#diy august 2017
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mappingthemoon · 3 months ago
Zines Read 2024
The Desert Sun #53 / Billy (Dec. 2023)
The Desert Sun #54 / Billy (Jan. 29, 2024)
Proof I Exist #45: A 2023 Reading Log / Billy McCall (Jan. 2024)
Proof I Exist #46: Looking Back at 2023 / Billy McCall & Ed Kemp (Jan. 2024)
Trent Reznor, the Girls Who Wanted to Fuck Him, and the Boys They Grew Up to Be / David Leo
Behind the Zines #17 / Billy McCall (ed.) (Mar. 2024)*
The Desert Sun #55 / Billy (Feb. 29, 2024)
Lifecycle of the Moon Jelly / Qufu-lee
Birds I’ve Seen Outside, v. 1 / Alyx White (2020)
Birds I’ve Seen Outside, v. 2 / Alyx White (2020)
Birds I’ve Seen Outside, v. 3 / Alyx White (2020)
KnowhutIzine: An Attempt to Document All Things Worrell / Dakota Floyd & Rick V. (June 2021)
Notes on Anarchism / Noam Chomsky (x)
The Desert Sun #56 / Billy (Mar. 2024)
Self-Harm: A Zine About NSSI / Sharaya O
Leave Me Alone, Mom! How Conservative Christianity Ruins Everything / Sharaya O
People Think I’m Weird / Billy McCall
What Is Home?
Local Honey / Madison Greer (ed.) (2020)*
A Zine for Pride: Archiving LGBTQ+ History at UGA! / Kathryn Manis (2024)
Lover’s Eye / Mandy Mastrovita (Jan. 2023)
I’m Blue / Mandy Mastrovita (Mar. 2024)
The Desert Sun #58 / Billy (May 29, 2024)
Love Letters to ATL / Haley Lazerface & Tazza Moon (eds.) (June 2024)
Voting Vs Direct Action / crimethInc (2004)
[You will see your own reflection…] / SAD (2024)
Grow Your Own (for, like, cheap): The Ultimate Space Bucket DIY Guide (x)
C.U.N.T.S. Magazine: The Women’s Issue (2024)
The Desert Sun #59 / Billy (June 30, 2024)
[Tax Forms Enclosed: 1040EZ, 1040A, 1040] / S. Brooks (1996) (x)
Super/Simple Majority / Tony White (dir.) (July 2024)*
Notes on Libraries, Lesbians, and Pulp / Aiden M. Bettine (2023)
IT? / Jamison Lung
ZiNetwork Invitation / Dr. Tambone
Leftist Leaflets in Little Libraries #1 / Peter Miles Bergman (Summer 2017; 5th ed., 2023)
The East Village Inky #66 / Ayun Halliday (June 2022)
Pirate Jenny (2nd ed.) / Ina Wudtke (2024)
Rut Zine #296 / Bianca Martin (x)
Rut Zine #343 / Bianca Martin (x)
Sappy Gazette #1: Transpiring Time & Space / Abbie (2024)
Culays [Heavy] / Mustafa Saeed (2024)
Offset Printed Artists' Books: A Chronology, 1960-2005 / Tony White (cur.) (Jan. 2018)
Robert Blackburn / [Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop]
The Desert Sun #60 / Billy (July 30, 2024)
Overdue Books; Returning Palestine’s “Abandoned Property” of 1948 / Hannah Mermelstein (2014)
The Desert Sun #61 / Billy (Aug. 24, 2024)
Lost Constellations of Athens: Five Legends / Lauren Fancher (2024) (x)
If These Walls Could Talk: A PhotoJournal Look Inside the Crumbling Campus of Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia / Janet Fugett (2015)
The Booty Keeps the Score: The Disorganized Attachment Dating Skillbuilder Workbook / tawnee smith (Spring 2021)
Cathode Ray Mission #3 / K Ratticus (ed.) (Fall 2024)*
The Desert Sun #62 / Billy (Sept. 29, 2024)
The Desert Sun #63 / Billy (Oct. 29, 2024)
The Desert Sun #63.5: Political Edition / Billy (mid-November 2024)
Behind the Zines #18 / Billy McCall (ed.) (Sept. 2024)
Tin Can Telephone #9: Test Cards & Radio Phonics / DJ Frederick Moe
where you from? #7: this is how I know I will be okay. / hope amico (Sept. 2024)
Straightaway Tangent #3: In Parallax / Sheila B. Ackerman & August Personage (Nov. 2024)
The Desert Sun #64 / Billy (Nov. 28, 2024)
The Desert Sun #65 / Billy (Dec. 24, 2024)
Zines read in 2024; asterisks * denote zines I’m in! When available, I have tried to provide links for: a digital version of the zine, a page from which to purchase the zine, the author’s website or social media, an alternate version of the text online, or further information about the author/title. I’m not cluttering the list up with individual links for all of Billy’s zines; his stuff can be found at Behind the Zines Distro.
