#district-wide health awareness
townpostin · 1 month
Jamshedpur Forms Core Committee to Combat Thalassemia
DM Ananya Mittal announces initiative for awareness and blood availability East Singhbhum district has established a core committee to address the growing concern of Thalassemia and ensure timely access to medical resources for patients. JAMSHEDPUR – District Magistrate Ananya Mittal has formed a District Core Committee to raise awareness about Thalassemia and ensure blood availability for…
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laceswan · 1 year
The Spirit of Fate
The Smiling Princess, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5
Finnick Odair x fem!dancer!reader
What if the equivalent of a Disney Princess was thrown into the Hunger Games? Sylke is optimistic and has an affinity for all that is gentle and sweet. What happens when she is placed in an arena and forced to kill or be killed?
Fluff and angst, strangers to lovers, T/W: canon-typical violence
Epilogue is out!
Finnick woke up with a startled gasp. With eyes wide open he was now incredibly aware of all that was touching his body. He could feel the suit from the arena clinging to his body, the cold air and the mask on his face, and a bandage on his arm. Looking around, he saw the inside of a jet much like the one had taken to get to the arena. Beetee and Katniss were in a similar position, lying on mats on the floor with bandages and wires monitoring them. Behind a frosted glass door he heard voices. Slowly, he stood up and walked over to the door. Inside, he found Haymitch and Plutarch sitting by a table and talking.
“You’re up.”
“I am. Where are the others?”
Plutarch stepped closer. There was sadness in his expression, but Finnick had half a mind not to trust it.
“Snow got to them before we could, there wasn’t any time.”
Finnick leaned against the table, his head hung low and defeated.
“Alright… what about Sylke, where’s she? Are we headed to the house or-“
This time it was Haymitch that spoke. He placed a hesitant hand on Finnick's shoulder.
“Finnick, I’m really sorry.”
Terror painted across Finnick’s face.
“We sent some people, but by the time they got there…”
Haymitch trailed off as Finnick sunk into his body. He let his body fall onto a chair, but had it not been there he would have just ended up on the floor. He assumed the worst. His hands flew to cover his mouth and muffle the little cries that came out. He’d already suffered her death once before, why again?
“Do we at least have her body? I want… I wanna give her a proper burial.”
His voice was shaky, but this was what needed to be done. He needed at least to say goodbye.
Haymitch looked to him with utmost pity.
“Son, she’s alive. They got her.”
And suddenly her death felt like a blessing. Burning emotion seized his body. It wasn’t even rage, nor terror, just pure anguish.
“No, no! You told me-you promised! You promised we would get her out!”
Haymitch sighed.
“I made a lot of promises. We’ll send a rescue team when the dust settles.”
Finnick nodded. His whole body was still stricken and trembling with agony, but he wasn’t one to throw a tantrum; especially not when he knew firsthand the nuances of covert operation in the capitol. Katniss, however, was a different sorry. When she heard about Peeta she did everything Finnick’s impulse had urged him to do. She screamed and shouted, even attacked Haymitch. She clawed and batted at him like a desperate animal, repeating that he made a promise, that he was a liar. Finnick could only watch, for once feeling pity, as well as understanding. Ten years ago, he would have done exactly the same.
When they landed in District Thirteen, Finnick, Katniss, and Beetee were sent to the infirmary. The lightning strike had presented some complications to Finnick’s health, so they dressed him in a white gown and admitted him to a small room with a thick glass door until he recovered. The room was probably white too, clinical and pristine, probably cleaned by the hour. But right now, it looked like it was coated in mustard gas. The lights buzzed with a sort of iodine yellow hue, washing the room in an ominously warm colour.
During his recovery, they allowed him few personal items-not that he had many to begin with. He was however, able to get some rope. When he was awake his mind would race. There was nothing to do, nothing to keep him distracted, his only task was apparently to recover. He could at least keep his hands busy, tying and untying the same couple ropes until there were blisters on his hands. It helped to move his hands, but not enough. Every second, his head was flooded with thoughts of her. Perhaps he had brought this on himself, refusing to think about her for so long in the arena, simply because there wasn’t time. Now, he had all the time in the world, and it felt wrong not to think of her at every moment. They were keeping her alive, he was sure of that much. They wouldn’t give up their leverage so easily. Was she in a similar room, white and cold with a similarly racing mind? We’re they hurting her? Or was she still just some pretty thing in a cage? Was she able to dance? A bittersweet smile came to Finnick’s face when he pictured her dancing. He saw her in a room just like his, in a gown just like his, dancing barefoot around the room with her eyes closed. It brought him comfort, the idea that she could perhaps maintain at least a little joy. But of course, thoughts of her dancing were followed by a much more somber and unfortunately likely possibility. In his mind, Finnick couldn’t help but wonder if they were restraining her. He saw her strapped fo a bed much like the one he had in the infirmary, struggling and begging to be given even a moment of freedom to move. He at least had that privilege. He could pace, sit on the floor, even dance if her wanted to. What if she couldn’t? Such questions plagued him mind. The span of morbid possibilities refused to be ignored, and so he listened to that dangerous voice. He fell into a spiraling rabbit-hole of ways she might have been hurting, only further enabled by his present utter inability to help her.
It affected his health too. The doctors called it a parasympathetic stress response, but all he understood was that it felt like shit. He was always tired but only sometimes able to sleep, he experienced phantom pain in random places, and everything took longer to heal. The time he spent in the infirmary was miserable. It was miserable for Katniss too. She had a nightmare once and came into his room. That night was perhaps his lowest point. It was when death looked so welcoming, so lovely a fate to experience, if only it would come sooner. The only thing that kept him alive was knowing the capitol wouldn’t let her die. He refused to die if she was still alive and hurting.
Katniss somehow recovered much faster. Finnick was a little jealous, that she was able to keep living her life even when Peeta was in the capitol. She was discharged, and not long after, Coin called everyone to hear a speech, which included those admitted in the infirmary. Finnick stood with the doctors and other patients, making a little patch of white in a sea of grey. Coin announced that Katniss was to be the face of the rebellion, and that in exchange for that, there were some “concessions”. Specifically the extraction the the victors held hostage in the capitol. The crowd began to clamor at the mention of Peeta’s name. They shouted and exclaimed, rejecting Peeta’s rescue. Katniss made her way over as Johanna’s name was announced.
“Finnick, I made the deal for Sylke too.”
Coin’s voice boomed through the hall.
“…and Sylke Fairinan”
Their was utter silence at her name. Some people looked a little confused. Finnick was just a little shocked himself as well. He never quite thought of Sylke as a victor. Hearing her name, her full name, announced like that to a crowd made her feel like a public figure, a celebrity, someone with an image and a life they hide from the world. But to him she was just Sylke, that’s what she’d always been. He hadn’t even heard her last name in ten years. She was always just Sylke, the angel that occupied eternal space in his mind and heart.
“Once freed, they will be granted pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause.”
The crowd once again resulted into vocal dissent and anger. A worries look quickly came to Katniss’ face. Finnick tried to console her, knowing the two of them were the only ones with loved ones hostage in the capitol.
She looked to him, concerned and clearly unsure of herself.
“That’s good, Katniss.”
For the first time in a long time, there was a small smile on his face. There was hope again, however small.
“If Katniss Everdeen fails to fulfill her duties, the deal will be off.”
That look of fear and heartache returned to both of their faces as the people filed out of the hall. It occurred to Finnick as he made his way back to the infirmary that his spirits were rather fragile now. That night, when he was alone, words couldn’t help but escape his lips. Even with Coin’s speech, hope was hard to hold onto. Finnick sat on the floor of his room, leaning against the bed with his head hung low.
“Angel, how do you do it? How do you stay smiling? I’m trying, I promise.”
His voice was quiet, speaking words meant only for him and someone miles away.
“I’m so tired.”
He cried quietly to himself, though did eventually drift to sleep there on the floor.
Finnick recovered slowly. While Katniss was filming propos and being the Mockingjay, he was in the infirmary. He wallowed, but with every day came a little more hope. Katniss and Beetee sometimes came to see him, bringing news of the rebellion’s plans. Smiling got easier, as did picturing Sylke dancing. The idea that she would be alright seemed more and more true. When the phantom pains and memories of Sylke finally became manageable, he traded in his white gown for a grey jumpsuit.
The whole of thirteen gathered one night to watch Katniss’ new propo. He was horrified by the bombing, he was angry with Snow for uncountable reasons, what he was not was triumphant. At the end, the symbol of the mockingjay came onto the screen accompanied by a message. Join the fight. The crowd chanted their celebration like they won a war. That sort of victory song always felt misplaced to Finnick. Blaring horns and happy voices when people lie dead on the battlefield. People showering him with gifts and congratulations just after someone died in his arms. But that was what the propos were meant to do. He looked to Katniss beside him, and she had a similar look of confusion and discomfort.
“You don’t like hearing a fight song at a funeral, huh?”
She turned her head to look at him. He continued, reminding her and himself of what they needed to remember.
“The more people on our side, the closer we are to Sylke and Peeta.”
She nodded. No matter how icky it felt, this was what needed to be done.
The days passed with incredible monotony. Every day was exactly the same, the same schedule, the same people. The only variety came in the form of news, speeches, broadcasts. One night, Finnick visited Katniss in her room and they watched Peeta’s interview. He was crying, and he looked terrified. Finnick in a way envied her, for she able to see Peeta’s face and know that he was at least physically healthy. But he also knew that the pain of seeing him say everything they couldn’t believe in was a whole different world of pain and confusion. In the short time he knew Peeta, the subject of rebellion or even government never really came into conversation. It was the same with Sylke. Perhaps that was the worst part; that what Peeta was asking of Katniss and the rebels seemed entirely possible. From where he was standing, he just wanted the violence to stop. He was most certainly being fed information, being manipulated by the capitol, but the root of his argument was something understandable. It was almost reminiscent of Sylke’s words in her interview so long ago. She was never one for violence or combat. Ever since the beginning, she favoured diplomacy, kindness, and compromise. Finnick couldn’t help but wonder if Peeta’s words were even that treacherous. They were currently entrenched in desperate times, and thus desperate measures were called for. But later, they would need people like Peeta, like Sylke, to remind them of the value of compassion. Finnick made a small promise to himself, that he would try to be one of those people, at least when the fighting was over. If they managed to win, he was going to try to be like her. To be kind, to have mercy, and to offer grace.
The next day, he went with Katniss to hunt above ground. It was calming for both of them, getting to move and use the skills they had honed for years. That familiar feeling of a trident sinking into flesh, the thwip of an arrow as it flies through the air, it brought them comfort. They did eventually sit down too.
“I’m glad we were able to come out today. I think you needed this after last night.”
She nodded.
“I don’t like watching those broadcasts, but I can’t look away. He’s so different already. What are they doing to him?”
Finnick was quiet for a moment.
“I don’t know. I think that’s the worst part.”
“It is. They could be telling him to say all that stuff and threatening to kill him, or maybe they’re actually convincing him it’s true. I don’t know what’s better.”
“I don’t think there is a better. It’s all bad when it comes to Snow.”
She murmured agreement. They were quiet again, listening to the birds and the rustling trees. Nature has such an ability to soothe, with her ambient noise and dappled light. It made them feel safe enough to talk.
“Is it bad that I just want this to be over? Sometimes I think he’s right, that we should just give up. At least then I could see him again.”
“I don’t think that’s bad, Katniss. I think it’s human.”
She looked unsure of herself.
“You miss him. And you want to be with him, so you can know he’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Do you want it to be over?”
“Of course. I just want to know she’s safe. That safety could come with a ceasefire, or with victory.”
“Yeah. But a ceasefire means she goes back to that mansion.”
Finnick clicked his tongue and tilted his head in agreement.
“And that’s why I’m here. If we win, we wouldn’t just be safe, we’d be happy. I want her to be happy.”
Katniss smiled.
“I think I could be happy with him.”
They spent a few more hours talking in the forest, confiding in each other as the only other people who could relate, who knew this special sort of pain. Their afternoon in the forest was a nice respite, but they did eventually need to return to the concrete rooms under the earth.
