#do what you want just don't threaten and harass people lol
drop-dead-dropout · 6 months
hey if you feel comfortable explaining publicly, why are you a proshipper? i don't feel strongly one way or the other and i'm just wondering what your perspective is. no pressure and i don't mean to be invasive or anything like that! just curious :)
It's alright! I personally don't really participate in ships most people would consider "problematic" (unless we're counting enemies to lovers), which I think is part of the reason why it took me so long to even bother investigating the issue and forming an opinion in the first place. "Proship" just means I don't believe in things like lolicon or incest fic or whatever most people agree is gross or bad irl (though irl it would be pedophilia not fetish which is completely disgusting and assault to be absolutely clear) should be wiped off the Internet.
Why do I believe this? Well, for one, lobbing accusations at fic writers hurts real victims. I won't go too heavily into the mainstream watering-down of terms like "pedophile" and "rapist", but it's been especially bad in the past few years, even outside this kind of discourse that most non-fandom people don't even know about.
Also, many rape victims, especially those assaulted as children, suffer from intense "taboo" sexual urges and/or distressing intrusive thoughts (especially compounded by things like OCD). Most therapists would agree that fanfiction is a good place to explore this! As long as it's properly tagged, you have a very low chance of hurting anyone else, and thoughts like this don't just "go away" if you ignore them, no matter how much antis would like that to be the case.
Okay, but not everyone who reads this type of stuff is a victim, right? Some of them are definitely just doing it to get off. You are absolutely right to think that! As I said before, I'm not a part of these "problematic" incest or shotacon or whatever communities, but even I, "uninformed" as I am, wouldn't make such an obviously false claim. So, here's the way I think about it:
1) first and most importantly, there is no evidence-based link between reading incest or loli/underage whatever to being an actual abuser or rapist in real life, as of the last time I checked (like a few weeks ago). If any antis are hiding some sort of peer-reviewed study I'm not aware of, I'd be happy to talk about it, though. You can say "it's common sense" all you want, but personally, I'll take the scientific process over that any day.
2) like exploring trauma, fanfiction (and, to an extent, things like animated hentai or whatever) is most likely the safest space to BE if someone is truly "attracted" to lolicon or shotacon. It's the only porn that's guaranteed not to be exploitative, because only one person (the author) is involved in making it.
Oh jeez, this is already a bit long-winded. Hope this answers any questions you have, and I'm happy to answer more asks from you or anyone else!
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anameistoohard · 7 months
Oh boy, lets open that can of worms
There's a LOT of discourse with endo vs anti-endo stuff (endogenic system=plural system not formed by trauma if you don't know 🙂). Like, death threats coming from both sides kinda thing. We try to stay out of it. But it's easy to accidentally stumble into it if you're not familiar with some of the nuance. So we want to share some observations as like, a crash course. (And apparently we had a lot to say lol.)
This post isn't really to debate how plurality forms. Just to give some context as to why so much hate is flying between these two groups.
Basically, you have 2 extremes. (And everyone in between obviously)
On one side you have people making up extra rules on top of the diagnostic criteria to exclude and gatekeep anyone who doesn't meet "their level" of disordered. (I've literally heard people say "you can't be a system, you're not as traumatized as me"). A lot of accusations of faking come from this bunch. Too much internal communication? Faker. Too many non-human alters? Faker. Too many or not enough alters? Faker. You can't win with them even if you have a diagnosis.
We've noticed a lot of parallels between this group and transmeds. You need to have x level of dysphoria to ride this ride. You can't be trans if you don't want xyz treatment. You need to reach my arbitrary bar of "trans enough". Enbys and everyone else are fakers. That kind of bs.
But on this side you also have a lot of people who just want to be taken seriously. They want to be validated by their diagnosis and feel hurt when people say or do things that they think will compromise that validity. They, at least initially, come from a place of sincerity not malice. But they fall into the trap of trying to be "one of the good ones".
On the other extreme you have the wild west. Things people treat as fact aren't codified with the same scrutiny as the DSM-5 or ICD-11. This breeds its own confusion and misinformation. We've seen people conflate plurality with things like maladaptive day dreaming, lucid dreaming, adhd, and (applying it to other people with ferocity to the point of harassment) metaphors of all things.
They have a spaghetti at the wall approach that reminds me of a less extreme MOGII (an attempt to define just about every possible form of gender and sexuality). It's a messy patchwork of ideas. We've seen 8 different labels that all mean the same thing and are being used by exactly no one. Redundancy and hyperspcificity, that's the name of the game. But frankly we like this if for no other reason than we want to see what sticks, what becomes mainstream.
We've seen people from this group attack people as badly as the anti-endo group. Openly mocking people for having trauma or saying vile shit like "traumagenics kys". They feel threatened by the exclusionary nature of diagnoses. But instead of taking their frustration out on the systems of power they take them out on normal people. After all if you're diagnosed, you "represent the system"... I guess. Equally bull shit.
But this is also where the edge cases go, the exclusions, those that don't fit into a neat little box. The DSM excludes people whose plurality is accepted as part of their culture or religion. These people don't suddenly stop being systems just because they're accepted, but they're distinctly not disordered. They don't meet the clinical definition of DID or OSDD. Same goes for someone whose symptoms are mild enough to not cause "clinically significant distress". You also have people who don't want to be pathologized or have been failed by the medical system.
So lastly, a warning: When dealing with plural stuff, it's very easy to go stumbling into a mine field.
Tldr: I would always rather land on the side of letting too many people in than exclude people who needed the support. However, no matter your in-group, some people take things too far. Like, ffs don't attack people. 
-Taylor & Mark
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
Hey, don't know if you want more requests but here's this. Task force 141 reacting to their daughter grumpily trudging up to them saying some boy at their school won't take no for and answer and "apparently you're scarier than I am so could you please make him go away?" They're just bitter that their dad is more intimidating.
task force 141 + protecting their daughters
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: hmmm i don't normally like writing family au's but in the spirit of growth here we are (and it's not so bad lol)
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simon "ghost" riley:
okay so i don't think it's a surprise that if simon found out some guy was harassing his kid at school he would flip out
are we surprised that simon is a super protective dad?
no. not at all.
you would probably have to physically stop him from trying to find out everything about the harasser so he could go beat him up
because lord knows if left unattended he would do exactly that
he has his own experience with people taunting and harassing him as a child and simon wants his kid's childhood to be polar opposites with his own
and this annoying boy at school is a threat to that
and simon's literally been trained to take out threats guys let's be fr
after he manages to cool down he ends up going to pick up his daughter from school and he has her point out who the guy who's giving her trouble is
he doesn't even have to say anything because as soon as this little snot sees ur kid pointing at him with simon staring daggers at him he's two seconds away from peeing his pants
and it's for good reason too because keep in mind this is like a 3'2 child (i don't actually know how tall children are) compared to a 6'4, probably over 200 pounds of muscle, simon with a death glare that's sent shivers down grown men's backs
i mean this kid has no chance sorry dude
definitely turns around and immediately sprints away
and what do you know the next day the snot-nosed turd doesn't even look at your kid except for terrified peeks in her direction
but you know simon still wishes he got to talk with (re: beat up) the kid
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap tries to solve things with humor so when he finds out some turd is harassing his daughter the first thing he does is try to make her feel better with some jokes
"geez that kid's a real idiot, how'd he pass first grade?"
