#disposable wooden knives
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woodencutlery · 2 years ago
Disposable wooden cutlery is much more environmentally friendly than plastic cutlery that does not affect the environment while using it. So, avoid plastic and buy wooden cutlery online like spoons, forks, and knives that are sustainable, compostable and made from Birchwood.
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muffinsin · 1 year ago
So, random thought, but do you think the Dimi girls keep certain possessions from their victims? I keep thinking of Alcina's line, the one about her girls entertaining foreigners.
Especially if their victims were from outside the village with more modern items in their possession, what do you think the sisters would keep? Do they share their collection with each other? Hide them from their mother?
Personally, I think Bela would find the camera feature in smartphones fascinating. Maybe Cassandra would have a whole stash of swiss army knives, and I can see Daniela keeping little trinkets like charms or keychains.
🩵, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anon
Oh my, I have some thoughts on this!👀
Let’s get into it :)
She often searches the bodies before disposing of them. Often enough, nothing valuable to her is found on them. Just rocks and dirt, dried blood and what not
Often, she finds some sort of weapon. Usually knives
And while Bela isn’t interested in those, she always takes them and gifts them to Cassandra, who purrs happily each time her older sister swarms into her room and approaches her after a kill
She knows, a gift is waiting for her! And she purrs eagerly as she receives the weapon with a kiss to her forehead
Sometimes, though, Bela finds somewhat rare treasures on her victims
Her favourite finds are jewellery
She always pockets rings and necklaces and is often seen wearing them, even
Bela’s favourite pieces are a silver ring with a red gemstone embedded in it. Along the side are marks and make the steel look almost snake-like
Now, Bela is painfully used to sharing among her sisters. Whether it’s clothing, her items or her room as a whole, more often than not it feels like nothing is truly only hers
This isn’t any different. But she doesn’t necessarily mind
Asides from the ring, she shares all the jewellery with her sisters
While Cassandra doesn’t know interest, Bela occasionally finds her youngest sister digging through the small, wooden box of her plundered jewellery
Usually, to complete her daily look. Bela is happy to help in exchange for the promise that Daniela will try not to cause havoc for a little while
At other times, she can tell her little sister is trying to play dress up using her dresses and Bela’s jewellery
Then, should time permit it, she helps her choose what she wants and even joins in occasionally
As it comes to their mother- well, she is entirely aware of the trio pickpocketing their prey
She picks up on it, naturally, when she finds a necklace adorning her eldest’s neck one day
At first, she is enraged. Has someone dared make moves on her heiress?! Has someone been wooing her precious daughter without her consent nor knowledge?! Fool! No one could ever be good enough!
She summons Bela to her side immediately, demanding to know where the necklace is from
She ponders already: it looks expensive enough, and Bela seems quite content with it. So perhaps this partner of hers isn’t such a bad choice after all
Only there is no partner
Alcina is relieved and disappointed at the same time upon learning that the fine piece of jewellery was just taken from the body belonging to one of Bela’s prey
She does insist all jewellery is cleaned before it is worn, though
Bela couldn’t agree more
She absolutely searches and loots bodies at every given opportunity
“What? I already killed them! I might as well rob them”, is her motto
And she takes- anything, really
There’s barely a thing that doesn’t take her pick
Cassandra is curious and eager, and always searches her prey’s body after drawing a last breath from it
Her favourite finds include weapons and things from the outside world
Often, she finds primitive weapons on her victims
Sharp stones and sticks, sharp kitchen knives or shards of glass
None of these take her interest really. It does make her giggle, though
Did these foolish things believe such weapons could serve them well? The thought amuses her
Sometimes, however, there are rare treasures found within the pockets of her prey
Cassandra loves going after the hunters because of this, even when Alcina scolds her for it. They nearly always carry some sort of fancy weapon with them!
Often, this is a dagger. She always picks those off them
Once, she has found a bow on them, and beautiful, black arrows in the bag her prey had carried
She was over the moons!
Another thing Cassandra considers a great find, is anything at all related to the outside world
She always races through the halls of the castle, her newest find clutched tightly between her fingers
Upon finding Alcina, she swarms in front of her eagerly, bouncing on her toes and holding up what she has in her hand
“Mama, what is it?”, she asks. She begs. She needs to know!
And Alcina? She always explains the items and answers her middle daughter’s seemingly endless questions
Her most prized possession? A camera, found in the pocket of a traveller that must have gotten lost in the woods
It took her many explanations and a demonstration from Alcina to believe what it is
The first time the flash blinded her, Cassandra automatically shrieked and swarmed in response. Her cheeks burned bright pink as her mother cooed and cupped her warm face in loving hands
She couldn’t help her reaction!
