#dmc 6 predictions
prototypelq · 1 year
How would you feel about Nero, Nico, and Patty being a trio in a potential DMC 6?
Hi, dear anon
what kind of question is that? Their trio would be absolutely awesome!
Actually, I think Patty could have easily fit into the 5 crew too - she did call Dante right before the Qlipoth attack so they were in contact at the time, and he did dissappear for a month after that. Perhaps Patty was pissed that he hanged up on her excited birthday rambling, but I don`t think she would hold on to that grudge for very long if she saw the news about Redgrave. It would be strikingly obvious demonic bullshit is involved and that Dante is in the middle of it. Plus, he did get stuck in Hell for some time after DMC2 so the situation could be very familiar to Patty.
All of this is to say, I think Patty can be easily inserted into the narrative of 5. She clearly cares about Dante (I headcanon their relationship and father-daughter one, or at the very least he is a mentor figure for her) and wouldnt idly sit by if something happened to him. Or she could help with the civillian evacuation - one of my favorite things from the anime is that they used the fire alarm to clear everyone out of the building, when it became apparent demons were about to attack. DMC is a series that doesn`t usually concern itself with civillian casulalties, and well, understandable, but particularly in 5 this aspect is brought up a couple of times. You see a lot of human husks lying around the Redgrave, and we know that V felt remorse for them, so devoting a side-character like Patty to help survivors in the background would only work to strenghen this theme.
As for her gameplay, I wish she had gotten Vs moveset but more refined. I like how extremely distinctive V is out of all the other characters gameplay, and think they were really onto something with the summons gimmick, but V is somewhat poorly balanced (who isnt overpowered in DMC though) and much more shallow compared to other characters. I think if it was more iterated upon, had more moves or variety of demons you can summon and better balanced - it would be my dream kit for Patty as a playable character. she also needs a non-sexualised outfit
As for team - I think Patty and Nero would get along like a house on fire (they are cousins), but I feel like she could have something like a rivalry friendship with Nico. Patty would get some custom weapons for herself for sure, but probably won`t like Nico's odeas for "improvements" on them.
And the final part of this very small reply - Nico, Patty and Nero being a potential trio for DMC6, my thoughts are... i have no idea
As my understanding of the series goes - DMC was always about Dante and Vergil, and their conflict. DMC5 finally lets them resolve their differences and shows us that underneath years of separation and trauma, they still want to be brothers, and are willing to work together to achieve that. This IS their happy ending and it is the best ending the series could have gotten. Both narratively and mechanically speaking, there is no higher place to take the twins story. And how do you do a next entry in the franchise that has, by all means, reached it`s happy ending? again, I have no idea.
I would love to see Dante, Vergil, Nero, Patty, Nico and others again, but I cannot imagine what form that may take. From my perspective either the next DMC (if there is one) could be a prequel about Sparda (and it would help to establish some actual demon lore), it could be sequel of the reboot DMC dmc (which has it`s fans, and a story to continue), or a very detached from the main games spin off about the existing characters (Lady, PATTY, Lucia, Trish).
Actually, I`d love to see an 'post-5-twins-return' epilogue-like graphic novel game. DMC could use some more dialogue and a chance for the characters to relax, and not be constantly fighting for their lives or showing off. The anime has already shown us something like that, maybe the upcoming anime will too, who knows. But I`ll take a graphic novel DMC game any day, just to see more character interactions.
Thank you for the ask! I hope somewhere in this wall of text were some thoughts on answers you were looking for. Have a good day
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st-hedge · 5 months
From what you've described, it sounds like DmC is a really shitty AU written by people with no critical thinking skills who had only the fuckawfulest reading of the essence of what's going on. Rest in peace, Hedgelord
Yes so essentially it’s like fic that was written by me fjdjdjd I’m kidding but aye. It’s like they decided to do a reboot and went “we don’t want to be predictable, we’re gonna turn this franchise on its head and make it even more edddgyyyy 🤙” except they just made it worse by removing almost everything that made the series good and appealing. Quite a mind blowing decision. But at least they turned it around like 6 years later and made, in my opinion, one of the best additions to the series
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luxwing · 3 years
My E3 Predictions
Ubisoft makes a half-assed mention to their reports of sexual harassment and how they "stand with abuse victims" then show new content for the mobile CoD game where Antifa is the enemy faction. Also Farcry 6 stuff.
Xbox/Microsoft show a trailer for a new Halo with no actual gameplay and it's xbox timed exclusive. Skyrims getting ported to next gen. No news on ES6 or star whatever. Fuck it, Fallout Classic on mobile phones.
Squeenix will talk about FF14 DLC maybe showing a new playable race or at least the female Hrothgar. Some Marvel shit no one cares about. Life is Strange. Babylon's Fall will end up just being Code: Vein but with a DMC battle system. The game they were working on with Team Ninja turns out to be a new Dissidia Opera-Omina style game. They close with Forespoken trailer that looks grand. No mention of FF16
Nintendo opens with Skyward Sword and another Splatoon 3 trailer. DLC for MH Rise and updates for Animal Crossing. Some shovelware no one gives a fuck about that takes up 15 minutes. Pokemon stuff and they're still trying to make people hype for the battle royal mobile game (2 people are excited about it). They mention BotW 2 and there's a painfully short gameplay trailer and it's dated for 2023. Some new games added to the online nes and snes arcade that no one wanted. No mention of the new Switch but they close with a trailer for a new Mario game that isn't a port or a party game.
A company that has nothing to do with gaming decides to make a game console for whatever reason. One of the launch titles is something that looks promising but will either get cancelled or will also release on xbox. PC games exist but it's cheaper to buy a new xbox than a new gpu so fuck it. During one of the streams they'll cut to the wrong camera "on accident" and it's the ubisoft guys making a sexual harassment joke.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
DMC Week 2020
The Tower in Reverse
Day 1: Bone | Blood | Weapon
There is no eternal damnation In the face of Love.
You can try to pull us down, But we will crawl back up from Hell.
The Tower of the Major Arcana Upright: Chaos, Upheaval, Unexpected Change, Disruptive Revelation. Reversed: Disaster Averted, Delay of the Inevitable, Resistance to change.
The Dark Slayer once met a Lady Knight. And thus their fate did change. A tower built from their blind mistakes brought them both to Hell.
But Fate can twist in many ways, and perhaps there’s still a chance: that love will tear down this construct of their own foolishness, and a family shall reunite.
The Man Behind the Devil’s Mask
Day 2: Monster | Cryptid | Demon
Not everything starts off with a bang of fireworks.
Unless said fireworks were supposed to involve some demon blood and guts.
Eva wouldn’t say she got off on the wrong foot with Spencer. Any witch with some common sense would know to be wary of trusting a devil.
Except this devil was one that would make long distance phone calls with a telephone to ask how to save a man from being bitten by a foreign demon, and eat cotton candy while in the middle of investigating the trail on said demon.
Oh, she made no mistake. By the end of the day, a devil was still a devil. But never has she met a devil who would give in to nurturing that came from living among humans.
What is a God, to a Father?
Day 3: Fight | Reunion | Loss
Sometimes, just sometimes, Nero wished that his life could just be simple. That the ever-present wish of knowing where he came from didn’t somehow bite him in the ass.
Kyrie had told him that he always knew which path was right, and which path was wrong.
But sometimes, it wasn’t about the path anymore. It was about the thoughts and feelings he had that he didn’t want to unload, because he thinks that no one deserved to really get the brunt of his weird-and-getting-weirder problems.
Who was going to best understand the absolute frustration he has warring inside him, about how he wanted family, how he cared for family, but so far everything about his family has been traumatic?
This was no burden for any human to shoulder.
But maybe on the one family reunion that wasn’t traumatic, a devil could lend him an ear and shoulder instead.
And a late wish coming true was still a wish come true.
What You Missed, You Can Regain
Day 4: Food | Style | Music
The past is something that can neither be replicated, nor can it be changed. But moving forward, there is always a way to create something new, in order to make up for what was given up.
Just because some things were too late, didn’t mean there weren’t other avenues that can’t make up for it.
And Vergil will find that what is left of his family was bigger than just Dante and (the unexpected) Nero.
He can still find solace and warmth in the people that Dante and Nero both have added to their family.
