#do people even know about aaron burr?
ourtalechara · 1 month
So I was thinking the other day. Hamilton is a popular musical, right? Like, ask anyone to list "popular" musicals, or ask someone who's not into theater to list some musicals, and Hamilton will honestly probably be the first or second one on there. Heck, just list popular stuff. It'll probably come up somewhere.
But like. The general population isn't into Hamilton. It seems like, to most people, it's popular in the sense that a lot of other people are really into it. And the general consensus is that it's, like, good. It got 16 Tony nominations, it's gotta be at least alright.
But like. Really, I'm curious. What does the general population know about Hamilton? From what I can tell, the only parts that people know are the first:
-9 words of the show
-4 lines of My Shot
-of King George III's songs
And that's about it. Like maybe a little more but. Like seriously. As someone who's into Hamilton I want to know what people who aren't into Hamilton think of it. Do they. Do they know who John Laurens is. I've never heard someone who's not extremely interested in Hamilton ever mention the show's John Laurens. Do they. Do they know that he exists? I asked my dad, who has seen the first act of Hamilton. And he doesn't remember Laurens. He remembers Mulligan and Lafayette, but. I. I could not get him to remember John Laurens. Is he like. Some sort of. Like, idk, a cryptid of some sort?? Is he only visible to those of us who actually got into Hamilton? Is there a perception filter on him otherwise? Does he not exist until you start being emotionally invested in Alexander Hamilton's interpersonal relationships? Is he. Is he really just that forgettable.
I don't. I just don't know. And I'm being consumed by this desire to know what people think. It feels so weird to me to not have Hamilton ruling your life, so the fact that people can just. Know what Hamilton is. But not know about like. Most of the stuff? That happens?? I just. Someone help me please.
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vladimpale · 1 year
'wait for it' is so tsukishima kei
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sunkissedchld · 11 months
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
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𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde (rx), it appears to be moving/rotating backwards from our point of view on earth. it's important to note the planet is not actually moving backwards - it just looks that way because of its position in relation to earth and the sun. with that in mind, the sun and moon cannot be in retrograde.
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𝒊𝒊. 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆?
when a planet is in retrograde, often it makes it harder to deal with its energy. it could cause a lot of internal conflicts that also impact connections with people throughout one's life.
having a planet in retrograde in your natal chart is not a bad thing or a bad placement - it just means one has to work a little harder to understand and harness the energy of the planet compared to ones that are direct.
technically, this post was made to read for natal retrogrades, but it can also be useful if you want to know general challeneges that can occur during transit retrogrades also!
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𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒔
this retrograde is what's most known when people talk about retrogrades. with this planet in retrograde natally, you could find it hard to communicate with others. this could be in that you have a stutter, or you could be too harsh or too passive when addressing others (depending on the sign). you could be too impulsive in your actions, or you could overthink and inhibit yourself from taking charge in your life. i could also see people with this planet in retrograde finding it hard to write and learn new languages.
you could find it hard to fall in love and/or to find, be in, and maintain relationships of any kind - but especially romantic ones; it could take a long time for you to start dating compared to others. this planet in retrograde can also make it hard for people to develop and sustain self-love and self-attraction. you may not see yourself as handsome or beautiful and/or others may look down on you or ignore you because of your looks. this is another planet that could make it hard to get along with people because venus is also associated with harmony overall, but the issues with beauty and love are more prominent.
you could find it hard to bring your drive and passion to the surface. you could find it hard to be self-motivated and may prefer to take things slow throughout life and see how things pan out versus taking control. if you know the musical hamilton, you could be similar to aaron burr in waiting for things to happen to or for you versus making things happen. i could see natal mars retrograde manifesting as someone being asexual and/or having a low libido. you could have issues with bottling up anger, creating anger issues; if underdeveloped, i could see this leading to self-harm or other violent tendencies - this is not absolute
it could be hard for you to recognize your luck and/or you may feel as if you have no luck even if you actually do. this is a "the glass is half empty" type of placement. you might have taboo beliefs, and people may make you feel as if you’re weird or wrong for them. although people may make you feel that way, your belief system may still be strong depending on your jupiter sign. there's a possibility of not being fit for tradtional higher education. you may feel like you have to create your own luck and could have trouble trusting the universe and your guides to provide for you.
you could be too harsh on yourself when it comes to having structure. you may burden yourself with responsibilities no one else is giving or expecting of you. you may put more boundaries and limitations on yourself than is naturally expected of you. i could see this placement manifesting as asceticism in some people. you might feel like people never live up to your expectations, or they always let you down, so you only trust yourself to get things done. with this placement, there's an emphasis on self-motivation and high ambition.
it could be hard for you to express your individuality outwardly. maybe you’re too worried about how much you’ll stand out amongst others, and so you try to fit in with the majority instead of recognizing how different you can be. you may be more cautious about expressing your rebelling views. you could be more focused on individuality on a more personal level versus on a societal one. in the case of rebellion and innovation, you may feel the need to rebel against yourself and ideas you put on yourself versus ideas society puts on you.
your dreams could be more intense and grandiose than other people's dreams are - this could be in visual dreams you get while sleeping and/or in terms of life goals. you could be deeply spiritual and in tune with your intuition; you might even be able to predict when things will happen to you, or you could get deja vu often. you could overly daydream when it comes to personal goals and ideals; you might use daydreaming and other forms of escapism as a way to constantly ignore everyday life. the idea of realism could be foreign to you.
you may go through life transformations regularly. you could change your appearance often, or explore different religions all throughout your life, or your beliefs could change drastically as you get older. you could have strong power over yourself and possibly others - even unkowingly. you could find comfort in traditionally taboo things, espeically the occult and/or horror and things of that nature. in addition to constantly going through transformations, you could have fond memories of the past and have a deep connection to the concept of nostalgia. you could constantly look to the past in order to change who you are in the present or future.
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Request! Rise Donnie x reader that is smarter than him and teases him about it and he's furious about having a crush on them being 100% oblivious that reader already knows and feels the same way. From Donnie's POV. PLEASE and thank you!
I’ve been dreaming of a— HMMMMMM????
Request, you say????
“Anonymous asked: Request! Rise Donnie x reader that is smarter than him and teases him about it and he's furious about having a crush on them being 100% oblivious that reader already knows and feels the same way. From Donnie's POV. PLEASE and thank you!” 
A/N: unfortunately, I can’t see any way that this would go well... If any writer wants to take this prompt and make a fluff version of this, have at thee! But I can only imagine this going one way….
Smarter. (A Oneshot) - Donatello x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Witch Town & Mind Meld, angst, hurt no comfort, Y/n misreads his feelings, Donnie is a protective father. 
The science guy. 
That was me.
I “dealt” with things. The “Bill Nye” comments, the teasing, the bantering, the loneliness, the hours of work into every, single, little project I made. I’ve hacked into every camera in NYC. I’ve created sentient machines, reprogrammed a useless movie vehicle to be the best in the world, I would say. Made bombs, robbed and reverse robbed banks, created rockets, bombs, ingenious battle devices, tech-bo, for christs sake! And so! Many! More! But… 
Then, there was you.
Perfect, in absolutely every way. Mystic, science, physics, hell — you even beat me in banter, leaving me speechless nearly every time. And you rubbed it in my face. You were the Hamilton to my Aaron Burr. It didn’t help that you checked off all my boxes, Cute and mean, that was my type, and I wanted to bond with you, a fellow scientist who I didn’t have to dumb down my talk for, someone I could be myself around! but you… you made yourself impossible to tolerate. I admit I didn’t take it well, when I realized…
You were everything I wanted to be. 
“Awww, is this Shelldon?” You scratched behind one of his many ears, making him trill in delight. “Ahhahawww thanks, dude! Yeah that’a me.” He responded, leaning into your touch. “He’s cute! What coolant do you take, buddy?” You asked, talking down to him like a child, the exact way Sheldon had always reprimanded me for. 
“Donnie’s experimenting with different types,” Yes I am, “He’s trying Castrol Radicool Premix right now, it’s been doing good so far.” Thank you. 
As expected, you inhale sharply through your teeth, making my attention pique from what I was trying to distract myself with. “Donnie really doesn’t take care of you, huh?”
I don’t take care of Shelldon?
“Uhhh… I don’t know if that’s—“ I can’t bring myself to let him finish, already standing from my gaming chair. I turned on my heel, fury in my eyes as I rolled the seat out of the way, “Excuse me?”
You chuckled, and felt my blood boil, “Awh, Donnie, you’re blushing! Embarrassed?” 
