#do you guys love gebura i love gebura
rugwurm · 9 months
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How about how All Sephirahs (minus Tiphs A & B obviously) reactions to displays of Physical Affection in either Public or Private from their S/O?
You know, i just thought about it from in-game lore perspective and it made me have a chuckle. Im wierd but its just me being me xd
•she may get abit embarrassed if you catch her off-guard, but for the most part - loves affection either in private or public!
•Malkuth doesnt see it as much of a problem if you keep PDA in private. Or in public, but you know, dont make it look too wierd
•i'd joke how affection is weakness and weakness meaning death but thats not the case
•she too, can go both ways, tho only when Malkuth is not busy with her tasks. But she'll be happy to give you a hug, kiss or simply a pat
•only private. Not public. Nuh-uh. No public affection
•Viper just doesnt do well with public affection. It gets him all flustered and becomes a mess all together
•Yesod is alright with affection in private, he would prefer to show it that way and for you to do so as well
•unless you want a stuttering sephirah. Then go for it. But dont get overboard
•honestly doesnt care much. Can go both ways
•mostly because Netzach doesnt care at all what people think of him. Either that, or he is too drunk to care
•becomes 50% more affectionate with his (S/O) whenever is drunk. Its a fact. Live with it
•but yeah, Netzach is chill and doesnt care if others are watching or if its just you and him
•very flustered, but likes it. Dont get me wrong, she is busy and wants to do work to make sure that everyone is prepared
•but you are so god damn cute and make Hod blush whenever you show affection. Being smol spoon
•doesnt matter if private or public, she WILL be a tomato
•but she is also a bapy in her own Hod way. Will return your affection. Preferably the way you gave her one
•this flippin' guy. This smug coffee addict. Absolutely loves it
•doesnt matter how. Chesed will return the favour and no matter if someone is watching (tho if one of Sephirahs or Angela are talking you gotta wait until he is done with their problems and them get a hug)
•flirts? Flirts. And may or may not throw dad jokes
•honestly the one romantic type of guy + coffee. Of course. It isnt Chesed without coffee
•less public affection, more private. Gebura can get somewhat angry with her (S/O) if you keep doing it in public
•because 1. She needs to stay focused to train her team (to cause violence when needed) and 2. Gebura doesnt do well with public affection
•if you dont like the smell of a cigar, then she will, for real, stop smoking for some time in order to kiss you. Gebura respects your opinion on that
•pretty sure you once managed to make her scared when you did a suprise-hug. And she punched you hard. Now Gebura just, expects that in every turn to not hurt you like that again
•gets abit flustered regardless if its private or public, but doesnt pay much attention
•Hokma gives you pats as a quick return to your affection
•unless somehow (S/O) will do it while he is busy working. Hokma has a tight schedule and you are messing it up. Probably one of the few to tell you that you are in a way of his work
•Hokma doesnt mean to be rude, but you know. He works hard. And dont worry, he *has* time specially dedicated to spending time with you
•amused by your boldness. Did you really just hug/kiss/cuddle/whatever with Arbiter? In front of people that shiver whenever she simply stands by? ....... Cool
•Binah absolutely teases you about it whenever you decide to do it in public and then return affection
•it doesnt matter who her (S/O) is, she can and will tease them about it
•in private absolutely loves to be a big spoon. Because still, her job in Extraction department kinda requires Binah to pay attention to the process so she cant be a big spoon properly
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felikatze · 3 years
In responded to the last anon my point would not say that Ayin is just a depressed man and that is what his whole character is about. I'm more hmm at how people are willingly ignoring the specific nuance of lob that is about Ayin's development from being trapped in the past and cycle cycle guilt and regret and him slowly gain courage to properly shoulder what he has done instead of being pressed by it in one place forever and I think that was a part that makes me biased against lor due to most lor focused people I have talked with ignore this aspect (<- pettiness). And I am hmm with the perception in potential vein of of "A is good character since he sucks" (I'm very sorry if Anon didn't mean it this way) since while being evil or ass make the character more enjoyable in some case it isnt the qualification of a "good written" character I guess and A is much more nuance than "the smart guy". I dont think A particular think deeply about not including Angela into the script not only for qualification of "not being human" but also the entire "attempt to recreate someone I super idolized then fail" thing going on that fucked him up real bad and makes him to just shove Angela away as far as possible, this doesnt justify how he treats her still for clarification
