#disney enchanted jewelry
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creativescollection ¡ 6 months ago
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Disney Enchanted Jewelry Collection - Belle Rings (pt 2/3)
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lessimoni ¡ 1 year ago
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Swan Ring
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stardustbarbarians ¡ 1 year ago
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A Daniel Wagner / Samuel Kiszka fic
Summary: Sometimes it takes some meddling to see what is right in front of you.
Tags: fluff, love spell au, very light angst, low-key funny
Words: 10.8 k
Author's Note: Happy (late) Valentine's Day!! I literally got the idea for this one the day of the holiday and proceeded to write this, thinking it would be at max like 2,000 words. So, yeah, this one kinda got away from me. Anyway, this is dedicated to @ofthecaravel for being more enthusiastic about this idea than I was (she also made the cover pic so everyone say thank you, Karou). Title taken from Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Please enjoy!! <3
When Danny had the idea to go to the art fair near his house, he hadn’t thought he’d be walking away with an honest to god love potion. I mean, those aren’t real, right?? It’s all just made up for awful rom-coms and Disney movies. So, when that witchy woman had stopped him and gave it to him for free, he thought nothing of it. 
He had been weaving through the various booths, eyes catching on all the colorful and sometimes gaudy wares these artists were trying to pedal. Some of them were honestly good, others were just clearly trying to make a quick buck. Danny bought a few things; a few jewelry pieces he thought were cute and a fresh squeezed lemonade. 
“Danny?” a woman had spoken up, catching the drummer’s attention. He tensed up at being called out, hoping he wouldn’t be recognized but knowing it was always a possibility every time he left his house. 
Schooling his features to be warm and inviting, Daniel turned on his heel to face the woman. She was what Danny could only describe as a “contemporary witch”, complete with long, black hair and a revealing yet classy black dress and a wide-brimmed black hat. Danny had to suppress his scoff at how on the nose she looked, glancing around her clearly witch-themed, yet populated, booth. But, it clearly worked to help sell her goods, so who was he to judge. 
“Hey!” he responded, abandoning his wandering and making his way over to her. She smiled widely at him, her eyes lighting up as he approached. 
“Oh, my god. My friends are never gonna believe me,” she rushed, her tattooed hands fluttering to her chest. 
“How about we get a picture to prove it to them?” he offered, having gone through this enough times over the years to know that that was what most people were after when they spotted him. 
She nodded, searching frantically for her phone. When she pulled it out from behind the register, Daniel noticed two things. One; her hands were shaking. Two; her lock screen was a picture of him and Sam posed together. It was a picture of them on stage, embracing and beaming at one another and - wow, is that really what he looks like when he smiles at Sam? 
They took their picture, her asking for a hug from him which he happily gave her. 
“So, what brings you over this way?” the woman - ironically named Greta - asked, leaning against the table she had set her register up on. Danny worried for a second as her long hair passed over a candle, only for him to realize it wasn’t real. 
“Had a free afternoon to myself, thought I’d check the art fair out,” he answered honestly, a shrug of his shoulders tacked on at the end. 
She nodded acceptingly. “Find anything interesting?” 
Danny held up his fingers, wiggling them to show off the rings he purchased as well as shook his cup of lemonade in front of her, smiling. She laughed, her head tipping back a bit to show off a moth tattoo that rested under her clavicles. 
“That’s all, huh? You must be pretty picky.” She looked him up and down, her eyes feeling strangely like they were able to see past his physical form. Danny blamed that on the witch-themed booth she ran. 
Danny shrugged again. He didn’t think he was, but then again maybe he was. 
“Here,” she blurted out, jumping up from her perch to brush past him to go deeper into her booth. Daniel watched as she stopped in front of a display of bowls that held vials of various shapes and sizes. Each one was sorted by color, some of them even seeming to glow which made Daniel do a double take. There was probably just a light fixed at the base of the bowl to give them that effect. 
“On the house,” Greta chirped before tossing something at Daniel. He instinctively caught it, letting out a breath of relief that he had. When he got a proper look at it, Danny realized that she had thrown him a vial of baby pink liquid that had been sealed in a teardrop shaped glass vial. The top was a gradient into Barbie pink and formed to a point, sharp enough to probably kill a man. Daniel turned it over in his hand, the liquid sparkling in the light of the sun streaming in through an opening in the tent he was in. 
“What is this?” he dumbly asked, already knowing what the hell it was. 
“A love potion,” Greta flippantly answered. When Danny snapped his head up to look at the woman, he saw the mischievous glint in her eye that never reached her soft smile. 
Daniel coughed on his own spit as he swallowed wrong. He covered it up by taking a few sips of his lemonade. He had no idea how to react to that. 
“Uhh… that’s really kind of you, but I can’t take this.” 
“Nonsense. I insist,” she pressed, waving off his concerns with a wave of her hand. 
Daniel looked back and forth between the woman and the vial in his hand, weighing the pros and cons. Then he realized how ridiculous he was being. It was a kind gesture and love potions weren’t real. 
He tucked the vial into his pocket of his jean jacket and smiled. “Thanks!” 
“My pleasure,” she answered, that devilish gleam back in her eye as well as that feeling that she was seeing through him rather than at him, “and trust me, you will be thanking me later.” 
That made Daniel chuckle a bit nervously. She was starting to creep him out a bit; time to make a quick exit. 
“Right, well. Maybe I’ll see you at one of our upcoming shows!” Danny politely suggested, already backing out the way he had come in. 
“Of course! Talk to you later!” Greta’s last sentence sent a shiver up Danny’s spine. It felt like a promise rather than a send off. 
With one last quick smile, Danny got his ass out of there and trotted down the booths to get away. He definitely wanted to toss that so-called “love potion” away now. There was no telling what was actually in it. He’d just throw it into the next trash can he saw. 
Daniel did not toss it away. Instead, he forgot about it completely and left it in his jacket pocket. It stayed there for a month, silently waiting for the next time someone would wear that jacket and find it. 
“Hey, Dan!” Danny was in his kitchen taking some ibuprofen for the headache he was fighting when he heard Sam call out for him. 
With a big gulp and a gag he didn’t even try to suppress as he felt the pills catch on the side of his throat, Danny responded with a shout of his own. “Yeah?!” 
“Can I borrow a jacket?! It’s cold as balls out and I don’t have one!” 
Setting his empty glass of water in the sink, Daniel ran a hand through his curls. Sam had stopped over at Danny’s before the band’s scheduled studio time so the two of them could carpool. 
“Yeah!” he shouted back. He went through a mental checklist to make sure he had everything he needed before he left, adding Sam to the bottom of that list. 
“What the fuck is this in your pocket?!” Sam called out again, breaking through Danny’s concentration. 
“I don’t know! I’m not over there!” 
It was quiet again for a moment, Danny quickly going through his checklist again as he passed by his laundry room to grab some socks from the pile. 
“Can I drink it?!” 
Daniel, starting to get a little frustrated by Sam’s antics already, huffed out in exasperation. 
“Go ahead!” he screamed harsher than he had meant to. But, really, how the hell was Daniel meant to know what the fuck Sam was talking about. It probably was a shot of fireball or something he never drank. And if Sam wanted to be tipsy while they recorded… Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. 
“It tastes like bubblegum!” Sam excitedly exclaimed, his voice louder as Danny was just around the corner from where he was stationed by the front door. 
“That’s great, buddy,” Daniel dismissed, walking past him briefly as he went to grab his sticks from the living room. Doing the pat down on his pockets to make sure he had his keys and wallet, Daniel finally rounded the corner to his front door only to see Sam sprawled out on the ground. 
“Sam?” Danny cautiously asked, hoping Sam was just being theatrical over how long Danny was taking to leave. 
But then he didn’t answer. Or move, for that matter. 
“Sammy?!” Daniel was distraught now, tossing his sticks to the side as he kneeled down next to Sam to shake him. 
He still wasn’t stirring, but at least his chest was moving. Daniel frantically searched for a pulse, lifting up his hand to check his wrist. That was when he spotted the nearly empty teardrop shaped vial in Sam’s hand and Danny’s heart sank even further. 
“No no no no-” Danny chanted under his breath, pressing his fingers into Sam’s wrist. His heart rate slowed a bit when he was able to feel Sam’s pulse in his fingertips. He sighed deeply, feeling his shoulders sag in relief. 
“C’mon, Sammy,” Danny implored, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and began to shake him. It wasn’t hard, but it was enough to make his head loll around his shoulders. 
When that didn’t work, Danny bit his lip as his brow knit together. He had an idea, but he’d feel awful for going through with it. With another sigh, Daniel resigned himself to it. 
“I’m sorry, Sam,” he murmured, pulling his right hand off the bassist’s shoulder. He reared it back and smacked it smartly against his friend’s cheek. Cringing at how loud the slap resounded in the echo-y chamber of his vestibule, Daniel smoothed his hand back over the pink mark blossoming on Sam’s face. 
It worked, to Danny’s utter relief. 
Sam’s eyes fluttered open as Daniel caressed his fingers across the angry outline of his hand, groaning as he lifted his hand to his forehead. 
“What the hell happened?” Sam grumbled out, sitting up on his own. Danny sat back onto his heels, raking his eyes over Sam to check for any signs of danger. 
“You drank the vial in my jacket and passed out, I guess,” Daniel tried to explain, the concern leaking through his tone. Sam still had yet to look at Danny, his eyes having shut once more as he sat fully upright. 
Huffing out a laugh, Sam looked at the vial in his hand, a drop of that baby pink liquid slipping out of the opening and splattering onto the floor. He turned it over in his fingers a few times before he spoke again. “Hell of a rush.” 
Daniel couldn’t help but snort, his worries easing significantly at the joke. Sam was going to be ok. Maybe a little groggy, but ok. That Greta girl should count herself lucky nothing worse had happened to Sam or else he’d bring down hell around her ears for hurting his best friend. 
“Alright, Sam. Let’s get you up or else we’ll be late for studio time,” Danny grunted out as he hauled Sam up to his feet by his arm. 
“Right, right,” Sam quietly answered, his hair flying out around him as he shook his head to presumably clear it. 
And that was when Sam looked at Danny for the first time since he fell. 
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” 
“Hey, guys, we might want to reschedule.” 
“Yeah? And why is that?” Jake was the first one to look over at Daniel. And when he did, Danny watched as his entire body went rigid as his eyes flew wide open. 
“Something wrong- oh my god.” That was Josh, this time. And just like Jake, Josh’s eyes got comically wide as he took in the sight of Danny and Sam. 
And Daniel really couldn’t blame them. He’d have the same reaction if he saw his little brother clinging onto his best friend as if his life depended on it. 
Sam had long since jumped into Danny’s arms, his arms and legs wrapped around Daniel as if he were a monkey and Daniel his favorite tree. He had refused to get down, Danny having tried to fight him in the parking lot before entering the studio to get him to walk on his own, but Sam was having none of it. Even on the drive over, Sam had tried to climb into Danny’s lap a few times all while gushing about how pretty he thought Danny was. He finally got Sam to stay in his seat after promising to hold his hand as he drove. But as soon as they stepped out of the car, it was no holds barred. 
“What the hell is he doing?” Jake asked, his eyes still locked onto his baby brother’s strange behavior. 
