#do countries have designated smoking areas? lol
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It’s giving cunt 😩 she’s serving weave 💅 how girly pop 🤧 members of the male species are so silly 🫵🤪
Don’t hate me for this it’s just a joke skskskksk
#I laugh cause I expected it from them#ya’know how everyone in Japan and Korea smoke cause I cause it’s like popular or something#but at least like I mean if you’re gonna do it do the real thing right#instead of making yourself look more stupid by vaping ya’know?#like idk why people vape?? just do the cig and get the lung cancer??#like don’t half ass it babe 💁♀️#but also also why tf idols smoke and drink and have bright white teeth#while I don’t but I drink coffee and soda and my teeth stained and shit#I brush them and use whitening toothpaste and shit#and like how come mine don’t look like them?#not fair I take care of my teeth and they look unhealthy#random bitches be sucking cancer sticks and snorting crack and have pearly white teeth ion get it#anyway how silly of them skskskskk#bUT I JUST WANNA KNOW THEIR SECRET?#also why it look like they in the back alleys? they can’t just do it wherever?#do countries have designated smoking areas? lol#not me feeling like I have to explain myself but ok#personally I find people that smoke disgusting and dumb#so be it#that shit stinks and it gets in your clothes and into the furniture and the walls#my father did it and man he stunk#and every time I had to kiss him yuck#can’t imagine kissing someone like that yuck#even if you brush your teeth and shower it still seeps through bro#shit’s crazy and like have fun with the lung cancer 🤷♀️#although some bitches just don’t die#aNYWAY NO HATE TBH I MEAN yes but like just my opinion#I just think it’s funny idk why I feel like I have to explain this like we don’t care lol#I’m just surprised there’s photos cause that only confirms my theory and shit#ok anyway 🫢
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Title: Find Us
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Summary: Ivar’s family have a very peculiar lunch guest.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight
Taglist: @ubbesgirl, @shewolf2000, @tis-itheapplepie, @atequila, @demoncrypt1066, @greennightspider, @badbitsh13, @fireismysaftey, @minarawr, @laketaj24, @hvitserksgirl, @blahblahcookiesdoma, @fabulous-peasent, @sforsammmmmi, @minmiin1d, @courtrae89, @letsloveimagines, @tomarisela, @titty-teetee, @beyond-the-ashes@elenawrit, @mblaqgi, @whenimaunicorn, @chuflisworld, @mystruggledlife, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @syreni-dea, @trashqueenbitch, @alykatv, @mbaku-babygirl, @perfectus-in-morte, @beyond-the-ashes, @neeadinghugs, @readsalot73, @triumphantreturnofpies, @anarchy-is-coming, @tephi101, @alicedopey, @ivarslittlebadgirl, @jtrstp, @nejijjeoroo, @charlylama, @ivartheblessed, @captstefanbrandt, @fabulouschrissi, @ivarsrideordie, @3x5gurl, @the-writer-appreciation-blog, @lolabee9, @captainfoxy22, @young-ugly-god, @im5ftbutmythroat66, @bribyyy, @irishhiggins, @cadetomlinson, @keclleon101, @slutforragnarssons, @ltkeke, @meeeeeeeeeps, @lille-kanin, @opalscarab, @ssraven7, @ivarandersen, @concretewaywardangel, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @sharon-is-tired, @cadetomlinson, @mystruggledlife, @chuflisworld, @justmarissa97, @lol-haha-joke, @weirdly-randomly-awesome, @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanim, @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers, @alexa040004, @buckythetinman , @burntmythroatskullingmytea,@jorunnravenslayer, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @buffy-the-vampire-blogger, @arses21434, @ltkeke, @captainfoxy22, @chinduda @letsshamelessqueen-m @my-soul-is-the-moon @we-are-transcendent
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six,Part Seven, Part Eight
Ivar arrived home with a little over an hour to spare.
He was happy to say his legs were no longer burning in hot flames of pain and had died down to the usual dull simmering pain that he was used to dealing with.
As he walked to the stairs he took a moment to be childish and flick off the elevator.
He took a shower and for whatever reason his mind started to wonder, thinking about the series of unfortunate events that occurred last night.
The thought of himself being the great Viking king that his mother named him after was still too outlandish for him to think about. The splitting headache and nosebleed did little to encourage him to think about it.
So his mind moved on.
He thought of (Y/N), the way she accepted his legs, she didn’t immediately get that stupid look of pity or false empathy. No her eyes didn’t soften, nothing had changed in her eyes. She still saw him as she had before, and he was very happy for that.
Being in the family he came from he couldn’t find many friends, not any real ones anyway. His brothers could handle having friends who were drawn to the money and fame, but Ivar couldn’t stand people like that. He couldn’t explain it too well, but he could always see it, the hungry way people looked at him.
Like he was a walking ATM and if they could just get close enough to him then the money would never stop flowing.
All of them had the mutual understanding that none of the Ragnarson children ever wanted to be pushed into the public eye. No magazine articles or press interviews, but still they were hard not to recognize if only for the way their mother seemed to flaunt their wealth around.
(Y/N) had never seen the designer clothes his mother dressed him in or heard about out of country trips he had been dragged on.
Her eyes weren’t hungry, and he liked that.
Ivar liked to be around her, he liked the conversation with her and the way she never asked for favors, anything he did for her was his own choice and it always would be.
His mind wandered to her in the car, when his nose had bled. With no hesitation she gave him the very shirt off her back. That thought made him think about her sitting in his passenger seat, topless and blushing. The way her face became an ungodly red when he had stupidly invaded her personal space.
Then it all went south, his mind decided to be treacherous and focus on that moment before the cop knocked on the window.
Ivar immediately shook his head and wrapped up his shower, if he set the water to ice cold for a few seconds then he’d never admit it.
Deciding to shut up his mind Ivar put in his earbuds and blasted his music while he got dressed, he walked past his real closet full of clothes he had picked up in shops and went to his second one.
The one his mother filled with brands that “people of their status” should be wearing, he picked up a suit without giving it a glance before he started putting it on with practiced ease.
As he was tying back his hair Hvitserk barged in the room, in a suit of his own.
‘Looking spiffy, bet (Y/N) would have loved to see it.’ his brother smiled as he sat on the bed.
‘Shut up.’ Ivar rolled his eyes as he took out his earbuds.
‘What did you wear to see her last night? Birthday suit?’ Hvitserk teased.
‘I said shut up, some people can be friends with girls and not have sex with them.’ Ivar sassed.
‘Of course they can, that just doesn’t seem to be the case for you Ivy.’
‘Don’t call me that.’
‘So you’re going to tell me that you...Ivar Hogh Ragnarson, got up in the middle of the night to meet a girl and nothing scandalous happened.’
‘Yes, nothing happened.’ Ivar said tiredly.
‘Well I don’t believe that for a second, why did you go out in the first place?’ Hvitserk asked.
‘I’m not going to keep talking about this, can we please just get downstairs before Mother comes looking for us.’ Ivar deflected.
Hvitserk rolled his eyes but he did sigh and got up, meaning that for now at least the subject was dropped.
The two of them headed downstairs to the dining area. As expected the table was covered in large expensive dishes, and of course none of it had been prepared by their mother.
The cook had truly outdone herself today, Ivar new his father must have given her quite a bonus for this feast.
At the head of the table was his father and his mother was sat in the seat on his right, both dressed in expensive brands.
Ubbe and Sigurd still hadn’t come down yet, but Ivar and Hvitserk took their seats across from each other.
‘Ivar...I heard the elevator. Are you feeling well?’ Ivar asked.
‘Yes I am fine, I just woke up in the odd hours where my medicine wasn’t as effective as usual. So I went out for a drive while it kicked in.’ he said casually.
‘You went driving?’ his mother asked.
‘Yes, not too far, I was safe I promise.’ he soothed.
His mother bit at her lip and looked away before she took a sip from her wine glass, she always drank when she worried.
She was always worrying.
Thankfully before the silence could become awkward the two missing brothers came down and took their places at the table.
‘Boys, this lunch is with a very important client, one of my first clients when I started out and he brought me a lot of business by nothing but word of mouth. He is usually quiet and very much so a shut in, and he comes from old money.’
‘If he is a shut in why did he suddenly ask to have lunch?’ Ubbe asked.
‘No idea, but I couldn’t decline. Now, I know you all know how to behave in front of clients, but this client is completely blind so be sensitive to that. Do not mention it, do you all understand?’ his father asked.
Everyone agreed and the conversation moved to lighter things like school and stocks and what summer plans were in consideration. It was all idle chit chat to pass the time while they waited for their guest.
At long last their loud dramatic doorbell rang and one of the housekeepers led in a man using a white cane.
The man was very tall, and that was impressive considering the fact that Ivar was the shortest Ragnarson while standing at exactly six foot.
He had to be at least seven feet, his black suit was clearly custom tailored to his body in a way that made it hard to tell if his suit was filled out by fat or pure muscle. His eyes and forehead were completely hidden behind the largest pair of reflective sunglasses Ivar had ever seen.
His skin was as pale porcelain, it was very oddly accompanied by the most visible light blue veins beneath his flesh and the black lipstick that was smeared over his almost fish like lips.
‘Hello Ragnar.’ the man said, his voice large and raspy as he had been smoking since he could walk.
‘Hello old man.’ Ragnar said happily.
‘I’m as old as I’ll ever be and as young as I can be now.’ the man said.
‘There goes that wise man way of speaking you are so famous for.’ the father smiled happily.
‘And there is the smile you are famous for.’
‘You can see me smiling?’ Ragnar teased.
‘My eyes see nothing, but I see all...that is my curse.’ the man said as he took his seat.
The whole table was silent, not even his father, the great conversationalist that he was, could make light of such a cryptic thing.
‘Don’t be so tense, introduce me to your family so we can eat this delightful feast.’
‘Of course, family meet my great client Mr. Divine. This is my wife Aslaug, my boys that I’m always talking about; Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar.’
‘You are missing two...a boy and a girl…a poor sick girl no one here but you ever got to see.’
Ivar was stunned, and judging by the almost loud silence his family members were in the same state.
His father didn’t speak of his only daughter, the girl that died long before he had been born. From what he had been told his half sister Gida had caught a horrible case of influenza and she just didn’t have a strong enough immune system.
No matter how he tried he couldn’t imagine his father talking about Gida with a client, no matter how important.
‘Yes...we should enjoy the feast.’ Ragnar said, not as cheerful as he had been before.
At last the lunch finally began and while it took a minute the conversation did pick up. Despite that Ivar couldn’t shake this sick feeling.
The feeling he had at the restaurant when (Y/N)’s mother was talking about her findings, like his entire body was covered in ants. He was still polite to the guest, but he just couldn’t look at this man for more than a few seconds.
For such a large spread the actual lunch passed rather quickly, and eventually no one could eat another bite.
‘This was a fine lunch, but I do have several appointments lined up so I must be going.
All of a sudden Ivar couldn’t control himself, there was a question he needed to ask before this man left.
‘Mr. Divine? Is that your given name?’
‘Ivar.’ Ragnar warned.
His ears suddenly burned red in embarrassment at his rude outburst.
‘No need to worry Ragnar, with youth comes curiosity and recklessness. Walk me to the door boy.’ Mr. Divine said to him.
Ivar looked at his father and after he received an approving nod he stood and walked around to the other side of the table.
Mr. Divine stood as well and pushed back his chair from the table, he used his cane to get around the table.
Ivar didn’t move to guide him, partially not wanting to startle him but mostly knowing instinctively that this man wouldn’t appreciate him assuming he needed help.
The two walked out of the dining room and made their way to the door.
‘Do you remember me?’
Ivar looked at the man in confusion.
‘Have I met you before? I think I’d remember if I had, you do leave an impression if I must say.’ Ivar replied politely.
‘We have before, just not in this life.’ Mr Divine said as he stopped walking and took off his humongous sunglasses.
Ivar’s heart dropped so quickly into his stomach as if it had suddenly been turned to lead in his chest, his palms were nearly spraying out sweat and he felt like his body was turning into stone.
Mr. Divine didn’t have eyes.
Not empty sockets he could fill with glass prosthetic ones, but there was nothing but skin covering the place where eyes should have been.
“No eyes…” (Y/N)’s voice rang in his mind.
This was him, it had to be; the one who spoke to her directly.
‘I see you don’t recall me personally, but you are aware of me thanks to the Christian child.’ he said as he moved closer to Ivar.
‘You are the one who talks to her...how are you here, those dreams happened centuries ago?’ Ivar asked in complete shock.
‘Not dreams...you know they are more than that don’t you...Boneless one.’
This time Ivar outright flinched at his words.
‘I-I’m not-’
‘You are; run from it and deny it all you like but the fact remains you are and the faster you embrace it the better off everyone you care about will be.’ Mr. Divine said gravely as he put on his glasses once again.
‘I-’ Ivar didn’t know what he had meant to say but it didn’t matter, because the blind man had already walked away.
‘Long long years I have roamed this horrible world and I will continue until you accept the truth. I pray to all the Gods that you do not make the same selfish mistakes again, there are too many people at stake.’ Mr. Divine said before he left, closing the door behind him.
Never before had Ivar felt such an odd feeling, but the one thing that mattered was that he didn’t like the feeling at all.
He didn’t like the man’s eyeless, black lipped face and he liked his words even less than that.
Ivar didn’t know who this man was or how he was here but he knew that if he never saw that blind bastard again he would have no complaints. All he had done was say stupid things that didn’t answer his questions and left more confused than he was before.
Ivar wasn’t selfish at all, he donated a majority of his monthly allowance to multiple charities and whatever he had left he gave away to the homeless or beggars he saw on the streets.
Angrier than he had been in quite some time he gritted his teeth and walked back into the dining room.
The maids were cleaning the table while the others were still there talking about the lunch they had just had.
‘So you are telling people about her now Ragnar? You rarely speak of Gida even to me, he must be a very good friend.’ Aslaug said politely, but everyone knew it was anything but.
Ivar didn’t bother sitting back down and instead made his way back to his room, he heard his brothers coming up behind him on the stairs.
‘I honestly don’t understand why they have to fight all the time, don’t they get tired?’ Hvitserk sighed.
‘Lord knows they aren’t staying together for our sakes so what is the point? Not like Mom wasn't already an heiress before she met him.’ Sigurd asked in a sour tone.
‘Who knows, it doesn’t matter. I'm going out with some friends, I’ll be back in the morning.’ Ubbe said.
‘Can I tag along? I have nothing going on, but I certainly don’t want to stay here.’ Hvitserk asked.
‘Sure, you two wanna join?’ Ubbe offered.
‘Hell no, I have my own plans, taking a girl to a poetry slam and then a night on the town.’ Sigurd said dismissively.
‘No need to ask Ivar, he has plans with his girlfriend.’ Hvitserk said.
