#disventure camp season 4
stealerofnames · 1 day
My thoughts/predictions on the new Disventure Camp cast
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Alessio: John Lennon looking ass. Probably going to get booted right around merge
Logan: Frat boy incarnate, either a pre-merge boot or an early merge boot
Richard: Looks cool, but most likely going to be a pre-merge boot
Ivy: Pre-merge boot me thinks. I like her design though
Tristan: Love his design, hoping he goes far
Zaid: No strong opinions. Probably an early to mid merge boot
Jade: Love her, really hope she goes far
Diego: Love him too, also hoping he gets far
Spencer: We found our jerk of the season gang. Either he's voted out right before merge or shortly after it
Lynda: No strong opinions. Mostly likely a pre-merge boot
Natalia: No strong opinions. Probably makes merge
Marissa: Love her, definitely going far in the game
Anastasia: Looks like that blonde chick from The Promised Doll. Maybe it is her, that would be a surprise. Most likely makes merge
Ted: No strong opinions. Probably makes merge
Isabel: Hello fan-favorite. Most likely makes merge
Benji: I can tell working with The Reality Project is affecting Odd Nation; The dudes giving me Reality Resort Marcus vibes. More than likely making merge
Hannah: No strong opinions. Again, probably makes merge
Amelie: Calling it now, she's the main villain
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New episodes every 10 days this time! Thank goodness! This time there getting more time to better the episodes this season! Also the carnival theme i thought was a joke when I read it in a Trevor x Derek story I read called “Better Luck in the Next Season” that was written by HelplessMelancholy. So odd nation read it and was inspired by the story or that person can spell out future seasons and events. Or it was a very strange coincidence.
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Here are there names!
And here is the post!
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please let season four be good please let season four be good PLEASE let season four be good
praying for yall that it will be good because i am NOT sticking around to find out. DCAS tested me enough, as soon as ep 21 is out, I'M out
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canonically47 · 3 days
47, what makes you excited to see the new season of disventure camp?
absolutely nothing because i'm never associating with that utterly infuriating insult to writing and indie animation ever again
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sinclarify · 25 days
lake being a lesbian would have literally fit in so well with her whole backstory and her fears of not being perfect enough for her family & i wish odd nation cartoons explored that more instead of just being like Yeah! She's gay! in that one pride art and not doing anything with it . as much as i despise the kiss challenge in season 2, if it was approached more tastefully it would have been such a good way for lake to finally realise her sexuality and add soooo much to the development she already got but umm no. onc don't care about their queer characters unless they're mlm or gabby & ellie
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accirax · 1 month
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 19
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Emily has really been going full villain mode these past couple of episodes, huh? while I'm overall not a huge fan of how many women have been portrayed as rude/unreasonable as compared to their male counterparts, i do love an evil queen. i support women's wrongs.
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oh, Gabby. how many people wish that were true. (very cute gabellie content as usual)
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i wonder if this is a soft confirmation that we'll never see Gabby or Ellie compete again.
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this is so important. also, Hunter, the heart is on Ally's pajamas, not her casual look with the jacket. unless he just drew that there because he loves Ally so much :D
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glad that Tom can finally admit that he is a terrible liar. truly, the person Tom and Jake should blame is the hiring manager who hired Tom in the first place.
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if you loved him this whole time then why did you lie to him about having another boyfriend, Tom? ,':/ (/lh) (i know that he was explaining in this scene that it's because he was afraid, i'm just saying that the extent of his fears is something that shouldn't be swept under the rug, and that i feel it wasn't properly set up enough in s1 or DCAS as a replacement. yes it was showcased in DCAS but we never got an explanation as to Tom's thought process between seasons that would change his mind to make him more fearful.)
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*several people are typing*
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we NEED to see jaiden teaching Miriam a tiktok dance.
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this is your daily reminder to not take anything that's said in a greeting too seriously.
