#samuel kiszka x daniel wagner
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A Daniel Wagner / Samuel Kiszka fic
Summary: Sometimes it takes some meddling to see what is right in front of you.
Tags: fluff, love spell au, very light angst, low-key funny
Words: 10.8 k
Author's Note: Happy (late) Valentine's Day!! I literally got the idea for this one the day of the holiday and proceeded to write this, thinking it would be at max like 2,000 words. So, yeah, this one kinda got away from me. Anyway, this is dedicated to @ofthecaravel for being more enthusiastic about this idea than I was (she also made the cover pic so everyone say thank you, Karou). Title taken from Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Please enjoy!! <3
When Danny had the idea to go to the art fair near his house, he hadn’t thought he’d be walking away with an honest to god love potion. I mean, those aren’t real, right?? It’s all just made up for awful rom-coms and Disney movies. So, when that witchy woman had stopped him and gave it to him for free, he thought nothing of it.
He had been weaving through the various booths, eyes catching on all the colorful and sometimes gaudy wares these artists were trying to pedal. Some of them were honestly good, others were just clearly trying to make a quick buck. Danny bought a few things; a few jewelry pieces he thought were cute and a fresh squeezed lemonade.
“Danny?” a woman had spoken up, catching the drummer’s attention. He tensed up at being called out, hoping he wouldn’t be recognized but knowing it was always a possibility every time he left his house.
Schooling his features to be warm and inviting, Daniel turned on his heel to face the woman. She was what Danny could only describe as a “contemporary witch”, complete with long, black hair and a revealing yet classy black dress and a wide-brimmed black hat. Danny had to suppress his scoff at how on the nose she looked, glancing around her clearly witch-themed, yet populated, booth. But, it clearly worked to help sell her goods, so who was he to judge.
“Hey!” he responded, abandoning his wandering and making his way over to her. She smiled widely at him, her eyes lighting up as he approached.
“Oh, my god. My friends are never gonna believe me,” she rushed, her tattooed hands fluttering to her chest.
“How about we get a picture to prove it to them?” he offered, having gone through this enough times over the years to know that that was what most people were after when they spotted him.
She nodded, searching frantically for her phone. When she pulled it out from behind the register, Daniel noticed two things. One; her hands were shaking. Two; her lock screen was a picture of him and Sam posed together. It was a picture of them on stage, embracing and beaming at one another and - wow, is that really what he looks like when he smiles at Sam?
They took their picture, her asking for a hug from him which he happily gave her.
“So, what brings you over this way?” the woman - ironically named Greta - asked, leaning against the table she had set her register up on. Danny worried for a second as her long hair passed over a candle, only for him to realize it wasn’t real.
“Had a free afternoon to myself, thought I’d check the art fair out,” he answered honestly, a shrug of his shoulders tacked on at the end.
She nodded acceptingly. “Find anything interesting?”
Danny held up his fingers, wiggling them to show off the rings he purchased as well as shook his cup of lemonade in front of her, smiling. She laughed, her head tipping back a bit to show off a moth tattoo that rested under her clavicles.
“That’s all, huh? You must be pretty picky.” She looked him up and down, her eyes feeling strangely like they were able to see past his physical form. Danny blamed that on the witch-themed booth she ran.
Danny shrugged again. He didn’t think he was, but then again maybe he was.
“Here,” she blurted out, jumping up from her perch to brush past him to go deeper into her booth. Daniel watched as she stopped in front of a display of bowls that held vials of various shapes and sizes. Each one was sorted by color, some of them even seeming to glow which made Daniel do a double take. There was probably just a light fixed at the base of the bowl to give them that effect.
“On the house,” Greta chirped before tossing something at Daniel. He instinctively caught it, letting out a breath of relief that he had. When he got a proper look at it, Danny realized that she had thrown him a vial of baby pink liquid that had been sealed in a teardrop shaped glass vial. The top was a gradient into Barbie pink and formed to a point, sharp enough to probably kill a man. Daniel turned it over in his hand, the liquid sparkling in the light of the sun streaming in through an opening in the tent he was in.
“What is this?” he dumbly asked, already knowing what the hell it was.
“A love potion,” Greta flippantly answered. When Danny snapped his head up to look at the woman, he saw the mischievous glint in her eye that never reached her soft smile.
Daniel coughed on his own spit as he swallowed wrong. He covered it up by taking a few sips of his lemonade. He had no idea how to react to that.
“Uhh… that’s really kind of you, but I can’t take this.”
“Nonsense. I insist,” she pressed, waving off his concerns with a wave of her hand.
Daniel looked back and forth between the woman and the vial in his hand, weighing the pros and cons. Then he realized how ridiculous he was being. It was a kind gesture and love potions weren’t real.
He tucked the vial into his pocket of his jean jacket and smiled. “Thanks!”
“My pleasure,” she answered, that devilish gleam back in her eye as well as that feeling that she was seeing through him rather than at him, “and trust me, you will be thanking me later.”
That made Daniel chuckle a bit nervously. She was starting to creep him out a bit; time to make a quick exit.
“Right, well. Maybe I’ll see you at one of our upcoming shows!” Danny politely suggested, already backing out the way he had come in.
“Of course! Talk to you later!” Greta’s last sentence sent a shiver up Danny’s spine. It felt like a promise rather than a send off.
With one last quick smile, Danny got his ass out of there and trotted down the booths to get away. He definitely wanted to toss that so-called “love potion” away now. There was no telling what was actually in it. He’d just throw it into the next trash can he saw.
Daniel did not toss it away. Instead, he forgot about it completely and left it in his jacket pocket. It stayed there for a month, silently waiting for the next time someone would wear that jacket and find it.
“Hey, Dan!” Danny was in his kitchen taking some ibuprofen for the headache he was fighting when he heard Sam call out for him.
With a big gulp and a gag he didn’t even try to suppress as he felt the pills catch on the side of his throat, Danny responded with a shout of his own. “Yeah?!”
“Can I borrow a jacket?! It’s cold as balls out and I don’t have one!”
Setting his empty glass of water in the sink, Daniel ran a hand through his curls. Sam had stopped over at Danny’s before the band’s scheduled studio time so the two of them could carpool.
“Yeah!” he shouted back. He went through a mental checklist to make sure he had everything he needed before he left, adding Sam to the bottom of that list.
“What the fuck is this in your pocket?!” Sam called out again, breaking through Danny’s concentration.
“I don’t know! I’m not over there!”
It was quiet again for a moment, Danny quickly going through his checklist again as he passed by his laundry room to grab some socks from the pile.
“Can I drink it?!”
Daniel, starting to get a little frustrated by Sam’s antics already, huffed out in exasperation.
“Go ahead!” he screamed harsher than he had meant to. But, really, how the hell was Daniel meant to know what the fuck Sam was talking about. It probably was a shot of fireball or something he never drank. And if Sam wanted to be tipsy while they recorded… Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“It tastes like bubblegum!” Sam excitedly exclaimed, his voice louder as Danny was just around the corner from where he was stationed by the front door.
“That’s great, buddy,” Daniel dismissed, walking past him briefly as he went to grab his sticks from the living room. Doing the pat down on his pockets to make sure he had his keys and wallet, Daniel finally rounded the corner to his front door only to see Sam sprawled out on the ground.
“Sam?” Danny cautiously asked, hoping Sam was just being theatrical over how long Danny was taking to leave.
But then he didn’t answer. Or move, for that matter.
“Sammy?!” Daniel was distraught now, tossing his sticks to the side as he kneeled down next to Sam to shake him.
He still wasn’t stirring, but at least his chest was moving. Daniel frantically searched for a pulse, lifting up his hand to check his wrist. That was when he spotted the nearly empty teardrop shaped vial in Sam’s hand and Danny’s heart sank even further.
“No no no no-” Danny chanted under his breath, pressing his fingers into Sam’s wrist. His heart rate slowed a bit when he was able to feel Sam’s pulse in his fingertips. He sighed deeply, feeling his shoulders sag in relief.
“C’mon, Sammy,” Danny implored, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and began to shake him. It wasn’t hard, but it was enough to make his head loll around his shoulders.
When that didn’t work, Danny bit his lip as his brow knit together. He had an idea, but he’d feel awful for going through with it. With another sigh, Daniel resigned himself to it.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” he murmured, pulling his right hand off the bassist’s shoulder. He reared it back and smacked it smartly against his friend’s cheek. Cringing at how loud the slap resounded in the echo-y chamber of his vestibule, Daniel smoothed his hand back over the pink mark blossoming on Sam’s face.
It worked, to Danny’s utter relief.
Sam’s eyes fluttered open as Daniel caressed his fingers across the angry outline of his hand, groaning as he lifted his hand to his forehead.
“What the hell happened?” Sam grumbled out, sitting up on his own. Danny sat back onto his heels, raking his eyes over Sam to check for any signs of danger.
“You drank the vial in my jacket and passed out, I guess,” Daniel tried to explain, the concern leaking through his tone. Sam still had yet to look at Danny, his eyes having shut once more as he sat fully upright.
Huffing out a laugh, Sam looked at the vial in his hand, a drop of that baby pink liquid slipping out of the opening and splattering onto the floor. He turned it over in his fingers a few times before he spoke again. “Hell of a rush.”
Daniel couldn’t help but snort, his worries easing significantly at the joke. Sam was going to be ok. Maybe a little groggy, but ok. That Greta girl should count herself lucky nothing worse had happened to Sam or else he’d bring down hell around her ears for hurting his best friend.
“Alright, Sam. Let’s get you up or else we’ll be late for studio time,” Danny grunted out as he hauled Sam up to his feet by his arm.
“Right, right,” Sam quietly answered, his hair flying out around him as he shook his head to presumably clear it.
And that was when Sam looked at Danny for the first time since he fell.
“I’m so fucking in love with you.”
“Hey, guys, we might want to reschedule.”
“Yeah? And why is that?” Jake was the first one to look over at Daniel. And when he did, Danny watched as his entire body went rigid as his eyes flew wide open.
“Something wrong- oh my god.” That was Josh, this time. And just like Jake, Josh’s eyes got comically wide as he took in the sight of Danny and Sam.
And Daniel really couldn’t blame them. He’d have the same reaction if he saw his little brother clinging onto his best friend as if his life depended on it.
Sam had long since jumped into Danny’s arms, his arms and legs wrapped around Daniel as if he were a monkey and Daniel his favorite tree. He had refused to get down, Danny having tried to fight him in the parking lot before entering the studio to get him to walk on his own, but Sam was having none of it. Even on the drive over, Sam had tried to climb into Danny’s lap a few times all while gushing about how pretty he thought Danny was. He finally got Sam to stay in his seat after promising to hold his hand as he drove. But as soon as they stepped out of the car, it was no holds barred.
“What the hell is he doing?” Jake asked, his eyes still locked onto his baby brother’s strange behavior.
“I’m holding the love of my life!” Sam answered for Daniel. And if Daniel’s face wasn’t burning before, he was certain it was set ablaze by that. And the worst part was Daniel could tell Sam was using a genuine tone.
He watched the twins look between the two rhythm section members, their lips pursing as they took in the sight. Daniel wanted to hide his face in his hands, but they were currently holding his obnoxious best friend so he couldn’t.
“Oooooooooo-k. Umm, what the fuck is going on?” Josh had abandoned his station at his microphone, setting the equipment down on a chair to his left before he joined Jake at his side.
Danny sighed, his eyes closing in shame. He wanted to look everywhere else but at the twins and their calculating and bewildered gazes.
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” Daniel let out a squeak after he spoke, Sam surprising him with kisses he placed on the side of Danny’s neck where his head was nuzzled. He tried to pull away, but Sam just chased after him with his lips.
“Try us,” Josh answered, his arms crossing over his chest as his hip popped out. Jake was idly fiddling with his guitar, probably not even aware that he was playing at all, but his eyes never left Danny.
With a deep sigh, Daniel launched into the story of Greta and her stupid fucking love potion. While he was explaining, he knew his story sounded made up. I mean, for god’s sake, the titular character shared the name of their band. It just sounded like he was caught in a lie. The only thing he knew would work in his favor was the potion vial that he had the foresight of bringing with him.
It was a fight, but Daniel was able to wrangle Sam off of him and set his feet on the floor. However, the man still refused to let go of him completely. So Daniel had to live with Sam resting his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around Danny’s torso. With his hands finally free, Daniel was able to fish that vial out of his pocket and toss it over to the twins.
Josh caught it, Jake watching it sail over towards his twin with his eyes. Daniel watched as they inspected it, the baby pink liquid still shimmering in the light. He pointedly ignored Sam and his embarrassing antics. Or, at least he tried to. It was very hard when he kept peppering kisses all over Danny’s cheek and neck as he spoke sweet nothings into his ear. Danny felt shivers dance their way across his skin, his veins warming at all the contact and compliments. But he refused to indulge in them. Sam was not himself right now and he would be damned if he was going to take advantage of him. But, they still felt nice.
After a few seconds of turning over the evil liquid, Josh tossed it back over to Daniel.
“Alright,” Jake started, pulling the cord out of his guitar, “we believe you.”
“Really?” Danny was truly bewildered. He thought the twins were going to think it was some kind of stupid prank they were trying to pull on them. He was actually relieved they did.
“Yeah. We’ve never seen Sam act this way before. Plus he’s a dog shit actor,” Josh answered, a laugh escaping his lips after the last sentence. Danny had to agree; he’d seen the movies Josh had made where Sam was the lead. There weren’t that many.
“Oh, thank god. Because I need help.” Daniel’s tone was desperate, his hands trying to pull Sam’s off his waist. But every time he tried, Sam would just slide them back into place. He eventually gave up, huffing in resignation as Sam giggled in his ear. “Yeah, I’m gonna be honest with you on this one. I don’t know where we’ll even start,” Jake bluntly pointed out, placing his guitar on its stand.
“What if you two try to contact the people who organized the fair and see if you can find the woman who sold me the…” God help him, “...the potion.”
“Yeah, alright. What are you going to do?” Josh was already pulling out his phone, not looking at Danny as he spoke.
“I’m going to see if maybe she posted that picture and contact her that way,” Daniel explained, having to shove Sam’s hips away from his own in order to get his phone from his back pocket.
“Sounds like a plan. But how about we don’t do this here,” Jake posited, his eyes sliding over to where their producer and mixer were watching raptly as Sammy placed yet another series of kisses onto Danny.
They all agreed. They wanted to spare both men as much embarrassment as possible and also minimize the possibility of this leaking and sending the wrong message to their fan base.
Daniel offered up his house considering it was the closest.
“And I’ll drive lovebug here, too.” Danny hooked his thumb towards where Sammy’s face was pressed into the side of Danny’s, a dopey smile on his face as he nuzzled deeper into Danny.
“I don’t think you have a choice,” Josh so helpfully pointed out, trying poorly to suppress a laugh.
“Yeah, ha ha. Let’s go,” Daniel sharply ordered, trying once more to rip Sam’s arms off of him and failing.
“No, no, wait. Let us get one video for blackmail,” Jake quickly requested, already having his phone out and pointed at the two.
Danny, knowing that there was no way they’d relent, groaned and let Jake record his misery.
“Alright, Sammy. Tell us how you feel about Daniel,” Jake prompted, the laugh in his voice barely contained. The youngest perked up at the question, his smile getting brighter.
“Well, where do I even begin! There’s so much I feel about him,” Sam cooed, resting his chin against Danny’s shoulder as he spoke. Danny felt Sam’s hair slip off his own shoulder as Sam tilted his head to get a better look at Danny.
“Why don’t you start with the physical,” Josh, that bastard, piped up. Danny shot him a glare, Josh only responding with an “innocent” smile.
“Oh! That’s easy! He’s got these beautiful dark eyes that you can easily get lost in. They’re this gorgeous shade of amber brown that have this nice green in them that remind me of moss in the forest. Oh! And when they catch the light just right they’re so bright and I get butterflies. And speaking of butterflies, when he smiles at me I can’t help but feel like I’m going to pass out from how beautifully warm and overwhelming it is-”
“Alright,” Danny squeaked out, his voice cracking as his face began to heat up, “that’s enough.”
“No, no, we’re just getting to the good part. Sam, what else about Danny do you like?” Danny bared his teeth at Jake. He knew it was ineffective, what, with his face burning as bright as a stop light.
“Oh, his arms are really nice. I love it when he picks me up because then I can feel them flexing and it makes me all dizzy.” Sam’s voice was dripping in honey. It was so sweet it made Danny’s stomach ache.
“Really? And what about his freckles?”
“One of his best features, definitely. They get all dark and prominent in the summer when he gets more sun. He’s got 137 of them!”
“Alright that’s-”
“And what about Danny’s personality?”
“He’s the sweetest guy ever! I swear, he’s so sweet he gives me cavities. Like this one time, I was feeling really down in the dumps and then Danny went out of his way to get me a case of my favorite beer and made me laugh so hard I nearly pissed myself. He just knows me sooooo well. And also he takes care of Rose the best and he is always so gentle and loving with her… what isn’t there to love?”
“Ok, show’s over. We’re done here,” Daniel firmly decided, reaching out to yank Jake’s phone away from him and end the recording, holding it out of Jake’s reach as he tried to grab it back from him.
Danny tossed it back at him when he was done, watching the guitarist nearly fumble the device to the ground. He shot Danny a confused look at his shift in mood, but he didn’t respond. He simply held onto Sam’s arms as he turned the two of them around and made for the door.
As they walked to the car, Daniel pointedly did not think about the fact that Sam apparently just seemed to know how many freckles Danny had off the top of his head. Or how that made his heart flutter within his chest.
The car ride back was considerably less dangerous than the drive over; Sam hadn’t tried to climb into Danny’s lap since he preemptively laced their fingers together. However, Sammy hadn’t stopped talking. And it wasn’t his usual babbling, no. It was much worse.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I know.” The shock of it had worn off at the thirtieth time Sammy had confessed it to Danny, that first time making the drummer jump out of his skin. Now it was just getting annoying, like the beep of a smoke detector.
“You’re really hot,” Sam giggled, leaning his head across the consul and bumping it into Danny’s shoulder.
Danny just groaned, throwing his head into the headrest behind him and asking god what he did wrong to deserve this cruel and unusual punishment. It was one thing to toy with his destiny, it was another entirely to play around with his emotions.
“I hope we fucking crash,” he whined, the light turning green and taking his foot off the brake.
“I hope we fuck.”
Daniel felt his foot involuntarily slam down on the gas, forcing the both of them to jerk back in their seats as the engine loudly revved like an animal letting out a warning growl. Danny whipped his head over to Sam briefly, taking in his lashes batting flirtatiously and his wolfish grin. The driver felt his heart pounding in his chest, ripping his eyes away from his distracting passenger and forcing himself to look at the road.
“What?” he croaked out, not really wanting to hear it again but also wanting to know if he heard Sam right.
“You heard me,” was all Sam spoke in response, a dangerously flirtatious edge to his words that made Danny’s heart lurch in his chest.
“Just… Just keep those thoughts to yourself, ok?”
“Ok!” Sam cheerfully agreed, settling back down onto Danny’s shoulder. That was another thing about this that was driving Daniel slowly insane: Sam did almost everything Danny asked of him.
He was so, utterly fucked.
“Ok, so Greta must be a popular name among artists or something because the fair organizer said there were about thirty booths registered under that name,” Jake explained after hanging up the phone. He tapped his pen on the pad of paper he’d been writing on idly, turned towards Danny’s spot on his couch. Sammy had tackled him onto it, curling up right against his chest like an oversized dog and refused to move.
“Did she give you the list of businesses, too?” Danny asked, having to crane his neck to look over at Jake.
“Yeah, and I was able to cross off a few of them already,” Jake answered, swiping away at his phone again.
“Nice work,” Danny praised, his eyes darting back to his phone. He and Josh had taken on scrolling through Danny’s instagram mentions in order to try and find the famed Greta. And, Jesus, people really loved tagging him in shit. They had been at it for hours and were still only finding posts from about two weeks ago.
“Is this her?” Josh hoisted his phone up into Danny’s field of view. Danny squinted as he analyzed the woman’s face.
“No,” he groaned, his frustration mounting as they had zero luck.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like Sam like this, it was just… It was too much. Yeah, maybe Danny had been dreaming about this exact scenario for years, but this wasn’t how he wanted to get it. He’d felt guilt slam into him with every touch Sam bestowed upon him as he remembered that Sam wasn’t in control of his actions. It was that stupid fucking potion that was making Sam all cuddly and cute; the normal Sam would never do that. The normal Sam wouldn’t repeatedly confess his love for Danny in a myriad of ways, or kiss his neck and cheeks, or cling to him every second of the day. No matter how badly Danny wanted it to be true, Sam just wasn’t in love with Danny like the drummer was in love with the bassist.
And that was the time that Sam decided to stir just enough to burrow deeper into his embrace with Daniel, grumbling something under his breath that was reminiscent of a cat purring. And just like it never happened, Sam fell back asleep again. Danny watched for a bit too long as Sam’s chest rose and fell with each even breath he took, his face held in a content smile as he dreamed away.
“Man, I haven’t seen him curled up with someone like that since we were kids,” Josh commented, taking a break from his endless scrolling to crack his neck and stretch. He had watched the whole thing, Sam’s stirring and Daniel’s flush creeping onto his face as he gazed down at the cozy bass player.
“What do you mean?” Danny had moved his own phone out of the way to properly look at Josh. The man had taken to sitting on the floor with his back against the couch that Sam and Danny were laying on.
“The last time he looked that content while sleeping was probably when he was about eight-ish; that was when he stopped taking naps with mom,” the singer explained, his eyes cast upwards as if searching the farthest reaches of his mind.
“What, are you calling me his mother?” Daniel felt his face pinch into one of disgust as he remembered what Sam had sprung on him during the ride over.
“No, what he’s saying is Sam has always liked to cuddle, but only feels comfortable doing it with certain people,” Jake clarified, not even bothering to look up from his notepad.
“Yeah, he’s never done that with us. And, now that I think about it, he’s never done that with his girlfriends, either. At least, from what I’ve seen, anyway,” Josh added, rambling just a tad at the end. He even brought his hand up to his chin as he thought, his fingers stroking the hair on it absently.
Daniel had no idea what to do with that particular bit of information, so he elected to shove it into his mental box labeled “The Sam Incident” to be ignored until further notice. It was starting to become alarmingly full.
He went back to his scrolling, his eyes beginning to burn with how long he’d been staring at the screen. He wasn’t aware that he’d taken to running his fingers through Sam’s hair and absently playing with it as he focused on finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.
Right when he was about to take a break and grab something to eat, he spotted her.
“AHA!” he exclaimed, bolting upright and rudely jolting Sam out of his peaceful slumber. The bassist even grumbled, rubbing at his eyes and shooting a grumpy look at his personal pillow for the violent awakening. Danny felt the sympathy ache in his chest for Sam, rubbing a soothing and apologetic hand over Sam’s arm. Though, with how frizzy and staticky his hair looked, Daniel had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at Sam.
“You found her?” the twins asked simultaneously, Danny feeling briefly like he was in The Shining as they both gave him the same expression as he looked between them.
Daniel nodded his head, turning his phone around to show the others. Sam took the opportunity to sleepily and unceremoniously flop himself down against the drummer’s chest face first, wrapping his arms around his waist. Danny instinctively placed his hand onto his back to steady him, rubbing it as Sam mumbled something into his chest that Danny could not understand.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Jake, ever the impatient one, urged Daniel. He pushed away from the table he was stationed at, making his way over to lean over the back of the couch to watch the drummer’s screen.
danielrwagner: Hey, so uhhh
danielrwagner: This is going to be a strange question but
danielrwagner: Are you the woman who gave me a vial at an art show a month or so back?
Daniel had set his phone down onto the couch, figuring he’d have to wait a while for a response - if he ever got one, that is. What he didn’t expect was for his phone to buzz almost immediately afterwards.
StarshineGreta: Hi Danny!
StarshineGreta: Yes, that was me
StarshineGreta: Why did someone drink it?
danielrwagner: Yeah
StarshineGreta: Who was it?
Daniel swallowed nervously, glancing down at Sammy who was still wedged into his chest and showing no signs that he was moving anytime soon.
danielrwagner: …Sam
Call from StarshineGreta
“Guys, what should I do?” Daniel panicked, his heart rate kicking up in speed inside his chest as his ringtone started to cheerfully chirp in his hand. He frantically looked back and forth between the twins, looking for their help.
“Answer it!” Josh screeched, his thunderous voice that Daniel normally heard echoing through stadium speakers just as loud and commanding in his living room.
With a nervous bite of his lip, Danny did as he was told.
“Hey, Greta. Just so you know, you're on speaker with… with the whole band,” Daniel greeted, making sure to give her the courtesy of knowing that everyone could hear her. But, it seemed that she didn’t even register what he had said. Instead, she launched right into it.
“Alright, how long ago did he drink it and what are his symptoms?” Her voice was nearly clinical if it weren’t for the clear enthusiasm dripping off her words.
“He drank it at about ten this morning-”
“And he’s acting like a lovesick puppy and won’t leave Daniel alone,” Josh interjected, leaning over so that he was closer to the phone to be heard. Though that wasn’t really necessary since the man had shouted, anyway.
“Yeah, Sam won’t stop touching and cuddling him and if he tells him to quit it he gets all mopey and sad,” Jake added, flashing Danny a grin that Daniel merely glared at. She really didn’t need to know all that.
The beat of silence that followed made Danny’s nerves spike into the stratosphere. What he didn’t know was that Greta had merely muted her own mic so that she could laugh as boisterously as she wanted to without being heard.
“Interesting. And how much did he drink?”
“Pretty much the whole thing. There’s about an eighth or so left in the bottle, I’d guess,” Daniel informed, feeling as if the vial in his pocket got heavier as he thought about it.
“Wow. Ok, wow. No wonder he’s so clingy,” Greta replied, her surprise seeping into her tone.
“I wouldn’t call him that-”
“Dan. Try standing up.”
Giving Jake a disgruntled look, Daniel tried exactly as suggested. As he did, Sam’s arms tightened around Sam and pulled him back down towards him. “Nooooooooo,” he had whined out in protest, his brow knitting together in a grumpy frown once more as he looked up at Danny through his lashes.
“No,” he said again, this time more firm and accented by Sam’s grip readjusting around Danny’s ribs to pull himself even tighter against Danny’s chest.
When Daniel looked over at the younger twin, he was met with a small yet smug smile of victory.
“Shut up,” he lamely shot back, wanting to cross his arms over his chest but being prevented by a certain bass player. Instead, he just settled his free arm back onto Sam’s back right below where his hair stopped in the middle of his spine.
“Is it a problem that he drank so much?” Josh asked, completely ignoring the exchange that happened between Jake and Daniel.
“Not really, no. The effects will just be stronger than if he had just drank the recommended amount,” Greta explained.
“Will it last longer?” Daniel quickly interjected, the horrifying thought of having to deal with Sam acting like this for a month causing panic to lance through his heart.
“I don’t think so. Maybe a few extra hours, but it should be worn off by tomorrow evening.”
“And how come your potion actually works? Like, why isn’t yours bullshit like the other ‘love potions’ out there?” Jake so delicately questioned.
“Normally, most of mine are but… well…” Daniel did not like how her tone shifted from confident to apprehensive, “I won’t sugar coat it. The potions I make are meant to amplify what emotions are already inside someone. They can’t manufacture love or hate or happiness if they don’t already exist in the person who drank it.”
After she finished her explanation, the room went silent. Daniel felt as if his mind was beginning to overheat inside his skull as he tried to process the information she had just dropped onto them.
“I don’t get it,” Daniel croaked out, feeling as if his mind was halting all function as he stared blankly down at his phone.
“Do you have that potion on you?” Greta’s voice wasn’t scheming, per say, but it was clear she had a plan.
Daniel dug into his front pocket, fishing out the aforementioned vial. He held it up into the air, looking at it and wondering how something so unassuming could flip his world on its axis.
Before the drummer could even respond to Greta, Jake had swiped it out of his hand so quickly Danny could only blink dumbly at the man.
“Josh!” he called before tossing it towards the man.
“Wait-” was all Daniel could get out before the singer had uncapped the vial and tossed it back like it was a shot.
“Ooh, bubblegum flavored,” Josh cooed after he swallowed, flipping the vial in his hand after he replaced the cap.
Daniel just sat frozen in place. Great, now he was going to have to deal with two Kiszkas attached to his hip at all times and he wasn’t going to be able to do anything-
“How ya feeling, Josh?” Jake had asked in a voice reminiscent of a gameshow host from the 70s.
“Honestly, Jake, I feel no different. Daniel, I love you, man, but not like that,” Josh answered, pointing at his little brother curled up into Danny’s chest like an overgrown cat to prove his point.
“So, that means…” Jake prompted, holding out his hand as if to cue Daniel to understand. It didn’t work.
“I still don’t get it. And now I’ll have two of you on top of me-”
“Oh my god,” Josh impatiently groaned, tossing his head back in frustration as he scrubbed a hand down his face.
“Jesus, you’re dumb, Dan,” Jake added, exasperation of his own causing him to pinch the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.
“I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually,” Greta optimistically offered, her voice cutting through the groaning from the twins.
“But, wait, what should I do? Is there anything I can do to help Sam? Or, like, cure him?” Danny inquired, electing to ignore the twins and their antics.
“You’re just going to have to wait it out,” Greta answered, her voice not even remotely sympathetic to Danny’s plight.
“Thanks for the insight, Greta.” Jake leaned in towards the phone again, giving it a two fingered salute.
“Yeah, and thank you for the free blackmail!” Josh was smiling as he waved at the phone, his tone chipper and not at all matching the devious words he spoke.
“Any time, boys!”
And with that, the call had ended.
“Well, we best get going,” Josh sighed as he got to his feet, stretching his arms over his head.
“Yep. Seems like you and Sam need some time to yourselves.” Jake had playfully nudged his baby brother on the shoulder with his hand, Sam only responding with a half-hearted grunt of annoyance at being jostled.
“Wait, hold on-”
“Goodbye, lovebirds!”
With a slam of the door that carried with it a sense of finality, Daniel was left alone with a love-drugged Sam. In his house. Alone.
“I thought they’d never leave,” Sam yawned, mimicking his older brother from earlier as he stretched his arms above his head, his face pinching together as he did so. Daniel pointedly did not look at the sliver of tan skin the bassist exposed above his waistband as he stretched, a playful teasing of his happy trail poking out briefly.
“Uh, what?”
“The twins! I thought they wouldn’t take the hint,” Sam playfully implied, his hands tracing up from their perch on Daniel’s stomach to his pecs. And that was when he realized that Sammy was straddling his hips and looming above him with a look in his eye and a smirk on his lips that was anything but innocent.
Danny was stuck in his position on the couch, feeling like those butterflies they displayed in glass with those pins that pierced through their wings stabbing through his own limbs. He felt frozen, caught between his own animalistic desire and his morality; the angel and devil on his shoulders waging a war.
“Are you hungry?” Daniel squeaked out, his voice breaking as he shoved Sam off of him and bolted off the couch. He felt like his face was on fire as the rest of his skin prickled with its own heat. He stood himself on the opposite side of the room, all but pressing his back to the wall. He didn’t care what that witch or the twins said; Sammy would never do that.
He’s not himself.
Once Sam recovered from Danny tossing him into the couch, Sam turned those sultry eyes back onto the drummer. “Yeah. For you.”
Daniel gulped. Sam’s voice had purred out of his lips, matching the very clear bedroom eyes he was shooting Daniel. And Danny was not liking how his body was reacting to that.
“I’ll order sushi,” Daniel quickly stated before bolting out of the room and away from Sam as fast as he could.
Dinner was an ordeal. Daniel had to essentially manipulate Sammy into eating, which made him feel like garbage. But, he tried to reassure himself by saying it was for Sam’s own good. And if Danny had to use his powers of suggestion over Sam to do it, then it was just a means to an end. To be fair, it wasn’t like he was forcing Sam to do something like make out with Danny or anything like that. It was just getting him to eat his goddamn sushi.
It also didn’t help that Sam had scooched his chair right up beside Danny’s and would move closer to him each time Danny had tried to move away. And then Sam had tried to feed Danny his food. Which was… an experience.
“C’moooooooooon Danny! It’ll be cute like Lady and the Tramp!” Sam whined, waving his chopsticks in the air.
Daniel, knowing his willpower against Sam was weakening, relented. He huffed out a “fine” and half-heartedly opened his mouth. Sam squealed excitedly before gently picking up a roll with his chopsticks and placing it between Danny’s lips. Daniel figured the pain of Sam’s nagging was worth the pleasure of seeing his brilliantly excited smile as Daniel chewed his sushi.
“Ok, ok, now me!” Sam exclaimed, setting down his chopsticks before opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue like he was about to get his tonsils checked.
With an exasperated yet fond sigh, Daniel selected a sushi roll and brought it up to Sam, cupping a hand underneath it to catch it if it fell. As he placed the sushi on Sam’s tongue, Daniel made the mistake of looking his friend in the eyes. When he did, his breath hitched inside his throat. Daniel could feel as the air around them crackled with a charged energy that sparked to life as their gazes met. And Daniel felt himself unable to tear his eyes away from Sam as he slowly pulled his chopsticks away.
When Sam slipped the food into his mouth and began to chew, that was when Daniel was able to look away.
That was a few hours ago. The two of them were once again cuddled up on Danny’s couch, Sam trying his absolute best to get every part of his body touching every part of Daniel’s. They had thrown on a crime procedural show; Bones or Law & Order, Daniel didn’t know. He was far too distracted by how Sam kept attempting to get Danny to kiss him or let him blow him or an assortment of other things that made his face glow bright red.
He’s not in his right mind, Daniel had to keep reminding himself. And he would not break to love-drugged Sam no matter how many times he would flash Danny those puppy eyes that would normally make him fold like a house of cards under a slight breeze.
“Daaaaaaaanyyyyyyyyyy,” Sam sang, wiggling himself onto Danny’s lap in order to plant himself right in front of Daniel’s field of view. He would no longer be ignored, despite the fact that Sam had always had Danny’s full attention; he just was acting as though he hadn’t.
“Sam, I’m trying to watch this,” Daniel weakly protested. He had no idea what the plot of the episode was, much less the actual name of the show.
“Watch me instead,” Sam whined, his shoulders slouching as he theatrically threw his head back in frustration, “you’ve been ignoring me all day.”
“That’s not true-”
“It’s like you don’t love me.” And that was what finally caused Daniel to break his facade. He looked Sam right in the eyes, taking in the pout of his lips and the dejected nature of his eyes. Daniel isn’t ashamed to admit that he felt his chest ache at the sight. There was genuine heartbreak in Sammy’s eyes that did nothing to quell the guilt that had been thrumming through Daniel’s veins all day.
Sam could not have been further from the truth, really. Daniel did love Sam. Like, embarrassingly so. He felt it swelling in his chest every second that he spent with Sam, even when he wasn’t with him. Actually, that was when he felt it the most, when Sam wasn’t with him. Those were the moments when he found himself wishing for the man to be near, feeling his heart long for his calming and wonderful presence.
