#disney princess Peggy Sue au
deathsmallcaps · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure
Snow White - 05
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
So, you decided to throw yourself into studying warcraft and insurgency, with a little bit of law thrown into the side. Legally, as long as you were alive, Stepmother had no claim to the throne, and neither did her fetus, whoever the father may be.
She claimed that it was a miracle child, that upon the death of her ‘dearly departed daughter’ the King had come down from heaven to bless her with an new heir. No one really believed it, and while it was likely that the Huntsman was the father, you wouldn’t put it past your stepmother to have summoned a demon to do the job.
After all, the Huntsman and the Queen had certainly been going at it for years - statistically, it was odd that this ‘miracle’ pregnancy had happened now, and especially so soon after your ‘death’.
Unfortunately, the Huntsman must have also come to a similar conclusion, and thought that you had abandoned and used him, because he started stalking the streets, looking for trouble - also known as, you.
You literally ran into him one day running to the book store between chores for the latest batch of books on military history & one particularly interesting copy of how to write rousing political speeches (you had always left that end of reigning to Florian, you preferred paperwork anyway).
He leered at you, and recognition, though slow to light, suddenly burned in his eyes. But thankfully, your hood slipped off your smooth head, and his fury turned into a nasty chuckle. “Watch where you’re running, little egg, ‘else you get cracked.”
Not having to pretend very hard, you nodded your head in a frightened fashion and scurried off. Still, you thought you felt a burning gaze upon your back as you did your best to disappear into the crowd.
The timing was bad. At that point, your plans and budgeting were decently arranged, and all your notes pointed to one thing - it was time to gather people to your cause. You knew they’d likely stand behind you - most of your citizens still trusted blood lineage, and archives from this time (back before this all happened again) showed that most peasants believed that Stepmother was a bad Queen simply because she was not of the local royal bloodline. You just needed to become recognizable again - looks like you had to risk growing out your hair again (you stopped wearing gloves and let callouses grow, as a trade off to still be below Stepmother’s criteria.) And make money to find your ventures.
Hesitantly, you asked the dwarves if you could join them mining, and hire someone else to do housekeeping. You couldn’t do two jobs and plan a Revolution, after all. The dwarves were immediately on your side, and called upon a cousin to do the work. Grumpy even admitted that he was irritated that they hadn’t thought to do so before you came.
“Not that we’re unhappy to have you, Snow,” he reassured you. You just smiled and gave him a hug.
However, fair wages for live-in servants, books, payments for errands undertaken*, equipment housing for weaponry, weapons, free food and drinks for your fellow rebels, even new clothes, that all cost good money. So you ended up working in the mines a lot.
*That interaction did make you afraid - there was little stopping the Huntsman from ratting you out, especially if he decided that the fetus was his child after all - so you decided not to go into town for a while,
The Queen’s child, your stepbrother (?) was born, and some in the kingdom rejoiced. A sizable amount of people were willing to overlook the lack of actual hereditary right if it meant a male was in line for the throne once again - you decided that they wouldn’t think this way if they knew you were still alive, and forgave that part of the population.
Finally, after about a year of working in the mines, your hair grew back to your usual length. Risking it all, you knew it was time to soften your callouses, and live off the wealth of jewels you had acquired, so that the people would recognize you as their rightful Queen and be willing to fight for you against the evil & possibly vast powers of your Stepmother (no one knew the extent of her magic, not even now).
Callouses & the noticeable muscle mass you had grown from your heavy manual labor took a little longer to go away than you had planned. Still, you kept at your rabble rousing (a rally here, a pointed feast for the hungry public there, and so on), and tried to wait patiently as the outward signs of all your hard work faded away. To be honest, it was a little frustrating, but you knew you had to go back to your frailer look if you wanted to be recognized and upheld as the true heir.
Just as you were about to reveal your true royal identity to the followers who had been meeting with you for some time, and to start recruiting the masses, the a bunch of people high in your organization fell ill - with the Sleeping Death.
You soon found out that a caterer had been approached by a tall, imposing man with dark hair, and a woman in a black cloak. They bribed the caterer into pouring the potion into the stew, and now all the other powerhouses in your organization were dead asleep, and you weren’t sure how to wake them up.
Thankfully, it didn’t seem as though Stepmother suspected you were the leader.
