#district 12 will be the fandom’s favorite
readingforaneternity · 3 months
I was 7 when the first Hunger Games movie came out and watched it within those two years of its release. Rue had always stuck out to me. Rue and Cinna. One because they were two out of three black characters, and two because of the amount of screen time they got.
At the time I didn’t realize it, but now that I’m older the HG movie was probably one of the first forms of media I consumed as a child where a black character wasn’t a stereotype of their race and culture.
What I love about Suzanne’s writing is that at face value her black characters are rooted in stereotypes. At least Thresh and Reaper. But what makes Suzanne so much better than loads of writers, game makers, directors, etc is that her black characters have so much more depth. Thresh and Reaper come off as aggressive and blood thirsty. They also have a stereotypical ‘strong black man’ body type. But what makes them full of depth is that that is not all they are. Both Thresh and Reaper were aggressive to deter the other Tributes from attacking them. They were gentle, kind, and full of mercy when it came to Rue and Dill (and as we saw Katniss and the other Tributes as well). Reaper especially with how he cared for the dead in during his Games.
The sense of community in District 11 that is shown through just four characters is telling. In the movies when they rebelled. Or in the books when D11 sent their loaf of bread to Katniss in gratitude. When that old man saluted Katniss.
I just love that her characterization of her black characters actually hold depth. Especially as side characters. She could have played into ignorance and say that they only served a purpose through their death, but she didn’t.
District 11 will always be my favorite District.
All of the characters of color in the HG universe hold a special place in my heart.
And although Cinna and Boggs are only black in the movies, they’re black in my heart when I read the books too.
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madeofjules · 2 months
Thg non-canon things that are claimed as canon?
Oh man this will probably start some fights lol, but just to be clear I'm not saying that all of these can't be true or people are wrong for believing they are. It's more just that we don't know for sure because they're never confirmed in the source text and therefore (IMO) cannot be labeled as canon. Here are some common ones off the top of my head:
Finnick was the youngest victor ever
Rue's death sparked the rebellion
Everything Katniss did was for Prim (it all started with her protecting Prim, yes, but Prim stopped being her sole motivation after she stepped into the arena)
The Quell was rigged for Finnick to win
Peeta refused to kill (he literally said he would so idk where people got this from)
Katniss was indigenous or Katniss was white (these are the two most common ones I see people claim as canon, but her race was never stated)
Peeta's family didn't care about him or he didn't care about them
Katniss always assumed she'd marry Gale (she said that other people probably assumed it, not that she did)
Career academies
Foxface killed herself
Katniss was the first ever volunteer in district 12
Annie wasn't a Career (there isn't a single reason to believe this)
Peeta was still hijacked after the war
Katniss never experienced desire or wanted to kiss anyone (saw a fan art about this and I was just like, did we read the same books?)
Peeta wasn't a good tribute (boggles my mind that this is a popular take)
Katniss's mom didn't love her, didn't try to reach out to her after the war, and all the other stuff people make up about her to demonize her further
Disclaimer: canon can be murky when there are both books and films. The THG movies repeatedly contradict the books and some characters are completely different than their book counterparts, so it's really not possible for both canons to exist simultaneously in one universe. That's why I view the source material as the ultimate determinant of canon.
Of course, there are some movie-only details that could be true in the books as well, like Finnick being the youngest victor. My issue is more with people claiming that movie details refuted in the books are canon, or combining movie-only canon with book-only canon, or simply picking and choosing what is and isn't canon based on their preferences. I see people do this disingenuously to push certain narratives, like "the weird thing my favorite character did in the movie isn't canon but the bad thing my least favorite character did is".
All of that brings so much inconsistency and bias into the story that it starts to lose meaning and purpose, so I think it makes the most sense to only consider the books "true" canon when viewing the story as a whole.
None of this is to say people can't have headcanons or things they prefer over book canon or anything like that. The fun part of fandom is being able to engage with the material in a way that means something to you personally. So please don't take anything I'm saying as an attack on your opinions because that's not my intention.
