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megatraven · 6 years ago
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some ninoir i drew at work on friday!!
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pftones3482 · 6 years ago
Still not sure how I feel about it, but the djnoir fanfiction I was working on is up on my Patreon now!!
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lunian · 8 years ago
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i just had Ninoir mood for doodles….. and then it happened *sweats*
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adrinino-november · 7 years ago
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Adrinino November 2k17
Hey all you miraculers! This November will be hosting Adrinino month all month long! We’ve come up with 4 themed weeks with individual prompts for each day in order to celebrate this beautiful ship, as well as two non-themed prompts to start and end the month.
Start | Family: 11/1 Week 1 | AUs: 11/2 - 11/8 Week 2 | Hobbies: 11/9 - 11/15 Week 3 | Superhero: 11/16 - 11/22 Week 4 | Firsts: 11/23 - 11/29 Finish | Celebration: 11/30
How can I participate?
This month accepts anything you can think of, from art to fic to cosplays so long as they’re sfw! Just tag your content with #adrininomonth2k17 and mention us @adrinino-november when you post! If your content isn’t reblogged by us within a couple of days, feel free to message us with a link!
We hope to see a lot of content from you all, whether they follow our prompts or not! Reblogs to spread the word are appreciated!
Full list of prompts and dates under the cut
Start | Family: 11/1
Week 1 | AUs: 11/2 - 11/8
11/2: florist/tattoo artist au
11/3: coffee shop au
11/4: soulmate au
11/5: fantasy au
11/6: moviestar au
11/7: shooting star/stardust au
11/8: youtuber au
Week 2 | Hobbies: 11/9 - 11/15
11/9: karaoke
11/10: modeling
11/11: mixtape
11/12: dance
11/13: comic
11/14: anime
11/15: blanket fort
Week 3 | Superhero: 11/16 - 11/22
11/16: miraculous swap
11/17: balcony scene
11/18: reveal
11/19: injury
11/20: paparazzi
11/21: good deed
11/22: animal tendencies
Week 4 | Firsts: 11/23 - 11/29
11/23: first impression
11/24: first date
11/25: first kiss
11/26: first "i love you"
11/27: first time apart
11/28: first fight
11/29: first anniversary
Finish | Celebration: 11/30 
Note: these prompts are simply ideas we’ve come up with to help you along, you are not required to follow them to participate in this month.
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lupintyde · 8 years ago
Miraculous Fic Recs
I told myself I’d never do a fic recs post.  I’m too picky.  I don’t like non-magic AUs, OCs, etc. and have a hard time finding well written fics with good characterization and an interesting plot.  Just a warning that Adrien/Chat is my favorite character, so most of these are from his perspective.
Blame @probably-voldemort for this.
Speaking of....
A Rational Fear of Dragons by @probably-voldemort (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: When Kim gets paired with Marinette for a history project, he learns a lot, though most of it has nothing to do with their project. Why I like it:  I did a post on Marinette and Kim’s possible canon BroTP and the author responded with a link to this.  I haven’t laughed this hard at a fic in a long time, guys.  It’s got Marichat, dragons, some hilariously timed cursing and a smart Kim. Pairing(s): Marinette/Chat Noir, Marinette & Kim friendship Warnings: Cursing, mild violence, Marinette’s badassery, sort-of-identity-reveal Length:  4,612 words
The Kitchen Gods by takethembystorm (Rated G)
AO3 Summary: Adrien needs an independent cash flow; the Dupain-Chengs need someone to work part-time at the bakery over the summer.  Marinette mostly needs someone to keep her heart from stopping. Why I like it:  Adrien gets a job at the Dupain-Cheng bakery.  Chaos ensues.  This is my favorite ML fic for a reason.  It’s so well written that it reads like an actual episode.   Pairing(s): Marinette/Adrien Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, post-reveal, OCs (kitchen staff) Length: 9,474 words
Are You There, God?  It’s Me, Adrien. by @inner-sakura (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: In which Adrien inadvertently buys a ticket to the Gun Show™ and gets a little more than he bargained for. Why I like it: Pure comedy gold. Pairing(s): Marinette/Adrien Warnings: Identity reveal, buff Marinette, hormonal Adrien Length: 1,332 words
I hope the worst isn’t over by @thescuttlebugg (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: Falling is exactly like flying right up until you stop.  Like, assuming the kind of flying you’re used to involves busted steering and useless panic, Nino guesses.
