#disney matching
sheepwater · 4 days
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Lil animal heartslabyul I made out of paper :D
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farfallasims · 1 month
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The Flying Fish 🎣
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blondeaxolotl · 10 months
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Since y'know I recently got into TWST I decided to draw my favourite duo with ofc my own lil twist on Yuu/MC
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joshseoh · 3 months
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Jack Frost Hair (Hair Commissions)
For masculine frame
Basegame compatible
24 EA swatches
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
Specular map
Normal map
Disallowed for random
Compatible with Universal Hair Overlay
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Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
Public release: 11 July 2024
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ohgreat-moretapes · 28 days
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Thank you I will love and cherish him forever.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi! Could I request headcanons of the Overblot Students with a Yuu who can read minds please? Thank you!!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I wasn't sure if the mind reading was something that could turn on and off or if it was something activated at all times, so I did a mix of both to make it a bit easier! I really like the idea of this Yuu! I hope that you enjoy!
Request: OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Tw: Mentions of blood in Azul's, Jamil's, Vil's, and Malleus' sections
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At first, he had no idea that there was even a magic of this caliber that existed. There had always been speculation, but to hear that you are capable of such? He had his doubts at first
That was, until you told him exactly what he was thinking that very moment
Turns out you can choose whether or not you are going to read someone's mind, which is a relief for him, granted, he knows that it isn't your fault
Okay, yeah, he believes you now
Does it come with any side effects? Headaches? Blurry vision? Anything like that?
He is both fascinated but also worried
A power like that would be easily covered and people would want to use your ability to their advantage
Thankfully, he is not that type of person
If you've had a harder day, he will invite you over to Hearyslabyul, in his room where it is nice and quiet for a glass of warm tea and strawberry tarts
Just let him know if anything happens, he will be there for you as soon as s he can
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For this, you really had no control over whether or not you could read someone's mind, so your head is always quite loud when in heavier populated areas, which is why the botanical gardens seemed to be perfect for you right now
This was how you met Leona
You don't really hear the thoughts of others when they are sleeping so you had no clue that he was there until you had stumbled upon him
At first glance, he could tell that you were in pain, and didn't know as to why, and then a group of students came in from Crewel's class and your pained expression only got worse
Consider his curiosity piqued
After locating you in a secluded area, he came to learn of your ability to read the minds of others, but it was also something you had no control over
So being in an area with a lot of people, with an ability you can't control, no wonder the migraines are a nightmare
Once together, he tries to find some solutions here and there to be able to help you out. From secluded areas for you two to be where he knows no one will be, to seeing if there is anything to lessen the noise in your head
No luck yet, but he tries just for you
If things are getting to be too much for you, come and find him. He isn't always the best with comfort and such but he knows just how to help you feel better
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For this, you have control whether or not you can read the mind of someone else
Azul first learned of your little ability shortly before his own OB when he was working to get you into a contract and you literally just told him everything that he was planning and thinking of the moment that he would get you to sign
Cue a surprised look from all three members of the fish mafia
Now he really wanted to get that contract
After all, having magic that allowed you to read the minds of others? Why, it was unheard of
Post OB is a bit different
First, there was no way to actually take your ability, it was something unique to you
Next, he saw firsthand just how hard it can be on you, and where you also saw just how much he cares for you
Your ability had gotten a bit out of hand, when trying to see into one mind led you to tapping into everyone's mind, in this case, instead of one person, it was dozens
The bloodshot eyes, a bloody nose, and a killer migraine, the amount of sheer pain you were in as everything flooded in all at once
He had taken you to his own room in the dorm and had essentially barricaded the door shut to make sure no one got in
Jade and Floyd got everyone out, Azul removed his coat and put it over you and even brought you into the octo pot, seeing as it was darker and far more quiet
Seeing you starting to get better brought a great deal of relief to him
If a moment like this happens again, come to him as soon as you can and he will ensure that everything will be taken care of
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After hearing of your ability to selectively read the minds of anyone else, he begins to wonder if you had ever read his, but assuming the events of his OB, it was safe to assume that you didn't respecting the privacy that the man had
Honestly, it makes him feel rather warm inside to know that you wouldn't violate him in such a way
Which has him feeling certain things knowing that he has quite literally brainwashed you into doing what he wanted, an ability just as invasive as your own
It took a lot of work for him to actually forgive himself for something like that, but once you are both in a relationship, he does all he can to take care of you and make up to you with what he has done, but only to you
He once saw the effects that your ability could have
A couple other students heard of this ability of yours and were begging you to try and read their minds, so many of them beginning to crowd around you, that it went from one mind, expanding to the rest and you nearly collapsed then and there
He was quick to grab you and get everyone else away from you before taking you back to his room and slammed the door
Jamil sat you on his bed as he grabbed a wet wash cloth and began to carefully clean up the blood that was dribbling from your nose
Seeing how tired you were afterwards, he loaned you some of his own pajamas and would let you rest in his bed.