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sahrademir · 2 months ago
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statistics | connections spreadsheet | headcanons | pinterest
Full Name: Sahra Almira Demir
Nickname: N/A
Age/DOB: March 17, 1992 (32)
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Gender: Cis Female
Place of Birth: Briar Ridge, SC
Neighborhood: Beach Front (lives with her best friend, @lia-lozano)
Sexual/Romantic Orientations: Bisexual / Biromantic
Religion: Muslim
Occupation: Former Host of a Home Reno Show on HGTV (kind of like Flip or Flop, Fixer Upper, and Good Bones), Current part time (2-3 days/nights a week) bartender 
Goals/Desires: To make a place for herself by herself in the design world, to get her own show on a network not connected to her former fiance, learn how to ride a bike 
Fears: Bed bugs, free falling, breaking a bone
Hobbies: Those diamond ‘paintings’ (she was influenced okay?), hand knitting, yoga, walking along the beach, karaoke, learning to cook, teaching herself various DIY skills (soldering, woodwork, etc); really she just loves to learn new things whether that be a skill or information
Likes & Dislikes: the smell of wet paint, singing in the shower, anything smothered in cheese, backwards ballcaps, movie soundtracks, laughing so hard no sound comes out, crispy french fries, that spark of inspiration at the beginning of a new project, bubble baths, manifesting, ocean sounds, extra ice, fuzzy socks, semi-frozen uncrustables with raspberry jelly // mismatched patterns, ikea furniture, clothes with high collars, unread notifications, unpainted nails, daylight savings, her retainer, raw onions, being rushed, dares, having to make any kind of appointment, the smell of ketchup, putting the dishes away, cold pizza, getting sawdust in her hair, broken nails
Sahra is 32 and was born and raised in Briar Ridge. Big middle child energy (probably because she is a middle child). Was a theater kid in high school, very much loves to sing and dance. Moved to New York City after high school graduation to pursue her (at the time) dream of becoming a Broadway star. While she was a struggling wannabe artist she was making Youtube videos/vlogs of her fixing up her small af studio apartment. Slowly, as her Broadway dream became less and less of a reality she quickly fell in love with DIY and design so she juggled going to school for design, a classic waitress job, and auditioning for shows and voice and dance lessons, etc. She met who she thought would be the love of her life (spoiler alert: he wasn't), and got a solo as a chorus line member in a big show around the same time. Things were looking amazing, the guy's family's company (HGTV) was even interested in her getting her own DIY show. She ended up moving to LA and got said show with ex man. They shot to stardom (think like... Flip or Flop or Chip and Jo Gaines kind of thing) with their show and got engaged. Things were so great until they weren't. Long story short, their engagement ended because she wouldn't convert to his religion- at least that was the excuse he gave. She moved back to BR six months ago, completely heartbroken, and moved in with her childhood bestie, Lia Lozano. Her ex has recently been seen with another woman and it’s made her question everything she thought she knew about him and their relationship.
March 1992 - Born & Raised in Briar Ridge
June 2010 - Graduated High School
August 2010 - Moved to New York City to pursue her Broadway dreams
September 2016 - Met and started dating her future fiancé, Kyle
March 2017 - Was cast in Hamilton's ensemble at the Richard Rodgers Theater (she even had a solo!)
May 2018 - Moved to Los Angeles with Kyle to begin filming their DIY Reno Show for HGTV (think of it as a combo of Flip or Flop and Fixer Upper)
February 2022 - Got engaged on Valentine's Day, with Kyle proposing while cameras for their show were rolling
June 2024 - Her engagement, relationship, and show ended in one fell swoop
July 2024 - Moved back to Briar Ridge to mend her broken heart & moved in with her best friend, Lia
End of October 2024 - Starts working as a part time bartender for both The Rusty Spur and Golden Hour
November 2024 - In a 'I'm totally ready for this' (but not really) moment, she redownloaded social media and unblocked her ex's name from her phone only to find out he was married now and his new wife? Well she was eight months pregnant (yes, the math wasn't mathing)
Mid-January 2025 - Finds out Kyle and his new wife named their daughter the name Sahra had planned to name her daughter (her great grandmother's name) and she threw her phone into the ocean in anger and hasn't replaced it yet
Born and raised in Briar Ridge, Sahra is the middle child of Ayda and Zekai Demir- two first generation Turkish immigrants who met in college and fell in love
Was raised in a very loving, but oftentimes strict Muslim household - while she rebelled in her own ways, she never felt like she couldn’t tell her parents something or couldn’t go to them with a problem - the Demir’s were and continue to be a close knit family unit
It’s said (by her tbh) that she was singing and dancing before speaking and walking, and while that’s a bit of an exaggeration Sahra has been musically inclined since she was small
It was a surprise to absolutely no one when the oftentimes dramatic middle child grew into a theater kid
It was also no surprise when, after graduation, Sahra decided to leave Briar Ridge and move to New York City to pursue her longtime dream of becoming a Broadway star
Of course, getting into that scene and becoming the big headlining name she dreamed of wasn’t an easy task, so while doing everything she could- auditions, voice lessons, dance lessons, networking- to achieve her dream, she was also waitressing and fixing up the small studio apartment she lived in with two other people
While fixing up the apartment she recorded herself and posted it to YouTube, creating a channel that was mainly for herself and her family, but ended up garnering quite a following over the years
As much as she loved performing, she found her heart was being pulled in another direction- design
So amidst her lessons and auditions and job, Sahra found herself going to school for Interior Design while learning as much as she could about DIY from other YouTube videos and phone calls with her dad
Things were going well for a girl far away from home in her early 20s, she had a good group of friends, her YouTube channel was thriving, she was finally making a name for herself (albeit a small one) in the world of Broadway, and she’d met a man who captured her heart faster than anyone had before
And it only got better from there- her relationship thrived as did her career, and the vlog she’d created for her apartment makeovers was more popular than ever. She was on track to get everything she’d ever wanted, everything she’d worked so hard for, and she was happy. So happy.