“I’m holding the love of my life!” Sam answered for Daniel. And if Daniel’s face wasn’t burning before, he was certain it was set ablaze by that. And the worst part was Daniel could tell Sam was using a genuine tone. 
He watched the twins look between the two rhythm section members, their lips pursing as they took in the sight. Daniel wanted to hide his face in his hands, but they were currently holding his obnoxious best friend so he couldn’t. 
“Oooooooooo-k. Umm, what the fuck is going on?” Josh had abandoned his station at his microphone, setting the equipment down on a chair to his left before he joined Jake at his side. 
Danny sighed, his eyes closing in shame. He wanted to look everywhere else but at the twins and their calculating and bewildered gazes. 
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” Daniel let out a squeak after he spoke, Sam surprising him with kisses he placed on the side of Danny’s neck where his head was nuzzled. He tried to pull away, but Sam just chased after him with his lips. 
“Try us,” Josh answered, his arms crossing over his chest as his hip popped out. Jake was idly fiddling with his guitar, probably not even aware that he was playing at all, but his eyes never left Danny. 
With a deep sigh, Daniel launched into the story of Greta and her stupid fucking love potion. While he was explaining, he knew his story sounded made up. I mean, for god’s sake, the titular character shared the name of their band. It just sounded like he was caught in a lie. The only thing he knew would work in his favor was the potion vial that he had the foresight of bringing with him. 
It was a fight, but Daniel was able to wrangle Sam off of him and set his feet on the floor. However, the man still refused to let go of him completely. So Daniel had to live with Sam resting his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around Danny’s torso. With his hands finally free, Daniel was able to fish that vial out of his pocket and toss it over to the twins. 
Josh caught it, Jake watching it sail over towards his twin with his eyes. Daniel watched as they inspected it, the baby pink liquid still shimmering in the light. He pointedly ignored Sam and his embarrassing antics. Or, at least he tried to. It was very hard when he kept peppering kisses all over Danny’s cheek and neck as he spoke sweet nothings into his ear. Danny felt shivers dance their way across his skin, his veins warming at all the contact and compliments. But he refused to indulge in them. Sam was not himself right now and he would be damned if he was going to take advantage of him. But, they still felt nice. 
After a few seconds of turning over the evil liquid, Josh tossed it back over to Daniel. 
“Alright,” Jake started, pulling the cord out of his guitar, “we believe you.” 
“Really?” Danny was truly bewildered. He thought the twins were going to think it was some kind of stupid prank they were trying to pull on them. He was actually relieved they did. 
“Yeah. We’ve never seen Sam act this way before. Plus he’s a dog shit actor,” Josh answered, a laugh escaping his lips after the last sentence. Danny had to agree; he’d seen the movies Josh had made where Sam was the lead. There weren’t that many. 
“Oh, thank god. Because I need help.” Daniel’s tone was desperate, his hands trying to pull Sam’s off his waist. But every time he tried, Sam would just slide them back into place. He eventually gave up, huffing in resignation as Sam giggled in his ear. “Yeah, I’m gonna be honest with you on this one. I don’t know where we’ll even start,” Jake bluntly pointed out, placing his guitar on its stand. 
“What if you two try to contact the people who organized the fair and see if you can find the woman who sold me the…” God help him, “...the potion.” 
“Yeah, alright. What are you going to do?” Josh was already pulling out his phone, not looking at Danny as he spoke. 
“I’m going to see if maybe she posted that picture and contact her that way,” Daniel explained, having to shove Sam’s hips away from his own in order to get his phone from his back pocket. 
“Sounds like a plan. But how about we don’t do this here,” Jake posited, his eyes sliding over to where their producer and mixer were watching raptly as Sammy placed yet another series of kisses onto Danny. 
They all agreed. They wanted to spare both men as much embarrassment as possible and also minimize the possibility of this leaking and sending the wrong message to their fan base. 
Daniel offered up his house considering it was the closest. 
“And I’ll drive lovebug here, too.” Danny hooked his thumb towards where Sammy’s face was pressed into the side of Danny’s, a dopey smile on his face as he nuzzled deeper into Danny. 
“I don’t think you have a choice,” Josh so helpfully pointed out, trying poorly to suppress a laugh. 
“Yeah, ha ha. Let’s go,” Daniel sharply ordered, trying once more to rip Sam’s arms off of him and failing. 
“No, no, wait. Let us get one video for blackmail,” Jake quickly requested, already having his phone out and pointed at the two. 
Danny, knowing that there was no way they’d relent, groaned and let Jake record his misery. 
“Alright, Sammy. Tell us how you feel about Daniel,” Jake prompted, the laugh in his voice barely contained. The youngest perked up at the question, his smile getting brighter. 
“Well, where do I even begin! There’s so much I feel about him,” Sam cooed, resting his chin against Danny’s shoulder as he spoke. Danny felt Sam’s hair slip off his own shoulder as Sam tilted his head to get a better look at Danny. 
“Why don’t you start with the physical,” Josh, that bastard, piped up. Danny shot him a glare, Josh only responding with an “innocent” smile. 
“Oh! That’s easy! He’s got these beautiful dark eyes that you can easily get lost in. They’re this gorgeous shade of amber brown that have this nice green in them that remind me of moss in the forest. Oh! And when they catch the light just right they’re so bright and I get butterflies. And speaking of butterflies, when he smiles at me I can’t help but feel like I’m going to pass out from how beautifully warm and overwhelming it is-” 
“Alright,” Danny squeaked out, his voice cracking as his face began to heat up, “that’s enough.” 
“No, no, we’re just getting to the good part. Sam, what else about Danny do you like?” Danny bared his teeth at Jake. He knew it was ineffective, what, with his face burning as bright as a stop light. 
“Oh, his arms are really nice. I love it when he picks me up because then I can feel them flexing and it makes me all dizzy.” Sam’s voice was dripping in honey. It was so sweet it made Danny’s stomach ache. 
“Really? And what about his freckles?” 
“One of his best features, definitely. They get all dark and prominent in the summer when he gets more sun. He’s got 137 of them!” 
“Alright that’s-” 
“And what about Danny’s personality?” 
“He’s the sweetest guy ever! I swear, he’s so sweet he gives me cavities. Like this one time, I was feeling really down in the dumps and then Danny went out of his way to get me a case of my favorite beer and made me laugh so hard I nearly pissed myself. He just knows me sooooo well. And also he takes care of Rose the best and he is always so gentle and loving with her… what isn’t there to love?” 
“Ok, show’s over. We’re done here,” Daniel firmly decided, reaching out to yank Jake’s phone away from him and end the recording, holding it out of Jake’s reach as he tried to grab it back from him. 
Danny tossed it back at him when he was done, watching the guitarist nearly fumble the device to the ground. He shot Danny a confused look at his shift in mood, but he didn’t respond. He simply held onto Sam’s arms as he turned the two of them around and made for the door. 
As they walked to the car, Daniel pointedly did not think about the fact that Sam apparently just seemed to know how many freckles Danny had off the top of his head. Or how that made his heart flutter within his chest. 
The car ride back was considerably less dangerous than the drive over; Sam hadn’t tried to climb into Danny’s lap since he preemptively laced their fingers together. However, Sammy hadn’t stopped talking. And it wasn’t his usual babbling, no. It was much worse. 
“I love you.” 
“I know.” 
“I love you.” 
“I know.” The shock of it had worn off at the thirtieth time Sammy had confessed it to Danny, that first time making the drummer jump out of his skin. Now it was just getting annoying, like the beep of a smoke detector. 
“You’re really hot,” Sam giggled, leaning his head across the consul and bumping it into Danny’s shoulder. 
Danny just groaned, throwing his head into the headrest behind him and asking god what he did wrong to deserve this cruel and unusual punishment. It was one thing to toy with his destiny, it was another entirely to play around with his emotions. 
“I hope we fucking crash,” he whined, the light turning green and taking his foot off the brake. 
“I hope we fuck.” 
Daniel felt his foot involuntarily slam down on the gas, forcing the both of them to jerk back in their seats as the engine loudly revved like an animal letting out a warning growl. Danny whipped his head over to Sam briefly, taking in his lashes batting flirtatiously and his wolfish grin. The driver felt his heart pounding in his chest, ripping his eyes away from his distracting passenger and forcing himself to look at the road. 
“What?” he croaked out, not really wanting to hear it again but also wanting to know if he heard Sam right. 
“You heard me,” was all Sam spoke in response, a dangerously flirtatious edge to his words that made Danny’s heart lurch in his chest. 
“Just… Just keep those thoughts to yourself, ok?” 
“Ok!” Sam cheerfully agreed, settling back down onto Danny’s shoulder. That was another thing about this that was driving Daniel slowly insane: Sam did almost everything Danny asked of him. 
He was so, utterly fucked. 
“Ok, so Greta must be a popular name among artists or something because the fair organizer said there were about thirty booths registered under that name,” Jake explained after hanging up the phone. He tapped his pen on the pad of paper he’d been writing on idly, turned towards Danny’s spot on his couch. Sammy had tackled him onto it, curling up right against his chest like an oversized dog and refused to move. 
“Did she give you the list of businesses, too?” Danny asked, having to crane his neck to look over at Jake. 
“Yeah, and I was able to cross off a few of them already,” Jake answered, swiping away at his phone again.
“Nice work,” Danny praised, his eyes darting back to his phone. He and Josh had taken on scrolling through Danny’s instagram mentions in order to try and find the famed Greta. And, Jesus, people really loved tagging him in shit. They had been at it for hours and were still only finding posts from about two weeks ago. 
“Is this her?” Josh hoisted his phone up into Danny’s field of view. Danny squinted as he analyzed the woman’s face. 
“No,” he groaned, his frustration mounting as they had zero luck. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t like Sam like this, it was just… It was too much. Yeah, maybe Danny had been dreaming about this exact scenario for years, but this wasn’t how he wanted to get it. He’d felt guilt slam into him with every touch Sam bestowed upon him as he remembered that Sam wasn’t in control of his actions. It was that stupid fucking potion that was making Sam all cuddly and cute; the normal Sam would never do that. The normal Sam wouldn’t repeatedly confess his love for Danny in a myriad of ways, or kiss his neck and cheeks, or cling to him every second of the day. No matter how badly Danny wanted it to be true, Sam just wasn’t in love with Danny like the drummer was in love with the bassist. 
And that was the time that Sam decided to stir just enough to burrow deeper into his embrace with Daniel, grumbling something under his breath that was reminiscent of a cat purring. And just like it never happened, Sam fell back asleep again. Danny watched for a bit too long as Sam’s chest rose and fell with each even breath he took, his face held in a content smile as he dreamed away. 
“Man, I haven’t seen him curled up with someone like that since we were kids,” Josh commented, taking a break from his endless scrolling to crack his neck and stretch. He had watched the whole thing, Sam’s stirring and Daniel’s flush creeping onto his face as he gazed down at the cozy bass player. 
“What do you mean?” Danny had moved his own phone out of the way to properly look at Josh. The man had taken to sitting on the floor with his back against the couch that Sam and Danny were laying on. 
“The last time he looked that content while sleeping was probably when he was about eight-ish; that was when he stopped taking naps with mom,” the singer explained, his eyes cast upwards as if searching the farthest reaches of his mind. 
“What, are you calling me his mother?” Daniel felt his face pinch into one of disgust as he remembered what Sam had sprung on him during the ride over. 