"don't let it affect you, sweets, you're too good to be worried about someone who spends 90% of their brainpower on stupid things."
basically soap will trash talk this kid
and yk what same so i can't even blame him
when his daughter asks soap to deal with the kid, he definitely pats her on the back and says something like "i'll see what i can do" and then takes her out for ice cream
soap desperately wants to be the favorite parent so he's hesitant about going all "this kid must be stopped and i will do anything to ensure justice is served" in front of his daughter
definitely calls the school to get a better read on what's going on and then goes to talk to the parents themselves
and unfortunately soap doesn't exactly have ghost's height to help him intimidate people but one thing soap does have is massive muscles
that being said he doesn't want to go full intimidation mode so he tries to breach the topic lightly with the parents
but he will put his foot down if needed
he also insists on talking to the kid and when he does you know he threatens him in the nicest also most vaguest way possible to try and protect himself from any guilt
and although his methods may be questionable they work because the next day the snot-nosed turd apologizes to his daughter
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so honestly i can see gaz as the kind of parent who preaches being kind and talking things out
but he's also definitely ready to throw hands if some loser is harassing his kid
now unfortunately for gaz he is not very intimidating
i mean he's tall but other than that there's not much
what can i say he has too many pretty genes to look intimidating
definitely will threaten the kid with a smile on his face though
like he's the kind of guy to sorta smile through it and pretend he's having a great time but his words are saying something else
like once he finds out he'll make his daughter show him who the loser is while he walks her to school
and then he'll pull him aside and tell him that he needs to stop talking to his daughter or else it's not gonna be pretty
and even though there's a smile on his face there's something unsettling about it that has the boy unnerved
and so that day at school he's definitely trying to avoid her
and after that he stops being a problem
john price:
alright price is a certified dilf and he's also super duper protective
especially over his daughter
as soon as hears that someone is harassing her he is seeing red
unlike simon though there's no threat of him doing something rash
definitely will have to go outside and smoke a cigar though
he'll ask his daughter who the guy who's harassing her is and will then find out where he lives
and he'll ask you to talk your daughter out for ice cream and a movie and while you're gone he goes to pay the harasser a little visit
i mean when it comes to protecting his daughter price is stone cold
i mean he is more than ready to threaten this kid if he even dares to look in her direction
and he will make sure the kid knows he's serious about it too
and price will only say things once so god forbid the kid doesn't learn his lesson
if so then um
the kids gonna miss a lot of school is all im gonna say
will then pick you guys up from ice cream and a movie and ask how it was
and will tell his daughter that everything's taken care of and to let him know if the kid tries anything again
and then the next day the kid literally refuses to look at your daughter
so mission accomplished
alejandro vargas:
alright so honestly i feel like alejandro is lowkey really intimidating
like idk it's that one smile he does that's sorta unsettling if you're not viewing it through a "omg he's so hot he's my babygirl i love him" lense
so to kids he can be scary when he wants to
when he finds out someone is harassing his daughter he absolutely flips out
one thing about alejandro is he definitely has a short fuse when it comes to people disrespecting stuff he cares about
also with the cartel and stuff he's very very concerned about his daughter's well-being and how she grows up
he wants to keep her seperate from all the violence of his workplace as long as possible so he tries to keep his cool in front of her
but it's pretty obvious how mad he is (as he should)
he makes his daughter point out who the kid is the next time he picks her up from school and then tells her to wait in the car while he deals with him
since it's in public he can't really do anything drastic but he can still be really scary
like he is not afraid to show this kid a glimpse of a gun to let him know that he means business
and maybe it's kinda sadistic but he wants this kid to be wetting his pants as retribution for what he did to his daughter
and you know what it worked because when alejandro returns the car he gives her a kiss on the top of her head, tells her he's proud of her for talking to him about this, and then drives away before she can see the kid crying with a wet spot on his pants
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
ok you guys know i love rudy but we have to face the facts
he just simply is not intimidating
i mean have you seen that clip of him yelling "special forces!" as he breaches that house in texas?
im sorry but he's just too cute it doesn't work out
but just because he's not intimidated doesn't mean he can't deal with his kid's problems
he absolutely loves his daughter and wants the best for her so when he finds out someone's harassing her he's less mad and more sad that she's going through this
he definitely will make sure she is okay at first and then take her on a day out just to make sure she's happy
and then he'll speak to her teacher to try and get a better feel of what's going on
at first he would probably let the teacher handle it because unlike some of the others he's on the fence about threatening a kid
but if the teacher proves to be incapable then he will take things into his own hands
he'll pull the kid aside and try and tell him nicely to back off and stop harassing his daughter
and if that still doesn't work then the serious voice comes out and you can just tell he's ready to throw hands
which honestly is kind of intimidating in and of itself because it's such a contrast to his normal behavior
and then the next day the kid apologized and then spent the rest of the year giving his daughter plenty of space
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piracytheorist · 15 days
I want to ask my followers for something.
I'm actually bringing this back because the person involved has showed themselves to be incredibly rude and immature.
Reminder, for anyone who didn't catch the post (that actually didn't exist for long, lol), that I don't want you to interact with this person. Don't comment, don't harass, don't do anything other than what I ask of you - and that's of course, if you are willing to follow. No judgment if you don't, and I won't know who followed either way.
Also, don't share this. I don't want this getting out of hand. Don't make me feel guilty, ok? I'm just trying to make things right.
Again, DO NOT HARASS THE PERSON I'LL MENTION. Don't comment anything on the video I'll link. Don't try to find them anywhere else. Just do one simple thing I'll ask, if you want to.
I mean it. I'll be checking the video. If I see negative comments on it I'll personally track down whoever made it and report them for harassment, as well as publicly share their username and their rude comments. I'm very serious that I don't want you to harass anyone. Keep quiet about it. Don't harass and don't comment anything. If you harass, I'll make sure you get harassed back.
So the thing is, someone reposted a video from my youtube account. Like straight-up downloaded the video and uploaded it on their account as if it's their own. I asked them, twice, to delete the video.
It looks like they were deleting my comments, even though I can still see them. For context, here's what I asked them the first two times:
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The bottom one is the first one, the top one is the second, I think I posted them with a couple days in between or something. The timestamp says they were two months ago.
After my second comment, they made the video private (I checked), but it looks like some days ago they made it public again. After I found out they made the video public again, I commented with this:
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Which I had to find through my comments history since the video is private again, and not deleted.
Then, on their account, there's another video with similar content, but it looks to be... "original". Only problem is, pretty much all scenes in this video also exist in a sideblog I made, @outofcontextonceuponatime. But I have no proof to ask for anything on that, so I'm just letting it be.
However, because this felt like the only way to contact that person, I commented there. And oh boy.
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That was the first comment thread. I didn't believe them for a moment when they said they don't have their pc available and that they don't know how to delete a video through the app, but I decided to give it a little push. Anyway, the reposted video still exists, just on private. I make another comment, and well.
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I'll let you be the judge here.
And then, this last update of just a few minutes ago:
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So, just to show that person that I'm actually fucking serious and that their behaviour is absolutely deplorable, because yeah how fucking dare I "complain" that someone reposted my video that I put hours of work on, I would like to ask you to go to that second video and dislike it.
DO NOT COMMENT. DO NOT HARASS THAT PERSON. Don't even hit like on my comments, it's not worth it. Just hit the dislike button on the video and close the tab.
Again, this video I'll link here is NOT a repost, (I believe they were directly influenced by my sideblog to make it and didn't credit me but that's not serious enough to do anything about it) the reposted video is (for) now private and that kid over there thinks they can "threaten" me with never deleting it. I will only link the second "original" video for you to dislike, in the hopes of giving them an idea that I am serious and that I have people to back me up.
Again, DON'T HARASS THEM. For all I know a single "haha stupid" comment could send them over the edge, and while they've been incredibly rude, this would be an unfair punishment. I want them to see massive dislikes on their "original" video after people have realized what an obnoxious person they've been, and to be rocked a little and realize that oh shit, I can't act like that on the internet. Just make it a little reminder, you know? I believe getting a lot of dislikes on a video can get that message across without causing any actual damage.
(If you want, I can also let y'all know when the reposted video is deleted, so you can un-dislike the "original" video)
Anyway, here is the link for the video. again, don't harass, don't comment, just hit dislike and leave.
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What is every skeleton's reaction to a strange human making a kidnapping attempt on him?
Undertale Sans - He's in the back of a random guy's car, chilled as hell, and he keeps talking just to annoy his kidnapper. He's not really kidnapped anyway, he could just teleport out of here anytime he wants. He's having fun. He can tell the guy is not really dangerous, so he takes advantage of that to teach them a lesson about kidnapping the wrong people. Eventually, Sans gets bored and simply disappears.
