her eyes go wide “you better not.” She shook her head going to argue with him “I won’t let you get hurt schatzi.” He kissed her temple before let finally let go her sending a soft push to the small of her back “I’m doing it!” She cheered realizing that she could now skate by herself.
Nico smiled on as he let out a laugh “I’m so proud of you!” He clasped his hands together “wait how do I stop?” Her voice went shaky as Nico forgot to teach her that part.
A smile formed on Sydney’s lips as she fiddled with her necklace remembering that moment as she stared at the ice in front of her “doc is that you?” A familiar Canadian laughed as he hadn’t seen her in years “good to see you Bas.” Sydney turned around to see the older boy who matched her grin.
It took him seconds to pull her into a hug “time has been good to you kid.” He announced hinting to her longer hair that now wasn’t touched by the box color that Sydney loved to play with in college “I hope you aren’t stealing the doctor before I finish giving her the tour Nate.” Jillian teased as she had been tasked with showing Sydney around.
Sydney turned her attention to the older woman when she heard the sound of the boys coming in “if we could just head straight to my office so I could set up?” She proposed hoping that Jillian would agree, unaware of the girls reasoning for cutting her tour early “yeah sure.” The blonde nodded as she motioned to Sydney to follow her.
Within two minutes Nico was stood in the space that once held Sydney’s feet “you’re here early.” The captain pointed out as he furrowed his eyebrows “just figured I’d come meet the new physio early.” Nate shrugged as he threw his hands into his jacket.
His panicked state was noted by the younger boy “was he really that bad?” Nico let out a snort as he began to think that he wouldn’t need any rehabilitation before the trip to Czechia “I’ll let you make your own opinions about her.” The Canadian patted the boys back before he walked away fearing he’d say anything more.
Sydney felt herself cheer as she looked to everything that she had organized “nobody told me when I should see you but I need to be-” Nico cut himself off as his eyes widened seeing her name on the plate that sat on her desk “Sydney.” Her name felt foreign on his tongue as he never knew he’d get the chance to say it again.
The girl froze not knowing what to do as a smile forced its way onto her lips “what is it that you needed to see me for?” She cocked her head ignoring the way her heart pounded out of her chest “to get cleared so I can be back on the ice.” Nico explained as he pointed to his shoulder.
She nodded directing her head to where the examination table sat “go sit up there.” The girl pulled her hair into a pony “take your shirt off too.” She added watching him sit there like he was frozen.
His cheeks turned red as he grew embarrassed “right sorry.” He sighed pulling his shirt off before he placed it next to him “so how are you?” Sydney’s voice was soft as she ran her finger over the area.
Nico watched her intently “I mean I’ve been as good as one can be for captain and injured.” He confessed as he shrugged wincing as her hands turned her shoulder “I meant how is your shoulder feeling?” The girl stood there awkwardly as she reminded him why he was there.
The boy nodded as he gasped “right sorry.” The hockey player was quick to make it seem like he knew that all along “really hoping I’m ready to be cleared.” He was scared that she would stop him from traveling.
Sydney clicked her tongue as she stared at his arm “well I think you should pack your bags.” A smile formed on her lips as his eyes lit up “so think you should go get back to your team cap.” She bit her lower lip as it got caught between her teeth.
He pulled his shirt over his head and it helped her breathe again as she was no longer staring at his chiseled chest “so how have you been?” Nico twiddled his thumbs as he took in the sight of Sydney in her devils tracksuit “last few years in Florida has been real good t’me.” She shrugged trying to ignore the fact that he still used the same cologne that she had bought him.
All he could do was nod as his eyes leaned to the door “y’know I’m sorry.” Nico apologized as he sucked at his teeth “think you should get back to your team now.” She reminded him as she shook her head not caring for his apology.
Nico frowned when he watched her open her door “schatzi please.” He pleaded with a frown “think it’s best if you go.” Sydney mumbled looking to the floor as she refused to meet his eyes until he left.
As the door shut behind her she let out a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding in “fuck.” The physio felt her voice break when her head pushed against the door. It was going to long season if Sydney couldn’t even get through the mere act of talking to him.
Nico felt like he was barely above water watching the team practice as his legs bounced. His mind ran a million miles a minute holding every thought that he had kept in about Sydney came flooding back “you okay?” Jesper furrowed his eyebrows as he slid onto the bench next to the captain.
The Swiss man sighed as he nodded “she’s back.” The blonde couldn’t tell if the captain was asking him or admitting to that “who is?” Jesper felt like he was out of the loop.
Before Nico could answer him the older boy began poking his thigh “Syd is the new doc!” He whisper yelled feeling as though his mouth was about to fall out of his jaw “I know!” Nico sent him a glare trying to hint to his teammate that she was who he was talking about.
His lips turned into an o shape as he nodded “guys I expect you all to make yourself familiar with your new physio Sydney James.” The coach pointed to her as she sent the guys an awkward wave.
She was grateful for the fact that only a handful of the devils players she knew were still with the team as unfamiliar faces stared back at her “don’t try getting hurt to meet me early though, I look forward to meeting you guys throughout the season.” Her joke went down well with the team who cracked a laugh in response.
It made Nico feel sick as he saw the way that Luke and Alex looked up at the girl. They were far too friendly with her that the Swiss man wished he could just announce to the team that Sydney was off limits. But as she was pulled into a conversation with Nate who couldn’t help but send Nico a reminding look, the captain knew it wouldn’t work.
He spent the first two weeks of training trying to get his emotions under control as Nico needed to keep the green eyed monster to himself. Part of him wished he was still injured so that he could be the one spending time in her office as Sydney hadn’t spoken to him after that moment when she cleared him. Nico was willing to go as far as to pull some kind of rank to get the chance to sit with her during the flight to Czechia, only stopping once he was spoken down.
The flight was peaceful for the girl who got her beloved window seat. If there was one trait that Sydney was happy to say she got from her mom it was the fact that she could fall asleep anywhere and the hard plane wall seemed to be a favorite. Her phone was out as the team got to their hotel, snapping pictures to send back to Willow so the girls could talk about their future trips to Europe.
Nico smiled as he saw the girl grin only letting his expression drop when she flipped her phone around to show something to Jack that made him laugh in response. The Hughes boy was finally getting a chance to get to know her as the couple of interactions they had prior, were all under her being Nico’s girlfriend.
It was unclear to the Swiss man though when Sydney and Jack became so close but now he had seen them sit together on the bus for the entire ride to the hotel “you cannot be jealous Nico.” Nate reminded the younger boy as he could sense the glare the captain sent the centre from a mile away.
As she laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear Nico felt his heart flutter “I’m going to give him extra laps then.” Nico warned looking up to his friends “why don’t you talk to her?” Nate shot back pointing out that it was the most obvious thing that he could have done.
That resulted in Nico rolling his eyes as he shook his head “she didn’t seem like she wanted that.” He mumbled choosing to believe that Sydney had a change of heart by now “look don’t tell her I suggested this but she won’t turn you down if you’re injured.” Nate lowered his voice as he avoided the girls eyes like he was sharing a secret or something.
Nico truly wanted to call the idea for what it was which was a plan destined to fail “that’s never going to work.” He knew that he couldn’t hide anything from his Sydney and the captain prayed that she still knew him like that “just think about it.” Were the parting words that the older boy left with him as he walked off.
It didn’t take long for the knock to come at Sydney’s temporary office door “come in!” She called out as she wrapped the ice packs ready to go “hey Syd.” His voice was soft as he stood with one foot in the doorframe.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she turned to see Nico looking anywhere but where she was “what’s up cap?” The physio crossed her arms waiting to hear what brought him into her office “hurt my shoulder.” He pointed to the recently recovered one and it made the girl feel like her heart was in her chest.
She motioned to him to come over like he was a sick child waking their parent up in the middle of the night “did this happen in practice or?” It worried Sydney as the last she saw of him he was looking alright. Because as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she had been keeping an eye on him.
Nico nodded “Nate pushed me into the board and I think I just hit it weirdly.” He confessed as he took his shirt off not caring for the fact that he threw the older boy under the bus “good news is that it looks really good.” Sydney mumbled to herself as she studied the moment of his arm.
Of course the boy thought she was complimenting him at first “ah.” His gasp sounded like a wince making the girl furrow her eyebrows “you know I think we might have to pull you from tomorrow’s game if it doesn’t get better.” That was a blatant lie made her want to see just how honest the boy in front of her was being.
His eyes went wide as he thought about it “maybe I just need a painkiller and good night sleep and I’ll be good?” He offered as she dropped her hands going to reprimand him “doc!” The whine echoed in the hall quickly turning Sydney’s attention away from the boy.
She frowned seeing Luke walk in as he clutched his nose “what’s up bud?” The girl was quick to go over to his side to help him to her table “Jack hit me with the puck.” He explained making her hold back a laugh as this wasn’t the first time the siblings sent each other to see her.
So as Nico sat there dumbfounded by how fast he lost her attention Sydney couldn’t help but glare at him “if you’re done playing pretend I have an actual patient I need to see.” She spoke with spite. He was left to grab his shirt as he went to scurry out of the room beyond embarrassed with the new mental note to never listen to Nate again.
Maybe Sydney would have felt better if she knew the guilt that Nico carried after he left her room. But as she sat on the phone, she didn’t really care how he felt “you know the slap in the face that I felt today?” Sydney sighed as she fiddled with the ends of her robes strings.
Willow was still in bed as she had barely woken up from a night out “look I think you need to have a serious chat with him because that was a total dick move.” All the older girl did was validate her feelings “if he wants to have a relationship with you then he needs to be mature.” She added leaving Sydney to nod as she stared out of her window capturing the European nightlife.
It hurt her knowing that he seemed to care enough that little to do that to her “Will I think there’s someone at the door.” Sydney sighed hearing the sound of breathing outside of her room “I should go back to bed anyways.” Willows words made the younger girl laugh as the screen went black.
Sydney took those few paces to get to the other side of her room “hey-oh.” Her face dropped seeing Nico now stood in front of her “can we talk?” This time round his face was full of this sorry expression that even made the physio feel bad for spending her last hour bitching about him.
She nodded opening her door a little further to let him in as she wanted to avoid Nate and John’s room that was right across the hall from hers “I was a dick today.” Nico never really knew what words were appropriate for certain situations, especially when they came to the girl in front of him.
He watched her facial expressions softened as she let her arms drop to her sides “I know.” She nodded letting out a sigh “I just keep on trying to figure out how the hell we navigate this because I’m really happy you’re back.” The captain confessed as he scratched the nape of his neck.
Sydney did her best to hold back a grin as she knew his words were going to make her swoon “I just don’t want to lose you again.” They both knew he was hinting to romantically yet as the room grew hot she ignored that “you pull a stunt like that again and I will not talk to you.” She felt like he had made a mockery of her job by faking being hurt just to talk to her.
The boy nodded “I’m not that scary and if you want to talk just tell me that.” She warned him making him smile “I’ll make sure you have your food before I come talk.” He teased making her playfully roll her eyes as she pretended to be annoyed.
Nico watched her send him a genuine smile as he heard his phone go off reminding him that he was meant to be playing the F1 video game with Timo “well I think I should head back to mine now.” He announced reading the message from the boy wondering where he was.
Sydney nodded as she tugged at the necklace on her neck “and Nico?” Her voice was softer as they both shifted back to her door “I’m glad to be back too.” Whilst the physio couldn’t bring herself to say what she meant aloud, Nico knew it all too tell “have a nice night Syd.” Once he started the walk back to his room he realized that they each knew each other too well.
It was one of the reasons why neither one of them could find themselves in a long term relationship with another person. Their hearts couldn’t be given to strangers when the scars of that relationship were still impounded on them. So as much as Sydney probably would hate to admit it, she was still the same person that Nico knew like the back of his hand and he was that to her.
If Sydney had the choice her birthday would have been just another day. After the nightmare that was her birthday when she broke up with Nico it became a day she preferred to forget. That’s why she ended up awake early and on a run through the city she missed. It made her happy seeing the way that the summer leaves were now turning to different shades of fall with crisp oranges and reds painted the trees and streets in front of her.
Going for a run was never her first choice of activities but now that she was back in Nico’s life for her birthday, it brought up emotions Sydney wished to forget. Her feet took her to coffee shop that she hadn’t seen in years “you okay doc?” Jack’s voice was soft as he furrowed his eyebrows “just great.”She lied pulling her AirPods out of her ear as her head felt dizzy.
Jack held his hand out to the girl as he motioned inside “I could do with some company when I have my coffee if the birthday girl pleases.” A smile formed on his face as she was quickly confused forgetting about her previous emotions “really thought Nico wouldn’t tell us about your birthday?” Jack didn’t now the details of why they ended as neither party felt up to revealing that to him.
Sydney shook her head as her eyes stuck to the corner as memories came flooding back into her mind “can’t say I expected him rush to it.” She mumbled clenching her hand around her phone as she realized that nothing had changed in the cafe after all those years. The Hughes boy saw where she was staring“you want to go sit there and I’ll get you your normal?” Before he waited for the girl to answer the hockey player left wanting to get her a birthday treat.
It had been pouring all day when Nico ran into the girls favorite cafe “hey schatzi.” He smiled kissing her temple before he slid into the seat next to her “you’re all wet!” She complained feeling him shake his hair in her face like a dog.
A laugh left his lips as he hooked his fingers under her jaw “missed ya.” Nico mumbled before he pecked her lips. The kiss was far too short for her approval and it had her letting her lips form a pout as Sydney went to kiss him again “seems you missed me too.” The hockey player smirked watching his girlfriend roll her eyes.
His hands went to her sides pulling her that much closer to her as he smiled “don’t know why I do.” She clicked her tongue pulling him into a proper kiss. Nico groaned as her tongue swiped across his lower lip and before he got the chance to enjoy the kiss she pulled away “that’s why.” Nico nodded to himself as he had to do everything in his power to stop the blood from rushing to his cock.
Jack noticed that Sydney hadn’t moved and it left him squeezing her arm as he grew worried “you alright doc?” He furrowed his brows watching as she practically had her soul come back into her body “yeah I-I’m sorry.” She nodded tucking her loose strands from her braid behind her ear.
The boy felt bad thinking he had been apart of it “we can take it to go and I’ll drop you off at yours if you’d prefer?” Jack offered hoping that the girl would tell him what was going on eventually “yeah maybe that would be best.” Sydney nodded as she frowned “think I need to go home and take the day.” Part of her felt pathetic as she truthfully thought that she could survive and get through it all but maybe she wasn’t that brave.
From the moment Nico realized that Sydney wasn’t at work he felt like shit. Jack didn’t fail to mention his little interaction with the girl and how she was really off from the moment they walked into that cafe “what if she doesn’t want to see anyone?” Jack inquired as he pulled up his phone to find the address that the physio had put in when he dropped her off “she can turn me away and I won’t say that it was you who gave me the address.”Nico knew he wouldn’t stop worrying about the girl.
It made the boy scoff “I am telling you so I don’t get extra laps.” Jack reminded the older boy as he spoke in a duh tone “same thing?” The captain shrugged as he rolled his eyes.
Sydney sat comfortably with her pint of ice cream when she was curled up in a blanket“go away I’m sick!” She faked a cough at the sound of a knock at her door “I know you’re in there and I know you’re okay!” Nico called out as he looked to the bags of Chinese takeaway in his hands.
She furrowed her eyebrows as she skeptically walked to the door “what are you doing here?” The physio asked staring through the peephole to see where he was “you shouldn’t spend your birthday alone.” He was met with silence “and I brought you food.” That offer worked far better as the girl opened the door.
Nico smiled as he held the bags up “can I come in?” He asked as she nodded “you didn’t need to do this.” Sydney pointed out as she shoved her hands into her hoodie pockets.
It made the boy roll his eyes “I am here because you deserve it and you always loved this places egg rolls.” The smell made Sydney moan “god you are a saint.” She nodded opening the bag like she hadn’t eaten in weeks “why is there a cupcake on the top?” Sydney took a step back as she cocked her head waiting for this answer.
The captain awkwardly looked to the ground “realized I’ve never gotten you a cupcake on your birthday.” He confessed reflecting on how poor of a boyfriend he had to her “thank you for this.” Her smile was genuine as her heart felt full.
He brushed her off as he wanted to just do something nice for her “so why don’t you go sit down and I’ll get some plates?” It was like a flip switched in their minds and before they both knew it they were back to this domestic couple laying on the couch as they caught up “so how is it being captain?” Sydney had never gotten the chance to congratulate him on that as they always thought she’d be by his side when it happened.
The boy placed his chopsticks on his plate as he looked up “I’m just glad we are doing better than last season.” In a competition for felt like last place Nico was relieved to know that the team had improved “everyone always blames the captain when the stuff on the ice goes wrong.” The weight of the world had been on his shoulders and he didn’t think he could do it again.
Sydney frowned as she shook her head placing her hand on his “never thought it was your fault neeks.” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she squeezed his hand “you’d be someone who would be the most justified to hate my guts.” Nico pointed out making the girl move closer to him.
Their legs touched and it seemed to make him melt into her couch “I broke up with you because this wasn’t right for me anymore, not because I hated you.” Sydney confessed needing him to know hear her “you were always too good to me Syd.” Nico sighed bringing his hand up to cup her cheek.
She was proud that she hadn’t started to cry as she realized how much she missed moments like this with him “nice to know you think that.” The girl smiled as she watched his eyes dart to her lips “y’know I’m proud of us for reaching our dreams.” Nico announced dropping his hand as he moved away from her side.
Sydney missed his touch as she nodded “think you being captain is a bit more impressive than a physio.” Her words made him send her a glare “without you we’d be a dead team walking.” Nico was quick to quip back “like Jack would have killed Luke and you know the boys love you.” It had been barely a month since she joined the team and it was clear that for many she was like a sister that they never had.
It made her blush as she hurried her head in her hands quietly shaking her head “they like me?” She let her lips formed an o as she smiled “they like me!” It had her kicking her feet “the more you say it the more I regret it!” He matched her tone causing her lips to shoot into a line.
It was sent with this glare “on that note I’m going to get another drink.” Nico smiled getting up as he sent to the kitchen “you know I’m glad you came back to Jersey.” He confessed looking into her fridge as he had put his juice into it.
The other side of the room was silent “it’s good seeing you out of that awful shade of blue.” A laugh left his lips as he played harder against the two Florida teams as Nina let it slip that it was where Sydney relocated to “and I really do know I was a fool for not running after you.” He rambled on cracking open the bottle.
He was confused not getting any response “I was stupid for not doing that and I know I should-” the hockey captain laughed as he cut himself off seeing Sydney fast asleep on the couch.
It was sweet and comforting as she was out cold already too far gone to be woken up from sudden noises “you’ve never stopped being so beautiful.” Nico sighed placing his glass on the table “happy birthday Syd.” He pulled her blanket over her tucking her in.
Soft huffs left her lips as she nuzzled her head into the pillow behind her “goodnight.” The captain picked up her plate heading to clean up for her.
Snow fell on the roads outside as Sydney was busy in the kitchen “Syd come get the door!” Her mom called out turning the Christmas music down “ma I gotta make sure that my cookies are right!” The physio complained wipe the flour on her apron.
The girl was irritated as she walked through the house avoiding the areas of her scattered younger cousins who ran through the first floor “you came!” Sydney’s brother let out a giggle turning to see when his sister would come to him “Syd, Nico is here!” Kyle squealed not noticing as his sisters eyes went wide.
Sydney felt embarrassed as she was covered in flour and a definite bit of chocolate “I know.” She nodded hearing the gasps from her uncles as they realised that the Devils captain was stood in the living room “merry Christmas Syd.” Nico smiled sending her a wave “your dad said I could come.” He explained pointing to her father who did nothing more than nod willingly as he took full blame for the matter.
As her family began to move closer to him with many never having had met him before Nico found himself getting overwhelmed sending Sydney a hopeful look that she’d come and save him “alright alright people hands off my captain.” The physio groaned pushing through as she wrapped her hand around the Swiss man’s “I need my sue chef for the rest of my cookies.” She lied ignoring the complaints from the older members of her family who couldn’t help but sigh at the news.
Nico smiled seeing the chaos that was the kitchen counter “you don’t mind that I’m here?” He asked pulling the coat from his shoulders “Nico you deserve to spend Christmas with people who love you.” Sydney began placing the cookies into the oven as she set her timer.
The boy found a comfortable place in the corner of her kitchen “but if you can’t spend the day with your family I’ll happily let you spend it with mine.” Since she was a kid the house was always full on holidays and that’s what she had grown used to “you really mean that?” To say he was touched was an understatement.
She nodded watching him go to hug her “I’m gonna get flour all over ya.” Sydney went to stop him but instead it only made him hug her tighter “I’ll let you make a mess out of me any day Syd.” Nico confessed as he kissed her head, if only she knew she already made him feel like that each day.
January came and went and now the team was celebrating a flurry of wins with a family skate session “doc where are your skates?” Luke quizzed the girl as he crossed his arms “they are in the corner.” Sydney pointed to the side.
The boy furrowed his brows as the girl grinned “and why aren’t they on your feet?” He spoke in a duh tone “because this is time for you guys to skate with your families.” Sydney shot back like it was the most obvious thing in this world “you are family so get those on before I push you onto the ice.” the duo had formed this brother sister bond that had them questioning why they only just met.
Nico watched the interaction from afar “you better get her on the ice before I do.” Nina warned as she skated to her brothers side “don’t want to make her uncomfortable.” He confessed watching as she ruffled her hand through the younger Hughes boys hair.
Nina sighed squeezing his hand “if you don’t I’ll tell her about how you slept talk about her for a month after she dumped you.” The girl warned with a smirk on her face “you wouldn’t.” The Hischier siblings each faced off in front of each other.
But their moment was cut short when Luke cleared his throat “Nina she said she’s not skating if you don’t come skate with her.” The Hughes boy sighed not knowing how he ended up in the position of biding the girls battles.
It made her laugh “I’m coming baby!” Nina called out seeing the girl waving at her.
It made Nico smile as he realised that the duo were still just as close as they used to be “who would have thought you’d be putting up a fight with your sister for doc.” Dawson teased seeing the girls embrace each other “you want take extra laps?” Nicos offer left the boy silent as he shook his head letting the captain watch the sight.
The crowd that the prudential center was ecstatic after the boys won their final game of the season “doc we did it!” Jack cheered seeing the girl smile as she high-fived him “so you gonna come with us tonight?” He asked seeing the crowd of his teammates funnel into the locker room.
She grew confused as she furrowed her eyebrows “come with you?” She trailed off hoping the boy would fill in the gaps “we are going to celebrate and you’re coming with!” Luke chuckled as he sent her a grin “you better come with Syd.” Nico pleaded letting out a groan as he could see she wasn’t sure.
The quick desperate looks that the boys sent her were enough “just spend me the address and I’ll be there okay!” She pinched the bridge of her nose as she heard them all cheer.
Sydney looked good in her red dress and that’s what left Nico practically attached to her hip “neeks if you don’t leave we’re both not getting any action tonight.” The physio warned as every guy that thought about looking her way was instantly turned off by the idea of the Swiss man next to her.
Nico forced a laugh as he sipped his beer “who says that I really want to go home with some stranger anyways?” He shot back making her smirk “the captain decide he’s too good for a reward now?” She teased stirring her straw in her drink.
He did everything he could to not get angry that she failed to note his flirtatious acknowledgements “only if this girl doesn’t come and give it to me.” The captain nudged his shoulder with hers “so blonde with the big tits still has a shot?” Sydney laughed seeing that a girl that had been trying her luck all night with the boy was still there waiting for him.
It made Nico cringe at the memory of how her fake nails practically dug into the skin of his arm “don’t remember you referring to yourself as big tits.” The joke have time to land before Sydney brought her hand to hit him “I’m kidding!” Nico groaned having to massage the area of his now sore arm.
She sent him an unimpressed look that only made him smile in response as he held back a laugh “have to admit that it was pretty fucking funny.” His voice was soft as he tried to re break the ice “shut up.” Sydney rolled her eyes as she turned her head now noticing that their faces were millimetres away from each other.
Nico was the first to move but instead of moving away, he hooked his fingers under her jaw and pulled Sydney closer. His lips were rough against hers and if it wasn’t for Willow yelling in her mind Sydney would have melted into his touch. Yet that wasn’t the case as she pulled away “Nico.” Their foreheads touched like they were struggling to breathe.
The boy was embarrassed as he had been rejected “I should go.” Sydney announced as she looked to her watch. Tonight she was grateful for the fact that she wasn’t wearing heels as it meant she could slip away from the scene.
Still running wasn’t something that Sydney enjoyed. But somehow here she was avoiding her feelings. It was surprisingly tougher than the girl thought to avoid Nico as he was everywhere. Shortly after that night in the bar the team ended up on a roadtrip to play their wild card game, and Nico was in the seat next to her.
Luckily for them both they ended up asleep and were forced to talk. Then the countless awkward elevator rides came where somehow not a single person on the team could be in the same lift as them. Still neither one of them broke, it was this battle of stubbornness that seemed destined to go on forever “Hischier is down!” The announcer called out as the coaching staff looked to Sydney as her eyes went wide.
In that moment she no longer cared about the fact that she had rejected him. The awkwardness they both felt seemed to dissipate as she slid onto her knees in front of him “what hurts Nico?” She asked seeing him clutch different parts of his body “my knee.” Nico frowned locking eyes with her as it made the girl sigh.
The physio didn’t hesitate to do the right thing “I need to check you out in the room.” The team was already three down in the third and Sydney came to the conclusion that with injuries she was going to make the boys cut their losses with less than five minutes on the clock.
He went to argue as the boys helped him up “need to check you out Neeks to make sure you’re okay.” Her voice was soft fearing the worst as he didn’t put any weight on his leg “I’m fine he spat shaking his head as he almost couldn’t believe that she’d take him out of a game this big.
It was funny how Sydney taking him out early ended up being the reason why Nico wasn’t walking into the end of season gala with some kind of brace around his knee. The team were happy together and as the happy couples within it finally got the chance to celebrate how far their partners came over the long season, it felt incomplete.
Sure Nico would have wanted a HABs the cup to complete it. But it was actually when he searched for Sydney that he realised something was off, she was gone “you seen Syd?” Nico asked Nate wondering if the girl was hiding in a corner beating Luke at the days wordle that he always struggled to get.
But instead Nate motioned out to the terrace that was attached to the venue “said she wanted to get some air a couple of minutes ago!” Nate called out over the music as he shrugged. Nico patted his teammate on the back to thank him before he went straight for the door.
If he hadn’t looked hard enough he would have missed her but there stood Sydney in the corner as she let her black dress blend into the night “there you are Syd.” He was quick to regret placing his hand on the skin of her back realising how cold she was “you’re practically frozen.” Nico pointed out removing his suit jacket.
Sydney smiled feeling the thick material wrap around her shoulders “what are you doing out here?” The captain asked as he cocked his head “just been doing some thinking.” The physio confessed as she shrugged.
Nico nodded hoping to hear more from her but decided against pushing for it. But as he stood there and her lips remained shut the boy lost hope and went to leave her “I don’t want to just be your physio Nico.” Sydney blurted out feeling her throat go dry as the nerves hit her.
It made his feet stick to the spot where he stood “I thought I did a good job letting the boys get you too.” Nico pointed out as she sighed.
She knew telling him was a stupid idea that would only end up hurting her “I keep on trying to remember all of the reasons why we didn’t work.” His face dropped as her eyes went shut “but it only works for like a minute until I see that you’ve grown into this great guy who deserves the world.” It made Nico smile knowing that Sydney felt that way.
The girl tucked her hair behind her ear “but you’re going to Switzerland and I’m meant to be in France.” Willow had indeed convinced Sydney to take that girls trip that they so clearly deserved “and you need to be able to be free back there.” Nina hadn’t withheld any information from the physio so she now knew about all the girls that wanted him both in his home and hers.
Nico took a step back closer to her “why turn me down in the bar?” He asked still thinking back to the moment where she ran away from him “I was scared it was going to be a one time thing.” With that Nico had his hands on her waist spinning her so that she could look at him.
His eyes pierced hers “I’ve been ready to go six stages in with ya since I was so boring you feel asleep on your birthday.” Nico teased her and was only met with a scoff “I had a long day okay!” Nico began to sway her back and forth as they listened to the music that traveled from inside.
The boy rested his head against hers as they both swore they could be there forever “I want to be yours forever.” Sydney confessed making him smile “I am yours forever.” He mumbled leaning down to peck her lips.
Not to be dramatic but the sound of fireworks went off and Nico swore the world understood him, or at least that was until he looked up to the sky to see fireworks going off. They made him smile as he heard Sydney squeal in delight.
So there the duo stood arms wrapped around each other with the inevitable spending the night between the sheets with tangled legs looming over their heads. All the moment needed to be perfect was one final touch “Nico you wanna go on a date tonight?” Sydney smiled as she already had an idea forming in her mind.
Nico nodded as he thought about the perfect place to go “why don’t we go get pizza?” Most people would have cringed at that idea whilst they were dressed in the high clothing that they were “like right now?” Sydney wasn’t used to the side of Nico that was ready to pull her down the stares and out to something impulsive.
He nodded pressing the open button on the elevator “ain’t no time like the present baby.” Nico announced letting the doors slide shut before he let his lips lace with Sydney’s. The world went on but I’m hat moment for them it all stopped allowing the duo to enjoy their present.