On another hand when I say that there are many part of the script that are supposed to be left to go with the flow (mainly the point X get into the picture) I would also not say the script to meltdown is just random thing that kinda happened since it is intentionally made to reminds everyone of their mistakes and past tragedy (Malkuth face situation where her desire to be acknowledged get the better of her which led to her own demise, Yesod and Gabriel guilt, Hod tried to do the right thing, Chesed once again betrays people who trust him, Gebura fails to protect people she loves, irrc...) to make A faces with these past again and again until he can actually find a resolve to all these conflict irrc
I would also not technically disagree with the fact that "well it bound to success at one point" but I would say that to dubbed ecerything just as that sounds a little disgenuine I guess? Since lob does make it clear and the ending A did show a possibility that this could go on just forever and forever and forever and forever or ending B and C shows how the plan could fail, I would not say these 2 endings can be reverse either due to the game also made it clear that this is the first time in ever the manager has ever reached this point and ending C being spread throughout the entire City and TT2 Protocol only affected the facility alone lol, there are an actual stake I think and Angela even expressed in the progressing Seed Of Light dialogues and Binah, Hokma, even A himself they that this has been going on for so long that she couldn't hope for a miracle anymore and yet somehow the manager successed so it is Something(TM) I think.
about the first paragraph, that's how it is with most nuanced characters, yeah. esp with lor it can be easy to view A as just a bad guy since we only hear about him from biased perspectives. The biggest chunk being from Angela, ofc, because what he did to her was fucked, occasionally juxtaposed with positive opinions (Angela's dialogue with Hokma here is especially interesting, because Hokma adores Ayin, but still fully acknowledges both Ayin's and his own wrong doings). P much any perspective we get on Ayin is biased. The man splits opinions in universe too lmao
He's not evil, but he's flawed, and that's what makes me word vomit abt him (along with yall prodding me to keep going). The different aspects you mention, they're all aspects of his character. Right on your reasoning why he treated Angela how he did. It's possible to understand him, but what he did was still fucked. Good writing! And he's not unrepentant evil, but also not necessarily a good person.
As you say, Lobcorp his about learning to heal and move on, no matter how it ends. His development is easy to overlook by virtue of X being introduced as a player stand-in, and by being a mostly silent protagonist, but alas, *places silent protagonist under a microscope*
Nice catch about the similarities between the meltdowns and the Sephirah's deaths! The meltdowns do seem tailor made to each Sephirah, to help them with their specific problems, like the examples you mention. The element of repetition is on one hand the repitition of suffering and on the other hand represent the breaking of said cycles by perpetuating them one more time. It's like exposure therapy or something. Examining an issue until you can understand and deal with it.
For your last paragraph, that harkens back to previous discussion abt how Ayin's plan reeks of desparation, doesn't it? Even before it started, A had lost hope, and the many many loops didn't exactly install confidence in anyone. About the endings, absolutely! We forgot to consider that success isn't guaranteed, i.e you bringing up Ending C.
i was gonna say smth abt lor but i got distraced while writing and forgot what! great! WAIT got it
i feel a problem in discussion like this i.e. perception of others reducing characters down to only one of their characteristics, stems from memes. Like, you see how much i do character analysis for funsies, ya? But I still think it's funny to call Ayin my poor little meow meow, and drawing him like a pathetic scrungly who hasn't slept in three weeks. The duality of fans <3. If someone sees just the jokes, it may feel like that's all people see the character as. But also, jokes are funny, and I like them.