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c'mon, Fiore, a true gen Alpha-er would know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell without having to look it up. unless, oh god, is that too much of a gen-Z reference for gen Alpha to understand...?
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this was probably my favorite line of the episode.
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this was a really cute detail! even though they were both the archetypal "old person" of their season, Connor is still, like, 20 years younger than Miriam. it totally make sense that she'd still call him kiddo! just, not grandkiddo.
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literally even Ellie is rooting for them to finish this plotline already. or maybe she's just feeling guilty for separating them in the first place, and she's lowkey hoping that the damage wasn't that severe.
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that's... that's a crime? you can't just burn people, even if they're terrible??? i guess that, given Riya attempting to kill Aiden and directly breaking Connor's leg further, the definition of what counts as a crime is pretty lax in this universe. unless it's about destroying the environment. thanks, Tom! (/j)
also, why is Yul's scar so damn low res?
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i wonder if this season is going to end with Grett giving Ellie a job/helping Ellie get a job. i could see fitness influencer and fashion designer working together well, as long as Ellie is okay designing athleticwear.
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on one hand, i don't like that we don't get to have the finalists pick the people that they're closest with help them in the finale. this feels rather random, and in terms of real-world fairness, having a finalist get stuck with terrible help isn't very fair (i cite Top Chef season 4 as my example). however, i do appreciate how Disventure Camp always mixes the endgame up. it's not very fair in a real-world perspective, but given that it isn't a real game i appreciate the variety.
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i also think that this is a nice fix to really incentivize whoever is helping the finalist after (in-universe) we had two really unpopular finalists, Fiore and James, who struggled to get any help. it feels like a reasonable decision that the in-universe showrunners would make.
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don't distract him during the finale, you fool!
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the Romber strategy!!! wow, and it's even in the first All Stars season, too :D
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ain't no way she's actually winning and of that $100K though, lol.
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y'know, this might as well happen.
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Riya and Yul really are perfect for each other (platonic) because every time that either of them gets a chance to either repent and be a good person or double down and keep relentlessly chasing their goals, they both always choose the latter. they're gonna get punished in the finale big time for sure... to the extent that Yul hasn't already been punished by getting that scar(?) to the face. like, seriously, that could be even more damage to his career.
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once again, i missed the real Hunter so much :,)
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while i love the roast here, does Fiore actually have anyone's respect...?
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that's a wrap, folks! the most important character arc of the season is over!
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plxtypusbearr73 · 4 months
look man ima be real. disventure camp all stars sucks so far.
reason 1. kicking out all the beloved characters and leaving the annoying ones/ones with plot armor from previous seasons
reason 2. tomjake plot line has dragged for too long and it’s exhausting.
reason 3. odd nations loves mlm couples but their wlw ones are immediately voted off and deemed unimportant
reason 4. what’s with the terrible pet names? with james and aiden i think it’s like just for shits and giggles, but NO GABBY ELLIE ISNT YOUR BADDIE PLEASE 😭
reason 5. aiden is like my favorite character but why is he here? what does he do?
reason 6. everyone acts like CHILDREN. jake and ally beef was just pathetic and jake and aiden beef is flat out annoying.
reason 7. we’re supposed to be rooting for tomjake right? why are they so terrible?
i haven’t lost hope yet, because
A. trashley’s elimination was GENIUS WRITING. build suspense between two beloved yet hated characters and then BOOM! ashley gets a bajillion votes and is gone! really showing how powerful the villain alliance really is. they can get rid of whoever they want.
B. although kinda bad neurodivergent rep GABBY’S WRITING IS AMAZING!!! she’s trying to be evil and i love that for her. i love the revenge plot they’re going with.
