#do you still read my oversharing in the tags lol sorry
thisischeri · 2 months
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1 year since I resurrected the blog! 
I don’t typically commit to passion projects for this long, but best believe, this was one of my favourite decisions I’ve made in such a long time.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t born out of a loving space — but to cry for help. 
Circumstances have really tried to destroy the one thing that was consistently within me — tech and the internet. I had to take back my power, honour my younger self, and this just felt natural.
In the past year, I lost so much of my everyday foundation - both figuratively and literally. Most weeks I was going through some insane shit but ever since, this blog has always been my North Star. 
So thank you all so much for interacting and enjoying my shared love. I feel like I’m part of a community, and belonging is something I always struggle with. I also never thought I’d be able to post edits of myself, and just being me, not some watered-down trying to fit a mold typa shit. Thanks for bearing with it, it gave me so much confidence that I never had. I’m encouraging you too to wear old tech as fashion!!
Special shout out to my new internet friends, you know who you are. 
...and somehow, writing this on a Friday night during summer just makes so much sense. 
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icarusisstillflying · 2 years
WIP INTRO: Murders of Crow Creek 🏜
TITLE: Murders of Crow Creek, first of ? in the Hidden Gods series
GENRE: western supernatural/paranormal
SETTING: kind of an america set in an alternate timeline or universe, but ultimately set in the southwest, deserts, dry mountains, etc
TROPES/THEMES: really big on “you don’t have to be what they made you to be” if that makes sense; choosing your own destiny, if you will; what is justice, and is it possible to bring justice to someone without causing pain in the process; is justice always righteous; corruption of the state and of the soul and mind
STORY: Sheriff Lou Wesley works with a witch, a demon killer, a bounty hunter, and a barkeep to solve the murder of a young girl. Then another murder occurs. And another. Lou quickly realizes that the murders are not localized events, and that they may be connected to something far greater, and much, much, darker.
STATUS: still in the process of outlining and plotting, but i have a lot of ideas set in stone!
*image descriptions in alt text*
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Sheriff Lou Wesley
sheriff of Crow Creek
she/her, does NOT use feminine titles like “miss” or “ma’am”
~50 yrs old
Chinese descent (her great-grandparents were immigrants)
big time lesbian yEEHAW
is too old for this shit
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Miss Ella Finch
resident witch and weirdo of Crow Creek
20 yrs old
Black with Caribbean roots
a little mysterious a little mischievous
always knows a little too much
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Madeline Sanchez
demon killer
[redacted] oops sorry y’all that’s a secret
besties with Ashkii
pretend she’s wearing a really big black hat in the picrew LOL
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Ashkii yóó’ííyá, meaning “Lost Boy”
cowboy bounty hunter
Indigenous, of the Diné nation
besties with Madeline
trying his best okay
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Thomas Kennedy
late 20s
missing an arm
maybe an unhealthy obsession with knives
eavesdrops and overshares
other facts:
those last three may or may not end up in a poly relationship by the end of the series
many other characters introduced in later installations of the series
you can assume that most of my characters are NOT cishet so do w that what you wish
i am still working on research regarding naming conventions and what is appropriate for a character who is Diné. when i had first picked out a name for him years ago, it was done clumsily and without any thought into actual names of Indigenous people within different nations, and the name i have now is what i have decided to give at least as a placeholder until i learn more. as i continue to learn, i encourage anyone who knows more than me, a white person, to please tell me if i’m getting stuff wrong or being insensitive in any way. with this character, and with any characters or situations i may write. i do my best with research and listening to experiences of the different kinds of people i write, but i know i am not immune to making mistakes along the way. i appreciate any guidance and criticism given along this journey. thank you very much :)
I know this is like super long, so thanks for reading to the end of you did LOL !!! ask to be added to the tag list, i guess? is that a thing? i will be putting out more info on characters, plot, worldbuilding, etc, and maybe making a master list of all the info for this. wanted to finally get at least one wip out in the open!!
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ilostyou · 1 year
oversharing on the internet
this is a hundred years late no one look at me sorry. thank you besties @911onabc @rogerzsteven @buck2eddie for tagging me <3 mwah
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
yes! i'm named after my great grandmother but lol my mom didn't love the name but still wanted to give the family name so she added a different name she loved and that's what i go by
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
yesterday <3
THREE: Do you have kids?
nope but hopefully in the future when i am properly settled down or whatever idk
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i think so? it jumps out a lot when i'm upset/annoyed bc i tend to get kind of cynical lol
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
i did gymnastics til i was like 14 actually, and played basketball for two years in middle school
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people
hmmm...their smile maybe? also their voice probably
SEVEN: What's your eye colour?
blue! with some green in the middle
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings <3 i don't do scary really
NINE: Any special talents?
i sing and play a few instruments and can ? kind of draw? haven't in a VERY long time though. i used to a lot more
TEN: Where were you born?
born and raised ny baby
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
playing guitar is big for me rn, i also read a lot
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
i loooooved science. like really most sciences. i also used to Love math but by the time i got to college i had to deal with stats which i hate with a passion so . no longer
FIFTEEN: Dream job
i meeean i'm in school rn to get my doctorate in psychology so i'd say it's my dream job in the sense that it's what i'm working towards rn LMFAO but in another life i'd love to say something music/music industry related idk
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have no idea who did this already or had wanted to but. tagging @robinsparkles @thinkaboutwhatyoudid @calmfolklore @lover-of-mine in case y'all still wanna lol xoxo
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basilsunrise · 1 year
Oversharing! on the Internet
Thank you @alrightbuckaroo and @chaotictarlos for the tag! And sorry to anyone who tagged me in the getting to know you one from last week! I meant to do it and forgot lol.
ONE: Are you named after anyone? Nope!
TWO: When was the last time you cried? I'm pretty sure it was whatever day I read chapter two of living at the centre of a wound still fresh by @welcometololaland
My eyes were already a little watery and then “I wanted to tell her myself” made a single tear escape. I still have a few chapters left to read so I foresee more tears in my future.
THREE: Do you have kids? Nope!
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. I think I'm hilarious.
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play? I ran and played basketball in school!
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people? Hmm I don’t actually know? Probably what they're wearing. I love a cool outfit.
SEVEN: What's your eye colour? Hazel
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I'm a big chicken and hate scary movies.
NINE: Any special talents? I’m good with kids, does that count?
TEN: Where were you born? In the back seat of a greyhound bus, rollin' down highway 41 (just kidding, those are Ramblin' Man lyrics)
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies? Traveling for concerts, cooking, baking, going on nature walks, reading, writing, watching silly little tv shows
TWELVE: Do you have any pets? Cats!
THIRTEEN: How tall are you? 4'11
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school? I generally liked most of my classes, but I really liked calculus and ecology!
FIFTEEN: Dream job? If we're talking unrealistic, will never actually happen jobs, I'd love to work with a touring band, like as a tour manager or part of the stage crew.
No pressure tagging @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @whenshereads @irispurpurea and anyone else who feels like oversharing!
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bbc merlin and spn both have chokeholds on me which are equal in intensity yet completely opposite in energy
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evil-moonlight · 3 years
Describe yourself to your mutuals
I'm not so good at describing myself but I'm giving it a try. My sincerest gratitude to this lovely person @sashkitty. 💜
Well... My name's Rejin. I am already in my 20s. I am usually called "Rej" or "Jin." I'm a quiet person - silent as the night. Also anxiety-driven. I used to have very low self-confidence that's why. But when I got into college, I was able to get out of my comfort zone (and now I love public speaking albeit it still gives me panic attacks). I am an intuitive introvert - INFJ to be particular. I am not scared to be all alone by myself. I don't have true friends in real life but I have favorite people such as my internet friends coming from different fandoms. I love reading books, manga, manhwa. I love writing (but I'm not a writer - I just can't start a paragraph. Every time I do my ideas already get messed up). I love watching anime, movies, and drama series (I'm into BL/Bromance series lately). I love painting. I want to become a professional make-up artist. I so much love music and singing. Love editing videos. I am asexual (but still confused, lol) They say I look cold and unfriendly but I don't think so, just not so trusting. I hate worms to the point that it makes my skin crawl. I don't like family dramas and any kind of dramas in my personal life. People keep on asking me for my help and since I'm kind of a pleaser, I do help them. But when it's time for me to want to be helped, it's always "I'll help you but you should give me something in return." That's why I'm done with this kind of thing. Not a good adviser but people keep on asking me for advice. I am a great listener but not a sharer (but now I'm oversharing lol). Yes, I keep everything to myself. I am quite dismissive and don't want to prolong arguments. I am addicted to organizing. I am a minimalist. I keep mementos and later on declutter them when it's necessary to do so.