‘Oh he finally got official with (Y/N)? Good for him.’ Sigurd hummed casually.
‘I’m not official with her, I’m not unofficial with her because I’m just friends with her.’ Ivar said in his own defense.
‘Well I don’t believe that for a second.’ Sigurd dismissed.
‘Funnily enough I said the same thing.’ Hvitserk added in agreement.
‘That’s because you idiots have two brain cells between the two of you and you’re sharing one of them.’ Ivar teased.
‘Whatever, you in or not?’ Ubbe asked in mild amusement at his younger brothers bickering.
‘No, gonna catch up on some Netflix documentaries, there’s a good one abou-‘
Ivar was cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket, he pulled it out and looked at the contact.
My Literal Child
‘Might I suggest you change her contact info, looks creepy considering the change in your relationship.’ Ubbe said.
‘I would like to suggest you invite her over to Netflix and Chill.’ Sigurd grinned.
‘Shut up.’ Ivar said as he went into his room and closed the door.
He accepted the call and kicked off his shoes.
‘What’s up, except for your horrible timing?’ Ivar answered.
‘Hey so I’m super grounded.’ she said.
‘Can I ask why, hello by the way.’
‘Because my mother isn’t blind enough to miss a hideous truck in her driveway.’
Ivar outwardly facepalmed, he had been so pill loopy and pain struck that he hadn’t even thought about hiding his truck a few blocks down.
‘But luckily my mom likes you so much she isn’t mad enough to kill me. I am still on lock down with the exception of school and I won't be allowed any visitors unless it's a classmate for a group assignment for two weeks.’
‘That sucks but is there anything else, because I have some news that will blow your mind.’ Ivar replied.
‘Actually yes, the doctor called my mom on Friday to set up a sleep study for me on Monday night. Problem is my mom can’t make it and that hospital isn’t really walking distance from my house.’
Do you want me to take you, I can wait for you in the waiting room too.’ Ivar offered.
‘Thanks, now what is your news? Is it...you know?’ she asked quietly in a way that suggested she didn’t want anyone hearing what they were talking about.
‘Yeah. Do you remember that guy you told me about from your dreams, the one with no eyes?’
‘Hard to forget a face like that.’
‘I know tell me about it, I just saw him.’ Ivar said.
‘What do you mean you saw him? Like you dreamed about him? Did he say anything to you?’ (Y/N) asked eagerly.
‘No not in a dream, I mean I saw him. He was just sitting down with me and my family having lunch. He’s one of my father’s first clients, he looked no older than fifty tops.’ Ivar ranted.
‘That’s not possible, we already know that all this past life stuff happened in the Viking Age, that is centuries ago, there is no way he could still be alive. Maybe he’s like us and just looks like his ancestor.’ she suggested
‘No. I don’t think so. He pulled me aside and he asked me if I remembered him, he called me…’ Ivar didn’t even want to say it.
‘He called you what Ivar?’ she urged.
‘Boneless, (Y/N) he called me Boneless one. He said he’s lived many years and he will continue to live in this horrible world until I embrace who I am. He said the sooner I do the better everyone will be, he said too many people are at stake. The bastard called me selfish and he doesn’t even know me!’ Ivar vented, growing angrier with every word.
‘Ivar! Ivar calm down! Calm down!’ (Y/N) cried from the other line.
‘How! Some old fool just showed up speaking like a cartoon fortune teller and called me selfish!’ he seethed.
‘If you aren’t then why be upset!’
All at once Ivar’s anger left him, and it left his body feeling deflated like a balloon.
He still took a few deep breaths just to assure himself that he was actually calm.
‘Are you good now?’
‘Yeah, yeah I’m good; I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell at you.’ he apologized.
‘I know, you only yell when we talk about who you might have been before; it’s like your twisted version of a defense mechanism. Not that I can blame you, I’m currently looking into this guy and yeah I get being afraid to be him, I’m scared reading it.’
‘I’ve read everything about him, I know almost every theory and legend that even mentions his name.’ Ivar replied as he laid in his bed and looked up at his ceiling.
‘Who is your favorite fairy tale character?’ Ivar asked.
‘Alice from Alice in Wonderland.’ she replied without hesitation.
‘Imagine some caterpillar showing up and saying you’re the real Alice and you just don’t remember.’
‘I’m sure I’d be too freaked by a talking bug.’ she joked.
‘Well the guy looks like an insect.’ Ivar snipped.
‘That’s mean. How about tomorrow after you get out of school you come over and we can talk about this eyeless guy for a while before I have to go in for my sleep study.’
‘I thought you said no visitors.’
‘I did but I did say she likes you and she seems to trust you to make sure I don’t take a nap before my sleep study. My neighbor is going to be checking on me during school hours.’
‘OK, I’ll be there.’
‘Thanks, so we are good to go. Oh and Ivar...for what it’s worth I don’t think you’re selfish; you’re the most generous guy I’ve met.’
‘I’m happy that you think so, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Ivar said.
‘See you tomorrow Ivar.’ (Y/N) said before she hung up.
Ivar threw his phone down on his bed and closed his eyes.
She thought he was generous and that really made him feel bad about what he thought when Mr. Divine said too many people were at stake.
Why are they his responsibility?
#Find us Series#find us#ivar the boneless#ivar x reader#ivar ragnarson#sons of ragnar#sigurd ragnarson#hvitserk ragnarson#ubbe ragnarsons#vikings imagine#MODERN VIKINGS#modern!vikings#The Seer
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Survey #358
“i know the pieces fit, ‘cuz i watched them fall away”
Would you ever own a Great Dane as a pet? Oh Lord, my mom wants one so bad. She looooves big dogs. I wouldn't, though. I don't want another dog, period. What was or is your favorite quality about your recent ex? Her resilience, strength, creativity, loyalty, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. lol. Have you ever witnessed a human being giving birth in real life? No, and I NEVER fucking will. What about an animal? Yeah, cats. What kind of things do you enjoy reading about on sites like Wikipedia? I sometimes do that for straightening out game plots after watching a let's play if I have remaining questions. Wikipedia tends to do well with compressing it. Which country’s cuisine that you haven’t tried, would you be interested in sampling? (e.g. Moroccan, Thai etc.) I wouldn't know because I'm not educated enough on foreign cuisines. What’s the last movie you watched on your own? The Shining, I think, forever ago. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? Scrambled. Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? I've never tried. Are you happy with your relationship with God, or do you want more from it? I don't have one. Do you struggle with boredom? Very, very severely. I have absolutely awful anhedonia; I'm pretty much constantly bored. Literally. I just... find things to pass the time, even if I'm not really enjoying myself. What famous person do you wish you could be friends with? I'm going to assume here you don't mean a significant other, because uh... y'all been known lmaooo. I would really love to be friends with Gab Smolders (I know that's not her real name, just using her YT name), because we have very similar interests. As well, Suzie Hanson is a fucking SWEETHEART. I miss her channel. :( At some point I want to purchase some stuff from her store to support the darling. Man, thinking of this question, there's really a lot. What would you do if you were famous? Hate it, haha. Do you wish you hair were shorter or longer? It's at a fine length right now. What photo editing website or software do you use? Lightroom and Photoshop. What hair color looks best on you and what’s your natural color? I think my hair looked best black. It's naturally brown. What is your favorite show to watch? Meerkat Manor. It is so, so comforting to me. Are your maternal/parental instincts strong? Not with kids, oddly enough. I've only ever really encountered strong protective instincts with significant others like when they're sick or something like that. In school, do you/did you work better by yourself or in a group? I absolutely worked better alone. I hated group work. Do you know anyone who has a collection of old records? My mom did, once upon a time. I feel like I know someone who does now... but idk. Do you go on any forums often? Just RP ones. Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone? Nnnnope. Do people always say you’re too thin? Uh, I have the opposite problem. Could you design a whole web page yourself? Not from scratch, no. I've only done so on free sites that give you the bare bones and easy editing. Have you ever cooked an entire dinner for your family? Definitely not. Do you prefer piano music or violin music? Ohhhh, both are beautiful, but I have to say violin. Who do you tend to get in fights with the most? My mom, I guess, not that we fight a lot. Are you attracted to spooky and macabre things naturally? YEP. Have you ever bobbed for apples? Were you successful? No. It's disgusting if you're going after others, and besides, I HATE water up my nose and have never quite figured out how to block it out without plugging it. Hypothetically speaking, if you had a child [too young to make their own decisions], what would you dress him/her up as for Halloween? It would depend on what their interests were. Do you intend to take your children trick-or-treating, if ever you have any? I'm not having kids, but if I did, I definitely would if they wanted to go. What is the coolest jack-o-lantern you have ever seen? Now THAT'S hard, I really don't know. What was your favorite candy to get from trick-or-treating? What about your least favorite? Reese's was my favorite, and I never liked Tootsie Rolls. Did you ever receive anything that wasn’t candy? Maybe? I feel like I have... Have you ever carved a really extensive pumpkin, or were they always simple carvings? Yes; I once carved a pumpkin with a raven design with "and quoth the raven, 'nevermore'" written into the back. The raven wasn't just a flat cut-out, but rather carved in layers so the light came through differently at certain depths. Are you more interested in cute, funny, “sexy”, or scary costumes? For myself, absolutely the scary ones. In general though, I'm not gonna BS ya, I love me some sexy costumes, haha, but also still scary and particularly gory ones. Have you ever intimidated or made another person feel legitimately threatened? If not, do you think that you could ever be seen as scary? I seriously hate admitting this, but Mom has confessed that my yelling has scared her before when scolding our former dog that I fucking hated. In what ways do you or would you need to be validated by a partner? (For example, liking your posts/talking about you on social media, or perhaps by doting on your with gifts.) I absolutely need words of affirmation. I just need to hear a lot that you do still like/love me. Also, if you're unwilling to actually act like we're a couple in front of ANYONE, like you're ashamed of me or something, byyyyeeee. Do you tend to succeed by weaning yourself off of something or by quitting cold turkey? It depends, I guess. Is there a specific type of pet breed/size/etc. that you don’t want? Why not? Any that have underlying medical issues, like pugs, spider ball pythons, Persian cats, etc. etc... It's just a moral thing; I don't want to support the deliberate continuation of poor genes in animals for human monetary gain. It's just wrong to me. Away from breeds, I also don't really want free-roaming animals after my cat passes, because I don't want to endanger the reptiles and invertebrates I want as pets in the future. Have you ever lived in a notoriously dangerous area? If not, would it bother you to do so? I grew up in one, yes. I never want to again. Has a friend’s significant other ever interfered with or damaged your friendship? What about a significant other of yours damaging a friendship? No. What, if anything, is something that you put pressure on yourself about? What do you imagine would happen if you did not live up to this expectation? Getting a job nowadays. I do NOT want to imagine what my life will be like if I never find employment. If you have been in a serious relationship, have you and your partner ever discussed lifetime plans that clashed? Did you reconcile them or did you break up? If you have not been in a relationship, what are some issues that would be deal-breakers? This hasn't happened, no. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept? Honestly, I want to try weed to see if it would help my anxiety, BUT I'm unwilling to ever smoke something, so no. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yeah. Do you listen to country music? No. Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? No. Were you ever a trouble maker? Not really, no. Do you shave your legs? Hell, that's debatable by this point. I haven't since this past October, but I *would* if for whatever reason someone might see my legs. I am not overexaggerating when I say I naturally have men's legs as far as hair goes, oof. Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? That's what my dad always drank when he was an alcoholic. He doesn't touch alcohol now. Have you ever gotten sloppy drunk at a party? No. Have you ever slept naked? Accidentally. Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? I really don't think I could be. Do you actually like going to school? I never did. Have you ever really been in a “complicated relationship”? How did that work out? In your opinion, what makes a relationship “complicated”? No. I don't care enough to go into what a complicated relationship means, I think it's pretty obvious. Who was the first person you’ve ever fallen in love with? Is this a person you’re still in contact with? How do you know you’re in love with someone? Jason, and no. And you just... know. It's a wordless feeling . Have you ever successfully broken a bad habit? How about conquered a fear of something? Uhhhh I don't know, really. Well, I used to be AWFUL at picking my eyebrows, particularly when anxious, but I have gotten better at that. I still kinda do it, though. Onto the next question, I don't believe I've "conquered" a fear, but rather they just faded with time on their own. Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah. Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I walked. Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? No. Have you ever tried to break a Guinness World Record? No. Can you sing your ABC’s backwards? I can't. Do you like Skittles? I love Skittles. Do you know how to read music? I used to. Who would you say has made the biggest impact on your life? Really, Jason. He ultimately led to me getting proper treatment for my depression, which changed my life. I'm in no way giving him credit for it, but you get what I mean. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they? Black Rain and Ozzmosis by Ozzy Osbourne, and uhhh... perhaps The Black Album by Metallica. Do you own any shirts that have a year on it? Yeah, but it's way too small for me now. It's from Back To The Future, when we actually reached the date in the movie. Have you ever done another person’s make-up? Ha, I gave Jason a makeover once. Honestly, do you double dip? Not if I'm sharing the dip with other people. Who were you last on an elevator with? My mom. Do you know anyone that has a black belt in karate? Not to my knowledge. How often do you wear hats? Never. Who is the youngest gay person you know? *shrug* Have you ever watched an animal being eaten by another animal? I've seen cats eat mice and stuff as a kid. What is the strangest, most “out there” thing you believe? Some people I'm sure would consider the fact I believe the government was involved in 9/11 as "out there," but when you look into it, it's far from "out there." Do you get along with people who are especially religious? Why/why not? It depends on how they act about it, not what they keep in their head. Now if they have just purely hateful beliefs that demonize another's existence, then no, we can't get along. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? Painted, yes, for an art class. Do you have any interesting pillow cases? No. Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Bees, generally. Especially if we're talking things like wasps, who are just demon spawns. Would you rather donate time, blood, or money? That's a really hard question, but I guess time? Like I'm thinking volunteer work and stuff, or listening to and comforting someone. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're sexy on absolutely no one. Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Ugh, gasoline. This one car in front of my mom and me smelled awful. Last healthy thing you ate? Apples. Do you know anybody who was abused? Emotionally, yes. Do your parents volunteer anywhere? No. Do you have a steering wheel cover? Mom's car doesn't. What do you think of when you see sharp knives? This is really morbid, but I will immediately envision what it would be like to be stabbed. I'm very afraid of knives. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; choose your route. The back roads, of course. And let me bring my camera.
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Lovely Lauren! ✨ (I’ll do some alliteration too hehe so no I don’t think it’s weird 🤪)
No worries at all, I’m just glad tumblr didn’t eat it 😅 congratulations on cleaning your room, that can sometimes feel like such a monumental task!!