Still, from then on she keeps it in her room, hidden away. She’s only used it four more times
Once, to take a picture of her favorite pet, a maid that insulted her older sister and paid the price bitterly by becoming Cassandra’s plaything. The picture is gruesome, the edges soaked in blood. Cassandra loves it, and has it pinned to her wall
The second time she used her camera is on Bela
She can’t explain why, really
In one moment she admired how the flames of the fireplace seemed to reflect in her sister’s eyes, how their beautiful hue of colours danced and threw the light on Bela’s golden hair
How soft her skin looked, how pristine. A body worthy of a goddess. As an artist, Cassandra knew she had to capture this moment. She was in utter awe
In the next moment, a picture is snapped, starting both sisters
She only apologises quietly when scolding comes, yet can’t help but grin when Bela inspects the picture and her scolding turns to praises
“I’ve never looked better”
The third time, is to snap a picture of her younger sister
Having heard that Bela got a picture, of course Daniela wanted one too. Cassandra granted her one, with the condition that she must share half of her snacks each dinner. She grinned when Daniela, albeit groaning, agreed
And lastly, when she urged her sisters to stand next to her mother
All three stood a little confused, until Cassandra shyly held the camera out
Refusing to have a family picture without her fierce little bug, however, Alcina accidentally made the first ever selfie in the castle by holding the camera up and turning it enough to capture all four of them
The photo lies underneath Cassandra’s pillow. A secret only her family knows of. She loves to glance at it before sleeping
As it comes to sharing what she finds…it depends, really
When she finds rare weapons or things of the outside, Cassandra outright refuses to share them with anybody. She keeps them all hidden away in a secret stash in her room
However, she is more than willing to share any finds that don’t take her pick
She barely checks her prey’s pockets. Not that she doesn’t want to. She just forgets about it, usually
However, she is the most likeliest of the sisters to find something that takes her pick
Daniela is a little bit of a magpie, if one believes the rumours
She loves shiny things. Often, she can’t help but snatch them
From- anywhere, really
Often she sat with a pouty expression as Bela scolded her and took back her rings
Or when Cassandra stood with her hand at her hip and a glare directed at her younger sister when she caught her try to sneak off with her collection of golden daggers again
Upon slaying her prey, Daniela loses interest fairly fast
She isn’t interested in playing with the corpse, and only devours parts if she’s feeling hungry
It’s mostly about the fun of killing, as it comes to her, really
And often her prey is simply left untouched
However, sometimes something catches her eye. Something shiny among the blood
That never fails to make her happy
Daniela loves to collect all kind of shiny things, and keeps them all in a big bowl in her room
Keys and keychains
Gold or copper
Glittery surfaces
Small rocks that seem to sparkle in the sun
She can’t get enough!
Upon finding such a thing, she is incredibly eager to show it to everyone!
Often, Daniela swarms right into Bela’s bedroom with a new shiny item in her hand
“Look! Look at it! Bela!”
She’s giggling and purring in excitement, uncaring of barging in like that
Bela only sends her a smile, her attention having been fixed on a book that now only has a bookmark sticking out
“What is it?”, Daniela often asks. Often, she doesn’t recognise the shiny things she finds when they stem from the outside
She always counts on her eldest sister to know
Or when she swarms into the basement, her arms wrapping around Cassandra eagerly, uncaring of how her sister nearly impaled her with the scalpel held between her fingers
“Guess what I found!”
Cassandra too, pauses her work and snarls at her prey as Daniela presents her newest, shiny item
She hums, and laughs when she plucks the coin from her sister and the redhead gasps in disbelief
“That’s mine! I’m telling Mother!”
Or, when Alcina Dimitrescu finds herself woken up in the middle of the night, the form of her youngest daughter on top of her stomach as she rambles
“…I found four just like it! Isn’t it amazing? Mother? Mother, are you still awake? Oh, good! I also found this- Mother!”
She simply slips her eyes close again in such cases, her arm raising to tackle her energetic youngest and wrap her up in the blankets
Just as the room quietens down, however, and Alcina believes perhaps this time her little fly falls asleep right away, she hears a quiet whisper in the darkness:
“And then I found this thing too, Mama. It tastes odd”
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handweavers · 7 months ago
im so used to eating ramen with chopsticks at this point that i hate eating it with a fork and would rather make chopsticks out of other random objects like im currently using 2 coffee stir sticks as chopsticks with moderate success. it doesn't help that the studio doesn't have actual cutlery just these disposable wooden sporks and knives so my options are like. spork OR coffee stir sticks
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
An MS-13 gang member nicknamed “Little Devil” or “Diablita” has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after she lured a group of men into a Long Island park where they were hacked to death with machetes.
Leniz Escobar, 24, was sentenced by Judge Joseph Bianco on Tuesday for her part in the brutal 2017 murders of Justin Llivicura, 16, Michael Lopez, 20, Jorge Tigre, 18, and Jefferson Villalobos, 18.
On the night of April 11, 2017, Escobar and co-conspirator, Keyli Gomez, drove with the four victims and a fifth man Elmer Alexander Arteaga Ruiz, 22, to a wooded area in Central Islip Park, and texted gang members of their arrival, a federal courthouse heard.
Multiple MS-13 members – Josue Portillo, Freiry Martinez, Alexis Hernandez, Edwin Rodriguez, Sergio Segovia-Pineda, Omar Antonio Villalta, Henry Salmeron, Anderson Sanchez, and others – then attacked the victims with “machetes, knives, an axe, and wooden clubs,” according to testimony at Escobar’s trial.
Ruiz, who survived after managing to run away, testified that the gang members emerged “through a hole in the fence” with their faces covered and circled the victims,The Daily Mail reported.
“They told us get down on our knees. They said, ‘Don’t move. Whoever moves, dies’,” he told the court.
The trial heard how the attack unfolded after Escobar and Gomez found two of the victims had posted photos on social media showing them wearing items and flashing hand signs that suggested they were members of MS-13.
They showed the posts to MS-13 members who confirmed they were not part of the gang and would be killed.
Ruiz testified that his friends had only posted online about MS-13 to impress girls – they “were just high school kids”, he said.
Following the murders, Escobar relished the killings and “licked their blood off her lips”, The New York Post reported a witness testified at her trial.