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sabababa · 4 years
You give them a prostate orgasm headcanons
Hawks, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mirio Togata, Shota Aizawa x GenderNeutral!Reader
Author’s note: Please use lube when playing with people’s butts and don’t touch any genitals with a hand that’s been up a butt, thanks for coming to my ted talk ALSO THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS
Warnings: Cursing, smut, dom!reader, sub!characters, pegging (if you’re a uterus owner), a single spank (Hawks receiving), some smutty pics I drew
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Doggy style
“Fuck, Lovebird, you’re gonna ruin my insides!” Hawks panted out in ecstasy as his front dropped against the sheets
You pounded into him from behind as you got a beautiful view of his ass jiggling each time your hips snapped against him
You set a brutal pace being egged on at the sight before you, and at hearing the wonderful moans that would leave his sinful mouth
“Fuck! Don’t stop~” He mewled as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his hands gripping the sheets tight as he felt you go deeper each time
His prostate received a lot of attention in this position and he started to feel something swell within him
“Fuck, Lovebird, I’m gonna cum!” He whined, giving you pleading eyes to help him reach his climax, to keep fucking him
It was hard to grip his hips from behind, so you had to settle for gripping his ass cheeks as leverage to pull him against you
He let out a low moan at feeling your fingers dig into his skin, a slap to the rear caused his ass to jump up in surprise to meet in time with a thrust that would send him over the edge
“Aaaahhhhhh! Fuck!” He moaned out as his head jerked up and his wings fanned out to their full length
You did one last thrust and kept yourself inside him to let him ride out his orgasm as he grinded against you
His body convulsed and shivered, his ass wiggled against you as he kept letting out deep, guttural moans
You felt his heels dig into your thighs as his toes curled, his legs pulling you impossibly closer to him as his body kept shaking
His wings twitched and shuddered along with him, occasionally flapping from the extraordinary feeling coursing through him
He pushed against you to the point you almost lost your balance since he caused the bed to shake as well
You pushed back and he let out a wail of pleasure
“Fuuuuuuuck, right there~” His tongue rolled out his mouth as he felt your length press into his swollen prostate to intensify the feeling
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(Art belongs to me, please do not repost)
It was like he had an orgasm over and over again, all he could focus on was the high as his vision was blurry and unfocused from his eyes constantly rolling to the back of his head as he tried to come down from it, but it was too fucking good to ignore
He shook a few more times before his body finally went limp, his muscles relaxed and his wings fell to his sides
You slowly pulled out of him which caused him to let out a groan from the loss, his ass twitched and jolted up when your tip left, you thought he would cum again
But then you noticed he never came at all, there was no mess beneath him and he was still hard
“You alright, Hawks?” You asked as you sat beside him, worried that you didn’t actually please him
“nev’ bet’r,” he slurred and rolled onto his back. He let out a small gasp at feeling the pressure of his rear touch the bed and his hips jolted up slightly before calming down again
An arm came up to rest over his eyes as he tried to catch his breath
“Are you really okay?” You pressed again, you had never seen him look so winded before
“Baby,” he began and pulled his arm away from his eyes to look at you, “you rocked my world, best orgasm of my fucking life,” he moaned at the memory and his hips jerked up a bit when his body twitched from the leftover stimulation
“But you didn’t cum?” You asked confused
He chuckled at your naivety. “You gave me a prostate orgasm, Lovebird, first one in fact, didn’t think I’d ever experience it.” He rested a hand behind his head and lifted his other arm to offer his side to you
You gladly crawled over to him and rested your head against his chest, careful to avoid laying on his wing, and you could hear his heart still beating fast
A big smile was on your face as you felt a sense of pride for pleasing your man so well
He wrapped a hand around your shoulder and squeezed you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “When I can feel my legs again, I’ll return the favor~”
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(Art belongs to me, please do not repost)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku threw his head back when you picked up your pace
His head made contact with the pillow as he moaned out
Your hands grasped his hips as you pounded into him, hitting a very sweet spot inside him over and over
He couldn’t stop the moans and whimpers that escaped his mouth as he felt the tip rub against his already swollen prostate
You gave him permission to stroke his aching cock long ago, but his hands gripped the pillow behind him as he was lost in the pleasure
His eyes were half-lidded and they started to roll back into his head as he felt something coil in his stomach
His breathing picked up and he closed his eyes when he started to feel the familiar climax building up
But a different feeling passed through him as his eyes flew open and the most delicious moan left his lips
“Aaaaaaahhhhhh~” He dug his feet into the bed, toes curled, and caused both your hips to be raised from the bed
You stopped your thrusting and bottomed out inside him, your hands gripped him close as you saw his body shudder and convulse
His legs shivered as you tried to hold him steady against you, his hands flew from the pillow to grasp your arms as he kept shaking from the intensity
That was when you noticed his cock was still hard, but nothing was coming out as his hips would jolt forward, rocking against the member sheathed inside him
You were too entranced by the way his body rattled to even think about jerking him off and from the way he held onto you, he didn’t care about it either
Izuku kept letting out moans as he shook from the pleasure wracking his body
He had never felt anything like it before. It was an intense feeling, like he was having multiple orgasms coursing through his body all at once
He let out one last whimper as his body finally stopped convulsing
Both of your bodies fell against the bed again as you panted to catch your breaths
“You okay, Izu?” You asked as you pulled out, his hands still holding your arms
His body would twitch slightly at the tiniest of movements as he tried to control his breathing
“W-what was that?” His eyes were closed as he panted out. His hands fell to your wrists; his fingers were still wrapped around them, but his grip was loose now
You slipped your hands into his and intertwined your fingers. “I think I just gave you a prostate orgasm,” you said with a sly smile
You felt some pride that you were able to reduce your boyfriend to a shivering mess, that oragasm looked intense and pleasurable, you were jealous honestly
“Can you do it again?” He looked at you with half-lidded eyes. A pleased smile on his face as he was still coming down from the high
You chuckled and climbed over him to give him a sweet kiss. “How about I actually make you cum this time?”
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(Art belongs to me, please do not repost)
Katsuki Bakugou
“Fuck, why does it have to be so big?” Katsuki groaned out and attempted to hide it as a complaint, he really was enjoying himself, but he wouldn’t let you have that satisfaction
He continued to ride you, letting out small moans and grunts
He mostly grinded himself down on your length, not wanting to look too eager. After all, he was the dominant one in this situation
No, he wasn’t, and you gladly showed him that
You jerked your hips up which caused Katsuki to let out a shocked moan. “Ah!”
You smirked as you placed your hands on his hips, making him grind deeper into his core
“F-fuuuuck...” He said under his breath as his eyes fluttered closed, he hoped you didn’t hear him, but you did
Your smirked widened as you grinded your hips upward to meet his
“Fuck!” He moaned out fully and leaned forward as his hands rested on the bed at your sides
“You’re such a good boy, Suki” You said sweetly as you slowly grinded up into him, not a hint of mockery in your tone
You saw his eyes roll back into his head before they closed, he let out a small grunt at the stimulation. You almost had him
“Always my sweet boy,” you confirmed and rolled your hips
His breath hitched, but he kept his eyes squeezed shut
“You’re so pretty for me, Suki, such a good, sweet, pretty, boy.” You mused as you used your fingers to pull his chin forward. He leaned into your touch, which caused him to slightly raise up from your length
You snapped your hips up into him and he finally let out a loud moan when his eyes flew open
“Fuck!” He gasped. 
“Will you be my good boy now?” You asked innocently as you held his face in your hands
“I-I’ll be your good boy,” he moaned out as he grinded against you, preparing to fully ride you
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him
He leaned back and placed his hands on your thighs as he started fucking himself on your member, at a rather fast pace
He was always such a good boy~
His moans filled the room as he continued to spear himself on your length, feeling it pound against his already swelling prostate
It caused his pace to falter at the pleasant feeling, but you wouldn’t let him have a moment’s rest
You reached out to pull his arms forward, which stopped his ministrations
He panted as you gripped his wrists with both your hands and started to mercilessly thrust into him
“FuUuUuUuUuck!” His voice vibrated with your thrusts and he threw his head back in ecstasy, your hands holding his wrists helped balance you both as you fucked up into his tight hole
His eyes rolled back into his head and he let a wide, open smile make it’s way onto his face as you pounded his ass, drool dribbled down the side of his mouth as he was lost in the pleasure
He felt the familiar swelling building up inside him
“I-I’m gonna cum!” He moaned out happily
His body shook violently and it caused him to fall over onto your form
You did one last thrust and buried yourself inside him to let him ride out his orgasm
He shuddered aggressively against you, his thighs squeezed your sides as he kept humping you. His arms snaked underneath to your back and he dug his nails into your skin, leaving love scratches
He continued to convulse and he hid his face in your neck as he whimpered and groaned into your ear. 
It felt like he was cumming repeatedly, but not actually cumming, just the sensation of it, it repeated itself over and over as he sobbed from euphoria. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
His hips kept jerking against your member as his body spasmed, it added and refueled the delight he was feeling
His body was wracked with pleasure and it sent goosebumps across his skin at the unfamiliar sensation, his toes curled as he rolled against your length one last time
He continued to twitch as he calmed down from his high, his hips kept jerking forward from the leftover stimulation, he wasn’t ready to give the feeling away just yet
As he continued to shiver against you, you pulled out of him and he let out a whine near your ear
You could still feel that his cock was hard as it twitched between your stomachs, but noticed he never actually came
He panted as he sat up slightly to look at you, his thighs and hips still twitching
“The fuck was that?” He grunted out in his normal tone, a scowl on his face, along with a blush from embarrassment as he never had an experience like that before
“I just gave you a prostate orgasm,” you said cheekily and rubbed your hands on his rear, pushing his cheeks together to give pressure to his pucker
He jerked his hips forward with a sharp inhale of breath before he growled down at you as a warning
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it!” You laughed and rubbed his back soothingly
“Tch,” he scoffed and wrapped his arms back around your form, nuzzling his face into your neck and you felt him pout. “Never said I didn’t, Dumbass.”
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(Art belongs to me, please do not repost)
Mirio Togata
Mirio gripped the pillow tight against him and smothered his face it in as your pace became rougher
“Fuck, Sunshine,” he moaned out, “you really know what you’re doing.”
Your hands gripped his ass tighter as you continued to drive your length into his tight pucker
“You’re doing so good, Sunshine!” He praised with a euphoric smile on his face
One thing about Mirio is that he loved to praise, no matter what position he was in. It never failed to give you a confidence boost to try some bolder moves with him
His prostate swelled from the pleasure as you continued to ravish him
“That feels so good~” He purred as he closed his eyes and nuzzled the pillow while he panted
You took the chance to press your front to his back, lying against his sweaty form
His muscles twitched at the change and he let out a long moan at how much deeper you went
“You’re so deep, Sunshine!” He said breathlessly as he felt your member grind against his swollen prostate
You resumed your rough pace and he jerked his head up as he let out a series of moans
“Don’t stop, Sunshine! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” His words were muffled as his face fell into the pillow again
He felt a tightening in his stomach as you continued your ruthless pace, you brought your hands to rest on top of his and intertwined your fingers, he squeezed yours tightly
“Make me cum, Sunshine!” He moaned with a smile at the pleasurable feeling. “Fucking make me cum!” He moaned out desperately that time
His breathing quickened as he felt his release come close
But then he held his breath as his body shook violently at this new feeling
You gave one last hard thrust seeing him quiver and let him ride it out as he shivered against you
He raised his rear off the bed as he kept shaking and then dropped it back down, causing your length to bounce against him and poke his prostate
He finally took a breath in at the sensation and his legs spasmed before bending and locking you against him
Mirio’s back arched as he pushed his ass up again, his toes curled at feeling how much deeper you went
He let out a series of high and breathy moans, as the climax surged through his body, making his limbs tremble and spasm as he didn’t know what to do with them
This new orgasm he felt was so amazing, he couldn’t get enough of it, he wanted more from his Sunshine, he wanted to feel like this all the time. Shivers up and down his spine, the vibrations of an orgasm wreaking his body, the sensation of multiple releases, it was mind-breaking
His body finally stopped convulsing and he rested flat against the bed again with a content sigh, his legs dropped and went limp, parts of him twitched every now and then
He laid his head on the pillow and panted, his eyes closed, a groan left his lips when you pulled out
His fingers still squeezed yours as the last of the orgasm was still pulsing through him, it kept him grounded as he rode out the high
“You okay, Miri?” You whispered and rested your chin on his shoulder
He cracked his eyes open and gave you a weak, but blissful, smile. “That was amazing, Sunshine,” he said breathlessly, “I just- I need a minute.”
His eyes closed again when his hips jerked forward once, a ghost feeling of the climax still there, he let out a high, but short moan. “Ah~”
“That was different,” you commented quietly, still resting against him
“Yeah,” he grunted at the memory, “you just gave me my first prostate orgasm!” He managed to get a chuckle out
“Is that what that was?” Your eyes widened a fraction
“Yep!” He popped the ‘p’ at the end. “And a damn good one!” He mused and gave you a lustful stare
“Give me another minute and I’ll get even with you!” He winked
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(Art belongs to me, please do not repost)
Shota Aizawa
Prostate Massage
Aizawa let out a small grunt as you continued to push two fingers in and out of him
The pads would press against his prostate each time they entered and it caused his thighs to twitch every time
Your mouth was just above his tight pucker, lightly sucking and licking the sensitive skin underneath his sack, while your other hand used it’s thumb to press small circles into the spot where his thigh and groin met; sending a tingle up his spine
You were purposefully avoiding his cock, you even gave him orders to not touch it either, so his hands were stuck up top by his head
His cock was red and achingly hard, pre-cum dribbling out the tip
“Fuck,” he hissed as you sped up your pace, his prostate painfully swollen from the teasing. “Can I please touch myself?” His voice was strained, not wanting it to sound too much like begging
“Mm-mm,” you dismissed him and the vibrations of your voice against his skin sent a shiver up his spine
“Damn it,” he growled underneath his breath in annoyance
He decided that the next best thing he could do to get himself off was to grind against you
His hips came forward and it caused your fingers to slip deeper inside him 
“Ngh!” He groaned at the feeling and halted his hips
You pulled your face away from his groin, a smirk on your lips. “You wanna fuck yourself on my fingers?” You teased
He set himself up on his elbows as he looked down at you
“Can I?” He mocked as his brow twitched in annoyance, he wasn’t used to being the submissive one
“Go ahead,” you leaned an arm on his leg as your head rested in your hand
He gave you a suspicious stare as he slowly rocked his hips forward, not fully trusting you to keep your fingers in place 
But when your fingers pressed against his prostate, you did a light ‘come here’ motion with the tips of your digits
Aizawa groaned again and he fell back against the bed as he continued to pleasure himself against your fingers
You bit your lips as you kept watching him buck against your pointer and middle, it was a sight to behold
You then pulled the bottle of lube back out, quietly opening it and coating your fingers in it, especially the third one
Right as he went to rock forward again, you inserted the third finger
He gasped and let out a deep groan, almost like a growl, his hips stuttered from the stretch, but continued none the less
You decided to pick up the pace and fuck your fingers back into him, causing them to go deeper than before
His hands flew up above his head to grip the sheets as he grunted at the feeling, your fingers prodding his prostate each time they thrusted in
He felt the familiar sensations of his orgasm approaching, a swelling feeling within him
“I’m gonna cum!” He gasped out. “Can I cum?” He pleaded, hoping you wouldn’t leave him high and dry
“Go ahead, Tom cat,” You thrusted your fingers harder against his prostate
His body convulsed as the orgasmic sensations vibrated through him, his legs spasmed before he tightly wrapped them around you to pull you closer, your fingers pressing against his p-spot to help him ride out his high
He thrashed against the sheets as his rear would rise up and then fall back down, then his head leaned back against the bed to prop his body more as his back arched
Low groans kept getting caught him his throat as he choked on air each time he trembled
It felt like multiple orgasms happening all at once, but his cock wasn’t cumming, he was still hard as he felt another wave shudder through him
His toes curled as his thighs twitched and he bucked his hips against your fingers
Finally, with one last shiver, he eased down from his high and let out a deep breath, but still panted slightly
You pulled your fingers out and kept that hand away as you crawled on top of him
His hair clung to his forehead from the sweat, his cheeks rosy as you watched him pant to regain his breath
“Did you just...” He breathed out, not having enough energy to finish his question
“Give you a prostate orgasm? Yes, I did,” you grinned and moved some hair out of his face with your clean hand. “Did it feel good?” You asked genuinely
He nodded, his eyes closed as his breathing finally calmed. “Felt amazing...” he mumbled and then drifted off to sleep
You only chuckled at him and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek. “Sweet dreams, Sleeping beauty.”
If you want to request some headcanons please go here for the rules!
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enthusiasticharry · 4 years
Maybe one were Y/N is a virgin and Harry is her first one but he is so horny that he goes to far or something...
Try Again Later
summary: you're a virgin, and think you're ready to have sex but you quickly learn you're not. 
word count: a lil’ 2.6k word blurb of smut and a small little scene that some people may find uncomfortable, so this is your warning. (not proofread again, i'm too tired.)
You weren’t completely sure about how you’d gotten yourself into this position. It was a good position, to say the least, but one that you hadn’t expected but wouldn’t change for the world. It wasn’t as though in the past you’d shy’d away from relationships, because that hadn’t been the case. You just hadn’t met the right person. 
Fresh out of university, you certainly hadn’t given any thought to your love life. It was almost as though for the past three years you’d been in a bubble of your university work and not taken any notice of anything around you. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, just different to the people you were friends with. 
That was until you met Harry. 
It was completely on a whim that you met him, but you couldn’t be more thankful for that whim. You were in one of your favourite bookstores, flicking through the Historical Fiction category to add a little to spice to your quite bland reading habits that you’ve had over the past three years when he mistook you for an employee. You had started talking, and you obviously explained that you thought he was talented and that you liked his music and the rest is history. 
It’s hard for you to believe that was only a few months ago. 
“Whatcha doing?” You jump out of your skin, placing a hand firmly to your chest to calm the hammering that he had caused. 
“Fucking hell, H.” You sigh, “Give a woman a warning. You can’t just sneak up on me like that.” 
He wraps his arms around your shoulders in a hug, placing a small kiss to the top of you head, “Where’s the fun in that?” 
He laughs as you roll your eyes. 
“It’s only fun for you.” 
“I know.” He drops a kiss to your neck, “Missed you, that’s all.” 
“You saw me this morning.” 
“That was hours ago!” He counters back, “Can I not miss my girl?” 
He’s always been good at making your heart flutter, “Course you can. Just be a bit louder when you greet me again.” 
“Will do.” He presses his teeth into your skin gently, “I think it’s time for you to put this away.” 
You try to hide the small smile that flutters onto your lips, “I need to get this project done.” 
“I’m sure it can wait.” He starts to trail his hands down your body, “Missed you.” 
“I know.” You sigh, “You’ve already told me.” 
“Missed you in more ways than one, love.” 
Sex was something that you two had spoken about, but not a lot. You weren’t ashamed, or anything, you had no reason to be, but it was just a sensitive topic and Harry understood that. He never did anything to make you uncomfortable, he checked you were okay with everything that you two did. He was amazing. 
Going into your relationship with Harry, you knew he wasn’t a virgin. It wasn’t something that you focused on for too long because it could send your mind spiralling and you tried to do that as little as possible. 
It hadn’t come up in conversation un til the first night stayed over, which was a month into your relationship. Since you hadn’t been in many, and Harry had been in a few where he admitted that he went too fast and it consequently made it harder, you both decided to take it slow and you were okay with that. 
Harry was human though, and he was attracted to you and even though he wouldn’t dar do anything if you weren’t comfortable, you couldn’t blame him for trying. 
He was a little shocked when you told him you were a virgin, and you weren’t surprised. What did surprise you, however, was how supportive he was. He asked you questions, made sure you were okay to answer them and you did just that. You explained that you weren’t against relationships, of having sex, but you just hadn’t found the person or really had the want to do it with anyone just yet. 
After finding that out, you were scared that he’d ask you to leave. Anyone would be scared of that but he didn’t. He kissed you like he hadn’t before and you cuddled and watched films until you fell asleep. 
You slept over more after that, and you started noticing small things that he’d do that you didn’t know if you found flattering or confusing. You’d sometimes wake up, and you’d feel something resting upon your behind. It, of course, sparked a curiosity in you but before you could say or do anything about it, he was kissing your cheek and getting out of bad and to the bathroom. 
This continued for a couple of weeks, or so, until you finally grew the balls and said that even though you didn’t think you were quite ready for sex, you were open to doing other things. 
You had no idea what you’d been missing. 
In the past, there had been many occasions where you’ve felt a little stressed and needed to relieve yourself. That was nothing compared to the way Harry’s fingers and tongue made you feel. It was almost as though you became addicted to his touch, and he certainly didn’t mind. 
He helped you navigate your way through pleasuring him. One of the things you were most nervous about was the fact that you had no idea how to pleasure a man properly apart from what you watched in porn and on TV. Harry had no problem teaching you how to make him feel good and you eventually ended up being a pro, if you do say so yourself. Harry certainly had no complaints. 
He was happy. You were happy. Everything was content within your relationship. He knew that at this point, that was all you were comfortable in doing and he wasn’t going to force you to do anything you didn’t wan to do. That didn’t mean that he didn’t think about what it would be like, feeling you around him. It was an orgasmic thought in itself. 
It’s hit a point where you’re also curious. In your mind, you think you’re ready. You hadn’t spent every second of every day thinking about it, obviously, but the few times you had thought about it, it wasn’t as nerve wracking to you as you had found it. There was still a part of you that had worries and fears but you knew that Harry would do everything in his power to make sure that wasn’t the case. 
You were ready, or at least you thought you were. 
“This morning wasn’t enough?” Your tone is teasing, his lips parting in shock as you swivel around in your chair so that you’re facing him. 
“This morning was plenty enough.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to your cheek, “I’d love to wake up with that every morning.” 
This morning, for some reason, you had a sudden splurge of confidence and after feeling Harry rutting his hips into your behind in his sleep, you decided to wake him up in a way he was certain to enjoy.
He certainly enjoyed waking up to your lips around his cock, his eyes fluttering open to watch you rhythmically bounce your head up and down upon him. He felt as though he was in heaven, and he words couldn’t describe how he felt. 
“In your dreams, H.” 
“You are my dream.” 
“Always the charmer.” You giggle as he drops down upon his knees in front of you. 
He smirks, “You fell pretty quickly for my charm.” 
“Not just your charm.” You counter, “You have a pretty nice ass as well.” 
“Always knew you were a bum girl.” 
“What can I say?” You shrug, “It’s perfect and so plump. Like a peach.” 
You knew exactly where this was going. If it hadn’t been obvious before, the feeling of his hands dancing up and down your clothed thighs certainly made it obvious. 
“Can I take these off?” He asks, letting his hand mess with the drawstring of your jogging bottoms. 
You hum, watching as his fingers undo the bow and hook into the waistband. You lift you hips up, making it easier for him to pull the material down your legs. It hadn’t occurred to you that this would be happening today, so you hadn’t really dressed for the occasion but that didn’t matter. 
“Watermelons?” You can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips at his reaction to your underwear, ones that you had bought on a whim, “Nice touch.” 
“Thought you might like them.” You bite your lip. 
“I love them.” 
He kisses your knee, starting there and working his way up the inside of your thighs, spreading your legs open as he does so. It was slow, sweet and sensual but also had you withering in your seat. You started to breath quicker, the feeling overwhelming your senses all of a sudden. 
You jump slightly at the feeling of a kiss to your clothed clit, the throbbing between your legs intensifying by the second. 
“Soaked for me poppet.” He starts to run his finger up and down your centre, feeling your arousal that had started to soak through the think material of your underwear, “Got yourself in a little bit of a mess.” 
“S’your fault.” Your back arches off the seat as he presses a kiss to the top of your pubic bone, “Fuck, H, stop teasing.” 
“Why?” He pouts, looking up at you from in-between your legs, a sight that you want imprinted on your brain forever, “I quite like teasing you.” 
“Prepare to be teased later then.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“Make me come.” You sigh, “Then I might reconsider.”
“Your wish is my command, Darling.” 
He presses a small peck to your clit, teasing you before he wraps his lips fully around your sensitive nub. The pressure of his lips, mixed with his tongue lapping and flicking at a quick speed you’re putty in his hands. He knows the exact pressure, the exact speed to have your toes curling and erotic sounds leaving your mouth. 
“H.” You drop your hand down to thread your fingers through his hair, doing a mixture of pushing him further into your core and tugging his hair, “Faster.” 
You whimper at the sudden coolness, “What?” 
“Oh?” He tilts his head to the side, “You want it faster.” 
Letting out a groan, you push his head back down towards your heat. He laughs and flicks his tongue, up and down before sucking gently with his lips. You soon feel his finger dancing up and down your slit, collecting wetness that laid there before pushing his finger in, just the one for now. 
“Harry.” Your fingers dig into the arm of your chair, “Another. I want another.” 
Your wish is his command. He pushes a second finger in, and uses his free hand to push your stomach down so you stop moving your hips.
You’re unsure whether its the pleasure you’re feeling, or the way you feel for man between your legs but your muttering the words before your brain can catch up. 
“I want you.” 
His movements stop, his eyes lifting to look at you. 
You swallow briefly, “I want you.” 
“Like now? Do you want me to do something else? How to do you want me?” 
“H.” You rest your hand on his cheek, “I want all of you. I’m ready.” 
“Are you sure?” He furrows his eyebrows, “If I’ve pressured you in any way, you don’t have to do anything.” 
“Harry.” You smile, “I’m ready.” 
“Fuck. Okay.” 
You squeal as he wraps his arms around your thighs, picking you up and walking you towards your bedroom. He captures your lips, and you moan at the taste of yourself on his tongues. He drops you upon the bed and removes his shirt, exposing his tattooed torso to you. 
You pull your shirt over your head, your nipples immediately pebbling at the cool air and the nerves that bubbled in the pit of your stomach since you hadn’t worn a bra. It was started to become hard for you to differentiate from your arousal or nerves. 
“You sure about this?” You watch as he unzips his trousers, discarding himself of the fabric and the restraints of his boxers. 
“Positive.” You swallow, flicking your eyes from his throbbing member, stood proud at the end of his happy trail and his face. 
His eyes flicker over yours once more and you smile, offering him a small nod of reassurance. You did want this, with him of all people. 
You watch in shock as he walks over to the bedside cabinet at his side of your bed, reaching into the drawers and pulling out a condom. 
“Were you expecting this to happen or something?” 
“No!” He’s quick to respond as he opens the packet, “I just wanted to be prepared.” 
“I’m only teasing, bub.”
You don’t watch him as he puts the condom on, instead you lay back on the bed and look at the ceiling. You try to contain your breathing as he does so, focusing on the fact that Harry was going to do anything in his power to make you feel comfortable. 
“Are you 100% sure?” 
“Yes Harry.” 
“Okay.” He hovers over you, “I’ll go slowly.” 
He does, for the beginning. He watches the discomfort on your face as he pushes in, inch by inch. That is until all he can feel is you squeezing around him, tight and warm. He tries to be slow, and wait but once you nod your head, he can’t help but thrust his hips back and forward hard. 
You were uncomfortable. It hurt, not as much as you thought it would, but it did. Harry was enjoying himself, and you could see the pleasure laced over his featured but you weren’t. You had a sudden urge to cry, which you didn’t think was normal but you closed your eyes to mask it. 
“Fucking hell, love.” 
You bite your lip to suppress a sob and that when you push his body away, uttering a, “Stop!” 
Harry’s face drops, a look of concern over his features as he looks at you. He almost cries out himself when you reach for the duvet to pull over your body. 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” 
You manage to not let out any tears, which your thankful for, and you shake your head. 
“I’m sorry, H.” You shake your head again, “I don’t think I’m ready still.” 
“Hey.” He drops down next to you, reaching over to take your hand in his, “It’s okay, yeah? It was probably my fault.”
“It wasn’t!” 
“It was.” He admits, “I went too far, and I didn’t check on you. I’m sorry, baby.” 
“H.” You touch his cheek, “It’s not your fault. It’s mine for being a pussy who’s too scared to get dicked down by her boyfriend.” 
“You’re not a pussy.” He shakes his head, “There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s no pressure to do anything, okay?” 
You lean forward and peck his lips, “I know.” 
“I love you, YN.” He smiles, “I would never want to do anything that would upset or hurt you. I’d hate myself.” 
“I love you too.” You beam. 
“Yeah.” You nod, “And you didn’t do anything to hurt me, I swear.”
“Good. That’s good.” He drops his head to your shoulder, “We’ll just have to try again later.”
“Try again later.” 
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-40)
Word count: 4.8K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Fluff, angst, feels, sickness
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​. You’re a Rockstar <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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No one talked to you today, the whispers though, had escalated. No one was bothering to keep it quiet either. Not just your classmates, even the faculty kept giving you looks, ranging from distrust to pity. Professor Whitman, who never cared much about anything, took a whole minute to find you in the class and give you a once over, like he was seeing you for the first time- Sam Winchester’s flighty wife, back to ruin his life again.
The judgement you could take. The pity was painful. What did they see? A girl who couldn’t appreciate a good man? Or as much as you hated to think of it that way- a girl who couldn't be a mother again.
It came as a surprise when Jody called you to her office after the class. When you followed her in, she closed the door behind and unexpectedly pulled you into a hug.
“I’m sorry about all of this, Y/N,” she said. “It’s awful.”
You waited for her to let go of you then asked, “How much trouble is Sam in?”
Jody pursed her lips. “I want to say, ‘not much’ but we’ll only know on Monday, I suppose.”
“Are you part of the enquiry committee?”
She nodded. “All of the freshman faculty panel is on there. You have nothing to worry about, Y/N. Your grades are impeccable. You can’t possibly be sleeping with all of us.”
“I’m not even sleeping with Sam!” You let out, frustrated. “And I’m more worried about what happens to him.” You were a student. The most they could do is sack you from the students committee and bump down your grades. 
Jody regarded you for a moment. “The two of you are so similar. It’s uncanny.”
She sighed. “I’ll be upfront with you, Y/N. As much as I’ve tried to shake them, Sam’s priorities are set. Even absent, you were very high up on that list. With you in front of him, there are very few things Sam wouldn’t give up for you.”
You already knew that. But was it right to let him make all those sacrifices for someone as undeserving as you?
The thought plagued you after you’d left Jody’s office, just as it had plagued you for the past two days. Outside, you ran into Madison.
“Oh, I was looking for you,” she said. “Sorry, I missed the first few lectures, but I have news for you. One good, one bad.”
“Bad one first,” you said, apprehensive. 
Madison made a face. “Starting the day after tomorrow, I have no place to live.”
“What? Didn’t you have a lease for the whole year?”
“Lacey is screwing someone, who knows someone else who knows the hostel director. And, well, long story short, my lease got prematurely terminated.”
Anger flared inside you again. This was happening to Madison only because she was staunchly standing with you. 
“I want you to come house hunting with me. My brother’s agreed to help me out with the money. So, I’m good to go.”
The idea popped up in your head immediately. “Why don’t you move in with me?” 
Her eyebrows knitted together. “Meg?”
“Meg’s almost moved out next door. I was supposed to put out an add for a roommate but with everything that’s going on…” Convincing Meg to continue with the move had been very difficult. She thought it was some sort of betrayal to leave you by yourself in all this mess. Cas supported her on that. However, everyone was camping in your living room anyway. 
Ultimately, you had to put your foot down and tell her to move her ass out. Your life might always remain a tragedy. It shouldn’t pause her or Cas’s life. She had still slept on your sofa last night.
“You’re serious?” Madison was trying her best to contain her excitement.
“As a heart attack.”
She let out a loud squeal and tackled you. “This is the best thing ever. We’ll be roomies!”
“Not if you call me that.”
Madison’s laughter rang out in your ears. “Now you’ve already offered. You can’t take it back, roomie.”
“Wait, what’s the good news?” 
Her face split into a huge grin. “I heard from the HR at Acton Gris. They won’t hire me as an intern. But she asked me to apply for the position of summer associate next year. She said my chances looked great.”
“That’s wonderful!”
“Yes! I’m thinking of applying for an on campus job this year.”
Madison was sincere, smart and she worked very hard. No wonder good things were in store for her. “Let me talk to Molly today. See if she has some inside intel on vacancies.”
“You’d do that?” Madison couldn’t stop beaming and you smiled right along with her. “The world is a much better place with you in it.”
Not everyone thought that. Following the pattern of the past few days, Rebecca decided to show her face again after the lecture. You had been expecting her at this point. Maybe she couldn’t sleep without venting off her frustration on you. As usual, she had Lacey next to her, who really had gone fully darkside.
“Missing your Professor?”
You saw Madison start, but Rebecca put in. “Oh, stop being her Lapdog, Maxwell. You don’t have to rollover each time she blows a whistle.”
“It’s alright, Maddie,” you said in a calm voice. “As it happens, I do miss him very much.”
“I hope at least the sex was worth it,” said Lacey.
You grinned at her. “Mind-blowing, actually. I remember this one time, I was screaming his name for literal hours. God, the things that man can do. It’s in-credi-ble.” You drew out the last word with a relish.
Lacey’s jaw dropped.
Rebecca recovered quickly. “Christ! You’re shameless. That man’s married with a son. Have you got no shame at all?”
“Weren’t you the one making out with Sam at Maddie’s birthday party in the bar restroom?” You shot back. “I remember you described the bit about feeling his abs in extreme details. He wore his wedding ring around his neck. So how are you not shameless?”
Rebecca’s face reddened in an instant. “What… how…?”
“Doesn’t feel so good when the finger is pointed at you. Right, Rebecca? When you’re the one being put on a spot and your character is being brought into question. It was okay for you to make out with a professor. Why are the rules so different for me?”
“I- I was drunk that night. And I never slept with him!”
“Don’t you dare paint him in that light. As if you were some drunk woman he took advantage of in a toilet cubicle.” You spat. “You’re so desperate that you don’t think twice about lying over something so demeaning. You didn’t touch Sam because at 2 in the night, he wasn’t even there in that bar. So shut that bullshit.”
There was a crowd gathered around you now, and she didn’t like her words coming back to bite her.
“How do you know where Sam was that night?” Rebecca questioned, clearly baffled and out of her element, but trying to salvage the situation and save face.
You rolled your eyes. “We’re having an affair, remember? Keep up, Rebecca. You filed that complaint. Also, don’t worry about his wife, really. She totally doesn’t mind.” You winked.