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districtscare · 1 month
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👾 — lucia or kitty, her & neos, intp & haymitch abernathy + district 12 enthusiast. i mainly indulge in meta/character analysis, but i'm also a writer & (occasional) artist. this is my blog to get weird about my favorite guy & you have to stare at me and be like!! woo!!! go me!!! cool? cool because i'm seriously annoying about this guy. 7 years of this special interest and all i got was an attachment to a middle aged man
i politely ask for NSFW blogs to not interact with my posts, dms or reblogs especially if you're over 18. i'm a minor/still in school, so i am not your target audience!
i am a novel-only fan, so I'm not interested in the hunger games screen adaptations & don't consider them a form of canon. send me asks and dms!! i love talking to people
the hunger games — compilation of all my posts regarding
haymitch abernathy — all posts not limited to my own thoughts!
sunrise on the reaping — anything on the new novel / my opinions
abernathy extended — my headcanons and lore for haymitch's family
the character tag — takes you through every haymitch related post on the blog thus far.
haymitch + fandom ignorance of his role as a character/the stigma of alcholism
the 46 tributes + haymitch's tribute graveyard
haymitch & the severity of his losses as a mentor and a family member + general empathizer
why i disagree that haymitch's addiction begins earlier on (and why you should consider trauma as a whole and not just one part of it)
haymitch + love language = one over the other
haymitch & charm/ability to persuade and dissuade and why this helped during the rebel plot
THE haylist (haymitch playlist)
haymitch & every physical description of himself throughout the trilogy
the issue with district 11 & race + how collins perpetuates stereotypes in a contradictory fashion
maysilee donner as the canary in the coal mine + madge undersee and family connections
to gale's defense 1 & to gale's defense 2 + general thoughts
katniss everdeen & instances of apathy 1 & instance 2
chaffnathy — my every post about them because they're real in my heart
link to my ao3 — for sake of follows & updates!
fic index — in case you're lazy <3
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dirty-bosmer · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thanks to @thequeenofthewinter for the tag <3
Tagging: @elavoria @atypicalacademic @gilgamish @nuwanders @ladytanithia @sheirukitriesfandom @throughtrialbyfire @lucien-lachance @miraakulous-cloud-district @bostoniangirl21 @terendelev
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
704,291 😅
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Elder Scrolls and probably only ever the elder scrolls. Mostly Oblivion but I have one Skyrim lonngfic in the works. I read fic in several other fandoms, but this one has me by the throat.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, I only have 6 in the first place so it's not saying all that much.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do the best I can to! Sometimes one slips by me on a particularly busy week, and then I'm too mortified by the lapse of time to answer. I don't think it's happened too often, but please know I read them all and am always grateful for them ❤️
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haven't finished either of them yet, but it's gotta be The Illusionist Part 2, which is an Oblivion novelization with emphasis on the Dark Brotherhood and Mages Guild, or Beyond the Break, which is just me crying about Mathieu Bellamont.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Treacle which is still hella angst lmao, but Scar-Tail does live happily ever after, and it's all thanks to @atypicalacademic for the inspiration ❤️❤️❤️ I have also vowed to make my Skyrim fic, Slither and Writhe happier 😤 Thus far, it's going... well, it is going.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't, and the few dissenting opinions that I have received I wouldn't consider hate either. They're just opinions. I hesitated to mention this, but since I was LITCHRALLY talking about Lucien Lachance on one of Ray's posts a few minutes ago, in the past I have receive messages detailing how my interpretation of Lucien is distasteful, given he is unabashedly a villain in my story and 1/2 of a toxic relationship (also he's... kind of pathetic lol). It's a darkfic and not for everyone, I'm well aware. Fortunately, many of my very lovely, talented friends and mutuals write great Lucien fics that are different from mine, so at the end of the day we all get what we want :D Variety is the spice of life, and you can pry grossnasty Lucien out of my cold, dead fingies.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write sexual content (idk what counts as smut). Originally, I wrote all the sex scenes as fade-to-black, and while they're not super graphic, while editing a few months ago I thought "you know what, this needs more cunt." So yeah. The sex scenes have become a bit more explicit now than they were in the first iteration.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah, and I don't think I ever will.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and unless people are out there lifting passages of my writing and inserting it into their fics, I'm not going to claim ownership over ideas. We're all playing in the same sandpit, and while the execution is my own, I find it quite difficult to say the stories are totally original or novel because all my writing, from concepts to style, have been influenced in some way by the works of others.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I've tossed around some ideas with @zomboidatomic that may or may not one day bear fruit...