Ooh, anyway, I have a big crush on my World Literature professor - he won't read this after all - and he's 20 years older than me. 😁
Tagging: @inescated and anyone who wants to do this. I really am sorry you're receiving a tag coming from me again. If you don't feel like making it feel free to decline. 💜
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Late Night Talks
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
So this is a new story (yay!), and I wrote this for my girlfriend! She asked me not to tag her for privacy reasons, but I hope she loves this because this is actually based on a real event!
A quick background, we confessed through the phone and this story is heavily based on that. A lot of the feelings Luka feels are things that I actually felt! The dialogue is pretty similar too (obviously some things are cut out or edited to fit Luka and Mari lol)
My “just-a-friend” got me into MLB and we both love Lukanette, so I thought it’d be fitting to write her a story about Lukanette, based on us, for one of her gifts! Happy birthday, my love! I hope you (and everyone else reading this XD) enjoy it!
The story begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
Soft light from his phone covered his face, forcing his eyes to squint in order to see clearly. His thumb unconsciously moved across the screen, opening up random apps before quickly closing them just to open them again.
The boat was fairly quiet. During the day, he could hear the different movements and various noises from his mother and sister, but this late at night merely left the sounds of waves from the Seine below him. The natural creaking of the boat usually left him relaxed and helped him fall asleep.
Although lately his nights had been occupied by other things, especially one girl.
Luka shifted in his bed, trying to engulf himself in more warmth from his blankets. Did his mattress always feel this stiff and uncomfortable? He never paid it much attention before, it never mattered before. Maybe it was just his mind trying to find something to think about.
He glanced at the time near the top of his screen and saw it was ten after midnight. Well at least it’s not too late yet, or maybe it wasn’t too early yet? She never texted him extremely late (or extremely early). Was it late? When did he care about time so much?
The only reason he thought about the time lately was because of her.
Luka shifted again, pulling up the blanket to cover the blush creeping up his cheeks. He continued to open apps just to close them again. He sighed and turned off the phone, letting the room dim and his eyes rest. Why did this feel so desperate? He used to see himself as a ‘go with the flow’ guy, but she had found a way into his heart and made him question his entire life.
When had he ever checked his phone this much? If she decided to text him tonight (as she had been doing for the past couple of nights), would immediately replying make him seem obsessed? He didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Didn't girls like when guys text fast? She hasn’t seemed to mind it so far. Then again, his only source of reference was his sister, and getting her to reply to him took years off his life.
His phone beeped and the screen lit up, showing a new text message. Luka quickly sat up and hurried to read the message.
‘SOS Can’t sleep again :( Think I might need a ~Luka~ to help (^-^)’
He covered his mouth with his palm, trying to hide the smile consuming his face. When did his nights become like this? Maybe it was desperate to wait for a text, but when the text came from Marinette, he couldn’t find a reason to be upset.
This girl seemed to bring him a whole new type of happiness, even if he was too nervous to text her first. He wanted to give her space and be comfortable around him, so waiting until midnight for a text never bothered him.
While seeing her throughout the day was always amazing, there was a different feeling that came with their late night talks. The fact that she needed to sleep and came to him for help gave him a warmth in his chest he never knew before. Although sometimes it made him feel selfish, seeing as she tended to talk to him when she was tired.
‘Luckily this Luka is always able to help :)’
And he really was always able to help, at least he tried to be. Luka helped everyone. Whether it was his family, friends, strangers, co-workers, he always lended a hand. But when it came to Marinette, he’d drop everything to run to her.
‘Yesss! Call me! Mama needs some Luka time!’
He tried to stifle a laugh and rolled his eyes at his phone. His body was hunched over the edge of the bed, watching his phone with intense eyes, as if the messages would disappear if he looked away.
In the mornings, he always found himself worried about that, as if the night before only existed in his mind. He’d hurry back to his phone to re-read the messages, making sure that Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who chased off his nightmares and reinvented his dreams, really spent her night with him. Even if it was through a screen, even if it was for an hour, the messages were there to remind him that for a moment, she was his and he was hers. He was always hers, if she wanted him to be.
Luka slowly leaned back onto his bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. He put one hand behind his head and took a deep breath. His calm personality wasn’t an act, Luka was definitely a level-headed person, but he was still human. And as a human, a pretty girl talking to him late at night gave him lots of nerves.
He quickly shook off any tension he felt and pressed the call button. The phone only rang once before the sweetest voice he’d ever heard took over. “Hi Luka! Sorry, I know it’s late and everything, but I couldn’t sleep and… Oh wait, you told me I shouldn’t apologize, sorry! Or- wait, I just said sorry. Wow, I’m sorry- Shoot! I said it again-”
She was rambling, rotating between apologizing to him and trying to explain why she called him. As much as he loved (was that too serious of a word?) her, he also knew that if he didn’t reel her in, she’d spiral out of control.
“Don’t worry, Mari, you’re fine. But I gotta be honest, I didn’t expect this. I mean, calling a boy so late at night… not once, but multiple times in a row? How scandalous of you, Mel’.”
He heard a scoff through the phone and a lot of rustling. “Oh Luka, you should know I am the most scandalous of girls. In case you haven’t heard, I call lots of boys and girls at night.” Her voice took on a fake sounding ‘tough guy’ accent. He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. “Wow boys andgirls? I didn’t know I was talking to a criminal.”
Honestly at this point he wouldn’t put it past her to be a criminal, she seemed to have a habit of stealing people’s hearts. He’d never tell her that though. One, she seemed to have a strange distaste for bad jokes, two, that meant he’d have to admit that he liked her (but the word ‘like’ didn’t seem strong enough).
“What?! I wouldn’t take it that far! I’m a total supporter of the law!”
Luka moved the phone from his ear to his chest. His face pinched tightly, trying to hold back any laughter that formed. His body tensed up from holding it in, as much as Juleka definitely deserved some payback for the loud laughing she tended to do so late at night, he really didn’t want to deal with a cranky sister. He quickly moved the phone back to his ear and took a deep breath.
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s kinda funny how different we are, not that I don’t support the law. It’s just when you have a mom like mine, it’s kinda hard to keep it in mind.” Marinette laughed through the phone and his chest felt like it was on fire.
Everything about her was so sweet, her laugh, her personality, she was amazing. Even when the mornings came and his head throbbed from the lack of sleep, he would never change these moments with her for anything in the world.
Sounds of fabric and movement came through the speaker along with a small hum of agreement. “Yeah I am pretty amazing at following the law. It’s kinda like a job at this point… Not that I have a job with the law! I don’t do that. That would be weird. Uh- anyways! Your job! Wait, that's not exciting. Oh man I’m so nervous tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Melody, it’s fine. My job isn’t very exciting, but I’m sure your day was, right? Mind telling me about it? You know I love listening to you.”
A gasp came through the other end of the phone and then a very thorough retelling of the events from the day. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined everything she told him. She left the bakery this morning to hang out with Alya, she probably wore that new beret she made, along with some cute, pink shoes to match.
