#do u get jealous when your famous s/o has to touch on another person? like are u that dumb?
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1eos · 2 years ago
as a kind and considerate girl boyfriend i would not stop usher from serenading leo. nor would i stop leo from throwing it back on usher if that was in his heart in that moment. even tho that would be all he talked abt for the next 400 years 😭
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loyalshrimpfan · 4 years ago
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Fluff alphabet with Cate Blanchett with Luna(singer)
A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
They have a lot of fights about Cates flirty behavior towards people, she hated it so much especially since they weren’t really in the public eye so people thought Luna was a string along
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
Luna loves Cates smile, it makes her forget about everything. All it takes during a fight is for her to smile at her and Luna just losses all anger and smiles too.
Cate loves Lunas voice, she was a very classic sounding singer and Cate couldn’t get enough, there is gifs and videos all over the internet of Cate swooning when she watches Luna perform at Award shows.
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
Cate isn’t one to post anything on social media at all! But that’s all Luna has over her Instagram is pictures of her and cate or just cate because hot damn!
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
Since Cate has such a big presence you too never really go out so you don’t have to deal with Paparazzi
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
Very awkward, acting like you don’t know each other when you see each other on red carpets or any events, but once you weren’t in public there was so much cuddling and making love
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
Luna is friends with Sara, Sandra, Rooney and any other person Cate hangs out with at the moment. They wouldn’t be best friends but Luna had no problems with Cates friends
Cate is nice to lunas friends but they are young like Luna so she thinks they are pretty immature to be honest but anyone Luna likes she will like.
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
Cate loves giving gifts to Luna, anytime she finds her something she thinks Luna would like she would pick it up she didn’t care the price of course.
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
They were a very lovey touchy couple behind closed doors. Luna loved hugging her close so she could hear her heart beat
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
Luna loved joking about Cates sexuality since for the longest time she claimed she would never have a relationship with a women
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
Luna got very jealous since she was so flirty and touchy with her co stars than the two wouldn’t even take pictures together at red carpets, she had no idea why though. Until one day they were both at the premier for Thor 3, Luna was there because a bunch of her songs were on the album plus she made a cameo, she had got there before Cate so she just stood and smiled as they were yelling “Luna over here smile real big” she had on a beautiful scarlet dress and her long brown hair was curled half up half down when suddenly it got really loud “Cate! Right here” Luna rolled her eyes hard in her head ‘wow another event she ignores me at’ she goes to walk further into the red carpet when she feels a hand on her arm pulling her close and was shocked when it was cate, she smiles pulling her close “over here guys” cate leans down and whispers in her ear “just smile love” Luna blushes as she feels cate kiss her forehead, the paparazzi just eatting this up
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
They both kissing each other, they both love being close to each other
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
Cate just blurts it out during an argument, after Carol Luna was pretty suspicious about Rooney’s relationship with Cate, she wasn’t suspicious about Rooney liking Cate since she was Dating her boyfriend but she didn’t really trust cate which lead to the huge fight “for Christ sakes I love you!”
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
They love all marvel movies so Luna was so excited when Cate got into marvel
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
Cate called her the usual names. Darling, love, baby, honey, sweetheart. All of which Luna loved and she always blushes which cate loved.
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
They were in Hawaii just on a trip since Cate had just wrapped a huge movie, they were sitting on the beach just watching the sunset when Cate looks over at Luna. Her brown hair in a pony tail but pieces touching her cheek gently, her blue eyes almost glowing from the sun, suddenly Luna turns to her and smiles “is something wrong” Cate shakes her head “no you are just so beautiful”
P – Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
They love Chinese food and get it at least 3 times a week
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
They never fight enough to where they almost break up
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
When the anxiety of fame and depression get to Luna she breaks down hard but cate is always there to hold her while she cry’s and Cate says the sweetest words to her “it’ll be okay I promise, I’m not going anywhere I love you so much”
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
After the Thor Red carpet Cate always loved to gush about her, in an interview a woman asks “how is it dating someone that is not only younger than you but also so established at this age” Cate smiles “it’s a joy, she is so versatile in everything she does her voice can sing anything than when she acts it’s so natural for her! She is just is perfect, her range is amazing I couldn’t be happier!”
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
They do text a lot when they aren’t together which is most of the time, Luna sends her a lot of Tik toks to make cate laugh
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
Her vocabulary is truly amazing, she will be talking when she says a super long word and Luna laughs “what does that even mean?”
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
Cate loves how Luna dresses while cate has like 10 stylists Luna does her own hair, makeup and picks her own outfits for events
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
They talk about marriage and neither are in s rush to get married since Cate had just gotten out of a long marriage
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
Cate hated how Luna could get anyone’s attention without even trying, when she walked into the room everyone’s eyes went onto her
Y – Youtube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
They don’t post on YouTube but since they were both famous there relationship was pretty known
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
Luna had a mini farm at her house in LA, she had pigs, chickens and cats which cate loves.