“No, what he’s saying is Sam has always liked to cuddle, but only feels comfortable doing it with certain people,” Jake clarified, not even bothering to look up from his notepad. 
“Yeah, he’s never done that with us. And, now that I think about it, he’s never done that with his girlfriends, either. At least, from what I’ve seen, anyway,” Josh added, rambling just a tad at the end. He even brought his hand up to his chin as he thought, his fingers stroking the hair on it absently. 
Daniel had no idea what to do with that particular bit of information, so he elected to shove it into his mental box labeled “The Sam Incident” to be ignored until further notice. It was starting to become alarmingly full. 
He went back to his scrolling, his eyes beginning to burn with how long he’d been staring at the screen. He wasn’t aware that he’d taken to running his fingers through Sam’s hair and absently playing with it as he focused on finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. 
Right when he was about to take a break and grab something to eat, he spotted her. 
“AHA!” he exclaimed, bolting upright and rudely jolting Sam out of his peaceful slumber. The bassist even grumbled, rubbing at his eyes and shooting a grumpy look at his personal pillow for the violent awakening. Danny felt the sympathy ache in his chest for Sam, rubbing a soothing and apologetic hand over Sam’s arm. Though, with how frizzy and staticky his hair looked, Daniel had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at Sam. 
“You found her?” the twins asked simultaneously, Danny feeling briefly like he was in The Shining as they both gave him the same expression as he looked between them. 
Daniel nodded his head, turning his phone around to show the others. Sam took the opportunity to sleepily and unceremoniously flop himself down against the drummer’s chest face first, wrapping his arms around his waist. Danny instinctively placed his hand onto his back to steady him, rubbing it as Sam mumbled something into his chest that Danny could not understand. 
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Jake, ever the impatient one, urged Daniel. He pushed away from the table he was stationed at, making his way over to lean over the back of the couch to watch the drummer’s screen. 
danielrwagner: Hey, so uhhh
danielrwagner: This is going to be a strange question but
danielrwagner: Are you the woman who gave me a vial at an art show a month or so back? 
Daniel had set his phone down onto the couch, figuring he’d have to wait a while for a response - if he ever got one, that is. What he didn’t expect was for his phone to buzz almost immediately afterwards. 
StarshineGreta: Hi Danny!
StarshineGreta: Yes, that was me
StarshineGreta: Why did someone drink it? 
danielrwagner: Yeah
StarshineGreta: Who was it?
Daniel swallowed nervously, glancing down at Sammy who was still wedged into his chest and showing no signs that he was moving anytime soon. 
danielrwagner: …Sam
Call from StarshineGreta 
“Guys, what should I do?” Daniel panicked, his heart rate kicking up in speed inside his chest as his ringtone started to cheerfully chirp in his hand. He frantically looked back and forth between the twins, looking for their help. 
“Answer it!” Josh screeched, his thunderous voice that Daniel normally heard echoing through stadium speakers just as loud and commanding in his living room. 
With a nervous bite of his lip, Danny did as he was told. 
“Hey, Greta. Just so you know, you're on speaker with… with the whole band,” Daniel greeted, making sure to give her the courtesy of knowing that everyone could hear her. But, it seemed that she didn’t even register what he had said. Instead, she launched right into it. 
“Alright, how long ago did he drink it and what are his symptoms?” Her voice was nearly clinical if it weren’t for the clear enthusiasm dripping off her words. 
“He drank it at about ten this morning-” 
“And he’s acting like a lovesick puppy and won’t leave Daniel alone,” Josh interjected, leaning over so that he was closer to the phone to be heard. Though that wasn’t really necessary since the man had shouted, anyway. 
“Yeah, Sam won’t stop touching and cuddling him and if he tells him to quit it he gets all mopey and sad,” Jake added, flashing Danny a grin that Daniel merely glared at. She really didn’t need to know all that. 
The beat of silence that followed made Danny’s nerves spike into the stratosphere. What he didn’t know was that Greta had merely muted her own mic so that she could laugh as boisterously as she wanted to without being heard. 
“Interesting. And how much did he drink?” 
“Pretty much the whole thing. There’s about an eighth or so left in the bottle, I’d guess,” Daniel informed, feeling as if the vial in his pocket got heavier as he thought about it. 
“Wow. Ok, wow. No wonder he’s so clingy,” Greta replied, her surprise seeping into her tone. 
“I wouldn’t call him that-” 
“Dan. Try standing up.” 
Giving Jake a disgruntled look, Daniel tried exactly as suggested. As he did, Sam’s arms tightened around Sam and pulled him back down towards him. “Nooooooooo,” he had whined out in protest, his brow knitting together in a grumpy frown once more as he looked up at Danny through his lashes. 
“No,” he said again, this time more firm and accented by Sam’s grip readjusting around Danny’s ribs to pull himself even tighter against Danny’s chest. 
When Daniel looked over at the younger twin, he was met with a small yet smug smile of victory. 
“Shut up,” he lamely shot back, wanting to cross his arms over his chest but being prevented by a certain bass player. Instead, he just settled his free arm back onto Sam’s back right below where his hair stopped in the middle of his spine. 
“Is it a problem that he drank so much?” Josh asked, completely ignoring the exchange that happened between Jake and Daniel. 
“Not really, no. The effects will just be stronger than if he had just drank the recommended amount,” Greta explained. 
“Will it last longer?” Daniel quickly interjected, the horrifying thought of having to deal with Sam acting like this for a month causing panic to lance through his heart. 
“I don’t think so. Maybe a few extra hours, but it should be worn off by tomorrow evening.” 
“And how come your potion actually works? Like, why isn’t yours bullshit like the other ‘love potions’ out there?” Jake so delicately questioned. 
“Normally, most of mine are but… well…” Daniel did not like how her tone shifted from confident to apprehensive, “I won’t sugar coat it. The potions I make are meant to amplify what emotions are already inside someone. They can’t manufacture love or hate or happiness if they don’t already exist in the person who drank it.” 
After she finished her explanation, the room went silent. Daniel felt as if his mind was beginning to overheat inside his skull as he tried to process the information she had just dropped onto them. 
“I don’t get it,” Daniel croaked out, feeling as if his mind was halting all function as he stared blankly down at his phone. 
“Do you have that potion on you?” Greta’s voice wasn’t scheming, per say, but it was clear she had a plan. 
Daniel dug into his front pocket, fishing out the aforementioned vial. He held it up into the air, looking at it and wondering how something so unassuming could flip his world on its axis. 
Before the drummer could even respond to Greta, Jake had swiped it out of his hand so quickly Danny could only blink dumbly at the man. 
“Josh!” he called before tossing it towards the man. 
“Wait-” was all Daniel could get out before the singer had uncapped the vial and tossed it back like it was a shot. 
“Ooh, bubblegum flavored,” Josh cooed after he swallowed, flipping the vial in his hand after he replaced the cap. 
Daniel just sat frozen in place. Great, now he was going to have to deal with two Kiszkas attached to his hip at all times and he wasn’t going to be able to do anything-
“How ya feeling, Josh?” Jake had asked in a voice reminiscent of a gameshow host from the 70s. 
“Honestly, Jake, I feel no different. Daniel, I love you, man, but not like that,” Josh answered, pointing at his little brother curled up into Danny’s chest like an overgrown cat to prove his point. 
“So, that means…” Jake prompted, holding out his hand as if to cue Daniel to understand. It didn’t work. 
“I still don’t get it. And now I’ll have two of you on top of me-” 
“Oh my god,” Josh impatiently groaned, tossing his head back in frustration as he scrubbed a hand down his face. 
“Jesus, you’re dumb, Dan,” Jake added, exasperation of his own causing him to pinch the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. 
“I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually,” Greta optimistically offered, her voice cutting through the groaning from the twins. 
“But, wait, what should I do? Is there anything I can do to help Sam? Or, like, cure him?” Danny inquired, electing to ignore the twins and their antics. 
“You’re just going to have to wait it out,” Greta answered, her voice not even remotely sympathetic to Danny’s plight. 
“Thanks for the insight, Greta.” Jake leaned in towards the phone again, giving it a two fingered salute. 
“Yeah, and thank you for the free blackmail!” Josh was smiling as he waved at the phone, his tone chipper and not at all matching the devious words he spoke. 
“Any time, boys!” 
And with that, the call had ended. 
“Well, we best get going,” Josh sighed as he got to his feet, stretching his arms over his head. 
“Yep. Seems like you and Sam need some time to yourselves.” Jake had playfully nudged his baby brother on the shoulder with his hand, Sam only responding with a half-hearted grunt of annoyance at being jostled. 
“Wait, hold on-” 
“Goodbye, lovebirds!” 
With a slam of the door that carried with it a sense of finality, Daniel was left alone with a love-drugged Sam. In his house. Alone. 
“I thought they’d never leave,” Sam yawned, mimicking his older brother from earlier as he stretched his arms above his head, his face pinching together as he did so. Daniel pointedly did not look at the sliver of tan skin the bassist exposed above his waistband as he stretched, a playful teasing of his happy trail poking out briefly. 
“Uh, what?” 
“The twins! I thought they wouldn’t take the hint,” Sam playfully implied, his hands tracing up from their perch on Daniel’s stomach to his pecs. And that was when he realized that Sammy was straddling his hips and looming above him with a look in his eye and a smirk on his lips that was anything but innocent. 
Danny was stuck in his position on the couch, feeling like those butterflies they displayed in glass with those pins that pierced through their wings stabbing through his own limbs. He felt frozen, caught between his own animalistic desire and his morality; the angel and devil on his shoulders waging a war. 
“Are you hungry?” Daniel squeaked out, his voice breaking as he shoved Sam off of him and bolted off the couch. He felt like his face was on fire as the rest of his skin prickled with its own heat. He stood himself on the opposite side of the room, all but pressing his back to the wall. He didn’t care what that witch or the twins said; Sammy would never do that. 
He’s not himself. 
Once Sam recovered from Danny tossing him into the couch, Sam turned those sultry eyes back onto the drummer. “Yeah. For you.” 
Daniel gulped. Sam’s voice had purred out of his lips, matching the very clear bedroom eyes he was shooting Daniel. And Danny was not liking how his body was reacting to that. 
“I’ll order sushi,” Daniel quickly stated before bolting out of the room and away from Sam as fast as he could. 
Dinner was an ordeal. Daniel had to essentially manipulate Sammy into eating, which made him feel like garbage. But, he tried to reassure himself by saying it was for Sam’s own good. And if Danny had to use his powers of suggestion over Sam to do it, then it was just a means to an end. To be fair, it wasn’t like he was forcing Sam to do something like make out with Danny or anything like that. It was just getting him to eat his goddamn sushi. 
It also didn’t help that Sam had scooched his chair right up beside Danny’s and would move closer to him each time Danny had tried to move away. And then Sam had tried to feed Danny his food. Which was… an experience. 
“C’moooooooooon Danny! It’ll be cute like Lady and the Tramp!” Sam whined, waving his chopsticks in the air. 
Daniel, knowing his willpower against Sam was weakening, relented. He huffed out a “fine” and half-heartedly opened his mouth. Sam squealed excitedly before gently picking up a roll with his chopsticks and placing it between Danny’s lips. Daniel figured the pain of Sam’s nagging was worth the pleasure of seeing his brilliantly excited smile as Daniel chewed his sushi. 