Sahra and her boyfriend moved in together, she got a solo in one of the biggest shows on Broadway and her design degree. New York was home now and she couldn’t imagine it being any better, but then her boyfriend dropped a bomb she hadn’t been expecting but she also wasn’t opposed to: he had an opportunity for both of them in LA and would she be willing to move?
Her gut reaction had been an instant no. How could she leave everything she’d been working so hard for behind? However, as much as she loved performing, she found that design had been where her heart was leading her for the past couple of years and the move to Los Angeles would allow her not only to follow that dream, but would put her back with her best friend
So she made a choice that should have been more difficult than it was- she agreed to move with her boyfriend to LA, closing the Broadway chapter in her life to open a new, home renovations one with the love of her life while getting to spend time in the same city as her favorite person for the first time since they both left their hometown after high school
But as Newton said all those years ago, what goes up must come down, and Sahra had gotten so high the subsequent fall nearly ended her
In the five years she spent in LA, Sahra built a life and a home for herself she thought would be forever. The show she’d curated with her now fiance (and the help of his family) had opened doors to new endeavors she’d never even dreamed of- design and renovations had become her life, one she loved and enjoyed, but it all came crashing down around her when her relationship was thrown into peril
The wedding planning during a break in filming for their show had been going better than Sahra could have ever dreamed, however, she hadn’t noticed just how disconnected to it all her fiance had been, and when it came time for him to present her with their prenup everything changed
It was a standard contract, one Sahra hadn’t been surprised or offended by- his family had a lot of money (they were the majority owners of HGTV after all), but there’d been a clause added that had her stopping in her tracks and digging her heels in
Her relationship with religion hadn’t ever been strong by any means, but she was raised in a Muslim household and she participated in Islam in a way that suited her. It wasn’t nearly as strict as her parents would have liked it to be, but at least she believed
It’d never been an issue in her relationship, their differing religions, as neither of them was especially devout, but while reading over the prenup she found a clause requiring her to convert to his religion so they could have a traditional ceremony
She thought it’d been a mistake, and when she’d approached her fiance about it he confirmed her naive suspicions and told her not to worry about it- that it’d be taken care of and everything would be fine. But it wasn’t.
As time went on she found her fiance pressuring her to just do as his parents asked, she didn’t actually have to believe in the religion, but they were paying for the wedding, they were the reason she had everything in her life that she loved, so couldn’t she just do this one little thing for them?
His gentle prodding turned into forceful declarations, fights had behind closed (and open) doors. And for a while, Sahra had been teetering on the line of simply doing what they’d asked of her so she could continue to live in the fairytale life she’d come to know- besides, what would stop her from converting back to Islam once the ceremony was done? But she couldn't do it. And when she told her fiance, a man she’d been convinced would love and support her no matter what, he’d done the unthinkable by ending their engagement, their relationship, the show, and the life they’d built together 
In the blink of an eye Sahra’s entire world collapsed around her. The rose colored glasses she’d been wearing for so long had seemingly been ripped away and she was faced with a blinding reality she wasn’t quite ready for- even at 31
She found herself moving back to Briar Ridge once it was all said and done, her heart and confidence shattered
Sahra’s now been back in town, living with her best friend, for six months. She’s still not fully ready to face the way her life has changed so drastically, but she’s still got her dreams and her online following. So while she’s navigating all of the changes in her life, she’s doing small projects around Lia’s beach house and trying to find joy again. It’s a slow process, but one she’s certain she’ll succeed in as long as she follows her heart and has her best friend by her side
She’d made some great progress, even finding herself a job as a part time bartender at The Rusty Spur and Golden Hour, when her media blackout involving her ex was broken and she found out some Earth shattering information- not only was he married now, but he also had a two month old daughter with his new wife. The math wasn’t mathing and she realized he’d had an affair, canceling her own self imposed media blackout and unblocking his name from her phone
It was then she found out the way he’d talked about her and their relationship to the media, stating he always knew they weren’t compatible, she wasn’t right for him, they didn’t have the same values. But his new wife did. And Sahra was right back to being as broken as she’d been when their relationship had first ended
Now, Sahra is back to wallowing in self pity and heading down a bit of a self destructive, chaotic path
The usual suspects – childhood friends, coworkers, people she met/knows from New York and her time in LA, first kiss, first time, exes from high school and before she met her former fiance, hook ups, theater friends, DIY friends, people she knows through her siblings, etc.
