#do i spy porsch and arm
pharawee · 10 days
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Celebrations marking the beginning of marriage equality in Thailand are underway at the Government House.
Source: Thai Enquirer
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paninicupcakke · 4 months
POV: Mr. steal yo doc
Engie edition! 🔧
Engie: H-hey Doc are ya doin’ anything later?
Medic: No. Why? What’s up?
*Spy uncloaks in between them*
Engie: What the-
Medic: ?!
Spy: *has a small bouquet of roses in his hand* Bonjour mon cher, these are for you.
Medic: M-me???
*takes the bouquet*
Spy: Yes. Allow me to take you out for dinner tonight? I guarantee it will be a fine establishment.
Medic: Hmm, that depends. Are you paying?
Spy: But of course. That is what real men do after all. Provide for their loved ones.
*pulls him closer by the waist*
Medic: Ooooh~ okay! I can’t say no to a free meal.
Engie: N-Now hold on a minu-
Spy: Magnificent. Allow me to escort you to my car.
*starts walking alongside Medic*
Medic: Ja! Can we ride in the Porsche like last time? :3
Spy: Of course.
*grabs his car keys from pocket and flings them a round on his finger*
Engie: Dammit!
*folds his arms*
That just ain’t right.
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ae-azile · 3 months
3. 8. and 22.
(for ask game)
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you have seen on Tumblr: 
There have been many bad takes on Tumblr (and on social media in general). But I suppose when it comes to this show, it's any time I see someone express their views on a character in a manner that obviously puts other fans’ analyses down. Like, it isn’t the fact they view a character differently. It's the fact that they feel the need to belittle a different interpretation to make their point. If you need that, is it a great take? 
I won't get into specifics, because the few I have seen this from do actually have interesting takes. It's just the way they feel the need to write them passive aggressively. This seems to mainly happen with Kim meta, but I occasionally see it with Vegas meta too. 
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: 
Bahaha, I wrote myself into a corner with the response to question 3! 😂 I guess I am going to go with Korn and Gun. Both are viewed with a lot of hate, and rightfully so. But I also think they are products of their environment and have a lot of layers to them. And overall - at least from what we have witnessed solely in the show - I feel like Gun is more redeemable than Korn, despite Korn being a better father. Can't forgive him for what he did to Namphueng, Pat, Porsche, and Chay. He literally destroyed a family. I think Gun being under the impression they were all dead, losing the mother of his children, and likely being abused himself was what made him abusive. While I have no doubts Korn also carries a lot of trauma that plays into who he became, I also feel like his worst actions can't be viewed with any compassion like Gun's potentially could. Don't get me wrong, perpetuating the abuse cycle is NOT okay or excusable. But unfortunately, it can potentially be a reality that abuse victims who don't have help, resources, or healthy outlets end up re-enacting. There is an explanation for his worst crimes. There is no explanation for Korn's, nor will he ever offer a truthful one.
22. My favorite part of canon everyone else ignores: 
I don't know if everyone ignores it, but I love that Arm is working multiple guard positions? Boy does surveillance, builds and distributes weapons, designs high tech spy gear, and goes on missions with Kinn (which is sort of dumb in hindsight because he is one of the main people holding that compound together). On top of that, he was the first one to tend to Big when he was shot, implying he has some medic or strong first aid knowledge, led the clean up crew after Tawan set off the bomb, and then built bombs of his own for the attack on the compound later on. 
He does all of this, and still manages to be a guard to Tankhun, who is likely the safest yet most emotionally demanding family member. And he seems committed to that position. I am sure Arm could easily be removed from Tankhun's team. He has plenty of other work demands, and he better be the highest paid guard other than Chan. Yet he chooses to stay with Khun along with all of those duties. Hm. Love that for him though. 
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technicallyverycowboy · 11 months
kinnporsche baby ep 12
shit i love about episode 12:
the complications of having promised to tell the truth when your biggest lies have already happened. i love both porsche standing all the way up for himself and kinn starting to crack away from korn and really follow through on meaningfully backing porsche up
has arm added spy cams to every single one of kinn's suits. and if so, what things have you seen, arm? anyway, ride or die wingman of the year goes to arm.
rip khun spikes, you were a real one
most of the time when we talk about characters having the freedom to choose, there's an assumption that means they will do the best thing for themselves, the right thing, the healthy thing. i fucking love that when presented with a choice, pete goes running after the stupid, dangerous, bad decision that is vegas, because that's also freedom. you can choose the thing that is bad for you for no other reason than because it's what you want (and sometimes it will work out)
the colors in the torture room shifting from red and green (anger and jealousy!!) to purple and blue (intuition and lushness/hedonism and independence!!)
pete handed vegas the rope and my soul left my body. the chains around pete's ankles. i will never recover. PETE'S DERANGED POST COITAL SMILE
i love that all these characters finding other people that they care about and that they can be honest with leads to them behaving in ways korn does not anticipate. for my money, i do not think korn expected kinn to actually dip out, even if there was no way he and porsche were ever just going to be able to leave.
the goddamn domesticity of friends cooking together
both the fact that kinn was 100% willing to go kill this old man with porsche and that porsche chose not to chase revenge. porsche clinging onto kinn and losing his shit. the intimacy of it all!
i think their continued affirmation of being honest with each other is so fucking good. honesty takes practice! honesty in a relationship takes work and commitment! (also the blue lighting in the alley is similar to vegas' dungeon lolol)
fucking uncle thee
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turtlesocksv2 · 11 months
20 Kinnporsche Rewatch Episode 5 Thoughts
Regret Regret Regret. Kinn is so tense and upset about what he did last night, which he should be! Should have let Arm and Pete take care of Porsche, buddy. But Porsche is just dead-eyed and fucking tired. Kinn says that nothing happened and Kinn got to him first, but you know Porsche’s body is telling him a different story. How much does Porsche remember in that moment, How much does he believe Kinn in this moment? Either he’s lying, or it was Kinn that did it to him. and that’s a lot to process when you just woke up.
Kim being a nosy shit is great. and Korn sees right through him. He doesn’t trust Kim as far as he could throw him. but he learned it from watching you, dad! he learned it from watching you!!! Korn knows his grip on Kim is tenuous At Best, so it’s time to really put the squeeze on Kinn.
Genuinely am baffled at Korn’s motivations for all this. like, manipulating and abusing your kids is...you know, a bad thing but it’s one thing. but he wants Porsche working for them, under his thumb. He wants Nampheung’s son back in the fold and part of the family. How does punishing Porsche for getting drugged and making Kinn feel bad for loving Porsche accomplish any of that???