He imagined her sitting under a tree at the park to draw, it was sunny and hot today, so she probably took her jacket off to get comfortable. She told him how she went out to get orange juice with Kagami, he could practically hear her smile through the phone as she told him about it.
Everything with Marinette was simple, by no means easy, but simple. He knew her well enough to understand how she felt, and she was the same way with him. They just got each other. She didn’t need to tell him the details because she knew he would already know. When he tried to explain a decision he made in a new song, she didn’t have to know what he was saying to understand him. Luka found it easy to just ignore the details, because Marinette was talented enough to fill them in herself.
Luka stayed quiet as he processed her words, filling in the details himself. He loved spending his nights like this, he didn’t mind messing with his sleeping schedule (or lack thereof). He loved to replay every moment of sincerity and kindness she showed throughout her day. He loved to hear about new projects she worked on, because her talent went beyond anything he’d ever seen.
She was miraculous.
“-But yeah, I guess that was my day! Not super exciting, but I think it was okay? I hope it was, at least.” Exciting? That was just one of the many adjectives he could use to describe her. Talented, exciting, clumsy, but so intelligent. Even on her dull days, he got excited just hearing her about random thoughts she had throughout the day. “Marinette… you’re extraordinary, honestly. Your day sounds wonderful. You’re wonderful. I don't know- You make me feel wonderful.”
Was he oversharing? Probably. He was definitely bad with words, but he wasn’t lying. His hands fisted his shirt as he waited for a response. The other end of the phone call went strangely silent. He could faintly hear the hum of the phone and the waves of the water outside his window. Why did the phone get quiet?
The last thing he’d ever want to do was make her uncomfortable, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. What if he told her too much? A soft squeal pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused back on the phone. “Um-! That’s...really sweet, Luka! You’re wonderful too… Or- Extraordinary I mean! You make me feel extraordinary, all the time. So- I don’t know, thank you?” His chest tightened. How much longer could he keep up with this act?
Pretending to be ‘just a friend’ might be easier for some people, but it was torture for him. Did she have these late night talks with other people? Did she ever hold anyone else’s hands when hers feels cold? Did she ever kiss them on the cheek to say goodbye? Luka was never one to push his luck, despite protests from his sister and mom, but nights like tonight made it hard.
“Don’t thank me, it’s just the truth, Mari. I should be thanking you, for making my nights a lot better, y’know?”
It was the truth. But there was so much more he could say. All of her quirks and amazing qualities always left his head feeling dizzy. He could write symphonies merely based on the person she was, let alone his feelings for her.
Yet he always kept those melodies to himself, even if he wanted to share them with the world, or share them with her. Nights like these make him feel like he could take on anything life throws at him. For Marinette, he probably could.
Another squeal came through the phone and a loud thud. He quickly sat up in a panic and pressed the phone even closer to his ear. “Marinette? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Loud thumping came through the receiver and more panicked sounds.
“S-sorry! That was just- I just- Ugh… I dropped my phone, sorry. You just- you should know that… This is gonna sound lame, but you make my nights better too… Heck, I even listen to your cover songs throughout the day, so I guess you make my days better too? Wait, that sounds weird, sorry! I don’t mean to say it in a weird way...”
Luka’s eyes widened and his heart felt as if it was trying to beat out of his chest. His hand unconsciously moved to his chest and grabbed tightly onto his shirt. The breath leaving him was shaky and weak. It felt like the world stopped spinning for a moment.
All at once, the feelings he tried to hide came boiling over and any sensible thought that told him to conceal his affections raced out of his mind. Before he could stop himself, Luka’s mouth moved on its own.
“Can we facetime? Or anything similar to that, please?”
Without getting an answer, his phone started ringing. He turned the phone to his face and saw himself staring back. As soon as Luka answered the call his eyes wandered across his screen, taking in Marinette’s face.
Her hair was still in pigtails, but different strands stuck out in an adorable way. The camera showed her snuggled into her bed as she laid on her side, with her pink comforter pulled over her lower face, covering her cheeks and nose. A large cat pillow rested just behind her head, unnervingly staring at him. Because most of her face was hidden, Luka noticed her eyes, and suddenly he felt very self aware of his position.
Quickly laying back down on his bed, Luka awkwardly raised one arm to lay behind his head, trying to feign an relaxed appearance. He tried to give her the closest thing to an easygoing smile as he could manage at the moment, which definitely felt a little forced seeing as how he was now (sort of) face to face with Marinette. Trying to hide any tension he was feeling, he cleared his throat, inwardly hoping she couldn’t read how nervous he was.
“Uh- Hey, Mar- Melody. Love the cat pillow. Totally don’t feel like it’s about to jump into your phone and attack me.”
She raised a hand to her mouth, attempting to cover her laughter. Her eyes scrunched, smile widened, and Luka’s heart soared. Marinette managed to roll onto her back letting the beautiful sound ring throughout the room. The blanket dropped and uncovered the entirety of her face.
After a moment of joy, she tried to quickly recollect herself. She turned her head back to the phone and stuck out her tongue. “Silly. Just so you know I’m banning you from making me laugh this late again. You’re gonna make my stomach hurt!”
Luka started laughing too, loosely covering his mouth, not caring about waking anyone up anymore. “That’s gonna be a problem, you should know that I’m kinda hilarious, so you should fully expect me to break that rule. Very quickly.”
They both joined in quiet giggling before Marinette covered her mouth with her hand again and gasped. “I just told you that you’re banned from making me laugh!”
“Hey, I warned you! You can’t be mad when I literally just warned you!”
The two teens burst into laughter once more. Luka calmed down quicker than Marinette did, so he saw her laughing face a second time. She was beautiful. Every time he saw her, he swore she wasn’t real. No real person could be as stunning as she was.
Whenever she worked on a new project and her hair flopped over her face, she was gorgeous. The times when she helps their friends out, her eyes are always so gentle, she’s divine. Even when she’s stressed out, the moments when she feels at her lowest, Luka can’t help but notice how angelic she looks.
She’s breathtaking without even trying.
Once Marinette collected herself, her eyes turned soft and precious as she looked back at the phone. Even through a screen, her stare set his soul on fire. His mind went blank for a second before he lost all sense of reason.
“Did you really mean it when you said I make your days and nights better?”
Her eyes widened slightly at his question, and he finally realized what just came out of his mouth. ‘Great job, Couffaine. You just made it weird!’Luka shook his head and moved the camera slightly away from his face, moving his gaze from the phone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up again-”
“I mean it.”
His eyes shot back to her and saw how she snuggled back into her bed again. Her eyes were looking away, but the redness in her face showed him exactly where her mind was. “I meant what I said… Did- Well, did you mean it too? When you said I made your nights better?”
There it was again. The shaky breath, the longing look in his eyes, the fuzziness in his chest. With a simple answer, she turned him into putty and without even realizing it.
Luka moved his arm to rest on his eyes, attempting to hide any sign that would show how he felt, just in case she didn’t mean her words the way he wanted her to mean them. He’d never blame her for not being too clear, even if it hurt him. Any affection, whether friendly or romantic, should’ve been fine with him.
“This is gonna sound bad, but my phone is full of screenshots from our FaceTime calls.” Luka lifted his arm up slightly to gauge a reaction from her. But her eyes were glued on him, he couldn’t pick up on a clear response, so he covered his eyes again and continued.
“I… this is so creepy- sometimes I look at pictures of you and… it makes my day better too? That sounds so weird. It sounded a lot cuter in my head-” A loud cackle interrupted him and his arm shot away from his eyes. He saw Marinette digging herself even deeper into her massive blanket (and creepy cat pillow), trying to hide her laughter.
She must’ve noticed his silence because her eyes popped out of the blanket to look back at her screen. “Sorry, that’s just… that’s so cute! You take screenshots from our facetime calls?”
