#do not even REMEMBER if i named this guy cause I got him early 2024? i think? and then promptly was like. i cant do thissss with his head
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volfoss · 1 month ago
Long time no faceup...
Under the cut cause my number 1 hobby with doll faceups is to talk 700 years about the process and well. I was talking a LOT this time around lol
I am so kind of notoriously bad at not finishing a doll. Like ridiculously so. In my defense with this doll- his face sculpt was SO ridiculously out of my comfort zone (I usually have more cartoonish dolls > realistic) and he was massive (and his body had a lot of mods that I in turn wanted to modify) (on top of my pain increasing a lot which caused me to not be able to work on projects often the last year or two). I would have kept his faceup if it wasn't scratched badly in certain places but, here's the before (blank, I am NOT showing how bad my previous faceup attempts are..it's bad) and then I'll get into processes and such!
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[ID: A large ball jointed doll sitting up. His face is blank with no eyes or wig and his body has multiple sculpted blue sections on it. A cat is sniffing his shoulder. /End ID]
The mod work was easy (thankfully! Pin that says I ❤️ my dremel) but I am not done with that so I will be focusing on his face! I watched a lot of realistic faceup tutorials and came away with a few takeaways:
1. Watercolors and a skinny nail brush WILL be your best friend. Also water in general to fix the mistakes
2. Take your time <- you'd think this was obvious but I'm soooo bad at rushing a faceup ok. I'm so bad at slowing down
3. Pastel before watercolor makes it go on smoother (the vid recommended using white which worked well bc this boy is very pale lmao)
4. Be brave and get the worst bit done first so if you fuck it up it's no big deal
So, with that knowledge I began sealing the head (was doing him along w 2 other heads Ive been putting off) and that was when the trouble started. I use sponge on sealant (liquitex matte varnish. Works like a dream always and no respiratory gear or weather conditions needed) but it was applying glossy. I assumed it was too cold in my room and after a few layers of hoping that would fix it, it didn't! Thankfully it had happened to me before and I shook it up VERY aggressively (like 1-2 minutes of shaking) and it went on fine minus some exaggerated texture on the resin from the few bad layers. Now this is one of the issues w this method, the other is it can trap dust/hair or whatever in there (you can easily pick it out if you notice it before it dries tho). These are both pros for me, I like when the doll looks more textured skin wise (realistic) and if I'm getting a little too lost on what direction to take the head, the dust or hair can make moles, freckles, or even scars! Prefacing all of that with the sealant was kicking my ASS and I was fighting for my life, which wasn't giving me much hope when this was a faceup style greatly out of my comfort zone and skill set, so it was just really a bad start. Also important to note that I did like absolutely no mockups for this which I usually do. I did a very vague basic realistic faceup and that was it, which was not really setting myself up for success, one may say.
But, somehow, the first layer was ok! I put white pastel down under the eye, around the eyebrow placement and then after some mishaps with the watercolor on the brows, I went to my old tactic. Usually with brows, I lay a layer or two down of pastel (FAR lighter than I want the brows to be) to kind of carve a rough shape out because I'm so atrocious at getting them even (like to a comical level. The amount of times I've had to redo a full brow to match the other makes this be my default method bc I'm SO bad at them).
I did one layer of that, and then decided I would try again with the watercolor. I don't want him to have super obvious eyeliner or anything (statements I've never said before. I have dolls where the liner covers the entire eyelid, I love a big eyeliner) so I just did the top waterline in a dark brown watercolor on a skinny nail art brush. This went... Suspiciously well? To the point where I just decided hey, we're going in and doing the eyelashes on the same layer.
Eyelashes are another point I'm so bad at, to the point where of all of my dolls I've painted, I've done bottom eyelashes 2x like ever. 3 at most. I remembered the tips from the video (not too much water but not too much paint, steady your hand, take it slow, and not doing just straight lines (hard to do that because I default to that often lol)) and just dove in.
The first eye went so well that I just went right into the second one and it was so much less bad than I thought it would be. It's crazy that practice and research helps? After that dried, I mixed pink and peach acrylic paints together to paint the lower waterline, and after THAT dried, I covered the bottom lashes with the same white pastel. It muted it a lot but the main thing I've learned working with this sealant method is that it WILL take stuff off. So in theory, I hoped that it would take the white pastel off and not fade my very painstakingly painted eyelashes.
Somehow it did work (thank you makeup knowledge or something) and the first layer was done. It felt SO wrong to have a first layer with NO blush???? Like absolutely makes no sense to my brain but it was so relieving to be done with the worst parts (minus the brows. I was not looking forward to those).