After the attack on the dam, another interview was broadcast. Peeta called it inhuman, begged her to stop. He looked so genuinely terrified. But what he was scared of was unclear. There was something just behind the camera, something that instilled and powerful fear in him.
“They’re coming, Katniss. They’re gonna kill everyone. And in District Thirteen you’ll be dead by morning-“
The broadcast was cut off as he was dragged away. Sirens began to blare, people filed out to level forty. If there was panic in the air it was hard to detect. People were calm and orderly as they rushed down the stairs, perfectly trained soldiers. That is, until water rained from above and the lights went out. People screamed, ran, let go of order in favour of getting to the bunker. People would scream each time a blast hit. When the night grew quieter, no one slept. They just kept waiting for the cracks in the ceiling to widen, for the walls to cave in and for death to arrive. Finnick sat in one of the beds, fiddling with the gold bangle instead of rope, which he had given to Katniss during the bombing. She had looked like she needed it more than him. In the quiet of night, Katniss walked over and sat beside him.
“He’s taunting me, using Peeta to punish me. I didn’t understand until just now, watching that stupid cat.”
“Yeah. That’s why he took Sylke too.”
Finnick sighed before continuing.
“After your first Games, I thought the whole romance was an act. We all expected you’d continue that strategy. But it wasn’t until Peeta’s heart stopped and he almost died that…"
He looked at Katniss directly, hoping to convey just how sincere and vulnerable this conversation was for him. This sort of openness wasn't exactly natural to him, but it needed to be said, and right now, she needed to hear it.
"I misjudged you. You love him. Anyone paying attention can see it.”
“How do you live with it?”
“I’ve been doing it for ten years. For five of them I thought she was gone. I did the whole self-pity thing the first time around. I had nightmares-I still do. But you learn not to give in to it. It gets easier.”
She listened, nodding her head ever so slightly.
“But then it happened again. And it takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart, you saw how long I was in the infirmary. But if Sylke taught me anything it’s that little joys can keep you alive. They kept her sane in that house, and they’ve kept me going down here.”
Katniss didn’t say anything. They sat in silence for a while, and once Finnick started nodding off, she went back to her sister and mother.
In the morning, she was gone and thirteen was buzzing with action. Finnick was sitting, anxiously waiting for something he could do to help. Beetee was working through the capitol’s electronic system or something, there was a rescue team setting up, and all Finnick could do was watch. He had signed up to be on the team, but as a refugee and not a soldier, they informed him that he couldn’t. By nightfall they finally had a job for him. He was going to be a distraction broadcast so they could jam the whole system, and the team could safely get it. He stood on a pile of rubble and white roses, with stagelights warming his skin.
“This is Finnick Odair, winner of the 65th Hunger Games. I’m coming to you from District 13, alive and well. We’ve survived an assault from the capitol. But I’m not here to give you recent news. Instead, I’m here to tell you the truth. The truth about the capitol.”
He continued for what felt like forever, indulging in his whole story, the one he only ever told Sylke. The story of how after he turned sixteen, he was sold like a commodity to socialites in the capitol. That he wasn’t the only one, and if you refused, your loved ones were killed. That there was one girl who was dead to the rest of the world, but Snow brought her back just to sell her.
“Remember Sylke Fairinan? She was your princess. You dressed her up in fancy gowns and gold tiaras before she went into the arena. I felt her die in my arms. And then they started her heart back up and sold to the highest bidder. Lycan Indigo. He kept her like a doll, locked in a mansion for ten years. She’s alive. You kept your princess in a gilded cage. And what's worse, after ten years in that place, after slowly learning to find happiness there, you've taken her from it again. President Snow is holding her hostage, to taunt me. He is not the kind man he shows himself to be.”
Finnick kept going. He revealed Snow’s history of poison and assignation, the reason behind his heavy perfume, the bloody sores in his mouth, every secret he knew was a secret no longer. As he spoke, one or the people behind the camera spoke up.
“Okay, you can stop.”
“Is there a problem?”
“Yeah, it looks like they’re broadcasting Katniss now.”
Finnick nodded, unsure of what was going on. They went back down to find everyone looking incredibly distraught. He and Katniss sat in a room, silent, waiting for news. He once again had the rope in his hands, tying and untying knots to keep his hands busy. He had to think she was safe. He had to. Cause if he considered for even a moment that she wasn’t, he’d fall apart again. When Haymitch opened the door, their eyes show up.
“They’re back.”
All that needed to be said for them to get up and sprint to the landing area. Johanna was the first one they saw. She was gaunt, her head shaved, but a smirk was still on her face. And then he heard it.
“Finnick? Finnick!”
That voice he hadn’t stopped hearing for ages, but only ever in his head. Her name fell from his mouth involuntarily, quietly questioning if it was real as he ran towards the source of her voice. Later, people would tell him that they said each other’s names perhaps a thousand times in that single exchange. He would notice later that she looked weak, her hair was longer and had lost some of it’s shine, and that despite all that her spirit had in no way dimmed. Her eyes had lit up when she saw him walk in the room. And suddenly, it was as if there was no one in the world but the two do them, crashing through space to reach each other. They collided and lost balance, slamming against a wall, but they stayed there, clinging into one being. Indivisible. He whispered like he didn’t believe it.
“You’re safe…”
She pulled her head out from his embrace to look at him, nodding with a smile. Whether they were smiling or laughing or crying, even they didn’t know. Words fail to describe the joy, the relief, the wonder of being back together. When heart rates slowed and the dust settled, they finally spoke. Finnick had a smile the magnitude of which hadn’t touched his face in far too long.
“Hi. It’s been a minute.”
As though they were one being, they burst into simultaneous and gentle laughter.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“No, no, I’m okay. They beat me up a little, but I’ll be alright.”
“They what?”
Finnick’s voice was hoarse, breathy. He knew that they would do that, and yet in that moment he couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe that someone would ever want to hurt her. Not even Mr. Indigo did that. But her smile clearly wasn’t gone. With a voice laced with affection, she put a hand against his cheek and reassured him.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You guys got me out before they started my ‘treatment’. I’ll be just fine, I promise.”
“We should get you to the infirmary.”
Still refusing to stop touching her, Finnick scooped her into his arms and carried her himself to the infirmary. On the way there, her head was nuzzled in the crook of his neck.
“I was right, you know.”
“Hmm? How?”
“I knew you’d come back to me. You didn’t win, but you didn’t have to. I told you, didn’t I?”
“You did. You were right to hope.”
She laughed to herself, closing her eyes. Even with her sunny disposition, her body was clearly exhausted.
“Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
As her body melted further into his and her breathing slowed, he continued walking. They didn’t put her in a room, apparently her condition wasn’t that bad, so she would only need a bed for a few days. Mostly bruises, a couple of open wounds, but nothing bad.
When she woke up, she found herself in a cold room devoid of colour. For a moment, she wondered if it was a dream. Sitting up, she looked around. Finnick wasn’t there, and neither was anyone else. The curtains were drawn. Had they moved her to a new place? We’re they starting her treatment? She hastily removed the IV from her arm, leaving the patch with the needle and luer connector, but no tubing. Whatever they were pumping into her needed to stop there.
“Johanna? Peeta?”
Silence. She heard faint chatter from just outside, doctors or scientists getting ready. Hesitant feet touched the ground. Her fingers brushed against the thin fabric of the curtain. Fear kept her from grasping it. What would she see on the other side? There was hope in her still that she was safe, that she wasn’t in the capitol anymore, but what if she was wrong? What if she was still there, destined to be Syren Indigo? What if she was wrong to hope?
She heard footsteps. Fearing the scolding that might come should they find her out of bed, she laid back down and put the IV back against the luer connector, though not actually placing it inside. Hopefully she’d be able to fool them. The footsteps got louder. It wasn’t necessary, but she wasn’t ready to face them yet, so she relaxed her body and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She heard metal rings scraping against a pole as the curtain was opened.
That was his voice. She wanted to open her eyes, see him, but what if it was a lie? What if this was the start of her treatment? She heard how it started with Peeta. They played him altered clips and all sorts of things. What if this was one of those?
“Oh. You’re still asleep.”
A chair was pulled up, and someone sat down. A warm hand smoothed out her hair. She took a long inhale. No perfume. The hand then gently rested on hers. She knew that touch, and it made her flinch. But still terrified, she kept her eyes closed. The technology of the capitol could do anything.
“Sylke? Are you awake?”
That was his voice. He sounded so real. Even if it wasn’t him, couldn’t she take a look? Even if it was fake, couldn’t she see his face again? That voice of temptation was so loud. What would be the worst that could happen? They were going to wake her up anyway. Slowly, hesitantly, she opened her eyes. And there he was. With those lovely green eyes staring right back at her.
“Hey, Angel. How are you feeling?”
She frantically searched his eyes, before looking to everything else around her. His eyes looked right. His face too. He was in a grey jumpsuit. Everything else was grey too. Behind him was what the curtain used to cover. It looked like a hospital. It was quiet, but not deadly silent. It didn’t look the same. The walls weren’t pristine white, they were concrete. The lights would flicker every now and then, nothing seemed quite perfect like it was before.
“Angel? Is everything alright?”
She looked back at him with terror in her eyes.
“Are you real? Are you really here?”
He moved closer to her, with nothing but love and affection in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m real. We’re safe. We’re in thirteen, remember?”
“We are?”
“Mhmm. You’re in the infirmary right now, but they said you can be discharged in a day or two.”
He looked at the IV lying unconnected at her arm, and plugged it back in with a chuckle.
“That is, if you actually listen to the doctors and take the meds they give you.”
She smiled, a sad, bittersweet smile.
“How come you unplugged it?”
“I… I thought I was in the capitol. I thought they had moved me to start my treatment.”
“You said that earlier too. What treatment?”
“I’m not entirely sure, I didn’t hear all of it. But Mr. Indigo… when he visited me-“
“He came to see you?”
“Yeah. Almost every day for maybe an hour, he’d come in and talk to me, make sure they were treating me well, he even snuck in a couple things for me once. More recently he started mentioning the treatment. Said he talked to the doctors and convinced them to let me get the help I needed, so I wouldn’t be starting fires in my room anymore. And he said it would make me a real Indigo if I wasn’t already. I remember the words.
‘Syren Indigo. Got a nice ring to it, don’t it?’
I heard what they were doing to Peeta. I figured they’d do something similar to me. He wanted me to be his daughter.”
“Oh Sylke…”
The words to be said evaded him and he was left with only actions. He stood up and walked over to the bed, gesturing that she move over. She did, and he crawled under the covers, holding her close in his arms. His embrace was warm, comforting, familiar.
“Finnick. I don’t want to forget you. I don’t want to forget.”
He held her even tighter, placing a kiss on her head.
“You won’t, I promise. I’ll make sure of it. You remember how to waltz?”
She looked at him with a grin.
“Of course.”
“Then get up.”
He got out of the bed and offered his hand. The moment she took it, he placed a hand on her waist, pulling her close. With his other hand, he grabbed the pole on wheels from which a bag of saline fluid hung. Sylke rested her hand by his neck and with the other room Finnick’s hand, holding the pole as well.
“Do you remember?”
“I couldn’t possibly let myself forget. Not when I still owed you a dance.”
And with that, they swayed about the section of the room she had been allotted. It was just like she taught him that night, all those years ago. One, two, three, brush, one, two, three, brush. Swept up in the music they heard in their heads, the dance continued. He spun her around, lifted her off the floor, and always right on the downbeat. It ended when they let go of the pole and it rolled too far away. Sylke felt a sharp tug at her arm and the imaginary music stopped.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just maybe we should be more careful."
“Sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.”
Sylke laughed, wrapping her arms up by his neck.
“We both did. Once I’m out of here, we’ll get to dance properly.”
Finnick nodded.
Finnick did eventually have to leave and resume his schedule. Sylke went back to sleep, clutching a pillow in his stead. Slowly but surely, a new world faded in. Her limbs were blocky, solid, and utterly incapable of movement. All that she had control over was her eyes, glancing around. In her periphery, she was able to figure out what exactly she was. She was a marionette, strung up on a stage. In the audience, right there in the front row, we’re the cold, wolf-like eyes of Mr. Indigo. He was watching her, with a hideous, inhuman grin. And then the music started. It was plucky, out of tune, like a harpsichord left untouched for ages. And she began to dance. Her arms and legs flailed about, and her torso was yanked up and down. She couldn’t open her mouth or even breathe, and yet somehow she kept moving. This dancing cage of hers moved without life or spirit. It had no bones, no muscle, only string that extended up into the vague darkness above.