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I've worked them all out of my system at this point, tbh. Romance doesn't really do anything for me on its own without compelling characterizations and intriguing plot. I select by other tags over ship most of the time too. That said I've been driven crazy by some of my friends ships with characters I've never even spoken to before. If it's good it's good, you know. (Though I am currently re-watching Hannibal and I will confess that I am still ill about Hannigram ajkfhalg)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm going to finish them all, dammit!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization, I think, especially when writing people who are awful lmao I've received a lot of compliments when it comes to writing villains and morally grey characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ugh, I am so self-indulgent. Sometime last year I edited The Illusionist part 2 and trimmed out 60k words. It was so BLOATED (probablly still is). I think there were times when the plot got sidelined because I had an idea for a fun scene. Yes, I love writing Lucien and Nim hate-fucking and tearing each other apart in some weird mashup of Tommy Wiseau in The Room and the alien in The Thing. No, I did not need three chapters of this back to back, but I wanted it...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If the plot calls for it, then by all means 👍
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hmm, now that I think of it it may have been a Fallout 3 Harkness fic that I kept in a composition notebook when I was 12. It will never see the light of day, obivo.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
OoOoh, that's tough. Slither and Writhe already feels stronger to me because I'm a more experienced writer, and I actually planned it out, but The Illusionist is my first baby.
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clatoera · 6 months
For the choose violence ask game - 1, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23
oh bestie you did not come to PLAY with this list okay okay okay I dont even know what i'm about to get myself into but okay!
The character everyone gets wrong and why?
I mean..we all know i have really strong opinions on the baby careers from the 74th, but a lot of that is based on extrapolation. So, instead, I'm going to go with my queen Enobaria. Yes. She has her little shark teeth. Yes she is a D2 victor. But she also is the only one left. Enobaria, we can assume, loses all of her friends either in the games or in the war. Of course people like to see her as crazy and blood thirsty, and yes I truly believe she could have won the Quarter Quell. That being said..when we see her in the end of Mockingjay she is the only Career left. period. And when she votes yes to the games it's like..not this over enthused yes because she loves the hunger games..it's let them know how it feels. Let the Capitol know how it feels to train and die and watch the children you mentor die and the friends you've made die and be abused and it's not about the glory of the games. It's about let everyone know how to feels to be the victor, to be the mentor, to be the person who watches someone they knew even briefly die. I love you Enobaria you will always be famous.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I have written 200k words on unpopular characters that people should like more so this one doesn't seem like i'll do much difference in answering but I'm going to go with Glimmer. Glimmer is a teenage girl who is immediately represented as a sex object. That is how she is presented; sexy. She's a teenager, literally no older than 18. Yeah we can hate her for whatever reason we want (which we don't really have a reason to) but I think it's important to recognize why she exists within the story and what I think the bigger point of her is and it's to represent how the capitol views them. She is, to me, very clearly a parallel to Cashmere who we know was a full fledged sex trafficking victim by snow. That is VERY Clearly what he fate would have been. She was a child being sold as a sex object so she could possibly survive, baby girl they could NEVER make me hate you!
18. It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on..
Enobaria, period.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I have absolutely no shame/horror/etc over the fact I like anyone, I quite literally run a blog titled "mother of all careers apologists". We know who I like. We know I like Cato and Clove and Glimmer and Marvel. This is not news. I am not ashamed. It is my entire brand at this point.
22. Your favorite part of canon everyone else ignores?
I actually answered this one yesterday right here, it's the fact Peeta and Katniss come out of the arena with physical impairments and that Peeta is an amputee and that largely influences his story in Catching Fire in the arena!
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to?
Again...I don't really think I came around to anything unwillingly. I run a Clato blog. I wrote Cashbaria into my stories. I consider myself a pioneer of Glimmer/Marvel shipping territory. If anything I think I make other people come around to ships against their will. Welcome to the fun house of career x career shipping that crosses district lines and weasels into everyone's hearts.
Thank you friend!!!