She bragged to other gang members about her role in the killings and told her boyfriend – who is allegedly a high-ranking member of the Brentwood MS-13 clique – that something had happened to the men, including that one fled and now “knows stuff about me”, prosecutors said.
She then tried to destroy evidence, disposing of one of the victims’ blood-stained sweatshirts, throwing her phone out of a moving vehicle while police followed her, and giving a false alibi for the night of the massacre.
After a four-week trial, Escobar was convicted in April 2022 on charges of predicate acts of murder, conspiracy to murder rival gang members, obstruction of justice, and murder in aid of racketeering.
Following Escobar’s sentencing on Tuesday, Suffolk County Police Acting Commissioner Robert Waring said in a statement: “The senseless and brutal murder of four young people... sent shockwaves across the nation. Leniz Escobar played a significant role in leading four victims to their deaths and will pay the necessary price for her part.”
Over a dozen MS-13 gang members and associates have now been charged in connection with the 2017 murders. Escobar is the fifth to be sentenced.
Gomez previously pleaded guilty to racketeering charges in connection with the murders and testified at Escobar’s trial.
MS-13 was formed by Salvadoran immigrants who came to the US in order to escape the civil war in their home country, according to the Department of Justice. MS-13 is categorized as the most violent criminal gang on Long Island, said prosecutors.
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frostgears · 1 year ago
special blend
sometimes a doll wants tea that is tea.
sometimes a doll wants tea that is laced with subtle poisons meant for humans.
the tiny yellow crystals of 2,4-dinitrophenol add a piquancy that one just does not get from untainted silver needle tea, a fierce inner heat, and a curious languor. perhaps other dolls will find it, hot, Still, and briefly insensible on the chaise longue, and cuddle up for warmth. it will enjoy that.
once the symptoms of the metabolic uncoupler wear off, it will rise — for its witch would not permit it destruction by any hand other than hers — and talk to the house-dolls to learn who sent this thoughtful gift.
it will pack its little going-out bag, with the thistle-cords, and the matching set of aurora-knives, and the heavy 15mm redollver, and it will track down the address, however long it takes, and invite the sender to the witch-house for tea.
the same tea, of course. such a lovely choice! it will be overjoyed to thank them in person and serve them. it will take only a small sip itself, as it is working.
it will watch the would-be assassin's face with interest as it pours the tea down their throat. do they know the effects, the timing? their face may reflect this, contorted in uncertain fear, or certain panic.
and then it will offer them a choice of entertainment with the tea.
either: it can go fetch its witch, who would like to meet them, and make introductions. perhaps she would like another doll.
do they know that dolls do not perish from this sort of thing? it is a fringe benefit of the job, of the change of nature. there are others.
or: or they can cook to death from the inside, bound to a heavy wooden chair, while the doll witnesses with dark glass eyes.
later, before it disposes of the leftovers, it may permit itself another cup of tea.
it likes tea. coffee does not offer the same occasion for ceremony. □
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peakyblindas · 1 year ago
Wrong Place, Wrong time
Someone breaks into Fawn and Matt's home in the dead of night, it does not go well for them.
Fawn jolted awake, she’d heard a window break downstairs, she was certain.
“Did you hear that?” Matt asked in the darkness beside her, turning on the lamp “Sounded like glass..” 
Another smash, then a slam.
“Good Lord..we’re being robbed!”
“Shush!” Fawn smacked his arm “Quiet!” 
She knew this would happen, Tommy had enemies, and thus she had enemies, they wouldn’t dare go after Thomas Shelby himself of course, no, or any of the Shelby’s, but Fawn Dormer, she was easy pickings that sent a message. 
“Go to the children and hide in the library.” 
“Go to the children-”
“I heard you, Fi..But what are you going to do?” He sighed “Call the police I hope.”
“No..Don’t need to involve the coppers.”
“Oh for fucks sake Fawn..”
“Are you going to scold me and let us be murdered in our bed? Or are you going to let me take care of this?”
“If you need help, scream.”
“Will do.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek “Don’t open the door unless you know it's me.”
Fawn was used to the dark, so she easily found her way to the top of the stairs. There was a table with a vase of fake flowers, hidden away in the drawer was a revolver and six bullets. Matt had protested it being placed there, but now it seemed to actually be useful.
The intruders were in the sitting room, whoever they were, they weren’t hired for their brains, they were fumbling about with only one torch between four of them. 
Fawn cleared her throat and clicked the hammer on the gun. 
“Gentlemen, next time use the front door.”
They froze, two were armed with knives, she could see them glistening in the moonlight, the other just had a stick, and one was unarmed, aside from the torch.
“You said the blinder bitch was in London!” One of the men with a knife hissed at the other 
“That's what Gus said!” The man retorted 
“She once bit off a man’s ear…and tore the throat outta another..” The Torch man’s voice was trembling, “I ain’t staying here.”
The men scattered like rats back towards the broken window, apart from the leader, the one who had mentioned Gus, he hesitated, eyes darting around the room, the knife trembling in his hand.
Fawn shot him in the knee, he dropped like a sack of horse shit, the knife sliding across the floor, he screamed and cursed.
Fawn tutted “Now my maids have to clean blood off the floor..”
She walked across the wooden floor, it was cool beneath her bare feet.
“And dispose of a body.”
The man was sobbing, clutching his knee, Fawn approached him and placed a foot on the mangled knee, his blood was warm on her foot.
Another scream, she was thankful the library had thick walls, she wouldn’t want the children or Matt to hear this.
“Who sent you?”
“Fuck you!”