“Infuriated.” I answered. 
“Oh come off it, I simply think you should try Ethylene Glycol, it would be so much better for winter.” I grit my teeth, every word from your sicky-sweet voice made my skin crawl. I would have attacked you right then and there if I didn’t know you had better tech. Hah, better tech… better than me? ME of all people? No. 
I furrow my brows, “That was next on my list..” I seethe, feeling my nerves spike as you poked my shoulder. I hated when you did that, it made my face go red and my palms sweat. Curse this irony, it was like smiling at a joke from a person you’re mad at. It’s frustrating, but involuntary. 
“C’mon, we both know you’re not really mad, you’re just frustrated cuz you like me. Look at that blushing nose~!” I felt my voice catch in my throat as you leaned into my face, wanting nothing more than to push you away already. My body was experiencing a freeze response, and I couldn’t even bring myself to push you, it was as if my bones were made of high-grade titanium, the same as my tech. 
I clenched my fists, feeling a bit of my confidence return as Shelldon flew to my side. “I thought I was supposed to be the narcissist…” I hissed, feeling my face redden with anger. I’ve never hated anyone more. 
Your face turns confused, but I can’t bring myself to realize you might have misunderstood my feelings, “You think you’re so great, don’t you?” Shelldon cowers, I know he hates when I raise my voice, so I lower to a furious whisper, “You think you can just waltz into my lab, my life, and tell me how to run things?” My nails dig into my palm, I resist the urge to threaten you, knowing your body would never be found beneath my hands. 
“You think you’re the science guy, don’t you? Think you can correct everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve and just take my place!?” Make me worthless? Be the purple sibling? What next, re-wiring my systems? Taking scraps and making a dark matter accelerator? Drawing on eyebrows to a cheap version of my bandana!?
Your eyebrows knit, “woah, woah, Dondon, I didn’t mean—“ “Don’t fucking call me that!!” I seethe, feeling tears prick at my eyes, I hate how emotional I am when I’m angry, but I’m too deep in now. Some weak, soft shelled part of my heart is telling me to apologize, but I’ve always, always acted with my head. It’s telling me you’re a threat. And you are… aren’t you? 
“I’m not a child!” I can feel my heartbeat, eyes wide and I take a deep breath to lower my voice. “And Y’know what, I think I finally found something I’m better at.” I fold my arms, watching a frown finally form on your face. 
“Really?” You glared, matching my stiff body language.
“Yeah.” I huff, “Reading the room.” 
“You? Read a room?” You scoffed, seeming just as offended, but I didn’t mind. “Ever think maybe, I did all these things — not to take your place, but to impress you?” 
“Oh, you made an impression. Alright.” You… wanted to impress me? I turned my back to you, a small voice telling me that maybe, just maybe, I.. wasn’t acting with my head.. “A bad one.” Why am I so defensive? Why did all this get to me? Shelldon was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, hell, I bet my brothers could hear this! They’re probably uncomfortable! why couldn’t I be the bigger turtle and just move on?
“Just… leave..” I waved at the air, sinking into my seat with a little regret. Why was it, that around you, I was never enough? That I was just the small, weak soft shell who couldn’t play rough with his brothers? Who broke his glasses? Who practically wore a pillowcase for protection?
Why couldn’t I be cool for you? Why was I talked down to? I’ve accomplished so many things, why is it that nobody can ever look at me in awe!? Why am I always admiring someone else, and never being admired?
“…” the tension in the room began to dissipate, and I listened with baited breath as you closed the curtain behind you. I let out the sigh, and I hear Shelldon round the corner, landing his head on mine, “Well, that could’ve gone better…” he muttered, and I feel something strange as I look down at my workbench— grief? Guilt? Whatever it is, it stuck, no matter how badly I didn’t want to admit it.
“Yeah..” I mutter, twirling my screwdriver, “Yeah it could’ve.” 
A/N: I feel like this might be a lil OOC, am I the only one who gets that vibe?? Idk I’m not really feeling this one, lmk what you guys think 😭 I guarantee another writer could best me at this prompt, and I offer it up to anyone interested! Hope this was ok, anon, really hope I didn’t wreck your day.  —
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waitingforlostsouls · 2 months
Being distantly related to Burr and stumbling into the Aaron Burr tag is like finding out someone made a fan fic of your uncle. I'm not sure if I should throw up, be upset, or just explain that's not how things happened.
I don't know everything about the man, but seeing people try and insinuate things that obviously weren't there is upsetting because Burr himself had such a vivid life that I very much see reflected in me and my relatives. And seeing people try to do things like ship Hamilton and Burr is all well and fine, until people try and drag the actual Aaron Burr into it.
Please understand Hamilton is a musical, not a history lesson. If you saw Hamilton and decided to delve more into the actual history, that's fine. I would just hate for this man's legacy to be brutalized even more after the musical already popularized such a terrible version of him. Seeing as Burr and his family had to deal with bad characterizations of him in his lifetime, to the point it made them upset even then, I don't think it's fair to keep perpetuating centuries old lies about him -or make up fanfic without specifying you mean the Aaron Burr from the play.
I'm all for making history more accessible and fun in the modern day, but let's be careful not to make characteratures of people who we've already snubbed so many times. Just please remember to keep that boundary between what really happened and what you want to talk about.
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on-partiality · 7 months
Okay, so I'm absolutely curious:
I don't know if you've been asked this already, but how would you rank the Founding Fathers (from the ones you like the most to the ones you really don't)?
Sorry for taking forever I got sick and then I had school camp but here's how I'd rank them:
1, Alexander Hamilton: I've studied him the most out of the main founding fathers so I've grown rather attached to him. I still acknowlege his flaws like the fact that the trading charter he worked for when he was younger also sold slaves, the fact that he was sexist just like the typical 18th century man and that he did cheat on his wife. But even with all of those, he's my favourite of the bunch.
2. James Madison: when creating this tier list type thing I realised that I really don't know much about Madison that's why he's higher in the list (because I've studied him so little compared to the others, I don't know as much about his flaws and problematic actions as I do the rest of the bunch) I've read a lot about him doing silly things and supposedly being a good husband but the fact that he got along so well with Jefferson throws me off because I really don't like Jefferson. So yeah, I'd say I'm pretty neutral with Madison.
3. John Adams: I haven't studied him as much as the other founders (still more than Madison though) so I find it difficult to have too strong an opinion on him. I like his stance on slavery and the fact that he never owned any, however, I don't like his thoughts on women and men without property (and just generally the requirements he wanted to make on who should and shouldn't be allowed to vote) and I don't believe he was a very good father from what I've read about how he treated his oldest son, I also don't like his personality.
4. Benjamin Franklin: I know that no one is going to agree with me on this one but something about him just grosses me out, probably because I'm semi-sex-repulsed and hearing about the way he was with so many women makes me want to gag. Additionally, the comment he made about old women being the same in the dark grossed me out heaps. I get that he technically wasn't that bad and he freed his slaves and invented so many things but his personal life throws m
5. George Washington: Look, he did some HORRIBLE things, he owned many slaves, his treatment of Native Americans was terrible and I completely disagree with most of his political views... But I really like him as a military commander and a soldier and I like his personality a lot and that's why he ranks higher than the next person on this tier list, I don't agree with most of his actions. I don't support racism or genocide. But also I have far more fun studying Washington than I do the next founding father on this list.
6. Thomas Jefferson: child rapist, owned more slaves than any of the other people on this list (I think) and was really weird with his pets. He advocated for religious freedom and he was smart, I'll give him that but I don't like his personality, I don't like his political views and he was very hypocritical. Really, with his views, he wouldn't have even liked himself and he didn't do enough to make me like him. He's still interesting to study but I find it far harder to empathise with him than I do the men listed above because I really just can't see him as anything but vile.
Bonus!: I would put Aaron Burr between Adams and Madison because while I agree with most of his views and he's really fun to study, I like Hamilton a little bit too much to rank the man that killed him higher than 3rd.
(note: I wrote this on like an hour of sleep, this may be the worst amrev take ever)
Edited, 24th of February: Got reminded of this post's existence thanks to a comment by @c0ckmuncher pointing out how inaccurate one of these takes was and checked it again and safe to say I'm never posting anything late night ever again, the rankings have now been changed to better suit what I actually think of these men
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jittyjames · 26 days
full whumptober masterlist is finished! ehehe it's so great i actually have time to work on these this year! anyway, if anyone wants to know more about any of the specific fics or maybe even a snippet, feel free to drop an ask!