We absolutely need more Tankhun and Kim interactions. they both know way more than Kinn does. Tankhun is a messy bitch and is living for the drama of Kim spying on their dad and finding info. he’s so proud of his babiest brother. We need Tankhun and Kim to Unionize and overthrow their father. they could do it. they have the power.
Are You Fucking Dumb, Bro? my beloved. cracks me up every time. Best thing Ken ever did. ❤️
oh Porsche is MAD about getting punished. honestly his little bathroom breakdown is sooo justified. thank god for Pete, but them having two Very Different conversations is sadly funny.
Arm looks to be the Designataed Sober Bodyguard after the Stripping Incident. Disappointing, but probably a wise choice.
god Porsche is SO SAD this entire episode it kills me.
 Aaaaaand here comes Vegas, smelling the blood in the water. honestly the difference between 3 minutes ago and vegas rolling up with the sick motorcycle is night and day. the life returns to Porsche’s eyes because of that bike.  He and Vegas really could be bros, if it wasn’t for....everything. Porsche has so much fun with Vegas here. No thoughts, just a nice nightime bike ride on a sweet motorcycle with a handsome boy who’s been nothing but nice to you, really, and also it will piss off your boss. Win Win. (Vegas’s little stumble getting off the bike...I see you, sir. playing your game. 👀)
Kinn realizing he drove Porsche ~into Vegas’s arms~ is hilarious. Allow my inner wrestling fan to come out, for just a moment: You 👏 De- 👏Serve👏 It👏
“At least the minor family’s never hurt me!” “I’ve hurt you?” “.......Haven’t you?” god Porsche’s little eyebrow raise. The audacity Kinn has to pretend he didn’t hurt Porsche! Kinn, getting smacked in the face with the fact that Porsche does actually remember. Kinn not knowing how to respond or apologize and just digging his grave deeper. this scene is so good.
i do really like Korn’s pool. it’s a fucking rich people thing, but one that i would actually like to have.
Pete having to stand there, pantsless ass out, and give relationship counseling to his boss. what a nightmare for him. i would die.  but i love his little smile after Kinn leaves, like Yeah! Nailed it! I gave Good Advice (tm)
Kinn getting absolutely roasted by Porsche’s friends and swallowing it down is so funny.  And you can tell that it physically pains Kinn to apologize out loud.
Porsche is actually decent at his job! Even drunk and sad and in the middle of a verbal fight with his boss, he still clocked the intruders before Kinn did.
now i doubt that any competent kidnappers would let Kinn keep a phone on him, which means that Korn had to have GPS chipped his sons at some point like they were dogs that could  get lost. probably after Tankhun’s kidnapping and recovery.
When Porsche and Kinn hear the gunshots Kinn looks so smug like yeah, the rescue team is here and you are going to die. chan is going to shoot you right in the head.
speaking of which, Daddy Chan leaning out of the van to shoot the guy cleanly that Big and Ken fumbled is so great. Finally, some good fucking marksmanship.
KinnPorsche being a Battle Couple will never get old. Handcuffed together in the back of a truck, knocking those kidnappers the fuck out. love it for them.
OK in the preview they do say the GPS is from Kinn’s phone which...was really stupid of the kidnappers. i don’t think this was a very serious kidnapping attempt. Pretty sure this was Korn shoving Kinn and Porsche into a Get-Along-Shirt.
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kinnspocketporsche · 2 years
Porsche let Vegas see Pete on the condition that Pete was armed and Vegas was not.
Porsche doesn't know that there's a sexual/romantic aspect of it in the same way Pete didn't know when Kinn punished Porsche in episode 5. With that in mind, he'd have no reason to think Pete was in danger with this setup.
Pete is a trained bodyguard, he can physically hold his own, especially with a gun against an unarmed opponent. On top of that, this situation is entirely different - Pete isn't on a spy mission, he'll go back to the main family that same night some way or another, and if he doesn't, Porsche will know exactly what happened to him. But it won't happen, because Vegas knows he's dead if that happens. And I would assume that Vegas agreed very easily to Porsche's request - maybe even offered it himself - which was probably reassuring to Porsche. Vegas is also alone and doing all of this in secret - which Porsche is also likely aware of.
I've been trying to figure out how Porsche would've allowed this meetup to happen and here it is. it wouldn't be a hard deal to drive with Vegas at this point and it seems like a very Porsche thing to do.
As always, my inbox and DMs are very much open for further conversation/questions/etc. and feel free to check out my Master Post for more of my meta! :)
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bengiyo · 2 years
AiLongNhai Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I am honestly not sure if I'm excited about this one at all?
Oh lord there are too many characters, but Porsche and his husband are in it! Oh my god this guy's mustache is too much.
TORONTO. Who gave Thailand access to B-roll?
Oh yes, my favorite thing: a random white guy in BL whose job is to speak English. Clearly he understands Thai. Please never stop doing this, BL.
Porsche is the dad!!! Finally giving the people what we want.
Oh no, the subs aren't great...
BANGKOK. I love these location cards.
I do think I like the dynamic between Aiyaret and his dad.
Hot boi! Hot boi! Hot boi!
I'm okay with this dynamic with a gay dad raising a gay son.
Oh my goodness, BL. It is really just so fun seeing actors across multiple projects. Now we have Valen from Love Area and Jin from Nitiman, as friends of Nhai.
"Handsome like a lead for a BL series." Okay, nevermind. I will watch all of this show.
NAN. Are we in a spy thriller???
Arm!!! I'm so glad Porsche and Arm get to play together.
Oh my goodness I love this gay family dynamic.
I'm glad Aiyaret and Chen Nhai have this class together. I wasn't in the mood for a drawn out search.
...is Gun supposed to be Tonhon? I hope I don't dislike him the way I did Podd's version.
I do not buy the age of new Chonlatee. I'm sorry.
I like the friend group dynamic. For once it feels like the show is unfolding the cast slowly and giving us time to get to know and recognize them, unlike Fahlanruk.
I don't know about these lips. They seem chapped but also covered in makeup??
These are not the greatest performances ever, but I do like the lack of romantic obstacles so far.
Tagging along to help your male crush flirt with a girl is peak gay behavior.
Goddamnit, he has a guitar now.
Is the guitar just aesthetic? I'm okay with letting songs play over it instead.
So, this isn't great, but I am amused by the dynamics enough to continue. Subs are serviceable, but I feel like some context is being lost. I've watched enough BL that I think I felt most of what was missing.
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bitacrytic · 1 year
Overheat [36 & 37]
Read Previous Chapter Here
“I’m so sorry,” Pete repeated.
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Vegas didn’t know what to do, so he pulled Pete into his arms, rocking him slowly as Kinn shrugged.
“It’s fine.” He scoffed. “When this is all over, I’ll get my lick back. Don’t worry about me.”
Someone was watching him.
