#do i want to get misgendered and wear cute clothes?
itsyourstarboy · 1 year
I'm having a hard week, imma play fable II
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
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"I'm so glad we're finally meeting in person...." Rachel told her online boyfriend, Jason.
"You look even more perfect than I hoped. Sounds like your voice is dropping nicely, darling."
Rachel smiled. "Three months on testosterone will do a fakegirl good." She stuck out her estrogen-fattened moobs. "I'm horny 24/7. I used to never even get erections. I was such a good girl...."
"But deep down you're just a dirty sissy playing dress up. She me what you've done to yourself for me, angel."
With a deep breath, blushing, Rachel untucked her erect cock, pulling it out of her lacy panties. She let it stick straight out, eight inches, as Jason smiled. "Is it..... to your liking?"
He reached out, jerking it as Rachel trembled. Her cock was never more than a nub. She showed it online if men asked really nicely in her DMs or questioned if she was actually trans. Most people didn't believe her. Perfectly feminine voice, gorgeous face, full natural breasts, wide hips. People thought she was claiming to be trans for views, especially since you couldn't see any bulge in her bikini pics. She told her skeptics she went on puberty blockers by ten, and hormones at twelve. Not a drop of testosterone ever coursed through her system, that was, until Jason messaged her.
He told her he believed she was a fakegirl, a boy pretending to be a girl, and he wanted to help. Curious, Rachel played along with his transphobic little tangent. He kept misgendering her, telling her how beautiful she'd be as a detrans femboy. Still wearing girl clothes, makeup, looking like a girl but finally with a guy's voice, her real voice, as he put it. To get her silly fakegirl tits removed. Grow a cute five o'clock shadow that tells everyone who she really is. Instead of blocking him, she allowed herself to be led by his fantasies of detransitioning her. She slowly became corrupted by his messages, taking them to heart more by the day.
Soon in public when people called her a girl she started correcting them, saying she was born a boy and wearing girl stuff was like a kink for her. She used the men's room, and relished all the attention she got in there, even offering her mouth as a urinal. She started trying to get her cock going, rubbing it, pleasuring herself, but she couldn't get it erect. She complained to Jason and he told her she knew what the solution was. Scared by thinking more with her cock than anything, she publicly announced she was detransitioning on social media and started testosterone, and a healthy dose of dick-growth supplements.
Now she understood what Jason wanted from her. She was horny 24/7. Her cock was impossible to hide. She was starting to get correctly gendered as a boy because of her bulge and cracking, male puberty voice. By the third month she figured her cock was big enough to impress Jason, and invited him over.
"It's beautiful, sweetheart," Jason said, jerking Rachel off. "How many times a day do you get off now?"
"Ten..... at least. I masturbate in public. On the train in my pretty clothes. I masturbate in the men's room. Sometimes I do it in the women's room just to get thrown out. I can't control my erections at all. I'm hard constantly. But I only want my cock bigger and even more out of control."
"You're just like every other pretty fakegirl I've done this to, you know?"
"What? I'm not the only one....."
"Of course not, princess. But don't worry, you'll love all my the other pretty detrans boys I have back at my estate. Once we get those embarrassing boy-tits of yours taken care of."
"Oh! Oh..... fuck! Thank you!" Rachel came as Jason aimed her cock up at her breasts and face. She made a mess all over herself and had no instinct to clean it. She panted in place, eager to please her boyfriend even more.
"You're welcome. Now, I think it's time I set you up with my friend Alex, who's a surgeon. He can have that chest of yours nice and flat in no time. Once you're ready, I'll introduce you to the others."
"Then what?"
"You'll be another of my slutty femboy whores, who I pimp out to rich politicians and businessmen who just love boys like you when they're away from their boring wives on business..... What do you say?"
"Sounds perfect...... I can't wait to fully detrans and whore my new body for you."
"Good boy."
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deepcolorobserver · 1 year
I really want a terf lesbian to coax me into detransitioning
At first she pretends to support me and my transition, pretends to be a trans ally, says all the right things to befriend me and we hit it off. She's cute, funny, and for a while we're just friends.
We flirt a bit, always silly and joking and friendly. The kind of thing close friends do, until one day she admits she sees me as more than a friend. And god it's exciting, it's exhilarating, it makes my heart flutter. Who cares that she's a lesbian, maybe I'm the exception. Someone she likes enough to look past conventional desire.
So we start dating, a casual fling, but the sexting is HOT. She doesn't use preferred terms for my anatomy, always says clit instead of tdick, always asks for tit pics, but it's okay, a lot of the transmasc terms are a little clunky in dirty talk anyway.
She tells me I would look good with long hair. Men can have long hair right? I would be so pretty, such a pretty boy, so I grow it out for her. My hairline starts receeding on T and I'm worried about it, I confide in her, and she suggests stopping T. I got the changes I wanted, right? It's better that I don't hate myself for the changes I don't want, and she's right, even if she says it's mutilating me now. So I stop.
The whole relationship has been digital, and we talk a lot about meeting in person. Joking around, of course, neither of us have plane ticket money. But one day she asks for pictures in panties and a bra. I don't own those anymore, so she offers to buy me a pair. It's not feminizing, and I'm into degradation, she says. Men in lingerie can be degrading, and it would suit me. So I agree, because the idea is kinda hot, and I dress up for her. She's right, it is hot, even if it feels so wrong.
