#do with that as you will
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 195
“Oh. It’s you.” 
The entity that had been summoned practically growled, a cloak like swirling galaxies- or was it swirling galaxies molded into a cloak- shimmering around their form. One pair of arms crossed over a chest where a star pulsed with the heartbeat of universes, alive yet dying as lazarus green eyes glowered down at the league and bats alike. 
“You know you could, fucking call, right?” they whined, aura of terror suddenly broken, unnatural fear torn away and leaving all of them wrong-footed and confused.
Well, apparently all of them except for Ras, who had an honest to fuck grin on his face, one that looks almost carefree, if a little feral. Nope. No thanks. Not this timeline-
“But phones didn’t exist last we spoke, ya ‘amar.” 
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camels-pen · 1 year ago
(inspired by this post)
Usopp stared at the hat in Sanji's hand. He patted his head, surprised to find it bare. His memories were fuzzy after meeting that kappa kid, but he hadn't even realized he'd lost it.
Sanji shook the hat. "Well? Aren't you going to take it?"
Usopp looked up from the hat. Sanji had his face turned away.
Usopp deflated. "You're still mad at me?"
Sanji dropped his arm and the hat crumpled in his hand. "What were you thinking, running off on your own?"
"Like I said to Nami, it was an accident—the backpack wouldn't come off and sent me flying! And besides I came back—"
"Not that!"
Usopp's brows furrowed. "Then what—?"
"When I was cooking, what possessed you to fuck off on your own?"
Usopp scowled. Seriously? "Oh no," Usopp said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "You had one less cheerleader to fawn over you in your manly cooking competition. The horror." He reached for his hat. "I'll just take this and go—"
Sanji swiftly pulled it out of his reach. Usopp tried for it again and again, but Sanji kept dodging him. His grip on the hat was getting noticeably tighter.
"Sanji, quit it! Just give me my hat and you can go back to avoiding me—"
"I don't want to avoid you!" Sanji dodged another grab. "You just keep pissing me the hell off whenever I look at you!"
"How is that my fault?!" Usopp said, taking another unsuccessful swipe. "I thought we all talked this out already! And Nami's not mad anymore, so what's your problem?!"
"You wanna know what my problem is?!" Sanji grabbed a fistful of Usopp's collar and yanked him forward. "You disappeared!"
Usopp's eyes widened. Sanji had practically snarled at him, but the look on his face didn't match up: there were terrible bags under his eye. Dried blood on bitten lips.
Tears threatening to fall any moment.
Sanji deflated, his grip on Usopp's shirt loosening. "You disappeared and... and I couldn't find you."
"Damn, I really worried you, didn't I?"
"Of course you did, dumbass!" Sanji swept his arms wide. "What was I supposed to do when I saw that shitty kappa wearing your hat while you were nowhere to be found?! Shit, at one point I thought you were—" Sanji cut himself off.
Sanji brought the hat up to rest on his chest, taking a deep breath. "It doesn't matter. You're here now. You're fine." Usopp didn't know whether he was saying that for Usopp's sake or his own. "Just forget I said anything and take your hat."
He could. He certainly could. But…
The way Sanji's shoulders slumped. The way Usopp's hat was still clutched close to his chest. The way he looked awful despite them having left that island behind a few days ago.
He couldn't just leave Sanji like that.
Usopp rolled a few ideas around in his head before clearing his throat. In a posh accent he said, "Well then, good sir, I am terribly grateful to you for finding one of the most prized hats in my collection."
Sanji pursed his lips. "Usopp, just take the damn hat."
"All in due time, of course! However, oh dear,"—Usopp put his hands to his cheeks with an exaggerated gasp—"I've found myself without my beautiful attendants to aid me in adorning such a magnificent piece atop my head."
"It's truly a shame that such a thing will be collecting dust until I'm able to reunite with them again." Usopp pretended to cry into a blue handkerchief. "Oh, whatever shall I do—"
"When did you—?!" Sanji frantically patted his pockets.
Usopp grinned. "I'm well traveled you see. I've even learned a few things from a thief of legend who just so happens to be a friend of mine."
Sanji huffed. "Nami-san's generousity, huh?"