The murmur around you was starting to intensify. You didn’t know how long it would be before the actual story came out. Or if it ever would come out. Neither did you care. You didn’t owe an explanation to any of these people. 
Rebecca breathed out harshly, and spoke through her teeth, contempt dripping in each word. “You’re disgusting. That child of his-”
“Don’t. Don’t utter a word about that boy,” you hissed, the anger finally burning through. “You’ve done enough harm to Sam’s reputation. But I swear to God, Rebecca, you’ll live to regret it if you so much as dare to think about Max, you deplorable excuse of a living thing.”
The warning was so raw, she flinched back from you as you stormed out. 
Madison did not follow you to the library. She knew when you wanted to be left alone. Attacking Sam was one thing, but you really did want to rip Rebecca’s throat for wanting to bring Max in the middle of it. The fierce protectiveness you felt for him was like nothing else you had experienced before. 
Throughout the following hour, you kept glancing at the door of the library, expecting Max to walk in. Sam had said he would visit. 
Maybe you would ask him to read out to you today. If anything, that could fix your mood.
“Umm… Y/N?”
You looked up to see Molly standing over you. 
“Hey. I didn’t see you there.”
She shuffled from one foot to the other looking at you awkwardly.
You squared your shoulders, realising what she might’ve heard. “Anything you want?”
“I- I wanted to say sorry.”
That brought you up short. “Why?”
Molly ran her fingers through her red hair. “I didn’t know you were… you know… Sam’s wife, and I said horrible stuff to you the other day.”
It hadn’t actually been that horrible. 
“I’d heard the rumours but I swear I didn’t believe a word. Then I ran into Chase Lincoln yesterday. He told me.”
Molly nodded sadly. “It was wrong of me to make assumptions, Y/N. What happened in Sam’s life was none of my business. And for the reason you left to be so horrifying? I could have never imagined. I’m really, really sorry. I don’t know how to apologize.”
“Stop saying sorry,” you said at once. “I know you’ve always meant well for Sam and for me, Molly. Everyone likes to gossip. It’s no big deal. You didn’t hurt or offend me.”
“There must be something I can do, novia.”
“Never bring it up again. Please. Let’s just forget that conversation happened.”
You saw her eyes start to fill up. “Take the rest of the week off, yeah? Come back Monday.”
“You’re low on staff already.” You did not want anyone’s sympathy.
“I’m not doing this for you,” she said. “Spend the weekend with Sam. He’ll need a distraction more than ever before that hearing on Monday. Okay?”
Molly disappeared into the librarian’s room before the waterworks started. She didn’t want you to see her tear up so you didn’t follow her in, continuing with your sideways glances at the door. The sharp ring of your phone made you jump.
“Hello?” You answered the unknown number
“Y/N? It’s Alex. Sam left me your number in case of emergencies.” She sounded frantic.
“Is everything okay?” 
“Can you please come over? Max is really sick and… he’s… he’s asking for you.”
Instead of knocking on the door, you straight up punched the security key and barged into the house.
“Max? Alex?”
“Up here!” You heard Alex’s voice. Taking two steps at a time you made it to Max’s room. Your chest contracted, seeing Max in the bed. He was curled up on his side, cheeks wet, face puffy from crying. 
Alex was sitting on a chair next to him, distressed.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, rushing to Max’s side and placing a hand against his forehead. He was burning up.
“I don’t know,” said Alex, “He was fine when I picked him up from school. He said he was feeling sick half an hour ago and now he’s running a fever. I tried calling his usual doctor but it says the number doesn’t exist anymore. He’s been crying and calling out for Sam and... you.”
“Did you try Sam?”
“He’s not reachable.”
“Max, honey, what’s wrong?” You asked as gently as you could. “Do you hurt somewhere?”
He opened his eyes and your heart lurched at the tears in them. “Stomach. My stomach hurts. I want dad.”
“Sam will be home at night. He’ll be with you.” You turned to Alex. “Is he allergic to something?” 
“Not that I know of.”
You were sure he hadn’t had outside food in at least a week, so food poisoning was out.
“Does your body hurt, baby?”
Max nodded slowly, drawing into himself. “And my head.”
“Alex, could you please find the first aid box and get me a thermometer?”
She scampered off to find it, relieved to have someone else take charge of the situation. Keeping one hand on Max’s forehead, you reached out for your purse with the other and pulled out your phone. Thankfully, the number was on the speed dial. He picked up the phone on the second ring.
“Cas, where are you?”
“At the hospital. Everything okay?”
“No. Max is running a high fever. I’d guess around 101. He says he’s feeling sick, and has stomach and body ache.”
There was a pause, then Cas said. “Can you drive him to the hospital? Bring him directly to the paeds ward on the 7th floor. I’ll see you there in fifteen minutes.”
Alex was back with the thermometer. 102.3. Thankfully, she had a license and Claire’s car was in their driveway. You asked her to bring it out front.
After she left, you gently coaxed Max into a sitting position, he looked drowsy and was still sniffling a little. “Honey, listen to me. You’re going to have to deal with a little inconvenience, okay? We’re going to drive you to the hospital very quickly.”
“Hospital?” He mumbled. eyes filling up again. 
“It’s just Cas there,” you soothed him. “You remember Cas, right? We all played jenga together.”
Max opened his mouth to say something, instead his eyes widened and threw up over the front of your sweater and into your lap. 
He started crying immediately. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Your eyes filled up. “It’s okay, baby. It’s no big deal.” You removed the puke covered sweater and used to wipe away the vomit stuck to your jeans. “See, it’s all gone. No need to worry at all.”
The retching had left him weak and shivering. 
“Just stay put a minute.” You hurriedly tossed your sweater in the hamper by the door, and pulled on one of Sam’s overlarge shirts over your T-shirt. Once back, you grabbed Max’s grey blanket and wrapped it around him. Slinging your purse around your torso, you lifted him in your arms and carried into the car that was already waiting at the curb. You held Max close to your chest in the backseat, whispering soft reassurances in his ears. 
Just as Alex pulled up in front of the hospital, Max threw up on you again. It made him cry harder. You realised it was not just humiliating for him, he was missing his dad terribly. 
“Max, honey, it’s totally okay,” you assured him, kissing his brow. “I used to throw up so much as a kid, gran used to call me projectile Y/N. Just puke all around me all the time. Hell, ask your dad. He held my hair when I threw up in the toilet. It’s my jam. And we’ve got a  towel now. Let’s clean you up, okay?”
Thankfully, the blanket wasn’t soiled, so you could keep it around him as you carried him in the lift.
Cas was waiting for you there. He immediately guided you to a bed and laid Max down on it. You started to step back.
“Y/N, don’t go,” Max rasped out. 
“I’m right here, Chirp. I’m not going anywhere, but Cas needs to take a look at you.”
Max still reached out with his hand. You looked at Cas. He gave you a quick nod and you rushed to Max’s side once more, grasping his outstretched fingers tightly. Cas pressed Max’s tummy, asking where exactly it hurt, then checked the temperature again along with the pulse. You watched apprehensively as Cas pulled down Max’s eyelids and asked more questions. Meanwhile, the chills kept getting worse.
“It looks like he’s caught a viral fever. The nurse outside told me it’s been doing a round at the school. We’ve had many kids this week.”
“Why is he throwing up then?”
“It’s probably the phlegm. I don’t think there’s a reason to worry. I’ll give him an IV with paracetamol and nausea suppressants. He’ll feel much better in a few hours.” Cas hesitated. “Maybe you should ask Sam before we start the treatment. Only he can sign off on the papers. You’ll need the details of the health insurance.”
“I can’t get to him. We’ve been trying non-stop.” 
Would Sam want you to make such decisions on his behalf? Max was looking paler than usual and was clearly in pain. You couldn’t wait till midnight to start him on medication. It was killing you to see him hurting like this.
“Screw the insurance. I’ll pay whatever the bill comes out to be… and I’ll sign off on the papers as well.”
Cas gave you an apprehensive look. “Y/N?”
“Look,” you said through your teeth, “I’m still his legal guardian. I have that right. Just start him on the medication. I can’t bear to see him like this.”
“Alright.” Cas said something to the nurse behind him who rushed out and then came back with a syringe. 
“This is going to hurt just a little, Max,” Cas said, flicking at the needle.
You crouched down next to Max’s head. “You’re my brave boy, aren’t you? One little prick and that will be all. You’ll feel so much better afterwards. Can you do that?” 
Max gave you one quick jerk of his neck. “Close your eyes.” He did. 
Cas pushed the needle into the tiny crease of Max’s arm and you flinched, tears pouring down your cheeks. Max did not even make a whimper. The nurse stuck a piece of white tape over the puncture mark after Cas was done.
“You need to swallow these two little tablets,” Cas said, handing them to Max along with a glass of water. Max looked at you and you nodded encouragingly. Without any fuss, he did as Cas said. You hugged Max very tightly to your chest. “You’re the bravest little thing in this world, you know that? And I’m so damn proud of you. You get every cookie you can think of when you feel better, yeah?”
“We’ll keep him here till the nausea subsides,” said Cas. “Once he feels better, you can take him home.”
Cas seemed concerned, but it wasn’t directed at Max- which made you feel better. It was directed at you. “You better sign off on those papers, Y/N.”
“Can you please bring them here?” You pleaded. “I don’t want to leave Max.” The boy in question was still hugging your middle tightly.
“Of course.”
It was with shivering hands that you filled out the form. You stared at the paper for a whole minute before ticking off on the small box in the relationship to the patient column against mother. Max had fallen asleep in your arms and the tears just wouldn’t stop. You knew he was going to be okay, the fever was already coming down and he had stopped shivering. Sweat dewed up on his forehead. 
Occasionally you wiped it off with the back of your sleeve. 
But you were terrified of this feeling- like the world would go dark if a single wrong thing happened to this boy. There was a point in your life when you were ready to own up to this feeling, looking forward to it even- and then you had lost it, along with every other emotion in your heart. Since the day you had met Max, you’d been dancing along the edge of the precipice of this very feeling- this selfless, immense love. Not ready to take the leap. Scared that you’d be shattered if you did.
Were you scared of being a bad mother? Or were you simply scared of being a mother? 
As you sat there, alone, in the small clinical room, with Max softly snoring in your lap, you realised that what you truly feared above and beyond everything was giving in to feeling this love and losing it again. 
If you accepted him as your son, and then something happened to him, you wouldn’t make it out of it alive. Literally. Not accepting Sam’s love and a place in his and Max’s life was not only a product of your doubts and self-hatred. It was a plain survival instinct. The epiphany was so strong, it left you breathless.
You felt a hand against your shoulder. Cas’s blue eyes were sympathetic in their depth. “You can take him home now, Y/N.” He didn’t try to reassure you beyond it. He had a subtle way of comforting without saying the words out loud.
You called Alex again, who had been reading in the waiting room and she drove you back to Max’s place. He’d been asleep through the ride, right until you put him to bed. Insisting that Alex go back home and study for her exams, you stripped down to your tank top, pulled on a pair of Sam’s tracks. After making sure that Max was still out, you cleaned up your clothes, and the mess on the floor and side of Max’s bed. You didn’t dare close the door of the bathroom, lest Max call out to you and you couldn’t answer. 
Taking the chance, you made some chicken soup for him, and only then did you wake him up, gently. 
Max called out for Sam the moment he opened his eyes and your heart broke again. Doing your best to reassure him that Sam was on his way, you cajoled Max into changing out of his dirty clothes and into fresh ones. 
He refused to eat the soup, but with soft insistence, you persuaded him to finish half a bowl of it. 
“You’ll read to me?” He said in a muted, dull voice as you tucked him back in the bed.
“Of course, sweetheart, what do you want me to read?”
You looked around the room, your eyes landing on the only book over his nightstand. 
“Alright, here we go.” You flipped to the page with a bookmark. “We could not wait for Atticus to come home for dinner, but called and said we had a big surprise for him. He seemed surprised when he saw most of the back yard in the front yard, but he said we had done a jim-dandy job. “I didn’t know how you were going to do it,” he said to Jem, “but from now on I’ll never worry about what’ll become of you, son, you’ll always have an idea...”
It was stupid and incredibly irresponsible on Sam’s part to let his phone drain out completely. Even worse, he’d left it to charge in the meeting room and forgotten to check it in the next couple of hours while he met with the children in the boy’s home. He came back to 17 missed calls and 23 text messages- from Alex and Y/N. 
Max was sick and he’d had no idea.
Sam had frantically called first thing after going through the texts. Y/N had picked up only to whisper that Max was better and asleep, and that Sam needn’t worry. For the next five hours, Sam worried ceaselessly anyway. It drove Chase up the wall, but he played his music loudly in the car all the way till Sam dropped him off and didn’t point out how Sam was a total maniac. 
The clock on his dashboard blinked 1:22 as he made the bend to his house.
Sam parked the car all wrong in the driveway, barely giving it a second thought before running inside. He should’ve been quieter, knowing Max was asleep, but the anxiety barely kept his legs moving. He would have continued at the same rate through Max’s door if the scene before him hadn’t made him stop.
On the bed, Max was sleeping peacefully. He was dressed in a thin cotton t-shirt, the lower half of his body was covered in his blanket. That wasn’t what made Sam stop. Y/N was curled up beside him, her arm thrown around Max, who was nextled so comfortably in her embrace that he belonged there. Max’s book was balanced over Y/N’s hip, wedged open on the page she had been reading out of. On the nightstand, stood a bowl of cold soup, half empty, along with water and strips of medicine. The table on Y/N’s side held a cooking pot filled with water and a washcloth lay dipped in it. She’d been nursing him- from fever or the sweat, Sam couldn’t say.
Slowly, he walked up to Max, and very very carefully placed the back of his hand on his forehead. No fever. 
Sam looked about himself. The floor was strewn with Max’s clothes that smelled like he had been sick over them. Sam picked up the clothes and carried them to the washing machine. Inside was already a dry load of clothes that belonged to Y/N and him. So Max had thrown up on her. More than once.
Sam knew from the messages that Y/N had taken Max to the hospital- had her friend, whom she trusted implicitly take a look at his son, signed the papers as his guardian and paid the bill out of her pocket.
The thought occurred to Sam as he undressed for the night. In that last message, Y/N had apologised for signing off on Sam’s behalf, as if he could ever be mad at her for dropping whatever she was doing to look after his son, the way a mother would.
Sam understood now why Max had thrown a fit when Sam had forbidden him from seeing Y/N. It had hurt Sam that he couldn’t be enough for Max, that Max was looking for something more in Y/N. But seeing them together now, Sam could see he had been completely wrong. Max wasn’t asking something more, he’d been asking for what already belonged to him- Y/N’s love. Max had been right all along.
Sam pulled the covers and duvet off his bed and dragged to Max’s room where he laid them out at the foot of Max’s bed, so he’d be sleeping next to him on the floor. An alarm started going off on Y/N’s phone, and Sam jumped to turn it off. It was already 2 O’ clock. She had set successive alarms for every hour of the night, Sam presumed to check on Max. Sam turned off all of them. He was home now, he could take care of it. 
He checked Max’s temperature once more- still normal- and then bent down to place a kiss on his forehead. It was almost November. Max always had bouts of viral or flu in the cold months. He should have foreseen it. If Y/N hadn’t been around…
The expression on her face was so peaceful as she held onto his boy, tears sprang into Sam’s eyes. This was everything he wanted in his life. Everything. Right in front of him. He bent down once more and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. She didn’t wake at his touch, but adjusted herself closer to Max on the tiny bed, the book falling off her hip with a soft thud onto the thick carpet. 
Sam lay down on the floor, thinking of a night very long ago when Y/N had fallen asleep on the  sofa in his house, back in Lawrence. He’d read to her from this very book that night- for the first time. Sam had slept besides her on the floor that night as well. A writer would have called the parallel poetic… but Sam saw it for what it was, shrouded in a mist of uncertainty all around him- a haunting ache inside his soul.
He couldn’t thank her for what she’d done for his Max today- not only would that gesture be insufficient, it would be insulting. No, Sam wouldn’t thank her. Instead, he would check up on Max every hour, make her breakfast in bed, and iron her clothes before she woke up, so she wouldn't be late for classes tomorrow. He would pack her a lunch and kiss her goodbye at the door. Maybe she would see through him and understand how incredibly grateful he was for today… and how tragically hopeful he was for the future, when he could do these simple things everyday without the excuse of an unsaid thank you.
“I love you, Darling,” he whispered. “It can only ever be you.”
A/N 2: It’s been a hard, awful few days. I must be made up of stronger stuff than I thought I was.
Please do let me know if you liked this part. Reblogs and comments are very much appreciated. 
Five more chapters to go!
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turningtummyrubs · 3 years
Hi! Prev anon with the Marvel ask here. My fav scenario would be something fluffy and domestic. Loki being an alien could have gotten sick from something harmless to a Midgardian, like a bagel for example. So all day long he tries to hide his stomachache from his SO, until such time the pain's too much and his SO catches on. (Or his SO knew but Loki being Loki, keeps on saying he's fine)
Followed by fluffy, caretaking scene with a nice belly rub and banter. Thank you. 😍😻😍😻
I LOVE your writing. Seriously.
Thank you! You’re the best! And here you go:
There are a lot of things Loki has learned about 21st century Midgard. Like, for example, video games are fun, but only if you’re winning. Fries are magical creations. It’s frowned upon to use a Midgardian baby like a baseball.
What he hasn’t entirely gotten the hang of is food. More specifically, what foods are safe for beings such as himself to eat. Apparently something so harmless as a bagel is capable of wreaking havoc on his insides. It’s humiliating. He’s the God of Mischief, and he can be bested by a circle of bread with a hole in its center! Ugh.
What would his many foes think if they caught wind of this? Oh, don’t bother wasting your namebrand poison on Loki, just feed him a bagel. Fuck that! If Loki’s going to be poisoned, he’s going to be poisoned expensively.
It’s only been about fifteen minutes since he ate the cursed bagel, and his stomach already feels like an Asgardian battlefield. Rolling and raging like a storm-wrought sea.
“Have you decided whether or not you’ll be joining me, Loki?”
Loki scowls at the sound of Stephen’s voice on the other side of the bathroom door for no reason other than that he’s feeling irritable and cranky. But, despite his inner-most wants, he doesn’t snap something cruel or zap Stephen with an energy blast, because he’s trying. To be someone... better. At least marginally.
With one last glimpse at himself in the mirror (slightly more pale-faced than usual, thin-lipped), he steps right through the door and finds himself face-to-face with Stephen.
Stephen smiles beatifically. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, I’ll go with you to your wretched house,” Loki says snippily. By ‘wretched house’ he means the New York Sanctum, which he actually finds quite lovely, but would never, ever admit.
They leave the Avengers Compound by foot (Loki was visiting Thor, and Stephen everyone else), because Stephen says he wants to walk around a bit before portalling to the Sanctum. (“It’s such a lovely day.”) Loki wants to violently attack him, but he doesn’t, because people can do hard things.
Normally, despite his stream-of-consciousness complaints, Loki doesn’t mind Midgardian walks much. He enjoys the weather and the birds and, if not the people, then at least the ridiculous things they do. However, a Midgardian walk after the consumption of a bagel is something akin to cruel and unusual torture.
Every blare of a car horn sends a burst of too-bright irritation flaring behind Loki’s eyelids, and every step further upsets his stomach — making it tighten, first, in a strange twisty way, and then loosen out into a hot, churning roil, like a boiling soup.
He grunts slightly at a particularly sharp pang in the center of his stomach, laying a hand flat over his (strange) Midgardian shirt. It’s only a single bagel, but Loki swears he can almost feel each individual bite working its way through his intestines — causing as much wreckage as it can along the way. If Loki weren’t so busy being in pain, he might be impressed by its tactics.
Stephen pauses and looks back over his shoulder, brow wrinkling. “Loki?”
Loki schools his face. “I’m fine.”
Stephen raises his eyebrows slightly. “I didn’t ask.”
Loki takes a single, deep breath and storms forward with clenched fists, Stephen’s laughter at his back.
— — —
Hours later, in the Sanctum, Loki is still feeling just as poorly. No, worse! What kind of ridiculous sugars and chemicals do Midgardians put in bagels? Sewage? Lava? Cyanide?
He stretches out on one of Stephen’s couches, and then curls back into himself when the movement only exacerbates the unhappy roiling violating his belly. If he lies on his side just right and stays perfectly still—
Nope. Still hurts.
He tries to focus, instead, on the quiet sound of pages turning as Stephen reads in the other room. He’s been reading for the past two hours, and, normally, Loki would be demanding attention by now, but presently, he’s just thankful Stephen hasn’t noticed his distraught state.
As a cramp blossoms dangerously beneath Loki’s navel, he slides his hand beneath his shirt and gives a little compression with his palm, grimacing at the electric-like twinge the touch provokes. A soft noise of discomfort leaves him as he shifts to his back.
With a heavy sigh, Loki stares at the ceiling (tall and carved with all sorts of odd symbols) and thinks of Stephen instead. Tall with knife-like cheekbones and eyes like silver fish scales. Long fingers and impeccable fashion sense (for a Midgardian). Decently wealthy, stern-voiced—
Standing over Loki.
“Did I summon you with my mind?”
Stephen looks at Loki with concern. “What?”
Loki waves a dismissive hand. “Never mind.”
“Alright...” The couch shifts as Stephen sits and pulls Loki’s feet into his lap. If Loki could lap up his warmth like a cat to cream, he would. “Well, is there something you’d like to tell me?”
Loki’s eyes narrow, and he snaps, “I haven’t committed any heinous acts toward any mortals for a week now!”
Stephen’s voice is patient and faintly amused as he says, “I know, Loki. That’s not what I meant.”
Loki tries not to squirm as his intestines give a coiled spasm, the pain more acute than the past cramping. “Then, no, I have nothing to tell you, sorcerer.”
“Hm.” Stephen stands, gently setting Loki’s legs back down on the couch cushion. “Alright, then.”
Despite his best efforts, Loki’s hand flies out to wrap around Stephen’s wrist. “You don’t have to go,” he says plaintively.
Stephen smirks. “I was just grabbing my book. I’ll be right back.”
He’s true to his word, and returns only a short minute later to resume his former position, but, while Loki appreciates the solid heat of him, he now has to work doubly hard to obscure his pain.
Every roil and turn and cramp feels intensified now, like the bagel’s suddenly decided to take up steroids, and Loki is fed up with the small pinch of nausea lingering sharply beneath his ribs that just won’t go away. He brings a few fingers up to rub idly at it, and nearly growls at the abrupt influx of acid-hot stomach bile that zings in his throat.
It’s twenty minutes later that Loki can’t take it any more. What started as a little throbbing pang low in his belly has now blown into a whirlwind of a cramp, pulsating quickly and dreadfully from his waist to his ribs.
Bagels should be a cardinal sin.
A soft, breathless groan leaves Loki’s lips.
Stephen gently shuts his book and sets it on the coffee table, giving Loki absurd deja vu as he leans over him again. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to tell me something, Loki?”
Loki sighs through his teeth and throws a careless arm over his eyes, caught out. “My stomach hurts.”
“Ah,” Stephen says, wasting a conversation’s worth of sarcasm on one syllable. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Loki whines, and Stephen chuckles quietly and presses a warm hand to Loki’s stomach beneath his shirt. It’s with steady, precise movements that Stephen massages — fingers twitching faintly but stable as they soothe in small circles.
Loki goes limp beneath his touch, groaning lightly as the cramps in his belly are cowed into submission by Stephen’s firm hands. He’s reminded of both of Stephen’s titles as relief floods his mind: doctor and sorcerer. Both fitting, Loki thinks.
Sliding the heel of his palm carefully into the worst of the spasms and working in productive patterns, Stephen says, “You don’t need to hide these things from me, you know.”
“I know...” Loki says sullenly. He exhales gratefully as Stephen rubs a circle and the explosive pain ebbs and shifts to a mere gastric bubbling. The small rumbles aren’t exactly comfortable, but they’re manageable, and Loki can live with that.
Still absently massaging Loki’s stomach, Stephen says, “Better?”
Loki nods, lacing his fingers with Stephen’s on top of his abdomen. “Better...”
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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“Your stupid spider”
Superhero vs Villain!Reader Prompts
Request: Anonymous: Hello there! Could you write a Superhero vs Villain, where the reader is Peter Parker's best friend but also his enemy? You can use #3 if you want. By the way I love your stories and your writing. Lots of love.
Prompt #3: Truce? 
Pairing: Superhero!Peter Parker x Villain!Fem!Reader
Summary: Peter Parker is your best friend, and Spider-man is your enemy. You finally discover that they are the same person.
Warnings: Violence. 
Word count: 2446
A/N: Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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"If you are really interested in how I discovered the identity of my greatest enemy, please read on."
You. An ordinary girl, born in Brooklyn to a single parent family who had moved into a small flat in the Queens area with her mother. No drugs, no alcohol, no tobacco, your obsession was pancakes and syrup. You didn't do any chores, and you didn't sneak out of the housework. After school you went home with your friends to do your homework. You liked reading, and you listened to music with headphones so as not to disturb the neighbours. In short, a teenager that many parents wish they had.
However, your persona wasn't all rosy, just because Y/N was like that, didn't mean your alter ego was too. You had a secret, everyone has secrets, you might think, but it wasn't just any secret, it was "The Secret", and no one knew it. That's why you could say it was the best kept secret in Queens, or at least that's what you thought until he came along. Spider-man.
Everything went smoothly, it took you a while to assume your powers, your teleportation, but when you got it you enjoyed your solitude in your night outings. You discovered the reality of New York City, the nocturnal and dark atmosphere of being hidden in the shadows, that is to say, you had fun as only you knew how to do. Nevertheless, since the arrival of that Spider-man, your fun was over. That man had in mind to destroy the true essence of the city and that was something you could not allow.
Your first meeting was at the top of Rockefeller Center, a night like any other after the end of one of the most intrepid police chases in Midtown West. There you were, watching the chase unfold, and there he arrived. Remarkably, due to the concealment of your costumes, neither of you could figure out who the other was, and your voice-impersonation skills helped you never get caught. All in all, that was one of many encounters you would have in the wake of Spider-Man's popularity. But still, your life went on.
"Are you telling me you're going to stand me up this afternoon for helping your aunt bake a cake?" you asked Peter between complaints. "You know we have to study for the chemistry test on Friday. And that I'm nothing without you in chemistry."
Although you tried to show him the most apologetic face in the whole world, Peter was not immune to it. 
"Sorry Y/N," he closed his locker after grabbing his books. "I promised May last week, it's very important for her to give a good welcome to the new neighbours."
You rolled your eyes but finally came to terms with your defeat.
"Okay Parker," you gave him a little push. "But you've been letting me down in the afternoons for three days now. You'll make it up to me."
You winked and Peter's cheeks quickly turned pink, he gave you a shy smile and nodded goodbye. He was adorable. It was actually good to be free in the afternoons, since Spider-Man had gotten in your way, you had a complex relationship, playing cat and mouse, trying to hinder each other's actions, and it was interesting that week.
Like the previous days, after finishing your chores at home, you put on your black suit and disappeared. Your power was complex, you didn't fully understand it yet and you knew it would take a while, but you weren't scared. You could teleport to a specific place, teleport to another person or object, and even open portals to other places. But these superpowers had played tricks on you, sometimes you appeared in places you didn't recognise and then didn't know how to get back, or you had to return home by taking public transport. Everything has its drawbacks.
Dusk was falling over the island of Manhattan, it was a busy spring evening in New York, big businessmen were leaving their offices, dog walkers were wandering into Central Park and a group of elementary school students were leaving the Museum of Arts and Design. You caught your gaze on the broad clock of a prominent building and instantly there he was, coming from 8th Avenue.
You smiled, you were in the mood for fun and what better way than to open a portal right in front of him to get rid of Spider-man and send him a few blocks further south.
"Woah!" he exclaimed, stepping into the portal and disappearing, not for long.
You started laughing, he always fell into your trap and yet he was still funny to you.
"Hello Miss Holes!"
Within two minutes it landed next to you throwing a spider web which you dodged opening a new portal.
"Too slow, stupid spider," you said with a grin hidden under your mask.  "And too predictable to be the mascot of the Avengers.
The two of you began a small battle on top of that building, as if choreographed.
"Hey!" he exclaimed somewhat offended, dodging a new portal. "I'm not the Avengers' mascot."
"Then why is it your turn to do the dirty work?" you ran off, shaking off his cobwebs.
"What...?" began Spider-man somewhat confusedly pausing over the rooftop antenna. "What dirty work?"
You let out a small laugh and in an instant you teleported to his side.
"You know," you began to lower your tone."Robbing old ladies, selling drugs in the neighbourhood - oh, you even helped a woman yesterday who didn't know where to find the underground," you squinted. "Spidey, you're so bored that the most exciting thing in your life is meeting me."
You were so lost for words that you didn't see it coming. In that instant a spider web, a bit slimy for your taste, wrapped around your mouth like a gag silencing your every word. You quickly tried to get rid of it with little luck.
"Thank goodness!" exclaimed your opponent alejándose de ti. "Much better. Sorry about that, but we'll be doing us both a favour."
You touched solid ground again, and raised your hands in the direction of the satellite dish, teleporting it in the direction of Spider-man, who quickly dodged it. From that moment on, your rage intensified, increasing the tension of the fight, which usually ended without a clear winner, only exhaustion won out.
"Woah! That was a close one!" he exclaimed, leaping ten metres above you.
Your throat squeaked, but no sound escaped because of the gag. You tried to get rid of it by teleporting it away, but it wasn't possible. At that moment you would have made it disappear forever if you could, but finally you stopped throwing objects at it, to disappear from there yourself.
It wasn't being a good day for you, maybe it also had to do with the fact that you were sure that your best friend didn't have to make any cake with his aunt May, nor did he have to accompany her to dance classes or anything like that, they were all excuses and you didn't know why he was making them.
In milliseconds you were back in your room, rummaging through your things to get rid of that gag and remove the mask from your costume. Nothing was any good. You had no idea what that spider's web was made of, but nothing could break it.
In desperation you tried again to teleport it, but you were unable to concentrate all your attention on it. You had only one hope left, Peter, he would surely know how to get rid of her, although you would owe him a lot more explanations. You closed your eyes, instantly you were inside his room, luckily he wasn't there, nor was he inside the house, everything was silent. So you assumed that he was not baking a cake with his aunt.
A couple of hours passed, just enough time to come up with a plan before Peter arrived.You had taken a handful of sheets of paper, you knew that when he came in he would be scared and might scream, so you summarised your story as best you could on those sheets of paper.
You heard the front door close, Peter was talking to May and heading towards his room. You took the sheets of paper and positioned yourself in the middle of the room, waiting for him to come in, as if it was the movie "love actually". It was an embarrassing situation.  You watched as the doorknob turned and there he appeared.
It took a few moments for his eyes to settle on you, but at that very moment both of them widened like saucers.
"How the hell...!"
You quickly raised your hand, trying not to make your friend squeal or panic, and pointed hurriedly to the sheets of paper you were holding.
Peter closed the door behind him with a stunned look on his face.
"Please don't shout," he began, reading the posters in a trembling voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."
You dropped a sheet of paper on the floor.
"It's me, Y/N," Peter's voice dimmed, and it took him a while to react. "WHAT?!!!!"
You quickly raised your arms again in a way to stop him from screaming.
" Whoa, whoa, whoa!" exclaimed Peter again. "What are you saying?!"
Dejaste que los carteles se cayeran al suelo y saltaste sobre él intentando cubrir su boca con tus manos. En aquellos momentos estabas segura de que su tía May entraría en la habitación en segundos debido al ruido. Peter seguía gritando cosas inentendibles bajo tus manos, con sus ojos castaños abiertos como platos mirándote. Decidiste destaparle la boca, ya que no servía para nada y volviste a por los folios para ponérselos nuevamente frente a él.
