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anthony-louis-johnson · 1 year ago
Support the detail. Support the effort. Support the Divinity.
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missmiattarocks · 1 year ago
moje srdce sa zlomilo keď som zistila, že lentilky vlastne nie sú slovenské a ešte k tomu sa volajú Smarties. skurvené Smarties. kto nazve lentilky Smarties? Smarties?! sú to lentilky!!!!
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fetabathwater · 1 year ago
congrats on the bard-om
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manitat · 28 days ago
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Elvis J. Kurtović - Njene divne oči
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hiramabyss · 2 months ago
when marina diamondis said "cause deep down all you really want is love, the pure kind we all dream of" she was speaking in a prophetic voice a la Moses transmitting the Torah coming off Mount Sinai
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futchgunk · 3 months ago
monoblack edh amassed jet black and ophiomancer and won a prize card match for giza
might have a sac engine on my lich 💀💀💀
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comonblancechance · 2 years ago
Draga moja Dubravka!
Mama te nije zaboravila! Mama te mnogo voli! Ovim pismom zelim da doprem do tebe I da te pronadjem I da se sve ovo jednom zavrsi. Godine su ostale za nama ali nisu mogle da ugase tu ljubav majke prema svome detetu. Ako sebe prepoznas u ovome pismu razmisli dobro o svemu! Tvoje pravo ime je Dubravka I dali smo ti ga onoga dana kada si se rodila,21.Avgusta 1973. godine. Mozda je tvoj datum rodjenja bas 01. Novembar 1973. godine ili neki blizu njega, jer tada su nam saopstili kada smo ocekivali da dodjes u nas dom, da si iznenada preminula. I ako su nam rekli sve to mi nismo nikada verovali u to da je istina. Znali smo dase tu nesto desilo, ali nismo ni pomisljali da poverujemo da je to istina. Vremena su bila takva da se moralo sve prihvatiti kao da je tako I nismo smeli preduzimati nikakve postupke da probamo nesto izmeniti. Prolazile su godine a sa njima  su se menjali I uslovi zivota, tako da smo dobili priliku I mogucnost da jos jednom mozemo da sve proverimo u vezi tebe. Posebno kada smo uvideli da postoje mnogi slucajevi kod nas slicni nasem I da je veliki broj dece nestao na slican nacin kao ti. Ja sam sve preduzela da dodjem do svih potrebnih dokumenata I tako pred Sudom dokazemo da si negde ziva I takodje kao mnoga deca, oteta od majki, I ti si oteta od mene. Tako da sada zelim da ti saopstim da prvo na sta treba da obratis paznju jeste datum tvog rodjenja koji je verovatno 01. Novembar ili neki blize tome, koji je lazan! Drugo na sta treba da obratis posebno paznju je tvoje srce I osecaj da nikada nisi pripadala onima gde se sada nalazis, a posebno stanje tvoga srca I duse koje se uvek osecalo prazno I da mu nesto jako vazno ne dostaje! A toje prava majka I porodica od koje si oteta! Mozda si I ti krenula u potragu za nama, kada su ti lazni roditelji pod pritiskom prljave savesti morali priznati da oni nisu tvoji pravi roditelji. Sto bi bilo jako dobro I pomoglo jos brze da me pronadjes. Jedno znaj da te mama mnogo voli I da sve ove godine nisu nista uradili da nas odvoje! Znam ti si danas zena od 49. godina ,mozda imas I porodicu, ali znaj da nista od toga ne moze odvojiti pravu majku od svoga deteta. Osim mene imas tvoga brata koji je osam godina stariji od tebe, snaju troje velike divne dece koj isu danas ljudi sa svojim porodicama. Necu vise o detaljima ali ono sto je najbitnije da ti pomognemo da nas pronadjes smo ti rekli. Ako sebe prepoznajes u ovome pismu javi mi se, mama ce biti mnogo sretna da se sretnemo I ovo zavrsimo jednom za sva vremena! Javi se u inbox I lako cemo dalje da uspostavimo nas kontakt. Mama te mnogo voli I zeli ti reci da ocekuje uskoro da te vidi! Dragi Bog neka te cuva I pomogne ti da me lako pronadjes!