"Oh, woe is me," Usopp put the back of his hand to his forehead. "Wherever shall I find a beautiful and dependable and radiant attendant on such short notice?"
Sanji huffed. "Alright already, I got it. You don't have to lay it on so thick."
Usopp's grin widened and he bent his head as Sanji's careful fingers started to gather up his hair. Usopp closed his eyes as he felt little touches all along his hairline. He sighed at one particular feeling of a thumb rubbing circles into the skin behind his ear. Usopp gave a content sigh and Sanji chuckled. 
His hat was fitted on his head and all too soon. Sanji’s touches lingered before pulling away.
Usopp grinned up at Sanji. "Thank you, my good sir."
Sanji rolled his eyes, but responded in his own version of a posh accent and a short bow. "Of course, my dear nobleman."
They kept themselves together for a few seconds more before Usopp burst into laughter and Sanji followed suit.
Usopp couldn't apologize—couldn't promise Sanji it would never happen again. He was bound to go exploring on his own from time to time, after all. But, he could lighten the mood like this, help Sanji relax and understand that the danger had passed. That they were alive and at home on Merry's back. 
That everything was fine. At least for the moment.
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vapor-vine · 1 month ago
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RED BOUQUET and BLUE BOUQUET's original posts
andddd finally, NOIR BOUQUET. This was fun to do tbh! It's really funny to me though that NOIR BOUQUET out of all of the Knights turned out the most like bootlegs of their Lords like I originally envisioned. Arupek and Hangyon are my favorites this time, because they're so eye-searing
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months ago
Wait so are you AFAB or AMAB?
I’m assigned ‘existential dread’ every morning.
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3-aem · 2 years ago
i love how you draw gojo and how much you do but i noticed that theres not a single one where hes smiling, any special reason? (i just discovered that i wasnt following you here on tumblr)
yea, he doesn’t deserve it
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preservationofnormalcy · 1 year ago
Hey guys, Jenny here, stepping in here since we got a message about Moreauvians; please don't explain what a furry is to Norm. That world is not for him.
Hey Norm, my Bluetooth speaker keeps crackling, do you know what's up with that?
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galavant-song-tournament · 1 year ago
Round 1
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Second best song of s2 and I will die on that hill. It may be incredibly short and kind of there purely for the drama but it really makes use of that time and puts its all into the drama. Starts off incredibly loud and sweeping, only to quiet and slow down to a halting and defeated end. God, it's good. Highly recommend screaming it when dramatic angst would be cathartic (which is always).
Wish fulfillment. also very funny to picture uther singing this
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vikhorrorschau · 2 years ago
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aesthetic-uni · 2 years ago
This has honestly been in my drafts for weeks and I’ve been fighting to finish it. I gotta get this out now before another hyperfixation takes over (spoiler alert: it already has)
Before I do I would like to call out publicly three star students, because one I appreciate them and two I just really want them to see my shit since I feel appreciated. @carpe-yeet-em @ceci-seesaw and @bogos-bint3d thank y’all for being Star students
Quick warning: This WILL contain spoilers for the series. It’s nothing super major or plot twisty-The series is in its very early stages so it’s nothing that you wouldn’t find out by you know, reading the thing wink wink nudge nudge. However I would suggest reading it first so you at least have an understanding of it
Holy shit this series is so good. I’m not joking I’m looking forward so much for this series and how everything plays out, because I can tell this is going to be a really intriguing story and I’m excited for it. I would say the thing I’m most excited to see is the relationship between Shen Yuhua and Chu Tian. They’re just, they’re so sweet I really can’t wait to see how their relationship grows.
Okay I’m not really good with expressing my thoughts so let’s move on TO THE CRACK THEORY SECTION BABEY YEAAAH
Theory number uno: Tf is Chu Tian doing? I think it’s pretty easy to see, he’s trying to create an army against the Chaoyang palace. He wants revenge against Shen Yuitian and is only playing along with Shen Yuhua for now. But I think he either does really care for her or will grow to really care for her. So he’s trying to destroy the blood pact so he doesn’t have to hurt her to achieve his end means. And I bet Shen Yuhua will eventually learn to go this side
Theory b: Qiao Yu will join the group and become an older sister to Shen Yuhua. There’s really only two ways it could go down with Shen Yuhua and Qiao Yu, either rivals or sisters. I don’t really see rivals working out, cause Yuhua doesn’t really care, but for my own heart I could totally see Qiao Yu being a surrogate older sister to Shen Yuhua, which would be a great but heartbreaking parallel to her actual older sister
Theory 3 (the big one): Okay, let’s talk about the big mystery surrounding one of the characters. Not Chu Tian, not Shen Yuitian, not even Shen Yuhua.