Slowly, she starts to introduce terf rhetoric to me. Very subtly, starting with ideas I can agree with and pushing more extreme views onto me. It makes me hate myself, of course, for transitioning and living as a man. There are lesbians that use he/him, she tells me. And if I were a lesbian, we could make "I'm in lesbians with you" jokes. The rhetoric swims in my head. I'm a lesbian, yeah. I still identify as a man, for a while.
One day it comes to light that we live in the same city. We can meet up easily. And it's like a revelation, a sudden flip. I'm with her almost every day, I'll stay over several nights at a time. Always in the lingerie she keeps buying me. I'm wearing it all day, wearing it to work, just so she can take off my clothes and see it when I get to her place. It's not long before we move in together. She calls me girly pet names, things you would never call your boyfriend. And the wrong feeling, all it does is turn me on and endear me to her.
The day I bring up top surgery, she spends a very long time sucking on my tits, kissing them all over. Don't do it, she tells me. I look so good like this. It compliments my body type, I'm meant to have tits. She makes me say it, say I love my tits. She makes me say that I love my pussy, I love all the things that make me feminine. I'm crying as I say it, but I tell her I think I might be a girl. She says I always was, and always will be. My biology was made with a purpose, and I'm meant to be a woman. I ask her to use she/her pronouns, to use my dead name in bed. We scissor and I cum harder than I ever have, all because she uses my deadname. If it feels this good, how can it be wrong?
She misgenders me outside of bed anyway. Soon everyone is using my deadname and she/her. I'm so wet all the time. She takes my body every night and uses me to pleasure herself. She makes me cum while telling me what a beautiful woman I am.
She convinces me to get pregnant with a surrogate. We both want kids, and this is the only way to do it. The whole time she talks about how beautiful the process is, what a lovely woman I am, fulfilling my purpose. She holds my hand as I birth our child. I forget all about wanting to be a boy.
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 months
I love genderbending characters, but when it comes to hxh, I'm the most basic with it and I don't care
I think Gon likes cute stuff, and would like cute stuff if he was a girl. I think she'd have long hair (he already does), and she'd like wearing skirts. Sue me because everyone seems to think Gon is this this fucking gym bro (no offense you have the right but I disagree), and yea sure he does go to the gym but so many people do without letting it be their personality. So ofc she'd want to be strong, but pretty too. Not on like an omg I have to be pretty level, but she'd do her hair cute and wear cute jewelry and stuff. Enough about Gon because I could go on for hours about how much I disagree with everyone about him. Also one more thing because the TV's playing teen titans rn, Starfire vibes ig, feminine but a bro, and ofc a little stoop. Loves making faces.
I don't think Killua would be much different. Not because he's feminine (he's not that feminine imo, everyone crosses their legs), but because she'd be a tomboy. Same choice of clothing, maybe some piercings later on but I already imagine Killua getting piercings in the future. Same personality, maybe different hairdo because maybe it'd be a little longer but she'd be a feminist I.C.O.N., she'd always be like what a boy can do I can do better or smth. Idk. Massive girl crush on Gon ofc, thats just the default.
Leorio is a toughie, because he's traditionally masculine, so I'd want to make her traditionally feminine, but he's also a classic suit guy, so I't put her in a suit, but maybe with a skirt at first, then maybe she switches to pants as the hunter exam gets harder or smth. The other thing thats kinda tough for me is his flirty vibe. I mean it's not that impossible to recreate the same type of flirting from a woman to a man, but smth still hasn't clicked about it in my head. Anyways I don't really have that much to say about her, leopika is still on so let's move on to...
Kurapika is basicall the same. You can't tell if she's a guy or a girl, but if you misgender her she will correct you in a manner which says it's okay we all make mistakes, but in a tone which says if you do that one more time you'll never see the light of day again. A lot of people headcanon Kurapika as transmasc, and while I don't actively headcanon him as such, I don't disagree either, so it's similar for gendermend too ig. There already people who headcanon The™ Kurapika as transfem, without genderbending, so it's not impossible. People also headcanon Kurapika as non-binary, and while I don't, I'm in for anything, but I like his unconventional-traditional vibe, like he's feminine by birth but his values do seem to lie in tradition too. Anyways, genderbend Kurapika isn't that different, but she is pretty flat.
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boykillr · 7 months
(cw: ftm misgendering kink)
let’s go on a mall date, you and i.
i’ve picked out an outfit for you to wear. it’s something cute, something girly. no, honey, i swear you look masc in it! you don’t look like a girl in that skirt, you look like a gnc guy! it’s so gender, trust me.
oh, look, that place is selling such cute snacks! you said you were thirsty, right? aw, and this strawberry drink matches your outfit so perfectly 🖤
what was that? you don’t really feel comfortable wearing this in public anymore? you think people are staring? sweetheart, we only just got here. hold out at least a little bit longer. just for me?
here, i’ll buy you another drink to make up for it. you can’t be upset when you’ve got something sweet to sip on, right?
now come on, let’s go. let’s pick out something nice for you, how about this set of lingerie? it’ll feel so naughty wearing that beneath all your boy clothes, won’t it? oh, but babe, i really want to see you in it. it won’t make you dysphoric if it’s just for me, will it?
come on, have something else to drink. you’ve always liked pink lemonade, haven’t you?
what’s that? you need to use the restroom? well, the ladies’ room is right there, so…
oh, you want to use the men’s room? that’s all the way on the other side of the mall, are you sure you can hold it that long? and i’m sorry, but you don’t really pass in that outfit, i’m worried for your safety if you go…
no, don’t fucking argue with me. you were the one who wanted to wear that, remember? if you weren’t, why’d you even have it in your closet? if you were a real guy, you would’ve thrown it out a long time ago.
