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Ships in the rewrite that I’ll use ✨
Fluttershy - Discord (obviously lmao)
Twilight Sparkle - Sunset Shimmer
Rarity - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow Dash - Vapor Trail (I'm debating about this one but the more I think about it the more I like it)
Minor ships in the background will probably include
Chrysalis - Mantis (they'll be much more strained than in DOD/SILOD due to their complicated history with each other)
Flash Sentry - Sunburst (minor but I might have their child be an attendant to Lily Sterling, and I adore the headcanon of Sunburst being the younger brother of Sunset Shimmer)
Soarin - Braeburn (a classic ship that will be very minor and probably only be mentioned a few times by the twins who will probably still be biologically RD and Soarin's; in this rewrite, they'll have mutually broken up not long after the events of BOD)
Bonus! How I might structure Screwy's friends in this rewrite
Apple Blossom as I mentioned in my previous post will be redesigned into Bloomin' Apples and will be the daughter of Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh. She is now a unicorn and isn't on the best of terms with Screwball, and they consider each other to be nuisances (Screwy can't stand Bloomin''s unpleasant and stuck-up attitude while Bloomin' just finds Screwball to be annoying to be around and has a habit of giving them backhanded compliments whenever they see each other); ironically she gets along quite well with Mothball after they first meet and regularly hang out. She and Thunder had an on and off again relationship before she broke it off for good, and things are currently very awkward between them; it doesn't help that their parents are extremely close to each other.
Thunder Dash and Lightning Dash's names have been tweaked to now be Thunder Blast and Lightning Blitz, and as mentioned earlier they'll still be RD and Soarin's kids but their parents haven't been together since they were still infants. Yes, this means Prism won't exist but I honestly didn't care much for her lmao. Lightning is the no-nonsense straight man to Thunder's lovable himbo (Joey Tribbiani is my best comparison for him) and they care very deeply about each other despite their petty spats. Lightning is still very close to Screwball and loves them like a sibling while Thunder won't be as close to Screwy like in the OG but still considers them a close friend.
Cinnamon Stick and Cinnamon Roll will still exist since I adore them but I'll be tweaking Cinnamon Roll's name into Cinnamon Bun just for funsies. Now personally, don't ask why this is just what I thought of while rethinking their characters, I love to portray them as being Hispanic/Latino-based (if I had to be specific I'd say Central American, maybe Nicaraguan or Guatemalan); I've even named their late birth mother Dulce D'Leche. They both have much more noticeable mental scars from their childhood, in case you don't remember their bio mother passed away after the family bakery caught fire and their bio dad abruptly left without explanation (boy will I have a fun time explaining DF's hidden explanation for this in my next post), Cinnamon Bun tries her best to hide it but has times where she can't help but grieve for her mother that she never got to know since she was just a baby, and Cinnamon Stick will be very quiet and reserved with a knack for being sarcastic/rude for no apparent reason whenever he's uncomfortable around others; he's extremely sensitive when it comes to the topic of his birth parents, and Screwy's the only one who's witnessed his tears for his beloved mother and his rage towards his coward of a father for leaving them. Cinnamon Stick will be Screwball's closest friend right after Lily Sterling and I imagine Screwy has a soft spot for Cinnamon Bun and treats her like a baby sister whenever she visits.
Mothball now has a long pretentious name because that's my favorite thing to do: The Crown Prince of the Changeling Empire, Io "Mothball" Insecta von Roachanov III; Mothball is a nickname from childhood that just stuck, it's changeling slang for a "rambunctious/temperamental grub (infant)". He will have extremely low self-esteem as a side effect of his mother's treatment and the isolation he faced growing up, and he'll have the habit of questioning compliments like "... you really think that?/I don't know about that" and tends to doubt his own intelligence. I mentioned in my first post that the changelings are an extremely conservative matriarchy, and this has its effects on him when it comes to social interactions and how he believes he must hold himself as a male of his species. Luckily for him, Screwball is all for breaking rules and social norms and helps him come out of his shell not long after they first meet (they'll be young adults when they officially meet in this rewrite and have had past romantic relationships/immature crushes). His infatuation with Screwball develops fast and I like to use the phrase: He fell first but they (screwy) fell harder. They absolutely adore the hell out of each other once they get their issues sorted out and will drop almost anything if the other needed them.
BTW I might also try and portray Mothball as being on the autism spectrum, something that he himself won't find out until adulthood since I can imagine Chrysalis (with her ancient and overtly conservative ass) doesn't really believe in it being a real thing her own son could have.
Oh and Dinky has been Thanos snapped out of existence because I found her character to be very underwhelming lmao and her role will be replaced by my redesign for Princess Flutterby Lily, Princess Sterling Lily. Sterling will have a lot of history with both Screwball AND Mothball; her role in my rewrite will be based very loosely on the role of Rosaline from Romeo and Juliet, and if I had to describe her personality it would be Angelica Schuyler/Isabela Madrigal. She holds herself to an extremely high standard and is considered by many to be far too selfless, just like her mother, and doesn't quite know what she wants to do with her life outside of being the crown princess of the crystal empire.