Her lopsided smile made his cheeks burn. He tried to gain back his level-headedness by rolling his eyes at her. He brought the phone closer to stick his tongue out at her. “I wouldn’t call me ‘cute’ if you don’t want me to call you ‘adorable’ for listening to those covers.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation and hid her face back into the blanket. He took a quick, deep breath, silently thanking himself for being able to play his awkwardness off.
“I can’t believe I actually admitted that to you- That’s cold-blooded, Luka! Teasing a girl’s love is mean!”
They both paused for a second, taking in her words. The cabin suddenly felt a lot smaller than it was. His blood felt boiling hot yet icy cold all at once. His face slacked and yet tensed in different places. Looking at her and seeing her eyes expand let him know she was probably feeling the same way.
It sounded so easy. When she said it, it felt right. Full of affection without being overbearing. But then Marinette’s gaze moved off screen. She sunk into herself, yet not playfully like before. The energy of the call changed into something else, something new. “I… shouldn’t say anymore. I’m… sorry, Luka. I’m so sorry; I feel so selfish. I call you so late just to ruin your night by making things weird, and I’m so sorry.”
He watched as she shifted in her bed; he saw the edge of her thumb on the screen, hovering over it, as if she was about to end the call. “That’s not-! Marinette, that’s not true. If you’re selfish… If you’re selfish, then I must be the most greedy guy in the world.”
Marinette swiftly stared at the screen, her mouth opened as if she was going to rebuttal his statement. Before she could, he spoke first.
“I’ve been staying up every night, hoping and begging that you’d text me, or call me, or give me any attention at all. And I do it, knowing that you message me when you’re tired and need to rest. I know that spending time with me only takes away time you need to sleep. So yes, I’m selfish, and I’m greedy,”
Luka slowly sat up as he stared into the screen, clutching it as if it was the most important thing in the world, and at this moment, it was. Marinette moved the blanket off her face slightly and he saw her face flush with color. His voice felt raw as his throat tightened and his face burned. He couldn’t even register the tear that raced down his cheek. When did he get so emotional?
“But Melody, Mari, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I want your attention so bad. I want your affection and anything else you give me. I’ve been trying so hard to bite my tongue around you, to pretend like I think of you as my friend. But I love…”
He shut his mouth fast. What was he doing? He was destroying everything for these feelings. Why would she like him? She gives everyone affection. Marinette loved everyone, it was just who she was. What was he doing? He looked around his room and realized the situation he put himself in. He quickly put his phone on the bed next to him and pulled his knees to his chest.
Did he ruin their relationship? Would she stop having these late night talks with him? Would she still hold his hands when hers felt cold? Would she ever kiss his cheek to say goodbye again? What was he doing?
This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. It all happened so fast. He reached for his phone to apologize and to hopefully scavenge whatever was left of their friendship.
“I love you too, Luka.”
His hand stopped just above his phone and he waited. He listened to the small buzzing sound from his phone, the waves moving against the boat, gentle breathing coming from Marinette.
“I love you… and I wanna be selfish. I wanna be greedy and I wanna be with you.”
Luka found the courage to lift the phone to his face and stare back at her. Marinette now sat up, her face was bright red with tear stains down her cheeks. Her eyes were slightly puffy and he was sure his were too. The only light on her face was her phone and even with everything, she looked beautiful.
“I wanna be with you too, Marinette. Always, for as long as you’ll have me. Wake me up at three A.M. everynight for the rest of my life, I don’t care. I just wanna be with you too. I love you.”
It felt so right. It wasn’t too much when he said it. He meant it to be heavy and weighted. But it didn’t feel forced or extreme. It was just right. They stared at each other for a moment more. His eyes raced across every centimeter of the screen, taking in every aspect of her, her eyes doing the same. Smiles spread across her face as they both chuckled, their laughter laced with happy tears.
Luka wiped his eyes, trying to calm himself down (despite his teenage hormones telling him that he should continue to cry and sob from the utter euphoria he was feeling). Marinette tugged at her pigtails with one hand, seeking to find comfort.
“This wasn’t the way I thought we’d confess, y’know. I always thought you’d write me a song, or I’d make you a new jacket. Some big gesture instead of us sobbing,” she chuckled.
He stopped wiping his eyes to laugh again. His smile grew, even as he tasted his tears. “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I have plenty of songs for you, and about you and everything. I can grab my guitar if you want, but you might hear Juleka complaining in the background.”
They shared one final laugh before the exhaustion of crying kicked in and they both laid back down. Marinette wrapped herself in blankets one final time, holding the dubious cat pillow tight against her. Luka found himself in a similar position, he laid on his side, his face squished against his pillow and the blanket pulled under his chin.
They stared at each other, making small conversation about their feelings. Luka could hardly remember all that happened after that, he felt such relief and happiness from everything that the rest of the night felt fuzzy.
He glanced at the time at the top of his screen and noticed it was now closer to three-thirty. Luka took a deep breath before sighing. He saw Marinette’s eyes getting smaller and smaller with each second.
He knew that they should hang up soon, but he really wanted to be selfish and keep her on the phone. “Luka…”
Marinette slowly opened an eye to look back at him. Their smiles grew once again. “Are you gonna take another screenshot of me?” Her smile turned sly and he rolled his eyes.
“That’s cold-blooded, Mel’. Teasing a guy’s love is mean,” he stuck out his tongue, just for good measure. But then he sneakily took one screenshot, to remind himself that tonight was real and not just a dream. Tonight, Marinette was his and he was hers, and hopefully it’ll stay like that for a long time.
Her eyes drifted back closed, but her smile never left. “...Love you… Luka….”
Warmth engulfed his chest, leaving him feeling light and airy. The mattress underneath him felt soft and perfect. The dryness on his cheeks from earlier tears didn’t bother him at all. He was content and full of love.
While the confession was unexpected, he wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as he loved her clothing and as many songs as he had for her, he knew nothing would’ve compared to tonight. As he looked back at her sleeping face, he had a feeling she felt the same.
“I love you too, Marinette.”
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amyscascadingtabs · 4 years
six facts about myself
i was tagged by @feeisamarshmallow to share six facts about myself! i feel like i talk constantly about myself and overshare a ton on here all the time so most people probably know this but i’ll try!! under the cut because i wrote loads, haha.
1. i have never ever smoked a cigarette in my life and i feel like i never could. my parents raised me with a mindset that that was the grossest, most terrible thing you could ever do and if i ever smoked they would kick me out. i almost think they were slightly too harsh, because when i saw my friend smoke at a party at age 17 we had an actual fight about it because i’d genuinely been raised to believe that smoking makes you a bad person. i definitely don’t think it’s that simple today haha, but i do still think it’s absolutely disgusting and i’ll never understand it. 
2. i like to tell people i’m a lazy vegetarian, because i’ll sometimes eat things like fish or mcdonalds chicken nuggets or non-vegetarian candy, but the truth is that i make sure not to have those restrictions because restricting what i can and can’t eat will always be an eating-disordered behavior for me and i never want to go back to that hellhole again. i do eat mostly vegetarian but that’s genuinely because that’s what i like best (and also because red meat gets SO gross once you stop eating it).