She applied more weight, she felt bones crack.
“That's not a name.” 
“Go to hell you fuckin’ pikey whore!”
“Second chance, third strike and you're out.”
“Fuck you!”
The last insult had less anger behind it, the man was pale and sweaty, really what she was about to do was a mercy.
She clicked her tongue, and raised the revolver.
“This is a mercy really…learning to walk with only one leg is quite difficult..” She aimed the gun perfectly at the man’s forehead “Now, last chance.”
No response, not even an insult. 
She pulled the trigger and brain matter added to the mess of blood, she sighed and stepped off his knee.
“Whoever sent you will have a far worse fate I promise..” She spat on the man’s corpse, blood still oozing from his forehead “Nobody goes after my family, no one.”
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hersterical · 2 years ago
So, Faith Lehane x Rosa Diaz right?
“What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?”
“Beats me, I have three.”
“What’s the deal with all these wooden stakes?”
“I’ll tell you that if you tell me about those ballet slippers I found at your place.”
They share leather jackets. They compare and debate the pros and cons of different knives. The 99 are starting to think Rosa made Faith up so they’ll stop trying to set her up, but Faith’s really busy hunting vampires and is uncomfortable around cops. Their date nights include things like starting bar fights, visiting rage rooms, and motorcycle rides. (And Nora Ephron movies). Faith gets caught disposing of a demon body and someone calls the police on her. This leads to a less than awesome first impression on Rosa’s found family.
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sandwichbagssupplier · 1 year ago
Our Company’s Official Entry into tumblr
This is a major milestone for us at Ecoware Co., Ltd and we are pleased to announce our official entry into Ameba, a leading platform that offers exciting possibilities for connecting with a wider audience . This strategic move marks a new chapter in our digital journey, providing unique opportunities for engagement and growth.
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Anhui Yikewei Company was established in 2003. It is a comprehensive company integrating the production and packaging of raw materials to finished products. It is headquartered in Hefei, Anhui. Since its establishment, we have been committed to the production of various wood products and providing customers with high-quality products and services.
Our company’s factory covers an area of nearly 12,000 square meters, with a daily production capacity of 3 million pieces, leading the industry. We have passed ISO9001 quality system certification, BRC certification, BSCI certification and FSC certification. Our products are widely used in food and other industries, and have won praise and trust from our customers. We focus on customer needs and constantly improve and optimize products or services to meet the needs of different customers.
Our company’s formal participation in tumblr is a strategic step towards embracing the dynamic digital landscape. As we embark on this new journey, we’re excited about the opportunities it provides to connect with a wider audience, share our unique stories, and build lasting relationships within the tumblr community. Stay tuned for exciting updates, valuable insights and engaging content as we navigate this exciting chapter together.
Our company produces a variety of wooden and bamboo tableware, including disposable wooden spoons, disposable wooden tableware sets, disposable wooden boards and boats, disposable wooden chopsticks, disposable wooden forks, disposable wooden knives, disposable wooden ice cream scoops, Disposable wooden ice cream sticks, disposable wooden coffee stirrers,
Compostable bamboo boards, bamboo toothpicks, bamboo sushi noodle mats, bamboo bread tongs, – disposable bamboo skewers, bamboo coffee stirrers, bamboo fruit skewers, – disposable bamboo cutlery sets, – disposable bamboo knives, forks and spoons, —Disposable bamboo straws, —Disposable bamboo chopsticks
Set to cancel advertising profit sharing
If you are interested in our products or want to know more about us, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to cooperating with you to create a better future.
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atplblog · 18 hours ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Naturally crafted to the last inch The plate is crafted from renewable natural cellulose fibers that make it entirely nature-crafted. Thoughtfully designed The plate is designed with three compartments for the proper allocation of different food items. Safe for foods With no use of plastics and other elements, this plate is safe for consuming your favorite delicacy. Hriday Foods is an emerging brand in India that deals in disposable & reusable packaging containers. The Product range includes Containers with air-tight lids, Areca Plates, Corn Plates, Sugarcane Bagasse Plates, Wooden Spoons, Forks, Knives, Paper Cups & Glasses, and Meal Trays having multiple compartments. In a nutshell, it offers an ultimate range of disposable food packaging containers and serving utensils. The brand believes in “Serving Dil Se…” and is confident that its customers would also relate to the same. Sturdy and Durable Build: Crafted from high-quality sugarcane bagasse material, these plates exhibit remarkable sturdiness and durability, capable of holding heavier meals without bending or collapsing. Three-Partition Design: Innovative three-partition design allows easy separation of different food types, making them ideal for picnics, barbecues, and outdoor events where diverse meals are served. Microwave and Freezer Safe: These plates are microwave and freezer safe, providing convenience for reheating and storing leftovers, making them a practical choice for busy households and catering events. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Made from biodegradable and compostable materials, these plates offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional disposable plates, contributing to a greener planet. Safe for Hot and Acidic Foods: Unlike paper or thermocol plates, these sugarcane bagasse plates do not react with hot or acidic foods, ensuring the freshness of meals without imparting any unwanted flavors or odors. [ad_2]
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unitech6 · 1 month ago
Wooden Knife Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
Wooden Knife Manufacturer in Ahmedabad – Unitech Wooden Cutlery
Unitech Wooden Cutlery, located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is a leading wooden knife manufacturer in India, offering high-quality wooden knives at the most competitive prices. Known for their eco-friendly nature, durability, and affordability, our wooden knives are the perfect choice for both home use and professional settings. Whether you're looking for an alternative to plastic knives or need durable cutlery for your kitchen, our products are designed to meet your needs while contributing to a sustainable environment.