But, he knew Sam didn’t feel that way about Daniel. Danny knew Sam the best out of everyone on earth; he’d be able to tell who Sam was in love with. It wasn’t Daniel.
“That-That’s not…” Danny didn’t know how to answer that. He really didn’t. He had no idea if Sam would remember anything from this after the potion wore off. He really did not want to risk the most precious thing in his life.
Instead, Daniel just gently lowered Sam’s head down into the crook of his neck, wrapping his arms around Sam in order to pull him as tightly against his chest as he could. If he couldn’t say it, he’d show it.
Sam calmed down after that, apparently perfectly content to just exist inside of Danny’s personal space. It wasn’t long after that Daniel felt drowsiness creep up on him. Despite not doing much moving around considering the human ball and chain known as Samuel Kiszka was attached to him all day prevented that, he was still exhausted. Emotionally, that is. Who knew having the love of your life falsely confessing his love for you would be so draining? Danny sure didn’t.
“Alright,” Danny yawned, reaching for the remote to turn off the tv, “time for bed.”
“Carry me,” Sam murmured, already half asleep against Danny.
“Sam…” Daniel protested with a sigh, knowing that he was going to anyway but hoping Sam would change his mind.
“Please, baby,” the bassist whined, moving his head so that one eye poked out from his curtain of hair to give Danny that wretched Puppy Look.
Like the whipped man that he was, Danny just sighed as his shoulders sagged in defeat. After shuffling around Sam’s limbs to better fit around Danny as he stood, Daniel walked the two of them up to his bedroom. Danny decidedly did not think about what this would look like to an outsider.
“When did you get so heavy,” Danny grunted halfway up the stairs.
“It’s not nice to comment on a lady’s weight,” Sam shot back, his face still completely nuzzled into Danny’s neck. The breath of his words made Daniel have to suppress a shiver.
“Oh, I didn’t know I was talking to a lady.”
Sam giggled, the vibrant and gorgeous sound making Danny’s heart soar.
Jesus, he was so doomed.
It had taken some master level bargaining on Daniel’s part, but he was able to convince Sam to leave him alone long enough so that they could each finish their nighttime routines. Daniel had just loaned Sam a pair of his sleep shorts and a shirt to use as pajamas; the shorts were just a bit too big on Sam and caused the waistband to sit dangerously low on his hips. Daniel found himself having to force his eyes to focus on anything other than that sliver of skin on Sam’s abdomen, which was an incredibly hard task.
Daniel was far from surprised when Sam had climbed into the bed next to him and proceeded to wrap all of his limbs around Danny. It was like the man had managed to find the exact places where he would fit perfectly against Danny like he was meant to be there. Frankly, it was driving Daniel mad.
“Don’t I get a kiss goodnight?” Sam hummed directly into the drummer’s ear, able to feel the vibrations in his best friend’s chest that was pressed into his side.
The question made Danny sigh. He knew what would happen if he said no.
“You’re going to keep going until I snap or give in, won’t you?” Daniel addressed the ceiling, unsure if he was speaking to Sam or god at this point.
“Yep,” Sam replied, popping the P in the word. Daniel could hear the mischievous smile in his words.
Now, it was just a matter of weighing Daniel’s conscience against his desire to get some goddamn rest. And, well, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to kiss Sam. But, once again, not like this. But… well, it wasn’t like they hadn’t kissed before. It happened a few years ago when they were both drunk; the both of them had laughed it off afterwards, but neither of them spoke of it again. Danny was sure that if he had explained to Sam that he was only doing it to get him to relent so that he could sleep, Sam would understand. Hell, this would be far from the first time Danny had done something Sam had asked of him to get him to shut up so he could sleep.
“Fine,” Daniel had begrudgingly agreed, the word sighed out. But, before he could tell Sam that he was only going to get a quick peck and nothing else, Sam had pounced.
Danny’s cries of protest had been drowned out by the press of Sam’s unfairly soft lips, his facial hair not an unpleasant bristle against his skin. But, no matter how good it felt, Danny couldn’t allow this to continue. There was just one small problem: Sam had managed to snake his hands from where they had wrapped around Danny’s torso to his head. He felt those lithe fingers weave their way into his curls, locking him in place like a boa constrictor did with their prey. No matter how… how hot that was, Daniel was the one in his right mind. He was the one responsible for his own action, so that meant he had to… to… oh, dear lord, Sam’s tongue was soft; feeling like the finest velvet money could buy. It beckoned Daniel’s own tongue, gently pleading with it to slip inside Sam’s mouth. And, truly, who was Danny to argue? And, god forgive him, Sam’s mouth was so warm and inviting, it should be a sin.
Daniel blames his fixation on Sam’s mouth for the reason he failed to notice just how long their kiss had lasted. What finally broke him out of his trance was when Sam’s thigh slipped its way between Daniel’s own, brushing against his interested dick and pulling a surprised yelp from his lips.
Fighting against Sam’s, admittedly strong, grip on his hair, Daniel pulled away from Sam. He made sure to physically push away Sam’s thigh from its spot between Danny’s legs, knowing that should have been his first act. He was out of breath; another indicator for just how he had failed to be responsible. And looking into Sam’s confused and hurt eyes did nothing to help the guilt mushrooming within his chest.
“You’ll thank me later,” Daniel explained, even sounding out of breath as he tried to put as much distance between himself and Sam as the love-drugged man would allow. Or you’ll hate me later.
“But what about here and now?” Sam whined, closing the precious distance Danny had built up.
“You got what you wanted-” and fucking then some, “-just go to sleep.”
“Go to sleep, Sam.” Daniel snapped, immediately regretting his tone as soon as he saw the genuine hurt in those amber eyes.
With a scowl, Sam settled down into the sheets. What hurt the most, though, was when Sam had retracted all of his limbs from where they intertwined with Daniel’s, flipping on his side to face away from his best friend. Despite having wished for it all day, Danny had no idea it would hurt so fucking much.
Even though he wanted to so fucking badly, Daniel did not reconcile the situation. It was for the best, he had to tell himself. This way, Daniel would be able to actually sleep and Sam wouldn’t be as weirded out towards Danny when he inevitably snapped out of this spell.
It was for the best.
Then why does it feel so wrong?
Daniel had gotten no sleep.
Despite how much he tried, it seemed that every time he closed his eyes he was met by the image of Sammy’s disappointed face. He knew, deep down, that it was the right thing for him to do, to push Sam away like that. But that really was a thin comfort when the hurt in Sam’s eyes before he disentangled himself from Danny was still playing on loop in his head. Isn’t that what he had been trying to avoid this whole time? Hurting Sam? And, somehow, he had managed to do just that. It was frustrating and exhausting and Danny just wanted to get some fucking sleep.
Through the night, however, Sam had managed to intertwine himself once more with Danny. It felt like a hollow victory. And when he eventually, slowly, woke up, Sam had seemed to be completely over their spat from the night prior.
He had simply stretched his arms over his head, his hair a mess of tangles and static, and asked Daniel about breakfast. How Danny had wished that he could just brush off what happened the night prior.
The rest of the day had happened much like the day before; Sam refusing to let Danny stray too far from his touch. It had been inconvenient as Danny tried to go about his day with another person attached to him at the hip. However, he was able to adapt by lunch time. Sammy was still whispering things in his ear that made his blood simmer in his veins and did nothing to suppress his guilt at what images and scenarios his brain supplied him with.
Daniel had resigned himself to the fact that his day now would revolve around Sam entirely. He had wanted to go to the grocery store to restock his fridge that was becoming barren, but he knew there was the possibility that someone would recognize the two of them and their… compromising position.
So, instead of going out and being productive like he had wanted to, he sequestered the two of them to his house. They settled on a Harry Potter marathon, Daniel once again unable to focus on the screen whatsoever with Sam pawing at him continuously. Daniel had ordered food and plopped the two of them on the couch.
By the fourth movie, Sam had fallen asleep in Danny’s lap. Daniel, now with those doe eyes off of him, felt that he was finally able to end his guise of watching the screen. It had reached the late afternoon, that golden light sun streaming in through the windows of his living room and highlighting the lazy dust mites floating in the air. Most devastatingly, however, was how that sun had focused on Sammy’s profile. The man looked angelic, ethereal in a way that should not be feasible for a mortal. His hair glowed a golden hue, making it look like a halo was crowned onto his head. It made Danny’s heart ache within his chest.
Daniel had been so distracted by how gorgeous his best friend looked that he failed to really notice that Sammy was beginning to wake up.
“Daniel?” Sam’s voice was gravelly again. Danny felt his eyes focus on Sam’s, snapping him back into his own mind.
“Wh… What happened?” Sam had lifted himself off of Danny’s chest, sliding a hand from where it rested on the small of Danny’s back to grab at his head. He blinked rapidly, sweeping his eyes around the room as if it was foreign to him with a grimace on his face.
“How much do you remember?”
There was a pause before Sam responded, his eyes sliding their focus in on Danny’s. “Remember? Dan, I’m not missing any time.”
And if that didn’t make Daniel’s blood run cold.
“So… So…” Danny couldn’t spit it out. No matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn’t say that Sam knew everything. That would make it real.
“So… what happened?” Sam prompted again, seeming to be more lucid with each passing second.
Danny involuntarily gulped, feeling a cold sweat breaking out across his skin. Why was he so nervous? It wasn’t that hard to say what happened; he already told the twins. So why the hell was it so difficult to look Sam in the eye.
“You… You remember that vial from my jacket that you drank?”
“Mhm, tasted like bubblegum.”
“...Yeah. Well, that uhh…”
Oh, for fucks sake! Just say it!
“It was a love potion,” Daniel rushed out, the words all mushing together to sound like one long word.
Another beat of silence passed between the two, Sam staring down at Daniel from his perch in his lap and Daniel looking everywhere he could that wasn’t Sam’s eyes. He really wished Sam would move, it would at least help the raging blush on his cheeks. At least slightly.
“Oh, sick!!”
Finally, Daniel looked Sam in the eye. Of all the ways he had forecasted that Sam would react to that information, enthusiasm and whimsy was not even on the list. He had expected Sam to get awkward, to politely remove himself from Danny’s touch and make an exit as quickly as possible. He had far from expected Sam to link his hands behind Danny’s neck and eagerly inquire about the potion.
“Dude, that’s so cool! You know what this means, don’t you??”
“Magic is real! And we just proved it!!” Sam’s smile was huge, bright enough to outshine the sun.
“So, like, how does it actually work? Like, I remember that conversation we had with the witch about it only affecting those who already are in love, or whatever, but did she say the actual mechanics of how it worked? Like, is there a special ingredient that it needs to work?” Sam reminded Danny of a puppy in that moment. His eyes were bright and full of enthusiasm, his entire body buzzing with an energy that made it impossible for him to sit still.
This time, it was Daniel who failed to give a timely response. His mind was too busy reeling over what Sam had glossed over during his rambling to properly process the man’s question. Realizing that the reason Sam was looking at him so expectantly was due to him waiting on the drummer, Danny shook his head to force it to work.
“H-Hold on,” he began, taking a hand that had rested on Sam’s waist and bringing it up to his forehead, “you… you remember that conversation?? You were asleep!!”
Danny hadn’t meant for his voice to come out like a screech, however he was just so damn confused that he really couldn’t focus the brain power on proper speech etiquette.
“What?” Now it was Sam’s turn to knit his brow in confusion. “Oh, yeah! No, I was just faking it. It’s an old trick I pull out sometimes to get out of work; I started doing it so that Jake, Josh, and Ronnie were stuck doing chores instead of me.”
Daniel felt like he was losing his mind. How was Sam so goddamn chipper about this??
“Ok. Ok. Oh my god.” Daniel forced himself to take a breath. It felt as if his entire world was crumbling beneath his feet and his brain was struggling to keep up with the rapidly shifting terrain.
“So, you remember that whole conversation.” It wasn’t a question, though Danny had intended it to be.
“Yep!” Danny felt a piece of his soul die at the chipper tone Sam used. He elected to ignore it.
“And… that means you understand how it actually works…”
“Apparently better than you did, Danny Boy,” Sam snarked, a playful grin that bordered on flirtatious spreading across his lips.
Danny could only stare incredulously at Sam.
“And you’re ok with it??”
“...Yeah,” Sam answered slowly, “I already knew I was in love with you.”
And that, right there, was how Daniel Wagner died. In retrospect, he had a good go of it. He was able to follow his dreams, be a rockstar. If he had to pick one, he’d say his one regret in life was ever befriending Samuel fucking Kiszka. It would have saved his life, after all.
Sammy’s voice snapped him out of his cardiac arrest, pulling him back to the present.
“Y-You… You…” Once again, Daniel felt like his brain was melting out of his head and pouring out of his ears. This can’t be real. Like, it just can’t. “You already… me??”
“Yeah…” Sammy was looking at him strangely, as if Danny were the one acting weird.
“You realize what you just told me, right??”
“I don’t understand why you’re acting so surprised. You already knew this.”
Danny tried to follow Sam’s logic in his head, he really did. He was still under the spell. He had to be. It was the only way Sam’s behavior made any sense to him.
“Sam… you were drugged, ok? I don’t know exactly how, but those… your… actions were not your own,” Danny tried to explain, careful and gentle as possible.
Then, it was as if a lightbulb went off inside Sam’s head. Daniel felt relief hit him; finally Sam got it. They could move past this and save their friendship.
“Daniel, look at me,” Sammy slid his hands from behind Daniel’s neck to rest them on the sides of his face, positioning it so that Danny had to look at him, “I am not under any spell right now. I am in my sane mind, do you get me?”
Danny opened his mouth to speak, but Sam cut him off before he had the ability to protest.
“I am so fucking in love with you. Like, so fucking in love it’s probably illegal. And that was why the potion worked. Because I am in love with you. If I wasn’t, it wouldn’t have worked at all… do you understand what I am telling you in very clear, not-able-to-be-misinterpreted words?” Sam had said every sentence slowly and with a gravity to it that left no room for debate. They were spoken as fact; as law. Just how energy cannot be created nor destroyed, Sam Kiszka was in love with Daniel Wagner.
Yet Daniel still had a hard time grasping the concept.
“But… all that… that cuddling and-and kissing and all that… you’ve never acted that way before,” Daniel reasoned, believing this to be the work of the potion and hard evidence to support that belief.
Sam just laughed, the noise warming up the ice that had frozen in Danny’s veins.
“I always wanna kiss you, Daniel. The only reason I hadn’t yet was because I didn’t think you wanted me that way. And before you try and say it was the potion forcing me, it just never occurred to me to not act upon my feelings.”
Danny was still apprehensive, unable to fully grapple with the concept that Sam wanted to kiss him at all times. But, he was beginning to see what everyone had been telling him the past 24 hours.
“...Prove it.”
With nothing but a quick “ok” spoken under his breath, Sam wasted no time launching forward and locking his lips with Danny’s. His hands slid from Danny’s cheeks to the back of his head, manipulating it so that Sam could tip it back and deepen the kiss. Once again, Danny felt dizzy. But, unlike the other kiss the two of them shared last night, this one was quick and urgent. Sam had something to prove and he was not about to let Daniel walk away from this without getting his point through Danny’s thick skull.
It was Sam who eventually pulled away, having to gasp for air.
“Holy shit,” Danny panted, his head feeling woozy as he took in the sight of his best friend looking absolutely ruined, yet giddy just from his lips.
“Yeah,” Sam breathed in response, his smile turning dopey as he laughed.
“You… You love me…”
Danny watched in real time the excitement and shock that flooded Sam’s eyes.
“Oh, thank fucking god,” Sam quickly uttered, throwing his head back, “YOU FINALLY GET IT!” Sam had taken to shaking Danny by the shoulders.
“That’s actually great news because I’m also in love with you,” Daniel admitted, a giddiness of his own flooding his veins at finally being able to say those words out loud to Sam.
“I would fucking hope so, you dense idiot.” There was no malice in Sam’s words. Quite the opposite, really. He had leaned back down onto Danny’s chest, burying his face into Danny’s neck as they embraced.
“Wait… when did you-”
“Truthfully? When we graduated.”
Daniel started to process what that meant. Since we graduated…
Tag list: @doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22 @satanplayshisfluteforhim @starsasone @writingcold @tearsofbri @gretasmokerising @streamofstardust @lunaindigoraven @jakeydoesit @tripthelightfandomtastic @sunfl0wer-power @wingedgardener2000 @gretavanbitches @teddiie @gardensGateDaisy @sparrowofthedawnsworld @angelbabyyy99 @sammysprincess @whollyfreeamongststars @gretaswhore28 @l0rdoffli3s @kay-jordan @lightmyloverry @kenzie18 @gotavansleep @roosterbbradley @freckled-wonder @flower-power-anthem @Gabyvanfleet @Sarakay-gvf @Mamalikes-gvf @josh-iamyour-mama @st4rdust-ch0rds @pr41sethemoon @fallonfatality @earthlysorrows @jessicafg03 @rossy1080 @hippievanfleet @spark-my-nature @hayley1623 @schleeble @gretavanflipflop
#greta van fleet#greta van fic#danny wagner#sam kiszka#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#daniel robert wagner#samuel francis kiszka#danny gvf#sammy gvf#jake gvf#josh gvf#samuel kiszka x daniel wagner#sanny gvf#sam x danny#greta van fluff
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Sammy pulling Danny with him as they exited stage and the rip stick video is simply too much.
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Word count: 8.1k
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Angst, Toxic Themes and Behavior, Jealousy. Smut: Kissing, Touching, Oral M!Receiving, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Fluff.
A/N: I blame Josh Kiszka, entirely.
It’s a nice place, with tea light candles and fresh flowers on every table. Tucked away on the West side of Nashville, far from the wide eyed tourists and the flashing city lights. It’s quaint, but always busy. A reservation here would cost you. A name or your checkbook, either one will do. You wonder how he managed it, who he knows or what he does. You’d been here only once before, strings pulled and names dropped no doubt.
The hostess led you to your table, smack dab in the center of the restaurant, commanding all the eyes and attention of the patrons around you. With a curt smile you tucked into your chair and waited for your date. You weren’t really sure why you agreed to this, but after several failed attempts on your own you finally caved. Cambry is a terrible influence and you knew better than to go on a date with a man of her choosing, but here you found yourself in a swanky restaurant at a table for two.
You didn’t put too much effort into your outfit, opting for a tight black dress and a pair of gold earrings. It showed off your figure without revealing too much. It was tasteful and sexy, everything you want on a first date.
You knew nothing of the man you were meeting apart from his name. Simon. Cambry assured you that he was perfect for you, claiming how similar the two of you were and citing you had similar taste in music. So, you agreed.
You couldn’t fault him too much for being late, the traffic absolutely horrendous as you made your way through Midtown. You perused the drink menu, placing your order for a dirty martini when the waiter stopped at your table. As you sipped at the briney drink you felt a presence behind you, and you knew Simon must have arrived.
A tall man, with long dirty blonde hair stepped up to the seat across from you, lifting his hand to shake yours.
“Hi, I’m Simon. Sorry I’m late, the traffic–”
“Was terrible, I know,” you laugh, shaking his hand. “Y/N.”
He takes his seat as his eyes dart around your face taking you in. “You got a drink I see, any recommendations? I’ve never been here before.”
“I was wondering how you were able to pull a reservation so last minute,” you answer, pushing the drink menu towards him.
“Ah, called up one of my buddies, works tickets down at Nissan Stadium. Was no trouble,” he boasts as if entry level ticket sales is something to be proud of.
You smile politely and nod your head, “I got a dirty martini, they are heavy handed on the vermouth so I order gin instead of vodka.”
“Dirty, huh?” he smirks, opening the drink menu.
You offer a clipped smile, already not liking this guy too much. His frat boy vibes are a little too strong for your liking, and quite frankly is the opposite of what you have ever been into. The waiter steps up a few seconds later, noticing that your date has arrived.
“What can I get for you sir?”
“I don’t know what all this fancy shit is, do you have Bud Light?” he asks, rapping his knuckles against the table.
“Um, no sir, I believe the only beer we have on tap is Thunder Ann from Jackalope,” he offers with a pleasant smile.
“Was that English?” Simon jokes, however, it is not well received by your waiter or yourself.
“I could bring you a sample if you’d like?”
He blows out a breath of defeat, “I’ll just have what she’s having, but make mine stronger.”
You raise an eyebrow at his demand, silently kicking yourself for ever agreeing to this.
The waiter nods and heads off and a sense of dread washes over you as you realize you are about to enter into forced conversation with this stranger.
“So how do you know Cambry?” he asks, leaning back in his chair like he's at his mothers house.
You swallow down the distaste and try to answer his question, “Cambry and I work together. She is my office suitemate.”
“Oh so you work at the little music place, too?” he asks, downplaying your career to boost his own ego.
“I don’t think Sony Music Publishing is a ‘little music place’ but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion,” you jest.
“What do you do there?” he asks, accepting his drink from the waiter. He takes far too large of a sip before you can answer, shocking the both of you.
“I’m an account executive, so I do sales, client management, data reports, that kind of thing. How about you? What do you do?” you ask, genuinely curious about what he could possibly do that he would need to belittle your career.
“Oh well, right now I am kinda just playing the corporate field so to speak. I’ve got a few sweet options in my pocket, but uh, right now I am working down at AT&T. You know that Batman looking building. It’s pretty chill,” he says in an attempt to flaunt.
“Yeah, I know it well actually. What do you do there?” you ask.
“I’m a field sales representative,” he answers, his voice dropping a little. You feel your eyes practically bulge from their sockets.
“So, you don’t like, physically work in the building,” you confirm.
“I mean, I report there at the end of the day,” he replies, trying to blow smoke.
“So if you report there at the end of the day, where do you spend your day?” you ask.
“Kind of everywhere. I do a lot of driving around. I was able to secure a deal with a new Mexican restaurant over in Hendersonville. They want full fiber and phones. Pretty sweet, might even make a commission on it,” he says pridefully.
“Wow, a commission too? They are spoiling you,” you taunt.
“Yeah, I’m about to move up, gonna put me into commercial sales. More office time and less road time,” he says, folding up his menu. Your mind is positively racing at how Cambry thought you two would be a perfect match when he couldn’t be more different than you.
“So uh, what are you thinking you want to eat?” he asks.
“I think I might do the farmhouse pasta, the sun dried tomatoes sound good,” you answer, closing your menu as well.
“Yeah I’m gonna get a steak, I bet they are good here,” he says waving over the waiter. Your face blushes red as he makes a scene to grab his attention.
“Yes sir, we are ready to order,” Simon states, opening up his menu. “I’m gonna have the Porterhouse with mushrooms well done and can you bring a side of ketchup?”
You think that if your eyes rolled any harder you could see your brain, but alas you must keep your composure and make it through this trainwreck of a date.
“For you miss?”
“Yes, could I please do the farmhouse pasta? I will also do one more dirty martini,” you smile, hoping the waiter can sense the apology in your tone.
“Great, I will be back,” he says, stepping away with the gentle nod of his head.
The evening continues on as you listen to him tell you every uninteresting fact about himself while he dips his shoe leather of a steak in ketchup. You have a hard time finding your own meal appetizing as you watch him eat, a tiny dribble of ketchup at the corner of his lips. He barely gives you a chance to speak as he relives his fraternity glory days, telling you every close call he has ever had with the police and every famous person’s door he’s knocked on since he moved here from Mississippi.
You down your drink probably a little too fast, trying to decide if you will need another to make it through the last part of this date. You know you will never speak to this man again, and you know you will be giving Cambry a firm talking to come Monday morning.
The waiter steps up to the table with the check, placing it in front of Simon who sends him a puzzled look. “Oh, actually she’s getting the check tonight.”
“Am I?” you ask, a little confused yourself. You had no problem going dutch, but to be told you were taking the entire responsibility of the bill was a bit of a shock.
“I mean, yeah, Cambry said you wanted this date, so… I figured since it was your idea, you were paying. I didn’t bring my wallet.”
You feel your mouth go dry at the audacity of his assumption. “I have no problem going dutch,” you say.
“Yeah, it’s just I didn’t bring my wallet,” he counters, shrugging his shoulders. “I can Venmo you later or something.”
You bite your tongue as you reach for your purse, knowing there is an extremely high chance that this meal will drain his checking account.
“It’s fine, I can get it. No problem,” you say, pulling your wallet from your purse. Just as you unzip it you feel someone walk up behind you, and the sight of a hand on the waiter's arm. The person leans towards the waiter, saying something quietly in his ear as he slips a silver metal credit card into his hand.
As you look up you recognize the mass of curls and the crisp white linen. The smell of his cologne forever ingrained in your memory. Your eyes flash over to Simon who is just as confused as you are, watching the interaction. A few more words are spoken between the waiter and the man you now know is Josh. Your ex.
The waiter scurries off with Josh’s card just as he turns to face you with a shit eating grin. He then casts a lethal glance to Simon, who at this point is looking rather small.
“Don’t you know it's distasteful to make your date pay?” he asks, venom in his voice.
“And you are?” Simon snaps.
“Well, from my place at the bar I thought I was the competition, but now I’m fairly positive that is not the case. My name is Josh, and I would ask yours but quite frankly I don’t care to know.”
“Josh!” you yelp.
“What darling, you can’t deny the facts. I’ve been sitting at the bar since you arrived. Was quite the unexpected show, I must admit,” he pauses, “If I’ve misjudged your evening, which, I’m sure I haven’t based on your body language alone, please do feel free to correct me.”
“We’re actually on a date, man,” Simon speaks up, taking you and Josh both by surprise as you turn to stare at him.
Josh just snickers, shaking his head before turning to you. “Have you had enough, sweets?”
“What do you want, Joshua?” you ask, a little annoyed at his brazenness.
He cups your chin with his thumb and forefinger as he gives you a knowing look, “Is this what you want? You want me to go?”
You push his hand away and cross your arms over your chest, refusing to answer his question.
“Fuck this,” Simon spouts, pushing away from the table and storming out of the restaurant.
Josh quickly takes his seat, sitting across from you as he folds his hands on the table. “You’re welcome,” he taunts, accepting the check book back from the waiter.
“A pleasure Mr. Kiszka,” he nods, walking away.
“Mr. Kiszka? They know you by name here?” you groan, watching a sideways grin pull across his full lips. His eyes glance down to the plate of half eaten food in front of him.
“A well done steak with ketchup? My, my, darling have your standards dipped that low?” he asks, signing the receipt and closing the book. You roll your eyes and reach for your martini glass, however his hand snakes out to grab it first, tossing the rest of it back.
“What the hell,” you growl.
“You dumped me for a broke asshole?” he asks, sitting back in the chair.
“He might have been broke, but I bet he could fuck me more than once every three months,” you snap, pulling ammo from your failed past.
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, “Now, now, retract the claws sweetness, be my good girl, yeah?”
“I’m not your anything, Josh, and I don’t know what you think is about to happen here, but I can promise you it’s not.”
He stabs at the olive in the martini glass, popping it between his lips. “You sure about that?”
“You completely derailed my date,” you bark.
“Oh, please Y/N. You were ready to go the moment he introduced himself, late, might I add. You were entirely repulsed through dinner, and you couldn't get a word in edgewise. It may have been a year or so since we called it quits, but I still know you like the back of my hand, darling.”
“You don’t know me like that anymore, Josh.”
He chews the olive as a hum rings through his chest, “Is that why your thighs are clenched together under the table right now, for the first time tonight? Why you can’t seem to sit still, squirming everytime I look at you? The pretty pink blush on your cheeks that happened to appear as soon as I stole his seat? Because I just don’t know you anymore?”
You shake your head and look away, pushing him out of your mind.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he demands, and instinctually you turn your head. “Own it.”
You meet his eyes and huff out an annoyed breath. “You can’t just walk up to me and think we are going to pick up where we left off. I left you for a reason, Josh.”
“Are you ready to go now that you’ve said your piece?” he asks, pushing his chair away from the table.
“I drove myself here, and I’ll drive myself home,” you quip.
“After two martinis, I don’t think so, sweetness. I’ll send for your car in the morning,” he insists.
“Send for my car? What are you, the Pope?”
“Only the one time if you remember correctly,” he jokes, offering his hand to help you stand from your chair. You take it begrudgingly, grabbing your purse and smoothing out your dress.
“Stunning as usual, love. You know I love that silhouette on you,” he says, ushering the two of you out the door and into the parking lot. He drives a different car now, which is probably why you didn't recognize it in the lot when you arrived.
“It wasn’t for you,” you gripe.
“But it was for him? Mister can’t even split the check?” he counters.
“Again, he may not be made of money, but he at least listened the few times I was able to get a word in,” you snap.
Josh sucks his teeth as he opens the passenger door, helping you climb inside. It’s spacious and smells of new leather. A string of beads hangs from the rearview mirror and a tiny crystal lays haphazardly in the center console. He joins you seconds later, starting the car and backing out of the parking space.
“Where are you taking me?” you question, although you’re fairly certain you know the answer.
“Home,” he snickers, taking a right out of the parking lot.
“You don’t know where I live, I moved,” you say, shifting your body in the seat.
“No, no. I said, I am taking you home.”
“What if I don’t want to go?” you ask, fully lying to yourself and to him and he knows it.
“I did always like it when you played hard to get,” he smiles, moving his hand to rest on your bare leg. “But your body gives you away everytime.”
“Where’d you find him?” he asks, letting his eyes flick over to yours for just a second.
“Cambry,” you answer, a twinge of defeat in your voice.
“Cambry? Come on, baby, you know she has the worst taste in men,” he groans, merging onto the freeway with ease.
“I didn’t really have a choice, and she oversold him, clearly,” you answer.
“So you’re still at Sony, then?”
“I am, though I’ve been considering a career change, maybe even a city change,” you lie.
“Had enough of Nashville?” he jests.
“The people that reside here,” you taunt.
“Fair enough,” he concedes.
His fingers trace circles into your skin, lighting little fires with every pass. “You stopped answering my calls,” he trails off.
“That is typical of a break up Josh…”
“Don’t call me that,” you snap.
“What can I call you?” he asks.
“Nothing, you can take me home and send my car in the morning,” you answer.
His grip on your leg tightens, his thumb passing over your knee. You feel warm beneath his touch, a calmness washing over you. This is always how he got you.
“It was one fight, Y/N! I know I fucked up, but–” he shouts, losing his calm and cool composure for a millisecond.
“Josh…” you whine, not wanting to hash this out again.
As you pull up to a red light he turns to look at you, moving his hand from your leg and grabbing your hand instead.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. Just– come over for a little bit. Let’s talk. Catch up a little. Don’t let your night be a complete loss, you look too pretty. Let me appreciate you,” he says, squeezing your hand.
Your eyes meet his, sparkling and encased by his thick lashes. “Okay,” you murmur.
You roll your eyes and nod your head, “Yes, fine. Just to catch up.”
The light changes and you swear he did twenty over the speed limit the rest of the way to his house. He has a smirk on his lips that he can’t seem to shake, and his hand hasn't left yours.
“Why were you at the bar alone?” you ask, the gin making you feel a little more brave than usual.
“I like the food, and they make my drink the right way. You know I don’t like going into the city, too many people, and the guys were all busy tonight. I think I was right where I needed to be though. Got you out of that shitty date,” he laughs.
“It was pretty shitty,” you agree, flashing him a smile.
“Missed that,” he says, turning into his driveway. “That smile. Lights up a room.”
“Stop,” you say, playfully pushing his shoulder. “Don’t suck up now after you were all bossy and demanding at the restaurant.”
“Worked though,” he grins, shrugging his shoulders and shutting off the car.
“Did it?”
“You’re here…” he says, tipping his chin.
“To talk. To catch up,” you counter.
“Yeah, yeah, I hear you,” he says, helping you out of the car and shutting the door behind you. He guides you up to the front door with his hand on the small of your back, shoving his key into the lock and opening the door.
You’re instantly transported back in time. A time when this was your safe place, when this was your landing pad of comfort. A home you shared together. Warm and welcoming. Until, it wasn’t. It was a big empty house with nothing but the echo of your own voice for months on end. The place you would listen to your calls ring out with no answer and texts would sit on delivered for days.
It was hard to leave him, your personal ray of light. The good times were the greatest, and the bad times were worse than the worst. You met your breaking point and all you could think of was starting over. Living a normal life with a normal job and a normal relationship.
You’d grown a little since that day, finding yourself and establishing your own roots in the city. You cut off contact completely. Josh never gave up though. He was persistent, you’d give him that. He tried to reconcile things, promised to fix it, promised to do better, but after so many failed attempts, you couldn’t do it anymore. You needed to see this through, for yourself.
It took almost a year but he did stop calling. Stopped checking in. Your heart ached for him. You wondered if you’d made a mistake. You knew you never really stopped loving him. How could you stop loving someone like him? He took your heart and cast it in gold, giving a piece of himself to you to carry when he was away, but still it wasn’t enough. You needed more than he could give you then.
“You redecorated,” you ponder.
“A bit. Just some new furniture, art and things I picked up on the road,” he says, tossing his keys on the table. “You like it?”
You nod your head, “Yeah, I do. It feels very… you.” you pause, “It feels warm.”
He walks into the kitchen, pulling two lowball glasses from the cabinet before reaching for the tequila on top of the fridge. He holds the bottle up towards you in question and you nod your head, knowing you aren’t leaving tonight.
He pours the tequila into the glasses, topping them with sparkling water and a handful of ice as you walk over to join him. He slides the glass to you and holds his up to tap against yours.
“Glad you’re here, baby,” he breathes.
“Sorry, old habit,” he blushes, taking a sip of his drink.
You join him, taking a long pull from the glass letting the bubbles slip down your throat. He made it perfect, just how you like it.
“Shall we?” he asks, pushing off the counter top and making his way into the living room. You follow behind him taking the seat next to him on the couch. You settle into the leather cushions as he shoots up again.
“Wait, hold on,” he says, walking across the room. He struts across the wood floors carrying himself in a way much different than you have ever seen him. He looks confident and seems to be floating. He grabs a small remote and turns down the lights, casting the room in a much dimmer light.
“Do you always walk around like that?” you ask, sipping from the rim of your glass.
“Like what?” he asks, returning to his place next to you.
“Like…like you’re made of gold,” you giggle, letting the tequila warm your blood.
“What if I am?” he challenges.
“What, made of gold?”
“Mhmm,” he hums.
“Kinda seems like it sometimes,” you confess.
“You kinda glow,” you answer.
“Optical illusion, sweets,” he grins.
“I don’t know, you’ve always kinda been that way. Glowy…” you offer, feeling a little hazy.
“You flirting with me now?” he asks, his lips turning up into a grin.
“No,” you growl, “Can I not give you a compliment?”
“Absolutely. Please do continue, I’m quite enjoying it,” he laughs, throwing his arm across the back of the couch. His fingertips brush your shoulder and you shudder at the contact.
“Has it been that long, darling?”
