#do i just make a new tag for zep? yeah sure. why not
ducktr0ducin · 2 years
So this isn't Shiptober but anyways-
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My take on a Gypad kid! He is simply a little guy, a little dude. I might doodle him more in-between prompts!
(also thank you Jenky for the big brain idea of the baseball cap)
Ramblings below the cut-
- Gyro did some mad science nonsense of mixing their blood with random chemicals and injecting it into an egg. It somehow worked!
- Zep is a MENACE (Gearloose family brains combined with McQuack family thrill-seeking is a horrifying combination)
- Zep is HDL's age (roughly ten/eleven). How does that fit into the timeline? I have no clue
- Little Helper acts like a good older brother to Zep
- He and Newton bicker quite a bit, but will not hesitate to team up in competitions
- He calls Gyro "dad" and Launchpad "pops"
- Launchpad gives him flying lessons while Gyro is trying to ignore his gut instinct to panic
- Gyro is already teaching him high school level sciences. Zeps even helps out with some of the more mild gadget orders Gyro receives
- He loves taking apart and putting back together engines, and keeps trying to modifying his bike to go fast like a motorcycle (has not yet succeeded)
- ^^He is quite resilient to crashes just like his pops
- Dewey got him his hat for his birthday a few years back
- Zep sometimes gets mocked for being a test tube baby, but he takes it with stride
- Launchpad and Gyro hadn't decided who's surname Zep would have before he was hatched. They were going to have Launchpad fight one of Gyro's robots to decide, before Daisy simply suggested they simply use both last names.
- ^^Zep WISHES the story of his last name was that cool
- Launchpad spelt "Zeppelin" wrong on the birth certificate. Now he's "Zepplin" (I TOTALLY DIDNT JUST MISSPELL IT THIS WHOLE TIME GUYS PLEASE BELIEVE ME-)
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Damage Is Done - Little Movie Star Chapter Three (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter 
Summary: Jensen & Danneel were ready to break the news. Surprisingly, so were you. You should have known better than that. Good feelings disappeared more sooner than later. How stupid of you to think that things were going in the right direction.
Words: 1,761
Warnings: fluff, cyber bullying, panic attack, fake social media posts (picture credits go to their rightful owners)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Things were going slow. And you could tell that the tension built itself whenever you distanced yourself more again. But you were trying, you really were. Jensen & Danneel could tell. They saw you struggling when you took part in their family activities. Your body language gave you away a lot of times. Neither of them commented on it, though. Communication was improving. More often, you spoke up when something happened you did not like & Jensen & Danneel did the same for you. Sometimes, it hurt a bit, when they told you that the way you acted was not appropriate. Sometimes, you stormed off to your room to cool down, only for you to come out a bit later to apologize for your behavior. Danneel was incredibly proud of the change you had been through so far. She could tell that Jensen & you shared a stronger bond but that was one thing Bill had warned them about. Whatever family you were put in, you usually connected faster with the fathers. In her head, she was already planning a girls day with you. Shopping & all that. Maybe that would help your bonding process.
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You were eating breakfast when Jensen started a conversation that left you…unsure.
“So, we were thinking about breaking the news to the world. What do you say?” he eyed you carefully, waiting for some sort of reaction. You stopped eating for a second & looked down at your plate.
“For publicity?” the words were quiet but they could hear you crystal clear.
“Do you really think we need publicity?” Danneel joked & you were lucky that she eased the tension. Even a chuckle escaped you & finally, you looked up at them.
“What are you guys thinking? How do you wanna do this?” you asked, now starting to like the idea of them wanting you to be an official part of their family. It was fast but you thought if the world knew you were a part of the Ackles, then you might have an easier time accepting it yourself. They explained that they planned a simple Instagram post. Nothing more, nothing less. A picture with the six of you. The thought scared you but you agreed anyway which earned you two big smiles.
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“Hey, Jensen?” walking over to where he was sitting, he turned his attention to you. “Could you help me with something, please?” you felt stupid to ask for help, especially because of something like that but you knew he had more experience than you.
“Sure thing. What is it?” he looked intrigued & then confused when you handed him your phone after sitting down next to him.
“Um… I don’t have any social media accounts but I’d like to get them started? I thought you might know what’s fitting & what isn’t.” Jensen seemed more than happy to help you out. It did not happen every day that you came & asked him something. So when you did, he appreciated it.
The two of you played around for a while. Jensen explained the basics. Even though you had to admit that he was not the pro you believed him to be. It was alright & in the end, you had a twitter & an Instagram account (@iam(Y/N)ackles). At first, you were against the handle. After all, your last name was not Ackles. But Jensen insisted that it was right for you to have these account names. He helped you setting everything up & you started following people you liked, starting with Jensen & Danneel, obviously. Followed by the rest of the Supernatural cast.
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At the end of the day, after you took the picture Jensen & Danneel wanted to post, you were very nervous. The picture turned out to be incredibly cute. You were holding Zep in your arms, Arrow had been held by Danneel & JJ was sitting on Jensen’s lap. Immediately, you set this picture as your phone wallpaper, smiling wildly when you did so. All of a sudden, your phone was flooded with notifications. Both, on twitter & Instagram. Annoyed by the dinging sound, you turned them off completely. Jensen & Danneel tagged you in their posts & you were gaining hundred, thousands of followers in a very short time.
“(Y/N)? We posted the pic, just so you know.” but by the way you were looking at your phone, Jensen could tell you already knew this. He told you that it was probably better if you turned off the notifications but you brushed him off, saying you already did.
“Have you looked at it yet?” curiosity was written over his features. Shaking your head as an answer, he nudged you & told you to go on. Taking a deep breath, you opened Instagram & immediately were met with the picture on your timeline. The picture put a smile on your face again. You guys really looked cute. Like a cute little family. Then you went to read the caption.
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Scrolling down, you saw Danneel’s post with the same caption & tears threatened to spill. You had not cried in front of other people in so long but right now, you could not hold back anymore. Gratitude was rushing over you & before you knew what was happening, Jensen wrapped his arms around you & pulled you into a hug. This time, you did not reject him, needing the comfort of another person. It felt good to be hugged, you had almost forgotten how much you actually loved it
“Thank you.” you mumbled into his chest. Jensen simply stroked his hands up & down your back. He could tell that this was a huge step. You were hugging, after all, & he was more than thankful to share this special moment with you. When you heard Danneel entering the room, you rushed over to her & gave her a hug, too. You could feel that your body was not reacting the same way when you were wrapping your arms around Jensen but it felt good nevertheless.
The rest of the day, conversation flowed easier. Dinner was filled with laughter & you guys chatted a lot. This act, of them posting you on their social media, showed you that they were not going away anytime soon. They were in for the long haul. Still, there was this awful voice in your head but tonight, it sounded a bit further in the distance, a bit more quiet than usual. That night, you decided to do a movie marathon. You had done them before but this one felt…different. It felt easier. You found yourself enjoying their company more & for a second, you had hope. Hope in the future. Hope in your new…family. Would you ever feel comfortable calling them your family? Maybe, if you kept going forward at this pace, then maybe you would.
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Laying in bed, you wanted to check out the posts one more time. By now, you had thousands of followers even though you had zero posts on your account. Maybe you should repost the picture? Yeah, you could do that. Your thoughts were interrupted when you made the big mistake of going through the comment section under Jensen’s picture. Yes, there were a lot of positive responses, especially from his castmates, but when you kept scrolling, you found one hate comment after the other. They were awful to read through.
“really? she’s ugly as hell lmao”
“why would they choose her?”
“probably thinking she’s better than everyone lol”
“she should go back where she came from”
“wtf??? leave our ackles alone, bitch”
Tears were streaming down your face, this time because you were genuinely hurt by their words. One mistake followed the other & you were scrolling through your message requests. One was worse than the other. There were literal death threats people were sending you & you did not understand a thing. Nobody knew you & yet they were already building an opinion about you. Angry at yourself for reading through them & angry that you agreed on making a post for Instagram, you turned your phone off & threw it at the end of the bed. All good feelings had disappeared. Maybe they were right. You knew you were not pretty. You had asked yourself a billion times why they chose you out of everyone. You were sure they would send you back once they read through the comments. No matter how hard you tried to calm down, you could not catch your breath & started hyperventilating. Shit, you were about to have a panic attack. You had suffered from them ever since you were little but the last one had been ages ago. Usually, you would run to Bill & he would talk you through it. But he was hours away & he would most likely be asleep by now. Contemplating if you should go to Jensen & Danneel, you decided against it after the comments were repeating themselves in your head. So you just let the panic overcome you. It was better to let it out than to push it down further, you knew that. But having to go through such a period alone was everything but easy. Telling yourself you were fine & safe over & over again exhausted the shit out of you. It felt like hours but when you were finally at a point where your breaths evened out & your heartrate slowed down, you fell asleep almost immediately. Tomorrow, you had to talk to them, you knew it. Maybe they would be aware of the comments by then & would start the conversation. How were you supposed to start such a conversation anyway? Hi, your fans hate me & send me death threats. Come on, that sounded stupid. But the thing was that it did not feel stupid to you. Their words hurt you & Jensen & Danneel told you to come to them & be open with them if something bothered you. There was enough time for that in the morning, though. For now, sleep seemed like the best option & the best distraction. You just hoped that your dreams would be kinder to you than your family’s “fans”.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (04/03/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​, @sergantbuckybarnes (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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Apple Pie Life-Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean is finally living the life he’s always dreamed of. He has a wonderful wife, a baby and a great job...But was that the truth?
