askalby · 2 years
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Featuring @ditzydolores​
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ditzydolores · 4 months
I have a hypothetical for everyone...
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oldlilcheeseblog · 2 years
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
Hello! This is the same person who runs the asklittlecheese blog! A little birdie named ask-jetstream told me you'd like to write a short story for Little Cheese, and I say, "You don't need MY permission! Do whatever the heck you'd like as long as you're having fun with it!" XD ---TheFireMermaid
Hiya! Thank you so much for your message!
The world you’ve created around Li’l Cheese is a very interesting one and I’ve really enjoyed reading through the stories you’ve told!
I’ve got a number of things in mind, though if there are things I am uncertain about, I’ll be sure to reach out, just to be sure!
Thanks again for your message! Hope you have a great day!
- Mod
By the way, miss FireMermaid, has your husband, FractiousLemon, had the time to read the story about Vaudeville, by any chance?
Just wondering, of course, I don’t mean to rush. I wish you two the absolute, very best! Be sure to take good care of yourself and each other and stay safe!
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unlocktheaskblog · 2 years
it’s kind of like, practice for this sort of thing and also a THANK YOU to this community for being so awesome
so without further ado
good luck finding your character
@sistr-world @aerialaim @thelittlestflyingdoe @askgermanv1nce @theblackcubeofdarkness @ask-summer-epos @hoofclid @whirlwindflux @askalbinopie @ponies-just-vibing @ask-dreamlessportal  @lumera-eclipse @askdapperdash @asktheforgottenpony @ask-fairyliesponies @ask-tay-relic @asktwilighteclipse @fishermod @ask-the-out-buck-pony @ask-princess-lilly @rainbowdashsmailbagthings (BATMAN) @ask-sugarplum @epaofficial @askmovieslate @askthoughtformfluttershy @askvisionary @ask-marble-pie @thatvoidedpegasus @ask-healthy-light @ask-new-world @ask-the-runaway-queen @the-endless-archive @ask-whiteblade @sunny-and-sparkle @asklittlecheese @ask-jetstream @asklostcelestia @aura-answers @utab-who-are-you @captainmolasses @ex-king-sombra @wizardpinkie @ask-the-luna-knight @trixielawyer @ask-wizard-sunburst @asksurprisearchive @ask-internetexplorer @raindropsanswers @askhotbloodedpinkie @ask-jappleack @cheesewiz @flashtheponyofwind @i-dream-of-twilight-sparkle @flightlessspitfire @stockstockstock @ask-doctor-timeturner @darkfiretaimatsu @noodlezss @ask-shutter-ghost @ask-the-prototypes @ditzydolores @askvaudeville @timeoutwithdoctorwhooves @ask-charcoal-cakes @ask-narratordoe @ask-melissa-and-the-band @iamyourdoubt @ask-a-grumpy-melon @asktacobell @ask-luciavampire @ask-missy-mlp @ask-twistedgravekeeper @askmotherlyluna @mymind-theirvisions @ask-the-doctor15 @asks-umbra-winterdance @askburningstream @a-spoonful-o-generosity @adventuresofcandymareinvrchat @polofastter @ask-ariabliss @askdaisydandfriemly @pumpkinspice-pony @ask-number-nine @ask-grapesherbet @occherry @ask-fancymystery @ask-that-one-firefighter-girl @ask-pacifica @ask-doctor-dimension @askderpyscientist @askrarity @aby-askblog @princess-skyla-replies @fleet-follows @theblindfoldedprince @velona-pony-fashion @ask-lir @asksweepslick @asksketchpunk-blog @dearpinkiepie @rainbowfeatherreplies @askbananapie @foodielovethealicorn @askhugsworthy @askderpythespy (I thought you were dead) @askdrunktwilight @whoovesnassistant
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painttasticpony · 2 years
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i’m so sorry it took so long  😭
I hope I got everyone that applied for it
breathes in
now for the @s
@sistr-world @unlocktheaskblog @asktwilighteclipse @derpyhoovesdeliveryservice @askbananapie @pocketdoesart @ask-bulk @ask-new-world @ask-shutter-ghost @asklostcelestia @trixielawyer @a-spoonful-o-generosity @whirlwindflux @duran301 @askbestpony @thedumbguywithaheart43 @askdrunktwilight @ask-princess-lilly @theblackcubeofdarkness @ask-crescent-crescendo @askcheesela @ask-space-race-mod @vaderssolace @ask-the-out-buck-pony @foodielovetheaclicorn @ditzydolores @drem0raman @askvaudeville @ cameronsstupidblog @ask-the-runaway-queen @utab-who-are-you @unlock-the-ask-blog-dark-mode @ask-sunny-drop @utab-reflections
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askvaudeville · 2 years
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Reblogged from @ditzydolores
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oldlilcheeseblog · 2 years
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ditzydolores · 1 year
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We haven't had the kids visit for quite some time now cuz life gets crazy sometimes, and we miss them dearly. So, until we can spend time together again, we're sending each other letters and doing calls. <3
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unlocktheaskblog · 2 years
Tumblrpon Family Picture
Time to put together the Tumblrpon Family Picture!
Here's how this will work:
Anyone and everyone is allowed to respond to this with a full-body of their blog character(s), yall can also dm me any picture
I'll put all of the pictures together in one big photo like so! (Forgive the old art)
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There will be a background, so don't worry about that
1. Your art must have a transparent background (or white if you can't do transparent) ((if you can only draw traditionally, I will try my best to crop the character for you))
2. Must be a full body
3. If you do multiple characters, it's recommended but not necessarily required to do them separate from each other (if you have them interacting, that's a different story, that's fine)
There's a camera pointed at the characters, so keep that in mind when drawing your character, if you'd rather they don't look at the camera, that's fine :)
If your character can fly, then feel free to have them flying!