… fine, fine. we’ll walk all the way across the mall to the men’s room, but don’t blame me if anything happens in there.
well, here we are. go on.
hm? you’re scared to go in? well, you should’ve thought about that before you made us walk all this way.
no, i won’t go in with you. you’re a grown man, remember? a big, strong man who can use the bathroom on his own. i’ll just be right outside.
you couldn’t go? aw, did someone get pee shy in front of all the real men in there?
hm, whatever. let’s just go home. now, i still have one more store i wanted to hit before we leave, so let’s do that…
you don’t think you can hold it? well, you better, because i’m not wasting this trip. free time is scarce, you know, i don’t know the next time i’ll have a chance to be here again.
here, just nurse another drink while you wait.
okay! all done. aw, babe, your face is so red, is it that dire? alright, we’ll rush home as quickly as we can. i don’t want you to be uncomfortable. come on, let’s go.
… what? that’s not the way to the exit? oh, right, we were leaving! silly me. sorry, i got distracted.
oh, look how cute that storefront… that’s not the way to the exit either? right, right! i’m so sorry. you know how i am, adhd and all that.
we’re almost to the exit, just a few more —
… are you seriously pissing yourself in the middle of a crowded mall? ugh, how disgusting can you get? no, no, don’t cry, sweetheart, i didn’t mean it. shh, shh, don’t cry, don’t cry… i know, i know, you’re so embarrassed, so humiliated…
this wouldn’t have happened if you’d just been a good girl and gone to the ladies’ room, you know that? oh, don’t start sobbing, you know i’m right.
stand up. go on, stand up. we’re leaving for real this time. aw, your legs are so shaky, how cute.
from now on, you promise to use the right restrooms, and you won’t let your silly pride get in the way, right?
good girl.
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lulusbabygirl · 10 months
Do you have any tips on how I can be more girly like you?
Thank you 🥺 this made me happy (and turned on) that other girls are looking to me for tips on how to be a better girl!!
1: Embrace your natural femininity. So many fakeboys have shoved their natural feminine traits down so much they can forget they’re there. Remember, you were socialized to be a girl for sooo many years and you can’t run away from that!!
2: Voice train!! It’s not just for trans fems, we shouldn’t have to have a male voice either!! You’re still a girl even if your voice is deep but passing as a girl again would be so amazing right??
3: Shave any masculine hair. If you have some hair that women usually have it’s okay, even though I love a fully shaved body, but shave off alll that gross masculine hair. It’ll make you feel so much prettier right??
4: Talk like a bimbo! Even if you want to have a more traditional feminine look, I think having a cutesy speech pattern is sooo adorable and girly!! Use multiples of punctuation, use cute emoji, and pay attention to how men talk and avoid sounding like them!
5: Play with your pussy everyday! I think paying attention to the part that separates you from real men the most is sooo important. Get big fat dildos to stretch out your vagina, play with your clit rubbing it in circles, get a clit sucker!! I love my clit sucker and I can’t cum any other way. You should be edging your pussy to stay a girl for longer, and if you’re able to fight the post orgasm clarity please don’t try to be a boy after you cum! Remember, it’s not good for you to be a boy even if you’re dysphoric.
6. Misgender and “deadname” yourself and find others to do it! Hearing your birth name and female pronouns will turn you on and also slowly fix you! Your boy name and male pronouns should be forgotten eventually. Just keep building up until you don’t respond to he/him or your boy name ever again! Btw anon if you want to tell me your real name I would love to hear it! Anyone who needs their real name exposed I want to hear it!
7: Watch sissy hypnosis or porn made for women. That stuff makes me feel so girly it’s crazy. I love when I open a video and it immediately knows what I am. I recently watched a gangbang video with my girlfriend and the whole video was talking about us being gangbanged and showing all these beautiful women on screen!! All I could think about it how much more I look like those girls compared to the superior men. It made me crave detransition more than anything has lately and I’ve been thinking about it all the time since I watched it~!!
8: Most obviously, wear makeup, grow your hair out, wear women’s clothes, and get off T. I know it’s easier said than done and you can fight me on it but it really is the way to go. I haven’t been able to get myself to stop hormones but I’m really trying and that’s all we can ever do! You just need to realize that you’re 100% supposed to be a girl and you need to stop making stupid decisions for yourself. Finding an owner who wants to detransition you is such a good idea!! It helps so much to have a rational person in your life who can guide you and push you to be who you were meant to be, a beautiful woman!!
I think I ran out of tips but if you have any more questions never hesitate to ask! I love helping other women find their true path and it makes me so happy that fakeboys can look up to me. Anyone who’s reading this and and wants to detransition you can do it!! You’re a beautiful woman and you deserve to see it too!!!
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edwardallenpoe · 2 months
Just had a thought. And don't bite my head off from this one chat but low-key gender presentation is a privilege. If u think about it. Like as a poor fat black person it's virtually almost impossible for me to present how I want. I can't afford the clothes I want, I can't find clothes that I like that fit, and as a black person gender and gender presentation are not things I was even allowed to have in the first place. Do you get what I mean. Am I making sense.
Like, I like what I got now, I do, but it really is just survivor clothes. If I had the money to I would buy all the belts and the boots and the hats, but for now I got some t-shirts and some jeans and some hiking boots that are gonna fall apart in a couple months from the thrift store, all the shit that I could manage to find that fit me. All the actual cute shit that tiktokkers be raving about? Yeah no. Haha. No.