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst, Paranormal Influence, Language, Daddy!Dean.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Words: 2370
Tag List: @elskinner45​ @you-a-southpaw-doll​ 
A/N: First Story on This Blog! I hope you all enjoy! To be tagged in Dean One shots, Message me, comment or submit an ask!
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Dean’s P.O.V. ~ 2010, Lawrence, Kansas
Humming the words to Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, I slowly climb out of Baby, my 1967 Chevy Impala, passed down to me from my dad when I got married to Y/N four years ago, after we’d been dating and engaged for a little over a year. Mom and dad were so happy when I finally settled down. Sammy had been off at Stanford for a couple years, and getting close with his own girl, Jess, when I met Y/N.
She and I had hit it off the moment she walked into my mechanic shop, trying her best not to freak out about the fact that her car had pretty much just died on her. Since it was a newer car, a 2003 Honda Civic, I wasn’t entirely sure I’d know what to do to fix it. My specialty lies in fixing up classic cars, always has been, ever since I was old enough to help my dad work on Baby.
At the time Y/N walked into my shop, I’d only recently been learning how to work on the newer style cars. Despite my hesitancy at being able to fix her car, the look on her face, the distraught, the panic...it just tugged at something inside me, and I knew I’d do whatever it took to fix her car for her. 
Only, I wasn’t able to. The car was beyond repair. Even my adopted Uncle Bobby couldn’t fix it, and he can fix almost anything. So, after he and I towed Y/N’s car to his salvage yard, and I made it back to my shop, I offered Y/N a ride to wherever it was she needed to go in town. It was a quick trip to the diner to get her some to-go food before I dropped her off at one of the town’s motels.
That was when I learned she was new in town. That she had just moved here from a small town in the New England area. Just before she got out of the Impala, since Dad let me drive it today, I gave Y/N my number and told her to give me a call tomorrow, and I’d take her up to Uncle Bobby’s salvage yard and see if we could find her a new car that would actually work. 
It didn’t take long after finding her a new car, a 69 Dodge Charger, that Uncle Bobby had on the back part of his lot, that Y/N and I started dating. Six months after we got together, I popped the question, to which she said yes, and not even six months after that, a year to the day we met, Y/N and got married in a small, intimate ceremony. 
She and I moved into this cute little, 4 bedroom, 2 bath farmhouse with a yard big enough for our two Golden Retrievers, Zep and Cash, and our bluetick hound, Lenny. We wanted a place big enough for if our family, well mom, dad, Sammy and Jess, came over and stayed the night or something. And, we also wanted it to be big enough for when we started to grow our own family.
When we first moved in, there wasn’t a fence around our yard, but after a weekend and some help from dad and Uncle Bobby, I had one up, and could let the dogs run around freely. As I close the driver’s door, and step away from Baby, Lenny comes running over from his spot on the porch, and jumps up, putting his front paws against my chest.
I laugh as I pet him. “Hi, boy! I missed you too!”
He barks happily, his tail wagging. I chuckle and gently push him off me and keep walking to the porch. Lenny bounds along behind me, happy that I’m home. I pet his head again before opening the front door, kicking my boots off, and stepping inside.
“Honey? I’m home!” I call, setting my keys on the hook by the door.
“In the kitchen!” I hear my wife call out.
I smile to myself. My wife. After four years of being married, the thought of being married to Y/N still has me grinning like a fool. I pad across the hardwood floor in my grey socks, making my way to the kitchen. Pausing in the doorway, and leaning against the frame, I tuck my hands in my pockets and smile even more at the sight in front of me.
Y/N dances in the kitchen, our little girl, MaryJo in her arms, as she sings our song and bakes something. My stomach growls as the smell of an apple pie in the oven wafts across the room to me. I smile and push myself up off the door frame before walking over to my little family. I place a kiss on Y/N’s cheek, making her jump a little but giggle as she smiles up at me. 
“How was work, sweetie?” She asks, moving MaryJo slightly.
I smile as I lean down to kiss our four month old daughter’s head, earning a giggle in response. I lean against the counter, and look at my beautiful wife, taking in the sight of her in my shirt. 
“It was good. Extra slow so I was just fixing a car from Bobby’s salvage yard.” I say, grinning.
She giggles. “Is that why you look like you went four rounds with an oil bucket and it won?”
I laugh and look down at my oil stained t-shirt. “I suppose so, baby. You know those old things are covered in so much dirt, grime, and Chuck knows what else.”
She giggles. “That’s fair. Mine definitely was.”
“Mmm. She was. But she’s all clean, and running smoothly now!”
“Thanks to my amazing husband.” She whispers, leaning up to kiss me softly.
I grin as she pulls away. “Mm. Your amazing husband? Hmm. He sounds like a pretty cool dude.”
“Oh, he is! And he’s a sweetheart and an even better father.”
I smile. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah! See, our daughter, she just loves him to pieces, and has him wrapped around her finger.”
Chuckling, I sneak a glance down at MaryJo, and wink when I see her staring up at me with an adorable, gum-filled smile. She squeals and wiggles in her mama’s arms, making her laugh softly and rub her cheek with my thumb.
“Well, it’s a good thing her daddy loves her to pieces too.” I say, looking back at my wife.
Y/N giggles and nods. I smile and watch her cook. 
“How was your day? You girls do anything fun?” I ask.
“Oh, definitely! Let’s see...we napped...mommy did some work while MaryJo napped again after lunch. Um...oh, she got a bath. Then we snuggled and watched Ice Age. After another nap for Princess, and more work for mommy, we decided to bake a pie for when daddy got home.”
I smile. “Sounds like an amazing day! Work’s still letting you work from home? Not still pressuring you to get back to the office?”
Y/N smiles and shakes her head. “Nope! Luckily I can still do whatever I need to from the house. Although, I have to go in one day next week, to turn in the case files I have here and pick up some new ones.”
“Sounds like a plan, baby. Let me know, and I’ll take the day off from the shop, and stay home with our Princess here.”
She smiles up at me. “Maybe Wednesday?”
“Sounds good to me, baby.” I smile, leaning down to kiss her head. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up and come help you finish cooking, yeah?”
“Go get cleaned up, but don’t worry about helping. Dinner’s almost done. And it’s a surprise.”
I chuckle. “Yes, ma’am!”
I give her another gentle kiss before bending down and kissing my little girl’s head, getting another giggle as I do. I smile and make my way out of the kitchen as the front door opens, causing me to look up. 
“Sammy? What are you doing here, brother? I thought you weren’t due to come into town for another couple weeks.” I say, confused, as my younger brother steps inside, looking a little panicked.
“Dean!” He exclaims, rushing over to me, and pulling me into his arms. “C’mon, man. We gotta get you outta here!”
I push him back a little, even more confused. “What do you mean, Sam? I just got home? And Y/N’s cooking dinner.”
“Y/N’s here? Dean! It’s a trap. It’s not real!”
I glare at my brother. “My wife and daughter are real, Sam! They’re just as real as you and I! And so is mom, dad, and Jess!”
Sam sighs. “Dean. Mom died when you were 4. Jess died while I was still at Stanford, right after dad went missing. That’s why I got back into hunting. And, dad...Dean, sold his soul to Yellow Eyes to save you after the car wreck. You know this. Now, c’mon. We gotta get you outta here before the Djinn comes back.”
I stare at my brother like he’s grown a second head.
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Suddenly, everything goes black for a second as I blink and when I open my eyes again, I’m no longer in the farmhouse with Y/N and my daughter. Instead, I’m in an old warehouse, leaning against Sam.
“Sam?” I croak out, my throat dry.
“I’ve got you, Dean. Don’t worry. We’re gonna get you outta here. We gotta hurry. The Djinn’s gonna come back soon though.” My brother replies, holding me up.