Sylke didn’t wake up screaming or yelling. Her eyes merely flew open, tears already pouring down her face. Sniffling and quietly sobbing, she sat up and clutched the pillow in her arms. Johanna, from the neighboring bed, spoke up. Her tone was harsh, unsympathetic.
“What are you crying about?”
“I-I just had a bad dream.”
“Yeah? What about?”
“Mr. Indigo. He was looking at me, and I just…”
Words dissolved into sniffles. Johanna just laughed. There was venom in her voice when she spoke.
“Your scared of him? Seriously? That man visited you almost every day. He was so good to you-“
Heartache emerged from her throat.
“He loved you!”
A whimper escaped from Sylke and she clutched the pillow even tighter.
“But he…”
“He what? I heard him talk about you, he had nothing but love for you.”
"Please don't say that..."
She kept going, words flowing like a river from her mouth, with no hesitation or tact.
“Are you really that ungrateful? Everything he did was for you…”
She paused for a moment, a devilish smile growing on her face.
“… for his little Syren.”
“Please, just stop…”
Sylke took a shaky breath, shifting to look at Johanna straight on.
“I never asked for his love. I know he’s the reason I’m still alive, I know that it could have been worse. But that man took my life and made it his.”
The shaking stopped. Sylke regained her composure. She stood up and walked to Johanna’s bed, sitting down next to her. Their time in the capitol made them quite familiar with one another’s hardships. Sylke knew exactly where these words were coming from. She knew why Johanna was hurting, she knew that when one has no one, even unwanted love seems desirable. And so she spoke gently, hoping her empathy would be understood as such, rather than pity.
“Mr. Indigo didn’t love me as a person. He didn’t care if I was happy, so long as I provided entertainment. That’s not how you’re supposed to love someone.”
Johanna nodded, saying nothing. She knew she overstepped, she knew her words were impulsive. And now suddenly she felt a little guilty. Sylke had appealed to her humanity with just a few sentences.
“I know. It just hurts, you know?”
“I know.”
Sylke murmured more validation, placing her head on Johanna’s shoulder. She wanted to say that Johanna had friends here, people who loved her, but decided to let it be quiet. She’d say it some other time.
Sylke’s wounds took very little time in healing. She only needed to stay in the infirmary until the larger wounds had closed up, which didn’t take long. Really, they only worried about the cut on her side. She remembered when it was made. The blade was jagged and dull, dragging across her skin at a snail’s pace, over and over again. They asked her with every stroke what she knew. Of course Finnick hadn’t told her about the plan, she barely even knew he was a rebel. But they kept going. First there was a raised line of red, where the skin was raw and irritated. The blade tore further into her skin, but drew no blood. They grabbed her arms with and iron grip and threw her back into her cell, earning her a couple bruises. Once there was a film of yellow scabbing, they took her back out. Slowly, and again with the questions, they peeled it. With the layer of platelets gone, blood dribbled out of the wound. The flesh beneath was tender, and they took advantage of that. She answered each question honestly, but they didn’t like what she said. And with each answer they didn’t like, she received another swipe against her side with the jagged blade. Eventually, they gave up on trying to get information out of her. Sometimes they would try again, but never to that degree.
Now, she had a bandage wrapped around that area, gently changed and cleaned every couple of hours. The doctors were kind here, always making sure it was alright to touch her and asking if the bandage was too tight. Under their care, the wound closed up in no time. By then, all of her smaller cuts and bruises left only fading scars. Soon, she was given a drab grey jumpsuit and assigned to new quarters. It was a small room not unlike the infirmary in style. There were two small beds and a table between them, one bed for her and the other for a roommate. After guiding her to the room, the nurse previously assigned to her shut the door, leaving her alone in that room. She did not hear the click of a lock. Her schedule was to start tomorrow, for now she could settle in and find a place in the room for any personal items. Of course she had none, but curiosity led her to peak at her roommate’s. Everything was neat, folded, as though it was never lived in. The only signs of a human’s stay there were a couple of items on the table, seemingly the only personal items this roommate of hers had. Perhaps they were a refugee as well, with only a moment to have gathered items of sentimental value. Or perhaps residents of thirteen simply didn’t value material possessions all that much. Considering the lack of decor and personality in all parts of the place she had seen, that was in fact the case. Sylke allowed herself to fantasise for a moment about who this person might be. A coal miner from twelve? She had always wanted to see a forest, maybe they could tell her about them. A soldier from thirteen? One who had trained their whole life for combat, for revolution, and now finally had the chance to prove themselves? Or perhaps another refugee from the capitol. What if she knew them? What if one of the few people she was able to meet in the capitol had been a rebel, one who took a chance one night and ran away? They could exchange life stories, maybe become friends. But none of those turned out to be true. On the table, she found a golden bangle and a short bit of rope, neither of which told her about this person. She sat on one of the beds, hopefully the unoccupied one, and waited. She wasn’t tired, she’d slept plenty in the infirmary. So she sat, waiting for something to happen. The door slid open to reveal her roommate.
He chuckled.
“I asked them to put you in as my roommate, I didn’t know they’d actually do it. How are you feeling?”
“Good. Everything’s healing well, so I they discharged me this afternoon. I do still have to keep it bandaged, but the wound is much smaller now.”
“That’s great!”
He walked over to the bed and stood before here, a smile adorning his face.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am to have you here with me.”
She leaned into his touch as he caressed her cheek. The words “I love you” were not needed in that moment. There was a mutual understanding of affection, one that had been there for ten years. Though not entirely true, retrospect and nostalgia had a way of convincing both of them that it had always been this way, that this familiarity and affection was present since that first night they met. In some ways this was correct, there was always a connection. But the comfort in it had developed over time. Insecurity was able to fade away, they became more familiar with the other’s habits. And yet wonder was not lost. There was still a glimmer of shock, of flustered joy in moments of affection. Things between them weren’t perfect, but they were damn well close to it.
Sylke’s task in thirteen was to help in the kitchen. The food was boring, seasoned only with salt, and they often stirred in powders of vitamin supplements or something of that nature, because the people down here rarely saw the sun. She spent her days standing beside people she found to be kind, talkative in comparison to the Indigo household staff, and generally pleasant company. Life was certainly monotonous, but that was something she was used to. At least now, she wasn’t alone. During mealtimes, she would serve the food, watching everyone eat and chat from afar. On occasion, she would sneak away and sit by Finnick, but that often got her scolded by someone who cared far too much for rules. At the end of the day, the whole facility would get dimmer, and she would be back in her room with Finnick. The beds were made for one person, but they made it work for the both of them. In the mornings, she would wake up before him, needing to go and prepare breakfast. His arms held her tightly, unwilling to let go.
“Finnick, I need to go.”
His voice was deep, raspy, and barely awake.
“I don’t want you to go.”
She giggled and pressed a kiss to his jaw. His eyes were still closed, but a satisfied grin appeared on his face.
“Fine. Two minutes, and then I really have to go.”
He groaned, considering her offer, the sound vibrating through his chest.
Running his fingers up her body, he attempted to feel for her face, too tired to open his eyes. His touch was gentle and yet possessive, still unwilling to let go. Once he found her jaw, he pulled it closer and planted endless kisses on her face. At some point, his eyes fluttered open. He was confronted with the image of her smile, a little tired and a little exasperated, but undeniably lovely.
“You’re beautiful.”
A little colour came to her cheeks.
“You know, you can’t keep me here forever. Do you want food today or not?”
He let a sigh as she got up from the bed.
“Alright fine, I concede. Just one more kiss though.”
She laughed, leaning down to peck his forehead before leaving. Once alone, Finnick’s mind couldn’t help but fantasise about waking up with her every day, and not having to rush off somewhere.
The explicit concept of marriage had come up only once or twice in their five years of exchanging letters. Far more common was talk of a hypothetical life they would have one day. A wedding was implied, but never really stated outright. Instead, they talked about days without urgency, when they could lie in bed for hours, dance in the kitchen instead of cooking, fall asleep on the beach, and all of this simply because they wanted to. But as the danger of revolution increased, both of them began thinking about the specifics of that vague life together. It didn’t take Finnick long to understand that he wanted to marry her. He mentioned it one night when the room felt quiet and too awake.
“Would you want to get married? I know we’ve talked about being together, when it’s all over, but what if we did it now?”
She looked to him with wide doe-eyes.
“I mean here, in thirteen. Before anything happens-before anything possibly could happen. Just in case.”
She took a moment to think, sinking into his chest. If she had been falling asleep before, she was wide awake now.
“Okay. Just in case.”
“Yeah. That way if something happens, I’ll have been married to you. Another thing to help prove to the world that you’re here, and that I’m yours.”
She lifted herself to prop her head up on her hand, smiling at him. He soon followed, staring lovingly back at her.
“I like the sound of that.”
She placed a kiss on his lips.
“But nothing’s going to happen to you, okay?”
That was partially a lie. There was a reason they were doing this, a risk, and they both knew it. But after everything they’d been through, fate had to be in their favour. It would simply be wrong, to have done all of this, just to lose their happily ever after.
She reassumed her position lying on his chest after that, speaking softly to him, but also to herself.
“I used to picture my wedding, you know. When I was little, I had this image in my head of a white dress and a castle and a ballroom, like in the fairytales. I didn’t know who would be my prince or princess charming, but I knew that I’d love them. That was always the best part. I know we won’t be in a castle, but in a way it’ll be exactly like how I dreamed of as a child.”
He was falling asleep by that point. She lifted herself to look at his peaceful face. He looked calm and safe, lying next to her like he was sure, like everything in the world assured him, that this is where he was supposed to be.
“I love you, my prince.”
Plutarch explained that the wedding was going to be filmed. “To show the capitol that we’re alive and well” he said. Because of that, they were allowed all sorts of luxuries that thirteen didn’t usually permit. The hall was glowing with amber light and greenery they brought in from above. Finnick was dressed in a lighter grey than usual, with sturdy fabric that hugged his waist but got a little looser at the shoulders. He was also given something of a cape, but it only covered one shoulder. He looked somewhere between a soldier and a duke. For Sylke they made a dress fit for a princess. White of course, a colour held with some disdain in thirteen. The skirt was long and full, trailing behind her every so slightly when she walked. It was simple, no layers of tulle or golden jewelry to match, but it made her feel like herself, entirely herself, which was really all it needed to be. It felt like all of her, nothing held back or exaggerated for anyone.
She made her way alone down the aisle, smiling at the man ahead, the destination toward which she walked. He took her hands in his, this time with no iron bars between them. She looked into his green eyes, like she had so many times before, and everything felt right in the world. There was no sunlight or gentle breeze, no magnolias or birdsong, but there didn’t need to be. He was here, looking back at her with all the love in the world. When it came time for her to say her vows, she had very little prepared. She spoke truthfully, freely, saying everything that her heart told her to say in that moment.
“My darling Finnick. I’ve said to you before that I believe in fate. We were just kids when we met, and even then, I knew my story was tied to yours. I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to be by your side for the rest of happily ever after that fate allows.”
The smile on his face grew before he took a breath and said his vows.
“Sylke, my angel, you have my heart, as you always have, for all eternity. Whether together or apart, we will always be united, tied together by the strings of fate. I promise to protect you, to dance with you, and to love you until death do us part.”
They didn’t quite need to be told that they could kiss, but once prompted, they did just that. All of thirteen began to applaud, but neither Sylke nor Finnick could bring themself to care for the audience. Just as it had ten years ago, the watching eyes melted away, leaving only tenderness and love burning between the them.
The festivities began once the aisle and ceremonial decor was packed away. First was a slow waltz meant just for the newlyweds. The two of them had danced in their room many times before, but never with music. With a guiding melody, they were able to truly get lost in the movement. No longer was it necessary to count or concentrate, they could simply dance. They swayed and twirled about the room, never once breaking eye contact. When the music slowed to a halt, Sylke was securely nested in Finnick’s arms and lowered to a dip. There was once again applause as people came to join them on the dance floor. A more upbeat tune filled the hall as everyone started to dance. The sound of lively fiddles filled the room, and spirits were lifted. It seemed like everyone was having a lovely time, smiling and laughing with friends. For that night, war was but an afterthought. It was a respite from tragedy, a true celebration of all that is good and lovely, and its survival even in dark times.