“¡Esto es una locura!” se llevó las manos a la cara, pero continuó leyendo los folios. “Spider-man me ha lanzado una de sus telarañas,” cambiaste de folio. “Y no puedo deshacerme de ella, tienes que ayudarme.”
Peter stood still watching you, his eyes were red with nervousness and his nostrils flared every time he took in and released air from his lungs. You knew it was going to be a shock to your friend, but you didn't understand how it was affecting him so much. You raised your arms, quickly pointed to the spider web gagging your mouth, you needed to get rid of it and then you would give him all the explanations he needed.
A blushing Peter slowly approached you, stepped around you and in an instant you felt no more pressure. At last you could rest, your jaw and mouth were sore, but it was no surprise to you, what was surprising was that your friend had got rid of the restraint in a second.
Puzzled, you turned to him, who was still in shock and looked a little frightened. He carefully brought his hands to the top of your mask and slowly lifted it, exposing your face.
"I can explain," you said calmly. "I..."
"Oh my god," Peter interrupted you, sitting up in his bed.
"Listen," you shook your head and sat down next to him. "I understand your reaction, it's crazy, I should have explained it to you a lot sooner, but- Wait, how did you get that obnoxious fabric off me so fast?"
Peter put his hands to his head and sighed.
"It's synthetic spider silk," he explained without looking at you. "It's got the gigapascals augmented, with its web you can hold even a car in the air, but-"
"Wait," you stared at him.
Your mind worked fast enough to grasp enough information and connect it in a couple of seconds. You slowly rose slowly from his side and looked at him with a frown.
"What?!" you exclaimed this time. "That's impossible!"
"Yes!" exclaimed Peter getting up and holding his hands to his head. "That's what I was thinking! It's impossible!"
At that instant the door to the room opened revealing a smiling May.
"Peter yo - Hey Y/N!" she greeted with a frown.  "I didn't know you were here. Are you staying for dinner?"
"Hi, May. No, no," you said quickly in a bit of a daze. "Thank you very much, but my mother's expecting me for dinner."
"Okay," she smiled looking you up and down. "Nice suit!" your cheeks took on a ruddy colour. "Peter, dinner in half an hour."
"Thank you May," Peter replied a little shyly.
His aunt closed the door again.
"That's why you were always making excuses for me in the evenings!" you reproached him."And the Stark scholarship! How could I have been so blind?" "And the Stark scholarship! How could I have been so blind?"
"I know, I know," said Peter, as he paced around his room next to you. "By the way, your powers - they're awesome!"
You motioned for him to lower his voice again. This situation was crazy, you didn't know whether to be relieved, to teleport, or to teleport him to a place far away. You leaned your back against the wall, closing your eyes so you could think clearly.He was your best friend, had you been hating your best friend all this time?He was your best friend, had you been hating your best friend all this time? He was your best friend, had you been hating your best friend all this time?  Peter stood in front of you.
"Hey..." he whispered caressing your cheek, the place where your spider web had passed. "If I'd known... If you'd stayed a little longer I'd have taken it off."
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked up at him arching an eyebrow. "This is too much."
You looked straight into those brown eyes, they had been a weakness for you since fifth grade. Besides, his gaze accompanied with the caress of his fingers on your cheek lowered your defences.
"Please stay for dinner. If you want, we can study chemistry later," Peter said almost pleadingly.
"Really?" you asked in confusion. "You want to study chemistry after everything that just happened?"
"Truce?" Peter arched a somewhat hopeful eyebrow.
"You're one of a kind, you stupid spider," you said, unable to hide a grin.
"You stupid spider."
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Requests/Taglist Open (DM)
Taglist:  @indigo123789​ @mycosmicparadise​ @imerdwarf​
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Stressed-Merlin x Reader
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(GIF credit to @merlin-sindrome​)
Requested by @ballorawan740​: ‘Hi can you make an imagine/headcanon for Merlin x Reader where the reader is stressed’
Characters: Merlin x Reader. Gaius x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Stress, mention of sores/blisters, fluff
My name was yelled out in the servants corridor, demanding I run to the person calling. It was the matron, and even though I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, my heart still raced, sweat slowly forming on my forehead after running around all day to complete my chores. I finally found the matron, who was stood with her arms folded across her chest, looking angry as she usually did (no one had ever seen her smile). 
"You called matron?" I said as I struggled to get my breath back. 
She pursed her lips."What chores have you completed today? The polishing?" 
"No you haven't." 
I tried not to frown at her."I have matron." 
"No you haven't, because the knights have just returned, and their clothes are filthy. They've thrown their mud covered robes all over the fresh clothes as a mistake. You'll have to do it all again." 
"Yes matron."
I kept an expressionless face as I agreed and even when I turned away from her. Heading back the way I came, I made no eye contact with anyone that passed by, scared they would ask what was wrong and I would break. When I arrived in the laundry room, I moaned at the piles of dirty clothes on top of my clean, fresh ones. I had to do all of this by myself. Glancing down at my hands, I winced when I saw how red and sore they were, some blisters already forming. 
Sat outside, managing to find some shade to wash the clothes, I mumbled complaints under my breath. Why didn't those knights have the common sense to see that there were clearly clean clothes in here? Some people had such disregard for those of us who worked day in and out, cleaning up after their messes. I understood they went off scouting and fighting to keep us safe, but we also kept them looking immaculate, fed them decent meals and made sure their armour and weapons were in top shape.
One shirt was not wanting to get clean, no matter how much I soaked or scrubbed it. Multiple times I had scraped my hands, yelping out at the pain. I wanted to throw it away, tear it to pieces, but if one thing was dirty, matron would have my head. Letting out a frustrated groan, I threw the wet shirt back into the tub of water, feeling stupid when some water splashed back onto me.
"What did that shirt ever do to you?" Merlin suddenly appeared behind me.
"I can't get any of the stains out. I've been here for two hours and nothing has worked. I'm hot, tired, aching and sweating." I whined, collapsing my head into my hands.
"Hey," he was closer now, taking my hands in his,"it'll be alright-"
"I'm tired of this Merlin! We all work so hard and never even get a thank you. And when people do arrogant things like this, I can't help but feel angry." 
“I can speak to them for you. They’re my friends, I’m sure they would listen.”
“No, please don’t! If matron finds out, she’ll make me scrub the floors with a tiny handkerchief.”
He took my hands in his, thumbs gently brushing over the red marks.“You need to stop.”
“If I stop-”
“Matron isn’t going to do anything to you. I promise.”
“That woman is worse than any evil being you’ve fought.”
He chuckled.“You’re not wrong there. Come on.”
He pulled me to my feet.“Merlin, I can’t leave my chores.”
“Someone else has to do it.”
“You’re not making any sense.”
“You’re far too ill to be working.” he smirked.
I was about to protest when he picked up his pace, dragging me along. I giggled, thankful that we hadn’t passed by anyone. He wasn’t holding my hand, making it look odd that he was dragging me by my wrist, but I knew it was because it hurt to hold hands. Merlin had taken me to his chambers, sitting me down on the patient bed. He started gathering bandages and ointments before perching beside me.
“You don’t think you’re going to get into trouble for this do you?” I asked as he started cleaning my hands.
He paused his actions, glancing into my eyes for a second and smiling before going back to my hands.“Stop worrying.”
“But...how am I meant to go back-”
“You’re not going to go back to chores today. You’re ill.”
“Being stressed doesn’t count.”
“It does if you saw yourself as I saw you.”
“You’re being biased.”
“I promise you that even if I wasn’t in love with you, I would be helping you.”
I blushed.“So, Doctor Merlin, do you think I’ll live?”
Merlin collected the supplies he used, placing them on a nearby table.“Just to make sure, I recommend you stay here for the rest of the day.” he pushed me back to lay down, covering me with a blanket.
“Alright, this is a bit excessive isn’t it?” I laughed.
“Nope. I’m the professional here.” he pulled up a chair and placed it beside me, reaching for my now bandaged hand again.
“Thank you Merlin. You’re too sweet.”
“I can’t see you like that. If I could give you a better life...when I can give you a better life than this, I’ll be taking you to it straight away.”
“Oh, Merlin, you can’t be saying things like that.”
“You’re right, about it not being fair. I see you working harder than anybody else here, you take on more work so the older servants rest, and you never talk back when being snapped at over nothing.”
“You’ve already made my life a lot happier, you know that don’t you? Even when we became friends, I was happy to have you. But don’t beat yourself up about all of this, neither of us can control this.”
“I just want to make sure you’re not actually making yourself ill over this.”
“I’m not! No one chooses to be a servant. I’m sure we would all rather be princes and princesses.”
He tenderly kissed the back of my hand.“I love you. I want to take care of you.”
Just as our loving moment intensified, the door opened. I craned my neck upwards to see who it was, slightly relieved when I saw Gaius, though bashful over what he had walked in on. He halted in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at us as he closed the door.
“Not interrupting, am I?” he asked as he walked in.
Merlin playfully rolled his eyes.“Impeccable timing as always. (Y/N) is genuinely here for a reason, she’s stressing herself too much.”
“I told him it wasn’t a good enough reason Gaius.” I pointed out.
“On the contrary my dear, he is right. Merlin has expressed how worried he was about you. It was only a matter of time.” Merlin and I bashfully looked at each other.“Don’t worry you two, I won’t ruin your time together. Though don’t be surprised if I run back in here to hide from matron.”
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Love, War, and Books by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Chapter 3/3 Notes:
Thank you so much for reading and going along on this journey. This 3 chapter AU took me more time to write than any of my other fics, I really stepped outside my comfort zone with this as I prefer to write original stories and struggled with an AU based on something everyone knows and loves. I haven't liked every word, but I grew to love the tale and I hope you did too.
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly
Chapter 3: The Book of You
“Well now that you’ve put her out of business, I wonder if she would come work for me? She’d be an excellent children’s book editor.”
Killian made a snorting sound, “I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t work for anyone associated with me.”
“I think I’m going to offer her a job anyway.”
“She wouldn’t be good for you; she lacks that killer instinct you like in your employees. What is it you always say, never apologize as long as you win?”
“Like you’re one to talk, you’re just as insensitive as I am, I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation.” She complained, punching the button on the elevator to their floor. “The only reason I have the chance to hire her is because you put her out of business.” She narrowed her eyes. “Who’s insensitive now?”
Killian internally groaned, watching the numbers on the elevator move slowly as Milah droned on beside him. Emma would never work for someone like her, she could never be as cutthroat as he had seen Milah behave. She wasn’t like her, or for that matter, him. Emma was a rare breed.
The elevator jerked violently to pull him from his thoughts, lights flickering on and off as it came to a shuddering halt.
“What the hell!” Milah yelled as the other occupants in the elevator began tapping on the buttons.
“I’m sure it’s just a technical issue.” He offered reassuringly. Milah pulled out her phone, dialing and waiting impatiently for someone to answer. He leaned against the wall, smiling at the woman with her young daughter. “They’ll get us out shortly, no need to worry.”
“No one is answering, how incompetent do you have to be to not know how to pick up a phone?”
“Milah, it’s possible there was an electrical outage that affected more than us, I’m sure the phone lines are busy.”
“I’ll be putting in my complaint to the city.” She squealed and Killian pushed himself down toward the floor, sitting on the ground and removing his jacket.
“I’m sure they’ll be awaiting your call with bated breath.” He grumbled to himself. “Shouldn’t be long, someone will come and get us out.” He announced to the group. “Might as well get comfortable.”
Three hours later and Milah was testing his nerves. He had expected her complaints to die down once the air in the elevator had gotten thicker and harder to take breaths, but it seemed to only intensify her anger.
“When I get out of here, I’m going to call my daughter and apologize. I haven’t spoken to her in 3 weeks, and I don’t even remember what we were fighting about.” The man beside him spoke to no one in particular. Killian smiled at the man; it was a lovely sentiment.
“When I get out of here, I’m going to apply for that job I’ve been scared to be rejected from. Even if I don’t get it, at least I will have tried.”
Milah jumped in, “When I get out of here, I’m going to get Botox.” She announced, staring at herself in her hand mirror and pulling at her skin. Killian rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what he was going to do when he got out of here.
“When I get out of here…” He began.
“Do you have my gum?” Milah interrupted and Killian exhaled, reaching into his jacket beside him to pull out his gum and toss it toward her. The moment was gone, but the second he left the elevator he did exactly what the moment called for. He told Milah it was over between them.
She barely gave up a fight, as he gathered his items, promising to return to pick up the rest of his stuff, and taking Smee out the door with him. Killian didn’t care, he was just happy he could stop pretending. He realized in that elevator that his and Milah’s relationship had always been pretend. He dated her because it was the next logical step in their relationship, they moved in together because that’s what you do when you’ve been dating for as long as they had. She was in the book business, she had contacts that he used selfishly for his own business, and beyond that they had nothing else in common with each other. It was over before it had even begun.
Killian sat down in front of his computer, he wanted to talk to Emma. She was the first person he thought about when faced with what he was going to do once he left that elevator. He needed to come clean to Emma, tell her who he was. But he knew that once he did that, it was all over. She would never speak to him again. But maybe, maybe if she got to know the real him, the real Killian Jones, maybe he wouldn’t lose her.
JR10: Tonight, I got in the elevator, something I do every day. Three hours later I got out of the elevator and Smee and I moved out of my shared apartment. It was like the smoke had cleared and everything just made sense to me. It’s a long story, full of all those little details we don’t share about ourselves, maybe one day we will.
Emma stared at the screen in front of her. He had been living with someone. She couldn’t be angry; she had been doing the same. She understood how he was feeling though, the smoke clearing. It was exactly how she felt with August. Like the world just opened to her and suddenly she got tired of playing the game. She just wanted to be happy and clearly she hadn’t been.
Lonelygirl: Change is a funny thing isn’t it? It’s like dominoes. One little thing changes and suddenly there is this chain reaction and when you look up everything around you has changed. Six months ago, when I met you online, I knew exactly who I was, what my life was going to look like, and where I would be for the rest of my life. Now I know nothing. My store closed this week. I haven’t told you I owned a store, but I did. It was a beautiful little bookstore that my mother had when she was alive. And maybe I held onto it so fiercely because it was my way of keeping her alive, but either way, it closed and I’m heartbroken. It’s like my mother has died all over again and there’s nothing anyone can do to make it right.
Emma walked down the street, looking up to see the Jones Books logo staring down at her, mocking her. She bit her lip and walked up to the door, yanking it open forcefully as if somehow her strength was going to topple the entire building to the ground.
She marveled at the size of the inside, stairs leading to a second and third floor, lights hanging in every corner, large comfortable chairs full of patrons sitting together, reading books. The place was full, she’d never seen so many people in a such a large space before. The registers were full of customers purchasing armfuls of books. She climbed the stairs slowly, stopping when she saw the children’s section.
It was a marvel, bright, colorful, with stuffed animals lying around for children to play with. She sat down on a large bean bag, tears falling softly down her face.
“Do you have the shoe books?” A woman asked one of the employees standing a few feet away from her.
“Shoe books? Who’s the author?” Emma rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know the author, my friend just told me that I need to find the shoe books.”
“Neal Streatfeild. The author is Neal Streatfeild, he wrote all the shoe books.” She announced to the pair as the tears started to come faster. “I’d start with skating shoes, though ballet shoes are just as beautiful.” She said with a snort, looking up to see them staring at her with a tentative look of concern. She wiped her nose with her sleeve and stood up, quickly exiting the building.
Killian stared at his computer. Sadness overtaking him at her words. He really was the bad guy.
“Cora and I are over.” Killian looked up at his dad.
“So soon, you just got engaged.”
“She was dating the nanny.”
He burst into laughter. “Well, that makes up for you leaving Kristen for the nanny.”
“No, Kristen was the nanny, I was with Kelly at the time.”
“Ah, so many, I lose track.”
Killian turned his attention back to his computer.
JR10: I’m so sorry about your store. I don’t know what else to say that doesn’t sound trite and inconsiderate. I hope that you will be alright.
He sent the message, but he felt sick inside.
“How’s the store? Business must be booming, and I heard that the children’s book lady finally closed.” His father poured himself a drink. “You met her; do you think she would date me?”
His father handed him a glass and Killian sighed. “On to the next, I guess.” He said with a shrug.
“Father and son, back together again.”
Killian could hardly believe that as much as he tried to not be like his father, here he was living on his boat, parked on the slip right next to where his father was currently hiding out in his. Father and son, indeed.
The next few days he went in search of a new apartment, checked in with Belle at the store, and waited anxiously for a reply from Lonelygirl. When he had heard no response from her after a week, he decided to reach out again.
JR10: Why haven’t you written back? Are you alright?
When Emma didn’t reply, he walked to the store, checking in to make sure that everything was going as expected for the new store. Business had taken off in the past week, Belle had made a very important hire, bringing in Will Scarlett from The Golden Swan to run the children’s book section.
After Killian had observed Emma in his store, listened as his employee was unable to assist a customer, he challenged Belle with the task of bringing in the best department head she could find for the children’s section. Will may not have seemed like the best option for customer services with his dry wit, his sour attitude, or his arrogant behavior, but when it came to children, the man turned into a new person. He told stories, acted out the parts, played the different voices, and children flocked to him. He was a rare find in their world.
When he returned home later that evening, he found a new message from Emma.
Lonelygirl: I’m sick. I can’t stop sneezing, my ears are clogged, my nose is blocked. I feel terrible. I haven’t left my bed in days. The worst part is that all I can do now is sit here and think about my life. Who am I kidding? What life? What am I going to do now?
Killian groaned, if he felt worse before he felt terrible now. He had ruined this woman’s life. And now here she was feeling like she had no future. He caused that. She was a bright woman with a bright future, and he needed her to know that too.
He jumped up from his chair, rushing out the door.
Ten minutes later he was standing in front of the brick apartment, staring up at the windows above him. This was a risk, but he needed to take it.
Emma lay in bed, sneezing for yet the fifteenth time that hour. She felt terrible. She closed her eyes, trying to find sleep when the buzzing forced her eyes open. “Oh God, not now.” She groaned, pulling herself up from her bed and stumbling through the apartment. The sound buzzed again, and she put her hands to her ears. “Please stop doing that.” She moaned. Pressing the button to the intercom.
“Go away.” She yelled into the box.
“Hi, Hello. This is Killian Jones.”
Emma stood back from the door like it shocked her. What the hell was he doing at her apartment?
“Go away.” She repeated. She had no idea what that asshole was doing at her apartment but whatever it was, it wasn’t a concern of hers.
“Can I come up?”
“No that’s a terrible idea. I’m sick, I haven’t been sleeping, I might be contagious so I would really appreciate it if you…”
There was a loud knock on the door she was currently leaning against. She jumped at the sound. “Hello?”
Emma stood back from the door. Killian Jones was standing outside her apartment. She looked around the room, scattered used tissue paper littering every surface, blankets draping the floor and chairs. She ran around the room, gathering items in her arms, tossing garbage away as fast as she could.
“Emma?” She heard his voice on the other side of the door. She looked down at the pajamas she was in and looked around anxiously for anything to cover herself up with. Reaching for the closest item she could find she wrapped the long coat around her and tightened the belt before reaching for the door.
Opening the door, she came face to face with her worst enemy, holding a bundle of flowers. “Why are you here?”
“I heard you were sick, I wanted to check on you.”
Emma stared at him, open mouthed. This was a new development, she didn’t think empathy was a trait of his. “You put me out of business. Are you here to gloat or offer me a job?”
“I wouldn’t think of it.” He announced, stepping into her apartment, and slipping past her into her living room.
“Hey!” She said, spinning around and following him. “I’ll have you know, I already got offered a job by your girlfriend.”
“Ex-girlfriend actually.” He offered and Emma narrowed her eyes in his direction.
“Oh, what happened?”
“We broke up.”
“Oh, that’s terrible you two seemed perfect for each other.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. She did it again. Said something really awful just to hurt someone. That wasn’t who she was. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I said that it was really mean. I’m not like that, but every time I’m around you…”
“I know, the words just fly out of your mouth.” He offered with a laugh.
“Yes actually, but I’m sorry. Thank you for coming. But I think you should leave.” She opened the door and tapped her foot.
“I brought you flowers.” He said instead of walking out the opened door. He held them toward her, a beautiful array of snowbells. “Do you have a vase?” He turned and walked back through her house, wandering off toward the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” She argued, chasing him through the house.
“They need water, you should sit down, you’re sick.” Emma stared at him dumbfounded. What the hell was this man doing here? She sat down lazily onto her couch, staring toward the kitchen to see if she could see the man who was currently invading her life. He stuck his head out of the kitchen doorway, “Did you know that Will came to work for me? He’s a great kid. He’s the one who told me you were feeling sick. Did you know he has a PHD in children’s literature?”
Emma nodded absentmindedly and mumbled to herself. “Of course, I knew that.”
He returned to the room with the flowers and Emma smiled at the large bouquet of beautiful buds that almost lit up the room. “When did you break up?”
“With your girlfriend, when did you break up?”
He put the flowers down, quietly speaking. “A couple of weeks ago.”
“Everyone is breaking up recently. This other person I know broke up with his girlfriend in an elevator. Or outside one or near it, something. It was stuck. And then everything was clear.” She said, her mind hazy. “When I saw you that night, at the restaurant, he’s the one I was waiting for and I was…”
“Enchanting.” He said almost reverently which caused Emma to snort.
“I was not enchanting, I was mean, you said it yourself.”
“Well, you looked enchanting” He said, before turning back to the kitchen and rummaging through her cabinets. “Tea?”
Emma nodded, “Top cabinet on the left.” She mumbled, blowing her nose into the tissue in her lap.
“Well, I was upset that night. And I was really rude.”
“I was the rude one, love.” He replied, handing her a cup.
“Yes, but I have no excuse.” She grabbed the flowers, the tea, and her blanket and walked toward her bedroom.
He followed her, “Whereas I am a horrible human being and thus have no excuse but to be rude. Correct?”
“No that’s not what I meant.” She said before sneezing violently. “I’m done being a mean person, even to you.” She crawled into her bed.
“But I put you out of business. You’re allowed to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.” She sighed.
“But you’ll never forgive me.” He added with an almost sincere expression on his face, to the point that Emma almost believed that he felt sorry for ruining her life. She knew that was ridiculous because Killian Jones was a ruthless businessman, he wasn’t sorry for doing his job.
“You don’t care if you get my forgiveness or not.”
“It wasn’t personal.” He said softly.
“It was business.” She laughed. “What does that even mean? I’m so sick of it. All it means is that it wasn’t personal to you, but it was personal to me. What’s wrong with personal?”
“Nothing.” He added seriously.
“Exactly, if anything, it should at least start as being personal.” Emma shook her head, “My head is fuzzy, I need to go to bed.” She crawled into her blankets. “Why are you here again?”
“I thought maybe we could be friends.”
“You are crazy.” She laughed.
“I know, I guess it was too much to expect. Can I ask you something?”
“Well, you’re here aren’t you.”
“What happened with that guy from the Café?”
Emma’s shoulders sagged. “Nothing.”
“But you’re crazy about him?” He asked, a look of hope in his eyes she didn’t understand.
“I am.”
“Then why don’t you run off with him? Start a new life with this lucky man.”
Emma frowned. She knew she was about to sound completely stupid. “I don’t actually know him.” He smiled at her, and Emma was waiting for the retort. “We met…” Don’t tell him Emma. “You are going to think this is ridiculous.”
“You met him online.”
Her eyes widened. “Yes.”
He pulled the blankets up to her chest, a move that suddenly felt very personal and warm. “Well, I’m happy for you both. But I think maybe you should meet him, love.”
She laughed nervously, “I don’t think I need to take advice from someone who…”
His hand slipped against her lips, and they immediately tingled from his touch. “I’ll save you from saying something else you’ll regret.” His thumb grazed her bottom lip as he pulled it away. “Get better, Emma.”
She stared at him dumbfounded. “Uh huh.”
He smiled, his blue eyes shining down at her and causing her stomach to make unexpected flips. What was happening to her? It must be the medication.
“Goodbye.” She repeated as she watched him retreat from her apartment and shut the door.
Killian couldn’t stop thinking about Emma as the days went by. He had almost given up hope that his words to her at her apartment had fallen on deaf ears when he got the message two days later.
Lonelygirl: I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I think maybe we should meet.
He smiled. Now he just needed to work on his relationship with her. Get her to know the real Killian Jones before he told her he was JR10.
JR10: Of course, we will meet, but right now I’m in the middle of a project that needs…tweaking.”
It’s showtime.
He left the house ten minutes early, taking the route that would get him to Starbucks. He stood in line, keeping his distance from the blonde woman at the front of the line. When she turned to face him, his mouth dropped in fake surprise.
Emma stopped, “Killian?”
“How funny running into you here. Do you come here often?”
“Just every morning.” She laughed. “What are you doing here?”
“Weird, I come here every day too. Funny how we’ve never run into each other before. You look like you’re feeling better.”
She smiled. “Yes, much, thank you. Well, I should…”
He nodded, “Yes of course, nice seeing you.”
He ordered his drink and walked slowly past the table she was sitting at. Looking around he mumbled to himself. “It’s always so busy in here. Nowhere to sit.” Looking down he made eye contact with Emma and she sighed.
“Do you want to sit down?”
“Yes, thank you. How have you been?”
“Great.” She said shortly. “I’ve started writing a book.”
“That’s wonderful news. How’s that fellow of yours? Have you met him yet?”
She looked down at her newspaper. “No.”
“No? What’s stopping you?”
She exhaled loudly. “He said he’s working on a project that needs tweaking.”
“Tweaking? What does that even mean?” He paused. “I bet he’s married.”
Her mouth dropped. “No, that’s not possible.”
“Have you asked him?”
“Of course not, how do you just ask someone if they’re married?”
“Pretty sure you say, are you married?” He laughed.
When he got home that evening, he found a message from Emma that made him smile.
Lonelygirl: I’ve been meaning to ask, are you married?
JR10: How could you ask me that? I thought we knew each other better than that. Wait, are your friends telling you that I’m probably married?”
That evening, after conveniently running into Emma at her favorite diner, he casually brought up her internet friend.
“So, he didn’t answer the question?”
Emma paused and then put her hand to her mouth. “I guess he didn’t, did he?”
“Maybe he’s fat.”
“Killian!” She exclaimed. “I don’t care about that.”
“You don’t care that maybe he’s horribly disfigured or walks with a limp. Maybe he spits when he talks.”
“I highly doubt that.” She snorted.
“Why else would he be taking so long to meet you? Maybe he’s…” He opened his mouth and then closed it.
“Killian, what?”
“What if he’s waiting until he gets out of prison.”
“Oh stop. Will already thought he was a murderer.”
“What’s his username?”
“I’m not going to tell you his username.”
“It might help tell who he is.”
“Fine, JR10.”
“What kind of a name is that?” He huffed.
“Maybe it’s his initials.” She offered.
“Or how many tons he weighs. Just Round 10 tons.” He teased and she burst into laughter. “Or how old he is! Maybe you found a technological genius who is 10 years old.”
“Could be an address or a location…” She laughed. “No that would be stupid.” Killian tried not to choke on his coffee. “Either way, it doesn’t matter. I mean besides being married or in prison, the only other deal breaker is the boat thing.”
“Boat thing?” He inquired.
“I could never be with a man who has a boat.” She said simply.
“I have a boat.” He said, his tone serious. “So that settles it.” She looked at him with confusion. “We’ll never be together.” He met her gaze, not breaking the contact.
“So, what is the book about?” He asked, changing the subject.
“It’s a children’s book, I know this editor from the store who wants to read it as soon as I’m done writing it. You know, JR10, he was the one who really made me think about writing.”
“You mean Mister 10 felonies committed before age 24?” he teased.
“More like Mister 10 ways into my soul.” She said almost lovingly, and he felt the desire to reach across the table and kiss her. “It’s weird how much we’ve been running into each other lately.”
“Wanna run into each other say, tomorrow, round lunch time?”
“Sounds great.” She said with a genuine smile.
Killian thought about Emma his entire walk home. The way her hair glowed bright with the sun shining on her, or how her eyes were the perfect shade of green. It was becoming harder to fight the urge to kiss her each time he saw here. He needed to tell her who he was, soon.
JR10: How about meeting me tomorrow? 4pm. The park on 88th. Where the flowers bloom in the garden and the path curves. You’ll find me there.
Emma stared at her computer. She was finally going to meet him. A part of her was excited, the other part of her was feeling something else that she couldn’t put her finger on. She’d been focused so much on meeting this man but between those moments she had formed something of a friendship with Killian Jones. It was a friendship that somehow she had learned to value.
He had offered her advice on her book, some to talk to about JR10, and in the times when they were together, a companionship that she had been missing. It was like he understood her better than anyone she had ever known before.
They were meeting for hot dogs for lunch, she was happy for the distraction from her nerves of meeting JR10later that evening. Killian would know the right thing to say to her to calm her down and prepare her for this meeting.
“I know right? This afternoon.”
“That’s very exciting, I bet he’s the clock maker on 82nd. You’ll never need to have your clock fixed again.”
“Stop. That guys like a hundred years old.”
His mouth grew wide. “That’s it, he’s 10 centuries old.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” She bit into her hot dog, ignoring the way he was watching her. Lately he had been looking at her with a feeling that was almost akin to want. Which was ridiculous but also gave her butterflies for some reason.
“He was smart. He waited until you were certain there was no other man in your life that you could love.” She glanced at him and nodded but then he set his hot dog down and stared at her, his blue eyes glistening in the sunlight. “Sometimes I wonder…”
“What?” She asked anxiously, feeling like whatever he was about to say was important.
“If I wasn’t Jones Books, and you weren’t The Golden Swan, and we met…”
“Don’t do that.” She interrupted.
“I would have asked for your number, and I wouldn’t have waited until I got home to call you. I would have asked you out for drinks, dinner, and your every desire, for as long as we both shall live.”
“Killian.” She warned.
“And then we wouldn’t have gone to war, and I wouldn’t have put you out of business.”
“Killian, please don’t.” Her heart was pounding in her chest.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I need to go.” She couldn’t be standing here listening to Killian saying these words to her, not now, not when she was finally getting to meet the man of her dreams.
“How come you can forgive him for standing you up, but you can’t forgive me for this tiny little thing of putting you out of business.” He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Oh, how I wish you would.”
“I need to go.”
“You don’t want to be late.”
She turned away from him quickly, practically running down the sidewalk to put space between them. She needed to stop herself from turning around and kissing him.
Fleeing the scene, she returned to her home to prepare for her date with JR10, ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach.
Stepping out onto her sidewalk, she practically skipped to the park, she was about to meet the man of her dreams, the man who knew her better than she knew herself. Her soulmate.
She arrived early, taking her time to wander through the park, admiring the flowers, trying to embrace the nervous feelings currently building in her stomach. She stood on the path, where the curve bent around the park, adjusting her dress nervously.
“Smee.” She turned quickly, looking in the direction of the voice. A dog came bounding toward her, his leash dragging behind the pup. She bent down to pet the runaway dog when he came into view. She knew it, it was the only thing that made sense. It had to be him. He was her soulmate.
She stood up as he approached her, tears slipping from her eyes. Before she could react, he wrapped his arms around her, and she melted into his chest. “Don’t cry lonelygirl.”
She looked up into his eyes. “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it so badly.” He smiled and her heart melted as his lips touched hers.
Two lonely souls, Emma and Killian, had found love in the middle of a war over books.
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cutieodonoghue · 3 years
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the edge of hope (6/9)
summary: canon divergent au; when Din left Sorgan to protect the Child, he left the woman he’d fallen in love with, not knowing he’d also left behind something else. Or, Omera and Winta join Mando and Grogu on their season 2 adventures. Mandomera!
Catch up here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sixth chapter below the cut or on AO3!
The Jedi
The journey to Corvus took a while, which meant there was enough time for the crew aboard the Razor Crest to spend time together in the hold of the ship. 