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[ID: A three quarter view of the doll head shown above. Instead of being blank, it has very faint blonde eyebrows and dark brown lower eyelashes. /End ID]
This is the time in which I admit that I was wrong that it was so bad to do a realistic faceup (which could easily change when I do the blushing, you do not want to see the 80s blush situation I had on the first faceup attempt), as having the brow bones so prominent made the painting so much easier. I was very mad about this as this is my first proper* attempt at this sort of faceup and it was going so well (* proper meaning I actually attempted to adapt my style to the sculpt instead of putting my usual methods to use here on a head of a different style). Honestly I just kind of locked into the brows, and since my brush is a nail brush, there's a little ball stylus (I think that's what it's called? Dotting tool may also be what it's called) so when I messed up, I got that wet and very gently cleaned it up, dabbing the excess water/paint with my finger. This was SO much less painful than using acrylic paint on brows (that is MISERABLE to remove if you fuck up with black acrylic. That does not budge ever) or using watercolor pencils (like with doing my own eyeliner, I do much better with a brush than pencil).
Genuinely never will go back to using a different material for doing the brow strokes, this was such a breeze. Even getting it even wasn't too bad, I just cleaned the brows up with that same technique until I got it close enough. While I was waiting for that to dry, I used the same dark brown (I have a very small watercolor palette and no clue how to blend it lol, so I just used the same color this whole faceup so far) and same brush to add some paint to the eye crease to add some more dimension to the face. While that was drying, it started to bother me that all the dust was just not covered up, because my brain is used to when I break the paint out, I'm nearly done with the faceup, so it should be covered and cleaner by now. Which honestly I'm glad I did! It looks a lot better with most of it covered, although I do still.plan on doing a scar from the left eyebrow up to the forehead as well as others on the forehead but those are 3d sculpt projects and not flat paint projects (I use Elmer's glue to build it up and then blush/paint over top) so it is not my problem now lol.
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[ID: A front facing picture of the head above. The head has dark brown curved eyebrows, moles dotted at random around the face, and the eye crease is filled in with dark brown. /End ID]
As if this project wasn't driving me crazy with stress enough, when I powdered the brows, one of them just didn't get as powdered as the other and so when I applied the sealant, about half the brow came away with it! Absolutely devastating but it is just the nature of water colors and liquid sealant! The next layer now had to include a patch job on the brow, as well as blushing (or if I was a little smarter, one layer for the brow repair, seal again, and a layer for the blushing so I didn't mess it up again!). It was such an incredibly frustrating set back especially with how long it took me to do the brows initially.
At THIS point, I was so relieved I had done a mockup digitally (even if not super accurate to what I ended up going with) because thinking of doing the blushing the next layer did make me want to cry a little bit for a couple reasons (on top of the already immense frustrations that sealing the brows on the start of day 2 brought).
As I said earlier, very different head type than what I usually do (usually can just slap some pink on the cheeks, brown elsewhere etc), but the bigger issue was how pale he is. I find it a billion times easier to paint a yellowed doll or a doll with darker resin (I am SO excited to get to my Dong next (his resin is so pretty (and has been really fun to work on while I was in white boy shading hell)) than a white unyellowed doll. If you know color theory or like any makeup at all, paler skin makes things show up so much brighter, which is a pain in the ass when you're trying to make a doll not look like they have clown makeup on with the blush alone. And with how sculpted his face is, I had to place the blush just right to get it to look ok, as well as somehow get the shading to look clean and decent.
I used a combination of a brush directly against the pastel and shavings and slowly built up some flush to the cheeks and shading around the nose.
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[ID: The same doll head as above, but with a more peach color to the lips and cheeks, with slight definition around the sides of the nose bridge. /End ID]
I added the tiniest bit more blushing (my favorite hobby is procrastinating sealing. #1 thing ever) and then felt really unsure if I was somewhat close to being done or not, so decided to try it on his body with random eyes and wig to see what else needed to be there, which confirmed a couple things!
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[ID: The same head as before, now shown on a seated large ball jointed doll body. He has a long lilac center part straight wig on and dark eyes. There is a doll to the left and right of him./End ID]
The first thing was somehow ALL of the messy forehead was covered by the wig, which was such a relief in of itself. The second thing was all of the blushing looked really good and natural which was such a big relief honestly.
