#do these emotions see me thinking about them and get a tad awkward about it ???
happi-dreams · 3 months
still trying to figure out how to exactly draw these lil guys so more doodles wahoo! ( plus oc woa- )
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renonv · 3 months
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Spamano Week Day 2 & 3 : Mochis & 2p
Mannnn late yet again BUT ALSO on time 🙏😏
I think both of these concepts are so fun 😭 like the existence of mochis within the universe is crazy but it’s so fucking funny… and oughhh the two pees.. I used to not really care for them BUT I figured them out for myself and now they are a fun thing to rotate in my head nsnddkk
I’ll go more into detail of how I see their 2p versions under the cuttt but WOO I’m on tha rolll
Flavio: Literally Flavio to me is what Romano would have been like if he wasn’t fighting the internalized homophobia/ machismo demons 🙏 he’s flamboyant he’s (still) loud, he stands his ground and he is a fucking divaaa. He’s cunning, takes great pride and care and time into his appearance, he expresses his love freely and loudly, and he’s not afraid to pick a fight. He lacks general anxiety and self preservation. He’s also a tad selfish, and just generally two faced. To me, while Romano puts out the harsh exterior, underneath it all he is a vulnerable and sensitive person. Flavio puts on the very approachable exterior, and will be nice, but inside he’s brewing some out of pocket shit. However, he loves and cares deeply and genuinely for a very special few.
If Romano was to meet him, he would call him a slur. But also be jealous of the way Flavio carries himself. If Flavio were to meet Romano, be would make him his next make over project, he is his new gay god mother. Flavio would be jealous of how many people genuinely care about Romano, even if the guy chooses to act like an asshole.
Santiago: He is a quiet and an intimidating guy, not because he’s plotting shit in his head, but because he just does not know how to carry himself around people. While Antonio is an approachable, sociable man who’s always working on putting out positivity and try to do good by everyone because that’s just how he is (and how he copes), Santiago withdraws himself from everyone because 1) Bro genuinely doesn’t get social cues or socialization and 2) thinks of it as better this way for the general public. He’s a little edgy, but in a “scared to hurt others” way rather than “society doesn’t get me” way. Since he yaps significantly less than Antonio, he’s a good listener and is also a bit less dense on certain things. He’s a bit more prone to picking up on the underlying emotions or when people are being sarcastic / say one thing but mean another.
If Santiago and Antonio ever met, it would be… interesting. Santiago would be put off by Antonio’s high energy, but at the same time wish he could express himself as easily as the other, and be as comfortable with physical touch. Antonio would absolutely loose his mind over the gray streak of hair, bro looks very punk rock. He would think of the other as awkward, but also be very impressed at his observational skills.
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
"Where is Dean?"
"Good night, Cas, it's good to see you too." There is no real anger on Sam's face or in his words, just a tad of annoyed amusement. He shakes his head.
Castiel knows humans would feel embarrassment in a situation like this, but he is angel, and he isn't really going to bother with such a human emotion. He doesn't think wanting to know where Dean is is something to be ashamed of, or something so funny that Sam is clearly clearing his throat to hide his laughter.
"Good night Sam, it's good to see you and to be back." Sam's eyes regard him warmly at that, despite Castiel's awkward ways and his 'straight to the point' attitude, Sam knows well he is honest about his happiness at being back.
"He is his room, a headache, again."
Castiel winces in sympathy but he is also glad he made it back just in time.
"I'll go see him now."
Sam makes a gesture as to say "go ahead" going back to whatever he was reading on his laptop.
Castiel makes his way towards Dean's room, the one right in front of his. And it's weird, but in a good way, to know there is a place where he is always welcomed, where he has a spot to call his own.
He opens the door as quickly and quietly as possible, trying not to let the soft yellow glow of the hallway lights in, knowing how overwhelming they can be for Dean when he is like this. He closes the door, stepping inside the room, he moves to the side of the bed, bending lightly.
He could lean closer, kiss Dean's forehead and with his grace-filled kiss make the pain go away, comfort him in a way that isn't only about the headache he is feeling. Treating Dean with the gentleness and care he deserves, that's all he wants.
He won't.
He can't.
He shouldn't.
He mustn't
He knows that. The balance between them, oh so fragile. He won't ever forgive himself if he ruins their bond because of this storm of unrequited feelings inside his chest.
He presses two fingers to Dean's forehead instead, even if he could do it without touching him, and wills his depleting grace to chase the pain away.
"Hello, Dean." He whispers, still trying not to disturb Dean too much.
"You back already?"
Castiel bites back a retort, if he is in Dean's rooms it makes sense to think he is indeed back at the bunker. "I arrived ten minutes ago," he replies instead, "Sam told me you weren't feeling well."
"You used your mojo on me?" His sleepy mind seems to finally have registered the fact his headache is gone.
Before Dean can start a reprimand about him wasting his overworked powers on something like this Castiel replies, "just a little bit, if I were you I would get some sleep so you don't have a headache again in the morning."
" 'kay Cas, "a yawn, "thanks, by the way, 's good to have you back."
Castiel's hands close up in a fist, he wants, so bad, to reach out and comb Dean's disheveled hair away from his forehead.
"Sleep well, Dean." He gets a snore for an answer, and it makes him smile a little as he turns around to leave the room to head for his own.
Just a couple steps away, as far away from Dean as he is from the Moon right now.
Castiel quickly makes his way to Dean's room.
His room.
Their room.
It still makes him giddy, thing that Dean finds rather amusing, "what, Cas? You can't expect me not to find a former soldier of Heaven giggling funny."
He balances the tray he is carrying, a warm tea, a bottle of painkillers and something to eat for later, in one hand, using the other to open the door as quickly as possible, not letting the light flood the room.
Dean only groans from the bed, a miserable sound that has Castiel rushing to close the door and cross the distance to the bed.
He sets the tray on Dean's nightstand and kneels beside the bed. "I need you to sit up," he whispers, Dean's hair is getting longer and longer, he moves it back and away from his forehead, he presses his thumb lightly between his eyebrows, moving it in small circles in the same area, "I brought some of that tea you pretend to hate with honey and your painkillers."
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Castiel leans closer and kisses Dean's forehead.
Just because he can.
The touch of his lips won't make the pain away, not now that he doesn't has his grace anymore.
He doesn't care, he knows the gesture is still comforting to Dean in a way. He wants him to know he is here, ready to take care of him, to keep him company until the pain meds do their job and ease the headache. That he will be here when he wakes up, and for the next headache too, that he can rest and not worry about anyone or anything else, for a while.
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d3m0nicdream · 11 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 3)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be unobtainable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
tags: kissing, emotions being dumb.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 <
You wake up to a splitting headache, wincing in pain as you sit up. Your eyes adjust to your surroundings and you realise you are not home. You think back to the events from last night and instantly heat plasters onto your face.
'I kissed Colby Brock.'
'I asked him to Prom.'
"What the fuck, dude." You groan and fall back into the pillows. You feel comfortable and look down. You're not wearing your own clothes. That's right, he gave you a shirt to wear. You sit up again and take in the room. It was definitely his room. It was dark because of the black out curtains. Your phone lights up next to you and you see a text on your phone from an unknown number.
Unknown- Text me when you wake up :)
It had to be Colby. He probably got your number from Kat or something. You shoot him a text and hear him running up the stairs a few minutes later. He comes into the room slowly, peeking his head in first before coming in completely.
"Good morning." He holds out his hand and drops two pills in your hands. You can't muster the courage to look at him. You take the medicine and the glass of water he hands you.
"Thanks.." you say, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. He grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
"Hey, it's okay. We don't have to make it weird." He assures. He leans into you, pressing his lips against your forehead. He give you a smile before letting go of your face. You two sit in silence before you have the urge to pee. You flip the covers off and notice you aren't wearing pants.
"Uh.. could I get some pants?" He looks at your bare legs and blushes.
"Y-yeah, yeah hold on." He scrambles up to grab something for you to wear. He throws you a pair of shorts. You slide them on and head to his bathroom. You pee and then check the mirror. Man, did you look rough. You try to fix your hair before just putting in up in a ponytail and brush your teeth with your finger, feeling a tad bit better and somewhat hygienic.
"Hey, I made breakfast. You hungry?" You can hear Colby semi-yell through the doorway. You answer a quick 'yeah' while grabbing your bra to put back on. He leads you out and down the stairs where you see everyone. Jake, Corey, Nate, Sam and Kat all look at you as you come down the stairs. Colby goes to make you a plate while you take a seat next to Kat who gives you a look and then to Colby and back to you. You shake your head no and she smirks at you. Of course you were gonna tell her later but right now, you just wanted to get out of this awkward environment and into your own clothes.
Colby comes back with a plate and hands it to you. The guys end up talking about the party. You and Kat talk a little bit about the party as well.
You wave at the guys as you and Kat hop in your car and pullout of the driveway.
"Biiiiiiiiitch, tell me everything." Kat starts slapping your arm, excited about the tea you are about to spill.
"ME? bitch where did YOU go? I lost you and was drunk as fuck looking for you." You exclaimed.
"You got dick and I didn't. CRAZY." You add. She looks at you quickly.
"What do you mean, you didn't? But you slept in Colby's room." Kat looks at you confused. Your face gets red at the thought.
"Something did happen... but not what you think." You explain. Kat looks at you with curiosity and you swallow whatever saliva is still in your throat.
"W-we kind of kissed... and then it was gonna go farther but he... he stopped because I was drunk and then he helped me get ready for bed. He didn't even sleep in the bed. He slept on the couch." Kat looks at you bewildered.
"YOU KISSED COLBY BROCK?" Kat yells in your ear as you drive.
"SAYS YOU. YOU SLEPT WITH SAM GOLBACH." You yell back. She looks at you with crazy eyes.
"You don't know that." She spits at you, crossing her arms in defense. You look at her like she was nuts. You knew her in and out. You knew she slept with him.
"Katrina. Look me in my eyes and tell me you didn't." You park in the driveway of your shared home. She looks at you, staring right into your irises. After a few seconds, she caves.
"FINE. Yeah I did and I'd do it again. Best night of my life. Romantic, fun, not as awkward as I thought. It was everything." Kat squeals and you smile at her excitement. You were happy for her.
"I'm sorry you didn't get laid." Kat retorts.
"I'm not.. because that's not the only thing that happened.."
"What do you mean?"
"I might have asked Colby to prom."
The weekend went fast. You and Colby have been texting non-stop. That being said, suddenly he stops answering your texts as you walk into the school.
"Hmm, that's weird." You say to Kat who is texting Sam.
"What is?"
"Colby left me on read like three minutes ago." You twist your face in confusion, but then you hear a comotion right down the hall. A group of people have gathered and there's someone yelling. You push through the crowd and see a horrific sight.
Colby was on the ground with Brent Snider holding onto his shirt.
"You think she wants you?" He drops Colby and points at the crowd.
"Or you. Or YOU? She needs a man. An Alpha male. Not some wannabe Emo kid." You push through the crowd and cross your arms.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Brent looks at you and smiles.