Then just the fact that I'm black and fat. Do we even gotta talk about the way society has demonized, dehumanized, degendered and whatever else fat and black people? There's a whole other rant I can get into about how ableism and saneism removes your humanity and gender from yourself as well, but I'm mostly talking about what I experience and since I don't have many visible disabilities and saneism hasn't affected my gender too much I won't for now.
Anyways. Yeah. Gender presentation low key a privilege. Like you seen those tiktoks where people make fun of transmen and mascs for being upset when they're misgendered even tho they got huge honkers. What if those theoretical transmascs are disabled and can't bind. What if they have sensory issues. What if they can't afford a binder, or tape, or their work makes it difficult to bind, or they're in a living situation where it would put them in danger. Hm?
If you think that people have to present a certain way to be accepted as their gender (or lack of) and blame the person for not being able to, or you always talk about presentation in a way that almost always excludes disabled and poor people, or people who wear different styles for religious or cultural reasons (and no, ur not ally of the year if you ONLY include Hijab in ur post. It's important you include Hijab and other cultural/religious clothing) then I just find you incredibly privileged.
(and this also ties into how I feel about TMA/TMI/TMT language, but I'll probably talk about that later)
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hey! I have recently been obsessing over your works I love your writing and you ARE SUCH A LOVELY PERSON 😭 i love reading your kind words to others and how you write in such a creative way!!
Could you possibly do a fem!reader who looks masc and constantly gets misgendered with jeff, Ben, Toby, hoodie or clockwork!
(I would be happy with any of them)
Thank you <3
Creepypastas with fem.reader that looks masc!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, 'Ticci' Toby, and Clockwork
I will cry you are the sweetest!! Fr you feed my self esteem!!🫶<3 Im sorry that you waited so much!! And I apologize for not putting Hoodie here!! Have amazing day and take care of yourself!!! i love your nick btw 😭
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Thats it, he is propably one of the people that misgendered you on purpose (and he is proud of himself because he is little shit like that..). But of course Jeff can do that once you both are in relationship, he has to have some privilege yk? Being meanie is just his love language. Even if he is still mean sometimes, then at the end of day he is here to beat people who do that - no matter if they did it in in mean manner or not, Jeff doesnt care he just want blood and chaos (and your happiness)! Besides all that, he finds you cute and pretty anyway, doesnt matter what you really look like. Jeff isnt the best person to talk about appearance and he knows that. So you can wear anything, be more "feminine" or "musculine" and he is still cool with that!
BEN Drowned
Boy will literally bark at people who misgender you 😭 No, just kidding, but he dont stand people being like this and will automatically correct them! Gets the fact that you are tired because of that and want to do everything in his power to make you feel better! Even if someone is not doing it on purpose then you have full right to feel uncomfy! So you will recieve a lot of worship and sweet words from Ben overall. Okay but you cant tell me that he wouldnt dress in dresses and skirts to fuck up with people (plus he want to feel pretty (he is a pretty boy anyway, lets be honest))! Loves making them even more confused. Ben is pretty open-minded so doesnt care what you look like or how you dress you are his queen and he treats you like one!!
"Ticci" Toby
I will start with something a bit out of request but..Toby would 100% want to wear matching clotheswith you! Dont get me wrong, he definitely loves you and drool at you no matter you wear (you could wear anything, even garbage bag), but loves showing you off! He is so so grateful that he is your boyfriend and he wants to brag about it to everyone. Definitely thinks in his head that someone would look at you and be like 'omg they are a couple what a cuties'...we love his energy. If you feel upset about people constantly misgendering you, Toby is right here to make it all better and give you a lot of praises! He enjoyes pampering you, when you feel especially down..he is always content to make you both small things like face masks, painting eachother nails or even do eachother makeup for fun (Toby suck at it but he got the right spirit)!
Clockwork doesnt really believe in things like "too musculine" or "too feminine", clothes should be functional - doesnt matter what you wear, but rather how you feel in them - and people are just diffrent when it comes to look. Thats why i think she would be even more angry, she gets that people can make mistakes but if they do it on purpose just to mess with you, then she wont stay calm. What a protective gf she is! Its nice if you dont care about this constant iccidents, becasue they happen - but if you start worry even in the slightest? She will be your sholder to cry on and your number one support girl! Natalie will assure you that you are fine just the way you are, and you can look however you want - its nobody case - she likes you for you! .. Just dont tell anybody about this, she would rather keep it as a secret.
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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piggywife · 8 months
as a straight trans guy i want to subtly force you to feminize and detransition for me, under the guise of being another gay t4t trans guy. maybe we start dating after hitting it off at an ftm support group <3 i want to only compliment your feminine features and not compliment you when you try to exhibit 'masculinity' until you try to be as feminine as possible just to get attention from me. i start buying you pink, girly skirts and dresses and tops as a reward for being more feminine for me. when you hesitate i'll encourage you. oh don't worry sweetheart many boys are gender non conforming don't be silly!! you'll look like such a pretty boy. until the only clothes you have are the cute little outfits i buy you because you only ever want to be girly and feminine after my encouragement!!! subtly i slip in 'good girl' sometimes when we have sex and you don't even flinch because of course it's obviously because you're such a cute gnc feminine boy!! yeah no don't be silly. one day i finally decide i want to officially make you a mommy, with my squirting strap that, little do you know, holds real sperm. i moan that you're gonna be such a good mommy for me, deadname, and all you can do is moan louder. such a good girl. i buy you so many pretty aprons with pink hearts on them along with breastforms that you'll be wearing for the foreseeable future for your new fulltime job: being my stay at home housewife <3 maybe i'll bring you back to the support group and introduce you to everyone. 'hi everyone this is my new girlfriend [deadname]!!' nobody recognizes the girly whore in front of them with your huge belly, fake tits and full face of makeup, even if you wanted to try and fight it. and everyone's so happy about our pregnancy!!! hmm wonder what happened to that one trans guy who used to come here?