Pete didn't know for sure. But ever since his meeting with Porsche, Vegas and Kinn, he got the sense that someone was following him, watching him, cataloging his every move. His mind kept going back to the day he was kidnapped. That was when it had all started.
With Wan and his video. It would have been so easy to draw a line from Tawan to Wan, seeing as their names sounded alike. Pete wanted this to be over so badly that he was slowly beginning to convince himself that that was enough proof. But then he'd remember that the man they'd let go of, had run to Tod. And then another voice in his head would remind him that both of them were probably in it together.
And if they were in it together, Tawan’s father had the resources to put a tail on Pete and Tod had the resources to hack into public cameras to spy on Pete. In which case, they must already have known that Pete had flipped and was feeding them fucked information. Which meant that, any day now, his video was going to be released.
He woke up every morning, checking social media for the video. And with each morning that he found nothing, the eye on his back seemed to grow stronger and stronger. A whole week after their meeting in Kinn’s hospital room, Pete hadn’t heard anything. He wondered if he should allow himself to breathe. If he should calm down and let Vegas and Kinn solve it, just Porsche had said.
Or if he ought to do something, himself. After all, he’d learned pretty quickly in life to depend on no one but himself. And Kinn. He’d grown to depend on Kinn. But Kinn was angry with him. There was a chance that Kinn wasn’t doing things in Pete’s best interest.
Not that Pete didn’t deserve it.
After dinner, that evening, as he was on his way back to his room, Vegas called.
“Are you busy?”
“No, not really.”
“I’m following a lead. Would you like to come?”
In twenty minutes, they were stationed outside an abandoned warehouse, perched on the roof, across the street from the main entrance. Vegas came, armed with a camera and a pair of binoculars.
“You take this,” he said, handing the binoculars to Pete. “If you see anything sketchy, let me know.”
While Vegas took pictures of cars that were coming and going, and also pictures of anyone entering or exiting the warehouse, Pete surveyed the area, extending the binoculars as far as it could go.
“What are we doing here?” Pete asked.
“Nop heard chatter from two different gangs that were meeting here. Which was strange, on its own. But the further he looked into it, it wasn’t really the whole gang. It was just one person or a couple of people from most gangs.” He sat up, dropping the camera for a moment. “Gambit is a new company. I’ve known from the beginning that we’re dealing with new people. But maybe I was half right.”
“What do you mean?”
“I monitored Tod this whole week and I’ve got nothing on him and Tawan. They’ve never met. They don’t do business together and Tawan doesn’t even fit Tod’s type.”
“Right,” Pete agreed. “Alpha business man. Which, Tawan is not.”
“But we saw the prisoner go straight to him.”
“Probably the same way the gang members from other gangs are meeting here.”
“You think someone is picking members that already belong to existing gangs?” Pete asked.
“Sounds like it to me,” Vegas replied, holding up his camera and taking more pictures as more people arrived. “With these pictures, we can know which gangs have been compromised.”
“Wait, so does that mean Tawan is doing this all alone?”
Vegas sighed. “Kinn seems to think Tawan has nothing to do with it. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe Kinn is right. But right now, I’m not trusting anybody. Even Tod, for all I know. I mean, he doesn’t have to meet his partner to get the job done.”
True, Pete thought. They could be following the right leads. Or they could have missed the real mastermind, just because they were following the obvious.
Beside him, Vegas pulled out a packet of suppressants, popped one tablet out and swallowed it. Pete cringed inwardly, wondering if he should shut the fuck up and mind his business. He knew he should. He really ought. But before he could get a proper hold on his tongue-
"You had one of those at breakfast," Pete said.
"Yeah, so?" Vegas asked, returning the packet to his pocket as he picked his camera again.
Pete reached over and pressed the camera back down. "You had one during break and one during lunch. It's barely past dinnertime and you're having another. That's four doses in less than fifteen hours, Vegas. What's going on?"
"It's nothing."
They'd only known each other for a few months, and in that time, they hadn't always shared the heaviest of secrets with each other. Pete had been careful not to ask for too much that would set off warning bells in Vegas' head. But the few times he'd asked, Vegas had been forthcoming. He'd spoken to Pete in honesty, opening up like he couldn't wait to share his world with Pete. Like he couldn't wait to have Pete understand whatever it was he was asking about.
"I know you have no reason to trust me-"
"It's not that."
"Then what's going on? Suppressants are three times a day. The rate at which you're taking them, you'll take at least two more doses before the day runs out."
Vegas' lips trembled as he bit them, a frown appearing on his face. He looked at Pete and for a second, Pete was sure he saw the same tenderness that used to be in Vegas' eyes when he looked at Pete, before.
"It's stupid. Ken thinks I'm stupid."
"What is it?"
Vegas sighed. "I was..." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I was waiting for the cycle break that’s coming up soon."
"Why?" Pete asked. "You're not in the production. You can have your cycle whenever you want."
Vegas gave Pete a tired, exasperated look. “I was waiting for you, dumbass.”
The insult didn’t stick. If anything, it came out soft and indulgent, almost like a term of endearment, in the way his eyes lighted, looking right into Pete’s. Too many things were happening all at once. He was sure Vegas had just said he was postponing his rut, so it could coincide with Pete’s heat. He had just said… while looking at Pete like that. He’d just said…
Pete’s mouth went dry as his throat nearly clogged up from his heart shooting up from his chest. Considering what they’d just been through, the fact that Vegas wanted… Vegas was putting himself through the discomfort of extending his rut, just so they could spend their cycles together. Pete’s head swarmed with possibilities as they sat there, in the shadow of the boulder, staring into each other’s eyes.
He wanted to kiss Vegas, but he didn’t know how appropriate that would be. They were in a shaky place and Pete was being careful. But there Vegas was, offering a kind of permanence that Pete had never had in his life. He’d never even thought he’d want to mate with someone, let alone, do it with a member of the mafia. With a man he’d only known a few months.
And yet, here he was, contemplating spending the rest of his life with this man. Giving up all other possibilities for love by accepting and giving the bite. The bite, oh god, he thought, feeling giddy and confused at the idea of wanting it. It was such a silly idea. Pete was an omega and a career-driven actor with a bright future. He’d always shied away from shared cycles because people didn’t know he was an omega. That was a secret he was going to take to his grave.
He never imagined meeting someone who knew what he was, but wasn’t threatened by the fact that he was an omega who was also working. Someone who was romantically interested in Pete, but didn’t treat him as less. Because that was when they acted differently. Pete was a human being. Pete was a person. Until someone wanted to fuck him and suddenly, he had to know his place. Even when they thought he was a beta.
None of that had happened with Vegas. Pete couldn’t even look back on their interactions and pinpoint the moment when Vegas had found out that he was an omega. Because Vegas’ behavior never changed. Pete was Pete before Vegas knew. Pete was still Pete after.