SO in conclusion, the season so far has been pretty garbage, but i have hope! please don’t give up on this show
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sid471 · 6 months
Tom Disventure Camp needs a time out >_>
I made a post before DCAS started about Jake where I pretty much said, to sum it up, ‘Sure he’s a mess but he’s a justified mess 😊’ now that All Stars has started airing… I have some thoughts 😓. I’ll get to Jake another time. Maybe 😊. This is about Tom. Because I have a bone to pick with Officer Tom <_<
Let’s start with a flashback to Season 1. I cover the gist of what happened between him and Jake in the aforementioned Jake post. But what I didn’t mention is at the END of Disventure Camp season 1, Tom and Jake have a final conversation and they agree that they while they both still have feelings for each other, they shouldn’t get back together yet because they’re both pretty messed up. Jake asks if he’ll still talk to him and Tom says “I think we should take some time and grow as people. We are on the right path, but starting anything could ruin that. We’ll see where we are later in 🙂” and earlier in the finale he’d promised to keep in touch with Miriam. Sounds promising no? :3
Come All Stars, we find out Tom hasn’t talked to Jake OR Miriam at all in the last two years! ._. Now, listen, Jake and Tom’s relationship was… tumultuous. To say the least. And Tom DID say they should take some time apart. But he did NOT say… ‘Hey let’s go out of our way to avoid each other like the plague’ 😶 All Jake wants is clarity on where they stand. Are they friends? Are there still feelings between them? Is there even a chance they can reconcile at all? That’s all Jake wants.
If Tom can’t give him that, he should just say that. If Tom doesn’t want to be Jake’s friend, he should just say that. If Tom has moved on with someone else, say it with me now, he should just SAY that ._. And the kicker is… Tom was the one who got onto Jake so hard about communication in season one! .-. Now, Jake is TRYING to get Tom to talk to him and nothing .-. It’s understandable if Tom is still hurt over what happened in their season. All Stars has shown he can still hold a grudge with Ellie. But if he IS hurt… You know the pattern 😊 He should just say that >_>
Oh ho, and I’m not done. It gets worse. On top of avoiding Jake like the plague… He’s also being a massive hypocrite in regards to Jake 😶 In episode 4 the challenge is to get a sandbag and bring it back to the starting point, and the other players can use any means necessary to get the bag from you. Tom takes and throws Ally’s glasses then ALSO trips Grett later on. When Jake tackles Aiden to get the bag he has and gets the point, Tom gets petty and says ‘Wow! Real nice Jake 🙄’ .-. Tom… come on now ._. You know you’re being a dumb ass 😶
Episode 6, our latest episode, Ellie insists for their performance the two couples, her and Gabbie and Aiden and Tom, HAVE to kiss at the end of the song. Now… I don’t think I have to hold your hand and explain to you why that’s fucked up 😶 Especially because she EXPLICITLY said the only reason she did it was to psychologically fuck with Jake .-. Ugh >_> Sorry, this ain’t about Ellie, this is about Tom <_<. Tom, in a confessional, says “I haven’t talked to Jake yet and this kiss with Aiden will make it even weirder between us than it already is (who’s fault is that Tom >_>). What should I do? >_<“ And it’s like… Gee Tom… I dunno. Maybe you should TALK TO JAKE! ._. And yes, I know they’re on different teams. But Alec pulled someone from both of the other teams to form the villain alliance soooo… not like it’s impossible to talk to people from other teams .-.
In conclusion: Tom is pissing me off >_> Jake is on the rise, and I love to see it as a Jake lover and defender :3… Okay Jake has had his annoying moments too >_> but lately? Tom is the more annoying one 😶
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brieflykay · 20 days
Just watched the Disventure Camp All Stars finale and it was so so good <3
I absolutely adored it, it gave me EVERYTHING I truly wanted out of this show. The finale I predicted and wanted for Riya happened. Now I hope the miniseries do well so we can get a Riya miniseries eventually! She needs an arc to wrap up!
AND seeing Riya's sister at the end has me curious. If I may make another prediction, I feel like her sister could be in the season 4 cast..... Guess we will see!
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
☀️There Can Only Be ONE Best Boy☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 4 “Slip N Slide”
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I decided, for both to give my followers less of spoilers and for some flare, I would cheaply draw over some screenshots.