While Winta and the Child played together on the floor, giggling loud enough that it could be heard from the cockpit, Omera spent her time working on a sewing project for the baby. It would be a pair of socks, eventually, mended together with fabric she’d brought along from the village.
Din had decided to stay up above by himself. She had to wonder if it was because he was upset about having to say goodbye to his boy once they found a Jedi. Hopefully, they wouldn’t find themselves following yet another clue to find the Jedi that Bo-Katan had vouched for.
As Omera sewed together the small sock for her unborn child, she couldn’t ignore the guilt that sat within her. She should’ve told Din when she had the opportunity. She should’ve found the words, as hard as they would’ve come. But instead, she’d allowed herself to get caught up in it all over again.
There was no such thing as perfect timing. She knew that now. The children would always be a priority in their travels, and so would the mission at hand. 
As if he knew she was thinking of him, the Mandalorian dropped down from the upper level, landing with a thud that startled the children. They each turned to look at him for a moment, and when he had nothing to say, they returned to what they were doing.
He came to stand near Omera, though he didn’t come as close as he usually did. She sat within the opened sleeping nook, on the edge so that she could watch the children play.
“Are we getting close?”
Din turned his attention onto her, looking away from the kids. “Still a while to go.”
Omera nodded in understanding. 
She watched Winta roll a ball across the floor, gesturing for the Child to go grab it for himself. He seemed less interested in play time, instead flopping down to sit. Winta did the same. 
“When we were on Nevarro…” Din spoke carefully, just low enough that it was only for her to hear. Omera looked up at him patiently. “Cara and Greef said some things…”
She couldn’t help but smile. “They implied some things…”
He nodded. “I… just want you to know that I would’ve gone back to Sorgan. Even if you hadn’t come with us. You’re… important. To me.”
Her heart fluttered. She knew he wanted them to be together, that he may have even had feelings for her that were strong, but to hear him say so aloud felt like a gift.
“I would’ve been there waiting.”
The Mandalorian was quiet while his focus changed, shifting instead to his toddling boy with a happy grin on his face. At his side, Winta had discovered the Mandalorian armor that Cobb Vanth had worn on Tatooine. She slid the helmet over her head and giggled. Then, she pulled it off and showed it to the Child.
It surprised her a little that Din didn’t chastise the children for playing with it. He’d felt so strongly about protecting the armor and bringing it back to his people.
“Before him, I provided for my people on Nevarro. The covert is gone now. Scattered. After we find his kind, I won’t have a path I’m sworn to.”
Din folded his arms against his chest and turned his attention onto her again.
“I thought… maybe my next path would reveal itself to me on this journey. Maybe I’d find the members of my covert who scattered. But instead, we’ve just run around in circles, and Gideon’s back.”
She’d felt so excited at the idea of being together when this mission was over that she hadn’t considered what Din wanted to do next. Her only concern had been the relief of knowing he wanted to be together. 
Would he still want that when he learned of their child? And what about his future? Was it fair to him to stay together somewhere, raising a family, when he could help so many with his skills and talents?
Her stomach flipped and she averted her gaze, looking at the baby sock in her hand.
“Well, maybe your next steps will be revealed to you soon,” Omera told the Mandalorian. She refused to look at him, feeling too ashamed of herself.
Din was silent for a few seconds. “Maybe.”
Before Omera had the chance to say anything, to offer him hope, he walked away, retreating back toward the cockpit again. She shut her eyes, sighing softly through her nose.
How could they ever be together? It felt like a dream that would never be realized, so distant that it felt foolish to continue running after it.
At her feet, she felt the sudden warm embrace of small hands around her calf. Looking down, she saw the Child, whose smile was gentle and innocent.
“Hi, little one.”
Omera leaned down to pull him up into her lap. With her arm around his belly, he wrapped his fingers around hers.
“What do you think?” She held up the sock. “It’s not finished yet… but I think it will work.”
The Child tilted his head and cooed. He reached out with one hand to take it and she laughed.
“It isn’t for you.” Omera kissed the top of his head before whispering, “It’s for your little brother or sister.”
The Child’s smile spread happily. Her heart felt warm. She could only imagine what it would feel like to finally tell Din.
“Din.” Winta sighed his name heavily from her seat behind him. “I miss home.”
They had been on their way to Corvus for a considerable length of time, so Winta’s complaint wasn’t without its reason, but it still hurt to hear. They were a traveling crew, one he was quite fond of. Winta in particular was just one way this journey had become so much brighter, in more ways than one.
Omera had excused herself to use the privy a few minutes ago and still hadn’t returned, so Din knew he had no choice but to turn and answer the angst-ridden child.
“I know you’re uncomfortable. I think we’re all getting a little cabin fever.”
Winta threw her head back and huffed a dramatic sigh. “I wish we could just be there already.”
Din sighed. He took a peek out the window of the cockpit and pointed to the nearby planet.
“Look. That’s Corvus. If you can just sit tight for a few more minutes, we’ll start the landing cycle, and we’ll be back on solid ground soon enough.”
The door to the cockpit opened and Omera entered. She sat without saying anything, but he still glanced back at her anyway. 
The journey had been unintentionally tense between them for no other reason than his knowing that she had something to tell him, and her insistence that she wait until they finally found the Jedi.
If she wanted to tell him her feelings, he had an inclination that he knew what they were already. At least, he hoped he knew. After everything that they’d shared, everything spoken and unspoken, the direction she seemed to lean was in the very same direction he did.
It was hard to admit it to himself, after a lifetime of perfecting a tough outer shell. The feeling had only intensified with her closeness to him these past few weeks. 
Din was in love, and it wasn’t just with Omera. He’d fallen for Winta too, the adorable girl with dimples and a penchant for making up songs.
They would be together, once this journey was finished, and it made his chest tight with longing each time the thought came to his mind, even if it terrified him. He didn’t know what it would look like, or how they would make it work. They’d figure it out. They’d have to.
“We’re almost there,” Din told Omera. He looked at the Child, seated on the console to his right. “You better get back in your seat, kid.”
The Child cooed, but didn’t move. For a second, he looked at the ball tightened on the lever - his favorite toy to hold. 
“Hey,” Din said, trying to force his attention back on him. “What did I tell you? Back in your seat.”
After one more coo, the Child finally used his feet to move, climbing up onto Omera’s lap with a little contented sigh from the boy.
With the Empire likely on their tail and the Jedi not too far ahead, Din had to wonder what would come next. Would Moff Gideon lay off if the Child was returned to his kind? Would the Jedi even want to take him?
It was enough to keep Din’s mind busy considering every possible outcome of this stop on Corvus- a place, they soon discovered, that had been devastated by something, or someone. Trees sat dying on the barren forest floors, and a sleepy town sat behind tall brick walls.
It seemed desolate and empty. Why would a Jedi come here?
After settling the Razor Crest onto the ground near the town with tall brick walls, Din turned to his crew in the cockpit.
“Well, Corvus awaits.”
Winta slouched off of her chair, the earlier angst having melted into some sort of fresh tiredness mixed with it. Omera shook her head at the girl.
“You’ll feel better once we get outside,” Omera said as she ushered her child up out of her chair. “Let’s go.”
As they stepped off of the Crest, Din focused on the world around them. It was quiet. A few creatures moaned in the distance, but the land seemed peaceful. Although, the dead trees standing all around the ship seemed to be a bad omen for things to come.
Behind him, the Child sat down on the ramp. Din turned, frowning when he saw that he’d pulled the ball off of the lever.
“What did I say about that?” He leaned down, scooping the Child into his arms. He pulled the ball away from him. “This needs to stay in the ship.”
“Mama, what happened to this land? It’s so… sad.”
Omera shook her head. “I don’t know. It certainly hasn't been cared for, has it?”
Din approached the pair who stood just ahead of him. 
“Let’s head into town. See if we can pick up a lead. I’ve never had dealings with a Jedi before, so… not sure where to start.”
“That seems as good a place as any to try,” Omera agreed. 
The walls of the town were higher than they’d seemed before, towering high above them as they approached the main gate. A handful of officers stood watch above them. Thoughtfully, he hid the Child within the fabric sling at his side in an attempt at keeping his identity secure.
After a short inquiry by the gate officers, they were permitted to enter through the gates, and once they stepped inside, Din knew right away that this mission was about to be difficult. Very few of the people within the gates seemed eager to linger, much less look in their direction.
“Pardon me, vendor, have you heard of anyone…”
The vendor turned away from him, heading away from her goods and inside the building just behind her. Frowning, Din sighed. He looked at Omera, who lingered behind him. She stared into an alleyway, at an older man who tended to two children.
“Excuse me,” Omera kept her voice low and kind. “Can you help us?”
The older man shooed the children away and then approached them. “Please, do not speak to them, or to any of us.”
Frowning, Omera shook her head. “We just need help finding someone. Please-”
Before she could make any headway with the villager, a pair of fully armed and threatening guards approached them and addressed him directly. 
“The Magistrate wants to see you.”
He met Omera’s gaze. She instantly held Winta closer. With a nod toward the guards, he allowed them to guide them toward their Magistrate. 
“Stay close.”
Omera nodded silently. 
They were led toward another large gate within the town: a strange centerpiece to an already strange place.
Worried, he kept Omera and Winta in his sights at his side. He was always committed to protecting them, but with the hope of staying together once this journey was finished, he felt extra protective.
As they approached the second gate, Omera protected her daughter from the sight of three prisoners being tortured for all to see. He tried to shield Winta from it as well and stepped in front of her strategically.
“Help us.” He was electrocuted for his words and released a scream so bloodcurdling that Din couldn’t help but feel contempt for the one who was doing this to them.
Beyond the gates, there was a calm and peaceful garden. A bridge covered a pond full of fish, and that’s where the Magistrate stood, feeding her pets while three lives were tortured to the brink of death just feet away.
He led his crew just beyond the gates and stopped.
“Come forward.” It was clear to him that this woman was the cause of the troubles of this town. While she lived in comfort, her people were tightly controlled and fearful for their lives. Even still, he stepped toward her with Omera and Winta just behind him. “You are a Mandalorian?”
“I have a proposition that may interest you.”
Din held his head high, glancing out of the corner of his vision at Omera. She held Winta close, protecting her even though they’d already seen the worst that this town had to offer.
“My price is high.”
The Magistrate took a few steps toward him. “A Jedi plagues me. I want you to kill her.”
He felt the Child stir a little at his side and was reminded of his true purpose for being on this planet. He needed to find the Jedi, not kill her.
“That’s a difficult task.”
The Magistrate offered a small smile. “One that you are well-suited for. The Jedi are the ancient enemy of Mandalore.”
“As I said, my price is high.” 
He was unwilling to pledge that he’d kill one of the Child’s kind. It was wrong to even consider such a thing, but he didn’t want to put their lives in danger by denying the Magistrate’s offer. It seemed to him that she might know where the Jedi was, and that was all he needed.
The Magistrate quietly summoned a guard droid forward, one holding a spear in hand. 
“What do you make of this?”
The Magistrate spun the dull end of the spear toward him and then held it outward in both hands as an offering. Carefully, he stepped toward her to take it. When he took it into his hands, he studied it carefully. It seemed like beskar in feel, and when he tested it against his arm gauntlet, he was proven right. Rang out clean.
“Pure beskar… like your armor. Kill the Jedi and it’s yours.”
“Where do I find this Jedi?”
Walking around on a dying, unfamiliar planet with two children was not his brightest idea, especially considering the risks surrounding them, but they really had no choice. If they wanted to find the Jedi, they needed to keep moving.
Omera walked at his side while Winta ran ahead. She used the angst she’d built up on the ship in the quickness of her strides. It was only the smallest step above the complaining she’d done when they began the walk in terms of anxiety-inducing behaviors.
“Winta!” Omera called after her. “Winta, you can’t keep running ahead.”
Winta stopped, throwing her head back to groan. “Mama…”
“This is a planet none of us know,” Omera scolded. “We don’t know what’s out there. We can’t protect you if you get too far ahead.”
An idea came to him when he heard the Child make a noise. He gestured for Winta. “Come here. You can hold the Child.”
Winta came back toward them and waited patiently for him to grab the boy from the sling at his side. When he settled him into Winta’s arms, the Child cooed happily.
“There,” Din said, nodding toward them. “We’re getting close to the coordinates. We stay together. Understood?”
Winta nodded. “Yes, Din.”
He looked at Omera, whose usual brightness seemed to have dampened. “Okay?”
She took a breath of the thick Corvus air and smiled slightly. “I think all of the adventure is finally catching up with me. Traveling with two young ones isn’t easy, is it?”
Din shook his head. “No, but at least we’re together.”
Her expression softened a little and she nodded her head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Maybe I’m just overwhelmed thinking about what will happen when we find the Jedi. Will he go with them? Will he be okay with the Empire after him? Will we?”
They were all questions that had been plaguing him since learning of Gideon’s survival on Nevarro. It was comforting to know he had Omera to lean on as she worried about the same uncertainties. 
Sighing, Din stared at the Child in Winta’s arms. “I don’t know.”
A twig snapped behind them and Din turned quickly, pulling his blaster from his side as he moved. Ahead of him, an unfamiliar figure stood with a pair of light sticks in her hands. She wore a soft smile on her lips and a quirk in her brow.
“Aren’t bounty hunters supposed to travel lightly?”
Din narrowed his eyes slightly. “Are you Ahsoka Tano?” The woman said nothing indicating if she was or not, so he held hope that she was. “Bo-Katan sent me. We need to talk.”
Pleasantly, she stepped closer to them. For a moment, he thought about how he’d attack should she decide to try something, but she saw past him and Omera, her gaze settling on the Child in Winta’s arms instead.
“I hope it’s about him.”
The Jedi sat opposite the Child, both planted firmly on fallen trees, for hours. The light of the day gave easily to night, and Din was unable to stay in one place for longer than a second.
He paced around in wandering circles, waiting helplessly as Ahsoka seemed to commune with the Child in silence. 
He knew nothing of how the Jedi worked, or if talking silently was how the Child was meant to communicate, but he found some comfort in the way Ahsoka Tano carried herself. She would have answers for him.
Leaning against a nearby tree, Omera held a snoozing Winta in her arms. Her nervous gaze was set only on him every time he even cast a glance in her direction. His stomach flipped at the contact and his heart clenched warmly within his chest.
He found comfort in the fact that he wasn’t in this alone. They’d found the Jedi together.
From their perch just ahead of him, Ahsoka nodded at the Child, whose arms were held out as if he wished to be carried. She scooped him into her arms and grabbed her lantern, then slowly made her way towards him. 
Feeling nothing short of anxious, Din met her halfway. The Jedi settled the Child upon a rock and sat next to him. The kid babbled at her and she smiled fondly.
“Is he speaking?” Din asked. “Do you understand him?”
“In a way,” Ahsoka replied, meeting his gaze. “Grogu and I can feel each other’s thoughts.”
“Grogu?” Din asked. It earned him an excited chirp from the Child as he craned his head to the side to look up at him.
“Yes.” Din stared at the Child. The Child stared back. Something had changed in the kid. Maybe it was because he was understood by someone. “That’s his name.”
This time, the Child’s eyes were wider and his ears perked up. There was a happy look on his face accompanying the noise he made. It must’ve been true: his name was Grogu.
“He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Many Masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden.” As Ahsoka spoke, Din sat on a fallen tree stump opposite the Jedi to listen to her story. “Someone took him from the Temple. Then his memory becomes… dark. He seemed lost. Alone.”
She paused and looked thoughtfully at the kid- Grogu. He seemed tired. His eyes squinted and his head fell. His ears flopped around as he tried to keep awake. “I’ve only known one other being like this. A wise Jedi Master named Yoda.”
As if affirming her words, Grogu made a noise. Din wasn’t sure what to think, but he appreciated learning about his history. As tragic as it sounded, he could relate to it. They were both foundlings. They had both been lost. 
“Can he still wield the Force?” she asked.
Din shook his head. The word meant absolutely nothing to him. “You mean his powers?”
“The Force is what gives him his powers. It is an energy field created by all living things. To wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline.”
He thought back over every extraordinary thing, big and small, that he’d seen the kid do. There was so much power inside of him that Din could never explain or make peace with. The Mudhorn. Healing Karga. What he did on Nevarro with the fire. Moving things… choking people.
“I’ve seen him do things I can’t explain.” On the rock to his left, Grogu had closed his eyes, tired, and sighed as sleep overwhelmed him. “My task was to bring him to a Jedi.”
Sorrowfully, Ahsoka’s gaze fell dark. She frowned. “The Jedi Order fell a long time ago.”
It seemed like she didn’t want to help him. She had to know the dangers that the kid faced. He was special and wanted because of it. 
“So did the Empire, yet it still hunts him. He needs your help.”
The Jedi contemplated this. He could tell that it wasn't something she took lightly. On either side of Grogu's path, there was the threat of the Empire. 
“Let him sleep,” the Jedi said. “I’ll test him in the morning.”
Gently, she stood up, but she didn't walk away. Din followed her action and lifted the Child into his arms, cradling him as he typically did. Glancing past him, Ahsoka stared at Omera and Winta, not for the first time since their meeting. She looked back again.
“Grogu is attached to all of you,” she shared. She kept her voice low on behalf of the kid. “He told me she was special to you, too.”
Din smiled to himself, unable to help it. “Her name is Omera. She is… very special to me, yes.”
Ahsoka smiled amiably at his words. “It worries me- how attached Grogu is. It will make it difficult to train him.” Pausing, she took a half step backward. “But we’ll see how he is in the morning.”
He looked down at the boy sleeping in his arms for only a moment, but when he looked back up again, the Jedi had disappeared.
On a sigh, he made his way over to Omera. She was still awake where she rested, waiting for him to share what he’d learned from the Jedi. He sat down with his back pressed to the same tree. Their shoulders pressed together, but he couldn’t see her.
“What did she say?” Omera asked quietly.
Din’s chest ached as he lowered his hand to the Child’s belly. 
Finally, he knew who this special child was, and it would only be a matter of time before they were no longer together. Ahsoka would undoubtedly see potential in Grogu and want to train him. It was something he hadn’t thought about, not wanting to deal with the realization that he had grown so attached to the kid.
Now that the time had finally come, the reality weighed heavy in his heart.
“She said his name is Grogu. She’s going to test his abilities in the morning.”
“Grogu,” Omera repeated. She laughed under her breath. “It’s nice to hear that he has a name.”
Din nodded in agreement. “It is.”
Silence between them grew like a vine on a wall for a long time, until Omera shifted and put her hand on his arm.
“I’m sorry we’ve made this part of the journey so difficult. Winta wants to go home… I’ve been distant...”
“You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. I want you to know that I’m here to support you. And Grogu. I want to be here with you both.”
Hearing Omera say that she wanted to be with him wasn’t a surprise. They’d made an agreement that they would find a path forward together once Grogu was with the Jedi. Even still, he felt his heart rate double at her words.
Omera wanted him in a way no other had before. She wanted a life with him, and he wanted it in kind. It surprised him how much he did.
Din shut his eyes. He pressed his head against the tree. 
“When this is over…” he paused thoughtfully. “Maybe we could go to Nevarro. Winta can go to school. I can get work with Cara or Greef. We can have a home there.”
For a few seconds, she was quiet. He began to doubt that she felt comfortable with the idea of a life like that with him. Maybe she wanted something different. Maybe she wanted a life on Sorgan. But could he settle down there?
“That sounds nice,” Omera finally replied. Her voice was warm and gentle. “Maybe I would become a Mandalorian, too.”
The thought of Omera becoming Mandalorian was enough for him to forget to breathe. 
“You would do that?”
“Yes.” Omera’s responding whisper brought an unbreakable smile to his face. “I’m kind of jealous of your armor, if I’m honest.”
He laughed, a noise that came from his belly, and Omera joined him. Her fingers found his on the forest floor, gentle when they slid against his gloved hand. 
How had he found her? How had he been so lucky?
“What about Sorgan?” Din asked. “Your people would miss you. Winta would miss it too.”
She sighed. “I know. I think we would make it work. She could find new friends. And we would be together. I don’t want you to have to settle for something like a life on Sorgan if it isn’t what you want.” 
“You shouldn’t have to settle, either.”
She was quiet while she thought about it. “We could visit the village. It’s a compromise I’m willing to make for our future together.”
With his eyes closed, he could see it: a home in Nevarro. Winta’s giggles echoing off the walls. A bed he and Omera could share alone. Doing odd jobs for Greef and Cara. Bringing Winta home a gift from wherever he found himself in his travels. 
If he extended his reach enough, he could just feel it in the palm of his hand.
In the morning, once Grogu finally awoke, Ahsoka Tano began testing his abilities. 
She started with a rock in her hand, one she pushed toward him as a demonstration of what she wanted him to do. Once he held the rock in his hand, she asked him to push it back by using the Force.
Din watched from the side, sensing that Grogu’s stubborn streak didn’t only include not listening to him. Apparently, he struggled to listen to everyone. When Grogu failed to send the rock back to Ahsoka, the Jedi sighed.
Thoughtful, she took a step to the side. “Let’s try something else. Come over here.”
Din looked to the Child and tilted his head toward Ahsoka to try and get him to move. He didn’t.
“He’s stubborn.”
“Not him. You. I want to see if he’ll listen to you.”
He glanced over at Omera, who sat nearby with Winta, brushing back her daughter’s hair as they watched Grogu’s test in silence. They didn’t want to cause distraction for the kid.
“That would be a first,” Din remarked, lifting his brow in exasperation.
“I like firsts,” Ahsoka said with a wry smile. “Good or bad, they’re always memorable.” She handed him a fresh stone, wanting to start over. “Now, hold the stone out in the palm of your hand. Tell him to lift it up.”
He did as he was told, the rock placed delicately between his thumb and forefinger. “All right, kid. Lift the stone.”
The Child stared back at him, blinking. Apparently, he didn’t want to listen to him either.
“Grogu,” Ahsoka reminded him.
“Grogu…” Din repeated.
This time, Grogu’s ears perked up. It was clear he enjoyed hearing Din say his name. Might have to keep that in mind for later.
“Come on, take the stone.”
Din could tell that Grogu gave it an effort, but it was nothing compared to what he’d seen him do before. 
“You see?” He turned to face the Jedi and chucked the rock backward onto the ground again. It was useless. The kid didn't want to do it. “I told you, he’s stubborn.”
“Try to connect with him.”
Connect with him… how? A thought occurred to him, one that made him smile slightly. The ball from the lever on the Crest seemed to get him to do what he wanted. Just like Omera had suggested: award him with something he wanted to earn his responsiveness.
Din reached into his belt to find the ball. He lifted it into his palm and then slid it between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Grogu.” He waited to get the kid’s attention locked on him. He gestured to the ball with a nod. “Do you want this?” His ears perked. “Well, go ahead.”
The Child concentrated on pulling the ball from him. He could feel it. Something was happening. He was about to do this, wasn’t he? He could prove to them all that he could use the Force.
“That’s right, take it. Come on.” Din couldn’t help from smiling from beneath his helmet. He had faith in the kid. He’d seen him do so much… if Ahsoka only knew. “You can have it. Come on.”
In an instant, the ball soared through the air between them, landing directly in Grogu’s waiting palm. He couldn’t help the swell of pride within him. He nodded, moving toward the Child.
“Good job!” He felt the grin on his face spread. “Good job, kid. You see that? That’s right.”
Din caught Omera staring at him. She smiled in kind, just as proud of Grogu as he was.
The Child cooed, looking at him as if he was more excited about the affirmation than he was about having his ball in his hands again. When he approached Grogu on his perch, he knelt down. He offered Din the ball and he took it, unable to look away from him. He was always amazed when he saw the kid do his thing. There was no doubt that he had gifts.
“I knew you could do it. Very good.”
From behind them, the Jedi spoke, “It’s like I thought. He’s formed a strong attachment to you. I cannot train him.”
He knitted his brow, instantly upset, and whirled around. “What? Why not? You’ve seen what he can do.”
Ahsoka stared at the Child for a moment and then turned her attention up to him. “His attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger.”
“All the more reason to train him.”
The Jedi took a step towards him. “No. I’ve seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path. Better to let his abilities fade.” Ahsoka glanced toward Omera and Winta briefly. Then, she took a step backward as if she were prepared to leave. “I’ve delayed too long. I must get back to the village.”
The Jedi began on her path away from them, but Din knew he couldn’t let her go.
“The Magistrate sent me to kill you.” The Jedi pivoted on her heel to face him once more. “I didn’t agree to anything. And I’ll help you with your problem, if you see to it that Grogu is properly trained.”
Ahsoka took a deep breath as she considered the agreement. Together, they would make quite the team- one their enemies would never see coming. 
Having made up her mind, she nodded. “Then we should get moving.”
After an afternoon spent trudging through the dying forests of Corvus, Omera felt as if every ounce of energy she had was absolutely depleted. As they approached the Razor Crest, all at once, all she wanted was to curl up in a corner somewhere and sleep.
Din and Ahsoka had come up with a plan to solve the Jedi’s problem, but they would wait for morning before they would begin their siege. Until then, their group returned to the Crest in silence, listening to the sounds of their feet against the forest floor and a couple of creatures moaning in the distance.
“He’s worn out,” Din murmured as he adjusted his son in his arm.
Omera hummed. “Using the Force must tire him.”
The Mandalorian nodded in agreement. He was the first up the Razor Crest’s extended ramp. As he walked, he soothed Grogu with his palm over his belly. Omera couldn’t help but see the action as a vision from the future, where he carried their newborn in the very same way. The thought made her heart ache with longing.
Winta followed after the Mandalorian, but Omera lingered at the base of the ramp. She turned when she felt a set of eyes on her. Ahsoka studied her from nearby with a soft, unassuming smile on her face. 
She hadn’t realized that Ahsoka had followed them, but wasn’t surprised to see her. They’d spent the better part of the day together.
The Jedi approached, only slowing to a stop when they were close enough that their conversation would be kept private.
“I can feel your child,” Ahsoka said. She looked downward, a silent gesture to her middle. “It’s a boy. He’s strong. Healthy. Congratulations.”
Her heart raced wildly. How could she know? Was it the same way that Grogu knew?
“Thank you. But how do you…?”
Briefly, Ahsoka glanced up the ramp toward the inside of the Razor Crest. The Jedi was calm. Patient. 
“The Force is in all things.” With a small smile, she added, “Grogu sensed him too.”
Omera thought back to the experiences she’d shared with the boy, where he’d seemingly been able to sense the unborn without needing any prompting at all.
“I had a feeling.”
The Jedi took half a step backwards. “I’ll be back for the Mandalorian before dawn like we agreed. You should rest.”
Before she could respond, Ahsoka turned away. Omera shifted her focus upward to seek out her family within the Razor Crest. 
If what Ahsoka said was to be believed, she carried within her a boy. It was good to know that he was strong and healthy. Any worries she’d had about that could be put away. 
Absentmindedly, her palm fell over her middle and she gave the small bump a gentle caress. Joy filled her as she considered her unborn child. What would he look like? In what ways would he be like Din? The thoughts gave her heart a lot to ponder.
Inside the ship, she saw Din with Grogu at the sleeping nook while Winta watched on from a slight distance.
The Mandalorian lingered, hovering with his son as if he could make time freeze, and Omera looked to Winta again, whose sorrowful focus sat on Din. 
Winta knew they would have to say goodbye to the young Jedi soon. It wouldn’t be easy for any of them to let go of Grogu and see him step into his future, but there was hope in it. Grogu would one day be able to master his skills and return to them stronger than before. It wouldn’t last forever.
“Why don’t you set up our bed out here tonight, my love?” Omera asked her daughter with a gentle hand pressed to her arm.
Winta rubbed her eyes tiredly and nodded. “Okay.”
Their bed wasn’t much: a series of blankets and a single pillow they shared, but it was enough to make do. It was at least better than sleeping sitting up in the cockpit, even if the ground made her muscles ache just the same.
Omera went to Din and put her hand over his forearm, drawing his attention to her. “He isn’t going anywhere. Let him rest.”
“I never gave any thought to him leaving,” Din admitted in a quiet voice. “I always thought there would be more time.”
She nodded. “I know.”
Din sighed heavily. He finally pulled away from the hole in the wall. Their fingers tangled between them and she knew then that he was more vulnerable than he’d ever been with her.
This was difficult for him. She’d never seen him so conflicted about doing what was right before.
“Let’s try to get a few hours of sleep.”
Once the makeshift bed on the floor of the Razor Crest was completed, they pulled the ramp back up for protection from the creatures of the forest planet, and Omera settled in beside her daughter beneath a single blanket.
The Mandalorian lay out on his back beside them. The position made Omera feel tired in the most bone-aching way, but she turned to him anyway, and saw that he stared back at her.
He pulled his glove from his hand and she smiled when he sought out hers. This time, he traced lines into it, drawing over the creases and grooves of her palm like he could memorize her. 
Desperation filled her. She wished that they were alone so that she could tell him how she felt about him. That she loved him. That she was carrying his child- a boy. That the future they’d discussed just a night ago was more possible than they could even dream.
“Are you okay?” Omera asked in a whisper.
Din stopped his movements on her hand briefly at the question she posed and then continued, whispering in response, “I can’t teach him what he needs to know. This is the best path for him.”
His selflessness was one of the strongest parts of him, but she knew it didn’t sit as easily as he made it sound. This was hard. He and Grogu were a clan of two. They’d formed an unbreakable bond.
“But are you okay?” Omera asked again.
The Mandalorian hesitated.
“I’ve grown to care for him as my own.” Din’s voice was quieter than before; timid. “He’s… my son.” 
His words brought tears to her eyes. She forced him to stop tracing lines into her skin and reached up to take his hand in hers instead.
“One day, you will look back on this moment and remember the hurt, but then see the good that came from it and realize that it was well worth it all.” She smiled a little. “My mother told me that years and years ago.”
Din’s fingers tightened around hers, but he said nothing. 
“She was so… wonderful. She would’ve loved you.” Omera smiled at the thought of her mother meeting the Mandalorian. She’d probably laugh that bright laugh of hers and challenge every word that he spoke. “She always told me I would find a man one day with stars in his eyes to match all of my ambitions.”
“Did you?”
She stared at Din for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat, frantic even though she knew the answer without needing even a second to think. Although she had never seen his face, she knew that she had indeed found a man with stars in his eyes.
“Yes. I found you.”
He released a soft breath- almost a gasp of surprise, like he couldn’t believe she felt this way for him.
“Every hardship that’s happened in my life led me straight to you,” Omera continued. “And I don’t regret any of it because meeting you… being with you…” She smiled more, admiring the Mandalorian in the darkness. “It’s made me so much stronger. I’m sure Grogu feels the same.”
When he spoke, his voice sounded fragile, “You’ve made me stronger, too.”
His mission with Ahsoka was a rousing success. 
The townspeople were freed of their oppressive government, Ahsoka was free to do as she pleased, and to top it all off, he now had a spear of full beskar to add to his assortment of weapons on board the Crest.
But, it was the end. The Jedi wanted to see the Child, and she would take him to train him in the ways of their kind. 
Slowly, Din climbed the ramp up to check on the sleeping boy. Once he stood in the cargo hold, he discovered that Omera and Winta sat out waiting for his return.
Omera had a sorrowful look in her eyes that Winta mirrored. 
“Is it done?” Omera asked.
He nodded his head once. “I need to bring him to her now.”
His stomach twisted sourly. If this was goodbye, he needed to make it quick. They’d both get over this, in time.
“Winta, let’s go sit in the cockpit,” Omera suggested quietly. She seemed so aware of what he needed: time alone with the kid.
Without needing any other push, Winta and Omera went up the ladder to the cockpit, leaving him with nothing but his thoughts and the child he’d fought to protect time and time again.
Din approached the hammock and realized he couldn’t be upset when he found that he was still asleep. He nudged the hammock, trying to wake him peacefully. 
“Wake up, buddy,” he murmured. “It’s time to say goodbye.”