3. i’ve had a special interest in everything babies and pregnancy literally since i learned to read when i was three or four! i suppressed it a lot in my early teens because i realized that people found it weird and i internalized that shame but today i love how much i know about it and it makes me so happy! i’ve read that girls with autism are more likely to have special interests related to biology and the body and that was definitely true for me hehehe
4. if you search my full name there are debate articles out there that i wrote and got published when i was 14-15 and they’re SO TERRIBLE and i’m so ashamed of them and i even tried emailing the site to have them removed but they won’t do that because they own it and yada-yada. the opinions are fine, the writing quality isn’t, and i cringe even thinking about them. but at the same time, writing them was part of my eating disorder recovery and learning how to put my identity in something else for the first time after two and a half years, so i feel like i can’t hate them too much either.
fun fact: one of the articles was about how terrible alcohol is (i was involved in a youth sobriety organisation at that time) and a popular twitter comedian at the time retweeted it and made a snarky comment that “johanna 15 has never tried X and X alcohol hahaha”. she was right but still. anyway she’s quite well-known in sweden now but i REFUSE to support her in anything she does because she once called me out on twitter when i was fifteen and i still think that was low of her lol sorry i’m just too petty
5. i can’t do winged eyeliner!!! i have hooded lids and shaky hands!!! but there was a period of time when everyone did it and it was SO popular and i had a friend who was great at it, so i would force myself almost every day to try to get that perfect eyeliner wing and i would have to redo and redo it and i would stand in front of the mirror with intense anxiety and makeup remover for thirty minutes some days before giving up. it was honestly really sad
6. i’ve always had loads of problems with my ears and i had to have a “total reconstruction” in one of them where they’ve basically rebuilt my eardrum in some way? and something smaller on the other side as well. the total reconstruction was an eight-hour surgery when i was eleven years old where they removed cysts that were growing there and i learned years later that the reason it took so long was because one cyst was growing on a facial nerve, and if they had made one wrong move (or let it grow) half of my face could have been paralyzed. but they didn’t and today i still can’t hear well but i don’t have cysts in my ears either and that’s progress!!!
okay this was actually fun haha  ��� thanks so much fee!!! i’ll tag @loudamy, @andysambrg, @amydancepants-peralta, @johnny-and-dora, @fivefeetapart, @letsperaltiago and @amazingsantiago if you want to but no pressure as always <33
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bisexualclarkkent · 3 years
i'm asking for clarification purposes but i apologize if it's something that's been answered before. if you tag something with #daily oversharing , does that always mean it's a personal post that you don't want to be reblogged? if it doesn't, may i ask that you tag things you don't want reblogged with, like, #don't rb (and/or tag things you're okay with being reblogged #okay to rb) so that folks who aren't great a reading context clues like myself don't reblog a personal post of yours and catch a block when they mean no ill intent? i really like your blog but i'm also really dumb and i dont wanna accidently overstep a boundary you've made very clear 🥺
Not all of my “daily oversharing” posts are personal, but I often get people reblogging things that are very clearly me venting about personal situations or negative feelings I’m having that I don’t feel great talking about to people I know. I do tag things “ok to rb” and people tend to still only reblog things that aren’t tagged as such. I’ll definitely try to be better about that though. I try not to tag things with variants of “don’t reblog” because it attracts people that troll tags like that and reblog every post they see there, just to be dicks. (This sounds silly, I’m sure, but it’s happened to me multiple times and it was frankly hurtful and humiliating and not something I’m willing to risk.) I’m sorry if I sound prickly but this is a problem that repeatedly comes up and I repeatedly ask people to stop because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I have to prioritize my comfort level, I hope everyone understands. I’m not trying to be harsh, I’m just really tired lol.
If you’re ever unsure if a post is something I’m comfortable with others reblogging, you can always ask and I’ll reply as soon as I see it.
Thank you for asking for clarification
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
You tagged me in a thing and I had a stroke, bless you
I get all Pikachu meme whenever I see you in my dash and you've referred to me and acknowledged my existence because it is literally the best thing ever, I have a mini stroke every time
Three ships: Jamilton, Jamilams and Jamilmads (would've said lams but then it just sounds like I'm saying the same ship in three different ways lol)
Last song: Uhh, I don't listen to music much, but Ultimately by Khai dreams
Last movie: The Hunchback of Notre dame
Currently craving: Sushi, oddly enough (I haven't had it in about nine years but still, want)
Currently reading: The Da Vinci code, and about five different fanfictions
About a very late answer to your question (My family has COVID, which is shocking to hear, or so I'm told, but they're recovering and they fortunately had a mild case and no one has any history of disease so they're going to be okay! That's what the doctor said and I'm praying), Taco hell made me laugh really hard when I read it and really lifted my spirits because I remember being in not a great place when I started it but it made me smile which was like, a thing for me, and don't judge me but I think The three way was probably my favourite and I don't want to think about what that says about me but it was really because I love works that are that long (around 50k is always my sweet spot). I'm not sure if I'm remembering right and I'm so so sorry if I'm getting the title song wrong but that one Jamilton fic with uh, Gucci and fendi in the title was really fun to read ;-;
I also remeber the first work of yours I ever read was this comfort Whamilton around 1.5 or 2k where it starts raining and Alexander is on edge but George comforts him- Okay, I'm ranting now, apologies. ;-; (idk You're super cool and I want to talk to you like, normally, but you'll hateee me and I don't want that and so here)
I never really get a chance to respond as soon as I'd like, BUT I never get to and if you don't want to know/care about my life- please skip to the next paragraph thank you. So, I did end up watching Snowpiercer! I watched all ten episodes in one day which is iffy to say the least, but I'm still alive! I did love it. And I've been alright- a bit anxious with everything, but I've been giving my tests and uni and stuff. Yesterday, I was about to go to the vet when u realised about two minutes into the ride that I forgot my dog so that was embarrassing. Almost competing with the time I dropped my phone and then followed it, dropping to my knees and immediately bursting into tears (Nothing even happened to my phone!). So if you read this, thank you again.
I wanted to ask how you were doing too! If you don't mind xxx
And as for the fanfic writer asks, would you mind answering 50 ;-;
Wgjfvqkcwkh also I heard about you and Henni getting married so CONGRATULATIONS that is the most amazing, sweetest thing and in honestly so f*cking happy for both of you. I audibly awwed when I saw that post and I can't believe I just remembered.
I'm so sorry this got out of hand with how long it is, I didn't mean for it to be ;-;
-shy anon, sincerely apologising for possibly ruining your day by oversharing and/or overstepping (also with love and congratulations for you and her)
I get the surprised pikachu face whenever you show up in my ask box ;-; It always makes me happy!!!
Okay but sushi is always good. The craving comes randomly for me as well. I didn’t crave it at all when I used to make it for a living, because I got so tired of it, but now I crave it every once in a while lol it’s really good ;-;
I really hope everyone is doing okay! COVID is scary and it’s no joke. Having it before was horrible for me and I would never wish it on anyone. I hope everyone including you is okay ;-;
I’m glad Taco Hell did what I was meaning for it to do! It’s meant to be lighthearted and make people laugh. It’s based off of my life and it’s actual situations I end up in all the time. It’s quite amusing lol
I would never judge you. The Three Way is literally the one fic I am most proud of. I could never judge you. I literally go back and read it every once in a while and go like “I made that... Holy fuck...”
Oh! Gucci Not Fendi is the title. I’m glad you liked it!!!
Rant all you want! I adore that Whamilton fic ;-;
Seriously, my dear, I can promise you that I won’t hate you at all. Believe me, I really won’t. I’m probably the most awkward and annoying person anyone will ever know and I overshare like everything. People know more about me than they really should.. Lol
I care about your life, I was the one that asked you to tell me! But honestly, snowpiercer was soooo good... Like I tried to binge it all in one day but I was trying to write as well and it didn’t go over well lmao, snowpiercer ended up winning! I’m really glad you watched it!!!
That whole forgetting your dog thing is a mood. Today I forgot to turn on the food heaters and I realized it right before it was too late. Almost lost $200 worth of meat... Oops... Lmao
I do that with my phone if I drop it even if it’s okay. I just freak the fuck out and cry before I know if there really is an issue
Also I’m doing good! I decided to just lay back and relax tonight so I’m having a few drinks and I’m gonna watch random shit lol I was up for 33 hours the night before last and slept for 15 hours after. I can’t recommend doing that, especially not when you’re like 24. I’m too old for that shit.
Hell yeah I can do 50! I will give you a sneak peak at the 3rd part of the three way... .-. It will be posted on Oct 19th!!!
Here it is. This is seriously NSFW lol:
Alexander looked down at Thomas and ran the fingers of his free hand through Thomas' hair. He licked his lips as he watched Thomas work his tongue expertly inside George. "You're such a good boy Thomas, you're already wrecking him." He purred. 