Desperately searching for answers, you finally come across a sorcerer who claimed he could break the curse - you paid for his travel to your forest, and he cured your promotional artist right away. He had picked to do his ‘free sample’ magic on the first cursed person he saw. Unfortunately, he then demanded an exorbitant price, paid all up front, to wake up the others.
You look at your operational budget and how much money you have saved, and know you’re going to have to try the mines again.
You feel a little guilty though - you don’t own the mines, and it’s bad enough that you’re going to go in there and take out more jewels without the Dwarves permission. Sure, it would ultimately benefit them, but you aren’t fond of the expression, ‘the ends justify the means.’
You could be in and out of there sooner if you had help come in with you. But that felt even worse then going in yourself, when you were a trusted friend.
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backupranger · 3 years
Belle: The Dragon and the Freckled Princess (Review)
Hello!! Never done a review before so please bear with me and also a warning for spoilers :)
Overview: As a whole I liked the film a lot, I have no history with the director or animating studio so I had no idea what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised! I tend to be anxious to watch new movies because I'm putting a lot of time into something I might not like but I ended up finishing the movie at like, 1am lol. It was a new and refreshing looks at the Beauty and the Beast story that I know well, whilst pulling in the element of the virtual reality that I had also grown up with but had never considered in relation to each other. I was disappointed by a few parts of the film but not by the out right content but rather the lack of it. Especially with regards to the end of the film where they showed a positive end but failed to fill in all of the details that would have made it positive. Here, ambiguity did fail the movie but aside from that I was well invested.
Negatives: As mentioned the movie doesn't explain or elaborate on certain points, and I feel like that is largely to do with the limited time. The biggest being the fate of the two brothers. I have seen reasonable critques saying that it is ridiculous narratively for the boys to go back to their father, and they probably did not go back to the police because of how unreliable they are. It is possible that the film is hoping that the audience believes in Suzu enough to assume she finds them a safe place to stay. But personally I would have found it more compelling if they showed Suzu and the brothers working together as a team in the rain to make it to a safe place such as a hospital (possibly implied by Suzu's bandage). Then at least begin the steps to rehoming the boys elsewhere and show them as aiming to keep in contact afterwards. My second issue is with the character of Justin and the narrative of justice in the film. I feel like it could have been a strong story but it fell short because of how little time was given to it. Another issue was how many people were on Justin's side. The idea that the children were in support of the Beast is fine although cliched in terms of a "children are the future and understand better than adults" idea. But it would have made more sense for a larger portion of (young) adults to be opposed to Justin and the idea of revealing someone's identity given how important anonymity is to everyone in U. On some level Justin revealing people's origin is so close to real world doxing that I felt more people in U should have been opposed to Justin's actions, which in the end could have made the hunt for the Beast and Suzu's reveal more impactful. On a smaller note I also wish there could have been more character development for characters like Hiroka and Shinobu. Not just in relation to Suzu but also in their own right as people involved or not involved with U. A moment on Hiroka and why she is comfortable taking a back seat to manage Belle as a small sprite could have been interesting, or why we never see Shinobu in U despite knowing Suzu is Belle.
Positives: Aside from the two main points above the rest of the story I greatly enjoyed, especially with regards to friendships. Firstly, I am a big fan of Suzu and Luka falling into a solidarity with each other and getting along so well, helping each other when they needed it. Luka is presented to as the isolated mean head girl, which completely collapses when we see how earnest she is to Suzu and how quickly she jokes with her and plays with Suzu's dog. It could have been interesting if Luka did have feelings for Shinobu and how that could have been resolved nicely, but I am too amused by the scene between Luka and Kamishin to be bothered. On Luka and Kamishin, I don't have too much to say but I do appreciate how Kamishin was just as flustered and nervous as Luka was! Especially given how it was just a confession that reduced them to silence, it was very sweet. Lastly Suzu's and Kei's, this one is incredibly important to underline given how everything was set up, in the Beauty and the Beast frame work, for a great revealing romance. But it wasn't. Kei is shown to be a nervous child early on, when Suzu aims to kiss him he shuts his eyes anxious and shy so Suzu hugs him instead. Something he unlikely gets unless it's from his brother. Another scene is when he announces that he is in love with Suzu, Suzu who is three years his senior does not reciprocate. No, she just says "Thank you" and then returns how to continue her feelings for Shinobu back home. Both Kei and Suzu are part of each others growth in entirely different ways, Suzu's rediscovery of her own voice, reconnecting with her father and truly understanding the support she has been continously given alongside Kei's rediscovery of a life outside of the abuse of his father, where he can find love and the strength to fight back against pain and continue, that there is still hope. Conclusion: As a whole I think Belle was a great movie that didn't do as well as it could have done because of how much time it had. I understand that it was already a 2 hour movie, but truly I believe it could have been better if it was a show. It would have allowed all the characters to grow, even if they were ambiguous at the end. Beyond that, the story was refreshing, relationships were interesting, the designs were incredible especially in U (shout out to one of the older ladies having facial hair, that was nice) and the music was lovely. A movie I would definitely watch again.