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slovenska-zloba · 10 months ago
akademické obrodenstvo,
volám k vám v temnej chvíľke. máte skúsenosť so štúdiom PhD v prahe alebo brne?
pokiaľ áno, ste ochotnx podeliť sa s nádejnou budúcou semiotičkou o pár rád/tipov/informácií? stránky univerzít sú notoricky vágnejšie než victor hugo, preto sa mi ťažko zisťuje, čo so štipendiom a ubytovaním (áno, ešte som ani nepodala prihlášku, ale už manifestujem, že ma vzali - inak, aj podanie prihlášky je divne náročné). približne viem, ako to funguje na slovensku, ale česko je pre mňa veľkou záhadou.
ponúkam fotky mojej mačičky micky na výmenu za podpultové informácie. moje súkromné správy považujte za tuzex!
ďakujem >:)
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divine-swag-summit · 2 years ago
I’ve been following a lot of other tournament accounts lately and noticed that I haven’t seen anyone make one for fictional deities, so I decided to make one myself! Shoutout to @mad-scientist-showdown @autismswagsummit @gotalittletoosilly and @falseprophetpoll specifically for inspiring me to make this tournament! Now then, my knowledge of fictional gods is.... severely limited, so I’m opening up submissions!
Before you submit, here are some rules to follow:
You can submit multiple characters, but please dont submit one character multiple times!
No gods from real life! Sorry Hades fans :(
The character does not have to specifically be referred to as a god in canon, demons, cosmic beings and other entities powerful enough to either have a significant effect on reality and/or be worshipped/feared by a group of people count as well! Examples of non-god beings that would count:
Bill Cipher(Gravity Falls)
The Collector(The Owl House)
The Lich(Adventure Time)
The Krang(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Jade Harley(Homestuck)
I’ll be closing submissions on March 11th at Noon EST, so get your all-powerful blorbos in!
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bojesvemira · 10 months ago
Danas sam se probudila uz onaj osjećaj melahonije za drugim gradom, danas sam ustala sa željom da otvorim prozor da me obasja posebna zraka sunca i udahnem vazduh koji mi dušu ispuni, ljudi ne razumiju moju ljubav bila to prema ljudima, gradovima, mjestima, situacijama. Nisam baš stigla jutos ni da se razbudim trčala sam na autobus u gradu gdje sam rođena a tako izgubljena u njemu, uvijek lutam. Dok sam putovala prema gradu zamišljala sam kako pijem kafu sa šlagom u onom mom omiljenom kafiću i uzimam omiljenu krofnu i šetam kroz one divne zelene površine dok ljudi sviraju gitaru bilo proljeće zima ili ljeto. Često poželim taj grad, postoji nešto u njemu u njegovim ljudima, osmijehu i svoj toj čežnji tamo sam se uvijek bila sama ili u društvu osjećala kao kući, uvijek dišem punim plućima. A pogotovo kad znam da u njemu stanuju i spavaju svi moji snovi.
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pargolettasworld · 2 months ago
This is not the absolutely first recording of this piece -- as far as I know, that would be a private recording that my former choir in England made in the backyard of one of the members during one of their first in-person rehearsals after the pandemic started.  But I suspect this may be the first professionally made recording of a beautiful piece that’s rarely sung.
The piece is a short bit for choir and optional organ by the beloved German master of nineteenth-century synagogue music, Louis Lewandowski.  It’s for an occasion that happens roughly four times a year, when Rosh Chodesh, the holiday of the new moon and the change of the Jewish month, falls on Shabbat itself. The text is from Isaiah 60:20:  Your sun shall set no more, Your moon no more withdraw; For the Divne shall be a light to you forever, And your days of mourning shall be ended.