The Crying Hookup – Sahra is in a bit of a fragile state emotionally (when is she not tho lbr), and while she’s convinced all she needs to do to get over her ex is to get under a few new people… she finds herself in a bit of an awkward situation when she’s mid hookup and begins to cry before grabbing her clothes and getting the hell out of there (I just think this would be really funny, especially if there’s a second hookup that this happens with and she’s like ‘not again’)
Angry Neighbor(s) – Not only is Sahra not afraid of using power tools but lately her sleep schedule has been a bit… wonky, so she’s found herself doing little projects at odd hours. Lia probably sleeps with ear plugs in at this point but her neighbors? Not so much. She also has a bad habit of singing, no, belting, show tunes at the top of her lungs while working. With a little bit of Taylor Swift mixed in bc heartbreak. Obviously this person/these people aren’t too pleased with the noisy interruptions to their sleep/relaxation time
HGTV/DIY Addicts – People who watched her show/fans! It’s a really sore subject right now but she wouldn’t ever take it out on someone who recognizes her from her show. It did run for several seasons and was pretty popular! She also has her TikTok channel, YouTube channel, and personal & professional Instagram accounts. Would love if someone knows who she is and maybe asks her to help them with a project they want to try!
The Contractor - IDK if you've ever seen the show Flip or Flop with Tarek and Christina El Moussa (I know they're divorced and she has a different last name but I cannot be bothered to find it now) but they buy houses and flip them. They're a design team and they have a contractor who helps them out on all their jobs. This would be the contractor from the show Sahra worked on with her ex. I think it would be a fun connection to explore! Maybe her ex implied they were having an affair to make himself look better? Maybe he paid off the contractor to stay quiet when he was caught? Maybe the contractor left bc they didn't like how Sahra was ousted/treated and they're close friends? I just think it would be a fun dynamic to create/explore and to have a part of the life Sahra's currently mourning here in Briar Ridge! (Will probably be putting a wc out for this character but figured I'd put it here so I don't forget about it lol)
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oftlunarialmoon · 1 year ago
5 DIY Hair Accessories!
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on August 28, 2017
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Ciao lovelies! Today we're making 5 super cute hair accessories!
What you'll need for bases:
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Claw clips Headbands Alligator clip(s)
To make the cat ear headbands DIY :
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Cut a diamond shape out of some felt in your desired color. Hot glue the middle onto the band, and fold over. Hot glue the sides together. Decorate as you wish.
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Repeat with other types of felt!
For the bow:
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Cut two rectangles of felt, one wide and one skinny, but the same length. Hot glue or sew lace to the sides of the wide rectangle. Fold the wide rectangle accordion style and wrap the skinny one around the middle. Hot glue in place. Hot glue on an alligator clip to the back. Add rhinestones!
For the flower clips DIY :
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Hot glue flowers to claw clips! Super easy and cute!
What do you think of these super easy and cute DIY's? Will you try them? If you do, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or using #OFTreaders !
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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just-your-average-tangerine · 7 months ago
Song of the day: August 25 2024
Spaceman by Bitch Hunt
About Bitch Hunt:
Non-binary alt-rockers Bitch Hunt formed back in 2017 as part of the increasingly legendary First Times Fest at DIY Space for London. The band reached new audiences back at the start of 2020 when they teamed up with fellow London DIY-band Adults to release a split release via For The Sake Of Tapes. Now working with the Reckless Yep imprint, the band recently shared their debut EP, Shapeshifter.
(Via fortherabbits.net)
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troyerwebsites · 6 months ago
Troyer Websites: Your Partner in Digital Growth 🚀
Troyer Websites, where we transform your digital dreams into reality! Founded in August 2017 by Jonas Troyer, our mission has always been to empower businesses and individuals with stunning, functional websites. From humble beginnings helping friends on Facebook to becoming a full-fledged web design company, Troyer Websites has grown tremendously. Let’s dive into our journey and explore the range of services we offer, including web traffic packages, e-commerce website packages, and much more!
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What We Offer at Troyer Websites 🌐
At Troyer Websites, we understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Here’s a breakdown of our core offerings:
1. Custom Website Design
Whether you’re looking for a personal blog, a portfolio, or a business website, our custom website design services will create a unique online identity for you. Our designs are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, ensuring that your visitors have a smooth experience.
2. E-Commerce Website Packages 🛒
With the rise of online shopping, having a robust e-commerce platform is essential. Our e-commerce website packages are designed to help businesses sell their products seamlessly. We ensure that your online store is easy to navigate, secure, and optimized for conversions. Whether you’re selling puppy products or handmade crafts, we have the perfect solution for you.
3. Web Traffic Packages 📈
Creating a great website is just the beginning. To ensure your business thrives online, you need web traffic. Our web traffic packages are designed to increase your website’s visibility on search engines, driving more potential customers to your site. We employ various strategies, including SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement, to boost your traffic and enhance your online presence.
4. DIY Website Solutions
For those who prefer a hands-on approach, our DIY website solutions offer the tools and resources you need to build your own website. We provide templates, tutorials, and support to help you every step of the way. With Troyer Websites, you can create a stunning online presence at your own pace.
5. Roofing Company Websites 🏠
In the competitive roofing industry, having a professional website is crucial. Our roofing company websites are specifically designed to highlight your services and expertise. We focus on creating a clean, responsive design that attracts potential customers and helps you stand out in your local market.
6. Roofing Contractor Websites
Similar to our roofing company websites, our roofing contractor websites cater to the unique needs of contractors. We incorporate features like service showcases, project galleries, and client testimonials, ensuring that your website effectively communicates your brand’s message.