For the Purple Team's reward, they got a waterproof tent. But they neglected the fireproof tent as a result, and the producers weren't careful with last challenge.
Nick would be, understandably, terrified of the place, and Alec would be like "Wow, this is an improvement" but look at it so stoically.
So, welcome back to Arson Camp!
Let us continue with the chaos!
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Fiore's chilling by the fires, probably writing some AO3 fanfics.
What fandom would Fiore be in? I'm curious.
I feel like this six year old would be into something violent like Mortal Kombat.
"A girl like you should not be awake at this hour."
*looks over at my clock*
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Lilly you don't have to call me out like that.
"I don't even listen to my own mom and she thinks she can control me?!"
If you weren't six, I would say slay and tell them what's for...
But you're six. So...
"If you were feeling safe, I've got bad news for you."
Welp, Lilly's gone. I called it.
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WHY?!?!??!?! HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT YOU!??!??!?!?!
I feel like this was my fault because I made the fire joke.
Fiore was like, "You know, I had this weird feeling that some viewer named AnalyzGolden was watching us and she told me to burn shit. And now I suddenly have the urge to do it."
Goddammit me.
What next? The characters in that heading get eliminated today?
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The subtitle again. I CAN'T with these parenthesis XD
(I have subtitles on because sometimes I mishear stuff when I watch stuff the first time)
"I'm not going to be part of this argument."
*holds back a laugh* Alec's actually so based for that.
Y'all want less DRAMA in TOTAL DRAMA?
Simple answer.
You just walk away from it.
"I think I know who did it." *Among Us Music*
*chokes on breath*
I was making several Among Us jokes last episode.
I feel like I've become some overlord and they somehow hear me and do what I tell them.
"For some reason Golden is telling me I'm very SUS... huh, wonder what that means."
Fiore if you can hear me. I didn't say you had slay pass. I never said that.
The only one I gave slay pass was Grett.
You have to earn yours.
"Lill?! What in queen's name did you do?!" *sound effect*
Okay. Now it's getting a bit crazy.
"I don't think Lill would do this to us."
"It's about psychology in different kinds of people."
"It says here that people who enter reality competitions and get tempted by money have the tendency to become more ruthless and emotionally manipulative to their advantage, derailing their personalities. If you'd like some examples from the many seasons of Total Drama, I'd be happy to give you an analogy."
"What makes you think I wouldn't want to read it?"
You're six.
"Well... fair point."
Okay. I guess that's not a point.
"It's a drawing. My son drew it for me."
Alec has a family?
I mean he did look older, I admit, but I didn't think anyone here had kids.
So is Alec in this game to help his family with funds? We got another one.
'List of Motives:'
'Fiore: Abandoned'
'Ashley: Save Farm'
'Jake: Help Grandma'
'Tom: Sus'
'Nick: Prove Himself'
'Alec: Family'
'Everyone else: ???'
"I'm just as confused as you."
I have NO IDEA what happened AT ALL. It totally wasn't me who flipped. I was sure Drew was the impostor!
"Then what if Drew voted for himself?"
He said 'Fuck this shit I'm out'.
"He knew things I didn't want anyone to know."
"I just can't tell anyone about my hobbies, okay?!"
"As long as Grett doesn't tell either of them I should be fine."
Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is."
"I voted for Gabby because the boys told me to."
Was it Dan that suggested Gabby??
*looks back*
Actually no it wasn't. I was gonna call hypocrisy, but that'd be me complaining about something that's not there. Okay.
Alright I won't bully him. This time.
"Nobody can be trusted here."
"Nobody can be trusted here-anyway, Tom, who never shows his face, can I trust that you'll vote with me?"
"I'm disappointed that Dan voted for me."
Oh, you're actually affected by that. Wow.
Okay, here you go Gabby. You can have slay pass. ⚔️
Use it for whatever you want to eliminate with. If you want to use it on Dan, go ahead. I don't care if he goes tbh.