Premium Quality Wooden Knives for All Purposes
At Unitech Wooden Cutlery, we take pride in offering the best wooden knives available in the market. Our knives are made from premium quality, biodegradable wood, ensuring they are strong, smooth, and splinter-free. We focus on both functionality and aesthetics, offering a natural, rustic appeal that is perfect for a wide range of uses, including cutting fruits, vegetables, and other food items. These wooden knives are ideal for home kitchens, eco-conscious restaurants, and catering services.
Why Choose Unitech Wooden Cutlery for Wooden Knives?
Eco-Friendly Products: Our wooden knives are made from 100% biodegradable wood, providing an eco-friendly alternative to plastic cutlery. By choosing our products, you contribute to reducing plastic waste and supporting sustainability.
Durability: Despite being lightweight and disposable, our knives are durable and sturdy enough to handle various food items without breaking or splintering.
Affordable Pricing: We offer wooden knives at the lowest price without compromising on quality, ensuring they are an affordable option for both individuals and businesses.
Perfect for Home Use: Our knives are ideal for home kitchens, providing a safe and sustainable alternative to plastic. They can be used for daily food preparation or serving.
Bulk Orders and Customization: As a leading wooden knife manufacturer in Ahmedabad, we cater to bulk orders and offer customization options for businesses, restaurants, and events.
Wooden Knife Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
Unitech Wooden Cutlery is a trusted name among wooden knife manufacturers in Ahmedabad, known for its commitment to quality and sustainability. With our advanced manufacturing processes and state-of-the-art facilities, we ensure that every product meets the highest standards of quality and safety. Our strategic location in Ahmedabad allows us to serve clients across India, providing quick deliveries and exceptional customer service.
Sustainable Alternatives for a Greener Future
Choosing our wooden knives means opting for a sustainable and responsible alternative to plastic. By supporting eco-friendly products, you help reduce plastic pollution while enjoying the benefits of functional and aesthetically pleasing cutlery.
Order Your Wooden Knives Today!
Get in touch with Unitech Wooden Cutlery today to order the best wooden knives at the lowest price. We offer bulk pricing, customization, and timely delivery to cater to your needs. Let’s make sustainability a part of your everyday life with our eco-friendly wooden knives.
For More Information
20, Raghukul Industrial Estate, Aadarsh Estate -2, Odhav, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382415
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fruityfoods · 2 months ago
A rant about kitchen utensils.
I’ve got nearly a decade of professional kitchen experience and I’ll tell you this now, don’t bother with a “fancy” knife for every occasion. Get yourself one decent knife appropriately sized for your comfort and a paring knife that’s all you need trust me. If for whatever reason you really need a specialty knife get a kiwi brand one, cheap as cheap can be but the factory edge on them are great.
If I go to your house and see you brought one of those knife blocks with the set with like 10 different knives I’m going to shake you by the shoulders there are zero on the market that you need. I use a chefs club mini I got back in culinary school and a vic ox paring knife I accidentally yoinked from a cafe I used to work at. All the other knives I’ve brought I only ever use when I’m too lazy to wash dishes.
Using the unglazed rim of a mug is fine you don’t need to buy a steeldick and launch the “three in one” knife sharpener out of your nearest window it’s a scam and will chew your blade up severely.
If you have small hands look for chefs knives that are less than 20cm, if you have hot sweaty hands look for a rubber grip. And unless you can commit to it don’t go for a wooden handle. About once every 1-3 months depending on frequency look at the wear and tear of all your utensils and learn how to maintain them. A good pair of kitchen shears will have a nut that is easy to remove when washing and a short point blade.
Some people dismiss it as an old wives tale but I swear by it, do NOT let your knives come into contact with metal especially other knives. It’ll dull the blade even in storage.
If you can learn how to peel with a knife, vegetable peelers are great for reducing waste but learning to peel with a knife will increase your bond and confidence handling a knife reducing risks and mess ups in the kitchen. And long peel ribbons are much easier to dispose of.
If I come to your house and see a glass cutting board I’m going to fnaf jump at you they are a total waste of money. Wood is the best hands down, if you’re nervous about bacteria hot soapy water and oiling your board when it starts to feel dry is more than enough. Bacteria is alive so if you dry your cutting board against a window sill it’ll have nothing to feed on and die.
If you soak dishes don’t soak knives because (a) it’s a hazard and (b) it will dull the blade. Also don’t soak anything porous or made of wood.
The two types of plate you are looking for are Oxford rim or coupe. I prefer going with a neutral or warm white high gloss at home. Feels elevated but still homely, also love a plate that is also a bowl. I prefer non textured plates with no designs on them as they are easier to clean and look less busy drawing the focus to what’s actually made. They’re also super cheap. What size dinner service ware should you get? Unless you’re planning on hosting regularly get your household size plus two.
I’ve been a sucker for a one task utensil and I’ve appreciated a one task utensil, if you see it frequently at second hand stores it’s for a reason. Consider the difficulty of cleaning, bulkiness and whether it’s actually worth having compared to using what you’ve already got. That being said ginger graters are worth it.
Pets keep jumping on the counter? Get motion sensor lights for your back splashes, it’ll startle them and make them think that you know they’re doing something naughty, also super helpful when you need to crawl to the fridge for a late night snack but don’t want the looming judgemental glare of overhead lighting.
Please clean the grease filter of your exhaust fan PLEASE CLEAN THE FILTER OF YOUR EXHAUST FAN.