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veryberryjelly · 8 months
yo, I hope you're having a great day so far! I am requesting a twister round from your sleepover thingy if that's alright, but I fully understand if ya don't feel like it. Okay, so the preferred fandom is Percy Jackson (cause Charlie Bushnell as Luke is so hot that it's ILLEGAL)
I'm female, bi, and a damn bookworm. I've been RAISED by Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson, and the Hunger Games. I love literature, and I love music even more. My favorite artist is AURORA, and Hozier is a close second, but I also listen to Metalcore, Folk, and literally everything but country (if we leave out Dolly Parton, she is an icon)
I'm pretty good at singing, and I also play the electric guitar. I also like to write short stories, though mine are full of dark humor lol.
I've been diagnosed with HSP, which means I'm highly sensitive, not only to the rude words of other people (which I sadly have to hear often, I'm kinda trying to survive bullying rn lol) but also to the noises around me. When I'm eating with people, I get the ICK. It sounds like those weird chewing ASMR videos...
Oh, I also do martial arts (Tai Chi, to be specific), and I've been doing that for seven years, so that's cool.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
i ship you with...
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lucy gray baird !!!
playing with the coveys in district 12 -
i just know if anyone was slightly rude to you then lucy would kick their ass.
i picture the two of you laying down at the lake, you writing stories and her just plucking out strings for a song she's writing.
it's all just too soft- i can't.
and the fact that you listen to folk music just makes it, ah! perfect.
she is literally the softest person on the planet and i think you two would just thrive !
ik you asked for pjo but this was too cute, i couldnt.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
clove for the ask game!!!!!!
send me a character and i'll tell you:
my first impression:
so she was kinda just some random villain at first actually lmao, when i was reading the books i wasn't really as compelled by her because she was just some weird knife girl that kept trying to kill katniss
my impression now:
thanks to isabelle fuhrman's incredible acting skills that made her like this sweet but sarcastic vicious person who's a little bit unhinged, i adore her so much! she's my favorite knife girl character and i stand by her no matter what like that's not a villain, that's my favorite mean knife bitch who i love so much
favorite thing about the character:
i feel like i could list so many things. i love how much violence she is in such a small package and how she goes after what she wants with an almost feral single minded determination, as well as the sweetly sarcastic attitude she perfected in her interview with caesar. also her obsession with knifes is fairly cool
least favorite thing about the character:
tbh i honestly don't really fault her for it and was never particularly aggravated by it but i can see how her making fun of the death of a 12 year old child was a little off putting
favorite line/scene:
wanna blow lover boy one last kiss?... now, we're gonna kill you. -- and also her line in the interview about how she was the best at knives and could kill caesar from across the stage, isabelle put so much into that.
favorite interaction that character has with another character (i don't think anyone will be surprised by my choice if they've spent even 5 seconds on my blog):
cato kneels beside clove, spear in hand, begging her to stay with him. in a moment, he will realize it's futile. she can't be saved.
a character that i wish this character would interact with more:
hmm, i know climmer and cloveniss are popular options for female friendships and i would love both those dynamics but i feel like clove would get along very well with d4 girl? and i just want to know d4 female tribute better as well but luckily that's what good fanfiction is for
another character from another fandom that reminds me of this character:
hope mikaelson from legacies, specifically in s4 when she was in her no humanity era
a headcanon about this character:
it might look like she was reaped and just had the training to be prepared for her name being drawn at random but based on the career culture of wanting strong worthy kids to represent them, i think d2 would be a lot more intentional about who they send in and would inform the escorts as well as the tributes in advance of which tribute would go in which year, so clove knew she had been assigned 74th like at least one or two years earlier. there's also a Reaping brawl where anyone pissed off about not being chosen can fight the volunteer to take his or her place and clove had to fight off 3 different girls just to claim her spot.
a song that reminds me of this character:
vicious by bohnes, eat your young by hozier, as well as young god and hurricane both of which were written by halsey
an unpopular opinion about this character:
i think it's widely agreed in the fandom that she's slightly tougher than cato and more willing to strike him down regardless of her emotional attachment to him, so idk that her winning in between them is an unpopular opinion. however i do think there's no way her and cato knew each other beforehand - which might certainly be an unpopular opinion to clato fandom - in the context of being childhood best friends, probably at most training partners, because i firmly believe their bond grew specifically in the games and it was there where they felt connected and began to care about each other a little too much. (i'm not trying to be a bitch i LOVE all of the clato pre-games best friends AUs on ao3 and eat them up, i just think that canonically they didn't have an established relationship especially because the districts must have large populations).
favorite picture:
it's hard to choose but i love this one (ignore cato in the background he doesn't matter as much as my best girl):
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she looks so pretty and dolled up and put on a sweet persona for caesar/sponsors but she's also annoyed and bored in a deadly, beautiful way at the same time!!