It wasn’t long after the wedding that Finnick was sent away again. He and Sylke had a rather lousy honeymoon, spent mostly in their room underground or in the forest just above. Soldiers were slowly returning from the fight at the capitol, some injured, others returning for a dignified burial. Sylke was transferred to the infirmary when it got too understaffed. And then Plutarch called Finnick into a meeting. That night, Finnick sat waiting in their room until Sylke returned from her shift in the infirmary. She entered the room and gravitated to his hunched figure.
“Finnick, are you alright?”
She placed a hand to his face, suggesting that he look at her. His eyes were sad, conflicted, scared. Sylke saw his expression and quickly kissed him before anything more could be said.
“What happened?”
He shifted to make space for her on the bed; she sat down.
“Plutarch wants me in the capitol. They put together this squad for filming propos, he calls it the face of the invasion.”
He spoke so matter-of-factly, such that it was hardly a question: he would be going. There was no debate about it, both of them knew that. An all too familiar feeling churned in her core. Her chest became heavy and her throat strained. She croaked out a single sentence before leaning into his embrace.
“Come back to me, okay?”
He held her tightly, the way he wanted to that night outside the mansion.
“I will. I believe in fate.”
They fell asleep there, unsure when the trembling cries faded into unconsciousness.
Finnick left in the morning. Goodbyes were cut short by the arrival of a jet full of wounded soldiers. Sylke was pulled away by the other medical staff, parting with a fleeting kiss and a smile.
The infirmary was bursting with people. New patients arrived every day from the capitol, covered in wounds and burns and horror stories from the city. They told of abandoned streets full of bombs and traps set by peacekeepers. Every moment of peace or quiet we’re impossible to trust, they were left waiting for the inevitable bloodshed as they walked through empty streets. Sylke couldn’t help but wonder the state of the mansion. Had Mr. Indigo evacuated? What did he take with him? She pictured the house empty, devoid of the usual upkeep, dusty and alone. What about the household? Had they gone as well? What would they do without their jobs? Did that even matter when the city was under attack? Her imagination took her through each room and corridor. The office she’d only been in a few times, the dining room that could seat a dozen but never saw more than two, and of course, her bedroom. Soot still on the ceiling, dance slippers tucked hastily under the bed. The soldiers mentioned bombs and fire. What if the mansion was destroyed? The image of fallen walls, a pile of rubble and ash, arrived in her mind. A bittersweet sort of pain burned in her chest as she pondered such a possibility. That mansion was her prison, her gilded cage. And yet there were happy memories there. There were times when she smiled, dancing around her room or strolling through the garden. She found joy in that wretched place and thus made it slightly less wretched. The delicate China in the sitting room was beautiful, with hand-painted birds and flowers under the faintly cracked glaze. The furniture was soft, velvet or leather or brocade, but always unreasonably comfortable. And of course the magnolias. Those fragrant blossoms could distract her from everything bad. A lovely part of being human, isn’t it? The ability to be distracted, to find small joys, even trapped in a cage. She pondered all the things she loved in that house. The drapes and the garden and smooth feeling of the banister beneath her fingers as she walked down the stairs, all things she missed now. Was it bad that she missed it? Was that terrible, to think somewhat fondly of her time in the mansion? A part of her was sure that it was simply horrible. Mr. Indigo was a dangerous, horrible man, and thus his home was the same way. But he also gave her dancing slippers. He cared for her in his twisted, infantalising way. Johanna’s words sounded in her head. Perhaps, in a strange interpretation of the word, he loved her. Sylke couldn’t bring herself to fully accept that idea. Love was the tenderness she saw in Finnick’s eyes, it was the warmth in her chest when they were close, she was entirely and unequivocally sure of that. But as time went on, she continued to wonder, her mind volleying standpoints, if Mr. Indigo’s bizarre affection was also love.
Such thoughts bounced around the back of her head as she tended to those in the infirmary. Days slowly bled into one another, all monotonous and practically identical. She would wake up alone, eat with some of the other medics, and then go to the infirmary. After a long day, she would return to her quarters and lie on her side, reaching her arm out to where Finnick would have been lying beside her. And when the foggy darkness of sleep arrived, the day would begin again.
News from the capitol came every night. The whole of thirteen would go quiet the watching broadcasts. Just a day after they deemed Peeta well enough to join the “Star Squad” in the Capitol, that infamous anthem blared from the broadcast. The faces of every member of the squad was shown. Sylke had been working when it came on the screens. All faces looked to the screen in the room, stepping away from their work for a moment. She froze when she saw Finnick’s portrait appear. She hadn’t seen his face is so long, too long, but this was not the way she wanted to see him again. He couldn’t be dead, he promised. Why, after all this time, why now? After all the trials they encountered and survive, how could it end? Something was wrong, it was simply wrong. Fate wasn’t supposed to be like this, fate couldn’t be like this.
You said you would come back to me
Her perception of the world was cloudy. The hands on her shoulder, the steps she was taking, they didn’t register. Voices were muddled, nothing felt real. All she could do was mutter his name, repeat the same phrases, praying that someone would hear her, some great puppet master who could pull the strings of fate and make them right again. Her murmurs became sobs, and when her eyes were dry, when her energy was drained, she could finally sleep.
She woke to a sharp voice and someone shaking her awake.
“Sylke, get up!”
She pulled herself up, groggy and confused. For a moment, it was just like any other morning, and she almost bolted up, afraid of being late for the start of her shift. But then her vision cleared, and reality set in. She saw the medic uniform she was still wearing and the sad look on Johanna’s face.
“What happened?”
Johanna’s tone was careful and sympathetic.
“You kinda lost it after the broadcast. Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt anyone or do anything bad, you just kinda froze. We didn’t know what else to do, so we just took you here to rest.”
Sylke nodded, not quite sure if she could bring herself to stand up and start her day, as though nothing happened.
“What time is it?”
“I don’t even know. But they’re calling all the medics right now, so…”
Sylke didn’t move.
“They’re flying you guys out to the capitol.”
She still didn’t move.
“Sylke, that means you need to go.”
“I know… I just…”
Johanna placed her hands on Sylke’s shoulders and looked her square in the eyes.
“Look. I know you’re hurting. I know you just lost someone. It’s not the same but I lost him too. But Sylke we’re so close. And people are hurting in the capitol that don’t need to be. We need you to go out and help them.”
Sylke took a shaky inhale and nodded. With Johanna’s help, she made her way down to the hanger where medics were streaming into jets and strapping into their seats. Sylke followed suit, getting her jet assignment and sitting down on a cold metal chair.
The flight was a blur. They landed in district two and waited until the final stages of the battle to fly into the capitol to help innocent citizens. Soon, they were flown in and dropped off in the city circle. When the cries of countless people reached her ears, helping them became Sylke’s sole priority. The moment her feet touched the ground, she rushed to anyone and everyone that looked hurt.
“Are you hurt? Are you alright?”
“Where does it hurt? Are you bleeding?”
“Let me take a look.”
She was wrapping a splint for a woman with a broken leg when a familiar chime rang through the air. She looked up to see grey canisters on parachutes floating down from the sky. She froze again, remembering everything from years ago. She remembered the way Finnick’s eyes lit up when he saw a trident float down on an identical grey parachute. That had always been a sweet memory, but now it was laced with pain. She looked around, seeing the people stretching their arms out, welcoming the gifts. There was a flash, a boom, and then quiet.
Sylke’s eyes slowly fluttered open. She was lying on her back, on something soft and comfortable. There was quiet. A peaceful, calming sort of silence surrounded her. She noticed pain on her skin when she tried to get up. Her body was bandaged in random places, and the flesh of her arms and hands felt incredibly sensitive. Her body was sore, but she could move, albeit only slightly. She turned her head to look at her surroundings. She was in a tent, seemingly a medical tent, surrounded by equipment and kits she recognised as the portable medic kits that each person on the jet had been equipped with. Turning her head to look directly to the side, she saw someone lying in a bed like her own. They looked like him. Beneath the bandages she saw his face, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed. She longed to believe that it was him, to enjoy that delusion and ignorance. But she knew it wasn’t. She knew he was gone. He wasn’t there, no matter how much she wanted him to be, no matter how much he should have been. Tears formed and fell quickly from her eyes. Quiet wails and sobs escaped her. She murmured his name, hoping beyond hope that it would will him back to life. The person in the bed began to rouse.
They sounded like him too, why did they have to sound like him? She curled into herself, ignoring the pain in such movement. She hid herself beneath the blanket, like a child afraid of the monsters beneath their bed.
“Hey, are you alright?”
That was his voice.
“Why do you sound like him?”
She wailed with a volume she hadn’t used in days.
“You sound just like him…”
Her whole body shook with sobs. She heard fabric rustling and quiet groans that sounded so familiar. There was a hand on the edge of the blanket.
“Can I…?”
“Go ahead.”
Her voice was dejected, entirely hopeless. The blanket was pulled away, revealing a face with cuts and bandages, seemingly some stitches as well, and sea green eyes holding a tender gaze.
“You look like him too.”
“Angel… I’m right here.”
“No you’re not! You died! I saw your picture, I heard the song, you died!”
“Oh sweetheart…”
The person sat down on the bed and gently lifted her to sit up as well. They then pulled her into their arms. That warmth was exactly the same.
“I’m right here, I’m alive. I got damn near dying, but I didn’t. I told you I’d come back to you, didn’t I?”
Finally, she let herself believe. Her grasp on him tightened.
“You’re alive? You’re safe?”
“I’m alive. I’m right here, Angel.”
A part of her still couldn’t believe it. Somehow, there was a shard of pessimism in her that refused to be tricked. And he could sense that. He understood all too well the spirit of self preservation that will do anything to keep itself from hurting. So he pulled away slightly to look at her.
“Hey, look at me, look at my eyes.”
She gazed up at him with scared, teary doe-eyes.
“Don’t you believe in fate?”
And with that, the last bit of denial shattered within her. A smile and then a laugh came to her face as hope returned to her spirit.
Taglist: @zulpix-blog
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ericanderson · 3 months
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Name: Eric Anderson.
Faceclaim: Skeet Ulrich.
Gender & Pronouns: Cis male & he/him.
Age: Fifty-one.
Occupation: Gym teacher & football coach.
Every good game needs a good playbook, right? 
GOAL: All Eric has ever wanted was to feel worthy. 
OBSTACLE:  Maybe it was his father’s disapproving groans. Maybe it was the fact that he was the last kid in his class to learn how to read. Maybe it was his failure to pass the sixth grade the first time. Maybe it was the shoulder-slumping, eyes-widening, pity-filled sighs in his hometown of Lancaster, South Carolina. Or maybe the only thing that was ever in the way of him and a sturdy foundation was him.
PLAN OF ACTION:  Eric Anderson just doesn’t know how to quit. If he had to work twice as hard as his classmates, so be it. If he had to spend longer in the locker room to get himself back together after failure, so be it. Sweat could not be a game-stopper. Fear could not be a roadblock. So here was the plan: Go to a community college. Major in nutrition and health. Transfer to a school with a high acceptance rate, like Coker University, for instance. Aim for a football scholarship for good measure. Get a job. Find a wife. Raise his kids to never feel as worthless as he did. Build a secure atmosphere for the world around him, something sturdy enough to fence everyone in. Work his ass to the bone to make that happen.
TURN-OUT: Now, Eric Anderson is fifty-one. He doesn’t run the way he used to. He doesn’t sweat the way he used to. He can’t catch up with the team. He’s been with the local high school in Marshall Island for twenty-six years now, and over time, hamstrings have been pulled. His morale has been questioned. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about throwing in the towel before, but Eric Anderson just doesn’t know how to quit.
NEW GOAL:  Find out how long he can do what he’s doing without going back to the kid he used to be.
NEW PLAN OF ACTION: Take a moment to catch his breath. Look around at the life he’s breathed into his surroundings. Observe. Accept.