Not disregarding that some people are stupid and have no reading comprehension though! But people who make fanart and memes prolly also really like the characters to make fun of em like that. ye
hrgh you don't have the cadence of grammar anon, don't use > like that one anon, so you're either word limit anon or someone else... tumblr should implement multiple anon icons and you can like choose one. that'd be neat.
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firebuug · 2 years
this sounds funny to think about so 40 for the ask meme . also 11 and 20
hII thanks for the ask i wrote you a dissertation below the cut im so sorry .
40. if all your ocs were to get into a giant, mcu style fight, who would win?
GOOD LORD ok uhm. ALL OF THEM????? i mean with ego armor it can be arguable that griffin would decimate but. but. ignoring that. out of my lobcorp guys i think griffin or narae would win because all of them have emotional bond holding themselves back from going full power against each other but griffin and narae are insane and would go full throttle. in the end it is beef powerhouse vs crazyass with insane weapon and i think thered be a big dust cloud and theyd both be on the ground dead. out of my salem guys i think skuggy is winning both out of strength + skill and out of will to be able to attack and kill every single one of them with no regret except maybe gene. out of them all i think skuggy's raw pent up rage is enough to break through the ego armor defenses and he would make work out of narae but ultimately griffin's unpredictability would trip him up and she'd squash him with her giant mace.
and salamander walks in with a smoothie, totally oblivious, sees griffin charging at them and beams her with a shatter spell and is declared victor
11. what’s one canon character all of you ocs LOVE? one they all HATE?
UHHHHHHHHHHH ok this is a strange question so im gonna do it towards the lobcorp characters lol sorry if this means nothing to u
all my lobcorp guys at least appreciate hod's efforts. i dont think all of them are equally hateful towards one dude but i guess fuck the Head lol.
julian doesnt feel a lot towards the layer sephirot considering theyre his bosses but he does get the same joy out of pestering yesod as he does eva except its a risky game to play considering he is his direct boss of the info team and can get him demoted instantly. he vibes with hod the most if anyone and everyone else either gives him the creeps or is just a weird boss he doesn't wanna talk to
eva really only just regards them as higher ups and doesnt try to form personal connections or interact with them outside of work duties but he respects most of them except for netzach and chesed because hes homophobic for their lack of work ethic and almost tiphereth because like. these are children? why are they in charge of us. if anyone he'd have tea with gebura and make 0 eye contact nor conversation
i guess the rest of them also don't really interact or try to get along w the sephirot either bc theyre just bosses to them, griffin woud probably vibe with chesed and hod and leesihan with malkuth (in an "i can fix her" way slightly LOL) and hod, if anything she looks at them and goes "man these bitches need therapy". narae tries so hard to suck up to his bosses but they are like. man. can you not. he is in the netzach hater club and wants gebura or binah or malkuth to notice his work soooooooo bad
20. which oc gets crushes the easiest?
griffin and buggy fr fr. someone will be kind to griffin adn shes like *blushes* what if w. w. what if w. we kissed. and buggy is the same way. theyre the same except griffin is much more open about her crushes with her friends and can laugh at herself about it while buggy is cramming it deep inside and going "STOP STOP STOP STOP WE CANT DO THIS AGAIN WE CANT !!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
griffin has crushes of the week and will constantly be like hey guyyysss i have a crush wanna hearrr and they all sigh and go alright. who is it this time. her most steady crush to date has been on valcez from central command ever since she saved her from snow queen. her friends keep trying to tell her that no, carrying you bridal style after a rescue and keeping an eye on you and checking up with each other and smiling and winking at each other across the facility and going on lunch dates together isnt very straight of either of you, but we'll let you figure this one out
neither of them know . maybe valcez does. griffin lives on totally oblivious still asking "okay but does she LIKE me. like. LIKE me. like..."