“Say something,” Vegas said, as worry etched into his face.
“Oh,” Pete said, snapping out of it. “You wanted us to… to mate?”
“What?” Vegas asked, sounding confused. “No. No, we were going to use mouth guards. I just wanted us to spend the cycle together. Get to know each other and clear the air between us, you know?”
Mouth guards. Right, Pete thought. The things that alphas and omegas put in their mouths to keep from mistakenly biting each other. Pete nearly choked as his heart went tumbling down in his chest. How stupid was he to think that someone like Vegas would want to mate him? A lying, dishonest, untrustworthy piece of shit like Pete. Of course. He should have known. Vegas just wanted cycle sex. He wanted a wanton omega in heat who could give him unimaginable pleasure.
He didn’t want forever with Pete.
Pete shivered, feeling like someone had just doused him with cold water.
“You think I’m stupid, too,” Vegas said.
“What? No. Of course not.” He tried to laugh to dislodge the heaviness in his chest. He wished he could rewind the time to two minutes ago. Before he’d overestimated his value and started planning a life with a man who didn’t trust him. “You’re not stupid,” he said. “But, you should know though. I’m not having my cycle during the cycle break.”
“Why not?”
“I’m supposed to be a beta, Vegas. Remember?” he asked. “Wan may have forced me into a heat, two weeks before camp, but I was going to do it myself, regardless. I can’t have a cycle break while others are on break. I have to be visible. I have to go to meetings and show my face around other beta actors and employees. People have to see me moving around during the cycle break or else they’d start asking questions about me. I’ll get my next heat after the production is done.”
Vegas’ mouth fell open as he smacked his own forehead. “Ken was right. I am stupid. I should have known.”
“Hey,” Pete laughed, grabbing Vegas’ hands. “Don’t hit yourself.”
“I just thought-”
“I know what you thought. It’s okay.” And without meaning to, his treacherous mouth opened and said, “If you want, I can visit though. I can come see you during your rut.”
“Yeah,” Vegas said with a little nod. “I’d like that.”
Yeah, Pete thought, smiling even though dread filled his stomach. How could Vegas think himself to be stupid, when Pete had just committed himself to spending time with a rutting alpha? How couldn’t he see that Pete was the fool willing to put his life and career on the line for a man who didn’t trust him?
Spending time alone with Vegas in a rut? What on earth could go wrong?
They waited till the meeting was over and took more pictures. Vegas was sure he’d gotten everyone who entered the building through this entrance. He just wanted to be thorough. He hoped Kinn and Porsche were just as thorough, at the other entrance. Because they would be totally fucked if they missed even one person.
Two hours and almost a hundred pictures later, they packed up and started heading back to the hotel, where they met at Pete and Porsche’s room.
“Did you see any familiar faces?” Vegas asked as soon as they entered the room.
Kinn shook his head. “Maybe we’ll see better now we’re here. The screen was too tiny.”
“Tiny, how? Do you need glasses?”
“Memory card,” Kinn said, holding out his hand as Vegas gave it to him.
The room was dark and Porsche had already set up a projector on his bed that was screened against the wall. On Pete’s bed, Kinn’s laptop sat, waiting for Kinn to return.
“What…” Pete began. “What’s going on?”
“We’re making notes of the faces we recognize and cataloging the pictures as evidence for their gang leaders.”
“What makes you think the leaders didn’t send those people to represent them?” Porsche asked. “I mean, maybe they’re all planning to join up.”
“We’re not the only ones who’ve been hit in the past year. Nop said a lot of lower gangs have been losing territory, and a lot of the high prestige ones have been losing business deals. Leaders aren’t happy. They want to know where their leaks are.”
“Come. Sit,” Porsche offered Vegas.
Picture after picture, they marked the number, the face in the picture and the gang they belonged to. Seeing as Kinn had put in his card first, it was going to take a while to get to Vegas’ card. But that was okay. They had all night anyway. With Vegas offering commentary, while Porsche controlled the projector and Kinn took notes, Vegas couldn’t help wondering why Pete was so quiet.
Took him a moment to remember that Kinn and Pete were still in a weird place. And Kinn was sitting at the foot of Pete’s bed, while Pete had curled into himself at the head of the bed, placing his pillows between himself and Kinn like it was some worthy barrier. Wanting to comfort him, Vegas took off his shoes and slipped behind the barrier with Pete as Pete looked at him, startled.
“Shhh,” he said to Pete before turning back to the projector.
“Don’t do anything funky, over there,” Porsche said. “I know the room is dark and all, but we can still hear that shit.”
Vegas rolled his eyes as Kinn turned back to look at them with disgust in his face.
“Oh, for fuck sake,” Kinn said, grabbing his laptop and moving to Porsche’s bed. “Seriously, I’m in the room.”
“Don’t be weird. We’re not doing anything. Pete, were we doing anything?”
“No,” Pete answered, honestly.
“Yeah right,” Porsche said with a scoff.
“Can we get back to the business at hand?” Vegas asked, gesturing at the screen.
Porsche flicked to the next picture and Kinn sat up.
“What?” Vegas asked.
“I can’t really see the face on that person, but I recognize that green and blue coat. Go back.”
Porsche went to the previous picture, but the person in the green and blue coat was still backing the camera. So Porsche went back about three more pictures before they found one where the man was facing the camera, but he wasn’t at the center of the picture.
“Can you zoom in?”
Porsche shifted the focus to the corner where the man was and zoomed in on the picture to reveal the face.
“Oh wow,” Vegas said, not even bothering to be surprised by what he was seeing.
“Who’s that?” Pete asked.
“It’s-” Vegas began to say as Kinn beat him to it.
“It’s Tawan. I recognized the coat because he was wearing it when I saw him a few hours ago.”
“You saw him today?” Porsche asked, a frown etched in his face.
“It-it wasn’t like that. I wanted to find out what he knows about his father’s activities.”
“I hope you didn’t tell him too much about what we know, given that he’s the fucking mastermind.”
“Please don’t defend him right now.”
“I’m not,” Kinn said, almost sounding like he was pleading. “We know who it is now. We have a face to put on the issue. I’m not going to defend him.”
“What did he tell you?” Porsche asked. “What did he want?”
“I don’t know. He’s never really asked me for anything.”
“Are you sure?” Vegas asked. “Because if he’s the mastermind, then I get why he sent Pete into my business.”
“You do?” Pete asked.
“He’s going after gangs. He didn’t need to send someone into the main family because he plans to marry into it. But he sent you to me.” Vegas turned to Kinn. “We’re family, but we don’t operate like it.”
“You’re right,” Kinn agreed. “Your father has been adamant about keeping the minor family’s accounts separate from the main family.”