Thomas let out a low moan and kept up the work, getting a little more aggressive. Alexander could feel himself getting hard in his pants at the sight coupled with George's shameless moans. Alexander looked back at George's face and grinned a bit. "Are you proud of us, Daddy?" He asked. 
George pressed his forehead against the headrest and panted as Thomas wrecked him. He tried to push back against Thomas to no avail. "Fuck… Y-yes… Yes you two did so good… Please… Please do as you wish… Whatever you choose, do it… I will take whatever you give me, you de-deserve it…" George bit out desperately.
Alexander grinned in delight at that. He looked at Thomas who looked just as excited from what George just said. He then touched Thomas' shoulder. "Alright, that's enough babe. I'm going to stretch him, then we can give him a good spanking. Why don't you undress for me? I have a little treat for you." He purred.  -END of the preview.
Thank you so much! We are so freaking happy that it’s happening. We were planning it more today! It’s so amazing ugh.
I appreciate it all the same! It’s not too long for me at all!! Don’t you worry my dear <3 you didn’t overstep at all!
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People I want to get to know better ✨
I was tagged by the lovely @miyaluvvsyou thank you <3
1. Birthday: October 11
2. Zodiac: Libra
3. Height: 5’1
4. Last song I listened to: “London Boy” by Taylor Swift  (I feel this song on a deeper level even if it's just that simple lol)
5. Hobbies: listening to music, sleep, reading, writing, dance (just around the house)
6. Favorite Color: Blue
7. Last movie I watched: Bohemian Rhapsody (I’m still on this Ben mood recently)
8: Favorite book: the only one that came to mind is “Beat the reaper” (this book need its movie, Sebastian Stan needs to be the lead role for this movie)
9. Dream Job: something along with I’m currently studying (psychology) so I hope is between criminology or having my own clinic idk
10: Meaning behind my URL: well...the old one didn’t make justice to all the fandoms and craziness that I'm into so... I’m just not our typical fan idk does it make it sense?
(as always I think I'm oversharing sorry)
I’m going to tag @debdarkpetal @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @the-bronte-angel @itsametaphorbriansblog @rocknrollsavedmysoul13 and whoever wants to do it <3
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Seromina || Firsts
For Sero Ship Week Day 3: Firsts at @seroshipweek​
SUMMARY: Ashido tends to overshare her personal life on social media so it’s only fitting that she shares her favourite moments on it too, right?
But this time, it’s only for one pair of eyes.
GENRE: sero hanta x ashido mina, social media au (I think?)
TEXT from your queen 💕
follow @iloveutapeboi on insta its private but dw youll be accepted start from the first post!!!!!!!!
[Image: Candid of Sero taken from the side; slightly blurry, low angle as if the photographer was trying to be discreet as they took it. He’s wearing an orange hoodie with black stripes. He’s grinning at someone in front of him and he holds a bitten meat pie in one hand. In the background, there are barely visible bowling lanes.]
Caption: the first time i thought to myself “maybe seros actually cute and i actually like him in a like like way” if that make sense lol. maybe there were other times but this was the earliest memory i could think of. this was after that laser tag game we all played and you did your whole dramatic self sacrificing for me (lol quickest way to my heart - take a laser tag shot for me). 
[Image: Image of the city taken from inside a bus. Half the image is of the seats of the bus whilst the other half are buildings of the city. A few people are in the shot, but they’re faces are unrecognisable.]
Caption: first time I realised I was in loveeee (i love youu) how cheesy amirite. its a bus because i realised it when we were going back to ua together after a field trip and idk i just had this light bulb moment ok ugh this is too cheesy were done here ily but im cringing too hard at the cheesinesssss (two posts in and im already dying but im pushing thru!!!!)
[Image: 2 puppies being held by someone who is clearly Sero by the look of the arms and his orange black striped hoodie. One puppy in each arm; a white pit bull and a brown one.]
Caption: our not-so-official first date?? idk if you’d call it that but like......we were alone together so idk??? u know i was going to actually confess today but the dogs were so cute they distracted me!! so i forgot lol!!! (theyre only sliiiiiightly cuter than u dw dw!!! 🤣)
[Image: Sero’s silhouette inside a movie theater. He’s facing the camera but it’s too dark to see much other than the shadows of his face and the glint of his white teeth in his grin. In the far left of the photo, the Lego Movie is playing.]
Caption: our official first date (tho i guess it was kinda rushed??? considering i literally told u i liked u like an hour earlier lmao but i wouldnt have it any other way ❤️)
[Image: Ashido���s room, taken from the doorway. The bed is unmade; the curtains are drawn back to let the sunlight in; the desk is a mess of school books and loose sheets. Ashido’s arms are outstretched in front of the camera; she’s forming a heart with her hands.]
Caption: place we had our first kiss!!! (tho we failed like five times and kept laughing!! the movies are wayyyy too serious - they make it seem like ur not allowed to laugh!! our kisses are so much better😘)
[Image: Pathway leading up into a park where cherry blossom trees frame the edges. There are a few passerbys and one dog, legs a blur, running through the image.]
Caption: place i asked you to be my boyfriend because SOMEONE STILL had this WEIRD idea that?? i??? didnt?? like?? them? EVEN AFTER?? LIKE FIVE DATES?? AND FIVE KISSES???
[Image: UA Heights Alliance common room. Looking through the windows, it’s night and there’s no one in there but there’s food wrappers strewn across the coffee table and the floor.]
Caption: place you said your first i love you (ok i suppose i shouldnt be salty about the boyfriend asking thing because first ilys are such a milestone!!!! ps. im still sorry i panicked when u said it lmao i love how we laugh about it but i know from sources coughbakuyellingthat1tapeboiwasstressingashell that you almost cried ilyyyyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️)
[Image: Close up focus of Sero’s lit up face. He’s giving a close-eyed smile to someone slightly to the left of the camera. Just making it in the frame is a slice of bright blond hair. The background is blurred but it is clearly of a busy beach; the sky is blue and there’s not a cloud in sight. There are two figures, one shirtless with red hair and one wearing a wetsuit cut off at the lower thigh with what might be black or dark purple hair in the water in the far background.]
Caption: when i said my first i love you (i love you toos and i love yous on phones dont count!!! and also u are sooooooo cute in this photo!!! not that ur not always cute ofc 😋)
[Image: Text screenshot. (Sent) Ashido: IM SO MAD AT U SERO HANTA ANSWER MEEE (Receiving) Sero: NEVER U TRAITOR (Sent) Ashido: UR THE TRAITOR!!!!]
Caption: first fight :( one of the saddest chapters of my life i hope we never do that again ❤️
[Image: Rice with natto on top, chopsticks on the side. The dish is on top of pink, patterned napkins.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!) anniversaries (see??? taking pics of food is VERY important!! and u dared to make fun of my ‘attempts at being aesthetics’!!)
[Image 1: Necklace in shape of a crown with engraving of words “Alien Queen”.  Image 2: Necklace is flipped over with engraving of words “Ashido Mina”.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!!!) anniversary presents (I LOVE IT SO MUCH WHY R U SO NICEEEEEEE ITS SO CUTE IM WEARING IT EVERYDAY ILY)
[Image: From the side, Sero smiling softly, looking up at a beautiful orange sky to match his brighter orange hoodie. His eyes are wide but he’s happy. Behind are a few trees.]
Caption: I love youuuuuuuuuuuu sero hantaaaaaaaaaa and dont you forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spam of heart emojis* (also u r seriously wearing the same hoodie in like five of these pics w h y)
TEXT to your queen 💕
im actualy cryin can i call u
TEXT from your queen 💕
oof  [Image: google search bar “how to comfort crying boyfriend”.] ofc u can!!
Sero: How long have you been planning this? I love you so muchhhhhhhh. I’m crying, can you hear my tears? How did you do it? Did you go to every place or were you planning this from the beginning?