“What?” you question, turning to meet his eyes. His fingers graze against your skin again, goosebumps rising to the surface.
“Oh, say it isn’t so, baby. Break my heart,” he whines.
“What, Josh?”
“You’re touch starved aren’t you sweetness,” he says, his eyes searching yours.
“No, I’m fine,” you lie. You look away, knowing he was always able to read you like a book.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he snaps. You turn your head and meet his eyes again. “Don’t lie to me again. You know that never went well for you.”
You bite your lips together as your cheeks grow red hot. Part of you wants to push him a little more, force him to make good on his threat. The other part of you knows you should leave before he sucks you in.
“Tell me how long,” he says, resting his hand on the curve of your neck.
You blow out a breath and shake your head, “It’s not important,” you answer.
“Is to me, always important to me,” he urges.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I want to know that you were being taken care of,” he pauses, “I don’t think that’s a crime.”
“It’s been… a minute,” you confess.
“Baby,” he breathes.
“It’s fine, Josh. Really.”
“It’s not,” he snaps. “How long, love? You can tell me. It’s just me.”
“God! Since we split! Okay?! Is that what you want to hear?! That I haven’t fucked anyone since you?!” you shout, burying your head in your hands. You feel his hand rest on your back, warm and firm.
“Oh, my love. No wonder you’re so feisty. Wound up tighter than a two dollar watch. My girl needs a little relief, doesn’t she,” he asks.
You turn your head in your hands to look at him, his face serious and dripping with lust. You push yourself up off of the couch, pacing around the living room.
“I don’t want your pity, Josh.”
“It’s not pity darling, you’d know if it was,” he retorts.
“Well whatever it is, I don’t want it,” you snap.
He blows out a deep breath and clears his throat, “I’ve had just about enough of your mouth tonight,” he growls. “Why don’t you come back over here and try again, yeah?”
You stare at him from across the room, arms crossed over your chest in an effort to conceal your nipples that have grown hard just from the demanding quality of his voice.
“You can drop the act, I know you want me just as bad as I want you. If you want me to beg, crawl on my hands and knees for you, you know I’ll do it, but I think your body is begging for me harder than I ever could.”
You roll your eyes, and look away.
“Am I wrong? Tell me I’m wrong.”
You huff out a breath, “No,” you whisper.
“What’s that?”
“I said no,” you answer.
A smirk pulls across his lips, “No, what?”
You feel your chest grow warm and you swallow thickly, “No, sir.”
He clicks his tongue, “Don’t call me sir, that's my brother. Try again, love.”
“No, baby,” you breathe.
“That’s better. Much better. Come back over here,” he says, motioning you over with two fingers.
He reaches for your hand as you approach him, pulling you down onto his lap. Your legs fall to either side of his hips as you straddle him, the position feeling familiar and comforting.
“There’s my girl,” he growls, leaning forward to place his drink on the coffee table. His hands move to grip at your hips, holding you in place as he sinks a little further beneath you. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t enjoying this, feeling his hands on you and the evidence of his want as it grew beneath you.
“Not yours, Josh,” you say, letting your hands land on his chest.
“Liar,” he breathes, rolling his hips into you, eliciting a whine from your chest. You hear him laugh, “Your body says otherwise.”
“My body has never been able to say no to you,” you admit.
“And that's what I love about it, baby. Mine even when you aren’t.”
A sigh falls from your lips as his thumb drags over your lips, “Kiss me, Josh,” you beg.
A grin pulls across his lips as he pulls you by the back of your neck towards him. His soft, warm lips brush yours just slightly, enough to pull a whine from your chest.
“Now who’s begging?” he murmurs. Your eyes meet his, dark and lust filled before he crashes his lips to yours. His hands grip at your head as if he’s afraid you might fly away, his fingers twisting into your hair.
His tongue slides against yours, the taste of him so sweet and familiar. There would never be anyone that tasted better, you were sure of it. His hands slid down your face and over your shoulders, reaching for your hands as they sat on his chest. He wrapped his hands around yours, linking his fingers with yours the best he could, just holding you in a way you’ve desperately missed over the last year without him.
“Josh…” you breathe.
His lips break away from yours, his cheeks pink and his lips glossy, “Yeah, baby?”
You hesitate asking your question, momentarily debating whether you truly want to know or not, but you know if this night is going to continue, you have to know.
“How long…” you pause, “How long for you?” It comes out breathless, his warm hands in yours as his lips hover over yours.
He pulls back a touch, licking his lips and swallowing harshly, “A month or two,” he answers honestly.
Your traitorous eyes fill with tears and you do your best to blink them away. You drop your head in an effort to conceal your emotions, knowing this is all entirely your fault to begin with. His hand releases yours and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“They were never you. Not a single one of them could ever be you.”
You nod your head and swallow the lump in your throat, “Then why?”
“It’s been a year, baby. I never thought I’d have you again,” he confesses.
“But you want me?” you ask, just wanting to hear him say it.
“Is that not clear? Of course I want you. I never stopped wanting you. You stopped wanting me.”
You shake your head, “I didn’t. I swear I didn’t, I just– It was too hard, I couldn’t do it anymore. It hurt too much.”
He grabs your face in his hands again, holding eye contact with you. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I know I messed up. I’ve thought of it every single day since you left. I’m so sorry.”
You can see it in his eyes that he means it this time. The urgency in his voice and the trembling of his hands against your face prove it. You decide at that moment to cast the memories of the past to the wind and fall headfirst into him, the way you’ve dreamt of for months.
You press your lips to his, smiling, “Tequila always did make you all mushy, baby.”
A smile pulls across his lips as he stands from the couch, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he makes his way to the stairs. His lips connect to your jaw, peppering kisses up and down your neck with every step he takes.
It’s seconds before you’re tossed onto the bed. The bed you’ve missed so terribly. The bed that smells of him and his linen sheets. You melt into the comforter, your body relaxing almost immediately. Your eyes close and all you can hear is the shedding of clothes across the room, and the tinkling of beads as Josh places his necklace on the dresser.
You feel his hand as it comes to rest on your foot, sliding up the length of your body and stopping just as it reaches the hem of your dress. You sit up on your elbows to look at him, standing at the end of the bed in his boxers.
His gaze is fixed upon you, devouring your every inch.
“Joshy?” you breathe.
He drops his head for a second before looking back at you, “God I haven’t heard that in so long,” he whines. “What sweetness?”
“Come lay down with me,” you ask.
He licks his lips and crawls onto the bed, laying down next to you and resting his hand on your hip. “Hi beautiful.”
“Hi baby,” you whisper, rolling towards him. You lay your head on his shoulder, listening to his heart as it pounds erratically in his chest.
“I missed this bed,” you whisper against his skin.
“I missed you in this bed,” he pauses, “Terribly lonely without you.”
“Not too lonely it sounds like,” you tease, sitting up and stepping off of the bed.
“Baby, I–”
“I’m kidding, Josh. I don’t mind. Well, not completely anyway.”
You pull the zipper on the back of your dress, letting it fall to the floor and instinctively kicking it to the chair at the side of the bed like you'd done a thousand times before.
“So you care a little?” he smirks, taking in the sight of your matching lingerie. “Jesus, was that for him?”
“If all went well,” you answer cheekily, crawling back onto the bed.
“Over my dead body,” he growls, grabbing your arm and pulling you to lay on top of him.
“It was for me. I needed a little confidence boost.”
“Baby, what? Why? You were always so confident and cool,” he asks, furrowing his brow.
“Not lately… A few failed dates will do that to you I guess,” you admit.
“No, no no no no. Don’t let a few pricks dull your glow, sweetness. You’re everything. They’d be lucky to have you.”
You push up off of him, crawling backwards down the bed as you place a few errant kisses across his stomach. Your eyes never leave his as you stop above his waistband, sliding your nails against the elastic.
“What if I never wanted them,” you ask.
He sucks in a breath as your finger dips beneath the band, slightly tugging at the fabric.
“What do you want?” he asks, his eyes searching yours.
You pull his boxers over his hips watching his cock spring free to slap against his groin. You take him in your hand, watching as his face twists up in pleasure.
“Tell me,” he growls through gritted teeth.
Instead of answering him you let your tongue lick a hot stripe from his base to his tip, tasting the bitter sweetness of his precum on your tongue. His core tightens as you take him into your mouth, swirling your tongue against his length, feeling every vein and the rapid pulse pounding through him.
His hand finds the side of your face, tucking your hair behind your ear as he watches you take him down so easily, remembering exactly how he likes it. You grip his base as you work him, hollowing your cheeks as you eyes meet his. His lips are parted, a heavy breath leaving his chest as his grip on your hair tightens. You take him farther, swallowing around his tip as he nudges the back of your throat, sending him spiraling in his own bliss.
“Fuck, baby, please…” he begs.
You pop off of him, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his length. “Please what?”
“Please let me fuck you,” he asnwers, panting as he desperately awaits your mouths return to him.
“I’m kind of enjoying myself here,” you tease, taking him into your throat again.
“Fucking hell, you’re so goddamn sexy. I fucking– I–” he stammers, groaning as you swallow around him again.
“You think of this, baby? You miss sucking my cock? My good fucking girl,” he asks, jerking his hips up off of the bed. “You think of me like I think of you?”
You groan as your tongue swirls at his tip, letting your eyes meet his.
“Answer me,” he demands.
You pull off of him quickly, a spit covered mess, “Yes, yes baby,” you whine.
“Missed your mouth, your perfect fucking mouth. Your lips, your tongue, everything,” he growls, a moan leaving his chest as you suction your mouth around him. “Pull off baby, not yet. Not ready yet.”
You do as you're told, pulling off of him and wiping your lips on the back of your hand. He grabs your chin and pulls you toward him, his wet cock laying against your panties. His lips meet yours, swollen and pink and still glistening with your spit. He’s desperate to taste you, to devour you completely. You feel his hands slide over your waist and up to your bra, unclasping the hooks and pulling the straps from your arms. He pulls it from between you in one move, before turning you to your back to take in the sight of you.
His eyes practically bulge from his head as he looks at you. “You– You pierced your nipples? When did you? Wha– Fucking Christ.”
A smile spreads across your face. It's not very often you can catch Josh off guard like this, so you’re taking this small victory.
“About seven months ago, on a whim,” you answer.
“Anything else I should know about before I have a stroke?” he laughs.
“Why don’t you just find out?” you say playfully, just wanting to see his reaction.
He pulls the elastic of your panties over your hips, tossing the lacy garment to the floor. His tongue darts out over his lips as he looks at you, as if deciding where he wants to start. Though, you knew Josh, and he would forever be a victim to his own fascination with shiny objects.
His lips wrap around your nipple, his tongue gently flicking over the golden barbell. You lace your fingers into his curls, scratching at his roots as his teeth graze the sensitive bud in his mouth.
“Josh,” you whine, arching your back beneath him.
“Mhmm,” he whines, not letting his lips detach from you.
“Missed your touch,” you answer.
He pulls off of your right breast and kisses his way to your left, treating your left nipple with the same reverence as the previous. You grab his hand and pull his fingers to your lips, sucking his first two digits into your mouth and letting your tongue twist against them.
You hear him groan against you, the sensation becoming a little too overwhelming for him.
“You okay, baby?”
He pulls off of you, still staring down at the shiny gold bars adorning your nipples.
“No, fuck no, I’m never gonna stop thinking about these,” he says through a pant.
A laugh bubbles up from your chest as his hand meets your chest, sliding down your stomach and stopping at your hip.
“You gonna let me in, sweetness?” he asks, biting at his bottom lip.
A smirk pulls at your lips as you look at him, nodding gently. His hand slides down further, his fingers dusting across your folds. Your body quivers at his gentle touch, a small grin of satisfaction on his lips.
“You want it?”
“Stop teasing, Josh,” you whine.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know you need it. I’ll give you what you want. You know that, right?”
You nod furiously, just wanting him to touch you. Needing it more than anything. “Yes, yes, I know. Please…”
He bends forward and presses a kiss to your stomach, two fingers sinking into your wetness. You jerk towards him as his fingertips press to your clit, a whine escaping your lips before you can stop it. He hums as his fingers start to circle through your wetness, his lip bitten firmly between his teeth. His eyes are dark as they stare into yours, watching your every move and memorizing every expression.
“You feel so good, baby. Missed this so bad,” he breathes, teasing your entrance.
“You could have had anyone,” you whisper.
“I didn’t want anyone. Just you.”
His fingers dip into you, finding the place they once knew so well. Your hand moves to rest on his bicep, stronger now than they once were, the muscle rounded and defined. In fact, all of him is that way. Lean and fit, stronger and more chiseled. The thought alone makes you clench around his fingers.
“You feel so– so different. Stronger,” you say.
“Needed something to fill the time,” he smiles, curling his fingers inside of you. You cry out in bliss as your stomach starts to tighten.
“So good, baby,” you cry.
“Yeah, you gonna come for me? You gonna come right on my fingers, so needy and sweet,” he urges. His fingers are moving rapidly, working you toward your release better than you could have imagined.
“Ease into it, baby. Don’t rush it. I’m right here, not going anywhere. I’m yours,” he says, his voice soft and comforting.
Your eyes meet his, desperate and lust filled, “Mine?”
He nods his head quickly, “Yours,” he pauses, “If you want, I just– I’m here, okay? Take your time, feel it. Breathe it in, savor it. I’m here.”
“I want it,” you plead.
“Have it, have me,” he breathes.
His fingers move at a relentless pace, fingertips massaging into you with such precision it’s like a year never passed. Your chest grows hot and your stomach tightens as his eyes meet yours, both of you knowing you’re on the edge of release.
“Do it. Take it baby,” he growls.
“Josh,” you whine, reaching for his hand and twisting your fingers with his. His grip is tight on you, grounding you the way you need him to.
With another flick of his thumb across your clit, you’re sent spiraling into your release. You’d never been able to replicate the way it feels when it's by his hand, and you were sure no other man could. His hand slows as your eyes open, finding his full of desire as they stare back at you.
He grins as he presses a kiss to your mound, slowly pulling his fingers from inside you. Your body is shaking with adrenaline, the want for him coursing through you like never before. You need him. You need him now.
“Josh, now,” you pant, your chest still heaving as you catch your breath.
He doesn’t hesitate. There are no witty remarks, no jokes, no playful banter at all. Just the need the two of you share for each other taking center stage. He pushes up and crawls up towards you, falling into the space between your legs. He pushes them further apart with his knees, fisting at his base as he stares at you. You swear you can see his heart pounding in his chest, and you know he needs this as badly as you do.
He lowers himself down to you, brushing his tip through your folds. Your hands come up to his face, cradling his cheeks as you press your lips to his. It's different this time, a little less desperate, more intentional. He lets himself slowly sink inside of you as his lips dance with yours, filling you so fully and so completely, the way he always had.
He bottoms out inside of you, sliding his arm beneath your hips to pull you in close. His eyes meet yours in question and you nod, letting him know you need more. He begins to slowly move his hips, rolling into you at a fairly gentle pace, soaking in every inch of you and savoring every sound that falls from your lips.
Your hands wrap around his waist, pulling him in tighter, desperate for all of him. He groans as your chest presses against his, the coolness of the metal bars against his warm, dewy skin pulling a groan from his chest.
“Baby,” he whines, snapping his hips into you a little harder.
“Josh,” you answer, more of a moan.
“I need this,” he says, moving his hand to cradle your jaw. “I need you.”
“I know, baby,” you cry out, “I know. I need you, too. I fucking need you.”
He groans as he drops his head, letting his lips connect with your neck. His hot tongue slides against your skin before he sucks the skin into a fresh pink bite. His pace quickens, his skin slick with sweat as he pounds into you.
“Tell me that you think someone could fuck you better than this,” he growls.
“Fuck, no. No one. No one but you, Josh. I only want you,” you answer, gripping your fingers into his ass.
His demeanor changes, he’s grown animalistic, grunts and groans falling from his lips as he nears the peak of his release.
“Tell me that you don’t love me anymore,” he demands.
“Josh, I–”
“Say it,” he barks.
“I do! I do love you! You know I still fucking love you!” you cry, feeling the coil tighten in your groin.
A cry falls from his chest, echoing around the room as his lips crash to yours. It's rough and desperate, and you know you just told him everything he’s been waiting to hear.
“I fucking love you, Y/N,” he pants, “Don’t you ever fucking leave me again.”
You nod your head desperately, needing to feel his lips on yours again. His strokes start to quicken, hitting you long and deep as you both teeter on the edge of your orgasm. The wet sounds dancing through the air are deafening, and the heat of his breath on your face has you dizzy.
“Josh, baby,” you whine, knowing you won't last much longer.
“Yeah? Yeah you gonna come again? Bloom like a pretty flower just for me?” he urges, knowing the sound of his voice will push you over the edge. He nods his head, and bites his bottom lip as he watches you, squirming and panting beneath him as his cock hits you right where it belongs.
“Come on sweetness, be my pretty flower, come for me,” he whispers against your lips.
His hand cups at your breast as his fingers brush your piercing, letting his thumb and forefinger pinch at your nipple. The sensation is enough to bring you to the brink, letting you dive headfirst into your release. You cry out beneath him, his name falling from your lips in succession.
“Just like that, my love. I’m here, I’ve got you,” he says, pulling you closer to him as his hips continue to work you through it. “I’m there sweetheart, tell me where.”
“You know where, I’m yours,” you plead.
He snaps his hips into you again, holding you in place as he spills inside of you, the most beautiful noises falling from his lips. He comes down, loosening his grip on your hips as he falls slack on top of you. Your arms wrap around him, your hand drifting up into his sweaty curls as he catches his breath.
“I mean it,” he breathes, “I do love you.” He props his head up on your chest, letting his eyes meet yours.
“You know I love you, Josh.”
He cranes his neck forward and kisses you again, and you can almost feel the smile on his lips. “Does this mean you’ll come home? Let me love you again?”
“Is that you asking me?” you tease.
“I’ll call the movers right now,” he taunts.
“You forgive me for leaving you in the first place?” you ask, a hint of nervousness in your voice.
“I deserved it. I know what I lost.”
“I keep my apartment,” you counter.
“But you’ll be with me when I’m here?” he asks with questioning eyes.
“If that’s what you want,” you answer.
“No more dates with assholes who don’t deserve you?” he smirks.
“No more dates, just you,” you nod.
“I’ll do it right this time, give you everything. I promise.”
His lips press to yours, soft and sweet and barely there, sealing his promise and setting your heart aflame. He rolls off of you, laying next to you as close as he can get.
“You said I’m your flower,” you pause, “What kind?”
He pulls you into his side, hitching your leg up over his waist. “Hmm, a poppy perhaps? A bright red one, maybe orange.”
You giggle at the fact he has picked such an outlandish flower. “Why’s that?”
He turns his head to look at you and raises his eyebrow playfully, “The seeds are an opiate and can provide intense pleasure to the consumer, and you, my sweets, are certainly a drug to me.”
You roll your eyes and shove at his chest, feeling him pull you in tighter. He kisses your head and lets out a sigh.
“What about me, am I a flower, darling?”
“Of course you are,” you pause, looking at him. “Too easy, you’re Goldenrod.”
“Isn’t that a weed?” he laughs, running his fingertips against your bare thigh.
“Technically, but it’s beautiful. It’s wild and free and vibrant. Thrives in the warm sunshine and sways in the breeze. They’re made of gold, just like you,” you smile, flashing him a wink.
“Although, it is poisonous,” you add.
He rolls to face you completely, cupping your face in his hand as he smiles, “You know what they say…”
“What’s that,” you question.
“The worst poison always tastes the sweetest.”
Taglist: @britney-gvf @gretavanmoon @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj @dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner @cassiesgreta
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fan fiction#greta van fleet smut#greta van smut#greta van fic#danny wagner#sam kiszka#daniel robert wagner#greta van fluff#gvf smut#gvf fic#gvf#sam gvf#gvf danny#sam kiszka gvf#jacob kiszka#gretavangroupie#jake kiszka#jacob thomas kiszka#Samuel kiszka#gretavanfluff#dannygvf#josh kiszka#joshua michael kiszka#josh gvf#joshua kiszka#josh kiszka fic#josh kiszka x reader#josh kiszka smut#josh kiszka gvf
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The Proposition (S17)
Spinning Now: "Birthday Sex" by Jeremih (2009)
Pairing: Danny x female reader
Word Count: 14.3k
Description: Danny's always been that friend and roommate who you never thought of as anything more, until a birthday proposition presents itself in a way that neither of you can deny.
Warnings: Drinking, Cursing, Heavy Flirting, Praise, Dirty Talk, Touching, Wax Play
Smut: Kissing, Oral M!Receiving, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Unprotected Sex (use protection!!)
+ This little diddly of an idea has been swimming around in my head for months now, and I've been so excited to get it going. And thanks to the reader who suggested it be a roomies trope ;) Hope ya like xoxo
Girl you know i i i...
White or red?
There is no special occasion, simply just the bi-weekly dinner gathering of your friend group that has turned into an every-Thursday-night habit. Not that an occasion constitutes your wine choice, but still yet, the thought quickly crosses your mind. You are all meeting at your and Danny’s house tonight, along with the conjoined group of friends that has been steadily keeping each other fed for the past two and a half years, now.
You’d been living with Danny for as long as you could remember, taking claim of his spare room sometime after everyone collectively moved out of your parents’ homes. The arrangement worked perfectly, the two of you already knowing how the other ticked after being friends for many years. Your jobs kept both of you busy, giving the other enough room that you didn’t feel like you were invading space in the small house.
You pull your phone from your pocket as you peruse the wine selections, texting the group chat to check on tonight’s menu.
You: What are we making tonight again? I already forgot
Jake: Salmon and quinoa and some other stuff
Jake: God your memory sucks
You: Emma, come get your man he’s being mean to me again
Emma: Quit picking on her babe
You: Ok so I should get white wine, right? Pairs with fish?
Sam: Just get three fuckin bottles of wine, who cares
You: Ok I’m not coming if you guys are gonna continue to harass me
Sam: Too bad it’s your house and you have to be there anyway
You: I’ll lock myself in my room I don’t care
Danny: No Y/N, if they’re gonna be assholes they don’t have to come over. They can stay home and we can order pizza :)
Jake: Shut the fuck up Sam, I’m making the damned salmon and quinoa
Josh: What the fuck is quinoa
You shove your phone back in your pocket as you roll your eyes, the buzzing still consistent as you imagine they are still arguing with one another.
It's funny how much Danny has been defending you lately. He’s still his normal self, your very good friend who sometimes lets his sweet side get the better of him, but in the past couple of months, something has switched. The more the brothers pick on you, the more he stands up for you. It used to be the opposite, with him joining in on your playful dog-piling any chance he could get. But ever since a couple of months ago… ever since his last birthday…
Almost three years ago now, you and Danny had found yourselves wrapped up in each other’s arms in his bed after a drunken night that started out like any other, dinner, socializing, cards, and way too much to drink. It was his birthday party, and after everyone else had cleared out, you stayed up to clean up the multitude of plastic cups and empty bottles that were scattered around the house. You were both fairly drunk, and you knew if you got the majority of the party cleaned up that night, you wouldn’t have to bother with it all while being inevitably hungover the next morning.
“I’ll get out of your hair soon, Danny. I’m about to call an Uber to go stay with Emma.” You’d said as you dried the last of the dishes. He was sprawled out over on the loveseat, his shirt halfway unbuttoned and his mess of curls pulled up on top of his head. You’d always found him attractive, but you’d always been positive he was way out of your league. He’d never even given you a passing glance in that way. Except, that night, he looked exceptionally delicious… and your hazy, drunken mind undoubtedly had started to drift.
“What? Whyyyyy…? Don’t get an Uber, it’s too late,” he’d slurred as you walked over to sit on the ottoman his feet were rested on.
“Becauseeee… it’s your birthday and I don’t want to interrupt your time with whatever guest you might have coming over.” You remember the words felt heavy in your mouth, like it was strange that you had never talked about Danny’s personal life out loud before. Or yours, for that matter. Even after all the years of being friends and roommates, the two of you had always taken things as they’d come… watching as strangers made their way in and out of your bedrooms without a second question.
“Guest?” His face contorted. “I ‘ont have a guest coming over, Y/N…”
You’d let your mouth gape open and your hand clutch your chest in a display of over-dramatics. “Really? No one to give you a happy ending on your birthday?! You must be falling off the wagon, Wagner.”
What you do remember, though, was how hard he laughed at your half-assed attempt at a shitty joke.
“I swear! Just me, tonight.” It was at that very second that you remember becoming enamored with the way he licked his lips, how he clicked his tongue just a little, and how his eyes had fluttered closed under his lashes. He’d reached his hand out for you to grab, so you did.
“You gonna let me be lonely on my birthday, Y/N?” His warm fingers slowly worked their way to interlace with yours. This flirtatious tone wasn’t something you’d ever seen from him before, but for some reason, you found yourself tumbling for it. The deep rasp in his voice signaled something else, something so unexpected from him that you almost laughed it off as him kidding with you.
Your eyes had glanced around the room in confusion, and when you didn’t answer, you felt his foot kick into your leg, bringing your eyes back to look at him. His eyebrow was cocked in the air, as if he was waiting for an answer.
“You’re drunk, Danny… you don’t…” you’d anxiously answered, nodding your head side to side in disbelief.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t want me to… stay…” for some reason, he was making you nervous, and you were having trouble answering him. There was no way he wanted you to stay, of all people. No way in hell.
He’d laughed, sitting up on the couch and leaning over to take you in his arms in a giant bear hug. His face was buried into your shoulder, pulling you close in the warmest embrace you’d had in a while. It was strange feeling him this closely, and you shivered a little at his touch. You’d hugged him back, and then felt his lips drift close to your ear.
“I actually do… want you to stay here with me. In my room, in my bed, until tomorrow morning…” his voice crackled in your ear, the faint scent of spicy tequila still on his breath. It’d sent chills all over your body, and you had to admit, it was a strangely welcome feeling. Danny had never been this close to you, like this, ever before. His words had shocked your system, though, temporarily deeming you unable to respond.
So when he finally pulled back from the hug and confidently met your eyes again, you let yourself go with it. You were still fairly intoxicated, but this drop dead gorgeous friend of yours who had hardly ever given you the time of day was now throwing himself into your lap. Why turn him down? It was his birthday, after all.
“I never knew you were into me, Danny,” you’d cooed, watching as his fingers drifted across the back of your hand.
He sat back and dropped his head against the cushion again, cracking his fingers above his head. “I‘ve always been into you, Y/N. You’re gorgeous and fun, make me laugh… always been so good to me.”
You’d never admitted it, but of course you had pictured yourself with him a time or two. How could you not? Talented, handsome, kind and genuine…always looking for fun and always including you in his outlandish plans. But this…him laying it out on the line like this? It had your body beginning to physically yearn for him, completely out of nowhere.
“Stop playing, no you haven’t…” you’d argued, still in disbelief.
He held his hands up in surrender, cocking a sideways smile. “I swear. I just… never had the guts to say anything…”
You contemplated it all for a second, giving him a questioning look that begged for his reassurance.
“Why not, ya know? Not like we’re strangers…” you’d muttered through a sharp inhale.
You stood from the ottoman and slowly began stepping one foot in front of the other toward him, standing just between his legs. Your heart rate spiked as you answered him, your face flushing with the reality of what you were about to do. “Just a birthday hookup, huh? Just this one time?”
You let your hand brush against his thigh, your fingers lightly tickling until they reached his hip. It felt as though your hands were disconnected from your body, making their own decision to reach out and touch him as he sat reclined in front of you. Gently, his hands pulled around your waist, his thumbs digging into the flesh, strong and inviting.
“Just this one time…and that’s it.”
That night, the two of you stayed up until the winter sun was striking through the windows onto Danny’s white down comforter, and only then did the two of you finally drift off to a short but sweet slumber, until the alarm on his phone woke you both in a panic.
You’d fallen asleep upside-down on the bed, both of your heads at the foot of his king-size. His arm was draped across the small of your back, and his hair was still a messy bundle of curls at the back of his head.
“Fuck,” he’d muttered, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know, it’s your alarm…”
Suddenly, now, in the light of day and the brightness of the room, the both of you became very conscious of your unclothed selves. You’d felt your cheeks blush at the sight of him, skin still dewy with the after-effects of sweat and sex. You didn’t miss his passing glance of you, too, still halfway wrapped up in his sheets as he maneuvered to the top of the bed to check the time.
“‘S only seven. Shit, I’ve got a headache…” he said, running a hand over his face.
“Me too,” you mumbled as he laid back down beside you. You pulled the covers up a bit more over your body, feeling extremely exposed in the bright sunlight. He propped himself up on his elbows, giving you a sweet and questioning look. “So, what are we supposed to do now?” you’d asked. “Cuddle?”
His laugh bounced off the walls, the glitter in his eye sending a wave of nerves through your body.
“We cuddled plenty last night, Y/N. We didn’t end up falling asleep until like, six,” he said, his voice groggy with sleep, or lack thereof.
“Fuck,” you breathed. “I’m sorry for keeping you up all night, I know you have things to do all day–” he cut you off with a kiss, his neck craning down to meet your lips with the sweetest surprise touch.
After a few fleeting seconds he pulled away, meeting your eyes as he spoke again. “Don’t you dare apologize to me, Y/N. I asked you to stay in here. Asked you to keep me company on my birthday.” His hand reached up to pull the hair away from your cheek, bringing instant flashbacks of his hands on your face and shoulders last night as he pinned you down, fucking you into his mattress. “I was just completely unaware that both of us would last for that many hours…” he laughed, rolling away to cover his face.
“God, Danny, don’t embarrass me!” you laughed along with him.
“What is there to be embarrassed about?! Shit, I think we were great together,” he went on, holding his hand out for you to low-five.
You pursed your lips together, letting your hand clap onto his. “We were, weren’t we? Never would have thought.”
“Shit, I thought about it all the time…” he admitted.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” you played, smacking him across the chest.
“I don’t know, you’re just a girl in my friend group, ya know? My roommate that helps me with rent…didn’t want to freak you out or something and make you hate me,” he explained.
You propped up on your elbow, shaking your head at him. “So we could have been doing this all along?”
“Oh, so you enjoyed yourself, then?” he countered, rolling you to lie on your back as he pulled himself over you again.
As you gazed up at him above you, small curly strands falling around his face and onto yours, you felt your face get hot, the same need you felt in your stomach for him last night coming back full force. A need you never thought you would have for him. A need that came back to you over and over again the night before, and left you both too exhausted to even bother to see the morning.
“Danny, we fucked like five times, of course I enjoyed myself,” you tried to keep the confidence heavy in your voice.
His nose scrunched up as he giggled, light and airy into the room. He laced his fingers with yours, lifting your hands together into the air and pulling them back down between you again. This time, you took the initiative and kissed him again, straining to keep things from moving as quickly as they had moved once you finally climbed into his lap on the couch last night.
When you finally separated, both of you refraining from letting it go any further, he disconnected your hands and clenched his jaw. “What do we do now?”
You didn’t want a relationship. And neither did he. That much was very known amongst your friend group, the both of you way too busy with your own lives to devote your time to another. You stood strong in that decision, and you knew for a fact that he would, too. So your mind began wandering, thinking of ways to end this entanglement you’d found yourselves in.
“What if we just… did this sometimes?” you proposed.
His brow furrowed. “I’m listening…”
“Our birthdays. Yours in December, and mine in June… it’s perfect. If the both of us are single on our birthday each year, we make a plan to not leave the other lonely…” The idea seemed preposterous, but at the same time, it didn't. A sure-fire way to make each of your birthdays interesting each year, and after the night you’d shared last night, you’re positive he wouldn’t turn the idea down.
His eyes dashed around the room as he considered it, taking a deep breath as he sat up in the bed. You caught a glance of his naked lower half, and your eyes rolled back on their own accord as you pictured his hips pounding into yours last night in the darkness of his bedroom. You sat up too, challenging his gaze.
He held his hand out again, this time for you to shake.
After deciding on the three bottles of wine, two white and a red, your mind begins wandering off by itself, causing you to hardly pay attention to the fact that you are singing the words to the song playing in your headphones out loud. You bite your lips, glancing around to see if anyone had seen you, or worse, heard your horribly flat singing voice. Luckily the aisle is clear, so you make a mad dash for the checkout line, ready to get out and head back home for dinner.
The drive is short, and when you finally arrive in the driveway, you find that you’re the last one to get there.
“Hello, hello,” you sing as you let yourself inside, kicking off your flip flops at the door. You set the bag of wine bottles on his island where Jake and Sam are busy preparing the meal.
“Thank god, the booze is here!” you hear Josh sing through the house as he makes his way over to stand beside you, opening the drawer of the island to search for Danny’s wine opener. You set all three bottles in line on the countertop in a nice straight line. “Shiraz, Y/N? That’s surely a bold choice…” Josh says, rolling his eyes.
“The label looked pretty, I don’t know!” you counter, shoving your shoulder into his. “It already smells really good, guys…” you say as you leave Josh to the wine, leaning over Jake’s shoulder as he stirs a pot at the stove. Suddenly Danny is leaning over his other side, sticking his finger in whatever sauce Jake is stirring.
“Aht, aht!” Jake swats his hand away just as Danny sticks his finger into the saucepan. “It’s not perfect yet…”
“Tastes good as hell to me,” Danny says, locking eyes with you as he pops his lips over his finger. You feel your insides churn.
“So Y/N, your birthday is next week, you guys planning your weird little bi-yearly birthday hookup still?” Josh nonchalantly asks as he yanks the cork from the bottle of red. Fortunately, it only took nearly two years for your friends to catch on to your and Danny’s little birthday agreement, when Jake inadvertently tried to surprise Danny with filling up his bathroom with balloons, only to find you bent over the bathroom sink.
“Christ, Josh, you have to put it like that?” Danny intervened. “Geez…”
“What?! That’s what it is, right?” Josh says as he pulls glasses down from the cabinet. You feel your face blush, even though it’s an open topic, at this point.
Danny pulls himself up to sit on the corner of his countertop. “No, we simply enjoy the other’s company on our birthdays because both of us suck at the dating playing field and always decide to indulge in one another’s availability, right Y/N?”
“That’s correct,” you confidently agree as you listen to the others groan.
Josh throws his head back and laughs loudly.
“What?” Danny yelps.
“You don’t think it’s funny that neither of you have ever had a significant other on your birthdays for the past what, three years now?” Josh says, eliciting silent looks of agreement from his brothers.
“Mmm, no, I don’t think it’s funny. We both suck at dating, you heard him. This is just…our way of making sure we aren’t alone twice a year.” The attempt at explaining yourselves is transparent, at this point. You know you’re lying to yourselves. It's obvious. Each and every time you pull yourself from Danny’s bed, or he from yours, you feel your bones begging you to stay. You like him, you’ll admit it, but only to yourself.