“We run our own deals, our own territories. Even our allies aren’t always main family allies.”
“You’re like two different gangs with the same name,” Porsche said.
“Exactly. Even if Tawan knew he was going to become Kinn’s omega, there was no guarantee his power would extend to the minor family.”
“We know what he wanted me to do with you,” Pete said. “But what’s his plan with Kinn been? He’s been all over the place.”
“Kinn, please try to remember,” Porsche said. “What is the one thing he keeps talking about?”
Kinn shook his head, as his brows furrowed in concentration.
“He asked me to keep his father locked up.”
“What?” Vegas asked, sitting up.
“Yeah,” Kinn said with a shrug. “The councilman is in my basement.”
As Vegas laughed at the absurdity of it all, Pete said, “Is he going to try and frame you for kidnapping?”
“That won’t help him if he wants Kinn to marry him into the family,” Porsche offered.
“So what’s he been asking for?”
“I think…” he said, still looking unsure. “He’s mentioned my father a few times.”
“When we were locked up, he pointed out that Papa knew where I was but did nothing about it. Then when we had drinks earlier today, he asked me to cut Papa off and take control of the entire family business.”
Vegas wasn’t sure whether to be pissed or impressed, so he settled on being both. Because Tawan was a fucking genius.
“He wanted you to cut out the most important person in your life,” Vegas said.
“What?” Kinn asked.
“Think about it. You don’t cough unless you discuss it with your father.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“He’s right,” Porsche said. “You’re an obedient son. You’ve always been an obedient son.”
“If I wanted to marry you and rule alongside you, I wouldn’t want your controlling father anywhere near our empire,” Vegas said.
“Wait,” Kinn said, turning from the projector to face all of them. “You’re saying he did all that… abducted me and kept me for a week, only to release me just because he wanted me to hate my father?”
“It worked, Kinn,” Porsche said. “That day I came to see you at the hospital, right after we got you back, I heard you speaking to your father in a way I’ve never heard you speaking to him before in my entire life.”
That was news to Vegas.
“You raised your voice at Uncle Korn?”
“It was a conversation.”
“Your father asked you to take an omega as a mate and you told him no.”
“Fuck, you heard that?” Kinn asked, looking distraught.
“You really told him no,” Vegas asked, wondering where the boldness had come from. Because it was an unspoken rule. Theerapanyakuls didn’t talk back to their fathers. Ever.
“He was being unreasonable.”
Vegas couldn’t stop his eyes from widening in shock because since when did Kinn talk about his father like that?
“See?” Porsche said. “Tawan already got what he wanted.”
“He made valid points.”
“I’m not disputing that,” Porsche said. “But if his goal was to sever ties between you and your father, he’s done well.”
“Why though?” Pete asked.
“Why what?” Vegas asked.
“He’s an omega,” Pete explained. “He had Phi-Kinn tied up and at his mercy. Why didn’t he just bite him instead of letting him go? Seems a bit convoluted for an omega who could control his alpha with a single bite.”
Once again, they were back at the same question that had plagued them since that first day at the hospital. Why hadn’t Tawan bitten Kinn?
Porsche smacked his bed as he sat up with a smile on his face.
“He’s not an omega.”
“What?” Vegas and Pete asked as Kinn looked at Porsche with worried confusion.
“That’s it,” Porsche said.
“That’s a pretty big leap.”
“It never made sense. He was in heat. He couldn’t control himself. Kinn, that’s what you said. If he had no control, then why didn’t he just bite you? At least, by mistake.”
“Why would he claim to be an omega and lose his job?”
“Because he was coming after you and we all know that Kinn only fucks with omegas.” Porsche jumped up from his bed. “I’m smart. Look at me,” he said, pointing at himself.
Considering the things they’d figured out about Tawan, it wasn’t so far-fetched to imagine that he’d hatched such a plan more than a year ago. Because Korn had started putting out feelers for Kinn’s mate, two years ago. The timeline matched up. He’d planned this whole thing and waited. If this went off without a hitch, Tawan Apinya would be the king of the Thailand underworld with a Theerapanyakul alpha on his arm.
“What about his pheromones?” Kinn asked. “He was feverish. He looked dead on his feet. He…” Kinn hesitated. “How come he was… open… down there? I never saw him prep himself. Not once.”
“Did he ever go out of sight?” Pete asked. “For more than a few minutes? Because you can prep yourself and use omega-treated lubricants to trigger an alpha, but also to keep it loose down there.”
Kinn sat, blinking steadily as a look of devastated horror crept into his face.
“What is it?”
“He locked himself in the bathroom for hours.” His voice trembled as he spoke. “He pretended that he was protecting himself from me and hid in there. The next time the door was opened, he was smelling like he was in heat, looking like he was in heat.” He looked at Porsche like he wanted to cry. “He… felt… like he was in heat.”
“Oh Kinn,” Porsche said, getting back on the bed and crawling to Kinn, just as Kinn got up from the bed.
“It’s not like I’m…” he rubbed his hand over his face. “I know where you’re about to go with this conversation, Porsche. Let’s not do that, right now. Please. I c-I can’t-”
“Okay,” Porsche agreed, nodding. “Alright. We don’t have to.”
Vegas could see that his cousin was a few seconds from breaking, but they had to push on. They’d made progress and none of them could leave that room without a proper plane, or else someone would go and do something to ruin everything.
“You have to play along, Phi-Kinn,” Vegas said.
“The fuck?” Porsche replied, eyes snapping to Vegas with anger. “He’s not going anywhere near that fucking snake.”
“I have to,” Kinn said, slowly sitting back on the bed.
“Listen to me-” Porsche said.
“He has Pete’s video,” Kinn said.
Porsche’s mouth shut, immediately.
“Phi-Kinn has to stay away from his father and meet with Tawan whenever he calls until we can find a way to get rid of that video and every single copy of it.”
“Until then, Kinn has to… he has to be around his… he has to talk to Tawan like nothing happened?” Porsche asked, horrified.
“It sounds bad, Porsche. But it’s what we’ve got.”
“I’m so sorry, Phi-Kinn,” Pete said, his eyes glistening with tears as he looked at Kinn. “Because of me-”
“Don’t even say that,” Kinn said. “You’re my prized jewel, remember?” Kinn tried to sound lighthearted, but it came out dry and pained.
“I’m so sorry,” Pete repeated.
Vegas didn’t know what to do, so he pulled Pete into his arms, rocking him slowly as Kinn shrugged.
“It’s fine.” He scoffed. “When this is all over, I’ll get my lick back. Don’t worry about me.”