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apollogrip · 3 months ago
Eco-Friendly Party Essentials and Gifts in Auckland
Creating the perfect gift or planning the best memorable event needs consideration that can portray style along with sustainability. In Auckland, it has a large amount of eco-friendly products where functionality comes together with responsible environmental measures. From sugarcane plates to wooden cutlery sets and wholesale keyrings and even Christmas gift ideas, there is a large variety available in Auckland that would fulfill all of your requirements.
Sugarcane Plates in Auckland: A Great Alternative
To anyone who desires to reduce the footprint in the environment, sugarcane plates in Auckland  are one of the good alternatives for conventional disposable tableware. The biodegradable plates are made of bagasse, which is the fiber left behind during the squeezing of juice from the sugarcane. It is ideal for parties, picnics, and corporate events held in Auckland because it can withstand very hot or cold foods, and it's heat-resistant, too.
Many local suppliers stock sugarcane plates in various sizes- perfect for different meal portions. You can use them even for finger foods or fully-course meals. These plastic-free, eco-friendly plates carry no guilt and are perfect even for events that have a lot of themes, from rusty to modern chic.
Wooden Cutlery Sets in Auckland Style with an Eco-Friendly Twist
The best of its kind in sustainability would go with the pairing of wooden cutlery and the use of sugarcane plates. Sugarcane plates are eco-friendly. Cutlery is a combination made out of renewable resources; however, it is biodegradable. So, one usually incorporates it in any environmentally-conscious function or event. This generally encompasses fork and knives together with spoons and could quite likely be able to tackle just about anything that gets plated.
You can get wooden cutlery sets in Auckland either on retail or wholesale platforms. Some suppliers can customize the orders to allow you to come up with a personal detail of your event. Whether is it a wedding, a corporate function, or a casual setting, wooden cutlery sets will come in handy providing you with a practical style.
Wholesale Keyrings in Auckland, NZ-Practical and Customisable
For business purposes or events, wholesale keyrings in Auckland NZ can be the most affordable and flexible promotional and giveaway products. Auckland provides an opportunity to source these products in a variety of materials: metal, plastic, or eco-friendly options such as bamboo. Suppliers usually offer custom designs to include logos, names, or designs on them, thus creating unique keepsakes.
Keyrings are always good souvenirs and will make great gifts for your guests, clients, or employees. They are practical, light in weight, and can be printed according to the theme you are using for your occasion or brand. Buying in quantity can save you money with sufficient items to give out.
Christmas Gifts in Auckland: Ideas and Tips
Getting just the right Christmas gifts takes center stage during the holidays, and Auckland is full of options: local crafts, unique artisanal goods, even all-natural gift sets made out of recycled and eco-friendly elements. Think personal touches-the perfect ornaments, handmade candles, gourmet hampers.
Eco-friendly gifts are more popular, such as reusable kitchenware, sustainable accessories in fashion, and plant-based beauty products. Supporting local businesses is a good idea to get unique gift options while simultaneously helping the community's economy.
In a nutshell, Auckland offers ample choices of sustainable and conscious events and gifting options. By opting for eco-friendly products such as sugarcane plates, wooden cutlery sets, and keyrings customizable with your designs, you can make your celebration stylish and responsible. You can ensure that your Christmas celebrations are meaningful to both you and the people you care about by opting for local and sustainable gift options.
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palmleaftableware · 4 months ago
Go Green with Biodegradable Tableware: Compostable Palm Leaf Plates, Wooden Cutlery, and More for Wholesale
In a world increasingly concerned about environmental sustainability, many individuals and businesses are actively seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the most impactful ways to contribute to environmental preservation is by opting for eco-friendly products, especially when it comes to disposable tableware. Traditional single-use plastics, although convenient, contribute heavily to waste and pollution. At Palm Leaf Tableware, we provide an eco-conscious alternative with our biodegradable, compostable palm leaf plates, wooden cutlery, and other sustainable tableware options.
Whether you’re a business owner, caterer, event planner, or just looking for a greener option for your home gatherings, wholesale biodegradable tableware is an ideal choice that merges convenience with environmental responsibility.
Why Choose Biodegradable Tableware?
Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic: Unlike plastic, biodegradable tableware breaks down naturally without leaving harmful residues. Made from renewable resources, such as fallen palm leaves and responsibly sourced wood, these products are designed to decompose within months in composting conditions. This makes them a superb eco-friendly alternative to traditional disposables.
Minimal Carbon Footprint: At Palm Leaf Tableware, we prioritize sustainable production. Our palm leaf plates are made from naturally shed leaves, which means no trees are cut down to produce them. This low-impact production process helps reduce carbon emissions, supporting a more sustainable future.
Elegantly Rustic Aesthetic: Palm leaf plates and wooden cutlery have a unique look that adds an elegant yet rustic touch to any event. With a natural grain pattern and sturdy feel, palm leaf tableware provides an upscale dining experience while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.
Our Product Range
At Palm Leaf Tableware, we pride ourselves on offering a variety of sustainable tableware options in bulk, designed to meet the needs of any event, from casual gatherings to formal occasions. Our product line includes:
1. Compostable Palm Leaf Plates
Variety of Shapes and Sizes: Our palm leaf plates come in various shapes, including round, square, and oval, with sizes ranging from appetizer-friendly minis to large dinner plates. This variety allows for versatile table settings and ensures you have the right size for each dish.