Interestingly, Lewandowski does not set the text in Hebrew, but in German, which may be one of the reasons that you rarely hear this piece today.  But it’s really lovely, and certainly worth hearing now!
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missmiattarocks · 1 year ago
nech sa páči, pár slovenských knižiek pre všetkých čo vravia, že slovenská literárna scéna je napiču:
Niekto sa nájde od Duša Martinčoka: vrchol súčasnej literatúry podľa mňa. Moc moc moc sa mi to ľúbilo. Táto kniha je ako všetky estetig fotky šedých panelákov s pomarančovým slnkom v pozadí, len vyjadrené slovne. Láskyplný list dospievaniu, vzťahom a všetkémo okolo, v tejto knihe nie sú zlí ľudia, sú tam len zranení Slováci. Najlepšia kniha z tohto zoznamu.
Mariotovi dediči od Marjy Holecyovej: slovenská fantasy?? davaj sem. Úprimne, čítala som túto sériu už dávnejšie a kvôli tomu si už nepamätám detaily, ale viem, že sa mi to nesmierne páčilo. A sú tam skutočne spomenuté slovenské miesta!!
Vtedy v Lošonci od Petra Balka: neviem prečo, ale mám z tejto knižky podobný vibe ako pri čítaní Všetko smutné je nepravdivé - len Vtedy v Lošonci je (omnoho..) drsnejšie vyrozprávané. Príbeh je taký divne rozkúskovaný, nie populárnym štýlom, ale keď sa raz začítate, tak nebudete chcieť prestať. Ja som mala pocit, že sa v tej knihe stále niečo dialo a že by som prišla o niečo veľmi dôležité, ak by som ju na chvíľu odložila. (Hej a v podstate ide o také rozprávanie o detstve rozprávača v Lučenci, má to aj pár prvkov magického realizmu a som si nastopro istá, že ste ešte takú knižku nečítali. Ak vám aj nesadne, aspoň skúsite niečo nové!)
Magický advent od Zuzky Šulajovej: lol toto je omnoho sladšia vec než Vtedy v Lošonci, ale hodí sa to na také príjemné zahriatie u srdiečka. V krátkosti je to o mestskej babe, ktorá sa nejak ocitne v dedinke (čo si celkom váži tradície) na konci slovenskej civilizácie. Nejaká romantika, rodinné vzťahy a tak. Nepamätám si na nejak presné detaily, ale viem že sa mi tá knižočka celkom rátala.
[Takmer] dospelé poviedky od Zuzany Štelbaskej: Ako názov praví, sú to poviedky o tímedžeroch. Čítala som ich dávnejšie, ale na niektoré ešte stále myslím a podľa mňa vo mne zanechali stopu. Mali taký špecifický, nešťastný, špinavý, mestský vibe. Zväčša boli o láske a vzťahoch, prirodzene. Nájdete tam jednu bl poviedku, ďalšiu poviedku s jedným šikanovaným chalanom, je tam opísané to najkontroverznejšie znásilnenie o akom som kedy čítala a všeličo iné. Túto knihu som čítala počas jedného rodinného stretnutia, pamätám si, že predo mnou horel táborák.
hej chcela by som ešte povedať, že naša literárna scéna nie je vždy perfektná, ALE. to neznamená, že je zlá. máme dobrých autorov a treba ich veľa čítať.
ak vám nááhodou napadnú nejakí iní slovenskí autori s ich knihami, napíšte. toto boli len knihy, čo som ja prečítala a utkveli mi v pamäti.
želám pekný deň!