NEW OBSTACLE:  The tight-lipped, wide-eyed nervous smile he sees on the kid in the old family photos, desperate to prove his worth.
He gives great talks. If you need some advice, he’s your guy. It doesn’t matter whether you grew up in Marshall Island or not. You need him to talk some sense into you, he’s there.
He unironically loves what most people would call “2000s butt rock”. Nickelback, Daughtry, Puddle of Mudd, etc. He doesn’t consider it a guilty pleasure, either. He doesn’t quite know it’s taboo. He’ll just show up with it blasting in his car. 
He’s aware of his zodiac sign. He knows he’s an Aries. He just has no clue what it means.
During his summers off, he’ll spend some of his time fishing. If you catch a 6’0 guy in a backwards snapback, tank top, and cargo shorts with a fishing rod in his hand, that’s him.
His favorite show is Yellowstone for some reason. 
His favorite color is red. It’s also his favorite color to wear.
He’s been teaching in this town since 1998, and it was the first district to hire him.
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positivedevelopment · 8 months
Monthly Roundup January 2024
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Here are some of my recommendations on who to follow on Instagram for updates and/or ways you can take action:
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10 Good News Stories for Kids in 2023 Despite a Difficult Year, Children’s Rights Made Progress
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Rohingya refugee children in a school classroom at a refugee camp in the Cox's Bazar district of Bangladesh, March 9, 2023. © 2023 Mahmud Hossain Opu/AP Photo
Thomas Kwoyelo: Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army rebel commander on trial
"The long-awaited trial of a child soldier-turned-commander in the notorious Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has begun in Uganda.
Thomas Kwoyelo faces more than 70 charges - including murder, rape and the recruitment of child soldiers. He becomes the first LRA commander to be tried by a Ugandan court, marking a watershed moment for the country's judicial system."
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Heart Month 2024 is an annual observance in February dedicated to raising awareness about heart health and cardiovascular diseases.
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Visit Heart and Stroke to learn more: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/
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Every year on February 12th, Red Hand Day encourages political leaders to stop the use of child soldiers. This day is also referred to as the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers.
Hundreds and thousands of handprints have been collected in more than 50 countries and handed over to politicians and to responsible parties, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. There is progress, but there are still 250,000 child soldiers in the world.
Help to stop this abuse of children. Show your Red Hand to the world!
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ewan-mo · 1 year
On the way home
Sat 30th Sept 2023.
I started yesterday with a visit to the Benedict Medical Centre, a small hospital in a poor suburb of Kampala.   They are continuing to find funding a bit of a struggle.  It was worse in Covid but there are 3 government health centres in the locality who give free medication when they have it, and three or four private-for-profit ones.  Also Butabika Hospital, the main psychiatric hospital, is only about 3 miles away, so many people with a mental illness go straight there. The public perception of mental illness is that it means 'Butabika'. It takes quite a shift to imagine that mental illness can be treated at the level of a small hospital like Benedict Medical Centre.
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They are hoping that having a psychiatric clinical officer will enable them to develop a good reputation for mental health care.    JF has sponsored Robin to train as a psychiatric clinical officer.  He has finished the course but has still to get a project approved.  We are helping them to raise the awareness of mental illness and its care in their community and to present the hospital as an alternative to Butabika.
Meanwhile, Joshua and I had agreed to look at the experiences of people with mental illness or epilepsy who have been confined at home, usually by their families. They may be chained, tied with ropes, or left in shackles and sometimes leg shackles as well, then locked in the room and dependent on someone else to prepare their food and attend to their personal hygiene. I would be really interested to know how they think of it all. Are they troubled by traumatic memories? Angry with their families? Resentful about the lost years? Or do they just accept that this is how it is during times when they are ill and troubled or overactive and moveous?
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Some of you will remember James, who was kept locked in a dark room, chained by his ankle, from his late 20’s to age 42, about 15 years. When we saw him 6 months after our first meeting, he was being cared for by the team and on treatment, and was totally transformed. James taught me a little of what it can be like for our patients, and his story comes with me whenever I teach on international mental health. 
Joshua and I thought it would be interesting to interview some of the  patients we know who have been in similar situations. He’s made a good start, but the majority of the cases so far come just from Bwindi Hospital. Apparently the research journals get suspicious when that appears to be the case; you may have been making up the details!
I’ve asked our young colleagues to scout around to find us some more, as several thought there were some in their districts. Village health workers from the Village Health Teams (VHT), church leaders and local councillors often know their communities very well and will be aware if there are some individuals hidden in the darkness.
The VHTs remind me of the old wise women of the villages in earlier times in our English landscapes. I can remember some from the villages near where my grandmother lived in Somerset. ‘Aunt Em’ and ‘Aunt Cis’, for example. They knew all the local remedies, the herbs and potions that could help with everyday ailments. I’d quite like to talk with them again now, but they have long gone.
When Joshua and I talk, we find our conversation ranges far and wide beyond clinical matters. He’s not short of opinion on some of the political shenanigans that go on in Uganda and from his stories I learnt some fascinating details. He’s interested in English politics too though even he, who has long experience of goings on in Africa, was a bit surprised at the thinking and impact of Liz Truss. And indeed her very short tenure as our prime minister. Uganda’s current president has been in charge for 37 years. Just imagine….
Joshua is a great friend to Jamie’s Fund. He has years of experience in mental health research, and trained as an mhGAP Master Trainer in Geneva (and Italy!) directly under the auspices of the World Health Organisation. We have been very fortunate to have him and his support in our training programmes which have been making such a difference across Uganda. 
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Market day at the roadside.
Hassan later drove us down to Entebbe where we had a late lunch in a café we have known for some years.  It has a lush green garden.
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A metal baboon in the garden.
We were then dropped at Guinea Fowl guest house, where we spent time catching up on our computers. They were doing major road works on the residential road outside and I enjoyed watching the machines at work – as I used to do 60 years ago.  Not sure why they have selected this road for such major works – the fact that a number of military officers apparently live on it may not be a coincidence.
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A grader at work, even after dark.
We went to the airport late evening and  all went smoothly.  In Brussels I was fascinated to make the acquaintance of a Ugandan dentist who has lived in London for a long time but still comes back to Uganda to see family. Her father is a doctor and her sister is a psychiatrist in UK! 
We changed planes in Brussels and got home late morning today, Saturday.
It has been a very encouraging visit.  Hugh, Linda and Avril have found the same encouragements visiting the hospitals in the west as well.  Although JF is stopping we will continue to visit and have tentative plans to return early next year when six of the PCOs JF sponsored will be graduating.
Thank you for reading our blogs and we hope you have found them of interest.  We have aimed to give you a flavour of what we have been doing.
If you would like to drop us an email, please do using the email [email protected]
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Can Punganur cows be crossbred with other cattle breeds?
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The Unique Punganur Cow: A Treasure of Indian Agriculture
The Punganur cow, also known as Punganur dwarf cow, is a breed indigenous to the Punganur village in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. These cows are renowned for their diminutive size, standing only about 70-90 centimeters tall at the shoulder. Despite their small stature, Punganur cows have gained significant attention due to their exceptional milk-producing capabilities and adaptability to various climates. However, a common question arises: Can Punganur cows be crossbred with other cattle breeds? Let's explore this fascinating topic.
The Significance of Crossbreeding in Cattle Breeding
Crossbreeding is a technique widely used in cattle breeding to combine the desirable traits of different breeds. It aims to improve overall productivity, enhance genetic diversity, and develop cattle with superior qualities. By introducing genetic variations, crossbreeding can often result in increased milk production, better disease resistance, improved fertility, and other favorable traits.
Punganur Cows and Crossbreeding
Punganur cows have a unique genetic makeup and are considered a pure breed. Their small size and ability to adapt to different climates make them valuable for small-scale farmers and those with limited land resources. While crossbreeding is common in the cattle industry, it is essential to carefully consider the implications before attempting to crossbreed Punganur cows.
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Challenges in Crossbreeding Punganur Cows
Crossbreeding Punganur cows presents several challenges due to their distinctive characteristics. The small size of Punganur cows is a result of genetic factors specific to this breed. Attempting to crossbreed them with larger breeds may lead to difficulties during the gestation period and calving process, potentially posing risks to the health and survival of the cows and their offspring.
Maintaining Breed Purity
Another factor to consider is the preservation of the pure Punganur breed. Punganur cows are considered a national treasure of India and hold cultural significance. The breed's unique genetic traits and historical importance make it crucial to maintain the purity of the breed. Crossbreeding Punganur cows extensively may dilute their genetic distinctiveness and compromise the breed's purity, which could have long-term consequences.
Potential Benefits and Considerations
While crossbreeding with other cattle breeds may present challenges, there could still be some potential benefits worth exploring. By carefully selecting compatible breeds, it might be possible to introduce desirable traits while minimizing the risks associated with size discrepancies. Crossbreeding could potentially lead to increased milk production, enhanced disease resistance, or improved adaptability to specific environments.
Responsible Crossbreeding Practices
If crossbreeding is pursued, it is essential to adopt responsible breeding practices. This involves conducting thorough research, consulting with experts in cattle genetics, and carefully selecting suitable breeds that complement the Punganur cows' characteristics. By adhering to these practices, it may be possible to achieve the desired outcomes while minimizing any negative impacts.
The Need for Conservation Efforts
Given the unique qualities of the Punganur cows and their historical significance, conservation efforts play a vital role. Conservation programs and initiatives should focus on preserving the pure Punganur breed through responsible breeding practices and promoting awareness about the breed's importance. This approach ensures that future generations can benefit from the distinct traits and genetic diversity offered by the Punganur cows.
Punganur cows are a treasure of Indian agriculture, cherished for their small size, adaptability, and milk-producing abilities. While the question of crossbreeding Punganur cows with other cattle breeds arises, it is crucial to approach the topic with caution and responsibility. The challenges posed by their small stature and the importance of preserving the pure breed highlight the need for careful consideration. If pursued, crossbreeding should be carried out with a thorough understanding of the potential risks and benefits, in collaboration with experts in cattle genetics. By doing so, we can ensure the preservation of this unique breed while exploring opportunities for improvement and increased productivity in Indian cattle farming.
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mediawallsolution · 1 month
Maximizing Business Impact with Advertisement Screens in Auckland
The Rise of Advertisement Screens in Auckland
Auckland, as New Zealand's largest city, is a bustling hub of economic activity, cultural diversity, and technological advancement. The city's vibrant atmosphere and thriving business landscape make it an ideal environment for modern advertising solutions. Advertisement screens, also known as digital signage, have become a prominent feature in Auckland's commercial districts, shopping centers, and public spaces.
These screens are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, such as malls, transit stations, and busy intersections, ensuring maximum visibility for businesses. Whether it's promoting a new product, announcing a special offer, or simply increasing brand awareness, Advertisement Screen Auckland advertisement screens provide a dynamic platform to reach a wide audience in real-time.
The Benefits of Digital Advertisement Screens
Engaging Visual Content: One of the key advantages of advertisement screens is their ability to display vibrant and dynamic content. Unlike traditional static billboards, digital screens can showcase videos, animations, and interactive elements that capture the viewer's attention. This visual appeal is crucial in a city like Auckland, where consumers are constantly bombarded with information. By using engaging visuals, businesses can stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.
Real-Time Updates: Digital screens offer the flexibility to update content in real-time. This means that businesses can quickly adapt their messaging to reflect current promotions, events, or changes in the market. For instance, a retailer in Auckland can instantly update their advertisement screen to promote a flash sale, ensuring that customers are informed and motivated to take action. This agility is particularly valuable in a dynamic market where consumer preferences can shift rapidly.
Targeted Advertising: Advertisement screens can be strategically placed in locations that align with a business's target audience. For example, Commercial Led Screens Auckland a fitness brand can position its screen in a gym or a health-focused community center, directly reaching individuals who are likely to be interested in their products or services. This targeted approach increases the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, leading to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment.
Cost-Effective Marketing: While the initial investment in digital screens may be higher than traditional advertising methods, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Advertisement screens have a longer lifespan and can display multiple ads, reducing the need for constant replacements. Additionally, businesses in Auckland can save on printing and distribution costs associated with traditional advertising mediums. Over time, digital screens prove to be a cost-effective and sustainable marketing solution.