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Story Masterpost
this post was getting a little unwieldy, so all the fics & poems etc that i've posted are under the cut :)
hiraeth: return to neverland: 20k | Peter Pan - darlinghook
As memories of Neverland resurface, a grown-up Wendy decides to once again visit the magical island. She finds the island different than she remembers and a strange connection between herself and the pirate captain.
The Tutor's Son: 13k | Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper - Anneliese x Julian
Pre-canon. Anneliese and Julian are childhood friends, reunited as he takes his father's role as her tutor. Mutual pining.
Shared Life Experiences: 6.8k | Marvel - Stucky
Steve realizes that he doesn't have to hide part of himself anymore in the modern world. Bucky's return complicates things.
it is a terrible thing to be alone: 8.5k | Narnia - Casmund
The four times Edmund missed out on love, and the one time he didn't.
Reckless Paradise: 57k | Disney's Descendants
Quinn Little, raised in Auradon by Little John, finds out that her heritage is not what she thought it was. When Little John tells her that her real father was a villain, she must go on a journey of self-discovery that will bring her to all the forbidden places in the United States of Auradon. Pre-canon & canon-compliant to the first film.
The Irresistible Force Paradox: 11k | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Skyeward
Skye’s feelings about Ward are complicated. Ward’s feelings for Skye are very simple. Immovable object meet unstoppable force. Set somewhere in the first half of Season Two.
The Serpent's Tongue: 13k | House of the Dragon - daemyra
Rhaenyra is the only daughter of oil billionaire Viserys Targaryen and loves nothing more than to inspire trashy gossip headlines. When her beloved uncle returns, she is overjoyed but finds that her father and stepmother (and former best friend) Alicent are reluctant to welcome him home.
Rogue Demigod: 3.5k | Riordanverse - Percabeth
Two years after Luke Castellan’s demigod rebellion was ruthlessly crushed by the Olympians, Annabeth realizes that a string of attacks against minor gods across the country might be the actions of another half-blood. Determined to not let history repeat itself, she leaves camp to meet them. AU where Percy never went to Camp Halfblood.
'tis the damn season: 5.2k | Agent Carter - Cartson (Peggy x Jack)
Three Christmas seasons in Jack and Peggy's hometown. Modern AU.
Late for Class: 935 | Shipwrecked's Poe Party - Wellenore
Lenore and HG meet in college. Fluff.
Emperor of the Lone Islands, etc: 532 | Narnia - Peter & Edmund
Peter and Edmund are getting used to being kings; we find out where the extremely superfluous letter-writing comes from.
Dearest Foolish Daughter: 1k | Narnia - Cor x Aravis
Cor and Aravis are on their first diplomatic trip to Calormen since getting married. Aravis' stepmother shows up. Implied childhood abuse.
you were my crown, now i'm in exile: 193 | Narnia - Susan
Susan never stopped believing in Narnia. At least, not the way they all thought she did. Kind of a character study.
you are the one thing i did right: 2.3k | The 100 - Bellarke
Basically just, what if Madi was Bellarke’s kid. Encompassing the end of s4 to the beginning of s5.
Manhattan, 1997: 2.3k | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Dousy
When the Chronicoms jump to the 90s to try and kill a young Daisy Johnson (aka Mary Sue Poots), Daisy and Daniel have to protect her.
Family of Three: 1.2k | The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Paul x Bill
Bill is stressed and tired about the divorce and Paul is there for him. Both think that their feelings for each other are unrequited. Both are wrong. Fluff with a bit of angst.