“GO LIMP!” a voice shouts, and Nino catches a glimpse of black something-like-leather and the twin flashes of a golden bell and silver staff streaking through the air.
“Are you kidding me, dude?!” he shrieks. Why I like it: This is my rare pair.  Even rarer than this pairing are the fics.  This thing is so good, I check the author’s AO3 once a month to see if there’s a sequel.  This needs to either be a series or there needs to be a sequel.  Pairing(s): Chat Noir/Nino Warnings: Violence (there is an akuma fight), Nino the Badass™, a lot of falling (in love/off buildings), the fact that this is a oneshot and not a series :( Length: 4,288 words
Schedule by @amynchan (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: Chat Noir leapt from building to building, his Lady having left for the night. Usually, patrols made him feel freer, more happy.  But he wasn’t. He was pensive. He was looking over his shoulder. He was wary. Why I like it: This one hits close to home and is one of the few fics that deal with the very real problem the show has with Marinette’s stalking tendencies. Pairing(s): One-sided Marinette/Adrien Warnings: Stalking, possible trigger for stalking victims, panic attacks Length: 5,682 words
Adrien and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by @vickyvicarious (Rated G)
AO3 Summary:  Chat Noir's used to bad luck - it kind of comes with the territory. But detransforming in the middle of a crowd of reporters is a little worse luck than he’s used to having.And he hasn’t heard a thing from Ladybug since.(AKA the "everyone finds out all at once" angst fic no one asked for.) Why I like it: Everyone has that angst fic they go to when they’re feeling down.  This is mine. Pairing(s): Most sides of the love square Warnings: Angst.  A LOT of angst.  Also, panic attacks, Gabriel sucks as a father (and is also HM), identity reveal Length: 8,986 words
Transform by @htbthomas (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: When Adrien runs away from home, only Ladybug can help him. They both find out more than they bargain for. Why I like it: It’s in character with the right combination of angst and action.  It feels like a more adult version of an episode. Pairing(s): All sides of the love square Warnings: Angst, hunger issues, Adrien whomping, Gabriel as Hawkmoth, identity reveal, violence, some OCs but they work well Length: 43,551 words (14 chapters)
Recipe for Disaster by @mooncactus (Rated T)
AO3 Summary: Two shot series about Adrien cracking under pressure and Marinette struggling to find answers - and a quite frankly ridiculous amount of baked goods. Why I like it: I just found this a few nights ago and stayed up to the wee hours of the morning to read it all. Pairing(s): Chat Noir/Marinette, Adrien/Marinette (for, like, a chapter), Nino/Alya Warnings: ANGST, Gabriel is Hawkmoth, identity reveal, low blood sugar, holy crap poor Adrien Length: 49,199 words (4 chapters in 2 oneshots)
Also, read anything by @lairep (A03 link). 
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kwa-mii · 8 years ago
Only The Dance
My second offering to @queermiraculous Pride Month (wow what a consistent and dedicated upload schedule) with today’s prompt: dance
I’ve had this idea in my head ever since I saw the prompt calendar but I’ve been struggling to write it. For some reason, today while I have been DYING OF THE HEAT it all came out so, kudos to summer? and maybe time constraints?
I’m tempted to make this one longer. I’m also tempted to nap for the next month so it might take a while? but I’m going to do the best with what inspiration I have!
I upload my fics on ao3 a teeny little bit earlier than I do on tumblr, if that’s something that appeals to you ~
Oh yeah and this takes place just after the events of Jackady/Simonsayz
Only The Dance- a DJNoir fic with hints of Adrinino (1588 words)
Warnings: slighty sexualised vocabulary, suggested sexual feelings
They were such simple words, but they changed everything for Nino.
"Don't even have to think! I'm gonna choose two buds, who'll never let me down, that's for sure! Ladybug and Chat Noir!"
He'd meant what he said - he genuinely trusted the two superheroes and knew they'd come through - but the swiftness of their response was somehow unprecedented. As soon as they appeared, he couldn't keep the grin from his face. He'd cinched this. He had it. The Challenge was won.
Chat Noir had appeared in a matter of moments, and Ladybug followed soon after, skidding into the room with an almost embarrassed look on her face. "The party can't start till we walk in," Chat Noir smirked, and with a - somehow intimate and dazzling - wink over his shoulder had told Nino, "Hit it, Mr DJ."