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brydonlaw · 2 months
The Importance of Municipal Law in Missouri Communities
Municipal law plays a vital role in shaping the daily lives of residents in Missouri communities. It encompasses a wide range of legal issues that affect local governance, land use, zoning, public safety, and more. Understanding the importance of municipal law in Missouri is essential for both residents and local government officials to ensure smooth, efficient, and lawful operation of their communities.
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What is Municipal Law?
Municipal law, also known as local government law, refers to the legal framework that governs the administration and regulation of cities, towns, and other local entities. In Missouri, municipal law includes statutes, ordinances, and regulations that address a variety of issues such as land use planning, zoning, public services, local taxation, and public health and safety.
The Role of Municipal Law in Missouri
1. Zoning and Land Use
One of the most significant aspects of municipal law in Missouri is zoning and land use regulation. These laws determine how land within a municipality can be used, whether for residential, commercial, industrial, or recreational purposes. Zoning laws help to maintain orderly development, prevent conflicts between land uses, and protect property values. They also ensure that growth and development within a community are sustainable and in line with local planning objectives.
2. Public Safety and Health
Municipal law in Missouri also plays a crucial role in ensuring public safety and health. Local ordinances cover a wide range of issues including building codes, fire safety regulations, and public health standards. By enforcing these regulations, municipalities can prevent accidents, reduce health risks, and ensure that community members live in a safe and healthy environment.
3. Local Governance and Administration
Effective local governance is essential for the well-being of Missouri communities, and municipal law provides the framework for this governance. It defines the powers and responsibilities of local government officials, establishes procedures for elections and public meetings, and outlines the rights and duties of residents. This legal structure ensures transparency, accountability, and democratic participation in local decision-making processes.
4. Environmental Protection
Municipal law in Missouri also includes regulations aimed at protecting the environment. These laws address issues such as waste management, water quality, air pollution, and the preservation of green spaces. By enforcing environmental regulations, municipalities can safeguard natural resources, promote sustainability, and improve the quality of life for residents.
5. Economic Development
Economic development is another area where municipal law has a significant impact. Local governments use municipal law to create policies that attract businesses, support local enterprises, and encourage investment. Zoning incentives, tax abatements, and business improvement districts are examples of legal tools that municipalities can use to foster economic growth and create jobs.
Why Municipal Law Matters
Understanding municipal law in Missouri is crucial for residents and local officials alike. For residents, being aware of local ordinances and regulations helps them comply with the law and participate actively in community affairs. For local officials, a solid grasp of municipal law ensures that they can govern effectively, make informed decisions, and address the needs and concerns of their constituents.
Municipal law also promotes fairness and equity within communities. By providing a clear legal framework, it helps to resolve disputes, protect individual rights, and ensure that all residents are treated equally under the law. Moreover, municipal law facilitates collaboration between different levels of government, enhancing the overall effectiveness of public administration.
Municipal law in Missouri is the backbone of local governance, shaping the development, safety, health, and prosperity of communities. It is essential for maintaining order, protecting public interests, and promoting sustainable growth. Understanding the importance of municipal law helps residents and officials work together to build vibrant, thriving communities. For those navigating the complexities of municipal law in Missouri, professional legal assistance, such as that provided by Brydon Law, can be invaluable in ensuring compliance and achieving favorable outcomes.
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By recognizing the crucial role of municipal law in Missouri, communities can better appreciate the legal structures that support their daily lives and work towards a more organized, safe, and prosperous future.
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stheera · 2 months
Alibaug Property Rates: An In-Depth Analysis
Alibaug, a coastal town located in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, has long been a favored weekend getaway for Mumbai residents. Known for its pristine beaches, historical forts, and lush greenery, Alibaug's real estate market has seen significant fluctuations in recent years. This article delves into the current property rates in Alibaug, the factors influencing these prices, and what potential buyers can expect in the near future.
Current Property Rates in Alibaug
As of mid-2024, property rates in Alibaug Property Rates vary widely depending on the location, type of property, and proximity to the beach. On average, residential plots can range from ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per square foot. Villas and luxury homes, especially those near popular beaches like Alibaug Beach, Nagaon Beach, and Varsoli Beach, can command prices between ₹15,000 to ₹25,000 per square foot.
For those looking at more budget-friendly options, properties located slightly inland or in less developed areas can be found at rates starting from ₹1,500 per square foot. These prices reflect a broad spectrum influenced by factors such as infrastructure development, accessibility, and demand from both local and outstation buyers.
Factors Influencing Property Rates
Several key factors influence property rates in Alibaug:
Proximity to Mumbai: One of the primary drivers of Alibaug's real estate market is its proximity to Mumbai. With improved connectivity through ferries, speedboats, and a proposed trans-harbor link, Alibaug is becoming an attractive destination for second homes and investment properties for Mumbai's affluent class.
Tourism and Lifestyle: Alibaug's appeal as a tourist destination significantly impacts property prices. The town offers a tranquil lifestyle with beautiful beaches, water sports, and historical sites, making it a popular choice for vacation homes and resorts.
Infrastructure Development: The ongoing and planned infrastructure projects, including better road connectivity and proposed airport projects, are expected to boost property values further. The planned Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) is particularly anticipated to enhance accessibility, driving up real estate demand.
Economic Factors: Like any real estate market, broader economic factors play a role. The post-pandemic recovery, interest rates, and overall economic health influence buyer confidence and purchasing power.
Trends and Future Outlook
The real estate market in Alibaug has shown resilience, with a steady demand for luxury villas and second homes. The trend of remote working, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has also spurred interest in properties that offer a peaceful environment away from city congestion.
Looking ahead, several trends are likely to shape Alibaug's property market:
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Developments: With increasing environmental awareness, there is a growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly housing. Developers are responding by incorporating green building practices, which may attract a niche but affluent segment of buyers.
Increase in Gated Communities: Safety and community living are becoming priorities for many buyers. As a result, gated communities with modern amenities are gaining popularity, which could lead to higher property prices within these complexes.
Commercial Real Estate Growth: As tourism and local businesses grow, there is a parallel increase in demand for commercial properties. Hotels, resorts, and retail spaces are expected to see significant growth, contributing to overall real estate market development.
Sasawane Village market presents a mix of opportunities and challenges. While prices are on the higher side, especially for premium properties, the potential for appreciation driven by infrastructural developments and lifestyle preferences remains strong. Prospective buyers should consider their investment horizon, purpose, and the specific location's future growth potential when making a decision. With its serene environment and strategic location, Alibaug continues to be an attractive destination for both real estate investment and personal retreats.
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creativematka09 · 3 months
Exploring the Top 10 CBSE Schools in Bhopal: A Closer Look at Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad
Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, is renowned for its educational institutions that cater to diverse learning needs and styles. Among the myriad of options available, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools are often the preferred choice for parents due to their standardized curriculum and focus on holistic development. In the list of top 10 CBSE schools in Bhopal, Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad stands out for its commitment to excellence in education and its comprehensive approach to student development. This 800-word article delves into what makes Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad a leading choice for parents and students in the region.
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Academic Excellence
At the heart of Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad’s philosophy is a commitment to academic rigor combined with an innovative teaching approach. The school consistently achieves high academic standards, which is a testament to the quality of education it provides. The curriculum is designed to not only cover all aspects of the CBSE syllabus but also to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.
Experienced Faculty: The school boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to nurturing young minds. Their expertise in their respective fields ensures that students receive a deep and thorough understanding of subjects, preparing them for competitive exams and higher educational pursuits.
Smart Classrooms: Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad is equipped with modern classrooms that integrate technology seamlessly into the learning process. Smart boards, multimedia presentations, and e-learning tools make classes more interactive and engaging for students.
Holistic Development
Recognizing that education is not just about academic scores, Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad emphasizes the holistic development of its students. This is reflected in its wide array of extracurricular activities and its robust sports program.
Cultural Activities: The school hosts various cultural events throughout the year, providing students with a platform to showcase their talents in arts, music, dance, and drama. This not only enriches the school culture but also helps in developing confidence and public speaking skills among students.
Sports Programs: With excellent sports facilities, the school encourages students to participate in a variety of sports. This fosters a spirit of teamwork and discipline while ensuring physical fitness. The school has teams participating in district, state, and national level competitions, often garnering accolades.
Student Support and Wellbeing
Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad places a strong emphasis on the wellbeing of its students. The school has a well-structured support system in place that caters to the emotional and psychological needs of students.
Counseling Services: Professional counselors are available to assist students with academic or personal issues, ensuring a supportive environment that aids in the healthy development of every child.
Health Services: The school also provides excellent health services with a full-time nurse and regular visits from qualified doctors. Health camps and awareness programs are regularly organized to promote healthy living among students.
Community and Parental Engagement
The school believes that education is a collaborative effort involving not just teachers and students, but also parents and the community. Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad actively promotes this through various initiatives.
Parent-Teacher Meetings: Regular meetings and interactions with parents ensure that they are kept informed about their child's progress and are engaged in the learning process.
Community Service Programs: Students are encouraged to take part in community service projects, which instills a sense of responsibility and community service from a young age.
Infrastructure and Facilities
Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad is set in a sprawling campus equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. These facilities support the delivery of its curriculum and extracurricular activities effectively.
Library and Laboratories: The school houses a well-stocked library and modern scientific laboratories that provide students with the resources to supplement their learning and explore beyond the textbooks.
Security: Ensuring the safety of students, the campus is secured with CCTV surveillance and security personnel, making it a safe space for students to learn and grow.
Conclusion: A Leader in Education
Choosing the right school is pivotal to a child’s growth and development, and Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad provides a fertile ground for this growth, making it one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Bhopal. With its excellent academic program, focus on holistic development, and state-of-the-art facilities, Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad not only promises a bright academic future for its students but also ensures they are well-prepared to face life’s challenges. For parents looking for a comprehensive educational experience for their children, Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad remains a distinguished choice in the heart of India.
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townpostin · 15 days
Nutrition Awareness Rath Launched in Jamshedpur for National Month
District officials flag off campaign to promote healthy diets and best practices across region The Nutrition Awareness Rath, launched to mark National Nutrition Month, aims to educate communities about balanced diets and healthy lifestyles. JAMSHEDPUR – National Nutrition Month was commemorated by the commencement of a Nutrition Awareness Rath by district officials, which was designed to…
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skyspacefurniture1 · 5 months
Enhancing Workspaces: A Guide to Office Furniture in Muscat
Creating a conducive work environment is crucial for productivity and employee satisfaction. Among the many factors influencing workspace ambiance, office furniture plays a pivotal role. In Muscat, Oman's vibrant capital, businesses are increasingly recognizing the significance of well-designed Office Furniture Muscat. From ergonomic chairs to sleek desks, the right furniture not only elevates aesthetics but also fosters efficiency and comfort in the workplace.
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Understanding the Importance of Office Furniture
Office furniture is more than just functional pieces within a workspace. It reflects a company's culture, values, and commitment to employee well-being. In Muscat's competitive business landscape, companies are investing in furniture that not only meets their operational needs but also enhances the overall work experience.
Ergonomics for Comfort and Health
In an era where sedentary work is prevalent, ergonomic furniture has gained immense popularity. Ergonomic chairs, for instance, are designed to support proper posture and reduce strain on the back and neck. In Muscat's office settings, where professionals spend long hours at their desks, investing in ergonomic solutions is essential for promoting employee health and productivity.
Style and Aesthetics
Beyond functionality, office furniture contributes significantly to the aesthetics of a workspace. Sleek and modern designs are increasingly sought after, especially in Muscat's contemporary business districts. Furniture that blends style with functionality creates an inviting atmosphere, making employees feel motivated and inspired in their work environment.
Space Optimization
In Muscat, where real estate comes at a premium, space optimization is key. Compact and multifunctional furniture solutions allow businesses to maximize their workspace efficiently. From modular desks to storage units with innovative designs, such furniture not only saves space but also enhances organizational efficiency.
Customization for Corporate Identity
Every business has its unique identity, and office furniture can be customized to reflect this. In Muscat, where diverse industries thrive, personalized furniture solutions allow companies to showcase their brand identity within their workspace. Customized furniture also fosters a sense of belonging among employees, reinforcing organizational values and culture.