Tell Yourself You Can Always Stop: 3.2k | Star Wars - Obidala & Anidala
In which Padmé can't pull herself away from a dirty habit, Obi-Wan doesn't want her to, and Anakin is blissfully unaware. Angst.
and for the first time, what's past is past: 1.1k | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Dousy
The four times Daniel reminded Daisy of the past and the one time he showed her what the future could be.
i'm not your princess (this ain't our fairytale): 2.3k | Narnia - Caspeter
Caspian is crowned king of Narnia and Peter knows they'll be leaving soon. It's not like it would have worked out between them anyway.
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand: 3.5k | MCU - Skye/Daisy x Steve
Plagued by powers she cannot control, Skye meets another troubled soul during her stay in The Retreat - a safehouse for gifted individuals.
your heart was glass (i dropped it): 2.3k | MCU - JackDaniels
Peggy's arrival at the SSR upsets the tenuous balance of Jack and Daniel's non-relationship.
chase two girls, lose the one: 1.3k | MCU - Daniel, Violet, & Peggy
After the events of S2, Daniel, Violet, and Peggy seek some closure.
no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you (and you know you hurt him too): 4.4k | MCU - PeggySous
Peggy transfers to the new SSR office in LA to be closer to Daniel but finds the transition more difficult than she expected.
all we know is don't let go: 1k | Supernatural - destiel
Dean has some emotions to work through after they get Cas back.
you don't feel pretty (you just feel used): 1k | House of the Dragon - daemyra
Rhaenyra confronts Daemon about leaving her behind in the pleasure house.
the altar is my hips (even if it's a false god): 2k | House of the Dragon - daemyra
Daemon interrupts Rhaenyra's me-time and is more than happy to enhance the experience.
i can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye: 1.2k | House of the Dragon - daemyra
Daemon has returned – again – after being gone – again – and Rhaenyra just wants to know the truth of his feelings for her.
now that you're close i feel like coming undone: 2.1k | House of the Dragon - daemyra
The world had not been fair to Rhaenyra. Her own father had not been fair to her. The least Daemon could do was be fair to her.
don't know how long it's going to take to feel okay (but i know i had the best day with you today): 1k | The Hunger Games - Katniss-centric
Katniss cuts her hair and begins to heal.
in silent screams and wildest dreams i never dreamed of this: 3.2k | House of the Dragon - daemyra (& some rhaenyra x harwin)
Rhaenyra's night terrors over the years, and who helped her through them.
close enough to touch (close enough to hope you couldn't see what i was thinking of): 9.6k | Agent Carter - cartson (peggy x jack)
Peggy and Jack's no-strings relationship does not go as planned.
we can't make any promises now, can we?: 707 | Rogue One - rebelcaptain (jyn x cassian)
Jyn and Cassian change into their disguises on Scarif and compare scars.
it's nice to have a friend: 2.2k | MCU - peggy & howard
the five times Howard hit on Peggy and the one time he realized he wanted to be her friend
you still don't know what i never said: 1.4k | Agent Carter - cartson (peggy x jack)
After Jack is shot, Peggy sits at his bedside
The Ewe Lamb: 809 | The Bible - bathsheba
Instead, the rich man took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man. From the perspective of that lamb.
death is a letter that was never sent: 1k | Agent Carter - peggy & michael
Before his death, Michael wrote Peggy a letter. After his death, Peggy writes in response.
Deadbeat: 2k | James Bond - james bond & ofc
In which Bond meets his teenage American daughter and she is none too pleased about it
and the stars looked on unfeeling as the ages passed them by: 7k | Narnia - peter pevensie x ofc
how peter met altiora and the events that followed
till the gravity's too much: 3.1k | TVD - elejah
Doppelganger blood had always been a favourite of his, but hers was just a bit sweeter.
100 Drabble Challenge: Whump Edition (prompts)
ache - agent carter - cool morning air and peggy's old scars
burn - star wars - obi wan faces vader
cut - narnia - after a battle, peter tends to his wounds
darkness - tvd - elena stumbles through the dark alone
faint - narnia - peter assures caspian he's alright
cough - tvd - elena hides from a vampire
stranded - tvd - after a taxing spell, bonnie wakes up alone
Christmas Holidays in the Gryffindor Girls' Dorms: 27k (so far) | Harry Potter - Multiship
Christmas break at Hogwarts can sometimes get a little boring, so the Gryffindor girls find ways to entertain themselves.