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ryo-maybe · 3 years
hate to be the guy who looks at steam achievements of people on my friends list but are you perhaps playing the hit video game library of ruina? if so, i'd love to hear how you feel about it? you can just send me a message if you don't want randos who cant help but spoil the game to know that you're playing it
I have, indeed, been playing the hit Game of Videos, Library of Ruina as of late! What can I say, I've been loving it so far. I had a rough time at first because these are the people at Project Moon are masters of crafting obtuse interfaces and tutorials that explain everything except what you sorely need to know, which are probably the sacrifices necessary to pop out the top notch atmosphere of this game. Speaking of which, I like the artstyle of this game a lot better (at least for the VN sections, since the combat sprites are still in the style of LobCorp).
I haven't taken the time to sit down and sift through the Books I've collected just yet, but the cutscenes still do a great job of characterizing each group of victims before inevitably inviting them to get pulped into a fresh new source of pages for my endless grind. The Librarians are still the fun bunch they were back in LobCorp. I wish I could live perpetually sandwiched between Gebura's thighs. Although I could settle for 24 hours worth of Hod ASMRs. Honestly, the dub in this game is SUPERB.
I've recently discovered the joy of Smoke and puppet fuckery, both of which have helped immensely against the utterly ludicrous bullshit Abnormalities and Realizations throw at you (except against Hob's, which somehow sees fit to throw the two WORST OF THE BUNCH RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING). Yujin's Key Page is as ridiculously strong as I heard, especially with HP recovery passives.
I'm currently at Star of the City level, which is about where the game has decided to stop fucking around - well, more than it has already stopped fucking around multiple times so far anyway.
Philip did NOTHING wrong. I'm down with the 8 O'Clock clown.
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imaginecorporation · 4 years
before i ask, are there any ships n stuff you guys arent comfortable with? like between certain characters, maybe how you feel they're portayed, ect?
Okay this is such a personal gripe, but I literally cannot write any ship with Netzach. It’s not anything to do with other portrayals! I’m just... very possessive of my wonderful drunk boy... (So if you send in any ship requests with Netzach that aren’t x reader, chances are those got shoved on Finn JKDNGHKNHGKDJG--)
Also Gebura x Binah is a big no for, I believe, both of us. I mean. Like. Please look at that dynamic for a second. It’s so unhealthy. Say it with me class! Just because they’re lesbians doesn’t mean they should be lesbians together!
~Mod Aleph
Adding onto the Gebura x Binah- they hated each other as humans, and it’s implied they hate each other even now. I’m down for writing a slow-burn enemies to lovers thing if you give me like, a long-ass time to plan it out, but as they are canonically? It’d be a really unhealthy ship and I don’t support that without fleshing out how they’d get together in the first place; going from “you destroyed everything I loved and I killed you in revenge” to “this is my girlfriend” is a VERY long road to travel. Especially since Gebura seems the type to hold a grudge.
I don’t feel comfy with many child ships, for reasons; no, I’m not aging anyone up, either.
I can write for Netzach, unlike Mod Aleph!
She also didn’t state it, but Mod Aleph’s off the table for Able, Abram, Adam, Ayin, and X. I can write for them without too many gripes though, though as tax for asking for Adam you’re gonna have to tell me your favorite song because I don’t like him very much but I can write for him.
- Mod Finn
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kira-moonrabbit · 5 years
ok, fucken uhhhh... lobotomy corp faves since i’m in a lobcorp mood right now
Under a readmore since it’s gonna be big. I also don’t understand EVERY character as well as I should, even despite some thorough reading of the wiki due to my stupid ass having trouble deciphering most of the stuff there.
Chesed! - the big favorite! He looks so sleepy and cool. He’s also the one who’s the most like me! I’d probably be in a department like the Welfare Department… and I have Autistic Headcanons for Chesed because I’m autistic and REALITY CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT IT TO BE. I also used to be a happier person, but let’s not get into that right this moment.