And so the DJ had obliged him, spinning the deck so that the sound whipped and the music began. Nino was totally improvising, but he knew what he was doing. He let the music carry him. To him, it was a friend and ally more trusted even than the city's superhero duo. To him, music was an everything, an absolute.
Ladybug did not appear to share his closeness of connection with the music, because her movements were somewhat self-conscious. Her hips did not quite follow through the balls of her feet, meaning that the sway of her body rippled without real reason. She didn't know what to do with her arms, and she looked down for the most of his set, face as red as the mask that graced it. But she was dancing. One down.
Chat Noir had no such reservations, for he danced with abandon, in his motion a perfect marriage of elegance and impropriety. He didn't seem to dance with a plan, but each line that he drew through his limbs was exquisitely formed, and each sway of his hips was lascivious and languid, each move executed for the best display of the athletic arc of his abs, his pecs, his... other muscles that Nino had not been aware of before, and now saw with new marvel.
Nino was suddenly made aware of certain muscles of his own. His fingers reflexively twitched over the deck, slackening for a moment as he stared. His heart was beating time with the bass that Chat followed like a beacon. His hips, or something within them, strained towards this empyrean vision.
Everyone in the studio was staring - how could they not? - and Nino's eyes were pulled in with the rest of them. But Nino probably had a better view than the rest, because Chat was facing away, and it was as though that ass was gyrating for him alone.
This show was supposed to be PG, right?
That rating surely was going to change after tonight, because the way Chat danced was simply sinful. In all that leather, and with that feline prowl...
It was the leather. It had to be the leather. Leather was sexy by default, and so his awe had nothing to do with the boy beneath it. Nothing to do with that flawless body, or the way he made love to the music with his entire being, or the smirk that flirted across the edges of his face. Nothing to do with the admiration that surged through Nino every time Chat saved the day, every time Chat simply showed up. Nothing to do with anything except the flatteries of leather.
He nevertheless, along with likely the entire audience watching at home, could not look away as Chat continued to groove to his steady rhythms. He simply begged for attention. So often overshadowed by his partner in her popularity, it was in dancing that he excelled her, but it seemed he was more comfortable for the two of them to share the limelight. The superhero grinned over at his partner, took her by the hand, and whirled her around - Ladybug was shocked and dizzied, and Nino too, head spinning and vertiginous with something akin to jealousy. To have Chat's hand in his, and to embrace the music by his side, was the only thing he wanted in that brief moment. The truth was simple and crystalline.
Then, shaking these thoughts from his head, he tried to concentrate on his music, he really did try. But this damned boy, this cat-like thief, stole his attention time and time again. What did pitch and timbre compare to motion? They paled, became of lesser importance. Damn, was the superhero stunning when he was like this.
Nino didn't even notice that the studio was calling for a wrap, so captivated was he, until Chat Noir himself turned to repeat the producer's request. Blushing, Nino squeaked his deck to a halt. Despite the unceremonious, slightly awkward finish, his music was met with enthusiastic applause.
The applause meant very little to him now; he already had what he wanted, and it came gift-wrapped with a bell on its collar.
The thought was sharp and traitorous. Nino did his best to push it down, even as the superheroes caught him in a group hug - "That was so good! You've got some serious talent!" - and the cuplrit came up close to him, the leathery smell of his costume bold and biting. Just ignore it, Nino told himself, it was obvious that he had been somewhat carried away - music often did that to him. Besides, it was obscene to think of the protector of Paris like that, totally ridiculous.
And yet, he couldn't deny he wanted more. Just to see that again. Just to...
He decided he was going crazy; he needed to talk to someone who would make him see sense again, and he knew just the person for the job.
He tried to broach the subject with subtlety the next morning, "So... what do you think of Chat Noir?"
Adrien stretched back in his seat, his hands behind his head and tongue prodding through his lips as he pondered, "I'd say he's pretty amazing. He's such a good guy, and he's always so cool - it's more than enough that he does the right thing, and that he protects us, but he's always so stylish on top of all that."
Stylish? That was a word for it... He tried to conjure some of his inner calm, a little light humour, in order to project his own feelings onto his friend, "You into that leather, bro?"
"I didn't mean stylish that literally. But I suppose so, yeah, he's definitely hot, right?"