I Owe You as You Owe Me
Day 5: Hurt | Heal | Happiness
In which Lady is no better than Dante when it comes to communicating, and maybe the two of them ought to take some advice from Vergil: If you want it, you have to take it for yourself.
Or, better yet: speak up and be straightforward.
New things can be scary, and Lady, for all her bravado, might not be as courageous as she seems, when feelings get involved.
In the end, what she owed him was an explanation, and the truth of her feelings. And the only thing he owed her was a response.
Only from there could they move forward, but perhaps Lady could finally live a life where she could say she achieved happiness.
The Warmth From Winter
Day 6: Home | Family | Belonging
“Don’t be difficult. Yes. Because you’re my brother. And I would give the best that I can offer to my kids, okay? And if the best for Snow’s sword training would come from you, then I’d want that for her. For you, even. Imagine, if this entire mess didn’t turn out the way it did. I’m sure you would have wanted to teach Nero how to use the Yamato, wouldn’t you? Could have taught them together. Besides, I wouldn’t have let you refuse.”
“I see… So, I presume you would not be allowing me to refuse this request, either?”
“Damn right I won’t let you. Snow’s also pretty close to Nero, you know. He’s her favorite cousin. Get on my Snowflake’s good side, and she’ll be happy to help you with Nero.”
Dante has a family.
Vergil didn’t think this family could still include him.
His niece decided a good icebreaker was going to be something the Kin of Sparda does best: to cross blades.
Crayon Rainbows After Rain
Day 7: AU | Free Day
Take away the phantastical, the unimaginable, the inexplainable, and the extraordinary…
Would that leave you with a plain, basic, predictable, and mediocre life?
In a world where humanity’s worst enemy is the shadow within themselves, a “normal” life did mean sunshine after rainbows…
For rainbows only come after rain.
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eyebeastposts · 4 years
Fan Fiction Road: Altar of EyeBeast Results
The votes have been cast and the winners have been decided. Let’s go over how things panned out and answer some of the questions given to me through the survey. To start, I’ll go over each scenario, the character picks for each, and some general thoughts about each one. I’ll be covering each scenario in the order of popularity.
Scenario C) Royal Reversal-49 votes
1.      Midna (Zelda)-17
2.      Wonder Woman (DC)-14
3.      Lucina (Fire Emblem)-11
4.      Jasmine (Disney)-10
5.      Satsuki (Kill La Kill) and Risky Boots (Shantae)-9
6.      Sonia (Danganronpa)-8
7.      Karin (Street Fighter) and Catarina (My Life as a Villainess)-6
8.      Emelia (Re:Zero)-3
-I’m honestly surprised this one got the top spot considering the subject matter. If I were to return to this scenario, I’d probably reverse the genders and ask for only male subjects to go through the transformation. As for the winner, Midna, you’ll find the results to which version was picked down below.
Scenario A) Couple’s Feast-48 votes
1.      Link + Zelda (Breath of the Wild)-28
2.      Male Reader + Doki Doki Literature Club Girl-13
3.      Joker + Persona 5 Girl-11
4.      Chris + Jill (Resident Evil) and Male Reader + Huniepop Girl-10
5.      Shuichi + Kaede (Danganronpa)-6
6.      Kimihito + Monster Musume Girl-5
7.      Inuyasha + Kagome (Inuyahsa)-4
8.      Ryu + Chun-li (Street Fighter) and Joey + Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)-3
-Coming up close for second is the mutual weight gain couples. The winning pair is Link and Zelda, coincidentally the one couple I’ve seen the most fat art of together. I’m already considering doing this scenario again, this time focusing on Reader + Popular Vote Girl selections.
Scenario D) Pig Deity-43 votes
1.      Rosalina IMario)-23
2.      Palutena (Kid Icarus)-16
3.      Aqua (Konosuba)-15
4.      Venus (Huniepop)-11
5.      Sophitia (Soulcalibur)-9
6.      Panty (Panty and Stocking) and Holo (Spice and Wolf)-6
7.      Tiki (Fire Emblem)-4
8.      Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)-3
9.      Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)-0
-In third place, we have the scenario that’s admittedly the safest of the 5. Rosalina came out on top, strange considering the various choices we had. To be honest, it will probably be a one and done with this scenario. I’ve done plenty of pig stories before and this scenario was the one with the least suggestions. Still, I’ll do my beset to turn the goddess of the cosmos into the goddess of the pig pen.
Scenario B) Princess Makeover-41 votes
1.      Ryuko (Kill La Kill)-20
2.      Korra (Avatar)-18
3.      Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-15
4.      Chie (Persona 4)-11
5.      Ganondorf (Zelda)-8
6.      Asuka (Evangelion)-7
7.      Kazuma (Konosuba)-6
8.      R. Mika (Street Fighter)-4
9.      Sakura (Street Fighter) and Lady (DMC)-2
-For fourth place, we have the first scenario that doesn’t have any form of weight gain included. I’m kind of glad Ryuko won over Korra, considering Korra already had her time to shine in a previous Fan Fiction Road. I’m also surprised at how high the male options got in comparison, making me consider an all male selection if I do this scenario again.
Scenario E) Pokemon Fusion-29 votes
1.      Whitney/Miltank-29
2.      Roxie/Koffing-15
3.      Sabrina/Slowpoke and Lusamine/Buzzwole-12
4.      May/Slaking and Bea/Hariyama-8
5.      Hilda/Scolipede-4
6.      Cynthia/Garchomp-3
7.      Serena/Mega Charizard X-2
8.      Kiawe/Salazzle-0
-Finally we have Pokemon Fusion, with the somewhat predictable winner of Whitney and her Miltank. Considering how vague this one was in terms of what the final story would contain, I can see why so few people voted for it. That being said, I would consider doing a Fan Fiction Road just with this scenario alone since there are so many combinations to choose from.
Character Popularity Polls:
Persona 5 Girls
1.      Makoto-24
2.      Futaba-13
3.      Ann, Haru, and Kawakami-11
4.      Takemi-8
Monster Musume Girls
1.      Centorea-26
2.      Miia-19
3.      Suu-9
4.      Papi and Rachnera-8
5.      Mero-6
Doki Doki Literature Club Girls
1.      Yuri-31
2.      Monika-23
3.      Natsuki-20
4.      Sayori-8
Huniepop Girls
1.      Nikki-11
2.      Beli-9
3.      Lola-8
4.      Venus-7
5.      Tiffany, Aiko, and Momo-6
6.      Jessie-5
7.      Celeste and Audrey-3
8.      Kyu-2
9.      Kyanna-1
Character Version Polls:
Lara Croft
1. Classic-55
2. Reboot-31
1. True Form-59
2. Imp Form-31
-I see that shortstacks are a bit more niche for my audience than I thought.
Miscellaneous Polls:
Fan Fiction Road Version Select
1. New-66
2. Old-16
-While I wont’ say that I’ll never go back to the old method, I can promise that I will go back to these varied scenarios again. Perhaps I’ll do smaller selections occasionally to replace a prompt request session or two.
B-Movie Selection:
1. Tremors-41
2. Deep Blue Sea-20
3. Dollman vs Demonic Toys-12
4. From Hell it Came-6
Franchise Select:
1. Mass Effect-36
2. Final Fantasy 7 (Classic)-22
3. Nier Automata-18
4. Xenoblade Chronicles-13
-As much as I despise EA, I have been meaning to give the Mass Effect games a try. I’ll snatch up the first game when it goes on sale and see how it goes. Don’t worry about the other options, I’m going to try to get to each of them eventually.
Questions and Answers:
Q: “ I don’t know if this is required to be filled out, but I’ll fill it out anyway. I like reading your stories when you do release new ones. I thought I’d ask why you don’t put the full content warning at the start of the story, and instead in the description, never understood that. “
A: It’s mostly an aesthetic thing for me. I just think it looks a little gaudy to shove so much information at the start of the story. That being said, this is a Deviantart only issue and who knows how things might change if Eclipse keeps screwing things up.
Q: “Here’s a question, will you try using Mulan based stories or Inuyasha based ones in the future? Just curious. “
A: For Mulan, probably not, really not my style. Inuyasha on the other hand depends on how much people want to see stories based on the characters.
Q: “ 2020 may be a huge bitch but that ain't nothing masturbation and weed can't solve! “
A: True, just make sure to do it in moderation before you’re found stoned out of your mind in the middle of the street with no pants on.