Twice a year isn’t enough, it was never enough. And you know for a fact that it will never be enough. On his birthday last year, you could have sworn you heard him say something close to the ‘L’ word as he came for the third time that night, his voice low and whining as you clenched around him, bringing him to his completely fucked-out state of mind. Each hookup had gotten hotter, heavier, and more serious. Each time was better than the last, and this last one was so intense, that you ended up staying in his room a second night, completely breaking your own rules.
As you slipped out of his bedroom that second morning, his honey brown eyes were begging you to stay, his lips touching his fingertips and blowing it your way as you quietly shut his bedroom door behind you.
That morning broke you. That morning your heart told you what it wanted.
That morning was the last time you denied it to yourself– you were absolutely head over heels for him. The yearning you’d felt had begun overtaking your whole self. And it wasn’t just yearning, it was something else. Something more powerful, something you couldn’t grasp the notion of, because you’d never felt it before. It’s now become something that makes your days drag by with the thought of him, not only sexually but personally, too. You feel wrapped up in his life, intertwined with his decisions, and some days you barely even have the time to give each other more than a goodmorning and goodnight. Sure, you still meet up every week with your group for dinner, but the subtle touches and the intense glances that are being shared almost on the daily now have become too much. You want to tell him. You need to tell him.
“Hm. Okay, so… what’s the plan this year?” Josh asks, obviously wanting to pry into your business, just like always.
“Josh, it’s none of your fucking business. Can you leave them alone for a second?” Sam says as he empties the box of rice into the insta-pot.
“No, it’s fine. I have big plans…” Danny bites his cheeks in as he denies himself a cheeky smile, swinging his bare feet as he sits on the counter. His eyes are boring into yours, and you swear just a simple word from him would have you on your knees for him, anymore.
“Big plans, huh?” you try to avoid his stare.
“Mmmmhm…” he says, grinning to himself. “Might have you running away and never coming back, though.”
You nearly choke on the sip of wine swirling in your mouth. Throughout the years, you will admit, your hookups had gotten more and more mischievous as time went on, both of you pushing each other’s boundaries just a little more each time. Nothing had ever gotten too crazy, but after his birthday last year, it was an unwritten understanding that not much was off the table, at all.
Sam plugs his ears with his fingers. “La la la I don’t wanna hear details!”
Jake pulls his wooden spoon from the sauce, turning to face all of you. “I do, I wanna hear it. Keep going. What’s the plan?”
“I’m not fuckin’ tellin’ you guys, it’ll ruin the surprise,” Danny argues as Josh hands him a glass of wine.
“Okay well you can tell me after her birthday then, right?” Jake pushes.
Emma steps in front of him, taking the now dripping spoon from his hand and running her tongue up the side to catch it from going into the floor. “Yeah Danny, maybe you should give him the rundown, maybe it’ll get his wheels turning,” she challenges, bouncing her eyebrows to Jake as she places the spoon back into the sauce. You laugh at her, feeling no embarrassment in the least.
“Get my wheels turning?! What is that supposed to mean?!” Jake yells, grabbing her waist from behind and spinning her around the kitchen.
You lock eyes with Danny again as he gives you a suspicious look of excitement, like he’s trying his hardest to keep his idea locked inside.
After a rambunctious and wine-drunk dinner, everyone begins to file out of the house, stumbling away to either walk down the street to their respective homes, or catching a ride out with other friends to the nearest bar. You’re left behind again, like always, helping Danny with dishes and pouring out the remaining bits of wine left behind in the glasses.
“So, next week. The big 2-5. You still down for hanging out?” he asks as he dries the last dish, as if you would ever say no.
“Actually, I think I’m going to spend this year alone, ya know? Keep it low key, order some take-out and curl up on the couch,” you say with a cheeky tone.
His jaw hangs slack as he nearly drops the towel in his hand. “Really?”
You scoff. “No, Danny. Are you serious? We shook on it, and I don’t break my promises,” you laugh. You slowly walk toward him, the line between friend and more than a friend getting blurrier as time goes on. You want to put your hands on his bare chest, press yourself against his warm body, crane your neck up to meet for a sweet kiss, but you don’t. Because you can’t. Because he isn’t yours.
So instead you just simply stand before him, leaning a hand onto the countertop.
He lets out an audible sigh of relief. “Shew, good. I was about to be pissed at you, Y/N,” he breathes as he playfully shoves your shoulder. “Standing me up on your birthday…”
You smile as you realize your feet are carrying you closer to him on their own. You try to stop them, try to tell them no, but you can’t. Now you’re standing in front of him, your chests almost touching as you let your finger trail up his arm to his neck. “I’d never stand you up, Danny. Not in a million years,” you murmur.
You feel his body stiffen as you let your singular fingertip connect with his skin, your touch a featherlight drift. You glance down at his hand balanced on the cold marble countertop, his fingers tightening and loosening under the weight of his own want to touch you back. You hear him breathe in, fast and choppy as you begin to manipulate the line between friends and more, truly unable to keep it black and white no matter how much you try. Finally you let your eyes look into his, dark and brooding and looking a lot like they do after a few rounds of self-indulgence with you.
“Good,” he growls, “because I have a hell of a night planned for us.”
“Is that right?” you question, still trailing your fingertip across his arm and neck. You can see the chill bumps forming on his skin now, and you can tell he is physically restraining himself from succumbing to his mental constraints. You have to admit, you’re finding it very satisfying, watching his mind tell his body no. The muscles in his arms flex and tighten as you step closer, slowly tiptoeing to bring your faces close, your lips barely ghosting his.
“That’s very right,” he whispers, opening his mouth slightly as if he’s going to kiss you, but instead pulling back a little. The proximity is enough to make you feel soaked already, your entire body buzzing with fire for him.
“When do you want me ready?” you breathe, letting your lips graze across his, your finger now hooked behind his bicep. His hands are still gripping as he balances between the island and the countertop as he leans down to you, restraining himself still yet.
He’s inhaling and blowing air quickly through his nose, and you know for a fact that he’s holding himself back with everything in him. His jaw clenches hard as his eyes stay trained on your lips. “Want you right now, if I’m being honest…” His words make the butterflies in your stomach explode their wings.
You can taste the wine still heavy on his breath. “But it’s not my birthday, Danny…” you retort.
He takes a deep breath. “I’m getting to a point where I don’t care.”
You swallow it down. Maybe your thoughts are mutual… Your heart is absolutely racing, like it would do when you found out your elementary school crush liked you back. You don’t even know what to say, at this point, you want him so badly…your vision blurring with the mental snaps of the two of you wrapped up in one another again.
“You should care, we have an agreement,” you admit through your teeth, as badly as it hurts to say it. “We set our rules.”
He scoffs hard. “I don’t remember signing my name on any dotted line, Y/N,” he spurts back, making you feel that drop in your stomach again. He wants to break the rules, too.
You bite your lips in, deciding to cut your losses. You step back from him, disconnecting your finger from behind his arm, and stepping away. The flushed look on his pink cheeks is enough to make you want to run back into his arms, and the look on his face makes it seem as though he just lost the one thing in his life he never planned on having, anyway.
“I asked you a question, Danny. When do you want me ready?” you say strongly.
He closes his eyes and recenters, swallowing down his thoughts. “Uh, uhm. F-Friday. Around 8.” He finally cleans up his expression and meets you with a smile again. “Be ready to celebrate.”
Friday rolls around more quickly than you thought it would. The group had decided to rain-check family dinner this week, planning on celebrating Y/N’s birthday the following weekend when everyone would be in town at the same time.
Your palms had been sweaty all day just at the thought of what tonight would hold, and you realize that you hadn’t been this anxious for a night together with Y/N, yet. The nerves are positively eating you alive, but you shove them down, knowing that you shouldn’t be having them in the first place. She doesn’t feel for you the same way you feel for her, and she likely never will.
It’s heartbreaking and wasteful, really, knowing that your sexual chemistry with her is only put to good use twice a fucking year when it should be being shared with her whenever you wanted to show her how much you really care, but. Here you find yourself.
She’s taking up all the extra space in your mind these days. You feel like you’re floating on air each and every time the vision of her face pops into your mind, you feel like you can feel the blood in your veins rising to a hotter temperature than you’ve ever experienced, and you find yourself wanting to give her all the things she’s ever wanted, and more. Your friend, one of your best friends, you’d say, unknowingly spinning herself into your life in a way that you can’t even tell her about.
That last birthday you shared together, your twenty-fifth, wasn’t the same as the rest before it. Sure, fucking her was high on your list of excellent sexual experiences thus far, but that last time, shit. Had your head spinning for days after. Never had a woman gotten you more fucked up than she did after that night. Two nights, really. That was when you knew it was real. When you wanted to ask her to stay, don’t go… be with me here and don’t ever leave… But your pride got the best of you. So you let her walk out, taking every single last bit of hope you had to make her yours with her as she walked out your bedroom door.
Could she not see it? Did she not notice how horribly you want her, all the time? Surely she doesn’t think you’re just being nice when you do little things for her… offer to change the oil in her car, take her lunch to work, send her every single funny meme and video you have ever come across simply because you know they’ll make her laugh…
Apparently not. But you don’t want to push too hard, too soon, either. If it’s meant to happen, it will. Hell, you hadn’t even told Sam about these feelings you’d been having. No one knows. This is a secret you’d kept bottled up for months now.
You come back inside after a quick trip to the grocery store and gently place the items from your arms onto the island, making sure the champagne bottle doesn’t tip over and break. You stick the bottle into the fridge and remove everything else from the plastic bags before rushing into your bedroom to make sure it’s presentable.
While she was at work, you’d spent the majority of the day cleaning up the general guy-ness of your bedroom, putting on a fresh set of sheets and giving the bathroom a good wipe-down. You’d never cared this much, for what she thinks of your surroundings…
…But you want tonight to be special. You want this birthday to be her favorite one, yet. And you’re determined to do so. You’d placed various candles around the surfaces of your bedroom, trying to make it romantic, but not so much that it will make her think you’re trying too hard.
When you decide that your room is as neat as it’s going to get, you go back into the kitchen and tear into the small cardboard box that’s been hiding away on top of your refrigerator for almost a month now. You’d seen an ad for it while scrolling instagram or something, and you knew right then that you had to get it. Your birthdays spent with her were becoming more and more experimental, and the idea for this year had fallen right into your lap.
You rip the packing tape off the box, letting it fall to the wayside as you open the flaps, finding the perfectly wrapped 2 and 5 candles in all their glittering glory. Shiny, crimson red wax with metallic gold trimming, long wicks and a thickness that regular store-bought candles just don’t have. You smirk as you pull them from the packaging and lay them in front of her small cake- chocolate with white buttercream icing. Her favorite. A glance at the clock on the stove lets you know you have an hour until she gets home, so you scurry off to the shower to get a last-minute scrub before you inevitably hear her coming through the door.
Your stomach nearly falls to the floor when you hear the front door unlatch, and you find her a tired and flustered mess after her long shift. You busy yourself on your laptop, trying your best to seem more involved with what you’re doing than watching her unload her things from her arms onto the table.
“Hey birthday girl,” you mutter without looking back at her. “How was your day?”
You feel her lean all her body weight across the back of the couch beside you. “Long,” she huffs, “but not bad.”
You find the confidence to turn your head to her, finding her resting her head into her palm as she eyes you. You have to reel it all back in as you feel her so closely in your presence again.
“Good,” you reply, keeping it short. “Not too tired to skip our date?”
She hums a sweet laugh. “No. Most definitely not.”
“Are we…leaving the house? I’m trying to decide what to wear…” she asks shyly.
You have to remind yourself that she’s your friend, there’s nothing to be scared of, you do this all the time…
“No, actually. We’re staying home,” you reply.
Home. Your home, with her.
“Eight o’clock?” she reiterates.
“Yep, on the dot,” you tease as she stands to make her way to her end of the house.
She sways down the hallway, tossing her jacket over her shoulder as she disappears into the shadows. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
A few hours later, you’re leaned on the island swirling a lowball glass of tequila, waiting for her to emerge from her bedroom. You’d been standing patiently, fashionably early for your birthday date in the kitchen as you listened to the faint sounds of her music playing as she got ready.
Your nerves are already shot, the tequila doing little to assist in qualming the nervous anxiety swirling through you. So when you finally hear her bedroom door open and her steps coming down the hall, you have to tilt the rest back in hopes that it will hit you a little more quickly.
She’s dressed cute, but comfortable, and you can tell she did her hair that special way that you’d complimented a few weeks ago. She smells like sweet sugary flowers mixed with the woodsy smell of rain, and just her scent as she approached you was already driving you insane.
You meet her in the middle of the kitchen, grabbing her hand to twirl her around into your embrace. “Happy birthday, gorgeous,” you mutter, your face falling into her hair for a second.
Her arms lift around your neck, squeezing just a little as she places the sweetest kiss to your cheek. “Thank you, Danny.” You allow yourself to hold her for just a second, your right hand gripping the wrist of your left at the back of her waist.
“You hungry?” You ask as you pull away from her.
“Yeah, whatcha making?” she replies, taking a seat at the island.
You grab the box of the frozen pizza you’d previously thrown in the oven, displaying it for her.
“Oh my god, my favorite!” she squeals. “I’m so excited.”
You laugh as you fold the box up, cramming it into the trash can. “Knew you would be. It’s not a five-star birthday meal, but. Let’s be honest. I can’t cook for shit, and you love this pizza more than you love a lot of things…”
“No, you’re so right. I’ve actually been craving it for a while,” she giggles.
“Wait, I also gotttttt….” You make your way to the fridge, pulling out the bottle of champagne.
“Shit, pizza and champagne? You know exactly how to make a girl happy, Daniel.” She blushes a little, and you know you’re on the right track for the night.
“You gotta open it, though. It’s bad luck if someone else opens the champagne bottle on your birthday,” you lie, scooting the bottle to her across the countertop.
“You’re crazy. Give it,” she rolls her eyes as she takes the bottle, twisting the key seven times and removing the wire casing. She stands from her chair, gripping the bottle in both hands as she searches for somewhere to aim.
“At the wall! Just not toward a window!” you warn, closing one eye as she begins to push on the cork. Finally it pops off, flying toward the wall as the bubbly pours from the neck of the bottle. “Get it, Y/N, get it!”
She cups her lips over the overflowing bottle, slurping up as much as she can before it flows into the floor. The two of you laugh as you bring two glasses over, letting her pour them up. Just then the timer for the pizza goes off, and the sound of the beeps reminds you that time is ticking, making your nerves rush for the main event.
After stuffing yourselves with pizza and downing the bottle of champagne, the two of you are piled up on the couch sharing a six pack of some crazy peach flavored beer she’d bought last week.
You’re seated on the couch as she reclines across it, her legs in your lap. You’d talked a lot tonight, like more than you maybe ever have before. Sure, you’d been friends for many years now, but majority of the time, you’re surrounded by the other guys always intervening on your conversations, or interrupting your discussions.
But after three hours of deep exchange, you swear you could talk to her until the end of time, and never get tired of it. She looks natural with her bare, sunkissed legs draped across your lap, and your hand that’s mindlessly drifting over her thigh and knee looks like it belongs there.
Her drunken laughter bounces off the walls and right into your chest, making your entire self beam with happiness and adoration for her. The way she takes up space in the home you share gives you an inexplicable feeling. Roommates doesn’t even begin to describe what you want to title your living situation with her.
Your faces are blotched red and tears are falling from your eyes as the two of you come down from a laughing fit, and a sweet recovery silence falls over the both of you. Her eyes are bloodshot from the alcohol, and her face is flushed from the belly laughs.
“You’re really pretty, Danny,” she flits, making you whip your head her way.
“What?” you ask, embarrassed.
“You’re pretty. Well, you’re handsome, of course, but. You’re also pretty,” she explains, her words making you feel shy.
“Oh, thank you, Y/N. Don’t think anyone’s ever told me that before…” you respond. Your hand grips into her thigh a little bit as your head falls back onto the couch cushion. You meet her eyes, the both of you staring at each other while everything else in the room disappears. You hold the gaze for a long while, each passing second making your breathing pick up. Fuck, she makes you nervous.
Finally, she stands, pushing her hair back behind her ear as she reaches for you to take her hand. “Take me to bed, Danny…” she whispers.
You slowly stand, keeping her hand in yours as she pulls you into the center of the room. Like magnets, your bodies are pulled into one another, your hands finding both of hers as you turn to walk her backwards down the hall to your room. You move in slow motion as the two of you glide across the wooden floors, taking your sweet, special time.
You take her chin between your fingers, and push her hair back again before leaning down to press your lips to hers. It’s gentle and sweet and slow, her lips parting only just a little bit as you guide her down the long hallway. You allow yourself the indulgence of her lips, the feeling of her tongue gently swiping across yours, the flavor of everything that she is. It’s all perfect, she’s perfect.
Her hands finally find your face and hair, entangling themselves like they always do, pulling you further into her. For this only being the sixth time you’ve done this, it feels like the most natural thing in the world to you. It doesn’t make any sense that you waste your time thinking about it, instead of giving her the loving that she deserves.
But you plan on showing her tonight. You may not be able to tell her, but damned if you can’t try your best to show her.
“Wait, I almost forgot,” you pause as you approach your bedroom door. “I’ll be right back. Stay here,” you command, squeezing her shoulders. “No peeking,” you whisper as you watch her eyelids close.
You’d already strategically placed her cake on the table in your room, with two forks and no plates. But the last finishing touch is the sporadically placed candles. You grab your lighter from your nightstand and light them one by one, watching as the flickering flames cast a warm glow across your walls. Perfect. Lastly, you place the 2 and 5 candles in the center of the cake, but wait to light them.
You slip back out into the hall, finding her still standing with her eyes closed. You grab her hands and pull her to walk toward you. “Keep them closed.”
Her smile lights up your entire world. “What are we doing, Danny? I’m scared…”
“Don’t be scared, babe. S’just me…”
You pull her inside, instructing her to sit down on the bed as you grab the cake and lighter. You balance it in one hand and flick the lighter with the other, lighting the wicks of both the number candles.
“Open your eyes.”
Her eyes flick open, finding the room completely illuminated with orange glow. “Ah, Danny…” she gasps, glancing around the room, and finally to the cake in your hands in front of her.
“Hm hm hmm hm hmmm hmm…” you hum the Happy Birthday song, your voice a bit shaky and jittery with nerves. “Don’t forget to make a wish,” you say, watching as her eyes flick to yours, then back to the cake in your hands. She closes her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again, and blowing out the flames of her 25.
“You wanna know what I wished for?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No. But I hope it comes true.”
You set the cake down on your nightstand and you sit back down beside her on your bed. You bring her in close again, letting your forehead balance on hers before you make contact. You swear to it, you could get lost in kissing her more easily than you could get lost in a foreign country. You’d kissed her a hundred times before, but lately…now…
Things move slowly, things move sweetly…normally the two of you waste no time in ripping one another’s clothes off, biting and scratching and devouring each other like you’re starved, but tonight feels like it deserves more attention than that. It deserves to be appreciated.
Your hands drift to the bottom hem of her cream-colored eyelet lace dress, your hand drifting up her thigh. You pull the dress as you go, revealing her thong hugging her hip. Your hand slips below the waistband, and you run your fingers along it and down the front pantyline, the backs of your knuckles skimming across her heat. She whines a little at the contact, and you feel your vision growing blurry.
You continue kissing her while slowly letting your hands explore her in a way you’ve never let them before, taking special care to pay attention to your every move. The kiss becomes more longing when you let a digit slip into her folds, feeling her wetness coating your finger for the first time in six months. Her hands grip onto your shoulders, pulling your upper body into her. You push her back to lay on the bed, never once disconnecting your mouths.
Her left knee is bent into the air while the other one lies flat, so you push it to the side a little as your hand still hides in her panties. Her hand is yanking at the back of your hair as your featherlight touch drifts up and down, finally landing on her sweet spot. She cries quietly into your mouth when you land on it just right, using your middle finger to swirl her wetness across it.
She sits up a little, reaching to your back to pull your cotton t-shirt over your head. You disconnect for just a second to help her, and toss it to the floor. “Mmm there you are,” she mumbles, her hands rushing across the skin of your chest and arms while you go back to work.
You feel her legs spread, giving you the ok to move further. You let your two middle fingers dip inside of her to the hilt, her muscles already tight and twisting around you. “Fuck baby, you’re tight…” you pull away long enough to say. With your words she tightens around you on purpose, clenching herself as you begin pumping your hand in and out of her. You start to wonder if you’re the only one she’s slept with since December. Not that it’s any of your business, but, lately you’d decided that your feelings for her had gathered so heavily in your chest that that six month gap would be worth it, if it meant she could be all yours.
You watch her face in awe, suddenly feeling no ounce of shyness in the least in watching her come undone around your hand. Her bottom lip bites into her mouth as her eyelids flutter open and shut, and the sounds that escape from her lips make you realize how beyond ready for her you are.
You continue pumping your fingers in and out of her, feeling her drip down onto the bed sheets below you. “You wanna let go like this for me, baby?” you ask, having trouble keeping your breaths even.
“No. Yes, but no…” she concedes. “Wanna… want you…”
You smirk. “Go ahead, Y/N, we’ve got all night. You know how we are...” You take the opportunity to twist your fingers inside of her, turning your arm so that your palm is now pressed against her heat instead of perpendicular with it. You lean down and lick a stripe up the side of her neck as you leave your fingers buried deep, stopping the pumping altogether and instead wiggling the tips of your fingers against the spot deep inside her.
“Fuck Danny,” she breathes. “Keep it there keep it there…” Her eyes squeeze shut as you watch her chase her high, her hand squeezing at your pec and gripping onto it with everything she has.
It’s impressive really, how much you’d learned her body after just being with her a handful of times over the course of three years, learning her ins and outs and what drives her crazy for you, and stowing them away at the back of your mind until the next birthday.
You make quick and heady work of brushing your fingers across that spot, pressing your palm against her clit and adding just the right amount of circular pressure in both places. Her legs fall open even further and her head tilts back, all of her muscles tightening as she cries out, giving you her first orgasm of the night. And you had barely even removed any clothing yet.
When she’s done, you gather up her wetness and pull it onto her stomach under her dress, letting your middle finger massage it onto her skin. “Fuck…” she breathes out, wiping the hair from her face. “That didn’t take me long,” she laughs.
“No, it didn’t,” you agree, sitting up on the bed. “Must be excited to see me.”
She sits up and stands from the bed, pulling her flowy cream dress up over her hips and hiking one knee after the other across either side of you. You lean back away from her straddle, resting your arms back on the bed as you get a good look at her, already glowy. She reaches up and clasps her hands behind your neck. “Very excited to see you,” she admits shyly.
“Hm, really? You see me every day,” you poke, trying to feel out her level.
“Yeah but we can’t do this on random Tuesday afternoons, or in front of our friends, now, can we?” she presses, letting her hips fall onto your lap. You reach one finger to her chest and trail it up to under her chin, pulling her into you. Your heart begins pounding as you fall into a ravenous kiss again, this time bringing more heat than you even began to touch on a few minutes ago. Your hands fall to her waist, pulling her down onto you as she moves her knees to sit closer, pressing your chests together. Your hands travel across her thighs and to her waist, then finally around to grip her ass.
Though your tongue is burying itself deeply into her mouth, you’re metaphorically biting it. You want to tell her that yes, you do want to move things in another direction with her, you do want to hold her hand in front of your friends, you do want them to know how crazy you actually are for her. So in an act of boldness, you try.
“Maybe not in this regard, but they probably wouldn’t mind a little PDA…”
She giggles as she wraps her hands in your hair. “PDA? Like flirting with each other? In front of them?”
“Yeah, just like that. They already know we sleep together sometimes, they have to know we, ya know… are allowed to let it flow into days that aren’t our birthdays…” you swallow the words down, feeling so anxious that she may take them the wrong way, or hate them altogether.
“You think they’d make fun of us?” she asks, her mouth kissing behind your ear.
“Oh yeah, they would. But, I’d be there to slap the fuck out of them if they embarrass you,” you respond, squeezing your hands into her hips.
Her tongue is tickling the sensitive skin around your ear as she lays tiny pecks near your hairline. “I think I’d be okay with a little flirting… sometimes it almost happens naturally, anyway,” she says, making your heart rate soar again.
She nods, coming up to face you now, her cheeks tinted the palest pink. “Mmhm, sometimes I have to stop myself from touching you in front of them. You know, just innocently.”
You swallow hard, knowing the exact feeling all too well. When you’re surrounded by your friends making dinner or whatever it may be, you’ve found yourself having to stop your hand from grazing across her lower back as you walk by, from leaning down to kiss her cheek, anything, all the time. She’s right, it does feel natural to want to do that.
“I do, too, actually,” you admit. “You… It feels normal to me. Just a reflex.” You buck your hips up into her as you speak, your body begging you for some contact.
The whimper that leaves her chest ignites that deep carnal instinct inside you, wanting, needing to connect yourself with her again. You gather the soft fabric of her dress in your hands, signaling to her that you want to pull it off. She lifts her arms above her head, allowing you easy access to tear it all the way off of her. As her hair cascades back down over her shoulders you realize that her dress didn’t require a bra. So, you’re left staring at her left only in her thong, her breasts sitting more perfectly than you remember them. “You’re so gorgeous, Y/N, I swear…” you grit, raking over her body with your eyes.
She hops off of your lap, motioning with one finger for you to stand. When you follow her order, she falls to her knees, working her fingers to unbutton your jeans. “Fuck, wait,” you say. Her eyes glance up at you through her eyelashes. “Pull your hair back.”
She does as you say, pulling her hair into a ponytail at her neck while you undo your jeans with one swift movement. She gets done with her hair quickly, swatting your hand away and pulling your zipper down. “Take them all the way off, Danny,” she demands, and the backs of your knees hit the mattress as you lean over, kicking them and your underwear off one leg at a time. You kick them to the side as she walks on her knees closer to you, taking your already over-hard dick in her right hand, licking her lips just a little before she swirls her tongue around the tip. Everything had just happened really fast, her urgency making your blood pump. Her tongue flattened out against you, and she pressed you all the way to the back of her throat, almost making your knees buckle under you.
She grabs your hand, pulling it toward the back of her head. You take the signal and wrap your hand around her hair just as her lips meet your base, and you hold her there, feeling the saliva already beginning to pool in her mouth. “God damnit, baby, fuck you’re so good at this. Don’t even need my help…” You loosen your grip and allow her to drag her lips across your shaft, adding hard suction as she slowly ascends off.
“Want your help, though. Do it…” she motions, so you do. You use her ponytail to guide her up and down you, forcefully pushing and pulling on her head just like she likes it. The first time you did this, you were a bit thrown off, as you’ve always just let whoever was pleasing you do whatever they felt. But she likes it when you tell her when and where you want her to be.
The candles are physically heating up the air in the room, providing a heat that feels like a heavy blanket on your skin. Your mind flashes with remembering the special candles, and you feel a spark of excited electricity shoot through your body. The baby hairs around her face are beginning to stick to her forehead as her eyes glance up to look at you, doelike and pleading.
She hums onto your dick as you squeeze her cheeks together, taking a hard hold on her jawline as your opposite hand guides her motions. Your head falls back as you feel the knot tightening in your stomach, but you can’t let go just yet. Her tongue swirls around your tip and the sounds that her mouth is making sound downright ruthless, spurring on your albeit degraded current situation.
She moans onto you as her lips pull on and off, all by the force of your hand. You pull her hair particularly roughly, watching as the string of saliva connects her mouth to you, still. You take the second to sit down on the bed, physically unable to stand for another second without losing all will to hold yourself up. She moves in closer and digs her nails into the soft skin between your legs, sending a shake through your body. “Mother fucker baby, keep going with that…” you say, biting your bottom lip as you watch her. She scratches at your skin a few more times before you finally decide you can’t take it anymore, pulling and pushing on her head at a quicker pace.
“Mhmm…” she moans as she nods her head ‘yes’, and you feel the deep rumble in your stomach, telling you that you’re not far. She kisses her lips down tightly on you this time, flicking her tongue in all the right places as you feel her throat tightening around you.
“So fuckin’ deep baby, shit…” you say as your hips jut forward a few times, your dick hitting the back of her throat. Suddenly you feel your world falling apart as you let go into her, the dim orange light of the room turning into flashes of black and white as you send your streams down her throat. You wrap her hair around your hand as you hold her just where you want her, pulling her closely into you as you hiss through your release.
When you finally take a breath and your vision unblurs, you watch as she wipes her chin with the back of her hand, standing to her feet again and joining you on the bed, a completely smug and satisfied look on her face.
“The fuck are you grinning about, huh?” you ask, pulling her in toward you again.
“Nothin’, I just really love being the one to make you make noises like that,” she says, biting back another smile.
“Well, you’ve got me figured out, seriously,” you compliment her, and it was the absolute truth.
She shrugs you off. “Eh, I’m out of practice, really.”
“No way, you’re like… well seasoned,” you kid.
“You dick!” she yells, stifling a laugh. “I haven’t even done that in six months.” You can tell she regretted saying it as soon as she did, suddenly avoiding your eyes and pulling one of your pillows up to cover her chest.
“...You’re kidding,” you breathe, truly in disbelief.
She shakes her head. “Lame, huh?”
“N-no, not lame. I–You haven’t, since…?” you stammer.
“Nope. Since your birthday. Go ahead, laugh at me all you want,” she says, motioning with her hand.
Her words hit you right in the gut. She hadn’t been with anyone since you…
“I’m not gonna laugh at you, Y/N. I… I actually haven’t been with anyone else, either.”
Her eyes meet yours in disbelief. “Really?”
You nod. “Not this time around.”
She sits for just a second, hugging the pillow to her. “Why not?”
You shrug, the nerves bubbling in your stomach. “I dunno, no one’s really…struck my interest. Not enough to bring back home, anyway.”
She pulls one shoulder up toward her ear. “Yeah, mine neither. I’ve…tried, ya know, but.” She swallows. “My birthday is my favorite holiday for a reason.”
You can’t stop the joy that rises in your chest, your extremities tingling and your heart beating in your ears as she basically admits she doesn’t enjoy anyone but you. She hasn’t made it work with anyone else in six months.
“Six months is a long time to wait, Y/N,” you mutter quietly.
She pulls the pillow down, moving closer to you on the bed. “Not when what you’re waiting for is all you can ever think about.”
Fuck… it feels like your head is going to float right off of your shoulders out of a pure high at her admission. Your chest gets warm and your mouth goes dry, and you swear if you were looking in the mirror, there would be stars in your eyes.
She feels the same.
After a few seconds of disbelief, you find the nerve to answer her, a hardly audible whisper as you bring your face close to hers. “I think I’d wait for you for fifty years, if you wanted me to…”
Her hand cups your jawline as she grits her teeth, pulling you into her again. Your mouth wants to devour her all over again, but instead you take note of the tender moment, laying a sweet kiss to her lips that has a promise behind it.
Her eyebrows furrow together when you pull away, a look you’re familiar with but also one that told you she’s confused. She opens her mouth to speak, probably to ask you if what you’d just said is true. But nothing comes out. She just stares at you in disbelief.
Your hand finds her hip as you yank her body in with a little force, almost nose to nose now.
“Yeah, you heard me right. I’d wait for you, I will wait for you, if that’s what you want me to do…” you say, feeling so anxious for the outcome of this conversation you could almost be sick. It’s either going to end really really well, or so badly that you’d end up alone in bed tonight. But the risk outweighs the outcome, and you are ready and prepared to take it, whatever it might be.
She swallows hard as you watch her eyes become glazed. Her hands are balancing around your neck and across your shoulders, and you can feel the heat rising in her palms as her digits nervously fidget. It feels like a hundred years pass in the time you wait for her to respond, and you contemplate taking it all back. Making up an excuse, saying just kidding, we’re just friends… But the panic stops as soon as she finds her words.
She shakes her head. “Wait for me… you’d, you wanna actually…?”
“Be with you more than just twice a year? Yeah, Y/N, I really would. You– you kinda have held a really special place for a long, long time now.” You swallow again, letting the words you’ve kept pent up for so long finally flow, but still feeling a little embarrassed by the admission. “I just never said anything, ya know, because of our arrangement. It worked so well for us but. I… I don’t know. It feels like more to me, lately.”
She nods hard again, a tiny smile crossing her lips as her eyes stay trained on yours. But she stays quiet.
“Can you say something, Y/N?” you ask through a huffed laugh.
“It is more, Danny. It’s been more to me for a long time, too. You take up more space in my mind than I’d like to admit,” she says, now avoiding eye contact.
Wow… finally. Finally, there it is.
“Why do we both deny it?” you whisper.
She shrugs, massaging the back of your neck. “I don’t know. But I don’t really want to anymore.”
You wrap your arm around her torso, pulling her weight from underneath her as you lay her flat on her back.
“Then we don’t,” you say as you tower over her, the candle light flickering in her eyes and off of her skin. Her body is beautiful, there’s no denying that, but what has always gotten you is how she carries herself…how her body language is always reflective of exactly what she’s feeling in the moment. And right now, as her midsection arches up into you begging you to touch her again, you have no other thoughts than to appease her.
Your mouth travels down her chest and across her belly, leaving long, lingering kisses across her body. As you get closer and closer to her heat, you move to kneel on the floor just as she had for you earlier, slipping your hands underneath her to pull her to the edge. Even in all your wild, drunken sexual adventures with her, for some reason, you’d never concentrated on this. You’d never gone down on her. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, as it was one of your favorite activities, but the immediate pull to one another on these nights always ended up with getting straight to the good part. Neither of you really ever left time for the embellishments.
She perks up onto her elbows as she gazes at your face between her legs. “Danny…”
“Let me show you what I mean, baby,” you more ask than say, running your tongue down the inside of her thigh. Her body stiffens as she still gives you that look of hesitation. Your tongue drifts over her opening as you tease her, barely ghosting overtop of everywhere but her sweet spot. She shudders again. “Unless you don’t want me to…”
“No! No I want you to. Please. You’ve just…” she finally relaxes her head back down.
“I know I haven’t. And that’s on me. But I wanna show you that I’ve been thinking about this, doing just this since the last time I had you…” you explain, finally delving your tongue deeply into her. Her reaction is immediate, her back arching up again as her hands find your hair. The sounds she makes make you strain to keep it together, and the taste of her finally on your tongue is enough to make you want to stop altogether, and get to the good part, but you savor this instead, realizing you’ve wanted her like this for so long.
You squeeze your lips over her, inching your tongue languidly inside of her and moving it back up to circle her clit. When you finally find it, she squeals, exhaling as her hands rip into your scalp. You glance to the head of the bed, pulling down a pillow and positioning it underneath her back to get a better angle. Your hands snake under her again, squeezing her ass as you pull her in.
“Fuck Danny, why did you hold back on this for so long?” she asks through a pant, her legs opening and closing over your ears. “Shit…” You realize that you don’t really have an answer.
She’s writhing and fighting herself, and you can tell she’s nearing the peak, until she backs off again, likely wanting to make this last. She hums and purrs as you work over her clit, using your tongue and lips to kiss every single drenched inch of her. You feel like you can’t get enough, until you remember. Her birthday gift.