Durable and Sturdy: Made from high-quality fallen palm leaves, our plates are naturally strong and resistant to leaks, making them ideal for both hot and cold foods. They’re even microwave-safe, so they work well with warm dishes.
2. Wooden Cutlery
Responsibly Sourced: Our wooden cutlery is crafted from sustainably harvested wood, ensuring minimal impact on forests. Each piece is smooth, sturdy, and has a pleasing, natural finish.
Stylish and Functional: Unlike flimsy plastic utensils, our wooden cutlery combines strength and aesthetics. Available in various options, including forks, spoons, knives, and sporks, this cutlery pairs seamlessly with any table setting.
3. Biodegradable Cups and Bowls
Heat and Leak Resistant: Perfect for holding liquids, our biodegradable cups and bowls are durable and functional, while staying true to eco-friendly principles.
Perfect for Beverages and Soups: Whether you’re serving cold drinks or hot soup, our cups and bowls are designed to handle various temperatures without compromising on sustainability.
4. Compostable Serving Trays and Accessories
Great for Large Events: Our palm leaf serving trays are large enough to accommodate group servings, making them perfect for catering events or buffets.
Eco-Friendly Serving Options: We also offer biodegradable serving accessories like eco-friendly toothpicks and skewers, ideal for appetizers or cocktail garnishes.
Benefits of Wholesale Biodegradable Tableware
Cost-Efficiency: By purchasing in bulk, businesses and event organizers can save significantly on costs while maintaining high-quality, eco-friendly tableware.
Environmental Impact: Bulk purchases of biodegradable tableware help reduce the frequency of single-use plastic in landfills and oceans, making a positive impact on the environment.
Customization: For businesses that want to make a statement, we offer customization options for wholesale orders. This includes branding or personalized packaging options, which not only make your business memorable but also underscore your commitment to sustainability.
Making the Switch to Biodegradable Tableware
Switching to compostable, biodegradable tableware might seem like a small change, but it can have a lasting impact on the environment. Using products like palm leaf plates and wooden cutlery reduces the reliance on petroleum-based plastic products, which often end up in landfills or the ocean. Biodegradable products, on the other hand, decompose naturally without leaving harmful residues, supporting cleaner ecosystems and a greener planet.
When you purchase from Palm Leaf Tableware, you’re choosing products that are ethically produced, sustainable, and made with care for the environment. Our products provide the same level of convenience as traditional disposables but with the added benefit of being planet-friendly.
Q1: How long do palm leaf plates take to decompose? A: Palm leaf plates typically decompose within 3 to 6 months under composting conditions. They’re 100% biodegradable and compostable, making them an eco-friendly choice.
Q2: Are palm leaf plates safe to use with hot foods? A: Yes! Palm leaf plates are heat-resistant and can handle both hot and cold foods without warping or leaking. They’re also microwave-safe.
Q3: Can wooden cutlery be reused? A: While our wooden cutlery is designed as single-use, it’s durable enough to withstand light washing. However, repeated use may cause wear, so it’s best used as a disposable option.
Q4: Are there any chemicals used in the production of palm leaf plates? A: No chemicals, dyes, or waxes are used in making our palm leaf plates. They are naturally processed, ensuring they are food-safe and eco-friendly.
Q5: What’s the benefit of buying wholesale biodegradable tableware? A: Buying wholesale not only provides cost savings but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with individual packaging and shipments. It’s a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to adopt sustainable practices.
Q6: Are the products suitable for composting at home? A: Yes, our palm leaf plates and wooden cutlery can be composted at home, although they may decompose more quickly in a commercial composting facility.
Q7: Do palm leaf plates have a natural scent? A: Palm leaf plates have a subtle natural scent that fades with use. It doesn’t affect the flavor of the food and adds to the overall organic experience.
Q8: Is it safe to serve children using wooden cutlery? A: Yes, our wooden cutlery is smooth and splinter-free, making it safe for all ages. It’s sturdy and functional, perfect for any type of food.
In today’s eco-conscious world, taking steps to reduce waste can make a significant impact. By choosing biodegradable tableware, you’re not only providing high-quality dining solutions but also contributing to a healthier planet. Join us in making the switch and explore our wholesale options for palm leaf plates, wooden cutlery, and more at Palm Leaf Tableware. Together, we can pave the way for a sustainable future.
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warriorstranded · 4 months ago
@suavaciito location: 7th floor; new workout/training area
after  two  months  of  the  same  old,  same  old  routine  -  suddenly  finding  a  new  floor  to  be  at  their  disposal  &  part  of  their  little  world  was  ...  something  he  had  to  get  used  to.  elijah  was  not  a  fan  of  change,  but  with  life  having  gone  down  the  drain,  he  didn't  have  much  choice  but  to  adapt,  right?  he  tried.  for  himself.  but  mostly  for  everybody  else.  not  that  he  didn't  trust  the  majority  of  them  to  do  just  fine  without  him,  but  everybody  -  no  matter  who  they  were  ...  were  safer  in  groups.
the  raiders  knew  that.  they'd  seen  what  the  end  of  the  world  did  to  ...everything.  what  it  did  to  humanity.  morale  got  buried,  the  social  construct  that  kept  people  in  line  for  the  longest  time…  no  more.  so  if  anybody  knew  that  what  they  had  here  was  precious  &  important,  it  was  the  raiders.  it  was  in  their  best  interest  to  keep  it  as  was.  adding  a  new  floor  to  what  they  called  home  was  exciting.
the  choice  of  what  they  would  use  it  for  wasn't  his,  but  he  embraced  the  group's  decision.  they  could  only  use  rubber  bullets  for  shooting  practice  as  they  were  more  quiet,  they  had  wooden  knives  to  practice  with  &  wooden  targets  set  up  in  a  little  obstacle  course  to  improve  aim.  fuck,  he  didn't  know  how  it  all  worked,  he  just  enjoyed  the  chance  to  stay  sharp.  others  did,  too,  he  thought.  if  the  run  on  the  7th  floor  was  any  hint  to  go  by.  elijah  himself  was  .....well,  handicapped...  one  could  say  -  his  arm  still  in  a  sling  even  though  he'd  like  to  pretend  he  was  fine.