#mlp#screwball mlp#daughter of discord#son in law of discord#disneyfanatic2364#bride of discord#mane six#mlp next gen#fluttercord
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Daughter of Discord belongs to @disneyfanatic2364
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Help me… I keep on rewatching episode 5…
DOD by: @disneyfanatic2364

#it’s so romantic#I want that#i want what they have#mlp#mlp alternate universe#mlp fim#my little pony alternate universe#my little pony friendship is magic#my little pony#my litte pony friendship is magic#Screwball#Mothball#daughter of discord
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Bride Of Discord (Reimagined) - Chapter Two: The Gala
Hello again! This is the second chapter in my reimagining of the Bride Of Discord fanfic by DisneyFanatic2364! At this point in the story, my primary goals were to tone down how scared Fluttershy is of Discord, as well as change the Applejack and Spike romance from the original series. In my version of the story, Applejack is going to have a crush on Rainbow Dash instead, so don't be caught off guard as that element starts to be introduced as the story goes on.
Three years had passed since Discord's disappearance, and the time had once again come for the Grand Galloping Gala. This year, Celestia had given Twilight the honor of being the primary party planner, a duty the newly minted alicorn took very seriously. Enlisting the help of her friends, Twilight had the preparations well underway, with each of her companions taking on a different aspect of the event planning.
Rarity was in charge of sewing fabulous dresses for each of her friends, as well as Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, a task the unicorn was overjoyed with. The moment she was offered the job, Rarity had jumped on it without a second thought, going into an excited ramble about all of the different details she planned on incorporating into their individual looks as she rushed off to begin buying all the necessary materials.
Rainbow Dash would be flying with the Wonderbolts as part of the entertainment, so she wasn't assigned any particular task, but the Element of Loyalty made a point of helping each of her friends wherever possible between practices, be it dropping off deliveries or bringing various supplies.
Pinkie Pie was in charge of the decorations, of course, and the pink earth pony was going all out, blowing up hundreds of balloons and stringing streamers from every surface she could reach. She had even attempted to wheel in a party canon or two, though Twilight had quickly vetoed the idea, stating they would be a little TOO messy.
Applejack, naturally, was tasked with creating numerous delicious desserts to be served throughout the evening. It was a big task, baking for so many ponies, but Applebloom and Big Mac had been quick to step up and help their sister get everything in order, and soon Applejack was presenting Twilight with a number of sample deserts to try and give feedback on.
And finally, there was Fluttershy, who had graciously offered to bring her songbirds to sing along with the musicians. Day after day, she spent hours in the garden with them, training them to the best of her ability as she sang along with them, voice harmonizing with their melodious chirps. All in all, the event was shaping up to be a night that no one would forget.
When the group were suddenly invited to Canterlot Castle for a lunch meeting with the princesses one afternoon, none of them batted an eye. After all, if it were serious business, it would hardly be discussed over lunch, would it? No, the six mares just figured the princesses wanted to go over what they had come up with for the gala, maybe give them a few friendship missions to accomplish, and that would be that. To their surprise, however, they were not greeted by Celestia or Luna upon their arrival. Instead, the smiling face of Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, greeted them at the gates.
"Hello girls!" The stallion greeted, smile widening as Twilight rushed in to give him a hug.
"Shining Armor! What are you doing here? I thought you and Cadence were busy trying to manage the upcoming Crystal Empire solstice celebration?" Twilight asked, clearly pleased with her brother's unexpected visit, albeit a bit confused.
"I'll explain in a minute. Come on in, Cadence is waiting for us." Shining replied, quickly ushering the six inside. He was almost shaking with excitement, something that did not go unnoticed by the others. As they were guided into the dining hall, Cadence stood up from her seat, smiling kindly at the group.
"Twilight! It's so good to see you again! And your friends, of course!" The pink alicorn said, pulling Twilight into a warm embrace. "Please, take your seats! We have so much to talk about." They all did as instructed, sitting down as trays of small cucumber sandwiches and fresh berries, along with large pitchers of lemonade, were brought out by the serving staff.
Applejack sighed with relief. "Thank goodness, I'm starved!"
Pinkie Pie was practically vibrating in her seat. "Ooh, I LOVE having lunch with the princesses!" The earth pony squealed with delight.
"You love having lunch with anypony, darling." Rarity chuckled.
As the group began to eat, Twilight looked around, eyes landing on Celestia and Luna's empty chairs. "So...is it just going to be us today?" She asked, looking to Cadence in confusion. "I thought they had something they wanted to discuss with us?"
Shining Armor grinned sheepishly. "That MIGHT have been a little trick to get you guys here." He admitted. "Sorry Twi, but I promise there is a good reason!"
The younger pony raised an eyebrow questioningly. "What could be so important you had to go through all this?"
Cadence and Shining Armor shared a look. "Should I tell them?" The pink alicorn asked playfully, earning a shrug from her husband.