"Y/N! Just in time. This piece of trash was caught disrespecting you so I decided to teach him a lesson." You look at him in confusion. Kat runs up to you with her phone, showing someone's recording of Colby leading your into his room from the party.
"You stupid motherfuckers. I'm so over this. Colby Brock.. is my boyfriend, you fucks." You feel the entire student body look at you including Colby with wide eyes.
"Your boyfriend? He's not even in the game."
"Exactly, I'm so tired of this game and being this stupid fucking prize to you people. It's over. I'm done. Leave me alone." You put your back into the last sentence. Brent looks at you and the anger washes over his face before he sends a fist into a locker.
"This isn't fucking over." He looks at you and then at Colby before walking away and everyone disperses. You help Colby up who now has a decent black eye.
"We might be able to cover it but it's going to be there for a few days."
"Hopefully it's gone before prom. I have a date you know, with my girlfriend." His eyebrows wiggle and you roll your eyes.
"Look, it's just to keep them off our backs, okay?" You tell him while still looking at his eye. It definitely might need covered up for prom, it was pretty dark already an damn near bleeding.
"We will talk about it later." Colby tries to wink with his only good eye and it makes you laugh. You guys go your separate ways, the entire school in an uproar about the whole situation. Prom was in five days and you have yet to talk to Colby about any of it.
At some point in the day, you paths cross and he almost doesn't stop to talk to you so you grab his arm.
"Hey, you okay?" You ask. He was acting weird. He nods and kind of shrugs your hand off.
Let's just talk after school. in private." His eyes plead for the conversation to be over which you oblige.
"okay." You speak. A pit forms in your stomach. You feel like you had been scolded like a child. The day drags on and you don't hear from Colby until later in the night. You can't sleep. The events of the day wash over your thoughts until it's all you can think about. You decide to take a leap of faith and text Colby to see if he was awake.
Y/N: Hey.
C: yeah?
Y/N: Can we talk?
C: sure.
Y/N: Can I call?
C: yeah, of course.
The phone rings and rings before you feel like he isn't going to answer but the call finally connects.
"Hey." You whisper into the phone for some reason, feeling restless and needing to stand. You pace back and forth through your room.
"Hey, you okay?" Colby asks right away. You sigh, not sure where to even start.
"I can't sleep. I've been playing todays scene in my head all day and I just... I'm sorry." You couldn't help but apologize. The whole boyfriend thing just came out and now it has caused more problems, not only for you but Colby as well.
"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind. The game needed to end. Sure, I'll get a bunch of shit but if that's what needs to happen for you to have peace, then so be it." It wasn't fair at how nice and understanding he was being. He didn't deserve any of this. He could have still had a peaceful existence.
"I still feel bad-" You voice breaks and you realise you are on the verge of tears and Colby doesn't miss it.
"Y/N, I'm coming over." Colby speaks through the speaker.
"What? No Colby, it's late. You don't need to." You plead. He didn't need to see you like this. He didn't need to be your light in the dark, the sword to your shield. Your sniffles don't sound too convincing to him though.
"No, it's okay. You need me and I'm on my way. Say you don't and I'll stay."
"I-" You think about everything. You haven't been able to be close to anyone for so long. Everyone was either fighting to be with you as a reward or hating you because of the game. To be this close to anyone like you were with Colby in such a short amount of time breaks your mind. Your walls shatter down in the instant and before you know it, your lips are moving.
"I need you." You start to cry. All the pent up emotion and heartache. The loneliness and solitude that once numbed you, now starting to destroy you.
"I'll be there in a few minutes, okay? Hold out until I get there." Colby is at your door within ten minutes. When you open the door, he immediately engulfs you in a bone crushing hug as if to squeeze the pieces of you back together. You breakdown in his arms and he holds you. The only audible thing you can say to him is 'I'm sorry'.
Eventually he helps you up the stairs and into your room. You sit on your bed, trying to calm down while he takes off his jacket revealing a plain black t-shirt to go with his black sweatpants. He takes off his shoes and slips into the bed next to you, pulling you into his side. His arm wraps around you and your head presses against his chest. You can hear his steady heartbeat as he strokes your hair.
He kisses the top of your head as you come down from the dump of emotions.
"How long has it been since you cried." He asked. You sigh and honestly you couldn't remember the last time.
"I don't even know." You look up at him as he stares at the glowing t.v. You study his face like you're never going to see him again.
"Thank you for coming over." You smile at him. He looks at you and leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips. It lingers for a while before he pulls back.
"I would do it again in a heartbeat."
We love sappy shit.
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2309analysis · 6 months
What do you think would happen if Tails Sails Mangey and Nine all interacted with each other?
See, I was thinking about this all week. Mainly due to my theory, and just the pure nature of Tails’ the Fox. His character remotely resembles a child; in both psychological, and emotional aspects. While he is physically a child, his brain and maturity level is not. Its far exceeds the average intellect and ability to comprehend. Making Tails’ far more complex than most people realize. So, I’m basically going to explain how he would really only be on his wavelength. Literally all will but the communication will be tad different with each counterpart of Tails’.
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Starting with Nine:
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To me, he’ll be the easiest communication-wise. I think the two Foxes’ would be wary of each other; mainly due to Nine’s hard drive on not being compatible with Tails’s personality and his viewpoint of the world. Nine wouldn’t really want to get into Tails’s character, or really understand his tinkering. While, he has similar habits, and thought-process, I honestly think his openness and willingness/over-friendliness would honestly frighten Nine.
Moving onto the actual interaction between the two. I honestly think Tails’ just be nervous, Nine’s got a pretty judgmental attitude and defensive personality. Making it very hard to really understand his thoughts, which Tails’ usually doesn’t have problems with. ‘Cause everyone in his head is statutory, but himself? With another version of himself? Oh, boy, where does he even begin? He’d be the first initiator, due to anxiety eating him up. “Um… so, you’re supposed to be a counterpart of me? Heh, well, you do look a lot like me—“ “Just stop talking.” Nine would quickly shut him down at first. Mainly due, to the frustration of Sonic forcing them to do this.
“Err… do you at least want something to eat?” Nine just slowly turns his head, and looks Tails’ deadbeat in the eyes. “Nah, I’m good with this bark of wood. Thanks for asking.” I think Nine has a sarcastic defense mechanism around others’, (Sonic’s circumstances are diffrent) especially over people who try to know him. Which is hard for anime, it’s extremely out of his comfort zone; he doesn’t like interactions. Knowing this, he’s especially reluctant towards Tails’.
I think Tails’ will catch onto this extremely quickly; and back off. For a couple of weeks, it’s awkward, and very difficult to really know how the two feel about each other. Nine does soften up once he starts to catch Tails’ mind explore and invent endless amount of things in his meantime. I think this is where Nine is the first initiator. To Nine’s surprise, they get along well, especially when it comes to analyzing; making Sonic pretty relieved. 
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Honestly, I would think they’d kinda ignore each other. Both well-aware and about how the other feels about each other, making it kinda hard for them to open up. Awkward, and tense when around each other. I’m talking about, a what if, this was all happening after the events of Prime. It’d still be this way, due to Nine’s lack of social awareness.
I still think Sails’ give Nine a chance. Like actively trying to hang out with him, ask him some small questions on how he invests or makes things. Small little interactions, at first, but I honestly don’t think they’ll become nearly as close as Nine and Tails’. Which isn’t much of a bummer, because Saul’s’ prefers other characters, like Amy, Tails’ himself, Sonic, and his captain, Dread.
They’d team up with each other, and fight alongside each other if they had to. They won’t be their first choice; but a reliable duo. They would trust each other with weapon-making, and temporary cooperations. Extra points, if they wink at each other to take initiatives, and smile about winning.
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The poor Foxes would never have a coherent conversation. Genuinely would not know how to interact with each other. Mangey is too savage and nervous to ever really properly calm down and actually sit with Nine. Nine’s too way and paranoid something bad is going to happen if they tried forcing him. The two are too mentally unstable to be able to handle each other’s emotions.
It’s like asking a baby to walk without falling. It’s a lot of trail and error. It’d take at least a month or two or them to even be on the same emotional wavelength. Mangey’s broken English and bad sense of social order makes Nine extremely uncomfortable. They try not to get angry or overwhelmed by each other; because they both understand that the other is trying. (Keeping in mind about the after events)
“M-me like y-ou.” “Huh… you’re improving. That’s excellent.” They will warm up with each other over communicating and improving speeches. Nine would basically become Mangey’s language arts teacher. Teaching him all the basics about talking, writing, and reading. Sonic will help by holding up pictures of simple things.
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Next is Sails’:
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He’s by far, going to be the most mentally stable and simple out of the three counterparts. Easily, because he’s pretty much mostly like Tails’ himself. Making things communication-wise a whole lot less stressful for Tails’. The only downside is the pirate talk. Tails’ might hinder with the new communication system; making it slightly harder for him to properly respond. Which won’t be much a of a problem, as it quickly gets solved, because Tails’ easily adapts.
Also, I think Tails’ would find it super interesting and unique. Making them probably the fastest to become friends. They’re buddies, they’re improving each other’s inventions, making sure the other isn’t lost. They’re practically brothers. They’d both keep each other company and joke around a lot. Making Dread kinda annoyed, because most jokes are inside jokes about highly complex things.
They’d keep each other’s back covered, if they would ever get into a fight. They would never abandon each other, and make sure they’re both are safe. They’d boost each other up and uplift themselves. Alongside of double teaming with Sonic and Nine! They’re unbeatable. Tails’ would also dork out about his helper hand. Finding it effective and extremely cool. Tails’ now has one he can use! Occasionally, though.
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Honestly, same way as Tails’. It’d basically be like having a kid brother. Sails’ already took care on Mangey in season 3, but more normalized. Sails’ keeps Mangey out of trouble, and calms down his nerves. I would feel like Sails’ honestly follows Mangey around out of curiosity about his behaviorism. Constantly noting it, and the improvements, habits, etc.
Tails’ would definitely join in. Not making a habit of it, like Sails, would, though. It’s merely out of keeping him protected and innocent. As in, he’s never, ever, stepping foot inside Eggman’s factory or laboratory. Not unless it was extremely important, and Mangey’s friends were in danger. Also, it’d feel like belittlement after a while, and if Mangey showed enough attention-improvement, he could be sent on special missions.
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I think he’d be pretty indifferent about Sails’. Like Tails’. Like I said, it’d take a large while for them to warm up with each other. It’s not they actually don’t like each other; but they’re a tad suspicious of each other. Both tensed, awkward socially distant foxes. Nice combo… but Sonic turned things around telling them both to just take it slow.
They’re the slowest and subtler find than all of the other three. They just don’t notice each other, and it’s not a bad thing; but they have less appeal towards each other. They will work together, and share mostly the same opinions; and make sure that the other is okay, but that’s all.
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Next is Mangey:
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Tails’ would give him a lot of snacks. Plus, a bunch of stolen Chili Dogs from Sonic. The two would be usually spotted eating and going over simplistic ways to teach Mangey real communication with Nine. Both Nine and Tails’ would take turns with Mangey helping his improvement of social and personal development.