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but  that  didn't  stop  him  from  coming  up  here,  if  only  to  look  at  what  may  once  help  sustain  life  in  this  place while sipping something that resembled coffee.  a  garden.  "what're  you  up  here  for?  guns  or  plants?"
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homeimprovementway · 1 year ago
How to Cut Wood Without a Saw: 5 Clever Hacks
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To cut wood without a saw, use tools like knives, chisels, axes, planes, or drills. Hand tools can create clean cuts by applying proper techniques and force. Cutting wood without a traditional saw requires innovation and the use of alternative tools. A sharp knife, for instance, can be effective for whittling or carving small pieces of wood. Chisels are ideal for detailed work and creating joints, while axes can handle larger logs through chopping. Hand planes smooth and level wooden surfaces, and with a little skill, can also be used to remove small sections. Power drills with special bits can bore holes, and by moving the drill in a circular motion, widen the opening to separate pieces of wood. This introductory guide will outline methods for severing wood without relying on a saw, ensuring DIY enthusiasts and craftsmen can proceed with their projects using the tools at their disposal. Remember to prioritize safety and choose the appropriate method based on the wood's size and desired outcome.
Wood Cutting Challenges Without A Saw
Cutting wood without a traditional saw can present a unique set of challenges that require creativity and patience. The absence of a saw means finding alternative methods to slice through wood, which can often lead to rougher edges, increased physical effort, or slower work. Despite the difficulties, innovative techniques and tools can empower you to make precise cuts, split wood, or even carve fine details without a saw. Exploring these methods not only heightens your woodworking skill set but also prepares you for situations where you might not have a saw on hand.
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Splitting Wood With A Wedge And Hammer - Place the edge of your wedge along the wood grain at the point where you want to split your wood. - Use a hammer to drive the wedge firmly into the wood, following the natural grain. - Continue hammering until the wood splits along the line of the wedge, ensuring your hands are safely out of the way. Using this method can split wood effectively, although it's essential to consider grain patterns and potential knots that could alter the split. Friction Sawing With A Paracord - Wrap a length of paracord around the wood, gripping each end firmly with your hands. - Alternate pulling each end swiftly, causing the cord to rub back and forth against the wood. - Continue the rapid motion until the generated heat and friction begin to saw through the wood. While not suitable for all types of woods or cuts, this method is handy for softer woods or in survival situations. Using A Chisel And Mallet For Precision Cuts - Mark the wood where the cut is required, ensuring clear and accurate lines. - Position the sharp end of the chisel along the line, with the bevel facing the waste wood. - Strike the head of the chisel with a mallet, driving the blade through the wood. Repeat the process, working progressively deeper into the wood until you achieve the cut depth desired. Creating A Guide For Straight Cuts - Find a straight piece of wood or metal to use as your guide. - Clamp the guide onto your wood, aligned with the line where you wish to cut. - Use your chosen cutting tool, keeping it pressed firmly against the guide as you work. This method greatly increases the accuracy of your cuts and ensures they remain straight throughout the process. Utilizing A Hacksaw Blade For Fine Detail Cuts - Holding the blade with a pair of gloves or a cloth to protect your hands, position the teeth against the mark where you wish to cut. - Apply steady pressure and move the blade back and forth to begin cutting into the wood. - Continue with consistent strokes, maintaining pressure to ensure the blade does not slip or deviate from the intended line. This method may require patience and a steady hand, but it can achieve very fine and detailed cuts without needing an entire hacksaw. Whether you're splitting logs, carving precise details, or crafting a DIY project, learning to cut wood without a saw is a valuable skill. With these methods and a bit of ingenuity, you can tackle a variety of wood cutting challenges successfully.
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Frequently Asked Questions On How To Cut Wood Without Saw
Can You Cut Wood Without A Saw? Yes, you can cut wood without a saw using various tools such as knives, axes, chisels, or even by employing methods like scoring and snapping for thinner wood. What Tools Can Substitute A Saw For Woodcutting? Tools that can serve as alternatives to a saw for cutting wood include sharp knives, hand axes, chisels, drills for starting splits, and planes for thin shavings. How To Shape Wood Without Sawing? Shaping wood without sawing can be done by carving with a chisel, using a plane for creating smooth surfaces, and sanding to achieve the desired contour and detail. Is It Possible To Split Wood Along The Grain Without A Saw? Yes, wood can be split along the grain without a saw by using a technique called riving, where the wood is split using wedges, a froe, or even by hand.
Mastering the art of cutting wood without a saw is all about creativity and technique. From using sharp knives to leveraging the power of chisels, the methods described offer practical solutions for any DIY enthusiast. Remember, safety is paramount, so always proceed with caution and proper protective gear. Embrace these alternatives and let your woodworking projects flourish, even when a saw isn't within reach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le1azjkxy9Q Read the full article
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ekofinds · 1 year ago
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