Undertale Papyrus - Well, he's always happy to make new friends but that gun on his head starts to seriously bother him so out of nowhere, he grabs the gun, opens the car window and throws it outside. Now, isn't it better to talk? Go on, he's a very patient skeleton. Tell him why you have so much anger in your heart, he's sure he can help. Undyne is so confused when later that day, a random man runs to her, crying, and begs her to arrest him for kidnapping a monster.
Underswap Sans - He's playing the dumb little hostage until his kidnappers lead him to his base, then he suddenly attacks, knocks them all down in ten seconds, then peacefully unties himself and calls for backup. That's not the first time it has happened, is it?
Underswap Papyrus - The man screams at him to jump in the truck and to knock it off. Except a loud car passed at the same moment and Honey only understood "Knock me off". So, uh, sure, it's a weird demand but who is he to judge. He takes his grocery back and explodes it against his kidnapper's head. Then Honey realizes he might be in trouble now and just teleports out of here.
Underfell Sans - Oh man, not again... It's the third time this month. Red starts to argue with the kidnappers, asking them why they still haven't moved on from trying to hurt his brother when neither of them is threatened by anything. Damn, he even knows one of them has kids. Don't you have better things to do than harass him constantly? It's not his fault you're all losers!
Underfell Papyrus - He can't believe he got kidnapped by a tiny three-year-old child. He was on his way, in a park, when a random child ran to him and dragged him towards the playground and now he's the prisoner of a bunch of children and if he dares to move they all start crying and their parents giving him death stares??? How did that even happen? He's not ok with this! Someone helps him????
Horrortale Sans - Welp. He kinda kidnapped himself actually. He saw a big truck open, and he smelled food, and he was hungry so... Yeah, he climbed in, the doors closed behind him, and now he's driving he has no idea where wondering if he should tell Willow or if Willow will get mad at him lol. At least he has cookies. Hundreds and hundreds of boxes of cookies. It's not that bad.
Horrortale Papyrus - So a grandma in the retirement house he's working in said she would kidnap him to make sure he keeps cooking only for her and he kinda thought it was a joke until she locked the door of her room once he entered and literally swallowed the key in front of his own very eye sockets while wiggling her eyebrows at him. Nobody told him this could happen???? He has no idea what he's even supposed to do now. He's kidnapped he guesses???
Swapfell Sans - He pets another cat on the way home and now Edge's cat, Doomfanger, is really mad he's cheating on her and kinda refuses to let him get out of the house. Nox tries to argue that it's quite hypocritical since she's cheating on Edge with him, but the cat refuses to listen and keeps biting his ankles very aggressively. He's a prisoner of his own house! That's crazy! Nox decides he has enough and bravely comes outside to face the demon, only to have Doomfanger beating him up like never before, and run back home with the tail between the legs to save his life. Nox is not sure how he's going to explain why he couldn't come to the Queen's meeting lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - He got kidnapped by two guys who can't work together. So Rus told one he heard the other said he would keep the money of his ransom for himself and just watched as the two guys argued together, then fought like wild animals. While they're rolling on the floor trying to kill each other, Rus simply gets up and leaves the building lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Why do people never learn? Instead of getting kidnapped, Wine kidnapped his kidnapper who is now crying like a baby in his living room and begging him to let him go. Why are you trying to hurt him when you piss your pants at the first contrariety? Are you stupid? Did you even read the mission paper telling how dangerous he is? Wine can't believe it. Kidnappers are so stupid these days. At least Underground they still had some reputation! Pathetic.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - As soon as the man asks him to come, Coffee turns around and runs away screaming at the top of his lungs, chased by his kidnapper lol. He got kidnapped too many times, he knows that being loud helps so he's going to be the loudest. Eventually, people come to his rescue. While they're fighting with his kidnapper, Coffee runs for his life, giving up on all of them to get home. He knows it's bad but man, having to talk to so many people is far worse than being kidnapped and he really doesn't want to do it.
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chang-bunnie-bini-bop · 8 months
hiraeth • seo changbin [part three]
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✰ pairing - roommate!changbin x fem!reader
✰ warnings - some swearing, reader is harassed non-consensually but it's all okay in the end :c
✰ word count - 2.9k
✰ notes - lol i don't know how to feel about this one it's literally crap. also the picture yes they are fucking hot
✰ tags - @hyunjinslittlestar @dunno-wut-to-do @caticorn61
✰ sypnosis: after setting some boundaries with changbin, somehow you coincidentally find out his secret.
hiraeth - the longing for a home that you cannot return to, or never was.
masterlist | requests open!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
You knew it was probably wrong to follow your roommate through college, but when you find out he’s been hiding things from you, what choice did you have?
Changbin turned the corner, talking to Jisung and completely unaware of your current situation. 
He was stopped by Chan, and the three headed off somewhere. 
You decided that it was enough, and you wandered off towards your classroom. 
The confusions only increased as Changbin disappeared off for random parts of the day, whether it was early morning, during the day, or late at night. 
Worried would be an understatement. You didn’t know whether he was okay or not, and the apartment felt emptier than ever. 
Does he not want to be around me? 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“Go outside. Don’t just sit around in here.” The mom barged into the room, scaring the living hell out of the poor girl, who was clearly deathly scared of loud noises. 
“What? What are you hiding to make such a big reaction to me coming in? Keep the door open. And you better study something. Or else.” The older woman threatened, walking out the door and leaving the girl to bask in her thoughts. 
“I SAID, GET OUT!” The mother screeched at the girl, who got up from the desk and ran to the front door. 
She wandered the streets for a little while, not wanting to talk to people, much less make friends. 
Going home for another half an hour wasn’t an option. 
The girl knew that someday she would regret not making friends.
People always told her that it was difficult at first. 
To her, it seemed impossible. She would end up alone. All alone. 
She bit back tears as she remembered her old friends, and how they had ditched her once she had finally opened up to them. 
They had blocked her, and she felt more alone than ever. 
No one. No one to open up to, to explain the bitter truth of her problems. Nobody to trust, to believe in. 
Maybe, she was destined to be this way. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
You stopped by the grocery store on the way back to the dorms from the library. 
Wandering around through the isles, you selected many necessities, including food and medicine. 
You stopped in front of a specific item; Changbin’s favorite cookie snack. 
You immediately grabbed multiple packets, witt how much he was working, he clearly needed his energy, which was also sugar.  
You almost giggled at the thought of him having a sugar rush last time, running around the apartment with you chasing him down. 
It was almost…fun. 
You knew that Seo Changbin was a major health freak, and that he would never have too much sugar, but there were sometimes where he really needed it. 
Grabbing a few more of Changbin’s favorite snacks and making your way to the checkout counter, pulling out your wallet to pay for the items. 
“Need me to pay for them, pretty?”
Your heart nearly stopped. You froze in your position, turning slightly in fear. 
A group of three men, all smoking and clearly drunk, laughed at your state of fright. 
“U-Um…sir…i’m a minor.” You informed him, glancing at the cashier for help. 
However, he just smirked at you instead. 
“How old ‘re you?” The drunk guy slurred, stumbling towards you, prompting you to take a couple steps back. 
“I’m 17.” You whimpered. “That’s plenty.” The guy grunted, limping towards you. 
You immediately turned and ran without a second thought, hiding behind a column of wall that was inaccessible to the public. 
You didn’t care about how much trouble you would get into later. 
Terrified, you pull your phone out of your hoodie pocket. 
Immediately calling Changbin, you gasp as you hear a container getting knocked over in the next isle. 
Praying that he would pick up, you sank to the floor to hide more effectively. 
Your call was immediately sent to voice mail. 
You called Jisung and Chan; neither of them responded either. 
Finally, you called Mina, who picked up immediately. 
Frantically, you explained the situation to her, and she told you to hang on; she was one her way. 
Five minutes passed, and a hand grabbed your shoulder. Alarmed, you almost scream before breaking into sobs as your friend cradled you. 
Safe. You were safe. 
You both walked out of the grocery store after paying for your things. 
The creepy guys didn’t even dare to come near you now that you weren’t alone. 
“Thank you. Oh my goodness, you saved me.” You gasped, gripping your friend’s shoulders. 
“Oh come on. It’s what friends do. Also those guys were super creepy. What happened to your super buff roommate? Changbin? Why didn’t he come?” Mina asked, continuing to hold you closer to give you a sense of security. 