Vegas was utterly relieved to hear that. Because if they were going into battle, he didn’t want a traumatized alpha at the helm. He wanted a pissed one that was out for vengeance. And judging by the look in Kinn’s eyes, Vegas was grateful that he was going to get the latter.
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wickedmoonlite · 11 months
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
Reminder: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, etc.), I will not be doing deep dives. I’m planning on taking this just below surface value as these are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I’m watching. Thank you.
Episode 9 Random Thoughts
I just never trusted Tawan, even in my first watch through. I felt bad for him, but that was about it.
I really do wonder who poisoned him, though. Seems like a Ken thing maybe? Since he's a double agent and all? I dunno.
Once again, Tankhun has the best instincts of them all. Never trust the sketchy ex, boys. And also Big knowing not to trust him, either. I get why they didn't just throw him out, but he shoulda just gotten tossed :')
It's literally the minor family. It's always the minor family. Gun has a complex, remember?
My dumbass feral cat boy getting worn down by the cute boy he was gathering info on. Inspiration for the singer-songwriter.
Arm is the only one taking note of the relationship that's right in front of their damn eyes.
Yes, but Pete, you and Vegas are destined to be together. Just go and spy on them. Do it.
Is Tawan trying to lure Kinn in by showing skin with muscle tees? And piss off Porsche at the same time? I don't get the obsession with cutting his shirts lower each time you see him.
What kind of workout is Tawan doing? Wtf?
Yok knows everything, Porsche.
Porsche dancing around in his tighty whiteys is such a mood. Also the song is a banger, tbh.
"Hey Porsche, why is your leg so long today?" Drunk Pete yelling out Korean phrases. This entire scene is something else. Then they just fuck on the couch anyway.
Vegas always knows when Pete follows him. Idk why Kinn keeps sending him to watch them, other than ✨plot devices.✨
Pete getting the stirrings from Vegas putting his hand on his back and the looks he gives. Yeeees.
Oh, Porsche. Not good. Very bad. No spying allowed.
Arm knows better, P.
Why is Tawan, like, constantly in the shower or the bath? Especially when Kinn comes to visit.
Vegas why are you putting your pants legs in the water??? Bruh.
But you and your family are doing things though Vegas??
Oh my god, I hate this scene where Tawan just puts his head in Kinn's lap. Like, please, my dude. Could you be less subtle? All the while, he's fuckin around with Vegas. I just don't like how manipulative it all is. Is no bueno.
Porsche for the love of god. Why you do this? Trust issues all around, bah. I know he was doing it for the right reasons, since he didn't trust Tawan from the beginning (for good reason)... Many thoughts about this whole situation.
I love how cute and nervous Chay is here :') confessing to his crush and Kim says yeah I like you too, I'm just dumb with feelings, here's a cheek kiss, thanks for the gift. Ugh. Too cute, too cute.
I can't imagine all the thoughts rolling around in Porsche's mind. Tawan is consistently showing him what he's actually doing there but he's not showing it to anyone else (except for those that are reading between the lines like Tankhun, Arm, Pete, and Big), least of all Kinn. He's being sickly sweet to Kinn. It's all so manipulative. But that's exactly how the minor family needs it to be. Sowing the seeds of distrust and chaos is the entire point of Tawan being involved in the first place.
And once again, Tankhun has it right.
Convenient Vegas is convenient.
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So now I'm finally properly caught up! Yay me. I think these posts peaked at episode 6 because it really is my favorite, but I'm going to keep going because there's so much more to come and it's fun putting my stupid thoughts on the internet.
Episode 10 next 😭 we're close to the end now.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
i know this is out of nowhere but do you have any arm headcanons? he seems silly at points and has fun with tankhun, but then we also see how he takes his gear and missions seriously, he is considered one of the best (as korn tells chan to bring his best when kinn goes missing). he is also team porsche, and agrees to help him spy on kinn which is against twenty bodyguard laws and treason? he doesn't cry at pete's funeral but looks more solemn like he knows what happened to pete and exchanges a look with porsche that says that arm knows that last place where pete's phone pinged was minor family's mansion. but then he runs away from zombie pete and goes back to being a silly bean. so i feel like he is all over the place as a character?
I haven't actually spent a lot of time thinking about Arm in any particular detail, I have to say! I'm vaguely fond of him but haven't done any real digging into him as a character independently, so there are probably people who have considered this more than I have; I don't feel like I can make any claims about my sense of him with much confidence that they're true to character.
(the less I've thought about a particular character, the less secure I feel in the headcanons I have about them, because for me headcanons do always have to come from something about the character in question that meshes with my overall understanding of them.)
but I guess the thing that comes to mind first of all is that I think Tankhun's entire bodyguard cohort is specifically meant to be nonthreatening, or at least intended to present that way to the casual eye. I think a lot of that is probably about Tankhun's comfort (making sure he feels at ease with his guards, because they're there as much to handle/support him as they are to protect him). The way that Arm and Pete's mannerisms in particular are different around each other and around Tankhun compared to how they are in more intense/focused settings is notable. They are a certain way with Tankhun, because being Tankhun's guard is most of the time less about protecting him from physical threats and more about trying to make him feel more secure on a mental or emotional level. They're the collective dogs to his cheetah. I can imagine that there are people who would (quietly) dismiss Tankhun's bodyguards' usual duties as "babysitting."
But out of that setting there's different needs and different skills that are more applicable, and that require a different persona. Not necessarily a false one, but a different angle or focus. It's sort of...switching between "bodyguard" and "companion" depending on which is more appropriate; Pete certainly does it and I can imagine it's similar for Arm.
as far as the "agreeing to spy on Kinn" thing, I feel like there's the Doyleist explanation that's just "the writers weren't thinking about that too hard" (which is potentially true of a lot of things, including most of the discrepancies you mentioned in the ask), but arguably one could also just take it as, like, "Porsche spying on Kinn isn't a bodyguard spying on his boss for treacherous reasons, it's spying on his boyfriend for dumb jealousy reasons" and consequently I can see the decision being made to just go "whatever, it's harmless and if he's talking to me about it he's not doing something stupider" and humor Porsche about it (as Pete does earlier).
as far as the last bit with Pete's funeral: Arm probably does know that the last place Pete went was the minor family's house before disappearing on a surprise vacation! That actually makes the odds that he genuinely thinks Pete is dead (and therefore being surprised and alarmed by his reappearance) even higher.
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berestweys · 2 years
Kinnporsche Rewatch: Episode 9
Summary: Hot milk euphemisms.
Favorite Line: “This is our home, not a brothel!”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Snoops over Kinn & Tawan’s shoulders to peek at their old selfies. Makes up a meeting for Kinn to get him away from Tawan. Tells Kinn Yok got her boobs done so he can go see her and get more love advice, gift basket in hand. Does the dance from Risky Business and it’s important to note he’s got great gams. Fakes sick to seduce Kinn & requests a sponge bath (ew). Once again holds his wine glass by the base when Vegas visits him at the pool and who taught him this??? Bugs Tawan’s room with Arm’s help (Arm is on his team! Go Porsche!).