And thank you!! 🥰 I didn’t even have too many bad side effects, other than some slight pain in my arm and being incredibly tired for a few days (but then again I’m always tired so is it fair to blame that on the vaccine lol 🤔)
You’re very welcome! And it is so important for the younger generations, I always try to model inclusivity for my students and I hope that I’m succeeding but at the very least I’m trying.
I think with a lot of arts and humanities subjects, but especially with writing, people tend to underestimate the effort that actually goes into the craft until they actually try it. I also love reading sonnets but I’m not a huge fan of writing them because they are so hard 🥲
to narrow down the categories a bit, do you have a favorite sonnet? What is the poem you would want read at your funeral?
I totally agree, there’s a difference between getting dark and using humor as a coping mechanism for difficult things versus using it to be mean and malicious but writing it off as “haha just a joke!” 🙄
I also despise economics haha would prefer if the made up little numbers did NOT control our lives but alas! If you were to someday own your own business, what kind of business would it be??
I don’t think I’ve asked before, so what kind of work does your husband do? That’s really unfortunate about the state of the records, I’m sorry that’s the situation and hope it all works out for the best should either of you decide to go back!!
Ohhh I also have a hidden objects game that I like to play! It’s called Manor Matters, and I like that one and Gardenscapes because there’s a storyline to them so it feels more engaging than just playing the game part. I mostly like to play on the train or the bus haha.
Totally fair, being in somebody’s wedding can be very stressful. Is your sister older or younger? I have several close friends getting married this summer but I’m not able to attend because of travel restrictions which kind of bums me out. I think lacy dresses are so gorgeous!! I truly hope that you’ll be able to have that someday 🥰
Your chair sounds fabulous, it’s so nice to have a good non bed lounging spot!! I’m thinking of rearranging the furniture in my room because I’m kind of bored with the layout and maybe even getting a few new items of furniture (I’m in desperate need of a bookshelf rn) so I’ll keep you updated on how that goes.
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers! And I love seeing dandelions first pop up in the spring, such a nice burst of color after winter. Pink is such a fun color, I loved the “dusty pastel” color trend a few years ago and had so many dusty rose clothes hahah.
Ohhh I haven’t watched H2O in forever!! When I was in high school I babysat for this family pretty consistently and the daughter loved it so we watched it a lot together. Might be fun to watch again! What’s your favorite marvel movie? I’ve never really been able to get into it but my students love it so I promised them if we went into another lockdown I would make it my quarantine project to watch the whole franchise lol.
I’m so glad you were able to see your friend!! Are your kids close in age?
I did get my insurance sorted out thankfully and I even got in my chill walk! AND I went to the pool with a friend this week, so that was excellent. If I’m feeling up to it this weekend I’m planning on taking a hike up to a lake to go swimming and read! The weather has finally warmed up here after a month straight of rain 🌞
Sending you hugs! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Drew, my love! I love how your weekend turned out for you! Send some rain to Az for me, eh? Specifically the Phoenix area. A couple of nights ago we had something called a heat burst happen over my house. I didn’t know that was a thing until last night. But basically the temp skyrocketed suddenly at nine pm to triple digits. Plus, since it’s fire season, we’ve got all this lovely smoke trapping in the pollution. We’re under heat advisory too right now, so we have been stuck inside all week. No swimming. And definitely no going out of it can be helped. I live in hell.
The kids are close in age. Her son is about two and half years older than mine. They love each other. It’s pretty cute. We are just happy they get along.
I haven’t watched all the marvel movies, but they’re all pretty good. Honestly, Black Panther is pretty good. Iron man is one of my favorites but I’m kinda hooked on RDJ. He’s around my parents age but damn does he make it look good. The best marvel universe show I’ve seen yet has been Wanda Vision. Spider-Man is also a must see. They nailed the character. And Deadpool is good too.
I need a new bookshelf too. But I don’t have anyplace to put one right now. I think I need a bigger house. Some people would tell me to downsize my books. I would say that’s blasphemy.
It’s my younger sister who’s getting married. But I also have an older sister! We are all pretty close. Which is nice. In fact, I mentioned wanting to move out of country to my little sister the other day and she just about murdered me. 😂
Husband does data and reporting analysis. However, his degree is in Game Art and Design. He wanted to get his masters in something tech related. But he likes to code too. He and I talk about business ideas all the time! I always thought about owning a coffee shop/ book store. And recently I had this crazy good idea about a resin pour business. I do also have a clothing design I put together for school but also wanted to pursue in actuality.
The poem is by Thomas Gray and it’s called Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. It’s macabre. And sad. And just a little funny. I should be ashamed of myself. I really should.
Honestly the bard does it for me always. Sonnet 116 is always a classic. It’s been my favorite for a long time. But sonnet 130 is a close second. The first is traditionally romantic but there’s something to be said about Shakespeare’s realistic depiction of his love in 130. It’s honest and kinda sweet.
How do you feel about satire? It can be another difficult form to master but when it’s done well I find it incredibly enjoyable. I had the joy of reading A Modest Proposal to my husband once. He was only really familiar with Swift’s Guliver’s Travels. So I introduced him to that. The shock on his face was priceless. But he enjoyed it overall.
As I was pulling out the book I needed to get the proper name and author of the poem, I came across a book I bought awhile back. It’s called the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. That was an excellent book, and if you haven’t already read it, I thought I’d recommend it. I like to recommend that one to people a lot. It was addicting.
I’m glad your side effects were tame! Here are some sunflowers 🌻 🌻 🌻 to brighten up your day!
Out of curiosity, what do you teach???
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The Truth Untold; Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan
Summary: Y/n Y/l/n, born and raised in south side Chicago. Now raising her five younger siblings, she’s not even sure if some of them are actually related to her. But she takes care of them nonetheless, as best as she can. While her drunk father continues to make their life harder. And her drug addicted mother comes bursting through the door once every to years. Its a chaotic life for a 23 year old, but she made it work. Until one day, the most notorious mob leaders of the country shows up to do some business in the south side.
Au: Shameless!Au, Mafia!Sebastian
Warning(s): Cussing, slight smut, poverty, drugs etc
Word Count: 3,047
A/N: This is literally a Shameless fanfic, if you’ve seen the show, AMAZING, if not than you should because its amazing.
A/N 2: Plus this lowkey kinda sucks lol, so watching the show will make up for it.
A/N 3: I didn’t write the whole smut cause i suck at it, but i’ll try my best if you guys ask for it.
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The whole club glowed with blue and green laser beams shooting out from the rotating lights on the ceiling. Smoke coming out of both ends of the dance floor, the bar area seemed to be the only calm part of the club. It was Friday night and the club was beyond packed with people dancing dirty in the middle of the club. The air was thick, a mixture of the fog machine and marihuana clouds. Making it slightly hard to breathe. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
Except you, apparently. Stress radiated off you as you sat, tensed at the bar. Watching as the bartender scrambled back and forth to take orders from everyone who crowded the bar. You couldn’t possibly have fun when your father arrived after months of his little rendezvous of drugs and alcohol. Causing even more chaos in your home.
“Y/n, I’m going to need you to get off your ass and start having some fun” Camille stutters over to you, making you lose your train of thoughts.
“Nah, I think I’ll head home for the night” You shrugged, grabbing your purse and downing your drink.
“What!? The whole point of taking you to the club was for you to loosen up, Y/n/n” She whines, bringing her hands up to rub your bare and tensed shoulders, a pout adorning her red lips. Making you shake your head with a slight smile at the drunken state of your best friend.
“I have to get back to the kids. It’s kind of hard to have fun when all I can think about is Ethan blowing up the kitchen” You sigh, wincing at the thought of your little brother destroying your kitchen for one of his stupid experiments.
“Fine, I’ll take you. It’s no fun without you” She huffs while turning around dramatically. Causing a giggle to rip from your throat. “Don’t move, I’m getting my stuff”
“You don’t have to though, I can just take the bus. You should stay and have fun with your coworkers” You reassured her as she raised an eyebrow at you.
“At 1:34am, Y/n, I think the fuck not” She gave you a look as if warning you to stay put.
Your lip caught between your teeth as you watch your best friends stumble across the club, a smile on your lip as you thought how lucky you were to have such an amazing friend like her. Grabbing your purse to take a few dollars out to pay for your drink, your felt lips against the shell of your ear, and with a husky voice, he spoke.
“I can feel your stress all the way across the room”
You turned around quickly, eyebrows raised ready to tell the guy off, only to stop and gasp loudly. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, lucky for you, the music was booming loud so the chance of him hearing your deep gasp was slim to none.
He’s beautiful, to say the least. The lights didn’t seem to bother you anymore as you analyzed every feature on the man. He had deep blue eyes, ones you could easily lose yourself into. Prominent cheekbones, his facial hair was growing out, causing your thoughts to wonder off to inappropriate scenarios. His lips where a light shade of pink, looking delicious as ever. He was older, maybe in his thirties, but you couldn’t tell. His whole body covered in black designer, he was expensive.
“Um, I-” You stuttered, brows furrowed in confusion, you’ve never seen this man in your life.
“What is it? Cat caught your tongue” He smirked, bringing his glass full of scotch to his lips. Cocky motherfucker.
You scoffed at his attitude, biting your bottom lip to surpass a smile. You didn’t know if you wanted to punch him or ride his dick into the sunset.
“And who the hell are you? My stalker?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you gained your composer as you got a clue on what type of guy you may be dealing with.
“No, no stalker here. I couldn’t help but notice your lack of interest of for being here tonight” He smiles kindly, catching you off guard.
“Yeah, well clubs aren’t really my thing, feel like I have better things to do” You nod your head, turning away from him, looking at one of the bottles that was placed on the wall along the others as if it was the most interesting thing there. Anything to look away from the beautiful stranger.
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked, downing his drink while calling over the bartender to order a new one, you assumed.
“Finding a job without having to blow the manager” You simply stated. Causing him to chuckle. His smile was absolutely breathtaking.
“What’s you name” He asked, which felt more of a statement, actually.
“Uh Y/n. Yours?” You looked up at him, only to be met face to face with his beautiful eyes.
Sebastian, even his name is attractive.
“So what brings you to south side Chicago?” You asked. Interested in why such a wealthy looking man would end up in this dump.
“Business.” He shrugged, voice lowering as he said it. Eyebrows raised at you as if warning you not to ask anymore, which exactly what you did. You wouldn’t show it, but his demanding tone scared the shit out of you, but weirdly enough, it turned you the fuck on.
“Let me buy you a drink” He offers.
“I can’t, I uh have to get back to my kids” You shake your head and getting up from the stool. Ready for his surprised face a stuttering words at the mention of five kids. But to your surprise, he was unfazed.
“Kids?” He asked, pulling out his wallet, taking out big cash as he dumped it on the counter for the barista to take. Making your eyes wind just a bit.
“They’re actually my siblings, but they’re still kind of my kids” You confirmed while nodding your head. His eyes ranking your body, you felt small under his gaze, making you feel insecure.
“Let me guess” He began, clearing his throat as he ripped his gaze away from yours.
“First born, OD’d mom, alcoholic father. Leaving you to raise your siblings, you had to grow up at a young age, at maybe” He stops and raises his hands in defense “and this is just a guess, 13, maybe? Didn’t finish high school cause of your deadbeat parents and you’re currently jobless, stealing and scamming for food and clothes in the meantime” He finishes while looking at you with a small smile.
You couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. Wondering if you should be offended by the assumption or impress by how spot on he was.
“Mom didn’t OD though, haven’t seen her in years. But I do know that she’s out living her best life. And I was actually 6 when I realized my parents didn’t give a shit. Ended up raising my two brothers. Then came the rest” You sigh, somewhat sadly at the situation you were in at such a young age, but you loved your siblings nonetheless.
“Must’ve been tough” He gave you a sad smile, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Yeah, but I got used to it pretty quick”
“Well it seems like you know everything about me, so why don’t you tell me about yourself. I bet it’s much more interesting than my shitty life” You chuckled, hoping to get some kind of information about what kind of business he was running here.
“It’s really crawdad in here, let’s go outside” He moved his head to point at the door.
“No” You simply stated. Earning a look of shocked and surprised from the dominant male. Which boosted your ego just a little.
“This is how things work. I walk out with you, you tell me your oh so tragic childhood which causes me to pity you. Soon, once I’m under your spell, you chloroform me and a white van appears out of nowhere and I’ll be part of a illegal sex and drug trafficking ring” You smiled innocently at him.
“I’d actually be much more creative in kidnapping people”
You didn’t know if he was being funny or serious, but it made you feel a mixture of fear and desire.
“I’m from Romania, actually. Born and raised, came to America when I was 16, pretty hard to adapt to a new life. But I managed it” He offers a smile before continuing. “Dad took off with some young blondie, claiming he was in love with her” He used his fingers to quote on “in love”, “And mom got sick, and with dad gone, I couldn’t take care of her properly. So I dropped out of high school and got a job, one that paid extremely well. And I became good at it, really good, actually. So that’s me. A Businessman taking care of his family” He smiled at you, playing with the drink he had, one that you didn’t notice before.
“Is your mother okay now” You asked, your ears on full display for him.
“Yeah, she’s fine now”
You nodded your head in understatement, but a question kept bugging you, so you asked hesitantly .
“And your dad?” And just like that, his whole body tensed up, eyes darkening at the mention of him. Mentally cursing yourself for being so damn nosy.
“I’m so-”
“No, its fine. He’s out of the picture, for good. Has been for years” He had a sinister look in his eyes, which caused an uneasy feeling to burst in your stomach.
“I can take you home” He smiles, kindly, this time.
This caused you to furrow your eyes in confusion, until you realized that you claimed to leave and go home when he first arrived.
“I’m not going to hop in a strangers car and ditch my drunk best friend” You smirked, yet your hand didn’t dare move out of his grasp. And he noticed two due to the smirked that was placed on his lips. Before you knew it, you were pulled into his arms, making you gasp and pull away quickly. It felt incredibly nice feeling his lean fit body against yours, but pulling always was basic reflex.
“Feisty” He chuckle, tongue swiping across his lips as his ring covered fingers traced your features. The whole mood went from a pity party to testing both your sexual desires. The softness of it all made you lean in while closing my eyes. It’s been a hell of a while since you’ve been touched, even slightly, especially by such an attractive man.
“And you’re incredibly cocky”
“I am, aren’t I?” He laughed, and actual laugh. Which left you slightly confused.
Before you fucking knew it, your back was being pressed against the dirty walls of the most disgusting public bathroom you’ve probably ever been in while your neck was being devoured by a stranger you met 20 minutes ago. Your hands were firmly pressed against his chest, head tilted to the side giving him as much access to your neck as he needed.
“Fuck, Sebastian” You couldn’t help but moan as you felt his growing dick press against your underwear. Your dress pulled up to your waist, making you feel like a cheap whore. But the feeling of Sebastian’s lips sucking roughly on your collarbone, his beard scratching against you and his growing dick rubbing against your slick underwear made you forget about your pride.