Environmental Sustainability
As global awareness of environmental issues grows, so does the demand for sustainable office furniture. Muscat's businesses are increasingly opting for eco-friendly furniture options, such as those made from recycled materials or sourced from sustainable forests. By choosing environmentally responsible furniture, businesses in Muscat contribute to a greener future while setting an example for corporate sustainability.
Budget Considerations
While investing in quality office furniture is essential, budget constraints are also a reality for businesses in Muscat. However, with a wide range of options available, there are solutions to fit every budget. From budget-friendly yet durable options to high-end designer pieces, Muscat's office furniture market offers choices that cater to diverse financial requirements.
The Role of Technology
Incorporating technology into office furniture enhances functionality and convenience. From desks with built-in charging stations to adjustable standing desks controlled via smartphone apps, technological innovations are revolutionizing the way we interact with Modern Office Furniture Abu Dhabi. In Muscat, where technological advancements are embraced, integrating tech-savvy furniture solutions is becoming increasingly common.
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ies10 · 5 months
Raiganj University: Shaping Minds, Shaping the Future
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Nestled in the serene landscape of West Bengal, Raiganj University is considered a beacon of higher education that has nurtured young minds and shaped the future since its inception. Raiganj University was established to provide quality education and foster intellectual growth. It has become a preeminent educational center in the region, offering diverse academic programs and comprehensive development opportunities.
History and Evolution:
Located in the heart of Uttar Dinajpur district of West Bengal, Raiganj University has its roots in its founding in 1948. Originally founded as RG University, it has transformed and grown into the respected institution it is today. The University's development reflects the region's rich cultural heritage and educational ambitions to continue to commit to academic excellence and social progress.
Academic Excellence: 
At Raiganj University, academic excellence is not just an aspiration, but a way of life. The University is proud of its diverse faculty of outstanding scholars, researchers, and industry professionals who are dedicated to imparting knowledge and developing students who are passionate about learning. With a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in a variety of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, commerce, social sciences, and humanities, we offer students the opportunity to explore their interests and pursue their academic ambitions.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Raiganj University has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities designed to support students' academic and extra-curricular activities. From well-equipped classrooms and laboratories to an extensive library with a wealth of books, magazines, and digital resources, the university offers a conducive environment for learning and research. In addition, the campus includes facilities such as sports facilities, an auditorium, and a recreation room, providing a comprehensive educational experience for all students.
Research and Innovation: 
Research and Innovation is an integral part of Raiganj University's academic ethos. The university actively promotes a culture of research and discovery, encouraging faculty and students to engage in meaningful research that addresses real-world challenges and contributes to the advancement of knowledge. Raiganj University remains at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation through its interdisciplinary research centers and collaborative partnerships both within the university and with industry.
Community Engagement and Outreach: 
Raiganj University is deeply committed to serving the community and promoting social responsibility beyond the campus. The University actively works with local communities to address their needs and challenges through a variety of outreach programs, advisory activities, and initiatives to promote inclusive development. Through educational initiatives, health camps, environmental projects, and more, Raiganj University strives to make a meaningful and lasting impact on society.
Global Perspective: 
Although rooted in the local context, Raiganj University has a global perspective and promotes intercultural understanding and cooperation. The university fosters international exchange programs, collaborative research activities, and partnerships with institutions around the world, allowing students and faculty to broaden their horizons and gain valuable insights from diverse perspectives. By promoting global awareness and intercultural dialogue, Raiganj University prepares its graduates to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.
In conclusion, Raiganj University is a shining example of academic excellence, innovation, and civic engagement. With an unwavering commitment to fostering holistic development and developing future leaders, the university continues to inspire generations of students to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world. Raiganj University looks to the future and remains committed to its mission of shaping minds and building the future based on the values ​​of integrity, excellence, and social responsibility.
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Elevating Workplace Efficiency and Health: The Significance of Office Cleaning Services in Melbourne
In the bustling urban landscape of Melbourne, where corporate entities thrive amidst the vibrant city life, maintaining clean and hygienic office spaces is imperative. Cleanliness not only contributes to the aesthetics of the workplace but also plays a crucial role in promoting productivity, employee morale, and overall well-being. In this discourse, we delve into the significance of office cleaning services Melbourne, exploring how these services enhance workplace environments, uphold health standards, and contribute to the success of businesses across various industries.
The Importance of Office Cleaning in Melbourne
Melbourne, known for its diverse economy and bustling commercial districts, hosts a myriad of businesses ranging from startups to multinational corporations. In such a competitive environment, maintaining a clean and well-organized office space is more than just a matter of aesthetics—it's a fundamental aspect of business operations. Cleanliness not only creates a positive impression on clients and visitors but also fosters a conducive environment for employees to thrive.
Enhancing Workplace Productivity
Research has consistently shown a direct correlation between cleanliness and productivity in the workplace. A clutter-free and sanitized environment promotes focus, reduces stress levels, and minimizes distractions, allowing employees to perform their tasks more efficiently. Moreover, clean workspaces are associated with higher employee morale and job satisfaction, leading to improved retention rates and overall organizational success.
Creating a Positive First Impression
First impressions matter, especially in the corporate world. A clean and well-maintained office space projects professionalism and attention to detail, instilling confidence in clients, partners, and stakeholders. Whether it's a prospective client visiting for a meeting or a job candidate attending an interview, the cleanliness of the office environment leaves a lasting impression and influences their perception of the company's values and standards.
Health and Hygiene Considerations
In light of recent global health concerns, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a hygienic workplace has become a top priority for businesses worldwide. Professional office cleaning services Melbourne play a crucial role in upholding health and hygiene standards by implementing rigorous cleaning and disinfection protocols. From high-touch surfaces to shared common areas, thorough cleaning and sanitization practices help minimize the risk of illness and promote a safer working environment for employees.
Specialized Cleaning Solutions
Office cleaning services Melbourne offer a wide range of specialized solutions tailored to the unique needs of different businesses and industries. Whether it's carpet cleaning, window washing, floor polishing, or restroom sanitation, professional cleaners are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to tackle various cleaning challenges effectively. By outsourcing cleaning tasks to experts, businesses can ensure that every aspect of their office space receives the attention it deserves, leading to consistently high standards of cleanliness.
Environmental Sustainability Initiatives
In an era of heightened environmental awareness, many office cleaning services in Melbourne are adopting eco-friendly cleaning practices to minimize their ecological footprint. From using environmentally friendly cleaning products to implementing energy-efficient cleaning equipment, these initiatives not only reduce environmental impact but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment for employees. By prioritizing sustainability, businesses demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility while promoting employee well-being.
Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency
Contrary to common misconceptions, outsourcing office cleaning services can be a cost-effective solution for businesses in Melbourne. By entrusting cleaning responsibilities to professional service providers, businesses can eliminate the need to hire and train in-house cleaning staff, invest in cleaning equipment and supplies, and manage cleaning-related administrative tasks. This allows businesses to focus their resources on core operations while benefiting from the expertise and efficiency of dedicated cleaning professionals.
Customer Satisfaction and Long-Term Partnerships
The success of office cleaning services Melbourne is ultimately measured by customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships with clients. Reputable cleaning companies prioritize client feedback, communication, and responsiveness to ensure that the cleaning needs of businesses are met consistently. By building trust, reliability, and transparency, cleaning service providers establish enduring relationships with clients based on mutual respect and shared goals.
Office cleaning services play a vital role in maintaining clean, hygienic, and productive workplace environments in Melbourne. From enhancing workplace productivity and creating positive first impressions to upholding health and hygiene standards, the benefits of professional office cleaning are manifold. By outsourcing cleaning responsibilities to trusted service providers, businesses can focus on their core objectives while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a clean and sanitized workspace. As the demand for efficient and reliable office cleaning services continues to grow, Melbourne remains at the forefront, setting benchmarks for excellence in workplace hygiene and sanitation.
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findinginga · 7 months
"Mrs. Mulwray, I goddamn near lost my nose. And I like it. I like breathing through it…
If I am asked to cite my favorite film of all time I would never hesitate to name Chinatown as a near perfect movie.  From the atmosphere of the cinematography to the haunting, period evoking music, it is a movie I am able to repeatedly watch and in which I find something new.  While it is not a classic film noir, it falls into the neo-noir category.  Gittes is a private investigator drawn into what evolves into a complex case.  As facts slowly emerge as to the true nature of a murder, Gittes must discard theories he has been forming, "on the fly" to appreciate the full scope of the mystery he set out to solve.  However, even armed with the full, unvarnished truth, circumstances conspire to handcuff him (both literally and figuratively).  Despite his perseverance, Gittes is impotent to prevent a tragic outcome.
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J.J. Gittes (Jack Nicholson) and Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway)
“Perseverance is the act of true role models and heroes.” - Liza Wiemer
I would hardly characterize my perseverance regarding Ingeborga as heroic.  If anything, it was trauma bonding that perpetuated my renewed contact with her.  Although, trauma bonding is defined by a cycle of abuse and affection, there was decidedly no affection shared by Inga.  There was certainly a bond and a cycle of abuse we shared.  That abuse manifested itself through all the defenses that Inga was capable of marshalling when confronted with inconvenient truths.  
Like J.J. Gittes, the motives for my engagement/reengagement evolved with the acquisition of new information.  Like Evelyn Mulwray, Inga would filter what she shared to suit her needs, in the moment. Under duress and with Gittes holding the upper hand, Mulwray was forced to reveal her deepest and most painful secrets while bearing the humiliation of her past actions.  However, the difference between Evelyn and Inga is that the toxic shame a narcissist needs to suppress can never be expressed.  Arguably, Inga cannot engage in the introspection necessary to be fully aware.
Hoping she will model my behavior...
It is widely considered by those in the field of mental health that NPD is a lifelong mental health issue.  But, it is also recognized that symptoms and behaviors can be successfully modified with therapy.  It was with this knowledge I decided to take a more clinical approach to my interactions with Inga.  I had long ago abandoned the notion that a truly intimate relationship would develop between us.  Indeed, I did not even consider Inga to be a friend.  She had truly become more of an acquaintance with whom I exchanged messages of insignificant import.  However, I learned Inga's secret and Inga knew that I knew.  No doubt this served to further keep me at arm's length.  For Inga, I was both a source of narcissistic supply through my attention and generosity but I was also a danger.
I wondered if Inga would, over time, lower her defenses if I were to demonstrate the perseverance and resiliency that others could not or would not.  I was fully aware that I would likely experience additional insult and was prepared for these assaults.  Only a few weeks would need to elapse before this would be tested as I had not ended my business arrangement with PI Lab.
Divorce and the aftermath...
When I received the previous report from Mikhail Levko concerning the purchase and registration of a new apartment located on Gogol Street in Central Pskov, Mikhail and I agreed to extend the scope of work.  PI Lab operatives were to return to Pskov for follow up observations and note any changes in residence or living arrangements.
In May of 2022 I received the promised follow-up report from Mikhail Levko in which he wrote:
In the course of the investigation, a check was made of the register of divorce proceedings of  district court No. 27 of the Justice of the Peace.  It was established that on March 16, 2022, Magistrate Surusov carried out the divorce proceedings between Ingeborga Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova and Denis Leonidovich Reshetnikov.  Case No. 2-/824/27/2022.  The plaintiff in the case was Ingeborga Reshetnikova. The marriage was dissolved. The decision entered into force on April 19, 2022. No appeal was filed.
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Inga did not share with me that a divorce had been finalized, which was not surprising.  I was left to wonder how this would impact her and Eva.
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thailondon5 · 8 months
Swedish massage at Thai Angels—a haven of relaxation in the heart of London
Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Swedish Massage emerges as a beacon of peace, offering a respite from the stresses of the world and a gateway to unparalleled relaxation and rejuvenation.
SwedishMassage in Kensal Rise is more than just a massage; it's a holistic therapy that harmonizes the body and mind. Rooted in centuries-old techniques, this massage style is renowned for its gentle yet effective approach. Long gliding strokes, kneading, friction, tapping, and gentle stretching create a symphony of movements that soothe muscles and promote a deep sense of relaxation.