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lauren-210 · 8 months
Since when do you like THG/TBOSAS? Tell me your fandom story 😊
Have you read or watched all the books/movies?
Thank you.
Hi! Thanks for the question! Okay, storytime! 😀
As for my own history, I got into the series when I was 16 back in 2012 right around the time the first film was being advertised and about to come out very soon in theaters. I was in 9th grade in high school and I just turned 16 back in February, so it was about a month after my birthday when the first film was coming out. I saw the trailers for the film on TV, noticed in the trailers that it was based off a book, and I was very interested in what the story was about. I was actually under the impression that the series took place in the past like the Great Depression or World War 2 based on how everyone was dressed in District 12 during the Reaping and how poor District 12 was until I saw that there was very futuristic/modern technology and got the gist of the concept behind the Games and seeing The Capitol, so I had to take the historical fiction idea out of my head and learned that it was YA dystopia (which was a genre I hadn't read that much as a teen during that time).
I decided to pick up the whole trilogy and read the first book before going out to see the film in theaters. I got hooked into the book, loved it, and decided to see the film, which I really enjoyed a lot. I continued to repeat the process and read both Catching Fire and Mockingjay afterwards and then saw Catching Fire and both Mockingjay films in theaters on the first day they were released and I've been such a huge fan of the series ever since.
As for Ballad, I was super excited after finding out the news about a new book in the series back in 2019 a month after I had graduated from college and returning home. I remember that day when I was scrolling on my phone on Facebook, I suddenly saw the Scholastic post announcing the "Untitled Panem Novel" with that black cover with the white feather and release date of May 19th, 2020. My entire world spun around and I was just in complete hype mood because I couldn't believe were were getting a fourth book in the series and I was non-stop excited to speculate what it was gonna be about/waiting each day for its release. I also thought it was gonna be special to me because the release date for it was exactly one year after I had graduated from college. Then, after learning it was going to be a prequel set 64 years before the first book and centered on Snow when he was 18, I was very fascinated by that idea and the general synopsis of the plot and I fully trusted Suzanne with this book.
However, I actually ended up not getting towards reading the book until late December 2021 since I was very busy with graduate school in between 2019-2021 (and I was dealing with personal issues during September 2021 with a loss in the family). I ended up loving the book and it stands as my second favorite in the series only behind Catching Fire!
And of course I've read all the books and seen all the films multiple times. I've seen Ballad twice in theaters, which was great and also loved it (also stands as my second favorite film in the series similarly for the books), and thought it was a solid adaptation but just like the other films, I do have my own criticisms for sure and would have wanted other aspects from the book incorporated into the film, but overall, I think it did it justice in bringing the book to life.
