#dnd drmg
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
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so me and the boys like to play MTG on tabletop simulator, and it has a drawing function (i am begging them to please change the way the eraser function. it kills me that it doesn’t just erase a teeny part but erases the whole line drawn) SO,, i like to doodle while i wait my turn and i typically draw everyone’s dnd characters!
[character list + descriptions]
my own:
- [DRMG] Oizys Atlas, Cleric of Life, human [dark-brown-haired human with a pale scarf and white shirt]
- [DISCONTINUED] Piety Aureate, Cleric of Life (would change to Forge or Light in future), tiefling [periwinkle blue and navy hair with snail horns]
- [Strahd]Vlad Daywalker, Soulknife Rogue, dhampir-turned-dragonborn through resurrection [white dragon with icy blue eyes and a black and royal purple fur coat]
- [DRMG] Mordekai Towerfall, Oath of Vengeance(?) Paladin, tiefling (abomination) [red skin and dark brown-black hair and beard, with white horns and a blue eyepatch]
- [DRMG] Akira Aster, Soulknife Rogue, shifter (abomination) [uncolored sketch of cat-like creature with “halo” horn on head and elongated phalanges]
- [DRMG] Shelldon McAllister, Fathomless Warlock, tortle [green turtle-like figure with a white beard w/braids, wearing a dark cloak]
- [DISCONTINUED] Vrondor, Path of the Totem (?) Barbarian, loxodon [large elephant figure with a red cloth covering and pale beads around his neck]
- also just him as the DM for [DRMG] pff [figure with pink cat headphones and dark brown hair and beard, plus unnatural pink eyes]
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nuclearuinter · 4 years ago
DontRollMeGaming Session 7 quick “summary” (Spoilers!)
another exciting adventure in dnd.... ..where we hit the city!!!! 
well, we get stuck at customs in the airport, BUT THEN we hit the city by forging our identities, how fun!! and THEN we mugged and murder a faun for his fancy hat and talk about going to the zoo to see some animals.
BUT it’s okay because we got a fortune!! reading. a fortune reading. and we looked at map! 
the entirety of Portal 2 sabotaged our DM
then we go back where we came from and one of the rogues attempt to murk a priest after our paladin made an oath to them :)
that’s it!
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nuclearuinter · 4 years ago
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oh look, some more memes from the third session of our campaign,,,, that i made on mspaint with a mouse because my drawing tablet’s packed away right now..... hope i don’t accidentally post them... 👀!!!!
temporary link to the third session! will repost this with the actual youtube link when Joel gets it posted.
to check out the campaign so far, go check out DontRollMeGaming [DRMG / DMG] on Youtube! Catch us (usually) live at Twitch, 6:30 PM MST on Mondays, on DontJoelMeGaming!
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
link to the actual tiktok i made: https://www.tiktok.com/@persephobeane/video/7017982128860302597?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id7002001330890229253
(sorry about bad cropping, i don’t have a video editor so im just using tiktok for now) 
shelldon’s down so bad it’s funny, and i love that for them.... shocked me so bad i died during the first session when they met
also yes i am Once Again posting more dontrollmegaming content because if no one else will, then i guess i’ll just have to myself!! >:)
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
Rogue: I mean, I’m not in the mood to--well, I am, but I’m not in the mood to, like, drag the party down with me, so.
Cleric: Thank fucking god.
Paladin, relieved: Sweet Jesus. Sweet Torm. Fucking thank you.
DM: I’m not stopping you...
Cleric, desperate: DM, stop, we just got her to agree to not do it--please stop, please don’t goad her on--
Rogue, already aiming weapon: Well now that you say that...
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
Cleric, in combat: That’s not passive, that’s aggressive perception.
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
my dnd characters’ last words
hey so i did a thing and made a tiktok that took me 14+ hours !!!!
i’m really disliking some of the art now but i’ll post it anyways because i did NOT waste almost an entire day (spread out over a few days) trying to make this!!!! >:o
anyways i’ll post the pics in order! i’ll be a bit more in depth about background than i could be on tiktok and on my phone. i will be keeping backstories that will be part of any posted campaigns more vague in order to prevent spoilers in the future! (basically just Toby and Oizys). also disclaimer: none of the deaths are canon, obviously! only the canon deaths would be canon, but no one’s died! (yet) it’s just me trying to fit a scenario into the quote that was generated!
Piety Aureate (she/her), tiefling cleric of light (Pelor) [my first DnD character; cancelled]
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“She’s a bit strange, but loyal and caring, regarding her close friends like family.”
Backstory: When she was a baby, her mother was forced to give her up because she was jailed, leaving Piety in an orphanage for most of her young life until she runs away around 12, because she’d spent her whole life there and didn’t think she’d be adopted. While on the run, she gives herself her virtue name. One night, hiding within a church for shelter, she was found by a dragonborn priest named Arjhon. He took her under his wing and earned her trust, adopting her as his own and teaching her the path of light (upon her request, of course). Now she’s set off in search of what had happened to her birth mother, or at least to spread joy and light wherever she travels.