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studiopoprocks · 5 years ago
Can you do fluff alphabet for Bakugou with a chubby s/o
Bakugo Katsuki Fluff Alphabet
I was a little confused on how I could add body type into the alphabet. So I tried my best to do your request, I hope it’s okay! @ash-the-lover
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A - Affection (How do they show how much they care in their day to day lives)
Yes Kastsuki can be affectionate, big surprise. He’s pretty bad with words (unless written) so he tries his best to show how much he cares. He’ll always be right beside you despite how big the room may be, or even pat your head in public with a rare smile on his face. He’s trying his best, he just needs a little more practice.
B - Before (How did they act before the relationship/ what was the relationship like?)
He wasn’t the best with dealing with the fact he had a crush on you. He would yell at you more, but none of his words contained any venom. You kinda just stuck around him anyways. Even before you started dating, he was very VERY protective. Heaven forbit any ass hole degrade your amazing beautiful body, it was lucky recovery girl was there.
C - Comfort (How they act when their S/O is sad)
He instantly turns soft the moment he realized you’re upset. If it’s something another person did, he’ll offer to kill them, then proceed to explain why you’re so much better, and don’t need to even think about them. But if it’s insecurities, his heart breaks. He believes you are perfect, and even out of his league. He tries his best by pulling you into his chest, and saying ‘this heart beats for you stupid’ he’ll make sure to show you how much you mean to him more often.
D - Dawn (What are mornings like?)
This boy goes to be at 9pm, so you know he’s getting up at 4:30am. He’s actually very quite, almost never waking you up as he’s getting ready. On the off chance that he does, he’ll kiss your forehead and tell you to go back to sleep. Although you wake up alone, there is always a warm plate of breakfast on the kitchen table, and a good morning note from Bakugo
E - Embarrassed (How does their S/O make them flustered? How do they return the favour?)
Kiss him on the cheek and he’s out. Bakugo could be screaming, or in the middle of sparing and instantly freeze up if you somehow kiss him. Error Boyfriend has Stopped Working. He kinda just stands there as his face gets redder, then screams ‘OI What the hell was that for!’ But you know he secretly enjoys it, plus he’ll get you back by slapping your ass. Bakugo is a perv, what more can I say.
F - First date (Were did you go and what did you do for your first date together)
This boy did his research. You two would meet up at a nearby park, walking around a little bit before heading to a very expensive restaurant. He’d convince you to split a dessert with him, and you best believe he’s paying for the whole thing. Don’t even attempt, trust me it won’t be pretty. Afterwards you would go see a movie, at one of those expensive theatres that has an arcade inside. It may have taken him 27 tries, but he did get you that plushy you wanted from the claw machine before the movie started. And at the end of the night, he would give you a quick goodbye kiss as he dropped you off.
G - Gentle (How Gentle are they with their S/O? Or do they like to rough house with them?)
Bakugo will be rough. If your his girlfriend, one of the reasons he loves you is because you’re strong, otherwise you’d be too scared of him. It’s usually just rough language, swearing, screaming, just normal Katsuki. He also prefers to spar with you, and you better not expect him to hold back. If he does end up hurting you, he’ll give you one of his famous massages to make up for it.
H - Habit (What do they repeatally do in the relationship?)
His hands like to wander... he says he can’t help it, that you’re just too beautiful, but you know it has to do with him being a bit possessive. It’s not even pervertive most of the time. Often running his hands down your sides, or petting your hair. He won’t admit to doing it, but the playfulness tells a whole nother story.
I - Intreating (What do they find fascinating about their S/O? And vise versa?)
He’s astonished that you deal with him so well. The first time you were able to calm him down, played on repeat over and over in his mind. He doesn’t understand how! It kinda pissed him off because he felt weak, but now he goes to You whenever he needs to de stress.
J - Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous, and how do they deal with it)
He doesn’t want to get jealous, but it just comes with his personality. He feels kinda bad after he basically threatens to kill some guy hitting on you. Not for the fact that he planned on murdering the poor dude, but because he knows you can take care of yourself, and don’t need him butting in. He’s gotten a lot better after the first couple incidents, and often will just glare at the pervs while putting his arm around you.
K - Knick Knack (A random momento they still have from their S/O)
Just like Uraraka and Midoriya, you actually gave Bakugo his hero name ‘ground zero’. You had drawn a funny little doodle of your boyfriend in his hero costume, during class. Three thing were written: ‘Boom boom McSpolde man’ ‘Ground Zero’ and ‘love uwu’. He had taken it from you to look up, but never gave it back. He currently has it on the top of his nightstand, where it’s been since he got it.
L - Location (Favourite place to go on dates)
Arcade or amusement park. Honestly any adrenaline inducing thing he loves. He gets really competitive at the arcade, but will always try to win you something! (Even if it takes 14 tries). He doesn’t like how many people there are at the amusement parks, by he loves having you cling to him on rollercoserts. He will drag you on the scariest one, just so he can ‘protect’ you.