......................Plus, Ballad introduced my absolute favorite character of the series: My best friend, my District 2 golden boy, my love: Sejanus Plinth, so Ballad also gets a +1 for me ❤️
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hobbitwrangler · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thank you @scyllas-revenge for tagging me! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 6 so far.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Tolkien fandoms so far.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lol since I only have 6 fics this is basically all of them but from highest to lowest it's Victory in Defeat, A Monster in the Shadows, The Power of Tea (did not expect it to be this popular), At the Death of a Friend and Too Burdened to Fly.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! Not necessarily immediately but I always reply.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I feel like At the Death of a Friend and Too Burdened to Fly are more sad than angsty, so I'll go with A Monster in the Shadows. That fic really put me through my Théoden and Éowyn feels.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm going to say it's a tie between Victory in Defeat and White Blossom, although Victory in Defeat gets to the happiness with less reflection beforehand.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, I have neither the courage nor the conviction.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. Much as the idea of the three main Istari meeting the witches from Discworld fills me with great joy, I do not have the necessary skills to pull it off.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be open to the possibility.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I think I'd need more time to grow confident in writing within Tolkien's universe before I'd consider it - although it sounds like it could be very fun!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Farawyn have had me in a chokehold since forever, as anyone who has been on my blog for more than about five minutes will probably know. However, I must also give credit to Odysseus and Penelope (who are getting revived by me rereading the Odyssey), Kaz and Inej and Cor and Aravis (icons). Also Vimes and Sybil (my parents actually).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Hunger Games fic which I started a few years ago because I needed a way of digging into how horrific the idea of Career Districts really is. The characters from it have a very special place in my heart but I don't think it has enough plot to work properly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue? I tend to start with dialogue and then build the scene around it. I also think I'm fairly good at representing people's emotions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description/scenery. I have to force myself to do it every time and it's usually the last part of the writing process for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could do French and Spanish but that's unfortunately not very useful in Middle Earth. I might be able to sprinkle some Sindarin/Quenya words here and there but whole sentences? No.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lotr actually! I've come full circle.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking a mother to pick her favourite child. I like all of them equally because they've all challenged me in different ways and allowed me to explore different character dynamics, some of which I've loved for ages (Théoden & Éowyn, Éowyn/Faramir) and some of which have only occured to me recently (Saruman & Galadriel, Bilbo & Gilraen). But if pushed I'll go with A Monster in the Shadows for now, since it allowed me to give my take on Théoden and Éowyn's relationship, which I've loved ever since I first watched the lotr movies as a kid.
tagging @imakemywings @glorf1ndel @emyn-arnens @searchingforserendipity25 @brigwife if you haven't done this already!
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littlemarianah · 6 months
What are your favorite everlark fics??
Hi, how are you doing? Thank you for your question, sorry it took me a few days to respond.
I'm new to the fandom and haven't read many fanfics in English yet. But the one I liked the most so far is the fanfic set "The Ashes of District 12"
Mainly the fanfic "The List" is narrated by Peeta. It's just perfect
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fandumb-thoughts · 9 months
2023 Fanfic Breakdown
Name(s): Omegarose
Fandom(s): Star Wars, My Hero Academia (primarily)
Where you post: Ao3
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) This Year: Cloud Gazing - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Coriolanus Snow x Lucy Gray x Sejanus Plinth
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall: everyone gets hugged because i said so - immediately following the Loki season one ending, if Loki, Sylvie, alligator Loki, and kid Loki dumped in front of Thor
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) This Year: technically the same as below, but followed by Companion of the Ancestors - Star Wars time travel fic with the disaster lineage
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall: The CloneNet - The Clone Wars media au
Favorite Story You’ve Written So Far: Into the Endless Sky - (kinda) post Phantom Menace, eventual ObiMaul, Obi-Wan raising Anakin and Maul raising Feral
Fic You Were Nervous to Post: A Spiral Into Orbit - My Hero Academia, humans are space orcs au
How do you choose your titles? Mainly by pulling something thematically appropriate from the fic itself and then struggling to make it more poetic
Do you outline? Not so much this past year
Complete: 31
In-Progress: 19
Coming soon/not yet started: I posted the first chapter of a Hunger Games au where Lucy Gray comes back to District 12 and keeps living there, mostly focusing on the original trilogy time period ('Til The Mockingbird Sings)
Prompts? I love ideas been thrown at me, but with the understanding I will not really be writing them
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I just started working on a couple of My Hero fics that I've been sitting on for a year or two at this point
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petruchio · 9 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
@caesarflickermans tagged me to do this a little while ago and i'm procrastinating doing some actual writing so here goes
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
3-What fandoms do you write for?
hunger games always! and i wrote a few pjo fics last summer
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we’ll fill our mouths with cinnamon
the birds were singing of you
flowers never bend with the rainfall
under the blossom that hangs on the bough
simple song
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! sometimes i get overwhelmed when a comment is too nice and i want to give it a thoughtful answer and then i procrastinate answering because i don't feel like i have the energy to be thoughtful enough to show how honestly genuinely grateful i am that someone left the comment and then it spirals and i just never reply lol. but i try to at least say thank you to most people because it really does mean so much to me when people comment on my work
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i am a happy ending girlie at the end of the day but probably flowers because like, things are not going to get better in that au
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably simple song because it is just pure self indulgent romance. but maybe my post mj fic too because we know what happens next and it is happy
8-Do you get hate on fics?