"It's why we brought them here, isn't it?" Shining replied, placing a hoof on Cadence's shoulder and shooting her a little wink.
Cadence cleared her throat, every eye in the room now on her. "Well, you see...Shining Armor and I...we're going to have a baby!" She said, a wide grin nearly splitting her face in two.
A chorus of gasps rang through the room.
"Wait a second!" Pinkie Pie took a sip of water, only to do an exaggerated spit take, eyes wide as saucers. "You're having a BABY?! Congratulations! Ooh, I can't wait to play with it and teach it how to bake and throw it the best birthday parties EVER!" She rambled.
Twilight squealed with delight. "I'm going to be an aunt! I'm going to be an aunt!" The purple alicorn sang.
"When are you due?" Rarity asked, head tilted curiously.
"Ten months, give or take, though if the baby is anywhere near as impatient as its father, it could be here sooner." Cadence joked, glaring playfully at her husband, who merely smiled in return.
"Ooh, how wonderful!" Fluttershy smiled.
"Well, I'd say this calls for a toast!" Applejack raised her glass of lemonade, the others responding in kind. "To the new prince or princess!"
As they all took a drink, Spike suddenly got a look of concern. "Wait, this doesn't mean I have to change any diapers, does it?"
As the group laughed, Applejack noticed Fluttershy looking a bit...off. While she was smiling, it didn't quite reach her eyes. Come to think of it, Fluttershy HAD been a bit distant lately. Was something wrong? If so, why wasn't she asking for help? Returning her attention back the the excited conversation around her, she made a mental note to get Fluttershy alone the first chance she could.
The next day, preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala were in full swing, ponies bustling from place to place to ensure everything would be finished in time for the big night. Applejack had been at Canterlot Castle since early that morning, setting up dessert tables, preparing treats, and helping her friends with their tasks whenever she got a spare moment. It wasn’t until after lunchtime that she could finally take a moment to breath, trotting off to the gardens in search of a moment of quiet.
However, as she trotted between the beautiful flower bushes and intricately trimmed hedges, it wasn’t the sound of silence that greeted her, but a melodious chorus of birdsong and a sweet, familiar voice. Smiling, the earth pony poked her head around a rabbit shaped topiary, chuckling at the sight that greeted her. Fluttershy hovered in the air, wings flapping gently in the breeze as she lead directer her songbirds through the chorus, none the wiser to the other’s presence.
“Sounds great, Fluttershy!” Applejack said loudly after a moment. The yellow pegasus squeaked, whirling around in surprise, but calmed down upon seeing her friend’s kind smile.
“Oh, thank you, Applejack!” Fluttershy said bashfully, landing in front of the earth pony. “We’ve still got lots of practicing to do before the Gala, though.”
“Well, keep up the good work!” Applejack paused. “Actually, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask ya, Fluttershy.”
Fluttershy looked at the orange mare curiously. “What is it?”
Applejack cleared her throat. “Are you…doin’ okay? I’ve noticed that you’ve been statin’ off into space a lot, like your mind’s on something’ else.”
The yellow pegasus’ smile dropped, her gaze sheepishly dropping to her hooves. “I-I’m fine!” She said, a little too quickly. “Just been a little stressed getting the birds ready for the celebration, that’s all.”
Applejack gave her a pointer look. “Fluttershy.” She said sternly, earning a defeated sigh from the other mare.
“It’s just…I’ve been having some rather strange dreams lately, and I can’t help but feel like they MEAN something.” Fluttershy admitted.
"Dreams?" Applejack questioned. "What kind of dreams?"
The pegasus looked down, unable to meet Applejack's gaze. "Dreams about...about...Discord." She forced out.
Applejack's jaw dropped. "Discord? Why in Equestria are you dreamin' about HIM?" She asked incredulously.
"I don't know. He's just been on my mind a lot lately, I guess." Fluttershy shrugged. "I mean, we still don't know what happened to him. I just can't help but wonder if we'll ever see him again."
The orange earth pony snorted. "Sugar cube, it's been three years. You don't have to be afraid of him no more." She said gently, placing a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.
"I'm not afraid of him." Fluttershy said quickly. "I'm...worried about him."
"Worried? About DISCORD?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, he's been all alone for all this time. It must get pretty lonely, not having anypony to talk to..."
Applejack shook her head in exasperation. "You've got a kind heart, Fluttershy, but you shouldn't be worryin' for that pitiful creature. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. You just focus on yourself, alright? You have enough on your shoulders as is."
Slowly, Fluttershy nodded, smiling weakly. "If you say so..."
Applejack grinned. "Good! Now, I've also been meanin' to ask you somethin' else. Twilight was wonderin' if you'd be willing to do more than just perform with your birds at the Gala."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, one of the bands that was supposed to play had to pull out at the last minute, so now there's about an hour of the evenin' with no music. She was hopin' I could convince ya to sing, but I get it if you're not comfortable with it!"