God, if only Adrien knew the whole of it. If only he'd seen that body up close, that question would surely have been posed as a statement - Adrien had apologised after the show for running out on his set (not that Nino had noticed at first), having been hit with a sudden nausea due to the intensity of the studio lights. Luckily, the Ladyblog had uploaded the clip and provided him with the opportunity to catch up, "By the way, I don't know if you're aware but there's a comment war on the blog at the moment. They couldn't decide what was better; your music or Chat's dancing."
"Oh, definitely Chat's dancing! There's no question about it, dude!"
Adrien stared at him, unable to keep the smile off his lips. So much for subtlety, Nino thought, the amazement had practically dripped from his tongue... So he rapidly backtracked, rushed out a gruff and hopefully ambivalent, "Or, at least that's what the majority seem to think."
"Sounds like you're right there with them. At the front of the pack of fans, perhaps."
"Could you blame me?" it was difficult now to keep an even tone, but he soldiered on "Chat has that effect on people. It's probably got something to do with being a superhero, or... something."
Gently, Adrien laughed, "I believe you. Besides, I'm sure you probably just want to sound modest. You know you smashed it. And if Chat danced well, it's because your beat was so good."
"I'll accept that one, but... I don't know, he's definitely a natural dancer."
He raised an eyebrow, quirked a grin, "Should I take back the modesty point? You know, I'm starting to think you might like Chat more than you're willing to admit."
Nino laughed, protested, garbled something out.
Adrien persisted, "I mean, come on, who wouldn't like Chat?"
There was something strange in his voice there. Did that mean Adrien liked Chat as well? He was sure Adrien had expressed a preference for Ladybug, bordering on something like infatuation, but now he had called Chat amazing, cool, even hot. Nino could've sworn that Adrien hadn't ever called anyone hot before, not even Ladybug herself. Could it be... did Adrien... was 'like' even the appropriate word here?
Of course not. Adrien was straight, and that meant that Nino shouldn't be thinking about his non-existent thing for that Chat  as hard as he was. Besides, it made no difference if Adrien was straight, because Nino was straight. As a ruler. As an arrow. As the plane of Chat's toned stomach...
Well, perhaps not exactly.
"I guess Chat is very... uh... likeable."
A flash of something quite like victory swept across Adrien's face. Seeing this, Nino looked instantly sheepish, although he didn't quite understand the cause of his friend's expression; it seemed this was a new thing, not understanding boys, and not understanding himself.
But if figuring it all out meant spending more time with Chat... well, he didn't mind.
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miracutrashcan · 8 years ago
"Don't worry, I won't fight him, Chat... except I will, LET'S GO!"
[meme]: Leave the first sentence of a fic in my askbox and i will write the next five six.
“Not like that you aren’t,” Chat Noir would have yelled at the other if he forgot that they were not alone in this house. 
Fortunately, for them, his memory was impeciable so they were fine as he ran his gloved fingers through his hair in frustration.
“Your right I’m not,” Chat Noir let a sigh of relief escape from his lips, he was not expecting the other to budge on this matter. He really did worry about the other’s safety for more than one reason as he enjoyed the current sight.
“I need some pants first, then I’ll fight him.” With that being said Nino wiggled out of his boyfriend’s grasp and walked over to his closet, he didn’t know who Chat Noir’s father was and he didn’t care, all he knew was someone was going to have a really bad time.
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miraculousstorytelling · 8 years ago
"So how far down does this zipper go chat?" (ML prompt)
This one got a little longer than I expected, but I had a great time writing it. It does possibly get a bit suggestive at the end, but most of it is just Adrien being ridiculous.
“So, how far down does this zipper go, Chat?”
Adrien raised a brow. “That’s when you woke up?”
"Yeah, it’s the fifth dream I’ve had with him this week.” Nino sighed. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Adrien shrugged, laying back on his bed and settling the phone against his ear. “I mean, he did save you from that akuma last week.”
“That doesn’t explain dreaming about him.”
“It might.” Adrien chuckled. “Maybe you feel like you owe him a kiss for being your knight in shining leather.”
“You know, I only told you this cause I felt guilty, and now you’re teasing me,” Nino grumbled.
“Sorry,” Adrien said, although he didn’t sound particularly guilty, “But, hey, maybe you’ll feel less guilty now.”
“I’ll feel less guilty when I stop dreaming about someone besides my boyfriend.”
“Maybe you can pretend I’m Chat Noir.” Adrien regretted it the instant he said it, but it was too late to take back now. He just had to hope Nino would laugh it off.