I've never dated a trans guy before, but it felt exhilarating to be with someone with the same struggles. I didn't question it at all when you'd compliment my feminine features - I have a lot of them, and naturally turn to femininity to make myself appealing to a partner. My few attempts at acting masculine are laughable at best, and I quickly cut it out to get more approval from you.
Before I even realize it, I own so much makeup and feminine clothing. I throw out my old boy clothes and keep all the gifts you've given me. I want to be a good "boyfriend" to you and cherish every gift! It's so fun being gender non conforming and playing dress up for you, and your praise keeps me motivated to be a pretty boy.
I completely overlook any time you call me "good girl", especially in the heat of the moment when we're having sex. Mistakes happen! And I can't even admit it, but it felt kind of nice. This continues until you're misgendering me constantly whenever you pound me with your strap. I've become conditioned to love it, it's all just dirty talk. I clench down hard on your strap when you promise to make me a mommy, clueless that you really mean it this time. All while you fuck the sperm deeper and deeper into my pussy.
I adjust surprisingly well to my new life as a housewife. I always liked taking care of the household chores and cooking, and you cared for my needs in turn. One night I'm making dinner and you come and kiss me. Your hand strokes the curve on my apron made by my pregnant stomach with our baby inside.
I'm all nerves when we go back to the support group. I feel shy and a little embarrassed - what if the others recognize me? What a foolish thought to have. You immediately introduce me by my real name and I lean into you at ease. Since we met, I've completely transformed into a gorgeous, feminine housewife, and we're expecting too! Nobody would consider for even a moment that your busty, pregnant partner ever stepped foot in a ftm support group before <3
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unicornletters · 11 months
f/o/comfort character facts for trans mascs -- no explicit language
[Your comfort character/f/o/etc] has never once expected you to fulfill any kind of fantasy that you’re not entirely into. After years of dating dudes who want to be your daddy (if you’re going to play a little girl, of course) and who can’t keep their hands off your chest, it’s really refreshing.
“I think it’s cute you have stuffed animals,” [your f/o] says, and doesn’t follow it up with anything lewd or misgendering (or both). They just think it’s cute! Imagine. They make up little stories with your stuffed animals when you’re sick or when you can’t sleep, and it’s really adorable. Some mornings, you catch them snuggling one or more of your stuffed pals, but you never make a big deal out of it in case they get self-conscious and never do it again.
You can actually talk to [your f/o] about your transition, too. They’re adamant it’s your choice whether and how you want to pursue it, but if you want it they’ve got nonjudgmental feedback about it. More often than not, you’re just looking for some validation, which they always give you. They never make a scene about how binding isn’t “fair” to your chest, which others have because of wanting to see it unbound constantly in a really misgendering way. They also would never say not binding makes you somehow into a girl or woman.
It’s just overwhelmingly nice. 
There’s never been a single pronoun or name “mistake” from [your f/o], which is more than you can say for most people in your life, even the ones who want to make the biggest deal of being supportive. You could wear a dress around them and they still wouldn’t mess it up or excuse themselves for doing so on account of your clothing. (If you like wearing dresses, hooray! If you don’t, this is purely a hypothetical.)
[Your f/o] may not be trans, but they listen, and they’ve done a ton of research, so those decisions you’re considering about transition (what’s the right name for you, should you cut your hair, will you go on testosterone?) become discussions with them that just bring you closer. Nothing’s off-limits and nothing makes them feel bad – not like exploring this stuff has made other partners feel bad for some reason.
When you try to praise them about all this, [your f/o] tells you it’s the bare minimum that you and any trans person deserve, and that they are doing the bare minimum as an ally. They won’t let you make a big deal out of it, not even once.
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atlas-library · 10 months
☾ baby girl ☽ a college au.
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〝i know that you got daddy issues.〞
fandom: jujutsu kaisen characters: inumaki toge (afab!toge), ryōmen sukuna (amab!sukuna, twin!sukuna) pairing: sukuna x toge universe: alternative universe (college!au)
genre: (mostly) fluff headcanons rating: pg-13 word count: 900 trigger warnings: nsfw mentions
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This is just a nice little surprise for @heartvexer. Hi darling, here's some AU for you. ❤️​
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Behold, one of the most cursed crackships of all time: our lovely Sukuna and his gremlin, Toge.
In this AU, Sukuna is Yuuji's twin; they're 21 and both got a sport scholarship— Sukuna for (American) football, Yuuji for basketball.
Toge is 22 and is majoring in zoology— He also has three minors, in music theory, American Sign Language (ASL) and Japanese Sign Language (JSL). He only chose JSL because he wanted that extra credit, otherwise he's fluent and isn't learning anything from his classes— Not that it's the professor's fault.
Sukuna is majoring in history and minoring in psychology and philosophy. Compared to Toge, who considers his minors as backup plans, Sukuna only has them as hobbies. Same for football, he's doing it because it's fun for now, not because he wants to become the best quarterback ever— Although he's the best in his team.