M - Movie (What cliché movie trope has actually happened in the relationship?)
That whole yelling in the rain then someone accidentally confesses, was how you two got together. You honestly didn’t know what was going on with him, and you two started arguing on your way back to the dorms after sparing. ‘All I want is for you to tell me what I did wrong Katsu!’ ‘You did nothing wrong!’ ‘Well something’s wrong!’ Fast forward a bit and he actually ends up saying ‘for some reason I fucking like you a lot!’ Arguing in the rain + confession = kisses!
N - Nickname (What do they call their S/O?)
What he calls his S/O:
‘My idiot’ a term of endearment kinda
‘Babe’ never used at school
‘Fucking perfection’ he’s trying
What you call him:
‘Baku-babe’ in response to him calling you babe
‘Jerk face’ another term of endearment trust me
‘My hero’ yes he almost cried when you first called him that
O - On Cloud Nine (How they act when they are in love/ Is it obvious to everyone around them?)
He’s only obviously about it when he’s actually with you. His full attention with be on you, and the anger in his face has melted away. He looks really civil and it kinda freaks people out when they first see it. Neither of you notice, but he’s always in a protective stance around you. It’s very obvious you’re dating the hot head.
P - PDA (Do they like showing off their s/o, or are a little shy to kiss in public)
It’s either full on makeout session, or no touching what so ever. At school he’s not very affectionate because he wants to focus on being a top hero, and he knows if he even thinks of you for too long, it’s going to distract him for the rest of the week. In the dorms though, almost anything goes. He doesn’t want to talk to someone? He’ll start cuddling up to you, blaintly ignoring them. Deku is pissing him off? Makeout session outside your door.
Q - Quirk (A random ability they have, that’s helpful in a relationship)
Even though he isn’t very good with words, Bakugo will never lie about what he’s saying. He’s so blunt that everything he says is genuine, and 110% his option. Maybe he doesn’t say it in the most classy way, but he means well. Having him be like this prevents insecurities, and trust issues.
R - Rearly (Something they love to do, but it doesn’t happen often)
He loves cloths shopping with you. Hear me out; his parents are fashion designers, so you best believe he’s going to have their skills when it comes to looking good. He loves to dress you up like his own personal manikin, he thinks you have the perfect body for any outfit, and can rock anything he decides to throw your way.
S - Special (Something that only them and their S/O do together)
Horror movie nights. He absolutely hates watching movies with the squad, usually because they talk so dam loud, and they have to pause the movie every 10 minutes! So he’ll only watch with you. He absolutely loves it when you get scared and cuddle into him. He feels like your his missing peice, and you both fot together like a puzzle. He’ll feel bad if you have a nightmare afterwards, but how can he be stop when every time you come to him for more cuddles!?
T - Together (How often do they spend time with their S/O?)
He never thought about having a relationship, so he’s really booked up with becoming a hero. Although you don’t spend much time together, you spend enough time in the same room. Most weeks it’s just lunch, and walking to the dorms together. It’s not a lot of time, but it makes you both cherish the time you do spend together.
U - United (In which way does the relationship become a whole? Marriage?)
Once you start working together, and get into a flow. It would happen close to when he would propose. You both just start to understand eachother, and work well together even in your day jobs. You can communicate without words, making you both successful in whatever you put your mind to. Bakugo may not be the number 1 hero, but you do hold the title of best hero couple.
V - Value (What do they treasure the most in their relationship?)
He treasures the quiet moments you share. He’s so go go go, and always working towards something, that when he gets a break alone with you, he wants to just sit and enjoy you being there. When it’s quite, he feels like he can detach from the world and just exist without expectations. He’d never have these quite moments until he met you, and he’s so so thankful for them, and you.
W - Wish (What do they hope will come from the relationship?)
Honestly he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he wants to be by your side no matter what. He has so many goals for himself, he doesn’t want to put any stress on you or your relationship. So he’s ready to go with whatever you want, because he’s content on just being with you, and being there for you.
X - XOXO (Favourite types of kisses and hugs)
After a long and stressful day so everyday, katsuki will just want to smother you into his chest and stay like that. Having you between his arms grounds him, and he won’t admit it but he loves the smell of your shampoo. He much prefers to do the kissing, just so it doesn’t catch him off guard. So he’ll usually just come up to you and start a full out makeout session to relive any negative energy he has.
Y - Yearning (How do they cope when they're missing their partner?)
Katsuki is a big baby. So if you’re not with him, you best believe he will snap at anyone in a 50ft radius of him. You always calm him down, so being without you puts him into demon overdrive. If you’re gone for a long time, he’ll end up pacing the house, glaring longingly at the spots you spend the most time in. The only thing that helps him get by is the adorable pictures he has of you as his phone screen.
Z - Zeal (Will they go great lengths for the sake of the relationship? What kind?)
Although he won’t turn villain for you, he will kill someone. We all know his threats are empty, but it something were to happen to you... whoever did it would be dead. If he wasn’t able to kill then for some reason, then he would make their life a living hell. He loves you, and no one will ever take that away from him.