As for the various people that gave me words of encouragement to get through the rest of the year, I can’t express how thankful I am for your support. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to do.
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fugeoni666 · 5 years
Answer 20 Questions and then tag 20 blogs you want to know better. [ Sorry about no tagging but you guys can feel free to them and tag me in if you like ^^ ] 
I got tagged by @valkyrjapride​ for this one since I got more followers so it is best for you guys to get to know me a little bit. Let’s get to it 
Name: Parents gave me a beautiful name which is Thảo Phương ( also a unisex name so I kinda love it ) 
Nickname: Fuge or Fuge the Oni 
Zodiac Sign: Libra, I’m a totally chill person 
Height: kinda around 5′5? ( Imperial units) , my country uses meter so 1,56 meter.
Languages: Pretty good with English and French, Vietnamese, teeny tiny bit of Italian and Japanese. 
Nationality: Rice. ( Just kidding is Vietnam ) 
Favorite Season: Pretty hard to get a clear season from where I was born so I’m cool with any season, I used to live in Canada that I have no issue with the snow as I came out from the oven of the weather like Vietnam lmao ) 
Favorite Flower: ... all flower is pretty to me so I don’t have a specific favorite
Favorite Scent: Any scent that is relaxing but I found myself attracted to the sense of aqua cologne series or the smell of earth when it’s about to rain. 
Favorite Color: Black, and any color with the dark tones. 
Favorite Animal: uhhh........... not thinking about this, I love animals ;;__;;
Favorite Fictional Characters:  *inhales* Dante- DMC series, Leon S.Kenedy - Resident Evil Damnation/ 6/Vendetta , McCree/ Hanzo - Overwatch, Zane/ Axton/ Mordecai - Borderlands series, Jetstream Sam - Metal Gear Rising, Geralt - Witcher 3, Dracul - Castlevania LOS series.... The list will go on but if you follow me long enough then you will know the type of man that gains my interest hehe.  
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: It depends on the mood, but coffee takes majority of my activities. 
Average Sleep Hours: uh.... quite unhealthy time span, since a lot going on... 
Dog or Cat Person: Definitely dog person, but I’m pretty good with the cats too. But the dog is more predictable and they are gently yet energetic being if you like it. 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: I have 3 but always use 1 
Dream Trip: Not at the moment but I manage to travel or study oversea so, let’s see what country will be next in my list :D
Blog Established: I found myself here while I was looking for the Evil Within most active fandom ( before I get to know twitter ) so it was since May 2015 [ oh hey 5 years on Tumblr wow]
Number of Followers: I just celebrate 1200 followers mark but it is now 1207, thank you I love you guys so much, also I have a raffle going on so check up my blog for info ^^
Random Fact(s) :  _I’m a McCree main with the personal 2287 SR and a golden gun, It is not much but for me is the proudest thing that I have. I also flexing between Hanzo/ Reaper/ Soldier 76/ D.Va/ Reinhardt/ Ana/ Moira. 
_Currently a 3D modeler/artist and I working on updating my stuff.
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_ I hate skirt, dress or hot pants and swore to never wear them, I’m a decency person that has a no-binary fashion that consistency of long denim, kaki, and a shirt. ( and a lot of accessories on me like necklaces, rings, bracelets, and a wristwatch )  _ I love to do sketches on paper rather than on a computer, since I got taught by a great teacher that on paper will truly make you adjust and training your skill.
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TOC Highlights: Chapter 1. Introduction: The Short Blade Swim Fins research work report covers a concise introduction to the global market. This segment provides assessments of key participants, a review of Short Blade Swim Fins industry, outlook across key areas, financial services, and various difficulties faced by Short Blade Swim Fins Market. This section depends on the Scope of the Study and Report Guidance. Chapter 2. Outstanding Report Scope: This is the second most significant chapter, which covers market segmentation along with a definition of Short Blade Swim Fins . It characterizes the whole scope of the Short Blade Swim Fins report and the various features it is describing. Chapter 3. Market Dynamics and Key Indicators: This chapter incorporates key elements focusing on drivers [Includes Globally Growing Short Blade Swim Fins frequency and Increasing Investments in Short Blade Swim Fins ], Key Market Restraints[High Cost of Short Blade Swim Fins ], opportunities [Arising Markets in Developing Countries] and introduced in detail the arising trends [Consistent Innovate of New Screening Products] development difficulties, and influence factors shared in this latest report. Chapter 4. Type Segments: This Short Blade Swim Fins market report shows the market development for different kinds of products showcased by the most far-reaching organizations. Chapter 5. Application Segments: The analysts who composed the report have completely assessed the market capability of key applications and perceived future freedoms. Chapter 6. Geographic Analysis: Each provincial market is deliberately examined to understand its current and future development, improvement, and request situations for this market. Chapter 7. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Short Blade Swim Fins Market: 7.1 North America: Insight On COVID-19 Impact Study 2021-2026 7.2 Europe: Serves Complete Insight On COVID-19 Impact Study 2021-2026 7.3 Asia-Pacific: Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2021-2026) 7.4 Rest of the World: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 8. Manufacturing Profiles: The significant players in the Short Blade Swim Fins market are definite in the report based on their market size, market served, products, applications, regional development, and other variables. Chapter 9. Estimating Analysis: This chapter gives price point analysis by region and different forecasts. Chapter 10. North America Short Blade Swim Fins Market Analysis: This chapter includes an appraisal on Short Blade Swim Fins product sales across major countries of the United States and Canada along with a detailed segmental viewpoint across these countries for the forecasted period 2021-2026. Chapter 11. Latin America Short Blade Swim Fins Market Analysis: Significant countries of Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Mexico are assessed apropos to the appropriation of Short Blade Swim Fins . Chapter 12. Europe Short Blade Swim Fins Market Analysis: Market Analysis of Short Blade Swim Fins report remembers insights on supply-demand and sales revenue of Short Blade Swim Fins across Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, BENELUX, Nordic, and Italy. Chapter 13. Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ) Short Blade Swim Fins Market Analysis: Countries of Greater China, ASEAN, India, and Australia & New Zealand are assessed, and sales evaluation of Short Blade Swim Fins in these countries is covered. Chapter 14. Middle East and Africa (MEA) Short Blade Swim Fins Market Analysis: This chapter centers around Short Blade Swim Fins market scenario across GCC countries, Israel, South Africa, and Turkey. Chapter 15. Research Methodology The research procedure chapter includes the accompanying primary realities, 15.1 Coverage 15.2 Secondary Research 15.3 Primary Research Chapter 16. Conclusion >> [With unrivaled insights into the Short Blade Swim Fins market, our industry research will help you take your Short Blade Swim Fins business to new heights.] <<
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aurimeanswind · 6 years
Your E3 Predictions!—Sunday Chats—6/3/18
I’m very excited about this week’s Sunday Chats because it’s all about E3 predictions! This time next week, we’ll BE INSIDE E3! I’ll have seen Microsoft/EA/and Bethesda’s pressers come the next Sunday Chats, and I’ll be writing about them, probably! I may or may not do a Sunday Chats, but we’ll see!
To catch folks up, this week has been a full-force build up to E3 for me. A new Episode of Get Acquainted posted, with my friend Brandon Gann, who is just an incredibly wonderful and amazing loquacious individual, and we spend two plus hours talking E3! We had a ton of predictions and great conversations around all of them! You should give it a listen!
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On this week’s Irrational Passions Podcast we had my other good friend Logan Moore on to make some E3 BETS! Nabeshin was kind enough to put together 25 amazing bets for us and a ton of lightening round bets on top of that, and it was super fun. You can watch the video version of that WITH bonus content right now, and the fully edited version will post on Tuesday.
So it’s all about E3, but before we get to that, a little personal update.
Personal Update for June
So any one close to me will no that the last week of my life has been exceptionally difficult. Some folks close to me, both physically and emotionally have been making decisions that have been pretty toxic, I can’t lie. It’s led to a pretty unhealthy living situation that I’d rather not get into, and whether things blow over, get worse, I’m not sure. I obviously don’t want to spill any personal juice here, but anyone who has seen me out here tweeting like the dramatic boi I am on the inside about how I need some good vibes, that’s a general overview of the situation, if you were concerned.