Why is Chay crying? Why would he cry when he’s so happy??? His crush kind of accepted his confession.
Woe is Big: He was the first person to suspect Tawan was a traitor back in the day, and now his precious people are letting Tawan back into their lives. This is terrible. Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: He votes to kill Tawan, which is why he’s the hero of the show. Firmly believes Tawan framed Porsche, and he’s the most dead serious we’ve seen him so far. “I could see it from Mars!”
A Woman Speaks: Yok’s boobs are big enough already, aren’t they Porsche? Tells Porsche she’ll help with his love life and the ‘third wheel.’ Step 1: Pretend to be weak. Step 2: Catch the enemy by surprise. End of plan.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Pastries at the family restaurant with Arm & Pol.
Vegas Report: Takes Pete to church for their first date (Yes it’s a date. I decided). Shows up at the Main Family pool with wine. How does he even know Porsche is there? Why does he bring wine? To the pool??? Wine is not a poolside beverage. Puts his entire pantlegs into the water, lighting fandom on fire with glee at his cringy loser flirtation moves. Once again he has no reaction when Porsche takes his wineglass by the base & this is how I know Vegas is a psychopath. Confesses his sorrows being in the Minor Family. Requests that if Kinn orders Porsche to kill him, could he pretty please make it painless? Shows up like a tiny knight in shining t-shirt to break Porsche out of mafia jail. 
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Kinn falls for the lame Porsche fake sick/needs a sponge bath ruse. The seduction is stupid but we get Porsche in his tighty whities in short order and Kinn playing pretty aggressive grabass so I guess it works out fine. They fuck under a blanket right next to drunken, passed-out Pete. Which again, ew. Kinn sees Porsche drinking a wine toast with Vegas at the pool and immediately decides that’s a good reason go alone with Tawan to get the mysterious evidence. Kinn locks Porsche up in the mafia prison after Tawan shows him the bugs Porsche planted. Porsche tries to convince Kinn to trust him with eye communication, but Kinn throws him in the slammer anyway! And oh no, Porsche thought Kinn came to let him out but instead it was Vegas, offering a romantic rescue.
VegasPete: Because Kinn spends this episode having great ideas, he sends Pete to spy on Vegas. Again. Yes, it’s Spy Mission Number Three. And wonder of wonders, Vegas catches Pete. Immediately. Again. This time he lets him follow him most of the day before forcing him to attend temple with him and Macau. (Macau, who tells Pete the sermons here are great and then promptly falls asleep while the monk is talking. I love Macau so much.) Vegas tells him they should make merits together so they’ll for sure see each other in the next life. Pete looks… alarmed at this prospect lol. Vegas takes the opportunity to grope Pete’s ass. Pete is flustered while pouring out the water and… I’d like to think he’s a lil’ horny at this point but he seems genuinely devoted in his faith so probably he’s mostly just discombobulated by being felt up during the service. So much so that Vegas & Macau slip away, but not without Vegas leaving a POST-IT NOTE telling Pete ‘hey let’s do this again sometime! we’ll for sure see other lots next life! stay sweet don’t change! xoxo vegas’
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. While experiencing writers block Kim remembers Chay singing to him in the parking lot and lo and behold inspiration returns! Chay pines after Kim and makes him his own personal guitar pick that says “Kim Chay.” When he gives it to Kim & confesses he  gets a kiss on the cheek and there’s hugs all around. Don’t mind me I’m just going to go apply some calamine lotion to these hives all over my body.
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 3: 2 solo pining scenes, 1 scene together
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 3
Kisses: Kim kisses Chay on the cheek. Grabs him almost violently by the face for a cheek kiss. Smooth. KP before being interrupted by Pete, and presumably under the blanket while they fuck right next to unconscious Pete.
Tits Out: Kinn in silk pajama pants and one of his legion of bathrobes, flapping open. Porsche in the pool & on the couch.
What’s Gun wearing? No Gun sightings.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: Pete, Pol, & Arm gossiping about Kinn, Porsche, and Tawan is a big highlight. The himbo energy is strong in this moment, as is the light that goes on in Pete’s eyes (FINALLY) when Arm announces the most obvious thing in the world, that there’s ‘something’ going on between Kinn and Porsche.
Have I calmed down? No! This is not my favorite episode, mostly because Tawan is annoying to look at and listen to. But! It’s a cliffhanger! Will Porsche run away with Vegas? Will Kinn learn to trust his heart again? Will Pete be able to forget the feeling of Vegas’ tiny delicate hand cupping his butt cheek with all the religious fervor Vegas can muster? I must keep watching and yelling to find out!
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 3/ Episode 4/ Episode 5/ Episode 6/ Episode 7/ Episode 8/ Episode 10
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
for the ask game!! 20, 21, 22
These are such good ones! Thank you, anon! 20. part of canon you found tedious or boring & 22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores I'm going to do these two together, because when I looked deep within for the answer to 20 (since at this point I am pretty sincerely engaged by every single little moment in KPTS ahaha), I realized that there were the parts of canon I found a bit tedious to get through in my first viewing, that I'm always overeager when I'm showing the series to someone new for them to get through so they get to what I think are the emotional hooks of the story and keep watching, but many of those parts are now the answer to 22? Like every part of Porsche defiantly sucking at his job in episode 2: hard/cringy to watch on the first viewing, but on second glance I'm so proud of him for resisting the situation he was put in every way he knew how. He can't quit, quietly or otherwise, but he CAN suck!! Lol. We see in the bar and the boxing ring that Porsche puts his all into his work and is amazing at it, so it's a bit heartwrenching to me, how being punished and shelved and told he's the worst of the lot is such effective conditioning to get him to start willingly working hard at this role he was coerced into. It's fun to watch bodyguard Porsche be all bamf and hypercompetent later, but it is a loss of agency and there is a tragedy in it, so yeah, I love the freedom and whimsy of episode 2 now and hold it so close to my heart. (I also savor the amount of Tankhun we get in episodes 2 & 3!) Similarly, I, like just about everyone else ever, found the Tawan episodes a bit draggy compared to how enthralled I was in episodes 4-8 and 11-13, but after poring over weird little guy Tawan in my head, and reading meta about him (how he was the woman in the tower and a picture of where Porsche could have ended up, and still might), I'm obsessed with both him and those episodes, and think fandom should talk about both 400% more than it does. I mean, EYE should talk about him 400% more than I do, whenever I forget about Tawan in a ship poll or whatever I give myself the stinkeye but yeah, there is so much to mine in those episodes (Vegas doesn't seduce with whips and chains he seduces with smol sad boy eyes and MARRIAGE PROPOSALS; Arm showing his love by helping you surveil your boyfriend who is his boss?), let's ignore them less, fandom!