Sails’ helps with the emotional department, making sure he doesn’t get too overwhelmed. Tails’ acts like character for Mangey to see scenarios of conversations and situations. I feel like Mangey is a visual learner, so it’s ultimately easier for him to comprehend after seeing what happens. That also includes spying on others’, but mainly Sonic, and their friends.
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He would leave Mangey alone at first. Kinda steering clear, because he doesn’t really like unwanted attention or company. Knowing Mangey would give so much of that, he tries to keep off of his track, and kinda cower away. Not to be offensive; but because he’s not entirely used to having friends.
Not until he decided to give him the opportunity to grow. Once Mangey starts to show signs of large improvement of social skills, emotional maturity and development, Nine doesn’t entirely mind when he’s around. Since, by this point, Mangey sees Nine as a bigger brother.
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He would voluntarily help Nine and Tails’ out making improvements with Mangey’s abilities and growth. Especially with the language and emotional support. Making sure that Mangey doesn’t get too overwhelmed by anything; he’ll also be the supplier of treats.
He would also help Nine come up with a series of quizzes for Mangey. Making sure all of the studying is actually sticking with him. Nine would create the question, Sails’ would make the answer. Tails’ help out giving small hints, and Mangey would get a treat if he doesn’t need any hints. He would get a whole snack, if he gets a 100 for the quiz.
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Next is Tails’:
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The two would be awkward at first, but the more they found in common about each other’s habits, they became more comfortable around each other. I think Nine would be emotionally tired, and deprived of any sort of intimacy with love; and Tails’ deeply understood this. Instead of Sonic being Nine’s only friend and well, savior, Tails’ basically became his newest friend.
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As I have said this over and over again, (lmao) Nine would advise, commit to Mangey’s growth. Finding some joy out of seeing his counterpart grow, and improving. It makes him feel like he means something more rather than something of nothing. Tails’ sorta feels the same way; and it makes them more comfortable and less anxious around Mangey. Mainly due to the wavy their shatter verses are; it’s hard for all four of them to collectively get along at the same time.
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They would love each other. From intelligence to little quirks about certain things. Tails’ would indefinitely make little gadgets for all four; but mainly Sails’. They would have the most in common with each other. They’re little collaborations with each other to make each other’s lives in their own verses easier. Especially for Nine. Like, face-timing each other, occasionally, send each other a bunch of letters.
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I’ll whiff up headcanons later over them. They’re such a cute couple of interactions; but I wouldn’t mind adding some angst to it next time. Those will most likely appear in a few headcanons. Thanks for this question; it was really fun writing this out, especially individually! (I love making myself suffer)
This is them.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
THIS MIGHT BE A ??? QUESTIONABLE REQUEST??? but can i pls have the main omori group + kim w/ a s/o with adhd?
RW OMORI gang + KIM w/ an S/O who has ADHD
A/N: dw this isn't a weird req :D i don't have ADHD so this is based off of research and my dad who has extreme ADHD!!! like it takes me saying his name 10 times for him to respond!! love him tho
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sunny is 100% autistic,, and i can also see him having ADHD
so he often gets distracted during conversation, or rather he isn't really. down to earth. so a lot of the time you two can just sit in silence comfortably
sometimes u two just. are both getting wacky about your hyperfixations and you'll just rant back and forth about them to each other. like ur communicating
it probably happened more when he was younger but every now and then he gets random bursts of energy, and he has the urge to exercise (he gets really tired afterwards)
he'll just kinda let you do your thing if you get really hyper, and might go on a walk with you to get it all out!! he is not running though
i can't decide if he's really messy or really organized, probably a mix of both. like his locker is all goofy and messy but he'll organize yours to perfection
taps your shoulder and stares at you if you forgot something until you remember it.
"what is it?"
"..." he deadpans at you until it clicks that the quiz is today
if you're kinda hyper and chatty she might get a tad frustrated sometimes, but it very quickly melts away. she can't help but giggle and smile at some of your antics
if you have a lot of pent-up energy to spend, she'll hand you her bat and take you to the trash yard to destroy stuff! that's how she gets her emotions out
at first she might like. snap her fingers in your face if you get distracted. "hey, are you listening to me?"
but eventually she gets used to it, and might tap your shoulder to remind you to listen. she doesn't mind all that much
she reluctantly gives you homework/test answers if you forgot to do it or just can't figure it out. like she'll sigh and roll her eyes all dramatic but then do the entire work sheet for you. (she tries to teach you it but gives up)
texts you a lot to remind you to do things you need to do. (ex: homework, brushing your teeth, drinking water, etc.) it's her subtle way of showing her love!
i can see him having ADHD. like how he had trouble in school, and was kinda described as 'the dumb one' that gets distracted easily. i feel like it's less severe now, probably due to the fact that he was a child back then
it doesn't happen as often anymore, but sometimes he starts bouncing his leg and fiddling with his fingers during conversation, and totally spacing out
he doesn't get frustrated with you if you aren't listening or anything, just probably repeats your name until you respond
he doesn't judge you at all!!!!
"pssh, i get bad grades all the time, and i'm doing fine!"
you two draw little doodles and hearts on each others papers during school and he gets really giggly when you pass him a note with something funny on it
if you stim, he'll subconsciously repeat it. and then he starts stimming it too. he can't help it
he is very patient. he'll pat your back with an awkward smile on his face when you don't respond to him. "you okay there?"
i can see him being autistic and masking super hard all of the time. so when you two get home after a long day you just relax and watch your favorite show, or cook something together
he buys you little fidget toys and things to mess around with, and buys you stuff like paint supplies and a crochet kit to get into a hobby
helps you out with homework and chores. like he'll do all of your housework and speed through algebra like it's nothing and still cooks dinner. absolute madman
encourages you to go on runs with him in the morning, especially if you need to get energy out
leaves fancy little sticky notes on your mirror and fridge to remind you of things. and he draws hearts on them and shit
hmmm.. i can see him having ADHD but i can also see him not. either way i think he spends a lot of time in his head so he might get distracted often during conversation.
he's an amazing listener, and tries to understand you as best as possible! he just gets a little lost in his anxious thoughts
he has fidget toys and you two share them like you're fighting over custody of your children
nervously waves his hand in front of your face when you take too long to respond.
"uh, Y/N? ... hellooo?"
he's very patient, but he gets a little worried about what you might be thinking about
helps you with homework. like he actually teaches the subject to you and everything
kinda like "okay okay calm down <:D" if you're getting wound up, and you two sit outside in the sun for a bit to calm down.
he got you a sketchbook to let you scribble and vent everything out on, and sometimes you leave him little notes and he does the same
probably giggles and waves her hand in your face if you space out
she's a total perfectionist, and it helps her focus less on her own problems by helping you out, so she'll help you with homework and other things a lot!!
i think she'd carry around like. fidget toys or a sketchbook for sunny as he needs them so she probably does the same for you, or just gives you sunny's if he grows out of them!!!
puts her hands on her hips and gives a teasingly stern look if you get distracted while she's talking. she isn't upset or anything, she just wants to tease you!!
when you have picnics together, she'll just sit there with her hands on her lap while you like idfk chase a butterfly or run around or something. eventually she calls you back to eat (okay mom)
mari definitely gets a little lost in her thoughts sometimes. like she'll rub her chin like 🤔 when thinking about what to eat
is very patient with you, and is constantly there if you need any sort of reassurance or assistance. 10/10 gf
sighs and crosses her arms all pissy whenever you space out while she's talking to you
"hey! get your head out of the clouds, knuckle-head!" (affectionate)
she acts all reluctant about it but she totally thinks it's kinda cute. she'll snap her fingers and push up her glasses all nerdy like and then whack you over the head
i can see her getting distracted easily. like when someones talking she'll start like picking at a bush or chewing her fingernails while totally lost
she probably has average grades, probably tries a little less in school just to appear cool. she's super smart though. maybe a little too smart (she's a smartass)
scoffs to prevent herself from laughing when you blurt something or act silly
helps you out with homework and like. flicks ur nose whenever you get a question wrong.
"you seriously don't know your multiplication tables? jesus christ.." she says as she pinches the bridge of her nose
despite how fed-up she seems a lot of the time, she really likes you and thinks it's cute. she'd just rather die than admit that. she also loves hugs so she might just give you a quick hug and then ignore you out of embarrassment
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writing-is-hard-af · 8 days
Alright, because I'm currently working on it and I technically said forever ago that I'd started it, have a brief (somewhat unedited) excerpt of the Samjosh Portland Trip fic I'm writing (If only my heart could speak)
“Hey,” Sam picked up on the second ring, voice soft and quieter than it normally was, a tad shaky almost. Concern welled in Josh’s chest, curling around his lungs and tightening like a vice, and he felt his grip tighten around his phone. 
“Hey, how you doing? I haven’t seen you since this morning.”
Sam sighed, long and tired and defeated, and for a second Josh thought that was all the response he would get. It happened sometimes, Sam being so exhausted or worried about what he was doing that he kind of forgot how to physically communicate more than a couple words at a time. Instead, though, Sam said a phrase Josh had heard so many times from him that it sent a spark of warmth through the cold concern that’d settled deep in his chest. “Words are not working for me at the moment.”
A small grin tugged at the corners of Josh’s lips at the simple familiarity of the words, and he let himself slide down into the back of his chair, a bit of the day's tension finally draining from his bones. “It’ll be okay.  You'll bounce back like you always do, and when you do, your writing will be even better than it was before. Just like how it always is.”
Sam sighed again and Josh could almost see him, miles away, slumped into one of the many seats on Air Force One, glasses sitting slightly askew on his nose, hair ruffled from anxiety-induced fidgeting. He hated how much he missed the sight, how much he missed him, despite it having been so little time since he'd last seen him. He wondered if he'd ever stop feeling this way about them, if there'd ever be a day where he didn't miss Sam just a little bit whenever they were apart. Some part of him hoped not.
The silence stretched on from there, a sort of comfortable and soothing kind of silence that somehow managed to slow Josh's heart rate almost like laying in bed with Sam curled around him did. Their silences were like that, never awkward but always their own kind of comforting, like a warm blanket in the dead of winter. The endless buzz under Josh’s skin dulled and his fingers finally stopped their relentless tapping against his knee, his breathing slowing to match Sam’s through the phone. 
“The President’s here. I gotta go,” Sam broke the silence after a few minutes, sounding disappointed in a way, a bit nervous almost. 
“Okay.” Josh sat up straighter and then leaned his elbows against his desk. “I love you.”
He hoped stupidly that Donna couldn’t hear the words he murmured. His reputation as tough and immune to the perils of emotions had already been severely damaged for her since Rosslyn, since she’d seen the way he was with Sam in the aftermath. It was pointless, really, to hope she’d ever think of him like that again, and it was probably better she knew him like that now anyways. At least to one more person he didn’t have to put up a front anymore.
“Love you too. I’ll call when we land.”
“Okay.” Josh didn’t know what to make of how soft his voice had become, how the warmth in his chest had seemingly spread to every part of him in just the last ten minutes. “You’re a brilliant writer, Sam, don’t forget that.”
Sam let out a somewhat shuddery sigh and Josh could almost picture him forcing the stress off his face and mannerisms, steeling himself for when he had to be around Toby. “Yeah. Talk to you later, J?”