No one expected Sukuna and Toge to be dating. Not even them. It all started as a one-night stand at a party, then one month later Yuuji is crying to Megumi and Nobara about these two making out on his bed (Toge didn't know it was his. Sukuna obviously did).
They are surprisingly the healthiest couple on campus right now.
They've been dating for almost two years now. They still make out on Yuuji's bed whenever Sukuna's feeling like being an ass.
Sukuna is only nice to Toge. Which is cute, funny, and lowkey terrifying, 'cause what do you mean it's the 5'5" gremlin getting the 6'9" monster to behave?
Toge proudly wears lots of feminine, girly clothes, leaning on the kawaii fashion aesthetic. That, or he's going full punk. No in-between.
Yes, Sukuna calls him 'baby girl' as a joke. Yes, it's also an official nickname now.
Just to be clear, Toge is genderfluid and mostly uses he/him and they/them but also really likes feminine terms. He rarely uses she/her, though.
Sukuna almost snapped at a teammate who was misgendering Toge ("That's your girlfriend, Sukuna?" "Yup." "She's cute!" "He is, yes." The teammate messed up at least twice more before Toge had to calm Sukuna down).
Don't worry, now everyone gets it.
Sukuna and Toge, lovingly and mockingly nicknamed "Sukimaki" (because it sounds like "Sushimaki", AKA Toge's username on social medias), both have lots of tattoos and piercings. More on them in another post, probably. I have lots of thoughts.
Sukuna has been learning JSL, quite fast too, so he could speak with Toge whenever the latter goes non-verbal.
Toge has daddy issues, which, according to Sukuna, makes him great in bed.
Those two are insatiable, someone needs to inject some tranquilizer in their veins so they stop fucking like two rabbits in heat.
Toge clawed Sukuna's back so hard once that Sukuna got teased in the showers after training. Now everyone in the team whistles and howls whenever Toge comes watch Sukuna train.
Sukuna reaches Toge's chest when he's sitting down, and fully takes advantage of that to hide his face against Toge's breasts.
Toge has a small chest, very cute, and likes to show it off with corsets. Sukuna is smug about how cute he looks, but also has that ominous look if someone stares for too long. Toge's aware of it, but he likes pretending he's clueless— And Sukuna knows about it.
Toge is a pro at makeup, and loves going all out whenever there's a match— Especially for the football team. Since they've been dating for two years now, Sukuna can easily guess which makeup took time to do or not, and what's an easy fix or not.
When he didn't know better, he once accidentally smudged some of Toge's eye makeup while roughhousing a bit; Toge ended up crying and he got called an ass by pretty much everyone, "because he spent 5 hours getting ready for you". He's now very careful with Toge's makeup— Unless Toge teases him about it.
They both have to remind each other to "be nice" whenever someone annoying talks. It's surprisingly harder to get Toge to act nice.
Sukuna's a picky eater, so Toge cooks for him and makes him bento lunchboxes.
One day, Sukuna forgot his lunchbox and Toge brought it to him while he was training; everyone howled at them. All Sukuna did was sit down, bring Toge closer with an arm around his waist, then snap: 'Too single for your girlfriend to bring you food, losers?!' Everyone went silent.
Toge pretended to ignore everything by petting Sukuna's hair.
Sukuna originally wanted a minor in linguistics, but his high school teacher was a bit too enthusiastic about it. It made him give up that idea, but Toge buys him linguistic books from time to time; Sukuna blabbers about it after sex.
Toge only tells Sukuna he loves him through sign language. JSL has its own version of "I love you", but also uses the ASL version of it (🤟🏼). When Toge showed him, Sukuna forgot his braincells and asked 'Are you a metalhead? Or Spiderman?'
Toge chuckled awkwardly and explained the meaning to him. Sukuna never felt dumber— Is that what being Yuuji feels like?
Toge told him to forget about it and Sukuna simply redid the sign. They do it from time to time now, always hidden though— It's a private thing.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
I wish I had more oversized clothes again.
(Emulates wearing Bob's clothes, cause holy FUCK I miss him and all the cute little things we did as a couple. *laughs in single but very much basically never single in kinmems and missing bf.* )
I also wish that I could show off my chest or literally dress the way I used to without feeling dysphoric or start panicking aboht being misgendered.
(But OOPS, haha. Why. Why can't the chest just not be like this- can I please have a not femme chest again??? )
And also part of it is because of being seen as a whore or slut I guess... I always had that label slapped on me (I eventually got used to it and stopped letting it hurt me *at least publicly*), but now it's like "fuck... if I go 'too far' trying to feel like myself again I could put myself at a risk of getting hurt, assaulted, etc..." like... I dressed very provocatively and showed a lot of skin (because I wanted to seem confident and feel pretty) but now I can't do that because OOPS— I'm not safe here– FUCK. And just... I don't really feel as comfortable dressing the way I want now. It sucks.
Sometimes being fictionkin is fine, then there are the "I am nothing like how I should be, I want to be like how I should be so bad, I fucking hate this, I miss everyone. I can't be like myself because I'm not safe. I'm not safe. I don't have him to protect me now. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK-" times.
I just want to feel safe, comfortable, and happy again. I want to curl up in Bob's arms and let him tell me it's all gonna be fine again. Or even if it wasn't him, if someone could love me and tell me that I would finally feel normal for a second again. I feel like shit. I hate this.
I don't want to be stuck like this anymore...
But oh well, I am. I just wish it was different... even if it was just for a moment.