I’m thankful for all my close friends out there texting me, checking on me, and making sure I am doing okay, even if I’m not. It is upsetting that this just so happens to coincide with the busiest time of the year in video games, so if this bleeds over into our content over on Irrational Passions I apologize. Sometimes its a bit unavoidable.
Anyway, I appreciate you all taking the time to interact and be a part of my silly Selfie Saturdays or Sunday Chats, it means the world. I’ve been working hard with the team @ Irrational Passions to make some really fun stuff, including a new show that acts as a spiritual successor to our roundtables from 2017 Game of the Year talks.
That’s all we need to dwell on in regards to the bummer business, let’s get to games!
What’s on Tap
So I just started this tonight and I have to say: right away I just love it.
The idea is you live in a small town that neighbors these ancient ruins that lead to these very dangerous dungeons, and once upon a time travelers and adventurers used to come here to explore those dungeons, and merchants would sell supplies and goodies to gear them up for those journeys. Eventually it grew too dangerous, but you are someone who Moonlights as an adventurer and runs a shop on the front end.
You dive into these dungeons and get awesome treasure and loot and goodies to then sell in your shop to expand your shop, get better weapons and armor, and continue deeper into the dungeons. It’s an amazing idea, and it’s executed on so well.
The game sustains such a great and rewarding loop, and it’s also got tons of charm and amazingly well executed on pixel art.
On top of that the UI is also just very good? It’s super slick and smooth. 
I’m only a couple hours in but I just adore it. Mike Burgess, producer at IP, did a video review on it that I saw the first cut of today and it’s actually what sold me on it. See it soon!
Detroit Become Human
I’ve already said so much about this game I’m exhausted. I love this game.
It has so many issues and in spite of all that, I genuinely adored my time with Detroit.
Our roundtable discussion was about this very game, so look for it soon.
Dark Souls Remastered
This game is still so good. I think I may like it even more than Dark Souls 3, a game I picked up just very briefly a few weeks ago.
I’ve now got the power to fast travel and am just warping around and exploring again. I even dipped my toe into the DLC area which I have never seen before. 
It’s excellent, and seeing it run smooth has been super rewarding for me, a longtime fan of the title.
Your E3 Predictions
Let’s get to it! This week, something I haven’t done in a bit, I asked you for your boldest E3 predictions, and while some of you gave me a good joke, a lot of you came back at me with some great predictions!
Let’s get into it!
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Remember to look for my tweet on Sunday afternoons/evenings with #SundayChats in it and respond to it with your reply to be a part of Sunday Chats!
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Now listen, I know this was clearly written as a joke Sam, but I think that this announcement is coming, just not here. It’s a PSX announcement, if ANY, because that’s the only place it can be really gernally accepted as an “announcement”. It’d get a big riot of an applause.
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I’d love this. I think they have such a “robust” (#branding) library of handheld games that it’d make too much sense to carry them over to their now partially handheld big console.
Will it happen? Well, I mean Nintendo has said no virtual console on Switch. But they’ve changed their mind, even if it has been rare, in the past before. While it could happen down the line, this up coming direct is about 2017, so I don’t think we’ll see it there.
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Nah John.
You need to stop.
But... Well
I mean maybe?
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Finally. Some announcements we, as “hardcore gamers” care about.
Some cars
On stage.
The cars have sex.
And birth a motorcycle.
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I love this Peter. I mean, for some reason I guess folks think that Emma Stone will be the female actress pulled into Death Stranding, and I think there will likely be a big female reveal at some point, I don’t know why everyone thinks it’ll be Emma Stone? I bet there is a good reason out there, I just don’t know. I’m not complaining, Emma Stone is great.
I am definitely with you on the “deep dive”, though I don't think there will be a long explanation of things, just a nice gameplay demo. My theory I posited on Get Acquainted was like an 8 minute trailer that leads into about four minutes of gameplay at the end, but it’s just enough cinematic that we’re convinced there will be no gameplay, and then BOOM. There is.
I could see them saying 2019 at the end too, though I doubt they’ll hit it.
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Nah of course. 
We talked about this on our show, obvs, everyone please go listen to it, but NO FINAL FANTASY 7. IT WONT HAPPEN. Square Enix needs to figure that shit out, and so they’ll come back to it when it, and more importantly, THEY’RE ready to.
Here’s hoping for some dope Xbox Avatars.
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I mean, it’s gotta be the time, right? I need to know what this Resident Evil 2 Remake looks like. I know the director was out there talking about it not terribly too long ago, and it just feels like ages since we heard about it. With Capcom announcing RE7 and then releasing it 6 months later, on top of Monster Hunter World’s recent success, they are on a great path! Time to continue it!
As for DMC 5 I mean everyone seems convinced it’s coming and I just don’t care.
I love the Rocksteady prediction, because they’ve been cooking that bad boy for a good long while. I hope it’s Superman because I have supreme faith they’ll knock it out of the park. Maybe even an origin story? I’d love to see Rocksteady do one of those.
And I do, also, believe that Shadows Die Twice is Tenchu.
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Dishonored getting a reboot I just don’t see happening. I think it’s time Arkane moves onto some new IP. Something that is hopefully a bit more eye-catchy so they get get back into a popular circle, then maybe spend a few years making iterations of that. Maybe in a few years past that they can return to Dunwall and take another crack at Dishonored.
Doom 2 can be wherever the hell it wants and I am HERE for it. But judging by the sounds of things that may not be at this E3, and that’s okay. It makes me sad, but it’s okay.
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Man. I fucking wish.
Them or Bioware. I’d love to have just an original story told at Hogwarts where you create your character and go through 7 years at the school and it’s great and it has dialogue wheels and it’s great. Feed me Bioware.
It’d never happen tho.
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This would be very cool. I feel like this Star Fox Grand Prix rumor is too big to ignore, but it’s still a little far fetched. I wonder how they’d sell it, if it is real.
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Honestly, not that far out there. Kingdom Hearts don’t give a fuck about Red Dead.
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Here is my thing, I just don’t think an ARMs character will make it into the Smash roster because no one cares about ARMs and I don’t think they’d be crazy interesting. Who would it be? Twintelle? I mean she is super cool, but who knows!
THey’d make great assist trophies, and I know that’s a slight but I’m sorry.
Anyway, if they put Banjo and Kazooie in I’d literally start crying right then and there, and it may happen, who knows, but I would. I’d cry.
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I think there could be a direct apology. It depends. I think within 15 minutes or so we will know if EA has changed their tone or not. Hell, within 2 minutes we’ll know. If they want to actually be well regarded, they need to start making big moves, and right now, they’re not. Period. Come out and own up to what you’ve done wrong, or GTFO. They need to make up ground on the PR front, even if they’re still making money hand over fist. 
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I’m sorry times are tough Silver, but know that I’m sending good vibes your way!
I wonder if Microsoft would make such a bold move. Regardless, it’s a great bold prediction. I hope that they are gonna give it some more time, and let this generation cook a little more. I’m digging my Xbox One X, and them implying a replacement is coming next year or so would bum me out.
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Finally. The battle Royale Battle Royale we’ve all been waiting for. 
And as the dust settles, there’s sha’boi Griffin. Standing on top. Winner of them all.
And let’s not front: I’d kill to listen to Donald Glover sing Parappa songs.
Thank you all so much for your predictions! I’ve had a ton out there all week, and the Get Acquainted Episode I think has them out there in the best way. Go check them out! Either way, I’m so excited for E3, not necessarily to see if my predictions came true, but just for the hype of it all and my inevitable editorial after its all said and done about my thoughts and feelings coming out of it.
So. Big Sunday Chats update. I may be making a BIG CHANGE to Sunday Chats in the coming weeks. There is some ironing out I need to figure out personally, but I just wanted to give you faithful readers a little heads up. This could be something that becomes a proper part of IrrationalPassions.com, and for that, I’m very excited. The biggest thing is it may mean I start soliciting questions on Saturday! Stay tuned for my twitter for that.
It wouldn’t be a big change for you all, so don’t stress about it too much, but I wanted to seed it out there.
I love you all and your support, especially in these dark dog days of summer I am in. Thank you for the perpetual good vibes. 
I hope you all are here for the E3 hype, but if not, that’s okay. Regardless, thank you for reading, and
keep it real.
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(the Naruto kick not only continues, but never ends.)
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
29 with Dante and Vergil?