Tucking you in, he would place a small kiss to your forehead before heading out to make you a fresh meal..... and to ensure that those students will never bother you again
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He was rather skeptical at first when he heard of your ability to read the minds of others. No ability like that had ever been seen before, at least, not one that was permanent
But after the events of his own OB, and everything that was happening with Neige and what he was planning to do, he found it to be much more believable
But he also learned that you had no control over when you would read someone's mind. If you could see them, you could hear them
And now it made more sense about why you really did not want to go to VDC. There had to be hundreds of not thousands of people there, and you were on that stage dealing with him, able to see each and every one of them
Which would explain the amount of blood pooling from your nose, your blood shot eyes, even dripping past your lips
And yet, you still managed to help him
It was something he never wanted to see again
You being in that much pain
So after getting together, Vil specialized in making a potion that he could actually take that would work as a null agent against your ability, which made you cry the first time. For once, everything was quiet
He will get you anything you need for pain when the side effects begin to kick in, he is a pro at this point
Which is why he was as scared as he was when you stumbled into the dorm with a bloodied nose, the same bloodshot eyes, and look of pain
Rook and Epel were quick to clear everyone out as Vil led you to his room after giving you a tissue to hold to your nose
Sitting you in his bathroom, he helped get you all cleaned up, washed your face, even as you were falling asleep in his hold with the soothing sensations he was providing
He didn't have the heart to wake you up, so he merely picked you up and laid you in his bed, smiling oh so softly at just how serene you looked
He may not be the hero in everyone else's eyes, but he was the hero in yours, and that as enough
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After knowing of your ability, it was both a blessing and a curse at the same time for him
On one side, you would always know what he needed or wanted and he didn't even have to say anything, on the other hand, he would never know when you would peek into his mind
After assuring him that you would never peek into his mind unless you had his full permission, he felt a bit better about it
Knowing the side effects that using your ability can have, will always invite you to his room
No people to give you unnecessary pain, calm and quiet, mind wise. He made no promises if he got really into a game
But it was the thought that counts
You have become so in-tune with him that you can tell what he is thinking just by thinking about him
Which comes in handy when you are coming to visit and you already have a bag full of snacks he was wanting to have
It was moments like this where he absolutely loved your ability, and honestly wanted it as well
Knowing what someone wanted and needed without having to actually talk to them?
It was a dream for him
Coming to him one day with a killer migraine and stumbling steps, he knew it was a harder day
Idia lets you crash on his bed as long as you need and is easily able to keep everyone else away from you until you're better
Perhaps this time around, he'll just have one of his handheld games and climb into bed with you
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You knew he was there outside of Ramshackle before you even saw him, his thoughts being rather loud that night
Now, you haven't gone to see him just yet so when you two finally met for the first time, and you already knew who he was despite giving him that silly little nickname, he was rather curious
No one told you his name and you hadn't seen each other and yet you knew him?
You saw it in his mind?
You can't control it?