Day 1: Search Party + Panic Attack — Jesus Christ Superstar — When Jesus disappears without a word to the disciples, Judas and Mary take it upon themselves to go looking for him as days turn to weeks. 
Day 2: Role Reversal + Used As Bait (Alt. Prompt)— Twenty One Pilots · Trenchler — The Torchbearer is taken by DEMA as a way to lure Clancy back to them.
Day 3: Wrongfully Arrested — Jesus Christ Superstar · Jesus/Mary/Judas — Jesus rushes to save Judas from being punished in a way he doesn't deserve.
Day 4: Hallucinations + Motion Sickness (Alt. Prompt) — Hamilton — Alexander and Washington find themselves in the clutches of a cruel soldier. His experiments leave the two in quite a predicament.
Day 5: Heatstroke — Hamilton — The heat of battle is only made worse by the oppressive summer sun. Aaron Burr finds himself faltering. 
Day 6: Not Realizing They're Injured — Jesus Christ Superstar— After a violent riot breaks out, not everyone is as unscathed as it seems.
Day 7: "It's Us Or Them." — 9-1-1 — Buck ends up in the hospital after making a choice.
Day 8: Sleep Deprivation — Hamilton · Hamburr — As Alexander and Aaron push through a high-stakes murder case that bring up bad memories for the both of them, the lack of sleep causes something else to brew between them.
Day 9: Obsession — Hamilton · Hamburr · Modern — Aaron runs into trouble when a mysterious man takes an interest in him. 
Day 10: Blow To The Head + Slurred Words + “I Can’t Think Straight.” — Mindhunter — In a questioning gone wrong, Holden is left reeling. Quite literally.
Day 11: Seeing Double + Loneliness — Hamilton — For just a moment, Alexander thinks he's looking at someone who can't possibly be there.
Day 12: Starvation + “Just A Little More.” — Jesus Christ Superstar · Jesus/Judas — Judas takes issue with having when others have not.
Day 13: Team As family + Multiple Whumpees + Vermin (Alt. Prompt) — Hamilton — The British didn't see them as people anymore. They saw them as something far different.
Day 14: Blackmail— Hamilton — When Alexander's secrets are being held by his political enemies, he will do everything he can to ensure they never get out. [Continuation of Keep Me (And My Secrets)]
Day 15: Childhood Trauma — Jesus Christ Superstar (Arena) · Jesus/Judas — Mary reflects on her life as she watches Judas’ fall apart. 
Day 16: "No, I Can't Feel Anything." — Twenty One Pilots · Trenchler — After the final battle, Clancy stumbles.
Day 17: Nowhere Else To Go + Beatdown (Alt. Prompt) — Hamilton — Thomas Jefferson finds a bleeding Hamilton on his doorstep.
Day 18: Revenge + Loss Of Identity + Unreliable Narrator — Jesus Christ Superstar · Jesus/Judas — Judas finds Jesus with blood on his hands.
Day 19: Abandoned Cabin + Blood Trail — Mindhunter — Holden is taken by an unsub.
Day 20: Emotional Angst + Giving Permission To Die — Hamilton · Hamliza — Eliza and Alex have one last conversation.
Day 21: Spirit Possession + Body Horror — Jesus Christ Superstar · Jesus/Mary/Judas — Jesus had cast out demons from many people over the course of his ministry. But it’s just different when it’s someone he loves. 
Day 22: Reopening Wounds — Mindhunter — The aftermath of all the events with that principal leave Holden burning with a need for justice, no matter how obsessive it seems.
Day 23: Forced Choice + Public Display — Jesus Christ Superstar · Jesus/Judas —  Amuse Me (Fuck or Die Fic)
Day 24: “I Never Knew Daylight Could Be So Violent.” — Hamilton — How can the sun still rise when so much horror has come to pass? How can the world still spin?
Day 25: Being Monitored + "It's For Your Own Good."— Jesus Christ Superstar · Modern — Judas meets Jesus in the most unlikely of places.
Day 26: Nightmares + Breakfast Table — Hamilton · Modern — Aaron's daughter is always hanging around that Hamilton kid. He doesn't mind it as much as he pretends to— Philip is a sweet boy, after all, and it gives Aaron the excuse he needs to see his former friend despite bridges being burned to a crisp. But when Aaron get's a phone call one stormy night, everything changes.
Day 27: Voiceless + Communication Barrier ( Alt. Prompt) — Jesus Christ Superstar — Judas had only wanted them to warn Jesus off. He hadn't expected... this.
Day 28: Exposure + Secrets Revealed (Alt. Prompt)— Jesus Christ Superstar — As tensions rise amongst two of the apostles while on a mission, some secrets comes to the surface.
Day 29: Burnout + Shivering (Alt. Prompt) — Hamilton— Everything is coming to a breaking point. Words don't look like words anymore. Alexander doesn't feel like Alexander anymore.
Day 30: Recovery + Hospital Bed + "What Have I Done?" — Hamilton · Jamilton—  After an attempt brought on by something Thomas said, he's left to pick up the pieces of a broken Hamilton.
Day 31: Asking For Help + Therapy — 9-1-1 — No one can understand why Buck is so averse to therapy.
Body Swap— Judas' kiss wasn't that of betrayal.
Finding Old Messages + Regret + Forgotten — Aaron Burr finds an old, unopened letter in a coat he wore in his younger years. The coat he wore to Hamilton's wedding.
Friendly Fire + Survivor's Guilt— John hadn't meant to hit him. He truly didn't. But Alexander was still on the ground.
Time Loop— Jesus and Mary don't abandon Judas once the three days have come and gone. Their love perseveres. And they would have followed him anywhere.
Venom— The snakes of the desert were the furthest thing from Jesus' mind. Maybe they shouldn't have been.
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kritischetheologie · 10 months
also here is your opportunity to talk about your nico pov brocedes philosophy! and please give me tips for writing a successful nico pov because the one time i tried was a disaster
I'm going to flip these questions, because maybe thinking through how I write Nico pov will get me to the answer of why I write Nico pov.
Every version of Nico I write has a desperate need to succeed, so that he can prove everyone wrong who sees him as just a nepo baby, just another rich kid. He's underestimated, in ways that are both the result of his privilege and canonically tied to gender presentation-- see Jenson calling him Britney, for example-- which lend themselves well to pushing a little further, making him an omega, a woman. But he also faces the paradox of a champion's son: he will never be able to know what he could have achieved if he hadn't had the privileges he had. He will never be able to know how much of what he's built for himself is his own. And so he needs to prove himself wrong, too-- needs to prove to himself that he can do this.
People talk about Nico choosing to retire immediately after beating Lewis, because he knew he wouldn't be able to do it again and didn't want to try and fail, but the other thing about won and done is that he quit at exactly the point that he tied his father in titles. He didn't stick around to try to surpass him. He didn't risk failing to. It's interesting to consider in those terms.
There are other commonalities to how I write Nico. He is both warmer and colder than Lewis: more free with affection and more manipulative. He won his title by exerting utter control over himself (Aaron burr voice: I am the one thing in life I can control), denying himself food, sleep, comfort-- if Lewis, carrying around a bag of candy to tempt himself, is afraid of pleasure, Nico is afraid of weakness. Lewis doesn't let himself want things, but Nico doesn't let himself need things.
Other things I often think about:
If richard siken is right that someone has to leave first, and there is no other version of this story, Nico is always the one who leaves.
Nico was a lonely kid. He got bullied in school. He didn't have a lot of friends. Finding Lewis might have meant just as much to him as it meant to Lewis. Maybe loving Lewis was just another weakness he had to cut out of himself to succeed.
Nico partied harder than Lewis, for most of their career. He let himself get sloppy, occasionally. He let himself be petty, and cruel, when Lewis was winning. But did we ever see him get upset? Did he let people see pain, or fear, or grief?
I've watched the video of Nico winning in Abu Dhabi many times, and the expression on his face doesn't look like joy, to me. It looks more like relief.
To bring this full circle: I'm drawn to Nico's pov in general, because a lot of what I just said about him isn't actually about him, not really. I'm drawn to his perspective on brocedes because I've always ended up being the villain, somehow, in interpersonal conflicts. I say somehow, but I think I know why: because playing the villain is an easy way to pretend, even to yourself, that you're not hurting. Lewis is more willing to admit to himself how much Nico hurt him, but Nico is more willing to admit to having wanted Lewis. Maybe it all boils down to pleasure and need, and which character denies himself which.
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I’m Willing to Wait for it. (Part 2)
Aaron Burr x f!Reader
A/N: thank you to the people who read and liked the last part!