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hodajuciputevimacudesa · 1 month ago
Prošle godine
Ne znam ni je li dan prošao od tvog
Sedamnaestog rođendana
Ja sam se već počela sikirati
Šta ću ti pokloniti za osamnaesti
A samo par sati pred današnji datum
Ja sam se sjetila i realizovala
Da te brige već podugo nemam
I nek nemam
I možda nećeš nikada ovo pročitati
Ali zaželio si da ti čestitam rođendan
Da ti nešto kažem makar danas
Te ako me imalo poznaješ
Znaš da ću ti i reći
Ali ću tu čestitku priložiti
Na nekog drugog primaoca
Još uvijek se zamaraš oko nekih momaka
A vjeruj da su oni oduvijek bili
Najmanji problem
Odnosno oni nisu ni postojali
Kada si ti živio u mom srcu
Sada je malo neka drugačija priča
Te ne znam da li nagađaš opis osobe
Koju sam prvu zapikirala nakon tebe
Ili zaista znaš nešto
Ali znaj da bar od toga nema ništa
Slagala bih ti kad bih ti rekla
Da patim za tobom
Da umirem
Grcam se u suzama i gušim od bola
Ne mogu prestati razmišljati o tebi
Još uvijek planiram nas u svojoj budućnosti
Sve bi to bile laži
Ali ti si još uvijek tu
Kao primamljiva magla
Zagušljivo sjećanje
Ti si onaj san iz kojeg se budim sa osmijehom
Te tek kad potpuno otvorim oči
Shvatim da ništa na javi
Nije kao u snu
Ne priželjkujem da te vidim
I zaobišla bih te u širokom luku
Kad god bih mogla
Ne jer mi je teško zbog tebe
Već radi svega što si posadio u meni
Pa pogazio kao kakvo blato
Ne boliš me ti toliko
Koliko me boli situacija
Koliko me boli gorčina i žestina
Promjena je čudna stvar
Pogotovo kad je posmatraš
Sa dalekosežnih razmjera
Malo je stvari koje su ostale u mom srcu
Iste otkako sam otišla od tebe
Ali od njih malo
Istakla bih tvoj miris
Koji kada osjetim iz vedra neba
Ni dan danas me ne ostavlja ravnodušnom
Pusti me na miru
I ne nadolazi mi svojim parfemom u glavu
Još uvijek s time ne mogu da se suočim
Taj opojan zrak je još uvijek
Opasan po srce moje
Ne moraš se zamarati o nama
Jer kada bih se sad zaljubila u nekog
Ko je po svim parametrima sušta suprotnost tebe
Ne bi umanjilo ni zrno onoga
Što sam osjećala za tebe
Vjerovala sam da si me noćas vidio
I više puta pogledao
Ali nisam imala dovoljno samopouzdanja
Da to i naglas priznam
Dobro znaš da sam i ja tebe primijetila
I sa nekim stranim osjećajem posmatrala
Čudno je gledati nekoga
Znati toliko o njemu
A ne željeti da ikad više išta čuješ o istom tom
Ne smeta mi što pišeš o meni
Ne bi bilo fer zapravo
Jer i ja sam pisala o tebi
Možda bi te pokoji stih
Koji nisi pročitao
I bogdu ubio u glavu i dušu da jesi
Zato bolje da nisi
O svom životu da ti pričam
Ipak sam odlučila da to ne činim
Nije te zanimalo prije
Te iako sam namjeravala da ti nešto kažem
Jer sad svakako nije vrijeme da se zanimaš
Ali ako te zanima nešto drugo
Bar ću ti reći
Da mi se više sviđala tvoja prirodna boja kose
Mada su ti kovrče divne
Od ove osamnaeste godine
Zaista je već vrijeme da se trzneš
Ništa na ovom dunjaluku nije šareno i bajno
To si me ti naučio
Ali ni ovdje ni bilo gdje
Nije sve crno
Kupi kojekakve bojice ili flomastere
Kreni bojiti do sad neutralno
Zagrli samog sebe
I boj se Onog Jedinog
Kada poželiš da te zagrle
Neke druge, tuđe
Nježnije ruke
Razmišljaj više o svemu što sam trubila
Još uvijek sve isto mislim
Prestani pušiti
Ne zamaraj se glupostima
Vjeruj Allahu za sve
Uzmi od mene sve što si mi dao
Ja ti draga srca i najsitnije trunje vraćam
Upotpuni sebe kako Bog zapovijeda
Molim Svevišnjeg i Svemilosnog
Da te učvrsti u svakom hajru
Pomogne u svemu što će ti koristiti
Proživi u strpljenju, svjetlu i blagostanju
Volim te i dalje
Ali ne kao tvoja
Već kao neka koja ti želi sve najbolje
Sretan ti rođendan
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tenebrisdivina · 11 months ago
I recently started the path of the infernal or demonic path. Lord Abaddon and Lord Astaroth were shown in a reading to be Infernal Deities (I see them as deities I feel that respects them more) wanting or would like be my patrons. Lord Abaddon's voice telepathically is calm to me, any way. Any advice for a novice who is starting out? Sorry if this is long and such.