(Ooooh alright! Let’s get cracking! )
29. You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
[Some Context: Post DMC5, no real continuity to anything else.]
Eventually, getting a smart phone became a necessity. Even if it weren’t for the convenience, then it would be for the fact that people treat you like you’re a little bit crazy if you didn’t have one. 
At first, Vergil and Dante were in a rare agreement that it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Eventually, under Morrison’s, Lady’s, and everyone else’s insistence, (especially Nero’s insistence,) they added “cell phone bill” to the list of bills that... admittingly, were a little easier to pay when Vergil could keep Dante “better motivated” to take on work. (There was also the matter of convenience for being able to make trips home quick with the Yamato, though Vergil will insist every time, in some manner, that he was not a taxi service.)
Now, to say that this was a big leap of technology for the Sons of Sparda would be an understatement. Though they were familiar with the existence of cell phones, neither of them owned one until now, and they have completely skipped past about three stages of the evolution of cell phones. 
Figuring out the functions of the phone, however, was a different task in itself. Vergil hadn’t really had a need to touch anything keyboard based to begin with. While a touch screen was simple, figuring out where everything was on a keyboard took a bit of practice. 
Still, the twins might be dense and stubborn on some things, but they weren’t entirely unable to adapt. At the very least, they understood how to use the messaging and call functions. Anything else, Nico made a big list of functions that, for the most part, the two men found no use for. (Well, for now.)
Nero actually messaged them frequently. More than Nico. At least, as far as Nico was concerned, she has never messaged Vergil. 
A few days after they managed to sort out the new phone situation, it was decided that the cell phones were more for the function of keeping in touch with family and friends. Business still had to come through the main line. 
And while Vergil was going through some books, he froze when his phone vibrated. 
He was still getting used to having this bothersome little contraption on his person. They fact that it made noise and moved (somewhat) while so close to his body made him skittish. He had considered keeping it out on the table but it became clear that he was then liable to forget it. 
So his only option was to keep it in his inner coat pocket and learn to get used to it. 
Fishing the phone out, he checked it, to find that it was a message from Nero:
> Hey. How are you holding up?
This was curiously cordial, though Vergil could imagine the awkward hesitance in his son’s demeanor. The anger over past transgressions had only been somewhat diffused, but if there was anything Vergil had learnt recently from Dante and Nero both, it’s that he was in a state of “forgiven but not forgotten.” 
Because the kin of Sparda has had enough bullshit and would rather have something that resembled family, however long it took for them to become one. 
This meant communication was part of it. 
So Vergil responded: 
Well. <
After a moment of thought, he realized he ought to… say something more. 
And you? <
Nero’s response was considerably faster than his:
> Not bad. New phone treating you good?  > Maybe I should ask if you’re treating your phone good.  > Not broken yet it seems. 
He felt a little insulted. 
I happen to take good care of my possessions. Unlike my brother. <
> Right
Vergil found that there were both advantages and disadvantages to this type of communication. Though he himself wasn’t openly expressive, the lack of visual cues from the person he’s speaking to made conversation contain a sort of guessing game. But without being under scrutiny, there was no social disrespect for him putting his attention back in his book while there was a lack of immediate response. 
A few minutes later, his phone buzzed again. 
> The book you left behind is old isn’t it? > Guess there’s no doubt to your words.  > Glad to know you’re doing well with the phone. But can you tell Dante to call me back? Or at least text me back? Been trying to get a hold of him for an hour now. 
So, that was it. He’s playing second messenger because Dante wasn’t responding. 
When he comes back. I will let him know. <
> Cool. Thanks.  > Hey, let me know if you ever need anything, k?
By context, Vergil figured Nero meant to say “okay.” 
And this was… okay. It was a start. 
I will keep that in mind. <
Though when in person, Nero and Vergil sometimes had abrasive encounters, Vergil realized that Nero wasn’t any less argumentative with Dante. Their interactions were simply different. 
But often, Nero messaged him about small things, when they were apart. Such as: 
> Nico and I are driving by DMC. You guys want anything?
If it’s food, don’t bring Dante any more pizza. <
> Okay. What about you? Beer or anything?
Dante said yes to beer. <
> Dante always says yes to pizza and beer. I’m asking YOU damnit. > Also tell the old man to text me back himself if he wants anything!
Out of sheer pettiness that day, Nero brought no beer, but a bottle of cheap wine for Vergil. 
He was satisfied with it only because Dante whined over preferential treatment. 
> Good morning Mr. Vergil!  > We were wondering if you and Dante would like to have dinner with us next weekend? > A gathering without impending work, something relaxing for everyone? 
It took a long amount of thinking, and Vergil thought carefully about how he couldn’t keep avoiding it. He wasn’t the most comfortable around Nero’s considerably normal family. Even Dante often made excuses to not go, judging from what Vergil had heard about the number of holiday invitations sent to his brother that never received the response of his presence. 
A part of Vergil thought that this was not only the time to face the music that came with having family, but also felt somewhat comforted by the fact that if he agreed to this, Dante still had to suffer through the social gathering with him. 
I am grateful for your invitation. What time would you like for us to be there by? <
> Dinner will be ready by 6, but you are welcome to arrive earlier to help, or spend some time with Nero? > The children are also curious to meet you and Dante.
Ah, the orphans… well, he had already agreed. 
> Of course, I’m not holding your promise as Dante’s agreement. Please let me know if he will be arriving, also? He hasn’t responded to our messages yesterday. 
> Hey uh > I know Dante likes his strawberry sundaes  > But what do you like?
I’m partial to something chocolate. <
> Huh. I would have thought you’d say something like blueberry. 
I do not believe blueberry is a common topping on a menu. Chocolate is fine. <
> Okay. > What if I’m stopping by a special creamery? Still want chocolate?
Please. <
About half an hour later, Vergil received another message: 
> I don’t care if Dante’s predictable, but if he wants his sundae, he should at least RESPOND TO MY TEXTS.
On that day, Vergil learnt what a message in all caps was supposed to mean. 
> Yooooo V-man > hey is Dante alive? > I found something a-maze-ing this morning!! > he might wanna see this.  > but like he’s totally bad about responding so like > tell him I’ll be swinging by in an hour.  > you might like this, too.
This is a little short notice. <
> Don’t care!  > be there soon! > ttyl!
Nico’s messages were a bit harder to understand. For her, Vergil had to learn how to navigate basic search engines. 
> Where’s Dante.
I am not my brother’s keeper. <
> Right. He’s your keeper.  > Where is he. He owes me money.
I understand that he has owed you money for quite some time now. < Do not come to me about his debts. < I am not responsible for his lack of good finances. <
It has come to Vergil’s attention that, many times, he was being contacted simply because Dante very rarely responded. 
Nero actually used the phone as a means to carry some semblance of contact with Vergil, but ultimately, even he had come to Vergil for the sake of getting Dante on the phone. (Barring that, Nero would simply call the land line. But by that point, it defeated the purpose of a cell phone, didn’t it?)
Today, while Dante was languidly flipping through another one of his tasteless magazines, Vergil decided he had enough of playing messenger. 
But he had to do the roundabout thing to prove a point to his brother. 
So he opened up the messenger, and found Dante’s message thread. It wasn’t that Dante didn’t use his phone. He’s called a few times. In fact, he seemed to prefer calling over texting. But it was clear that, just like his tendency to leave the shop’s phone unanswered or even unplugged, he was just as terrible about being contacted via cell phone. 
Dante <
After a few seconds, Vergil heard the soft vibration of the message being received. The phone in question appeared to be within Dante’s desk. 
And his brother ignored it. 
So, a few minutes later, Vergil sent again:
Dante <
Another vibration. 
It went ignored again. 
What is the point of having a phone if you don’t answer it you imbecile <
This time, not long after Vergil heard the phone vibrate, he said out loud: “Dante. You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?”
His brother finally lowered his reading material, and said: “What? Aren’t we talking right now?”
“No. Stop ignoring your phone.”
“What is there you need to say that you can’t say yo my face?” The teasing retort on his face was anger-inducing. 
“That’s not the point. It appears most everyone else has issues getting in contact with you, and I’m done playing messenger. Learn to respond to your messages, or I will not be responsible for the next time you miss something important.”
Dante waved his hand as if batting away an annoying moth. “Eh. If it’s important, it’ll get to me.”