At the sound of a growl, he and I both look. A Djinn comes running at us. I pull away from Sam, knowing that neither of us will be able to properly fight with my leaning against him. It doesn’t take long for us to destroy the Djinn, even with my weakened, still slightly drugged state. Sam helps me back to the Impala.
For once, I don’t oppose and argue as Sam holds his hand out for the keys. I toss them to him and slide into the passenger side of Baby. Sam gets in and cranks the engine.
“Burgers before we go back to the hotel?” Sam asks.
“No.” I mumble.
“No? Dean? Are you okay? Passing up a burger.”
“No. I need to see Y/N first. I have to tell her something.”
Sam nods. “Alright. Well, she’s at the motel room, waiting. So, we’ll get burgers and go back there.”
I nod and look out the window. Everything that happened while I was in the dream state from the Djinn’s poison floats through my head. And, I want something that every Hunter wants but rarely gets. A family. A shot at a normal life. And, I want it with Y/N. Even though I’ve been denying myself that for the last first years since I came across her on a hunt, I still want it.
And after that dream, the one that felt like reality, I want it even more. There’s no more denying, no more hiding, no more lying about the way I feel about Y/N. And I have to tell her. By the time Sam makes it back to the motel room, I’ve scarfed down one of the four burgers he got for me, and start feeling like myself again.
The moment he parks Baby, I’m out of the car and rushing into the motel. I bust into the room so quickly that Y/N nearly falls off the bed from jumping sky high. Hurrying over to her, I help her get steady on the bed again as I kneel in front of her. Taking her hands in mine, I look up at her.
“I’ve tried denying it. Tried hiding it. Tried lying about it. But I can’t do it anymore.” I start.
She looks at me confused. “Dean? What’s going on? Are you ok?”
I nod. “I will be. I just gotta tell you something.”
I take a deep breath. “I love you, Y/N. And, I know this life, being a Hunter, ain’t exactly the easiest one to live when you love something. But, something happened and I realized I couldn’t fight it anymore. I had to tell you. Had to at least try. I love you. And, I want a shot at normal, or at least as normal as we can get. You. Me. A kid. Or four. I don’t care. I just want you. By my side. I got a brief taste of it, even if it wasn’t real and I crave it.”
Y/N’s eyes go wide and she opens and closes her mouth a few times. “You...you love me? THE Dean Winchester loves me?”
I nod, not taking my eyes off her as I swallow deeply. “I do. And I want the Apple Pie Life with you, Y/N.”
 Before I can get another word out, to tell her that it’s okay if she doesn’t want to say it now, or ever, she pulls her hands from mine and cups my cheeks and leans forward, pressing her lips to mine. I smile into the kiss and lean up towards her a little more, deepening it just a little, putting all of  my no longer hidden or denied love into it. 
As we kiss, something I’ve never felt before, a shock of purely happy energy courses through my body. When we slowly pull back, she rests her forehead against mine, keeping her hands on my cheeks.
“It’s ‘bout damn time you said that, Winchester. Only took you four years.” She whispers. “I was beginning to give up on ever hearing you say that, and the chance for me to say it back.”
“Say it back?” I whisper.
She giggles. “Such a bull-headed man sometimes, Winchester. Yes. Say it back. I love you too.”
I grin from ear to ear and kiss her again. Pie has always been my favorite thing in life, and I want the Apple Pie Life. I need it. And, I need the Apple Pie Life with Y/N.
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Son of A B****
Title: Son of Bitch Square Filled: Omega!Sam Ship (if any): Sam/Dean, Omega!Sam/Alpha!Dean Rating: T Tags: Omega!Sam, ABO, Mpreg, Backgound ABO Summary: Sam goes to see the doctor thinking there might be something wrong or that he’s too stressed, Dean thinks Sam’s just starting omegapause, turns out they’re both wrong Word Count: 2201 Written/Created for @spnaubingo
Son of A Bitch
“I’m sure you’re worried for nothing,” Dean said. “Just stressing yourself out.” 
“But it could be something,” Sam replied. “I’d rather just talk to the doctor and see what’s going on.” 
“Could be omegapause,” Dean mused. 
“…Are you saying I’m old?” Sam asked. “I’m not even 40 yet.” 
“Okay, pre-omegapause,” Dean added. 
Sam rolled his eyes. “Saying that isn’t actually making me feel better, Dean. If anything it’s making me think about morality and wills and burial plots.” 
“But you’re not thinking about what could be stressing you out,” Dean pointed out. “You’re welcome.” 
Sam snorted. “The way your mind works will never cease to amaze me.” 
“Sam Winchester?” 
He looked up at the sound of his name and saw a nurse standing in the doorway of the waiting room. 
“I gotta go, I’ll see you at home alright?” Sam added. 
“Everything will be okay Sam. And whatever it is, which is nothing, we will face it together. Like we always do,” Dean told him. 
Sam smiled a bit. “I know…Love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
Sam hung up as he stood and walked over to the nurse. “Right this way Sam. Since this is your first time seeing Dr. Sterns we have to do a couple routine tests for your file and then she’ll come in when we’re finished alright?” 
He nodded and went through the tests. He made a mental note to see about getting Dean to the doctor at some point. They were both pretty healthy, but it never hurt to have a doctor sign off on it. 
“Alright, I’ll take these samples to the lab and Dr. Sterns will be in a few minutes,” the nurse told Sam before stepping out. 
He leaned back in one of the chairs and tried not to let on how nervous he felt. He sat up straighter as the door opened and a young woman stepped into the room. 
“Sam Winchester? I’m doctor Sterns,” she smiled and offered her hand. “How are we doing today?” 
“Just trying to remember the last time I was in a doctor’s office,” he chuckled as they shook hands. “Moved around a lot for most of my life, so I’m more used to the whole free clinic, and urgent care types.” 
“Move around a lot for work?” she asked. 
“Something like that,” Sam answered. 
“Well, everything looks good, our labs are not too busy today so we should get those lab results back by the time we’re finished. I see you are a new patient with us, and you had a few concerns that prompted you coming in today. Why don’t we talk about those,” she said. 
“Right, uh it might be nothing, and it could just be me stressing out over nothing, I’ve been having trouble sleepy lately, and I’ve noticed that sometimes I get night sweats. I’ve also been getting headaches a lot more, haven’t been in the mood for sex much lately, my mate told me to mention that one, I’ve had some cramping on and off as well and some weight gain…I went online, and from what I’ve been seeing I guess I might going into pre-omegapause?” he explained. 
“If only all my patients were as thorough as you,” Dr. Sterns chuckled. “Some of the symptoms you describe can coincide with pre-omegapause. I see here you’re going to be thirty six soon, and it isn’t uncommon to start getting symptoms in one’s late thirties. However, what you’ve told me could also indicate pregnancy.” 
“Pregnancy?” Sam blinked surprised. 
That thought hadn’t crossed his mind. 
“You mentioned that you haven’t had your heat in a few months? When was your last heat?” she asked. 
“Mid May,” Sam answered. “And it didn’t last as long as it normally did. Usually it’s a week long this time it is a couple days. Three I think.” 
She nodded and wrote something notes down. “If you don’t mind me asking, why is it your first thought was pre-omegapause and not pregnancy?” 
“Well…if it was going to happen for me, shouldn’t it have happened by now?” Sam asked. “I mean…I’ve been with my mate practically all my life, and we’ve always shared my heat together, when I was younger I used to take birth control, but as I got older I started having bad reactions to it so I stopped, and there are times when we’ve forgotten protection, we just kinda assumed kids were just not in the picture for us.” 
“Have either of you been tested to know for certain?” She asked. 
“We were never in one place long enough to really think about it,” Sam admitted. He ran a hand through his hair. “But…you’re saying there’s a chance I could be pregnant?” 
“There is a chance yes,” she nodded. “The blood sample will give us a more definitive answer.” Her computer chimed and she turned to look at it. “Which, it looks like we’ve got the results.” 
“I haven’t been this nervous since I applied to Stanford,” Sam smiled a bit. 
“Alright, let’s see here. cholesterol looks good, negative for any STDs or infections which is good, and the HCG levels in your blood are on the higher side, you are pregnant Sam,” she smiled at him. 
“Really?” Sam asked. 
She turned the screen so he could see. “Normal HCG levels tend to be around here, but when you’re pregnant they’ll be around here, and get higher the further along in your pregnancy. In some cases, very high HCG levels could indicate twins or even triplets. Given your age, it wouldn’t be impossible for you to have fraternal twins.  Your hormone levels are a bit on the low side which could be playing a part in why you haven’t been feeling any nausea or morning sickness. That could spike the further along you get.” 