“Yeah, later.”
The line clicked and for a long moment Josh couldn’t bring himself to put his cell down. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something in him ached for Sam more than usual when he was gone. It wasn’t like they didn’t both have to go on trips apart from each other frequently—their respective jobs called for different things in different places, regardless of how interwoven they were. There was nothing that made this trip different from others, not really. Sam would be gone for just over a day, just over 24 hours, assuming everything went as planned. He’d be back by the next night, home and within reach. Just 24 hours, so why did it feel like more? Why did the distance feel like more than the 2800 miles it was?
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heniareth · 2 years
Twins AU (Round 2)
Since our original post exchange got a tad bit long, @bumblerhizal I’m starting a new one here ^^ First, a few things on the doodles: I’m still cackling XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD Especially about Amell (Pavle) going all “woe is me! 😩😩😩” over the dirt on his favorite robe while these two Alienage kids with probably multiple patches and mends on their clothes just look at each other like “can you believe this guy” XD XD XD XD XD XD XD It’s sooooooooo good and I am now imagining Pavle coming face to face with Sigrun’s particular brand of cheerful dead inside XD XD XD The official Grey Warden merch is amazing and our guys are great models. I really want that on a shirt now (and I could, now that I think of it. Ooooooh it’s tempting). I love Valendrian’s grey hair counter. The expression is on point XD XD XD The Plum of Peace should be a Feastday gift. And it’s very good to see reference for Radka, Pavle and Mr Andras (Who looks so kind!!!!!) Mousevhen is absolutely adorable. I want to give him all the pickled beets in the world
Next, onto the further building out of this AU:
You say Novhen is not able to realize that they’d work better as a team until they’re both neck-deep in the Blight. Is there a key moment when he’d realize? I wonder if they ever get to talk about the different conception they have of themselves and each other and their role with regards to one another or if it eternally stays as this sort of undercurrent until Novhen leaves to join Morrigan. I like the fact that Novhen sees himself as the lone wolf. It’s juicy and it makes a lot of sense given the backstory we’ve given them. And really, before becoming wardens, they have both been doing their own thing in pursuit of the same goal: Astala was working, and Novhen was criming. Astala would probably be between surprised, shocked and hurt if she ever found out (“What, am I not good enough to stand next to you now?”; not that she’d say it like that unless thoroughly provoked), but this is (partly) on her. IF she ever finds out she’s gonna have to chew on that. And it’s funny, bc when I got around to the Landsmeet and Denerim in my latest playthrough, both of Astala’s blades were better than Fang (yay for Starfang--also a fang!--and Topsider’s Honor). Kinda sad that I didn’t get to use Adaia’s Fang in-game. If this sticks in this AU, she’d be at a bit of a loss what to do when Novhen offers it to her, bc on one hand it was her mother’s, on the other that’s a weapon with a whole lot of emotional baggage and expectations attached, and on the third Novhen is giving it to her and what will he think if she says no? Will it be further rejection of Adaia and the cult and everything that tied into it?
She might just give the dagger to Novhen after the battle of Denerim as a side weapon. Everybody needs a dagger, and she’s already made good use of it. Funny how these two have feelings of inferiority with regards to each other, huh? Astala about not being rogue-y enough, Novhen about not being a dual wielder. Welcome to being siblings
And now I’m imagining Novhen at the docks, looking out over the ocean where they’ve taken half of the Alienage. Oh he’s gonna blame himself again T_T T_T
Let me jump to Broken Circle real quick, since we’re already talking about Astala and Novhen’s relationship with regards to Adaia. First of all, MOUSEVHEN!! HECK YEAH!! But also it might be Astala as well who’d ask him to stay in elf form for a bit so she isn’t alone with their ma. I think the reunion would on one hand be tough on Astala (depending on if she got the chance to apologize to Adaia after her outburst or if she held on to the grudge too long and then boom! Adaia’s dead), but on the other hand also awkward. By this point Astala’s had time to drift further from the cult and Adaia’s teachings. Seeing Adaia again would confront her with exactly how much she’s distanced herself. This and the fact that she’s left Novhen all alone to carry Adaia’s legacy. She may not believe in the cult or Fen’Harel, but she recognizes the need to keep traditions alive, and it’s not fair to expect Novhen to do all the work because she was angry. That said, she still does carry a grudge. Idk how or if she’d reconcile that, but she might come to the conclusion that she owes Novhen an apology. And, as far as I understand, meeting Adaia again is primarily going to bring a reassurance and some healing for Novhen, right?
Does Adaia have a temper? I somehow imagine her as having one, although she’d have a firm grasp on it
And Astala will definitely take Novhen up on doing target practice! They’re both bad at it now, so it’s fine XD XD Ilanlas and Nathaniel will be explicitly banned when these two are practicing
Oh, and Ilanlas will definitely say something insensitive about the city elves at some poin, count on it. Astala’s got a big shirt permanently within reach. How she’ll catch two very dextrous rogues is another question (maybe she waits until they’re busy arguing and thus distracted). Or she’ll tell Ilanlas he’s being an ass, Ilanlas will first put on airs and then mumble an apology through his teeth. Novhen seems like the type to hold grudges, right? Depending on the grudge, probably, but there’s already the thing with Nelaros’ ring. Things aren’t looking too good for Novhen’s opinion of Ilanlas. In that case, Ilanlas will have to content himself with them simply being companions. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s alienated potential friends because he was being an ass. He does warm up to Astala tho ^^ Ilanlas and Novhen might then be “that guy I’m only associated with bc I’m friends/siblings with this one very social person” to one another XD XD XD
I love the idea of Novhen telling the story of the Dread Wolf slow arrow around the campfire! Ilanlas would be all ears. Stories about Dalish gods from an Alienage are not something he comes across every day. He would, however, definitely go “the moral of the story OBVIOUSLY is that you shouldn’t trust the Dread Wolf”. And yeah, it’s not so much that Ilanlas invokes Fen’Harel for help, but rather that he expects the Dread Wolf to twist the words of a Dalish elf’s prayer to another god, because That’s What Trickster Gods Do.
Ilanlas will share his arrowmaking techniques, and he’ll definitely show him some heavy arrowheads the clan uses against fully armored templars. I feel like Novhen would be interested in that. As for pointers on stealthing in a city, first he has to not get overwhelmed by the noise. Then he has to hide his vallaslin XD XD Tramaking would be good bc Ilanlas knows traps for small game, but not for humanoid creatures. Tips will be welcome. As for quiet time during arrow repair, Ilanlas would love that. He needs his quiet time to wind down. If Novhen’s the one to walk over to him, or Creators forbid, invites him, Ilanlas might be a bit surprised that Novhen would want his company. If it’s been a good day, he’d count it as a win, if it’s been a bad day, he’d keep turning it round and round his head why Novhen would seek him out. I do have to note that Ilanlas sometimes starts humming to himself or singing really really quietly while he works. I hope Novhen isn’t bothered by that
Perinella is going to drag Kieran around with her if he’ll let her XD XD XD At some point they’ll sneak out and raise mayhem in the market (without outing themselves as mages, obviously. They’re smart kids 😌😌😌). Also, if Morrigan teaches her to shapeshift, her favorite form WILL be something with really pretty colors. She’s got Astala’s taste for fine dresses ^^
That Soris is already married to a human woman might work in Novhen’s favor, then. Let’s hope it does. Let’s cross our fingers real hard. Realistically, Cyrion probably won’t know too much about Soris and his family, right? Sounds like he broke off contact when he moved. Maybe Astala and Novhen should visit. Try to see how he’s doing. Try to reestablish contact
The question about the bann is a tough one because a) I don’t want Shianni to die but b) Novhen and Astala don’t know that Shianni will die if they make her bann. Astala agrees that Shianni is still young, but give her a few years and she’ll make a terrific bann. But also, Astala’s kind of wary of placing responsability like that on Shianni’s shoulders. Look what responsability is doing to her! I think keeping it tied to the position of hahren is a smart choice, even after it turns out Valendrian has disappeared. After all, the hahren already had most of the duties a bann would have. Maybe the title of hahren as a title could be preserved and given more of an alienage-internal role (Maker and Dread Wolf know there are enough problems, disputes, and people who need help inside the Alienage to give work to several hahrens at the same time). In that case tho, I think Shianni would make a better bann than a hahren
Also, good! I like that Kieran gets to have a bit of point to his ears XD XD XD Agreed, I don’t care for the “all half-elves look exactly like humans” either. That’s not how genetics work and having half-elves looking like hal-elves, elves and/or humans makes things much more interesting
We’re then having Khêd, Sulri, Ilanlas and Wynne arrive late at the tower, earliest when Astala’s already on top of the archdemon’s head ready to slice down. Maybe Zevran could be with them as well (although three rogues for one group that’s going into the market with all those ogres seems a bit much), and thus be greeted by a truly horrifying sight 😈 Or he’s already there. Kudos for Pavle for not wanting to cross Irving’s path, he’s a smart man and will get far
Also yes on the horror stories of jobs on ships turning out to be traps leading to enslavement. It makes a ton of sense and feeds right into that spirit of “stay with your own, don’t make trouble, and you might make it to the age of 70″.
Regarding Ostagar: yeah, I figured the newbies wouldn’t be allowed to the big ol’ warmeeting. Totally unfair. I’m currently laughing at the image of Novhen’s eyes flashing over to the group and the four of them going “oh shit oh shit” internally XD XD XD Good on him for not snitching!! Everybody appreciates that. Khêd probably especially so
Sulri might indeed run with Novhen to the tower. She prefers to keep away from darkspawn (not that Khêd does so any less, but Khêd’s also a softie) and I’m considering having her develope feelings for Alistair, so she might want to check in on him. Khêd and Ilanlas would attract a few looks at the very least if they made it to Ostagar. A dwarf and a Dalish elf make for a weird pair. Fortunately, as far as I know Khêd so this may be subject to change, Khêd grumbles only when he’s comfortable. When he’s not, he’s got a cheerful thing going on that‘s not always entirely convincing, but will definitely offset Ilanlas’ snark (“Nothing personal, salroka :)” before he attacked Oskias). They could find Pavle and their small group would get even weirder! A dwarf with missing teeth and a fake cheerful smile, a Dalish elf with the most obvious vallaslin you could imagine, and a guy who’s very very clearly a Circle mage in a town full of templars. What could go wrong?
