#dnp dreams
queeringphandom · 3 months
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I finally had a Dan and Phil related dream and it was literally just this billboard in the middle of nowhere
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had a dream last night that they wrote, produced, and starred in some fancy ass A24 type psychological horror film and phil grew his hair out to about shoulder length and had it half pulled up into a ponytail for most of the film and istg it was the hottest thing ive ever seen so thanks to my subconscious for that but also we should start a petition to make it happen
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pinofdnp · 3 months
i'm literally getting dnp video notifications on my phone in my dreams almost every night and then i immediately wake up thinking i missed something about the phagenda
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I dreamt Dan and Phil did a COLGATE TOOTH PASTE advert (commercial) to advertise TIT.
And it literally consisted of them dressing up as different dnp eras all the way from 2009 to now. And in each scene, they got increasingly closer to each other to the point where it ended up with them just full blown making out. It was super arty like a perfume advert.
And it just ended with ‘toothpaste so good, it keeps a 15 year relationship strong. STRONG LIKE TEETH.”
And no one said anything about it. Literally none of the phandom cared at all.
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hingefreelester · 20 days
I had a dream i was on tit and they invited one phannie to sit on the stage the whole show??? I was just sitting on the side of the stage fully visible with a sudoku book the whole show and i disnt pay any extra for this? At one point dan performed a very short song in a sudoku pattern dress. There was one game where four audience members came ob stage to compete in a stupid game nobody explained and i lost even though it was so simple. They dressed in police hats and sat on a box at the front and talked about their past tours bits like the pinof old man quickchange. There was many many many costume changes and at least half of them dan was in a dress of some kind. Their main outfits were just black
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deadandphilgames · 7 months
Had a dream that I needed to tell Phil something important but Dan wouldn't leave the room and he kept saying "anything you say to him you can say in front of me" and finally he walked out and when I turned to Phil he said "don't worry your secret is safe with me and Dan" just rubbing it in my face at that point 😭 wouldn't even let me tell him a secret in peace
that sounds very believable 😭
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cozyfoxy · 2 months
I had a dream that Dan and Phil posted a day in the life but Phil was in little space. He was coloring and drinking from a sippy cup with sea animals on it. Dan only acknowledged it once by saying something like “Phil is little today, life has been a lot lately and he needs a break.”
Otherwise they just continued on like normal. I don’t remember Phil really talking though, Dan did all of the talking. By the end of the dream Phil was showing off a picture of kittens that he colored and Dan was hyping him up. It was honestly super cute but what is my brain doing to me?
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phannotfound · 4 months
I had a dream last night dnp posted a vid on insta and they were in Australia and randomly kissed at the end but we weren’t sure if was Dan or not 😭😭😭
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nebulaedaniel · 3 months
dnp dreams moment: i dont remember why but phil was doing an instagram story while laying in bed, about to go to sleep and he asked a question about something and slowly panned the camera over to show dan laying in bed with him
and then i promptly woke up
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conniecaserole · 2 months
dan and phil dream time
okay so they had a surprise livestream but the way they did was by somehow hacking our netflix accounts and when you opened netflix you saw their profiles and what they were watching. only thing I remembered was they had separate profiles and then a joint one so they could watch things together.
livestream time. it was just a random livestream with no plan whatsoever (like most of their livestreams lol).
some important takeaways from the
livestream that I remember
- dan wore the nun outfit again (bc obviously)
- then phil helped dan take off the outfit which was actually kind of sweet
- we saw more of the phouse and they indeed have toilets facing each other
- they did some weird roleplay (when aren’t they) that ended with them kissing but it was like a quick peck
- then they went to dinner and took us with them (kind of like a ditl)
idk it was weird
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wdapteo · 3 months
Oh I had a dnp dream tonight??? I don't remember anything except Dan saying "it takes two part 2 was the hardest video we ever recorded" hmm
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notsosaucystuff · 4 months
I had a dream just now that Phil made a Tic-tok video of himself. He had put a very obvious and blurry ginger hair filter on it. Through a big smile he said, "See, still Ginger! It was a prank!"
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i literally just remembered that last night I dreamt I went to see wad live but for some reason I lived in the phouse with them so dan and I had to share an uber to get to the venue and it was so incredibly awkward?? I kept trying to make small talk but I guess he was just concentrating trying to remember his cues so he wasn't even paying attention to me lmao and then I purposefully got stuck in a queue for popcorn and missed the first 15 minutes of the show because his singing gave me second hand embarrassment
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fromemotoangel · 4 months
still haven't had any directly phan related dreams like u all do for some reason but last night i did dream that a guy i was close friends with (in the dream not irl) was telling me off for being so weird and brought up the fact that im a phannie and i literally just said im cringe but im free and he went you're right actually sorry king ✊
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phannie-dreams · 5 months
If you'd like to see more Dan and Phil related dreams, you should you visit @dnp-dreams ! Hawi, who runs the blog, has a large collection of several years.
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jonsaremembers · 4 months
I dreamed about dnp but it was just us flying around on ski lift seats trying to kill giant monsters made of candy (Phil kept trying to eat the monsters instead) and then trying to make 2 identical sims for each of them to fall in love with which was very difficult as they like different things
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