That would explain how you always knew that he was out here before you ever saw him, given you couldn't sense his own magic
He sees first hand just how out of control your ability can get when too much comes in all at once
It had been in the middle of the day, classes had gotten out for the day and at the time, you had been away from other people
But there were a number who had seen you, and your reputation seemed to be rather well known somehow, and let's just say they wanted to see if it was true that you could read the minds of others
It was well over a dozen people from a number of dorms that group around you, thoughts racing and loud
Too loud
You don't exactly recall what happened after that, only that you were waking up in Diasmonia in none other than Malleus' room as he was rinsing out a bloodied wash rag Lilia had given him to help
You would explain to him that too much all at once, getting too loud, it tends to have some nasty side effects........ he's keeping you here for the rest of the day
Please, if anyone else gives you trouble, merely say his name and he will not hesitate to take care of those who are troubling you
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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screensland · 3 months
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Red & Chloe Charming — Descendants: The Rise of Red, (2024).
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smovs · 2 years
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my clothes are boring, can I borrow yours?
spiritual successor to the destiny trio swap, 3 years later. courtesy of my Deciders Club on kofi & patreon 🧡
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helyeahmangocheese · 9 months
another thing that gets me really emotional about annabeth's adhd in the show is how she so often gets sucked into her own brain, thinking 6 steps ahead, or trying to follow her plan which she has yet to voice out loud, and then unintentionally is a little bit mean on the outside. like, she put percy under the impression that they couldn't be friends because of how she was treating him. she was literally just so in her own head that she didn't notice. she was cold on the bus and snappy on the satyr path because she was working with a lot more context and understanding of the mythical world than percy... which was probably too overwhelming in her own head to sort out and express out loud, too. she was snappy at grover at the arch because they were still trying to find sanctuary from echidna and she was their navigator to the temple. she became conscious of her attitude only after she could somewhat get out of the headspace of navigating. you can SEE on her face that she doesn't even fully understand these moments and that she doesn't mean any harm. you can tell that she was really hurt when percy made that comment about never being friends. if she could control it, things wouldn't be this way, and that's exactly how disorders work.
it's not just some superpower that she can think so quickly and critically--she also pays the price in other ways because this thinking is constant. the reality she experiences is then different from what's going on outside, and that can be so confusing and exhausting to manage. it's a toll on her, and so many of leah's little facial expressions make it easy to believe that annabeth's had her moments of "my brain is broken" too.
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elvisqueso · 2 months
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"Marry Kocoum? But he's so...serious."
Pocahontas (1995)
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midnitehearts · 11 months
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Disney Live Action Movie Mod For The Sims 4
I'm back with some new movies! I've been wanting to do some new movie overrides. I wanted to do the live action versions of Disney's animated counterparts. Enjoy!
• Requires Movie Hangout SP
• There is 1 folder. The folder has 10 files. You can either use the entire folder, or feel free to mix the files with my other movies. If you want to mix with my other movie files, place whichever individual files you would like in your game as long as they stay numbered between 1-10 (that’s why I numbered them). Do not place more than 10 files at a time. 10 is the absolute max!
• Do not place different files in your game that share the same number, they will conflict.
• If you already have a set of someone else’s movie overrides in your game, you will have to remove them before you can use mine.
• The clips will play for approximately 2 minutes. That is just the limitation from the Stuff Pack.  
Please do not copy, claim, alter, or distribute without my permission. Thank you.
Disney Live Action Movies ---> DOWNLOAD
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symphfia · 1 year
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Sofia grown up 💜
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sleepinglionhearts · 5 months
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It's been a day
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movietimegirl · 2 months
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What really sucks about The Acolyte being canceled is that we'll never get to see what happens next. Qimir and Osha's relationship, how Qimir got his scars, Vernestra, Yoda's role in all this, Darth Plagueis, Mae's memory loss, and all that.
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joshseoh · 15 days
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Ariel Hair (Hair Commissions) - Wreck-It Ralph Version
For feminine frame
Basegame compatible
24 EA swatches
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
Specular map
Normal map
Disallowed for random
Compatible with Universal Hair Overlay
The starfish hair accessory can be found in Hat category!
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Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
Public release: 3 October 2024
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 3 months
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saw fanart of these two specifically together and now it's all i can think about
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