Hi and thankyou for the ask. This will be a bit of a longer response. So just to begin, I wanted to just ask some questions to get a better idea of where you are at in order to advise on this. Have you worked with other spirits or deities before? Also about the reading; was it done by yourself or by someone else? And if by someone else do they regularly work with demonic divne?
So what I will suggest for now is based upon the information you have provided in the ask. Personally I would suggest if you have never worked with spirits of deities before- it is not the best idea to start with demons- given the level of energies and that if you do not have established forms of communication (divination and also psychic senses etc) that you can use, it can lead to quite a bit of confusion and difficulties in moving forward. If this is the case- then beginning with local land or plant spirits or a deity you feel drawn to- can be a good place to begin. Other than that- if you have worked with other spirits and beings- then I would suggest reading S Connolly’s “Complete Book of Demonolatry” and her other series as the best place to begin in understanding how to connect and work respectfully with the demonic divine. Do not follow the Solomonic teachings (outlined in the Lemegton- lesser and greater keys of Solomon etc) or Goetia workings as that is a very disrespectful system. I also do not recommend following EA Koettings work either. But that is more of a personal preference- however He seems to promote the vending machine idea of demons- which is kind of suspect.
As for the patron aspect of this. In working with demons it is not the same context as it is/can be in other pagan religions where the matron and patron are the primary beings you connect with and guide your path etc. In working with the demonic divine- the relationships tend to start out as more mentoring then patronage. You may or may not end up with a patron ( it is not any better or worse either way- just different)- but usually demons do not tend to claim “patronage” at the beginning of ones journey. And so, in the beginning I would suggest just focusing on getting to know the demonic divine and how to work with Them, getting a regular practice- instead of necessarily focusing on having or finding a patron.
I would suggest also using your own intuition and guidance and maybe the system S Connolly outlines in her books for choosing which demons to connect with, rather then a potentially more nebulous reading on it. And it is also likely that you will come into contact with quite a few demons on this path as well- some being teachers and mentors-which can be more long term, and some only staying around for a short time.
As for the two demonic divine mentioned: Lord Abaddon and Astaroth (Astarte/Astoreth and Astaroth in my gnosis are the same being(I will refer to her as Lady here)- Astarte is the feminine yin aspect and the most often seen one, and Astaroth is the more yang aspect which seems to be present when She gets angry – but to each their own in how They appear) Lady Astoreth can be a bit more forgiving of those beginning, but She still expects a lot of respect and someone to know what they are doing when in contact with Her. She is also quite strict and formal. Lord Abaddon on the other hand ( who is my patron- and became that 5 years after I had started working with the demonic divine- to give an idea) I definitely do not recommend for beginners. He is very serious and formal, and also expects you to know what you are doing, and to do and be willing to do the work with Him. Also His energy is quite difficult and can be jarring and somewhat uncomfortable to deal with, it is very dark and very expansive. He also brings up and expects you to know and do shadow work on the regular and to deal with your own darkness. He can also be very harsh about things. He doesn’t sugar coat things and while there is understanding of the situation, He can be brutal in telling the truth of it and getting you to face the truth. He has almost no tolerance for those beginning and learning how to do things. (side note; what Lord Abaddon is suggesting to me for you; is that you work with and connect with someone easier first and work up to connecting with Him eventually (not necessarily as a patron though)- but don’t start with Him. It can be a goal. He may kind of watch or influence from the shadows for a while- if you continue on this path).