“So, care to elaborate on what happened last night, Burr?” Hamilton stood by his side, busying himself with something or other in a poor attempt to disguise his interrogation of him.
“I had a good night myself. How was yours?”
“You’re avoiding the question Burr, I can tell something’s changed in you, I can see it in your eyes.” What was it that Hamilton saw in him? Was it despair from the knowledge of the coming battle that they would be outmanned and outgunned in or was it something else entirely?
“What happened between you and the young lady you left the tavern with yesterday? Did you find out who she is?” Burr felt like he was staring down his own death and potential future life at the same time. He couldn’t shake the impressionable memory of Y/N from his mind nor could he distract himself from the battle that she had warned about.
“Her name is Y/N.”
“That name sounds familiar.”
“She’s employed as a teacher for the children of British officers stationed here.”
“Oh shit.”
“So why was she there last night? Too bored by the British pomp and looking to find some fresh American blood to warm her bed?”
“She was just looking for conversation. Nothing like that.”
“Is that so?”
“Alexander! She’s a respectable young lady. I walked her home and that was it.”
“All young ladies and all young men tend to respectable too when they’re out in public. What they do behind closed doors is an entirely different matter.”
“She told me even before we left that she wouldn’t let me stay the night at her home.”
“And since when has that stopped you?”
“Since she bid me goodnight at the door. She knows what she wants, and she won’t settle for a compromise.”
“Smart woman.” Alexander chuckled, “So what do you make of her?”
“Well, she’s passionate about her ideals and witty, very well-read. I really like her.”
“Are you falling in love, Burr?” Hamilton asked bluntly. For once, Burr was struck speechless and when his friend saw this he merely clapped a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Give it time, once this battle is over, you’ll have plenty of time to chase her.”
I can only hope to stay alive long enough to come back to her, Aaron thought to himself in silence and he prayed that his time would not be up just yet.
“Aaron Burr? What made you bring him up out of all people?” Eliza questioned curiously. Three pairs of wide eyes studied you in anticipation, the tea forgotten in favour of hot gossip.
“He approached me last night actually, and he was kind enough to walk me home. I wanted to know if you know more of his character than I do.”
“He’s a flirt, Y/N. He probably tries his luck with anything on two legs.” Angelica snorted in disgust.
“Oh yes, just the other day, he tried to hit us up,” Peggy piped up.
“I got that impression too, he was unusually bold. Does he send everyone letters too?” Taking out a folded letter from your bag, you presented it to the girls, letting them pour over it in fascination.
“Dearest Y/N, it was my utmost pleasure to have met you last night. It was delightful for me to find a companion in you who I can share my thoughts with openly and honestly. Your charming disposition, your wit and your dedication to your cause have captured my affections deeply and I wish for you to know that I think of your friendship often with respect and much fondness. I do hope to see you again, perhaps at a more appropriate time if it pleases you to do so.
With warmth and affection.
Your friend, A.Burr.”
“This is the first I’ve heard of him writing letters. But he seems genuine enough in his intent. I would still be wary, but you seem to have caught more than just his eye.”
“You should write him back!” Peggy squealed in excitement.
“Do you like him back though, Y/N?” Eliza asked calmly, “you shouldn’t feel pressured to accept his flirtations if you don’t feel the same about him.”
“If I’m being honest, it’s a bit early to know for sure. I enjoy his company but that’s not the same as affection. Between us though,” you added in a low conspiratorial whisper, “I do find him quite handsome.”
The night air, cool and crisp assaulted you both as you stepped out of the bustling tavern. The gentle lapping of the waves on the docks, the silver lined glow of the streets under the moon felt almost too romantic for the moment as you linked your arm through Aaron’s. You’d only just met him, but somehow it gave you comfort and you felt a sense of calm settle over you.
“What made you decide to pursue teaching in the first place, Y/N?”
“Long story short, I wanted to provide more opportunities for educating young women in particular about the world outside of the roles that most are taught to fill within the social sphere.”
You continued on, “There are few avenues for formal education for girls at the moment, but I we should realise that women have as much to contribute as men in all manner of things provided they are given the same opportunities. A woman’s education grants her the power of independence and self identity.”
Burr watched with intrigue as you described the trials and tribulations of your fight for equal education and beliefs. There was a passion that burned bright as a fire when he stoked it and he was drawn to it’s warmth.
“… some men think I’m crazy for devoting myself to such a cause, but if nobody fights for us, who will?” You were curious to see what Aaron would think of such a thing, whether he saw these issues the same way that you did.
“You bring up many valid points, it is a matter that is tied to the very success of our future nation. Half of our population consists of women who have ideas of their own or who may possess talents that surpass any man. But how will she know of them if she is not given an education? I’ve read Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and I very much agree with it. If I had a daughter, I would want her to have the same opportunities as if I had a son.”
“Ah! I’m glad to know you’ve read it! Wollstonecraft is a trailblazer and at the forefront of the fight.”
“I aim to keep up with the current affairs and besides, it’s something that I agree on.”
“Now it’s your turn, Aaron! Hercules tells me that you were a prodigy at Princeton college and that you were studying law before you joined the army. How did you do it?”
“It was my parents’ dying wish before they passed.”
“Oh Aaron, I’m so sorry. You were an orphan?”
“It was a long time ago but I still remember their faces. I want to make them proud and grow into the man that they would have liked to see me become.”
In the warm glow of lamplights, his dark eyes looked so determined and so gentle at the same time. And though he remained poised and resolute as ever, you didn’t have to imagine what a childhood filled with hurt and loss would have been like for him.
“You’re a survivor and as long as you survive, I think they would be happy.” Just stay safe, and return home after the war. You thought to yourself. He was barely just a man, no more than 20 if you could chance a guess and he had so much to live for.
“You carry the future of the nation with you now, they will be proud no matter what happens.” You decided to say instead.
“I carry just as much as you do in the war. Do your parents know that you work for General Washington?”
“No! Not at all. I want them to have deniability if I am ever exposed. Maybe one day, when all this is over, I’ll tell them the truth.”
For a moment you let the conversation hang in a comfortable silence, enjoying Aaron’s warmth at your side.
“When the war ends, what will you do then?” He mused.
“Well, I want to continue my own education if I can, or maybe start a school for girls. Maybe I’ll even find a nice husband of my own to settle down with. I’ll just have to see which way the wind will blow. How about you?”
“I’ll probably finish up my studies in law and practice it. But I’m sure the nation will need people to shape it, and if the opportunity arises, I will gladly take it. I want a family one day too, but I’m taking my time to make sure I find the right person to start it with. I’ve never had a domestic leaning, but I don’t wish to speak too soon.”
“I can understand that. Marriage is a great commitment to make. I must admit, I never took you for someone who would like to be a family man.”
“Oh? What makes you say that?” He said curiously.
“The courteous answer would be that someone of such ambition and resilience would not bend easily to such a life.”
“And what’s the not-so-courteous response?”
“I hope you have the heart to forgive me for saying this, and truly, I mean no offence in telling you the truth. The honest answer is that I heard that you were a cold-blooded debaucher of young women and I had made that judgement of you long before I had met even you.” You said with chagrin. To your surprise Aaron was shaking with laughter.
“And you were afraid that I would make you my next debauchee?” It all made sense to him now, the avoidance and the wariness that he was met with at the beginning.
“Well, quite frankly, yes.“
“I admire your honesty. It’s not something many people would dare to say to me directly.”
“I’ll admit, that I initiated our conversation today with the intention of seducing you, but having met you, I find you even more entrancing as a friend than I could have imagined as a lover. I can also confidently say that I am no more licentious than any other young man.”
“Ahh, so you mean to say that all young men are as licentious as you?”
“I mean to say that all young men that I have known are licentious.”
“If you say so. I wouldn’t know either way.” You quipped cheekily.
“Have you ever been dissipated yourself?”
“That’s a bold question to be asking, Aaron!”
“A bold question for a bold lady.”
“In any case, I’ve never had the good fortune to fall in love or be courted for that to happen. I’m sure the right person will come around eventually, and even if I am to remain unmarried all my life, I’ll be able to support myself.” You finished resolutely.
“I can see you making a name for yourself whatever you choose to do.” Aaron reassured you, as you arrived at your house.
“This one’s mine!” You pointed happily over to your modest home. “Thank you for walking me home, and given me some much needed the company on the way.”
“The pleasure’s mine. I enjoyed it as much as you did. Will we meet again some day?” There was a tinge of boyish hope in his voice.
“I hope we will.” You grinned widely. “Goodnight, Aaron. And stay safe in the coming days.”