“Because I have been making sure you found out. This ends here, Dante. At the very least, promise that you will answer your phone calls, if messaging is too much for you.”
> Okay what did you do now > why is Dante messaging me suddenly about sibling abuse. 
I have done nothing of that sort. Your uncle is simply being over dramatic after a few stabs from a few summoned swords, for not paying proper attention to his phone. < Next time he does not respond, I am no longer responsible for relaying a message. <
> ...okay > okay you know what sure > no one is dead and maybe this is for the better. > I’m surprised you didn’t go off on him way earlier. 
I have suggested to him that if it’s his wont to ignore his messages, he ought to at least answer his phone calls. <
> Gotcha > Blow up his phone with his ringtone not his text tone. > He’d better start answering. 
There is no need to blow up anything. But I make no promises on Dante’s ability to respond. <
> hell it’s a figure of speech, dad. > But thanks for trying
> Hey > Hey Vergil > Hey
I’m upstairs. What seems to be the issue? <
> Holy shit you do respond.
How did you think the others were able to come to me when you didn’t respond to your phone? < Idiot. <
> Okay you know what > You win this round > I didn’t think you were getting so comfy with this phone thing
This wasn’t a competition. < That was meaningless. <
> Fine forget it > Come downstairs > We have a client.
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teiloembry · 4 years
spectator | teilo + ? {dmc}
[He’s found a home in one of the booths a bit removed from the chaos of the dance floor. Dancing in the context of pop music and club lights isn’t really his thing, which is officially surprising nobody. But he’s perfectly content to sit here and watch everyone else with an amused glint in his eye as he nurses his glass of (predictable) red wine. At least he’d dressed up, to the best of his ability, anyway, and Dot had even given him a glowstick to wrap around his wrist, so no one can criticize him for not participating. He’s just participating... quietly. But getting no less enjoyment for it. 
He glances up as the lights flicker, and the music seems to skip half a beat, but for now, the power seems to hold. So far, there’s been one brief blackout that had lasted about 5 or 6 seconds, so nothing earth shattering, and it would seem that for the most part, the party goes on, despite the technical difficulties. He has, however, spotted that Felix character huffing about the bar in some sort of frustrated tizzy. Teilo has steered clear. 
He smiles as someone approaches his table, lifting a brow.] If you’re here to ask me for my extra doubloons, I’m afraid you’re too late, [he teases, gesturing to the far side of the bar.] I’ve just given my last couple to Siddhartha. Which was probably a mistake but, I’m not here to judge. 
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@drfitrei​, @dot-speckter​
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jcbrewer · 7 years
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Wrestlemania 5
Grade - 6
Alot of BS matches not enough quality matches, underrated Run DMC performance, Copy and paste of Wrestlemania 4, too predictable
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Dimethyl Carbonate Market Scope, Product Estimates & Strategy Framework, Forecasts, 2019-2023
Dimethyl Carbonate Market 2019 Industry Report presents a detailed analysis of the Industry by Share, Size, Growth Rate, Trends, Demand, Key players, Regions, Product Types & Applications, the report also evaluates key factors that affected market growth and with the help of previous figures this report elaborates current scenario and forecast of Dimethyl Carbonate industry.
Market Overview:
Dimethyl Carbonate Market can be synthesized by the trans-esterification of ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate and methanol. It is a colorless, flammable, and highly reactive chemical that possesses low toxicity and high solvency. It is used in numerous end-use applications such as polycarbonate, fuel additive, solvent, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. It is commonly used as an intermediate and carbonylation and methylating agent. It is further used as an electrolyte in Li-ion battery and is widely used as a solvent in paints & coatings industry on account of their desirable chemical properties.
Some of the prominent factors that positively influence the growth of the dimethyl carbonate market are rising usage as an adhesive, growing disposable income, rising consumption of polycarbonates in electrical & electronics, and automotive sector. Furthermore, flourishing growth of the building & construction sector and rising usage as an adhesive in residential, commercial, as well as the institutional sector is predicted to propel the demand for dimethyl carbonate over the assessment period. Moreover, the burgeoning need for high-quality crops to meet the growing population has increased the consumption of pesticide, which is likely to fuel the demand for dimethyl carbonate over the estimated period.
Competitive Analysis
Some of the major players operating in the dimethyl carbonate market are BASF SE (Germany), UBE (India), Alfa Aesar, Thermo Fisher Scientific. (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), HaiKe Chemical Group (China), Tongling Jintai Chemical Industrial Co.,Ltd (China), Tangshan Chaoyang Chemical Co.Ltd. (China), Arrow Chemical Group Corporation (China), Kowa India Pvt.Ltd (India), and Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Co. (China).
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Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific holds the largest share of the market and is estimated to dominate the DMC market over the assessment period, which is further followed by Europe and North America on account of rising demand from agriculture, automotive, and building & construction sectors. Developing countries of the Asia Pacific such as India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, and Malaysia are expected to be the fastest growing DMC market worldwide and is estimated to grow at the same pace in the near future. Factors attributed to the regional market growth are increasing use of pesticides, rising population, growing urbanization, ease of availability of inexpensive raw material, labor & land cost, and competitive manufacturing cost. European DMC market is predicted to witness a constant growth due to a huge demand from the automotive industry. North American dimethyl carbonate market is estimated to witness a steady growth due to the strong growth of the U.S. pharmaceutical sector.
Market Segmentation
The global dimethyl carbonate market is segmented on the basis of grades, application, and region. On the basis of the grades, DMC market is classified into the pharmaceutical grade, industrial grade, and battery grade. On the basis of the application, the market is segmented into polycarbonate, solvent, fuel additive, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. Others include adhesives and aerosol sprays. Among these, polycarbonate accounted for the largest market share in 2016 and is predicted to expand at a significant CAGR over the assessment period on account of their growing prominence in numerous end-use industries such as electronics and automotive. Furthermore, increasing disposable income in emerging economies along with rising tendency to own personal vehicle has resulted in an increase in the automotive production and sales, which, in turn, is predicted to propel the growth of the market. Furthermore, rising building & construction activities along with increasing usage of environment-friendly paints & coatings are estimated to drive the demand for DMC over the forecast period. Increasing adoption rate by the medical industry coupled with the continuous expansion of pharmaceutical sector across the globe is predicted to fuel the demand for dimethyl carbonate over the assessment period.
Browse Full Report of Global Dimethyl Carbonate Market @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/dimethyl-carbonate-market-5486
Table Of Contents
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
Why I’d avoid Sirius Minerals plc and buy this superstock instead
Shares in Sirius Minerals (LSE: SXX) have risen around 26% over the past month. As a short-term speculation, that’s a decent return and I’d be taking profits now if I held the stock.
However, many investors are in this one for the long haul. After all, the company signs off its promotional video saying “Sirius Minerals. The future of fertilizer,” which is a mighty prediction to make, inspired no doubt, by the estimated 2.6bn tonne high-quality polyhalite potash resource that the company owns in Yorkshire.
Volatility ahead
But before Sirius can start mining and shipping its Poly4 multi-nutrient fertilizer product from Teesside to eager, pre-committed customers around the world, there’s the ‘small’ matter of building the mine and transportation systems, which is a massive and expensive construction project fraught with uncertainty. Long-term shareholders should hunker down ready for more volatility in the stock over the coming years – the share price is up over the past month, but my prediction is that it will fall again, then rise, then fall over and over again for some considerable time to come mirroring the ups and downs of the firm’s operational progress. So, I’m in no hurry to make a long-term commitment to the stock.
Highlights in the recent full-year report confirm that the construction project started during 2017 and that the firm has signed incremental supply agreements with customers for 4.4m tonnes per annum. Chief executive Chris Fraser said in the report: “Our world-class project based in North Yorkshire has the potential to disrupt the global fertilizer market and contribute substantially to the UK economy.” The story here is an exciting one, but with Sirius only just having entered into a design-and-build agreement with Canadian firm DMC Mining Services to sink the four shafts required for the project, there’s a long and winding road ahead before we see first profits.
Boring but good
Meanwhile, boring-but-already-profitable manufactured masonry products provider Forterra (LSE: FORT) delivered rather decent-looking full-year results today with revenue more than 12% higher than a year ago, adjusted earnings per share almost 17% up and adjusted operating cash flow rising more than 29%.