Ashido: *laughter* You can’t hear tears dummy. And you’re not meant to cry! Its meant to be a happy thing! *more laughter*
Sero: ...Glad to know your happy about my pain. ...Its amazing I have literally no words Ashido. I love it-I love you and I love us. Thank you so much.
Ashido: Awww don’t make me blush. It was nothing!
Sero: What do you mean NOTHING? Don’t insult yourself Ashido Mina this is...I don’t know-EVERYTHING!
Ashido: Okay that’s true. I’m awesome.
Sero: I’m going to treasure this forever. You’ll never delete this account right?
Ashido: *giggling* Course not!
Sero: It’s too amazing. Seriously, and I gave you the most cliche relationship present ever.
Ashido: Eesh don’t worry! I love my present! Besides it was the final piece for the account!
Sero: If you say so. You know, I don’t think a meme war counts as a fight...in a relationship...
Ashido: Of course it does! I was soooo angry at you. How could you side with Kirishima?! It was so frustrsting! You wouldn’t BELIEVE!
Sero: ...Trust me I believe. *muffled* Especially after you taped me to the ceiling.
Ashido: What was that?
Sero: Nothing! Also how’d you take the pic of your room with your arms in front of you? Is it...*whispers loudly* sorcery?
Ashido: *giggling* You got it. I have a second quirk that I-...I kept secret. Yup. But I’m telling you because you’re my boyfriend and all.
Sero: And I will totally believe you, because you’re my girlfriend, and all. Hey, I know you need your beauty sleep but can I come over--
Ashido: Yes!
Sero: --tomorrow--wait, what?
Ashido: Oh. Well-
Sero: *muffled snort* Someone’s desperate.
Ashido: *huff* Shhh! You can come over anytime!
Sero: Would you really not mind if I came over now? At like...*shuffling* eleven?
Ashido: Is that even a question? If you come over now, I can add it to the journal!
Sero: The journal?
Ashido: The account Sero!
Sero: Okay...Why? It’s not the first time I’ve been to your house. Firsts was the theme right?
Ashido: Yep! And I can make it ‘First night spent together’ wink wink.
Sero: …*muffled laugh* Whatever floats your boat.
Ashido: But you’re getting a cab here right? You better not walk out this late at night!
Sero: I mean, we’re both training to be heroes if we can’t walk out at night then what could we do--
Ashido: Sero you butt!
Sero: --but yes I’m getting a cab.
Ashido: Good! You better stay on the phone the whole time too!
Sero: Of course. I love you Ashido Mina.
Ashido: And I love you Sero Hanta! ...Wait are you still wearing that orange hoodie?
Sero: ...*distant mumbles* Why do you hate my beloved hoodie so much?
Ashido: *equally distant mumbles* If you wear it one more time the photos will think you have one hoodie.
Sero: What would you say if I said yes?
Ashido: I’d say we’ve got our next date planned and you can guess what it is.
Sero: ...I mean, I wouldn’t say no to any time with you anyway?
Ashido: Pfft, stop being cute. Just-alright, whatever. Tomorrow? At whatever time we wake up I guess?
Sero: It’s a date.
A/N: completely forgot that they live in the same building so pretend it’s holidays or something 🤷 buuuut i hope you enjoyed this was harder than expected so im rlly sorry if they seem ooc 😳!! Thanks for reading!!
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xveilofnightx · 6 years
warning about user lewdphobis
known users: @/lewd-phobis on tumblr, @/pprotomann on vent (previously @/LewdPhobos), @/lewdphobis AND @/phantom_racer on instagram, @/lewdphobos on twitter
name: harper
hey what’s up fellas. i’m aware that this post very much looks like a meme or something that shouldn’t be taken seriously, but please keep reading if you have interacted with this person or seen them around the webbernets. in order to keep petty conflict out of tags, i’ll be using slashes in the names. i don’t want this getting too much attention outside of people in this person’s reach. yes, i know the slashes look stupid.
this person is active in the N/S/P, T/W/RP, and Protom//en online communities. to summarize, this person is incredibly rude, straight up violates peoples’ privacy, and is an actual factkin. if you don’t know what the hell that means, you don’t have to pay attention to that part. it’s really just icing on the cake. 
below the read more link are screenshot receipts of their odd and dangerous behavior. 
alright so it all started when i saw some weird bull going on on the vent app, which, to be fair, should be a safe space where one shouldn’t be judged. but it’s really just as bad, if not worse, than tumblr with people oversharing information. and it’s still a very public sphere so there is really no excuse for the overshare.
the kinnie part is the first part, so if you don’t understand any of that you can skim through this or just skip it.
chapter 1: real factkinnie hours
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OK let’s be deadass about this. seeing this, before even opening the vents, is not a great sign. r/aul panthe/r is the lead singer of the protom//en. the protom//en perform with stage personas, but these personas are not characterized with anything other than an outfit and some very loose lore about robots. a very strong point about the band is remaining genuine while having a very loose lore. personas are not individually characterized apart from each band member themselves, and that has been made a point many times officially.
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alright so when you open this baby’s shell you see some weird shit straight off the bat, and i don’t mean “hey don’t kin that character” i mean “hey don’t kin these real mf people.”
not only are there about 2.5 protom//en listed here, but real people, like, y’know, guy-manuel, a real french musician who has no characterization connected to a persona besides a performance look. 
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this bit here, you may not see a great problem with, but its still weird, and is important for this next part.
so i made this post on vent that was basically just “wow someone out here really kinning protom//en huh......crazy....” (if you want the exact post, message me or scroll through my vent, idc)
and then i get this lil blip on my vent notifs and its this, from arthur (harper’s partner)
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at first i’m reading it and i’m like. alright seems reasonable. but i’ve come not to buy it. to begin with, harper has been in the kinnie community for longer than they’ve been active on vent. second of all, this @ was a month after the original post about kinning r/aul p/anther, and i’d really like to say that that kin list didn’t pop out of thin air in those few days. i responded.
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i don’t know about you, but if i were new to a band i wouldn’t assume the band members are “characters”. other than that, seems like an alright message, so i just point that fact out. i do regret the tone of this next part, rude on my end.
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once again, my response was pretty rude. but they also don’t know if i was truly vague-posting. about harper. if harper didn’t know what factkin was, arthur certainly did know, by the way they replied. once again, my response here was pretty rude. guess i was fired up by someone kinning a grown man with a family and friends, i don’t really know.
arthur/homophobos changed usernames to T/WRPb/and (you can scroll through their vents or DM me for proof) and then posted this
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the snake emoji refers to harper. i think its weird they’re trying to pull it as ironic here, since the initial posts were not ironic. they continue to make jokes like this and shit until the real stupid shit comes along.
chapter 2: real bullshit hours
harper and arthur are soon making some of the weirdest jokes i’ve ever seen by people who have just been corrected that these people are people and not characters or made up jokes. if their fan bases were bigger, i could understand there being people like this. but for a tight-knit fan base, this is kind of ridiculous to see, and its clear why it should be rid of this kind of behavior. 
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this post, though from before everything happened, is still super odd considering its about a real grown man. 
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this came afterward. this joke would be a whole lot different if the person were 100% fictional, or even if the person was into internet humor. but that just isn’t the case. who makes jokes like this about grown men? scratch that, what kind of people make jokes like this about grown men?
chapter 2.5: bullshit, but this time it’s personal
harper followed a friend of mine who does local band stuff around nashville. i don’t like posting DMs (especially without consent, when they see this, they’ll probably kill me too). but there is no reason why a casual fan, especially someone “new to the band” should be following this particular person. there are rarely, if at all, any traces to public tags from this person. 
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so um. Yikes! security concern. haters will say Why Not Private Account, yadda yadda? because people like harper are not even their target audience. and i don’t think there’s ever a situation where liking someone’s old candid photos, when you previously have not even seen that person in this way, isn’t creepy. 