“Son of a bitch,” Sam sat back in the chair. “Sorry,” he blushed embarrassed. “I don’t mean to swear it’s just…the fact that I might be pregnant never even crossed my mind and then to find out I am, and that I could have twins…it’s a lot.” 
“Would you like to do an ultrasound?” She asked. “See what they look like? And it’ll tell us how far along you are.” 
“Uh yeah, sure,” Sam nodded. 
He got up and laid down on the exam table and unbuttoned his shirt while she wheeled over the machine. He shivered when the gel made contact with his stomach and watched the screen. 
“And there is your baby,” she turned the screen so he could see better and pointed. “Judging by the size, you’re just about shy two months, which means, you conceived during your last heat, which explains why it was so short. Generally once pregnancy takes, the heat is finished.” 
“Wow…They’re so small,” Sam was in awe. 
“Let me print you off a couple of pictures, and I’ll write down a list of prenatal vitamins for you,” she told him. 
She gave him some tissues to clean off his stomach and he sat up to wait for her. 
An hour had him pulling down the driveway to their house. After almost two years it was still weird to know they had a house to call home. A permanent home. He pulled his car in next to the Impala and grabbed the grocery bag off the seat and locked the doors before making his way to the house. 
“Dean?” He called as he stepped inside. “Hey boy,” he knelt down to receive a few kisses from their dog Zeppelin and Sam’s still not sure how Dean won that one one. “Where’s Dean huh? Where’s he at?” 
Zeppelin barked and ran over to the sliding glass doors that led to the back porch. Sam took the pie he picked up from the grocery store out of the bag and set it in the fridge. He was pleased to see the writing on it hadn’t smeared on the drive home. He hid a few beers and soda’s in front of it. And maybe that should have been the tip off. He can’t remember the last time he had an actual drink, as he’d been drinking soda and water a lot more. 
“Hey,” Sam stepped onto the back porch. 
“Hey,” Dean smiled. “How’d it go?” 
“Good, it was uh, it was good,” Sam answered. 
“See? I told you you had nothing to worry about,” Dean turned his attention back to the grill. “Figured I’d make kabobs for dinner. I even made sure to do a healthy amount of meat and veggies so you won’t complain this time.” 
“I don’t think meat on a stick by itself really counts as a kabob Dean,” Sam pointed out as he walked over. 
Dean wrapped his arm around him as he turned the kabobs over and leaned up to kiss his temple. “Well lucky for me, pretty much the whole world agrees that meat on a stick by itself does count.” 
Sam snorted and reached for a pepper. “I’ll go set the table. We eating inside or outside?” 
“Outside, the weather’s nice,” Dean answered. “Grab me a beer too would you?” 
Sam went back into the house and grabbed the plates from the cabinet and drinks for them. He stopped in the doorway when he saw Dean putting the kabobs on a plate, and tossing a few pieces of chicken to Zeppelin. 
He could already picture Dean standing at the same grill with their little boy or girl. Talking them through the intricacies of perfect grilling. Sneaking extra food to Zeppelin when Sam wasn’t looking. 
“I know you’re there Sam,” Dean said without looking over his shoulder. 
“He’s gonna get fat if you keep sneaking him food like that,” Sam said as he set the plates on the table. 
“He’ll be fine. Ain’t that right Zep?” Dean tossed the dog another piece before he turned off the grill and joined Sam at the table with a plate of kabobs. 
“I’ve never seen so many vegetables on your plate before,” Sam teased. “And such variety.” 
“At least I’m not getting a little paunch unlike someone,” Dean mused as he picked up his beer. 
My paunch is our baby, Sam was tempted to say, it was weird to think it but it made him feel warm inside. He knew deep down Dean had always wanted a family, and Sam had always felt a little disappointed with himself that he hadn’t been able to give that to Dean despite his claims that all he needed was Sam. But now he was pregnant, and as much as he wanted to tell Dean, he didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so instead he just kicked Dean under the table. 
“Ow,” Dean reached down to rub his ankle. “Mean.” 
They finished eating in mostly silence, comfortable silence that came from years of living in each other’s pockets and Sam pushed his plate away once he was done. He covered his mouth as he burped. 
“Excuse me,” he blushed. 
“I will take that as a compliment,” Dean grinned. 
“I picked up some pie on my way home,” Sam told him. “I put it in the fridge.” 
“Is it apple? I hope it’s apple,” Dean said as he stood up. “You want a slice?” 
“I’ll pass,” Sam answered. “But I’ll take a root beer on your way back.” 
“Must be some good news you got at the doctors. You’ve been smelling all good since you got home, and you picked up pie? If it weren’t the anti-possession tattoos I’d think you were possessed by a demon or something…Which reminds…me…” Dean’s voice trailed off. 
“Dean?” Sam leaned back to try and peer into the house. 
He stood up and walked into the house and found Dean in the kitchen. He was standing front of the fridge holding the door open. He was looking down at the pie in the fridge. Sam had asked the bakery clerk to write We’re pregnant on top of the pie in frosting. 
“Turns out it wasn’t pre-omegapause, or omegapause or stress…I’m uh. I’m pregnant Dean,” Sam told him. “We’re gonna have a baby.” 
“Son of a bitch,” Dean said. 
“Yeah…my thoughts too when I found out,” Sam chuckled. 
“But what about…and all those times,” Dean said as he looked at Sam. 
“Stress…it can decrease infertility and the chances of conceiving,” Sam replied. “The last decade and a half has probably been a little stressful what with hunting monsters and trying to keep the world from imploding…you know, just normal everyday stressful things.” 
Dean laughed a little. “Yeah, totally normal stressful things…fuck, Sam this is…” 
“Good?” Sam asked hopefully. 
“More than good Sammy,” Dean answered. He set the pie down on the counter and walked over to Sam. His fingers brushed their bond mark as he pulled him down into a kiss and Sam melted into it. 
“This is amazing,” Dean said as he pulled away. “You’re gonna get so fat.”
Sam snorted and shoved his mate. “Screw you.” 
Dean just grinned at him. “I mean consider screwing is what led us here…” 
“Oh my god, just eat your pie,” Sam laughed.
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pixie88 · 3 years
A Shoulder to Cry on
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Chapter 17 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: This one is very Angsty I hope I haven’t over done it. Mentions of drug abuse. Sorry to be clogging up you tag notes with A&E - Alone chapter today and ATB today! I hope you like it.
Only tagging those who have asked. I hate to annoy people with tags.
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 2103
Pairings: Laila x Harry
His house was the closest to Rem's but him bring the brother closest to her age, they had always gotten on better than the older two. Harry was at work with back to back sessions, she didn't want to bother him. He answers the door "Lai?" Her eyes are swollen and red "Lai, what's a matter?" He pulls her in for a hug "Nate, I thought I was doing the right thing!" She sobs.
"Hey! It's OK! Come on, let's get you off the doorstep. I'll make us a tea and you can tell me what is going on!" She follows him to the kitchen "Are the kids here?" She wipes the tears from her face, "No, Zeppy has gone to Vicky" he rolls his eyes at the mention of her name "And Jade has taken the boys swimming" he calls back as he makes his way to the kitchen.
A few minutes later he comes in with 2 cuppas "There you go! I can't remember if you take sugar or not"
"That'll do fine!" She smiles as he hands her the mug "So, what has upset ya?" She sighs not wanting to talk about it, but that's why she's here "It's Rem...he probably hates me. Alene has been in contact with Melissa and she wants to build bridges with Rem. I went round just now to have a word with him and he got angry and kicked me out" she sobs.
Nate rubs her back and hands her a tissue "Oh Lai! I'm sure he didn't mean it! It's just a sore subject for him, you know this more than anyone. Once he calms down, he'll realise he shouldn't have taken it out on you" Laila wipes her tears and takes a deep breath.
"I get why he is upset, I do...." Laila's phone starts to ring, she didn't want to speak to anyone right now other than Nate, so she ignored the call, a few seconds later her phone PINGS "You should get that maybe it's Rem?" she huffs pulling out her phone Harry's name appears across the screen.
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"It's Harry, Alec has told him about what happened with Rem. Looks like he tried to call me too. I'll give him a call back in bit" she puts her phone away "I think Rems will be fine once he cools off. You've got to also think it's a big thing! Here he is building this new life with Alec and suddenly the past comes rolling in" She feels a little better after talking to Nate.
"So, Zeppy has gone to see her Mum?" Nate rolls his eyes "Yeah, not much I can do able that now she's 18" Nate just shook his head, he always worries when Zeppy is visiting Vic as she always comes home with an attitude.
15 Years ago
Zeppy and Vicky's mother and daughter relationship has always been up and down, but more downs than ups. When Zeppy was 3 Nate went to pick up Zeppy as usual, she would spend weekends with him, he knocked on the door and got no answer.