“H-He didn’t pick up. Even when he knows I never call except when it’s an emergency.” You grunt. You were gonna give him a piece of your mind once you reach the dorm. 
If he even was there.  
“Ooof. Girl, get your man in order.” Mina giggled at the wild blush coating your face. 
“He is not my man!” You scoff, slapping her shoulder while continuing to walk towards the familiar college building. 
“I mean, he’a pretty cute. And he’s your type.” Mina teased, wiggling her eyebrows at you and cackling as you shriek in disbelief. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
You entered your dorm after punching in the key code, walking straight to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. 
What you didn’t expect, however, was for a certain black-haired man to be sitting on the couch. 
You immediately walk in front of him, ready to go off on him for not answering your calls. 
Normally, this would be a pretty crappy thing to get upset over, considering it was just one phone call. 
But Changbin knew that you never called unless it was an emergency, and you had established that pretty early on in your friendship. 
“What excuse do you have for yourself?! I even called you during free period! Why didn’t you pick up?” You shouted. 
“Y-Y/N i’m seriously sorry, I had something going on at the time, so I switched off my phone. What happened?” Changbin replied, looking up at you with the saddest expression you had ever seen on him. 
Clearly he was feeling remorse for his actions. You decided to go easy on him. 
“This guy at the grocery store tried to harass me, I called Mina though, so i’m okay.” 
Changbin gasped quietly, tears pooling in the corner of his eyes in guilt. 
“Y/N…i’m so sorry. Please forgive me…” He quietly asked, grabbing your hands and placing them on his head in an attempt to ask for forgiveness. 
“It’s okay, Binnie. Just…don’t ignore them again, kay?” You tried to calm him down, and he yanked you down onto the couch next to him and snuggled up to you. 
Your chest warmed up at the affectionate act, and you played with his bangs while he slept. Wow, clearly he was exhausted. 
You realize that he was wearing pretty heavy makeup, something he didn’t do normally. 
He looked very pretty, though. You dragged him to your room, removing all of his makeup and fixing his hair. 
You change into your pajamas in your closet, doing your skincare before you both went to bed, in his room, or course. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“Girl! I got tickets for us both to go to the 3RACHA concert!” Mina squealed, jumping up and down in utter excitement. 
“What’s 3RACHA?” You ask, not really insterested. 
“They’re this new band! They’re anonymous, though. You only know them by their stage names. CB97, J.one, and SPEARB.” Mina rambled to you, handing you a ticket. 
“I guess I’ll have to research them.” You reply, staring at the silhouettes in the picture and getting the fleeting impression of familiarity. Like you’ve seen them before. 
Later that night, you researched the group and listened to some of their music. 
They only had one album, so you made sure to listen to all the songs. 
The concert was tomorrow, and you could see why Mina was so excited. 
They were seriously talented, but you couldn’t shake the feeling as if you had heard their voices somewhere. 
You decided to ask Changbin about it, he was majoring in music, so maybe he would know about them. 
“CHANGBIN-AH!” You called, pulling up the album image and staring at the black silhouettes again. 
True to your word, your roommate walked into the room, staring at his phone. 
“Do you know these guys?” You ask, gesturing to the image on your computer screen. 
For some reason, Changbin visibly panicked, stuttering and stumbling over his sentences and fiddling with his hands. 
“N-No. I don’t think I’ve seen t-them before…” He trailed off. 
“Oh, okay! I’ll ask Hannie. Maybe he’d know.”
“NO! I mean n-no. He’s probably super busy. he has an exam, you know?” Binnie giggled nervously at the end. 
“Oh…well i’ll ask him later, then.” You shut your laptop. 
“Their music actually sounds super good! I like all the songs produced by SPEARB, though. They’re exactly my style. You should listen!” You ramble. 
“Really?!” He started, immediately changing the topic when you gave him a confused expression. “Um, so what’s for dinner?”
Needless to say, you knew Changbin was hiding something. Maybe he knew who they were and promised not to tell or something. 
That would make sense. Maybe. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The dress suited you, but you still felt awkward in it. 
It had been years since you had worn a dress, and you regretted it. 
“Y/N! I’m heading out, oka-woah…” Binnie stood at the doorway of your bedroom, staring at you in awe. 
He set his phone down and walked closer to you. 
“This is the first time you’ve worn a dress?” He smoothed out a crease near your waist.
“Mhm…I was just about to change, though. I feel awkward.” You blurt, turning towards the closet. 
A single hand on your waist stopped you. 
Slowly, you turned around and looked Binnie in his eyes. 
“It suits you. Please wear it.” He whispered softly, turning you around and fastening the zipper on the back. 
He grabbed a hairbrush from you drawer. turned so that both of you were facing the mirror. 
“You look so pretty, yeah? How come you don’t wear dresses more often?” He breathed out, brushing your hair neatly and tying it into a cute updo. 
“My mom…how do you know how to tie hair?” You grinned as he flushed pink. 
“Y/N…don’t tease me. You know I have a sister!” He whined, albeit still giggling. 
“Well, I guess we both have somewhere to go, huh?” You smile, genuinely, for the first time in a long time.  
“Mhm…stay safe, okay? No touching, not when you look this pretty.” Binnie winked, and you could feel blood rushing up to your cheeks. 
Then you understood what he was implying. “AGH! I’m not going to the bar, idiot! I’m a minor, remember?!” You slap him playfully, squeezing his bicep once and poking his side aggressively. 
He squawked loudly at the ticklish sensation, batting your hand away. Both of you ended up laughing your hearts out. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Needless to say, somehow both of you were heading in the same direction, and Changbin offered to drop you off. 
You gave him the directions, and you noticed how he started to get more panicky the closer you got to the the concert. 
His face paled drastically when you both arrived at the stadium, and his eyes widened. 
“You don’t…by chance have a concert here, do you?” He whispered, sinking in his seat when you nodded your head. 
“Binnie? Are you okay?” You ask. 
“Yup. Completely fine. You know what? I gotta go. See ya!” He dropped you off and drove away, leaving you majorly confused. 
You entered the stadium and found Mina in no time. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Changbin drove around a few times before parking at the same spot again, entering through the back door and meeting up with Chan and Jisung. 
Heading backstage, he explained the situation to the other two, panicking and gasping out. 
“Hey, hey. Changbin. It’s okay. I know she’ll know by today, but what is she gonna do? Either way she’ll figure out because of the internet, at least she’ll know in person , yeah?” Chan tried to calm the younger man down. 
“Hey, we’re in this together, okay? I didn’t tell her either, and i’m her bestie. I’m probably more screwed than you are! Now, let’s not let these nerves affect our performance, okay?” Jisung rubbed a hand along Binnie’s back, soothing the boy as he drank a glass of water. 
“Aaaagh. Of course she shows up at the one concert we reveal our faces.” Changbin groaned, turning in his chair to let the makeup artist continue his work. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
”Oh my god. I bet they’re really fucking hot.” Mina rambled, clearly ecstatic at the aspect of finally getting to see the artists’ faces. 
“Eh, it wouldn’t matter. They’re talented, and that’s all that matters.” You shrugged, turning towards the stage when the lights dimmed. 
You heard CB97’s voice echo throughout the huge stadium. 
“Lovely evening we have here today, yeah?” He walked out, removing his face mask. 
You audibly gasp. Chan. What the hell? 
“Woah. He’s smoking hot.” Mina giggled. 
“He’s my roommate’s best friend, what the fuck?” You breathe out, shock overtaking your entire body. 
Suddenly, all the pieces started fitting together. Wait. That means…
Jisung ran onto stage, the entire corwd erupting into excited cheer and chaos, and your jaw dropped. 
Finally, the two coaxed a very giggly Changbin from the stage lift, and you and Mina both froze. 
They started talking, but everything sounded like a blur. This is what he’d been hiding. 
“Girlie, isn’t that your…roommate?” Mina gasped, and you nodded your head frantically. 
Changbin’s eyes landed on you, directly in the middle of the crowd. 
He flushed pink and waved at you, grinning cutely and winking softly.  