His hands found their way to your exposed ass, squeezing them as hard as he could. His nails and cold rings digging into your skin made push your body harder against his. Your breathing was erratic, your hands couldn’t seem to find a place to rest upon. So you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it so you could look him in the eye, which were now a dark blue. Pupils slightly dilated, lips bruised and painted by your pink lipstick. The sight alone could’ve made you come undone.
Sebastian had other plans, while you were admiring his features, his hand pass your underwear, pressing harshly against your clit. You gasp loudly as you hold onto the back of his neck for some sort of support.
Dragging his fingers down your slit, he collected some of your wetness and brought it back up to your clit, so it be easier to play with you. All while biting the shell of your ear.
“So wet, so delicious” He praised while slamming his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, but none of you minded it much.
His touch were soft, yet he had you rolling your eyes back as he rubbed you clit in circles.
You were so caught up in your own bubble of pleasure, you didn’t notice him using your thigh to rub his closed dick on. And smirked formed on your lips as your hand reached down to roughly palm him. But before you could do anything else. He grabbed your hand and turned you over the sink. Taking your hair into a makeshift pony tail, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror, all while grinding his dick on your bare ass.
“I promise, next time, I’ll fuck you somewhere less disgusting, and more expensive, but for now, you’ll have to deal with this” He growls against your cheek.
Next time...
Staring at the blank walls of your room at 6:50 became some sort of tradition. Sleep was nowhere to be found as your thoughts kept you up every night. But lately, the only thought on your mind was Sebastian, and his beautiful blue eyes, his ring covered finger and his delicious lips. Fucking asshole.
It’s been exactly a week since you your encounter, and to be honest, you were devastated, especially after he gave you the best fucking orgasm you’ve ever experience in a smelly bathroom than any guy in your bed.
Sighing for the 20th time, you decide to get up from your pity party and head downstairs for a glass of water. A sleeping pill would be great if you didn’t have five kids to look after and figuring way to get. You only had 10 minutes before waking everyone up and cooking breakfast. And preparing their lunches for school. A headache already forming at just the thought of it, but you knew it was just lack of sleep.
Half way down the stairs, you heard a loud knock on your door, causing you to stop and furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Who the hell could that be?” You thought out loud as you reached the end of the stairs, grabbing the robe that was left on the couch and wrapping it over your semi naked body.
“Delivery for Y/n Y/l/n” Was the first thing that came out of the man’s mouth as you opened the door half way.
“Delivery? What do you mean delivery, from who?” you asked, opening the door wider and wrapping your arms around your freezing body. Today was Sunday, there are no deliveries on Sundays. Though, the fact that today wasn’t supposed to be mail day, it was the least your worries. What worried you most was the man delivering it. He was dressed in all black, hair slicked back and tattoos adorning his face. A cigarette handing from behind his ear, though it wasn’t enough to surprise or worry you.
“Delivery from Mr. Stan” He coughs nervously, as if saying the name will cause a curse for all eternity.
Confused, you take the heavy box into your arms.
“Have a good day, ma’am” He smiles and walks away, leaving you confused, and slightly scared of what might be in the mysterious box that looked to be more expensive than your whole house.
“Ma’am? Who the hell are you trying to fool here” You questioned, mostly to yourself as you shut the door close.
“What’s that?” Came the voice of the second oldest, Jeremy, as he slouched on the couch, lighting up a cigarette as he did so. Causing you to groan in annoyance while ripping it out of his mouth.
“I have no fucking clue. Go make yourself useful make breakfast.”
“Like what?” He groans, not really paining attention to you.
Like cereal” You ordered as soon as you heard the alarm from one of the room upstairs, knowing everyone will be down soon.
“There’s no milk”
“Then use water”
Once upstairs, you closed the door, locking it before throwing yourself on the bed with the box in your lap. Pretty stupid of you to accept a box from a drug dealing looking kid, but here you were. Half way opened, you noticed a card sticking out from the side. And saw a neat handwriting, one that you could’ve sworn you’ve seen before.
“No legacy is as rich as honesty”
I know you’ll probably think I’m an asshole for this. But here’s a little something for you to get by. I’ve been in the same situation, though, I took a dangerous root. So in the meantime, here’s a gift to help you and and your family. Don’t make a fuss, and burn, just enjoy it. And I’ll see you soon”
Beyond confused, you opened the box only to find a shit load of money stacked on top of another. Maybe, 9, 10 grand? You didn’t know, but you panicked. Your eyes wide in shock, your hand covering you mouth as, your hand covering you mouth as our mind tried to process what was happening.
“What the fuck, did you rob a bank or something?” Jeremy gasped as he busted into the room, staring at the money. You crumbled the note and placed it in between your legs so Jeremy didn’t notice. Once you were calm enough, you took a deep breath and closed the box calmly
“Count the money. We’re giving it back”
“Who the hell did you get involved with, Y/n?” Jeremy asked, sternly, this time. He closed the door and grabbed the box, making sure the other didn’t hear or see.
“I have no fucking clue, but that money is not staying”
#sebastian stan imagine#sebastian stan headcanon#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan fanfiction#sebastian stan imagines#bucky imagine#bucky x reader#sebastian stan au#sebastian stan#sebastian stan smut#bucky barnes#avengers imagine#marvel imagine
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When was the last time you went to the dentist? Did you have any work done? I had deposits removed because apparently, they were the source of my toothaches. Dentist also found a decayed molar so I had it extracted the day after. It was the first time I got an injection to the mouth and I was terrrrrrified. Open any social media site. Who's the first person on your feed? I’ve deactivated all of my social media for the holidays and it’s never felt so good. What's the closest store to your house? I live inside a gated village so it’s quite a drive to get to the highway, and there’s a lot of stores outside the main gate, but I’m guessing the closest one would be this hype store just beside our village that sells hype shirts and Yeezys and skateboards and other stuff like that. How much sleep per night do you usually get? It’s always different. I can get either 4 or 10, or anything else in between. Were you born in the state you now live in? We don’t have states, and no, I live in a different city and region now. I was born in Manila but now live in Rizal.
What's your favourite type of cake? CHEESECAKE Do you like to go out to nightclubs? What would you usually wear? No, I prefer bars. I wear whatever I feel good in for that evening. Have you ever been hit in the face? Yes, this was the last thing my brother did to me before I stopped talking to him entirely. Do you wear glasses? That I do. What do you think of the Jonas Brothers? Loved them then, loved them now. They’ve always been sweethearts and as far as I know have no problematic tendencies, so I go right ahead and stan them haha. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Pessimism does nothing to me, so I always choose to be an optimist at the end of the day. Who was the last person you argued or disagreed with? The uncle I've since dissociated myself from showed up at my tita’s house for our Christmas party yesterday and was drunk within an hour of being there. He tried to join our parlor games and was picking a fight and insisted that he deserved a point or whatever, so I went up to his face and argued back. Do you know how to cook? What's your favourite thing to cook? No. Have you ever been on a plane for more than 10 hours? I have not. What was the last thing you put in the trash? Tissue that I used to soak some of my dog’s pee in. Are you sitting down right now? Yup. Have you ever worked night shifts? I haven’t worked. How do you usually style your hair? Recently I like tying it in a high bun because my hair’s long enough now and because I get a lot of compliments when I style it that way. Do you like to people-watch? I do it for like ten seconds then move on because I find it creepy. Is your fridge full or empty at the moment? It’s pretty full. Christmas celebrations just ended so it’s quite filled with either presents in the form of sweets, or leftovers from parties.
What shoes do you wear to work? I don’t go to work yet but I like going to school in sneakers. When was the last time you mopped a floor? I think it was last week when my dog didn’t notice that his designated peeing area in the balcony was open so he peed inside the house. What's your favourite type of juice? I don’t really like juice, but I guess I’d go for like lemonade or guava. What colour looks best on you? Black or maroon. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? We don’t have voicemails here. Would you want a Bachelor/Bachelorette party before you get married? I probably would just so I have an excuse to throw a party, but none of the stereotypical stuff about hiring male strippers. Do you have a skincare routine? What does it involve? No I don’t. I’m admittedly just lucky when it comes to my skin because it’s very smooth and healthy despite me not washing my face at all, except if I’m already in the shower and it gets unavoidably wet. Have you ever had a professional massage? No, I’m too scared to pay for it and try it out because I’m very ticklish. What was the last thing you baked in an oven? Chocolate chip cookies around 7 years ago lol. How much cash do you have on your person right now? Around ₱3500 or roughly $70 thanks to Christmas donations from various aunts and uncles hahaha. Where do you like to shop for groceries? My dream is to be able to shop at Rustan’s, which is a high-end grocery store in the country. Nowadays, I’m fine with settling at Merkado or even SM. Who do you put down as an emergency contact and why? My mom. She’s the easiest to reach. What did you have for breakfast today? Chocolate chip digestives from M&S. Do any household chores need to be done right now? I need to finish my lunch so I can wash the plate, but that can wait till the end of this survey. Have you ever played on a poker machine? Nope. What type of gas do you put in your car, if you have one? I have no clue, which drives my car-obsessed dad NUTS. My local gas station has fancy brand names for their gas or diesel products and I always just say the brand names so that I don’t get it wrong. When was the last time you smoked a cigarette, if ever? I’ve never smoked a cigarette. Do you know how to roast a turkey? I’ve never even had turkey, let alone seen one be prepared. How do you feel right now? I’m content. A little bored and hungry, but it’s manageable. What do you like to put on your sandwiches? I prefer going to my preferred banh mi stall for them to make my sandwich. Is there a train station close to where you live? Yes. Do you check the mail every day? I don’t. What was your first crush's name? Andi. Can your name be shortened to become a nickname? Yes. Byn is my nickname, but that’s reserved for family. What was the last bill you paid? I don’t pay bills yet.
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Trinidad & Tobago - Carribean dreams...
I am so ‘vex’ that I won't be ‘liming’ in this beautiful place any more. I have been one lucky person to have been able to come here and hang with a local for almost a week. Jasmine has shown me her Trinidad and for that I am truly grateful. I have eaten so many local foods and they have all been fantastic. I have impressed the locals no end with my love of pepper sauce. The food here is tasty, spicy, and pretty much specific to this island. ‘Nah boy’, I am so very much enamoured with this country! One of my friends asked me if I had posted photos of the food. Truth be told, I don’t have a lot of pics, its not the most photogenic, and I seriously just wanted to eat it! I have partaken in the local speciality of doubles, with ‘plenty’ I might add - for those unaware that is with extra hot sauce and/or the mango bone that is infused with more pepper. Doubles is made with 2 baras filled with a curry channa (chick peas), it originally started as a breakfast food, progressing to be an anytime of the day food. It’s nutritious, tasty, and sold at street side vendors everywhere. Apparently even pizza and KFC taste better over here. This I can now say I agree with. Not sure if the food tastes better, or if its adding the ketchup, mustard, and pepper sauce that assists with the taste upgrade.....

Jas took me to the home of street food a little town called St James, and made sure I got to have saheena, (seriously amazing spicy little deep fried spinachy deliciousness ) as well as alloo pie...amongst other things. The locals only really eat out at restaurants on special occasions so that meant Jas cooked for me a lot of the time, and wow, just wow. I loved the chicken curry (brown), smoked herring, baigan choka, salt fish, home made roti, the fabulous goat curry.... I could rave on, but google Trinidadian food and you’ll understand. Jas lives out in the ‘country’ to the South of Port of Spain, the capital. We spent one evening heading around to some of the local rum bars. Rum bars are everywhere here. Beer is cold and cheap (and made here - love the Stag and the Carib!). I got to meet a few of the locals. Over here they will buy you a drink even for something as simple as the fact that they had to order over you slightly. At the bar. They loved to meet the ‘white girl from Austalia’, as out here they dont see a lot like me... The good thing is none of it was them just trying it on with the foreigner. These are genuinely lovely, polite, caring people. I had a dance off with some girls from Venezuela, and ended up drinking way more drinks then I paid for, eating (they sell bar snacks and’cutters’ only at the rum shops) some tasty wontons at one place, and some really tasty fried chicken at another. We then got some free food from another lovely local who bought us a drink, and also then brought us across some Souse and Corn soup from his food stall (across the road from the rum shop). Anyway I can now say I have tried Souse, not sure I’d eat it again, it was flavourful, but pigs trotters in broth with onion and cucumber is not on my list of things to eat again! I think I have decided that I need to come back to Aus and start my own Trini food store, I think it’d be a huge hit. Love the local beers. Love the rum here. Jas made sure I tasted the Puncheon rum - 75 % and you never get a hangover or upset stomach... I wanted to bring some home, but alas no room in the suitcase! One of the biggest things, I was not aware that this is the home where Angostura bitters is bottled. It was first created in the town called Angostura in Venezuela by a German surgeon stationed in Venezuela, originally produced there between 1824 - 1830. In 1875, the plant was moved to Trinidad and that’s where it’s secret recipe is still produced today.
One of the main religions here is Hindu, they have a giant (85 feet - 26m) statue of Lord Hanuman Murti located in the grounds of Dattatreya Yoga. The statue is the second tallest in the world, and the tallest one in the western hemisphere. When we pulled up onsite there was one man looking after the bookstore who allowed us to enter the grounds and take photos. We weren't allowed to enter the temple/yoga centre as we weren't appropriately dressed. The gentleman then showed us the book explaining how the statue had been built and answered all my gazillion questions. It was like having our own private tour! Jas then took me down the road a little further to show me the temple in the sea. This temple was originally constructed by hand 1947 -52 by Sewdass Sadhu an immigrant from India. It has since been added to, and tidied up, but it's an amazing place, and a site of pilgrimage for Hindus. It's also one of the designated locations for Hindus to perform the funeral pyre. Hindu religion requires that the dead are burned near water and a holy place.

Brian Lara is still HUGE here. He is a home town Trini boy so I completely understand. Cricket is massive, and the new Brian Lara stadium is a huge landmark. They had a cricket game on when I was here (Trinidad vs Jamaica) but they had sold out the tickets otherwise we would have gone.

I spent a day at the beautiful Maracas beach, located on the northern part of Trini. On the way there we stopped at the lookout and had a quick look at the food stalls. I got to try some ‘Chow’, a garlicky spicy way of preserving such things as Pineapple, apple, mango, cucumber... its yummy and not too spicy and I really appreciated the stall holder giving me a taste ( and Jas’s friend Isabelle for buying some of the pineapple one). Maracas beach is a favourite with the locals and its a thing to do to have a ‘bake and shark’ when you go to the beach. Betcha cant guess what I had... Can I say amazing (again!!) You not only get your bake (which is a deep fried Roti) You get beautiful fresh deep fried shark fillet inside it, then you go to a buffet like area and add as many of the additions as you want . Yep, of course I added a bit of EVERYTHING . I had to taste it all. Seriously that thing was amazing. BTW I do taste everything first before adding pepper sauce... pepper sauce heightens the flavours. Jas’s friend Isabelle got her son in law to give us a shout out on the radio station he worked at ( they had it playing at the beach), so ‘Karen from Australia’ is now Trini Famous... love it!!