Fluttershy squeaked. "She wants ME to sing?" She asked with confusion. "Surely there are better choices?"
Applejack chuckled. "Like I said, you don't have to if you don't want to. But for what it's worth, you've got an AMAZING voice, sugar cube."
Fluttershy stood quietly for a moment, thinking it over. "A-Alright, I'll do it!" She said, smiling shyly. "Maybe it will be fun."
"That's the spirit!" Applejack cheered. "Now, I'll leave you be, but you make sure you take care of yourself, alright? Don't overwork yourself."
The yellow pegasus nodded again, flapping her wings as she lifted back into the air, sending her songbirds into a fit of excited chirps. "I will; thanks Applejack!"
From within a cave, high in the mountains, a rumbling chuckle echoed. Watching his old enemies through a mirror, Discord couldn't help but grin devilishly.
"Oh, this is just TOO amusing! They truly think I'm gone for good; I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when I crash their little party!" The draconequus crowed with delight.
The image in the mirror faded away, leaving his reflection staring back at him. "And that pitiful little pegasus feels BAD for us? Can you believe it! She thinks WE'RE lonely!" It cackled.
Discord snorted. "I know, how foolish can she be?" He hummed. "Oh, what I wouldn't give to teleport in front of those two RIGHT NOW and scare the daylights out of them! Aah, but that would ruin our little plan, and I can be patient when I need to be."
His reflection cocked its head. "And what exactly IS this plan this time? Not turning them into their opposites again, are we?"
Discord shook his head. "No, no, of course not. This time calls for something a little more...permanent. And of course, we'll need to make sure those pesky Elements of Harmony stay out of commission."
"But how? I doubt they would ever agree not to use them, especially on the likes of US."
"How indeed, my friend. Not to worry, I've got the perfect plan, and it's already been set into motion..."
The Gala was only a day away when news came from the princesses; news that came as quite a shock to poor Twilight.
"There's a crisis in Saddle Arabia!" She exclaimed, reading over the letter again and again, trying to sink it in. "Celestia and Luna were called out to help a few days ago, and now they've summoned Cadence for assistance as well!"
Spike frowned. "But what about the Grand Galloping Gala?" He asked.
"They've...left me in charge. Completely in charge, of everything!" Twilight's eyes widened in shock. "The Gala, the kingdom! How am I suppose to manage all this! I-I've barely been a princess for a year!"
Spike moved forward, placing a supportive claw on Twilight's hoof. "Don't worry Twilight! The princesses believed you could handle it, and I do too! Besides, I'm sure your friends will be happy to help however they can!"
The purple alicorn looked down at Spike, ears pinned back with worry. "You really think so?"
"I KNOW so! Come on, lets go see them right now! If we all work together, I KNOW we can pull this off!"
Twilight paused, then nodded with determination. "You're right, Spike! The princesses placed their faith in me, and I'm NOT going to let them down!"
#bride of discord reimagined#bride of discord#my little pony: friendship is magic#mlp: fim#mlp#fluttershy x discord#fluttercord#fluttershy#discord#fanfic rewrite#miss flutterby writes
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Why Beauty and the Beast succeeds where Bride of Discord fails
Yes, yes, I know comparing a classic Disney film to a My Little Pony fanfiction/audio drama is comparing apples to oranges, but I had been thinking about these types of stories while planning out some fancomic ideas of my own.
Bride of Discord was a rather popular MLP fanfiction that was created by DisneyFanatic2364 after the episode Keep Calm and Flutter On came out, leading to the Fluttercord ship taking off. She decided to make a Beauty and the Beast AU about the two of them falling in love and getting married, and despite using most of the same plot beats as the Disney movie did, the order of those beats absolutely matters for keeping the story working.
The beats in common:
The Prisoner Exchange
Crying in her bedroom after said exchange is made
The impressive and personal gift
Playing in the snow/the budding friendship
The Mirror to see loved ones
The romantic dance
The frightening release
Rescue from the wolf attack
However, I arranged these scenes by the order that they happen in Bride of Discord, and this is where you start to see the real problems with DIsneyFanatic's fanfic version.
In the original Beauty and the Beast, Belle makes the choice to stay with the Beast on three separate occasions, each representing a different point in their relationship, but in the Bride of Discord fanfic, there are only two points for Fluttershy.
The first choice: the prisoner exchange. At this point, they sacrifice themselves in order to release their loved ones. But there is no love for their captors, only fear and sadness. Belle refused to have dinner with the Beast, didn't want to speak to him, and reacts with fear and avoidance.
And the second choice is really the plot point that makes Beauty and the Beast work, but everyone insisting that it's Stockholm syndrome/an abusive relationship tends to ignore.
When Beast frightens Belle, her reaction is to run as far away as possible, and regretting his actions, Beast rushes in to save her life from the pack of wolves. This is the point at which Belle first realizes that there is good in him after all, and when she sees him faint from his injuries, this is where she makes her second choice to stay.