I also do agree that Lothering is the more easy place for a reunion. Especially with Astala’s head for navigating forests U_U
Khêd would probably keep a close eye on Radka until the fight with Jarvia. Then she’s okay in his books. He’ll definitely want to know how Leske got to be Jarvia’s right-hand man and what happened to her though. He understands the Carta being done with someone. They wouldn’t have rescued him during his origin either. Her pledging himself to Khêd would definitely make him raise his eyebrows. “You mean I’ve got some authority in this dump now?” *gestures at the Carta hideout* Once Radka gets to the surface and turns into her jester self, Khêd will probably definitely think the shock of the surface (and the sun!!) is being too much for her. Astala will probably be delighted though ^^
It’s a shame Novhen doesn’t get to dance during the ball at the Winter Palace, but yeah, a public dance together would be far too dangerous. Later in Morrigan’s quarters seems a good compromise ^^
Many of Astala’s recipe modifications will probably center around making the pastry more hefty (“It’s gotta feed you, not just taste good, y’know?”) and also putting in fun new ingredients (“Have you ever tried this chocolate thing? It’s amazing, have a piece”)
Astala’s definitely going to appreciate Novhen having her back during the infiltration of the arl of Denerim’s estate. I think she kinda knows as soon as they get to the room where Nola died that she could’ve maybe chosen a different, better moment to confront the past than the extraction of the imprisoned queen of Ferelden. But, here she is. Novhen’s support is gonna be a huge thing for her just to remind her where she is and what she’s doing and help her focus. And he also gives her the safety in knowing that, should she be out of comission at any point, there’s somebody competent she trusts wholeheartedly to take over. The two big bad spots for her are where Nola died (right at the beginning of the route) and where Nelaros died (at the entrance of the estate). The second one isn’t good bc they’re gonna be in the middle of the estate. Apart from that, I think she’ll manage just fine except for sounding a little off. She processes things slowly, which comes in handy here. No sudden shutdowns or anything like that 🙌
Also, I like the idea of ser Cauthrien having them surrounded. Otherwise people might be tempted to try and fight their way through. Between being surrounded and the need to keep the diplomatic route open, I think it’s quite plausible for the team to surrender the wardens. And ser Cauthrien does let the other companions go as promised, which speaks to her character. But damn that guard. It does sound like Novhen to try and sneak away as soon as he thinks he can get away with it. If Novhen’s getting concussed, you’ll have Astala struggling against whoever’s holding her back and trying to get between Novhen and those guards. And telling ser Cauthrien off for allowing that. That’s how Loghain treats his prisoners?? What the hell??
And oooooh, so mechanically speaking they reduce Novhen to 0 hitpoints? Damn, that’s rough O.O Especially if at that point he already has that one rogue talent that lets you play dead available and tries to play dead, but the guards don’t let themselves be deterred by that (although idk if you like that idea. Might be a bit much gratuitious violence?) As far as cleaning Fort Drakon goes, it’s very tempting. But there is still a need to keep the diplomacy route open. Right now, the Blight has priority, and they will need all the men they can have. That includes the blighted bastards at the fort.
But it really is tempting to have a shem massacre 2.0
Also, back to Anroa and the negotiations: Astala would want to be there after UITA at the very latest. She’s torn on whether or not she believes that Anora knew nothing about the slavers’ presence (and will probably consult Novhen on his opinion on the matter). I think she’ll let Novhen lead that conversation, with the occasional follow-up question or voicing of her opinion. He seems sure as to what to do, and he tends to do these things very, very well. She’s going to take the opportunity to observe Anora and try to figure out how she works. I could imagine Anora being a bit unnerved at these two city elves in whose hands her position of power (and maybe also her life?) lies; and that straight after her father sold half the Alienage into slavery!
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sl-newsie · 11 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 2- Ch. 12: Trust
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Thankfully,  there are very few girls in the hall since they’re all busy getting ready for cotillion. The only one I allow to see me is Lonnie, who is looking very pleased with herself.
“Jay made me the fencing team captain!” Lonnie squeals.
My heartbreak from Carlos fades a tad and I offer my congratulations. “That’s wonderful, Lonnie! I wish you the best of luck.”
She smirks. “Thanks. I get to mess with Chad! Are you coming to cotillion?”
“Yes, for a small time. I’m going to keep my cloak on so people won’t see me. I’m not here for socializing, only to bring support for Mal and Ben.”
“Sounds like a plan! See you tonight!”
Before I go to get ready, I decide to pass by Carlos’ room to see how things went with Jane-
“Audrey! Audrey!”
Only to find Chad sprawled on the floor clutching his phone. After I pull on my cloak, I feel Carlos come up behind me and see him give me a blank stare. I just tilt my head and point to Chad.
“Again? This is my room, Chad!”
“Shh! Audrey? Yeah. That’s great!” He turns to us. “Audrey got a flat tire in Sherwood Forest and wants me to go fix it!” He unwillingly gives Carlos his printed crown before zooming off down the hallway.
I give an unsatisfied grunt. “Visit the Dark Woods, while you’re at it.”
“What’s that?” Carlos whispers.
“Cursed evil part of the forest. He won’t be back for a week,” I whisper back. When we’re alone, I slip off my cloak and dare to ask. “How’d things go with Jane?”
Carlos’ eyes light up. “Fantastic! She said yes! Jane said she’d love to be my girlfriend! And hang out after the dance and-” He stops, probably sensing this is not the best subject to be speaking of in great detail. “I’m sorry. This is probably awkward, isn’t it?”
He’s right. Every time he talks so highly of Jane and how excited he is to have her as- his girlfriend, I feel my heart being squeezed with every sentence. I should support my friend and not be so jealous, but why is this so hard?! 
I shake my head, trying to convince both Carlos and myself. “No, no… It’s alright. I’m happy that you’ve found a nice girl like Jane. She’s very kind, and I’m sure you’ll both have a good time tonight. I’ve gotta go find Evie now, but I’ll see you later.”
I flip my cloak back on and stride out the door, before Carlos can respond and my heart snaps in two. Conceal it… I’m here for Mal and Ben. I cannot show any fragile emotion.
When I get to Evie’s room I find both her and Doug, who greets me with a high-five.
“Ready for your big surprise dress? Evie’s been ranting about it all week.”
I smile and shake my head. “You guys, I don’t need a dress.”
But Evie just waves me off and rushes over to her closet. “Nonsense! I expect everyone to look their best! Now close your eyes!”
I comply, and when I hear her say to open my eyes I still argue. “I still don’t see why- Oh my, oh Evie…”
She holds up an elegant Victorian-style dress sewn with a beautiful violet fabric with black patterns. One might say it’s a gown worthy of royalty and not meant for a witch.
“And I added a hood for you to wear, since you’re so keen on keeping a low profile. Though by wearing this I don’t think it’ll help keep eyes off you.”
I reach out to touch the gorgeous fabric. “Evie, it’s magnificent. You’re so talented… But this seems like it should be for someone a more high-ranking royal of the court. Not an outcast witch.”
“No, Magica.” Doug walks up and puts a hand on my shoulder. “You need to wear this, so you can show everyone just how wrong they are about you. That you’re not an evil witch.”
“I want you to walk into that party with your head held high and no regrets,” Evie says proudly. 
I start to feel excited, even overjoyed! But then…
I sigh. “Yes, I can show them. But Carlos will still be there, a reminder of my pain.”
Evie looks confused. “What do you mean? Did he hurt you?”
In a way, yes.
“He is my true love, and he has given his heart to someone else. I know partially it’s my fault for being so isolated, but I do still love him. And- And-” I start to tear up, but push through it. “And even if I can never find a happy ending, he deserves every amount of happiness. And if Jane can give that to him and I can’t, then fate has spoken.”
My words send Evie into a spiraling rambling about how ‘I should have told him’ and ‘this isn’t right,’ and it just makes it worse. I no longer wish to burden Evie with my problems, so I quickly thank her again for the dress and go to change in her bathroom. At first I think it’s too much, but after doing a twirl the dress makes me feel powerful. Not too flamboyant, yet still something to be proud of.
When I step back out, Evie’s jaw drops. “Magica, you look stunning! People are going to love you!”
I huff. “Not before they form a mob. I’m only here for Mal and Ben, and then I will go back to the Enchanted Forest. If I do not have the courage to tell Carlos, please let him know that deep down a part of me truly is happy for him, and that I will not bother him.”
He doesn’t deserve to keep having me fawning over him.
“But Magica, if you still love him maybe he-”
“No. He’s already moved on. And if you ever mention this, I will spell your mouth shut,” I warn. I hate to do this, but I’ve had enough of having my emotions manipulated and gossiped.
After leaving Evie’s room, I decide to chat with Ben before heading off to the cotillion. When I get to his room I see he’s wearing a spiffy blue tux, almost like every other guy I’ve seen so far.
“Why do the girls get to wear different dresses, but all the guys have to look the same?”
He sees me come in and shrugs. “It’s always been like that. So… You’re still coming? I see Evie’s been busy.”
I smile and give him a twirl to show off the elegant dress. “Yes, I am most grateful. I just wish I could be present at this event under different circumstances.”
Ben nods. “Trust me, Sparks. I’ll do what I can to clear your name. If that’s what you want?”
I nod eagerly. “Yes, please! I wanted to be isolated, but… never this much. I’m so tired of having to hide.” Now I change the subject. “You’re still going to work on bringing over more VKs, right?”
“Yeah. After what Uma showed me, I now see that the Isle’s much worse than I thought. If only she weren’t so evil, she wouldn’t feel she needed to steal the wand in order to escape. I tried to talk her out of it,” Ben tries to explain as he fixes his tie. “I said she could come with us if she let me go.”
His words send specks of betrayal leaking into my brain. “Ben… Do you know how shallow and insensitive that sounds? You’re using the chance of leaving Isle as a bargaining chip! It’s as if- as if… you’re just like Uma.”
My words have the equivalent of venom and leave Ben shocked.
“Magica, how- Why would you even think that?”
“Because you’re manipulating her, Ben! Just like everyone who hates me and the other VKs, every student or politician of the court, you’re manipulating people with promises you might not be able to keep. And for what? To prove that you’re a good king?”
“I will keep my promise!” Ben argues. “Why don’t you trust me?”
I sigh and bring a hand to my head, starting to feel overwhelmed. “I do trust you, Ben. But if you keep trying to appeal to people through bribes of gratification then that is something I do not agree with. Trust is done through actions, not promises. And I intend to keep mine.” I turn and start for the door. “I will be at cotillion tonight for you and Mal, no one else. Afterwards I will return to the Enchanted Forest, and you will be hearing from me about sending over more VKs. Do not let me down, Brother Ben.”
When I shut the door I lean against it and hold back the urge to scream. First Carlos, now this? My instincts to trust keep being tested, and I’m starting to question trusting anyone at all. It feels like my emotions have been dilated, each one tipping the scale and threatening to spill over. Anger, jealousy, selfishness, hostility… Each poisoning my true intentions of being good.
“Goodness gracious, is that Magica?” A voice calls from behind and all of a sudden I’m pulled into a tight hug. “It’s good to see you again, sugar!”
“Hi, Tiffany- can- can I breathe?” I gasp.
“Oh, right!” She lets me go and giggles. “I see you’re all gussied up for the dance tonight!”
“Yeah, I just hope for a halfway-decent welcome. I love your dress.”
It’s a mint green, one that (of course) was also designed by Evie. 
“Thank you, sugar! Oh- do you think you could do me a small favor and help me carry the lemon tarts to the ship? Mal had me do the catering.”
“Of course, Tiffany.” I allow a kind smile and start to follow her to the kitchen. At least one person in Auradon still holds friendship towards me.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Here's some spoilers and discussion about my initial thoughts on Kingdom Hearts 2 below.