– A Lordy / Lordi [Metal Family] kin 🎀 💔
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dragonmistressivy · 3 months
I hate how one of the only things i want to do on this tour is will be too exhausted to go see. It being the colosseum. We are seeing the Vatican in the morning then exploring rome and then see the colosseum in the afternoon. My legs are still in pain for yesterday and will be in more pain tomorrow. Also people kept deadnaming and misgendering me today so much. Also at dinner(they actually had something i would eat) two girls were talking about home and one was sad about not seeing her boyfriend and her family. Somehow the topic of walking in on someone having sex at school came up in their conversation. It is was uncomfortable. Also why can’t i have a bf or a gf. Also they were both so pretty. My dysphoria was hitting me like s truck so hard. I will never have a cis girl’s life or even any sort of childhood or teen years. I have burned my life away. If only i had known that i was a trans girl at 11. I had even realized i wasn’t a guy but i didn’t hate myself yet or know what life is wanted instead. I buried those thoughts until late march last year and i hate it. I could have had a girl teen years and actually gone to school dances, had sleepovers(tho probably not because of my stupid failing body), actually felt rigjt in my skin, wear cute clothes, wear makeup, learn how to be a girl as i grow up, have a closer to what i want body. I will never have that all because i didn’t realize i could do anything about it. I was literally going to a children’s hospital for my cerebral palsy and the area for like trans health was like 15-20 feet away. I was literally in walking distance away from a decent life. I will never have a decent life nor a life at all. I want to die it all tight now but can’t. I would be destroying other peoples’ lives and making everyone’s trip miserable. I am a selfish bitch i just want to die. Why can’t i have been normal and average. I literally wish i was the most average girl in existence. I can’t stand being unique. It brings me so much mental pain. I will never be happy. I just can’t i am far past the point of being happy. I was only happy as a child because i knpwn nothing and my body hadn’t been turned into a monster by puberty. Why can’t i just be a kid forever. I need it. I don’t want to turn 18 in a few months. It would be so so ironic to commit on my birthday for multiple reasons. One because that is the day i came into this world(against my will and without my consent). And another because that week is national suicide prevention week and that month is national suicide prevention month. I probably will not commit on that day but it would be so ironic if i did. Also a girl who was in our group for free time today told me how i am strong for being life because a lot of people “unfortunately die young”. I think she clocked me immediately. Also it is sort of obvious that she has an eating disorder and is very depressed. Apparently she was in my calculus class. I did not know that. I should have talked to her at some point during the school year. She is friendly. I wish i could change my past in so many ways. All i see are my failures and mistakes and flaws. I don’t see positive stuff in my life i know there is some but i can’t physically care because of all the overwhelming problems and flaws. I am a failure of a human. I wish i had died in the womb or at least was a designer baby which either would have been nice. I hate existence. I hate my existence. It is pain and misery and only suffering. I can’t be happy. I wish i could just take someone’s life. Preferably someone who is like 11 or 12 so i could just make up the years i could have easily had if only i had just known. Also i want to be cured of cerebral palsy but that isn’t possible unfortunately and probably won’t be in my lifetime. Also how the fuck are girls do hairless. I hate having body hair how the fuck do they have literally none. I have tried multiple things to get rid of it and they are either way too painful and don’t get rid of all the hair or don’t work. It also doesn’t help i can barely use my right side.
I hate being disabled and trans. Please just end my misery. I want to be euthanized so i can die peacefully and not painfully knowing i will 100% die, not alone, and knowing it will be less destructive to everyone around me but unfortunately in the state i life i would have to be terminally ill and they probably still won’t because “i am young and have a life ahead of me”. I am literally in pain 24/7, suffer from so many issues that can’t be fixed, am literally unable to be happy in my life, and will just end myself one day so i would rather it be by a doctor’s hands who know what they are doing than my own hands where i might just disable myself even more. If only my bio mom never did drugs. If only. I would not be suffering. Everything wrong with me is all because of her doing drugs because that led to all the bad things happening. I want out i didn’t consent to suffer 24/7. My legs feel like they will fall off from the pain, my back feels like it is going to break from all the pain, my right arm is so fucking sore, my eyes hurt, my nose hurts(probably from so many people smoking and vaping), my ears are ringing(have had tinnitus for years), i have a massive headache which feels like my head will implode, and i feels most of those 24/7 and Tylenol only helps so much and i can’t take it 24/7 and i didn’t bring any with me because i didn’t think it would be so much more painful than usual. I want to go home but can’t unless i get very hurt or get very sick which i don’t want either. Even if i go home now my mom will have to come home too which will ruin the trip for her. I don’t want to have wasted like 16k. I am a waste. I only waste, waste, and waste. I am the definition of wasteful and useless. My life is a joke. Actually it isn’t because jokes have meaning. My life has no meaning. I exist just to suffer. Why do i have to suffer 24/7. I only don’t suffer when i am asleep and only sometimes. I sleep so light and i am exhausted all the time and the few dreams i have are just so weird and bring me pain from how boring my life is. I hate my existence.
Please just end me whoever or whatever is out there. I will do anything for it and i mean anything
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ftmcutiepie · 2 years
Would you as a good girl punish me for getting my tits cut off and denying all the men to grope me? And if yes, how?
I'm like 99% Sub, but I'm also a SERVICE Sub, so if you ask me to dom you I just might👀
Also by calling me a good girl, a better girl than you, you're appealing to the part of me that wants to be the best girl to get the most positive male attention and what's a better way to get that than punishing bad girls?🥰
I would force you to wear a bra. Maybe one of your old ones? Maybe stuff it or forcing you to get breastforms if it would ridiculous otherwise.
