#I made a Basic outline for choose-your-adventure Disney princess stories ages ago
patheticbatman · 2 years
Choose Your Own Adventure
Snow White - 01
You wake up in your childhood bedroom. It feels like a dream. Just like the last time you saw it, it was sparsely decorated with old and worn toys, with a threadbare rug only covering a small part of the cold flagstones. Your stepmother sold or took for herself a lot of your comforts years ago. At the time, you were glad to have kept your room, but in the winters it was quite difficult to heat.
Your bed, which hadn’t been replaced since you were 5, is small and cramped, and the mattress you’ve made yourself out of old clothing and stuffed with down from scouted feathers and kitchen waste has started a new hole.
Or rather, you slowly realize, it’s not exactly a new hole. It’s one from several years ago. You tore it in your sleep after a nightmare. Two days later, you have another nightmare, tear it further, and in the morning, meet your prince. Then, later in the evening after a harrowing run through the haunted stretch of the woods, your friends the dwarves.
You pinch yourself all over, but you don’t wake up, and simply add a couple more bruises. You’re actually back. Back before your curse and resurrection.
You hear a banging on the door. “Snow White!” It is your old Head Maid, Marianne. You usually woke up on time, before Stepmother was awake, but occasionally Marianne had to get you up. “She’s already up! New job. She wants the whole west garden wall exterior scrubbed in 3 days. Best get started. The cook made biscuits this morning, he’s keeping some ready for you.”
Having been unsure of what to do, you’re grateful for these directions. You throw on your thickest dress (kneeling on the wet stones all day was especially distressing, and the wet maid your knees sensitive) and hurry downstairs to the kitchen. Jakob, one of the assistant cooks, gestures an elbow to a pan with two rolls left.
It’s a little refreshing to be so casual with one of your countrymen again - it’s been at least a decade since you’ve been crowned Queen of your homeland and princess regent of your husband’s - but you know you don’t have time to reflect on that. Your old instincts and routines take over, and you know Stepmother will be done with her tonics and tinctures soon.
If she’s in a bad mood - which considering your assignment and what you remember, she is - she’ll want to come and observe you personally for a while, and you need to be at least started if you want to avoid further punishment.
You start the thankless task, scrubbing away at the moss that grows between the stones. Aesthetically, it’s quite a pleasing sight, but you know how detrimental to maintenance the fungus really is. You reminisce about how simple your plans were the first time you did this.
You were already planning ahead, trying to keep an eye out for dry moss, and collecting the fungus in a separate bucket to hopefully get enough to make a pillow. This time, knowing what would soon happen, you don’t bother, and the work goes by faster. Stepmother does step in, but seeing you move faster in this timeline, has less to scold you about.
Your daily torture out of the way, you start thinking ahead. According to your staff, the reason she tried to have you killed suddenly was because the Magic Mirror decided you were prettier than she, in two days time. By the end of the day, you come to a decision.
*getting help from the dwarves. You have a feeling some events are important for your survival.
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