She could have left him there to die from his injuries. And while we know she's too kind to do that, Belle still had a morally viable option of taking him back to the castle to leave him in the care of his servants, then leave and be on her way before he regains consciousness and recovers. But Belle chose to stay with him and tend to his wounds, thanking him for saving her life. This is why the story works: they don't form a friendship until Belle is making the choice to stay there of her own free will.
In Bride of Discord, Fluttershy is just sitting there as Discord's fiancée, she's not allowed to leave and see her friends, and even though Discord does do his best to make her feel comfortable, the truth is that Fluttershy is still befriending and falling in love with someone who continues to keep her prisoner. The grand gesture scene should not have been the turning point, because gift giving should be an expression of love already present, and in this situation it feels like Discord is doing an emotionally manipulative action to get Fluttershy to fall for him. For the Beast, the library scene is his expression of fondness for Belle, and at this point they're already friends.
And on the third point, after Belle leaves to care for her father, she says that the Beast is her friend, NOT her love interest. It's not until she goes back to the castle because his life is in danger that she finally realizes her feelings for him.
In Bride of Discord, Discord forces Fluttershy out at the very end of the audio drama, with the wolf rescue happening in the last scene, and that is mostly to demonstrate to Fluttershy's friends that Discord has changed. And the reason why she decides to go back isn't because Discord's life is in danger, it's because she feels bad about him being lonely. Sure at this point they did start over without a coercive marriage deal, but by this point most of the story has already happened and they have a LOT that they need to work on.
All this is to say, the order of the plot beats do matter and you simply cannot have a true friendship or love with anyone who is holding you prisoner, no matter how nice they are or how much they try and love bomb you with gifts.
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DAY 5: “I’m Not Ticklish”˚✧₊.°⁎⁺˳✧༚
TickleTober 2023 🎃
Presented by @august-anon
A/N: These characters do NOT belong to me. All credits go to DisneyFanatic2364 on YouTube from her amazing audio drama series “Daughter of Discord”. (Check it out if you’re a MLP fan and Fluttercord shipper hehe)

Does anyone remember the Daughter of Discord series that aired like…8 years ago??!! (Omg I feel OLDDD 😭😭) BRO that series had me in a motherhecking CHOKEHOLD when I was a kid 🥺🥺 Screwball and Mothball shipper 100%!! 😩🤚🏻✨💞💜💚
#tickle art#tickletober#tickletober 2023#mushysart#tickle fluff#sfw tickling community#eeeee <3#mlp#mlp fan art#mlp tickle#my litte pony friendship is magic#mlp oc pony#not my oc#oc tickling#daughter of discord#screwball mlp#mothball mlp#them 🥺#help they're so cute#aaaaaa#augtickletober2023
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THIS is an @jomtones-bussy side blog rewriting bride/daughter of discord! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
Rights to the original property belongs to DisneyFanatic2364, the author of bride of discord, daughter of discord, and any other spin-off. This blog was not made to try and one-up the original, but to show love and appreciation for the original fanfiction that touched the hearts of people around the world. (*˘︶˘*).。*🩷
The original blog @brideofdiscord-rewritten an entirely separate acc bc I didn't know how to make a side blog back then 😅 but that's also me!!! I can't log into that acc now
Let's lay down some ground rules!
If you're a younger child (younger than 14) please blacklist the announcement/update tags! I use foul language, and though you might use it yourself or hear it every day, I ain't tryin to get sued
The story itself is SFW and will not contain any more than subtle pg-13 jokes and light drinking (imo daiquiris don't count lol)
All celebrities, movies, songs, books, and other real life media names will be changed into bad horse puns.
I will omit some ridiculous examples of discord being emotionally or mentally abusive past the point in which he has fully developed as a good character. Instead he will face consequences.
Some characters will be queer or LGBTQ+ but no references will be made to their sexuality. Only romance.
The last bullet point goes for the straight relationships as well!!
I have a playlist for the story on Spotify named "Bride of Discord rewritten (fluttercord)
Voodoo and hoodoo will be shown in a respectful and realistic manner, and I will attempt to show Zecora in a non-stereotypical manner.
Spike will still have a crush on rarity, but spike being a romantic interest for adult ponies, or having his feelings reciprocated in any way will be removed from the story.
I will attempt to keep an early 2010s feel and humor, but there're also so many american exclusive jokes and media references from past that time to make
If this were turned into an audio drama (nudge nudge wink wink) I would love to voice characters or draw for the video
Topics such as death should be handled with care and emotions. It is okay to say stuff related to dying.
Only mild cursing is allowed (darn, dang, shoot, heck, hell, butt, ass, ((but only thrice,)) etc.)