Nino did laugh, but then he followed it up with a suggestion Adrien never expected. “Yeah, you can wear a Chat Noir costume, and I can find a Ladybug one, so both of us can make out with our celebrity crushes. Sounds like a fun evening.”
Adrien’s mouth went dry. Despite moving on from his crush on Ladybug, he had to admit the idea of seeing Nino in spots was more than just a little appealing. “Are we...still kidding?”
Nino was quiet for a moment, then he hesitantly spoke, “We don’t have to be.”
Adrien ran over to his computer, rapidly typing for a minute before answering him, “You know, there’s a shop down the road that’s still open. I’m pretty sure they sell costumes.”
“Wait.” There was a soft creak and Nino’s voice lowered to a whisper. “Are you serious?”
“I could be.” Adrien’s heart raced in the silence that followed, waiting for an answer.
Nino swallowed. “I can meet you there.”
“No need.” Adrien grinned and tugged on his shoes. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
Only, Adrien hadn’t counted on the shop being sold out of Chat Noir costumes. He’d managed to grab the last adult-size Ladybug costume, but now he was faced with a dilemma. He couldn’t just ask Nino to put on a Ladybug costume without reciprocating, and now that he’d imagined Nino in the suit, he couldn’t stop imagining it.
“Do you know if anywhere else might have one?” he asked the shopkeeper, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.
“Maybe, but we’re the only place open at this hour.” She rang up the costume. “We’re getting more in tomorrow, though.”
“That’s okay.” Adrien deflated and paid for the costume he did find, racking his brain for another solution.
The second he stepped out of the shop, a positively dangerous idea occurred to him. He immediately vetoed the reckless suggestion, but as he walked towards Nino’s apartment, the thought wouldn’t leave. In fact, with each step, Adrien found that it sounded more and more reasonable.
He ducked into a side alley and looked down at Plagg. “So, how much Camembert will it take to convince you to transform me for a few hours?”
Plagg frowned up at him. “Are you serious?”
“I will buy you an entire cheese shop.”
“Some people could say this is an abuse of your power, you know.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Nino’s going to think it’s just a costume.”
“What are you gonna do if he figures you out?”
“He won’t.”
Plagg flew out to meet him at eye level. “And what if there’s an akuma attack?”
“Then I’ll figure it out!” Adrien glanced at his phone. “I’ve got three minutes to get there. Are you in or not?”
Plagg’s eyes narrowed. “How big is this cheese shop?”
Plagg sighed. “Fine.”
Adrien dropped the bag with the costume to the ground. “Claws out!” A brief green flash lit up the alley, and Chat Noir scooped up the bag with a grin.
Exactly fourteen minutes after ending his call with Nino, Chat Noir was at Nino’s front door, knocking and hoping none of his neighbors were looking.
Nino opened it in an instant. “Wow, a minute early. I’m impre…” His voice trailed off when he saw exactly who was standing in front of him. “Chat Noir?”
Chat Noir grinned. “Wow, this costume’s better than I thought if you really thought it was him.” He held up the bag. “I brought yours.”
“Adrien?” Nino’s eyes widened. “You look…” He swallowed as a blush rose to his cheeks. “Wow.”
Chat Noir stepped inside. “Glad you approve.”
Nino closed the door behind him. “Where did you change?”
“The shop.” Chat Noir tossed him the costume. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, mission accomplished,” Nino murmured, looking him over. He met Chat Noir’s eyes and frowned. “Okay, is that part of the costume?”
“Special contacts.”
Chat Noir nodded.
“Wow. You went all out.” Nino chuckled and headed to his room. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time.” Chat Noir paused and added on, “I mean... not too much time.”
Nino laughed from his room. “Hey, not all of us have perfected the ten-second outfit change, Mr. Model.”
“It’s all about practice, you know.”
After a few moments and a couple curses from behind Nino’s door, he finally stepped out. “Okay, well, yours fits way better.” Nevertheless, he struck a pose and grinned. “How does it look?”
Chat Noir stared. “Wow. It’s...” He stepped closer, eyes wide and voice soft with awe. “You look fantastic.”
“Thanks.” Nino blushed and fidgeted with the mask over his eyes. “Mine didn’t come with contacts, too, did it?”
“The glasses wouldn’t fit under the mask, huh?”
“Not really.” Nino placed a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “Good thing I already know what you look like.”