7. Web Design for Selling Puppies 🐾
If you're in the business of selling puppies, you need a website that showcases your adorable companions beautifully. Our specialized services for websites selling puppies include features like galleries, easy navigation, and contact forms to ensure potential buyers can reach you with ease.
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Why Choose Troyer Websites? 🤔
Choosing the right web design company is critical to your success. Here’s why Troyer Websites stands out:
Experience: With years of industry experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to deliver exceptional results.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every business is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.
Client-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with you to ensure that your vision is realized.
Comprehensive Services: From web traffic packages to e-commerce solutions, we offer a wide range of services to help your business grow online.
Support and Maintenance: We don’t just build websites; we support them. Our team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.
At Troyer Websites, we are passionate about helping you succeed online. Whether you’re starting a new blog, launching an e-commerce store, or need a roofing company website, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Our team is dedicated to creating beautiful, functional websites that drive results.
Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our services and discover how Troyer Websites can help your business thrive!
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meetthehills · 9 months ago
Personal Updates and a Recap of What We Were Up to During August 2017
Personal Updates and a Recap of What We Were Up to During August 2017 - https://www.craftez.co.uk/2024/07/15/personal-updates-and-a-recap-of-what-we-were-up-to-during-august-2017/ - Advertisement To us, Happy Hour is a time to sit back, relax, and catch up with friends. It’s a time to chat about everything and anything, and that’s exactly what we bring to DIY Playbook’s monthly Happy Hour. These monthly posts are a chance to catch up with friends and bring - https://www.craftez.co.uk/2024/07/15/personal-updates-and-a-recap-of-what-we-were-up-to-during-august-2017/
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chronolojay · 10 months ago
Part 2: Rage
or: Tear It All Down
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Part 1 | Part 3 | All Together Now
part 2 of my arachnophobia web weave! Sources under the cut.
Area 51 circuit board, "I'M NOT DEAD YET" via https://arcadeheroes.com/2014/04/20/arcade-games-easter-eggs/ are you in hell via https://www.tumblr.com/screenshotsofdespair/705113397985968128 A Softer World. www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=891. bloody knuckles. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/68/62/686862f692cfb5e02b76013701ff3347.jpg burn it all lighter via https://png-heaven.tumblr.com/post/675085348575084544/love-still, https://www.etsy.com/listing/717241294/personalized-lighter-zippo-engraved caitlynsarah95, "Hands". Deviantart, May 3, 2019, https://www.deviantart.com/caitlynsarah95/art/Hands-796203302. Daley-Ward, Yrsa, "all the wrong colours" "DIY Three Ingredient Venom Slime", elledoingstuff, https://web.archive.org/web/20201126155036/https://shedoesstuff.com/2018/10/22/diy-three-ingredient-venom-slime/  Gerhard Richter Untitled (5 Jan 1990), 1990 Marchese, David. “Kathleen Turner, in Conversation.” Vulture, 7 Aug. 2018, www.vulture.com/2018/08/kathleen-turner-in-conversation.html. MarianneCreates, "live with this", via https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/98874045 McGuire, Seanan, and Rosi Kampe. Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Vol. 1. Marvel, 2019. Melissa P. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, 2005. Paskow, Linnea "Splitter", 2020.  https://linneapaskow.com/paintings-/18 Roland Arhelger, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Verrazzano-Narrows_Bridge_(New_York).jpg Sin, Nata. "Menotaxis", November 8, 2022. https://instagram.com/nata__sin__?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== "Spider PNG image image with transparent background", via https://pngimg.com/image/4537. "Spider Transparent #1558430", via  http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/spider-transparent-2.htm. "Spider PNG Image" via https://www.pngall.com/spider-png/download/1726 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023. "Transparent Spider Gif #1587577", via http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/transparent-spider-gif-23.htm. "Transitions Purple T-Shirt + Download", august, via https://store.augustalsina.com/products/transitions-purple-t-shirt-pre-order-download
Boyer, Anne. "WHAT RESEMBLES THE GRAVE BUT ISN’T". 2017.  Moyers, 17 April 2017, https://billmoyers.com/story/poetry-month-what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt/ Carson, Anne. H Of H Playbook. New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2021. Euripides. Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides. New York Review of Books, 2008. Lord Huron. "Not Dead Yet", https://open.spotify.com/track/5NRbNXwXHM9mYgxMhzVWTP?si=d55caaf2461a4675 rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043 
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brobdingnagiananimation · 1 year ago
Solar Eclipse Of April 8, 2024.
Solar Eclipse Of April 8, 2024.
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New moon phase on April 8 will bring on the 2024 total solar eclipse. You'll be able to see two planets in the dawn sky as well. The new moon occurs on April 8 at 2:21 p.m. EDT (1821 GMT) and will usher in a "Great American Eclipse" — the first total solar eclipse to hit the lower 48 states since August 2017.
A total solar eclipse will take place at the Moon's ascending node on Monday, April 8, 2024.
The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean. Weather permitting, the first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico’s Pacific coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT. https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/
This rare celestial phenomenon will occur when the moon blots out the sun.
During the total solar eclipse, a swath of North America will plunge into a few minutes of darkness.