“Ok, ok, now me!” Sam exclaimed, setting down his chopsticks before opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue like he was about to get his tonsils checked. 
With an exasperated yet fond sigh, Daniel selected a sushi roll and brought it up to Sam, cupping a hand underneath it to catch it if it fell. As he placed the sushi on Sam’s tongue, Daniel made the mistake of looking his friend in the eyes. When he did, his breath hitched inside his throat. Daniel could feel as the air around them crackled with a charged energy that sparked to life as their gazes met. And Daniel felt himself unable to tear his eyes away from Sam as he slowly pulled his chopsticks away.
When Sam slipped the food into his mouth and began to chew, that was when Daniel was able to look away. 
That was a few hours ago. The two of them were once again cuddled up on Danny’s couch, Sam trying his absolute best to get every part of his body touching every part of Daniel’s. They had thrown on a crime procedural show; Bones or Law & Order, Daniel didn’t know. He was far too distracted by how Sam kept attempting to get Danny to kiss him or let him blow him or an assortment of other things that made his face glow bright red. 
He’s not in his right mind, Daniel had to keep reminding himself. And he would not break to love-drugged Sam no matter how many times he would flash Danny those puppy eyes that would normally make him fold like a house of cards under a slight breeze. 
“Daaaaaaaanyyyyyyyyyy,” Sam sang, wiggling himself onto Danny’s lap in order to plant himself right in front of Daniel’s field of view. He would no longer be ignored, despite the fact that Sam had always had Danny’s full attention; he just was acting as though he hadn’t. 
“Sam, I’m trying to watch this,” Daniel weakly protested. He had no idea what the plot of the episode was, much less the actual name of the show. 
“Watch me instead,” Sam whined, his shoulders slouching as he theatrically threw his head back in frustration, “you’ve been ignoring me all day.” 
“That’s not true-” 
“It’s like you don’t love me.” And that was what finally caused Daniel to break his facade. He looked Sam right in the eyes, taking in the pout of his lips and the dejected nature of his eyes. Daniel isn’t ashamed to admit that he felt his chest ache at the sight. There was genuine heartbreak in Sammy’s eyes that did nothing to quell the guilt that had been thrumming through Daniel’s veins all day. 
Sam could not have been further from the truth, really. Daniel did love Sam. Like, embarrassingly so. He felt it swelling in his chest every second that he spent with Sam, even when he wasn’t with him. Actually, that was when he felt it the most, when Sam wasn’t with him. Those were the moments when he found himself wishing for the man to be near, feeling his heart long for his calming and wonderful presence. 
But, he knew Sam didn’t feel that way about Daniel. Danny knew Sam the best out of everyone on earth; he’d be able to tell who Sam was in love with. It wasn’t Daniel. 
“That-That’s not…” Danny didn’t know how to answer that. He really didn’t. He had no idea if Sam would remember anything from this after the potion wore off. He really did not want to risk the most precious thing in his life. 
Instead, Daniel just gently lowered Sam’s head down into the crook of his neck, wrapping his arms around Sam in order to pull him as tightly against his chest as he could. If he couldn’t say it, he’d show it. 
Sam calmed down after that, apparently perfectly content to just exist inside of Danny’s personal space. It wasn’t long after that Daniel felt drowsiness creep up on him. Despite not doing much moving around considering the human ball and chain known as Samuel Kiszka was attached to him all day prevented that, he was still exhausted. Emotionally, that is. Who knew having the love of your life falsely confessing his love for you would be so draining? Danny sure didn’t. 
“Alright,” Danny yawned, reaching for the remote to turn off the tv, “time for bed.” 
“Carry me,” Sam murmured, already half asleep against Danny. 
“Sam…” Daniel protested with a sigh, knowing that he was going to anyway but hoping Sam would change his mind. 
“Please, baby,” the bassist whined, moving his head so that one eye poked out from his curtain of hair to give Danny that wretched Puppy Look. 
Like the whipped man that he was, Danny just sighed as his shoulders sagged in defeat. After shuffling around Sam’s limbs to better fit around Danny as he stood, Daniel walked the two of them up to his bedroom. Danny decidedly did not think about what this would look like to an outsider. 
“When did you get so heavy,” Danny grunted halfway up the stairs. 
“It’s not nice to comment on a lady’s weight,” Sam shot back, his face still completely nuzzled into Danny’s neck. The breath of his words made Daniel have to suppress a shiver. 
“Oh, I didn’t know I was talking to a lady.” 
Sam giggled, the vibrant and gorgeous sound making Danny’s heart soar. 
Jesus, he was so doomed. 
It had taken some master level bargaining on Daniel’s part, but he was able to convince Sam to leave him alone long enough so that they could each finish their nighttime routines. Daniel had just loaned Sam a pair of his sleep shorts and a shirt to use as pajamas; the shorts were just a bit too big on Sam and caused the waistband to sit dangerously low on his hips. Daniel found himself having to force his eyes to focus on anything other than that sliver of skin on Sam’s abdomen, which was an incredibly hard task. 
Daniel was far from surprised when Sam had climbed into the bed next to him and proceeded to wrap all of his limbs around Danny. It was like the man had managed to find the exact places where he would fit perfectly against Danny like he was meant to be there. Frankly, it was driving Daniel mad. 
“Don’t I get a kiss goodnight?” Sam hummed directly into the drummer’s ear, able to feel the vibrations in his best friend’s chest that was pressed into his side. 
The question made Danny sigh. He knew what would happen if he said no. 
“You’re going to keep going until I snap or give in, won’t you?” Daniel addressed the ceiling, unsure if he was speaking to Sam or god at this point. 
“Yep,” Sam replied, popping the P in the word. Daniel could hear the mischievous smile in his words. 
Now, it was just a matter of weighing Daniel’s conscience against his desire to get some goddamn rest. And, well, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to kiss Sam. But, once again, not like this. But… well, it wasn’t like they hadn’t kissed before. It happened a few years ago when they were both drunk; the both of them had laughed it off afterwards, but neither of them spoke of it again. Danny was sure that if he had explained to Sam that he was only doing it to get him to relent so that he could sleep, Sam would understand. Hell, this would be far from the first time Danny had done something Sam had asked of him to get him to shut up so he could sleep. 
“Fine,” Daniel had begrudgingly agreed, the word sighed out. But, before he could tell Sam that he was only going to get a quick peck and nothing else, Sam had pounced. 
Danny’s cries of protest had been drowned out by the press of Sam’s unfairly soft lips, his facial hair not an unpleasant bristle against his skin. But, no matter how good it felt, Danny couldn’t allow this to continue. There was just one small problem: Sam had managed to snake his hands from where they had wrapped around Danny’s torso to his head. He felt those lithe fingers weave their way into his curls, locking him in place like a boa constrictor did with their prey. No matter how… how hot that was, Daniel was the one in his right mind. He was the one responsible for his own action, so that meant he had to… to… oh, dear lord, Sam’s tongue was soft; feeling like the finest velvet money could buy. It beckoned Daniel’s own tongue, gently pleading with it to slip inside Sam’s mouth. And, truly, who was Danny to argue? And, god forgive him, Sam’s mouth was so warm and inviting, it should be a sin. 
Daniel blames his fixation on Sam’s mouth for the reason he failed to notice just how long their kiss had lasted. What finally broke him out of his trance was when Sam’s thigh slipped its way between Daniel’s own, brushing against his interested dick and pulling a surprised yelp from his lips. 
Fighting against Sam’s, admittedly strong, grip on his hair, Daniel pulled away from Sam. He made sure to physically push away Sam’s thigh from its spot between Danny’s legs, knowing that should have been his first act. He was out of breath; another indicator for just how he had failed to be responsible. And looking into Sam’s confused and hurt eyes did nothing to help the guilt mushrooming within his chest. 
“You’ll thank me later,” Daniel explained, even sounding out of breath as he tried to put as much distance between himself and Sam as the love-drugged man would allow. Or you’ll hate me later. 
“But what about here and now?” Sam whined, closing the precious distance Danny had built up. 
“You got what you wanted-” and fucking then some, “-just go to sleep.” 
“Go to sleep, Sam.” Daniel snapped, immediately regretting his tone as soon as he saw the genuine hurt in those amber eyes. 
With a scowl, Sam settled down into the sheets. What hurt the most, though, was when Sam had retracted all of his limbs from where they intertwined with Daniel’s, flipping on his side to face away from his best friend. Despite having wished for it all day, Danny had no idea it would hurt so fucking much. 
Even though he wanted to so fucking badly, Daniel did not reconcile the situation. It was for the best, he had to tell himself. This way, Daniel would be able to actually sleep and Sam wouldn’t be as weirded out towards Danny when he inevitably snapped out of this spell. 
It was for the best. 
Then why does it feel so wrong? 
Daniel had gotten no sleep. 
Despite how much he tried, it seemed that every time he closed his eyes he was met by the image of Sammy’s disappointed face. He knew, deep down, that it was the right thing for him to do, to push Sam away like that. But that really was a thin comfort when the hurt in Sam’s eyes before he disentangled himself from Danny was still playing on loop in his head. Isn’t that what he had been trying to avoid this whole time? Hurting Sam? And, somehow, he had managed to do just that. It was frustrating and exhausting and Danny just wanted to get some fucking sleep. 
Through the night, however, Sam had managed to intertwine himself once more with Danny. It felt like a hollow victory. And when he eventually, slowly, woke up, Sam had seemed to be completely over their spat from the night prior. 
He had simply stretched his arms over his head, his hair a mess of tangles and static, and asked Daniel about breakfast. How Danny had wished that he could just brush off what happened the night prior. 
The rest of the day had happened much like the day before; Sam refusing to let Danny stray too far from his touch. It had been inconvenient as Danny tried to go about his day with another person attached to him at the hip. However, he was able to adapt by lunch time. Sammy was still whispering things in his ear that made his blood simmer in his veins and did nothing to suppress his guilt at what images and scenarios his brain supplied him with. 
Daniel had resigned himself to the fact that his day now would revolve around Sam entirely. He had wanted to go to the grocery store to restock his fridge that was becoming barren, but he knew there was the possibility that someone would recognize the two of them and their… compromising position. 
So, instead of going out and being productive like he had wanted to, he sequestered the two of them to his house. They settled on a Harry Potter marathon, Daniel once again unable to focus on the screen whatsoever with Sam pawing at him continuously. Daniel had ordered food and plopped the two of them on the couch. 
By the fourth movie, Sam had fallen asleep in Danny’s lap. Daniel, now with those doe eyes off of him, felt that he was finally able to end his guise of watching the screen. It had reached the late afternoon, that golden light sun streaming in through the windows of his living room and highlighting the lazy dust mites floating in the air. Most devastatingly, however, was how that sun had focused on Sammy’s profile. The man looked angelic, ethereal in a way that should not be feasible for a mortal. His hair glowed a golden hue, making it look like a halo was crowned onto his head. It made Danny’s heart ache within his chest. 
Daniel had been so distracted by how gorgeous his best friend looked that he failed to really notice that Sammy was beginning to wake up. 
“Daniel?” Sam’s voice was gravelly again. Danny felt his eyes focus on Sam’s, snapping him back into his own mind. 