Grogu stirred, his eyes opening briefly, but sleep found him again, and Din sighed softly with a smile on his lips. 
Eventually, Grogu whined and Din took the opportunity to lift him into his arms. Leaning back against the nook, he stared down at his son. Grogu took his finger and held it. His eyes opened a little bit more this time.
“Hey, Grogu.” Din grinned when Grogu’s ears perked at the sound of his name. “Hey, kid.”
Grogu hummed and his eyes slid shut, but Din didn’t begrudge him for wanting more rest. Instead, he held his son tighter and wished that the moment could last longer.
After a couple of minutes that stretched into dozens more, Grogu finally flexed his fingers into his palms and opened his eyes once more. 
“You ready now, buddy?” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I promised I’d take you to a Jedi… so, that’s what I’m gonna do. Okay?”
The Child stared at him blankly.
“You don’t belong with me. You belong with your kind.” It felt like a lie. “It’s time to go.”
He brought the Child away from the sleeping nook slowly. Stopping at a nearby crate, he prepared him for the small journey to town. Fussing over him seemed to come naturally, he mused, and he began to wonder if it was instinct.
Just as he was about ready to take Grogu back to Ahsoka, he turned at the sound of approaching footsteps. It seemed he didn’t need to go back to town after all.
Din lifted the Child into his arm again and allowed him to hold onto two of his fingers as he descended the ramp to get closer to the Jedi. 
“You’re like a father to him,” Ahsoka said gently. With a deep, steadying breath, she looked from Grogu and back up at Din. “I cannot train him.”
He hadn’t come all this way to hear such a thing, but there was hope that beat idly within him anyway. Maybe, if she just saw the kid do one more Jedi thing. Maybe if he could show her what he did to the Mudhorn...
“You made me a promise, and I held up my end.”
Ahsoka’s gaze shifted to Grogu and she took a few steps forward as she thought about something. She reached out to rub a finger over the Child's.
“There is one possibility. Go to the planet Tython.” She looked up at Din. “There you will find the ancient ruins of a temple that has a strong connection to the Force. Place Grogu on the seeing stone at the top of the mountain.”
“Then what?”
“Then Grogu may choose his path. If he reaches out through the Force, there’s a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him.” The Jedi folded her arms against her chest. “Then again, there aren’t many Jedi left.”
Grogu babbled sadly. 
She looked up at Din again, as if she could sense something. Her gaze shifted once more, to the ship just beyond him. Turning, he saw Omera standing at the top of the ramp on her own, watching the exchange. 
“Thank you.”
Ahsoka took a step backwards, away from the Crest, and lifted a hand. “May the Force be with you.”
Din held Grogu just a little bit tighter as he turned away from Corvus and the Jedi on the ground. Omera gave him a tender smile and reached out to touch his arm as the door sealed itself shut.
“Guess there’s still at least one more stop. Tython.”
She nodded. “I heard.”
Together, he and Omera made their way back up to the cockpit of the Razor Crest. In silence and with a comfortable ease, he settled Grogu into Winta’s open arms and climbed into the pilot’s chair to begin preparations for takeoff. 
They would have one more stop on this journey. It almost seemed like it would never end, but part of him was glad that they had more time. 
Fear of the unknown path ahead of him could be pushed aside for a few more days, until the Jedi came for the kid. Then, Din would have to decide where the path was and what he would do next. 
Once they broke the atmosphere into space, he heard Omera shift. Her chair squeaked just a little as it pivoted.
“Winta, would you please take Grogu with you down below? I need to talk to Din.”
His heart leapt. She wanted to speak with him alone? What for?
He turned around to face his passengers. Omera nodded gently to her daughter, silently asking her to leave. The girl stood to her feet with Grogu tucked beneath her arms and stepped out of the cockpit.
Once the door slid closed behind the children, Din focused on Omera.
“What’s going on?”
In her eyes, he saw something he’d seen a few times before: her secret. 
She was interrupted by Winta the last time she almost told him. Now, they wouldn’t have any interruptions. 
“I said I would tell you something when we found the Jedi. Can I tell you now?”
He swallowed the freshly formed lump in his throat and nodded just barely enough to be registered. 
Omera sat forward in her seat with her hands clasped together in her lap. She seemed confident, but at the same time, he saw nervousness in the way she breathed. She silently debated what to say before speaking, and when she did, she kept her focus on him.
“I’ve wanted to tell you since you came to Sorgan, but I keep getting tongue tied.” A soft, tender look filled her features. “I’m expecting a baby.”
His heart leapt and his stomach lurched. “You’re…”
She straightened out in her seat and settled her hand against her midsection, revealing to him a gentle swell of her belly.
How had he not noticed? How had he not noticed?
Looking away from her hand over her body, Omera met his gaze once more. 
“Ahsoka told me that she could feel him in the Force.” An excited smile spread wide, crinkling beside her eyes with the purest form of joy. “She said it’s a boy. He’s healthy and strong.” 
A baby. A boy. Omera was pregnant. 
How had he not noticed?
Din felt almost lightheaded as the brunt of the reality of it hit him with full force. She had been with him for a few weeks and hadn’t uttered a word about it to him. 
Should he be offended? Concerned? Angry? Happy?
How the hell had he not noticed?
Moments from their time traveling together flashed through his mind one after the next. Near-death experience after near-death experience. Danger after danger. Fight after fight. 
Guilt cascaded over him in a hard wave. 
Omera’s smile faded as time ticked on. “I know it must be surprising for you to learn. I was surprised when I found out, too. I didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to have another child. He’s already changed my life so much.”
As much as he wanted to be happy for Omera as her friend, there were so many darker thoughts in the way of that. He was angry that he’d put her into situations that were so risky. Angry that she hadn’t told him the truth beforehand. 
Angry at the betrayal he felt for loving someone who didn’t feel the same. There wasn’t any chance that he had anything to do with her child after only one night with her. There must have been someone else. Right? 
He closed his eyes and his head fell. He didn’t know how to ask her if she was committed to another without breaking his own heart.
“Is…” He paused, hating the way his voice cracked. “Is it... mine?”
“Oh,” she gasped out of surprise, “Din, yes, of course.” Her voice was breathless, weighed down with a sense of relief. “How could I have been with someone else?”
His heart rate doubled at her admission. She hadn’t been with another. He was the one Winta had told him about on Trask: the one her heart chose. It wasn’t a surprise to him, but it did fill in some of the uncertainties he felt. 
“Omera, you could’ve been hurt. You could’ve…” 
His chest began to heave. The thought of losing Omera hurt more than even the thought of losing Grogu.
“I knew what I was getting into coming with you, Din.”
“I know, but I didn’t know that you were-” Din cut himself off when he realized his voice was raised. He sighed heavily. “I put you in danger.”
She shook her head swiftly. “I don’t blame you for any of it. We’re all okay.”
He couldn't shake the anger off of him for putting her in danger. It had been part of the agreement when she came along, but she hadn't told him ahead of time about her child. He could've done more to keep her safe.
“When we were still on Sorgan, you could have told me.”
Omera's focus went to her lap for a moment. “I didn’t know if telling you would’ve made you want to stay. I didn’t want it to force you to. You are on a path with Grogu to find his kind. A path I wasn’t on until you asked me to come with you.”
His chest began to ache when he realized just how much she cared for him. Without knowing how he felt for her, he imagined it would have been difficult to admit her secret to him. Allowing him to continue on his path for the Jedi had been a selfless act, even if it may have been a shortsighted one.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” There was a worried frown on her lips and her eyes were filled with sorrow and regret, but she didn’t beg or plead. “If this changes how you feel about me, about our future… I understand. I haven’t been honest with you.”
Suddenly, she stood up in front of him. She took one of his hands into hers and settled it over her middle. He could feel the curve of her body. It was so very real.
His breath caught in his throat. He felt hot, as if the armor he wore was suffocating him, but it was the only thing keeping him from absolutely breaking down.
“This child is yours. If you want him.”
At her words, the weight of the day came crashing down on him. He’d almost had to let go of the kid, and now he had so much more than he thought he’d ever be given. 
Somehow, he’d been given Omera. Beautiful, kind, gentle, Omera. And after just one night together, he’d been given a child. His own flesh and blood. A boy, if the Jedi was right. His son.
“If not…” Omera managed a weak smile and lifted a shoulder. “That’s okay. Winta and I can return to Sorgan. I’ll keep the baby safe and he’ll be loved. You can visit if you want to.”
Din stared at her from behind the haze of his visor and suddenly, it felt like he was playing a game. Wearing his armor in front of Omera felt like a child’s game. What purpose did it serve him to cover his face from her?
She was his equal. The one his heart belonged to. The one who carried his child. 
If there were Mandalorians who didn’t need to wear their helmets in order to stay faithful to the creed, he could bend the rules and step across the line for Omera. Of everyone in the universe, she deserved to know him wholly.
He pulled his hand away from her body and decisively stood so that they were on equal footing. She stared up at him with an edge of uncertainty in the depths of her eyes.
The last thing he wanted was for her to be unsure about how he felt about her, or about their future. 
Din settled both hands on either side of his helmet. Slowly, he lifted it from his head and lowered it to rest on the console beside him. 
With the helmet removed, he could breathe freely. Cool air entered his lungs through his nose in deep, steady breaths that he forced himself to take. 
All at once, he felt just as terrifyingly bare and exposed as he had on Nevarro with the IG unit. Anxious and self-conscious thoughts flooded his mind, but he quieted them when his focus settled on her.
Somehow, she was more beautiful to him, seen without obstruction. He could see more clearly the roundness of her belly, a sign of his child growing within her, and cursed himself again for not seeing it any sooner.
Omera seemed overwhelmed by his choice to remove his helmet- just as much as he was. Unshed tears gathered in her eyes and the softest gasp escaped her parted lips.
“I love you, Omera.” His voice was barely a whisper. It embarrassed him, how fragile he sounded, but she could see him as he was, truly, and it was everything all at once.
Hesitantly, she reached out for him with one hand. Her fingers were cool when they ever so softly grazed his cheek and his eyes shut instantly at the feeling. Invisible sparks lit up on his skin like fireworks that made his heart jump in surprise.
Slowly, her fingers slid upwards, until her palm rested over his cheek, and he leaned his weight into her hand. He opened his eyes again to meet her gaze. 
Omera tilted her head and offered him a tender smile, just as fragile as he felt. “I love you too, Din.”
As if she knew it was too much to handle all at once, she lowered her hand away from his face and settled it against her middle instead.
Everything felt different. Everything felt new. Changed. The world he’d made for himself had been shattered in the best, most terrifying way. He and Omera were going to have a baby. They were going to be a family.
He took a moment to admire her, each pretty eyelash, every freckle, each breath she took that lifted her chest. It was different, in a good way, seeing her so freely. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. “Do you need anything? Do you feel sick?”
Omera laughed out of surprise. “No, I’m fine.” She soothed a hand over her bump. “The worst of the sickness is over.” With a soft sigh, she added, “I feel so much better now that you know, too.”
There would be so much that they’d have to decide. Where they would go. What they would do next. How they would raise the kids. But all he could think about was her, and how he wished he could give her the entire universe.
“How do you feel?” she asked.
He shook his head, unsure what she meant. “About what?”
“This is a lot all at once… I would understand if you were overwhelmed.” She drew in a breath and averted her gaze, looking instead at the floor. “The day you left Sorgan, I thought it might have been partly because of me… because you weren’t sure what to do-”
He settled his hands over her hips and Omera timidly peered up at him.
“It is the Way to have a family,” Din told her. “Children are important. I didn’t think I’d ever have any of my own, though. It’s easier to travel alone.”
She nodded in understanding. Hope shined in her eyes brighter than it had before. “It was meant to be.” Her smile spread. “I’m so excited to meet him. I think he’ll be a lot like you.”
He felt his eyes grow wide with even the thought. It was hard to wrap his mind around the idea of what their child would look like, or act like. It was different for Omera. She’d had the experience with Winta and knew what to expect. 
“I hope he’s more like you. Not me.”
Omera tilted her head with an affectionate smile. “We’ll see soon enough.”
His hands shifted on her hips and he squeezed as his thoughts shifted to the path that laid ahead of them. The Jedi had told him to take Grogu to Tython. Could he do that now? Did Omera want to do that now?
“Should we go back to Sorgan?” he asked. “If Gideon’s after the kid, it’s dangerous traveling with me.”
Omera frowned. She pressed both hands against his heart and he reached up to hold each hand, almost instinctively. 
“We found the Jedi, but the journey isn’t over.”
“No.” He searched her eyes and thought about the way Grogu had so easily accepted Omera into his life. “You’re like a mother to him.”
“I know. I’ve felt it too.” Omera softened some. “If you want to take us to Sorgan, we’ll be alright waiting for you to come home to us.”
Home. He’d had to find his home on the Razor Crest the past few months, with the kid. Now, he’d have to figure out what home looked like with Omera, Winta, and, eventually, a newborn.
Overwhelmed, he lowered the crown of his head to hers and shut his eyes. She reached up to the back of his head and threaded her fingers through his hair, her fingernails scraping lightly against his scalp as she went.
As he considered next steps, he knew that he needed to be careful, but Omera had proven herself capable in dangerous situations. She’d been an active participant in several fights, eager to help in whatever way she could, all while secretly pregnant. He’d become stronger because of her help. Together, they were a powerful team.
If what Ahsoka told him was the final step in finding a Jedi that could train Grogu, there wouldn’t be much left to their journey. And if Gideon was out there, they could work together to protect what was theirs.
“You should come with us,” he told her. “Grogu would like that.”
“And when it’s over, what will we do?”
He shook his head. “We’ll… figure it out. We’ll be a family. All of us. If that’s what you want.”
Din pulled back from her just enough to meet her eyes. She lowered her palm to his face again and caressed his cheek with her thumb.
“I want that very much.”
It filled him with so much hope knowing that she loved him.
“Me too.”
A happy smile found her lips. “I'm glad.”
Their eyes locked in a way that they hadn’t since that night on Sorgan, with a silent fire burning within each of them. He couldn’t help the thought that came to him next: he could kiss her if he wanted to.
He had never kissed anyone in his life, but something about the moment made it feel right. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. 
It almost felt like time itself slowed to a stop. Maybe it did. Just for them. 
Pulling back, he kept his eyes shut and put his forehead against hers. Omera’s hand gently found his neck. 
“You have given me so much,” she murmured with regret in her tone. “I don’t want you to sacrifice your creed as well. I never saw your face. Put your helmet back on.”
Din shook his head. He pulled away so their eyes could meet. “I want you to know me like this.”
Omera still seemed hesitant. Her fingers caressed his face, running over the curves and lines of him as if she wanted to memorize what he looked like. Each touch felt like a reviving spark that lit his heart up with the brightest light.
She pulled her hand from his face when she was done.
“There was a time I believed I would have been content never seeing your face.” Her dimples popped when she smiled at him. “But I’ll admit that I’m thankful I know who you are beneath.”
His heart leapt. “Does it give you hope that our child won’t be a monster?”
Omera’s gaze fell to her middle and the smile on her face spread. She laughed and it was one of the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard.
“I wasn’t worried, but… yes.”
Din admired Omera again. She was everything to him. 
When he lifted his helmet into his hands, it felt strangely heavy. He hesitated with it, studying Omera one last time unobstructed by the visor’s haze.
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
Having heard her voice once more, saying those precious words, he resolved that it was time to put the helmet back on, so he did. 
He didn’t know what the future held for him other than what stood before him. The idea had scared him before, the uncertainty of what he’d do once the Child was safe with his kind, but now, a different fear found him.
Would he be able to live as a Mandalorian within this newfound family? Could he provide for them? Keep them safe? 
No matter where he would find his path leading him, he could only hope that he would be enough for Omera. For Winta. For his child.
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can i request bratty first time sub!junmyeon with spanking, fingering, and pegging? thank you!
Sorry this took a little while, but here you go!
⚠️Warnings⚠️: sub!Junmyeon, fem!dom!reader, spanking, fingering (m recieving), pegging, bondage, edging.
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Junmyeon had always been in charge, at work and in the bedroom. He had always prided himself on taking care of everyone else, and taking care of you was one of his favorite things to do. There were times where he would come home stressed out and overwhelmed from work, but he would never let you take care of him. It was making you frustrated honestly. Sure, you did like to be the center of attention every once in a while, but you still wanted to take care of him when he needed it. You were originally planning on talking it out with him, but today he had gone too far. 
     You had decided to meet up with one of your old friends you hadn't seen in a few years and decided you would introduce him to Junmyeon. If it wasn't obvious enough, Junmyeon could be very possessive. Most of the time he wouldn't go too far, stopping at a simple hand around your waist and a glare in said male's direction, it was endearing in a way. What wasn't cute, however, was him moving his hand between your legs to bring your attention back to him as you were talking to your friend. He had set his hand on your knee a few minutes ago, but once you ignored him he started to move up, his hand now resting between your thighs. He had sent many glares to your friend throughout the night, only fueling your anger. Thankfully, your friend had gotten a call from someone and had to leave. You immediately stood up, having a firm grip on Junmyeon's wrist, and bid your friend a quick farewell with a forced smile. Junmyeon was confused by your silence the entire drive home, but was even more surprised once you had slammed him against a wall upon entering your shared home.
     "What was that?" Your boyfriend gulped at the low growl in your voice.
     "What?" You scoffed and grabbed his face with one hand while you kept him pinned against the wall with the other. 
     "Don't play dumb with me. Did you really think touching me like that was going to get you anywhere?" Your sudden dominating attitude had stunned him to silence. Your glare on him intensified before you reared your hand back to leave a harsh slap on his thigh. He jumped with a surprised yelp, knocking him out of his trance. "I expect an answer."
     "He was obviously flirting with you, or were you not paying attention." He snapped back with a glare as he tried to regain control of the situation. You slapped his thigh again and gripped his face harder.
     "Don't catch an attitude with me baby. Apologize now and I might think about going easy on you." He let out a short laugh as he rolled his eyes. You raised your eyebrow, not finding the situation at hand remotely humorous. "What's so funny?" 
     "Sorry if I don't find you that intimidating princess." He said with a smirk. Your eyes darkened as you became determined to wipe the smirk off his face. 
     "Your safeword is red, so I'm not going to stop until you say it." You declared as you dragged him to the bedroom. As soon as you reached the bed, you sat down and bent Junmyeon over your lap. Before he could process what was happening, you pulled down his pants and boxers and landed a harsh slap to his ass. His body lurched forward as a startled cry left his lips. "H-hey! W-what are you-" he cut himself off with a quiet whimper as you tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled his head back.
     "The only words I want out of your mouth is 'I'm sorry'. So if you aren't going to apologize, shut it." He could only reply with a whimper as you landed another harsh slap. You finally pulled him off of you after a few minutes to lay him back on the bed. His eyes were glazed over and dark with lust, slowly returning to normal after his brain had processed that you had finished. You smirked as you looked down at him, or, more importantly, his hard cock that was flush against his stomach.
     "I'm giving you one last chance to apologize babyboy, take it or leave it." You said with a smirk as you let your fingertips graze over his exposed thighs. Once he had caught his breath, he sent you a challenging glare that only made your smirk widen.
     "Fuck. You." He gulped as you chuckled darkly, digging your nails into the flesh of his thighs. You simply hummed at his answer as you pulled his pants the rest of the way off along with his shirt. He was surprised and confused as you crawled up so your legs were on either side of his torso, letting out a small gasp as you leaned down to push your lips against his. You could feel him smirk into the kiss as he set one of his hands on your waist, the other moving to the back of your neck so he could pull you closer. The smirk on his lips quickly disappeared as he heard a familiar clicking sound, making him turn his head to look at his wrist. You used his small moment of surprise to your advantage, quickly grabbing his other hand to finish cuffing him to the headboard. You calmly got off of him as he kept tugging at his restraints, stripping before you reached for your toy box under the bed. You brushed off his snarky comments, humming in delight once you had found what you were looking for. He immediately shut up as he saw you place your smaller strap-on on the bedside table. A smirk blossomed on your face as you saw his dick twitch against his stomach, though your gaze softened as you saw the slight fear in his eyes. You softly rested your palm on his face, turning him to face you.
     "Is this okay? This is a punishment and all but if you're uncomfortable with this then I won't do it." He calmed down as he saw the concern on your face. He took in a deep breath before locking eyes with you.
     "I'm alright. Really. This is… a little strange, but it's fine. I trust you." You let out a sigh of relief before pressing a light kiss on his forehead. That annoying smirk was set on his face again right after you pulled away. "I'm still not sorry though."
     "Trust me babyboy, you will be when I'm done with you." He smirked as he saw the darkness return to your eyes and you squirted some lube onto your fingers. You situated yourself between his legs, bending down to take his dick in your mouth. The pleasure that shot through him helped to distract him from the unfamiliar feeling of your fingers entering his ass. A deep groan left his mouth at the warmth of your mouth around him as you began to thrust your fingers in and out of him at a slow pace. He bit his bottom lip to hold in a high pitched whimper that almost left his mouth once you had started to pick up the pace. You pulled away from him as soon as you had noticed, slapping the red skin of his ass.
     "Don't hold in your sounds baby, I want to hear all of them." He ignored your comment, trying to hold back as many noises as he could. You glared at him, adding another finger and curling them to find his prostate. After a few minutes, his back arched off the bed and a loud moan left his lips. The way he kept tugging at the handcuffs told you that he wanted to cover his mouth. You smirked and added a third finger, abusing his prostate as you began pounding your fingers into him. He couldn't hold back anymore, his moans, whimpers, and whines filling the room as he began trying to buck his hips back into your fingers. His moans grew louder as you wrapped your hand around his dick, pumping it at the same pace you were moving your fingers. 
     "O-oh fuck! T-too much! T-too m-much! G-gonna cum!" You smirked before stilling the movement of both of your hands. He whimpered looking down at you in disappointment as you pulled your fingers out of him. He licked his lips as he saw you adjust the strap-on to be comfortable around your waist before uncuffing one of his hands to cuff them behind his back. You grabbed his hips with bruising force, lining the dildo up with his hole. You thrusted into him slowly, making sure you wouldn't hurt him. Once you were fully inside him you waited a few minutes to adjust. Soon enough he was wiggling his hips, silently telling you to move. You gripped his hips, stilling them as you carefully pulled out before slamming your hips back to meet his. A loud moan ripped out of his throat as you kept up the fast pace. You reached down with one hand to wrap your hand around his cock. He sobbed in pleasure as you immediately set a fast pace. It didn't take long for his dick to start twitching in your grasp, a tell-tale sign he was going to cum soon. He whined as you stopped all of your movements. He turned his head to glare at you.
     "What the hell?"
     "Are you sorry?" His glare only intensified as he faced forward again, his silence giving you your answer. You waited until you were sure his orgasm had left him and started moving again. A few minutes later, when he was close to cumming again, you stopped your movements, squeezing the base of his cock which made him whimper at the painful pleasure that coursed through his body.
     "Are you sorry yet? 'Cause if you aren't, I could do this for hours." A part of him wanted to apologize so he could finally cum, but his pride made him stay silent. You let out a sigh of fake disappointment.
     "I really thought you were smarter than this baby." With that, you slammed your hips back into his, letting put a small groan at the beautiful noises that fell past his lips like a waterfall. You smirked at the sounds of his broken sobs after you had edged him for the fifth time that night. You heard him sob something incoherently into the sheets. You pulled him up by his hair, leaning down to talk in his ear.
     "What was that baby? I couldn't hear you." You asked with a sadistic smirk on your face. 
     "I'm sorry!! I-I'm sorry for a-acting like a needy brat in front of your friends! Please let me cum! I-I need to cum! Please!!" He sobbed out as more tears fell down his cheeks. He cried out complaints as you pulled out of him. You shushed him, pressing kisses to his wrists as soon as you uncuffled him, tossing the handcuffs onto the bedside table. You turned Junmyeon over so he was laying on his back and lovingly kissed him on the lips. Once you pulled away, you peppered more kisses over his face to calm him down as you wiped the tears from his face. 
     "See baby, that wasn't so hard now was it?" He whimpered as he grinded up into nothing as the overwhelming need to cum took over his mind. 
     "Please." You hummed with a smile at his quiet plea. You brought him into another kiss as you lifted his hips and thrusted into him again. He pulled away from your lips to throw his head back, a loud, breathy moan escaping him as he clung to your shoulders. You had to bite back a moan once he locked eyes with you again. Sweat was collecting above his eyebrow making his hair stick to his forehead as his mouth was dropped open, letting out beautiful noises as pleasure racked his body. His eyes were the best part though, dark with lust and swimming with submissiveness that said he was at your mercy. You let out a low growl and began to bite and suck at his neck, making sure to leave marks for everyone to see the next morning. He whimpered loudly, moving his hips to meet yours as his nails dug into the skin of your back. You squeezed his ass making him whine loudly and melt even more in your grip.
     "Who do you belong to, babyboy? Go on, I wanna hear you say it." 
     "You! Fuck- I belong to you! Y-you own me! O-oh fuck! S-so close! P-please!" You smirked, pride swelling inside you at his answer. You thrusted into him as fast as your stamina would allow you to, grabbing his hips and biting one last mark onto his collarbone. His eyes rolled back into his head as white spurts of cum covered his torso. Shaky whimpers and whines flooded out of his mouth as you slowed down your thrusts before you pulled out completely. You stayed there for a minute, catching your breath before standing up to remove your strap. You set it on the bedside table before walking to the bathroom to get a wet rag. After you had cleaned up his stomach, you crawled into bed beside him and hugged him close to you. He opened his eyes as you brushed some of his hair out of his face.
     "You okay baby? I didn't go too hard on you, did I?" He shook his head.
     "No no, you gave me a safe word so if I was uncomfortable, I would have used it." You let out a short sigh of relief before pulling Junmyeon into another kiss. "You never told me you liked being dominant before." He mentioned after you had pulled away. You shrugged.
     "Didn't think you would really be into it." He furrowed his eyebrows at your statement.
     "Hey, don't be scared to bring things up just because you don't think I would like it." You hummed constantly at his statement with a smile.
     "Oh babyboy, you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into."
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
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@tightassets and I have combined our smutty angsty powers to bring you our combined prompts for @cozy-autumn-prompts, brain child of the lovely @scharoux. 
For our first prompt, enjoy this ADORABLE picture of Keaton Hawke and Lilitu Lavellan sharing a blanket for Prompt #3 (also join me in ooh’ing and ahh’ing over the rain effect and Lilitu and Keaton’s PERFECT expressions).
And as always, art has inspired fic! Special shoutout here for @solas-disapproves for helping me translate some Elvhen because I’m hopeless and @jennserr for the amazing translation trick on AO3!
Title: You Smell Like Wet Dog Pairing: Male Hawke x Female Lavellan, Keaton Hawke x Lilitu Lavellan Rating: M Content Warnings:  Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Flirting, Pining, Past Anders/Male Hawke (Dragon Age), Sexual Tension
Read on AO3
Keaton was beginning to realize his memories of Ferelden may have been tinged with just the slightest whiff of nostalgia. 
Sure, there were definitely things to admire. First and foremost,there were more dogs and fewer Orlesians, always a plus. Unfortunately, a solid ninety-five percent of his stay in Crestwood had consisted of scraping mud out of his boots, an overall minus. Add in the lakes full of cursed undead he somehow missed as a child, and he’d have to readjust his thinking about his homeland. Add in Varric’s unbearable snoring, the rain dripping through a small hole in their shared canvas tent, and the smell of charred human flesh, and Keaton Hawke had quite enough of this visit .
As if the dwarf heard him, the rumble in the tent only intensified. Keaton threw his forearm over his eyes and grit his teeth together. Sweet Andraste’s blushing asscheeks. At least Keaton finally knew the real reason Varric’s prime lady friend was a weapon of mass destruction. Any flesh and blood woman would have smothered him. 
Not that Keaton would have blamed them. If he had a real pi llow, he may have done it himself. 
For a blissful moment, the constant noise ceased. Keaton closed his eyes and tried to will himself to fall asleep. He was exhausted, his shoulder ached, and-
The rumble started up again almost on cue, loud as a pride demon trapped inside with them. Keaton flung his arm from his face, turned his head to glare at the dwarf, and promptly had a fat drop of water plop in his eyeball.
Well. So much for sleeping here. Maybe he’d go find one of those charming caves full of giant spiders and take his chances of getting eaten alive. 
Keaton didn’t bother to muffle the noise his hasty departure from the tent made, but his blighted best friend snored peacefully through all of it. When he dove out through the tent flap and into the freezing rain, Keaton fought the urge to grab his sword and slash the canvas right over Varric’s annoying face. 
He honestly may have done it anyway, self-control had never been his strong suit, but before he could weigh the pros and cons of listening to Varric’s complaints about a ruined tent the whole way back to Skyhold, something much more interesting caught his attention. 
Perhaps one of the few truly good things about being stuck in the soggy Ferelden countryside. 
The Inquisitor glowed in the firelight. Keaton swore he heard her humming even in the steady patter of the rain. The song sounded half familiar, something Keaton swore he’d heard before. 
Then Inquisitor Lilitu Lavellan tossed her moonlight pale hair over her shoulder and looked behind her towards the tent. Almost instantly her nose popped into the air like a hound scenting trouble, her brow furrowing. 
“What are you doing?” She demanded. 
Excellent question. One that probably demanded a semi-coherent answer. 
He jerked his thumb over his shoulder and gave her the sunniest smile he could manage while the rain was plastering his hair to his face. “We were comparing chest hair and I was coming out the obvious winner, so now I’ve got to find another tent.” 
Lilitu blinked once. Twice. Then she shook her head and scowled. 
“You’ll get wet.” 
“Wet.” Keaton repeated. Lilitu huffed in irritation and pointed at the sky above them as if to illustrate it was indeed raining and that would be responsible for getting them wet. 
Although the little pout twisting her lips made him think of much more delightful ways to get her wet than the blighted Ferelden weather. If only his current tent wasn’t occupied by the loudest and most annoying dwarf he’d ever met. 
Before he could begin calculating alternate arrangements, Lilitu stalked away from the fire and straight towards him. One small hand, not even wide enough to wrap the whole way around his wrist, dug into bicep and dragged him forward with surprising strength and astonishing impatience. 
...was it wrong to be impressed, terrified, and aroused by the tiny elf manhandling him? 
Before he could consider the full implications of that thought, she dragged him to the log she’d been sitting on, pointing at it before issuing her command. “Sit.” 
He didn’t see how that was going to help him be less wet, but who was he to deny the Inquisitor herself. Particularly when she wore an expression that managed to be both stern and utterly adorable under the curling crimson ink of her vallaslin. He tossed the tiny elf a sunny grin and plopped himself down on her log. 
Which was exactly when he realized what a clever little set up she had. Surrounding the log was a pocket of warm, blissfully dry air. Before he could even process his shock at the sheer neatness of her trick, she settled herself beside him with a little hum, looking up at him while she picked up the blanket she’d abandoned to retrieve him. 
Then her nose wrinkled and she sniffed audibly. “Ma odhe irmes dhar.”
Had… had she just told him he smelled like a wet dog? 
“Ahn?” He sputtered. 
Her whole face lit up like Satinalia had come early. “Dirthas Elvhen?” 
Keaton smirked and nodded. “Dirthan.” 
He may have spoke Elvhen, but he wasn’t prepared for the torrent of words that flew from Lilitu’s lips as she leaned closer. He caught bits and pieces of words. Champion. Kirkwall. Something about a dragon. 
Ah. Varric’s name. Somebody had been telling stories about him again. 
“Dirtha felas’el!” He laughed, running his hand through the soaked stripe of hair on his head. “I’ll answer your questions, kitten, but you gotta slow down.” 
That seemed to please her quite a bit judging by the satisfied smirk playing around her sinful lips. She fluffed the blankets in her hand before flapping it in the air with a deft flick of her wrist. 