He really just looked like some guy which was very funny as I really um don't have any dolls in my collection that have a normal faceup (guy addicted to getting too silly with it voice: Well surely getting MORE goofy won't hurt! I think the closest to a normal guy would be Theo? Cordelia perhaps too but she's also so pink lmao) and look like just a guy that you could find at a gas station. This will probably not last as I wanted to turn the forehead marks into silvery scars (I feel we could get a little silly with it and have it be magical or something like that, provides the scars look ok lmao. Future me's problem). I definitely need to add some more shading under his eyes (under eye bags are PERFECT when his eye bags are actually sculpted, I'm not used to that on a sculpt lol), accents to the lips (MAY do lip lines. May just add more color. No one ever knows what my go to is with lips because I hate doing them), add highlights (and maybe use some pearl x powder on the eyelid area... I kind of want him to look MOSTLY natural but I cannot lie, the lure of men with eyeshadow. It's a slippery slope) and mess with his eyes a bit as he looks really good with that purple wig, so I'd like to use colors that coordinate with that if possible (same with the eyes probably?). All in all, this was a lot of work for a low energy day and I feel I'm entering the home stretch a bit!
Day three, and despite how horrendous I was feeling like the entire day, I locked in and got a lot done!
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[ID: The same head as above, with silver scarring on the forehead and nose and slightly more pigment on the lips. /end ID]
In pictures the scars look a LOT like leeches to me but it's ok or something. I wanted to do silver as I felt it would be fun to do a more magical twist with the characters and having some funky colored scars would work with that! I started with a layer of light grey paint and Elmer's glue mixed together, then added layers of a silver paint with the glue until it was more pronounced from the resin, how a scar would be, and then shaded with watercolors (before then adding the blushing to make it look like actual scars instead of weird metal globs). Honestly I really liked how the eyebrow and nose ones came out but the forehead ones were more of a cover up job rather than where I wanted to place them, so they may get adjusted later.
Other than that, I started work on his eyes (and most of the day was laying in bed in pain so I didn't get a ton done sadly)! It's not very visible in photos but I also used a glittery powder (pearl ex) on the eyelids to add some sparkle.
All that was left is a bit of scar work, figuring out if I'm going to do lines on the lips (my worst debate always tbh, I feel they rarely look good with my faceup style and are often a pain in my ass), finish the eyes (admittedly this is just because I'm very slow with it as I don't really like working with the resin a ton), and gloss the areas that need it. There is definitely a chance I remove the forehead scarring (the great part about it all being glue is well. It removes easily) and do something different there that's a bit bigger and less small blobs but that is tomorrow's problem. Honestly really excited about the eyes, they look REALLY good from when I've tried them in!
I then proceeded to procrastinate for about a week maybe (time is odd for me rn) because I was so unsure about the forehead scarring but when I picked it back up, I did the finishing touches I planned on here and then wrapped his eyes up and he's done! 2 heads to go (sadly. I'm so scared doing them to be honest cause it's so much work always) but very happy with him!
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[ID: The head shown previously, but on his body. His lips and scars are now glossy, he has eyes with a dark blue sclera and bright purple glittery iris in, and is wearing a long straight lavender wig. His body is wearing a teal and purple camo shirt that is tight fitting. The doll is sitting between two other dolls on a shelf. /End ID]
#twist rambles#bjd posting#i feel im always like recipe blog intro length for these posts lmao. but i stay silly and these posts r mostly for me in the way of like...#sometimes i forget techniques and it helps a lot if i need to redo a faceup lol#do not even REMEMBER if i named this guy cause I got him early 2024? i think? and then promptly was like. i cant do thissss with his head#and body so just. didnt lmao. but hopefully this year will be better..im SURE he has a name somewhere in my doll spreadsheet but idk lmao.#one thing about me is i WILL fuck up so badly on a faceup and just go no. its ok. i will fix it. and honestly no clue how this is turning#out... i churn these rly long posts in between all the drying times sealant wise so THESE tags are after eyebrow mistake incident#also did check... poor thang has no name... but my last 70 cm male head that was giving me GRIEF was named casimir so i may just give him#that name.... also bc i keep accidentally calling him that bc i keep forgetting his sculpt... poor baby. oh my god i havent had that big#head for 5 years. what the fuckkk. passage of time is so scary. also my god my old faceups were rough#puhlease be nice to me here this is the first more realistic faceup style ive ever done#worlds longest project journal forever i fear.... i need to finish mt other projects too but well. consider me scared. it gets so long caus#i do it after i work on it in steps instead of write up directly after it so i think its just kind of my nature to never shut up#im soooo proud of how it turned out tbh :) i didnt have a ton of faith it would be ok but. it did and taught me a lot of tips w faceups lol#also his head and body match like? perfectly? which they didnt before. the body was yellowed and head was more pink toned so. wasnt#intentional but happy accidents