So what I would suggest is after research, then begin reaching out to the demonic divine and see how it goes from there, but don’t expect Them to be as patrons to you, maybe let go of that idea for now, and see Them more as potential mentors. As well as beings to build a relationship with and see if you “hit it off” and where it goes form there.
Finally; the basic way method to connect with the demonic divine. Most importantly is to approach Them with respect as the God Level divine beings/Kings/Queens/Rulers They are. It is also not the best idea to call on Them (esp in the beginning, though it can change as you become more familiar with Them if They agree) for no reason or for sh*ts and giggles- since this obviously lacks respect and indicates you don’t take this seriously. But basic connecting is as follows
try and set up an altar space for Them as it serves as a focal point for Their energies on this plane and for ease of connecting. It also shows Them respect
 light a candle and some incense – to give as an offering, alongside tea or some other beverage ( if not tea, wine or sometimes coffee depending on who- will work) ( you can also have other offerings if you want)
Have Their sigil and enn on the altar
Welcome the Demonic Divine being to the space
Then you call upon them to be present; Basically you recite Their enn a few times until you recognise or feel their energy ( or feel guided to stop) while gazing at Their sigil.
The enn can be recited 9, 11 or more times if needed
It is important to recite the enn- not merely listen to it being recited on a video etc. As the reciting changes your vibration and attunes you more to the demonic divine. Which leads to you being able to connect more closely and receive clearer communication from Them.
Then once you recognise Their presence or feel the need/guided to stop, then you can present your offerings and commune with Them; either through divination, psychic senses etc. Or you can do ritual work, meditation here
After you are done thank Them for Their presence and connecting with you then say something along the lines of “may you go in peace” etc- kind of license to depart. But the Demonic Divine will usually stay or go as they please.
You may wish to- if it feels safer for you- to cast a circle. But in working with demons- the circle cast is to balance the energies of the space and encompasses both you and the demon. It is not to separate you and the demon, or keep the demon in the circle and you outside of it or vice versa. However circle casting is not necessary, and I have never done it just for communing tbh. But it may be beneficial in the beginning to help ensure you are getting the actual being you are calling and not a being masking as it (which can be common enough with darker energy types- since not many know how to distinguish the types of darkness). This does depend also on how energetically clean and warded the space you are calling Them in is. And that varies by individual. You can “banish” a space before and after if you wish- but again is not necessary. And sometimes it’s more beneficial to leave the residual energy of the demonic divine present.
Another thing about connecting with the Demonic Divine in the beginning- is there is an element of trust to this- that They are there or at least hear you. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. But with practice you can learn to sense more.
It should be noted though; that the enn and sigil act like a calling card. (It doesn't guarantee Their presence however and really nothing does - as humans cannot force Them). Sometimes one of the Dark Lord or Ladies subordinates may show up instead of the actual being- They are just using that current of energy. It doesn’t matter so much in the beginning and really is only something to focus on if you want to tell the energies apart. Its not as though the calling or communication didn’t work. Its just something that may happen. Sometimes also The DLs may not show up either- as is Their purview ( They choose who They connect with and some are more picky then Others) and They may have something else going on. Its not as though you are not necessarily "heard" though. It is not often that such things happen though and for the most part you will connect with Them and They with you.
Also It can be preferable in the first few times connecting to spend time sitting in an attuning to the DLs energy. Then at later points you can eventually requesting something of Them. It is also important not to treat Them as wish-granting beings or like vending-machines. Such practices are quite disrespectful anyway. In long term demonic work, They don’t just give you things- you have to put in the work. But it also depends on your path with Them. Please also do not call the Demonic Divine in the triangle scrying method- from my experience the DLs I tried this with hated it and it messed with how Their energies came through and were presented.