Nearing the end of my KH2 journey... I'd say this has probably been my favorite game so far, out of KH1, CoM, and now this. Overall, I'd say I like the composition of the story of CoM a tad more, but goddamn if the intro and outro haven't gone especially hard on KH2 (also has just generally been littered with several moments that have made the characters very endearing). And the gameplay... woo, actually is super fun. I love the love put into the reaction commands, and every fight is like a movie.
I got past the Roxas fight after like... 40+ tries, and was regretting immensely I decided to play in Proud mode. Never got frustrated at my boy, though- was just filled with respect, and it's seriously the best fight in the franchise thus far for me for giving well designed attacks that I felt were effectively telegraphed. I'm not quite sure how/why Roxas led Sora into what I assume was an internal battle, since he already seemed reabsorbed within Sora's being, but I can only assume Axel's sacrifice (since that happened right before this fight) must've reawoken him, in a way ("Tell me why 'he' chose you!") Poor Roxas has been having his life stolen. The Nobody dehumanization is such shit, dude. Roxas banging on Sora's braced keyblade over and over with that level of ferocity is fueled by such obvious rage that it's undeniable. God, he's living in my head unapologetically.
Meanwhile Xigbar was also... a fight. Less filled with respect, more frustrated about that one, lol. (I thought the sniper mechanics were pretty sick, though. Felt like I was doing Orbonne Monastary in FFXIV again). Can't help but assume several of these Organization members may maintain relevance in future installments in some way, since several seemed to have implied information/backstory that remained unrevealed prior to their disappearance (looking at you, Xigbar [casually referencing that there's been other Keyblade wielders before dying with zero explanation] and Saïx). The next game, 358/2 Days, looks like it's dealing with the Organization in what I assume is a prequel, so maybe backstory will be there?
Kairi and Riku have made my heart warm, and the whole trio's love for each other is honestly so sweet. I keep thinking about their reunion scenes and it's just... aaa, I feel crazy about it. When Kairi lowered Riku's hood and saw the face of Xehanort's Heartless and Riku looked so ashamed (then it cut away?? how dare), when Riku shielded Kairi with his body from Saïx's attack, when Kairi hugged Sora and said "this is real" because 😭 girl your abandonment issues and unachievable desire for constancy are making me feel things, and she's been struggling with the phantom sensation of forgetting someone she cared about for an entire y e a r, so having that confirmation... man. *Staring out to the ocean*
Felt so bad for her that Sora was so awkward about the hug she deeply needed, and didn't even realize the absence of the music until Sora reunited with Riku. 😂 And... oh my god, haha, that part got me. Not surprised that the Sixth Sense kid can pack a gut punch, ofc, he's got a long history of films making me weep, but like... "I looked for you! I looked everywhere for you!" While Sora was crying on his k n e e s and grasping Riku's hand like a lifeline was such amazing emotional payoff. Like, I've been joking with friends about Sora's unwavering "Riku, Riku, Riku" throughout the entire game, but damn if that didn't do a good job of making me invested via Sora, goddamn. I'm so happy my kid gets to see his silver haired punk again. And wowie, they're such a power duo? Their limit break "Eternal Session" is legitimately one of my favorite limit breaks alongside Vincent Valentine's "Satan Slam," from FF7 now. The synchrony of the dance where they pass off the weapons to each other, smooth as butter? Them going "back to back" between the different phases of their LB? (Which is adding to my evaluation of the poems from CoM I've had in the back of my head the entire damn game, by the way...) The clash of their keyblades, and the duality red-blue color scheme? Be still, my artistic heart, they're too much. For this, and the honestly impressive expression and facial rigging for what is a PS2 game, I want to give the animators a smooch.
All I want now is to know where tf Riku pulled Kairi's Keyblade from, and how she's apparently a chosen wielder too. Like, okay??? But where? How?
Oh, also would like Riku to see someone about his hand, that doesn't look too comfortable. My guy can be a badass all he wants, but if he doesn't drink his milk, put an actual cast around his wrist, and bit of work leave off from world-saving shenanigans, he's gonna be a certified hero with post-traumatic arthritis 10~ years down his little road to dawn. Apparently working for Ansem the Wise doesn't provide great health coverage.
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estelofrivendell · 1 year
Hi! Here's my description for the matchup trade, thank you so much again for doing this!
I’m Tori, a 20 year old autistic girl (pronouns she/her) who would prefer a ship with a man. Also, I tend to prefer the humans in middle earth (so like Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir and Eomer) so if you could kindly ship me with one of them specifically I’d be very grateful.
I’m really short, only like 4’ 10” (142 cm) with wild, long and wavy auburn hair and really light blue eyes. I’m slender but very toned, and I also wear glasses. I'm pretty neutral about both my appearance and myself in general and I don't think I genuinely hate anything about myself. I'm generally neutral about most things actually, it takes a lot to make me mad and even then I'm good at controlling my emotions. I have chronic joint pain all over, scoliosis and some other illnesses but I stay very active regardless. I’m really polite and try my hardest to be nice to everyone, but if you cross me or give me a bad vibe I can be a little cold and aloof. I’m a tad awkward, but I’ve been told I can be charming and I’m really good at making others laugh with witty comments. I tell amazing stories because I've had a lot of experience with different things during my life. I’m very generous and don’t mind helping others or doing nice things for them. I’m also extremely energetic and always have to be doing something, to the point where I’m honestly not sure I really know how to rest. My friends say I give really good advice and am very wise, and also that I have warm, inviting energy. I could lowkey befriend anyone if I really tried. Though I'm also very sensitive and don't enjoy being teased too much, so I don't tease others either. I also hate seeing people, or really anything, upset.
Where I really shine is with my large number of hobbies and interests. Because I always like to keep busy, I have a lot of different activities and side gigs to keep me occupied. In Middle Earth, I’d probably be some sort of ranger who picks up a bunch of odd jobs here and there. I currently work as a librarian but my other hobbies include:
🦉 Falconry & befriending crows
🦉 Caring for horses (I've always been a horse girl lol)
🦉 Cheesemaking, Cooking and Baking
🦉 Gardening and Plant Identification
🦉 Writing, Journaling and Drawing
🦉 Sewing
And a couple other things. I’m generally a very skilled, knowledgeable person and I’m very proud of it. I love being outside and can’t stand being cooped up indoors for too long. However, I do enjoy having somewhere nice to return to when I get tired from being outside all day.
Alright, I think that’s about it! Thank you so so much, take care of yourself and drink lots of water!
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I ship you with Faramir!
If anyone is going to be understanding of a chronically ill S/O, then it is Faramir. He's very patient and overall a wonderful human being. You still trying your hardest to remain as active as possible despite the difficulties makes him appreciate you more since that is certainly not an easy task. He finds your auburn hair very fascinating since it's a rare colour regardless of country and how wild it is. Gondorians are taller than average so he finds your short stature intriguing because the shorter end of their people are most likely taller than you. What he loves about you the most is not your appearance but your gentle heart; he loves how generous you are and that is the trait he values the most. He believes selfishness and lack of patience will not get anyone anywhere and seeing you helping others even if they did not ask for any help is when he discovered your good heart. He is as wise and knowledgable as you are and also gives good advice that it is no surprise to anyone to learn you two tend to go to each other first for counsel instead of anyone else.
He's more reserved than awkward nor does sound to be a very humourous person so your relationship would bring jokes, wit and laughs that Faramir never knew he needed and Boromir makes a comment how his brother is starting to gain a good sense of humour. Your approachability and unwillingness to tease others also puts him at ease as he is the kind to avoid anyone that proves to be completely unapproachable, and has had a lot of experience with others berating him. He asks a lot about your hobbies and skills (especially befriending crows) not because he knows nothing about them but because he wanted to see and hear about it from your perspective. He shares all the hobbies you listed (except for falconry, befriending crows and caring for horses) and he would ask for permission to read your stories and even help you with it. I think he's into poetry and would share his own with you, and maybe some of them are even about you ;) I also can see him helping you with cooking and baking especially for a really big meal, and is genuinely interested in learning about gardening and identifying plants. All in all, he only seeks a simple life away from war and destruction and he believes he can have that with you since what you do reminds him of the good things life has to offer.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙺𝚒𝚢𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗)
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"Have you been getting enough sleep?" Kiyoshi asks him on his third yawn for the day.
"Huh? Uh, kinda. I stayed up later yesterday to go over Noa-san's data," Haruto answers mostly truthfully. Going to sleep at 3 am instead of 1 am doesn't sound good either way.
"Its important to do your job well, but don't forget to take care of yourself too," Kiyoshi says like a responsible adult.
Haruto nods in agreement, because what else can he do? "Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."
"By the way, what was going on with Watanabe-san last night? She's never been blackout drunk before," Kiyoshi frowns worriedly.
"She had a whole bottle of wine," Haruto disclosed nonchalantly.
"How'd she get her hands on something like that?!"
"Its a secret," Haruto answers just as nonchalantly.
Judging by Kiyoshi's baffled expression, he might have an idea as to what happened. Oops.
"Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's get started on your interrogation," Haruto grins, locking his hands together over his crossed legs.
"Eh? Fine." Kiyoshi definitely has more questions, but he's always been one of the more cooperative prisoners.
"The man you killed. Can you tell me more about him?"
Kiyoshi's expression darkens slightly, just slightly, at the mention of the man. "Ah. He was a drug dealer who targeted on people with financial and emotional issues. A despicable crook, truly."
"And he attacked you during his interrogation?"
"Yes. I had just been asking him the usual questions when he started smiling strangely. He lunged at me and well," Kiyoshi shrugs, "I did what I had to do to subdue him."
"Did you mean to kill him?"
Kiyoshi pauses for a split second. "No, it was an accident. I punched him to get him off me and his head hit the side of the table."
"Do you think he deserved to die?"
Kiyoshi frowns, likely confused by such a serious question. "...I think there was a chance he could have seen the error in his ways. I think he deserved to live."
Do you deserve to live since you killed him? Haruto refrains from asking the question out loud. "Alright. Now tell me about your family." Its about time to change the topic.
"I've told you before. Its just me and my parents."
"What are they like?"
"Ah... My father is a handyman. He helps around our neighborhood a lot. There's always something for him to fix. Its a tad concerning."
"What's concerning?"
"Our neighborhood breaking something everyday."
"Haha, yeah. What about your mom?"
"She used to work in finance. She's retired now, and spends most of her time watching TV and eating out (gossiping) with her friends as far as I know," Kiyoshi chuckles.
"Is she active in your neighborhood community as well?"
"Well, yes. How'd you know?" Kiyoshi blinks in surprise.
"Seems like being helpful runs in the family."
Kiyoshi chuckles again. "Haha, its not genetic of course. My parents made sure to teach me the importance of community and being helpful when I was young, that's all."
"That's nice," Haruto tilts his head.
"Yes. They're very good parents. I wouldn't trade them for the world." A wistful smile settles upon Kiyoshi's face.
Haruto doesn't think he can handle two pensive prisoners basically back to back, so he whips out his final question. "If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do?"
"What can I do?" Kiyoshi shrugs. "Hypothetically, its going to end no matter what I do. I can't stop it."