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46ten · 5 months
Were some of AH's reactions over-the-top?
@icarusbetide wrote the following here:
and i'm paying attention to what you said about how "He viewed things differently than they because he had different motivations" - that's generally how i feel about the reynolds pamphlet, because i can very much see the reasoning behind why he did it, even if it was a terrible political decision. a lot of his actions can definitely be accounted for by thinking of his priorities, which a lot of scholars have nicely argued were public integrity, honor, fame.
do you think there is something illogical/irrational in a lot of his over-the-top reactions to slander, or do you similarly think they are ill-considered but still rational? i don't have an answer, because i think they make sense given his aforementioned priorities, but i've also seen people argue that that level of intensity and "rabidness" probably had some psychological basis. flexner in the young hamilton seems to lean heavily into that (i have grievances with that book in general so i'm not taking his word for it lol), arguing that hamilton would revert to this insecure, child-like mindset at crucial moments - this isn't really about bipolar disorder or ADHD, but i wanted to ask if you think there's merit in that general idea!
I hate Flexner, and others do, too. I think psychobiography is not at all helpful to history, as a discipline, as "facts" are made up to support the psychological speculation.
It's hard for me to come up with hard examples of AH behaving "irrationally" in his life - that was not his personality at all. He was overly rational, an over-thinker at times. And he was also decisive - he would take this risk if he thought that outcome was worth it, but he does not strike me as someone unaware of the pros and cons who was just marching on. (His rationality, his ability to see many sides, his clear-headed thinking and ability to move that to action, and then his judgement, are qualities his colleagues praised about him - which doesn't mean that he didn't have examples of what they considered to be poor judgment - hello Adams pamphlet.)
To discuss the Reynolds Pamphlet briefly, since this is often suggested as an example of how crazy and impulsive/reckless AH was, he spent at least a month composing it. It's long and detailed. He explains why he's writing it. Considering we have it - documented - that AH consulted with some of his friends about dueling Aaron Burr (another example where it's in fashion to claim AH was some crazy loner guy making bizarre choices), I'd speculate that he discussed writing the pamphlet with EH, John Church, Oliver Wolcott, and William Jackson almost certainly, maybe Fish, Troup, Clarkson....He may have discussed it with Philip Schuyler! [He didn't get as far as he did in military/professional/political life without understanding the idea of consultation and seeing all sides to the problem, even if he wasn't aiming for full consensus.]
Callendar's pamphlets (which we no longer have copies of - historians are working from the History...of 1796 and AH's quotes in the Reynolds Pamphlet) took aim at whether AH was a trustworthy public servant - the intent was to wound his public character. He is absolutely going to need to respond to that in some way. The way he wants to respond to it, however, is to have the editor (Fenno) disavow it, and then to have the men (Monroe, Venable, Muhlenberg) to whom he provided an explanation of the Reynolds Affair way back in December 1792 provide him with letters stating that Callendar's allegations are false. He is furious when Monroe refuses, esp when Monroe states that he didn't really believe AH at the time! He's pretty ticked off that he instead has to argue his own innocence himself, and he lets the reader know he's ticked off to have to do this. That's not reckless, impulsive, crazy behavior. The issue, really, is the amount of detail he provides: not only "I didn't do that," but "I instead was doing this...." He is "too honest," "MOST INDISCREET" as GM probably would have put it! But this was also him putting all his arguments out there - this is what you should judge me for, because I was innocent of that other thing - and besides politicians knowing since 1793, the general public already knew (it's in the press by 1795) that there were accusations of adultery around him. He really wasn't revealing anything except rather excruciating details of the affair, but that again, is his "too honest" style and his thinking like the lawyer he is - "I'm giving you guys all the facts!" There may have also been some thinking that by providing all these facts, it would shame folks in the future and he could avoid being the subject of similar attacks - he may have also wanted to correct people on the record about his adultery; it's difficult to say. (Maybe this link to all my posts on the Reynolds Pamphlet will work, for those interested.)
One of AH's best friends, Robert Troup, states "his ill-judged pamphlet has done him incomparable injury," and Webster's quotes are pretty well known - the common objection is sort of a "why respond at all?" Well, AH explains why he responded - it's not unreasonable.
Let me bring this back to Flexner and his speculation that this has to do with some awful childhood events (that we have no record happened) and his resulting insecurity from it. There's no basis for thinking this. No evidence, no assertions from AH that this is a concern for him - it's just a story to sell books (come on down, Chernow!) Now if we're going to argue that some of AH's defensiveness around attacks on his public character came from his being an outsider, so therefore often having to re-assert his position in the gentleman circle, that may carry more weight - and some scholars do argue that. But I don't think AH, through most of his life, thought of himself as an outsider on the American scene.
If you give me some examples of what you consider to be over-the-top reactions to slander, I may try to respond to a few. I am planning a response to your questions about AH's personality, if that's okay, which I will post in a few days.
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kingofthescene · 1 year
Burr: Part 01.
As someone who has been doing research on Aaron Burr for years and years now, something that genuinely frustrates me about "Hamilton: An American Musical" is how Burr's character is treated throughout the entirety of it. It's very strange because to me, it seemed as though they were downplaying/disregarding Burr's own accomplishments in order to bring light to Hamilton's and put him on a pedestal instead. The way they go about this in the musical is very odd. Burr has been dehumanized and villainzed throughout history and his actual life due to his enemies - men like Hamilton himself, Thomas Jefferson, and so on. Vindictive people who made it their life/were dedicated to ruining Burr's life and reputation. Many lyrics stand out to me and I can't help but roll my eyes at some of them. Even in the first song of the musical alone; "His enemies destroyed his rep, America forgot him." That line speaks more to Burr than it does to Hamilton. The damage Burr's enemies, Hamilton included, still lingers around today and he's still known as one of the most hated men in history. Even more so because of how many people refuse to do actual research on him, they watch a musical, or read two pages from a very biased and not very credible book (Chernow, I'm coming for you), then come to a conclusion/form an opinion on someone they truly know nothing about simply due to the fact that they didn't care enough to educate themselves. Lin Manuel Miranda himself admitted that when he was writing this play that Burr was an after thought, didn't see him as human. Though with how much he praised Chernow's book - to the point where he wrote an entire musical based off that nonsense - I would be lying if I said I was surprised, I didn't expect anything more or less. The historical inaccuracies and lack of research always did bother me when it came to this musical in particular. The little "America forgot him" line bothers me as well because as small of a line as it is, it just is not true. Hamilton's family have been fighting for him since the day of his death (for over 100 years), saving his reputation and painting him in the best light in order to secure his legacy. He's the guy on the ten dollar bill, numerous statues of this man posted not only in New York, but in Boston, Chicago, etc. There's one in the U.S Capitol. What about this screams "forgotten"?
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Leosagi/Leochi in Musicals
I have noticed that some people are putting the Epic Musical associated with ROTTMNT (Mostly revolving around Leo). I just have to say, I haven’t listened to the Epic Musical, but my God why hasn’t anyone done Leosagi in other musicals 😭. I haven’t watched many musicals, but here are some suggestions (that no one will use 💀).
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Musicals That Can Fit Leosagi/Leochi
Hamilton - Historical Musical about Founding Father Alexander Hamilton
I’ve seen people using this in other fandoms. For this one it’s mostly Casey and Future Leo. But to include Usagi:
“Helpless“ - The roles technically don’t matter, but Leo could be Eliza (because he has a lot of siblings and also is blue) and Usagi could be Alexander. Usagi’s friends could be Laf, Muligan, or Laurens. Very wholesome song! It could also be reversed with Leo as Alexander. His brothers would be Laf (Donnie), Mulligan (Mikey/Raph), Laurens (Mikey/Someone Else), or Aaron (Raph/Donnie) if this was the case.
“Satisfied” - For some Angst, Leo or Usagi wouldn’t be Eliza 💀 (or if people ship Donsagi, idk the name, then this is a perfect song LOL)! Usagi could be Angelica and Leo Alexander or vise versa. (Context: Angelica and Eliza are siblings, Angelica is the oldest and likes Hamilton. However, she sees her sister Eliza likes Alex as well, so Angelica sets Eliza and Alex up and the two are getting married. Basically, a love triangle)
“Congratulations“ or “First Burn” / “Burn” - This is just to cause more Angst and rub salt over the wound to match with “Satisfied”. “Burn” is basically Eliza and Alexander breaking up because of “Say No To This” when Alex has an affair.