To try to give an honest answer about what I find boring in canon now, I will say that I thrilled over all the late canon Kinn/Porsche domestic bliss on my first viewing, and I still love the tonal dissonance of how sweet and happy they seem before the narrative reveals that Porsche's being there is even more coerced than he thought, and Kinn knew that, and now here are 5 other fucked up reveals that they're both going to look away from so they can be together - but bread placement aside, a lot of those later scenes don't really tickle my brain on rewatch. I'm like: GO BACK TO THE FUCKY DRAMA ALREADY!! lol 21. part of canon you think is overhyped See I'm gonna suck at this meme because I don't think that anything is overhyped as in fans talk about something too much when it's not that great, but I will say the early Vegas/Pete interactions (magnum dong condom scene, temple scene) stir almost nothing in me shipwise. I love the stakeout scene for Pete flinging himself at Pol (and on my second viewing, for the realization that Pete is SO competent at so many things but not??? spying??? so why does Kinn keep sending him???), and I love the temple scene for Macau's eagerness to wingman for his brother @ prey animals (and in retrospect, it is fun that they have this "we'll make it through so many near-death experiences together" foreshadowing), but the actual Vegaspete of it all did nothing for me in those moments. It took a while for me to suspend my disbelief when reading fanfic and imagine that there was any chemistry between them before Pete was cackling in the throes of ball torture.
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marimbas · 2 years
AU where Tawan's betrayal isn't uncovered and at the time Kinn and Porsche meet, Kinn and Tawan are still together and rather happy. (Tawan is still working with Vegas to undermine the main family but it's directed at weakening Korn, and setting up Kinn to be the head of the family before they take over)
So when Porsche saves Kinn, and Korn sees Porsche on CCTV, Korn takes it as an opportunity to spy on Tawan and convinces Kinn to make Porsche a bodyguard.
EP 1 & 2 happen pretty much the same, Porsche is a disaster of a human and Kinn isn't blind, he can see Porsche is attractive but he's got Tawan and is so close to firing Porsche when he jumps in front of the bullet to save Kinn. While Porsche is recovering he gets put on Tankhun's team. Tankhun hates Tawan still and makes a point of dropping hints to Porsche that he shouldn't be trusted.
They still party at Yok's and sneak away to the pier but Kinn doesn't kiss Porsche and if Porsche thinks for a moment that he is going to, he tells himself he's an idiot and tries to get over it.
Porsche gets drugged at the diamond auction but because Tawan is there, Kinn doesn't stay to 'help' him. Arm and Pete help Porsche sober up and they run through the night again to work out what happened. When Kinn comes to see Porsche the next day Porsche makes the mistake of suggesting Tawan had something to do with it and Kinn gets hella mad and punishes Porsche.
Kinn is stressed out and has a fight with Tawan and feels bad when he hears Porsche quit so he goes to apologise.
AnD THEN it gets juicy. Porsche and Kinn get kidnapped and lost in the woods and they get the time to see themselves without real world drama and everything Kinn does Porsche finds cute and everything Porsche does Kinn finds hot. They have their first kiss under the waterfall, Kinn pulls away racked with guilt knowing Tawan is looking for him while he's having feelings for Porsche and wishing they could stay out here forever.
Kinn opens up to Porsche about being heir and the ups and downs of his relationship with Tawan. Porsche apologises for kissing him but Kinn tells him not to be sorry, he kissed him first. They agree to be open with one another but not do it again.
Kinn takes the bullet for Porsche, still with the lingering taste of their goodbye kiss in his mouth. Porsche is dragged back into the family but Tawan senses something has changed so he forces Porsche to work with Vegas and the minor family to keep him away from Kinn.
Kinn gets word that Porsche is getting close with Vegas and thinks Porsche is trying to get back at him for their kisses. He hates Porsche working with Vegas but he can't say anything without it seeming weird to Tawan
Tawan makes sure that Pete gets Kinn to the minor family house just in time for Vegas to kiss Porsche in the bathroom. He hopes it with push them away but nope
They fight, Porsche calls out Kinn for being jealous but being the one with a boyfriend. Kinn is kind of helpless to his feelings and he stops denying it and they get each other off.
They start fucking in secret, all over the place. They feel bad but they can't help themselves.
Idk how it ends I just like the extra angst of cheating
Tawan probably finds out and instead of confronting Kinn he decides the easier option is to take Porsche out so he kidnaps Chay and takes him hostage. Kinn thinks Vegas is behind it and doesn't listen to Porsche's doubts and they break up.
Kinn's brokenhearted and chainsmoking and Big realises what Porsche means to Kinn and let's him in on the Big and Ken spy club. They work together to expose Tawan, he dies ideally by Kinn actually shooting him this time
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slonekaru · 2 years
You know what. I'm going with something different that I'm looking forward to tonight.
And that is Pol bodyguarding. Correct me if I'm wrong but we have never seen him do anything.
There was that one time when Porsche was working for Tankhun and is told that Pol and Arm had gone with Korn but you don't see it. And the time Pol was with Pete in the car spying on Vegas. He was asleep.
I was starting to think he really isn't a bodyguard but just hired to keep Tankhun company except he was doing the water training with Pete and Porsche. Plus the above mentioned spying.
But he is in the trailer with Pete guarding Kinn so tonight I am looking forward to Pol having his bodyguarding moment!
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namchyoon · 2 years
VEGAS AND TAWAN?????? WHAT???? Did NOT see that coming!!
But ummmm Kim and Chay cuddling??? ADORABLE!!! Then Kim coming to save Chay and Porsche and Kim was shooting with one arm in a muscle tank?? That was so hot 🥵
But then Big died!! 🥺🥺 I know I was wary about him earlier but now I’m sad. Mostly because I KNOW he was good because he saved Porsche because Kinn loves him 😭😭 my heart. Best boy.
I fricken love this show.
pls kim in that tank and just shooting people like yes shoot me too king 😔 that entire scene is so hot i agree 😭 yeah that really caught me off guard bc until then i was like hmm maybe big is the spy or at the very least a huge asshole BUT SACRIFICING HIMSELF???? yeah did not see that 😭 and i'm glad u do!!!!
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stormyoceans · 2 years
you’ve heard of pete being ready to risk his life and sacrifice himself to prove porsche is innocent, now imma need:
porsche being worried sick for pete since he didn’t come back from the minor family’s house
porsche giving pete the biggest hug once pete does come back
porsche noticing something is off with pete and trying to talk to him about it
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