You slow things down, pulling away a bit until you see the disgruntled look on her face at the disconnect. “No, don’t stop… don’t go..” she begs. Her expression is desperate, and you want nothing more than to feel her lose herself at the mercy of your mouth. So you dive back in, this time with a purpose.
“‘M not goin’ anywhere, baby,” you manage through kneads of your tongue against her. You bring your arm up between the two of you, using your elbow and hand to press her legs apart while your free hand’s two middle digits enter her again. Your tongue never lets up, circling and swirling furiously as her muscles tense. You take that as your cue to work harder, feeling her clenching around your hand already. You pump in and out of her again, making sure your tongue is pointed exactly where she needs it.
“Fuck, Danny baby… yes…” she breathes, and the pet name sends a shockwave straight to your dick, hearing her utter your name followed by a word so personal. You cup your lips over her clit, using a quick and harsh suction motion as you flick your tongue across it.
When she finally lets go, her cries and slurs of curses echo through your room, the most beautiful sound you’re sure you’ve ever heard. Her hands stay tangled in your locks, forcing your face into her as close as you can get. You savor it all, the sight, the sound, the taste… you wonder why you ever denied yourselves this piece of the puzzle after all this time, but then again, maybe saving something this intimate for right now is exactly what was supposed to happen.
Her body jolts and shakes as she lets the pleasure wrack through her, and you devour every last bit. You crawl up her once she opens her eyes again, her hand freeing from your hair and back down to your face, pulling across your cheeks and mouth as she wipes her wetness from you. Her voice is strained as she finally speaks. “Fuck that was…”
“Fucking delicious,” you finish, pressing your lips to hers again, making her nod into you.
“Yeah, fucking delicious,” she agrees, wrapping her legs around you and using the leverage to pull you onto her. If you weren’t rock hard before, you surely are now after witnessing her falling apart for you like that. You can tell she’s already ready to get things going again, but you stop her, pulling away like you had done before. You stand from the bed, watching that same look of disappointment come across her features.
“Don’t look at me like that, just wanna give you your birthday gift,” you say, walking around the bed to your nightstand. You grab the cake and place it carefully into your lap, grabbing the lighter again as she comes and sits beside you.
“I already blew out my candles, Danny,” she says, balancing her chin on your shoulder.
“You did, but I didn’t tell you that these are special candles. Not meant to be blown out,” you explain, flicking the lighter to life and igniting them both.
“Not meant to be blown out? Why–”
“Because they’re really an oil,” you say, putting the lighter down and grabbing the plastic tray under the cake again, holding it up between you. “These are candles specially made for us to let melt and drip onto each other. Not like regular wax, these don’t burn as hot. Once they start to melt a little, they turn into a body oil.”
“Like a massage oil?” she asks, and you nod.
“Mmhm, see, you can already smell the lavender and bergamot. They had birthday cake scented, but. I thought that might be overkill,” you smirk. Her eyes drift down to the candles with intrigue, and she bites her bottom lip in. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to. But, I’ve heard good things…”
She picks up one of the candles from the cake, carefully licking the icing off the bottom. She holds her opposite hand out palm down, and lets the melty wax oil drip down onto the back of her hand, a few droplets of dark red liquid dripping down between her fingers.
“Doesn’t burn at all,” she says, reaching to grab the cake from you to set on the table again. She then takes your hand, letting the wax drip down onto your hand, too.
The sensation is more of an extremely warm electrical pulse than the burn you’d expect, and it quickly dulls as the oil cools. It doesn’t harden like normal wax, instead it just turns into a thick oil. You take your other finger and rub it across your skin, feeling the softness of the lotion-like liquid sink into your skin. “Wow, no, it feels good,” you agree.
“Lay back,” you suggest, and she does, handing the candle off to you.
You question the situation, not knowing exactly where to drip the oil to make her feel the best. You assume maybe her chest and stomach, maybe even down her legs, if she feels up to it. You hold the candle directly above her sternum, raising your eyebrows in final question before you let it drip.
“Yeah, go ahead,” she says, her hand landing on your knee.
The red liquid finally falls through the air, a singular drop that lands and splatters across her chest. Her mouth opens just a little, but then her surprise quickly turns into a devious smirk. “Feel good?” you ask.
“Aha, yeah, actually. It burns pretty bad for a split second but it goes away…shit, do more,” she pleads.
You go along with her request, drizzling tiny drops between her breasts and down her stomach, nearly completely coating her in the oily liquid.
“You sure you like it?” you ask as you watch her face repeatedly turn from a surprised grimace into a devilish look of satisfaction. Thankfully, that second look, you’re more than familiar with.
“Yessss…” she hisses as another drop falls onto her skin. “I feel so…” her mouth lies open as you continue letting the oil drip and pool, the floral scent filling your nostrils.
“So what?” you ask.
Her eyes bore into yours as she bites her lips between her teeth, her hand still gripping hard into your leg muscle. “I like the pain. It’s like… I don’t know how to explain it…” she breathes. “Like a sensation I don’t want to ever end.”
You take your free hand and gently massage it in, taking time to work over her nipples and stomach. “God, that feels so good…” she whispers, her hand now digging into the muscle of your thigh. You place the candle back on the cake, turning to pay special attention to rubbing your hands over her muscles.
The heady scent of the oils mixed with the residual alcohol still flowing through your system brings a whole new dizziness to the atmosphere, and you feel as though the whole situation is only becoming heavier. You reach over to your phone sitting on the night stand, and flip your music to some psychedelic playlist. The distorted guitar and scratchy bass sounds bring you both to a new plane, and you take the moment to recognize the woman you have your hands on, and how she feels underneath them.
Her eyes flutter open and closed as your hands drift, massaging the soft oils across the mountains and valleys of her body. “You want me to do you?” she asks, eyes flicking back to the candle.
You shake your head. “No, shh. It’s your birthday, just relax.”
She smiles a little as she gets comfortable again, moving her body a little closer to yours on the bed. Your hands travel up her shoulders and neck, slowly kneading the tense muscles. Then you move on to her hips and waist, squeezing at the thickness of her. You feel yourself getting turned on all over again just by touching her this way. You watch as her hands drift across the tops of her legs, gripping at her own thighs. The visual is almost too much, watching as her fingertips pull at her skin. You reach to grab the still-lit candle, adjusting your body to sit beside her legs.
“‘M gonna try your legs, that okay?” you ask.
“Yeah, go ahead…” she mumbles, her eyes still rolling around behind her eyelids. You move between her legs and let the wax drip onto her inner thighs, not really caring if any lands on your comforter. “Ffff…” she hisses, biting onto her bottom lip. Her face contorts from pain to pleasure as the oil cools, and you replace the candle, making your way back to massaging her.
Your hands nearly cover the entirety of her upper thighs, your fingertips digging into the skin just as hers had done a second ago. You push the oil all around, paying special attention to start at her knees, and slowly work your way up. You have half a mind to lick into her again, seeing it now from this view, but you stop yourself. Your thumbs rub into the creases where her legs meet her heat, and she practically moans out at your touch.
“You’re being such a fuckin’ tease, Daniel,” she says, her hands cupping her breasts.
“Mmm, I don’t think you understand how hard it is to stop myself right now…” you huff.
She bites her lips again and shakes her head side to side, obviously feeling the same emotions as you. This doesn’t feel like it normally does, and you feel more anxiety than ever to satisfy her. You watch as she reaches her hands for you, signaling for you to get things going.
“Don’t stop yourself then,” she stutters, her voice almost shuddering. Her hand grips into your hair again and pulls you up, your hands crawling up either side of her as her nails claw and pull at your back.
Suddenly your mind finds itself again as you remember to grab protection. You balance your forehead on her sternum, both of you already panting and sweaty as you pull yourself away to reach for your bedside drawer.
“No, just—it’s fine,” she says, grabbing onto your arm.
You meet her with a puzzled look, not quite understanding that she’s changing her mind on a whim. This is one part of your agreement that you both have always stuck to.
“What? I’m—“
“Just…it’s fine. Don’t get it,” she says, giving you a look that could kill. “It’s been six months…right…”
You think it over, rolling the thought over and over in your mind. “You sure?”
She nods, “Yeah, yeah I’m sure. I’m…we’re good. I promise.”
You feel your heart growing in your chest, feeling a new wave of anxiousness and…something else bubbling up. It’s almost blinding you to even think about what’s about to take place, this already feels so different than before.
The slick of the oil across your chests make your bodies slide against one another as you line yourself up, both hands on either side of her head. Her hands gently drift across your hips, a devilish smirk sneaking across her lips.
“Gonna feel you for real for the first time…” she says gently, looking more excited than you’d seen her in ages.
“Yeah, no pressure,” you answer, pressing yourself through her folds. The sensation alone is making you quake, feeling her against you without a barrier.
“What, you nervous or something?” She asks, digging her nails into your scalp.
You clench your jaw, feeling the tip enter her just a little bit. “Kinda.”
“Daniel…shut up. No you’re not.”
“I swear,” you reply, pressing in just a little more. “Different now, like this.” You feel your heart beating from your ribcage.
Her hands grip behind you, pulling you in towards her, but you hold back. “S’okay, just me… please…” Her legs lift and her ankles cross at your lower back.
You push forward, telling yourself it’s okay to fill her all the way to the hilt. It’s now or never, and you’ve waited so long for this, wanted her for real for so long. You make sure to watch her face as you bottom out, taking in every single detail that you can.
It’s almost dreamlike…
The dim and comforting glow of the room, the sweet scented oil that’s relaxed your muscles, the dying feeling of excitement from the gift Danny had gotten you…
But mostly, the feeling of his body towering over you and buried as deeply as he can get, finally without the use of protection.
You’d been wanting Danny for real for longer than you’d like to admit, now, and now that it’s finally happening, it’s almost as if you couldn’t have dreamt it up any better. Of course he feels nervous…you do too. Something in the air has shifted, and it’s not just because you both had finally admitted to wanting more than your predisposed agreement.
“Fuck, Danny…” you can’t help but yelp in a pitiful high-pitched squeal. Feels just like you always thought, but somehow better.
Much, much better.
He begins to pick up a pace after you lock your ankles against him harder, forcing his hips to find a rhythm. “You good?” he asks, almost shyly.
“Yeah, better than good, shit…”
His left hand grips your jaw with a little force before he brings his lips to yours in a heated mess. His thrusts are working in perfect time, hitting you in just the right spot to tighten the knot deep inside you already.
“You feel so perfect baby…god, never thought I’d have you like this…” his lips are hot against your skin as he speaks, his teeth nipping at your sensitive spots every few seconds.
“Leave a mark, baby… gimmie a reminder…” you breathe into his ear, making the light nips on your chest switch into slightly painful lovebites that you’re positive you’ll be able to see turn into bright red marks tomorrow. He growls into your skin as his teeth sink in just enough to make you squirm beneath him.
Though the room is flickering with a tangerine glow, the multicolored vibrance of the light flashing behind your eyes brings a whole new depth to what you’re experiencing, an overwhelming feeling of unwarranted pleasure that is undoubtedly ripping you apart at the seams. He’s all you’ve ever wanted, better than anything you’ve ever felt, and he’s been living under the same roof as your best friend for way too long.
You can tell he’s getting closer by the tumbling of his thrusts, but you swear you never want it to end. The euphoria taking over your mind is making you dizzy.
Suddenly he slows down a little bit, rolling himself to the bed but keeping himself inside as he plucks you to straddle his lap. Your hands find his pecs as you begin swirling your hips, feeling him at a completely different angle, now. His curls are laid out behind him on the white blankets, and his chest is gleaming from the oils.
You begin bouncing on him, his hands gripping into the thick muscle of your thighs as you grind on him. His head leans back, his jaw moving between hanging open and clenching tightly. “Y/N, shit…I’m not gonna be…”
You can feel the twist in your stomach, the deep tightening letting you know that you are close, too. You lean down and press a slow and needing kiss to his lips, showing him all the emotion that’s currently coursing through your body in the act. “Me too baby, just do it. Want to feel you…” you stammer through the ravaging feeling of your impending orgasm. You squeeze him hard, sending you both over the edge, tumbling down together in a flustered mess of echoed praises for one another.
He stays buried inside you for just a few seconds as you both come down, neither of you wanting to be the first to speak when you finally catch your breath. After a minute of silence, you let yourself come out of the cloudy bliss, sliding yourself up and off of him.
As soon as your body hits the bed beside him, he’s craning over you again, gathering you up into his arms into the most loving embrace you’d felt from him yet.
“Every six months isn’t gonna work for me anymore, Y/N…” he admits, fully submitting himself with an honest look in his eye. “I just…”
“Me neither, Danny. It’s not enough. Won’t ever be enough,” you admit, taking his face in your hands. And it was true, after experiencing him tonight in the way that you did, there was no way you’d ever be able to wait for him again. There’s too much emotion involved that you’ve both been hiding for too long. Too much still yet to explore.
“Stay, please? And not just for tonight,” he whispers, his thumb gliding across your cheek.
You nod. You know there’s nothing on this earth you want more than to wake up every day next to him…the friend who has always been just a little bit more.
“Okay,” you concede, sliding your body into his.
“Okay? Yeah?” He asks with an excited lilt.
“Yes. I’m not going anywhere,” you respond. “Couldn’t leave you if I wanted to...”
The low chuckle that rumbles through his chest and onto your cheek pressed against it feels so longingly familiar that you wonder why you ever thought it wouldn’t work out to begin with. “What took you so long?” he asks, wrapping and squeezing you hard.
“Could ask you the same…” you laugh into his chest.
You fall asleep with him that night a different woman than the one you were when you walked into his room, and not just because you’re a year older, now. You’d finally gotten everything you’d ever wanted.
Danny nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, sleep already lacing his voice. A soft feeling of comfort washes over you as you realize how safe and protected you feel in his arms, and how you aren’t too shy to admit that this feels more right than you could have ever anticipated.
Now you won’t have to wait six months to share your love with him again. You’ll be able to share it with him tomorrow, over coffee in the kitchen.
He presses a sweet kiss to your temple as you let the heaviness of sleep overtake you, already falling into a dazed place of complete contentment.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
@wetkleenex-gvf @britney-gvf @gretas-sweat @josh-iamyour-mama @highway-tuna @bestfriendsallstrungout @jjwasneverhere @gretavanbrie @writingcold @thewritingbeforesunrise @myleftsock @edgingthedarkness @its-interesting-van-kleep @jjsooobsessed @ageofcj @starcatcher-jake @capnjaket @cozyjakey @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @stardustjake @dancingcarbon @builtbybrokenbells @gretavangroupie
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For Death Or Glory : Chapter One

Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: Anxious theme, Bickering, Brotherly Taunting, Uncomfortable situations, Yearning (oh the yearning) Smoking, Alcohol (it's a bar- feels self explanatory but just for safety) Shitty dad jokes, and silly goofy boy time!
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Jake has spent most of his 20's single or just random dates here and there. Unfortunately for him, his brothers and their partners are all on board for trying to find him the love of his life.
Author's Note: hehe hi :) I couldn't resist any longer. I hope you love Jake as much as I do.

Beggars Song - Matt Maeson "Oh yeah, I'm a beat down, washed up, son of a bitch, I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent, but I'ma Be damned if I let it keep me down."
The soft ‘click’ of the door latching behind me as I sneak out of Willa and Quinn’s apartment. It stopped snowing a few hours ago, so the plows have had time to take care of the roads. Hopefully, they could get out of there quickly enough to make it home. I can’t be shocked that we all got roped into a slumber party, especially with Josh involved. I honestly didn’t even mind it; sometimes, spending time with everyone is nice, not in the bar. My heart was whole, watching everyone laugh and smile together.
Their apartment complex wasn’t too far from the bar, but I don’t trust the roads enough to drive the speed limit.
‘Oh, what a night,
Late December back in ‘63..’
“Oooh, this one hits,” I say as the song fills the car. Turning the volume, I tap along on my steering wheel. Taking my time, I can appreciate how the snow softly coats the trees, which kind of makes up for the lack of leaves. The sun feels extra bright today, bouncing off all the snow piles and practically making the ground light up.
‘What a lady, what a night.’
“Oh, I, I got a funny feeling when she walked in the room,” I quietly sing along. I’ve always been a little partial to the “oldies” as they say on the radio, but I grew up listening to all of it. Maybe I’m just a sucker for nostalgia.
Pulling into my usual spot, ‘Oh, what a night,’ I sit for a second, contemplating whether I should run upstairs real quick or go into the bar. I probably should at least change. I’ve been in these clothes for almost twenty-four hours.
As fast as I can, without busting my ass on the ice, I walk to the stairwell. It’s unfortunately not the most insulated, so I hustle upstairs; the first chilly days always catch you off guard. The warmth hits me when I get into the apartment, my body letting out one last shiver, shaking the chill from outside off.
After finding a clean button-up and switching into new pants, I feel like a new human. I take a few minutes to brush my teeth, spray myself with some cologne, and then make a cup of coffee. The warm drink on a cold day routine never misses. I scroll through my emails while waiting for my coffee to finish brewing before heading to the bar.
The brisk air has me running down the stairs, fumbling with my keys to unlock the back door to the bar. I quickly turn the keys, hearing the heavy ‘clunk’ of the deadbolt flipping over. I scoot myself inside, pulling the door shut behind me while letting out another shiver.
My body freezes when I hear sounds coming from the actual bar. Jesus Christ, NO. My heart rate spikes as I creep down the hallway, not wanting to give myself away. As if whoever or whatever is in here didn’t hear the door, you dumbass. I still can’t see out into the bar, but the faint sounds are becoming much less muffled as I get closer.
“Fuck, what do we do?”
“Just get dressed, baby. Go, go, go.”
Is that Danny? I take a few more steps before finally seeing his tall figure standing shirtless near one of the end booths. He’s clearly buttoning his pants when I see a pair of smaller arms reach out behind him. Oh my god, Melody. I watch as he fumbles around, trying to flip his shirt from inside out, when he turns around and locks eyes with me. I can see any ounce of life drain from his face from a mile away.
We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. Still, it is realistically ten seconds before I spit out the only question I can manage to think of, “What the fuck is going on?”
“Jake, really, I’m so sorry,” Dan is about to plead his case now.
Looking at him, I take a deep breath, knowing he genuinely feels terrible about this. “It’s fine,” I say, touching his arm.
“I will just take the day to really clean the bar, I suppose,” letting the smile sneak onto my face to ease the tension.
He lets a small laugh, “I’ll help since it’s my bad anyway.”
“Oh god,” I let slip. That was supposed to be an inside thought, but here we are.
I silently point to the camera behind the bar. I won’t lie: Watching the emotions cycle through his face wasn’t a little funny. Melody looked wide-eyed as the realization hit her as well.
“Oh shit, oh my god,”
“You quite literally helped me install them,” I let out an uncomfortable laugh, “I don’t know how you forgot.”
He runs both hands over his face before finally asking, “Can we just.. delete that.. ALL of that..please?” His voice is coated in desperation as he keeps looking over at Melody.
“I’m certainly not going to watch it, Danny.” Relief washes over him as if he really thought I would watch that.
“Let’s agree to never bring this up.. again.. Ever?” I cock an eyebrow at him, taking a quick glance at Melody as well. She nods aggressively.
“What are we never bringing up?” Sam’s sing-songy tone radiates through the bar. God damn it.
Josh’s loud voice followed suit, “Oh, I love a good secret!” Of course, he came with Sam.
“That is between you guys and Danny,” I put my hands up, “I have cleaning I need to get done.” I look over to Dan, trying not to laugh. The look on his face is screaming that he knows he’s screwed now that Josh is here. Everybody is about to know his little secret.
“If you need to go for a little bit, do what you need to,” I lean in and whisper to Melody as I pass her. She gives me a thumbs-up and mouths, ‘Thank you,’ as I head down the hall.
“Goodmorning, brother,” Josh’s voice comes from behind me as I grab some cleaning supplies from our storage closet.
“I’m surprised you guys got here this early?”
When I left the apartment, I didn’t think anybody would be moving for quite a while. The few of us in the living room, all sleeping on the makeshift bed we crafted with extra blankets and pillows. Sam dipped at some point in the night to Willa’s bed, what a party pooper.
“I couldn’t fall back to sleep after you left, and I heard Sam moving around,” he tells me, “We figured you could use some help getting the bar situated after last night anyway.” Reaching out to take the broom and dustpan from me.
Surprised that they wanted to help, I quickly said, “Oh, well, thanks bub.” Not that they didn’t usually help out if I asked, but it was a bit more dependent on me asking, which I’m candidly not great at doing.
“So, what exactly needs to be cleaned?” Sam finally caves.
I smile at him, knowing what he’s trying to do, “Let’s just say we’re taking the opportunity to really make sure everything is clean.” Grabbing a rag and some disinfectant to start wiping everything down.
“Well,” he instigates further, “I just didn’t know if there was like a specific booth or something.” He unsuccessfully chokes back a laugh.
Josh quickly cut him off, “I’m sure he asked for specifics,”
I bite my tongue so as not to laugh at the argument that will start. If there’s anything I know, it’s that these two can’t help but start shit with each other.
“It was just a question, Josh.”
“You’re just picking at him for no reason. He said we’re cleaning everything, so just clean.”
“You know why we’re cleaning. That’s why you’re being defensive,” Sam says, his voice rising as he realizes.
Josh gasps dramatically, “You DO listen to your girlfriend. Oh my god, I’m so proud of you!”
“Oh, fuck off,”
Josh laughed loud: “It doesn’t take much to figure out what happened, Samuel. Just use that little brain of yours for a minute, and maybe you’ll piece it together.”
I sit in a booth to wipe the table down, just listening to them go back and forth. Josh isn’t wrong.. If he really did just stop to think about it, he would figure it out. Or, literally, just ask Danny. I never said he couldn’t ask him.
“I’m not that stupid, I know that-” Sam starts but immediately stops when he sees Danny walk back in.
“What are we yelling about?”
“The two of them are bickering about why we’re cleaning,” I say plainly, with my eyebrows raised and a tight-lipped smile.
His eyes widen, clearing his throat before saying, “Yeah, uh, people were a bit frantic last night trying to get out of here when the storm started, and we also didn’t want to get stuck too long, so we just.. didn’t have time to clean.” He couldn’t be worse at lying, but I think Sam will let it slide because of how uncomfortable he looks right now.
“Now, why couldn’t you just say that?” Sam turns, looking back over at Josh. Jesus Christ, here we go.
“Because that’s obviously not the reason, they clearly–”
“Good morning, Krusty Krew!” Quinn sings through the bar, thank god.
“Did we interrupt something?” Willa asks through a laugh.
“Yes, thank you,” I speak before the other two can.
It’s fun to watch as they both make their way over to their respective partners. Josh and Quinn always seem like they haven’t seen each other in years, even if it’s only been 20 minutes. The way they just curl into each other at any given moment. And then there’s Sam and Willa. Her laugh radiates through a room whenever Sam is around; they constantly pick on each other about something. He presses a kiss to the side of her head before she starts to walk away, but not before he swats at her ass, and she flips him off. She’s a saint for putting up with him.
I listened to everyone’s chatter until Josh and Sam started bickering again. I motion to Danny to say that I’m going outside for a minute before grabbing a cigarette from my office. Walking out the back door in the crisp air, I pull out my lighter and try to beat the wind. That first inhale is always the most rewarding. I told myself when I left the shipyard that I would cut back; the guys I worked with were heavy smokers, and it’s easy to fall into that trap. Now, I settle for one a day, and honestly, some days, I don’t bother; I find that when I’m stressed, I tend to go for it, but I’ve stuck to my guns and not gone back to smoking aggressively.
I walk across the street, finding my usual spot to watch the boats slowly sail out to the ocean. I like to come here when I need a moment. I’m unsure why I’m feeling more anxious today than usual, but my chest feels heavy. Why do I feel so alone?
It’s not that I can’t be alone. I obviously have made it this long without someone; I have just spent the last two years watching everyone close to me find love. I never really feel lonely because they are all part of the family at this point, but I do have days where I can’t help but be almost..jealous. My mind keeps wandering as I take another drag. Is there something I’m doing that just makes me not worthy of dating? I’ve never understood why, out of all the dates I’ve been on in the last handful of years, none of them have worked out. God, I sound so pathetic.
I enjoy the last moments of my smoke break, forcing myself to focus on the boat coming into the dock. I can’t seem bothered when I go inside, or they’ll notice.
Finally, making my way back inside, I see Josh and Quinn in one booth and Sam with Willa in another. They don’t seem to notice that I’ve snuck back in, so I just spend some time cleaning up and organizing behind the bar while there’s nobody to actually tend to.
I start mindlessly wiping down the wine glasses, trying to make them as clean as possible. Josh and Quinn are in my line of sight; it’s hard not to notice how in love they are. Always sitting on the same side of any table, whether it’s a booth or a typical table setting, they’re attached at the hip. They’re always touching. Whether it’s just sitting close enough, one of them can move their leg closer, or right now, where Quinn is just tracing their finger along his jawline and down the bridge of his nose. They lean in, pressing a kiss to his nose before he tugs them in quickly for a real kiss. This is dreadful. I really can’t remember the last time I kissed someone. Am I that touch starved that I’m jealous of my brother? The squeak from the glass reminds me where I am. I shake my head, putting it back in its place and grabbing a new glass.
I glance over to the other booth; Willa has her head propped up in her hand as she looks at my brother. Even though they instigate each other most often, it’s always with love. She has a soft smile plastered on her face as she nods to whatever he’s saying. Running his hand down her forearm every so often, it’s weird seeing Sam so.. domestic? Willa really is perfect for him, though. I knew the moment she put him in his place while on a date with SOMEONE ELSE. How she looks at him like he’s the greatest thing ever created is incredibly sweet. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but I can see the way her eyes light up before she calls him ‘babe.’ I put the last glass back in place, tossing the towel under the bar.
I think I have scrubbed every inch of this bar today, I think to myself, leaning into my hand. The music is lower since there’s nobody here, and everybody is currently preoccupied. I let my mind wander for a minute.
The feeling of being so excited to see someone that your heart flutters. Being able to just hold someone close. God, getting to kiss them endlessly— nothing is better than that. Feeling them smile at you, ugh. Being so wrapped up in each other, pulling her into your lap so you can just have her as close as possible. Someone to call sweet things and have them call me ‘babe.’ Fuck me. I need a wife. Can I just skip to the being in love part? I don’t want to waste my time on girls who will just leave after a couple of months. I just want to fall helplessly in love and spend every day making sure they feel the same.
“Jake?” Sam loudly says, waving his hand in front of me.
My body jumps involuntarily, “For fucks sake.”
“Good daydream, huh?” Josh teases. I fight the warm feeling creeping into my face, rolling my eyes subtly.
“What do you guys want?”
“Will you make us drinks, please?” Josh asks, trying to recover from his taunting.
“Quinn and Willa too?” I double-check as I’m grabbing glasses. They both nod in sync.
I kept letting out little sighs, which, to be fair, I didn’t think were that obvious. Turning and setting one of the drinks in front of them, my eyebrows pulled together.
“Why do you look so angry?” Sam asks.
“I’m not?” I quip back. Unfortunately, it didn’t come out as convincing as I would have liked.
“I really think you just need to get laid or something, Jake,” Josh laughs out, “you need someone to take the edge off!” he laughs, nudging Sam with his elbow. You’re telling me.
“When do I have the time, Josh? Come on,” I can’t help the attitude that comes out, but given the day I’ve had so far— getting harassed for not getting laid is not helping.
“Honestly, you just seem tense lately,” Sam pipes up, “maybe if you actually flirted with one of the pretty girls who comes in, you could get off once in a while.” Josh barks out a laugh towards Sam, but I see Dan pointing in our direction as I listen to my personal peanut gallery giggle.
Rolling my eyes at them as they keep egging each other on, “Trust me, I’d love for my wife to walk through those doors, but I don’t see that happening.”
I turn to finish making drinks for the boys, trying to ignore them, squawking about my lack of sex life. As I set out a few glasses on the counter, I heard a lower, raspy female voice ring behind me, “Could I speak with Mr. Kiszka?”
I turn around to a petite redhead dressed very professionally. Her button-up was a pale yellow, tucked into some grayish-blue slacks. Her hair curled perfectly, and her dark red lips stood out against her pale complexion.
“Which one?” we all answer in unison.
She flips open her folder, looking at whatever papers are in there, and I can’t seem to look away from her. She’s … so hot?
“Um, Jacob Kiszka, I’m sorry.”
She looks up at me, making direct eye contact. Green. Her eyes are green.
I manage to muster up the ability to ask, “What do you need from me, dear?” Dear? Am I ninety? The sounds of my brother’s giggling prevented any level of silence between us.
“Well, I’m sorry to do this to you randomly, Mr. Kiszka,” she says confidently; her voice is so pretty.“Mr. Kiszka is our father. Please call me Jake,” I say, trying to lighten the mood as I extend my arm out to shake her hand across the bar. It feels like a small jolt to my heart as her hand firmly grabs mine, and she tells me, “Charlotte Rhodes.”
Chapter Two
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | Prologue | FDOG Playlist
If you ask nicely, I may be so inclined to drop Chapter 2 sooner than next Thursday .. is all i'm going to say. 🤭
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It Takes Three to Tango - DRW & SFK
Hello loves! This is gonna be a multi-part story, and I'm so excited to share this first part with you! 18+
Summary: After some revelations, you and your boyfriend Danny decide to invite Sam into the bedroom.
Chapter word count: 5.7K | Pairings: Danny x Sam x Reader (MFM threesome with slash)
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, language, graphic sexual content, use of degrading terms (but its good-natured teasing, all for jokes)
Possible TW: Coming-out scene. It's very wholesome and loving but I felt I should mention it.

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"Okay, okay,” Danny giggled after swallowing, wiping the small dribble of beer that had trickled down his chin from how you held it up for him to drink, “You can’t get mad at me though.”
Taking his empty bottle and placing it on the side table to your right, you faced him fully, readjusting your seated position over his thighs. Cupping his cheek with your now free hand, you lovingly stroked the soft freckled skin with your thumb.
“Never,” you gently assured. Pressing a kiss to his beer-chilled lips through your smile, you mumbled against his mouth coyly, “S’it somebody we know?”
This discussion of ‘hallpasses’ had come up organically during a tipsy binge-rewatch of Friends. You’d offhandedly remarked (for maybe the hundredth time) how beautiful Jennifer Anniston was, and this time, Danny snorted and rolled his head to look at you, a teasing glimmer in his eye. “I’m starting to relate to Ross, babe, I think my girlfriend’s a lesbian,” to which you’d jokingly retorted that you’d go gay for her any day of the week.
And it wasn’t the first time the conversation of sexuality had rolled around between the two of you, either. Your boyfriend was the first person you’d trusted with your bisexuality, nearly a year ago now. No surprises, he was as wonderful and accepting of you as he’d ever been, talking with you and learning about this side of you that you’d shared with him.
The trust you shared with each other, and perhaps your own willingness to open up about your sexuality helped Danny feel safe with you, safe enough that he hesitated only slightly before the next words came out of his mouth.
“It’s Sam.”
Never in a hundred years would you be put off by his answer. But that didn’t mean it didn’t catch you a little off-guard, especially when you’d been operating on the assumption that your boyfriend was, for the most part at least, straight. You weren’t expecting his answer to be male, let alone his best friend.
You weren’t expecting the rush of heat and exhilaration either, as his words processed. You pulled back enough to look into the sweet, hazel eyes you loved so much, glossy from the alcohol and peering up at you, patiently waiting for you to say something.
Tucking a long curly strand of hair behind his ear, you smiled encouragingly as he leaned into your touch. “Oh, wow baby…” you softly cooed, “Really?”
He nodded, sucking his bottom lip. “Yeah, I… yeah. It’d be him.” You simply grinned wider, your heart beating quicker. His complete and utter trust in you made your chest ache with adoration alone, but add in his warm, vulnerable gaze and the rumble of his voice beneath your hand on his chest?
You leaned in, slotting your lips against his in the most loving and affirming kiss you could muster. His low hum of contentment buzzed against your lips, and you smiled wide, unable to stop it stretching across your face. “God, I love you, Danny,” you whispered.
He blinked rapidly, gaze losing focus. He inhaled slowly through his nose, sucking his lip once more. His whispered voice had an unmistakable quiver when he looked back up into your eyes. “I love you.”
You grinned, brushing your nose adoringly against his freckled cheek before kissing the corner of his mouth. You shifted your weight over his thighs, enjoying the flex of the muscle beneath his sweats. Danny’s hooded eyes lazily tracked your movements, hands settling on your ass as you ground your pelvis teasingly against his.
“Mmm…” A playful smirk teased at his lips, “Love you so much.” His flirty tone from earlier had returned, along with a noticeable stiffening beneath your center.
You looked down and giggled quietly. “Danny?” He looked up at you to continue, “Wanna know something?”
Danny’s eyebrow quirked at your shy but breathless response. “Oh, always,” he smirked.
Tucking your face down into the warm familiar cavern of your boyfriend’s neck, you parted your lips in a soft wet kiss on his skin. “I…” you swallowed, smoothing over your next words with a roll of your hips into his. “…I like the thought of you and Sam.”
Danny gasped, whether from your movements or your words was unclear, but he whispered, “Fuck… really?” His fingertips dug into your ass, guiding your hips into his again.
You whimpered quietly, nodding against his shoulder, resting your forehead against it. “S’really hot,” you confessed quietly.
You felt the rumble of a groan deep in his chest, his head tipping back against the backrest of the couch. “I… I’m glad you think so,” he breathed.
You nipped at his skin through an affirmative whine, your arms wrapping around his warm torso over the faded, soft tee.
“You… you wanna hear what I thought about sometimes?” he continued carefully, “…W-with Sam?”
You pulled back to look over his face, pressing yourself against him more firmly in your growing desperation. “Oh god yes, please,” you breathed, succumbing further to the desire clouding your mind.
His mischievous glimmer made your stomach flip. With a choked moan as your hips glided deeply over his bulged groin, he let his eyes flutter closed. “Imaged him-“ he inhaled a sharp hiss, fingers sinking into your hips, “fuck, imagined sucking his dick while he eats your pussy.”
When did it get so hot in this room? Your cheeks flushed nearly as bright as Danny’s as his confession settled in the air. Your heart thudded quickly, sinful images flashing behind your closed eyes like a pornographic slideshow.
“Oh my fucking god, Danny,” you whimpered.
His head tipped back slightly, smirking down his nose at you despite his blush. His hooded eyelids casted shadows over his already dark eyes, and he bit his lip, flicking his eyebrows up at you cockily. “Oh, honey… you do like that, huh…”
Slipping your hand between your bodies, you cupped his erection, your lips parting as his breath hitched. “More than I probably should,” you chuckled breathlessly, smirking.