A Birthday Surprise: 1.3k | Harry Potter - Linny
It’s almost Ginny’s birthday and Luna has a special present for her. Oneshot.
At the Minister's Behest: 2k (so far) | Harry Potter - Ginny x Hermione
When Ginny receives a letter from Hermione about a unique arrangement between the two of them, she is intrigued to find out more about this new side of her old friend. Post-BoH.
Reward for a (Quidditch) Job Well Done: 1.5k | Harry Potter - Linny
Luna promises Ginny something special if the game against Hufflepuff goes well. Oneshot.
Brief Encounters: 1.8k (so far) | Original Work
An ongoing collection of short erotica-ish stories.
Original poetry
Supernatural-inspired poetry
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patheticbatman · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure
Snow White - 04
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
The Huntsman - “Please, princess, call me Stuart!” escorts you out of the castle for flower picking purposes. You, of course, must again kiss him a couple times before you go your separate ways, but you stomach through it all.
He leaves to find a deer heart, which he can fool Stepmother with and then disappear into the night. As much as you genuinely didn’t like this man, especially after all that convincing you had to do, you warned him of his possible death. You both agreed to meet back in this spot in six month’s time - you lied and said you were going to a cousin on your mother’s side for help.
You head off through the very nice path to the Dwarves home - the first time around, you had unfortunately gone the long way - and delight in seeing your forest friends young and alive again. To be honest, now that you were a queen and a princess regent, you didn’t get a lot of time to spend outside of the castle, so getting to play with animals was a rare activity.
Deciding to treat yourself, you a lot an entire afternoon to frolicking with the fawns, squirrels and other such adorable beasts. If all was truly the same as before, the Dwarves wouldn’t be home until late, and you didn’t intend to fall asleep in their beds again. So you spent the rest of the afternoon bounding across the meadows, climbing trees (you had brought britches this time) to get the juiciest fruit, and napping in the sun. You never burned but also never seemed to hold a tan, so it was quite comforting.
Once the sun started going down and you caught a slight chill, you escorted the little animals back to their dens and finally arrived at the Dwarves cottage. It was just as you remembered it, and you felt a deep comfort settle over your heart at the sight. Even through your toughest times, the Dwarves were such a good family to you.
And you rewarded them handsomely of course - you exclusively bought your gems from their mines, and helped set up the selling side of their business, both above and under ground. Their broker had been underpaying them for their stock, so you set that man straight and introduced them to better buyers.
Dopey, or D as he (now? In the future?) liked to be called, finally came into his own when he realized he liked making jewelry itself. He had an eye for detail when it was something he was really interested in, and enjoyed the craft immensely. He practically gave away a lot of rings (he was rich now, why not?) to many happy but poorer couples, and he made you a glorious ruby and diamond one for your wedding.
The rest were all happy too. Grumpy finally got a boyfriend, and changed his name to Grum, Doc quit work as a miner and became an academic (though he still helped out sometimes anyway) and the rest were semi-retired. Their children and niblings and young people they liked ran the business now, and they made a good percentage is the original owners.
Again, it was going to be a little bit of hell to redo all that over again, but oh well. As long as you didn’t have to do that a third time!
You set up a fire in their pit, and start laying out the food you brought. You weren’t going to break in, clean their house and then fall asleep on their beds this time, but you still needed to make a good first impression. So, a cooked meal it was!
After about an hour, just when the sun started setting, you look proudly upon the meal you made. Slightly spiced chicken (you found a couple plants on your walk here), with the citrons you foraged earlier on the side and a bit of mashed potatoes and bread you stole from the kitchen on the side. You wanted to eat now, but you waited until you heard “Hi ho!”.
Doc stopped when he saw you, and the others ran into him before they noticed too. He looked a bit frightened - Dwarf-Human relations were a bit iffy at this time - so you showed your hands to prove that you weren’t armed.
“Good evening to you all. My name is Snow,” - you didn’t want to make them feel like they had to help you because of your title, so you planned to tell them your full name in a couple days - “and I am looking for lodging for the next month. You all have a lovely house, and it is perfect for my purposes. Please excuse my forwardness, but would you allow me to stay here for a while? I can cook and clean, and pay a little.” You gesture to the food behind you. “And whatever your answer, you may keep the dinner, it is my apology gift for surprising you all.”
Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy and Happy apparently didn’t need to hear anything more than that. They yelled, “Sure you can!” And then ran to the food, whooping for joy for finally having a hot meal waiting for them at home. Doc, Grumpy and to a lesser extent Bashful weren’t too sure.
Grumpy crossed his arms. “Why can’t you stay in the town? If you had time enough to cook food, you had time enough to get there before dark.”
“Indeed,” agreed Doc. “And what is a young woman such as yourself doing alone in the first at this hour? And how did you find our house?”
Before you could answer any of those questions, Bashful ran up, gave you a flower and ran away to the food. You had to stifle a laugh - at least last time he was able to talk to you!
You turn back to the two remaining Dwarves, who were clearly also eyeing the food. To save time and hunger pangs, you gave them short answers.
“I can’t stay in town because my Stepmother has basically kicked me out, and will rain hell upon any who help me. She is a powerful woman among the people,“ - they could interpret that as they wished, but it wouldn’t point straight to royalty - “and so I thought it would be best to stay out of town for some time. As for how I found your home, I stumbled across it years ago. Yours is the closest settlement to town, so I figured I’d ask you first, before trying somewhere farther.”
Doc laughed sadly. “Parents can be cruel sometimes. If your food is as good as it smells, and you can keep the house tidy and clean - it’s a bit of a mess right now - I don’t see why not. That sound alright to you, Grumpy?”
Grumpy harrumphed. “She isn’t getting my bed.”
“Oh, don’t worry yourself about that! I brought a bedroll.”
Grumpy harrumphed again, but brushed past you to the food. You supposed that was an answer.
Doc took your hand and patted it gently. “My name is Elias Thundergold, but everyone here calls me Doc because I enjoy reading. Let’s get you introduced to the crew.”
You all chatter companionably during the meal, and over the next couple days, they really warm up to you. You of course invite your animal friends to help you clean, and cook as much as possible. The bedroll isn’t bad, but Bashful, Doc and Happy must have noticed you walking around a bit gingerly, because they allowed you to borrow their beds for naps during the day. At the end of the first week, they hold a small party, and you end up dancing the night away.
After that, though, you cut off your hair. You asked the mirror before you left when Stepmother would ask about the fairest in the land again. Apparently, she didn’t think to ask again until a month later, but you wanted to be careful. The mirror told you that he based his ‘truths’ on Stepmother’s ideal of beauty, and advised you that going bald would make you ‘drop’ in her ranks.
Sleepy was kind enough to go into town and buy you some lovely print kerchiefs to tie over your head, but it felt so weird and a little saddening to have no hair.
After the party, you told the Dwarves the whole truth, even the part about going back in time. They believed you, as strange happenings such as this had happened before to dwarves of legend, and agreed to help you. Grumpy even carves you a bed of your own, and Bashful and Sneezy make you a nice mattress. You take the living room, and all in all it’s a nice arrangement.
In your free time, you disguise yourself and go to the library, and start researching successful revolutions - if you were going to depose your Stepmother, you were going to do it right.
And then you hear that the Queen is pregnant with the ‘True Heir’.
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patheticbatman · 1 year
Disney Princess CYOAs
The last/latest chapters will be linked
1. Snow White
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patheticbatman · 2 years
Choose Your Own Adventure
Snow White - 02
(Sorry guys this is a more mundane one, it’ll pick up soon) Part 1
You decide to not wait for the Huntsman to be called to kill you. While you do spend the rest of the day cleaning the flagstones - you’re very glad you’re back in your young body again, this would be hell on your back in a couple years - you spend the evening after dinner getting ready.
Marianne noticed that you seem a little quiet, but doesn’t bug you about it, merely sliding you an extra tart for dessert. Already, you’re planning to give her a raise once you’re queen again. She was always kind with you, and acted more like a mother than Stepmother ever did.
Once, when you were little, you asked your Papa why he didn’t marry Marianne instead. You had no idea about class at the time. He merely chuckled and said, “You’ll understand when you’re older,” and ruffled your hair.
Now that you were older, you understand what he meant but did not agree with it. Even before you found out your husband Florian was infertile, you had been toying with the idea of democracy, like how the ancient Romans had.
Obviously, you admitted to yourself, you weren’t ready or interested in losing all the privileges of being royal, but considering that Stepmother had gotten rid of all the nobles with claims on the throne years ago, there was really no reason to try and keep it on. So upon your death, your country was to become a democracy.