Then those same clever fingers were tossing half the blanket over his shoulders while her curvy form pressed firmly against his side and the other half of the blanket draped over her. Lilitu’s pointed chin tipped up expectantly, and for a dizzying moment, Keaton almost thought she’d lay her head against his arm. 
“Dirth ma.” She insisted, poking his muscled arm. “The dragon.” 
“Which one?” Keaton asked. 
Her eyes shimmered with joy. “All of them.” 
Keaton scratched at his beard thoughtfully while she examined him with her bright, inquisitive gaze. Her eyes glowed and his heart throbbed almost painfully, a feeling he didn’t quite understand.
One he very much didn’t want to understand. 
He tore his eyes from her to look at the fire, rolling his stiff shoulder, trying to think of where to start his pitiful story. 
“It hurts?” Lilitu asked, jabbing her finger into his bicep. He frowned, drawn back into her alluring orbit. 
“Only when I’m displaying manly feats of strength for your enjoyment.” 
The flirting still came easy, even after everything. Lilitu rolled her eyes to the dark sky, smile tugging her lips up, thin fingers trailing thoughtfully up over his loose cotton shirt before she dug her grip into his aching shoulder. 
Before he could complain, warmth trickled from her fingers, seeping into his abused muscles, easing the tightness, numbing the pain. It felt familiar, and different at the same time, bringing back a haunting echo of different hands at the same time a wave of heat settled into his gut. 
“Better?” Lilitu asked, eying him critically. 
It was. It would be. “You’re handy, kitten. I’ll give you that.” 
Was it just him, or did she let her hand linger just a moment, exploring the breadth of his muscles before she removed it with heat lingering in the expression she wore? 
Keaton didn’t know the answer to that question. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Maker’s ass, was he in trouble. 
He took a deep breath while Lilitu settled herself beside him, leaning lightly into him. 
“Tell me.” She demanded, relaxing beside him, staring into the flickering flames with an expression of great satisfaction. As if she’d rather be nowhere else than their little bubble, silent but for the rain around them. 
Suspiciously silent, in fact. Keaton shot a chagrined look at the tent behind him. That dwarven bastard had planned this. Somehow. And Keaton would pay him back for it in spades. 
After he finished impressing Lilitu Lavellan with all the dragons he slayed. 
Elvhen Translation:
Ahn - what
Dirthas elvhen - you speak elvhen? 
Dirthan - I speak it. 
Dirtha felas’el - speak slower 
Dirth ma - tell me
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siriusmuch · 4 years
years | lily evans
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pairing: lily evans x reader ; sirius black x reader
warnings: angst. lots and lots of angst.
word count: about 4k, my longest story yet!
summary: requested by anon — prompt #91 (in the background, the music plays, a sad tune, full of wistful piano and haunting violin. there is nobody left to hear it.) from this list. you loved a lot of people, but you loved lily evans like you did no other.
a/n: thank you for the request! i hope you like this, i hate writing things with no happy endings but i couldn’t resist. there’s not going to be a part two for this, sorry! there is a part with sirius x reader in this, although it’s not the main ship. you’ll understand as you read on :) sorry that the ending is a bit rushed :(
masterlist here
In your first year of Hogwarts, you remember everything about your first day vividly. Your parents sent you off with a sad farewell, and you promised to write to them often. They shed a few tears, and you almost missed the train by how long your hugs with them were. They peppered your face in kisses, your mother holding onto your father’s chest as you waved goodbye to them the final time. You knew it was extreme, but you were 11, and you were going to Hogwarts.
You’ve been waiting for this day your entire life.
Your parents were the sweetest people you knew. Your birth parents had fallen ill with the Dragon Pox when you were five, and you were constantly around caretakers until they had passed. You didn’t remember them to the extent you would’ve liked. You were put up for adoption, and your parents — who were also wizards — welcomed you into the family without ever looking back.
You were exposed to tragedy early in your life, but that never stopped you.
You ended up sharing a train car with two other girls your age, although the three of you didn’t end up becoming very good friends. Excitement and jitters filled your conversations, although you were all sorted into different houses.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you were in awe. You’d heard stories about the beauty of Hogwarts, with their floating candles to the castle-like interior. You’d ever tried reading Hogwarts: A History, although you got bored quickly and opted to play quidditch in your backyard instead.
When your name was finally called, you took a seat and the Sorting Hat was placed upon your head. You beamed, although your leg shook with how nervous you were. Both your birth parents were Gryffindors, although your adoptive parents were Hufflepuffs. You didn’t mind getting sorted in either house.
‘Oh, a (Y/L/N)?’ The Sorting Hat hummed, and you nodded. Although you were adopted, your last name never changed. You appreciated that your parents never did so, because even though you didn’t consider your birth parents mom and dad, at least you had a piece of them with you. ‘Your parents were the greatest Gryffindors I’ve seen, although you have a heart of pure gold. The way your heart swells when you think of your parents show me your Hufflepuff heart. You’d do well in either of those houses.’
You beamed, nerves quickly washing away. You had grown up with Hufflepuff ideals, so you weren’t surprised that you were considered for Hufflepuff. ‘But… I think you’d do better as a Gryffindor. You have great things ahead of you, (Y/N). So…’
Your eyebrows furrowed at what the Sorting Hat meant by “great things”, but before you could ask — think? — the Sorting Hat yelled, “Gryffindor!”
Moving off the seat, you walked towards the Gryffindor table, sitting in the closest empty seat you could find. As more people got sorted, you turned to the girl next to you, a red-head with stunning green eyes, and introduced yourself.
“Hi! I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” You smiled, not knowing what was in store for you for the next ten years.
By the time second year rolled around, you had befriended the infamous Marauders. You weren’t necessarily as close to them as you were to Lily, but you found them funny. Except when James was asking out Lily — you always found yourself in a sour mood, although you had no clue why. You had came to the conclusion that you were just possessive of her friendship, since you had never been to close to someone else who wasn’t your parents to this extent.
You listened to Lily complain about the Marauders a fair extent. Remus was occasionally included in the complaints as well, although he usually got away with more things than the others did. You hung around Snape as well, although he never seemed too keen to talk to you. He seemed to tolerate you best when you were with Lily as well, although you always joked that being around Lily seemed to bring out your best qualities.
“What does Evans see in Snivellus?” James moaned again, putting his head down onto his textbook before peeking up at you.
“They’ve been friends since before Hogwarts, you know. You can’t separate them that easily, it’d be like if Lily constantly told you that you shouldn’t be friends with Sirius because he’s a Black.” You shrugged.
You and James had this conversation quite a few times. Lily didn’t necessarily approve of your friendship with him, but it didn’t stop you. Especially when you knew that James was a softie behind his egotistic exterior. You tried telling Lily this, although James always seemed to embarrass himself with Lily was around.
“But the point is that Sirius isn’t like his family. Snape fits in with those Slytherins, stupid pureblooded maniacs.”
“Snape isn’t even a pureblood,” you commented, “plus, not all Slytherins are bad. This is why Lily doesn’t want to be friends with you, much less your girlfriend.” You ruffled James’ hair, feeling a bit sick at the thought of Lily being James’ girlfriend.
You didn’t even believe in cooties anymore, and romance was cute. You had no idea why the idea of James and Lily made you feel so… sad. Shaking the thought off, you stood up.
“I should get going, I told Lily that I’ll join her and Snape to study potions. I’ll catch you later, James.” You smiled at him, taking your books and swiftly leaving.
By the time you were in your third year of Hogwarts, the mood shifted. No one was oblivious to this, but some people pretended they weren’t aware. Life became more intense, more stressful — there was a war building outside of the school, and fights broke out more often.
You made sure to accompany Lily everywhere.
You knew that Lily knew what you were doing, and you knew that she was a little annoyed by it. After all, she was independent and a brilliant witch, and more than capable of taking care of herself. But you were scared anyway. Scared for yourself and scared for her and anyone who wasn’t pureblooded.
But you tried carrying on with life as normally as possible, despite the fact that you subscribed to The Daily Prophet and read it every morning as opposed to just hearing news from your parents. You even wrote to them more than normal, and they sent you care packages about once a month. You didn’t need it, but you appreciated stuff from home. It made you feel safer, and you always made sure to share anything you got with Lily. You even tried out for the Quidditch team, having missed out last year. You ended up being their seeker, and you took pride in how happy everyone was in you. Especially how happy Lily was. You knew she was fascinated with Quidditch, despite being terrible at flying.
You grew even closer to James after you got on the Quidditch team, but a part of you always felt sad when you were around him. You still had no clue why, and it only intensified whenever Lily was brought up or associated, and you tried steering clear from the topic as much as possible without seeming suspicious.
There was a part of you that was confused, though. James and Sirius started hanging out at the library, and you didn’t know why. There were no pranks that happened, but they could be seen reading and researching something throughout the year. Peter joined them, although it was normal to see him in the library as well. Sometimes Remus was around, but mostly he was working on his own schoolwork. Whenever he was with the Marauders while they were off researching, he always seemed a bit nervous and exasperated at the same time.
You wondered, but you knew you wouldn’t get an answer.
“Don’t you find it odd that James, Sirius, and Peter always look so tired the day after Remus is out sick or his mother is sick? It’s like when he’s away, they go wild.” You brought up to Lily one day.
Lily shrugged, “They’re always a bit weird, though? They keep so many secrets… I would’ve expected them to be blabbermouths, but they never share any of their secrets. Haven’t you noticed that whenever someone is in trouble they end up at the scene?”
“It is odd… I don’t think I’d ever be able to understand boys,” you joked. Lily rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face.
The two of you sat in silence at the Great Hall, watching James, Sirius, and Peter’s sluggish movements. A bit later, Remus came to join them, looking just as tired as they did. You exchanged a look with Lily.
Once again, you found yourself hopefully lost in Lily’s eyes. They’re always so vibrant, and you hated when they dulled just the tiniest bit whenever something happened with her sister. You wished you could take all her pain away, to always be there to pick her up no matter what happens. It pained you to be in a state where you couldn’t do anything to help.
“Earth to (Y/N)?” Lily snapped her fingers in front of your face, causing you to blink. “You’re staring again. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” you said, a familiar flush creeping up on your face. You had the littlest of ideas why you kept on staring at her, but you didn’t want to feel this. Not towards Lily, at least. Not towards your best friend, who you could easily lose by admitting these feelings.
Fourth year was the year you started getting suspicious of the Marauders, realized your tiny crush on Lily Evans, and came out to your parents through a letter.
Fifth year was the year you became best friends with Sirius Black.
You had no idea why Sirius had started avoiding the Marauders, nor why they were so aggressive towards him. The entire group was tense, and from what you’ve been told, you knew that Sirius did a terrible prank that was unforgivable. You knew that James was upset that you were hanging out with Sirius, but you had came to the realization that Sirius was rather… lonely, at least without the Marauders around.
There were always rumors circulating at Hogwarts, but as you talked to Sirius, you realized that it wasn’t as true as it seemed.
The two of you were currently out after curfew, hanging out in the astronomy tower. You were smoking a cigarette that he’d passed you, and you just stared up at the ceiling.
“You’re in love with Evans, aren’t you?” Sirius interrupted your silence.
You turned to face him, your eyebrows furrowing. You could feel a sick feeling starting to build in your stomach. No one knew this, even though you had came out to your parents as attracted to both boys and girls.
“Why do you say that?” You hesitantly asked.
“You’re always staring at her. You always perk up when she’s mentioned, not to mention you always get moody every time James talks about liking her. You glare at any people who try and ask her out on dates. Only an idiot wouldn’t know.” Sirius turned to face you.
“Merlin, is it that obvious?” You groaned, “Yeah, I figured out that I liked her last year. But I don’t even know if she likes girls like that. Not many people are accepting, you know? I don’t even know if you are.”
“It’d be ironic if I didn’t accept it. I’m in love with Remus.”
“You are?” You blinked, jaw dropping a bit. You didn’t know if anyone else in Hogwarts was like you, but here Sirius was. “Do you just like guys or…?”
“I don’t know yet. I think both, kissing girls is nice, but with Remus…”
“With him, it’s different.” You finished his sentence.
In sixth year, you hung around Lily a lot more. She was still struggling after what Snape had said to her, and you once again wished that you could take away her pain. She was suffering, and you didn’t know what to do to help her.
You had asked James for a passageway out to Hogsmeade, and you snuck her out despite her poor protests. The two of you drank butterbeer while you let her cry (for the final time, she swore) on your shoulder. Eventually, her tears faded out and all there was was anger. Anger for not realizing just how much Snape had changed, anger for being so dumb, and anger that Snape was becoming just the type of person who wanted her dead.
Sixth year was also the year where James and Lily started becoming friends. It didn’t happen immediately, and they still argued. Their differences continued being highlighted, but as James helped Lily loosen up, Lily was able to reign James in a considerable amount. At this point, you knew that it was inevitable that they were going to date. You felt jealous, but you still suffered in silence. Instead, you started spending more time with Sirius.
It was nice to see everyone in semi-good spirits, though. Especially when the air at Hogwarts started becoming increasingly tense. The Marauders had made up, and although Snape tried to grovel at Lily’s feet and beg for her friendship, things were as good as they could be.
Life went on.
Before the end of sixth year, Sirius pulled you aside.
“I have a question to ask you,” Sirius started. You raised an eyebrow, telling him to go on. “We’re both in love with people who… to put it frankly, won’t love us back. Do you want to go on a date? We deserve better than to pine for people who won’t feel the same.”
You were shocked at the question. You didn’t know what to say, because you’ve always been turning down dates. But you knew that Sirius had a point. “I… Yeah, let’s do it. Next Hogsmeade weekend?” You asked.
And so, you and Sirius started dating. Congratulations started pouring from everyone you knew, and you were sad to see Lily be so utterly happy for the two of you.
Your seventh year at Hogwarts was a weird combination of things. For one thing, you didn’t really expect James to become head boy, but you weren’t surprised that before the new year started that he and Lily started going out.
Your heart still hurt every time you saw the two of them together. They were happy in their own world, light pecks all the time, and you missed Lily a lot more now that she didn’t even sleep in the girls dormitory. You cursed whoever made the heads their own quarters instead of them sleeping with the rest of the year.
You were still dating Sirius too, despite the fact that both of you were still pining over people who wouldn’t love you back. You guys were as happy as you could be, given your position. Whenever the other felt too sad, there would be ice cream and cuddles. You guys kissed, but you knew that there was a low chance that it’d ever get further than that. Both of you knew that this relationship was just a distraction from your true feelings.
At the first quidditch match of the year, right after you had caught the snitch, someone had cursed your broom and you fell right out of the sky. You were in the hospital wing for three days, with a terrible concussion and too many of your bones broken, but you lived. You never found out who cursed your broom, but everyone was on their toes for the next few days. You knew that Sirius and James blamed the Slytherins, and a part of you agreed. After all, there were some Slytherins who made it obvious that they supported Voldemort.
This was also the year where you and Lily were filled in on Remus’ condition. Lily confessed that she already knew that Remus was a werewolf, although never knew why the other boys were always so tired. After reassuring Remus that neither of you were going to stop being friends with him, you begged Sirius to turn into his dog form for cuddles.
Things were as good as they could be.
You broke up with Sirius before the school year ended. The two of you knew it was coming, and it was always a question of who would ask first. The Marauders seemed upset with you at first for “breaking Sirius’ heart”, although Sirius constantly reprimanded them for it. You were still good friends, and you both were more physical with each other than regular friends, but it was nice.
The day you graduated, you cried. A lot of people did, so you weren’t alone, but you knew that this would be the last time you’d be in Hogwarts as a student. You probably would go see Dumbledore a few times in Hogwarts, especially after being recruited for the Order of the Phoenix like your other friends were.
That summer, in the mail, you received invitations to Lily and James’ wedding. You already knew that they were getting married, but this just solidified the fact. Sirius came over that day, and you cried, not that you’d ever admit that to anyone else other than him.
You attended the wedding with Sirius as your +1, although he was invited too. You knew all of your friends were a bit confused about where you and Sirius stood, but you never really gave them an explanation.
Before the end of the year, Remus was sent out to talk to other werewolves to try and recruit them for the war. This time, you went over to Sirius’ place to try and relieve some of the anxiety he felt. You were anxious too — even though you weren’t as close to Remus as you were to Sirius, you knew it was a risk. Everything all your friends did was a risk, and you were constantly worried for them.
Your arm burnt with the Dark Mark.
You were sent to infiltrate the Death Eaters by Dumbledore. The only person who knew of your mission was Sirius, and you feared the day that you’d end up having to fight against your friends as a supposed Death Eater.
You weren’t a hateful person, but every time you insulted muggleborns or said anything even related to pureblood supremacy, you wanted nothing but to hate Dumbledore. You were resilient, and a good witch, and your acting skills were top notch after hiding your feelings for Lily for so long.
Your life was constantly at risk, and you wrote letters to all of your friends explaining everything in case you died. You were building up rank in the group, and eventually, you would be one of Voldemort’s most trusted members. You filled him with lies about who was fighting against him, never actually giving up anyone who was in the Order. You had learnt occlumency so you weren’t as vulnerable.
You barely saw any of your friends that year. You had moved houses when you were assigned to the job. Sirius informed you that he suspected that there was a spy in the Order, and you told him you’d keep an eye out in case there was someone in the Death Eater meetings that you recognized.
“I think… it may be Remus.” He admitted sadly that same day.
“Remus? Our Remus? He’s loyal beyond everything.” You protested. “We already know what mission he’s doing, and I would suspect Remus the least out of almost everyone.”
“But isn’t that the point? He’s been alone his whole life, hating himself for being a werewolf. Suddenly, he’s with other werewolves, and he feels like he belongs. We never see him, and all Dumbledore and Moody say is that they’ve been in touch.” Sirius shoved his face in his hands, sighing. “This war is a bloody mess.”
You shook your head, “I don’t think Remus is the type to submit to his urges so easily. You’ve met the man, Sirius.” You leaned your head against Sirius’ shoulder. “I haven’t seen you in two months, Sirius. Between Remus and I, I’d be more suspicious. I bet some of the other members already are. All they know is that I’m on an important mission and I can’t see anyone. Suspecting each other will just bring our downfall.”
Sirius grew quiet. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). Some people do suspect you, but to be fair, you haven’t been to an official Order meeting in months. I haven’t even seen you for the longest time. Only Moody, Dumbledore, and I know what you’re doing. I wish I could tell them so that they don’t think that way anymore, but I can’t.”
“I hate this so much. Merlin, I need a drink.”
Between pretending to be a Death Eater, working for the Order and gathering intel, and then finding out about the prophecy and how Lily and James were expecting a child, you were running yourself thin. You were utterly exhausted at this point, and all you wanted was a break. Somewhere where this war didn’t exist.
You still hated yourself for loving Lily to this extent. Hated that you still couldn’t let her go, and hated that she probably thought you were leaking information to the Death Eaters.
A part of you wished that you told Lily of your feelings for her while you were still in Hogwarts. Before everything in the world became reality for all of you. You felt stupid for thinking this way, but you ultimately wished things were just different.
War really was draining.
October 31st, 1981.
The morning of October 31st, 1981, you were called to a Death Eater meeting. There, Voldemort and a few of his trusted members were waiting for your arrival. There, you saw a man you hadn’t seen in almost a year.
Peter Pettigrew.
Did you two get sent on the same mission by the Order? You masked your expression of confusion, looking at him and the fear evident in his face. You wondered why they would send Peter, of all people. You adored Peter, he was like a little brother to you, although you knew how easily he scared when he was on his own.
“Good morning,” Voldemort started speaking, “For the past year, (Y/L/N) has been telling us insider information about the people fighting against us.” You forced a smile on your face, ignoring Peter’s heavy stare. All the information was fake and staged, although Peter couldn’t possibly know that unless he was informed you were on this mission and you weren’t.
“But, a week ago, Pettigrew was able to tell us the location of the Potters.” Your eyes widened just a tiny bit, “They had tried using a Fidelius charm so that only a trusted person would know where they were, and I’ve been planning on taking down their child in this time. As you all know, the boy who was born in July is the one who is supposedly going to destroy me. I cannot allow that to happen, and Pettigrew supplied me with the information I need while the baby is at its most vulnerable.”
You willed yourself not to react until the meeting was over. The moment you were allowed to go, you left as quickly as possible, avoiding Peter. Casting a patronus charm, you sent out a message to Lily.
“Lily, I was on a mission to infiltrate the Death Eaters and Pet…”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were out.
That night, in Godric’s Hollow, a motorcycle revs as it leaves the vicinity. In the background, the music plays, a sad tune, full of wistful piano and haunting violin. There is nobody left to hear it.
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seokmattchuus · 5 years
Tu Vecina - Seungwoo
A/n: Yes, this is from the Maluma song. Fight me. Also, now that I fully proof-read this I kinda hate it? And yes, I used the U Got It gif bc it’s Victon’s whole ass leader. Literally the leader of F7. The only thing close to sexy was “Eyez Eyez” and that shit doesn’t even comPARE to U Got It. Like, at all. Bless Produce for giving us sexy Seungwoo and Byungchan. I owe them my life. #imsickofjustfanmeetingsexy #givevictonasexyconceptalready wE deSeRVe iT
- Requested -
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The arrangement started months ago.
Neither of you had really known when it started.
Was it that one drunk night? Or when you met again after?
Whatever it was, it stuck for this long, so it was a regular thing, now. Him coming over, you going over. 
But this? This wasn’t fair.
It’d been too long.
Too damn long.
It’d been almost three weeks since you contacted him.
Three weeks since you invited him over.
Three weeks since you were screaming his name.
Seungwoo knew you were busy with classes but you couldn’t spare just one night for him? Did he really have to go out and steal you for him to be able to see you?
He was almost always at your place. Every night, basically. 
Were you tired of it? Tired of him?
You weren’t answering your messages, or your calls. Were they even getting delivered? 
Did you move on? Were you ignoring him for someone else?
Sure, you were just fuck buddies, but did that really give you the right to just cut contact?
Or maybe he was upset because he caught feelings, but was that so bad? Everyone knows that’s a risk so he wasn’t surprised. Why would you be?
With that thought in mind, he pulled his phone out, dialing your number only for it to go straight to voicemail, the frustration nearly making him throw his phone.
He couldn’t take it. 
He needed to see you. 
Maybe he was driving too fast, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was driven by the thoughts of you with someone else, or maybe he was driven by his own greed to have you to himself.
Once he pulled up, there was a second car in your driveway, and that seemed to be his snapping point.
After turning off his car he slammed the door, hoping you heard it.
He knocked on the door continuously, not stopping until he heard the lock click. 
He didn’t bother saying anything as he walked in, his eyes scanning the room, scoffing when no one was there.
“Where is he?” He nodded, his brows raised.
“What are yo-”
“The car, y/n. I’m not stupid.” He laughed bitterly, throwing his jacket on the couch.
“It’s Nadia’s, what the fuck are you talking about?” Your own brows furrowing.
“Then where is she? Huh? Why is she not here?”
“If you haven’t noticed, there’s a whole house you’re currently not looking at.” You glared. “What’s it to you if I’m lying or not?”
“Let’s talk in private.” He glared back.
“What’s the point, you’ve already shouted the first half of the conversation, why not shout the rest?” You crossed your arms. 
“Keep it up.” He warned, the tone all too familiar, and having you shut up the second he finished talking.
“I think I’m gonna go..” Nadia trailed off as she came into view through the hallway, and you raised a brow at Seungwoo, who seemed ten times more relaxed than when he walked in.
“Sorry we couldn’t study.” You apologized. “Let’s do it tomorrow?”
“Sounds good.” She nodded.
You showed Nadia out before turning to stare at Seungwoo.
“Care to explain?” You deadpanned.
“I could say the same to you.” He mimicked your expression. 
“Why’d you cut me off?” He interrupted. “We were seeing each other every damn day. Fucking every night. And it’s been weeks since you’ve contacted me.” 
“That’s what this is about?” You laughed bitterly. “You came knocking on my door because you wanted to fuck?”
“No,” He sighed. “Okay well maybe, but it’s not the full reason I’m here.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I really wanna know why.” His voice softer and it hit you.
He caught feelings.
He lost.
Truth be told, you cut contact because you caught feelings and you backed off before they could grow into anything bigger.
But another truth, knowing Seungwoo was so fed up that he came knocking had you curious to see what else he was capable of doing while feeling like this.
“Do you really wanna know?” You smirked. “’Cause you might not like the answer.”
“What did I say about keeping it up?” His voice lower as he walked towards you, backing you into the door. “Are you gonna give me answers or do I have to get them out of you?” He smirked. “Have the neighbors give you another noise complaint.”
Oh, how you wanted to back down and tell him the truth, but the thought of sex with him while he was this pissed off had you on autopilot.
“As much as I’d love to give you answers, I don’t have any.” You smiled up at him, your thighs clenching at how his jaw clenched.
He didn’t respond, opting to walk one more step, smirking at how you pressed yourself against the door.
“If you’re this scared of me, I suggest you start behaving.” He whispered, his hand coming up to grab your chin. “While I’m asking nicely.”
“Maybe I don’t want nice.” You pushed his hand away. “That’s why I’ve been seeing Sejun.” You smirked, pushing past him, only to have him grab your arm.
“Who?” His grip on you tightened.
“What, are you deaf, now?” You chuckled. “Se. Jun.” You enunciated. “He’s so rough.” You continued. “I can’t walk for days.” You smiled, trying to rip your arm from him, but he only gripped tighter, and that’s when you knew you fucked up.
“Bedroom. Now.” He growled as he let you go. 
You wouldn’t say it since there was no need. He was eventually gonna find out you were lying, and there was nothing you could do about it now.
Maybe he’d go easier on you once he found out you did it to get him riled up, or maybe he’d ruin you completely.
Either way, you weren’t really complaining. 
“If you’re not in that bedroom in five seconds, you’re gonna regret it.” He warned.
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you were moving before you even thought about it.
He waited till he knew you were in the room before actually following, opting to think about what he would do.
How to prove that he was better.
There were options, of course. 
He knew you had various toys. He could tease you all night. He could mark you up. They were endless, really.
Hell, he could even do all of the above.
And he knew you’d let him.
Because if rough was what you wanted, rough was what you were getting.
He took his time walking towards the room, wondering if you really knew what you were getting yourself into. You’d only ever seen him truly mad a couple times, but had you seen him pissed? No.
Not even close.
“So what does Sejun do that I don’t?” He asked as he walked in, noticing how you were sitting on your bed, your thighs tightly pressed together.
“You’re getting off on this?” He let out an amused laugh as he licked his lips. “Getting me pissed off, really?” He scoffed. “Was it all a lie?” He raised a brow.
You didn’t answer, opting to swallow whatever shaky words that were trying to come out.
You’d already dug your grave, why would you dig it deeper?
“And now you’re not talking.” He scoffed. “What? Didn’t think I could get like this?” He challenged, walking up to you and gripping your chin, making sure your eyes stayed on his.
“I’ll give you three seconds to answer.” He warned. “Was. It. A. Lie.” He cocked his head to the side. 
You shook your head, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“So you and this Sejun.” He growled at the name. “Why?”
You swallowed thickly as his stare intensified, but you mustered up whatever courage you could to keep this game up.
You couldn’t lose so easily.
“He fucks me better.” You whispered.
“He what?” He growled, his grip tightening. “Louder.”
“I said.” Your voice more stable this time. “He fucks me better.”
“Oh, really now?” He smirked, letting go of your chin roughly, your head slightly thrown to the side. “Let’s see if you’re still saying that later.” He scoffed before leaning in and placing his hands on either side of you, caging you in.
“Are you gonna prove me wrong?” Your voice challenging despite your body betraying you and slightly flinching at the action.
“Very wrong.” Was all said before his lips were on you, your arms wrapping themselves around his neck to pull him closer.
It wasn’t really a kiss, but more of a clash of teeth and rough movements, but neither of you cared to stop.
You were pretty sure he knew you were lying about it, but the way his hands moved to grab at your hips had you thinking otherwise. He wouldn’t be like this without a reason.
With the same hold he had on you, he moved you back, watching as you looked up at him with a pout.
“Don’t give me that look.” He cooed, crawling over you and burying his head in your neck, attacking your sweet spots while his hands worked on the button of your shorts.
“Seungwoo-” You whimpered as your back arched, your hands reaching down to grab his. “Slow down.”
Despite your wish, he didn’t, leaving a few more marks before slowing down.
“Thought you didn’t like nice?” He smirked against your skin, before pulling away and getting up, his hands working on his belt.
“Hands behind your back.” 
You whined and shook your head, him raising a brow.
“I’m tying them either way, so pick a position.” He scoffed. “Cause you’ll be in it for a while.” 
You shivered at his words and rolled over, placing your hands behind your back.
“Good girl.” He smirked to himself, before wrapping the leather around your wrists, tightening it just a bit too tight so he could get a whimper out of you.
“You do like rough.” He said more to himself, than you. “Then I guess you’ll love tonight.” He licked his lips as he rolled you over, enjoying how your cheeks were tinted.
“Save the embarrassment.” He chuckled before picking you up and sitting on the bed, patting his lap for you.
It wasn’t long before he was back on you after you sat down, his lips sucking harsher marks onto your skin, while forcing your hips to grind into his.
“I might tie you up more often.” He chuckled as he looked up at you, your eyes shut, your teeth biting your lip so hard he could see the imprint. “You look so cute when you’re trying to fight it.” 
“Seungwoo.” You whined, your nails digging into the leather of his belt.
“Yes?” He smiled up at you, watching as your lip twitched when he rolled your hips against his. 
“I’m sorry, just please, do something.” You looked at him with pleading eyes, and he bit his lip at the sight.
“I don’t think you mean it.” He challenged, watching as your head fell back in desperation. “Even if I did believe you, what should I do?”
“T-Touch me.” You let out a shaky breath as his fingers ran over the marks he left.
You whimpered, struggling against the restraint. 
“You squirming isn’t a valid answer.” He tsked, his hand gripping your hip in warning.
You were still on his lap anyways and the realization you rolled your hips against his in an attempt to help him snap.
“I have no problem holding out all night.” He groaned before grabbing your hips to keep you still. “Cause I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”
With that, his hands came to the collar of your shirt.
“How much do you like this shirt?” He raised a brow.
You didn’t get to answer as he ripped the fabric down the middle, letting it fall open.
“And no bra?” He smirked, his head dipping down to mark a trail towards your nipples before finally wrapping his lips around it, his teeth coming out to tug on it while his other hand reached for the other one.
Your squirming only increased as he turned to do the same to your other breast and you could feel his bulge pressing against your thigh.
So close, yet so far. 
As he pulled away, you couldn’t help the shiver that left you as his body heat was gone.
“M-More.” You pleaded.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to ask for that.” He tsked, his hand spanking you over your shorts, watching as your head dropped onto his shoulder.
“Please.” Your voice coming out needy but you didn’t care.
“I’d love to help, but you still haven’t told me what you wanted.” He sighed, pushing you to the side, and getting up, looking down at you. “All you have to do is talk.” He reminded as he grabbed at the hem of your shorts, pulling them down, your panties following after.
“Cause if you don’t tell me, I’ll have no choice but to go along with my plan.” He smirked. “And I don’t feel like being nice tonight.”
The thought had a shiver running down your spine, and you licked your lips before shutting them, the intensity of his stare having too much of an impact on you. 
“Fine.” He smirked before turning to your nightstand, your eyes widening as you realized what he was doing.
“Shh.” He held a finger up. “I said I didn’t feel like being nice.” He reminded. “And that starts now.” 
You swallowed thickly and turned your head to the side, not wanting to see what he was picking.
“I forgot how many toys you had.” He chuckled to himself. “But I remember all the ones that made you scream.” 
You closed your eyes as you felt something thrown onto the bed. Followed by something else. 
It wasn’t long before you felt something cold run along your folds.
“God, you’re so wet, and I’ve barely done anything.” He whispered, rolling you over. “You really do get off on pissing me off.” He scoffed, pushing it inside you, and quickly taking it out.
“Can you guess what it is?” He smirked. “It’s one of your favorites.” 