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theincompetentgenius · 6 years ago
Hello! Can i have a “life generator” for the arcana please? :) I’m a bi 5’9 girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m antisocial, and closed off to most people. I have a sarcastic and dirty sense of humor, and i’m childish. I love to playfully tease people. I’m a gryffindor, and quite stubborn. I get jealous easily. I LOVE animals. My hobbies are shopping, singing/piano, and archery. I’m a tomboy, and i live in hoodies. I’m honestly pretty touch starved. Thanks in advance!!
Thank you for being my first request! It took a lot longer than I expected, but I still had lots of fun doing this. I also realized how garbage my writing has become and how I lack any creativity, but that’s another issue for another time.
Thank you for your interest in the world of The Arcana! In a few moments, you will be reborn.  Loading simulation in 3 …… 2…… 1……..
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You were born into a wealthy family where the pressures of society were the laws of the house. Your father was attempting the climb the unspoken social latter of Vesvusia and he could not risk having his children act out of line. Fortunately, he was constantly out mingling with the high-tiers, leaving you with eons of freedom. Your mother attempted to teach you the ways of a lady, but it was not long before you turned away from the pink ribbons and ran towards the bow and arrow. She soon came to accept your differences, but you did learn to enjoy certain aspects of being a lady. However, your father soon learned of your rather rebellious behavior and sent you to a center to become more ladylike. Although you despised the suffocating corsets and endless sewing, your piano and singing lessons kept you from falling apart.
F R I E N D S  
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Nadia, Navra, Nazali
As time passed, you had become one of the top pianists and vocalist in the entire community. What baffled the people was that you would only perform in a black tunic: a sign of protest against the center’s practices. The contrast in your talent and personality attracted a large audience, curious to see what you had to offer. One day, you had woken up to see the entire room emptied of its people. Gold ornaments and red carpets stood in their place. You were quickly notified that a few of the Satrinava sisters were coming to visit and your instructor wanted you to play for them. Not only were you nervous about playing in front of royal, but you were also worried about their judgy eyes analyzing your outlandish appearance. You even contemplated wearing a pink, puffy ballgown, but you chose to stay true to yourself and prepared for the event.”
“The three sisters strolled into the building, their presence more illuminating than the chandelier above your head. Once they were seated, you did not waste time with formal introductions. The audience of three listened in silence as your fingers danced on the piano keys and your voice soared across the room. You sang about your woes within the center, yearning for an ounce of freedom. Had you looked across the room, you would have noticed the wet film of their eyes. After your performance, Navra to you and grabbed your hand.
“That was the most beautiful I’ve ever heard in my life! You must play for me at my parties.” The strength of her handshake nearly ripped you apart.
“Leave the poor girl alone. You don’t want to scare her away already,” Nazali pulled her back.
Amid their bickering, you heard a cool voice from behind. “Do you feel imprisoned trying to live the life of a lady?” You spun around and saw a pair of red eyes staring back at you.
The blunt and sudden nature of the question had caught you off-guard. You had no intention of angering the princesses, but your tongue would not allow you to conform to their ways. The room went silent as the other sisters stopped their arguing and turned towards you. They were waiting for your answer.
“Yes,” You said.
The sisters exchanged glances. The pink-haired sister took the moment of silence to formally introduced herself as Nadia Satrinava, the youngest of the sisters. You curtsied in return, but her next question nearly knocked you off your feet.
“Would you like to perform at my palace? Where you are free to live as you like?”
Other friends: Portia, Mazelinka
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As the royal musician, you were forced to interact with individuals who you would rather avoid after every show in the palace. Years had gone by and the only person you didn’t want to thrash was Portia. The rest were snobby, misogynistic, or outright stupid. However, there was one gem you had met during this time.
You had finished a romantic ballad for a smaller crowd that day. Nadia had asked you to perform as a part of her appreciation banquet to those working against the Red Plague. As you prepared to retire to your room, a young man with copper hair and an eye-patch appeared by your side.
“What a marvelous performance! Your voice is almost as beautiful as you.” A devilish grin was plastered over his face. It seemed more slappable than most. “Excuse me, where are my manners? My name is Dr. Julian Dovarak.“
“Sir, I’d like to know how you got past security,” Your voice was stone.
“That’s just one of my many talents. Let me tell you about how I nearly decapitated a monster with simply a bow and arrow.” You began to tune him out instinctively, yet you couldn’t ignore the charisma exuding from him. As he droned on, you decided to give him a chance. It was a matter of time before you were laughing in his tales. Dramatic, but entertaining.
“I liked your story, but I’m still calling security. You did invade my privacy after all,” You said.