‘What the fuck?’ You mouthed at him, bursting into disbelief filled laughter. 
He giggled and pursing his lips. 
They started performing, and though all three of them shined on stage, your eyes stayed on one person. 
He looked so…happy. He was so different from your shy roommate. 
He was so confident, flexing his muscles and biceps and causing your mind to turn to mush. 
Mina was right. They were really fucking hot. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After the concert, you walked backstage, accompanied by Chan, who had secretly come to pick you up while Changbin and Jisung tapped freestyle on stage for the crowd’s entertainment. 
The stage curtain closed, and Changbin and Jisung ran into the backstage room, both running and squealing in adrenaline rush, before engulfing you in a huge hug. 
“Sooo?” Jisung started. “How was it? Youre the roommate of the super hot and famous Seo Changbin.” Changbin giggled at the end, slapping Hanji playfully. 
“Oh, stop it.” He turned to you, pursing his lips again and grinning softly. 
“How was it? Did I do okay?” He asked, clasping your hands in his, excitement flashing through his eyes. 
You were lost for words. “Wow-Changbin! This is absolutely insane! You did so well.” You ended off with squishing his cheek. 
“So pretty, so amazing. Your rapping is actually next-level.” You blurted, grabbing his face with both hands as he blushed a deep red. 
“Really?” He whispered, and you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek before you could stop yourself. 
His eyes sparkled in happiness. You made sure to memorize every detail, to keep in your mind. 
You both stayed in each other’s arms for a while, Chan and Jisung’s knowing smirks passing over both of your heads. 
Once the other two had left to attend to Mina, Changbin immediately picked you up by the waist and spun you around, eliciting happy giggles from both of you. 
“You need to wear dresses more, seriously so pretty…” He murmured, resting his head against your collarbone. 
“I’ll get more, I don’t know which ones look good on me, though…” You sounded uncertain, sentence trailing off before Binnie interrupted. 
“I’ll come with you. Seriously need to spoil you every once in a while.” 
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masterlist | requests open!
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lili0writes · 2 years
If you’re taking requests at the moment, could we maybe have some more David Martinez content? 👀 Maybe a scenario where he’s being a protective bf or being jealous but like, in the cute way lol. Also, i’m really glad i was able to stumble upon ur blog, not a lot of people write for edgerunners, but I already love what you have have written for all the characters so far! <333
Maine's crew an attractive s/o
Note: Thanks so much for your support!! I'm happy you like my content! If anyone wants to have scenarios like this with the other characters, let me know and I'll make another post with the others!
Part 1 Part 2
Characters: David, Rebecca, Maine
TW: mention of harrassment, violence
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David wasn't the type to be possessive. He left you room to breathe but he has his limits too.
Whenever someone made a move on you, he let you turn them down. Although he did give the person hitting on you a side eye even by the time they left.
Before he cromed, whenever someone would harass you and to try to get your number, he would go over to you and gave that someone a very threatening glare. If they weren't fazed by him and just waved him off, continuing to flirt with you there was usually two things that happened.
The first one was him telling them that you aren't single and to stop harassing you.
The other one was when the first option didn't work. He would use force to get them off your ass.
After he cromed up getting people to leave you alone was a breeze.
After the problem was dealt with, he would get touchy and whiny. Saying something along the lines of 'these assholes are so annoying'.
Even though he knows you wouldn't leave him just like that, he can't help but still be a bit jealous.
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Rebecca wasn't possessive. But she was pretty jealous.
When people wanted to ask you out, or get your number she would give them the nastiest glare they have ever seen in their entire life.
When that someone was starting to push their luck with you she trotted over to you and started yelling at them about you saying no.
Now, if you know Rebecca you know not to mess with her. But if they don't know her, they are most likely to just brush her off and just ignore her because of her young appearance.
When that happens she gets REALLY pissed. What she does to solve the issue is kick them in the gut, smash their face against the floor, or flat out pull her iron out.
When the person left she dragged you away from the scene.
She would be sulking about the incident for the rest of the day. She isn't mad about you not being able to do anything of course, she's mad about people being idiots.
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Now Maine isn't specifically possessive, but he likes to make it clear that you're his.
He loves it when he can rub it in someone's face that you two are dating. And most of the time that's all it is.
But there are times when someone gets a little bit desperate. It doesn't happen often considering how Maine looks and makes it clear that when it comes to you, they can fuck off.
He gets annoyed pretty quickly when they start pushing it, glaring at them and telling them to back off.
But when that doesn't help he gets forcefull. He'll grab them by the collar of their shirt and tell them to piss off, shove them over, punch them in the face, etc.
When the person harassing you left he'll either make you sit on his lap, or if you're not comfortable with that, close beside him arm over your shoulder.
He's really pissed about it. If the person was still in sight for whatever reason he would glare daggers into them.
After that no one came to bother you.
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chunkymamatam · 5 months
oh wow from what i have seen your stories sound cool 🤩 what are your relationships w the main cast? my fav character is prolly leona and rook so do you have any stories w them? 😊
So it's a college DR. I'm gonna start everything I'm about to say with that. Like there's probably nothing in these specific stories that I need to say that for but like I'm gonna say that every time.
Some people are weird. I'm an adult and I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of high school age teenagers. I'm also not willing to age myself down and relive the worst years of my life lmfao. We're all in the adult age bracket in my DR. Nothing wrong with being a teenager but it would feel weird for me to have a whole friend group full of them and I'm not about to be perpetually lonely.
Also I tend to not define my relationships with labels. I'm bad at labels so it's easier to define them with my experiences with each person.
Now on to my experience with these men.
THIS MF- Lmfao I first met this man in the botanical garden like in the game, tripped over and stepped on his tail accidentally. Man threatened to knock my lights out. Now, I'm genderfluid and it was a more masc day but I certainly didn't tell him that. IDK HOW TF HE KNEW. Referred to me as the correct pronouns and shit too.
He sniffed me and I was like "Hey, could you not sniff me...? Do I stink??"
He looked me up and down and proceeded to be like "Not yet but you will when I'm done beating your ass"
Ruggie stopped the fight but still.
2. During The whole Spell drive situation, first of all I didn't even want to be there but Crowely has a habit of threatening me and my housing. I was at Savanaclaw, being harassed by this mf named Blaze, and Leona comes out wanting to be a bitch. I explained why I was there and this man brushed it off and says
"How about we settle this over a game of Spell Drive. You win and I'll answer any questions you have but if you lose. Well I'll think of something." with that stupid smirk of his /pos
I lost and this man tackled me to the ground with his final move. He had me pinned down smirking down at me and I was internally complaining he was taking too long to gtf off me. So me, being a dastardly bastard, smirked up at him and said
"You like something you see that you're taking so long to get up" and I blew him a kiss.
There's more during book 2 but honestly their overblots in general were kind of traumatizing and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. For now just know they tried to end my life and said some really cruel shit.
3. After the over blot tho. I got knocked the fuck out despite my best efforts and we ended up in the infirmary together with everyone. Cheka jumped on him and started treating him like a pony. I was doing my best not to laugh at him. He looked at me, told me not to laugh and I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it! It was just too cute! He was forced to take me home back to ramshackle by everyone there cuz I didn't look too good but there was nothing else the nurse could do. They essentially told him that it's his fault I was hurt the least he could do is take me home.
4. So during the Octavinelle situation we had to stay with him for a while. Now I didn't mind cleaning up after him and sharing a room with him for a few days. In fact I was giggling at him and making fun of him a little for having Ruggie straighten his hair all the time. He actually has 2B curls in my DR lol
I was like "Damn.. Gentrified." and he was fighting for his life lmfao I was like "Nah but in all seriousness are you not scared to ruin your curls?"
Turns out he uses some fancy heat protection product in his hair. I don't straighten my hair anymore so like I genuinely don't know how well those work but I think that was a funny interaction.
back to the original story tho. Floyd ended up giving me the squeeze and I went into a seizure. My brain was fried I told him this too. I was like "Hey Leona, I just had a seizure earlier so I'm gonna be a little slower and ditsier while cleaning you room. Just a fair warning before you think I'm acting like a little weirdo."