Tens of millions who live along a narrow stretch from Mexico's Pacific coast to eastern Canada can just look skyward on Monday to have a glimpse of the day turning into twilight. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/pm-narendra-modi-sets-ambitious-india-economic-goals-for-probable-third-term-11712239407472.html
According to NASA, the eclipse will actually start way out over the Pacific Ocean, early in the morning. It'll make its first landfall on the west coast of Mexico, near the beach town of Mazatlán. The sky there will start to darken around 10 a.m., and they'll experience totality at 11:07 a.m. Pacific time, for 4 minutes and 17 seconds.
Then, the eclipse will cross through the inland portions of Mexico and into Texas, right over parts of San Antonio. And here's where it gets tricky. Even within a single city, some areas will be treated to view of the total eclipse, while others will not. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/digital-originals/what-to-know-2024-total-solar-eclipse/3499936/
You can watch the eclipse with your eclipse glasses, but a telescope—with the proper, safe filter—will make viewing the eclipse even more amazing.
The April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will produce stunning views across North America. While anyone along the eclipse path with a clear sky will see the spectacular event, the best view might be 50,000 feet in the air, aboard NASA's WB-57 jet planes.
For people in the path of totality, the moon will completely block the sun for a short time. These few minutes will be the only time that it will be safe to look directly toward the sun. For people who ARE NOT in the path of totality, you will need to wear specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing.
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esgdatainrate · 2 years ago
Tools In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
Tools Market Research, 2032
The global tools market size was valued at $91.8 billion in 2022, and is projected to reach $153.2 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2023 to 2032. Tools encompass a wide range of manually and externally powered tools such as hand tools, and power tools, including garden tools. Hand tools are operated manually for cutting, gripping, and shaping metal, wood, or other materials. On the other hand, power tools are powered through electricity, or via pressurized air. Power tools make it easier for the operator to perform any task with less effort, thereby increasing productivity. Together these tools enable a range of tasks in woodworking, repair & renovation, and maintenance applications, along with various others.
According to UN forecasts, the world population is expected to increase from 8 billion in 2023 to 9.7 billion by 2050. Countries in the Asian and African continents are projected to play an important role in the global population growth and urbanization. This will lead to overcrowding of the cities in the world, which will require new buildings to be constructed along with other public infrastructure. For example, owing to overcrowding in the capital city Jakarta, Indonesia, government officials have planned to shift its capital to Nusantra, where several new buildings will be constructed. Similarly, in March 2023, the government of India considered a proposal to build eight new cities across the country, which may cost more than $360 million. Furthermore, residential, and commercial buildings such as shopping malls, hospitals, schools, and others are also being constructed across the globe. For instance, as of January 2023, a well-known building developer ‘Triple Five Group’ has planned to construct American Dream Mall near Everglades National Park in Florida. Furthermore, during construction, different big and small power and manual tools such as drills, material removal, saws, wrenches, demolition, hammers, and others are used in large numbers. Moreover, once the building has been constructed and finished, garden tools such as shears and pruning tools, striking tools, digging tools, blowers, land mowers, and others are used for creating and maintaining gardens. Thus, owing to an increase in demand for tools, major companies are expanding their production capabilities as well as opening new facilities in different parts of the world. For instance, in August 2022, Milwaukee Tool inaugurated its newest tool manufacturing plant in West Bend, Wisconsin, U.S. Thus, the rising number of buildings across the world is driving the growth of the global tools market. Moreover, demand for furniture is also increasing, as it is a primary need of any office and home. Commonly used furniture such as chairs, beds, tables, cabinets, and others are widely made using wood as well as other materials such as metal, and plastic. However, furniture made with wood is in high demand owing to its various features such as durability, premium appeal, high resale value, environment friendliness, and many more. Since, hand and power tools are extensively used for making furniture, the growing demand for furniture is also expected to have a positive influence on the tools market growth.
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North America accounted for the highest market share in 2022 and Asia-Pacific is expected to grow with a higher CAGR throughout the projected period. North America is witnessing a rapid rise in construction activities in the major cities. For instance, according to the data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the spending in the construction sector increased from nearly $1,200 billion in January 2017, to nearly $1,600 billion in January 2023. The construction sector is a major user of power and hand tools, thus rise in the construction sector is expected to boost the tools market growth. Moreover, the DIY culture in the U.S., and Canada is also positively affecting the market growth. According to the data published by Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies in 2021, around $797 is spent each year on do-it-yourself (DIY) projects by an average homeowner in the U.S. On the other hand, this expansion of the tools market in Asia-Pacific is attributable to rapid economic growth, and population growth, in countries such as China, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia, which eventually is expected to drive demand in the construction sector.