He shook his head, bucking into your hand with a sharp inhale. “I love that you like it. I was kinda nervous you’d be put off.” You quickly went to reassure him, but he cut you off with a chuckle, “No no, not like that, I- I knew you’d be accepting, I didn’t mean it that way. Just… I-“ he let his head tip back with a choked moan as you squeezed him. “Fuck, I’m just happy you’re like, into this,” he smirked, his cheeks flushing.
Unable to stand the ache between your legs anymore, you lifted yourself off his lap enough to shove his sweats down to his thighs.
“Get these off-“ you groaned.
He let out an amused laugh at your desperation, lifting his hips for you, watching as you maneuvered his rock hard erection out of his boxers and wrapped your hand around him firmly. He inhaled sharply, eyes fluttering but keeping them trained on you.
“Danny, honey, love of my life, my gorgeous, sweet, baby boy, if I was anymore turned on, I think my brain would melt,” you deadpanned, not exaggerating in the least as you pumped his girthy cock steadily.
You leaned your face over his groin and let a string of saliva fall over his glossy head. His jaw fell open, panting now. “Oh my god,” he whined under his breath, brows furrowing.
You chewed on your bottom lip, watching his tip slipping through your fist. “You’d look so fucking hot, you know… sucking dick,” you breathed, drawing closer to brush your lips over his. He let out a soft, jerky cry, deep in his throat.
“You think so, huh?” He whispered, a lazy, dirty smirk stretching his lips.
You met his gaze, “No, I fucking know so.”
He leaned into your face, giving you a deep kiss.
Danny pulled back just enough to articulate under his breath, “Imagine, babe,” his gravelly voice raising goosebumps across your skin, “sitting on Sammy’s face, watching me take his cock in my mouth.”
“Fuck,” you whined pathetically. His cock twitched in your fist, tipping you off to the effect his own fantasies were having on him. You were right there with him, though. You yanked your damp panties to the side and shifted forward, bringing his tip through your folds.
Danny let out a shuddery sigh, his sinewy hands flexing, fingers gripping the flesh of your hips tightly as you lined him up, sheathing him slowly inside you. “Ohh, fffffffuuuuuck,” he muttered, letting his head fall forward onto your shoulder, muffling himself into your skin. “Yes, sweetheart, oh my god, yes.”
You whined, rocking forward and drawing his length along your walls, your clit grinding into his pubic bone. “You’re so hard, feels so fucking good,” you marveled through your panting breath.
Pressing your lips to his sweat-glazed temple, you purred behind his ear, “Keep talking, babe. What else did you think about?”
He groaned softly, straightening back up to drink in your fucked-out expression as he rolled up into your hips. “You’re fucking dirty, baby,” he grinned darkly, pulling you down onto his cock harder as he fucked himself into you, picking up the pace.
Shooting him a cheeky grin, you shrugged one shoulder. “I think you love it.”
He nodded, “Yeah I fuckin’ do.” He smoothed his right hand from your hip, up your front, and grabbing your breast. He squeezed it, massaging as he casually proceeded to ruin your life. “I thought about Sam’s tight little ass squeezing my cock.”
A shocked whimper burst from your lips, and Danny grunted, gently rolling your nipple between his fingers. You clenched around him as your pelvises slammed together, just to watch his eyes roll back. “Uhh, God, just like that, babe-“
Losing yourself for a moment as your pleasure built, you whimpered loudly. Your jaw hung open until Danny’s broad hand suddenly gripped your jaw. “Maybe I’d even let Sam fuck this pretty mouth while I do it,” he grit.
Your eyes squeezed shut as you imagined the weight of Sam on your tongue, moaning out at the image of Danny watching your mouth getting used by his best friend. “Don’t st- FUCK Danny, don’t stop baby,” you pleaded, riding him faster, harder, your climax building steadily.
He groaned, fucking into you desperately, chasing his own orgasm. “Or maybe I won’t… have to see how well he earns it, yeah?” Danny goaded, out of breath, his thumb finding your clit. “Your mouth is so fucking good,” he grit, “I’d make him prove he deserves to fuck it. Make him take my cock like a good boy, first.”
Your desperate moans of Danny’s name babbled out of you, incoherently strung together between swears as you came. Clenching tight around his cock, your eyes squeezed shut, seeing stars as you faintly heard Danny crying out through his own peak. Wave after wave of debilitating pleasure wracked through your body as you rode your boyfriend through it.
Slowly, you both came out of the fog, ears ringing and vision clearing. Your heaving, slick chests pressed together as you held each other tight.
“Holy… shit…” Danny panted, and you blinked at him, smiling slowly and lazily. “Holy shit,” you repeated, giggling.
He grinned, letting his eyes close as he fell back into the couch.
Following his warmth, you rested your head over his heart, listening to it slowly returning to its resting rate as your arms snaked weakly around his broad shoulders. He wrapped you in a warm hug, holding you close.
After a few minutes, you blinked your eyes open, smiling to yourself. “Baby?”
His voice tickled your ear against his chest as he rumbled out, “Yeah?”
Sighing contentedly as his hand began stroking your back, you quietly asked, “Can I ask you something?”
His abdomen tensed slightly, but he nodded, “Yeah, ‘course honey.”
“…I… If you-“ You swallowed, feeling your heart race a bit, “If you wanted to have a threesome with Sam, I’d be into that.”
His whole body tensed up at that, and you lifted your head, hurrying to back pedal. “But if you don’t, I don’t- it’s fine, I just wanted to let you know, we cou- only if you want, I-“
Danny grabbed your face, shutting you up by kissing you deeply. He smiled against your lips at your surprised coo, pulling back slowly.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he softly assured, “It’s okay, s’all good.” Nodding, you sucked on your lip, watching him shyly.
His face shifted subtly, glimmer in his eye. “Are you serious? Is that something you wanna try?”
His thumb stroked your cheek, comforting you enough to admit softly, “Yeah… you?”
He inhaled slowly, then nodded. “Yeah… I-I’d be down for that.”
You smiled softly, “Hey… I love you.” Danny brightened, smiling warmly and trailing his eyes over your face. “I love you, too.”
Grinning, you pitched forward, whispering playfully. “You gonna ask him, or me?”
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The morning after, even through the squint of your eyes due to the hangover headache, you’d rolled over to look at Danny in the soft sunlight of the dawn and felt an overwhelming surge of love wash over you. His angular features seemed softened in the muted glow filtered through the curtains, his brow scrunching as he began to wake.
“W’time s’it?” He mumbled, draping his arm over his face. As your head tilted in admiration, you brought up a hand to smooth down the centre of his chest soothingly.
“Early…” you softly replied, watching him take a deep breath and sigh, his arm lifting above his head. His muscles flexed with the movement, and finally you were graced with those mossy amber eyes as they fluttered open. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart,” you whispered with a smile, running your hand up his chest, through that cute, sexy dusting of hair between his pecks and up to cup his cheek. He trailed his gaze lazily across your face, a soft, almost vulnerable expression tinting his features.
“Hey…” he started, trailing off as he looked away. He licked his bottom lip, rubbing at his eye sleepily. “You… did you, uh…”
Feeling his body tensing slightly, you rubbed your thumb encouragingly over his jawline, quietly letting him gather his thoughts.
“Last night,” he began again, a little smirk playing at his lips at the memory, “I know we discussed… some things.”
A quiet giggle bubbled out of you. “Yes, love. I remember.”
He nodded once, biting back a chuckle. “Yeah… I just… we’d had a lot to drink, y’know, and… I, um…” He huffed softly, “well, I guess I’m…”
Smiling wide, you playfully tickled at his neck, giggling as he scrunched up his shoulder reflexively and laughed. “Danny, out with it.”
“Okay, okay,” he snickered, taking your hand in his, lacing his long fingers with yours, his eyes watching them tangle. “Two things, I guess. One, I wanna make sure that I didn’t… upset you, y’know with everything last night,” he put his finger up to your lips as you went to protest, “Yeah, okay, let me finish, and also… well, do you really want to try… bringing Sam into this?” He swallowed, staring at your hands as he ran his thumb over your knuckles.
You nodded, cocking your head with a crooked smile. “Okay, well first of all,” you blushed, ducking your head shyly, “you sure as hell didn’t upset me.”
A callused finger tilted your chin up, and you met his eyes as a smirk spread across his handsome face. “No?” he confirmed.
Giggling bashfully, you shook your head. “I know we were tipsy, but I meant what I said, babe. The, um… the things you said…” you let your eyes trail down his chest, smirking and shaking your head slowly, “Fuck.”
Danny let out an excited breath through his nose, coyly confirming, “about… Sam?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Sam, you and him, what you thought about…” you couldn’t stop your shy giggle, “Honestly, I never considered anything like that before, it never even occurred to me. I don’t know what’s so hot about it, but… god…”
Danny’s lips parted in a shallow breath, and he stretched his free arm around your torso, rolling to his side and bringing you into his body. He hovered his lips close to your own as he whispered lowly, “You’re fucking amazing, you know.”
Tilting up your chin to try and close the distance, he teasingly leaned away. Through a barely contained pout, you answered, “How’s that?”
Dropping your hand to grab your face lovingly, he brushed his nose against yours. “I don’t know how many girlfriends are not only… you know, accepting of their boyfriends like, suddenly coming out as bisexual, but also indulge their fantasies too?” he smiled playfully, a touch of wonder in his tone.
You leaned into his gentle touch. “Baby,” you smiled wide, tenderly pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth before continuing softly, “I love everything about you. Everything. The things you’ve told me, the things you haven’t, the things that you don’t even know yet. I’m so in love with you it hurts.”
Danny’s brow furrowed, nuzzling against your cheek as you spoke.
Swallowing down your rising emotions, you tenderly kissed his cheek. “I love that you’re bi, and I love that you trusted me with that part of you. I’m so proud of you, too, I-” You sucked your bottom lip under your teeth and brought your hand down to rest over his heart, feeling it beating harder at your words. “You’re my guy, Dan. I love you.”
Danny’s eyes squeezed shut, and he held his breath tight in his throat for a moment. Leaning his forehead against yours, he placed his broad, warm hand over yours, squeezing tight. He let out a slow shaky breath, nodding ever so slightly. “I love you more,” he whispered.
“Can I kiss you?” you quietly asked.
He opened his eyes, and as he grinned, a little wobbly, they crinkled at the edges endearingly. “God, yes. Please.”
Smiling wide, you eagerly met his expectant lips in a loving kiss. He hummed contentedly, his fingers curling around your hand and running it up his neck and into his curls, a not so subtle hint. Grinning into the kiss, you indulged his affinity for having his hair played with, sinking your fingers into the silky tresses appreciatively.
Danny groaned happily, pulling you on top of him playfully with a chuckle. Your bare chest pressed to his, and you deepened the kiss with a teasing slip of your tongue along his lip. His hand smoothed its way down the curve of your back, descending until his fingers gripped the plush of your ass, his enthusiastic squeeze tipping your body forward into his kiss.
Giggling against his lips, you coyly teased, “Didn’t get enough last night?”
He let his head lay back against the pillows, his heavily lidded eyes indulging in the view of your cleavage against his chest. His voice rumbled against your breasts as he replied, “Never get enough of you, you should know this by now.” Finally meeting your eyes, he winked, a devilish smirk swiftly following.
Feeling weak in the knees at his flirting, even after all the time you spent together, you bit your lip and lowered your naked lower half to his.
His brows furrowed as his lips parted, inhaling sharply at the sensation of his semi hard length blanketed by your wet folds against his stomach. “You have the gall to tease me when you’re this wet already?” He giggled breathily, lifting himself up on his elbows to watch.
Joining his laughter, you retaliated his sass by centering your knees at either side of him and sliding yourself up and down slowly. He groaned under his breath, jaw clenching. “Fuck,“ he grit. He watched his swollen pink tip peeked out rhythmically between your lips, slick wet noises mixing with Danny’s strained breathing.
You smirked, cocking your head. “Sorry, what was that?” you teased.
Eyes still trained on your hips as they stilled over him, a tiny smirk played at his lips. His tongue swiped along his top teeth, as his eyes met yours through his lashes with a devilish gleam.
In a flurry of movement, you found yourself pinned on your back, pinned between your devastatingly hot boyfriend’s arms, opening your eyes to a cocky smirk hovering over your face.
“You need me to fuck that attitude out of your smart mouth?” he goaded, playfully challenging you with a quirk of one dark brow.
Taking him up on his challenges was a specialty of yours.
“Do you need me to suck the attitude out of you, Daniel?”
-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
After the longest week that, frankly, anyone had experienced ever, the weekend came, and weekends went hand in hand with drinks.
And drinks went hand in hand with a certain bassist friend of yours.
You and Danny sat at either side of a buzzed, boisterous Sam Kiszka, squished into a round booth at some dive near the edge of town. It was humid, bordering on stuffy in the dark corner one of the boys had chosen. You suspected the pick was Danny’s, with the looming conversation in his foresight, he would want some semblance of privacy. You shifted in place, grimacing as your thighs peeled off the sticky vinyl.
Zoning back into the conversation, you took your eyes off the droplet of condensation that trailed down the side of Danny’s beer.
Your boyfriend was chuckling behind his fingers as Sam narrated the conversation of a nearby couple.
“Beeb-uh,” he whined through his nose, his imitation of the young blonde, “I said I wanted organic water, this has chloreeeen!”
You snorted into a giggle, playfully shoving Sam’s shoulder. He turned his face to you, sporting a proud grin from making you laugh. You bit your lip, still grinning, and let your hand rest on his bicep flirtatiously.
Danny’s eyes tracked you, moving from your face to your arm, and then finally glancing at Sam for his reaction.
Sam barely glanced to your hand, but he kept his gaze on you curiously. His smile remained, but you could see his intelligent mind working to catch up.
“You liked that, didya?” he nudged your knee with his. “People like that are hilarious to listen to. And make fun of.”
With a lingering squeeze you released him. “You’ve never dated anyone like that, though, of course,” you replied sarcastically.
Sam laughed, picking up his glass. “Shhhh, always digging up the past, you are,” he poked your nose as he took a sip.
With a giggle, you scrunched your nose, swatting him. Catching Danny’s eye across the table, he smirked over the rim of his tall glass, and you returned it with a subtle eye-gesture to Sam.
Wordlessly asking him, ‘now?’
He took a sip, nodding once subtly as he swallowed.
His hesitance was evident, even across from him. You realized that Danny had more invested in this than you, more to lose if anything went south, but having known Sam as long as you had, and having witnessed the “bromance” between the two of them (and the shameless flirting with you), you weren’t worried about Sam reacting poorly.
You figured worst case scenario, he politely declines and you all move on as if nothing happened. No harm done.
Best case scenario though? Well, you figured you’d best not get ahead of yourselves.
Danny set his glass down, keeping his eyes trained on it as he cleared his throat.
“Hey Sam, I uh… I actually wanna ask you something.”
Sam looked over at his best friend, grinning. “No, I didn’t blame Jake’s run-over bike on you in high school,” he said with faux guilt, then immediately moved as if to run away jokingly before settling back in his seat.
Danny snorted, tossing his head back as he laughed. “I fucking KNEW it, Jake kept glaring at me for a week,” he snickered, shaking his head and punching Sam’s arm, “bastard.”
Sam groaned dramatically, rubbing his arm. “If it makes you feel better, Mom got it on the door camera and told him on me.”
You giggled, leaning your chin in your hands and crossing your legs.
Danny forged on with a ironic smirk. “Listen, shut up, alright?”
Sam snickered, “Yeah, yeah, go ahead, I’m listening.” He raised his glass to his lips, and Danny leaned forward on his elbows, voice soft.
“We were both talking the other day…” Sam took a sip, nodding. “…and, we both expressed… interest, in uh…”
Danny’s face was flushed pink, and you finished for him, deciding to shoulder the weight of the question for him. “We both wanna have a threesome with you.”
Sam choked, spitting up the brown liquor into his glass and coughing profusely. Danny slapped his back, and you shrunk back, watching Sam’s face widen with shock.
He caught his breath, cleared his throat and his lips parted, but nothing came out. He open and shut his mouth a few times, growing gradually more flustered. You raised your eyebrows at him, waiting patiently, and a grin started poking at Danny’s face.
“Wow, he’s never been quiet this long before,” Danny told you with mock seriousness.
Sam shook his head, faintly smiling with a touch of bewilderement. “Uhhh… aha… I uh, I don’t- I wasn’t expecting that,” he chuckled, still staring at the table in front of him.
Nodding, you began fiddling with your hands nonchalantly. “Its totally okay, Sammy, seriously, you can say no, there’s no pressure.” Danny nodded and chimed in, “Yeah, man, if you don’t… want to, just forget we mentioned it, its fi-“
“Will you both shut up for a second?” Sam cut him off, smirking. His eyes lifted to yours first, a playful glint present through the searching look he gave you. Softly, he prompted, “For real? You’re interested in that?”
Blushing under his gaze, you nodded, smiling crookedly. Sam looked over at Danny with the same look, confirming the earlier sentiments. You watched the two men lock eyes, and you swore you saw Sam’s eyes dip to Danny’s lips for a brief moment.
Danny was flushed, but visibly relaxing by the minute as Sam reacted without discomfort. His own brown eyes trailed over Sam’s beautiful features curiously, locking on the brunette’s lips as Sam quietly asked, “you too? You want that?”
Danny nodded, smiling lightly. “I do, yeah,” he softly returned.
Sam’s smile grew, returning to you. “With me?”
You giggled, blushing and looking down. “Mhmm.”
Sam paused for a moment, looking contemplatively bemused and flattered.
“You two are sluts,” he declared, and you and Danny burst out laughing, all tension broken.
“What can I say Sammy… you’re so pretty, we just wanna take you home,” you giggled.
Sam straightened up proudly. “I am, aren’t I?” he smirked.
Danny dramatically stretched his arm around Sam’s shoulders like in the movies, leaning into him and drawling, “Me and my girlfriend saw you across the bar, and we-“
He was cut off by Sam loudly laughing, even as he leaned into Danny’s side under his arm. You watched your boys easily relaxing into each other, like the most natural thing in the world, and maybe it was. It certainly didn’t feel strange or forced, and if anything, your desire to share the pretty bassist with your boyfriend had only grown hotter in the past few minutes.
The thing about Sam, though, that you and Daniel were well aware of, is that he used humor and boisterous confidence as a sort of safety net, in situations where, in truth, he wasn’t as sure of himself as he acted. Which is why you enjoyed watching (and helping) Danny breaking through that wall of bravado brick by brick all the more.
Danny chuckled, venturing a hand up to brush his silky hair behind his ear. “You really are, you know.” You watched Sam stiffen slightly and blush at the tender gesture. “So pretty Sam,” he purred.
Sam’s breathing changed, his eyes shooting downwards at the sensation of Danny’s knee nudging at his own.
Wanting in on the flirting, you leaned closer, your bare thigh pressing against Sam’s now. The boy’s eyes darted from Danny, to your leg, to your face, and then your hand as you rested it on his arm.
You cooed near his ear quietly, “The prettiest, Sammy.” You made eye contact with Danny, steadily plastering himself to the other side of Sam’s body, exchanging an excited grin before turning your gaze back to meet Sammy’s eyes.
Once your eyes locked, you spoke before your nerves prevented the words from leaving your mouth.
“I bet you’re pretty everywhere.”
Both boys made strained, breathy noises, Sam’s face flushing wildly as Danny’s lips parted in shock. You held down a giggle at the look on your boyfriends face, intent on Sam’s reaction.
Sammy’s brows turned up in the middle slightly, biting his bottom lip.
“You wanna find out for yourself?” he breathed slowly, tentative in his words.
Danny lowered his hand, its width spanning across Sam’s thigh, beginning to smooth so slowly up his leg that even you felt antsy. “Is that a yes?” he confirmed lowly.
Sam swallowed, strands of his hair falling alongside his face as he let his head fall forward, watching Danny’s fingertips encroaching into his subtly tenting groin. “Christ… yeah,” he nodded after a moment. “That’s a fuck yes.”
You smiled wide with a pleased hum of excitement, the sound turning Sammy to face you. His cocky grin returned as he gave you a smug once-over.
“Somebody’s excited,” he teased, and you bit your lip as his own hand finally did some exploring, resting at the hem of your skirt midway up your thigh. His lightly callused fingers gripped at the flesh, the quiver in his hands nearly undetectable. He seemed to be feeling you out, testing the limits, pushing the boundaries he wasn’t sure of yet. His boldness was undeniably sexy.
You both glanced at Danny after he let out a quiet growl, deep in his throat. His eyes were zeroed into Sam’s touch on your bare thigh with a dark, hungry look. Not jealousy, quite the opposite, it seemed.
“I don’t blame her,” he rumbled near Sam’s ear, and you felt the shiver it elicited from the grip on your thigh. Then Sam let out a whimpery little gasp, squeezing you tightly all of a sudden. A glance down at his lap had you forgetting how to breath. Danny’s hand rested over the bulge in Sam’s pants. He squeezed gently, palming over him just once before pulling his hand away and straightening up.
Like somebody flipped a switch, he took a sip of his beer casually, looking between the two of you. A smirk curled his lips as he swallowed. Sam blinked at him, speechless and… needy. He let out the breath he was holding, relaxing and retracting his hand.
You grinned wildly, following suit and downing the last of your drink. Turning to Sam, you winked. “He’s a fucking tease, isn’t he?”
Sam snorted, nodding without taking his eyes off Danny. His gaze shifted into a heated, almost appraising look, as though analyzing his best friend through new eyes. “Apparently.”
Danny shrugged coyly, “I know you were distracted, Sammy, but we are in public, we gotta keep it PG.”
This earned a petulant snort from Sam, “Right, right, and uh, grabbing-“ he quickly hushed his voice, quickly checking his surroundings before continuing, “… grabbing my dick in a bar is a family friendly activity to you, Daniel?”
Danny laughed, cheeks tinting at Sam’s incessant ability to speak bluntly about anything. “You didn’t exactly stop me, Samuel,” he retorted, raising a smug eyebrow. “You couldn’t have had that much of a problem with it.”
Sam scoffed without a hint of animosity, mumbling, “Not liking it wasn’t the problem.”
Danny bit his lip, eyeing him. “Bad boy,” he flirted.
Sam did a poor job of pretending he was unaffected by Danny’s taunt. He turned back to you, hesitating for a second as he shifted his hips in place stiffly, but then pushing through and speaking his thoughts in his usual, bratty fashion. “Good thing he’s so hot, huh?”
There was that familiar rush of heat again. Nodding at Sam, you furrowed your brow with a smirk for emphasis. “So hot.” Looking over at your boyfriend, you bit your lip, shamelessly eye-fucking him for show. You led him to lean into each other conspiratorially, and you whispered, “You think he’s hot now? Wait til you see his face when he cums.”
Sam let out an affronted groan, the noise jarring in the thickness of the intimate booth. Closing his eyes, he bit his lip. “Now, why would you say that to me,” he whined with a pained smile, and Danny smiled wide, leaning forward over the table.
“What? What did you tell him?” he pried, looking between you both, left out but thoroughly enjoying the flustered state of his friend.
Inhaling Sam’s floral cologne, you raised your voice only enough to be heard from the crook of his jawline, “Don’t worry about it, nosypants.” You felt Sam smirk, and enjoying the swarming butterflies that being so close gave you, you pushed further, pressing your lips to his soft neck. Danny squinted at the two of you, and Sam bit his lip through a dazed smile, sighing through his nose as his eyelids fluttered under your attention.
You felt a pair of eyes burning into you as you nipped the soft skin between your teeth. Sam let out a tiny, surprised cry in his throat. “Oh- god,” he breathed. Taking it as your cue to pull away, you kissed over the spot and straightened out. Your cheeks felt warm, bashful in the best way as both boys eyed you hungrily.
Clearing his throat and leaning back, Danny pulled out his wallet, slipping a wad of cash onto the table.
“Shall we?”
Sam swallowed harshly, shaking his head of the trance you’d put him under. He shifted uncomfortably again, adjusting his shorts. “Uh… you’re gonna have to give me a sec.”
Chapter two
-------- ⭐︎☽⭐︎☾⭐︎ --------
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Angel Straight from Hell - Part 1

There’s a little devil in all of us, angel.
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, (mostly) Danny Wagner x Reader
Word Count: 942
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI! Drinking, language, fluff, angst, oral sex f!receiving, fingering, cheating? (if you squint hard enough), and terrible editing :)
As always, my dms are open if you have any requests or just wanna start a support group after reading this.
Update: All parts of this story have been combined and posted here!
You and Jake had been together for nearly a year and don’t get me wrong, the sex was nothing short of life changing, but lately, you had been a little eager to spice things up a bit. When you initially brought up the idea of a threesome, he brushed it off. You should have figured he would be too jealous to ever say yes to such a request. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he just wasn’t a fan of sharing his toys with anyone, especially not a complete stranger.
Weeks later you found yourself at a bar with the guys as they celebrated finishing their album. Drink after drink, you noticed yourself becoming more flirty, as alcohol always had that effect on you. As you clung to Jake's side, your eyes were also set on the tall dark haired drummer standing adjacent to you.
Has he always been that hot?
Your eyes must have given you away because it was only a few minutes before Danny made his way over to you, the musky scent immediately filling your senses. He casually leaned down so his mouth hovered over your ear. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine.
“I see the way you’ve been eye fucking me all night. Does he not satisfy you anymore? Or are you just a greedy little whore?” he whispered. Your thighs immediately clamped together and there was no way you weren’t dripping with desire right now.
Jake must have noticed you tense up because he turned to check on you. “You okay?” he asked with concern. “Yeah, I just need to use the bathroom really quick.” you replied before practically running to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face. Gripping the sink, you stared at your reflection in the mirror for a moment before taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. “Snap out of it, this is wrong.”
“Is angel afraid to ask for what she wants?” Your eyes flew open to see Danny suddenly behind you. “You know, I think it’s a shame he’s trying to keep you so tame. I can see the devil behind those eyes.”
He moved closer, pressing you against the sink. You could immediately feel how hard he was. His fingers slowly and delicately dragged from your neck down to your wrist, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. One hand made its way further down and slipped under your dress, teasing the band of your underwear.
Still trying to contain any sense of dignity and composure, you tried to suppress the whimper aching to be released, but of course Danny heard it, his free hand coming up to your throat. “Tell me what you want.” he husked.
“Please” you quietly breathed, needing some sort of relief. “Ah ah. use your words angel.” he taunted. “Touch me. Fucking touch me Danny. I need you, please.” you begged. He wasted no time in slipping his hand to your sensitive core, teasing your clit. “Completely soaked “ he said while grinning. You normally hated cockiness, but in this moment, watching him ruin you was the hottest thing and you were ready to fold.
Too soon, his hand retreated, making a whine leave your lips. He brought his hand up to his mouth. His eyes met yours in the mirror, making sure you watched him suck off your juices that coated his fingers. “Tastes like heaven.” he hummed. Fucking hell.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You were about to burst at the seams, and needed relief. Turning around, you all but shoved Danny to the ground and he quickly understood just what you wanted. “You better make it quick, I'm sure Jake is already wondering what’s taking so long.” you breathed out.
Practically ripping your underwear off, his mouth quickly met your folds before his tongue began swirling around, sending you into overdrive. Your hands knotted in his thick curls, needing something to hold onto for leverage. “Fuck Danny, don’t stop” you gasped out.
You threw your head back and screwed your eyes shut as you felt your orgasm quickly building. “Eyes on me angel. I wanna see you cum” he whispered out. You looked down at the sight, wondering how the hell you got here. His eyes met yours and you could have sworn you saw the devil grinning back at you. Moments later, you reached your peak and had to cover your mouth to contain the slightly pornographic moans trying to escape your body.
No sooner than you came down from your high, a knock sounded at the door. “Y/N, are you in there?” Shit! You quickly shoved Danny away but Jake was already halfway in the bathroom, stopping completely in his tracks when he very quickly realized what just went down. Expecting him to be angry and start shouting, you started to try and explain but he quickly shushed you.
His face was emotionless and that absolutely terrified you. Without saying anything, he simply grabbed your hand like nothing was wrong and led you out of the bar. Just before you exited the bathroom, you shot Danny a confused look, however, it seemed like he also didn’t know what was happening.
Jake was still silent as you both made your way to his car, but you were too scared to say anything else, not knowing what was going through his mind. It was only when he helped you into the passenger seat that you realized Danny still had your underwear. Mentally cursing yourself, you tried to keep a cool composure, despite the uncomfortable feeling still between your legs.
What the hell did you get yourself into?
✶ ✶ ✶
Part 2
#gretavanfleet#gvf#gvf imagine#greta van fleet fan fiction#greta van fleet smut#greta#greta van fic#danny wagner#sam kiszka#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#daniel robert wagner#samuel francis kiszka#jacob thomas kiszka#josh thomas kiszka#gvf danny#gvf jake#gvf sam#gvf josh#danny wagner x reader#jake kiszka x reader#drw x reader#jtk x reader#gardensgatekeeper
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i see you’re a sammy girl, and i want a sammy fic! could you do best friends to lovers trope w reader? i don’t care how, but that’s one of my favorite tropes!
Oh absolutely!! Nothing like some good ol' fluff.
| word count: 6k

Growing up with the four boys, it was ever so evident that Sammy was the sweetest. It wasn't that he made an extensive effort to stick out from his brothers and Danny, but you knew deep down that he cared just a smidgen more than the other three. Whenever you got hurt rough housing or adventuring in the forest behind your home, the four would come to your rescue. However, Sam would linger for a few moments more, ensuring that his best friend was hale. He'd watch as the twins and Daniel ran off to climb the next largest tree that they could, before turning back to you.
"Come on, slow poke. Up and at em'" He'd tease, holding out a hand to help you up.
When it came to the summertime, trips with the Kiszka's to their grandparent's pool were a frequent journey. Jumping in on a hot day was refreshing as it could be until the boys began to splash like dogs. The boys would take turns canon-balling into the deep-end,--one directly after the other-- in attempts to create waves that would ripple among the surface. You'd giggle and shake your head as you watch, the sight being quite ridiculous as they all sprint back to the concrete to jump in once again. While contently keeping your eyes locked on the twins, you hadn't realized that Sammy had slipped away. It wasn't until you were shoved into the water that you realized he had been gone.
"Hey! Asshole.." You'd grumble once you came to the surface, pushing your sopping hair out of your face. Sam keeled over, his hands resting on his stomach as he cackled, feeding off of your reaction.
"We needed help making waves!" He called out, soft giggles trailing past the sentence. "Boys! Grandma's got snacks." Their grandfather would call, herding the four of you inside. Josh and Jake would rush to their towels, quickly drying off before trampling inside to grab themselves a sandwich. You would giggle alongside Sam, drying off as the two of you made your way to the kitchen.
While the twins sat on the porch, hastily eating their sandwiches, Sammy would lead you out to the pool to dip his toes in the water as he drank his lemonade. "The sun feels nice.." He'd grin.
You nodded gently, taking a chip from the plate. It was always nice to relax after running around for so long. You'd lean back, your palms rested behind you to keep yourself propped up on the pool's edge. "It does.." You agreed with a gentle smile.
As the years progressed, the summers by the pools didn't come to an end. The twin's behavior became a bit more tame, but they were still silly as ever. Sammy had developed a new habit of laying on the warm concrete atop a towel, basking in the sun. Watching as his chest calmly rose and fell with relaxed breaths, you couldn't help but to admire him. It was no doubt that over the years, you had grown to a small liking towards him. While you never directly acknowledged it, you knew deep down that Sammy was the most gorgeous person you had ever seen. And even then, no one could make you laugh like he could.
Memories flooded your head of laying on his carpeted bedroom floor, listening to his favorite Stephen Stills album while the sun poured down through his blinds. While you had fun exploring and running about with him, your favorite moments were always the calmest ones. Times where the two of you would just lay back and listen to music or talk for hours at a time about meaningless subjects that somehow grew to mean the world to you.
As you all reached adulthood, the bonds only grew. The four boys had invited you out to a camping trip, as Josh had found a wonderful new spot to pitch some tents.
Once the sun fell past the horizon, Danny had struck up a bonfire. Jake sat with his guitar in his lawn chair, strumming a soft tune while Danny fed the fire. Josh had begun pitching up the tents, while you and Sam organized the s'mores ingredients. Earlier in the day, Sammy had went out to gather everyone a stick to roast their marshmallows on, bringing back the longest one for you to make sure that you wouldn't burn yourself.
"Alright, Sammy, you're up first." You grinned, gesturing towards the fire.
"No, no, after you." Sam insisted, handing you the stick.
"Hey, knuckleheads, you can both roast at the same time, the fire's big enough! Yeesh.." Danny called, chuckling to himself as he sat back in his lawn chair.
Growing up, it was always a tradition to see who could make the best s'more. It was Sam's favorite summertime activity, as he became rather competitive to make the best treat. Though you'd never ever admit it, you knew that Sam truly did make the best s'mores.
While the other three spoke beside the fire, you grabbed Sam's hand, guiding him away. "Let's go down to the lake!" You smiled, leading the way. "You're not going to axe murder me, are you?" He teased.
Once on the sandy shore, you sat down, laying back against the sand. Sam laid beside you, looking up at the stars quietly. "Look at that view.." He hummed gently, his eyes darting across the sky. You nodded gently, looking up at the various constellations dotted across the sky.
"The stars are gorgeous.." You agreed, folding your hands over your stomach as you studied them. There was silence for a moment, before Sammy softly spoke.
"Almost as gorgeous as you."
His voice was sure and certain, with a tinge of hesitation, almost like he was too nervous to say it. You shook your head with a gentle laugh. "You don't mean that, Sammy.."
"I do." He assured, glancing over to you. He sat up, looking up to the sky once more before back down to you. A few strands of stray hair fell in front of his face. "I think you're more beautiful than any star in the sky.."
Your cheeks grew hot as your eyes met his. What was this? He had never spoken to you like this before, but something deep within your gut told you that he was serious. This wasn't one of his silly jokes, but rather a more vulnerable side of him that he was allowing you to see. You sat up gently, admiring him in the light of the moon.
"Well, I would have to say the same for you." You said gently, studying his features. His soft eyes gleamed back at you sweetly, and your heart couldn't help but sink.
After a moment of silence between the two of you, Sammy finally broke the brisk quiet.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Can I kiss you..?"
You couldn't believe it. After all of these years, all this time, he was finally asking. You never knew how much your heart ached for his touch until those four words left his lips. You nodded gently, and just like that, he leaned forward, pulling you into a gentle kiss. His hands gently took your waist, his thumbs tracing gently over your hips. You pushed his hair out of his face gently, cupping his cheeks with your hands. You could feel his lips peak into a soft smile, before he slowly pulled away.
Your lips buzzed as you look out across the water, smiling softly, as you watched the waves of the lake slowly edge up to the shore. "How long have you felt this way..?"
"Since I met you." He promised.