Chat Noir grinned and slipped an arm around Nino’s waist. “Well, if it helps, you look purrfect in spots.”
“Are you sure you’re not actually Chat Noir?” Nino teased.
“Purrhaps. You’ll just have to find out, won’t y-” Chat Noir was cut off, a breath away from kissing Nino when his baton started ringing.
Nino took a step back. “Is that...your baton?”
“I…” He had no idea how to answer. Honestly, of all the potential scenarios he’d imagined, a call from his partner had never even made the list. They never called each other unless… He winced. “Um… Give me a second?”
Nino watched as Chat Noir ran to a spare room.
“Hey, Ladybug, what’s-”
“We’ve got an akuma.” Ladybug stared up at him from the small screen. “It’s bad. I need your help.”
His stomach twisted as he nodded. There wasn’t any possible way to talk himself out of this situation, and he couldn’t even stay to discuss it with Nino. Ladybug was more than capable of taking down an akuma on her own now, so if she was calling him, that meant he needed to go to her immediately. He suppressed a groan, taking a second to wallow in self-pity at just how much this plan had backfired, then he stepped out and looked for Nino.
Nino had tugged off the mask and jammed his glasses on so he could study Chat Noir more closely. “You’re actually Chat Noir, aren’t you?”
Chat Noir looked down. “Yeah.”
“And, let me guess, that was Ladybug?”
“There’s an akuma.” Chat Noir rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m so sorry. I really have to go.”
Nino grimaced. “So, you’re just leaving after telling me this?”
“I’m sorry,” Chat Noir repeated softly.
Nino shook his head. “No, I get it. You have a supervillain to fight. I just…” He ran a hand through his hair. “This timing is awful.”
“I promise we’ll talk when I get back.”
Nino managed a small smile. “I’ll hold you to that.”
Describing the situation as “bad” had been the understatement of the century. Ladybug and Chat Noir barely managed to defeat the villain together, and after seeing the massive destruction left behind, Chat Noir was even more grateful for Ladybug’s restorative magic than he ordinarily was.
After a quick fist bump and a wave, he bounded off back to Nino’s apartment, landing on the balcony seconds later. The door was open, which was simultaneously touching and awkward. Chat Noir paused, wondering if he should knock or just step inside, given that he was clearly expected.
“You can come in, you know,” Nino called from the living room, mercifully ending Chat Noir’s dilemma. Nino had changed back into his pajamas while Chat Noir had been gone, leaving the Ladybug costume draped over the couch.
“Thanks.” Chat Noir stepped inside, wincing when his ring beeped. “Sorry to run out like that.”
Nino turned to look at him. “It looked like a tough fight.” The feed from Alya’s blog was still pulled up on Nino’s phone, though he shut it off when Chat Noir walked over. “Are you okay?”
Chat Noir nodded and sat beside him. “Yeah, the suits protect us from being hurt.”
“No, I mean, are you okay?”
“I…” Chat Noir slumped forward, resting his forehead on Nino’s shoulder. “I’ve been better.”
Nino gently patted his back. “Yeah?”
“It’s getting worse. Hawkmoth just keeps getting harder to beat. There’s only two of us, and he can just keep making villains. It’s exhausting.”
Nino hummed in agreement. “Sounds like it.”
“I hated hiding it from you, you know,” Chat Noir admitted, soft enough that Nino nearly missed it. “It was just safer this way.”
“I get it. It’s a secret identity for a reason.” Nino chuckled. “What I don’t get is why you thought coming over here as Chat Noir was a good idea.”
Chat Noir smiled and peeked up at him. “The shop was out of Chat Noir costumes. And… I guess I thought I could get away with it.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Maybe part of me wanted you to know.”
Nino shrugged. “It makes a lot of sense now that I do.”
“So, you’re not mad?” Chat Noir asked, hesitant to suggest it.
“About what?” Nino raised a brow. “The fact that you let me think I was dream-cheating on you? Or the fact that you flirted with me as Chat Noir?”
Chat Noir bit back a chuckle. “Both?”
“Well, lucky for you, I’m pretty forgiving when a guy saves my life.” He glanced down at Chat Noir’s ring. “Three pads left. That’s three minutes, right?”
Chat Noir nodded. “Yeah.”
“Great. Cause, I think I owe you a kiss. And…” Nino leaned in, fingers loosely wrapped around the bell attached to Chat Noir’s outfit. “I never did get to find out how far down this zipper goes...”