I just realized most of my favs are on the same team XD
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Oooh, swimming episode!
Tom is STILL in his suit XD
"Hey uh, Tom, the sun can't reach you if you're underwater. I don't think you need to be wearing that. You don't want to get your normal clothes wet, right?"
"Eh I never found use for a swimsuit anyway! Besides! The sun will dry them up quickly!"
"Doesn't that go against what you told us earlier?!"
"My relationship with the sun does not concern you! No it's not toxic what are you talking about?!"
But he's not wearing the hoodie anymore! That's an improvement!
I feel like we're gonna get a Tom face reveal at some point, right?
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I didn't think there would be a cabin.
And a phone to call home? PLEASE tell me they take advantage of this and we learn more about these characters homelives!
"You're not yelling and talking nonsense... I like it."
Grett. You're so awful. I love you.
I have such BAD TASTES for favorites, don't I?
(Idk who the fan favorites/hated characters are)
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That's not an english subtitle.
...I'm not gonna say anything further than that, cause I'm scared that the joke in my head is very offensive.
"What did you expect? Nobody likes you and everyone thinks you're crazy."
I... I mean technically she's right. Doesn't make it right to rub salt in the wound though.
I still love you Gabby. Don't worry.
"Have you lied to me too?"
"Of course."
I did NOT expect her to just be blunt and honest like that.
Why is a VILLAIN character so honest about what they do? That's such a unique character trait. I love how they're using it.
"For what it's worth, I believe you."
"You have no reason to lie. I've known you for a few days and you always put this alliance first."
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Fiore struggling to paddle, omg
"My hands are killing me. You think you can row for me if I pay you?"
Nick, I'm waiting patiently for your character development. You better deliver cause you've annoyed me this episode and last episode. Jake's gonna take crown for best boy if you're not careful.
Also, she's a KID and can't even hold one paddle right.
"I'm already tired of always eating fish."
Yeah, that has to get tedious after awhile, especially if you guys are THAT hungry and have no choice.
I hate seafood. I wouldn't survive.
"What are you craving?"
"Chinese takeout. I always order that at home."
My sibling actually loves Chinese as well... I'm a Mexican person, though.
"There's a restaurant I live near that'll knock your socks off. We should go when this is over."
TOM. Are you... ASKING HIM OUT?!
"Hey, your eyes... they're pretty. I never noticed since you've always got that hood on."
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...yeah I kinda hope you kiss now.
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This is how you make relationships Total Drama. You meet. You get along. And you be cute.
And I am waiting for this to go horribly wrong cause in shows like this, nobody gets a happy ending.
Except Mike & Zoey I guess.
"Maybe them fighting is good news."
"If we found popcorn it would be a fun movie to watch. I'm just saying."
"Honestly, a million dollars would make my life so much better."
"What would you spend the money on?"
"I want to study fashion design. Just don't have the time or money. Back home, I have to juggle two jobs that barely keep me afloat."
That has to be THE most relatable Young Adult experience ever.
I hate that I have a privilege from my parents to go to a college I don't even like.
Add that to the list...
'Ellie: College Finance'
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"*Ellie clicks the check*
*Spawns an ad on USAA*
Ellie's real fear is her finances XD"
"Dear lord up above, why must you forsaken me on a canoe with this wretched child?!"
Stop hating Dan, me. He didn't do anything.
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And two seconds later I laugh at his expense 😂
"It's not the first time I've done this."
"Back in my day we had to canoe rapids just to get to school!"
"Back in grade school-"
Oh my god and she took my joke.
"The objective of the game is to knock your opponent into the lake."
*shoves Dan in the lake*
"Hey you guys talk about this Golden voice lately, I think she's bullying me. Why you bullying me?"
Do something and don't be sexist.
"First showdown will be Tom vs Alec"
If Tom loses this I'm in firm disbelief.
