#djkt sweeney todd
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adridoesstuff · 11 months ago
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"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around..."
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rm-blanik · 4 years ago
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…tak jsme to stihly… …asi k tomu nemám co víc dodávat… chtěla jsem si k tomu více zavtipkovat, ale vlastně se mi ani už nechce. Jelikož prskat se nesmí až od pondělka, tak v pátek stíhám ještě Elisabeth… o víkendu jsem v práci, tak to už nebude nic…škoda A teď k včerejšímu představení, které bylo úžasné. Na to, jak dlouho trvá, tak to uteklo jako nic. Na jednu stranu bych čekala, že se bude hrát vedle na velké scéně, ale zas bychom přišly o typickou a nezaměnitelnou atmosféru na malé scéně. Všichni samozřejmě byly skvělý, inu v Plzni se se špatným hereckým výkonem člověk vlastně ani nesetkává. Hruškoci byl v roly Sweeney Todd prostě nezapomenutelný. Jednoduše řečeno, tato role mu neskutečně sedla a u mě se bude řadit k rolím, který u něj nezapomenu. Pokud to bude možné a máte rádi muzikál, tak toto představení na malé scéně nemůžete vynechat. I já bych ráda zas zašla. Moje přání je ho vidět ještě tenhle rok v prosinci. :D tak snad bude.         30.9. 2020 Plzeň - Sweeney Todd ďábelský lazebník z Fleet Street @muzikal_djkt #plzen #plzen20 #DJKT #listky #ticket #divadlo #divadloplzen #muzikaldjkt #VASEcinoHRA #weartethehunters #wearrtethehunters20 #sweeneytodd #sweeneytodddabelskylazebnikzfleetstreet (v místě Plzen, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFz8gKiJKeq/?igshid=18d2m8v42dy76
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kormoran78 · 5 years ago
via Instagram https://ift.tt/2AEZ9NT
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adridoesstuff · 7 months ago
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Happy birthday to DJKT's Pavel Klimenda who turns 30 today <3
(Roles and shows pictured: Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Toby Ragg in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Minstrel in Something Rotten!, Crown Prince Rudolf in Elisabeth das Musical, Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar, Larry in Company and Steven in Dracula)
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adridoesstuff · 1 year ago
For the musical ask: 5, 9, 12?
5. Did you see any live musicals this year? What did you think of them?
Yep! I saw Czech PotO in April one last time before it closed, Czech Elisabeth 4 times before it closed (and I managed to see all the dernieres), Rebecca in Vienna in September, and then I went on a spree in Pilsen, seeing Billy Elliot and Sweeney Todd in October and Fun Home and Something Rotten in December.
And I'm happy to say that I loved all these shows. I think Elisabeth left me with the strongest memories, but I wept like an idiot during Billy Elliot. I think the weakest of the musicals I saw in 2023 would be PotO, just because I managed to get Marian Vojtko as the Phantom and let's just say I wasn't really a fan of him.
9. Are there any musicals that you’ve changed your opinion on this year, either positively or negatively?
I don't think there's been a drastic change of judgement towards any musicals the past year, it's just that I've moved away from English-language ones to primarily German ones. So I feel like me and a lot of musicals I used to be obsessed with a few years back have just grown apart.
12. Did you get into any musicals for the first time this year? Did they meet your expectations?
Yes! DJKT is truly making me expand my musical theatre knowledge, because all of the shows I saw from them (except from Elisabeth and Sweeney Todd), I didn't know before I saw them in Pilsen and they are continuing to expand my horizons, since they managed to get me to listen to JCS.
As for meeting expectations, I went into some of these shows completely blind (Fun Home) and for some, I only knew the soundtracks (Billy Elliot and Something Rotten) and I was very pleasantly surprised every time.
I also got into TdV and Rebecca this year (with me loving TdV so much that I'm currently working on a Sarah cosplay) and they very much met my expectations
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rm-blanik · 4 years ago
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Sweeney Todd ďábelský lazebník z Fleet Street - 30.9. 2020 Plzeň * @muzikal_djkt #plzen #plzen20 #DJKT #listky #ticket #divadlo #divadloplzen #muzikaldjkt #VASEcinoHRA #weartethehunters #wearrtethehunters20 #sweeneytodd #sweeneytodddabelskylazebnikzfleetstreet (v místě Plzen, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFme6bxJjWE/?igshid=1262fqh28u48c
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