“Wh… What happened?” Sam had lifted himself off of Danny’s chest, sliding a hand from where it rested on the small of Danny’s back to grab at his head. He blinked rapidly, sweeping his eyes around the room as if it was foreign to him with a grimace on his face. 
“How much do you remember?” 
There was a pause before Sam responded, his eyes sliding their focus in on Danny’s. “Remember? Dan, I’m not missing any time.” 
And if that didn’t make Daniel’s blood run cold. 
“So… So…” Danny couldn’t spit it out. No matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn’t say that Sam knew everything. That would make it real. 
“So… what happened?” Sam prompted again, seeming to be more lucid with each passing second. 
Danny involuntarily gulped, feeling a cold sweat breaking out across his skin. Why was he so nervous? It wasn’t that hard to say what happened; he already told the twins. So why the hell was it so difficult to look Sam in the eye. 
“You… You remember that vial from my jacket that you drank?” 
“Mhm, tasted like bubblegum.” 
“...Yeah. Well, that uhh…” 
Oh, for fucks sake! Just say it! 
“It was a love potion,” Daniel rushed out, the words all mushing together to sound like one long word. 
Another beat of silence passed between the two, Sam staring down at Daniel from his perch in his lap and Daniel looking everywhere he could that wasn’t Sam’s eyes. He really wished Sam would move, it would at least help the raging blush on his cheeks. At least slightly. 
“Oh, sick!!” 
Finally, Daniel looked Sam in the eye. Of all the ways he had forecasted that Sam would react to that information, enthusiasm and whimsy was not even on the list. He had expected Sam to get awkward, to politely remove himself from Danny’s touch and make an exit as quickly as possible. He had far from expected Sam to link his hands behind Danny’s neck and eagerly inquire about the potion. 
“Dude, that’s so cool! You know what this means, don’t you??” 
“Magic is real! And we just proved it!!” Sam’s smile was huge, bright enough to outshine the sun. 
“So, like, how does it actually work? Like, I remember that conversation we had with the witch about it only affecting those who already are in love, or whatever, but did she say the actual mechanics of how it worked? Like, is there a special ingredient that it needs to work?” Sam reminded Danny of a puppy in that moment. His eyes were bright and full of enthusiasm, his entire body buzzing with an energy that made it impossible for him to sit still. 
This time, it was Daniel who failed to give a timely response. His mind was too busy reeling over what Sam had glossed over during his rambling to properly process the man’s question. Realizing that the reason Sam was looking at him so expectantly was due to him waiting on the drummer, Danny shook his head to force it to work. 
“H-Hold on,” he began, taking a hand that had rested on Sam’s waist and bringing it up to his forehead, “you… you remember that conversation?? You were asleep!!” 
Danny hadn’t meant for his voice to come out like a screech, however he was just so damn confused that he really couldn’t focus the brain power on proper speech etiquette. 
“What?” Now it was Sam’s turn to knit his brow in confusion. “Oh, yeah! No, I was just faking it. It’s an old trick I pull out sometimes to get out of work; I started doing it so that Jake, Josh, and Ronnie were stuck doing chores instead of me.” 
Daniel felt like he was losing his mind. How was Sam so goddamn chipper about this?? 
“Ok. Ok. Oh my god.” Daniel forced himself to take a breath. It felt as if his entire world was crumbling beneath his feet and his brain was struggling to keep up with the rapidly shifting terrain. 
“So, you remember that whole conversation.” It wasn’t a question, though Danny had intended it to be. 
“Yep!” Danny felt a piece of his soul die at the chipper tone Sam used. He elected to ignore it. 
“And… that means you understand how it actually works…” 
“Apparently better than you did, Danny Boy,” Sam snarked, a playful grin that bordered on flirtatious spreading across his lips. 
Danny could only stare incredulously at Sam. 
“And you’re ok with it??” 
“...Yeah,” Sam answered slowly, “I already knew I was in love with you.” 
And that, right there, was how Daniel Wagner died. In retrospect, he had a good go of it. He was able to follow his dreams, be a rockstar. If he had to pick one, he’d say his one regret in life was ever befriending Samuel fucking Kiszka. It would have saved his life, after all. 
Sammy’s voice snapped him out of his cardiac arrest, pulling him back to the present. 
“Y-You… You…” Once again, Daniel felt like his brain was melting out of his head and pouring out of his ears. This can’t be real. Like, it just can’t. “You already… me??” 
“Yeah…” Sammy was looking at him strangely, as if Danny were the one acting weird. 
“You realize what you just told me, right??” 
“I don’t understand why you’re acting so surprised. You already knew this.” 
Danny tried to follow Sam’s logic in his head, he really did. He was still under the spell. He had to be. It was the only way Sam’s behavior made any sense to him. 
“Sam… you were drugged, ok? I don’t know exactly how, but those… your… actions were not your own,” Danny tried to explain, careful and gentle as possible. 
Then, it was as if a lightbulb went off inside Sam’s head. Daniel felt relief hit him; finally Sam got it. They could move past this and save their friendship. 
“Daniel, look at me,” Sammy slid his hands from behind Daniel’s neck to rest them on the sides of his face, positioning it so that Danny had to look at him, “I am not under any spell right now. I am in my sane mind, do you get me?” 
Danny opened his mouth to speak, but Sam cut him off before he had the ability to protest. 
“I am so fucking in love with you. Like, so fucking in love it’s probably illegal. And that was why the potion worked. Because I am in love with you. If I wasn’t, it wouldn’t have worked at all… do you understand what I am telling you in very clear, not-able-to-be-misinterpreted words?” Sam had said every sentence slowly and with a gravity to it that left no room for debate. They were spoken as fact; as law. Just how energy cannot be created nor destroyed, Sam Kiszka was in love with Daniel Wagner. 
Yet Daniel still had a hard time grasping the concept. 
“But… all that… that cuddling and-and kissing and all that… you’ve never acted that way before,” Daniel reasoned, believing this to be the work of the potion and hard evidence to support that belief. 
Sam just laughed, the noise warming up the ice that had frozen in Danny’s veins. 
“I always wanna kiss you, Daniel. The only reason I hadn’t yet was because I didn’t think you wanted me that way. And before you try and say it was the potion forcing me, it just never occurred to me to not act upon my feelings.” 
Danny was still apprehensive, unable to fully grapple with the concept that Sam wanted to kiss him at all times. But, he was beginning to see what everyone had been telling him the past 24 hours. 
“...Prove it.” 
With nothing but a quick “ok” spoken under his breath, Sam wasted no time launching forward and locking his lips with Danny’s. His hands slid from Danny’s cheeks to the back of his head, manipulating it so that Sam could tip it back and deepen the kiss. Once again, Danny felt dizzy. But, unlike the other kiss the two of them shared last night, this one was quick and urgent. Sam had something to prove and he was not about to let Daniel walk away from this without getting his point through Danny’s thick skull. 
It was Sam who eventually pulled away, having to gasp for air. 
“Holy shit,” Danny panted, his head feeling woozy as he took in the sight of his best friend looking absolutely ruined, yet giddy just from his lips. 
“Yeah,” Sam breathed in response, his smile turning dopey as he laughed. 
“You… You love me…” 
Danny watched in real time the excitement and shock that flooded Sam’s eyes. 
“Oh, thank fucking god,” Sam quickly uttered, throwing his head back, “YOU FINALLY GET IT!” Sam had taken to shaking Danny by the shoulders. 
“That’s actually great news because I’m also in love with you,” Daniel admitted, a giddiness of his own flooding his veins at finally being able to say those words out loud to Sam. 
“I would fucking hope so, you dense idiot.” There was no malice in Sam’s words. Quite the opposite, really. He had leaned back down onto Danny’s chest, burying his face into Danny’s neck as they embraced. 
“Wait… when did you-” 
“Truthfully? When we graduated.”
Daniel started to process what that meant. Since we graduated…
Tag list: @doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22 @satanplayshisfluteforhim @starsasone @writingcold @tearsofbri @gretasmokerising @streamofstardust @lunaindigoraven @jakeydoesit @tripthelightfandomtastic @sunfl0wer-power @wingedgardener2000 @gretavanbitches @teddiie @gardensGateDaisy @sparrowofthedawnsworld @angelbabyyy99 @sammysprincess @whollyfreeamongststars @gretaswhore28 @l0rdoffli3s @kay-jordan @lightmyloverry @kenzie18 @gotavansleep @roosterbbradley @freckled-wonder @flower-power-anthem @Gabyvanfleet @Sarakay-gvf @Mamalikes-gvf @josh-iamyour-mama @st4rdust-ch0rds @pr41sethemoon @fallonfatality @earthlysorrows @jessicafg03 @rossy1080 @hippievanfleet @spark-my-nature @hayley1623 @schleeble @gretavanflipflop
62 notes ¡ View notes
ivycovehq ¡ 4 months ago
welcome to ivy cove, fox! we can’t wait to meet daphne bridgerton, snow white, ororo munroe, susan pevensie, astrid hofferson, wyll ravengard. please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours
we are in the middle of an event. daphne has been placed in piltover and zaun with agatha harkness as a roommate, snow white has been placed in volantis with rhaenyra targaryen as roommate, ororo munroe has been placed in baldur’s gate, susan pevensie has been placed in coruscant, astrid hofferson has been placed in the northern water tribe, wyll has been placed in volantis. they will get roommates as more characters are apped for
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( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that DAPHNE BRIDGERTON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from BRIDGERTON. they’re 27 and live in GLEN OAKS HEIGHTS but watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE + A LITTLE NAIVE but are actually DETERMINED + GENEROUS. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of PASTEL COLORS, ELEGANT BALLROOMS, VINTAGE JEWELRY, FAMILY PORTRAITS AND DELICATE LACE when imagining them. / phoebe dynevor, she/her.
( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that SNOW WHITE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from DISNEY. they’re 25 and live in CORDOVA GROVE but watch out because they can be IDEALISTIC + OVERLY TRUSTING but are actually KIND HEARTED + OPTIMISTIC. despite them NOT HAVING memories, you’ll always think of CLASSIC FAIRYTALES, JOYFUL SONGS, POISONED APPLE, FOREST ANIMALS AND TRUE LOVE THAT RETURNS TO LIFE when imagining them. / adelaide kane, she/her.
( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that ORORO MUNROE / STORM walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from MARVEL. they’re 30 and live in RADIAN HILLS but watch out because they can be MISTRUSTFUL + HEADSTRONG but are actually EMPATHETIC + POWERFUL. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of STORMY SKIES, THUNDER, NATURE, ELEMENTAL MAGIC AND STRONG BONDS when imagining them. / halle berry, she/her.
( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that SUSANA PEVENSIE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. they’re 23 and live in CORDOVA GROVE but watch out because they can be SKEPTIC + PRAGMATIC but are actually BRAVE + DIPLOMATIC. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of ENCHANTED FLORESTS, ANCIENT RUINS, COZY FIRESIDES, TALKING LIONS AND ADVENTURE MAPS when imagining them. / anna popplewell, she/her.
( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that ASTRID HOFFERSON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON. they’re 26 and live in SHOREGRAZE RIDGE but watch out because they can be COMPETITIVE + PROUD but are actually RESOURCEFUL + LOYAL. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of VIKING VILLAGES, FLY ON DRAGONS, BOLD ADVENTURES, HEROIC MOMENTS AND WILD SPIRIT when imagining them. / emilia clarke, she/her.