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this one’s just weird. look at any of harper’s social media. seriously. and i don’t care if harper sees any of this because they straight up lied to someone who they were previously creepin’ on. lol. 
also this is one of their friends who is just weird as shit lol. no real connection to the specific situation, but this is really the type of people they are. 
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these are really kids publicly posting about a 30-some year old man with a family like this. and they’re teens, there’s really no excuse.
if the anonymous friend would like their DMs taken from this post, I’ll comply with that. i’ve also never typed out one of these before, sorry if it was all over the place. 
i’ll post arthur’s usernames too:
@/homophobos on tumblr, @/tw/rpcore on twitter, @/tw/rpband on vent app (previously @/homophobos)
if you have any questions, message me. love you. stay safe.
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feraldavestrider · 7 years
i never check my mentions apparently @alpacalmond and @uiyutrentasei tagged me in a GTKM thing so im gonna do it oh uhhhh 2 weeks later LOL because i cant sleep and i hate myself
i tag @hal-strider if they didnt do it? and @noctiilucent, @kiyumiarashi, @whimsicmimic and @ataliaf uwu and anyone else who wants to do it!!
how tall are you: this is a cryptid question. i get a different result every time i try to measure myself and ive never asked anyone else to do it for me. some people tell me im very short, others have told me im average height for someone who is afab. im gonna hazard a guess at 5′5 tho.
what colour are your eyes: very dark brown
do you wear contacts and/or glasses: glasses. i literally CANNOT see without them. i mean like 2 inches from my glasses-less face is so blurry its unbelievable. i get super triggered by eye stuff tho so contacts are a no go ALSO i look weird w/o glasses anyway.
do you wear braces: no my teeth r p good actually. one is a bit wonky but thats life
what is your fashion style: i mean 90% panties and a sweaty 4 day tshirt because i just spend all day in my room like a goblin. BUT when i actually go out im ur basic ass post-emo trans dude with skinny jeans, converse and a too-big graphic tee. sometimes i spice it up with a plaid shirt because im fuckin GAY.
when were you born: october 12th 1999, babey
how old are you: 18 motherfucker flashes my titties and gulps a bottle of vodka im an ADULT
do you have any siblings: yes. a younger brother and hes a cunt
what school/college do you go to: im at sixth form rn (last yr of highschool technically if ur american but im not and hs finishes at 16 yrs old here deal with it). im going uni next yr tho and this years almost over for me academically since we go on study leave soon for our final exams. uwu overshares
what kind of student are you: the asshole who never studies for tests and does homework at 5am the morning before and still manages to pull straight As to everyones anger. im also the adhd class clown who makes random noises and cant concentrate half the time. ik i hate myself too im so annoying irl even more so than online.
what are your favorite subjects: in terms of actual content of the subject, english lit fs. in terms of classmates/teachers/general atmosphere DEFFO drama we spend half of our time eating cake, singing random shit and just losing our minds while filming it on snapchat which shouldnt at all be allowed.
what are your favorite movies: god idek. um. fuck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant think of a single movie. ok ok ok i got it: white chicks, premium rush, scott pilgrim vs the world, the cornetto triology too i just love edgar hes such a great director. i like a lot of the marvel movies esp the spiderman hc and thor ragnorok and both gotg were p good. i love a lot of movies my brains just a void that sucks memories up into its fat gob and steals them from me forever.
what are your pastimes: sleeping, crying, used to be rping but i gave up on that, playing overwatch way too much and getting tilted because im shit, reading fanfictions did i say sleeping
do you have many regrets: dude. my guy. come in close. let me whisper in ur ear. are you close? no, closer. ok. 
what is your dream job: whoo boy. im do indecisive and i think a LOT of jobs seem super cool that id never do i.e. be an actor or be in a band. my dream job since i was like 8 was to be a writer which is unlikely since i cant even finish a pwp oneshot. but thatd be cool. id also like to write plays and direct them but thats also wild and v dream > reality. 
would you like to get married: honestly. marriage as an institution? angers me. i dont like a lot of things about it. BUT. part of the reason i hate it is honestly if ur in a long long term relationship with someone ur better off married than not in terms of the benefits so. id happily get married if the other person wanted and/or we felt like it was the right thing to do, i just dont really care about being married or having a wedding tbh.
do you want kids? how many if so: no. hard pass. i might adopt if im long-term with someone who SUPER wants kids but that likely wont happen because i dont want to get into a long-term relationship with someone so desperate for kids since i dont have that same enthusiasm. sorry. ill be ur uncle gabe but im not having my own children im just not well equipped to literally have a full time job of making sure little idiots (meant affectionately) who dont know fuck from shit dont just straight up die. i can barely do that for myself.
how many countries have you visited: shit dude actually ive only visited like... uh... 4??? a lot of my holidays tend to be to the same countries (portugal/america) so i dont have that much experience like i feel like i do.
what was your scariest dream: hmmmm. when i was a kid i had these recurring dreams where i worked at this like. “zoo” where these MASSIVE, i mean ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE string rays that were also pancakes were like. hooked up to make electricity? anyway i hated the job because we all abused the rays super bad to make them generate the power and it sucked and it was all dystopian. there was stuff where like we had to kill the baby rays and stuff. anyway one day it went all planet of the apes and they broke out somehow and could fly and they killed loads of people and i had to go into hiding because they were super clever and could id who had worked at the zoo plant and wanted revenge. its super weird ik but this is pretty tame for my dreams they go HARD and BIZARRE and this one always made me wake up feeling super sick and scared idk. ur welcome.
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other: no im lonely but its ok because i need to work on me 
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping the first 15 songs: ok so i dont really have a “playlist” per se so im just gonna use my top 100 2017 songs on spotify which ignores a lot of my non-spotify non-2017 bangers but whatever.
1) ‘My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark’ by FOB
2) ‘Tuxford Fall’ - Vasudeva
3) ‘Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued’ - FOB
4) ‘Fried Noodles: Getter Remix’ - Pink Guy, Getter (listen ive never watched any filthy frank he weirds me out but this is a banger)
5) ‘Brick By Boring Brick’ - Paramore
6) ‘Thnks Fr Th Mmrs’ - FOB (i really dont listen to this much fob this is crazy)
7) ‘Death Note L’s Theme Goes Metal’ - Charlie Parra del Riego (theres no defence for this)
8) ‘Turnstile’ - Vasudeva
9) ‘Idle Worship’ - Paramore
10) ‘Monster’ - Paramore
11) ‘Miss Missing You’ - FOB
12) ‘The City’ - Madeon
13) ‘Far Too Young To Die’ - P!ATD
14) ‘Don’t Stop’ - Nothing More (really this is the band i listen to much smh these results are so skewed)
15) ‘Smile Like You Mean It’ - The Killers
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spooky-fran · 7 years
*・゜゚・*☆ i was tagged by @youareanartifact — thank you for tagging me! no one ever does!!
✰ n a m e : FRANCHESCA
✰ n i c k n a m e : FRAN (ppl keep calling me this nowadays even tho i never asked them to lol), FRANNIE; and here are the less common ones: FRANCH, CHESKIE, “FRAN CHOO CHOO THE BAMBOOZLE TRAIN”
✰ a g e : 17! ALMOST 18!
✰ s t a r s i g n : LIBRA
✰ f a v e y o u t u b e r : DAN HOWELL!, LEANDER, VIXELLA
✰ f a v e a r t i s t s : uhhhhhhh i barely listen to music now but i guess the hamilton cast????
✰ t i m e : 6:04 PM ??
✰ p e t s : NONE :(
*・゜゚・*☆ i tag: @sttchingllies @parkkchanyeoll @edgaristhenewblack @pathetikaesthetic @twinkletemps @misguided-angel29 @shielciel @jesus-of-subruhbia @azure-skiies @bugginbum ! idk if i know anymore people & you guys don’t have to do this but hey, find out more about your local trash hermit (me) here
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