Netzach! - Another relatable one. I too hate life and drink too much, although my “poison of choice” is Dr. Pepper rather than alcohol. Also, he looks cool and is the first Sephirah that I bothered to memorize the name and face of. (for the rest I just memorized their faces and names separately. 
Gebura! - Honestly? This one is just an appearance thing. She looks badass.
Favorite ZAYIN Abnormalities:
Fairy Festival! - They’re cute! Also they’ll bite your head off.
Opened Can of Welcheers - This abnormality manages to be both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. Yet another reason to not try grape soda…
Army in Pink / Army in Black! - Not sure what their deal is, but I like the concept!  What causes them to go crazy? Maybe it’s being taken advantage of, but it wasn’t spelled out well enough for me.
Punishing/Little Bird! - Part of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my second favorite of the bunch! It’s so adorable, and yet it’ll also bite your head off!
Fragment of the Universe! - Kinda underrated! It just wants to share what it knows, but nobody is prepared. It wants to be friendly!
Grave of Cherry Blossoms! - I’ve always been a sucker for the trope of a mysterious plant that lures you to your doom. I think this abnormality does it in a cooler way than Parasyte Tree, though.
Beauty and the Beast! - This one’s mostly here for the concept. It’s neat!
Laetita/A Shy Kid! - I’d be her friend! If I worked for the lobotomy corporation, I’d make myself get assigned to Laetita and nobody else, because she seems like the easiest to take care of as long as I don’t go anywhere else.
The Child of Galaxy! - My personal favorite Abnormality of the entire bunch! I love galaxy motifs, and he reminds me of an old OC I made. Also… Knight of Despair found family AU…?
Funeral of the Dead Butterflies! - A very neat concept! I also like butterflies. I sadly don’t understand why they’re shipped with the fire-headed guy with the german name whose name i forgot, but I’d like to understand it more. (A secret hobby of mine is gathering “why”s. Why do you like this? Why do you ship this? Why do you think that? I don’t know why I gather whys but it’s something I do. …Oops, that got off-topic…)
Porccubus! - It’s cute! It’ll make your head explode. Good day.
King of Greed! - Least popular among the magical girls, she’s yet another “cool concept” vote.
Bird of Judgement! - A member of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my least favorite of the bunch (not that it’s a bad thing at all!). I don’t have a lot else to say about it otherwise.
Alirune! - Weird-lookin’ horse that pukes cotton candy!
Big Bird! - The leader of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my definite favorite of the bunch! Cute, creepy, and covered in eyes? That’s my aesthetic!
Snow White’s Apple! - Another neat concept! There are lots of small details in fairy tales that you just kinda forget.
The Dreaming Current! - Yet another one I like based on concept! Surrounded in mystery. Is it the child, something made by the child, or something else entirely?
Dream of a Black Swan! - Concept~! The brothers kinda creep me out. I’m also really interested in the cause of the weird fog that made the sister into what she is…
Knight of Despair! - My favorite of the magical girls! I feel her pain…
Parasyte Tree! - See “Grave of Cherry Blossoms.”
Apocalypse Bird! - Never really got a good look at it, but it’s a R E A L L Y neat concept.
Silent Orchestra! - Wrapped in mystery. Who is it? What is it? How was it made?
NOTHING THERE! - The fandom puppy. Scary and also somewhat adorable in its first form. Why have we latched onto it? Nobody knows!
Mountain of Smiling Bodies…? - I don’t know a lot about it, but it sounds cool.
CENSORED…! - Another one in it for just concept. The perception filter is already a neat concept, but taking advantage of that medium and making an abnormality that’s literally just censored? HILARIOUS. … And also REALLY terrifying. Why does this thing need to be censored, exactly?!
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tamisdava2 · 6 years
So some more of hunger games simulator with Lobotomy corporation characters.
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Hokma runs away from the Cornucopia. Hod runs away from the Cornucopia. Red fixer runs away from the Cornucopia. Abels takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. Yesod runs away from the Cornucopia. Tipereth B runs away from the Cornucopia. Adams runs away from the Cornucopia. Malkuth runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Guys, good luck.