( fox, she/her, 25, gmt-3 ) woah! was that WYLL walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from BALDURS GATE 3. they’re 33 and live in RADIAN HILLS but watch out because they can be DISTANT + RESTRAINED but are actually CHARMING + INTELLIGENT. despite them NOT HAVING memories, you’ll always think of MAGICAL CONTRACT, MYSTICAL RELICS, DARK SECRETS, PROUD OF THE OLD SCARS AND FAMILY EMOTIONAL DEBT when imagining them. / regé-jean page, he/him.
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silverthefox713 ¡ 2 years ago
Locations for anything
Abandoned Location 
Air Balloon Park
Animal Shelter 
Animation Studio 
Art Studio 
Barnes and Noble 
B&B Castle/Cabin 
Beach/Beach House 
Bowling Alley 
Cabin in the Woods 
Church (don't have to be religious) 
Community Center 
Disney World/Land 
Drug Den 
Enchanted Forest 
Fae Realm 
Floating Islands 
Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place 
Gas Station 
Glass Artist Workshop 
Hair/Nail Salon 
Haunted House 
Hiking Trails
Homeless Shelter  
Hot Springs 
Job Finder Depot 
Live Theater 
Lotus Fields 
Love Hotel 
Maid cafe 
Marketplace (+Blackmarket) 
Movie Theater 
Police Station
Post Office 
Radio/Tv Studio 
Red Light District 
School/Collage Grounds 
Secret Location 
Skating rink 
Snowy Mountain Ski Lodge/Resort 
Space Station 
Train Rides 
Trailer Park 
Yoga Studio 
Adult Store 
Animatronic Shop 
Antique Shop 
Baby Store 
Bakery Shop 
Barber Shop 
Bike Shop 
Boba Shop 
Book Shop 
Bridal Shop 
Butcher Shop 
Candy Shop 
Casket Store 
Clothing Shop 
Cobbler Shop 
Coffee Shop 
Comic Shop 
Corner Store 
Cosmetic Store 
Costume Shop 
Crafting Shop 
Donut Shop 
Electronic Store 
Fabric Store 
Flower Shop 
Furniture Store 
Grocery Store 
Gypsy Market 
Hardware Store 
Hatter Shop 
Ice Cream Shop 
Instrument Shop 
Jewelry Shop 
Leather Shop 
Magic Shop 
Pawn Shop 
Pet Shop 
Photography Shop 
Pizza Shop 
Potion Shop 
Ramen Shop 
Record/Vinyl Shop 
Sandwich Shop 
Spirituality Store 
Tattoo Shop 
Tea Shop 
Thrift Store 
Toy Shop 
Wand Shop 
Weapons/Firearms Shop
Woodcarver Shop 
X Rated Shop
                                               ~In a Mall~ 
Bath and Bodyworks 
Bridal Shop 
Discovery Planet/Channel Store 
Food Court 
Victoria Secret 
        ��                               ~Fast Food Places~ 
Burger King 
Dairy Queen 
Smoothie King 
Waffle House
Dream Realm 
Fae Realm 
Mirror World 
Over Realm 
Shadow Realm 
Aether World 
Nether World  
Note: I'd be happy to add more over time, if there's any places that would be valuable to add comment it and I’ll add it ^^ 
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likeawolfatthemoon ¡ 2 years ago
1, 3, 19, 20, 23, 26 ilyyyyyyyy
1. Chipotle order: this will be different now post-surgery as I can't really have rice or tortilla and need to limit beans BUT I have yet to go to chipotle since then so I'll just give my typical - bowl with tortilla on the side, brown rice, black beans, barbacoa (but sometimes I'll get chicken or steak depending on mood), fajita veggies, pico de gallo, two scoops green salsa, two scoops corn salsa, cheese, lettuce. Chips and queso dependent on mood and hunger level, but never queso ON the bowl lol
3. A specific color that gives you the ick: that sickly green yellow brown. You know the one. But a more unusual one? I don't like red really, especially bright red.
19. The veggie you dislike most: green bell peppers are of the devil
20. Favorite Disney princess movie: does Enchanted count? If not, toss up between The Little Mermaid and Tangled
23. Do you wear jewelry? I have earrings that are always in my first lobe piercings, then the jewelry that is in my industrial and nose piercings. I have a pinkie ring I never take off. Other than that, I very, very rarely wear other jewelry. Mostly bc it's all packed up in a box in my basement lol
26. How's your spice tolerance? Decently high! I can do hot at a Thai restaurant, but not comfortably Thai hot. I usually order my dishes medium from Thai places and have zero discomfort getting through that as a whole meal. Hot starts to get to be a lot but is still enjoyable to me. I typically seek out spicy dishes and add a lot of spice to my own cooking.
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kerplunkmedia ¡ 2 months ago
Adorn Yourself with Lab Grown Diamond Jewellery: Explore the Disney-Inspired Collection by Diahart
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When it comes to jewellery, the charm lies not only in its brilliance but also in the stories it tells. Diahart brings you an enchanting combination of sustainability and creativity with its Lab Grown Diamond jewellery and a Disney-inspired collection that’s nothing short of magical. Let’s dive into the details and explore how Diahart is redefining jewellery for the modern era.
The Brilliance of Lab Grown Diamonds
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Lab grown diamonds are not just a trend; they represent a paradigm shift in how we view luxury. Here’s why they’re gaining popularity:
Eco-Friendly Elegance: Unlike mined diamonds, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower environmental impact. They’re created in controlled environments, eliminating the need for invasive mining practices.
Uncompromised Quality: Lab grown diamonds possess the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. They’re every bit as dazzling and durable.
Ethically Sourced: These diamonds are free from the ethical concerns often associated with traditional diamond mining, giving you peace of mind with every purchase.
Affordable Luxury: Lab grown diamonds are more cost-effective, allowing you to enjoy larger, more intricate designs without breaking the bank.
Also check our Other Blogs How Lab Grown Diamonds Are More Meaningful Than Natural Ones
Introducing the Disney-Inspired Collection by Diahart
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If you’ve ever dreamt of stepping into a fairytale, Diahart’s Disney-inspired collection is your gateway. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this collection captures the essence of beloved Disney characters and stories, blending whimsy with sophistication.
Signature Pieces in the Collection
Cinderella’s Sparkling Slippers Pendant: Featuring a delicate slipper encrusted with lab grown diamonds, this pendant symbolizes grace and transformation. It’s perfect for those who believe in the magic of new beginnings.
Mickey & Minnie Couple Rings: Celebrate timeless love with rings inspired by Disney’s most iconic duo. Adorned with lab grown diamonds, these rings are a tribute to enduring relationships.
Frozen’s Snowflake Earrings: Channel Elsa’s icy elegance with diamond-studded snowflake earrings that shimmer like freshly fallen snow. These earrings are ideal for adding a touch of sparkle to your winter wardrobe.
Beauty and the Beast Rose Bracelet: Inspired by the enchanted rose, this bracelet features intricate rose motifs embellished with dazzling diamonds. It’s a perfect blend of romance and elegance.
Tinker Bell’s Starry Wings Necklace: Celebrate the magic of Peter Pan with a necklace that captures the twinkling allure of Tinker Bell’s wings.
Also check our Other Blogs What is Lab Grown Diamond? How are Lab grown diamonds valued
Choose Diahart for Best Lab Grown Diamond Jewelry in chennai
Diahart is the best lab grown diamond jewellery Shop in chennai, where elegance meets imagination. Specializing in exquisite designs, Diahart combines sustainability with timeless beauty. Order online and shop at Diahart today.
Artistry Meets Innovation: Every piece is crafted with precision and creativity, combining timeless Disney charm with the brilliance of lab grown diamonds.
Customizable Options: Want a piece that’s uniquely yours? Diahart offers customization services to bring your personal Disney dreams to life.
Sustainability Focused: By choosing lab grown diamonds, Diahart ensures that your jewellery not only looks good but does good for the planet.
Trusted Craftsmanship: With years of expertise, Diahart delivers jewellery that’s as durable as it is beautiful.
Embrace the Magic Today
Whether you’re a lifelong Disney fan or simply looking for jewellery that stands out, Diahart’s lab grown diamond collection is a treasure trove of elegance and wonder. These pieces are more than accessories; they’re keepsakes that carry stories, memories, and a touch of magic.
Step into the enchanting world of Diahart and let your jewellery tell a story as unique as you are. Explore the Disney-inspired collection today and adorn yourself with a blend of fantasy, elegance, and sustainability. After all, every day deserves a little magic.
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seitajewelers ¡ 2 months ago
Unveiling Enchanted Disney-inspired Rings We Love
For many couples, Disney movies were their first introduction to the magic of romance. These stories of strong-willed princesses and their adventurous partners remain timeless, and now, they can inspire your engagement ring.
Whether you're dreaming of a sparkling tiara or a hint of your favorite fairytale in your wedding set, Disney-inspired engagement rings in Pittsburgh, PA bring a touch of enchantment to your love story.
What to Look for in a Disney-Inspired Ring
When searching for the perfect Disney-themed engagement ring, consider your favorite princess or story for inspiration. Make sure to look for pieces that resonate with you and not just something trendy.
Look for custom jewelry in Pittsburgh, PA inspired by beloved characters, from Ariel and Tiana to Elsa and Belle. These pieces feature high-quality materials like 14K gold and diamonds, often adorned with intricate details like rose motifs, oceanic swirls, or ice-inspired settings.
For a more personalized approach, most jewelry stores will custom-make these pieces for you. From delicate stacking rings to ornate custom designs, these pieces offer a chance to incorporate subtle nods to your favorite Disney story.
Just be sure to review your jewelry store in Pittsburgh, PA, and product descriptions carefully to ensure quality craftsmanship.
Whether you're inspired by Cinderella's grace or Maleficent's boldness, adding a touch of Disney to your engagement ring makes your love story uniquely yours.
With reputable retailers and endless customization options, you can find (or create) a ring fit for a princess, or a villain if you prefer! You can also ask your professional to custom-design both your ring and band so that they look like a single piece.
The Bottom Line
Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry, it’s a symbol of your commitment and shared dreams. With a Disney-inspired design, you can carry a little magic wherever you go, making your own happily ever after truly unforgettable.
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creativescollection ¡ 6 months ago
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Disney Enchanted Jewelry - Dr. Facilier Rings
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the-girl-who-didnt-smile ¡ 3 months ago
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LADY ROSE [1][2][3]
Species: A goddess
Gender: Female
Age: Over 13.7 billion years
Family: Bon Dieu (Creator) Grandmother Serpent (“sibling”, companion) Lady Love (“sibling”, twin, rival) Maman de la Vie (“sibling”) Baron de la Mort (“sibling”) Ironman (“sibling”) The Doorkeeper (“sibling”)
Lady Rose is the twin sister of Lady Love, who was made on the second “day” of the Universe’s Creation. 
Once extremely close and almost perfectly identical, the twins became bitter rivals following an argument that took place at The Beginning of Time.
Alongside her sister, she replaces the Virgin Mary.
The lovely goddess of all things sweet and sensual, Lady Rose assumes the form of the most beautiful woman in existence. Slender, seductive, and irresistibly enchanting, she adorns herself in the finery befitting of a goddess. 