Competition Analysis
Competitive analysis and profiles of the major players in the tools market are provided in the report. Major companies in the report include Makita Corporation, Armstrong tools Inc., Snap-on Incorporated, Koki Holdings Co. Ltd., Hilti Corporation, Falcon Garden Tools, Bully Tools, Husqvarna Group, Robert Bosch GmbH, and Stanley Black and Decker Inc. Major players to remain competitive adopt development strategies such as product launch, business expansion, acquisition, and others. For instance, in December 2021, Makita UK, a power tool manufacturer launched a new cordless angle drill and a cordless earth auger.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/tools-market-A107124
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svgoceandesigns1 · 1 year ago
Twice In A Lifetime August SVG, 21 2017 Solar Eclipse April 8 2024 SVG PNG, Cricut File
Twice In A Lifetime August SVG, 21 2017 Solar Eclipse April 8 2024 SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machine and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "support@svgoceandesigns.com". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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midnightiscoming-kasabian · 7 years ago
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Kasabian for DIY Magazine Photos: Jono White
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mienvs3000w23 · 2 years ago
Unit 01: Launching into Nature Interpretation
I grew up in the city of Vaughan, boasting a population of over 300,000 people as of 2017. I live in a cozy house with my family amidst a bustling neighborhood, and we have the biggest backyard on the whole street. My mom said that one reason we moved into this house was because of the large backyard, as it was good for our dog to run around in. It has a huge tree right in the center, with long, thick branches poking out of it. One summer, my stepdad helped me put up a tire swing off one of the largest branches. It would always fill with water after it rained, which was pretty often as it was a particularly rainy time. I remember swinging the tire against the tree so it would bounce off and make the water spill out of it. By the end of the summer, I didn’t spend too much time playing with the tire swing because the rainwater would annoy me a lot. Instead, I spent a lot of my time playing along the street with my neighbors. We would play grounders on the playground, go biking in the local parks, and play manhunt using our garages. Sometimes we would trade silly bands, staying out until it got dark so we could see if they actually glow in the dark. This never worked, though, because there were streetlights at every corner that never really let the sky get fully dark. Although our neighborhood had more than the average amount of greenery and parks for such a populated neighborhood in Vaughan, I don’t remember ever truly feeling a connection or appreciation for nature growing up. I was mainly surrounded by “city life”: concrete, houses, buildings, and plazas… it was rare to see a pretty sunset over a calm lake. 
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I switched schools at the beginning of fifth grade. I had met a girl in my class who became my locker partner, and she convinced me to go to an all-girls overnight camp with her in the summer. I went to the camp but got placed in a younger age group. In all honesty, I never even saw my friend there. I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy being bitten by mosquitos, I didn’t enjoy being around a bunch of younger kids, I didn’t enjoy not having the freedom to do what I wanted, I didn’t enjoy not having my friend there, I didn’t enjoy the small portions of food. One time, we did a camping trip where we canoed to an “island” and had to sleep near the lake in tents. It sounds nice, right? Nope. The counselors set up their tents on the soft sandy beach. We were stuck setting up tents further back, near the branchy forest. We didn’t have a soft cushion of sand to sleep on. I slept with a branch poking into my back. My first “immersion” into nature sucked, and I was more than ready to go home. As middle school ended, some of my friends from my extracurricular art program told me about another overnight camp they went to. Their stories were completely different than what I had heard in fifth grade: they told me about girls giving themselves piercings in the cabins. I thought that was insane… I had to see this for myself. I signed up for this camp, and at the end of August off we went! And you know what? I had a blast! Unfortunately, there were no DIY piercings. Fortunately, I spent all my time outside and LOVED it! Still do!
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It was one of the first times in my life that I saw a sky full of stars. In Vaughan, there are only 3 at most. In Haliburton, my friends and I would lie on the boat dock for hours before bed just stargazing. One guy from our group even brought a $1000 telescope, and we got to see the moon and all of its craters! Another time, we jumped into the lake with our clothes on because we forgot to change into our bathing suits. During my free time, my group mates and I would explore the nearby forests and beaches, always ending our adventures with a view of the lake. I even tried tubing for the first time! So much water got in my eyes, but I did it again that same day! I was a camper here for 3 years, and a counselor for 2. I had felt a sense of place. That camp is my happy place, and the first spot I think of when I'm feeling down. The staff, the campers, and my friends were all a crucial part of that feeling. I knew I wanted to share my love of camping with others. I became a nature interpreter, leading hiking groups to introduce campers to the local ecology and beautiful landscapes. I enjoyed connecting younger generations to nature, the same way I had been.
That experience ignited a passion in me. I started seeking out camping experiences, such as back-country camping in the Bruce Peninsula and car camping at McCrae Lake. I even branched out my interest educationally, taking environmental science courses and going on to pursue higher education in environmental sustainability. I am forever thankful to my friends who convinced me to go with their crazy stories. If it wasn’t for my curiosity, I never would have ended up with such a priceless experience.
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oftlunarialmoon · 1 year ago
DIY: How to Make A Recycled Vase!
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on August 06, 2017
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Ciao lovelies! Today, let's make a vase out of a Pringles can! (or any other round box)
What you'll need: (You can click the links to buy supplies directly from amazon!)
-Pringles can (cleaned out)
-Scrapbook paper
-Washi Tape
The method is very simple:
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Wrap the paper around the can, glueing as you go. Secure the ends with washi tape and use for decor. And then fill with fake flowers!
This vase is super easy and cute, and perfect room decor. 
If you make this, or anything else, let us know! We'd love to see your crafts! You can link it down below, or tag our Instagram Account or use #OFTreaders to be featured on our page!
For more DIY Crafts, look in our DIY Tag HERE!