He put his hands in the air. “There’s no need for that. I simply thought you enjoyed my company, but I may have misread the situation. I’ll be on my way.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy your company. It’s just…. I could have it elsewhere. Especially since you seem to have no problem sneaking up on me when I’m alone”
It took him a moment to register the joke as he responded with confused laughter. Suddenly, his eyes grew wide and his cheeks were crimson. His confidence crumbled. There was nothing left of the old Julian; only a stuttering mess. You felt the muscles of your face pull an upward grin as laughter bubbled in your stomach. Never had you met someone so bold yet so flustered. So much for his bravado.
“I’m just teasing you. I wouldn’t call security on you, because you’re not as irritating as everyone else.” You laughed as he attempted to pull himself together.
He cleared his throat, prompting the return of his mischievous grin. “I’m flattered. Of course, if you would like a more private encounter, that can always be arranged.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
F I N A L   F A T E
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When the first round of accusations against Julian came around, you could not believe them. The man who had become so dear to you could not have committed murder. You weren’t sure what the details were, but your instincts told you that there was more to the story.  However, it was impossible to find reliable answers when Julian had fled the city and the only witness was Consul Valerius. You wanted to search for him, but Portia held you back.
"Chasing him will only bring you more danger.”
Although you wanted to pack your bags and take the first ship to Julian’s location, you knew it was unreasonable and irrational. During Julian’s disappearance, your relationship with Portia grew stronger. The two of you would reminisce about the good times and the best of Julian’s embarrassing moments. Soon, the two of you were able to move past Julian and make terrific memories on your own. Life began to move smoothly again. The two of you spent lots of time running errands. After a few witty exchanges, you found yourself on the floor with tears in your eyes. Portia would clutch her stomach from all the laughter. Sometimes you felt that the two of you had become delirious, but no one ever enjoyed life by staying sane.  
Yet one fateful day, you saw a flash of red and black zoom behind you. At first, you thought nothing of it. Probably some guards chasing after a thief or a child playing a game. However, the figure had stopped and you dropped your groceries. The infamous Dr. Dovarak was standing in front of you.
Against your better nature, you ran after him. You already lost him once, you weren’t about to lose him again. But once you arrived at his spot, he had disappeared. You kicked the loose rubble beside you out of frustration. Your eyes had not been playing tricks on you; that was Julian. You went back to Portia and told her everything that you had seen. At first, she assumed you were messing around. However, she became uncertain as she saw the pleading look in your eyes.
That was not the last time you had seen the doctor. Your paths had crossed again when you walked into a rowdy tavern after a long day. All you wanted was a refreshing drink and some time away from the palace. Lost in your thoughts, you sat in the nearest booth and took a sip of your mug.  You nearly spat it out when you looked to your right.
“What are you doing here?”
You were face-to-face with the man who you had been searching for all this time. But now that he was in front of you, there was something off about him. He seemed tired.
“Hello darling, long time no see. How is life? I’m sure it must be dandy without me.” He flashed his famous grin that you had come to love.  A rush of anger seared in your stomach. The man had been missing for nearly three years, yet he acted as if his absence was a mere joke. Did he not realize the pain he had caused for you and his sister was unrepairable?
“No. Don’t play this game with me.” You gripped his wrist and demanded that he tell the truth. His smiley facade disappeared and he turned away. There was no way from him to explain that he had lost his memory without sounding insane or incriminating. All he could do was play the role of the villain.  
But you were not giving up so quickly. Although you couldn’t get Julian to give you the information you wanted, the two of you began to meet more often (despite the risk of Julian getting caught). As he worked through his layers of problems, you stood by his side and helped lighten his darker days
You notified Nadia that you were no longer going to play for the palace and packed your bags, joining Julian in his quest to clear his name and learn the truth about Lucio’s murder. During this time, Julian was able to look past his fears and learned to confide in you. It was not long before you two had declared your love for each other and secured a relationship.
After Julian’s name had been cleared and the second wave of the Red Plague disappeared, the two of you decided to become pirates. After the drama in Vesuvia died down, Julian was craving some form of adventure. He asked you to come along with him as he could not see himself doing anything without your support. Although you were unsure of the chaos the new lifestyle would bring, you decided to join him. Julian bought a new boat while you recruited crewmates to keep the ship running smoothly. It was not long before you and Julian set out for the seas, enjoying the wild adventures each day would bring.