Let’s talk about Swallowtail
Now for the actual theory, Swallowtail is undoubtedly the biggest mystery in Doatf, he pretends to be a useless servant to Shen Yuhua but actively sabotages her chances of marriage, but also protects her with his life. Why? Why is he acting as such? In fact, in his introduction it is noted he was in fact a disciple but was demoted. He’s clearly skilled, why would he pretend not to be in order to be demoted?
It’s because I believe he’s working for Chu Tian, and always planned for Shen Yuhua to fall into the abyss.
What evidence do I have to back this up?
…..I did say it was a crack theory
Okay I do have A LITTLE to back it up. But it doesn’t start with Swallowtail, it actually starts with the second biggest mystery of the series, Wen Qinglan, Yuhua’s mother. We know her crimes, murder, but more important conspiracy and adultery with a demon. Why was Wen Qinglan working with a demon? I believe she was working to free Chu Tian from the abyss. Why? Because I said so >:(
Anyway obviously when Wen Qinglan died, the plot must progress and there had to be a new person to get a Shen into the abyss, and would you look at that. There’s a Shen who’s been completely shunned from her family that needs a servant.
This is why he had to sabotage Yuhua’s suitors, he couldn’t have her leaving the palace or else it would risk the whole operation. On top of that, remember how Yuhua’s older sister said that it was Swallowtail who pushed her in. Why on earth would she say that? He’s clearly devoted to her, and despite maybe Yuling pushing the blame on him, why would anyone believe that? He wasn’t even near the scene?
Unless of course, they already know he’s shady as fuck, or have evidence to show he’s shady as fuck.
I cannot stress enough how much crack this crack theory is based on. I am genuinely pulling strings and putting on tinfoil hats here.
But I’m having fun so I don’t care >:)
I do want to say just as a statement-I don’t think Shen Yuhua is some chosen hero. The abyss story is so clearly made up, and I do really think she doesn’t have strong magic. But just because she’s not strong or special in one area, doesn’t mean she can’t become something wonderful. And I just can’t wait to see what she becomes in this comic. I’m so excited for the rest
Alright the rest of my thoughts are completely scattered that’s all ya getting PEACE
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therighthandofvengeance · 2 years ago
I don’t care how many years it’s been, Kelsey Grammer still looks like the rogue Soul Hunter to me.
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kitkatyes · 5 months ago
The missile approached closer by the second. Phoenix couldn't break the stupid window
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evanorphia · 6 months ago
i’m gonna be doing something unspeakable for me and post the new fic i am working on as i write, this could either go very well or very wrong so i apologise if it’s the latter – usually i wait until i have the fic 75-100% written before posting, though i want to try something new this time around just to see if this goes well for me or if it is a terrible idea like i think it will be 😄
devant and my other mystery work will be posted in my usual fashion though, so for those two you will have to wait, i apologise
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sylensombrr · 2 years ago
THE MECHANIC TRIO!!!!!!! So cute <333333
Link to it on YouTube if you wanna check it out
Flare belongs to @freshmichael
Reef belongs to @groovygladiatorsheep
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ryebecca · 1 year ago
No cheating: Your last saved celebrity picture is your therapist.
Thanks for the tag, @a-reader-and-a-writer!
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Well, uh, that's gonna make things awkward. 👀 😂
No pressure tagging: @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @bradshawsbitch @bradshawsbaby @bobfloydsbabe @seresinsweetie @lewmagoo @roosterforme @roosterbruiser
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methylphenidatedreams · 11 months ago
Had a dream that a toy gave Damian an eyebrow piercing by mistake and I got so excited about it I tried to change my main blog name to “goldeyebrowpiercingdamian” and accidentally the entire thing
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