#greta van fleet#greta van fluff#greta van fic#greta one shot#danny gvf#sam gvf#jake gvf#josh gvf#daniel wagner#sam kiszka#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#samuel francis kiszka#sam kiszka fluff#sammy kiszka#sam kiszka x reader#sam kiszka imagine#sam kiszka fanfiction#gvf#gvf fanfiction#gvf fic#gvf fluff#gvf blurb#gvf imagine
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Y’all are freaking out over sam’s “announcement” like relax he’s probably opening a vegan restaurant that’s only open on the vernal equinox on the Upper East Side
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet x reader#sam kiszka x reader#sam kiszka#samuel kiszka#daniel wagner#danny wagner#danny wagner x reader#jake kiszka x reader#jacob kiszka#jake kizska#josh kiszka imagine#josh kiszka x reader#josh kiszka
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fearless - d. wagner
a/n: i know wagner wednesday was yesterday, but fuck it. everyone can leave me alone I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!! notes/warnings: extremely suggestive relationship, no use of y/n, secret relationships, tooth rotting fluff at the end, childhood best friends to lovers, danny being jealous, cursing, like so many allusions to fucking, me writing this late at night, sam, josh and jake being extremely oblivious like just the epitome of "so close! that is a shape! <3" word count: 2.3k summary: daniel has been acting awfully weird lately. luckily, the kiszka brothers are on the case! pairing: danny wagner x gn! reader now playing: fearless (taylor's version) - taylor swift “run your hands through your hair/absentmindedly making me want you/and i don't know how it gets better than this/you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless"
Samuel Kiszka had met you way back in elementary school, back when you were kind of regarded as a freak. You were playing with a ladybug on the playground during recess, and he came over and asked what you were doing. When you explained, he became fascinated with the ladybug and declared you would be its parents. Then, a stray kickball had flew over, crushing your new baby bug. Some kid laughed at Sam when he started to cry, so you decided to punch that little fucker in the face.
You had been best friends ever since.
A year after that, he came to you and introduced you to a different kid he had met in his new class, the one right beside yours. His name was Daniel.
And since then, it’s always been the three of you, against everything.
You became awfully close with the Wagners and with the Kiszkas, going as far as to call them your family. You grew up in sort of a rough environment, but there was always a place for you on Daniel’s couch or Sammy’s floor.
You smoked your first blunt together, took your first shots together, and cried over breakups that didn’t even matter anymore.
You were a tech kid in high school with a certain knack for equipment and stage managing. Sam and Danny were just starting to get more serious about their music, so there was a time when you didn’t see each other that much. You were busy with whatever production your high school was putting on, and they had formed a band with Sam’s older brothers, Jake and Josh.
You knew it had been Jake’s dream for years, so besides their mother, you consider yourself the first Greta Van Fleet fan.
When their song, Highway Tune, went viral, you just knew it meant huge things for them. You could see it in Jake’s face, hear it in Josh’s voice. This was something bigger than any of you. So, you weren’t really shocked when they came to you and told you that they had a record deal and a few shows booked around the country.
You were only sad that you’d be stuck in Michigan while your best friends toured around the country, maybe even the world.
Then, Sammy told you a stipulation of their contract was that you would get to be on the set team, and with enough experience, you’d lead that team in all the equipment and stage management you could get your hands on.
And you jumped in with them, headfirst, fearless.
That was years ago, and you haven’t looked back since.
But then Sam started to notice something.
Daniel Wagner had been distracted. Never a good thing to be while on tour.
So, he came to you with the problem.
“I’m telling you, there is something up with Daniel!” He practically whined as you packed your bag to go to the next venue.
“Sammy, nothing is up with Daniel. There’s no way.”
“He doesn’t eat, he is always staring off into the distance, he’s always scribbling in his little notebook, he’s acting weird!”
“You guys are on tour, that’s stressful. Maybe he’s just like, at max stress.” You argue, checking that you have your lights and pyro cues for the next stop of the tour.
“Why aren’t you worried about this? You should be worried, he’s your best friend too!”
You stop what you’re doing and turn to face him.
“Maybe he’s fallen madly in love with someone.”
Sam actually laughs out loud at the thought.
“Good one!” He says with a goofy grin on his face. “We would know if he was in love, don’t you think?” He asks.
“Then I just don’t know, Sammy. Go argue with Jake and Josh about this, I have to go meet with the crew about the inventory for the road.” You say, and Sam just drops it to go do exactly that.
His brothers are on the tour bus when he gets there and luckily, Danny is running late. And he is sure to mention that.
“Seems like Daniel is late again... He’s been doing that a lot, huh?” He says, trying not to act too suspiciously.
Josh and Jake share this look, like they’re trying to figure out if Sam has a point or not. But Jake starts to really think about it, and you know what? Shockingly, their younger brother does in fact have a point.
“Now that you mention it, He is acting kind of weird.” He says softly, and Josh nods.
“I had to ask him for my earrings back the other day and when I got to his room, he looked like I caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to. I thought he was in the middle of jerking off but now that I think about it, he’s been like that a lot. Always acting like a deer in the headlights.”
So, the whole situation perplexes them, but before they can say anything else on the matter, Danny strolls onto the tour bus.
“Good morning, boys! How are we today?” Now that they had all discussed it, any behavior from him would be suspicious.
“Fine. Why are you late, Dan?” Danny was immediately alarmed by this, since Sam never called him Dan. It was always Danny or Daniel.
“Uh, I just lost my shoes in the room, and they were under my bed. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was keeping you guys waiting.”
Josh, the only one able to play anything cool, just nods, “It’s alright, we weren’t waiting for long. We should probably discuss the setlist for tonight.” Jake hums but he can’t help but notice that Danny has these large black stud earrings in. And he’s sure he’s seen them before, but he can’t quite put his finger on were.
For now, he lets it go. But he keeps it in the back of his mind for later.
They stop at a rest stop that afternoon, along with most of the tech crew who travel in their own bus. You go to check in on your boys and buy Sam a snack as a peace offering for not believing him this morning.
But instead, you run into Josh, who decides to find the others with you. You get to talking but you feel him staring at your face, and you blush.
“What, do I have something on my face?” You ask bashfully.
“No,” he hums softly, tilting his head. “You just— Where’d you get that necklace?” He swears he’s seen it before but can’t put his finger on it.
Your hand goes up to fiddle with the necklace, almost nervously.
“It’s a gift from my sister, I wore it when we graduated, remember?” Josh does not remember.
For now, he lets it go. But he keeps it in the back of his mind for later.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, Toots, Guess I forgot.” He links arms with you, “Let’s go find the guys, huh?” He smiles. Happy to drop the subject, you go with him willingly.
Sammy, Danny, and Jake are getting their snacks when something catches Danny’s eye, and he won’t stop staring, so Sam looks to see what he could be so bothered by. And all he sees is his older brother, linking arms with you.
He smacks Danny’s arm, whose head snaps to look at him.
“Just Josh, Dude. At Ease, Soldier.” He teases. But he can’t shake this feeling that Danny was bothered by it. But why would he be?
Nothing else weird happens throughout the day, and the show that night goes well. So well, in fact that they invite you to a local bar where they can grab a few drinks and decompress from the day. And that goes really well too, except when Sam sees you the next morning and hickeys cover your neck.
“Dude! What the fuck!?” He asks, investigating your neck further. You blush and shove him off gently.
“Relax, Sammy, I just—I hooked up with someone last night that I met at the bar, and they were kind of rough. No big deal, I’ll never see them again.” You say, with a casual shrug.
Something is off about your tone. But he says nothing.
For now, he lets it go. But he keeps it in the back of his mind for later.
And then, he notices these earrings you have in.
Large black diamond studs.
“Nice Earrings.” He comments casually. He swears he’s seen them before, but like, recently! It perplexes him a bit and it must show on his face, because you are quick to clear up any confusion.
“Oh, thanks! I wore them last night for the bar and I just forgot to take them out. They aren’t too casual, so I don’t wear them too often.”
And it makes enough sense. Why would you lie to him about something as stupid as that?
Then, when he sees Danny that night, he’s covered in hickeys.
And Sam thinks he might still be drunk or high, or both. Because what the fuck is going on?! You both were acting strange, and he’s noticing these little things, so he decides to confide in Josh and Jake again, who relay their findings, and they decide they must confront Danny together.
Danny is not too shocked when he goes to get undressed and get his makeup removed only to find the boys waiting for him there. It took him a while to get back to the dressing room.
“Oh, hey guys! Sorry, I didn’t realize you were waiting for me. I got caught up talking to one of the security guards and then I got lost, this venue is so damn confusing.” And then Sam knows he’s lying because if HE could figure out how to return to the dressing room, then Danny, who has an amazing sense of direction, definitely could!
“What’s going on with you, Man?” he asks as he begins to wipe the makeup off his face.
“What? Nothing is going on with me, dude, I told you I just got lost.”
“Bullshit,” Josh calls. “You’re distracted, always late, and have suspiciously good jewelry taste as of late!”
“Yeah! And it’s affecting other people too,” Jake recalls, “Even the tech crew has noticed it! Our stage manager, our best friend, is acting weird too, and I have a feeling it’s because of your shady actions!”
And that’s when it hits Sam.
The earrings.
The hickeys.
The necklace.
The lateness.
The god damn hickeys.
“Just be real with us, Danny—” Josh starts, before Sam stands up.
And that stops everyone in their tracks. He says your name to Danny, and it immediately catches his attention.
“What about them?” He asks.
“Are you sleeping with them?” Sam asks.
“What?! Sammy, c’mon—”
“Daniel Wagner, are you fucking our stage manager?!”
There’s a pause.
“Sammy. You’re acting—”
“Answer the question.”
“No!” He sighs. “I think they are lovely, and I would love to, and I want to take them on dates and woo them, but I am not fucking our stage manager, Sam. You guys are being paranoid. And if you don’t mind I’d prefer they don’t know about the fact that I like them, okay?”
All the other boys nod. Of course, It makes perfect sense! You and Danny both like each other but you aren’t able to tell each other that because of your long-standing friendship, but you’re sharing jewelry as a way of subtly telling each other. And that explains why he was staring at you and Josh the other day! And the hickeys were from other people because you couldn’t have each other! Duh! Maybe he really did get lost going back to the dressing room.
The conversation quickly shifts and moves on from Danny’s confession, and everything is normal. They could help you realize that the feelings were reciprocated.
When Danny eventually makes it out of there, he makes his way back to his hotel room. But on his way up, he quickly checks to see if any of the boys are following him, before making a stop on the way.
The knock on your door doesn’t startle you, in fact, you were kind of ready for it. You had gotten back a little while ago and turned on the shower to let it heat up. When you answer it, you grin up at him and grab his arm, pulling him inside. He shuts the door behind himself, before his arms are around your waist, leaning in for a long kiss.
It’s full of this gentleness that he grants you because, well, he always greets you with one sweet, truly loving kiss.
When he pulls away, he grins back at you.
“Hi, sweets.” He hums.
“Hey, handsome.” You respond, “Did you put the boys to bed like I asked?” He laughs at your phrasing, leaning down to kiss your jaw. And then your neck. Again. And again. And one more time for good measure.
“Mhm. They asked me if we were together though.” He keeps kissing your neck.
“I figured as much; they’ve been acting weird.”
“They might think I have a crush on you, now.” He says between kisses.
“And what would give them that idea?” You ask.
“…The fact that I told them I had a crush on you.”
“Well, do you?”
“Mm... I dunno. Might have to kiss you a few more times before I decide for certain.” You grin.
“Yeah... Maybe a little more than kissing too...”
“Well, don’t let me stand in the way of your methods, Danny.”
He grins, and kisses you again, this time, deeper, with none of the gentleness of the initial kiss. But there’s a new feeling you get from him now. Hunger.
And you kiss back, as if you have something deeper than hunger. Starvation, maybe.
And you don’t think either of you will ever be satiated.
By the end of the night, he decides he most definitely has a crush on you.
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fic#greta van fleet fanfiction#greta van fleet x you#greta van fleet x reader#danny wagner x reader#dan wagner x reader#daniel wagner x reader#danny wagner x you#dan wagner x you#daniel wagner x you#danny wagner x y/n#no use of y/n#josh kiszka x reader#danny wagner gvf#danny gvf#sam kiszka x you#sam kiszka x reader#sammy kiszka x reader#sammy kiszka x you#josh kiszka x you#jake kiszka x reader#jake kiszka x you#danny wagner fluff
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Why'd You Go?
A Sequel to Dial Drunk
A Samuel Kiszka / Daniel Wagner fic
Tags: angst, almost fluff (Danny takes care of Sam), making amends
Trigger Warnings: alcoholism, blood/injury, vomiting, fighting, implied drunk driving, referenced car accident
Words: 4.4 k
A/N: This is for @runwayblues specifically and also that anon who asked about a part two. I love you both <3. Cover made once again by the wonderfully talented @ofthecaravel. Title taken from Orange Juice by Noah Kahan, or my favorite Noah Kahan song. Also yeah this is riddled with angst and I'm not sorry. But enjoy! <3
Feels like I've been ready for you to come home for so long
The ride from the Sheriff’s Station was tense, filled with nothing but silence. Though Sam knew to keep his mouth shut and attempt to stay Daniel’s anger, he still couldn’t help but smile as he sat beside him. His batshit, backwards, insane plan of getting Daniel to talk to him again had somehow worked in his favor.
Periodically, Daniel would glance over at Sam. And every time that happened, his frown would deepen as he took in the sight of Sam’s saccharine grin. But he never commented on it. Instead, the pair remained silent as they drove on through the night, nothing but the sound of the rain pelting the windshield filling the vacuum of voices.
Sam hadn’t even realized they had pulled up to Danny’s house until the latter had gripped his steering wheel so tight his knuckles bleached of color. He couldn't see it, but the man was gritting his teeth fiercely as well, but he’d realize as soon as Daniel spoke.
“How drunk are you,” he growled through his teeth, not even bothering to look over in Sam’s direction. He kept his gaze locked so intensely at the rain slithering down his windshield, Sam irrationally believed that it would start boiling.
“What?” he dumbly asked, feeling like his brain was swimming in molasses.
With a measured, yet heavy breath through his nose, Daniel asked again.
“On a scale of one to ten, how drunk are you?” It was spoken so slowly, each word deliberate and pointed like he was speaking to a toddler. Which, to be fair, Sam was acting like one.
Taken aback by Daniel’s malice, Sam blinked a few times as he took in the sight of his ex. Danny was still pointedly looking in the exact same spot he had been, his nostrils flared and the steering wheel creaking beneath his grip. It was dead silent, save for the windshield wipers squeaking against the glass every second that passed. That was how Sam knew it took him ten seconds to respond.
“I guess an eight and a half…” he slurred, already regretting consuming as much tequila as he had. If he closed his eyes for too long, his head would spin worse than that fair ride that pinned you against the wall as it twisted around.
Daniel’s sigh was heavy as he bonked his head against the steering wheel. Sam thought he heard Danny muttered a “god help me” under his breath before turning the car off and throwing his door open. The rain was incredibly louder outside. Before Sam even fully registered what happened, his door was being opened and his seatbelt became unbuckled.
“Let’s go,” Danny barked, wrapping Sam’s arm around his shoulders and slamming the car door closed with his foot.
Sam didn’t say anything, able to ascertain how bad Daniel’s mood was even through his alcohol muddled brain. But he couldn’t keep that stupid grin from his face. This scenario was bringing up a lot of past memories of the two of them going through nights just like this one where it would end with them both satiated sexually.
And then Sam was rudely thrown out of his reminiscing when Daniel all but tossed him against a brick wall so that he could unlock his front door. And due to that, Sam felt the scrape on his arm reopen.
Before Sam could say anything about it to Danny, the drunken idiot was being tugged inside and manhandled into a seat so that the sober man could take off his shoes. It was probably the most aggressive Daniel had ever taken care of Sam, and frankly, Sam didn’t understand what he’d done to deserve that.
“Dan, are you maaaaad at me?” Sammy asked, whining like a child. Without really meaning to, he also flashed the man his puppy dog eyes.
All he got in return was a scowl.
“Did you really just ask me that?” Daniel’s response was clipped, his tone laced with uncut rage just barely repressed for the sake of accommodating the stillness of the early morning hour.
“You’ve been angry at me since you picked me up from the station and I deserve to know why,” Sam demanded, attempting to sound as adult as he didn’t feel. Attempted to, anyway. He was way too drunk and his demand had come across as a child threatening a temper tantrum if he didn’t get his cookie.
For a moment, Daniel seemed as if he was going to answer that honestly, Sam noticing how his body was tensing up like it used to before he rose to Sam’s bait before one of their huge arguments. But then, like a balloon deflating, Daniel just cast his attention away from the drunken idiot and stood from his spot.
“It’s too early for this shit and you’re way too drunk for this,” he breathed, rubbing his temples with his fingers, “so lay down on your side and try to sleep. I’m going to leave my door cracked so I can hear if you throw up, but do not even think about going in there, you understand?”
Sam, not knowing anything Daniel just said at him, stared blankly at the sober man.
“Do you understand me?” Daniel asked again, clamping his hands on either side of Sam’s face so that he was looking Danny in the eyes.
“You’re so pretty,” Sam gushed. If this were a cartoon from the 60s, hearts would’ve been floating out of his head.
“You are fucking unreal,” Daniel spat in disgust, ripping his hands away from Sam’s face when the latter melted into his grip.
Able to recognize that Danny was leaving, Sam grabbed at his sleeve and tugged Danny towards him. “Noooooo, you’re not done taking care of meeeeeeee.”
Sam swore that he heard Danny growl under his breath before he turned to face Sam. If he hadn’t been so drunk, he might’ve jumped at the amount of annoyance and anger burning in Daniel’s eyes.
“What are you talking about?” Daniel hissed, yanking his arm away from the drunkard’s grip. Sammy was pulled forward just a touch before he let go of Danny’s sleeve.
“My arm! It’s all cut up and-” Sam made the mistake of glancing over to his actively bleeding elbow, a river of red sluggishly making its way down towards his hand. As he noticed how much blood was pouring out of his wound, he felt his stomach violently churn and lurch.
Suddenly, Sam felt his skin turn cold as bile began to climb its way up his throat. He clamped a hand over his mouth to ensure that he wouldn’t vomit all over Danny’s floor before he shot up from his spot in the chair. His eyes snapping open to the size of dinner plates, Sam ran for the kitchen sink. It was only a few paces away, but he still sent a prayer to whoever would listen that he made it.
The sound of his retching was disgusting to his own ears. Sam couldn’t imagine how vile it was for Danny who was stone cold sober. It wasn’t pleasant. He’d always hated throwing up, the way it would burn your throat and leave your teeth all gritty and coated in plaque. The taste was the worst part. Sour like the Devil and repulsive in the worst way. Liquor never tasted pleasant the second time around.
With a tremendous sigh Sam heard between bouts of sickness, Daniel walked over to the drunkard and gathered Sam’s long locks in his hand and stood by as Sam puked up the sorrows he attempted to drown. Sam noticed how he’d grimace with each retch, but he stayed put. And at one point, Danny even patted Sammy’s back when he moaned in absolute misery. Though, if Sam could see Daniel’s face, he’d have been able to see the exasperation written all over his features.
When Sam’s stomach stopped convulsing and forcing all of the tequila he drank out of him, he spit into the sink to attempt to rid his mouth of the horrible taste. Of course, it was no use and that godforsaken bitterness lingered. With another pathetic groan, Sam slowly pulled his head out of the sink. Daniel dropped Sam’s hair and turned the faucet on, spraying away Sam’s vomit from the stainless steel.
Sam, his head no longer spinning but feeling as though it was comprised of television static, sank to the floor as he leaned against the cabinet beneath the sink. He held his head in his hands and simply closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of the water rather than his own shame. He didn’t know how long he had sat there like that before Daniel interrupted his pity party by handing him a glass of water.
“Stay there,” Daniel tiredly sighed before Sam heard him leave the room. The drunkard downed that water, saving the last gulp to swish it around in his mouth and spit it back into the glass before setting it off to the side.
Sam, not knowing what to do and simply wanting his misery to cease, began humming Old Man by Neil Young to try and calm himself. It was halfway through the first chorus that Daniel returned. He held a tube of toothpaste that was half empty, a toothbrush still in its packaging, and a white box with red letters nearly entirely rubbed off. Sam instantly recognized it. It was the first aid kit that Danny’s mom had given to him after he had cut himself while cooking and had no band-aids to speak of. She insisted that the two of them keep it when she showed up for dinner the next Sunday, Sam taking it from her because Daniel was stubborn about the whole affair.
After Danny had set the items on the counter, he kneeled down next to Sam. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Sam felt himself be hoisted to his feet by his not-bleeding arm. His wooziness returned as his blood rushed from his head, having to lean on the counter to stay up-right. He still had to keep his eyes closed lest he allow himself to be overtaken by his headrush. He heard Daniel ripping open the packaging of the toothbrush before poking Sam with it. Sam blearily opened his eyes before accepting the toothbrush and reaching over Danny to grab the toothpaste. Once Sam finished brushing his teeth, he held up his arm towards Danny who was holding a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol in his hands.
Sammy hissed in pain as Daniel wiped down Sam’s wound, seeing Danny roll his eyes from the coroner of his. Biting back the urge to call him out like he would’ve ten months prior, Sam simply let out a sigh. He thought Danny was being unnecessarily rough with him, but also knew making a comment would result in a fight. But then, thinking about it, anything Sam would’ve said probably would result in a fight.
With that thought, Sam realized how he felt significantly more sober than before he had thrown up. And here he was just thinking that was just a myth.
“Seeing blood has never made me throw up like that before,” Sam tentatively spoke, hoping to make some kind of conversation with Danny that wouldn’t cause a row. He watched as Danny threw one bloody cotton ball away before picking up another and pouring isopropyl on it.
“Well, drinking a bar dry of their liquor might have that side effect,” Danny spat, refusing to look at Sam.
Sam, forgetting himself, scoffed at the statement.
“That’s fucking rich coming from you.”
With that, Daniel finally looked Sam in the eye again. And Sam wished he hadn’t. Just like every other instance that night, Daniel’s eyes were burning with an unfettered rage. But, unlike the other times, Sam realized that Danny’s restraint had snapped.
“So that’s how this is gonna go, huh?” Daniel’s grip on Sam’s injured arm tightened; not enough to hurt but enough to feel it.
“You and I both know there was a point in time where you could drink me and an entire bar of drunks under the table,” Sam spat, each word forcefully delivered as he stared down his ex.
“That was a year ago, Sam!”
“Oh, so that makes you better than me, right?”
“I wasn’t the one tossed into the fucking drunk tank tonight, was I?”
Once again, Sam laughed bitterly. “Yeah. You’re right. You weren’t. Tonight, anyway.”
Sammy watched Daniel’s hand holding the cotton ball curl itself into a fist. He also watched as his jaw clenched in anger. Danny, before he could really get into his anger bred out of offense, took several breaths to center himself. Perhaps needing a distraction, Daniel went back to tending to Sam’s bleeding wound.
“You have no right to act all holier-than-thou with me, Daniel,” Sam hissed, gripping his free hand onto the side of the counter so hard his knuckles drained of color.
“Don’t you bring up my past-”
“Our past.”
“Right. Our past. You were right there next to me while we drank ourselves nearly to death. What’s your fucking point, Samuel?!”
Sam was gritting his teeth, his jaw going sore from the sheer force of it. “My point is that you can’t only blame me for what happened!!”
Danny ripped his hand off of Sam’s arm, the action making the drunk man’s skin throb. It only fueled Sam’s anger.
“I changed! The whole fucking town changed after that! You, Samuel, are the only one who didn’t!! Dont you find that fucking strange?? Or are you too busy trying to drown yourself in alcohol every night to fucking notice?!” Daniel cried, his tone beginning to border on hysterical.
“Oh, I am so sorry, your highness! I guess that I am the fucking problem!! It’s my fault, everyone, because you weren’t an adult responsible for your actions!!” Sam argued back rather immaturely, waving his arms around as he yelled.
“You know that last time I drank I ended up passed out, face down in the snow of our backyard. That was ten months ago,” Daniel growled, his hands curling into fists.
“Oh, so I’m just pulling you down, huh?! God, you always had to blame everyone else besides yourself,” Sam spat back.
Again, Daniel stopped. This time, it was right before he said something, his mouth poised open ready to strike. But, then he snapped it shut and closed his eyes again.
“Why did you call me, Sam? Why do you always call me?” The only way Sam could describe the look Danny was giving him was “wounded puppy”.
It was spoken so quietly, so frailly that it made the other pause. He was far from prepared for how the atmosphere had shifted on a dime. While Sam struggled to comprehend the change, Daniel finally finished cleaning and bandaging Sam’s wound, dropping his arm and shutting the first aid kit.
How could Sam answer that? With the truth?
I always call you because every minute that passes without you is pure agony for me. I call you when I’m drunk because I’m too much of a coward to do it in the light of day and sober. I only call you when I’m arrested because it’s the only good excuse I have to call you. I love you and I need you to come back, no matter how toxic what we had was.
When Samuel failed to answer and the oppressive silence of the darkened hours before dawn became too much, Daniel spoke again.
“What do you want from me?”
That… That was something Sam could answer.
“I want answers, Daniel.”
Danny let out a tired sigh at the statement, his eyes casting downwards. It was silent once more after that, only the sound of Danny’s nails nervously rapping on the counter filling the void of sound.
Sam counted. Two minutes had passed before he scrounged up the courage to speak again. It felt like a century.
“Why’d you go?”
Daniel turned his body away from Sam, placing both hands on the counter before him. “You know why.”
“No. I deserve better than that. You can’t just pick up in the middle of the night without a fucking word and expect me to be satisfied with ‘you know why’!” Sam felt his heart rate pick up as his anger spiked again.
“You would know if you ever paid attention to me,” Daniel growled under his breath, a muscle in his jaw ticking as he clenched it.
“Maybe if you hadn’t screamed at me every fucking night, I would’ve been more inclined to listen!”
That made Danny snap again, his palm slamming down onto the counter so hard that it rattled the rest of the house. With that, Sam took a step back involuntarily.
Daniel cut himself off, his words seeming to catch in his throat as his emotions changed from outraged to haunted in the blink of an eye. Instantly, Sam knew what Daniel was remembering.
Sam could hear them too, the sound of the tires screaming against the pavement as they braked too quickly, the glass shattering around them as Sam covered his neck to save it from the razor-sharp shards. The feeling of traveling in slow motion as the ice of the road sent them careening into a telephone pole to avoid the bright headlights speeding towards them head on. The sensation of no sensation in Sam’s right arm until he attempted to move it, and was suddenly overtaken by blinding pain. The wail he released at the agony sounding foreign to his own ears.
“I had to leave,” Daniel shakily finished, his hands quaking as he ran them over his face, “Being around… being around alcohol like that…”
At that point, Danny looked up at Sam, his eyes dripping with sorrow and repressed guilt. Sam felt tears of his own threaten to fall, his chest painfully twisting at the sight of his love in such turmoil. He felt especially helpless when Danny broke down into tears, folding in on himself as his shoulders began shaking.
Biting his lip and throwing caution to the wind, Sam took the steps to get to Daniel before wrapping his arms around the crying man. To his complete surprise, Danny leaned into Sam’s embrace and clutched at Sam’s still damp shirt.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Sam soothed, resting his head atop Daniel’s. He began running his hands over Danny’s back, praying it would offer any comfort to his ex.
“You weren’t the one driving,” Danny whispered between sobs.
“But I was the one who convinced you to go out drinking that night,” Sammy reminded, his guilt punching open a previously haphazardly bandaged bullet hole in his gut.
Danny remained silent after that, save for his sniffles.
“It’s just as much my fault as it is yours.”
“We were lucky no one died,” Daniel squeaked, his voice cracking halfway in. He burrowed deeper into Sam’s embrace.
“You were lucky you walked away without a scratch. I had to wear an arm cast for months,” Sam teased, even laughing weakly. Well, he attempted too, anyway. It seemed to only manage to make Daniel feel worse.
“I’m sorry-”
“I’ve already forgiven you.”
Another bout of silence permeated the air, this one much less tense, however. Sam, selfishly, was happy. He was finally holding onto Daniel again after almost a year of not even seeing him once. Not for lack of trying, of course.
“And, really, I should be the one apologizing to you.” Sam suppressed his very strong urge to kiss Daniel on his forehead, knowing it was inappropriate. But, damn, if he didn’t want to shower him in kisses until it got through to Daniel just how sorry he was for all the pain he caused him.
Daniel pulled away. And Sam, reluctantly, let him. The both of them wiped away their tears, their eyes casting anywhere that wasn’t each other. This was different from earlier where they feared looking at one another would result in a fist fight; this time around, it boiled down to awkwardness.
After a moment of wringing his hands, Daniel cleared his throat and made an aborted motion with his hand. “I’m… let me get you some dry clothes before you catch death.”
And with that, he disappeared down the hall. Sam, now alone with nothing but the darkness and his thoughts for company (both of which he despised), distracted himself by looking around Daniel’s kitchen for something to eat as his stomach rumbled. But as it clenched in phantom pain of how violently he had retched not even an hour earlier, he settled on finding something to drink.
Right as Sam finished pouring himself a glass of orange juice, Daniel returned with fresh clothes clutched to his chest. Without a word - despite him making a failed attempt at speaking - Danny simply handed them over to Sam.
“The bathroom is down the hall and to the right; first door,” Daniel informed, not able to hold eye contact with Sam for more than a second.
With a quiet “thank you”, Sam accepted the clothes and went off to change. He couldn’t help the wistful smile on his lips as he recognized the pair of sweatpants Danny handed him as an old pair of his own. He thought he’d lost them. After he pulled those on and an old t-shirt, Sam threw his wet clothes over the curtain rod so that they could dry properly. Taking a deep breath, Sam left the bathroom and went to face Daniel again.
“I wasn’t sure if they would fit,” Danny admitted, playing with the hem of his own sweatshirt.
“Y-Yeah, they fit well…” Sam nervously played with his hair, pushing it out of his face and tucking it behind his ears.
Once again, the air was permeated with an awkward silence. There was so much still left unsaid between the two. They both wanted to say so much, yet didn’t at the same time. More accurately, they didn’t know how.
Sam, his heart pounding harder than a war drum, was the first to speak.
“Is there any reality where I get to call you mine again?” Sam smiled nervously, the poor thing only lasting on his lips for a second before it fell.
That made Daniel look Sam in the eyes, clearly caught by surprise. Sam watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed, his eyes darting away from Sam again.
“I… I don’t know. You haven’t seemed to grow or learn from our… the incident.”
“I’ll quit, I swear,” Sam quickly promised, taking a step towards Daniel in his haste to prove his willingness and eagerness. It seemed to be the wrong thing to do as Daniel reacted by taking a step backwards.
Judging by the other man’s reaction, he hadn’t meant to. But it was too late. Danny’s actions spoke louder than his words. Sam hung his head, dropping the hand he had reached out to his former partner.
“We weren’t good for each other, Sam.”
“Please, just give me one more chance. I promise I’ll be what you deserve this time around,” Sam begged, knowing that if he didn’t have that one last shred of dignity left, he would be on his knees before Daniel.
Still, Danny didn’t seem convinced. And Sam, knowing that he wouldn’t change Daniel’s mind that night, simply sighed and resigned himself to that.
“I know my behavior tonight or over the past few months proves nothing, so how about this. I get help and quit drinking; and if in three months I’m not sober or close to it, I leave you alone forever. I want to prove to you how much you mean to me, Daniel. Please give me the chance to do that.” Sam was trying his absolute best to try and catch Danny’s eye, achieving his goal at the last moment.
Sam felt studied beneath Daniel’s watchful eye, his very soul being peered into by that amber gaze. After what felt like an eternity, Danny seemed to come to a conclusion.
“I’ll help you.”
“If you really mean it, I’ll help you get sober.”
Sam froze for a second. It was hardly what he was expecting. But once his brain kicked back online, Sam felt his entire body come alight with hope.
“I am. I really am. I hate the direction my life has gone. But, won’t you be at risk?”
Daniel failed at suppressing a smile. “While I appreciate your concern, I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t think I was strong enough to handle it.”
“Then I would love nothing more,” Sam breathed, a smile of his own spreading across his lips.
“But, this does not mean we’re back together, you understand? I won’t even consider that until I think you’ve proved you are worth a second chance,” Daniel firmly reinforced, gesturing with his hand as he spoke.
“Completely understood,” Samuel enthusiastically confirmed, all but buzzing with excitement at simply the prospect of a second chance at being with Danny again.
It was at that moment that Sam realized that the sun had begun to poke its eager head above the horizon, weak rays of light needling their way into the window of Danny’s kitchen.
“We should at least try to get some sleep,” Daniel implored, his eyes staring regretfully at the very early morning rays of sun, “you can sleep on the couch.”
Sam nodded, glancing at the couch aforementioned.
“Can I hug you?” he blurted out, regretting it as soon as the request left his lips. Of course he would say no, it was still way too early in their very tentative attempt at rebuilding their relationship. He was a fool for even thinking-
Not for the first time that night, Daniel Robert Wagner had surprised Sam.
With a smile on his face that displayed exactly that, he carefully took a step forward. When Danny didn’t move, Sam took another. Then another. Then another. Finally, he tentatively wrapped his arms around the man in front of him; Daniel copied the act.
Sam had to blink rapidly to keep himself from crying. It was no use. The tears fell down his cheeks on their own accord as Daniel squeezed his former lover, pulling him closer.
“Thank you,” Sam shakily whispered.
When the two pulled apart, Daniel gently wiped away a tear on Sam’s cheek and then made his way to get some sleep. As Sam stood alone in his ex’s living room with dawn rapidly encroaching, he felt, for the first time in a very long time, like he had something to look forward to. For the first time since he awoke alone in his formerly shared apartment ten months ago, Sam finally cared; it was freeing. With Daniel at his side, he would conquer his demons.
Tag List: @doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @ageoferin @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @strugglingtodoshit @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22 @satanplayshisfluteforhim @starsasone @writingcold @tearsofbri @teddiie @GardensGateDaisy @sparrowofthedawnsworld @angelbabyyy99 @whollyfreeamongststars @gretaswhore28 @l0rdoffli3s @kay-jordan @lightmyloverry @kenzie18 @gotavansleep @roosterbbradley @freckled-wonder @flower-power-anthem @Gabyvanfleet @Sarakay-gvf @Mamalikes-gvf @josh-iamyour-mama @st4rdust-ch0rds @fallonfatality @earthlysorrows @jessicafg03 @rossy1080 @hippievanfleet @spark-my-nature @hayley1623 @schleeble @gretavanflipflop @mehboihourz @jakeydoesit @busybeingtrash
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#greta van fleet#greta van fic#sam kiszka#samuel francis kiszka#sammy gvf#danny wagner#daniel robert wagner#samuel kiszka x daniel wagner#sanny gvf#sam x daniel
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Eat You Up

Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader x Sam Kiszka
Word Count: ~5k
Warnings: this is a threeway with HEAVY slash ft. fingering, food play (is that a term? Idk. It's whipped cream. Y'all know I'm not big on fetishes lol), oral sex, unprotected penetrative sex, facial, dirty talking. 18+ only <3
Thanks for the V-Day request, @brokebellsgvf ❤️💕 I spent zero time working yesterday and today. Instead, I wrote this LOL I really hope you enjoy!