T H E   E N D
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demigod-dems · 8 years ago
junghope fanfiction mistresslist
because i clearly don’t know when to stop
(previous yoonseok fanfiction mistresslist)
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Before you start reaping the fruits of this list, here’s some info you should know:
- The list is made up of fanfics I have personally read and thought worth reading (I have read a lot more than these, and a lot didn’t make the cut)
- This list is in no way finished and done, it will evolve and update as I gather more fics for you to enjoy (feel free to message me new ones or some that i’ve missed)
- I’m a fluffy marshmallow and enjoy happy endings, so 99% of these fics won’t have any tragedy / death / gore and mutilation or cheating AND it won’t have any mpreg, because I am just not into it, sorry
❤ Favourites
☆ New to the list
last updated: [19/09/2018 03:06AM]
☆ 11 Things To Do Before You Die (bucketlist, friends to lovers)
☆ 27 Kisses (Hoseok is confused)
☆ ❤ A Little Help (oh my god, just. Read it, I love it so much, WIP)
☆ ❤ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (A/B/O, beta Jungkook wants to be knotted)
❤  another life (wistful, nice, BonVoyage AU)
☆ An arrow to the foot and a bow to you (pretty ironic for Hoseok to shoot himself, him being a cupid)
☆ all because of you (sad hoseok, but overall uplifting fic)
❤  all tomorrow's parties (jungkook/jimin/hoseok, a common hobby, AU)
always nice to meet you (AU, ace!guk, platonic)
❤  all the world’s noise (ridiculously sweet AU)
☆ Are You Sure (you want to stay?) (Jungkook overthinks)
☆ baby, you're a caramel macchiato (fluff)
☆ Be a good baby, mr. bad boy (Jungkook is good just for Hoseok)
☆ Belt Loops (public)
Bloodflows (unplanned bath sharing with Jungkook)
Black Cat (ancient Egyptian deities, AU)
❤  bone + tissue (sex, tension, photos, AU, sssssooooo goood) 
☆ Boy Meets Boy - Boys In Luv (Hogwarts AU)
Brat (fluff)
breathe again (daddy kink)
Break Your Plans Tonight (sex worker hoseok, new gang recruit guk, smut, AU)
☆ Bunny Boy (hybrid AU, human Hoseok)
☆ Call Me Baby (Jungkook wants to be called ‘baby’ by one person only)
can you teach me how to feel real (drabble, robots/androids AU)
'cause i'm burning up, burning up for you baby (yoonkook/hoseok, pizza delivery boy AU)
☆ Come Over Here (And Overwhelm Me) (Jeongguk takes a yoga class on a lost bet)
☆ Coffee in the Morning (KookYoonseok, needy Jungkook)
☆ Creep (the famous shower incident)
crushworthy (awkward jungkook, teasing hoseok, AU)
☆ daddy’s good boy (Jungkook wins  a private skype session with camboy Hoseok)
☆ Daydream (Hoseok borrows Jungkook’s laptop and finds some personal videos, daddy kink)
❤  Dance With Me Hyung (sexual tension up to the sky)
- Pt. 2
- Pt. 3
Double Texting (AU, fluff)
Don't Say Goodnight (Don't Say Goodbye) (AU past lives)
❤  DOES/DOES NOT (both are oblivious and everyone’s frustrated, AU)
Dream Chaser (Members only, nightmare, fluff)
☆ Drip Drop (A/B/O, submissive alpha Jungkook)
E - H
even my name, knelt down inside me, asking to be spared (mentions of prev. char death, past yoonkook, mental health issues)
eventually (AU, awkward Jungkook)
❤  Fall and Recover (ONLY THE BEST JUNGHOPE AU EVER???)
Hit Well With an Open Hand (dumbasses slapping each others butts)
☆ Faceplant (Jungkook crashes into Hoseok)
fallingforyou (short, sad)
Falling, Catching (A/B/O, knotting, mating cycles/in heat, AU)
Fever (Yoonseok/jungkook, crossdressing, smut)
☆ Five Months (very fluffy)
☆ footprint nostalgia (taehyung won’t have to go back to farming)
☆ Forever Seems Just Long Enough (Jungkook has been a permanent fixture in Hoseok’s bed lately)
☆ Golden (KookYoonSeok, Jungkook has a nightmare)
Hard. Rock. Steady? Rock. (Daddy kink)
☆ ❤ helping hand(s) (maybe Jungkook has a crush on his best friend that happens to have tentacles)
☆ Here in your arms ( sometimes the air is too quiet and his limbs are too restless, Jungkook sneaks into Hoseok's room)
❤  Hold Me Close (betrayal of a trusty heater, fluff, AU)
☆ hold me tight (KookYoonSeok, bondage)
☆ Hope is Last to Die (childhood crush, AU)
☆ #HopeKookWeek2017 (link to whole series ↓)
1 - how long, baby, have i been away? (oh, it feels like ages though you say it has been only days)
2 - your skin is so soft (kiss him once, kiss him twice to keep the night on)
3 - heaven’s on the backseat of my cadillac
4 - we can't hold back 'til the night escapes
5 - they'll hang us in the louvre (down the back, but who cares, still the louvre)
6 - you don’t have to leave (you could just stay here with me)
7 - shiver shiver (you strip the buttons off my coat)
☆ How to Make These Feelings Known 
I - M
☆ ❤ i wanna be yours (Jungkook has been in love with Hoseok since he's 15)
☆ If You Let Me In (soft and fond winter evening)
i'll take you on (established, sore loser Jungkook) 