“Dear Theodosia“ - Can be used for the headcanon of Jotaro as Leosagi’s kid & Aaron Burr as Cassandra which would make Theodosia as Casey Jr. 
“Blow Us All Away” and “Stay Alive (Reprise)” - Used as the above. Jotaro can be Phillip (Alex and Eliza’s son). Or maybe replace the son as Casey Jr. Either way, could be a fun idea.
In The Heights - Hispanic musical with people who have a dream and struggling with identity/poverty. (Idk how to describe it).
This musical can be use for those fans who like to headcanon the Hamato children knowing Spanish. There are 2 couples in this play (Benny and Nina | Vanessa and Usnavi) that could fit Leosagi and there is a musical and a movie (I prefer movie audio since it sounds newer than the musical since that’s kinda old).
“The Club“ - Just for funsies. Leo/Usagi getting jealous that the other is gaining a lot of attention on the dance floor with other men (Imma assume Leo aka Vanessa is on the dance floor).
“Blackout” - Follows right after the previous song. Only part that would fit here is an audio most might have heard. The whole “You barely even danced with me” and then “Don’t make me laugh, I’ve been trying all night, you’ve been shaking your ass with half of the Heights”.
“When You’re Home“ - Could be wholesome with using Usagi as Benny (since there’s no confirm race) and Leo as Nina (Afro-Latino and half Japanese moment? Black Hispanic and half Japanese?).
“Sunrise“ - This is only in the musical version, but it’s so cute!! Takes place after “Blackout” where Nina and Benny found each other and stayed with each other. Nina teaches Benny some Spanish. “Well how do you say kiss me?” “Besume” “and how do you say hold me?” All of that. And also a moment where Benny is scared that Nina’s dad is going to know that Nina is with him (Nina’s dad disproves of Benny). Obviously, Leo is Nina and Benny is Usagi.
Bare: A Pop Opera - (TW: Self-harm also Drugs) Gay musical with two boys struggling in a Catholic Boarding School. They are secretly dating, but one wants the come out and the other doesn’t because of his strict father (also he has a twin).
I really recommend this musical, it might be slow but it can get you in your feels. Btw, it’s a sad musical (Trigger warning). Honestly, any songs can fit because it’s literally a gay story. Also a theater Romeo and Juliet play they are doing. A play within a musical.
“You And I“ - Listening to the lyrics ummm, Leo fits almost TOO WELL with being Jason 😂 Jason is the one with a twin named Nadia (who believes she is fat and she harms herself). Their dad is rich and Jason is the favorite sibling. Anyways, Jason is Leo and Peter is Usagi. This song is an introduction to how they are together (always being in secret and having to pull away when people are around).
“Plain Jane Fat Ass“ - Twin moment with Jason (Leo) and Nadia (Donnie). Angst or Hurt/Comfort with the two.
“Best Kept Secret“ - Self explanatory
“Ever After” - THIS SONG OMG. So Leo and Usagi are having a heated argument and it’s tense and pretty sad.
“Wedding Bells“ - Angst. Usagi imagines Leo with another person.
“See Me“ - This is gonna have to change, so Peter is trying to come out to his mother, but she is clearly trying to ignore it. So This could be Leo being Peter and Splinter being the mom.
“God Don’t Make No Trash“ - Sister Chantelle (I didn’t spell that right. Anyways this is definitely Mikey aka Dr. Feels) and Peter talking about sexuality (kinda).
I don’t know who can be considered as “Father”. Maybe Draxum or Big Mama.
“Bare“ - Hurt, no comfort between Peter and Jason.
Be More Chill - Awkward teens who are trying to be cool so they take a pill (From JAPAAAAAAN) and they are controlled kinda.
Main character, Jeremy, likes this quirky girl named Christine, so he’s trying to be cool to get with her. If you heard the audio (”I’m waiting for my porno to load”) then that’s this musical. I did see multiple Donnie animations (and a Leo) with the song “Michael In The Bathroom”. Yeah that’s this musical. Maybe Christine (Usagi), Jeremy (Leo), and Michael (Donnie).
The Idea: I included this musical mainly because the whole idea if that teenagers are trying to be cool by taking a pill that (roughly, hard to explain) has a person in their head who “helps” them be cool (in actuality, a douche or a player). With the headcanons of The Krang still in control of certain Turtles, I thought well maybe instead of inserting something like “Mind Raph”, just make the person in the head (aka a Squip) just the Krang 😂 (Same can be used for BeetleJuice The Musical)
“A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into“ - Pretty cute song from Christine (Usagi).
“Be More Chill Pt. 1″ - Basically when the Squip comes in. Like listen and imagine the Krang behind the voices trying to manipulate people 💀
“The Pitiful Children“ - Basically a ‘world domination’ song. So just Krangs.
Heathers - Basically the movie.
This potentially fits the 2003 Leosagi more, I have no idea. At least, if we make JD Miyamoto. TW: Murders, Explosives, E.D., Suicide, Drugs/Alcohols, and attempt S.A.
“Beautiful” Or “Candy Store“ - The roles (based on colors) are Chandler (Raph), Duke (Donnie), MacAmera (Didn’t spell that right, Mikey), Kurt & Ram (The Foot Dudes? Bebop & Rocksteady), Martha (Todd? LOL), JD (Usagi).
“Meant To Be Yours” - Please, I need Psychopathic Usagi or Leo, I’ll take any 😭
Heathers: The Musical (2022), another version of the musical with some altered lyrics and added songs with a bit new style of musical form. “I Will Never Shut Up Again” - Wonderful song for Duke, would like to see an animation of Donnie (I like villain songs, lol).
“Seventeen“ - Wholesome song, hurt/comfort kinda, where Usagi and Leo are singing about having a life together (and not a life of being murderers).
I would add “Dead Girl Walking” but this fandom seems to not do much NSFW stuff with this ship, so I’ll exclude that song along with “Blue” as a suggestion.
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nordleuchten · 2 years
Hamilton vs. History
As most people are certainly aware of, Hamilton: An American Musical is not an exact representation of history and never wanted to be one. But when a pop-culture medium is so widespread and in certain places almost as omnipresent as Hamilton is, there will always be a blend between fact and fiction. Certain aspects of fiction or pop-culture simply make such a strong impression on us, that they shape our view on reality/history. Some aspects appear so much more fun, so much brighter in fiction, that we often do not want to know weather said aspect really happened this way. Some other details are so minor, that they are hard to catch if you are not deeply interested in the topic at hand.
Since I do know a thing or two about La Fayette, I thought I take a little deep dive into his depiction in Hamilton.
As a little disclaimer, while I have read the book Hamilton by Ron Chernow and listened to the official cast recording, I have never seen an actual production and can therefore not take into account what the actors do on stage.
I would have hoped that I do not have to say it, but I have made the experience in the past that I indeed do have so say it; La Fayette was not dark skinned. He was as white as the rest of influential America and Europa at that time.
As to his costume, well, he wears two uniforms throughout the play (plus the white suit at the beginning and in the end and his civilian clothes at the beginning of Act I)
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His first uniform is identical with Mulligan’s, Laurens’ and Hamilton’s uniform – not quite right since he was a Major-General and the others were not. A more suitable uniform would have looked something like this:
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The second, and probably more prominent uniform, is this one:
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La Fayette wore this uniform as a lieutenant general in 1791 towards the end of his military service during the French Revolution, so roughly a decade later, in a different country during a different revolution.
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Aaron Burr, Sir
With this song we are introduced to La Fayette for the first time. As a disclaimer, La Fayette never met Hercules Mulligan, had very little contact with Aaron Burr and he also met Hamilton and Laurens at the same time.
Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette!
The Lancelot of the revolutionary set!
I came from afar just to say “Bonsoir!”
Tell the King “Casse toi!” Who's the best?
C'est moi!
I like that La Fayette is speaking French in his opening lyrics because by the time of his arrival in America he only had a very limited knowledge of the English language and he needed a few extra months to feel entirely comfortable. Hamilton and Laurens both spoke French and this circumstance really helped in building their friendship.
La Fayette also makes a remark regarding the legendary (often described as French) knight Lancelot du Lac. Quite fitting, given that La Fayette hailed from a line of literally knights and these were stories and (self-)characterisations that he was quite attached to.
Other than that, the song is a bit too bubbly for my taste. Yes, La Fayette could be extremely energetic and optimistic, but he could also be incredibly self-conscious. He knew that he had no practical knowledge, that he barely understood the language, that his age was working against him, he even told Washington that he came to learn and not to teach – he would have never said “Who’s the best? C’est moi!” And while we are at it, he also did not like swearing.