"I'm not asking you to stop it. I'm asking you what you would do knowing the world's end is only one day away." How interesting. Kiyoshi is the only prisoner to interpret the question this way.
"Ohhh. I see," Kiyoshi nods with an apologetic chuckle. "Then, I think I'd arrange for a big party. BBQ sounds good."
"Its as if you're celebrating the end of the world," Haruto laughs.
"No, No. I'd want to spend time with the people I care about while eating heartily, you know?" Kiyoshi clarifies with an awkward cough. "Might as well spend the last of my time being happy."
"Yeah, that makes sense," Haruto nods.
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televinita · 1 year
Abbott Elementary Finale
I feel like I should have more thoughts than I do? I have a lot of words. But they’re circular and repetitive, so forgive me, my tv analysis skills are rusty AF and I probably shouldn’t post this but I want A Record of it so I am.
my reaction to them not moving forward is... I’m tired. I think I’m honestly still too sore about the stupid waste of a first kiss on top of the ridiculously unnecessary Bad Relationships that ate up so much of season 2 -- you can be unspoken committed future life partners who are just coincidentally single at the same time, it’s okay, you don’t need A Reason to not be dating yet, literally hundreds of fictional law enforcement members and similar work colleagues have set this precedent already! --  to actually...care about this?
Like, fine, whatever. Follow the tired end-of-season-2 speed bump expectation for a broadcast sitcom if you must; I thought you were going to do something new but I guess it probably wouldn’t have been satisfying to miss out on the beginning of their relationship over the summer anyway. I’m not even gonna be mad about her ~selfish era~ because frankly it is beneath me, too silly to notice. I hear what some people are saying about her needing time to be single, but I also think that is what all of season 2 should already have been. Girl didn’t need experience having a rebound relationship; a woman can be a serial monogamist and still know herself, especially if she has several months to experience being single in between.
(I remain clueless and perhaps a tad bitter about her accepting a date with whatshsname in the first place, let alone a second. what is there. neither brains nor even a particularly attractive, as opposed to fine/average/neutral, visage.)
But my actual reaction is more like...okay, whatever. You do you, I don’t have the necessary emotional investment to be reactive about this. (which, frankly, is kind of a relief given my fandom history of OTP hysteria. but also kind of sad in “am I grown up?” way.) (no. it’s the insufficiently impactful writing that is wrong)
The real problem is that now I don’t really...see how they come back from this? Like short of life endangerment, which feels unlikely, I don’t see what would propel her into being ready to date him in the future (clearly seeing him with other women isn’t enough!), and I really can’t imagine him hanging onto Jim-level pining at this point (he’s not even good at it now; a woman says hi and he’s like “I am now honor bound to date you until you get tired of it”). I feel like once you get over outright rejection and recalibrate your feelings into firmly Just Friends zone, it’s kind of hard to shift back.
All of this is projection for the fact that I might have lost my shipper designs on them as a result, a bummer because I was really enjoying the tantalizing slow burn (even my brain wouldn’t jump ahead to imagining them kissing, it was very “shhh not yet, we’ll get there, enjoy the awkward blushy stage and the Secret Longing Looks a while longer”), and now there is just such a hard reset that I feel like a light physically turned off.
End result I am zero percent sad about it being over the year, despite this having previously been the highlight of my week, and will happily forget it exists until September.
P.S. I still can’t believe they came up with SLEEPOVER SETTING!!, the dream of the workplace mockumentary show that normally would have zero percent chance to show our OTP lying down next to each other, and just squandered it. I said I wasn’t mad and I’m mostly not, but this specific concept does in fact grind my gears a little.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years
(CONTINUED) So I worry about someone thinking I’m writing a disguised ship fic especially as I write really close relationships/dramatic Shounen Anime moments, but I feel like it should be PRETTY DARN OBVIOUS that shipping is not my intent because some Very Specific Language goes into that. I may have accidentally tripped and made their relationship Lowkey Deep Because Of Connections and Parallels And Encouraging Self-Growth And Making Your Own Future And Seeing A Bit Of Myself In You, with a Sprinkle of Oops I Accidentally Cursed Myself Because I Tried To Bring You Back To Life In The Last Timeline Breaking The Sacred Relationship With Legendaries That Gave You Their Trust And Now Arceus Is Making Me Watch Over His Chosen One Because None of The Protagonists Were Born In This World So We Need To Do Their Jobs, after Red and Kris, Steven was kind of the last straw. It's a bit fantasy and magical and weird, and I acknowledge that's often attributed to certain romance tropes, but it can be totally normal too. I'm mostly seeing how much emotional complexity I can disguise using fantasy tropes and if that's readable as relatable if you squint or not. Hence, it could get a tad bit personal at times. That's the real thing I'm disguising and telling myself "look, don't go trying to project this thing too, you instinctively try to downplay and disguise it too much to fit the world/hide it's connection to you / so people might think you're making light of it / it'll just ruin the story, it doesn't fit your established lore and it's too awkward to shift things around / it'll get too bloated / you don't have the time to address it properly / stick with classic Pokemon-elements / keep it simple") So now it really is a squinting game and I won't be writing this in the author's notes in case people try to read too much into how it relates to me...you won't be able to tell with all my disguising and changes and Specifically trying to fit it into a canonically existing story element from the games + it writes itself sometimes, as there's the genuine element of just doing what writers do to puzzle out a story to "read like a story" without projections, more entertainment value and classic writing advice.
If anyone thinks you're writing a disguised ship fic (ESPECIALLY if it is NOT tagged as a ship fic (read: tagged appropriately and marked as Gen), and you have said yourself that it is an emotionally intimate PLATONIC relationship), then that's on them. And that ties into the next bit - You can't control what other people perceive and think of your work. You can write what you think can be the most easily understood allegory, or something, and there will still be people who will interpret it an entirely different way than you intended. The COOLEST thing about art (in all forms), is just how subjective it is to the viewer/reader/listener. Where one person may read your work and say "wow talk about self projection. This is out of character (You said it yourself - there is very little canon personality to the player characters in Pokemon games. What is accepted as "fanon" is STILL a headcanon.) There is way too much going on in this plot. I came here for Pokemon battles, not emotional growth." I guarantee there will be another person saying, "Wow I have also felt this way before. The themes in this fic run so deep. It is so much more than a fantasy fic and the character development is so important to me. This fic stirs up emotions within me and makes me question how I see these characters now." Yes, there is something to be said about ensuring the coherency of a fic, making sure that the plot makes sense and there's a beginning and end and climax (or two or three lol), etc. But, at the end of the day - you put out what you think is your best work, something that comes from the heart and that you are proud of, and someone will love it and appreciate it. A fic does not have to be perfect (by critic's guidelines) for it to be incredible to a number of people. (To be continued...)
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thewitcheress2389 · 2 years
First off i love your Shy healer at Kear Morhen fics!
And i really like your writing so i was wounder if i can request; Sleepy Sex With dom!Geralt and fem!reader?
I dont have anything to add maybe reader ended up in geralts room cause of a nightmare, or just the night being cold and it gets real heated when he starts flerting with her to make her blush. ;)
May i request a praise kink, size kink, body worship?
If your uncomfortable with the kinks you dont have to do them and you can add some, those are just some off the top of my head
Thank you so much! I'm not the most comfortable at writing things like this, it’s not my style, but I can still try my best at it💖💖 Sorry if it sucks, spice is not easy for me to do, but I hope you like this regardless! Sorry if it’s not what you asked for
*Hints of Sexual Content”
In the Mountains of Kaer Morhen
Things get a tad heated when you venture into Geralt’s room, and it’s all because Lambert forget to give you a stupid blanket.
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Lambert isn’t the brightest man on the planet, but you’d think he’d be thoughtful enough to give a lady a blanket when she’s cold.
Oh wait. This is Lambert here.
It’s not that he isn’t thoughtful. It’s that he’s just an asshole. So, while you were freezing your ass off in your room, an idea came to your head. One that may not be so lady like, but it was better than hypothermia. 
You decided to trek over to Geralt’s room.
You and the witcher have been intimate, so you weren’t worried about him finding this awkward. You were more worried about someone like Ciri or Vesemir finding out. Or even worse, Lambert or Coen. 
His room would be what you expected out of a witcher. A bit of a mess due to it being the winter, but also rather tidy due to him hardly ever being in here except to sleep. Looking out at the moonlit sky, you saw snow. No wonder it was so cold.
“What are you doing at this hour, Y/N?” Geralt’s voice nearly gave you a heart attack as you weren’t expecting him to be awake.
“How did you know I was here?” You asked in a whisper.
“This may surprise you, but I’m a witcher. We tend to have highly developed senses.” Geralt said before sitting up in his bed, the glow of his eyes piercing through the darkness of the room.
You could’ve slapped yourself for your foolishness, but instead felt your entire face heat up.
He was shirtless.
“Did you hear me at all?” Geralt’s deep voice broke through your trance, and you met his eyes to see him smirking at you. He obviously caught your staring. You simply shook your head, and he chuckled. That deep chuckle of his that caused you to feel all warm.
“Was there a reason you tried to sneak in here?” He asked, and you swallowed before answering him.
“I-I just wanted to sleep with you...it’s cold, and Lambert didn’t give me a blanket...” You told him, recalling the time that you and Lambert were the last people awake, and he didn’t have the decency to offer you anything warm on this cold night. Well, you didn’t think to ask either, but that’s beside the point.
“Well, you know I always would enjoy that.” The witcher had a certain emotion behind his voice, but you couldn’t place it. All you did know was that you quickly scurried under the blankets with him before you could get any more flustered.
He was more than happy to pull you closer to him, which you didn’t mind. However, the feeling of his bare skin plus the warmth of his breath on your neck was going to drive you crazy. Still, you tried to get some sleep.
Little did you know, he was doing this on purpose.
However, while Geralt’s subtle touches didn’t go unnoticed by you, you didn’t mean to accidently brush your leg against his...you know where I’m going with this. 
Well, you’ve awoken a beast.
Soon you were pinned beneath the witcher, sleep forgotten as you stared up into his cat-like eyes, glowing in the darkness. He leaned his face down closer to yours till you could feel his breath against your face.
“I can think of a million ways to warm you up...” He whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver. Then, Geralt proceeded to kiss you, but it didn’t stop at your lips. He went to your jawline, neck, and about everywhere that wasn’t restricted by your clothing.
You didn’t mind, having gone through this before with him. However, it never ceased to get you flustered. The witcher turned more into a wild animal when it came to sex.
“Then what are you waiting for...” You said through half-lidded eyes. That’s all you needed to say before Geralt began to undress you, cupping your breasts and so forth. You soon had your legs wrapped around his waist as you guys fooled around.
“You are a lovely woman...but I tell you that often. Let’s see how much of a good girl you’ll be tonight...” Geralt purred into your ear as you tugged on his pants. He wasted no time in actually starting the deed. Needless to say, witcher stamina was both a blessing and a curse.
You didn’t sleep much that night.