i'm not a coffee drinker, but i lost sleep thinking about you (so pour me a cup, i need to wake up) (tired Hob, fluff)
☆ I’m bound up in you (Jungkook wants to ask something new, rimming, facesitting)
☆ i’m coming home to you (every night) (jungkook’s sensitive nose has trouble sleeping)
ineluctable (pool boy Hoseok, rich home-owner son Jungkook, AU)
☆ It’s Called Appreciating Beauty (lets admit, Jungkook is a liiitle obsessed)
☆ It's important to stretch before strenuous activities (Hoseok is a personal trainer and Jungkook has had his eyes trained on him)
is it me that you see? (tell me i'm not dreaming alone) (kookyoonseok, AU, fast paced)
Join US (vkook/hoseok, birthday present, smut)
☆ Joke (Jungkook needs to be punished)
Just a Boy (And boys have Needs) (hormonal teenager Jungkook, weak Hoseok)
Jungkook started a game (VHopeKook, Jungkook is shameless, really) 
Keep On Wanting (smut, established)
Young (pt. 2)
Cosmic Love (pt. 3)
Found You (pt. 4)
A Beautiful Mess (pt. 5 , Junghope/Yoongi, not finished)
The One (pt. 6)
Take a Breath, Take a Step (pt. 7)
I'll Give You Love (You Wanted Nothing) (pt. 8)
Love You (Even In My Sleep) (established, sleepwalking, kink negotiation, smut)
❤  less is more (less is a bore) (a lot of hickeys, feelings, AU)
❤  Lather Me Whole ( Prince Jungkook, Hoseok, his servant �� )
Mark Me As Your Own
Whisper In My Ear
Keep Me In Your Hands
Tie Me Up, Hold Me Down
Life with demons (should not be this hard) (exorcism AU, ending frustrated me to tears)
like everybody else (Daddy kink) 
Lionheart (aged up, established, AU)
☆ Lose My Cool (highschool AU, yearbook photographer Jungkook)
☆ Lucidness (daddy kink, the big red hoodie)
❤  Ma Tulipe (a BRILLIANT, soft glowing fic, AU) 
☆ Mountain Dew Me? (Jungkook is a bartender)
☆ Mommae (Jungkook gets caught watching something) 
☆ my favorite places (it gets too much sometimes)
N - R
Name The Stars (and know their dark returning) (getting together, fluff)
New Romantics (AU, piercings)
no mess, no fuss (aged up, AU, rough sex)
❤  Noge Do Poda (yoonseok, yoonkook - yoonseok just like Jungkook)
Noge u Zrak (yoonseok, junghope)
Dolje na koljena (yoonjunghope)
No One But Me (Jealous Jungkook, Oblivious Hoseok, established)
☆ ❤ not a booty call (the feelings, oh my god the feelings)
☆ now my bedsheets smell (like you) (5 times +1 one time)
☆ of white lies and autumn leaves (pretend relationship, ofc until it’s not)
☆ on the edge (wakeboarding, ‘rivals’)
☆ On My Life (I Swear) (Bodyguard AU, multichaptered)
one shot (is all i need) (bartenders, AU)
☆ one strange night in one strange city (rich young businessmen au) 
☆ Ousia (magic AU)
☆ pas de deux (growing old together, fics like this always make me sad even with happy ending)
☆ Perfect Ten (bowling AU)
petting (predebut)
☆ Pink Cushion (Jungkook needs some disciplining) 
☆ Room for Three (Yoonseok fall for Jungkook)
S - V
[second] (student/teacher relationship AU)
☆ Sing For Me (part of ot7, smut)
☆ Sixth Position (miscommunication, getting back together)
☆ share my life (it's yours to keep) (might as well marry they’re so domestic so fast)
Shelter From the Storm (fobias, jungkook trying to fix things, AU, slightly bdsm)
☆ ❤ Skip The Glory (demon AU, rough sex, some tentacle action)   
☆ Social Animals (nonsexual intimacy)
☆ Somebody’s Crying (Hoseok is the resident dorm advisor)
☆ ❤ sparkles in his eyes (my heart is jumping out)
stars (brotp, drunk jungkook)
study time (aged up, established, AU, piercings and tattoos, bottom hoseok)
☆ stuck (sometimes Jungkook’s mind gets.. stuck)
Stranger Dangers (rape kink) 
☆ stitch me up (you're so pretty) (Jungkook enrolls into an embroidery class)
sunshine (angst, character death)
☆ Sunshine next door (both Jungkook and his cat crush on Hoseok)
☆ sweeter than honey, softer than silk (no milk, however) (nursing kink and some awkward conversations, KookYoonSeok)
talk me down (petting, fluff)
☆ That Kinda Lovin' Turns A Man Into A Slave (they run away from Catholic boarding school)
❤  the underlying rhythm (favourite hyung, drabble)
☆ the feeling of getting you closer (is taking me under) (anal fisting)
the world is in your palm now so take a breath and calm down (Hogwarts AU)
The One (Hoseok steps in as a stand-in date)
The Stars In Your Eyes (Are Only For Me) (Space AU)
❤  these spaces between infinities (so so so good ;=;, AU)
❤  there and back again (sports therapist Hoseok, soccer player Jungkook, AU) 
☆ ❤ the world could use more of you (modern magic AU, multichaptered)
☆ this feels like falling in love (a step away)
☆ touch me in your own sweet way (Jungkook would not be lying)
☆ ❤ touch, my love. touch my heart. (Jungkook is into ASMR and Hoseok happens to make asmr videos on youtube, this is so nice)
too naughty to say no (Vhope/Jungkook)
☆ Tryna Count Me Out (who goes around kissing random strangers?)