He knocked a few more times again, still no answer, as he opened the flap of the letter box he could see straight into the kitchen where Zeppy was turning the dials on the gas cooker hob.
That's when the smell of gas hit him, he calls out to Zeppy to stop and open the front door.
After Zeppy unlock the door he rushed his daughter out the house and into his car before going back inside to turn off the gas and in search of Vicky but there was no sign of her in the house. Zeppy's bag was packed near the front door, he picked it up and left the house.
30 minutes later a frantic Vicky calls him, after the 5th call he finally answers "PLEASE TELL ME, YOU HAVE HER NATHAN!!???" still angry she had left their 3 year old daughter in the house by herself, he decides to be cruel "Have who?" he calmly asks "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO?? OUR DAUGHTER!!?" she screams down the phone at him.
"No, I'm running late. I did call to tell you" this was a lie he had called her after he found she had left Zeppy at home alone. "NATHAN! SHE'S GONE!!" she's sobbing on the other end of the phone "How?" he asked, hoping she won't lie like she has on other occasions. Like when Zeppy had used Vicky's phone to call him because Vicky had collapsed. When he got there she lied saying she had the flu, but he knew better the reason why she collapsed was the same reason they split - Drugs. 
"She was in the shops with me....I turned away for a second and she was gone" this was the last straw for him. She had flat out lied to him, on the way to his, he asked Zeppy where Vicky was she told him that she had left with Scott (One of her druggie friends) and told her not to answer the door to  anyone leaving her there.
"Good job she's safe then! I have her, I was early, but thank fuck I was! Vic, she was playing with the gas cooker! What the earth possessed you to leave our 3 year old daughter by herself?"  Vicky knew she had been caught out "Nathan! You scared the shit outta me!" his blood boiled he couldn't even be bother to answer that she clearly couldn't see what she had done was wrong.
With the help of Terry and Liz, he won primary custody of Zeppy before she was 4. When Zeppy started school Nate was a single dad, so Liz would always pick up Zeppy from school as his job at his grandad's Garage was until 5PM. He met Jade on her first shift at the pub, he was covered in oil, but her smile won his heart the first time he saw her.
The next day he came to collect Zeppy he had gone home to change his clothes and shower. Liz looked a little confused when she saw Nate walk through the door clean and smart, but she soon realised why when her eyes followed the direction he was stupidly smiling in. He made the excuse that he and Zeppy would have dinner at the pub that night just so he could stay a little longer. By the end of the night he finally worked up the courage to ask her out....
2 years later.
Jade gave birth to their first son Blake by his first birthday they were married soon followed Isaac and Alfie.
When Jade had gone into labour with Blake, Vicky assumed she would automatically get Zeppy for a few days, but Nate had already planned for Liz and Terry to have her. This broke her heart, so she turned to her only friend and overdosed. Waking up in hospital, she was greeted by Nate stood at the bottom of her bed with a sad Zeppy. She smiled at her daughter as she opened her eyes, but Zeppy didn't return it "Zep? Baby, Aren't you happy to see Mummy?" she asked. Zeppy teared up, "NO!" she shouted back at her before storming off upset.
Vicky looked to Nate "I couldn't keep it a secret from her anymore Vic. She knows how you got here" the look of realizations spreads across her face, "You told her?!" she hissed, he leaned over the end of the bed "Believe it or not...she overheard the doctor. Vic this was supposed to be a happy time, but you went and shat all over it!" he walks off leaving her with nothing, but her tears.
Although Zeppy wasn't biologically Jade's daughter, she treated her exactly the same as the boys, Vicky hated this. Whenever Zeppy would call Jade Mum in front of Vicky on the supervised visits at the contact centres, she would always hiss "She's not your Mum!" Jade would ignore her.
Jade obviously knew what happened with Vicky, but she also understood she was a Mother and how much it must have hard her to hear her daughter call another woman Mum. Much to Nate's disapproval Jade always encouraged Vicky and Zeppy's relationship she even got him to change the fortnightly supervised visits to once a week. If it was left up to Nate, she wouldn't have any contact what so ever.
As far as Vicky was concerned, he thought Zeppy would be better off without her in her life. But Jade would always convince him as much as he doesn't, like her, it has to be Zeppy's decision on whether she kept in contact with her or not and if he took that away from her she would resent him for it. Zeppy kept contact in hope that one day she might have a normal Mum, one that might put her daughter and her health first.
So far that seems a long way off.
Present day
"Probably Vicky talking in her ear, but don't take it to heart, Nate" she smiles her phone rings again. She takes a look at the screen, it's Harry again "You better answer that he'll be worried about you" Nate gets up "I'll make us some lunch and you speak to your boyfriend" Laila answers the phone.
"Hey handsome!"
"Hi my love, Are you OK? Alec called me and told me about Rem's blowing up"
"Yeah, I'm OK! I'm at Nate's just talking about it with him"
"Are you sure you're OK? I can see if I can get Ollie to take on the rest of my PT sessions for today?"
She smiles at his sweetness "I'm fine now....what time do you finish? I'll pick you up in the car?"
"If you're sure? I finish at 4 today"
"Yeah, I'm sure and I'll see you at 4"
"OK 4...I love you!"
"I love you more"
Nate makes a gagging noise at his sister, she laughs as she hangs up "Things going well between you two then?" she rolls her eyes at him "Clearly!" he hands her a sandwich "Cucumber and lots of butter" she laughs, "You used to make me these for my packed lunches at school or if I was ill"
"You loved them, I remember someone telling mum not to make your lunch box because you wanted me to do it!"
"To be fair mum would normally chuck in some Jacobs crackers with butter and grated cheese, that stuff would always go everywhere! Do you make the kids these?"
"Yeah, Zeppy used to love them. Alf, Blake and Isaac still have them if they are having packed lunch"
They heard the front door slam "Jade? Zeppy?" Nate called out soon after he heard footsteps hammer up the stairs before another door slam "Zeppy?!" Laila said as she looked to Nate. He sighed and was about to get up from the sofa to deal with his daughter, but Laila grabbed his arm "Let me!"
He sat back down, leaving Laila to deal with one of Zeppy's mood swings. She knocks on the bedroom door to hear Zeppy yell "Dad, go away!" She knocks again "Zippy, it's me!" She heard her huff followed by footsteps coming closer.
The door swings open, Zeppy's eyes are swollen "Will you stop calling that Aunt Leia!" Laila laughs.
It was 3 months after Nate had found out about Zeppy that Laila first met Zeppy. She could never pronounce her name right, it always came out as Leia, it kinda stuck until she hit her teens and she started calling her Aunt Laila and she asked her to stop calling her Zippy.
"Are you going to let me in to have a chat?" she doesn't respond, she moves away from the door and wanders back into her room leaving the door open. Laila walks into the bedroom Zeppy is slumped on the side of her bed, head down looking at her feet. Laila saw her wiping her eyes, "Zep's, what's wrong?" she sits down next to her, Zeppy turns away from her "Come on, you can tell me!"
"She's using again!" she hisses towards Laila, she pulls Zeppy to her chest and she begins to sob "Am I not enough? I told her after the last time if she used again that's it...I'm cutting her out of my life"
It breaks Laila's heart to see her niece like this.
Why can't she see what an amazing daughter, she has!?
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 18.
@lem-20 @ridgy--didge @secretaryunpaid @irisofpurple​ @khoicesbyk @txemrn @tea-me-kah @casualpostqueen @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @beautifuluknownvoid​
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mlovesstories · 5 years
You Know What You’re Doing Part 1
@spndeanbingo prompt: Danneel Ackles 
Thanks to @sbcamp08 for the amazing beta! Love youuuu! 
Words 2,000
Summary: Foster child, YN, finds herself in the custody of Jensen and Danneel. 
Warnings: abuse, cussing, fighting 
Tag List- #spndeanbingo and masterlist
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“Asshole! Don’t effing touch me!” YN was yanked out of the room by the Dallas Police Department away from her latest foster parents. “I’m gonna haunt you!” She screamed at her foster dad as her caseworker met her at the door.
“Hey, YN,” she calmly addressed the teen. “Come here, we got you. It’s okay. They’re not worth this fight. We’re getting you out of here.” Sarah offered a weak smile.
“When the hell are you going to find me a foster family that doesn’t want to hurt me, huh?” Sarah froze at the venom spewing from YN as she was guided to Sarah’s car by a police officer.
“This isn’t my fault. I’m doing the best I can. She is a child reacting to her environment. This is the nature of the job” Sarah told herself.
“YN!” The sweet older couple from across the street frantically ran over to the child. “You okay?”