hate is a strong word but one time i did write that one short post mj fic and people responded by being like "i don't like this" and i was like ... okay haha. oh and one time someone bookmarked my pjo fic and said it could've been better written but the idea was good and i was like meh i'll take it. (i was actually super offended at the time and i was like fully prepared to delete my entire archive over the comment but im over it now lol.)
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
no. i try to kind of fade to black or allude to sex because i do feel like it sometimes has relevancy to the plot but i don't really have an interest in writing it in detail
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ugh my district 4 au. i have it outlined in such excruciating detail and i have so many scenes that i think would be so fun to write but i just cannot get the beginning to gel and i don't think it ever will
16-What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure whether to interpret the question as what i think is good *in my writing* or what my strengths are in my process, so i guess i'll try to do both!! i think style-wise i do a nice job of trying to weave the thematic/symbolic threads in my stories together so that they conclude in a way that makes sense from the outset, and i think i have some nice moments of descriptive writing. as far as process, i think i write relatively strong first drafts which definitely makes the editing process more enjoyable
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
style-wise i think i can write some real clunky dialogue (who among us, lol) and i don't always get my pacing right. i also think i have a tendency to repeat certain words or sentence structures too much and i often will skip over things when i am not interested in them and then not edit enough to notice where the story is dragging vs where i'm skipping things. process-wise, i can be slow to think of an initial concept and then when i do have an idea i sometimes get more invested in the outline and the general plot and then i can get very easily bored if the actual writing isn't fun or it's taking a while to get to the scenes i want to write.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't speak any other language with an appropriate degree of fluency so i wouldn't, but i don't think it would really come up in any of my projects
19-First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson <3 my iconic ff.net era
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
under the blossom that hangs on the bough. it does pretty much everything i set out for it to do and i'm very proud of it. there's a couple lines i would change just because i think i wrote them kind of clunky and awkward but overall i think it's probably my best work.
i'll tag @districtunrest @rosegardeninwinter
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districtscare · 6 months
🍬 — post an opinion about a popular fandom character ;
i honestly think that effie doesn't deserve the hype that she gets. as much as the movies glamorize her role in the war & within the series in general, through and through she is the sole reason why many tributes were sent to their deaths along with relishing in being a part of the hunger games. the movies change her character to be more empathetic and more rebellion-oriented, but i've always thought her to be cold and uncaring, especially within the first book & her remarks about district 12.
❄ — dream theme for a plot/fic & who could write it best ;
i couldn't tell you about who would write it best, but I'd really like to see a fic about the first quarter quell and how it shaped those to come.
🎨 — link to favorite piece of fanart and why ; this art by @/delizbin of haymitch 100%! i just think it encapsulates him & his physical descriptions perfectly, which is something a lot of fanartists tend not to do!
thank you for your ask by the way! ^_^
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heavensbeehall · 8 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 1
Part 1: The Spark
Chapter 1: About six months after the end of the previous book, Katniss sits in the woods outside District 12 and mourns the loss of her old life. She meets Buttercup the Cat at her old house, and then heads to the Hawthornes to drop off game. The reader is introduced to Hazelle. Then Katniss heads to the Hob and talks to some people. She then heads to Haymitch's house in the Victor's Village to wake him. Peeta appears with bread. It's awkward. Then Katniss goes to her house and finds President Snow waiting for her.
-- Gale stuff. Gale won't take money from Katniss and I could understand that if it were just him. But his mother and siblings need money too. I don't hate Gale like much of the fandom does but that kind of shit rubs me the wrong way. I know he liked Katniss but he hadn't said anything to her (I'm not sure she was ready to talk about it) so she didn't do anything wrong. He can be hurt, sure (feel your feelings!), but he's only taking it out on his own family.
-- It took me a long time to realize the neighborhood "the Seam" is named after a coal seam. In my defense, I know nothing about coal.