Angela breaks Sis's nose for a basket of bread.
Shipers grab a sword.
Guys dont tell me that you are going to kill everyone with that sword that doesn’t like your ships.
White Fixer finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Abraham finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Smart assholes.
Black fixer stabs Chesed in the back with a trident.
... Chesed deserved it because he killed Tipereth B in the past season.
Pale fixer falls into a pit and dies.
Lol i thought you was better than that, boy.
Netzach runs away from the Cornucopia. Myo takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. Tipereth A runs away from the Cornucopia. Ayin runs away from the Cornucopia. Fanfic writers runs away from the Cornucopia.
Myo is getting too dangerous in my opinion
Binah shoots an arrow at Gebura, but misses and kills Me instead.
Day 1
Adam and Tipereth B work together for the day. 
Dont touch my small bean Adam
Fanfic writers chases Shipers.
It looks pretty realistic
Myo receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Like seriously dude, why do you give Myo hatchet when she already has sickle?
Hokma begs for Binah to kill him. She refuses, keeping Hokma alive.
That reminds me of a Korean comic where Hokma also begs Binah to kill him but Binah refuses.
Red fixer, Hod, Black fixer, and Angela raid Sis's camp while he is hunting.
Abraham sprains his ankle while running away from Malkuth.
Malkuth: *killer mode on* =)
Abraham: Shitshithsitshit O_O
Tipereth A falls into a pit and dies.
Pit is a scary maniac killer. 
Netzach diverts White Fixer's attention and runs away.
Netzach: Hey you look at me!
White fixer: *Turns around* 
Netzach: BITCH! *Runs away*
Ayin defeats Yesod in a fight, but spares his life.
I dont know what to say...
Abel falls into a pit and dies.
Gebura camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Which didn’t really worked well because she is red?
5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Chesed District 4 Pale fixer District 10 Me District 11 Tipereth A District 3 Abel District 7
Gebura: ... I knew that, that stupid coffee man would die
Tipereth B: D:
Night 1
Sis receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Black fixer receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Thanks unknown sponsor for helping my sis out
Hokma looks at the night sky. 
Eh grandpa.
White Fixer passes out from exhaustion. 
Awwww, poor, cute, lil thing.
Yesod loses sight of where he is. 
Well Yesod, you are loh
Angela cooks her food before putting her fire out. 
I hope that you’ll die in the fire, bitch.
Abraham loses sight of where he is.
Red fixer quietly hums.
I even feel sorry for him.
Myo sets up camp for the night.
Nothing special
Tipereth B and Binah tell stories about themselves to each other.
That is kinda cute?
Tipereth(M): I miss Ti so much .O_O.
Binah: ... yep this sad [not really]
Hod unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Malkuth tries to treat her infection.
Come on Malkuth, i belive that you’ll make it.
Ayin ambushes Fanfic writers and kills her.
Ayin: You’ll stop writing fanfics about me.
Fanfic writers: Nah
Ayin: *Kills*
Gebura looks at the night sky.
Nuuuuuu... Nothing special
Netzach sets up camp for the night.
I thought that you wanted to die dude.
Adams tries to treat her infection. Shipers loses sight of where he is.
Adam, i hope that you’ll die
Shipers are lost in endless possible ships
Day 2
Sis overpowers Shipers, killing him.
Lol sis i thought that you liked shipping
Red fixer searches for a water source. 
Dude you dont really need water.
Binah kills Myo with a hatchet. 
Binah: I’ll be the only one that will rival Gebura!
Myo: Pffft really? And how are you going to do it without any weapon darling?
Binah: With your fucking Hatchet, bitch. *Throws Hatchet at Myo*
***********************   Tipereth B receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Tipereth(M): But i dont really want to use it...
Sponsor WTF?!