YN stood from the seat and let herself be enveloped in their arms, wrapping her arms around them both. The two had become like doting grandparents checking on her, making sure she was well fed and saw some familial love in her life.
“Mimi! They’re moving me again! That man is evil,” she said, referencing her former foster parent.
“Here, can I have a pen and paper, please?” The older women looked at Sarah. The caseworker tore off a page from her notebook and retrieved a pen from her bag. “This is my cell phone number. Call us if you need anything - I mean ANYTHING, okay?” The couple offered one more hug and watery smiles.
“Thanks. I’ll miss y’all.”  
The caseworker pulled up to a large house in a gated community. YN had never seen, let alone visited, anywhere this nice. Sarah watched as the tightness in YN’s face relaxed in awe of her surroundings, a moment of fear flashing across her eyes before they turned stoic and blank. The corner of her lips twitched, quirking down then pressing together in a sour expression.
“You ready, kiddo?” She asked..
“Whatever,” rolling her eyes, the fourteen year old’s face settled into her usual mask of hardened, begrudging, acceptance. “This place is way too nice for fosters. Probably just some rich jerks looking for a charity case.”
“Stop, YN. Give them a chance.”
“Not like I have a freaking choice, do I, Sarah?” YN growled at her caseworker. Sarah took a calming breath.
“You’ll be okay. They are a nice couple. You might actually know them.”
“What!? I don’t know anybody who lives in a mansion.”
“It’s not a mansion, now come on.” Sarah got out of the car and walked to the passenger side to escort the girl to the door.
YN fidgeted with the tattered cuffs on her sleeves as the caseworker knocked on the massive front door. When the door opened, YN’s eyes widened into giant saucers, brows jumping to her hairline as her jaw dropped at who was before her.
“Dean?” She whispered. “From Supernatural?”
The man chuckled, nodding. “That would be me.“ A blush creeped up his cheeks as his face dipped, eyes lifting to meet hers, “You must be YN. I’m Jensen. Would you like to come in?” His eyes dropped back to the floor before he pivoted to open the door wider, lifting his free arm and nodding his head in towards the house in invitation. “Come on in, then. Hi, Sarah, nice to meet you again.”
“You too, Mr. Ackles.”
Snagging YN’s duffel bag off of her shoulder as she walked passed him, he grunted. “You got rocks in here or somethin’?” Jensen laughed. YN reflexively tensed at the sudden movement, but she smiled tightly and offered a thankful nod as her shoulders slowly dropped.
Jensen plopped her bag inside the door before turning fully to introduce Danneel. YN lifted her chin slightly and pursed her lips in acknowledgment but did not respond verbally.
“YN...” Sarah prompted, nudging the girl lightly.
“Hi, Mrs. Ackles. It’s nice to meet you.”  YN said coldly with a mocking smile. A perfectly flippant affectation of a warm greeting.
“Would you like something to drink? Water? Sweet tea?” Danneel offered.
“Please,” YN whispered, eyes sparking in interest at the mention of sweet tea.
“Coming right up, dear.” Danneel smiled warmly.
“Go have a seat on the couch, YN. I need to talk to Mr. Ackles for a moment,” Sarah commanded, directing her towards the sunken family room.
“Fine.” YN huffed as she walked over to the living room and flopped onto the couch.
Danneel giggled at the exaggerated display of ever-suffering teenager-dom as she brought YN a cold glass of sweet tea and another warm smile before leaving her to meet with Jensen and Sarah.
“S’comfy.” YN grouched to herself.
“She is very resistant to change. YN is really a sweet kid at her core, but she puts on a front. Don’t give up on her too quickly. Please. You need to give her time to warm up to you, and it may seem painstakingly slow, but I swear she’s a good kid and she’s worth it.” Sarah frontloaded Jensen. “Ready to sign some paperwork?”
“Absolutely. Let’s go into the kitchen so that we can sit at the table.”
YN sat up sharply as she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.
“Hi! I’m JJ! I’m five!” A precocious little girl ran up to her. YN relaxed back into the couch, rolling her eyes with a grimace at the intrusion.
“Hi,” YN responded tersely.
“What’s your name?” JJ bounced closer on the balls of her feet.
JJ jumped onto the couch, sitting on her knees facing YN, still wiggling with excitement.
“How old is you?” She asked, scooching closer until her knees were against YN’s hip.
“I’m fourteen, can you go away?” YN griped and tried to scoot away as the small child leaned up and into her face.
“YN!” Sarah reprimanded, dropping onto the couch next to YN for a final chat.. “JJ, can you go see your mommy and daddy for a minute?”
“Okay,” she ran off to the kitchen.
“Don’t, Sarah. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not like they’re going to care about me. They’re just like everyone else.” YN said, crossing her arms with a resigned sigh.
“I have a feeling that they may will take whatever your crap that you dish out and give it right back to ya, hun. Now shape up so that I can leave with you behaving.” Sarah stood with a sarcastically put-upon sigh, followed by a small giggle and caring smile for YN.
“Fine.” YN responded in kind, sighing with an epic eye-roll before the corner of her lips quirked up in a small smile.
Over the next few weeks, Jensen and Danneel stayed nearby but didn’t intrude on YN’s privacy.
Danneel looked up and smiled, spotting YN as she walked down the stairs for breakfast, as she perched against the kitchen island with Zeppelin on her hip. “Good morning, YN. Want some eggs?”
“Yes, please,” she responded. YN  spotted Arrow off to the side of the kitchen, just as she tripped over a toy and started crying. YN looked at to Danneel in concern for the toddler, but realized that her hands were full of breakfast ingredients and Zep.
“I’m coming baby.” Danneel soothed, sighing a defeated breath as she tried to empty her hands quickly without dropping or breaking anything.
“I can get her. Ya know, if you need a hand.”   YN offered with a shrug.
“You are an angel, thank you!” Danneel offered her appreciation, relief evident in her whole posture as she put the last of the food next to the stove.
“Come here, baby,” YN cooed.
“Well that’s new…”, Danneel thought.
Arrow crawled to YN, and the older one scooped her up. “You’re okay, sweetness.” YN smiled as she wiped away Arrow’s tears.
“Impressive! You’re really good at that,” Danneel praised, gesturing toward Arrow.
“Lots of practice,” YN returned. “I was the oldest at the my first foster home”
“Did you like taking care of the little ones?” Danneel broached cautiously.
“Well, yeah. But it’s not like I had a choice. They made me take care of all of the kids, so I couldn’t really do my own thing, y’know?”
“I’m sorry, sweetie. I appreciate the your help though.”
“These guys are pretty easy,” YN shrugged smiled.
“Then I need lessons from you, because I am exhausted,” Danneel chuckled, leaning onto the kitchen island towards YN.
“Nah, you’re doing okay. Come on, Arrow. Let’s give Mommy some time with Zep.” YN smiled down at the little girl on her hip as she twirled and started towards the family room.
“Thanks, YN!”
Arrow and YN played in the living room while Danneel finished cooking. Jensen called YN via FaceTime while she was holding Arrow.
“Hey, YN! Oh, hey, Rowey!”
“Hi, Jensen. Arrow had tripped and got a booboo, so we are making her feel better now. Right, girly?” YN smiled.
“What? Is she okay?” He demanded.
“Umm…” YN shut down from his tone and change in attitude.
“She’s fine, Jay. Stop acting like a brute and being rude,” Danneel hollered from the kitchen behind YN.
“Oh, okay. Good. Sorry. Thank you, YN for helping her. Anyway, how have you been?”
“Fine.” YN shortly responded, more abrupt and distant than before.
“How’s school?” Jensen continued prodding, hoping for more than one word answers without realizing the lasting impact of his tone earlier.
“Good.” YN shrugged into the camera.
“Do you ever answer in full sentences?” He growled, frustrated.
“JENSEN!” Danneel scolded him as she ran to YN and tore the phone out of her hand. “Can you please take the twins outside for a minute, YN?”
“Sure.” YN grumbled as she led Zeppelin and Arrow out onto the porch.
“WHAT in the HELL is wrong with you?” Danneel bit out through gritted her teeth, seething.
“She doesn’t talk! I was just trying to have a conversation with her.” Jensen argued defensively.
“Do you know how hard I have worked to get her to open up to me? She has been offering up a lot more of herself lately, but you push her and gripe about how she isn’t talking enough for your liking. Why should she? You’re acting like an oaf!” Danneel groaned. “If you don’t have anything constructive to say to her, then shut up, ya hear me?”
“I’m serious. Promise me.”