Jasmine took me out to the Pitch lake, in La Brea, and I’ll admit, I had no idea what it was ( I thought it was a lake!!) Anyway, some how we ended up with a colourful local as our personal guide, he was You tube famous and has apparently featured on David Attenboroughs visit to the lake. I have to sit and edit my ‘documentary’ when I’m back in Australia, it’ll be awesome.. I promise. Suffice to say the lake is the most amazing tar pit. Seriously amazing tar pit. The roads leading into the area are all like travelling over mini crazy hills due to the impact of the tar movements in the area. You have to use an authorised guide on the site, which is fair enough as a wrong step could see you disappear forever into the tar... literally... Trinidads pitch lake is the largest natural deposit of asphalt in the world (estimated to hold about 10 million tonnes) Its covers about 100 acres and is about 250 feet deep. There is a cool legend involving the origin of the lake the involves a hummingbird (I like the story), Historically Walter Raleigh re-discovered the lake on his expedition there in 1595. It has that charming rotten egg smell, and the mud and sulphur water apparently have healing properties. Locals were there immersing themselves in some of the pools while we were there. As we didnt have swim suits we had to settle with getting coated in the mud on our legs, and for me, also my face...lol!!! I didnt get a chance to put it on myself, out guide was very keen to smear it all over my face... (and shirt and hair.. etc...). Rinsing it, after it had set, was a whole other process involving splashing what looked Iike green water all over my face (and legs), all I wanted to do was rinse my face with some fresh water afterwards - and it took over an hour or so until I finally got somewhere to do it. Let’s not talk about how much scrubbing it required later that night to get the last bits of our skin! A great fun day though, made all the better for our colourful guide! I have had a crash course in some of the Trinidadian slang/words and between that and their accents I am sometimes lost in a conversation... (definitely accents particularly when you are trying to enter the country and the border control guy is talking to you and you have to continually say, sorry what??? ) I’m a lot better now!!

Jas couldn’t make it over to Tobago as she had work scheduled at her house that she needed to be around for. So I decided to head over for a night, hire a car, and see what I could see. Its literally a 20 min flight over (only costs about 50 US return) FYI 24 hrs isn’t really enough to see everything. I didnt get to the water fall or national park. I had headed down to Store bay beach when I first arrived with instructions to try the curry crab, conch and dumplings in Tobago (its their local specialty, amongst a few other things). Have to say I liked the conch, crab was over cooked and dry, and dumplings were kind of chewy. The ‘provisions’ that I got with it were really nice though - Plantain, Potato, green banana, avocado ..I would have liked to have tried another outlet to give a second opinion, but didnt have the time. I did get to the beautiful Pigeon Park, a natural reserve area, filled with some shops, water sports hire, beautiful beaches and glorious spot to watch the sunset. I also got out to the Fort of King George in Scarborough hiking up the giant hill to take in the glorious views. Hilariously there was a traffic hold up on my way there due to some goats being herded along the road. Island time boy. I would have to say, as much as its a part of the one country, Tobago island is completely different to Trinidad. Its a lot more touristy for a start, it has more servicible beaches. The roads are not as pot holed as Trinidad. The people are still lovely, but you get the tourist scouters who are looking to sell you on anything they can. Its a beautiful place and I’m so glad I got to go across and visit. As always, I can always go back!

My time in the Caribbean has come to a close. (9-16 Oct). What an adventure. I have had a fabulous time, and recommend to anyone to come here and see this place, taste the food and meet the people for themselves. The country has their own issues with government corruption which impacts the improvement of infrastructure like roads etc. And there are warnings around safety as there are elements involved in crime that impact locals and tourists alike. This just makes Trinidad Tobago, not unlike a lot of other countries that I have visited on my adventures. It just means the more prepared you are to be open to new things, different ways of doing things, different cultures. The more you are aware of your own safety, and that of your belongings , the more you can avoid crime. Crime can impact you anywhere in the world, countries like this dont have it any more or less than others, it just seems to be in the media more....
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1. What kind of car does your best friend drive?: A Honda. 2. Did you take your college finals yet? Are you worried?: Yeah, back in 2015. 3. Do you own any designer handbags? If so, which ones?: No. My last two bags have been Loungefly, which isn’t designer, but they make super cute bags. They partner with Disney. 4. Are there palm trees where you live?: Yes.
5. Do you like Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line?: I never was really into it. They had some cute stuff, but it was overpriced.
6. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what?: Not anymore. 7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop?: I like those Otter Pops in the various colors except for the orange and purple ones. 8. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print?: Nah. 9. Does your dad have any facial hair?: A little. 10. Do you wear any clothes or accessories with the Playboy logo on it?: No. 11. Have you ever taken adderall to get schoolwork done?: No. 12. What do you think of foot tattoos?: I don’t care? 13. Last band you saw live in concert?: Green Day. 14. Do you like bugs or do they scare you?: I’m a big scardy cat. 15. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it?: No. 16. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go?: Yep, we went to Disneyland. 17. Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username?: I do. 18. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim?: I didn’t watch it.
19. Do you want to learn any languages? Which ones?: I need to brush up on my Spanish and practice again because it’s been years.
20. What’s your favorite color?: Yellow, teal, mint green, rose gold, dusty rose, and pastels. 21. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not?: No. 22. Do you like sunsets?: Sure. 23. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde?: No. I want to keep dying it red. 24. Were you a “scene” kid in middle school?: No. 25. Do you own anything by Juicy Couture? If so, what?: No. 26. Last time you saw a rainbow?: I don’t remember. 27. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts?: Donuts and a coffee. 28. Do you smoke? If so, how much your cigarettes in your area?: No. 29. Ever been to another country? Which one?: Mexico. 30. Do you like sushi? What’s your favorite kind?: Nooo. 31. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?: Silver. 32. Do you watch football? Favorite teams?: Nope. 33. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler?: Nope. 34. Do you still find Mean Girls quotes funny?: Sure. 35. What were you for Halloween this year?: We still have a couple weeks until Halloween, but I’m not dressing up. 36. Did you think George Bush was a good president?: Let’s not get into politics. 37. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say?: I don’t know. 38. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do?: No. 39. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money?: I try to save a certain amount each month. 40. What classes are you taking this semester?: I’m finished with school. 41. Best teacher you had last semester?: I haven’t been in school since 2015. 42. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets?: That’s like all my camera roll is lol.
43. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings?: Relationship. 44. What kind of car do you drive?: I don’t. 45. Do you have an iPhone? What are your favorite apps?: Yes. I use Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Kindle the most. 46. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American?: I don’t think so. 47. Who did you want to win the 2012 presidential election?: 48. Are you religious?: Yes. 49. Do you usually tell the truth?: Usually. 50. Who was your favorite spice girl?: Baby Spice.
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The History of the Garden Gnome
Jami has been an online writer for several years. Her articles focus on everything from pet maintenance to ear piercings.
Have you ever wondered about the history of garden gnomes?
You're reading: The History of the Garden Gnome
Running via Wikimedia Common, Public Domain
What Is a Garden Gnome?
A garden gnome (also known as a lawn gnome) is a figurine of a small humanoid creature, typically wearing a tall, pointy, red hat, that serves as decoration for gardens and/or lawns.
The gnomes are believed to protect the owner from evil. The figurines originated in Germany in the 19th century and were called Gartenzwerg, which literally translates to “garden dwarf.” It wasn’t until the 1930s that the English term “gnome” came to be.
Garden Gnome Typology
There are many different types of garden gnomes. They appear in different positions, and they can be made from different types of materials.
Typically, the gnomes are male dwarfs with long, bushy white beards who wear tall, pointy red hats. They are typically smoking (or holding) a pipe. They are seen in various positions, including standing, lying down, sitting, etc., and they engage in various activities (fishing, napping, etc.). Garden gnomes can be made from wood, porcelain, ceramic, or terra cotta.
The History of the Garden Gnome
Garden gnomes have always had a unique history in Europe, and they have even wedged their way into American pop culture, becoming quite the craze. Now, they are seen everywhere, from the lawn next door to the lawn across the world.
Garden decorations, especially statuary, have been common throughout Europe since the Renaissance. It was believed that these small human-like beings would ward away evil from the owner.
In 1616, the statues only depicted Gobbi (an Italian hunchback). By the late 18th century, porcelain “house dwarfs” were created and produced on a wide scale (at this time, Switzerland was also producing wooden statues of dwarfs and gnomes, as well). Soon enough, gnomes became a very popular house, lawn, and garden ornament and this popularity steadily grew throughout the 19th century.
They have been manufactured, produced, and distributed for centuries, but the “title of manufacturer of the first garden gnome is hotly contested,” according to Wikipedia. It is possible that their first manufacturer was in 1841, when these early gnomes were being produced by Baehr and Maresch of Dresden. However, there is evidence suggesting that they were being produced by many other countries as early as 1860, as well.
“Philip Griebel made terra cotta animals as decorations, and produced gnomes based on local myths as a way for people to enjoy the stories of the gnomes’ willingness to help in the garden at night. The garden gnome quickly spread across Germany and into France and England, and wherever gardening was a serious hobby.” (Wikipedia)
Ever since gnomes came onto the hobby scene in the 19th century, small manufacturers have popped up all over Germany. Their manufacturing has spread all across Germany, and each manufacturer had their own style and design.
Germany was the first (or one of the first) countries to manufacture and produce gnomes for collectors since before the 19th century. They became very popular in Germany (there are an estimated 25 million gnomes spread across German lawns).
Gnomes are also considered to be a huge part of eastern and western European culture, and were even seen in the tales written by the Grimm brothers.
“The Brothers Grimm featured gnomes in ‘The Gnome’, a series of short stories detailing the lives of gnomes. These stories depict gnomes in benevolent and malevolent lights, but the first one is perhaps the most important: in it clothing is given to two helpful gnomes and they decide to serve a cobbler and his wife for the rest of their days. Other stories exist of gnomes’ helpfulness in the oral tradition and relate the willingness of gnomes to assist in gardens.” (Gnomefrenzy).
Garden gnomes were first introduced into the United Kingdom when Sir Charles Isham came home from his vacation in Germany and brought 21 of the terra cotta figurines with him, displaying them in his home and lawn in 1847.
In recent history, they have made a resurgence in the United States and Western Europe. They have popped up in films, television shows, commercials, books, advertising, etc.
Today, garden gnomes are seen across the lawns and garden of many all over the world. Their popularity continues to grow and the production of garden gnomes continues.
Pranks have even been created around the stealing of garden gnomes (most commonly referred to as gnoming). Some have even begun to travel all over the world collecting (stealing) gnomes from gardens in different countries.
Garden gnomes even have their own holiday; International Gnome Day was instituted in 2002 and is celebrated on June 21st by over a dozen countries.
The history of garden gnomes is unique, long, interesting, and even comical. They may always be popular and will likely survive and live in peoples’ gardens for centuries to come.
Fun Facts
The traveling gnome prank later became the basis for Travelocity’s “Roaming Gnome.”
In 2008, a 53-year-old French man was arrested on suspicion of stealing upwards of 170 garden gnomes.
A garden gnome plays an important role in the 2001 French-German film, Amélie.
How to Make Your Own Garden Gnome
Read more: Gardening tips for raised beds
Marlene Bertrand from USA on June 27, 2019:
This is interesting information about gnomes. I saw a gnome at a home improvement store about 10 years ago and could not resist buying it. They are adorable little “creatures.” Knowing the history of them adds to my enjoyment. Thank you for providing such an in-depth article.
William Grant from Wisconsin on April 06, 2013:
What about the garden gnomes inner-city cousin: the metro gnome?? I’ve seen them growing along the road-side near construction zones… I think they live underground… All I usually see are their hats.
Or maybe that’s where they bury them when they die…. Not sure.
Adrian Palmer Edwards from Valley, Anglesey UK on March 26, 2013:
Not a gnome lover myself, but my parents liked them and had some in their garden, I grew up with them. Nice job keep it up.
summerberrie on March 25, 2013:
I love garden gnomes. We have a copy of the gnome book by Gnomes by Poortvliet and it is a favorite. Love sticking those little garden gnomes on fun places around the yard. Great hub.
Jenna Estefan from Seattle, WA on March 25, 2013:
super cute hub!
Bishop55 on March 25, 2013:
Love this! Voted up. Creative, cute, funny.
Brenda Durham on March 25, 2013:
I don’t like garden gnomes either. They seem silly and creepy at the same time to me; and are a symbol of superstition that I disagree with. Like keeping a rabbit’s foot for good “luck”.
But I think your hub is well-written.
Mary Hyatt from Florida on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on HOTD. Very interesting article. My neighbor has about 10 of these little guys in her yard. I think they are adorable.
Voted UP, etc.etc.
Stephanie Bradberry from New Jersey on March 25, 2013:
I have a bog book about gnomes. When my niece saw it a few weeks ago, she wanted to take the book home. As a bibliophile it was tough to part with it, but I did not want to be a hypocrite as an English professor by not promoting and encouraging the love of reading and books. So I made my 7 year old niece sign a contract to return the book to me. She loved the pictures so much and kept asking everyone to fill in the words she could not read that she was driving them crazy. She has a garden gnome coming in the future as a present!
Sheri Dusseault from Chemainus. BC, Canada on March 25, 2013:
Well now I have learned something today. I didn’t know anything about gnomes. But someone in my hometown took the local pubs gnome traveling. Then it just showed back up one day. Congrats on the hub of the day! You deserve it as this is great. Love the pictures!
Jennifer Brummert on March 25, 2013:
There was a newstory on NPR recently about gnomes in Oakland, CA. Should check it out..Aah, gotta love a gnome really.
Dawn from Canada on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on the Hub of the Day! I too am not a fan of gnomes, ewwww I say! Great hub on them though and I enjoyed the history!
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on March 25, 2013:
Congrats on HOTD!
Very interesting history. I have a few ceramic molds for gnomes, and can make as many or as few as I want. LOL Until recently, I had a small, wholesale ceramics business, and the gnomes were never ordered much at all. I guess you have to live in a “gnomy” area. I don’t see them displayed around here.
Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on March 25, 2013:
What a charming hub and congratulations on HOTD! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this as I love these little guys. I have had some of these gnomes at different times, but I did not know the history behind them. And it is quite a history. Thanks for a really fun and informative hub!
Your Cousins from Atlanta, GA on March 25, 2013:
Hey, I remember the story about the cobbler and the gnomes! This was an interesting feature. Voted up and interesting. Great HOTD.