In general also, once you have communication going- its best to listen to what that particular Demonic Divine being says about what They prefer etc, then going by what is done by or for others, since it is your relationship and path with Them not someone else’s. Also you don’t need to offer blood- esp at first its not recommended given how serious and powerful it is. Also do not offer sex, sex fluids etc unless They specifically ask or have said its okay. As some of the Demonic Divine quite dislike that.
 I hope this has been beneficial and feel free to ask if more assistance is needed. I will help where I can.
Note: since this is posted publically- some of the information can be seen/used by others generally (except the specific part about what Lord Abaddon actually said- is specific to this person) But as usual this answer is for this ask specifically.
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amiina1 · 10 months ago
Ti si u poeziji mojoj
Ja te na taj način volim
Umjesto ruku
Moje srce piše
Te divne stihove
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"Dragi prijatelju,
Ne znam zašto, ali želim da ti objasnim suštinu svog poraza od koga se nikada više neću oporaviti. Pre svega moraš znati da moja nesreća nije puki ljubavni jad. Ili, tačnije rečeno, jeste to, ako se ta moja ljubav shvati kao eros u spinozističkom smislu.
Ta žena nije bila tek moja ljubavnica. Ona je bila prva i osnovna potreba mog duha. Ona je bila i moja duhovna zaštita i zaklon. Ona je bila za mene zaštitni omotač od metafizičke studeni. 
Bez nje ja sam potpuno i direktno izložen kosmičkoj besmislici i noći. Moja usamljenost je sada apsolutna. Za mene ne postoji oblast čistog važenja i pevanja. Sad moje pesme traže moju glavu. Više nema ko da me sa njima pomiri. To je samo Ona znala. A nije znala da zna. Pored nje najopasnije misli pretvararale su se u divne i bezazlene metafore. Sada je sve to podivljalo i besomučno kidiše na mene. Kada bih samo mogao pobeći od onoga što sam rekao! 
Živim u užasnom strahu. Bojim se da govorim, da pišem. Svaka me reč može ubiti. Ja sam najveći deo svojih pesama napisao pre nego sam nju zavoleo, ali tek sa njom ja sam postao pesnik, to jest onaj koji nije ugrožen onim o čemu peva, koji ima jedan povlašten položaj u odnosu na ono što kazuje. Sada moja poezija gubi svaku vrednost i izvrgava se u mog najžešćeg neprijatelja. Možda bih ja postao pravi pesnik da je ta divna żena ostala kraj mene. Ovako ja sam onaj što se igrao vatrom i izgoreo. Poraz ne može biti pobeda ma koliko veliki bio. Izgubivši nju ja sam izgubio i svoju snagu, i svoj dar. Ja više ne umem pisati. Ostala je samo nesreća od koje se ništa drugo ne može napraviti osim nove nesreće.
Sećaš li se, dragi prijatelju, da sam ja napisao stih “Jedan nesretan čovek ne može biti pesnik”. Tek sada vidim koliko je to tačno. Ja ću pokušati da živim i dalje, mada sam više mrtav od svih mrtvaca zajedno. Ali ova užasna patnja je poslednji ostatak onoga što je u meni ljudsko. Ako nju nadživim ne očekujte od mene ništa dobro. Ali ja ne verujem da ću je nadživeti.
Želi ti sve najbolje Branko.
P.S. Ako želiš da mi pišeš, piši mi o Njoj. Bilo šta. Ne u vezi sa mnom. Šta jede, kako spava, da li ima nazeb itd.; ti sve to možeš znati. Svaka sitnica koja se na Nju odnosi za mene je od neprocenjive vrednosti. Ako prestanem da mislim o njoj počet ću da mislim o smrti.
Ponoć je. Doviđenja."
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