Adoring all that is refined and beautiful, Lady Rose has an extensive wardrobe inside her mansion, with the finest jewelry and dresses for every occasion. She wears her hair in fulani braids, with a gold crown and a silk veil behind her head. Her gowns are made of the most luxurious fabrics, and she carries a delicate fan decorated with pink roses. While her favorite color is pink, her second favorite color is light blue, due to her love of fresh water. Even the gods are won by her beauty. 
At The Beginning of Time, she looked almost completely identical to her sister. If the two were to exchange clothing, they would easily be mistaken for each other.
Her magic is pink in color.
Lady Rose is the epitome hyperfemininity, loving all that is stereotypically feminine. She is coquettish and sensitive, but highly empathetic. 
Although she herself is often emotional, she is actually the most emotionally intelligent of the gods. Her experience with deep emotional pain allows her to bear the burdens of humanity, and inflict that pain when she so chooses.
Anyone in her presence burns with desire, or jealousy of her beauty. She flirts with those who are won by her charms, and shuns those who are not.
She sounds like a Disney Princess. When her heart is full of sorrow, she sings the blues like Bessie Smith.
In addition to all of a god’s core abilities, Lady Rose possesses the following powersets:
The second-born god is the most powerful true psychic. While she does not manipulate the strings of the universe, her abilities target any lower being of higher intelligence. 
As the embodiment of rational intelligence, Sir Duke is the most powerful psychic attacker; as the embodiment of emotional intelligence, Lady Rose is the most powerful psychic healer. 
Lady Rose can heal psychic wounds by entering a person’s mindscape and rewiring their thoughts and emotions. As she is highly attuned to human emotions, she can also inflict psychic wounds through the same process. These powers over emotional (dys)regulation are extremely potent; she could activate these powers on all of humanity if she so chose. She can use these powers to place a person into a deep coma called Soul Slumber, only to be awakened at her command.
If properly appeased, she can bring love and sweetness into a person’s life by subtly (or not so subtly) influencing the thoughts and emotions of those around one. She can also deny a person love through the same process.
In theory, Lady Rose could weaponize her abilities to destroy her opponents through psychic attacks, making her the most powerful true psychic in existence. But because she hates getting her hands dirty, she opts to use her STRONG POWERSET instead.
Lady Rose’s true power is simply the ability to exit any fight.
This one’s really weird to think about… Like, where did she go?
She goes into this weird purgatory that somehow allows her to survive the destruction of the multiverse, but because she forfeited the fight, she is not declared the winner. She never wins in a serious fight, but she never has to worry about dying.
This woman really hates fighting.
Lady Rose is one of the major figures in The Original Tragedy that took place at The Beginning of Time.
At The Beginning of Time, The goddess of Beauty was created along with her twin sister, The goddess of Love. As she “came out” first, she would sometimes joke about being “the older one”. 
Almost identical in every way, the two sisters were inseparable, spending almost all of their time together and confiding their deepest secrets in each other. Lady Rose was the first to know when Lady Love fell in love, and she was right beside her during her wedding. A sisterly love that was divine and pure, all of this changed following the death of Lady Love’s infant daughter. 
In an act of divine love, Lady Love embraced her husband and bore one child with him. In doing so, the couple unwittingly broke THE THIRD RULE, which forbids the gods from creating a god of their own. And so, their daughter perished, unable to mature past infancy. 
Lady Love was so devastated by this that her personality completely changed. The sweet, sensitive, and flirtatious goddess became violent, wrathful, and full of immeasurable despair. As immortal beings, the gods could not understand what their sister felt when she experienced loss. In her grief, Lady Love maimed herself, permanently crippling herself and darkening her hue to a bloody red.
Of all the gods, the one most disturbed by this was her twin. Normally the most emotionally intelligent of the gods, Lady Rose tried to talk to her, distraught over what she had done to herself and what her sister had become. This “conversation” turned into an ugly, vicious argument, fueling instead of quenching the flames. The exchange of words became increasingly volatile until the two prepared to launch attacks at each other, nearly breaking THE FIRST RULE.
Lady Rose’s true power is simply the ability to leave any fight. Rather than their strong powers, the two were merely going to use their weak powers. The equivalent of two sisters slapping each other in the face, these abilities are laughable in their uselessness when it comes to fighting a god. But THE FIRST RULE is the most important rule, as even the most minor attack can spiral into a war that destroys the multiverse. Even the smallest transgression of THE FIRST RULE is met with immediate punishment.
For nearly violating THE FIRST RULE, the twin sisters were immediately separated by Bon Dieu, who made it impossible for the two to be in each other’s presence. Unable to process this sudden and violent separation, the two sisters irrationally blame each other out of grief from being severed from each other.
Although she is highly emotionally intelligent, Lady Rose loses control of her emotions whenever she is reminded of her sister. In losing her twin, she was stabbed through the heart.
Ever since Lady Love returned to Earth, Lady Rose began to live in seclusion, for she cannot stand and is forbidden from seeing her sister. While she can still be accessed from Earth, it is more difficult to do so, as she now resides in Grandmother Serpent’s pocket dimension. To ease her psychic pain, the eldest god created a splendid lake of the purest and cleanest water, a home for Lady Rose to reside. The lake is so pure, the goddess of Beauty uses it as a mirror to powder her face. Her new home, the castle of a Princess. 
Deep in the forest by this lakeside manor, the two gods reside, in serene but silent isolation.
The twin sister of Lady Rose, who she irrationally blames for their forced separation. The extreme emotions she displays are a manifestation of the grief she feels, as painful as a dagger through the heart.
When reminded of her sister, Lady Rose starts to say many spiteful things, only to suddenly start crying uncontrollably. Her companion doesn’t say anything, s/he just listens. Eventually Lady Rose regains her composure and they start talking about something else.
This is how it has been for billions of years.
Following the loss of her twin sister, Sir Duke created a home for Lady Rose within his pocket dimension. Presently, this serves as her preferred abode. The two make for natural companions, due to their similar personalities, powers, and interests. Lady Rose is often flirtatious with him, and the two confide in each other.
BIG PAPA / THE DOORKEEPER After she was separated from her sister, The Doorkeeper created a portal to transport her to Sir Duke’s pocket dimension. Though he spends much of his time with her twin, he drops in on Lady Rose from time to time, always impressed by how she adorns herself and decorates her home. He is known to divert unwanted presences away from Lady Rose by creating portals that go to the wrong location.
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teeniquedesign ¡ 5 months ago
Embrace the Magic of Christmas with Disney Christmas Sweaters
As the holiday season approaches, many of us look for ways to express our festive spirit. One delightful way to celebrate is by wearing a Christmas sweater, and when it comes to holiday apparel, Disney Christmas sweaters hold a special place in the hearts of fans young and old. Whether you're a lifelong Disney enthusiast or simply love the charm of its iconic characters, these sweaters bring joy, nostalgia, and a touch of magic to your holiday wardrobe. In this guide, we’ll explore the appeal of Disney Christmas sweaters, popular designs, styling tips, and where to find the best options.
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The Allure of Disney Christmas Sweaters
Disney Christmas sweaters capture the essence of holiday cheer while featuring beloved characters and themes from the Disney universe. These sweaters are perfect for various occasions, including family gatherings, office parties, and holiday movie nights.
Nostalgia: For many, Disney represents cherished childhood memories. Wearing a Disney Christmas sweater evokes feelings of nostalgia, reminding us of the joy and magic of Disney films.
Versatility: Disney Christmas sweaters come in a wide range of styles, colors, and designs. From classic Mickey Mouse motifs to enchanting princesses, there's a sweater for every Disney fan, making them perfect for any festive occasion.
Family Bonding: Disney sweaters can be a fun way to bring the family together. Many families enjoy matching sweaters for holiday photos, creating lasting memories while celebrating their favorite characters.
Comfort and Warmth: Beyond their charming designs, these sweaters are typically made from soft, warm materials, keeping you cozy throughout the winter months.
Popular Designs and Characters
Disney Christmas sweaters feature a variety of beloved characters, ensuring that there's something for everyone. Here are some popular designs:
Mickey and Minnie Mouse: As the iconic faces of Disney, Mickey and Minnie Mouse sweaters are perennial favorites. These sweaters often feature playful designs, such as the duo dressed in festive attire or surrounded by holiday-themed graphics.
Disney Princesses: Many Disney fans adore the enchanting Disney princesses. Sweaters featuring characters like Cinderella, Ariel, and Belle often showcase beautiful illustrations and festive elements, making them perfect for those who dream of magical holidays.
Frozen Characters: The popularity of Disney's "Frozen" has led to a surge in sweaters featuring Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. These designs often incorporate winter-themed graphics, adding a fun touch to your holiday celebrations.
Star Wars and Marvel: For fans of the wider Disney universe, there are also Christmas sweaters featuring characters from the "Star Wars" and Marvel franchises. These unique designs blend holiday spirit with beloved sci-fi and superhero themes.
Classic Disney Characters: Don't forget about classics like Goofy, Donald Duck, and Pluto! These characters often bring a playful, nostalgic flair to holiday attire, perfect for fans of all ages.
Styling Your Disney Christmas Sweater
While Disney Christmas sweaters are already festive, you can elevate your look with a few styling tips:
Casual Chic: Pair your sweater with comfortable jeans or leggings for a laid-back holiday look. This combo is perfect for casual gatherings, shopping trips, or cozy movie nights at home.
Layering Options: For added warmth and style, consider layering your sweater over a collared shirt or turtleneck. This adds dimension to your outfit while keeping you cozy.
Accessorize: Enhance your holiday ensemble with festive accessories. Consider wearing holiday-themed jewelry, reindeer antlers, or a Santa hat to complete your look.
Footwear Choices: Opt for comfortable yet stylish footwear. Holiday-themed socks, cute boots, or classic sneakers work well and ensure you stay comfortable throughout your celebrations.
Family Matching: Make holiday memories even more special by dressing in matching Disney Christmas sweaters with your family. This is a fun way to bond and creates great photo opportunities.
Where to Find the Best Disney Christmas Sweaters
Finding the perfect Disney Christmas sweater is easier than ever, with numerous options available. Here are some top places to shop:
Disney Store: The official Disney Store offers a wide range of high-quality Christmas sweaters featuring various characters. Shopping directly from Disney ensures that you get authentic designs.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Etsy, and Redbubble offer extensive selections of Disney Christmas sweaters. You can find unique designs, compare prices, and read customer reviews to make an informed decision.
Department Stores: Major retailers like Target, Macy's, and Walmart often carry a selection of holiday apparel, including Disney-themed sweaters. These stores provide a variety of styles for different tastes and budgets.
Thrift Stores: For a truly unique find, visit local thrift shops or consignment stores. You may discover vintage Disney Christmas sweaters that add character to your holiday wardrobe.
Local Boutiques: Don’t overlook small, local shops that may carry exclusive or handmade Disney designs. Supporting local businesses adds a personal touch to your holiday shopping experience.
Caring for Your Disney Christmas Sweater
To ensure your Disney Christmas sweater remains in great condition for many holiday seasons to come, proper care is essential. Here are some maintenance tips:
Read the Care Label: Always follow the care instructions provided on the label to avoid damaging the fabric or decorations.
Gentle Washing: Hand wash or use a gentle cycle to preserve the quality of the sweater. Avoid bleach, which can fade colors and ruin designs.