Obviously this isn't being policed but
DNI ಠಿ_ಠಿ ಠ,_」ಠ
"Proshippers" (degenerates who get off to illegal and morally corrupt relationships)/zoophiles/bigots of any sort (homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, ableist, ect.)/ Radfems/anti-punks/people who don't like hopecore (I'm not joking)
Ask me questions! (◕ᴗ◕✿)(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
I will happily answer almost any questions, and I love getting them! To keep anonymity I won't answer personal questions but I'll answer anything (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Bride Of Discord Chapters 1-19
Daughter of discord chapters 1-22
Spotify Playlist
#mlp fim#fluttercord#bride of discord#bride of discord rewritten#discord#my little pony#friendship is magic#pinned post#applejack#rainbow dash#rarity#twilight sparkle#pinkie pie#fluttershy#fanfiction#romance
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Im so happy yhis page exists (sonic and mlp☝️☝️) ….what are some ways do u think people Mischaracterize Discord? Personally, I feel like when people say he’s a groomer💀
i’m happy ur happy this page exists!!!!!
as for discord mischaracterization it happens so often i’ve honestly tuned it out 😭😭😭 i just think the groomer allegations are funny because fluttercords actual dynamic is very horizontal considering the power dynamic.
my personal least favorite characterization of him is disneyfanatic2364’s. i have a lot of problems with bride of discord but him being an incel pisses me off so bad and it takes the fun out of everything. like girl shut up stop trying to be mr nice guy OMGGGGGGG we don’t care. boring.
#most ppl who label him a groomer infantalize fluttershy so#yea#ANYWAYS i’m apathetic to it atp because it’s so silly#like girl we are ponies rn. what are u taking about#ellie lore
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Why did it go over my head that disneyfanatic2364 wrote Applejack as a pedophile?? Why don’t more people find that disgusting??
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my 11 year old ass watching the season 6 finale of my little pony where they bring back the changelings and trixie is there and trixie is in fact NOT secretly a changeling princess like DisneyFanatic2364's fanfiction told me she would be
#reiterating how clinically obsessed with this persons fanfics I was. the daughter of discord changeling lore is still the default changeling#lore in my brain#mlp
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Fanfiction Help and Advice
Hey guys,I know I’m not active here much despite me trying to post more often on here but um… I need your guys’ help with my Fanfiction writing
I’ve written stories for like the Angry Beavers universe and my big main series is Angry Beavers: The Next Generation which is like,my headcanon to Mitch Schauer’s vision of his Angry Beavers: ReSpooted idea and,I feel like all my Fanfictions has a bit of problems
Here’s a link to some of them :
I know some of you guys like my fanfictions I’ve written,but I just feel like they all could’ve been written a lot better
Just wish I can write like my favorite fanfic writers:
Madam RedRose25 (Now known as MadamRoseMarsh on ArchiveOfOurOwn)
Cyanscribe (My late online DeviantArt sister)
Vocal Sweets
Luke Gregory Productions
If any of you can read all my fanfictions,please let me know what you think of them and if there are some things that need improving,PLEASE let me know!
Please give me any tips and writing advice you guys have!
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That time DF revealed who Mothball’s bio dad was
In case ya’ll didn’t know Mothy’s bio dad is Cinnamon Stick and Cinnamon Roll’s bio dad that abandoned them 😦 this was revealed in one of her many live streams at the very end where she explains that Chrysalis disguised herself as Cinnamon Stick’s bio mother and slept with the husband, and when he realized that it wasn’t his wife he abandoned his family out of shame.
In other words, the Cinnamon siblings have a shitty bio dad and they’re biologically half-siblings to Mothball
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you wouldn't happen to be related to disneyfanatic2364 would you?
No I’m not. I don’t know who that is. 🤔
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Bride Of Discord (Reimagined) - Chapter One: The Escape
This story was originally written by DisneyFanatic2364 on Fanfiction.net way back in 2013. It was a big part of my childhood and now that I'm older, I wanted to try putting my own spin on it. I highly recommend checking out the original fic and its sequel, Daughter Of Discord, here!
"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!" Discord declared, taking a sip of freshly rained chocolate milk with a sense of smug satisfaction. Yes, everything was going exactly as planned. Those troublesome ponies were no doubt at each other's throats, unable to even stand the sight of one another, more or less band together enough to use their precious Elements of Harmony. Equestria was his at last, to rule however he saw fit, and there was no one left to stop him.
At least, until the illusion of victory shattered like glass moments later.
"Not as wonderful as friendship!" A voice declared, snapping the draconequus from his thoughts. He glanced towards the sound, eyes narrowing at the sight that greeted him. They were back; of COURSE they were back. He should have known things wouldn't be that simple.
"Ugh, THIS again?" Discord groaned, downing the rest of his beverage before tossing the emptied glass over his shoulder, a plume of smoke erupting as the object hit the ground and promptly exploded.
"That's right! You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!" The orange mare, Applejack, declared, head held high.
Discord nearly rolled his eyes, stretching a clawed finger outwards. His magic activated, grabbing Applejack by the necklace clasped around her throat and dragging her closer. "Oh Applejack, don't lie to me. I'M the one that made you a liar!" He chided. His magic spread, latching onto the other ponies' necklaces and pulling them in as well. "Will you ever learn?"