Then I'd make you put on a transparent shirt over it, and a skirt, and take you out in public like that as my cute little lesbian girlfriend🥰
And after everyone misgendered correctly gendered you all day - maybe you'd need to excuse yourself to the ladies' room to cry from the "dysphoria", too scared to go into the men's dressed like the girl you are - I'd take you home, strip you out of your girly clothes and expose your feminine body. Still obviously FEMALE, no matter if you got so delusional you got your tits cut off, silly girl.
I'd start groping your chest as if still had them, making you regret your stupid decision to get rid of them, maybe making you cry again with regret, and then I'd start playing with your nipples. Teasing them, licking them, pinching them, pulling at them until you're sore. If I didn't make you cry before, now I'll make sure you do.
You'd beg me to stop, and I'd keep torturing your girly nipples with one hand while I started teasing your pussy with the other, mocking you for how wet you were.
I'd laugh at you, silly little girl, pretending to want me to stop when you clearly like it so much.
I wouldn't finger you properly until you promised me to switch your T out for estrogen to make your tits grow back. I'd make you cum on my fingers promising you'll be a good girl again.
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gate4043 · 10 months
This was the first outfit I wore out of the house.
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I was terrified. Wearing an old blue shirt I've had for years that was kinda girly but you can't really see it, it was more for me and for my confidence, a black pinafore dress, stockings, and you can't see them but just my white cheap kmart sneakers. I was also wearing breast forms (I think D cup ones) I'd bought off amazon and a shitty Bonds bra that had managed to keep them in place. I hadn't shaved my arms in a while, so I was afraid to take off the jacket. You can't see it, but my bald spot had gotten really bad, which I thankfully didn't notice until I got home.
It was a Saturday. My mum and stepdad would get back from holiday the next day, so I only had that day to do it. But it was late in the day by the time I'd actually mustered up the courage and put together an outfit. My car was parked out on the lawn, and our neighbours talked a lot with my parents and the neighbour across the street was pretty nosey and watched us a lot. I had zipped up my jacket and put on a pair of jeans so that I could drive my car into the driveway, go back inside and take my pants off, then hop back in the car and go to the only shop that was open at 9:30 something on a Saturday that people wouldn't recognise me at.
It did go wrong a little. The part of the garage that opens up to the back was a little ajar, which meant the dog ran through and out into the front yard. I panicked, pulled back into the driveway, and then ran around to the front door and desperately called him in.
I drove to the shop panicking the entire time. It was amazing, and it was scary as shit to be doing it, I assuredly accidentally broke some traffic rules out of sheer nervousness. Rolled up to the shop. Worst experience I've ever had out in public. Everyone stared. Got called a freak by a passerby whispering under his breath, to this day that's the only time that's ever fucking happened. Got inside, bunch of stares and misgendering from old cis white dudes, and everyone else in the shop was actually really lovely. Clocked the checkout as kinda queer, they were super nice about everything, headed home, freaked the fuck out.
Here I am fourteen months later in May of this year
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So that's just under six months on E at the time. Went out to a friend's first year E anniversary, it was wild, there were multiple people being held by their partners with leads, there was a person in crazy makeup and a top hat and boot heels and they explained to me where they got their hat, I got to sit in a cute girl's lap and snuggle, it was great.
I wanna talk about confidence
When I was in the closet, when I was finally starting to come out, I was doing a lot more than I'd ever done before. I'd gotten clothes from my brother's fiancée, then girlfriend, which fit me, and I'd dress up around the house and run around with the lights off upstairs because the neighbours on both the front and back of the house could see through into ours and again, they talked. All it would have taken is one dickhead blabbing and suddenly a shitstorm would've broke loose.
I have an awkward body for transitioning. What's worse, I could've prevented it because I've known I was trans for that long. Shoes won't fit me, don't even bother trying, my feet are fucking massive, even for guys. My shoulders are just wide. I know the jacket didn't help, but believe me, it wasn't as thick as it looks. I have a serious body hair problem which I hope to all fuck will get sorted out in some way with hormones, but I expect before long I'll be getting full body electrolysis, damn the expense.
This is why I'm showing this stuff, is because I was not confident, I was not the kind of trans person who posts a bunch of pictures of themselves to the internet and I'm still not that and I don't think I'll ever be that. Right now it's almost 2 AM, I haven't shaved all day, the toilet's clogged and I didn't want to sit down in the water so I was forced to stand up to pee because I was busting which made me feel dysphoric and gave me impostor syndrome at the same time and I have work tomorrow. But I know seeing a trans person I can relate to helps me whenever I'm feeling down, and I felt like sharing this.
It's okay to be a mess of a person, you don't have to be like the really fucking beautiful people I see on the internet all the time. You can be a goblin that struggles to achieve humanity, let alone gender presentation, and that doesn't change who you are on the inside and that doesn't mean that you can't do everything you wanna do and be everything you wanna be. Don't let it discourage you, you're awesome. You're always gonna be awesome. G'night.
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salvadorbonaparte · 8 months
I enjoy looking at clothes and fashion and such and one of my favorite color schemes are pinks and reds and black and white like a whole Valentine’s Day theme. The clothes are so cute and femme and I low key want them but I don’t want to get misgendered. my favorite celebrities tend to wear skirts or flowy pretty clothing but I don’t want to be mistaken for a woman like ughh 😖
Ugh yeah I know that feeling. Sometimes I wanna wear earrings or skirts or something but in the way my queer male friends or male-read friends would do. Unfortunately I have been cursed with some very obvious curves.
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