He has ninja skills.
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Why is Jake the only one cheering and supporting his teammate?
This boy is precious. Look at him. He's PRECIOUS.
"Next showdown: Grett vs Ellie"
Sorry Ellie. I do like you, I swear.
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"Golden told me to SLAY. So I slayed!" 💅
"Next up: Gabby vs Lill"
Gabby for the win?
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"You forgot: Golden gave ME slay pass too!!"
Aw, she lost.
I guess that makes sense though cause it would be too easy.
"Hey that's not fair! She used Gabby's duel stick!"
"Eh it looked painful though so I'll allow it."
Chris McLean taught you well.
"Next showdown: Dan vs Ashley"
Kick his ass, Ashley.
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OMG are you kidding me?! XD
"We too are aware of Golden's presence! So we decided to entertain her with pinning the best boys against each other!"
"Sorry Golden, but here in Disventure Camp, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE BEST BOY."
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"Jake scores! The Teal Team win Immunity and reward!"
Welp, guess that's that. The show has decided.
Unless Nick stays, which is pretty likely, so.
FOR NOW, Jake has my crown as best boy. We stan a guy who has no shame in denying another guy the right to have kids.
"See that's my own personal true personality reveal Golden! I'm an asshole too, just like Grett! Don't you love me?!"
Yes. Yes I do.
"Listen Nick, can we talk?"
Yes. Please talk. Please work things out.
"I think I've heard enough this morning to decide who I'm voting for."
"You don't have to behave like that, Nick!"
Why is Ashley the most reasonable character on this team?!
"At least give Lill a chance!"
"I've already made my decision. Cheers."
Now I have even less regrets siding with Jake over you.
"I think we should vote together and take control of the team."
And here's where Alec and Ellie become swing votes.
Ellie's just the outlier here. "Um... I didn't ask to be a part of the villains team, why am I put on it? I didn't do anything wrong!"
I didn't put you there, Ellie. That was not me this time.
"I feel like I can be myself around them."
Ellie meanwhile, "WHERE'S THE EXIT?! SAVE MEEEEEE"
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"Lill, it genuinely frightens me that you handle kids."
Just shut up.
"If I had a kid, I wouldn't let em anywhere near you."
"And I never will because SOMEONE busted my balls today!"
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Ashley, once again, being the most reasonable one here.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
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"Because you're one of the worst in the challenges. Also, I can't stand you."
Wow. It really was that petty.
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Tom, what ninja shit are you doing this time?
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Pfft. He's a bad spy.
"Uh, I am standing right here and can see you!"
Alright, that was Episode 4...
Damn. I shouldn't have put Nick in the heading. I cursed him and caused his elimination.
I thought they were setting up a lot of character development for him cause I felt like he had an interesting story with his parents and wanting to prove himself...
But no. He did absolutely none of that and continued to be a spoiled lazy entitled snob up till his elimination.
And like... sure? If you need early boots?
Why couldn't it be Dan? Smh
This episode took what I said last episode and said "UH UH. You can only have one best boy as your choice. That's the rule." And forced them to fight for that position.
But if we had to choose between the two, I can't argue with Jake.
Idk who the favorites/hated characters are, and I feel like I have bad taste. One's an actual bitch and very open about it. But you know what? Gabby and Jake are sweethearts who deserve to be stanned.
Gabby is fun. She's full of personality. People are outcasting her for no reason and it's sad. I want Gabby to use her slay pass and revolt. Girl has done nothing wrong in her entire life.
And Jake? Come on. He's precious. He's a sweetheart. Look at him. And he takes no shit apparently. Man has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
I feel like Lilly's going next just cause she knows too much. But if that leaves Ashley alone to be the saving grace of the team till the merge I can't argue. I like her quite a bit.
I also like that Ellie and Alec are doing stuff now. Oh how the tables have turned.
They both have motives that are quite empathetic. It's so nice.
Why you working with the demon child though?