This man fr looked at me and was like "why are you slurring your words" Sir I just fucking told you my brain misfired. I ignore it and he just kept going bro.
"Why are you moving like that."
"You're taking too long, this is just excessive."
"I bet you're just faking it so you don't have to do your part. You probably lied and didn't even have a seizure."
At that point I was fucking done. I looked at him and said "You know what? I don't have to take this. I'm sleeping outside of Ramshackle." I stole HIS PILLOWS and HIS BLANKETS and fumbled my ass out back to Ramshackle.
A little while later he comes up to me and apologizes. I was so weirded out I was like "So who's holding a gun to your head?"
He huffed and made a frustrated face and was like "can't I just say sorry, Herbivore?"
"You personally? No. Someone is making you do this."
I was right, Jack and Grim chewed him tf out for that shit. Grim bragged about it to me that's how I found out lol. But anyway he grumbled and was like "Just come back to Savanaclaw with me"
I said "No. I'm gonna stay right here like I said I would."
This mf decides to pick me up and drag me back by force. I told the mf to put me down which resulted in and argument. Eventually I was like "Fuck you!"
This mfer responds with "You'd like that." with a smirk.
I scoffed and was like "I would NEVER want to do that with a son of a bitch who can't even tie his own shoes properly. I have a medical issue that fucks with my motor skills, what's your excuse???"
Man stfu after that.
It's funny cuz genuinely we were chill after that pfffff
Our first interaction was literally him looking at Vil sideways for the way that mfer was acting towards me and honestly I think that's so funny.
I don't necessarily have very many stories about him just little experiences. Like when I called him out for watching me before I turned around to look at him and idk what that expression was but it scares me LMFAO
He calls me Monsieur Souris
He woke me up every morning gently but when I went back to sleep got Vil. Like bruh I can sleep a little the school is RIGHT THERE. Overall he truly is mysterious. He's really not as creepy as everyone says. Until he starts hunting you anyway. I am not game monsieur Hunt. Please back off 😭
I think he's still trying to figure some stuff out with me? Idk a lot of people do that to me so maybe that's it.
Sorry if there's spelling/grammar errors. My brain is melting from this heat. Thank you for the ask ❤
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venjt · 6 months
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A form of SH? (Self-harm?)
I wouldn't say it's a form of self-harm. Actually, the opposite! It's a form of self-care! From my experience and from friends' experiences, it's a coping mechanism that helps with our trauma. If antis, think we're making fun of the problematic themes that's far, far from truth, and a very harsh thing to think! If people make fun of problematic situations, then that's a problem, and I wouldn't want to associate myself with such a person.
I hope Antis knows that proships are against harassment in general and respect others with different opinions. (Or they should be. That's the definition, lol.) If a proshipper is threatening you, then they're just a shit person and don't belong in a no harassment zone while harassing. Yet somehow, I often see antis like to use their catchphrase "KYS" all the time. I find such attitude to be awful no matter proship/anti/neutral whatever. Harassment is bad. No one deserves to be called a "good person" if someone says awful things to other human beings.
But like I said, it's a selfcare kind of activity in fiction. It's a safe way to control or explore the dark themes in fiction. It's a healthy way to express the trauma without hurting oneself or others. Some antis don't know this, but when you've experienced trauma, it has to come out somehow one way or another. People don't necessarily HAVE to like dark themes to express or cope with their trauma. Everyone copes differently. Some happen to enjoy / cope with taboo subjects in the fictional space. Which there is no shame. Your fictional taste does not reflect your morals (obviously, lol).
This brings me to another topic, Antis, who believes that if a proship likes the taboo subjects in fiction (ex: incest, age gap, what else? Victim and murder? Lol, there's so much that antis doesn't like.), that it means they like it in real life. That's, again, untrue. Your fictional interest doesn't mean you like it in real life. So that brings the question, "Why do they like it in fiction then?". Well, like I said before, often, it's a coping mechanism. Other times, people just like it in the fictional world. Perhaps there's more or less to it, but it's not anyone's job to understand the why. And if you find it uncomfortable thats complety valid! There are some things I find uncomfortable. That's when we have the power to block and remove ourselves from looking and reading things that we are not okay with. LITERALLY. Like we don't have to intrude a "problematic" artists media if we KNOW what they draw! Or read something that says "non-con warning" or anything WITH a WARNING SIGN THATS THE POINT OF WARNING SIGNS AAAH ⚠️
My thing is, if you're a nice person who respects others and doesn't harm others, then you're good in my book lol I don't understand furries, but if they never hurt a person or never been disrespectful to your surroundings then you're gucci. I have some friends who I don't understand their fictional world, but they've been nothing but sweet to me. Who am I to judge their fictional interest if they as a person treat me better than many other actual human beings lol
Proshippers are aware of what's right and what's wrong in real life. We don't like predators, or incest, or victim x murderers in real life. DUH! Antis, we're on the same page. We don't like those kinds of people! We keep telling them, but somehow, many of them can't differentiate reality and fiction, which to me I find that to be a very, VERY big problem in today's time. If the line of fiction and reality is blurred, then how can people express their creative freedom without having to take a chance of being a "problematic person" or getting accused of harsh things. Also HOW YA GONNA FACE REALITY WHEN RENT IS DUE NEXT WEEK?! If a person is a problem to another human being, then that's valid to stand up and speak out. Uh, with evidence ofc. Don't just spread around "so and so is a Predat0r because they like so and so ship." Fiction isn't evidence. People will look at you weird if you claim a person is a problem and provide a drawing of Plantcest LMAO. People are gonna be confused why you're showing a drawing to them.
Policing others on what's right and wrong in a FICTIONAL SPACE like that's a problem itself! They're fighting ghost problems and threatening REAL PEOPLE for their interests, and that doesn't sound like a healthy space for anyone. Activism is good, but to the fictional space where it doesn't affect people in their day to day life if very concerning. Hence, why people say "touch grass".
Not every proshippers are good people. Just like not every antis are good people. Every group have their problems. This whole black and white view is unrealistic. No one is perfect. No victim is perfect. No "unproblematic" person is perfect. The world is grey or as I like the world is rainbow.
This is very long lol
In conclusion, proshippers aren't self harming for indulging dark themes. It's a self-help (many therapists would recommend it). Self-harm is threatening others and policing others what YOU think is okay or not. Self harm is also avoiding your trauma and avoiding your fictional interest because others pressure you to think how they do. You're a person with your own mind. Allow yourself to express how you do and don't let others tell you how to think, feel, and tell you what to do. You're human. I'm human.
FICTION ≠ REALITY and be kind to each other! There's more to life than to get mad over what others like lol take a chill pill and think about what you want to make of this world!
Okay, have a great day, yall!
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It'll sound weird I know and I'm sorry that I come anonymously but with how things are, I dont want to get bullied by others for saying it. But as much as I do not appreciate your art, I've had the opportunity to talk to you and you're one of the nicest people in this fandom. You really distinguish yourself like that. Im on multiple platforms so I see a lot of the harassment you go through. Truth is, what makes me mad is that people are getting bullied for having anything to do with you, for *fictional characters*, but I've never seen anyone invest this energy for the actual bad stuff that happen and that are perpetuated in this community. Only a small community of fans raises their finger when there's blatant misogyny or racism for example. And those concern real people, the band itself or other fans that fall victim of them. I do not personally support your art, but I find it very easy to not follow you. And if I was severely offended by it, I'd simply block you. Also how are you responsible if people repost your pieces ?
Ghost fandom will make a fuss about someone they don't like instead of just blocking, but will turn their eyes when there's a bigger problem. The fiction is somehow far more important for ghost fans than actual problems that affect real breathing people. The hypocrisy and audacity are disgusting. They're here doxxing people and threatening them on platforms while acting like they're on the right side.
Major respect for you, still being there after all of that.
I gotta agree with the whole “fiction is more important” aspect that they have.
What irks me is that when I was on Twitter again some time ago , I followed my friends like what a normal person would do right? And they would actually harass my friends. Who did nothing but just followed me.
Like they didn’t even post art, or anything. It’s just that they see that I’m one of their mutuals and the attack starts. I deactivated Twitter because I don’t want anybody to attack my friends just because they have something to do with me.