The purple mare, Celestia's little protegee, glared at him as a burst of white magic emitted from her horn. In the blink of an eye, she vanished, only to reappear next to her floating companions. Another flash from her horn, and the group was enveloped in a pink bubble of pure magical energy.
The draconequus' expression soured as he felt his own magic being cut off, his yellow eyes watching as the unicorn carefully floated her friends back down to safety. He could not allow himself to show weakness, though, forcing an amused expression back onto his face as the unicorn (Twilight, if he remembered correctly) began to speak again.
"I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord! We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!"
Discord scoffed, materializing in front of the group with a look of displeasure. "Ugh, GAG! Fine, go ahead, try to use your little Elements, frenemies! Just make it quick!" He retorted, teleporting back to his throne. "I'm missing some EXCELLENT chaos here."
Twilight grinned. "Alright ladies, lets show him what friendship can do!" The mares' eyes narrowed with determination, their stances shifting as they prepared to attack.
"Wait wait wait!" The pink pony, Pinkie Pie, yelled out, rushing over to enjoy one last gulp of chocolate milk rain from a nearby cloud. She licked her lips with a murmur of satisfaction, but when her gaze met the annoyed looks of her peers, she bounded back over with a battle-ready scowl.
A white glow began to surround the ponies, light pulsing from their Elements in bright flashes of color. Purple, pink, orange, blue, yellow, red. Projections of the Elements' stones began shooting through the air, whizzing past Discord's head, making the draconequus lean forward in confusion.
"What's this?" As Twilight's eyes opened, revealing glowing white pools of magic, Discord felt his heart sink. "No..." A burst of rainbow magic erupted from the mares, shooting into the air in an arch before racing downwards towards the draconequus. Discord's eyes widened, a tremor of fear shooting through him. "Noooo!"
The ponies were blinded by the overbearing colors and flashes, their eyes closing as Discord's horrified scream echoed through the air before falling silent. After a moment, the light began to dissipate, the magic receding back into the Elements as their bearers were gently lowered back to the ground. One by one, they opened their eyes, the landscape of overwhelming chaos that had previous surrounded them magically transformed back into its calm, peaceful original state. Their plan had worked; Discord was defeated, Equestria was back to normal.
But all wasn't right, as Pinkie Pie was quick to notice.
"Hey, where's Discord?" The pink earth pony asked, looking around in a state of confusion.
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, we just turned him to stone! He's right-" The blue pegasus paused, eyes widening as it dawned on her as well. "Wait, where is here? He should be RIGHT HERE, shouldn't he?"
"He's gone!" Applejack gasped, a pang of fear running through her.
"But...I don't understand. That spell should have turned him into stone. Equestria is back to normal, we had to have done SOMETHING!" Twilight said, beginning to pace back and forth.
Fluttershy let out a gasp. "We didn't KILL him, did we?" The yellow pegasus squeaked out, mortified by the mere thought.
"I don't think so, he'd still be here." Rarity replied, placing a comforting hoof on her friend's shoulder.
"Unless we vaporized him! Or turned him into grass!" Pinkie Pie shrieked, hoping from hoof to hoof as she looked down at the ground in panic.
Rarity yelped, rearing up on her hind legs. "You mean we could be STANDING on him?!" The unicorn squealed.
"Guys, we didn't kill him!" Applejack reassured him, though her eyes did glance nervously over to Twilight. "Right?"
"We shouldn't have." Twilight replied after a moment. "The Elements of Harmony cannot destroy. They may work in mysterious ways, but that fact is for certain. Whatever they did to Discord, they at least returned everything to normal."
"So, what do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.
"We must inform Princess Celestia about this..."
A few hours later, after ensuring that everything truly WAS well in Ponyville, the ponies recounted their story to Princess Celestia, who listened quietly and intently. Once they had finished, she asked to speak to Twilight in private, her guards escorting the rest of the group to the dining hall for some well-earned snacks.
As the doors shut behind them, Twilight turned to Celestia with a concerned expression. "We DIDN'T kill him, did we?" She asked slowly.
Celestia shook her head. "That sort of deed is not within the Elements' power."
"Then what exactly DID they do? I mean, they banished Princess Luna to the moon, then changed her back to normal later. They turned Discord into stone before, but didn't this time. What does it all mean?"
"The Elements' job is to restore balance to Equestria. From what I have seen, the Elements turn one into what they truly are inside. When my sister was banished, she had nothing but darkness in her heart, thus they imprisoned her within the moon. The second time, they saw an inkling of good within her, and simply brought that goodness back to the surface. As for Discord..." Celestia trailed off for a moment. "Discord has a heart that is as cold as stone."
"Does he even have a heart?" Twilight asked.
"Every creature has a heart, even if they will not show it to others." Celestia replied.
"So...what did the Elements do this time?"
There was a pause, the purple unicorn's eyes widened. "Nothing?" Twilight asked in shock.
Celestia nodded in confirmation. "Yes, nothing. Discord escaped before the spell could hit him."
"But...Ponyville is normal again! I restored everyone's memories! The spell should have worked!"