Subhas from New Delhi, India on March 25, 2013:
Through your fantastic hub only I got an enriched knowledge about this figures. Very nice of you!
Edmund Custers on March 25, 2013:
I played a garden gnorm screen game sometime ago. Now I know where those guys came from.
Thanks for sharing!
Read more: Vertical vegetable garden ideas
Melvin Porter from New Jersey, USA on March 25, 2013:
I always wonder where these guys came from. Thanks for the interesting information.
Marites Mabugat-Simbajon from Toronto, Ontario on March 25, 2013:
I have a fascination on gnomes, dwarves, elves, to name a few of these characters in their own worlds, but I have no collection of any of them, or in my backyard garden. I do wish in some moments that they come visit me *smile*. I read about them and this is one nice read here. Thank you, JamiJay, and congratulations to Hub of the Day!
Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on March 25, 2013:
I gotta get me an army of gnomes… especially if they actually do help out in the garden at night as reported. That’ll save me a whole bunch of time.
mr-veg from Colorado United States on March 25, 2013:
I love the concept and also the movie Smurfs
… Good One and Congrats for being hub of the day !
Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on March 25, 2013:
I love to put stuff in my garden but have never used a garden gnome. I might have to look into that if they are supposed to bring good luck. I need all I can get with my plants!
newusedcarssacram from Sacramento, CA, U.S.A on March 25, 2013:
I think garden gnomes are fascinating. Thanks a lot for sharing so much interesting information about them. Congratulation on becoming Hub of The Day, this is surely a deserving Hub.
Toy Tasting from Mumbai on March 25, 2013:
Lovely Hub, Jamijay! Brings back memories of the Grimm fairy tales. Extremely visual post, love the pictures
Kristi Patrice Carter from Chicago, Illinois on March 25, 2013:
I didn’t know anything about Garden Gnome until I read your article… I remember when I was a kid, I used to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…Now, I am loving more to recreate my backyard and put some Gnomes on my garden…Thanks for this wonderful idea that I can do this Springtime…
Ashok Goyal from 448 Dalima Vihar Rajpura 140401 Punjab India on March 25, 2013:
Beautifully Beautiful Hub indeed. I showed the photos to my grandchildren and they insisted we want it.. we want that….!
Thelma Alberts from Germany on March 22, 2013:
I love this hub. I like gnomes in the garden although I don´t have even one gnome in my garden. Seeing these photos inspire me of buying one or two from Germany and bring them with me to the Philippines. My garden would be the talk of the town because no one has a gnome in their garden. Besides that, I might put the gnomes inside the house at nighttime to avoid being stolen, lol. Thanks for sharing;-)
Laura Brown from Barrie, Ontario, Canada on March 21, 2013:
I don’t have a garden of my own. But I still like the garden gnomes. https://ift.tt/3jvpjZw
Martin Kloess from San Francisco on March 20, 2013:
Thank you for this. As I get older, I see no harm in allowing fantasy back into my life.
RodNapeda on March 20, 2013:
haha! Actually I not a reader guy, but this one got me.
Jami Johnson (author) from Somewhere amongst the trees in Vermont. on March 20, 2013:
billybuc, haha. I have never anyone who willing admitted they did not like garden gnomes
I have always liked them and I have a lot of friends who make them themselves, but I do not own any myself, because here in Vermont there are a lot of gnomenappers. I had friends in high school that were involved with gnomenapping and they even created a special place in the woods (off trail) where they set all of them up, “releasing them back into the wild” lol.
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on March 20, 2013:
I have a confession to make….I don’t like garden gnomes. LOL Having said that, the history you shared was pretty interesting, so thanks. If this ever comes up in Trivial Pursuit I’ll be ready to score.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/the-history-of-the-garden-gnome/
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Allora, va bene
Ever since studying abroad in rome 4.5 years ago, I have been anxious about my next trip to Italy. Could it possibly live up to the experiences I had while living there? But it was not a matter of competition. I have graduated university, moved to Boston, worked in Architecture for 3 years, and traveled to 6 countries since. I am a different person now - so I tried to be excited to experience the same environment in a different way!
My roommate (Stephanie) for my first two years in Boston had moved to Rome to live with her boyfriend. Since Kate has never been to Italy and knows Stephanie, we decided to venture together to visit her! And while Stephanie sporadically moved home just 10 days before our flight...we made the most of quickly booking two new hostels in Rome and forgetting the money we suddenly had to spend. Everything happens for a reason. And that reason made our trip even better.
Thursday, April 19th 2018: My flight departed Boston at 9:30pm. Kate’s left Chicago at the same time. As I boarded the plan I got a voicemail of her panting “Lauren - I just made my flight - I ran through security - they held the door for me - see you in Dublin”. So now that I wasn’t going to end up doing this trip alone, the journey began LOL. We met in Dublin and shared a pints of Guinness and Magners in an airport with the best amenities I have experienced. 6 hrs later we flew to Rome. It’s 8pm and we plan to take the train from the airport to Termini Station. I validate my ticket in the machine - all good. Kate goes to validate her ticket - rotates the ticket the other way - and pushes her ticket all the way into the machine and gets it stuck. The train is to depart in 3 minutes and our Italian consists of “scusa me” and “mis dispiace” uhhh ticket-a-stuck? Luckily the snail speed of the ticket attendant to walk over, open the machine, get us our ticket didn’t deter us from running to barely make it on the train. WHEW giggles and sweat overwhelmed us. We capped on the night by checking-in to our hostel and headed to a spot up the street for food. The dinner consisted of with bread + nduja spread and two personal pizzas. Safe to say we went to bed with full bellies and tired minds.
Saturday: Kate survived her first night in a hostel! She talked in her sleep the whole night...which I’m sure the 3 french, 2 british, and one not sure guys were pretty thrilled about! We were the two girls in an 8 person room...bachelor pad! LOL JK they were all under 20 y/o but very polite and easy to stay in a room with! The morning walking tour began with a cornetti and cappuccini at a small cafe where I used to frequent when I had meetings for a design competition Premio Piranesi. Moving on to Santa Maria Maggiore, through Monti, around the forum before the crowds, and checked-out my old lunch nook at the Campidoglio. Then down the stairs along Via Maior Arenula to see where my Cartography classes used to take place and crossed the Ponte Vittorio to check out the Vatican all before noon! There was a choir singing and thousands of people with matching hats...then suddenly the pope comes strolling out in his glass-less mercedes! He goes zipping around and suddenly comes within 10 feet of us!!! Kate and I look at each other in awe...ok we saw the pope in our first 24 hours in Rome we can die happy now. We later found out this weekend was Rome’s birthday, so there was a plethora of activities going on this weekend! After all of this excitement we FINALLY realized how hungry we were!! Pizza al taglia at La Boccaccia in Trastevere and found my old apartment! Then around the Pantheon and the journey back uphill to rest our legs at the hostel. With sunburned noses and hungry bellies we headed in Monti to Pasta Chef. Its a casual pop-in restaurant with a 4.9 rating on trip advisor - the paper plates and plastic cups makes it not seem like a roman restaurant. But the food was SO FREAKING GOOD! Grabbed wine and a tiramisu to go and wandered to check out the Trevi Fountain and Spanish steps at night. Ahhh what a perfect night cap to an amazing first day in Rome!
Sunday: Early morning at the Coliseum. My first time here since it was under renovation before! We beat (some) of the crowds and scheduled a 12am tour. We went inside anyways just to compare what it would look like during the day. As we left the crowds were in full form. Walked around circus maximus and say more bday celebrations kicking off. A huge parade of gladiators took off and we caught them at the campidoglio. Porchetta sandwich for lunch at my all-time fave Baccanale in Campo de Fiori. Espresso granita at Tazza D’oro, to Piazza Navona, then up to the Borghese Gardens. An earth day festival was happening. 75% of the sustainable crafts consisted of spray paint. Aerosols...earth day...jersey show...it all seemed too ironic. Spritz and pastries in the gardens and home for a quick nap / packing before the midnight tour! Made it all the way there despite all of the sketchy guys and cat calls and there was not one entrance point open. Of course the police barely spoke english and made inappropriate comments so we snapped a quick photo of the colosseum light up and quickly jumped in an uber. So did the ticket booth mean 12pm not midnight?...
Monday: Delicious breakfast at a cafe before our 8am train to Como! At our connection in Milan, the second Kate stepped foot on the train it started to depart. Whew barely made it. After struggling at the grocery store in Como with our luggage / weighing every produce item (what does the check-out counter do then?) and touching produce without a glove. We made it on the bus with all of the middle school kids getting out of school...lucky us! Our airbnb was about 30 mins from Como in a tiny waterfront town called Careno. The hosts met us at the house, showed us everything, and could not have been more helpful! We basked in the sun on the beautiful balcony with some snacks and rose. Ahhh now this is the relaxing part of the vacation. It was a beautiful ten minute walk down to the rocky beach basically through people’s kitchens. The water was cold and clear with a couple friendly “buon giorno” heard as we wandered down. Finished the day with some carbonara on the balcony and Italian dancing with the stars.
Tuesday: An early bus ride to Bellagio to go kayaking! Kate’s all-time favorite kayaking tour because it was 20% paddling and 80% chilling. Just us two on a tour with the guide, Mich. We asked him any questions we could think of about Italy - even how old kids are when they start smoking. The answer was 13 btw... We then had lunch of pizza at a hidden gem he recommended called La Grotta. Wandered through the shops to buy beautiful ceramics at Magda Guaitamacchi. The owner was an older woman who spent most of her adult life practicing art in London. She was the sweetest and really made our afternoon. We then spent a couple hours hanging at the park at the point. I did a bit of watercoloring and mostly enjoying the turquoise water against the snowcapped alps. We then hopped on a ferry home and enjoyed a spritz while on board. Our airbnb hosts graciously got us a reservation for the only restaurant in the tiny town of Careno. We had the corner table as the server had grown up with our host. The meal consisted of multiple courses, each with a particular backstory. All of the fish was caught in the lake and it was a wonderful way for us to learn about the history of the area. As we ended with the best limoncello I’ve ever had and bill way too discounted, our server grabbed keys and let us into the church next store. At first it seemed a bit like a horror scene but actually turned out to be magical and show how selfless his actions were. We went to bed absolutely stunned how we could meet three incredibly kind and giving people all in one day.
Wednesday: We checked out of our airbnb and trekked down the steep walk to the ferry launch with our suitcases. After running, sweating, and some last-minute help from our server the previous night (we stumbled upon him opening the restaurant) we made it on the ferry! A leisurely but packed ride to the town of Menaggio on the Switzerland side. It was the holiday for Italy’s independence after the collapse of WWII, so transportation and store times were a bit skewed. Luckily the visitor’s center was open and held on to our luggage free of charge! We strolled through town and had a beautiful waterfront lunch with sammies and spritz. After espresso and gelato we grabbed our stuff to take the ferry all the way to the train station in Como. The town of Como was absolutely packed! Happy we didn’t spend much time there as we grabbed snacks and took the train to our next destination - Modena! We arrived and checked into our next airbnb just in time to catch sunset on the rooftop. People were out drinking and celebrating. We could hear their cheering and signing resonating form the roof it was hilarious.
Thursday: We took the train in to Parma for our day filled with food tours! For my bday, my dad had found a guide who would take us to all local producers in region. It was just Kate and I on our personal tour with her! First stop: Parmigiano Reggiano! The name comes from the rural area of Parma and Reggio Emilia (clever). We got to see every step of the process and enjoy some delicious samples too. Next stop: Lambrusco winery! A refreshing wine with vines that are very young - completely different then my experience in Tuscany. Then to the Proscuitto and Culatello! Delicious meats but the parts hanging in the butcher’s stations were a bit much. How huge these pigs must be is also quite disturbing... Then to lunch at a small restaurant along a horse race track. Pretty heavy local cuisine which actually put me to sleep on our car ride back into town...oops! Finished off the tour with balsamic vinegar. Very interesting of every age is a blend of the old with the new - different then the rigidity of some aged foods. With bellies full of very rich indulgences, we headed back to Modena and grabbed aperitivo at this awesome spot in town. Great vibes, super friendly staff, gorgeous men drinking rose and on bikes, well behaved dogs, a bit of house music, and chips with our spritz...ahhh perfect end to a day once again.
Friday: A full day in Modena and my 26th bday! Morning at cafe with beautiful, innovative interiors. Walked around town and stopped in several stores for fun shopping. Walked through the food market where the Chef Massimo Bottura shops everyday. I made reservations for us to have lunch at his more casual restaurant Francescetta 58. Once we arrived, boy oh boy was I treating myself on my bday! We had a wonderful bottle of white wine with our tasting menus. Kate got the typical 3 course option and I treated myself to the regional 4 course upgrade. The dishes were the best I have certainly ever had and we left with the largest smiles on our face. Best meal ever on my actual bday?...this seemed like a dream. We then walked off a bit of the food and noodled up to the Ferrari museum. Pretty cool space with very modern architecture and the cars were pretty sick to see. The design of each car is so immaculate and just like with any museum, its awesome to see people appreciated the design of something. Being in the design industry this is something I admire and hope I can implement more in my type of work (even if it isn’t something common in the U.S.). Ended the day with apperitivo and a late sunset on the rooftop. And gelato cake in my favorite italian flavor of Amarena. Ah what an awesome day!
Saturday: Took the train back to Rome and arrived at a different hostel for the final leg of the trip. We grabbed a late lunch at Pasta Imperiale - a casual spot similar to Pasta Chef and then headed to my favorite museum Museo dei Fori Imperiali. It is Trajan’s market which was accidentally found below ground in a street repair! I have never been in a building that is an artifact in itself! Great how interactive it is and puts the extensive Roman history into perspective. An evening then of apperitivo and walking around Monti with a reasonable bed time.
Sunday: Early morning visit to the Trevi and the Spanish steps before the crowds then hopped on a train to see family an hour south! It was Kate’s time visiting our extended family and seeing the town our great-grandmother (106 this year!) is from. Carlo and Paula picked us up from the train station and gave us a beautiful tour of their lush garden. It was filled with vines for wine, fig trees, strawberry planters, and a beautiful brick oven. After a delicious lunch we headed up to Ventosa where my great-grandfather is from. We saw the house my nana gave birth to our grandpa. We saw her old home that is still abandoned and looks like it was bombed just yesterday. Then went down the hill to Santi Cosma e Damiano and walked through the church that my nana got married in. She also left her diamond earrings in the palms of the saints the night before she moved to the U. S....The piazza outside is where my great-grandfather apparently saw my nana coming out of church and realized he wanted to date her. He had come back from the U.S. to find a nice Italian wife that would move with him... and then there were facebook icons graffitied in the wall next door. Oh how times have changed! LOL The views from these tall towns are stunning and the younger family members speak much better english then last time! So it was fun to converse with time about their recent European travels and what life is like form them living in the larger town of Latina. Took the train back into Rome in the late evening and grabbed dinner at a fancy food court in Termini Station that our hostel host had recommended.