It’s a weird place isn’t it that when people didn’t get their priorities straight and think that what they are doing are good when in fact it’s straight up harmful.
I really don’t mind if people didn’t like my art, I’m not the one going into people’s DM and start sending hate messages.
I just wish they stop hurting others just because of the “oh you know that guy? Well you’re a terrible person” that’s insanity
I stayed because there are people who matters here and I just want others who don’t follow their style of HCs to know that hey it’s ok if you don’t follow canon, not everybody in the fandom is like that.
Also because I’m stubborn as fuck lol and no teens are gonna throw me off a fandom because of hate mails
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lunariamv · 4 months
addressing the allegations (read until end :U)
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((pic unrelated LOL))
i didn't think i'd have to write about this, but i will just to be sure and for future visitors to my page
these aren't serious allegations; i'm joking but
there was a person who was spamming me on my accounts (and threatening me? lol); they accused me of plagiarism, which is not true
plagiarism is to steal and pass off ideas/words without crediting or acknowledging the source.
definitions used below:
but in all of my stuff i always credit charon is my inspiration; i am not passing off the inspiration as my own
therefore, since i am acknowledging and crediting the original work, it is not plagiarism.
Even then, i draw my own art, i write the dialogue and stuff myself (occasionally i make references to the original but for the most part it is my own words). The assets used for the maps and the music are free to use, and have been used by other rpg maker games not made by charon.
>the crooked man (uses same map assets)
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>the sandman (uses same map assets)
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>the original mad father (uses the same music)
>the original misao (uses same map assets)
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are these games plagiarizing each other? no
As for the writing/plot; i'm under the belief that in 2024, it's possible everything has been done before;; and since everything has been done before; its not really about being original or not anymore; to me it's about putting things together to make something interesting or entertaining for yourself and other people to enjoy;
kinda like palworld, it's got characters like pokemon but the gameplay is like arc; say what you want about it, but it did really well because people found it fun
you're free to disagree; that's just how i think media is now; lots of shows/games/books take inspiration from each other, and i don't think there's anything wrong with that;;
>the creators of persona 4 like death note, so they borrowed ideas from death note
>league of legends skins take inspiration from anime and video games all the time
>valorant is basically the same game as cs:go and overwatch is pretty much tf2
are these considered plagiarism? i don't think so, and i personally don't care if they are similar; people enjoy them and it brings no real world harm
what i've done is more like a retelling, where it has similar story beats to the original but goes somewhere different similar elements, but overall different enough not to take away from the original
i just felt like addressing this because people nowadays are very quick to judge and spread misinformation, without listening to the other side or doing research
it's depressing, really
i'm not that upset over it because the person who said this completely ignored all of my points when i calmly explained it to them; i have nothing to prove to people who are unreasonable and not willing to listen
you are free to disagree with my perspective, but at least look at the evidence and do diligent research first before accusing people of serious things
and even then if it upsets you, you are free to ignore me; i am a small creator with only like 100 followers on most of my socials; it seems like a waste of time to attack/harass a nobody like me xD
i will take the criticism in stride tho. As i have said before, it is not my intention to replace charon or anything, and eventually i will be diverting my work to be more different
the only similarity will be menhera/yandere stuff, but i focus more on female protagonists and male love interests instead of charon who does the opposite;; so my target audience is different; i wouldn't be affecting charon's bottom line or whatever
so if you are a fan of charon and you want exact same as charon stuff; please dont expect!! the style is similar but i just wanna make horror otome games for the girls LOL
that being said i do understand and i've altered a bit of things so it's more inspiration and looks less similar
(i've changed the ui a bit and i've lessened references for the next game)
please respect my opinion and make your judgement after reading;; you can unfollow/block if you are annoyed or something, it's okay with me; but ty for understanding and taking the time to hear me out
*if someone says something similar, ill just link them this, and if they dont read it; they gettin ignored :U
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
Idk what discourse you are seeing I just know I’m glad it’s not me seeing it 😭 but you’re right that what I’ve seen has been sooo biowarepilled. god forbid I don’t conform to the masses in a roleplaying game 🙄 anyways I’m here for u bestie. Holding ur hand while we wish death to fandom
ive had anons ask me about astarions quest and the dark parts of it in graphic detail and how i Personally feel about it.. all uncensored and very triggering, ive had them asking me if i agree with people being threatened and harassed for their opinions (on the side of agreeing with it) including asking if i think people getting astarion scar tattoos are evil terrible people who deserve hate?, ive had people try to bait me into talking about astarions racism and calling HALSIN racist and asking me to agree and comment like i'm any authority on these things as a white person, ive had people try to bait me into talking about karlach face discourse when that was everywhere, ive had people tell me im a r*tard for my opinions on astarions quest (that people can do whatever they want in the video game lol), and told to kms for the exact same opinion, AND MORE! the discourse i'm seeing be the anons in my askbox L;DKJFSDL;FKS my astarion hate and me pushing away astarion fans comes from a place of absolute fear because they've been utter terrors to me <3
sometimes i see mutuals comment on discourse they've seen or respond to baiting asks they've gotten too, and that alone tires me out, even if i completely agree with them or they're telling people to shut up and be normal. i'm just tired <3 i don't want any of it anymore
holding ur hand.. please save me
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
*deeeeep breath* so. (cw church hurt, religious queerphobia)
another Thing has happened in the unfortunately still-ongoing saga of The Pentecost Incident (see my tag if you don't know, but basically, i visited my childhood church back in late May, my priest gave a queerphobic sermon, i got up and said something, got kicked out and verbally harassed by a dude, it went a little bit viral, ugh). (Oh btw i also discuss it a bit near the end of my latest podcast ep over here).
the priest in question, who's been at this same parish since 2002, has now been reassigned to a different church elsewhere in the Cleveland area.
naturally the same Cleveland journalist who's been covering this story since it started published a fresh article that questions whether the move is related to what happened back in May. The official diocese statement is that the events are unrelated, which. Sure. i could see. I definitely don't think it's "punitive" like the article suggests — apparently this other church is in a more conservative area / the parishioners are more conservative. So i could believe this is either a coincidence, or the bishop decided he'd be a better fit for this other church...or hell, that father tim is the one who requested the transfer to get out of the spotlight or something
which just. really bums me out. because unless he's really changed that much since i knew him better in high school (so a good decade ago), Father Tim isn't like, a Mega Conservative?? Like, relatively speaking, for a Catholic priest.
...If i really wanted to know, i guess i'd have to like, listen back through a ton of his homilies to see if they have gotten more conservative over time but. obviously i'm not going to do that because that would be The Worst thing i could do for my mental and spiritual health lol but. part of me is tempted just so i can Know.
i did what i did primarily as a message to anyone in the pews feeling as alienated and betrayed as i did; and secondarily in hopes that Father Tim would see how what he preached was so hurtful. i sent him a loooong email afterward to explain my feelings more (he replied with a quick sentence about not wanting to talk right now but i'm hoping he at least read it).
and now i can't stop thinking about like. what if what i did instead pushed him further right?? fed his persecution complex???
despite the fact that people on the left don't tend to pose any real physical threat to those we protest, and that i was the one who ended up verbally threatened in this situation, i was never surprised when conservative Catholics by-and-large responded to this incident by being like "see! Catholic-phobia is real!" ...But i hate to think that someone like Father Tim, who's known me for most of my life, would feel like i threatened him or whatever.
part of me knows that wouldn't really be on me if that's the case. most of me knows i would have felt the need to get up and say something regardless of how it's all shaken out — as gut-wrenching as it feels to have so little control over the narrative, i still couldn't have just sat there and said nothing. And i've had enough people from the broader St. Raphael community reach out to thank me and say what I did was encouraging or even healing to stand by my decision.
and yet. it still feels really painful. and this added bit about him being transferred to a new church just makes my stomach hurt. i bet there are people within the parish who now blame me and loathe me for like, tearing their community apart or whatever. and i bet the new church will welcome father tim in like a hero, maybe even expect him to preach more things like what he did that day, which will only push him farther right...
all of this is out of my control. i keep trying to center myself and remind myself of that. but God, it's just painful.