Also, got your revenge on Lambert. Those broken walls of Kaer Morhen don’t do much to block out noise, especially from a witcher’s ears.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Shinigami Eyes (I)
Pairing: Corpse Husband / Reader
Summary: When you’re paired up with Corpse as imposters in a game of Among Us, you seem to somehow apprehend each others strategies even though it’s the first time you’ve ever played together. He appreciates a good impostor.
Notes: I know I still have many fics I need to finish, but I just wanted to throw out a quick Corpse one because sad to say I’ve been simping for him too. By the way, this is my interpretation of him and this is just for fun. Also, I haven’t written for second person in a while, so I’m sorry if this sucks.
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Shinigami Eyes - Oneshot
“Hey, I wanted to invite Corpse,” Sean said right as the Among Us theme started playing on your computer.
“Great vooooice,” Grease called out.
“Oh, I haven’t played with him before,” you said. It was true, but you’d heard of his legendary voice before and your viewers had been asking for him. You’d only allow it because No Simp September was over. Chat was already going mad.
“You’ll love him. Unless he murders you, because he’s a great imposter,” Sean replies. “He’s too good,” Felix adds.
After a moment, you heard the familiar noise of someone joining the Discord. “Hello everyone,” a deep rumble greeted. The group all said their welcomes, while you introduced yourself. “Very nice to meet you, Corpse,” you added. You didn’t want to comment on the obvious. He must hear it all the time. But you couldn’t deny it was like silk to your ears.
“Nice to meet you to. You make great vids.” A blush spread across your cheeks, “You shouldn’t say things like that, chat is already jealous.” He chuckled.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
Great, you’re instantly sweating. Thankfully, though, it seems you were lucky enough to have been teamed up with the king of lying himself. Corpse’s name is as bloodred as yours.
You decide to follow him after Toast and Sean, and think about how it was Sean who ironically invited the person who was going to murder him in just a few moments. All four of you were being decontaminated below lab, when Corpse made stepped a tad closer to him. You almost synchronically chopped their heads off, and you squealed in excitement. 2 down, 4 to go. As long as no one would find their bodies for a while, you still had time.
Next thing, you’re out of the South entrance and you’ve split up. You join Sykkuno in electric and just wait on him to do his task. Felix joins you afterwards in the next room. That’s when Toast’s body, and ultimately Sean’s, is reported.
Corpse had run back and self-reported.
“Corpse and I just ran into decontamination and found Sean and Toast,” Rae announced.
You were still muted. “Oh god, he’s playing a dangerous game.”
Sykkuno decided it would be the perfect time to call you out. “You and Felix only joined me a while later and decided to stay. Kinda sus of you.”
“No, she was with me at the beginning. I watched her do a task in office,” your fellow impostor vouched. They’d been right, he’s a damn good liar. He manages to hide any sliver of emotion in that deep baritone.
“I don’t trust Corpse anymore, he does stuff like this all the time when he’s impostor,” Lily noted.
“Stuff like what?” He huffed in amusement.
The group agreed the accusation made was a bit vague, and it had affectively directed the attention away from you and onto Felix. After another round of some serious investigating and threatening you all decided to skip.
“Corpse makes me feel less nervous about being an impostor,” you tell chat, “He seems so chill about it.” You ran down to Weapons, but decided against killing anyone when you found three people doing tasks there. You shoved yourself into the clump of bodies and waited until everyone had finished. Running back up to centre with both Lily and Rae, you felt restless that you would eventually have to kill one of them. You just hoped they wouldn’t take it personally.
Corpse ran past, alone. Your characters didn’t have eyes, but somehow they showed a mutual understanding. He killed Lily, you killed Rae. You sputtered and chortled and followed right on after him down into the venthole. He met you in the bathroom stall. “Cosy,” you joked. Until Grease walked in. “Oh, that’s awkward.” You realized you were still standing suspiciously over the venthole. “Shit.”
You didn’t know where Grease had gone, but your first instinct was to hit the red emergency meeting button in the Office. “Grease was in the bathroom stall hovering over a vent.” You may not have your fellow impostors emotionless tone, but you knew laughing through your accusation usually worked.
“Are you kidding me?! I just saw you and Corpse standing in there doing I don’t know what!” Grease yelled.
“That’s a bold statement. You know I’d never cheat on Sykkuno,” Corpse said. “Wait, what?” the man in question replied. Corpse ignored him.
“Corpse was with me when I found you there. On another note I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people vent at the same time before.” Two truths, technically.
“Alright, I’m voting Grease,” Felix said, “I’m sensing liar voice.”
Sykkuno suspected Grease and you, but promised he’d vote you out after if he was wrong. “We have to vote now,” you reminded them.
Grease was ejected.
You met Corpse again in laboratory, where only Felix was doing a task. No one moved. “Oh no, you may have the honours,” you gracefully called out to an unsuspecting impostor. He seemed to get the message through however, and swiftly killed Felix when the Kill button was set to press again.
 “Oh my god, that was so stressful,” you cried out. Corpse chuckled, “Don’t worry, you did great.”
“Hey, don’t you dare steal him,” Sean threatened, “He’s my impostor mate!” You laughed.
“You murdered me and Lily almost synchronically,” Rae sputtered, to which Sean added, “Oh my god, same here. It was some nasty psychic shit.” “Corpse and I just have the Shinigami eyes,” you explained. You saw Corpse’s name flash in the top left corner, but only heard him exhale in amusement. It was cute.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
“Oh… my… god.” Has this ever happened before in this game? Either way, no one will suspect both of you to be it again. You imagine he was feeling similarly, as he hadn’t moved from the spawn point yet. “How in the fuck…?” Chat was confused, but seemed to enjoy the spectacle.
You and corpse split up this time. Don’t use the same tactics twice.
You followed Felix and Sykkuno into Office and faked a task. They decided to wait for you, and you kept your eyes on the green bar until it moved. You travelled trough Admin and Decontamination until you met up with Lily in Labs. “Shit,” you murmured, “There’s too many people. I’m gonna look suspicious.”
Corpse showed up. Lily and Sykkuno left. You killed Felix. Toast walked in, and unfortunately at the hands of your teammate, he did become toast.
You ran in a circle around him and hoped it was enough of a hint for him to follow you. He picked up on it and followed you into the bathroom stall. But neither of you vented. You let a smile slip, almost forgetting you had a face cam. Awkwardly clearing your throat, you explained to your viewers in a very non-convincing way this was just a good impostor strategy. They’d do well to learn from it.
The bodies were reported instantly, and you cursed under your breath. Lily was the one who reported it. “So, I found Felix in Labs and there were only two other people in there before me and Sykkuno left.”
“I went down through Decontamination,” you explained, “I lost Corpse back at Labs.”
“I went back North, I passed you on the way there, Lily.”
Lily was sus of you. “What? Why?!” You asked. “Because I didn’t see anyone in Decontamination and there’s no way you could’ve gone through there that quickly. I wasn’t gone that long,” she said.
Well, shit. “Weren’t the lights off? You couldn’t possibly see me in Decontamination. I’m wondering why you walked back into Labs anyway, Lily.”
A series of ‘ooh’s were heard through the Discord call.
“But I was running up that hallway, I didn’t see you come out,” Grease suddenly spoke up.
“Why were you in there, Grease?” Corpse asked, but you knew it was already too late.
“I was running up to do my task in Labs. I didn’t see her come through the doors before the body was reported.”
“I wasn’t out of Decontamination yet,” you ground out. It was of no use, however. More than half of the people left voted you out, including Lily, Grease, Sean and Corpse, since he had an image to maintain as fake crewmember.
HeartEyes was ejected.
You decided, both out of your own interest and for content’s sake, to follow Corpse as a ghost. He seemed to be having the same trouble as you, suddenly being surrounded by a group of people. “That’s rough. He’s gonna have to kill five more people.”
That was when he bravely decided to take action. Sabotage the reactor, follow everyone there, jump into the lump of people trying to fix the problem and kill so no one would know who did it. He self-reported it in the blink of an eye.
The group was indeed confused, to say the least. Grease had died. “Wait, who was the last to come in?” Sean asked. “It was me,” Corpse admitted, “But I did the handprint scan because no one else was doing it. Weren’t you standing there doing that with Lily?” “Yeah, I had to wait because it wasn’t working.”
“What?!” Lily exclaimed, in only a way she could, “I was doing the scan! It was Sean, then!” The two suspects were starting a heavy discussion, whilst your eyes were trained on the red of Corpse’s name.
The group decided to vote out Lily, as she was the one to report the last murder.
“Is he just… Killing the people who voted for me?” you muttered. Shaking your head, you continued, “Nah, it has to be coincidence.”
But then a body was found, and Corpse said he suspected Sean again. Was he actually working down the list? “Is he avenging me? That’s so sweet, no one has ever done that for me before…” Just a video game, you had to remind yourself. It was just a video game you were playing with friends. And a man with a very nice voice who’d just murdered everyone who did you wrong. Just a game, yes.
Turns out, Corpse really knew how to put his voice to use, as Sean was ejected. He managed to kill Sykkuno and Dave after that, and the game was won by the imposters.
“AGAIN?!” Felix yelled, “How did you two get teamed up again?!” “That’s bullshit,” Sean laughed.
You smiled, as Corpse said, “Us Shinigami’s have to stick together.” It made you blush. “Thanks for avenging me, Corpse. That was very sweet of you.” He chuckled, “Any time. I don’t mind killing people when I have a good teammate.”
“Hey! I’m still here too, you know!” Sean yelled upset.
“It was really fun playing with you guys,” you said, stretching your arms. You’d already been streaming for three hours, it was time to go. Everyone said goodbye, but you didn’t hear Corpse. And you wished it hadn’t twisted your stomach in the way it did.
You wished your viewers a nice day, and promised to update them on Twitter when you’d be streaming next. You were done for the day.
Yet, as you’d closed all tabs and were about to close Discord, you got a call. It was private, and it was from Corpse.
“Hey, miss me already?” you jokingly said.
He chuckled quietly. He suddenly seemed a lot shyer now, being extracted from the group. “Nice game.”
“Yeah, you really know how to keep your emotions hidden. I was impressed, to say the least.”
“You were really good, too. I can appreciate a good imposter.”
You bit your lip. “Hm, I hope to see some more of that appreciation in the future. It was rather nice having someone avenge me.”
“I’d do it again any time. Hiding in the toilet was a good strategy, by the way.”
You snorted at that, “Not good enough, it seems. They voted me out.”
“Big mistake. Nobody kills my teammate.”
“Aww, did the Shinigami catch feelings for the human?”
He rumbled, “I thought you weren’t human?”
You didn’t comment on the fact that he’d failed to answer the original suggestion you’d made. “Touché.”
It was quiet for a moment, and you wondered if you’d crossed a line there and made the wrong assumptions about where the conversation was going. You quickly added, “Are you playing again this week?”
“Yeah, Sean said they’d stream again this Thursday.”
“I suppose I’ll see you there, then.”
He hummed. You sensed there was more to it, though. He hadn’t made any indication he wanted to end the call yet. But then he finally said, “I hope we get teamed up again. So you can get your own revenge.”
“I hope so too.”
Might do a follow up to this oneshot, if anyone asks for it. Will definitely create more for Corpse, he’s a lot of fun to write.
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