--This book already feels a bit denser than the previous one. Collins still ends the chapter on a cliffhanger as she often does, but the style is changing slightly. Katniss is becoming a bit more introspective. (Our baby girl is growing up.)
-- Katniss and Peeta are so awkard here. That this has been going on for six months is ridiculous. They need someone to knock their heads together. (Johanna would probably volunteer for this role.)
Greasy Sae, the old woman who serves up soup, started a collection to sponsor Peeta and me during the Games. It was supposed to be just a Hob thing, but a lot of other people heard about it and chipped in. I don't know exactly how much it was, and the price of any gift in the arena was exorbitant.
"I know," says Greasy Sae. "But you got to go through it to get to the end of it. Better not be late."
A light snow starts to fall as I make my way to the Victor's Village
Any "Greasy Sae is Lucy Gray" believers want to chime in here?
A Peacekeeper named Darius comes up and buys a bowl while I'm eating. As law enforcers go, he's one of my favorites. Never really throwing his weight around, usually good for a joke. He's probably in his twenties, but he doesn't seem much older than I do. Something about his smile, his red hair that sticks out every which way, gives him a boyish quality.
Introduction to Darius. He makes Katniss smile in this scene. That makes me sad.
I'm staring into the snakelike eyes of President Snow.
This fucking guy.
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The Hunger Games characters have some unique names based on many cultures we've lived in today.
What's your favourite character names from THG world? What's their names meaning?
Bonus questions :
If you're a fanfic writer writing about characters who lives in Panem, what's their name gonna be?
If you're a reader, what's a name you read in a THG fanfic that stuck with you?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
Hello again @curiousnonny! On the one hand, I love that Suzanne Collins gave so many characters names that are significant to where they are from. In a way, it emphasizes the idea that each of the districts and the Capitol itself have developed their own cultures and traditions. It reinforces how isolated they are. One of my favorite Katniss scenes is when she's stuck in a tree in the first book, the Career pack threatening her from below and she takes the time to judge Glimmer's name -- "Ugh, the names parents in District One give their kids are ridiculous." Or something like that. Meanwhile, her name refers to a plant that is also called a swamp potato. A duck potato. You really gonna judge there, Kat my girl?
Out of the canon names, though, I think Haymitch Abernathy and Delly Cartwright might be two of my favorites mainly because they don't quite fit the nature and/or occupation naming convention that we as fandom has often assign to District 12. Delly could be short for something nature related, but we don't know. Their names leave us digging for deeper meanings, although I've seen some pretty convincing interpretations of Haymitch's name.
As for fandom bestowed names, I'm partial to the idea that Peeta is intended to be some weird futuristic distortion of Pita/Peter so while I can get on board with Rye as a name for his brother, in my fics, I almost always distort it in a similar way by adding an n >> Ryen as a mashup of Rye/Ryan.
I'm also always fascinated by the many different names given to the toastbabies and Everlark's parents since we never get any of their first names. I can't deal with a toastbaby named Rose, unfortunately. Given everything with Snow... nope. Not happening. I can't even bring myself to look past that sin in an AU lol.
Thanks again for the ask!
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chanelslibrary · 10 months
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🌙𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰🌙
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
It’s the 10th annual Hunger Games, and Coriolanus Snow and his class have been chosen to be mentors to the tributes this year. While his classmates are not thrilled, Coryo sees it as an opportunity to outmaneuver everyone so that him and his tribute can win—until he is paired with Lucy Gray Baird from the poor District 12. Now their fates are entwined, and while Coryo is fighting for a chance at a scholarship and notoriety; Lucy Gray is fighting for her life in the Games, and the odds are not in their favor!
This was an absolute 5 star read. When a book makes you pause, take a breath and regroup multiple times because the author has hit you with references to the original trilogy, or sprinkled in hints about why Coryo eventually becomes a villain, you know it is well written book!! I loved diving back into one of my favorite fandoms and President Snow’s villain origin story did not disappoint!! Read this book now, then go see the incredible movie which I am still reliving through the soundtrack ✨🤍
Read if you love:
🏔️: Dystopian
💚: Complicated Relationship
🌹: Villain Origin Story
✨: Prequels
🏹: The Original Hunger Games books
•Mention of cannibalism
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