"When Discord saw that he could not break your friendship, and that his re-imprisonment was eminent, he chose to flee rather than face the consequences of his actions." Celestia explained. "He knew he could not defeat you, and so, he ran like the coward he is."
"How do you know? Are you sure we didn't...vaporize him?" Twilight asked slowly.
"I know Discord. He is smart enough to know when to retreat."
'So you're saying he's still out there? We have to find him! Equestria is not safe as long as he's free!"
"No Twilight, there is no point in trying to seek him out. You will not find him if he does not wish to be found, and Discord knows better than to attempt another takeover of Equestria, at least until he finds a better way to combat your Elements. We are safe...for now."
"But Princess Celestia-" Twilight started, only to be silenced as Celestia silently raised a hoof.
"Twilight, we do not know where Discord is, and it would be far too dangerous to blindly seek him out. The only thing we can do is wait for him to come out of hiding. When he does, you and your friends will need to be ready. Do you understand?"
Twilight opened her mouth, as if to protest, but then shut it. Slowly, she nodded.
"Good. Now, before you leave today, I will cast a spell to protect the Elements, so that Discord may not take them again. After that, they will be left in the care of you and your friends. When Discord returns again, we MUST be prepared."
Twilight nodded once more. "Yes, Princess Celestia."
And so, the six ponies returned to Ponyville and waited. Each wore their Element at all times, ready for the draconequus to make his grand return at a moment's notice. They told no one that the draconequus had escaped, not wishing to cause a panic, and went about their daily business as normally as possible. Tensions were high, and they all slept with one eye open, convinced that Discord would strike the moment they showed any weakness.
Soon, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into a year. Still, there was no sign of Discord. It was as if the spirit had vanished from the face of Equestria, leaving only bad memories and stained glass windows to remember him by. Little by little, Twilight and her friends began to relax, though they never fully let their guards down. Twilight studies divination in an attempt to see into the future, to ensure he would not return, ot at the very least locate the draconequus, to no success. She was powerful, but even Luna and Celestia could not perform such a feat.
And then, Twilight ascended to princesshood, earning a pair of wings and the title of Princess of Friendship, and things got even more complicated. While she still resided in Ponyville, she spent large amounts of time away tending to her royal duties, and slowly her divination lessons and attempts to track down Discord fell by the wayside. After all, she now had more important duties than chasing a ghost.
As Twilight's fame grew, so did that of her friends. Rarity's designs grew rapidly in popularity, and the unicorn soon became a household name among Canterlot's most rich and fashionable. Her business grew so quickly, she had to enlist Sweetie Belle and her friends for assistance, the little fillies helping her pack and deliver orders to the post office.
Rainbow Dash was offered a position with the Wonderbolts, who at first just wanted the increased media attention that came with hiring one of Equestria's saviors, but eventually grew to recognize Dash's talent for what it was.
Pinkie Pie expanded her party business beyond Sugarcube Corner, beginning to take up weekend gigs in various small towns across Equestria, though she always made a point to reserve her best tricks for her friends.
Applejack continued working at Sweet Apple Acres with her family, making deliveries to Canterlot once a month as the demand for their organic delicacies spread beyond just Ponyville. When she wasn't busy with school or her friends, Applebloom would help her big sister bake the apples into various delicious treats to sell at the farmer's market on weekends; apple pies, apple cider, apple tarts, the works.
Each one had a new, glamorous lifestyle and duties to attend to, and little by little, they all began to forget about Discord. Well, all but one.
Of the six mares, Fluttershy's life had changed the least. While her role in saving Equestria had made her more popular among the townsfolk, she still kept to herself whenever possible, spending her days tending to her animals and garden. As time passed, stallions and mares alike had started to take more interest in the pegasus, swinging by her cottage with bundles of flowers and requests for dates. She turned them all down, as kindly as possible, of course. She just...wasn't ready for a relationship, though the attention did feel rather nice.
On quiet nights, Fluttershy sometimes found herself thinking about the draconequus. While some part of her was still fearful of him (he HAD tried to take over her home), she mainly felt a sense of pity towards him. He didn't seem to have any friends, and Fluttershy was sure the spirit of chaos had been quite lonely, even if he would never have admitted it. Was there something she could have done to help him? Could she have been kinder towards him? Would that have made any difference at all?
These musings would always end in the pegasus shaking her head and attempting to go to sleep; surely there was nothing she could have done. He was a monster, plain and simple...right? Besides, it had been so long, Fluttershy doubted she would ever see him again. After all, what were the odds he would turn up again NOW, of all times?
What were the odds indeed...
#bride of discord reimagined#bride of discord#my little pony: friendship is magic#mlp: fim#mlp#fluttershy x discord#fluttercord#fluttershy#discord#fanfic rewrite#miss flutterby writes
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Reader: 'YAWN' (wOrLdS ShIft) Sorry for the late blog, but I wanted to share an AU of Hazbin Hotel. Interesting story, and a lot of wholesome/angst
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