You only nodded, not wanting to respond verbally as you mentally prepared yourself.
It was long before his hand was on your ass, keeping you open so he could push the toy into you slowly, reveling in how you moaned out as it entered you.
“Now the second one’s gonna be easy so this,” He smiled, pushing it lightly, smirking at the whimper you let out. “Was first.” He said before rolling you back over, and taking his shirt off.
“Seungwoo-” You were cut off with a moan as he slapped your thigh.
“We haven’t even started, baby.” He chuckled, his hand running up your thigh, both of them closing at the touch. 
“Keep them open or I’ll tie those, too.” He warned as he gripped your thigh, pulling it open.
You reluctantly held them open, and licked your lips as his hands got closer each time it came back up before leaving completely.
You didn’t have any time to complain before he was pressing your vibrator against you.
On the highest setting.
“Fuck! Seungwoo-” You cried out as your legs fought between closing and staying open.
“Yes?” He smiled down at you as he pressed it into you harder.
His smile only made it worse, and you whined, your hips grinding into the vibrator.
“Please fuck me-” You were cut off as he lowered the setting, your head rolling to the side in frustration. “I’m sorry, I’ll behave, I promise.” You tried as you felt your orgasm build embarrassingly quickly.
“What else?” He cooed, knowing he had you where he wanted you.
“Whatever you want- fuck!” You cried as he pulled it away. 
“Wrong answer.” He shook his head as he dropped to his knees, looking up at your panting form while he pulled you close.
“I’m not gonna give you what you want until you tell me what I wanna hear.” He tsked before his tongue came out, flattening against you, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Seungwoo!” You cried, wanting him to stop teasing. “Please!” 
“Then tell me.” He growled, bringing two fingers up to you and slowly pushing them into you, slightly curling them.
“I don’t know what you want to hear.” You shook your head, your walls clenching around his fingers.
“Then I guess I won’t be helping you.” He shrugged speeding the pace of his fingers up and putting his mouth back on you, curling his fingers as he sucked on your clit.
“Seungwoo! Fuck, please don’t stop.” Your head fell back as he did it again.
And he didn’t stop, not until he felt your thighs shake.
“Fucking hell!” You cried out, squirming against his belt. 
“Your last chance to say the right answer.” He panted, rolling you over and picking up your hips so your knees were under you, holding you up.
Even if you did know it, you definitely couldn’t speak, the only thing leaving your lips were tiny pants as you tried to collect yourself over being denied another orgasm.
It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of his jeans falling, and felt him slide his tip in.
“You’re not cumming until I get the right answer.” He said, pushing on the first toy while he slid in, the pressure from both causing you to whine out.
He knew you wouldn’t last. 
How could he expect you to think straight when his cock was the only thing on your mind?
The fuck did he even wanna hear? Now that you thought about it, did he even ask you a question in the first place?
“Fuck, Seungwoo-” You were cut off as he sped up, his hand coming up to grab your tied wrists to lift you up, the new angle leaving you screaming.
“Fuck! Yes! Please, just like that” You pleaded your head dropping while he used his hold on you to bring you back to meet his thrusts.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” He growled. “Who’s fucking you this good?”
“You, you, Seungwoo, fuck.”
“Who fucks you better?” He growled, his free hand reaching for your hair so he could drop his hold on your wrists, your head not tilted back so his breath was fanning against your ear. “Me or Sejun?” He growled again.
“You- fuck- you fuck me better!” You cried out as you felt a stronger pressure than normal build in the pit of your stomach. “Please let me cum!”
“Fucking hold it.” He growled, moving his free hand to your neck, gripping it slightly, feeling you clench around him.
“Someone likes that.” He chuckled, dropping your hair and holding you up by your throat.
“Seungwoo, I can’t hold it.” You choked out, your thighs shaking.
“Don’t you fucking dare” He growled as his hand came down to grab your hip.
“Please!” You whined as you felt yourself on the verge. 
He said nothing, only dropping his hold on you and pulling away, ignoring you plea as he rolled you over, slipping back inside you, his hand back on your throat as he leaned in.
“Scream for me and I’ll let you.” He smirked down at you, as he tightened his grip on your neck, his hips slamming into yours with whatever strength he had left.
And you did, your thighs shaking as you cried his name with your eyes screwed shut, your nails definitely leaving their mark on his belt.
“Fuck.” He groaned, hips stilling inside yours before pulling out, looking down at himself. “I didn’t think you’d squirt.”
His words didn’t process until you finally caught your breath, your eyes widening, and face reddening at his words.
“Guess I really do fuck you better.” He chuckled.
The next morning, you were woken up by Seungwoo saying someone left a bag on the porch.
“When did you get up?” You questioned, realizing you were on the couch.
“Someone had to wash the sheets you ruined.” He smirked at the memory and you hit him, getting up and wrapping yourself in a blanket before you went to the door, bending slightly so you could see inside but the sweet scent it gave off had given you the answer.
“It was the neighbor.” You smiled.
“She has me try her pastries when she comes up with new recipes.” You said, pulling the small paper box out of the bag and handing him the bag so he could throw it out.
“There’s a note.” Seungwoo spoke out, sticking his hand into the bag, a smirk growing as he read it aloud.
“Glad to know you and ‘Seungwoo’ worked it out.”
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
No Valentine’s Day (Mr Love Scenario)
Requested by anon:
So could you do a scenario with the MLQC guys (whichever one you are most comfortable writing) finding out that the fem!reader doesn't like the holiday and how they would react when they find out (especially if they ended up getting them a gift beforehand)? Thank you for sharing your writing and have a great day~!
A/N: Although it was requested after Valentine’s Day, this is ridiculously late, I know (sorry!! writing scenarios is hard for me...), but I figured I would still post it since it was requested and it also has some cute fluff that I hope you all enjoy :D
Gavin subtly reached out for your hand. You smiled and intertwined your fingers with his. When you looked up at him, he was blushing a little, which only made your smile grow. 
All day, you had been together walking the streets and doing cute romantic things. None of you had said anything about what day it was, but you knew nonetheless. In Gavin’s case, you also thought he had kept it quiet out of embarrassment.
As you thought about this, he suddenly stopped walking. Halting with him and turning to face him, you saw him shoving his hand on his pocket.
“I... got you something” He muttered, fidgeting a bit as he hid his hands behind his back. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it”
“Gavin, that’s so sweet!” Despite the fact that his amber eyes were set on you, the faint red shade in his cheeks made your heart flutter. “But you didn’t have to, I don’t like celebrating Valentine’s Day”
He frowned, staring at you and tilting his head.
“Then what are we doing right now?”
“Looking for an excuse to be together”
He suddenly coughed and cleared his throat, his blush intensifying. Gavin shook his head, discovering what he hid behind his back and offering you a little box.
“You don’t need an excuse to be with me” He told you, sweetly smiling.
You returned the gesture, gently taking the box from him. 
“And you don’t need an excuse to give me a present if you really want to, especially not Valentine’s Day”
Gavin paused for a moment, watching you fondly. In the end, he nodded his head and motioned over to the small box in your hands.
“Open it” He reminded you, and you did as he said. The lid opened to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with tiny gingko leaves adorning it. It went along with the bracelet you were already wearing on your wrist.
“Gavin, I love it!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tight. He chuckled and returned the embrace. However, he froze when you pulled away and kissed him in the cheek.
“Uh...” His fingers shook silghtly as they took the necklace from you. “I’ll put it on” 
Gladly, you turned around and gathered your hair to the side, allowing him to rest the trinket on your collarbone and fasten it behind your nape. 
You grinned, thinking that maybe you could change your mind about Valentine’s Day if Gavin was always involved in it.
You smiled when two hands suddenly covered your eyes, since you had been expecting this moment. It was obvious that he would come looking for you on that oh so especial occasion.
“Guess who?” A cheerful singing voice softly said in your ear.
“Hello, Kiro” You laughed, taking his hands and pulling them away from your eyes. You turned to be face to face with him and his grinning expression.
“Hi, Miss Chips! I got you a little something!” His warning was confirmed when you noticed his hands were now behind his back. An empty bag hung from his arm.
“Nooo, Kiro!” You whined, fed up with the whole world making a big deal out of this day. “Not you too, I hate Valentine’s Day!” 
“What?!” He uttered in outrage. “But it’s such a lovely day! Besides, it’s a reason to celebrate how much I love you!”
Unable to be annoyed at him, you smiled a little. Seeing that you had no complaints to his excitement, he grinned as well.
“Does that mean you don’t want this?” Kiro showed you a giant teddy bear that hugged a plushie heart. “I can just return it, you know? If you don’t want it then I-”
“Fine...” Resigned to your fate, you took it from him. Even if the physical object wasn’t as important for you as the thoughtfulness behind it. “But only because you bought it” 
Kiro kept smiling, even awing when you took the teddy bear and found yourself hugging it tight against your chest. It was soft and warm. And it smelled like him.
Lucien had called you to his office, insisting that he wanted to see you. As you arrived at his door and knocked, you hoped it wasn’t because of what you thought. Today was Valentine’s Day, a holiday you disliked. You had asked him not to buy you anything, refusing to make him feel obligated to. 
“Come in” His voice called from inside. As soon as you walked in, you saw him standing leaned against the desk, waiting for you.
“Hello! I’m here, what did you want to see me for?” You smiled a little. “I hope it’s not for what I think...”
“Do I truly need a reason for wanting to see you?” Separating the distance between you, he approached to take your hand in his.
You blushed a little when he kissed your knuckles in quite a gentlemanly way.
“So you don’t want to give me anything?” You insisted, hoping the answer was no.
“Actually, there’s this little thing” He shoved a hand in the pocket of his white lab coat. “I wanted you to have it...”
You observed the envelope and carefully took it from him, squinting at it in curiosity to its contents.
“Lucien... I thought we said...”
“Well, I didn’t buy it” He interrupted you. “So technically, I didn’t disobey”
You laughed a bit, opening the letter inside the envelope and reading the first line that said ‘my dearest Y/N’. Before you could carry on reading, his hands covered the letter and gently shoved it against your chest.
“Read it when you’re alone, please” He sweetly smiled. “It may not be the best, but it came from the heart”
“Thank you...” You replied, quite moved by the gesture. “But now I don’t have anything to give back to you”
“You don’t need to, it’s enough with just having you here”
You nodded your head, taking mental note of Victor’s advice. Thinking the brief meeting was done, you turned around. He, however, called you as your hand hovered over the door handle.
“Before you go...” He mumbled, making a pause that was quite long and hesitant, especially for him. “What do you want for Valentine’s Day?” 
“What?” You quickly faced him, astonished by the sudden question.
He rolled his eyes as though it bothered him that you made him repeat himself. 
“Valentine’s Day, what do you want?” 
“Oh, I don’t want anything” You shrugged a little. “I don’t really like the holiday that much”
“Really? I’m surprised” He watched you  attentively, smiling a little. “But I did make some pudding, it’s a shame if it were to go to waste”
You gawked at him, observing his every move as he went to retrieve something from under the desk. When he held it in his hands, you saw that it was a small tupperware and inside it was some delicious looking pudding. 
“You did that for me?” You asked him, smiling at the endearing gesture.
Victor rolled his eyes once more. As he offered it to you, his entire body language screamed exasperation. But you did notice the way the corners of his lips were struggling not to curve up.
“Do you want it or not?” He insisted, averting his gaze at your staring. “Stop gawking and make up your mind”
“Thank you” You reached out, and your fingers brushed together. Suddenly, you were relieved that he wasn’t looking. “I will eat it”
“Wonderful...” He sarcastically said, feigning disinterest.
“But!” You held one finger up, gathering his attention. “Only if you eat it with me”
Victor stared at you, examining your expression. In the end, he rolled his eyes yet again and obliged.
“Fine...” He went to pick up two spoons from the small hidden box under the desk. “We can afford to take a break, I suppose”
You cheered, grinning from ear to ear as you took the spoon from him. You immediately started eating the pudding, humming in delight at its tastiness. Victor took his time digging in the dessert himself, too busy with admiring how your face radiated with happiness.
Tag list: @xionroxas / @lupanaoflaminar / @hottchocolatte / @bubblyblossomx / @freya-lynn / @hana-owen / @x-joie-x / @i-wanna-be-a-cookie / @ikemencrossedmyth / @legallyblindgamer727 / @thegrandduckmaster / @n3verending16 / @ginkgo-dreams  // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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kazbrkker · 4 years
Chapter 6: Distant Reminders
Chapter summary: Finally a glimpse of the day Farah, Hadir and Alexis met, told from both perspectives. Some fluff between Alexis and Alex. Slight confession (blink and you miss it.) [3870 words]
Warnings: pretty dark chapter – please be careful. Mentions of wounds, burns and blood. Implied mentions of sexual assault. 
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27 October 2019, 0600 "Alexis" & "Alex" | Codename Aces CIA agents with Urzik militia Liberation Force Base, Urzikstan.
Truth be told, Urzikstan was starting to grow on the CIA agent. Used to working in much less hostile environments than this, Alexis figured it would take time before she could adapt. But between the constantly rowdy, yet lively compound and the unpolluted Urzikstan night sky that smiled down at her—it wasn't difficult for Urzikstan to imprint on her.
It was 6 on the clock when she awoke, a wired response. Judging from the unslept sleeping bag, Alex was still on lookout duty. Five minutes later, he entered the room.
"Wow, cute bed hair."
"Morning to you too." Alexis ignored his sarcasm, starting to roll her sleeping bag but halted at Alex's request—questionably saying hers was more comfortable. "They're the exact same," She deadpanned.
"Fine, I like your smell. Consider me obsessed." Alex lazily pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed his towel. Her laughter was airy among the morning stillness.
"Dial the creepiness to a min, 'kay?"
They walked to the makeshift showers that Farah had shown them—grimy and borderline filthy but they couldn't be bothered, instead, grateful that showers were even a possibility. Alex stepped one foot in when Alexis opened her bathroom door, "Quick proposition, wanna save some water?"
Alex dramatically clasped a hand on his chest at her vexed jab.
"What? It's our part to save the Earth, isn't it?" His voice lowered to a whisper, as if he was sharing the best-kept secret. Their foreheads were practically touching, his breath fanning on her cheeks. Their height difference made Alex peer down at her, thumb boldly rubbing across her cheekbones. "I'm just offering, I take my responsibility very seriously."
"Mm. I bet. Just get your ass in the shower." Back against the bathroom door, Alexis chuckled at how ridiculous he was, but it was a normalcy she got used to. Even at 6 in the dead morning, there was already an irrepressible smirk on display. The warmth that radiated off his bare torso did nothing but intensified her need for a freezing shower. He didn't even budge under her shove.
"Ooh. Grumpypants."
Rolling her eyes, she briefly glanced at the muscular arms that encaged her, silently tracing the intricacy of his tattoo sleeves, "Can I leave now?"
"Sure, excuse me then." He gripped onto her hips as though squeezing through a narrowed pathway—except it wasn't, there was plenty of room. All he had to do was release her.
It was pointless to try and ignore the heat of his touch, her thin cotton t-shirt could only do so much.
Alex stepped away, chuckling knowingly. She almost felt cold. A flustered Alexis stood rooted for a few seconds before rapidly blinking, breaking the... whatever this was. "I hope the water doesn't run out when you have shampoo in your eyes!" She shook the feeling out of her system, harshly biting her lip to reprimand herself.
'Jesus. Drag your mind out of the gutter, will you?' Although the devil on her shoulder tempted her with an exhilarating idea. Alexis swung the door shut with a bang, hopefully, loud enough to scare those thoughts away.
She heard his muffled yells from outside. "Point taken, you're a devious thing, aren't you!"
After a much needed shower, she found her partner back in their room. His hands tucked behind his head, droopy eyelids signified his sleepiness but held open with resistance. She entertained his cheeky statements while drying her hair.
"You look great."
"Tuck me in?" His persistence eventually honeyed her. This half-asleep state was endearing, albeit laughable and unbelievable to anybody else.
"Night." She squatted down to face the now tucked-in Alex. He answered back, words blurred from exhaustion, clearly delirious since he audaciously asked for a goodnight kiss, but was met a splash of cold water. "Well, it's officially morning, but... semantics. Answer is no." Refusing to witness her smug face, within two minutes, the said man passed out.
An amused curve played on her lips, observing her friend. Once he was truly asleep, judging from his unfurrowed eyebrows and slightly parted lips, she kneeled to land a soft kiss on the crown of his head. Her movements trembled ever so slightly as her lips brushed against his forehead, diligent to not rouse the light-sleeper.
Otherwise, she'd never hear the end of it.
Alex had slipped into unconscious blissfulness by now, leaving her alone with her raging thoughts. Looking at him, she thought of a few words that she would never utter out loud, even if her life had been beaten to shy of an inch. She was no idiot, nor a teenage girl struggling to analyse her feelings.
Alexis had feelings for Alex, she resigned to it ever since her return from St. Petersburg. Staring death in the face can do that to somebody.
It was a fool's errand to think it would ever work out. A bigger mistake if she destroyed the most important person in her universe. It didn't help that they were in the middle of a war, and they always were.
Besides, love was overrated. But try telling that to her defying heart for not letting it go even after five unreciprocated years. Alexis quietly untied the curtains covering their partition of the compound, leaving more than one thing to rest.
It was a nightmare to work out in jeans, but to respect their culture, she obviously had no complaints. Alexis convened with Farah, Hadir and another group of militia fighters for their first training today. Today's lesson resolved around stealth—her speciality. She taught them everything to know about sneak attacks, efficient knifing and using unconventional weapons like a belt or a pen.
They were an easy bunch to teach, like a sponge readily soaking up whatever she had to give. Somehow standing here reminded her when she was an insignificant recruit back in Fort Benning, how time flew. "Being stealthy is more than sneaking around and keeping quiet. It conserves ammo and your energy. Tradecraft 101: if you can't identify the target, you are the target."
They wrapped around 9.15am, concluding the lesson by teaching them her neat trick, emptying her shoes to reveal razors pasted against her ankle. "Hide these in your socks. It will get you out, trust me." She drawled out the last part, unintentionally grinning at a funny memory.
Farah smiled, asking her fighters to head to breakfast. Hadir, with his stomach growling embarrassingly loud throughout the training, eagerly led the beeline to the kitchen. The commander spoke gratitude to her informative lesson again, before a small tap on Alexis' shoulders pulled her attention away. It belonged to a young woman, not older than 15, she guessed.
"I... want to learn more... Can you teach me?"
"Your English is flawless..." Alexis waited for her name, the young woman was fidgety, only met her gaze meekly upon asking.
"Beautiful name." A smile fell on both the commander and the agent's lips. "Well, nice to meet you, Alia. Maybe we can meet back here after breakfast?"
The young woman nodded eagerly, shoulders now loosened. There was a slight skip in her steps when she walked in the kitchen's direction, joining the rest.
The corpse of the young child she witnessed the yesterday unwillingly flashed before her eyes. If she shut her eyes, she'd bet she could still smell the unholy putrid decay of human flesh.
"Alen– Alexis?" The sound of her name dragged her out of her thoughts, the excitable yells and rowdy chatter from the kitchen now of tangible existence. Farah waited for her expectingly, "Lost you for a minute."
They walked away to the rooftops. "Oh. Sorry, just... I didn't see her when I was here the last time... She's so young."
"War waits for no one," Farah replied truthfully. "We found Alia in a sewage tunnel three years ago, she was the only one left in her family. We found her before the soldiers did..."
She didn't explain further; for they both knew the tragic outcome of a young girl living alone in this occupation. Farah continued on a solemn note, "Barkov does not inflict pain only from his bombs and massacre. He tears families apart, ruin our children's innocence. Barkov and his army do... unspeakable things..."
Farah didn't explicitly state it, but there was a shared understanding. It was terrifying to be a woman in Urzikstan. Or really, be a woman anywhere near this life...
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you the last time."
Fazed by the unexpected mention of old events, Farah replied a few seconds later. "It's okay. You came back."
"Still, five years is a long time when freedom is on the line."
"Alexis," Their gaze connected meaningfully, "I have waited all my life. Five years is nothing. Plus. you came with backup. You brought me victory."
The agent's nose scrunched in grimace, "Don't jinx it." The commander looked perplexed at her words, "It's bad luck to say you've already won before you actually did."
"You believe in luck?"
"I didn't, but after you saved me... Let's just say I'm a believer." Although there was nothing cheery in her tone. "Luck can go a long way, I'm living proof." The distant look in her eyes and made Farah caution around her next words.
Farah remembered the day she stumbled upon Alexis. Stumbled would be the right word, seeing she literally walked in a chamber with Alexis in it.
Same shit, different day. Only today Farah and her fighters received intel of a new mob that moved operations just outside the borders of Urzikstan. As if Barkov wasn't enough, they were terrorising and robbing farmers of their already piss-poor life.
They utilised the element of surprise, showing up in the dead middle of the night. Also dousing the enemy's compound in petrol was an easy and foolproof way to get the job done.
"Sister!" When Hadir yelled for her, she was terrified something had happened to her brother—who was still inside, drenching the house with more petrol. "There is a woman... Prisoner! She doesn't look like she's with them!"
"Bring her out!"
Hadir balanced a bloodied woman on his back, carrying her all the way back to their waiting trucks in the woods. Farah immediately demanded her male fighters to look away, covering the skimpily dressed woman with a canvas mat. Not that it mattered, really—the unknown woman's face was unrecognisable, bruises and blood littered all over her body, her natural skin colour a mystery to them.
"She's alive! Barely breathing, but still here." One of her fighters announced. At that, they floored back to their compound. Farah was the one to clean her up, horrified by the state she was in. The commander had seen her fair share of gore, but even she didn't want to imagine what the mob did to the woman. Under the cuts, wounds and burns Farah could see a peek of the woman's skin colour. After dabbing some water on her face, her American features came into view.
There was no patch on her, no dog tags to identify her. Soldier? No, spy, she concluded. The woman looked far too beautiful for a wise commander to send into an active, hostile battlefield like Urzikstan.
Farah shook her head dismissively. "You give me too much credit, Alexis. You were the one strong enough to live through all that."
"If it weren't for you, the mob would have killed me. Hopefully." The agent swung her legs freely over the rooftop's edge. Her solemness didn't bypass the commander. "I'm serious, Farah. If I wasn't so lucky to meet you, even though it was in a burning fire, I wouldn't be here..." Their sight fell upon a faintly wrinkled patch of skin that covered a part of Alexis' left shin. "You saved my life, Farah. Thank you."
Through blurry vision, it was hard to make the commander's face, but she roughly pictured the curve on her lips. She made no efforts to hide her tears, knowing Farah had seen her worse. Recalling St. Petersburg drained every ounce of life in her, a dark stain of her past that no matter what, she couldn't scrub away.
And believe her, she had scrubbed her skin raw trying to erase it. But it still lived, crawled under her skin.
After the annoying tear dropped, her vision cleared. Now facing Farah, who seemingly had the same sentimental expression on her face, the two women engulfed in a tight embrace. There was a kind of serenity residing in the knowledge that Farah still smelled the way Alexis remembered.
When Alexis, then Alena first woke, she was quick to hold a scalpel against the first person she saw. It didn't help that it was a man.
Digging relentlessly into the guy's neck, she ignored the electrifying pain all over her body yelling at her to stop.
"Stop! Stop!" A young female dashed into the room, frantic arms flailing about. Alexis recognised the authority that radiated off this woman, so she jerked her head at the exit.
"I cannot let you leave. Look at you, you need to recover."
Displeased, the scalpel pierced through the man's skin. Eyes averting in a frenzy, she tried to work the best escape plan in her jumbled mind. "I'll recover somewhere fucking else. Let me go."
"We are not the enemy here–"
"'Cause the bad guys are so honest?" Alexis spat, using the guy as her human shield to inch towards the entrance. Her antics were gaining a ton of spectators, lining alongside the exit with firearms. "Tell your men to back off. Now! Or I fucking shoot my way through."
Alexis dropped unconscious after that statement, apparently, someone had hit her with a dose of anaesthetic. She half-imagined she would be restrained, but surprisingly, not only was she not, but the same woman slept beside her bed defenceless too.
Maybe it was pure stupidity, or kindness.
"Hate to interrupt, but Laswell's calling." Alex's voice boomed from the rooftop's entrance, making her jump. Back-facing him, she hastily wiped her tears and at a confirming nod from Farah, she turned around—all traces of tears disappeared from her face.
Farah watched the brunette agent retreat, a sad yet proud smile resting on her face when she thought about how far they both had come.
"Everything okay?" Alex inquired warily, shutting the door behind him for complete privacy.
"Yeah, perfect. Why?"
"Nothing. Just looked intense, that's all. And you're usually not big on hugs."
An uncharming snort escaped from her. Leaning against a table, she said, "Maybe that's just when it comes to you. Enough, where's Laswell?"
Alex was about to probe further but an unceremonious ring of the satellite phone stopped him. He huffed, having half a feeling that Laswell was a genie or something borderline supernatural, summoned at the mere mention of her name.
"You got Saint and Echo 3-1 on the line."
"Sorry for the early call, but I got good news. The attic of the Al-Qatala townhouse was a gold mine. It looks like we found the Wolf."
"Good news indeed," Alex commented.
"Communications from the laptop were tracked to Ramaza Hospital in Urzikstan, where the Al-Qatala leader is believed to be holed-up. Farah's forces will track terror activity at the hospital while a Marine ground force will advance on the complex."
At that, they arched a questioning brow, "Why the extra heat? We already have Farah's forces."
"Not my call, Saint. Colonel Norris suggested it and the General agrees. We only have one shot at this, the plan needs to be flawless." She almost scoffed at the same old excuse, but couldn't really blame Laswell. "You two will link up with Sergeant Griggs, the main priority is to capture the Wolf. Saint, you will lead interrogation about the stolen gas. I want him alive, can I trust you?"
Alexis shrugged casually. "Of course, death would be too easy for the bastard... Excuse my language, Watcher."
"Agreed. But, I still want him to look presentable, got it?"
"Are we talking face? Or waist down?"
The female agent received a defeated laughter from her partner, mouthing at her to stop it. Suddenly the minuscule guilt in him for executing Alexis' punishment for "insolence" disappeared. She had a true gift for pushing the limit, and then some. Consider it her cheap thrill—testing how far she could resist the CIA's chain of command. Alex sometimes wondered if Alexis was actively trying to court her death.
It was humorous watching her try though, knowing she was too precious of an asset to the CIA and JSOC to really punish. She'd only get a light slap on the wrist for trying—only irritating her further.
"Just kidding, Watcher. You can count on me."
28 October 2019, 0530 Rammazan, Urzikstan.
Soldiers or agents, everyone had their pre-mission rituals. The familiarity of routines helped to comfort soldiers who fear they might not return from their voyages.
Every day might be their last.
For Task Force Black, it was a last-minute poker game until somebody won three streaks in a row—freeing themselves from carrying claymores for that mission. Usually, Commander Maddox would win, but observing their games for a prolonged period of time, something told Alexis her commander was playing cheat.
Their games, albeit entertaining, was not her thing. She liked her silence, enjoy the isolation before entering another war—she'd never know how long a mission was. Days, weeks, months.
Her incident changed her, after that, she could never really be alone anymore—feeling the urge to always be surrounded by people. So there she was, sitting on yet another rooftop that oversaw the hospital the Wolf was in, even though it wasn't her shift.
A waft of smoke filled her nostrils unpleasantly, immediately catching her attention. "I can feel you looking," Farah said from her right.
"6 minutes." The agent subconsciously mumbled, earning a confused look from the commander.
"She means you're killing 6 minutes off your life." Alex continued after Farah's narrowed eyes, "She used to annoy me with this every time I pick up a stick. Mildly efficient. If you have iron willpower like me...Alexis can be very persuasive." He winced at the reminder of her 'detox' sessions, truly terrifying.
Alexis rolled her eyes.
Their conversation ceased when Farah's walkie-talkie announced Al-Qatala was firing in the hospital. "My soldiers confirm that the hospital is under siege. Al-Qatala is taking civilians as human shields. They're protecting someone."
"Or something."
Farah shrugged, "The more we find out... Hadir is my best sniper. You can rely on him and all my fighters."
"Well... This one is my best sniper. You can rely on her as long as she's well-fed— Ow! See my point?"
"Keep talking... I'll leave you to die."
Taking the opportunity when Hadir and Alexis engaged in small talk, seemingly part of their ruse, Farah successfully sneaked Alex her cigarette. He managed to pass it back before his partner swivelled back.
"Marines want their pound of flesh. They're leading the charge on this."
"I told you we would help you."
"And you're keeping your word."
"I don't do this to keep my word." Farah hesitated, "The invaders of my country have no regard for human life. The gas kills all things. Even food in our gardens. If you use these tactics, you are my enemy."
"No exceptions?"
"None. Al-Qatala has given my people a bad name, and we have paid dearly for their crimes. I want to see the Wolf punished."
The two CIA agents nodded coherently, "We'll make sure you're at the embassy for the handoff to Price."
"And you? Where will you two go when this is over?"
"Wherever they send me," Alex stared into the distance, casually nudging Alexis, "Hopefully this time to somewhere with a view."
Alexis chuckled, rolling up the hems of her jeans, "Urzikstan isn't so bad... you know. After we kill Barkov."
At their sighs, the commander finally understood. "You don't choose?"
"Ha. Not exactly." There was a price to pay to be the best out of the best, spoiler alert, it sucked.
They spilt, each taking different corners to defend until sunrise. Knowing his best friend couldn't be alone, Alex's fingers thoughtlessly slipped between hers and pulled her along.
Hadir called for the female agent, "Want to spot for me?"
Alex's grip tightened significantly. Her blood spiked from being put on the spot. "Um. I don't know... Hadir said he kept my fried rice—" Alex grumbled an insincere apology on her behalf before dragging her away. He hoped she couldn't hear the way his teeth grounded in irritation.
They settled on an isolated corner, away from eager ears. "Okay, I really wanted to eat that–"
"I'm a better eating partner. A better partner, overall, not that I'm trying to compete." He boasted with a wink, "But if I have to, I'll definitely win."
"Ah, the lovely smell of testosterone. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're tiptoeing on jealousy," Alexis mumbled sardonically, the scope on her sniper rifle clicking rhythmically.
"I'm not jealous."
At the realisation, a wry smile appeared on her lips, taking a break to harshly shove Alex's left shoulder. "My goodness, you are jealous! Don't worry, Hadir won't sweep me off my feet, pretty sure he has bigger things to worry about..." Alexis cleared her throat sarcastically, "Like a war?"
"You know me, I hate sharing. Especially my best friend." He shrugged dismissively after flicking her nose, only to be met with a pair of mocking eyes. "Can't you pretend to love me, just once? Come on, Lexi, say it. I'll cover your eyes." He whispered, the best friend part doused her with a bucket of cold water. Undeniably her heart lurched, though it was a simple joke, her stubborn heart had a mind of its own.
The rifle laid in her hands, forgotten. Under the rising sun, her voice was reduced to a whisper. Alexis swallowed a thick gulp, deciding to wave the white flag so she could calm her fiercely pounding heart.
"I don't have to pretend, Alex. You are my best friend. There's nobody else I can physically stand being in a room longer for five minutes."
For a cynical person like Alexis, this was basically a confession.
Alex arched a brow, still waiting.
"Fine. Love you."
Just as the Urzikstan sun finally pierced through the clouds, shining streaks of blood orange on their faces, it charmed a spell in Alex. The man couldn't help but be enamoured at this gorgeous sight.
"Yeah." He replied mindlessly, chewing down his lips while watching Alexis close an eye in concentration through her scope.
"Love you too."
alex, deadly c.i.a agent/prev delta force soldier: "tuck me innnnnn. 'kay gr8, now give me a goodnight kiss."
a/n: i gotta admit, i was so sleepy writing the first half i typed "fuck me in?" instead of "tuck" i mean... if u insist 😳
taglist: @flyboidameron​​
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