Monday: Last day in Italy! We walked all through the city up the Giancolo to see the cannon launched at noon. We walked around the tempietto and hung in the Villa Doria Pamphilj park. Then down the hill to the Vatican, to find out that it was completely mobbed and would take us forever to even get inside the chapel. Next time, Kate! We grabbed lunch at the most modern restaurant I have seen in Rome called Bar del Fico. It was great and I hope more like these start to pop up! Similar type of restaurant that Modena is filled with! Then spent the afternoon bopping into a couple art stores, checking out Ara Pacis and back up to grab spritz in our fave little garden bar at Borghese Gardens. We even stumbled upon a gelato festival!!! This was an awesome surprise and while I didn’t have the appetite for it, Kate certainly did! The flavors were incredibly diverse and unique and she had the largest smile on her face the entire time! We ended the night grabbing pizza at Alle Carrette.
Changes since my last visit:
Security: This was my first experience going through a metal detector before entering a church! Man things have changed in Rome since I lived here...but for the better! Better for this precaution then to have a scary situation inside the church. To get into St. Peter’s square we even went through many check points - one including the guard making me drink my water in front of them. Ah yes just water no acid ;)
Spring flowers: This time of year there were flowers growing everywhere! The wisteria around the wedding cake building made it look a bit less...intimidating. The pink and white flowers along teh spanish steps were beautiful too.
Old apartment: It’s converted into a beautiful restaurant/hotel. Which is a relief because the place was falling apart and felt like a lost opportunity when we lived there. Pretty surreal walking around but not a sappy feeling, just happy that I got to have my time there.
What will never change:
Coffee: UGH it’s inevitable to not go a morning without a cappuccino or an afternoon without an espresso. Even kate was having a cappuccino every morning by the end of our trip! They just prepare it so perfectly well that how could anyone not resist.
Work hours: We would be in a park in the middle of the day and it would be littered with people! It was awesome to see how lively and happy everyone was, but why aren’t these people at school or work?... Our Parma tour guide had said full-time jobs aren’t prevalent in Italy now, but is it really THAT bad?
Men: SO. MANY LOOKERS! Very few people acted on it but definitely intimidating for walking around in the evening as two girls. However I did realize if you want to feel good about yourself - go to Italy. If you want to feel bad - come back to the U.S.!
I feel very blessed that the universe brought Kate and I together for this trip. The trip never felt overshadowed by my previous experiences and I could not have been happier to spend it with someone I care so deeply about.
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all of em
This is answered on mobile lol
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean?Both??? An organized mess.
what color are your eyes?A light brown.
do you like your name? why?Yes cause I dont know a lot of people with the same name as me.
what is your relationship status? @funkypanda idk what do you think??
describe your personality in 3 words or lessAwkward, perceptive, stressed lmao
what color hair do you have?Brunette naturally. It’s auburnish rn.
what kind of car do you drive? color?None. I have anxiety driving.
where do you shop?Like. Food. Clothes? Be specific lol
how would you describe your style?Girly casual.
favorite social media accountTumblr
what size bed do you have? A queen
any siblings?Nopeif you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?With Alvin, wherever that ends up beingfavorite snapchat filter? The big round glasses one with freckles bc I have natural freckles so it translating on camera is nicefavorite makeup brand(s)E.L.F cause I have sensitive asf skin, Sephorahow many times a week do you shower?Two or three, as stated above, sensitive skin so going above that makes me itchy asffavorite tv show?I don’t really have one. shoe size?6 or 6 1/2
how tall are you?5′1″
sandals or sneakers? Neither. Fucken hate shoes.do you go to the gym? No, I prefer working out at home. Weird gym bros hit on me whenever I go.describe your dream dateSomething hella nerdy but romantic. Museum or aquarium. Arcade!!!! how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?None. Mostly change. what color socks are you wearing? None. Anything on my feet pisses me off. how many pillows do you sleep with?Too goddamn many. 4 or 5.do you have a job? what do you do? Yes, stupid grocery stocker. I want and desperately need a new one.how many friends do you have? *snorts*whats the worst thing you have ever done? Trusted the wrong manwhats your favorite candle scent? Anything flowery or oceany 3 favorite boy namesTheoPeter I don’t have a third3 favorite girl namesEleanor Courtney Sverrefavorite actor? I don’t have onefavorite actress? Same as abovewho is your celebrity crush?Angelina Jolie if I truly had to choose someone.
favorite movie? Surfs Updo you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I try to? But not really. Favorite book is Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green for reasons.money or brains? Brainsdo you have a nickname? what is it? Sav, Savi, Vee, Vannah, so many. Fuck. how many times have you been to the hospital?A lot. My mom was a nurse lmao.top 10 favorite songsFUckennNN1) Pyro - Kings of Leon2) Praying - Kesha3) Guys My Age - Hey Violet4) In One Ear - Cage The Elephant 5) Ain’t No Rest For the Wicked - Cage The Elephant6) Work Song - Hozier 7) Anything by The Fray tbh8) Bad Liar - Selena Gomez 9) Mother & Father - Broods10) Hold Me Down - Halsey
do you take any medications daily? Nopewhat is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Both, it’s mixedwhat is your biggest fear? Dying alonehow many kids do you want? One, I think that’s all I could handle. But I’d like a mini family.whats your go to hair style?I just wear it down most days. Too heavy to have it up.what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) An apartment lmaowho is your role model? My momwhat was the last compliment you received?“affection erection” what was the last text you sent?“I’m..I’m doing my best”how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?10. I still lowkey believe though.what is your dream car? 1967 Thunderbird. Blue.opinion on smoking?Gross. No.do you go to college? No but will be taking summer classes I hopewhat is your dream job? Zoology!! I wanna save animals and teach kidswould you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? A healthy mixture of bothdo you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No cause it’s always awful on my hairdo you have freckles? All over my facedo you smile for pictures?No. I hate my smile lmaohow many pictures do you have on your phone? Do I have to count them lmaohave you ever peed in the woods? yeah it’s called campingdo you still watch cartoons? SU sometimesdo you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?None of the above, I don’t eat meatFavorite dipping sauce? ...I’m so whiteranchwhat do you wear to bed? If I can get away with it, nothing. Mostly though a t-shirt and sweatshave you ever won a spelling bee?No but I nearly entered once. Social anxiety fucked that one up. what are your hobbies?Graphic design, writing, biking, video gamescan you draw? Not welldo you play an instrument?No but I’d like to learn violin what was the last concert you saw? Fucken some country artist at a fair idktea or coffee?NeitherStarbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Ehhh indifferent do you want to get married?Fuck yeah I dowhat is your crush’s first and last initial?A.Ware you going to change your last name when you get married? Yeah I hate my last namewhat color looks best on you? Dark red, maroonishdo you miss anyone right now? @funkypanda :cdo you sleep with your door open or closed?Closeddo you believe in ghosts?yeeepwhat is your biggest pet peeve? LOUD. CHEWING. I have not spoken to people for days over this.last person you called`Alvviiinnfavorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chipregular oreos or golden oreos? Golden *prepares to get flailed* chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? RAINBOW IM GAYwhat shirt are you wearing? It’s an old baggy tee because tiredwhat is your phone background?It’s Alvins’ faceare you outgoing or shy?Shyyyy but once I get comfy with someone, more outgoingdo you like it when people play with your hair?MmmMMMM YESdo you like your neighbors? Nodo you wash your face? at night? in the morning?No. Weirdly enough washing my face makes me break out. I am happily acne free. have you ever been high? I wishhave you ever been drunk? Partiallylast thing you ate? Soupfavorite lyrics right now“Towers of gold are still too littleThese hands could hold the world but it'llNever be enough” summer or winter? Summer i am so over FuckEnsnOW and the COLD I AM SO DONEday or night? Nightdark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk, or whitefavorite month? Juneewhat is your zodiac signLibra. who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom
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1. What kind of car does your best friend drive?: honda jazz. 2. Did you take your college finals yet? Are you worried?: all over and done with years ago. 3. Do you own any designer handbags? If so, which ones?: no. i own a coach handbag but i don’t really consider that designer.
4. Are there palm trees where you live?: nope.
5. Do you like Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line?: i used to when i was a bit younger.
6. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what?: i have a hello kitty air freshener in my car lol. 7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop?: raspberry. 8. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print?: nope. 9. Does your dad have any facial hair?: no. he used to have a moustache but he’s been clean shaven for awhile now. 10. Do you wear any clothes or accessories with the Playboy logo on it?: no. 11. Have you ever taken adderall to get schoolwork done?: no. 12. What do you think of foot tattoos?: i don’t really have an opinion.
13. Last band you saw live in concert?: not a band, neyo. 14. Do you like bugs or do they scare you?: i hate most of them. 15. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it?: no. 16. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go?: hmm we did. we had a school camp that i didn’t go to. it happened after we finished exams and had graduated, i didn’t see a point in going lol. 17. Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username?: yes. no point sharing my username, i’m on private. 18. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim?: no idea what they’re like.
19. Do you want to learn any languages? Which ones?: i’d love to, i just don’t have the need to or the time. 20. What’s your favorite color?: turquoise. 21. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not?: no. no need for it here. 22. Do you like sunsets?: yes. 23. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde?: not my whole head. wouldn’t mind an ombre look. 24. Were you a “scene” kid in middle school?: no. i don’t think there were many scene kids at all, they’d just look scene in their myspace photos lol. 25. Do you own anything by Juicy Couture? If so, what?: two perfumes. 26. Last time you saw a rainbow?: it’s been awhile. 27. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts?: no dunkin donuts here. i prefer krispy kreme anyway. 28. Do you smoke? If so, how much your cigarettes in your area?: yes and they’re literally $1 each here. a 30 pack for $30. it’s so expensive. 29. Ever been to another country? Which one?: i’ve been to about 20 countries. 30. Do you like sushi? What’s your favorite kind?: i love sushi. i just like salmon and avocado. 31. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?: white gold. 32. Do you watch football? Favorite teams?: no. 33. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler?: i used to love it as a kid coz the ‘cool kids’ in school liked it. the rock was always my fave. 34. Do you still find Mean Girls quotes funny?: yes. 35. What were you for Halloween this year?: nothing. didn’t do anything this year. 36. Did you think George Bush was a good president?: haha. 37. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say?: idk it’s been years. 38. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do?: i don’t wear a ton but i do wear makeup daily. i think it’s fine if you do wear makeup or don’t, it’s your choice. 39. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money?: yes. and i’m only good at saving money when i have a vacation planned. it’s bad. 40. What classes are you taking this semester?: not in school. 41. Best teacher you had last semester?: 42. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets?: yeah i go through phases.
43. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings?: relationship. 44. What kind of car do you drive?: suzuki alto. 45. Do you have an iPhone? What are your favorite apps?: yes. instagram, facebook and snapchat i guess. 46. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American?: no. 47. Who did you want to win the 2012 presidential election?: i’m not american. 48. Are you religious?: no. 49. Do you usually tell the truth?: yes. 50. Who was your favorite spice girl?: it was posh or baby.
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1. What kind of car does your best friend drive?: I am not sure honestly. 2. Did you take your college finals yet? Are you worried?: I’m out of school. Every now and then it’ll hit me all over again that I don’t have to do homework anymore, and it’s just pure bliss. <---Yo. 3. Do you own any designer handbags? If so, which ones?: I have some Vera Bradley bags. Does that count? 4. Are there palm trees where you live?: Nope.
5. Do you like Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line?: Nah.
6. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what?: I have a Hello Kitty keychain. I feel like I have more than that but I am drawing a blank/getting it confused with all the freaking Pusheen stuff I have. 7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop?: Cherry. 8. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print?: I don’t hate it. I like zebra print, if I had to choose. 9. Does your dad have any facial hair?: Yup. 10. Do you wear any clothes or accessories with the Playboy logo on it?: Oh god, no. 11. Have you ever taken adderall to get schoolwork done?: Nope. 12. What do you think of foot tattoos?: More power to ya if you can sit through that. 13. Last band you saw live in concert?: My friend’s band. 14. Do you like bugs or do they scare you?: I don’t mind most of them. I hate centipedes and earwigs though. I wouldn’t call it scared as much as creeped the fuck out. 15. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it?: No. 16. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go?: We took a day trip on a cruise on Lake Michigan. 17. Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username?: I do. It’s suckit.nerds 18. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim?: Eh.
19. Do you want to learn any languages? Which ones?: I’d like to learn Spanish. 20. What’s your favorite color?: Purples and blues. 21. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not?: Nope. 22. Do you like sunsets?: Yes. 23. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde?: Sure. 24. Were you a “scene” kid in middle school?: Nope. 25. Do you own anything by Juicy Couture? If so, what?: Nope. 26. Last time you saw a rainbow?: A month ago. 27. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts?: I don’t have a “normal” order. 28. Do you smoke? If so, how much your cigarettes in your area?: I don’t, but cigarettes are really expensive here. 29. Ever been to another country? Which one?: Canada when I was a wee one. 30. Do you like sushi? What’s your favorite kind?: I LOVE sushi. I like sushi with crab and/or eel in it. 31. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?: Either. 32. Do you watch football? Favorite teams?: Fuck. No. 33. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler?: Nope. 34. Do you still find Mean Girls quotes funny?: Sure. 35. What were you for Halloween this year?: A bat! 36. Did you think George Bush was a good president?: Lol. 37. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say?: Our vice principal used to sub a lot and he’d say the weirdest things. He once said he invented the saying “Judas Priest.” He also once told me that I was doing amazing work when I asked to go to my locker once. 38. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do?: No and I don’t care. 39. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money?: Yes and no hahahahahahhahahaha. 40. What classes are you taking this semester?: - 41. Best teacher you had last semester?: - 42. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets?: Always. 43. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings?: A relationship, for sure. 44. What kind of car do you drive?: A GREY 2006 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID I am so happy with my new carrrrrrr. 45. Do you have an iPhone? What are your favorite apps?: Nope. 46. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American?: Yes. 47. Who did you want to win the 2012 presidential election?: Obama. 48. Are you religious?: Not at all. 49. Do you usually tell the truth?: Mhmm. 50. Who was your favorite spice girl?: Baby and Scary.
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Shoukoku no Altair Liveblog (Chapter 8)
As for this chapter’s art, just when you thought this series couldn’t get anymore detailed, it goes and does just that! I am consistently floored by the patterns Kato puts in these designs. The circles along the hem of Mahmut’s red outer clothes make for a simple design, but are made a little more complex by including three circles inscribed in each other. And that is just scraping the surface. I also love the poses haha. Anyway, let’s move on.