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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plannerpearls · 8 years ago
Late Summer Garden [PlanAhead Week 34: 8/21-27th, 2017]
The summer has come to a close. Before Fall begins, I wanted to have one last run in Spring and Summer time. This Spring Floral Planner Sticker by Fit Life Creative was the perfect printable.
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This post is an excerpt from my blog. For the full article, including commentary and materials used, please click here.
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emmanunuu · 8 years ago
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August 2: I learned how to sew by hand today! Finally got to sew some new babies onto my jacket 💪🏻
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multiwendi · 4 years ago
hello !! I’m starting to stan golden child and I wanted to ask if you could tell me about each member’s personality or anything individually? I wasn’t really sure who else to ask so if you can’t then it’s fine !!
i tried to make a guide to them, so i hope it will help you get know them more! 
it warmed my heart that you asked me to do it  ♡
thank you and welcome to Goldenness sweetie!  ♡
if you need something messege me in my DMs you’re always welcomed  ♡
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Guide to: Golden Child
know also as Golcha or GNCD
Consist of 10 members: Daeyeol, Y, Jangjun, Tag, Seungmin, Jaehyun, Jibeom, Donghyun, Joochan, and Bomin
They debuted on August 28, 2017, with "Damdadi" under Woollim Ent. 
On January 6, 2018, Woollim Ent. announced Jaeseok left the group due to health issues
Golden Child fandom name: GOLDENNESS (A special and valuable treasure)
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He is the leader of Golden Child, and he's the lead dancer and lead vocalist
He was born on February 11, 1993
He's playful and enthusiastic, but he is a very serious leader, his members thrust him and he takes good care of them
Daeyeol was very introverted as a child. He was shy and quiet to the point that people didn’t notice him. In high school, he started to change.
He has dyslexia, but he likes to read
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Seongyoon (Y)
Seongyoon is the main vocalist of Golcha
He was born on July 31, 1995, he shares his birthday with Joochan
He's the athlete of the group
He has a very positive personality
He doesn't feel uncomfortable with any of the members
But he has a cold side when he's sad/upset
Seongyoon is actually a cold person but he became a warmer person because of Goldenness
Members choose him as the scariest member based on their first  impression
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Jangjun's positions are main rapper and vocalist
He was born on March 3, 19997
His personality type is the vitamin that never gets tired
He, Joochan, and Jibeom are the mood makers of the group
He has his own show on Dingo called "Jangstar"
In my opinion, he's the funniest person I've seen in Kpop, don't h8 me 
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Youngtaek (Tag)
Youngtaek's positions are main rapper and vocalist
He was born on April 13, 1998
He's kinda funny and has 4D personality
He writes his own raps 
He is fluent in Japanese 
He is very flexible
He listens to Seventeen's song when he needs to calm down and relax
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Seungmin is the lead vocalist of Golden Child
He was born on October 13, 1998
Seungmin's personality is shy but cute
He has a nickname Poket Boy because of his height, but now he loves it as he thinks that's what makes fans love him more
Talking about his height, he wants to keep his real height a secret
He can fit his whole body including his head into a suitcase
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Jaehyun is the vocalist and visual 
He was born on January 4, 1999
His nickname is Bongvely 
He always says cringey things confidently
He speaks fluent English because he lived in the US for quite some time
He has a husky voice and especially Jibeom and sometimes Jangjun imitate him 
He talks in his sleep when he's really tired
He likes to experience a lot of things when he gets the chance to
He has a lot of conflicts with his food: he can't eat seafood, but he like shrimp chops and seaweed soup; can't drink milk, but he eats white milk candy; he eats crab meat in kimbap, but he doesn't eat shrimp with soup 
He has his aegyo move name BongPid (Bong + Cupid)
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Jibeom is the lead vocalist and visual
He was born on the February 3, 1999
He is know for making witty comments
Jibeom's personality is caring and understanding pacifist
His special talent is the impression of rubber chicken sound and playing badminton
He has a strong attachement to things that he cannot throw them away so he is called antique collector by other members
He has flexible fingers
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He is the main dancer and vocalist of Golcha
He was born on February 23, 1999
He cries when he laughs
He is afraid of heights
He doesn't like bubble tea
He has a dog named Dadi
Donghyun ability is being organized
When he was younger he wasn't a type that talks too much
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Joochan is the main vocalist
He was born on the same day as Y - July 31, 1999
He can play violin, guitar, and piano
Joochan learned hapkido since he was 7 years old
He can imitate the voice of the anchovy from "Spongebob Squarepants" 
One time he got kicked out of a buffet with his two friends because they ate too much, around 24 servings
His hobbies are exercising writing, photography, making songs
He is into crafting and DIYs 
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Bomin is the maknae, lead dancer, vocalist, visual, and face of the group
He was born on August 24, 2000
He likes to copy his members' funny gesture and he tricks his members a lot
Bomin has acrophobia (fear of heights)
Jangjun makes him laugh the most
He is usually always to be the last member to get up from bed
He has two dogs, Jay and Joy
He is the luckiest member
He was MC for Music Bank from July 5, 2019, till July 17, 2020
He got cast on the 2nd season of "A-Teen"; he acted in kdramas: "Melting Me Softly" and "18 Again"
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