Air Dry: Instead of using a dryer, lay your sweater flat to dry. This helps maintain its shape and prevents shrinking.
Store Properly: After the holiday season, store your sweater in a cool, dry place. Avoid hanging it, as this can stretch the fabric over time.
Disney Christmas sweaters are more than just holiday attire; they encapsulate the magic and joy of the season. With their charming designs, nostalgic characters, and cozy materials, these sweaters bring smiles and laughter to holiday celebrations. Whether you’re attending a festive party, enjoying a cozy night in, or creating lasting family memories, a Disney Christmas sweater is the perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Embrace the magic of Disney this season and let your favorite characters help you spread holiday cheer!
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luxortrades ¡ 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Crystal Studded Mickey Mouse Gold-Plated Pendant on a Stainless Steel Necklace.
0 notes
rascalentertainments ¡ 11 months ago
"Wish Granted" AU: Asha ✨🖌📝
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All right, you voted for Asha and her family first, so here we go! (Above concept art by @ishadow246. Big thanks to them for making this reference sheet, they read my mind and captured her design beautifully!)
I based her design of these particular concept art by Bill Schwab. I felt it matched more with my version, and shows more of the African culture that was missing in the film. (Also, I love her jewelry)
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Its very clear to everyone that I wasn't a fan of how they removed the entire concept of the Hamlet and made a "suburb" (which they admit looked bad in the film and said to excuse it for magic) and removal of the cultural clothing everyone had. With Asha's outfit, I combined the two outfits into one. (I NEDD TO REDO THIS, OH GOSH-)
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And Asha can let her hair down, but rarely does it, so she keeps is tied behind her for convenience sake, with addition of her cap. She will let her down during her princess dress transformation sequence, as well as during "At All Costs". It'll be a parallel to Star's prince uniform!
Now for some facts about her, its long over due!
• Asha was raised partially in Rosas as a kid, but then after father passed, and some of the citizens learned of Magnifico's true intentions, her family and other citizens quietly moved to the Hamlet known as "The Enchanted Forest". (Basically reached age 12 in Rosas, and then 13-18 in the Hamlet.)
• Her birthday is Feb 15, as a reference to Lillian Disney's (Walt's wife) birthday! It coincides with Star's birthday, Dec 5th. (Walt Disney's birthday)
•She's an introvert who has trouble making friends at her current age, so she keeps to herself, mostly. Asha did develop a bit of sarcasm and sass though she tries not to be mean with it. 😅
•She swears a lot in her journal, but she can't swear on screen because its a Disney movie.
•As a kid, she was full of curiosity about the world around her, especially wildlife. She learned about how the stars guided people from her father Tomás, which inspired to want to see more of the world outside the Kingdom. When her father grew ill for seemingly unknown reasons, Sakina pleaded with the King to heal him. The man promised her this, but time went on and eventually Tomás passed. Maginifico had never intended to help.
•Because of this, Asha grew to be more pessimistic as she got older. She no longer believed in the impossible or anything good to happen relying on magic, or anyone else to solve her problems for that matter. Even so, part of her desire for excitement still lingered, and nobody knew this better than her grandfather Sabino, whom she grew closer with over the years and became a second father to her. With her wonder all but gone, she would end up getting help to save her family from the most unexpected source. For she wished on a Star, and the Star answered.
• Asha keeps drawings of magical artifacts she drew in her journal. She read about them as a kid and secretly still fangirls over magical items in history, leftover from her fascination with magic. So when she shows some of it to Star, she's very excited to finally share it with someone.
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•Asha got along with other kids when she was little, part of that still stays with her, as she does read to the other kids there from time to time. (Think of this as a reference to Belle, who also loved to read) Even though she lost part of her childhood, didn't mean they had to lose theirs. So she enjoys reading stories to them.
•She's never dated and never had a romantic partner. There's been a few guys interested in her, but she's turned them down. Most people in the Hamlet think Asha and Flazino are secretly a thing, but that's not the case. Lord knows Sabino wanted his granddaughter to get a boyfriend so she'd stop being so serious all the time. They never really had feelings like that for each other, they just stayed friends. One part is because Asha has just sealed herself off from connecting deeper with other people, and on Flaz's side, he already has feelings for Dahlia.
•Star becomes her first crush and the first one she's falls in love with. And Asha falls hard.
•Asha was friends with Dahlia when they were both kids (as a nod to the art book and @annymation's take with the group growing up together) but after her family escaped, she didn't get a chance to say goodbye. She truly doesn't remember her when she sees her again.
•She learned how to draw from her father, who gave her a journal and a pencil (which he made himself) to create art with. She's been drawing nearly every day since then.
•Sabino and Sakina are very close with her ever since her father died. She learned to value them more as she got older and helps out in the Hamlet as much as possible. Sakina taught her how to sew as well!
•Asha is voiced by Diamond White (suggested by mom!)
•Valentino is a new pet, as she only got him three-four weeks before the story. But she cared and loved him so much that he acts more mature for his age! No, Valentino doesn't speak in this version. That'll be saved for the end, and he'll be voiced by an actual kid. (Disney, we didn't need a Donkey knock off, you do realize he was a parody right?)
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•Asha's favorite thing to draw is Star—
Asha: "NO IT'S NOT, GET OUT OF MY SKETCHBOOK." *Stomps away*
Okay, I guess we're done here! 😅
Oh and just as an extra character addition, I'm also having Flazino in this AU, since many people pointed out he was originally part of the film and had a bigger role. He's closest to a human friend Asha has in the Hamlet, as he gives them supplies and updates about the kingdom as Magnifico's apprentice.
That wraps up my first character list! Next up will be Star and then the King and Queen. Hope you enjoyed reading this preview to the story, or have any suggestions in the comments! 🌟
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looksforleaders ¡ 11 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🧚‍♂️Disney Beauty & the Beast Enchanted Rose Jewelry Box.
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parksaversnews ¡ 11 months ago
Disneyland Unveils Two Enchanting New Shops Inspired by "The Princess and the Frog"
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Disneyland Resort has recently announced the opening of two highly anticipated shops inspired by the beloved Disney animated film, "The Princess and the Frog." These new additions, Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club, are set to transport guests into the vibrant world of New Orleans and the captivating story of Princess Tiana. With their unique theming, merchandise offerings, and prime locations within the park, these shops promise to be a delightful destination for fans of the film and Disney enthusiasts alike.
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Ray's Berets: A Stylish Tribute to the Lovable Firefly
Located in the heart of Critter Country, Ray's Berets is a charming boutique that pays homage to the charismatic firefly from "The Princess and the Frog," Ray. This shop is a true celebration of the film's iconic characters and their distinctive styles. Upon entering Ray's Berets, visitors are immediately greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere that captures the essence of the Louisiana bayou. The shop's interior is adorned with vibrant colors, intricate details, and whimsical touches that transport guests straight into the enchanting world of the movie. One of the standout features of Ray's Berets is its impressive collection of headwear, aptly named after the shop's firefly namesake. From stylish berets to sun hats and caps, each piece is meticulously designed to reflect the unique personalities and styles of the film's beloved characters. Whether you're seeking a fashionable accessory inspired by Tiana's determination or Naveen's charming flair, Ray's Berets has something to offer for every fan. In addition to the headwear collection, the shop also boasts a wide range of apparel, accessories, and souvenirs that capture the essence of "The Princess and the Frog." Visitors can expect to find everything from t-shirts and dresses adorned with iconic quotes and imagery from the film to plush toys, jewelry, and home decor items that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of New Orleans.
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Louis' Critter Club: A Lively Celebration of Bayou Critters
Just a stone's throw away from Ray's Berets, Louis' Critter Club promises to be a delightful destination for fans of the film's lovable critters. Named after the charismatic alligator Louis, this shop is a vibrant celebration of the bayou's diverse wildlife and the enduring friendships formed between Tiana and her animal companions. Upon entering Louis' Critter Club, guests are immediately transported to the heart of the Louisiana bayou, where the sights, sounds, and scents of the swampland come alive. The shop's interior is adorned with lush foliage, intricate woodcarvings, and whimsical touches that pay homage to the film's memorable critter characters. One of the highlights of Louis' Critter Club is its extensive collection of plush toys and figurines featuring the film's beloved critters. From cuddly alligators and frogs to playful fireflies and opossums, each piece is meticulously crafted to capture the unique personalities and charm of these endearing characters. In addition to the plush collection, Louis' Critter Club also offers a wide range of apparel, accessories, and home decor items that celebrate the rich biodiversity of the Louisiana bayou. Visitors can expect to find everything from t-shirts and hats adorned with vibrant prints of swamp flora and fauna to mugs, coasters, and wall art that pay tribute to the film's memorable critter characters.
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Prime Locations and Immersive Experiences
Both Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club are strategically located within Critter Country, a land that already captures the essence of the Louisiana bayou. This prime location not only enhances the overall theming and immersion but also provides a seamless transition for guests as they explore the enchanting world of, "The Princess and the Frog. "As visitors wander through Critter Country, they will be greeted by the sights, sounds, and scents that transport them directly into the heart of the bayou. From the lush foliage and winding waterways to the melodic sounds of jazz music and the aroma of Cajun cuisine, every aspect of the land is carefully crafted to create an immersive and authentic experience. With the addition of Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club, Disneyland has taken this immersion to new heights. Guests can now fully immerse themselves in the world of "The Princess and the Frog" by exploring these themed shops, discovering unique merchandise, and creating lasting memories inspired by the film's beloved characters and settings.
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A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusivity
Beyond their enchanting theming and merchandise offerings, Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club also serve as a powerful celebration of diversity and inclusivity. "The Princess and the Frog" broke new ground as Disney's first animated film to feature a Black princess, and these new shops pay homage to the rich cultural heritage and traditions of New Orleans and the American South. From the vibrant colors and intricate patterns that adorn the merchandise to the authentic music and scents that fill the air, every aspect of these shops is carefully crafted to honor and celebrate the diverse cultures that have shaped the region's unique identity. By creating these immersive experiences, Disneyland not only provides a delightful destination for fans of the film but also promotes a greater understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the fabric of our society.
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Conclusion: A Magical Addition to Disneyland's Enchanting Offerings
With the opening of Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club, Disneyland has once again demonstrated its commitment to creating immersive and enchanting experiences that transport guests into the magical worlds of beloved Disney films. These new shops not only offer a delightful destination for fans of "The Princess and the Frog" but also serve as a powerful celebration of diversity, inclusivity, and the rich cultural heritage of New Orleans and the American South. As visitors explore these enchanting shops, they will be transported into a world where the vibrant colors, intricate details, and whimsical touches come together to create a truly unforgettable experience. From the stylish headwear and apparel inspired by the film's iconic characters to the plush toys and home decor items that celebrate the bayou's diverse wildlife, every aspect of these shops is carefully crafted to delight and enchant. Whether you're a lifelong fan of "The Princess and the Frog" or simply seeking a unique and immersive shopping experience, Ray's Berets and Louis' Critter Club are sure to become cherished destinations within the Disneyland Resort. So, step into the enchanting world of New Orleans, embrace the magic of this beloved film, and create lasting memories that will stay with you long after your visit. Read the full article
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stupendousartisankitten ¡ 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Princess Ultimate Princess Castle Musical Jewelry Box SOLD.
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