☆ Twist of my Heart (misunderstandings)
Untraditional (A/B/O, kookyoonseok, AU)
☆ Up in the Sky (Hoseok is a businessman and Jungkook is on his first shift as a flight assistant)
W - Z
☆ wanna stay locked (between your fingers) (hair pulling)
☆ we could be together (if you want) (it’s been 2 years)
❤  What It Means to Know (breathplay, platonic)
☆ While You Were Sleeping (Jungkook is having a wet dream and Hoseok doesn’t want to interupt. much)
☆ Whipped Like Cream (they’re whipped)
wide awake (seokjunghope, jealous junghope, smut)
☆ world business (collars and bsdm, canonverse)
your warm embrace (AU, fluff) 
☆ you attack my heart (surely you're my destiny) (jungkook wants to be pretty)
☆ you got me catching feelings (they start as fuck buddies, but start catching feelings)
☆ you are my favorite "what if" (and my best "i'll never know") (junghope are hoeing w each other at a club)
☆ You Don't Need To Hesitate (so they’re handcuffed together)
☆ your love is bright as ever (Hoseok worries)
☆ you’re staring too much (Jimin sees straight away that Hoseok has a crush)
☆ you're the sun in my morning babe (KookYoonSeok, birthday sex)
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notnanami · 8 years ago
all of em? :3c
ive had this in my inbox for 3 weeks and never knew bc tumblr is shit so im answering it now bc fuck it
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
im immune to crushes
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
never been in a relationship
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
uhhhh? maybe not consciously? idk 
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
dont have one
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
*deep sigh*
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on ��breaks”?
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
013: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
lmao ever heard jail is just a room
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
not really, but i definitely think you can feel a connection to someone at first sight
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
being a smoker, or being a bigot/nazi/trump supporter
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
when youve tried everything to make it work but its just not working, or one of you has well and truly fallen out of love
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
ok DO NOT FUCKING GET ME STARTED ON THIS OK. I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW SOMEONE CAN DATE SOMEONE WITHOUT??? BEING FRIENDS WITH THEM??? like wheres the substance to the relationship??? if yall cant just hang out as friend and you have to being doing couple like flirting or making out??? what are you doing??? theres nothing else to the relationship???
so its not that i think people should date their friends, i just think you should also be friends with the person youre in a relantionship with, romance and friendship dont have to be mutually exclusive
23: How many relationships have you had?
024: Do you think love can last forever?
hell ye
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
hell no, i would just date them HARDER
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
well weve established ive never been in a relationship soooo
but if i remember one time in middle school i had a crush on this guy were friends and stuff and i just thought we were perfect for each other but i could never work up the nerve to ask him out so if i could go back in time i would tell myself to go for it
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
hell yeah
29: What do you notice first about another person?
hmmm idk?
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
bitch i have depression i aint got no right to be judging someone cause of that. i would hope that if i was dating someone with a mental illness we would both be loving and supporting each other no matter what
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
33: Do you want to get married one day?
unrealistic, blocked
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
dumb as hell
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
thats kind of what i had planned anyways, im not really ready for sex and will not be for long time
36: Are you still a virgin?
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
personality damn u think im some kind of shallow bitch?
38: Do you enjoy love films?
FUCK NO unless its about two women being in love
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
a friend gave me and our other friends roses one year, but then i gave my rose to my crush at the time cause she said she had never received one, ya girl lowkey got game
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
they take me on a romantic picnic on top of a cliff with a great view and then they push me off the cliff and i die
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
ye and it SUCKD ASS
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
48: What’s your favorite love song?
everytime we time touch, obviously i mean come on
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
maybe a little?
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
im not very attractive, insecure, annoying, loud, and boring
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?
poor but nice, its alright i can be a sugar mama
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
YEAH ive been told im good at giving relationship advice
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
not really
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on Facebook)?
well first of all i dont have facebook, and personally if i was to enter i relationship i wouldnt even announce it to anyone i would probably only tell my best friend
ok lets be honest i would announce it on tumblr
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
clingy, maybe? definitely not jealous tho
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
yeah, unless your partner of 10 years fucking died or something
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
depends……………………….but most likely sub
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
im all for them
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
62: How do you define “cheating”?
hmmm i think thats for everyone to decide for themselves and to express that to their partner. personally i think flirting and anything beyond that is all cheating.
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
fuck no, id watch porn WITH my s/o i mean come on
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
hell ye
0 notes