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The Essence of Thai Massage in Notting Hill
 Thai Massage in Notting Hill is more than a therapy; it's a dance of ancient techniques and modern expertise. Rooted in the rich tapestry of Thai culture, this massage style incorporates acupressure, yoga-like stretches, and energy work. Expert therapists in Notting Hill utilize their hands, elbows, knees, and feet to gently guide you through a series of passive yoga postures, promoting flexibility, enhancing circulation, and inducing a profound state of relaxation.
Beyond the Physical Comfort 
Thai Massage in Notting Hill isn't confined to the boundaries of the physical body; it delves deep into the realms of mental and emotional well-being. As expert hands work their magic, your mind embarks on a tranquil journey. Stress and worries dissipate, and the ceaseless mental chatter gives way to a profound sense of peace. In this sanctuary of calmness, you find not just relaxation but also mental clarity and emotional balance.
The Thai Massage's Positive Effects on One's Health
In addition to the euphoric experience, Thai massage has a wide range of health benefits, including the following:
Increased Flexibility: Thai massage is known for its ability to increase flexibility and range of motion in the joints and muscles through the use of various stretches and movements.
A combination of acupressure and thai massage in Hammersmith techniques can help alleviate chronic pain conditions and muscle tension, which can provide pain relief.
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Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: Receiving a Thai massage is an excellent method for relieving stress and anxiety, allowing you to enter a state of profound relaxation.
Enhanced Circulation: The massaging technique, which involves moving and manipulating the client's muscles and joints, can help improve circulation and bring down blood pressure.
Improved Posture: Thai massage has been shown to increase body awareness, which in turn assists with the correction of posture and alignment problems.
Swedish Massage in Knightsbridge
Knightsbridge, an affluent and upscale district in London, is renowned for its luxury shopping, prestigious residences, and a lifestyle that exudes opulence. Amidst the sophistication and elegance of this neighborhood lies a hidden gem offering a different kind of luxury—an opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate through the art of Swedish Massage in Knightsbridge. Thai Angels, a reputable wellness haven, presents a gateway to tranquility and relaxation through their Swedish massage offerings.
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Massage in shepherds bush involves a firm knead on tense muscles using the palms of the hands and fingertips to release pressure and strains damaged in highly physical activities. Similar to a Swedish Massage, this stroke technique isn’t as relaxing but is more for the purpose of relieving stress and improving the muscle repair by increasing the blood flow around the damaged tissue.   
Discover the Essence of Thai Massage in Hampstead 
Thai Massage in Hampstead is a sacred art, an intricate dance of energy and touch that transcends the physical realm. Rooted in centuries-old traditions, this massage style becomes a transformative ritual, weaving together acupressure, gentle stretches, and mindful breathing techniques. Expert therapists in Hampstead skillfully navigate the body’s energy pathways, igniting a spiritual awakening that resonates far beyond the massage table.
Deep Tissue Massage at Thai Angels
To experience the therapeutic benefits of deep tissue massage in Kensington and find relaxation in the heart of Kensington, book your session at Thai Angels. Their skilled therapists await the opportunity to guide you on a journey to relief, relaxation, and wellness.
 Deep Tissue Massage Mayfair
Looking for Deep Tissue Massage in Mayfair? Deep Tissue Massage involves a firm knead on tense muscles using the palms of the hands and fingertips to release pressure and strains damaged in highly physical activities. Similar to a Swedish Massage in Mayfair, this stroke technique isn’t as relaxing but is more for the purpose of relieving stress and improving the muscle repair by increasing the blood flow around the damaged tissue.   
If you have been working from home throughout the COVID19 pandemic and have been experiencing shoulder and neck pain, this is the perfect technique to really loosen up built up tension from sitting at your desk all day.
In Kilburn, this age-old technique finds a home, offering a sanctuary for locals and visitors seeking holistic wellness and tranquility. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the world of Thai massage in Kilburn, shedding light on its origins, unique characteristics, and where to indulge in this soul-nurturing experience.
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Deep Tissue Massage Notting hill
Deep Tissue Massage involves a firm knead on tense muscles using the palms of the hands and fingertips to release pressure and strains damaged in highly physical activities. Similar to a Deep Tissue Massage Notting hill, this stroke technique isn’t as relaxing but is more for the purpose of relieving stress and improving the muscle repair by increasing the blood flow around the damaged tissue.
Deep tissue massage is the key to relieving tension, lowering stress, and revitalising your body, all of which are difficult to achieve in today's hectic urban lifestyle. This restorative treatment is a haven of relaxation that has the potential to whisk you away to a place of utter serenity. In this article, we will discuss the enchantments of deep tissue massage in Hammersmith, as well as its incredible benefits and the locations in this bustling district where you can experience the magic for yourself.
At its core, Swedish massage in Kensington involves a combination of long gliding strokes, kneading, friction, tapping, and gentle stretching. It is designed to enhance circulation, reduce muscle tension, promote relaxation, and induce a sense of overall well-being.
 Thai Angels: Delivering Excellence in Massage
 Thai Angels, located in the prestigious Kensington neighborhood, has garnered a reputation for delivering exceptional massage experiences. The skilled therapists at Thai Angels are not only experts in traditional Thai massage but also excel in the art of Swedish massage. Their deep understanding and mastery of the techniques ensure that every client receives a customized and invigorating Swedish massage experience.
 A Tranquil Escape in Kensington
 The ambiance at Thai Angels in Kensington is carefully curated to provide a peaceful and soothing retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As you step into Thai Angels, you are enveloped in a tranquil environment filled with the calming scent of essential oils and soft, ambient music that sets the mood for a blissful massage experience. 
The Benefits of Swedish Massage
Relieves Muscle Tension: Swedish massage targets muscle knots and tension, allowing for the release of pent-up stress and promoting muscle relaxation.
 Improves Circulation: The gentle, flowing strokes in Swedish massage enhance blood circulation throughout the body, promoting better oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells and tissues.
Whether you’re seeking relief from tight muscles in cities or elsewhere, deep tissue massage in Hampstead massage can be a valuable therapeutic approach for alleviating discomfort and promoting overall well-being.
The Advantages Of Deep Tissue Massage In Hamstead
According to Amy Montia, PhD, LMT, the body benefits from deep tissue massage as it helps to release tissues that are restricted or injured. According to her, deep tissue massage can accelerate the recovery process and offer relief from pain by applying the right amount of pressure. 
Based on research findings, deep tissue massage has been found to offer various advantages, such as: 
Enhanced flexibility
Reduce blood pressure and heart rate
Decreased perception of pain
Alleviation of the inflammation linked to plantar fasciitis.
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Incorporate Thai massage in Kensington into your wellness routine and allow it to be a path to a healthier, more balanced life. Rejuvenate your senses, improve your flexibility, and rediscover a state of peace and relaxation. Thai massage in Kensington invites you to unlock its many advantages and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.
What to expect: 
Your body will be rocked, stretched and pulled into positions using the practitioner’s hands, knees, feet or legs and rocked for up to 30 seconds slowly stretching the muscles to relieve tension 
The Thai Therapist will use every part of their body even walk on your back to relieve pressure- it is very different to massages such as a Swedish where you are kneaded
This style of massage includes ‘Energy Work’ which pressure will be applied to specific points in your body. The positions will open up channels that will improve the flow of energy throughout your body and make you feel flexible and recharged
Couples Massage in Notting Hill
Couples Massage in Notting Hill goes beyond a mere wellness treatment; it’s a shared adventure of revitalization and bonding. The experience begins by selecting a massage style that suits both you and your partner’s preferences. Whether you prefer the soothing strokes of Swedish massage or the therapeutic benefits of deep tissue, Notting Hill offers various options to cater to your unique needs.
Benefits of Couples Massage in Notting Hill
Strengthened Connection: Couples Massage allows partners to strengthen their connection and understanding in a tranquil setting.
Stress Relief: Amidst Notting Hill’s vibrant ambiance, a Couples Massage provides a peaceful escape from everyday pressures, dissolving stress and tension.
Renewed Energy: Skilled therapists in Notting Hill create a harmonious experience that leaves couples feeling revitalized and reenergized.
The Essence of Massage in Mayfair
Massage in Mayfair isn't merely a treatment; it's an exquisite blend of therapeutic expertise and opulent ambiance. Expert practitioners in Mayfair transform the art of massage into a personalized ritual, adapting ancient techniques to suit the individual needs of each visitor. This isn't just a massage; it's an immersion into a world where stress evaporates, and well-being takes center stage.
 Deep Tissue Massage Kilburn
Looking for Deep Tissue Massage in kilburn ? Deep Tissue Massage involves a firm knead on tense muscles using the palms of the hands and fingertips to release pressure and strains damaged in highly physical activities. Similar to a Swedish Massage, this stroke technique isn’t as relaxing but is more for the purpose of relieving stress and improving the muscle repair by increasing the blood flow around the damaged tissue.   
For residents and visitors in Hampstead seeking a holistic approach to relaxation and well-being, Thai Angels is a beacon of rejuvenation. Their skilled therapists and authentic Thai massage techniques offer a myriad of benefits for the body and mind. Whether you seek relief from muscle tension, stress reduction, or improved overall wellness, Thai Angels in Hampstead is your destination for an exceptional  massage in Hampstead experience. Discover the therapeutic world of Thai massage and elevate your well-being amidst the tranquility of Hampstead with Thai Angels.
The Integration of Energy Work Into Your Massage
The practise of Thai massage in Hammersmith extends beyond the realm of the merely physical and makes use of the idea of energy work. During the course of the session, our therapists will apply pressure to various points on your body. This will help to open up energy channels and improve the flow of vital energy, which is referred to as "Sen." Your overall sense of flexibility, ability to recharge, and well-being will improve as a result of this invigorating energy flow. During the massage, the therapist will use therapeutic positions and light pressure in order to stimulate your body's natural healing processes. This will help to bring about harmony and balance from the inside out.
Deep Tissue Massage Marylebone
Looking for Deep Tissue Massage Marylebone?Deep Tissue Massage involves a firm knead on tense muscles using the palms of the hands and fingertips to release pressure and strains damaged in highly physical activities. Similar to a Swedish Massage in Maryleborne, this stroke technique isn’t as relaxing but is more for the purpose of relieving stress and improving the muscle repair by increasing the blood flow around the damaged tissue.  
Rejuvenate Your Body, Mind, and Spirit at Thai Angels Massage & Spa
At Thai Angels Massage & Spa, we strive to create a sanctuary where you can escape the hustle and bustle of London and embark on a transformative journey of self-care. With our range of specialised massage therapies, including Thai Aromatherapy Massage and Thai Herbal Compress Massage, we invite you to experience the blissful union of ancient traditions and modern wellness practices. Let the skilled hands of our therapists transport you to a state of deep relaxation, where stress dissipates, and inner peace blossoms. Take a moment to prioritise your well-being and discover the profound benefits of Thai massage in London at Thai Angels Massage & Spa.
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Recognising the Benefits of Couples Massage
 A couples massage is a delightful and personal experience in which both you and your partner receive massages at the same time, side by side, in the same room, from two different therapists. This type of massage can be done in tandem or individually. Not only is participating in this activity with your significant other a wonderful way to unwind, but it also serves to deepen the connection that you two have with one another. A couples deep tissue massage in london provides the ideal opportunity for you and your partner to relax and unwind together, whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or just a peaceful experience to share together.
A couples massage is a delightful and personal experience in which both you and your partner receive massages at the same time, side by side, in the same room, from two different therapists. This type of massage can be done in tandem or individually. Not only is participating in this activity with your significant other a wonderful way to unwind, but it also serves to deepen the connection that you two have with one another. A couples massage in London provides the ideal opportunity for you and your partner to relax and unwind together, whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or just a peaceful experience to share together.
 The Swedish Massage Experience at Thai Angels
A Swedish Massage in London at Thai Angels is a journey towards complete relaxation and rejuvenation. The experience begins with a consultation, allowing the therapists to understand the specific requirements and preferences of the guest. Whether one is seeking stress relief, muscle relaxation, or simply a pampering session, the therapists at Thai Angels ensure the session is precisely tailored to meet those needs.
Embrace the tranquility, embrace the healing, and embrace Swedish massage at Thai Angels—a haven of relaxation in the heart of London.
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