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sadrien · 8 years ago
ayyy would you be up for 1b or 4c of that last pose prompt with Adrien and Nino? Or Chat Noir and Nino and literally any pose because I would die if you doodled me Ninoir (or is it DJNoir?)
how about both
there’s not enough content for this ship tbh  
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megatraven · 7 years ago
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jealousy is chats middle name tbh sorry this is so sketchy
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megatraven · 6 years ago
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bittersweet :)
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tnmediagrp · 6 years ago
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#djnorie #teamnorie repost via @instarepost20 from @dannepromotions JULY 6 2019 GET YOUR TICKETS AT WWW.EARTHRULERKINGSOUND.COM #destragarcia #destra #yaniquecurvydiva #olatunjiyearwood #nessapreppy #djnoire https://www.instagram.com/p/By-l2uRgWNm/?igshid=px7hxr30btfy
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theqweens · 8 years ago
😋😊 @morganheritage @grampsmorgan #djnoire #PowerisIndustry #AwkwardDishes #THEQweens (at Power 105.1 FM)
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cameforthecat · 6 years ago
Cute Ninoir for the soul!
I'm sad DJNoir didn't get more popular as a ship name
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lupintyde · 8 years ago
Chat & Nino: The Bromantic Fluffcanon
Some of you may be aware of the classic Marichat trope where Chat Noir starts visiting Marinette and they kiss kiss fall in love.  I’m gonna turn that headcanon on it’s, well, head.  :D
something brought him here
fate, destiny, a cheese-loving cat...
for whatever reason, Chat Noir starts visiting Nino
as if Adrien wouldn’t take this opportunity to hang out with his bestie outside of his schedule
Nino has a fanboy meltdown
they play video games, trade music they like
but something’s missing
Nino suggests that they sneak Adrien out of his house to join in their frivolity
Chat/Adrien is really touched by this and tears up
even though Nino is hanging out with his hero
he’s still thinking of his best friend
since Plagg doesn’t care either way, Chat tells Nino who he is
After staring at him for a minute
Nino has ANOTHER fanboy meltdown because his best bud is a superhero 
and because he’s also an Adrien fanboy
obviously ¬‿¬ 
after that, it gets easier for Adrien to sneak away during akuma attacks
because his best bud’s his alibi
...not that he has anyone to explain it to when Alya and Marinette (and even Chloé) disappear whenever Adrien becomes Chat
Bonus: Chat Noir vs. Chloé Bourgeois
My husband came up with the best one.
the Nino thing worked out so well
Adrien decides to use Chat to rekindle his friendship with Chloé
he knows how she usually reacts to him in this form
but he knows her weakness
He. Knows.
he’s just chilling on her balcony one day
and she comes out to see what the hell this idiot wants
...and sees the McDonald’s bag
they bond over their mutual love of Les Chicken McNuggets
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(Technically Dave’s first Ladybug fanart and it’s this. *sigh*)
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kwa-mii · 8 years ago
Only The Dance [Ch.2]
Hey!! the second chapter of my Ninoir (DJNoir?? what’s the ship name) fic is now up on ao3 ~ (after only a month’s wait lmao) I won’‘t be updating this fic further on tumblr except to post notifications about it so please keep reading on the archive if you liked it! (On a similar note I’m on holiday rn so I’m trying to be online as little as possible. My tumblr might be dead in general for the next two weeks rip since I’m too low-maintenance to create a decent queue. Sorry!!)
[Here’s a link to the 1st chapter here on tumblr!!]
I won’t be posting this ol fic in its entirety on tumblr anymore, but here’s a little snippet of the new chapter for you cuties <33
Wait - was Chat leading? Being deliberate? No, Nino could see it in the loose rhythm he followed, this was casual. What the hell did Chat dance like when it was deliberate? And why the hell did Nino want to find out so badly?
"Hey, Nino, bro, is something up?"
'Other than my dick?' were the words that almost left his mouth but he hurriedly got some others out instead before his soul left his body from embarrassment, "Oh, no, uh, nothing. Not one thing. There is currently a grand total of zero things that are up."
He coughed, forced more garbled language up his throat, "Just, uh, I haven't ever shared my music like this before. It's a bit weird. I guess I spaced out."
"Well, spaced out would be right because it's genuinely out of this world."
Again, here’s where you gotta go if you want more ;3
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