“Fine. Okay, Dee. Work your magic. But she can’t just open up to you... We’re a team and a family. I want to be a part of it, too.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing! Get in the freakin’ car, YN,” Jensen yelled at his foster daughter. YN froze, shying her body away from the angry adult submissively holding her breath, and glancing at him out of the corner of her eye to gauge his intentions. “I have had enough of the lollygagging.  Stop being so mopey and get in the car.” Jensen could not believe her. On his one of only two days that he has off this month, he chose to spend the day with only her. Yet she was not responding at all to what he was telling her to do. She just would not listen!
YN quietly skirted into the SUV, curled into herself on the seat, and stilled. “Ya know, I spend a whole day with you and all you keep doing is slow down and not even say thank you. You’ve barely spoken, and you were rude to the employees in that girly store I took you to. I love you, YN, but we gotta make these days count. I’ve got stuff to do at the brewery tonight, and I’m not around a lot to take care of it.”
“Right, of course, sorry.” she conceded, holding back tears.
“Finally. Thank you,” he growled. 
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Date Night Gone Wrong
Title: Date Night Gone Wrong
Chapter No./One-Shot/ Drabble: One-Shot
Words: 1704
Pairing: JensenxDanneel (Jenneel)
Warnings: bad luck, a bit of swearing, fluff
Author’s Note: I blame Kari (@thing-you-do-with-that-thing ) for this and hope that she likes it and is satisfied. I know you asked for Date Night but you didn’t specify exactly what :P My first pure Jenneel fic too so please be a bit gentle with me? Thanks to @roxyspearing for beta reading!
Jenneel LoveFest
Jensen was looking at his flat tire. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Everything had gone wrong. Everything. He just wanted to have a nice night out with his wife. Was that too much to ask?
Flashback to a few hours earlier:
“Danneel! JJ! Are you ready yet?” Jensen yelled up the stairs, Zeppelin in his arms while arrow already was in her baby carrier.  
“Just a second, Daddy!” JJ called back with laughter in her voice.
Jensen looked at the baby in his arms with a small smile on his lips.
“Women, right Zep?” The infant in his arms just gurgled and stretched his hand out. “You’ll learn soon enough,” he chuckled, hoisting his boy against his shoulder, tapping his hand lightly against his sons back, since he just finished his bottle a few moments ago.
“Wanna have you and your sister all nice and sleepy for Gen and Jared,” Jensen murmured more to himself then his son as he paced up and down in the living room.
The next moment a loud burp came from his son but this wasn’t the only thing coming out of his mouth.
“Really, Zep?” Jensen questioned shocked, looking over his shoulder after feeling the wetness there. “That’s one of my best shirts.”
“Jensen?” Danneel asked as she came down the stairs with JJ in her arms. “Something wrong?”
“Nothing,” he sighed. “Your son just vomited all over me.” His face morphed into a disgusted frown as he pulled his son away from his shoulder. “Now I need to change. Again.”
“Well, first off. He is our son,” chuckled his wife as his oldest daughter grinned at his misfortune. “And secondly: How often have I told you to lay a towel across your shoulder when you burp him or Arrow? I hope you finally learned something today?”
Jensen rolled his eyes but couldn’t argue since Danneel was right. She did tell him to use a towel. It was his own fault.
“Could you please hold our son? I need to change.”
Danneel sat JJ down on her feet before taking Zep from Jensen arms and cleaning his mouth from the vomit with a towel lying on the couch. Jensen was not going to think about the fact that it was laying right there for him to take.
“Hurry up. Jared and Gen are already waiting for us,” Danneel said, not able to suppress a smirk as he ran up the stairs.
“Yeah, yeah.”
This was only the first mishap of the evening.
10 minutes later the Ackles finally stood before the front door of the Padalecki home, handing over their children to their two best friends.
“Be good for Uncle Jared and Auntie Mum, okay?” Danneel asked of her daughter as she stroke over her hair.
“I’m sure she will be,” Gen said, smiling at her best friend. “You two go and have a fun night out. You deserve it.”
“Thank you so much for taking them for the evening.”
“It’s no problem. It’s your turn next week after all. Now shoo!”
“Alright, alright. We’re going,” Danneel said, taking her husband's hand in hers and making her way over to their car.
“Someone is eager, ha?” Jensen teased as he climbed behind the wheel.
“Yep. It’s been a long time since we had a night out alone,” she answered, grinning. “Start the car and let’s go!”
“Yes ma’am!”
The second mishap happened as they got to the restaurant Jensen made a reservation at the week before from Vancouver.
“I’m sorry, Sir, we don’t have a reservation under the name Ackles for today,” apologized the hostess.
“That can’t be possible. I just called last week to confirm it,” Jensen countered, trying to remain calm.
“I’m so sorry, Sir. They seem to be a mix up of the dates. I have a reservation under Ackles for tomorrow.”
“Oh come on,” he said, frowning.
“Is there any way you could squeeze us in tonight?” Danneel asked, standing next to her husband and laying a hand on his arm to ground him.
“I’m afraid not ma’am. We’re fully booked for the evening,” the hostess explained with guilty eyes.
“Damn it,” Jensen cursed. First his shirt and now this. It was like the night was cursed or something.
“You could come back tomorrow?” inquired the hostess still sounding guilty.
“I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon. You can cancel the reservation,” Jensen snapped. The hand of his wife squeezed his arm for a moment and he breathed deep to calm himself. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. We won’t be able to make the reservation tomorrow. Please cancel it.”
“I’m really sorry, Sir. I would like to give you a voucher as a compensation for you and your wife,” she suggested and held out an envelope which Danneel took and put in her purse.
“Thank you,” his wife said, taking his hand in hers to lead him out of the restaurant. “We can go to your favourite diner? I do feel like I could eat a burger anyway.
Jensen sighed. “This evening was supposed to be special.”
“And it is still going to be,” Danneel insisted. “We don’t need a fancy dinner do make it special.”
“You’re right,” he agreed after a moment, laying his arm around his wife and giving her a kiss on her temple. “Fuck the fancy dinner.”
Little did he know that mishap three laid right around the corner.
They were sitting in a corner booth in the diner, both eating a burger and enjoying the taste of it.
“This was a great idea,” Jensen praised after swallowing a bite. “That’s why I married you.”
“I hope that’s not the only reason,” Danneel replied, smiling and winking which made him laugh.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he teased.
“Can I get you anything else?”, the waitress asked, who had come over to check on them
“Yes, another milkshake for me please,” Jensen ordered and looked at his wife.
“For me too, please.”
“Coming right up,” she responded, getting back to the counter.
They ate in silence for a while after that, just enjoying each others company.
“This was so great,” Jensen announced a few moments later, stretching his arms above his hand. The next moment he had his ordered milkshake all over his lap since he hit the tray of the waitress who wanted to bring them their drinks right out of her hand. It landed on the floor while one of the milkshakes fell on the table and spilled their contents all over the tabletop and Jensen’s lap. He was lucky that the glasses didn't break.
“Son of a bitch,” he cursed, springing up and looking at his legs.
“I’m so sorry,” apologized the waitress, starting to mop up the mess with a rag.
“Don’t be sorry. It’s my fault,” Jensen said, grabbing the napkins on the table to clean himself up. His wife was trying to hide her laugh behind her hand but didn’t succeed. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I bet this is funny to you.”
“It is,” she chuckled, looking not a bit sorry. “You have the worst luck today.
“Don’t I know it,” he grumbled, sitting down again after the worst was cleaned off.
“I’m so sorry, Sir. I’ll bring you two new milkshakes right away,” the waitress offered but he waved her off.
“Don’t bother. We’re ready to leave now anyway,” he explained looking at his wife’s empty plate. “Just bring us the check.”
“Right away, Sir!”
“This night is the worst,” Jensen declared as they left the diner. Danneel was still chuckling a bit when she hooked her arm through his.
“Be happy. Since we’re going home now it can’t get any worse,” she murmured into his cheek before giving him a kiss.
“Don’t say that!” he protested. “You jinxed it now!”
“Oh come on Jensen. What can possibly happen now?”
He grumbled to himself instead of answering which made her grin. Her husband was so cute sometimes.
As they neared their car, Jensen could already see that something wasn’t right with the way it stood at the pavement. He squinted, trying to see better and came to an abrupt halt as he saw what was wrong.
“You were saying?” he challenged, raising an eyebrow and pointed at the flat tire on the passenger side.
“I…,” Danneel started but stopped herself. What was there to say?
Jensen was looking at his flat tire. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Everything had gone wrong. Everything. He just wanted to have a nice night out with his wife. Was that too much to ask?
“It’s like I’m really cursed,” he said out loud, running his fingers through his hair and over his face.
“Jensen,” Danneel began, stroking his back in comfort. “Let’s take a cab home. We can tow the car tomorrow.”
He took her other hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “I’m so sorry that I ruined the night.”