Though you were merely in your 30s, the constitutions and experiments with roles were already going on. Some jobs could easily be converted - Royal Postman could become Federal Postmaster and so on - but others had to be created or the terms severely altered.
The dwarves had helped a lot. As they were expatriates from underground, they helped you communicate with the Dwarf King, and you both came to an agreement that creatures (dwarf, human or otherwise) would fall under your country’s laws and protections if they primarily resided on the surface, and would fall under his jurisdiction if they primarily resided underground (basements not included). While the use of magic was still waning dramatically, you were very happy to be able to protect all your magical and nonmagical citizens.
Sufficed to say, it was hard and tedious but rewarding work.
When you went to sleep last night, you had just finished drafting a proposal for a public education budget - if every person in your land was to be able to vote, they needed to understand the choices they made. And you had just sent off letters to some colleges for advice on structure. You groaned, thinking about all the paperwork that would need rewriting. At least you could preempt that sneaky accountant Mr. Smythe - he had pocketed 300 gold before you noticed that the numbers did not add up.
That night, you gather food and plan out exactly what you want to do. If you’re going to avoid your death, take down Stepmother and become queen again, you have to set yourself up for success.
(This will be the only time that there’s three options. One is early certain death)
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patheticbatman · 2 years
Choose Your Own Adventure
Snow White - 01
You wake up in your childhood bedroom. It feels like a dream. Just like the last time you saw it, it was sparsely decorated with old and worn toys, with a threadbare rug only covering a small part of the cold flagstones. Your stepmother sold or took for herself a lot of your comforts years ago. At the time, you were glad to have kept your room, but in the winters it was quite difficult to heat.
Your bed, which hadn’t been replaced since you were 5, is small and cramped, and the mattress you’ve made yourself out of old clothing and stuffed with down from scouted feathers and kitchen waste has started a new hole.
Or rather, you slowly realize, it’s not exactly a new hole. It’s one from several years ago. You tore it in your sleep after a nightmare. Two days later, you have another nightmare, tear it further, and in the morning, meet your prince. Then, later in the evening after a harrowing run through the haunted stretch of the woods, your friends the dwarves.
You pinch yourself all over, but you don’t wake up, and simply add a couple more bruises. You’re actually back. Back before your curse and resurrection.
You hear a banging on the door. “Snow White!” It is your old Head Maid, Marianne. You usually woke up on time, before Stepmother was awake, but occasionally Marianne had to get you up. “She’s already up! New job. She wants the whole west garden wall exterior scrubbed in 3 days. Best get started. The cook made biscuits this morning, he’s keeping some ready for you.”
Having been unsure of what to do, you’re grateful for these directions. You throw on your thickest dress (kneeling on the wet stones all day was especially distressing, and the wet maid your knees sensitive) and hurry downstairs to the kitchen. Jakob, one of the assistant cooks, gestures an elbow to a pan with two rolls left.
It’s a little refreshing to be so casual with one of your countrymen again - it’s been at least a decade since you’ve been crowned Queen of your homeland and princess regent of your husband’s - but you know you don’t have time to reflect on that. Your old instincts and routines take over, and you know Stepmother will be done with her tonics and tinctures soon.
If she’s in a bad mood - which considering your assignment and what you remember, she is - she’ll want to come and observe you personally for a while, and you need to be at least started if you want to avoid further punishment.
You start the thankless task, scrubbing away at the moss that grows between the stones. Aesthetically, it’s quite a pleasing sight, but you know how detrimental to maintenance the fungus really is. You reminisce about how simple your plans were the first time you did this.
You were already planning ahead, trying to keep an eye out for dry moss, and collecting the fungus in a separate bucket to hopefully get enough to make a pillow. This time, knowing what would soon happen, you don’t bother, and the work goes by faster. Stepmother does step in, but seeing you move faster in this timeline, has less to scold you about.
Your daily torture out of the way, you start thinking ahead. According to your staff, the reason she tried to have you killed suddenly was because the Magic Mirror decided you were prettier than she, in two days time. By the end of the day, you come to a decision.
*getting help from the dwarves. You have a feeling some events are important for your survival.
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deathsmallcaps · 5 years
Hey guys I have a dumb idea
I would like to write a 10,000 words of fan fiction during winter break, but I can’t decide on what to do. So here is twelve options. Either choose one for 10,000 OR 2 for 5000 each or 3 for 3333 each. Please let me know :).