If you want to draw your character interacting with someone else's, be sure to give them a message and work together!
The reason I'm putting this together myself rather than having a reblog chain is so I can make sure everyone gets included and the chain doesn't split off
That being said, have fun! I'll end this around December 15th-20th
Ps, @askvaudeville and @ditzydolores yall ain't ponies but yall cool beans so hop in if ya like
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ditzydolores · 2 years
Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience and understanding on the lack of updates on both 'ditzydolores' and 'asklittlecheese'. My stomach was very sad and my butt was really angry, so I'm kinda havin' to deal with that. More content is to come soon! But without the butt-stuff. ---TheFireMermaid
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
Performers like Dolores are rare, so when he saw the public roar with laughter through the damaged curtains, Vaude knew he had struck a goldmine. Things were looking up, and he thanked Lady Luck.
As for Dolores herself, being on stage had always been her dream. From the start, she and her bear-like pet were fan favourites. Folks flocked from far, for fantastic functions and fun formalities.
Thundering applause and the sounds of comically large bags of cash hitting the stage echoed through the hall after her acts. Folding over in laughter, Vaude appeared, to thank Dolores and the public.
When the audience left, Vaude, Dolores and Curtain Call collected what was untouched by Abelard, her pet. After Vaude handed Dolores her check and wished her a good night, he went to his office.
Finally out of sight of his employees, he sighed deeply. He didn't know what it was, but something was bothering him. His smile faded, he placed down his cigar, sat down, and poured himself a drink.
He had not the energy to appear like his usual self anymore. But right now, he cared not if anyone entered. He leaned back in his chair, put his feet on the desk, and stared into space for a while.
Then, his eyes started welling up, so he rose from his seat, turned on a lamp, and grabbed a folder from a filing cabinet. A bittersweet smile grew onto his face as he read through the papers within.
Messages and pictures, all from folks he knew once, many years ago. He recalled many fond memories from all those he had met along the way, making his smile grow brighter, and his tears flow faster.
Many, if not most papers he looked through were the last messages folks sent him. News neither good nor bad ever reached his ears about their fate, and he was left to wonder, remember, hope, and cry.
A knock at the door, and Call stepped in, with Dolores and Abelard right behind him, all completely silent. Dolores asked Vaude if he was okay, and through his teary smile, which he hid not, he said:
"I can't let myself forget them. Because if I don't remember, then who will?"
(Thanks for reading this bonus! If you'd like a story of your own, feel free to send a request!)
Featuring: Vaudeville and Curtain Call from @askvaudeville Ditzy Dolores and her tardigrade pet, Abelard, from @ditzydolores
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unlocktheaskblog · 2 years
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I posted 976 times in 2022
That's 976 more posts than 2021!
764 posts created (78%)
212 posts reblogged (22%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 895 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#unlock the ask blog - 880 posts
#mlp - 731 posts
#my little pony - 723 posts
#mlp ask blog - 608 posts
#ask blog - 604 posts
#oc ask blog - 603 posts
#ocs - 54 posts
#mlpaskblog - 50 posts
#askblog - 48 posts
#ocaskblog - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#epa did this and i thought it was a good idea to reblog important stuff
My Top Posts in 2022:
like i said, it’s short, so it doesn’t have everyone. I just picked out some vines i like and put blogs who i thought would fit to them :> 
 I’ll hopefully be making more in future that’ll be more inclusive if this is received well! 
 If you weren’t featured in this, then it’s nothing against you, like I said, I wanted to keep it short <:> thank yall for taking the time to watch! 
 Blogs in video: @askbananapie @askhugsworthy @ask-narratordoe @ask-jetstream @askalbinopie @darkfiretaimatsu @unlocktheaskblog @asklostcelestia @whirlwindflux @flashtheponyofwind @trixielawyer @ex-king-sombra @the-endless-archive
48 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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OMG WE’VE REACHED 500 ASKS!!! how did THAT happen!?
Well whatever, we’re here! SO heres some celebratory art of everyone being turned younger!
48 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Tumblrpon Family Picture
Time to put together the Tumblrpon Family Picture!
Here's how this will work:
Anyone and everyone is allowed to respond to this with a full-body of their blog character(s), yall can also dm me any picture
I'll put all of the pictures together in one big photo like so! (Forgive the old art)
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There will be a background, so don't worry about that
1. Your art must have a transparent background (or white if you can't do transparent) ((if you can only draw traditionally, I will try my best to crop the character for you))
2. Must be a full body
3. If you do multiple characters, it's recommended but not necessarily required to do them separate from each other (if you have them interacting, that's a different story, that's fine)
There's a camera pointed at the characters, so keep that in mind when drawing your character, if you'd rather they don't look at the camera, that's fine :)
If your character can fly, then feel free to have them flying!
If you want to draw your character interacting with someone else's, be sure to give them a message and work together!
The reason I'm putting this together myself rather than having a reblog chain is so I can make sure everyone gets included and the chain doesn't split off
That being said, have fun! I'll end this around December 15th-20th
Ps, @askvaudeville and @ditzydolores yall ain't ponies but yall cool beans so hop in if ya like
64 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Still bored, starting a chain. Draw your character as a turkey and reblog :)
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127 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it’s kind of like, practice for this sort of thing and also a THANK YOU to this community for being so awesome
so without further ado
good luck finding your character
[deleting all the @'s so i dont bug anyone]
310 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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