My Shot
I dream of life without a monarchy
The unrest in France will lead to 'onarchy?
'Onarchy? How you say, how you s-oh, 'anarchy!'
When I fight, I make the other side panicky
With my—
I suspect that the first line is directed towards the French monarchy, since France was where the vast majority of his life took place. If so – no, La Fayette did not dream of life without a monarchy. Later, during the French Revolution he was critical of the monarchy but never wanted to abolish it. He was not called a Counter-Revolutionary and Royalist by his enemies for no reason.
While yes, there had been unrests long before the French Revolution, as we know it, started, these problems were at this time of his life not on La Fayette’s mind.
As to making the other side “panicky”, well, La Fayette had no practically military experience at this point so there were very few people whom he made “panicky” (and I think half of them were members of the Continental Congress and Continental Army.)
But once again, I like La Fayette’s struggle with the English language.
The Story of Tonight
I may not live to see our glory!
This line is rather interesting because while, yes, many of La Fayette’s ancestors have died young, his own father among them, and while La Fayette himself had been wounded early on in the Battle of Brandywine and also had been severely ill several times, he wrote these lines to his Adrienne on January 6, 1777 in regards to the birth of their second daughter Anastasie:
For the rest, if one must worry about the family name, I declare that I have decided to live long enough to bear it myself for many years, before I am obliged to bequeath it to another being.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 222-226.
He certainly was full of optimism to see their glory.
Let's have another round tonight!
La Fayette was definitely not averse to a drink or two or fife with his friends. This line is very much in character.
The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
I would like to preface this song by saying that neither La Fayette, nor Laurens, nor Mulligan nor Burr were present at Hamilton’s wedding. The only guest on Hamilton’s side of the wedding party was Doctor James McHenry, former aide-de-camp to Washington and now an aide-de-camp to La Fayette
Let's have another round tonight!
As I said previously, this is definitely something that La Fayette would have said. :-)
You are the worst, Burr!
There is no reason to believe that La Fayette, even when a bit tipsy, had any ill feelings towards Burr. In fact, La Fayette had very few feelings towards Burr because he mentions the good Sir almost never. There are six letters in total, both to and from La Fayette, that mention Burr and the earliest is from 1807.
Stay Alive
I ask for French aid, I pray that France has sent a ship
La Fayette lobbied extensively for the American cause, even before his first voyage home again to France.
Have Lafayette take the lead!
As we snatch a stalemate from the jaws of defeat
The Battle of Monmouth was a wild. Washington offered the command to Lee, who was not interested so Washington went to La Fayette, who gladly accepted the command. Suddenly, Lee’s interest was renewed, and he took command after all. The battle itself was disaster but La Fayette never officially took command but instead worked with Lee to try and safe the day and he was also in command of his own little sub-division.
Guns and Ships
La Fayette's most prominent number in the musical.
I’m takin this horse by the reins makin’
Redcoats redder with bloodstains
And I’m never gonna stop until I make ‘em
Drop and burn ‘em up and scatter their remains, I’m
Watch me engagin’ em! Escapin’ em!
Enragin’ em! I’m—
I go to France for more funds
I come back with more
And ships
And so the balance shifts
La Fayette went to France in 1779 and returned to America in 1780. He brought with him the promise of “guns and ships” but the French aide needed some time to arrive.
We can end this war at Yorktown, cut them off at sea, but
For this to succeed, there is someone else we need:
Sir, he knows what to do in a trench
Ingenuitive and fluent in French, I mean—
Sir, you’re gonna have to use him eventually
What’s he gonna do on the bench? I mean—
No one has more resilience
Or matches my practical tactical brilliance—
By the time of La Fayette’s return to America, Yorktown was not yet chosen, or better destined, to be the decisive battle in the Revolutionary War, especially since Washington and the French commanders had different ideas about how to proceed.
La Fayette did try to mend Washington’s and Hamilton’s relationship, not only by talking with Washington but also with Hamilton. And no, he would have never said, that he was tactically brilliant – because he was not, simple as that.
Yorktown (the World Turned Upside Down)
Monsieur Hamilton
Monsieur Lafayette
In command where you belong
How you say, no sweat
We're finally on the field. We’ve had quite a run
We get the job done
This is such a lovely scene, isn’t it? But it never happened like that, quite the opposite actually. La Fayette chose one of his former aide-de-camps, Jean-Joseph Soubadère de Gimat, to take command of the storming of redoubt number 10. Hamilton was eager to be given the command but when La Fayette refused he went straight to Washington who decided in Hamilton’s favour and overruled La Fayette’s decision. While in the end this incident did not harm La Fayette’s and Hamilton’s friendship, La Fayette was anything but happy with the situation.
So what happens if we win?
I go back to France
I bring freedom to my people if I’m given the chance
As I have now already mentioned a couple of times, at this time there was not really any freedom that La Fayette wanted to bring to France. There were certainly political and social matters that he was interested in and some laws that he would have liked to see reformed – but I feel like these lines imply a fixed agenda that simply was not there yet.
When we finally drive the British away
Lafayette is there waiting—
In Chesapeake Bay!
La Fayette and his troops played a vital role in cornering and keeping the British troops in Yorktown by making a retreat by land impossible.
Freedom for America, freedom for France!
Again, freedom for France was not yet on the forefront of La Fayette’s mind.
Cabinet Battle #2
Did you forget Lafayette?
Have you an ounce of regret?
You accumulate debt, you accumulate power
Yet in their hour of need, you forget
Lafayette’s a smart man, he’ll be fine
And before he was your friend, he was mine
If we try to fight in every revolution in the world, we never stop
Where do we draw the line?
La Fayette’s imprisonment was a headache inducing topic for many people at the time. Neither Hamilton, nor Jefferson, nor Washington for that matter, had forgotten La Fayette, but there was very little that could be done from their positions. What could be done however, was done and Hamilton and Jefferson both helped. Interesting is here the change of roles – Jefferson accuses Hamilton of not caring while Hamilton himself is rather optimistic. In reality it was Hamilton who did way more for La Fayette, even taking his son in, while Jefferson, although concerned and helpful, sometimes had a mindset of “Well, it is a revolution, shit happens.”
This post is not intended as a critique of the musical or the people who like it and listen to it, this is simply a little note for the curious. :-)
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
alright i’ve heard so much about burr and his umbrella? and out of anyone, i have a feeling you’d be someone who would know something about this, so can you please explain what is going on with burr and his umbrella that he lost when he was like 5 or 12 or smtn?
I forget not everyone knows the extensive Amrev fandom lore. Y'all make me feel old.
Basically, Aaron Burr had this one umbrella that had a knife equipped with it, and was constantly losing it and lamenting it's disappearance. Like, a lot. It's a continuous thing in his journal.
London, December 6, 1808;
“Home at four. Caught in the rain, having yesterday left my umbrella at Brentford—no doubt lost.”
London, December 7, 1808;
“Went to the stagehouse to inquire for my umbrella, but with little hope. It was there, brought by the coachman. How very honest people are here, and yet I am cheated most impudently every hour.”
London, December 14, 1808;
“Rose at six; set off at seven. I sleep very soundly in these stagecoaches. By sleeping, however, forgot to ask for my umbrella, which I had left at Stanmore.”
Edinburgh, January 13, 1809;
“As you would not suspect that I could be till this hour in Edinburgh (if, indeed, the subject has been thought of at all, which, with humility, I acknowledge that, from appearances, it did not merit), this formal notice is given that I am here, and like to be here eight days longer.
Send Tom to Craven-street to demand letters, and to Bedford-street for the umbrella, if not heretofore found. A. Burr.”
London, Febraury 8, 1809;
“Out at ten; raining, took K.'s umbrella, having lost my own.”
Gotha, January 9, 1810;
“As I was writing the concluding line of the preceding page last evening (about one o'clock), an ill-looking fellow opened my door without knocking, and, mut- tering in German something which I did not comprehend, bid me put out my candle. Being in no very placid humour at the moment, as you see, I cursed him, and sent him to the lower regions in French and English. He advanced, and was going to seize the candle. My umbrella, which has a dirk in the handle, being near me, I seized it, drew the dirk, and drove him out of the room.”
Paris, April 20, 1810;
“At eleven to the umbrella mender. Nothing done.”
Paris, February 13, 1811;
“A brilliant morning. Sun shining bright for this hemisphere. Went out without my umbrella. Before I got one hundred yards it began to rain. Went back for the umbrella.”