The strong cash flow performance enabled the firm to reduce its net debt by around 34% to £60.8m at 31 December 2017, which is a comfortable-looking 0.8 times the value of adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA). The directors expressed their confidence in the company’s financial strength and the trading outlook by pushing up the total dividend for the year by 10.5% — nice!
Chief executive Stephen Harrison told us in the report that the main driver of revenue growth in 2017 was the new-build residential market together with the “strategically important” acquisition of Bison, which “has given us a leadership position in the precast concrete products market.” City analysts following the firm expect earnings to grow 6% in 2018 and 8% in 2019, which looks like steady progress. You can pick up the shares on a forward P/E rating a little over 109 for 2009 at today’s share price around 294p and there’s a 3.8% forward dividend yield. I think the firm is well worth your further research time.
Could Forterra help you towards financial independence?
I like the look of Forterra and think the firm could sit well in a diversified portfolio of stocks engineered to propel you forward towards financial independence. If you are aiming to invest your way to an early retirement I recommend you download the outperforming Motley Fool analysts' wealth report called The Foolish Guide To Financial Independence. If you are serious about retiring early, this report is packed full of ideas to help you make it happen. It's free of charge and you can get right now by clicking here.
More reading
Sirius Minerals plc isn’t the only growth stock I’d consider buying for my ISA
Why I’d sell Sirius Minerals plc to buy this growth star
Sirius Minerals plc is my favourite buy and hold forever stock
Why I believe Sirius Minerals could return to 40p by the end of 2018
Why Sirius Minerals plc and Hurricane Energy plc look set to recover in 2018
Kevin Godbold has no position in any of the shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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Having trouble viewing? View in Browser Monday, October 30, 2017 TOP OF THE MORNING Welcome to Fox News First. Not signed up yet? Click here. Developing now, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017: Indictment in special counsel Mueller's Russia investigation expected to be announced Top Dems could be called back to testify on Trump dossier Former House Speaker John Boehner lashes out at former GOP colleagues Testimony to resume in Bowe Bergdahl sentencing PROGRAMMING ALERT: Don't miss the premieres of two new shows tonight: "The Ingraham Angle" hosted by Laura Ingraham at 10 p.m. ET, followed by "Fox News @ Night," anchored by Shannon Bream at 11 p.m. ET!   THE LEAD STORY: Speculation is at a fever pitch with the anticipated announcement of at least one indictment in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election ... An announcement could come as early as today. The Wall Street Journal reported at least one person could be taken into custody. The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., predicted Sunday on ABC News' "This Week" that two prominent Trump campaign associates believed to be at the center of the investigation — former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort — could be indicted. Rep. Trey Gowdy slams Mueller team over leaks Michael Goodwin: Robert Mueller should resign Mueller's Russia investigation: What you should know FOLLOW THE MONEY: Congressional Republicans are not convinced Democratic leaders do not remember who funded the infamous Trump dossier about his alleged ties to Russia and may want former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to testify again on the Hill ... Wasserman Schultz and Podesta told Senate investigators last month that they had no knowledge of their party funding the Trump dossier. But Wasserman Schultz was the DNC chair and Podesta headed Clinton's campaign when both groups purportedly paid millions for research that led to the dossier, The Washington Post reported last week. South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, suggested on "Fox News Sunday" cast doubt on Podesta and Wasserman Schultz's claim that they didn’t know who paid for the dossier. Maine GOP Sen. Susan Collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Podesta and Wasserman Schultz "absolutely need to be recalled" before the panel. Judge Jeanine: After Russian dossier funding, time to 'lock up' Clinton Trump: Claims about Clinton camp spending millions on 'fake dossier' has GOP 'united & angry' From Fox News Opinion: Hillary Clinton and Democrats lose the high ground on Russia BOEHNER UNLEASHED: Former House Speaker John Boehner, who retired in October 2015, has some very choice words for his former colleagues in Congress ... The Ohio Republican talked to Politico Magazine in a lengthy profile about the widening political divide in America. He saved the expletives for a blistering critique of conservatives who worked alongside him. Among them: Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who became the chairman of the House Oversight Committee after Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, announced his resignation from Congress, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who helped found the House’s Freedom Caucus, which frequently clashed with Boehner. "Gowdy — that's my guy, even though he doesn’t know how to dress,” Boehner said. “F--- Jordan. F--- [Jason] Chaffetz. They're both a--holes.” Boehner called Chaffetz a "total phony" more obsessed with self-promotion than the American people. Chaffetz, who resigned from Congress in June and is a Fox News contributor, has not immediately responded. EMOTIONAL TESTIMONY EXPECTED IN BERGDAHL SENTENCING: Testimony will to resume today in the sentencing phase of Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, with the wife of a severely wounded soldier expected take the stand on his behalf ... Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl faces up to life in prison after pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. He was held captive by Taliban allies for five years after abandoning his remote post in 2009, and prosecutors are presenting evidence that his disappearance endangered those who searched for him. Master Sgt. Mark Allen was among the troops who suffered severe injuries during an ambush while searching for Bergdahl.  A head injury has left him wheelchair-bound and unable to speak, requiring assistance for everyday tasks such as getting out of bed. Allen's wife is expected to testify today. Who is Bowe Bergdahl? From Fox News Opinion: Ralph Peters: Bergdahl sentencing isn't about him -- It's about setting an example for any future traitors   THE WEEKEND THAT WAS 'DEAR FLAG' CAMPAIGN: "You don't build a bridge to meet in the middle. You build a bridge to go to the other person's side, to check it out. You may not like it ... but then you go back to your side and you have ... a little bit of perspective. Through that maybe we can be humane to humanity." – David Vobora, former NFL player, on "Fox & Friends Weekend," explaining his "Dear Flag" campaign for military veterans, athletes, and youth. WATCH LOSE-LOSE FOR DEMS ON TRUMP DOSSIER: "If you could let $9 million escape a campaign and not know where it was going, you should not be commander-in-chief." – Eric Trump, son of President Trump, on "Watters' World," sounding off on top Democratic operatives denying knowledge of the payments to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which produced the Trump dossier. WATCH   MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Trump tax overhaul under intensifying fire as Congress readies bill. Americans' 401(k)s will be safe, GOP leaders set record straight. Target's new changes could boost stock - Barron's.   NEW IN FOX NEWS OPINION Progressive pitchforks are out to destroy Halloween. Message to liberal feminists: Don't dictate political views to me just because ... Mark Zuckerberg and liberals seek to weaken bail system that keeps us safe.   HOLLYWOOD SQUARED Star Trek: Discovery's Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey made sexual advance toward me when I was 14; Spacey doesn't remember, comes out as gay. Jimmy Kimmel to go easy on Weinstein at the Oscars. Corey Haim's mother calls Corey Feldman a 'scam artist,' denies Hollywood pedophile ring exists.    DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS? Amtrak forced woman to remove 'Love trumps hate' button before boarding train, passenger claims. History lovers open WWII-themed restaurant in Alabama. 'Alien-infested' ranch on the market for $5 million.   STAY TUNED On Fox News: Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on new developments in the Trump dossier scandal; Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway on the looming Mueller Russia indictment and the Trump dossier developments; Alan Dershowitz addresses a Berkeley student newspaper's apology for a cartoon depicting him stomping a Palestinian. Tucker Carlson Tonight, 8 p.m. ET: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher tells Tucker how he has been trying to get a hearing on the Clinton-Russia connection for months. The Ingraham Angle, 10 p.m. ET (Premiere): White House Chief of Staff John Kelly looks back on his defense of President Trump's handling of a phone call with an Army widow, reflects on the politicization of Gold Star families and more in a must-see conversation with Laura. Fox News @ Night, 11 p.m. ET (Premiere): Sen. Mike Lee takes on the latest developments in the Mueller Russia investigation. On Fox Business: Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for the White House, Chairman and Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson CEO take on tax reform; Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin on Trump's measures taken on the opioid crisis; Mack McLarty, former White House chief of staff under Clinton, looks at the Trump dossier's tangled web. Varney & Co., 9 a.m. ET: Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski sounds off on the anticipated announcement in the Mueller Russia indictment. Cavuto: Coast to Coast, Noon ET: Former independent counsel Robert Ray breaks down Mueller Russia investigation. On Fox News Radio: The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET to Noon ET: New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin tells Brian why he believes special counsel Robert Mueller should resign in the Russia investigation; former FBI assistant director Ron Hosko gives his perspective on the Mueller investigation. The Tom Shillue Show, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m ET: White House spokesman Raj Shah discusses developments in the Trump-Russia probe, the Uranium One scandal and the president's tax reform plan.   #OnThisDay 2002: Jam Master Jay (Jason Mizell), a rapper with the hip-hop group Run-DMC, is killed in a shooting in New York. 1997: A jury in Cambridge, Massachusetts, convicts British au pair Louise Woodward of second-degree murder in the death of eight-month-old Matthew Eappen. (The judge, Hiller B. Zobel, later reduced the verdict to manslaughter and set Woodward free.) 1974: Muhammad Ali knocks out George Foreman in the eighth round of a 15-round bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, known as the "Rumble in the Jungle," to regain boxing's world heavyweight title.   Thank you for joining us on Fox News First! Enjoy your day and we'll see you in your inbox first thing Tuesday morning. Unsubscribe | Contact Us ©2017 Fox News Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10036. 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Dimethyl Carbonate Market Share, Growth, Size, Demand, Key Player, Development Analysis and Forecast 2023
Dimethyl Carbonate Market 2019 Industry Research Report provide the details about Industry Overview and analysis about Cost Structure, Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Gross Margin and Sale Price, Major Manufacturers, Industry Chain Structure, New Project SWOT Analysis with Development Trends and Forecasts 2023
Dimethyl Carbonate Market Overview:
Dimethyl Carbonate can be synthesized by the trans-esterification of ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate and methanol. It is a colorless, flammable, and highly reactive chemical that possesses low toxicity and high solvency. It is used in numerous end-use applications such as polycarbonate, fuel additive, solvent, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. It is commonly used as an intermediate and carbonylation and methylating agent. It is further used as an electrolyte in Li-ion battery and is widely used as a solvent in paints & coatings industry on account of their desirable chemical properties.