“You didn’t. I got to spend some alone time with you. That’s all I want and need. We could have stayed home and watch a movie in our PJ’s for all I care.
Her husband just sighed, still looking at the car.
“Come on. Let’s go home, honey. The night is not over yet. We can still make it fun,” she tried, turning his head to give a sweet kiss on his lips.
“But,” he started but she interrupted him.
“No buts! We’re hailing a cab and settling in on the couch and watch some movies. You’re even allowed to choose? How does that sound?”
Jensen began to smile. “Sounds good to me,” he answered, eyes shining with love.
“Good. Then come one,” Danneel said, taking his hand to lead him a bit away from the car but he didn’t budge. “What?” she asked after turning around to him.
“Come here,” he replied, the fond smile still on his face and tugging her into his arms. The next moment his lips were on hers in a passionate kiss. She sighed, melting against him and putting her arms around his neck.
“What was that for?” she asked after they broke apart.
“Just being you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Forever taggys: @emptywithout @roxyspearing @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
If you want to be tagged in future stories add yourself here!
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taste-of-dean · 8 years
Practice Makes Perfect
Request by anon: Can I request a Jared x reader fic after Jensen posts the picture of the whole Ackles family? Reader is married to Jared and seeing how happy Jensen and Danneel look in the picture makes her want to have a baby with Jared
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 1373
Beta: My Camerinoo! @babypieandwhiskey
Warnings: Nada
A/N: This is basically a real life scenario for me. Someone give me a baby to hold! And no, I don’t hate Gen or their beautiful children, this is fiction.
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It was a cozy Saturday afternoon and you had your feet propped up on the coffee table, nestled into Jared's side, watching reruns of NCIS. During the commercial you had pulled your phone out and started scrolling through Instagram.
Upon seeing the new photo of the Ackles family, you turned to Jared and whined, “Babe, I want to go back over and hold the babies!”
“We were just there this morning and Zep threw up on you,” he said with a chuckle.
You playfully hit him in the chest giggling right along with him, “It’s not like he did it on purpose!” Looking up at him you gave a little smirk, “Plus, that’s what washing machines are for.”
Jared brought his hand up to your cheek as he bent down to kiss you. He always took every opportunity possible to kiss you. “Alright, let’s get stuff to make them dinner. Make me a list and Jensen and I will go out to get it while you and Danneel just hang with the kids.”
Pulling back you jumped off the sofa, seizing the opportunity to see the babies, “You’re the best! I knew I married you for a reason.”
Jared laughed, “Alright, firecracker, go make a list.”
Instead of driving, you chose to walk to the Ackles house, it was just down the street. The cool Texas air and your husband's fingers interlaced with yours was all you needed to put a smile on your face, and seeing the babies of course. Arriving at the door, Jared and you walked in without knocking.
As soon as JJ heard the door, she leapt into your arms without warning, “Aunt Y/N!”
Catching her you propped her up on your hip, “Hey bug, whats up?”
Her face was wide with glee about something, as it always was, “Daddy says I get to go with him and Uncle Jared to the grocery store!”
“How fun! Make sure you ask Uncle Jared to buy you a candy bar; he never says no to you.”
“Ok!” JJ hopped off your hip and scampered away.
Danneel walked into the room with a sleeping Zeppelin in her arms, “What, you didn’t get enough of us this morning?”
You hugged her avoiding jostling the sleeping baby, “You know I never get enough of y’all.”
Danneel rolled her eyes and Jensen and Jared, with JJ on his shoulders, walked into the room. Jared bent down, low in front of Danneel, so she could kiss JJ goodbye. After you both kissed your husbands and JJ goodbye, Danneel and you moved into the living room and sank into the large sofa.
Danneel nodded towards the baby swing, “Ro is in the swing and is getting hungry, do you want to feed her?”
You jumped up to grab her before you started your response, “Uh, duh. Do you know me?”
Danneel rolled her eyes, “I don’t even know why I asked.”
Walking to the kitchen to warm up a bottle you yelled, “You should know better D.”
Yelling back Danneel said, “Why don’t you just move in? 24/7 access to babies and chaos!”
A few minutes later you came back into the room with a perfectly warm bottle for Arrow saying, “I know you’re joking but don’t offer that to me ‘cause I would, although I think Jared would miss me.”
Danneel moved across the room to put Zeppelin in the swing, “Just have your own babies!”
You looked at her with a serious face, “I want to and I’m ready, I think Jared’s ready too, but we haven’t really had ‘the talk’ yet. Lord knows we practice enough.”
She sat back down next to you, resting a hand on your knee, looking you in the eyes while saying, “You are going to be a great mom, Y/N. You’re over here constantly when the boys are away filming. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You smiled down at the happy, content baby in your arms daydreaming about what it would be like for you and Jared to have your own.
Danneel saw you having a moment and wanted to give you some time alone with the babies, “Y/N are you good here? I want to hop in the shower before the chaos returns.”
Never breaking your eye contact from Arrow you responded, “Of course, go shower.”
A little while later you heard the front door open and heavy footsteps behind you, “Hey babe, got the stuff you wanted. Jensen and JJ are bringing the groceries in,” he said as he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
You stood up with Arrow in your arms and walked around the sofa to Jared, “Ok, here take the babe, I’ll go cook. Keep Danneel out of the kitchen though. Jensen and I are cooking tonight.”
Jared cocked an eyebrow as you placed the baby in his arms, “Ok, y’all want some help?”
“Nope, just chill with the babies,” you said, walking away towards the kitchen.
After dinner was ready, you walked into the living room to tell everyone to come to the table. You got side tracked when you saw Jared laying on the floor with Zeppelin. Jared was on his stomach and Zep was on his back trying to grab Jared’s long hair. Zep was just in his diaper and Jared was now blowing raspberries on his belly and Zep was giving him the biggest smile. You couldn’t help but lean against the door frame and stare. If you stared long enough would your ovaries explode? Probably, best not to risk it.
Jensen snuck up behind you, “Ya know, you could stop staring and just have your own.”
You glared at Jensen, “Thanks captain obvious.”
Placing a hand on your shoulder Jensen whispered, “Well you should get on that quick because all Jared could talk about on the car ride to and from the grocery store, was how he can't wait to be the father of you children.”
Your face lit up with excitement, “Really?”
The corners of Jensen’s lips turned slightly upwards upon seeing the response you had, “Yeah, Y/N, he was. You can ask JJ, she even started talking about how she would get to be a big cousin. Plus I want to be an Uncle already!”
Jared noticed that you and Jensen had come into the room so you whispered to Jensen, “Ok, ok. Looks like J and I have some work to do,” you say with an exaggerated wink causing Jensen to chuckle.
Jensen told Jared and Danneel that dinner was ready. You grabbed JJ, Jared carried Zeppelin, and Jensen picked up Arrow, leaving Danneel to only have to worry about getting herself to the table.
After dinner was over, you and Jared helped put the kids to bed. The twins were fast asleep so you both carried them to their bassinets before going to JJ’s room. JJ had requested a lullaby to be sung by you and a book to be read by Jared. After you both sang and read to her, you tucked her in and made your way downstairs to say your goodbyes. You hugged Jensen and Danneel goodbye, already making plans for tomorrow.
You were walking back to your home with Jared, hand in hand, looking at the stars and different constellations. As you neared the path leading up to the front door, Jared took an extra long step, turned, and stopped in front of you.
You caught yourself on his chest before crashing into him, “Jared, what are you doing?”
I need to say this, and I need to say it right now, “Y/N, I cannot wait to have babies with you. I think you’re going to be such an amazing mother! I want to take this next step with you, whenever you’re ready.”
A huge grin spread across your face and you pushed up on your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck capturing his lips with yours, “How about right now, Padalecki?”
Without saying a word Jared scooped you up in his arms kissing you again with all the passion in the world, “Let’s go to bed baby,” he said as he carried you into the house.
Forevers: @impala-dreamer @babypieandwhiskey @idreamofhazel @megansescape @pearlparty @atc74 @frenchybell @lucy-xoxoo @sing-me-hey-jude @kikiamr @frickin-bats @teepartyy @rosep16 @darkperfectionuniverse @wiinchesters-blog @youre-alive-and-thats-your-job @toxicobscenity @itsallintheeyeofthebeholder @tom-is-in-my-tardis @gemini75eeyore @youtubehelpsmesurvive @clemsonstatemom @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @assbutt-fan @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @buckysmetallicstump @a_mexican_waffle
Pond: @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @loveitsallineed @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @blushingsamgirl @notnaturalanahi @deandoesthingstome @samsgoddess @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @jpadjackles @chaos-and-the-calm67 @teamfreewill-imagine @supernatural-jackles @faith-in-dean
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