Paris, July 11, 1811;
“To near Luxembourg to get an umbrella which some one, unknown, left in my room a fortnight ago, and which has, therefore, become my property by prescription. Paid for mending it, three francs.”
London, February 18, 1812;
“Got home at four, and discovered that I had lost my umbrella; a most serious misfortune, and little hope of recovering it, as I have no recollection where I stopped. It is impossible for me to buy one or to do without one.”
London, February 19, 1812
“My umbrella hung heavy at my heart. Went to hunt for it. Walked back on the track I came from J. H.'s yesterday, and called at the places I had been; but no umbrella. It is finally lost, and I must submit to the inconveniences of getting wet and of spoiling my clothes.”
London, February 20, 1812;
“Then home, following again the track of my poor lost umbrella, but to no purpose.”
London, February 22, 1812;
“—but, in the first place, I slept till near nine, and, in the next, it rained in torrents, and you know my umbrella is on a voyage.
Round by Westminster and Blackfriars' Bridges to Graves's. The rain setting in again, bought me the cheapest umbrella I could find that was large enough. Cost ten shillings and sixpence.”
And here is a longer post.
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chemdisaster · 2 months
Aaron Burr!
xen hi!! thanks for the ask!!
how i feel about this character:
burr is mine to project on. i often see myself in a lot of characters, but the traits i see in him are all the ones that are most difficult for me to understand and explain, even to myself. thus, he makes me miserable because a lot of those issues have this air of unfixable around them. his doomed narrative vibes make me miserable. (all very /pos of course). his playlist is one of my most miserable playlists. he's the living embodiment of "crack baby" by mitski. he's the living embodiment of her entire discography actually. i want him to finally get what he's spent his whole life yearning for. i want him to finally feel complete. i want him to never find happiness and live and die in every new alternate reality as little more than steam on someone else's window, a cut-off phrase, a forever unfinished story.
all the people i ship romantically with this character:
well hamilton comes first, as you know, but honestly burr is such an interesting character that any ship involving him would be very entertaining. just thinking of how his own issues would clash with other characters' different views of attachment....i definitely need to explore more burr ships.
my non-romantic otp for this character:
idk if it counts as an otp, but i love the idea of burr having a decent relationship with eliza. like them knowing each other and having formed their own conclusions about each other and understanding some things that other people don't? burr having dinner at the hamiltons' or just coming to visit or something? i need more of them and their relationship.
my unpopular opinion about this character:
i'm not 100% aware of what the popular opinions about burr are, but of the stuff i've seen on pinterest and in fics - burr's not the sane and boring one. he's the mentally ill and misunderstood one and he deserves to snap and for it to look as ugly and real as possible. overall, i just think that he's criminally underrated and peradventure the most complex and interesting character in hamilton, and there is a world of possibilities regarding content that could be made of him, of which we as a fandom have only barely scraped the surface.
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
more lighthearted moments with ham. like in "aaron burr, sir", or the beginning of "the room where it happens" - the angst is cool and all, but them being friends and doing friend stuff? god.
ask game
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on-partiality · 7 months
Hi, I’ve been curious about Hercules Mulligan’s inclusion in the Rev Set ever since I have seen posts saying that one of the other aids like Meade and Tilgman or Tallmadge (if Herc was added solely for spy stuff) would have been a better choice. Id love to hear your thoughts on this.
Also, (terribly sorry if this insults any Mullette shippers) but do you know why people ship Mullette? (Correct me if I’m wrong) but these two have had zero historical relations. In addition, I don’t remember from the last time I saw musical but if you do, what was Laf and Herc’s relationship onstage?
So sorry about this super long ask. I just felt like you would be the best person to ask. Tysm and I hope you have a wonderful day!😊
Aw, this is such a cool question! And you're really nice, anon! I wish you the best! I would also like to make it very clear right now to anyone else who wants to send me a long ask. I love long asks. They give me more to ramble about!
When I was first getting into studying the real history behind the musical two years ago, this same thing confused me heaps. Mainly because we have no proof that Lafayette or Laurens ever even met Mulligan, let alone became good friends with him and he wasn't particularly close to Hamilton either for most of the war (I mean, in the continental army, he would've barely seen Hamilton, and the other aides would have been around him all day). Hamilton lived with him when he was in college, and they got along really well, had fun late-night conversations, just overall were great friends who influenced eachother in positive ways and Mulligan's chats with him definitely made young Hamilton more enthusiastic about the revolutionary cause. Additionally, Hercules Mulligan was part of his artillery company, The Hearts Of Oak or the Corsicans - Mulligan's the whole reason why we know the story of 18 year old Hamilton stealing British cannons with his volunteers is because of the recount of that night that Mulligan later wrote - however, for the rest of the war they just didn't interact with one another much.
They had their separate jobs, and they did them well. Hamilton was confined to his own quaters and the aide-de-camp tent, Mulligan was hanging around British camps and the battlefield doing exactly what Hamilton wanted to do. The relationship between the two was completely different from how Hamilton, Laurens, and Lafayette were through most of the war. Working together, seeing each other just about every other day, creating the same drafts and plans; Especially Laurens and Hamilton as Lafayette got some more 'exciting' jobs because of his rank as a Major General. But out of the bunch, Mulligan really sticks out like a sore thumb, historically the group was called the gay trio and for a good 3 quaters of the war it was just them all together. So why on earth would Lin Manuel Miranda add a fourth to the trio? It very well could be that like you said, he wanted everyone in the main group to have a different role that was integral to how the Continental army ran (Lafayette commanding, Hamilton writing, Laurens battling (?) and Mulligan spying) but I ended up reaching the conclusion that because the musical starts in 1776 while Hamilton was still in college - in the musical at least, presumably, but because of the way events are swapped around with eachother and happen at all the wrong times it's a bit difficult to tell what time things happened in the musical like I believe that when it starts Hamilton's meant to be in college and not yet a soldier however Hamilton left college to make his militia thing in 1775 and he stole the cannons in 1775 however the musical shows this happening after Aaron Burr, Sir and at the start if that song they make it very clear that it's meant to be 1776 which also means that Hamilton and Mulligan should've already known each other, I digress, I could ramble about how the way the musical timeline is makes no sense for years - , they wanted to show someone who was really important to him at that age, and they just kept him with the group for the rest of the show to avoid confusion as to why he disappeared or so that they wouldn't have to introduce another character (like why they used Jefferson instead of Monroe for the Reynolds pamphlet).
I don't know about using Tallmadge as a substitute though, given that I haven't read of any interactions between him and Hamilton or him and Laurens historically, I haven't read of any between him and Lafayette either, but it seems more likely that they would've spoken given Lafayette's position as a major general. It's entirely possible that the trio had heard of him but never actually met him given that I believe that I read somewhere that the whole trio knew of the Culper Spy Ring and a lot of what they would've heard to do with the Culper Spy Ring would have related to Benjamin Tallmadge in some way or other because he was the co-founder of the group. Meade and Tilghman would be good to swap Mulligan for, but then it doesn't make sense that he was talking to them in college (although Laurens and Lafayette didn't meet Hamilton when he was 19 either and like I mentioned earlier, Mulligan should have already known him so with the logic of the Hamilton musical they could be in the main group, yes). If my theory is correct then it would make sense why none of the more historically accurate quadrios were chosen, if they wanted someone who was close to Hamilton in his college years who still fought in the revolutionary war; then Mulligan would've been a great fit.
I'm going to guess that Mullette is one of those ships where people went, 'Hmm, I have ships for every other character but these too, and they seem close enough (in the musical that is), so I'll pair them together!'. Y'know, one of those pair-the-spares kind of things that people who are really into shipping do. Additionally. I believe you're correct; it has to have been an 100% musical fandom ship originally because if there was even just a little bit of historical evidence to back it up, then we'd know for a fact that Lafayette and Mulligan knew each other. Oh, and as someone who has seen the musical rather recently (late may last year) in the show, Lafayette and Mulligan didn't interact much, but they did come across as good friends and for some very creative people, those crumbs of interactions are enough to develop whole stories and relationships and I applaud those people, the way they create so much out of so little is amazing. Personally, I don't like any ships that don't have even a semblance of historical backing because I'm definitely an amrev fan before I'm a Hamilton musical fan (I still love the musical, I just value the real history more). People can like what they like though; I won't judge.
I'll always think Mullette's funny because here in Australia recently it's become a trend again for young boys and men to get mullets and I can't read the name without thinking of some crazy looking mullets that I've seen. Thanks for the ask, Anon! It was super fun to answer :D
(I apologise if I come across as rude, I've struggled with tones my whole life)
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