Chapter 8: The Thief in the Slum
I really liked the swirls of smoke in this panel, reminds me of the otherworldly atmosphere of series like xxxholic. And the hexagon pattern on the windows is a nice touch. But look at Mahmut go! He’s supposed to be on vacation, but he couldn’t hold back from jumping right into this thing last chapter.
Of course Mahmut is sitting far away from everyone else. I have no clue how this seating area is arranged though?? Looks like a couch...but it’s not...there is a rise in the floor that goes across the room, and it looks like the rugs were arranged to make a seating area out of it.
lol throwing shade at Mahmut there. Shara finally gets her smug moment instead of constantly being D:< or –.–
Koko seems to have a nervous eating habit (she makes some adorable expressions too).
When I said I was going to catalogue his expressions, I meant it. Not sure what this one is, though...in the panel before he had a normal serious/concentrating expression, and this time it’s a little drawn, perhaps a small grimace of “I can’t possibly find this guy fascinating” when his goal is murder.
Very nice detailing on the comb here, instead of defaulting to a plain design. It certainly is...different from anything I’ve seen before.
Shara is quite the go-getter. Now you can see why she went ahead and accompanied Mahmut to go save Ibrahim. She certainly is quite tough in her own right.
Um, excuse me. Is. Is every person pictured here unique?? I mean, there are no repeats of patterns, except perhaps the two women in the middle to the right, they do have different expressions though. Notice that everyone is wearing something different, even though they are clearly from the same town. Some have scarves, others have patterns on their shirts/jackets. They also seem pretty excited for the show.
And of course there are those two ominous guys walking towards the front...
Good composition of this panel, as far as I can tell. The screentone for the sky gives it a nice depth.
And lol Mahmut you’re losing ground, maybe because your legs are so short. Mahmut is apparently only 5′4″ (forgot what that is in cm sorry).
Anyway, Iskander is on it. (though golden eagles don’t really fly around at night lol most birds are ‘blind as a bat’ at night)
Knew it wouldn’t be that easy. The uh black sludge water (?) looks very ominous.
Those are glorious wings. And you can see that nice teardrop shape on his forehead.
lol they are still calling him Mahmut Pasha.
o.O expression, maybe? He looks younger when he’s surprised.
Waaait, so the story ended up being true. xD
btw I like the official on the far left.
O-oh. That does not look like a happy thief.
And are you related to Zaganos. You both have that sort of medusa/my hair is going to eat my face if not for my hat or turban look.
lol she keeps giving him these looks and he just ignores it.
Mahmut really is all business, unless you drag him into having a good time (something I relate to). Plus, this is coming on the heels of his demotion, subconsciously he’s focusing on doing his best to grow to be worthy of his former title. He doesn’t actually know how to go about that, probably, but this is a good start. A pasha’s duty is to protect the nation, after all.
UH, way to look like the emissaries of darkness guys. They even made it a point of walking in a triangle formation! Who does that!
I was wondering why they had some pots and plates on the rooftop. Make for great weapons.
lol poor thing. Even her arms are noodly. Love how everyone else is all into it and she’s the only one with a semi-normal reaction: terrified.
This is why you should have kept your identity a secret, Mahmut.
This guy’s voice ought to be cool in the anime, I’d imagine.
Ok, I noticed that he hung the lamp on the wall and there’s a little hook there so it doesn’t look like it just disappeared or is floating.
Also, thanks to the anime I now can confirm this thing is a whistle! Sorta. It doesn’t require the user to blow into it, but it is meant to call Iskander to him.
Also, smug faced Mahmut is back. Slightly subdued though. Maybe wry?
This is also kinda interesting. He doesn’t strike me as the Robin Hood type. It’s a good thing he has that menacing face though, it makes it easier to tell that he’s being sarcastic, and I can even imagine how he’s speaking in my head.
Once again, very interesting life philosophy here. Doesn’t seem like he’s being sarcastic about this part...? I wonder if he had that ‘pride’ Mahmut is saying he must have thrown away by now. Did he actually have a sense of honor, or was it just an image that fit well with his thieving, and now that he’s lost face, he just gave it up? I’d bet on that last one, haha.
Very nice angle on the latticework there, but what are you–
Dude, where do you keep getting all these eagles?? Once again, this is probably terrifying, especially at night when the shadows are long and dark, and you can’t see the birds clearly and they just all SWOOP IN AT YOUR FACE.
I always love the swirls and lines on Mahmut’s clothing, btw. The billowy shape of this type of clothing is different from what you normally see in manga.
*trying desperately not to curse*
WHAT THE HELL. I’m telling you, Mahmut is a bird whisperer. How much meat did you need to bribe these birds with to get them to all perch in this room to interrogate this guy.
The contrast of light and dark spots is very nice here, especially in a higher res image.
Once again, this guy’s life philosophy is interesting. Guess this is how it ties into the realization Mahmut came to in the last chapter.
That there are ways of life out there, in the country he was supposed to be protecting, that he knew nothing of. Because he never stopped to think how other people lived.
I think the word introspection suits Mahmut well. He seems to do a lot of it, in the quiet panels in which you get a glimpse of his eye or part of his face as he is thinking.
First of all: I forgot how bloody laws used to be in this part of the world’s history it’s been a while since I took history as a subject.
Second: The thief telling Mahmut to kill him there was probably to avoid a torturous death. The thief is honestly hard to pinpoint. I can’t tell if he’s being sincere about certain parts of the last few panels, or if they were part of an act, and if so for what purpose.
Then, this line of Mahmut’s is very interesting: “I, too, obey the rules of the world I live in.”
In a subtle way, this is the answer to the thief’s earlier statement explaining why he would go as far as kill over the uncovered treasure: “To us, our treasure is worth more than our lives. I don’t expect you people to get it.”
Typically, people in authority take the high road, and whether or not it is true, take themselves to be the moral good. They don’t understand the people who live at the bottom of society, and have no desire to.
That is why Mahmut’s statement is so intriguing. He is telling this man that he acknowledges his ‘world’ by comparing his own world and that of the thieves, something a person in authority wouldn’t normally do. He’s telling him that he does “get it”. But because he understands that the rules are different for different ways of life, he can’t accept the man’s request/command to kill him. Then Mahmut would be breaking the rules of his own ‘world’ (and, of course, his morals).
AND THEN, the narrative throws the bloody execution at you in technical terms, very little to misunderstand about the brutality of laws in the past.
It also throws this little gem at you:
Koko, who has generally acted like a normal person today would to these situations (like being terrified when armed men are attacking you!)...
...is actually saying “So mean” because the thief violated her expectations of who Fakir Hirsiz is in her imagination. Sliiight values dissonance there, yeah? On our part, of course. We don’t think the cutting off of limbs is an appropriate punishment for stealing (i hope), but the people in this world aren’t bothered.
OH, so it’s highly implied that the treasure’s location in the play was no coincidence. As they showed in chapter 7, the plays often took inspiration from current events, and the thieves and their treasure were just one of them.
Mahmut has a disapproving expression here, as she says. He figured it out at some point. Because the theatre troupe directly and probably deliberately benefitted from the misfortune of others, and caused the whole thing, including the murders by proxy.
But, to the very end, she claims it was all a “wonderful, fictional world”.
Very sneaky. And, perhaps, like with the punishments for theft and murder (well, the murder/execution thing is up for debate, but cutting off limbs for stealing I HOPE not), it is meant to leave you with a sort of hanging feeling. Everything is resolved as well as it could be, but...? That kind of feeling lol. Can’t explain it well.
ANYWAY, Mahmut is off! Feeding Iskander again :3
He looks, well, a little sad. That isn’t a frown, but he also isn’t happy.
Ah, yes, some much needed light-heartedness.
lol his expressions. I happen to like his startled expressions, they are always amusing. And then he’s pissed in that third panel. xD
LOL he’s the subject of the next musical.
And that’s a wrap! I actually wrote quite a bit for this one.
It was a tiny arc, but jam-packed with the very start of Mahmut’s long journey to meet his goal of becoming worthy of the title of Pasha.
← back・onward →
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munday stuff
name: Diana
nickname: Dia, Liz
where do you live: Denmark
favorite color: Orange, Yellow, Red and certain shades of Blue
hair length: Bellow waist
hair color: Brown with blonde tips (had an ombre a few years ago)
eye color: blue
siblings: 0
current profession: freelance coder
area of work/study: Graphic Design, Interior Design, Multimedia Design and now Web Development!
are you under 18: nope
do you live at home: Got my own place
music genre: Jazz, lately
movie genre: Comedies and foreign movies. Gotta love French, Italian and Spanish comedy films
book genre: Crime
this or that: bold your answer…
are you: single or taken
are you: short or tall
are you: shy, loud, friendly, quiet or avoidable
are you: atheist, wiccan, christian, satanic, catholic, jewish, muslim, mormon,agnostic, jehovah’s witness, pagan
does your future profession have anything to do with: medicine, law, children, animals, education, or entertainment, OTHER
do your fears include: commitment, heights, death, needles, dark, or thunder
do you: laugh or stutter when you’re nervous
do you: chew on pens, bite your nails, or shake your leg .
do you: want piercings or tattoos
do you: want to get married eventually, never want to, not know, or you are married
have you ever: kissed someone whose name begins with an A, E, T, L, J, M, or D
have you ever: smoked a cigarette, a cigar, or done hard drugs
would you rather live in the: country or the city
ever dyed your hair? Yes
are you in love? No
does someone like you? Yeah
last time you really cried? I cry daily because of good music. Really cry, tho... probably a few months ago? idk
last person you texted? My dad
last call to your phone? My best friend
last text message sent to a friend? “Heating pizza. Come over in 5 minutes”
have you kissed anyone in the last 31 days? No
who can you talk to about your problems? I don’t talk about my problems. They’re my problems for a reason. I don’t see the point of involving someone in them if they can’t really do anything to help. I’m the kind of person who internalizes everything, spends an obsessive amount of time trying to come up with a plan of combat and then solve them on my own. Won’t stop til the result is satisfactory and tbh that’s a problem lol
ever cheated? Yeah, when I was like, 12. Didn’t know how relationships work back then hah
ever been cheated on? Yes. One of my ex’s did that. Found out after we broke up tho.
do you like your body? Could be fitter, but I’m lazy. Need to get back in shape. I hate that I’m not as flexible as I was before uni.
favorite quote? “ Everyone's like sheep on social media; like, one person starts making noise, and everyone's like, 'Hey, yeah!' and then you got a whole bunch of people making noise at you. “ -- Earl Sweatshirt
Tagged by: stolen from @priincess-pacifica
Tagging: See it? Do it.
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1. What kind of car does your best friend drive?: A Honda Accord. 2. Did you take your college finals yet? Are you worried?: Yeah, back in 2015 when I graduated. I was extremely anxious and stressed out. 3. Do you own any designer handbags? If so, which ones?: Nope. 4. Are there palm trees where you live?: Fake ones.
5. Do you like Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line?: Some of it’s cute, but overpriced.
6. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what?: I have one little Hello Kitty figurine. I used to have more stuff when I was younger. 7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop?: Cherry. 8. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print?: I’m not a big fan of animal print, with the exception of my giraffe print body pillow I have. 9. Does your dad have any facial hair?: Yeah. 10. Do you wear any clothes or accessories with the Playboy logo on it?: No. 11. Have you ever taken adderall to get schoolwork done?: I’ve never taken it at all. 12. What do you think of foot tattoos?: I don’t think anything about them. 13. Last band you saw live in concert?: Green Day. 14. Do you like bugs or do they scare you?: I am terrified of bugs. All bugs and insects. Yes, that includes butterflies and lady bugs.... I do not find them cute at all. 15. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it?: I haven’t seen it. 16. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go?: Yep, we went to Disneyland. 17. Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username?: I do, but I don’t want to share it. It’s private anyway. 18. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim?: I didn’t watch Invader Zim.
19. Do you want to learn any languages? Which ones?: I’d like to just be fluent in Spanish instead of only knowing very little. 20. What’s your favorite color?: Yellow, teal, mint green, and pastels. 21. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not?: No. 22. Do you like sunsets?: Sure. 23. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde?: Nah because I like the red that I’ve been dying it for the past 2 years. 24. Were you a “scene” kid in middle school?: I was in my sophomore year of high school. 25. Do you own anything by Juicy Couture? If so, what?: I have 2 messenger bags and 1 backpack. 26. Last time you saw a rainbow?: Hmm. Not sure. 27. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts?: A strawberry frosted donut and a coffee. Unless there’s a seasonal donut out. 28. Do you smoke? If so, how much your cigarettes in your area?: No. 29. Ever been to another country? Which one?: Yes, Mexico. 30. Do you like sushi? What’s your favorite kind?: Nope. 31. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?: Silver. 32. Do you watch football? Favorite teams?: Nope. 33. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler?: Haha funny enough, I don’t watch WWE, but I watch Total Divas and the spinoff, Total Bellas, which is a reality show featuring some of the female wrestlers. Obviously since they’re wrestlers, they talk about it, you see them train, you see the struggles, and they show a little bit of wrestling, but it’s more about them outside the ring ya know? I don’t care for the wrestling itself, I like watching them more behind the scenes I guess. 34. Do you still find Mean Girls quotes funny?: Yep. Mean Girls is a classic. 35. What were you for Halloween this year?: I had no plans to dress up or do anything, but at the very last minute I threw on my “Property of the Loser’s Club” (the Loser’s club is from the movie, It) sweatshirt I already had and then wrapped some gauze around my arm like a cast. On the cast I wrote Loser, but over the “s” I wrote a “v” in red like the kid from the movie, Eddie. That’s literally all I did. What made me even want to do that was because my brother was a clown, so I was like hey why not. 36. Did you think George Bush was a good president?: Oh politics. 37. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say?: I mean, I don’t know. 38. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do?: Nope. I rarely wear makeup at all anymore. 39. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money?: No. 40. What classes are you taking this semester?: I graduated college in 2015 with my BA and I have no desire to continue on. 41. Best teacher you had last semester?: 42. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets?: Haha yes. My camera roll is like mostly my puppy. I’m like those memes that are like, “ Dog: *exists* Me: OMG LOOK AT THIS PRECIOUS ANGEL.” lol. I have a lot of her sleeping lol cause she’s just so adorable. 43. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings?: I’m almost 29 years old, I want to experience a relationship for once. 44. What kind of car do you drive?: I don’t drive. 45. Do you have an iPhone? What are your favorite apps?: Yeah. I use Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, and Kindle most often. 46. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American?: Yes. 47. Who did you want to win the 2012 presidential election?: Sigh. 48. Are you religious?: Yes. 49. Do you usually tell the truth?: Generally yeah. I tell white lies sometimes. < Same. <<< Me, too. 50. Who was your favorite spice girl?: I feel like it was probably Baby.
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