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I just wanna say I know everyone is being really harsh to you, and you like made an account where anonymous and that such,
I apologize in advance English is not my first language:
I have to kinda agree one some parts. I don’t personally I have all the facts really but it’s just I think they poor alit if heart into their writing but I don’t want to express my love for it cause I’m literally gotten to the point where I’m terrified of them verbally or I guess text??? Berating me for it? I think their work really is lovely! But sometimes when they just say certain things it just rubs me all sorts of wrong or when they threaten to stop writing all the time a small part of me gets annoyed and goes “Okay stop then. Like stop. Calm down.” Now I do think we have to place ourselves in their shoes I mean having a fic that’s pretty popular and trying to address lots of issues (I really do like the issues they address within their books) but it’s gotten to the point where every post is just them berating something some did which most are totally valid points in being upset like yeah- But…I dunno I guess I get the vibe your feeling. And looking at your comments and the way the immediately started attacking you just…ew. Idk. I feel like alotof this about Lav has been popping up lately! And I feel that it’s totally valid they give me the same vibes as ah- some of the other writers I follow though so I feel they are just passionate? But every time they pop up on my page I kinda just go “ehhhh” cause it’s another complaint or a threat to stop writing. As for the “lumping them in” part. Idk I haven’t been keeping up I mostly read their authors notes and comments. And honestly I do feel that way. I almost felt shamed for liking their book? In a way? Which was so weird to read and like feel I’m sure that wasn’t there intention but I guess what this whole essay is trying to say.
Tldr: I don’t want you to think your alone in the view but I personally as like just an individual have seen this style of interaction before and I get it I get the view and appreciate what they’re trying to address but…It’s like they hate their own book or something idk and the way they immediately came on like “OMG THEY MADE A WHOLE ACCOUNT LOL” yeah. Cause they knew they would get that type of reaction and the internet is like that, it’s a place to express ya know?
Idk what I’m rambling about but uh yeah.
Thank you for this comment, it means a lot. You are right, the whole reason I made a different account was because I knew I would be blocked and harassed right away, as you have seen in the replies. My intention was never to harrass or demean them, so their reaction feels very unjustified. I don't disagree with some of their opinions, but the way Lavenoor is going about it seems unhealthy manner. I'm honestly worried about their mental health with the way they are going about things. I also fear people may get hurt if things continue this way.
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neurotheologist · 11 months
Don't feel pressured to respond to this, but I just want you to read this message:
Not a radfem, but as someone who has also been through the callout wringer over ancient or misinterpreted actions, I really respect your courage in continuing to exist unapologetically. There are a lot of people who derive a sick sense of glee from dogpiling someone entirely off the internet, and I ended up caving under that pressure--it takes some real guts to stand up against that. Your steadfastness in not caring what others think of you is admirable. Few people are willing to make moral judgments for themselves instead of bending over backwards to reach the ever-moving goalpost of pleasing the online masses. I hope that the deluge of witch hunters isn't getting you down too much--targeted harassment campaigns can eke away at people's psyches extremely quickly.
Take care.
Thank you, I really appreciate the message. I'm sorry you went through something similar, it must've not been easy on you if you decided to give in in the end :(
I haven't found it too hard to deal with this whole thing, honestly. I knew it would resurface, but I didn't think it would be so huge. Popular fandoms, lol. I'm not as insecure as the people who spend their days refereshing my page hoping I've crumbled under their pathetic death threats, so usually just deleting the message and going on with my day has been working out for me. I don't really think my situation sucks and I'm not looking for sympathy, I knew the consequences my actions would have. I really appreciate your concern though, I hope things work out for you too.
If it's any consolation to you, or if you have any hope of being online 'publically' again, people actually get bored extremely fast. I guarantee than in a few days, most people who have sent me graphic threatening messages will have moved on to their next villain. Drawing fan art and posting it brings me a lot of joy, so it's out of the question for me to let a few mean messages stop me from doing it ;0
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sunsetkerr · 7 months
Hi there! I got a question:
I've seen a few things with the whole Sam situation and, honestly, I've got no idea what's happening. Would you mind explaining it, because I feel so stupid not knowing anything about what's happening💀
hi love! I am probably not the best person to explain this whole thing, but I will try to the best of my ability! I've broken this up into sections so my brain can compute it all lol.
this is a long post.. so strap in!
(I'm also going to reference this shit so people don't get upset with me)
The Incident / The Accusing / PC Lovell
So January 30th 2023, there is a dispute around a taxi-fare in Twickenham, South-West London. Sam was accused by the attending officer of "[using] insulting, threatening or abusive words that caused alarm or distress to a Metropolitan Police officer who was responding to a complaint involving a taxi fare".
There is zero mention of the case until yesterday (5th of March, in Australia).
We are now aware that the attending officer who accused Sam has been identified in court as, PC Lovell.
(Now, @moonystoes posted a lot of information here, if you would like to read it- and that is where I am getting this next lot of information from.)
There is an officer named PC Lovell, who we will now refer to with the number 1 for clarity, that has been accused, and I believe convicted, of some horrid things in Avon and Somerset (2 hours and 33 minutes away from where the alleged incident occurred).
These incidents include, posting revenge p*rn of three different women, sending unsolicited nude photos to a number of his female colleagues and acted in a described 'predatory' manner towards a cadet who was a minor at the time. He has been given both verbal and written warnings in 2006 and 2016 for his actions.
However, an anonymous person came forwards and communicated with @moonystoes that there is a PC Lovell (2) that works in Surrey (20 minutes away from where the alleged incident occurred), and another PC Lovell (3) that lives in Reading (50 minutes away from where the alleged incident occurred).
!There is no knowledge on if these officers are the same person!
So please, do not jump to conclusions as people do not want to be dismissing the claims on an innocent man.
There is lots of speculation that if it is PC Lovell (1) from Avon & Somerset, that the claims and allegations against Sam could hold little validity, due to his past.
But please remember, we are not aware of the full story and these allegations against Sam are serious and not to be taken lightly. Racism is a serious issue and is not okay. Please take caution when approaching this issue and be kind.
The Case / The Law / Potential Imprisonment / Comments from Football Australia and her Coaches
Sam's teams original defence has been reported as this: "she didn’t intend to cause alarm, harassment or distress to the officer and that her behaviour did not amount to it and it was not racially aggravated".
If Sam is convicted, these are the laws that will be applied: "Under Section 4 or 4a of the Public Order Act 1986, under which she was charged, the racially or religiously aggravated version of an offence can attract a maximum penalty on summary conviction, which is six months imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both."
Football Australia and Matildas Coach, Tony Gustavsson have only just found out about the news at the same time that the public did. There has been talk about stripping Sam of her captaincy, but this has not come from Football Australia themselves, they have denied it.
Football Australia CEO, James Johnson, has communicated that he will not be asking Sam to stand down from her captaincy. This has been decided due to the fact that she (most likely) will not be playing for the remainder of the year as she recovers from her ACL injury.
Johnson also said this about Sam: "Sam has rights as an individual. She has pleaded not guilty. I think we need to remember that and we need to respect that.” // “I haven’t spoken to Sam other than a text message just to check in on her well being at the moment because she is an employee of ours and also a player.”
Tony Gustavsson had this to say: “I can’t comment on the offence because there’s a legal matter at this point. The only thing I can comment is my experience and interaction with Sam as a person and as a footballer, and I have only positive experience with that,”.
The Defence / Throwing the Case out
Moving onto the case itself, Sam's team is now fighting (as of the 6th of March, Australia) to get the case thrown out before it reaches the court date, which is February 3rd 2025.
On April 26th, Sam's defence team is going back into court and fighting to get the case thrown out after it took over 12 months to even lay the charge on Sam.
"Court documents released on Tuesday show their plan is to argue an abuse of process by Crown prosecutors after it took almost 12 months to lay the charge."
So until April, we most likely will not know anymore information. Again, please remain kind. These are not allegations to be taken lightly.
Hopefully this answered any questions that you had! The articles that I got this information from are linked below for your convenience.
Much love, celeste
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