Malkuth searches for firewood. Ayin injures himself.
Ayin, you can commit suicide if oyu want!
Abraham runs away from Gebura.
Abraham you have fucking bow and arrow, but you are running?
Black fixer overhears Angela and White Fixer talking in the distance.
Two “Angels” are talking
Black fixer: Never thought that she would be such a traitor. I guess that i can become friends with sephirahs too :/
Hokma practices his archery. 
Oh grandpa is getting serious
Netzach dies from hunger.
Ohh... I am feeling sad now
Yesod bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Adam picks flowers.
Someone please draw it.
Hod District 2 Fanfic writers District 12 Shipers District 12 Myo District 6 Netzach District 2 Yesod District 1
Rest in peace guys.
Gebura: Finally that sassy bunny died!
Malkuth: D:
Night 2
White Fixer sets up camp for the night.
Nothing special again
Binah and Abraham tell stories about themselves to each other.
Binah: ...
Abraham: ...
Binah: I dont know about what to talk.
Abraham: Me too, but thanks for not killing me.
Binah: You are welcome.
Adam is awoken by nightmares.
I really wonder, someone that adores such a terrible creatures like abnormalities, by what nightmares you can be awoken adam?!
Sis sets up camp for the night.
Sis i belive in you!
Gebura passes out from exhaustion.
Gebura wake up!
Hokma thinks about winning.
Ah you tricky grandpa
Black fixer, Red fixer, Angela, and Malkuth tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Angela: It is sad that white isn’t here...
Black fixer: What happend to her anyway?
Red fixer: I am interested too.
Ayin loses sight of where he is. 
Burn in hell Ayin
Tipereth B dies trying to escape the arena.
Day 3
Angela is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Black fixer accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Abraham, Hokma, Red fixer, and White Fixer raid Ayin's camp while he is hunting.
Hokma and Abraham, WTF?!
Adams, Sis, and Gebura hunt for other tributes.
Sis dont listen to Adam’s shit please
Malkuth kills Binah while she is resting.
Malkuth: *killing mode on*
Malkuth, wtf?
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Tipereth B District 3 Black fixer District 10 Binah District 5
White fixer: Well, that sad.
Red fixer: You cant say it by your face.
White fixer: You know that i just cant show my emotions. 
Gebura: WOHO! BOTH BINAH AND MYO ARE DEAD! I am gonna kiss someone who did it!
********************** Night 3
Abraham goes to sleep.
Good night.
Gebura bashes Angela's head in with a mace.
Gebura i love you. FINAALY ANGELA DIED!
Gebura: Die bitch U_U
Sis and Adams track down and kill Malkuth.
Ayin defeats Red fixer in a fight, but spares his life. 
Red fixer: Why you wont kill me..?
Ayin: Because i am just too lazy lol.
White Fixer goes to sleep.
Good night “angel”
Hokma tries to treat his infection.
Please dont die now.
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Chesed x male reader on a date?
Ok, but it honestly alot harder to keep this blog up when you are the only mod here (owo; )
Cup of coffee, sir? (Chesed + Male!Reader headcanons)
•get ready to be smooched as soon as you wale up because this boi planned it all and wants this to go smooth
•absolutely loves to snuggle, cuddle, hug-le (wat am i doing) and just be there for you
•does he love you more then his coffee? Yes. Does he care that both of you are guys? Lol no, Chesed doesnt give any cups about it
•but still, he will make you your favourite drink on a date, along with some food to go along with
•sure, you cant go "outside the facility" but the technology allows you to recreate any view both of you want
•this includes dawn (not ordeals), evenings, some night sky, even beach and city. So pick your favourite
•Chesed personally would rather have a quiet date. Nothing too loud and crazy (especially dangerous. Gebura already does it on daily basis)
•he will be flirty and cheesy throughout the whole date. I am pretty sure about it
•Chesed will whisper sweet things to you when you'll be falling asleep, because you deserve to have a good dream
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