1. ATLA AU: Some benders and non-benders can turn into the magical animals associated with their element, and the Gaang (season three edition) are being hunted by the most successful poachers in the world for roughly an episode. Aang: All of course. Katara: Magic fish possibly? Would have to workshop that one. Zuko: Dragon. Sokka: normal but excellent sword and boomerang fighter, of course. Toph: normal Bender, which makes her interactions with wild badgermoles and her innovations in metal bending all the more impressive. (DEFINITELY inspired by muffinlance’s wonderful work)
2. Umbrella Academy: What happened to the other kids? Mostly a description of Reginald being horrible and very quickly judgemental of the babies while gathering the Seven, and how/whether they grew up or not. (Have only seen the tv show but apparently in the comics Five and Luther are twins which may play into what I’m going to write.)
3. Batman: Peggy Sue AU for Alfred where he wakes up the day after the Waynes’ murders with memories of having witnessed his entire family die, and so resolved to make sure Gotham grows up safe, and so do Bruce and his little Robins, perhaps at the expense of them never living with him at all. It may or may not be difficult to make sure Damian is born lol. (It would be a big plot point)
4. I’ve been kind of working on this for a while but I have a choose your own adventure story (but you have to roll dice for unspecified paths) for each Disney princess. Have currently finished planning out most of Belle, just depending on what you guys want I would write up and post however many. The paths may depend on how much of the extended lore I’ve seen (For example, I’ve seen more of the Ariel extended canon stuff, so farther along you may meet Gabriella, or Melody, or so on.) it would be a Peggy sue au once again. I may also make a mini-one to ‘unlock’ with luck for Melody. Anna and Elsa are separate ones.
5. A continuation of The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett. Maurice would once again be mostly the main character, and he would set up a kid to take over as Lord Mayor of Ankh-Morpork, and possibly get involved in the steamboat business. If we had time, we would meet more of the extended Ankh-Morpork cast.
6. The Nine Lives of the Marquis of Carabas: an exploration of Neverwhere, Coraline, the Graveyard Book, Good Omens, American Gods, Time Cat, Pan’s Labyrinth, the Neverending Story and Discworld. Basically how he lived one life and kind of ‘Forrest Gumped” his way around the stories.
7. A Phantom of the Opera/Over The Garden Wall crossover where a dead Eric decides to kill the Beast - at least he doesn’t try to suck the souls out of children! (Only young, beautiful women, of course). Wouldn’t be a very happy fic
8. Labyrinth (Jim Henson Movie): where after realizing that both she and Toby are too touched by the Fae to survive very long in this world, Sarah and her brother must rush to get back to the Labyrinth in time. (Small crossover with Pan’s labyrinth probablyy.)
9. Percy Jackson: and the extended pantheons crew all have a chill day and then do a murder mystery dinner party. I just want to mess around with all of them.
10. Dealing with Dragons and the Last Unicorn: Cimorene accidentally crosses over, meets the Last Unicorn, and invites her over for dessert. More plot to ensue, of course. Sort of a look at how a fractured fairy tale/aware of the fairy tale but unable to stop fate kind of story would mix.
11. (This one is likely to happen because I was recently talking to another user about this) The Boy Who Could Fly: after Max the dog dies, Eric appears with a puppy. Milky and Eric manage to then spend the day together, before he must go away again.
12. Peter Pan 2: Jane struggles to take care of her mother while raising her own daughters by herself. Desperate and in need of some time to mentally sort things out, she asks her children to call for Peter, despite being afraid they’ll stay away forever.
13. Wonder Woman and Captain America team up and are not shipped. They are just buddies who occasionally cross dimensions to hang out and punch fascists.
14. Steven Universe: The Pearls (along with a Steven who has seen a therapist) fuse into a time-travelling Mega Pearl and punch the Diamonds in their faces at the point where they have been the most oppressive in their lives. Rose Quartz does get treated as a separate entity, but instead of getting punched, she gets a HUGE talking-to.
15. The Princess and the Frog: When Naveen’s parents die shortly after WWII, they must choose between leaving her dreams and America behind forever or taking control of Maldonia. After the hardships of the Great Depression, the War
16. A Ghibli Fic: I want to write some some older Ghibli but would need a suggestion for that.
Sorry about the long post :)
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