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Major Key Players:
Alfa Aesar
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tangshan Chaoyang Chemical Co.Ltd.
Arrow Chemical Group Corporation
Kowa India Pvt.Ltd
Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Co.
Merck KGaA
Targeted Audience:
Dimethyl Carbonate manufacturers
Traders and Distributors of dimethyl carbonate
Production Process Industries
Potential Investors
Raw Material Suppliers
Nationalized Laboratory
Market Segmentation:
The global dimethyl carbonate market is segmented on the basis of grades, application, and region. On the basis of the grades, DMC market is classified into the pharmaceutical grade, industrial grade, and battery grade. On the basis of the application, the market is segmented into polycarbonate, solvent, fuel additive, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. Others include adhesives and aerosol sprays. Among these, polycarbonate accounted for the largest market share in 2016 and is predicted to expand at a significant CAGR over the assessment period on account of their growing prominence in numerous end-use industries such as electronics and automotive.
Furthermore, increasing disposable income in emerging economies along with rising tendency to own personal vehicle has resulted in an increase in the automotive production and sales, which, in turn, is predicted to propel the growth of the market. Furthermore, rising building & construction activities along with increasing usage of environment-friendly paints & coatings are estimated to drive the demand for DMC over the forecast period. Increasing adoption rate by the medical industry coupled with the continuous expansion of pharmaceutical sector across the globe is predicted to fuel the demand for dimethyl carbonate over the assessment period.
Browse Complete Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/dimethyl-carbonate-market-5486
Regional Analysis:
Asia Pacific holds the largest share of the market and is estimated to dominate the DMC market over the assessment period, which is further followed by Europe and North America on account of rising demand from agriculture, automotive, and building & construction sectors. Developing countries of the Asia Pacific such as India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, and Malaysia are expected to be the fastest growing DMC market worldwide and is estimated to grow at the same pace in the near future. Factors attributed to the regional market growth are increasing use of pesticides, rising population, growing urbanization, ease of availability of inexpensive raw material, labor & land cost, and competitive manufacturing cost. European DMC market is predicted to witness a constant growth due to a huge demand from the automotive industry. North American dimethyl carbonate market is estimated to witness a steady growth due to the strong growth of the U.S. pharmaceutical sector
Table 1 World Population By Major Regions (2016 To 2023)   Table 2 Global Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Region, 2016-2023   Table 3 North America Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 4 Europe Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 5 Asia-Pacific Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 6 Middle East & Africa Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 7 Latin America Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 8 Global Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades  Market: By Regions, 2016-2023   Table 9 North America Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades  Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 10 Europe Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades Market: By Country, 2016-2023  
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Dimethyl Carbonate Industry 2018 Global Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, 12 Company Profiles and 2023 Future Market Analysis
Dimethyl Carbonate market 2018 Industry Research Report provides a unique tool for evaluating the Market, highlighting opportunities, and supporting strategic and tactical decision-making. Dimethyl Carbonate Market Research Report offered by Market Research Future contains a market overview of the industry which talks about size, product scope, revenue, growth opportunities, sales volumes and figures, growth estimation in coming years, current industry leaders and their sales/revenue metrics.
Dimethyl Carbonate Market Overview:
Dimethyl Carbonate can be synthesized by the trans-esterification of ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate and methanol. It is a colorless, flammable, and highly reactive chemical that possesses low toxicity and high solvency. It is used in numerous end-use applications such as polycarbonate, fuel additive, solvent, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. It is commonly used as an intermediate and carbonylation and methylating agent. It is further used as an electrolyte in Li-ion battery and is widely used as a solvent in paints & coatings industry on account of their desirable chemical properties.
Major Key Players:
Alfa Aesar
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tangshan Chaoyang Chemical Co.Ltd.
Arrow Chemical Group Corporation
Kowa India Pvt.Ltd
Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Co.
Merck KGaA
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Market Segmentation:
The global dimethyl carbonate market is segmented on the basis of grades, application, and region. On the basis of the grades, DMC market is classified into the pharmaceutical grade, industrial grade, and battery grade. On the basis of the application, the market is segmented into polycarbonate, solvent, fuel additive, pesticide, pharmaceuticals, and others. Others include adhesives and aerosol sprays.
Among these, polycarbonate accounted for the largest market share in 2016 and is predicted to expand at a significant CAGR over the assessment period on account of their growing prominence in numerous end-use industries such as electronics and automotive.
Furthermore, increasing disposable income in emerging economies along with rising tendency to own personal vehicle has resulted in an increase in the automotive production and sales, which, in turn, is predicted to propel the growth of the market. Furthermore, rising building & construction activities along with increasing usage of environment-friendly paints & coatings are estimated to drive the demand for DMC over the forecast period. Increasing adoption rate by the medical industry coupled with the continuous expansion of pharmaceutical sector across the globe is predicted to fuel the demand for dimethyl carbonate over the assessment period.
Targeted Audience:
Dimethyl Carbonate manufacturers
Traders and Distributors of dimethyl carbonate
Production Process Industries
Potential Investors
Raw Material Suppliers
Nationalized Laboratory
Regional Analysis:
Asia Pacific holds the largest share of the market and is estimated to dominate the DMC market over the assessment period, which is further followed by Europe and North America on account of rising demand from agriculture, automotive, and building & construction sectors. Developing countries of the Asia Pacific such as India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, and Malaysia are expected to be the fastest growing DMC market worldwide and is estimated to grow at the same pace in the near future. Factors attributed to the regional market growth are increasing use of pesticides, rising population, growing urbanization, ease of availability of inexpensive raw material, labor & land cost, and competitive manufacturing cost. European DMC market is predicted to witness a constant growth due to a huge demand from the automotive industry. North American dimethyl carbonate market is estimated to witness a steady growth due to the strong growth of the U.S. pharmaceutical sector.
Browse Complete Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/dimethyl-carbonate-market-5486
Dimethyl Carbonate Market Research Report- Forecast till 2023
Table 1 World Population By Major Regions (2016 To 2023)   Table 2 Global Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Region, 2016-2023   Table 3 North America Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 4 Europe Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023  
Table 5  Asia-Pacific Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 6  Middle East & Africa Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 7  Latin America Dimethyl Carbonate Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 8  Global Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades  Market: By Regions, 2016-2023   Table 9  North America Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades  Market: By Country, 2016-2023   Table 10 Europe Dimethyl Carbonate By Grades Market: By Country, 2016-2023  
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