"I didn't ask to be put in hell with her Golden! I just wanted to make fashion! LET ME OUT!!!"
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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iluminaru · 13 hours
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Oh strong woman save me please 🙏
The Disventure camp season 4 cast's designs are soooo good! Marissa is totally my favorite one!!
I also reeeally like Alessio, Natalia and Jade's designs!
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ijustreallylikepirates · 10 months
Here’s my opinions on the next 4 Disventure Camp contestants released (also if you are one of the people leaking to non patrons please stop because odd nation cartoons works really hard to make this show)
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I actually really like this look for Jake, I think the ponytail really fits him
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Idk if I can trust Riya this season, but she is giving the rich girl vibes (probably from Connor 👀)
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He looks quite the same (sleep deprived but the same)
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Ellie looks slightly different. Her hair looks a little longer and her outfit changed plus I think she got ear piercing which I don’t think were there in s1
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what if they had a guy with No Teeth in season four.
or one guy with one single tooth. would that be fucked up or what
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canonically47 · 1 month
i can never understand why fandoms like racist characters just because they’re attractive. there are millions of hot non-racist characters out there, why did you choose to stan billy hargrove? 💀
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cheesecakeislazy · 20 days
Disventure Camp All Stars, Season 3 Episode 21. The final episode review…
Wow… I.. I cannot believe it’s over. Sure, we’ll be getting our season 4- but? This? Wow..
I’m actually… kinda glad that Riya won. It showed her that being a bitch will make her lose in any other situation. She got the money, but everything else and everyone else? Hates her. Wants nothing to do with her. Wow.
ONC- I might shit on you for being bad writers, because let’s be honest- a lot of Indie shows tend to have some issues. Season 3 was the best animated show, yet still had some writing problems. For example- within this last episode, Tom states that he has (canonically) been waterboarded. How many torture tactics has Tom suffered through? Why doesn’t he have any sort of mental illness from that? It doesn’t make sense to me at least.. but I digress.
1. Tom being Tom carried this episode, he made me laugh the most. Thanks Tom and his VA for being amazing.
2. Ally and Jake actually managed to become friends? Not really.. personally? I think that they both respect each other. I don’t want them to be friends, I enjoy their sibling rivalry dynamic. But it adds a layer of the dynamic to establish the fact that they respect each other.
3. Fiore and Alec found family? Thanks for making me want to cry ONC- you always knew how to pull my found family heart strings. I love their dynamic, Fiore being worried for Alec added years to my lifespan.
4. Wish I got to see more Jakeden moments- but at least I saw some Jakeden Fanart at the end lol (btw I am actually working on the rewrite, I just happen to be busy.)
5. Connor!!! YES!!! HE GOT TO BE HAPPY! I wish he slapped Riya- but oh well, they can’t all be winners. I really hope that we get to find out her name and how they met, please give me Connor’s new wife backstory.
6. TomJake is my 2nd favorite DCAS ship- so I’m actually okay with them getting back together. I won’t forgive them for making all of us suffer though- Odd Nations may suffer for making us go through hell.
7. Still think they should make HunTessAlly a poly couple- so let’s just pretend it happened off camera…
8. I might be wrong but was there nsfw art in the Fanart section of the episode…?
9. Riya is a bitch, I refuse to feel sorry for her. Suffer. You deserve it.
10. I really enjoyed this episode despite that possibly being a hot take..
I’m really glad that they decided to make Jake.. happy. I was so scared that the entire time he would act like “Noooo! I’m a failure!!” And completely disregard his growth. Thankfully, the writers aren’t that bad.
Surprisingly- I don’t have that much to say this time. Can’t wait to see everyone else’s reactions though..
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accirax · 2 months
if you don't understand the options, Odd Nation Cartoons just released auditions for Disventure Camp Season 4, with an original cast! while the names may be fake, the character profiles and lines are theoretically real. bios below the cut.
i think i need a line of text here to get the cut to work. hello.
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