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baby-alien11 · 11 months ago
Met Gala (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Ever since the invitation for you and Jack to attend the 2024 MET Gala arrived, you and Jack along with both teams of stylist started to work for the looks, managing to pull a replica of a Dior vintage dress and Jack got a custom made suit to match with your dress
"I'm not going to let you go with a boring suit", you said to Jack during the design process of the outfits, "We're going to serve in the Gala"
The months previer to the Gala passed between doing personal projects, fittings of the outfits and tests of hair and make up; and when the time to fly to New York for the even, both of you arrived on saturday night, to be able to watch the Miami GP races on sunday, which ended up in Jack being over the moon to watch a McLaren win, which made you happy because it was one of his favorite teams
The monday of the MET Gala, preparations started early with the styling, and the best thing was that the disagner both of you were using wasn't spoiled online, and you were sure of that thanks to being chronically online
"Almost no one is serving", you commented seeing the first looks arriving
"What's with the beige and black colors?", Jack frowned
"I know, they're not with the dress code"
Having multiple views of all the attendants of the event, the styling continued for almost an hour, in which your hair was the longest to get ready, during which Jack got dressed in his blue with embroidered flowers suit
Once your hair and make up was ready, it was time to put on the dress (which they made floor lenght for the gala), shoes, earrings, bracelet, necklace and took the purse chosen for the look, even putting a bit of pink eyeshaown in your tattoo; before leaving for the event, photos and videos of the looks were taken, individually and in couple, before covering both of your looks with black capes and keep the surprise for the carpet
"I remember when getting ready for the Scream premiere, in that same hotel, you said about feeling like going to the MET", Rachel mentioned on the van on the way to the event, "And now both of you are going, how does it feel?"
"I can't believe Anna Wintour knows who we are", Jack said causing laughs for everyone
"Exactly the same thought", you nodded, "I thought it was going to be a few years before attending, but we are going before turning twenty, this is crazy"
Arriving at the MET, a few more minutes after you were able to go down thanks to the guests arriving, and standing in the line to wait to step into the carpet, but feeling a bit nervous to talk to someone, both of you kept the talking between yourselves, until a voice behind you spoke
"Nice outfits guys"
Hearing that voice, both of you stayed in shock for a few seconds before turning to look at Sir Lewis Hamilton with a black outfit and gold accesories, smiling at both of you
"Thank you", Jack said a bit starstruck
"Is Dior?", Lewis asked
"Yeah, I'm wearing a replica of a 1949 Dior and Jack got a customed suit", you explained, "I'm sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves, I'm Y/N Ulrich"
"Hi, Jack Champion"
"You're the kids Max, Carlos, Lance and Mick talk about", Lewis exclaimed recognising your names, "Nice to finally meet you, also I saw the interview, it was amazing"
"Thank you so much", you smiled, "By the way, amazing outfit"
"Thanks, it's inspired by John Ystumllyn, one of the first black gardeners in England", Lewis explained before opening his coat, "Even I have a poem about him in it"
"This is incredible, all the detail in the look", Jack recognised reading the poem, "By the way, we saw the race yesterday, well, all the weekend, it was incredible"
"It hasn't been a good year for us, but we are pushing the car the best way we can, and thank you for the support, and Max said something about both of you going to Monaco for the race"
"Yeah, he invited us, it was one of the gifts in the box", you nodded
"Well, regardless of both of you being in the Red Bull garage, you are welcome to the Mercedes one, also in the Ferrari one next year"
"It's an honor, thank you", Jack nodded
Soon, the conversation was over as a photographer approached asking for a photo of the three of you, at what all of you possed for it; as the line kept conitnuing and the time to pose in the steps, the three of you continued to talk
When the time to go arrived, Lewis gave both of you a few advices on how to pose and to show the outfits, which both of you made sure to follow, not noticing he was taking photos of both of you with his phone
Walking along the stairs, both of you stopped at the top for a Vogue interview
"Now, we have Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion, one of the IT couples, guys, I love the outfits, I want to know everything about the looks", the interviewer said
"We are wearing Dior, this is a replica of a 1949 couture dress"
"And this is a costum made Dior suit, it was made so we can match, and stay with the theme"
"Stunning, also this your first MET Gala, how does it feel?"
"Surreal", you smiled, "It's like another world"
"Guys, I know you are the Ghostface princess and prince, but today, you are the floral royalty"
"Thank you", both of you smiled blushing a bit
A little after, both of you continue the way to the building, greeting Anna Wintour who was at the steps greeting all the guests, before entering to see the exhibition and meeting more people (which included you and Rachel Zegler finally meeting in person), and then going to the salon where the dinner and show would be held, finishing the first MET Gala for both of you (and fortunately more to come)
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