Death scenario: In a downhill battle, Piety does something along the lines of Divine Intervention, or some powerful spell, to try and heal her teammates or change the tide of the battle. Even if it might cost her life, she does it regardless, in order to protect her family.
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Toby Agrótis (he/him?), satyr druid of stars (Sylvanus) [Curse of Strahd campaign; ongoing]
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“Being a hermit, he’s socially awkward and has few friends, but has a very vibrant, optimistic personality.”
Backstory: Toby was raised on a humble farm with his parents and two older brothers. At a young age, he met a strange, also young being that he offered materials and supplies in exchange for protection within the woods. From there on, the two became best friends. However, one night, Toby receives a divination from the stars, warning him about dangerous fogs of night. Not really knowing what it means, he tells the being--though they’re a little skeptical, they agree to try to keep an eye out. Despite this, the fog surrounds the farm and steals Toby to Barovia, where he meets the rest of the party.
Death scenario: In a final fight against Strahd to try to save a captured teammate, Toby discovers that the being had left to search and try to rescue Toby, only to end up captured as well. Despite Toby’s best efforts, he is downed in the battle. With no spells left, he can’t do anything at all when Strahd shoots a fireball at the party, or some fire-related spell at him to finish him off. He barely gets a goodbye to them, wishing they could’ve stayed together.
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Oizys Atlas (he/him), human cleric of life (Torm) [DontRollMeGaming campaign; hiatus]
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“Worrying, reserved, and lonely, but warm, courageous, and selfless towards others.”
Backstory: Oizys the vast majority of his life within his hometown’s church, where his mother took him to be raised as a cleric under the wings of the priest and multiple other congregates that worked there. It wasn’t until after he’d turned 18 that he’d properly set out on his own for the first time. For the next good few years he flounders a lot, trying to figure out the world, but he’s slowly getting his footing... Even if it doesn’t really seem like it.
Death scenario: Oizys is already hurt, close enough by a very low HP party member that’s being targetted by some tough enemy that he can react fast enough to shove or pull them out of the way of anymore attacks, possibly taking the initial attack as well. Since he’s now the only one within range, the rest get aggro’d onto him. Being already down himself, he doesn’t really stand much of a chance there, so before he could heal or do anything else, he’s downed--but the aforementioned party member gets to escape. The thought of dying is scary--but it let someone important to him live.
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Viridian (he/him), kalashtar cleric of twilight (Kruphix) [Homebrew uni campaign; hiatus]. Technically 1st level ranger (from an item)
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“Jaded and untrusting towards new people, sarcastic and protective. His twin aasimar sister means the world to him.” 
Backstory (IT’S A LONGER ONE BOYS, i could honestly write a book about these two with my roommate lmao): Viridian lived in a small village with his parents and sister, Feradin (she/her), being relatively happy together. One dark day, when they were around 10, an unfathomable creature descends upon it, decimating and destroying it along with everyone within it. Viridian hides with his sister, trying to cover her eyes and shield her as it lays siege around them. He unintentionally looks at the monster, which looks back at him. Unable to comprehend it, he is irreparably scarred--but the creature turns away, continue its destruction, much to Viridian’s shock. In the midst of crumbling wreckages of houses, Feradin is killed. Viridian pleads to the gods to bring her back, and she is returned by Atheros to serve him, with no memory of the monster. Together, they set out to try to begin a new life, with Viridian forcing himself to grow up fast so that Feradin could have as normal of a childhood as possible. Of course, they’re siblings so they still teased and fought each other, but beneath it all, they were inseparable. Viridian was slowly egged on by an intense need to understand and find out what the being had been--until he came to the slow realization that there was no mention of their village anywhere. He turns to Kruphix in the need to know what had happened to make the monster spare them, and to destroy the being that had killed his family out of revenge, justice, and to lay rest to the ghosts of their past. 
Death scenario: Viridian is almost guaranteed to die trying to protect or save Feradin. There’s really no other way he’d accept dying if it wasn’t for her. In the midst of a bloody, brutal battle, Viridian protects her with his life--ending up defeated beyond repair. Feradin removes her mask as she tries to use Lay on Hands, but it’s no use, and she can feel his soul slipping to Atheros, with little time left between them. Viridian would tell her how proud he is of her--she is strong enough to fight for herself, especially with her newfound friends within the party. He promises to wait for her and watch her as much as he can, but tells her to take her time and focus on living her life, without devoting it to anger or revenge. Despite it all, he passes away peacefully in the first restful sleep he’s had since their home was taken.
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nuclearuinter · 3 years ago
Fighter, introducing themselves: Um, yes, yes, yes... So, what have I missed... *counting on fingers* Rich, fancy, fuckboy...
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