Your heart buzzed with excitement when you opened the front door and stepped onto the beginning of a trail of red and pink rose petals. You bent down to pick one up, feeling the silky softness between your fingers, and smiled to yourself as you imagined what might lie at the end of the trail, undoubtedly in the bedroom–a bottle of champagne, perhaps? A box of chocolates? Or maybe even chocolate sauce and whipped cream, and maybe some strawberries too, since sugar and your boyfriend just went so well together regardless of it being Valentine’s Day or not. But Danny always knew how to make each holiday exceptional, especially Valentine’s Day–he loved every aspect of it, no matter how tacky or commercial, because it meant he had even more of a reason to dote on you, to show how much he adored your and how much he enamored you.
Too bad he wasn’t home yet, you thought as you dropped your bag and hung up your coat, then walked down the length of the rose petal trail. It would be difficult to not break into whatever was waiting down the hall for you without him, but he’d be home soon enough and then you two had the entire night together, and it wouldn’t be a short one.
But when you opened the bedroom door and flicked the light on, it wasn’t a pile of romantic gifts on the bed that you saw–it was Sam, spread out and lounging atop a big smattering of those rose petals, and he was chewing on a strawberry in nothing more than a pair of bright red boxers.
“Samuel!” you shouted, bringing a hand to your chest. Totally unexpected in every way, his sudden appearance had given you quite the fright. Sam having his own key to yours and Danny’s place sometimes proved to be a total disruption. “What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you,” he answered, sitting up and crossing his legs. “And waiting for Daniel.”
Since you’d been given a moment to catch your breath, you could see the bowl of strawberries next to him and the bottle of champagne, the box of chocolates and a can of whipped cream all on the floor–you’d guessed correctly about those. You just hadn’t guessed right about your boyfriend’s best friend being there too, because that thought had never entered your mind.
“What? Why?” you asked, remaining standing in the doorway, arms crossed over your chest. You loved Sam with all your heart, but Danny had your heart and soul, and you’d really been looking forward to Valentine’s Day with JUST your boyfriend.
“He said he didn’t want you to have to spend one single minute of Valentine’s day alone,” Sam told you, then patted the empty space next to him. “Join me, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for fucking ever.”
“Sam, you know I get off work at five,” you replied, still motionless and still feeling bristly from this unexpected turn of events. All day, you’d been thinking about Danny, not his best friend.
“Ah, that’s right. I forgot.” Sam grinned, those Bambi eyes turning scandalous as he looked at you. “Well, between now and whenever Danny gets home, I could also get you off for real. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
You sighed with more irritation than was sincere, because a tingle was already between your legs at the thought of that and at the image of Sam before you, always so beautiful even when he was annoying and obscenely intrusive. It wouldn’t be cheating. You and Danny had an arrangement–both of you could fool around with Sam and only Sam whenever you wanted as long as the other knew about it and gave permission. It had never been an issue, primarily because the two of you had always involved Sam together, not separately. Sam proposing some one-on-one time with you was brand new.
“Did Danny say that was okay? Really?”
Sam nodded fervently. “He said we can do anything and everything until he gets here. So what do ya say?” He gestured to the nightstand lamp that was glowing a soft, warm yellow light. “And turn the light off–you ruined the mood.”
You considered all of that, lips pursing as you narrowed your eyes at him. You unlocked your phone and swiped to Danny’s number. “I’m gonna call him. Just to be safe,” you said, and you caught Sam rolling his eyes in response.
“Hey, babe,” Danny said when he picked up, so casual–like he hadn’t orchestrated all of this. So had he really?
“Hello, my love. I have a quick question,” you said, eyeing Sam, who looked way too comfortable nearly naked and on your bed without Danny. “Did you really invite Sam over here?”
Danny laughed. “Yeah, I did. It was a surprise! I just didn’t want you to be alone. But I’ll be home soon.” His pitch dropped and his words slowed just a bit as he asked, “Are you guys having a good time?”
You were in shock all over again, but at least Sam hadn’t been sneaky about any of this. Well, so it seemed. You still had some questions: “So you’re okay with us…killing some time together? Just the two of us?”
Sam grinned in front of you, leaning back on his elbows against the mattress, while Danny said, “Sure. Just one thing–hands only.”
“Oh?” you chirped, glancing down at Sam’s big yet graceful and lithe hands spread out over the comforter.
“Kissing is also allowed,” Danny told you. Even though he was talking about you and Sam, his voice had returned to being deep and seductive, making that tingle between your legs return. “But not down there. You know? Not until I come home, anyway.”
Before you could reply, Sam chimed in with, “Ask him if we can drink the champagne.”
“I heard that. Tell him no,” Danny answered. “And don’t tell him about the other bottle in the fridge. All good, princess?”
“Yes, all good. This was all just so surprising,” you admitted. “How much longer ‘til you’re home?”
“Probably another hour. I’ll text you when I leave but I, personally, won’t be surprised if you don’t check your phone.” Danny let out a soft chuckle before he added, “Have fun. Just not too much fun.”
“Okay. Love you,” you said, only hanging up after Danny said it right back. Suddenly you were a bundle of nerves with this new venture, and you wished you could crack into the champagne without Sam hogging it for himself. Instead, you reminded yourself that this was just Sam, one of your best friends, Danny’s own best friend, and someone you’d already kissed and touched more than enough times to be comfortable with doing all that again.
“Danny said to save the champagne,” you said as you flipped the ceiling light off. Then you were stepping forward; Sam was watching, eyebrows slightly raised. “He also said hands only.”
Sam tsked and rolled his eyes again. “Oh, come on.”
You were directly in front of him now; you placed your hands on his bare shoulders. “Those are the rules, Sammy, and we’re gonna follow ‘em.”
Sam’s head turned, his eyes landing on your right hand on his shoulder; when he looked back up at you, dark eyes wide with what you surmised as his own version of surprise, his visage of smugness totally fell away. That was all it took for your nerves to cool off, and it didn’t take more than a few moments until you were also just in your undergarments, the two of you lying on the bed with your hands all over one another. Things always moved quickly when Sam was around.
“No special V-day lingerie?” he asked as he ran one finger down your bra strap. He was on top, straddling you, and his apparent erection was tenting his boxers and pressing right into your thigh.
“I was going to put something on,” you said. “But just for my boyfriend.” It was true–you had a matching set of red and pink lace tucked away in the dresser. Instead, you were now still in basic black, though you knew that it was nothing for Sam to complain about. He was lucky to see you in anything–or nothing–at all, especially with Danny being absent.
“I’m your boyfriend right now,” Sam replied, slick and easy, and you laughed and shook your head. He chuckled and brought his hands lower to squeeze your breasts, making your heartbeat speed up. “What do you think he’s gonna wear for you? Do you think he’s got some sexy briefs on right now or something?”
You looked up behind yourself, thinking about it for a moment, imagining what Danny truly might be wearing beneath his innocent blue jeans. “Maybe. He’s clearly full of surprises. Besides, he might want to top what he wore for me last year.”
Sam wiggled on top of you a little bit. “What’d he wear last year?”
You could still see it so clearly in your mind. “A purple crushed velvet g-string.”
Sam’s jaw dropped. “He did not.”
You laughed and ran your hands up and down Sam’s arms. “He did! It was made for men, but it still barely covered his junk. I loved it. It was also totally unexpected.”
Sam hummed in thought before he said, “Yeah. Danny does have a really big cock.”
It’d been a while since you’d heard Sam say that word, and it had the same effect on you as it always did–sweeping arousal that made you blush furiously. You could feel the flush spreading up your chest to your neck and face, and Sam, of course, took note. He bent down, cupping your face in his hands, and pressed a long, soft kiss to your lips.
Although it had taken only seconds for Sam to help you strip down to your bra and panties and climb on top of you, his kisses remained slow and lingering–also surprising. It was as if he was a little nervous too, though he was skilled at playing it off and masquerading as confident, even cocky. Instead of the rushed, over-eager gnashing of teeth and tongue you’d imagined, he was gentle and considering with each brush of his lips and small swipe of his tongue; his hands were the same along your body, with those longer fingers dancing over your skin, his palms skating gracefully over the the planes and curves of your muscles and flesh.
You reciprocated, touching him wherever you could. Sam’s shoulders were slighter than Danny’s and his back was narrower and, unencumbered by anyone else, you were able to touch him completely freely. His skin was satiny and warm, inviting beneath your fingers, which slipped lower and lower, traveling down his waist, over his belly, then finally to linger at the elastic waistband of his boxers.
“Should I take them off?” Sam asked, his lips pressed against your chin while the kisses were paused.
“I think,” you said as you indeed thought about it, quickly coming to a conclusion while Sam ground against you. “We should leave what we have on, on. Let Danny unwrap us both when he gets home. It’s the least we can do.”
Sam gave a huff of disapproval, but your hand wrapping around his cock cut the noise short. He sighed with what sounded like relief instead and nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath warm against your ear as he said, “Fair enough. A few scraps of fabric have never truly impeded me.”
“You hate clothes,” you said with a small laugh. You caressed Sam’s upper back with one hand while the other still managed to stroke him down below, the weight and structure of his dick still very obvious in your hand despite the layer of cotton acting as a barrier.
“Yeah, but I like you enough to respect your wishes.” Sam hummed and humped into your hand as his nose brushed against the side of your neck. “This feels good, but you sliding your hand down there might feel better.”
To spare him from chafing and ruining the whole night, you obliged and, when you did, Sam reciprocated by slipping his fingers beneath the top of your panties. Though the contact was expected, your breath still hitched at the sensation, then a quiet moan slipped out when Sam’s middle finger slid right over your clit.
It was a little funny, or that was the best word you could come up with in your Sam-filled haze, that just as you were fully relaxing into everything, Sam said, “This is kinda weird without him, isn’t it?” You didn’t have time to reply before he deliberately circled your clit and went on: “If Danny was here now, what do you think he’d be doing?”
It didn’t take long to conjure the image in your head which you relayed to Sam: “I’d have my head in his lap…and he’d be leaning over me to kiss you.”
Sam popped up, looking into your eyes now with rejuvenated excitement. “You think so?” He glanced up while his fingers slid down, spreading through your warmth and wetness. “Yeah, I could see that.
Your groin tightened as Sam, seemingly unknowingly, teased you, still looking up as though he were still musing to himself. “Do you like kissing Danny?” you asked, already knowing the answer. Sam never did anything he didn’t want to do, and he had kissed Danny a lot. You were pretty sure the two of them had kissed long before you and Danny had kissed.
Sam’s eyes met yours, and a tiny smile just barely curled one side of his mouth. “Fuck yeah, I do.” He dove back down to plant a kiss on your mouth–this one was searing, stealing your breath away, and you didn’t doubt the sudden surge of passion was inspired by him just thinking about kissing your boyfriend again. Soon, that would be reality for both of you.
As you fisted Sam’s cock beneath his boxers and the kisses carried on, a dribble of precum helped the slide and you imagined Danny behind him, holding him and kissing his neck. You moaned softly against Sam’s mouth as your imagination kept constructing those pictures behind your closed eyes, and as two of Sam’s fingers slid inside you to curl and pump slowly.
The slightly distant sound of the front door opening and closing made you both pause. You turned your cheek, breaking your swollen, tender lips away from Sam’s, and Sam also turned his head to listen. When Danny’s gentle footsteps sounded over the wooden floorboards, he looked back down at you with a broad smile, white teeth gleaming. He winked before he rolled off you and laid on his back, tucking his arms behind his head and staring at the open doorway.
You stood up, legs slightly shaky, and met Danny just before he could step inside the room. He smiled even bigger than Sam had, eyes brightening as soon as he looked at you, and scooped you into a tight hug with his face pressed into your hair.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” you said against his shoulder. One of Danny’s hands trailed down your waist to your ass, giving it a squeeze, and you sighed. You leaned back and reached to touch his face, guiding it to yours, and the kiss your boyfriend gave you felt like the only gift you really needed. Everything else was a bonus.
Danny pulled back, that one hand still on your ass while the other caressed your hair and the nape of your neck. “Happy Valentine’s day, babe. What have I been missing?”
“We’ve been thinking about you, big man,” Sam announced from the bed, and Danny peered past you to look at him. You pivoted to lean against Danny’s side and look back at his best friend.
Danny laughed, but you caught him also blatantly raking his eyes up and down Sam’s long, nearly-naked form, then your own. “Red boxers, Sam–so festive.”
Sam held his hands up over his head. “You said hands only, so I kept them on.”
“Appreciate it,” Danny said, hooking his arm around your waist and holding you close, his eyes still fixed on Sam.
“We have to get your clothes off,” you declared, revved up by just the unwavering and smoldering eye contact those two boys were sharing. You tugged at the hem of Danny’s sweater, lifting it up past his stomach, then Sam was shifting in your peripheral vision. A second later he was standing there next to you, unbuckling Danny’s belt as you got the sweater completely up and over his head.
Once Danny’s upper body was clothing-free and his jeans were being yanked down by Sam, he grabbed a handful of Sam’s hair and pulled him up. You watched, thighs pressing together with an ache, as Danny enraptured his mouth–he held the side of Sam’s sharp, pretty face while their lips moved together and a slip of their tongues interrupted, and Sam’s hands gripped Danny’s hips tight, his fingers digging into his lower back.
You and Sam ended up both swarming Danny with hands and mouths; Danny had to cajole the two of you to the bed and he ended up on his back with you on one side, Sam on the other. Both the boys’ boxers were discarded, then Danny’s hands were back on you, tearing your panties away and unhooking your bra.
“I waited all day for this,” Danny said, cupping the back of your head and bringing you closer for a sweet kiss that made you melt against him.
“Me fucking too,” you heard Sam say, then you glanced toward him, watching him latch his mouth to Danny’s neck. His hand roamed down Danny’s body to grab his cock and Danny gasped while he threw his spare arm out to clasp Sam’s shoulders.
“I still can’t believe you guys planned this without me,” you said, sliding down the bed on your knees. You pulled one of Danny’s legs to the side to kneel between them, giving Sam another minute of stroking your boyfriend’s cock before you knocked him away and took it over for yourself.
“We both felt pretty confident you’d be into it,” Danny explained, then exhaled deeply. He was idly running his fingers over Sam’s shoulder while he watched you jerk him off, then his thighs quivered around you when you sent a trail of saliva dripping down over the head of his cock. “Oh fuck,” Danny said softly, transfixed on you for another moment until he looked at Sam, Danny’s dark eyelashes fluttering while Sam stared right back at him and licked his lips. Sam’s hands found Danny’s chest, fingers toying with his nipples while he leaned forward and stole your boyfriend away into a sequence of heated kisses that made that ache in your belly intensify.
You just couldn’t take much more. It’d been a while since the three of you had gotten together like this, and you hadn’t clearly remembered how viscerally turned on and bewitched just watching those two made you. Their kisses were fluid and full of passion, so much history and love between them that, every once in a while, got the most profound physical outlet and expression–how could you be even slightly annoyed at Sam’s interruption of Valentine’s Day when what you were witnessing was so beautiful?
A few more strokes, then you were hiking yourself over Danny’s hips and sinking down onto his spit-slick cock. Neither he nor Sam expected it–Danny groaned, peeling himself away from Sam’s flurry of kisses, and both of them were looking at you now. You had to glance away for a second, biting your lip as Danny’s impressive size stretched you out and instantly hit all the little sensitive spots–the extension of your tender pussy lips, the slight brush of his shaft against your clit, the jab of the head of his cock against your g-spot when you leaned forward. Everything sent shudders and tingles up your spine.
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, hands planted firmly on Danny’s chest, then you were whisked away by his hands on your waist and his mouth on your cheek. Soft kisses spread over your face to your mouth, then everything was interrupted by a sharp grunt.
“And you think I move fast!” Sam remarked with a hand in Danny’s hair, tugging it hard enough to make your boyfriend wince and grunt again.
Danny’s hands flailed upwards to cease Sam’s torment. “Jeez, Sam. Chill with that. Tell me what you want.”
Sam looked down at him with a grin. “The whipped cream.” Before either you or Danny could reply, Sam hopped off the bed, dick swinging, and retrieved the can of it, nearly forgotten, from the foot of the bed.
Danny’s eyes found yours, his hands gentle on your waist. “What do you think he’s gonna do with that?”
“Eat you up, apparently,” you replied, because Sam was working fast too. He shook the can and uncapped it, then sprayed a line of foamy, white cream up Danny’s sternum and neck.
“That’s right,” Sam agreed, bending down to drag the tip of his tongue through just a little bit of it over Danny’s chest. Then he straightened and pulled you into a kiss, knocking you forward more; you gasped sharply at the pressure of Danny’s cock inside you, then Sam said, “And you are too, right?”
Well, how could you not? Danny had clearly thought about using that whipped cream for more than just strawberries too, and though it was strange, the perfect white cream that was already starting to melt over his golden skin and through his dark chest hair did make him look even more delectable.
You bent down too, licking up his sternum, getting him clean, then licked up the streak of whipped cream from the warm column of his neck. You could feel one of Sam’s hands in your hair while Danny’s hands moved down to squeeze your ass again; when you were sliding your tongue up the underside of Danny’s chin, you felt him pulled to the side. Sam was the culprit again–his other hand was caught in Danny’s curls, tugging him closer, and then his hand in your hair was gone to wrap around his own cock instead.
“Oh my god,” you said, transfixed as Sam squirted some whipped cream onto the head of his cock and Danny wasted no time. He swapped one of his hands for Sam’s ass too, urging him forward while he stuck his tongue out; he slid it around Sam’s sweetened cock, slurping the whipped cream up, then Sam pushed forward, sliding himself deeper into Danny’s mouth.
Sam’s head tilted back, his lips parted in ecstasy, eyes closed and cheeks flushed. “Fuck yeah, Danny. Show her how much you love sucking my dick.” You trembled on top of Danny, feeling paralyzed and so tight with red-hot arousal. Your own mouth fell open in endless surprise when Sam, dropping his head forward, hair hanging in his face, went on with, “Fuck up into Y/N while you suck me off, okay, beautiful?”
Danny could only let out a stifled moan in response. You were stuck on studying both of their faces–Sam’s plush, pink lips still parted as he gazed down at Danny, his dark eyes even darker with stormy arousal. Danny’s long lashes were pressed beneath his eyes, his strong brows knitted slightly with his effort, his cheeks hollowed. Beneath your hands, you could see his chest was flushed and still a little shiny with leftover spit and remnants of that whipped cream, then you saw his ribs press against his skin when his hips shoved up, taking Sam’s request seriously. He started to fuck up into you and a moan tore out of your chest, and one hand flung out to grab Sam’s arm.
Sam twisted his upper body to meet you, his long fingers finding your cheek, stroking your own heated skin, then tangling in your hair. You made him taste the whipped cream on your lips and tongue and swallow your shallow moans as Danny kept thrusting upward, apparently unencumbered by the dick in his mouth. His hand on your ass found your clit, his thumb brushing over it while his fingers splayed over your belly, and Sam began to moan more freely too while he was, undoubtedly, brought closer and closer to the pinnacle of his pleasure.
Suddenly Sam hissed and shook himself away from you. His head fell back again and his entire body was shuddering while he tugged on your hair and tugged on Danny’s with the other; you saw Danny’s eyes open and look up at him. That shared, prolific stare and Danny’s thumb circling your clit with his hard cock deep inside you, repeatedly jutting against your walls, had you mentally scrambled and physically in shambles.
Danny popped off Sam’s dick to say, “Oh man. You two are gonna come at the same time, aren’t you?” and that expert prediction was timed perfectly with your shuddering orgasm, your pussy squeezing tight around Danny, and Sam’s very vocalized one to match. As Danny jerked him off and gave little licks to the tip of his cock, Sam huffed and groaned, whimpered and whined, and as the aftershocks of your own orgasm were running through you, another, wilder shock shot through as Sam came all over Danny’s face and into his mouth.
Everything seemed beyond your control, really–Sam and Danny were such an enchanting duo that you were lost, wrapped up in them, uninhibited and free to feel as much as you wanted. And there was a lot to feel, and a lot to give, and one thing you thought Danny deserved was to feel just a little less messy. Though he really did look beautiful like that, Sam’s cum painted over his cheekbone and jaw, a dribble caught on his bottom lip, so you took in the image for another moment before you lowered yourself and licked all of it away.
“Wow, Sammy,” you said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You wanted to give more, to ride Danny now and make HIM come, but your whole body felt like jelly. “You taste better than I remember.”
“Clean living,” Sam said breathlessly, his eyes still closed, staying closed as he collapsed back onto the bed next to Danny in a heap. He seemed to forego that clean living for now, because he opened his eyes and reached for the whipped cream to uncap it and spray a heaping glob of it into his mouth. He turned and blinked slowly at Danny as he swallowed, then said, “Why didn’t you finish?”
“I was close,” Danny said. You were going to offer to get him there as you were, still clenching around his cock and steady over his hips, but he rolled you over instead. He started to move his hips again, giving shallow but dense thrusts into you; he whipped his head to the side to look at Sam and added, “You shooting your load all over my face distracted me.”
Sam snorted and crawled over to meet the two of you, his hair hanging above your face, his throat bobbing slightly as he tilted his chin up and replied with, “You loved it, Daniel.” Then he peered down at you and touched your forehead, petting your hair back, as you caressed Danny’s biceps and hooked your legs around his hips. “But I won’t be insulted when you love coming inside Y/N even more.”
Danny chuckled, then he gritted out, “God–fuck!” You chuckled too, gazing up at him, who was only blatantly blasphemous while in bed. As his own warm slick filled you up, you pulled him down and let him pant in your ear as you kissed and nibbled on his neck, then down to his shoulder, letting his thrusts die down into tiny rocking motions.
You wished you could see what Sam saw too, though–how Danny��s traps locked up for a second, how his shoulders squared before slumping, how his thighs and ass tightened just as his cock and balls swelled before softening. But what you actually saw was good as well, even more so when Danny lifted himself up and smiled at you–that perfect, charming, sweet-as-sugar smile was the cherry on top.
Or maybe the strawberry, which Sam was eating another one of, coming back to life in full lines, shapes and color once Danny moved off you and took you in his arms. Sam met you two against the headboard, leaning on your right side as Danny leaned on your left, and topped a strawberry with whipped cream before he extended his hand to feed it to you. You chewed and relaxed between your boys; Sam prepared another strawberry and passed it off to Danny.
“So can we open that champagne now?” Sam asked, resting his head on your shoulder. “Or are you guys gonna kick me out now for your own little love fest?”
You exchanged a glance with Danny, who then leaned forward and said to Sam, “I mean, you’re already here. You could stick around for a while longer.”
“And yes, we can open the champagne,” you added, to which Sam gave a victorious smile.
“Excellent,” he said with a contented sigh. A moment of bizarrely comfortable silence passed between you three unorthodox, codependent, brazen and deeply adoring people before he asked, “Does this mean I can see you in that lingerie?”
Tagging: @mackalah @brokebellsgvf @sparrowofrhiannon @starbuggie @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sanguinebats @gvfrry @mindastreamofcolours @clairesjointshurt @bizzielisteningtogreta
If you’d like to be tagged in any of my fics, you can go here or DM me :)
#HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LOVELY PEOPLE#danny wagner#sam kiszka#danny gvf#danny wagner x reader#sam kiszka x reader#greta van fleet#gvf#gvf fanfiction#gvf smut#sanny#PS why doesnt tagging certain people work? lmao
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Pairing: Jake x Reader, Sam x Reader, Jake x OC, Sam x OC
Word Count: Far too many...600k+
Summary: This story centers on a complex love triangle between three characters who are all entangled in a web of long-standing friendships and unspoken feelings. The story explores themes of first love, betrayal, family dynamics, and the challenges of navigating romantic relationships within close-knit social circles. Underlying tensions and unresolved conflicts drive the plot, leading to significant events and emotional confrontations. She loves me, she loves me not? Maybe love really is written in the stars.
WARNINGS FOR THIS SERIES: 18+ MINORS DNI - Alcohol, Gambling, Smoking, Marijuana, Cursing, Dramatic Themes, Nightmares. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Biting, Fingering, Name Calling, Edging, Mentions of Sub/Dom Themes, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex, Digital Penetration, Pet Names, Spanking. Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Infidelity, Heartbreak, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss, Marriage, Hospitalization, Severe Injury, Death, Poor Coping Mechanisms, Slight Alcohol Abuse, Extreme Grief, Fluff.
This story is a collaboration with my lovely pal @gretavanmoon.
Playlist for the Series: Apple Music | Spotify
Chapter List:
one | one revisited
nineteen part one | nineteen part two
twenty-one part one | twenty-one part two
twenty-two part one | twenty-two part two
twenty-five part one | twenty-five part two
twenty-seven part one | twenty-seven part two
twenty-eight part one | twenty-eight part two
The Outtakes:
Plan A
Secret Ingredient
Sin City Revisited
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fan fiction#greta van fleet smut#greta van smut#greta van fic#danny wagner#sam kiszka#jake kiszka#jacob thomas kiszka#daniel robert wagner#samuel francis kiszka#greta van fluff#gvf smut#gvf fic#gvf series#jake gvf#sam kiszka gvf#gvf#josh gvf#sam gvf#gvf danny#jacob kiszka#gretavangroupie#Samuel kiszka#jtk x reader#sfk x reader#sammy gvf#gretavanfluff#greta van angst#vigilance
634 notes
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Spinning Now: "Finish What Ya Started" by Van Halen (1988)
Pairing: Josh x Female Reader
Word Count: 8.2k
Description: You and Josh, your favorite new co worker, decide to share more than drinks as what started as a normal night turns into something you never expected.
Warnings: Smoking, Drinking, Cursing, Drug Use, Heavy Flirting, Praise, Dirty Talk, Touching, Mention of Breakups and Heartbreak, Sadness. Smut: Kissing, Oral M!receiving
New town, new job, new life.
That’s always how things went in the movies, and every time, the girl always got her happy ending.
How hard can it be, right?
After you’d managed to knock the first new off your list when you moved out of your ex’s house and to the next city over, the “job” part was next in line. After a week of filling out applications, you finally landed on the perfect selection, a serving job at Angelo’s Pizza.
You’d started this new job about about three months ago, and you finally felt like you were getting your footing with the flow of things. You’d been a server for as long as you could remember, but getting used to a new restaurant with new people and new menus and management could sometimes prove to be difficult. You were handling it with as much grace as you could, and the money was killer, so you stuck it out.
“You coming to the bar with me tonight?” your new favorite coworker, Josh asked as he stared into the kitchen from the expo window, rolling a pile of coasters across the countertop.
“Mmmh…” You mumbled under your breath. “I dunno, I’ve been here since lunch and my feet are absolutely killing me.”
”Ugh don’t be such a prude, Y/N.” He responded, taking a pepperoni and cheese in one hand, and a supreme in the other. “We’ll be sitting down the whole time. Ya know. In barstools.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You teased, elbowing him in the ribs. “I guess so, but I can’t stay out late like last weekend. I open tomorrow.”
“Oooo, a clopen. That sucks. Well, I don’t. So I can get drunk, and you can watch me.” He flashed you a giant smile before taking off with the pizzas in hand, disappearing into the sea of people seated in the restaurant.
Josh had befriended you on your very first day, comforting you after your manager harshly scolded you for ringing something in incorrectly.
“Don’t worry about it.” He’d said as you pouted in the walk-in. “I still fuck my shit up all the time. The cooks don’t really care, plus if you mess somethin’ up, we get to eat the fucked up pizza.” That was the only thing he said to you the entire day, but it really stuck with you, immediately making you feel a lot better about your tiny mistake.
Now, after a few months of working side by side with Josh, you’d actually gotten to know each other fairly well, and you’d even go as far as calling him one of your good friends. You’d managed to get to know all your coworkers on a surface level, but Josh actually took the time to listen to you when you spoke, and showed real interest in the things you had to say, no matter how menial.
He was cute, and around the same age as you, but there was something about Josh that you couldn’t put your finger on. It was something that struck you, making him stand out from the rest of the guys you worked with. His aura pulled you in, and the way his eyes sparkled in the neon that covered the walls of the restaurant didn’t help the fact that he sometimes made your heart skip a beat. You decided that it was just his looks, though, catching you off guard every once in a while as you were around him more. Most importantly, he made you feel welcome. Like a good friend should.
The more you got to know Josh, the more open he became with you, and you quickly learned that his real personality outside of work was a little bit different than when you were on the clock. It’d become almost a habit, now, joining Josh at his favorite dive bar down the street when you’d both end up on the same closing schedule. It was like Groundhog Day, Josh would ask you to come out, you’d find an excuse to turn him down, but you always left Angelo’s with your hand in his as you tiredly dragged yourselves down the street. Sometimes other coworkers would join you, but it was always the two of you left shutting the bar down, joking and laughing with one another as you waited for your Ubers.
Josh was quickly becoming a norm for you. A fun, platonic norm. And though you were both flirty with one another, it never felt as though it would go past anything but that. Just friends. And you were very content with that.
So tonight, as things wound down and the patrons closed out their tabs, you felt as if you really could use a nightcap or two to reward yourself for not making even one mistake on your orders today.
As you tied the oversized trash bag closed, you met eyes with Josh as he skillfully swiped the mop across the sticky, sauce-covered floor.
He grinned when he saw you looking, making your stomach drop. “What?” He asked, biting his lower lip in as he staved off a full-on smile.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how you roped me into going out again tonight.” You said with faux aggravation.
Josh sucked in his teeth as he plopped the mop back into the big yellow bucket, rolling it over to where you stood. “Actually, I asked you out with me tonight for another reason. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was gonna get absolutely shit hammered, tonight.” His tone was serious rather than silly, and you instantly felt like something was wrong.
“What’s the other reason?” You pressed, lifting the bag from the can. “Everything okay?”
He shook his head and swallowed, opening the double doors to the kitchen to go and dump his bucket. You followed closely behind him with your trash.
“Eh, not really. I’ll tell you all about it when we get there. Let’s lock this bitch up.” He flashed his eyes to the floor as he spoke, which was unlike him. He always spoke with such confidence and effortless ease.
The two of you finished up your closing tasks and said goodnight to the line cooks, grabbing up your things from your lockers and stuffing your aprons back inside. Josh was quiet the whole time, again striking you as out of the ordinary. You hadn’t known Josh long, but you did know him well enough to know that something was off, and he wasn’t handling it well.
“Think I’m going straight for liquor tonight.” He said as you walked arm in arm down the crowded sidewalk to the bar. He tilted his head back, blowing a puff of air above you, watching as the cold air turned it into steam.
“Damn.” You answered. “You must really be going through it, friend.” It was also unlike Josh to drink liquor; each time you were around him, he’d always chosen draft beer.
You both stepped inside the dimly-lit dive bar, letting the heat warm your chilly bones from the cold autumn air. You both took up camp on two stools at the end of the bar, closest to the back wall. The bartender Roy approached you, throwing down two bar napkins in front of you as you got comfortable in your seats.
“Evenin’, guys. Sex on the Beach andddd, Josh, we’ve got a Kolsch and a pale ale on tap, and also a—“
“Jack Daniel’s. Neat, please.” Josh interrupted Roy, causing him to contort his face with surprise.
“Been waiting on you almost five years and never known you to drink liquor. But, alright…” Roy responded as he left for a minute, returning and placing your drinks in front of you. “I’ll keep the tab goin’.”
It was silent between the two of you for the first couple of minutes, both of you sipping your drinks as you relaxed your muscles from the long workday. Finally, you decided you would have to be the one to speak first, for once.
“Okay, spill. What’s got you on the hard stuff tonight?” You asked, turning to face Josh in your stool.
He leaned on his elbow, his tight black t-shirt squeezing his toned arm just right. “I got dumped last night.”
You felt your eyebrows jump to your forehead. “What?! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Josh…I didn’t even know you had a—“
“Nah, it’s okay. I could kinda tell shit was going sideways, anyway, ya know? Almost expected it. But, still doesn’t make it hurt any less.” He disconnected his eye contact, tilting his glass back all the way and finishing off the last bit of his whiskey.
You were almost stunned speechless. You hadn’t seen Josh show any emotion that even came close to sadness before, and you struggled with how you were going to react.
Roy brought the bottle of Jack over, filling Josh’s glass with another two fingers.
“How long were you together?” You asked, tiptoeing with caution, given that he might not want to go into much detail.
“Four and a half years.” He said blankly.
“My god, are you serious?!” You choked out with disbelief.
He nodded hard as he kept his eyes trained on the bar in front of you, spinning his stool in tiny tight circles. “Yeah. Long time.” He sipped his drink again.
“I really am sorry, Josh. That’s a long time to be with someone for it to just...” You placed a hand on his arm as you spoke.
He crossed his arms in front of him. “Yeah, it’s fucked.” He growled, leaning back in his stool.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked.
“No, that’s why we’re here.” He slammed his hands on the bar top, motioning for Roy to refill your already almost empty cocktail.
Roy brought your new drink over, stirring the drink with the tiny straw for you. Josh lifted his glass into the air, forcefully clinking it against yours. “To moving on!” He said, finishing the drink off once again.
An hour or so later, you and Josh had managed to find yourselves significantly intoxicated once again, engaged in a deep passionate debate.
“Ever since they banned smoking indoors, the American bar scene has been fucked!” Josh drunkenly yelled overtop of the loud music and large crowd that had joined you inside the bar.
You had to laugh. “Josh, not everybody loves breathing that shit in! It makes some people really sick!” You challenged.
“Ah, hell. You come into a bar, you expect to be around smoke, all there is to it. All there is to it!” He crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders in defiance of your argument.
“You can go outside and smoke, Josh. Easy as that. Just get over it!” The two of you were glassy-eyed and giggly, feeling your liquor take hold of you as you talked. Josh brought about a warmth in you that you’d never experienced before, and you’d be lying if you said your…attraction? to him wasn’t amplified when you were drunk.
No, not attraction.
Something else…
You had no idea what to label the feeling, because you’d never felt it ever before. You took it in stride, though, embracing the completely new emotion as it came. It was almost like you craved his attention, and fed off of him engaging with you. You wanted to please him, but not in such a way that was sexual.
…You didn’t think.
No. You just craved his recognition. Wanted his eyes on you and no one else. Wanted to make him laugh, be the one who made him forget about everything else. It wasn’t a jealousy thing, it was a matter of possessiveness. You wanted to protect him like a best friend. And anyone who dared cause him unhappiness would have to deal with you.
Is this insane thinking?! Am I crazy for this? You drunkenly asked yourself as you washed your hands in the bar bathroom sink, giving yourself a disapproving look in the mirror. Probably, maybe…but he seems to feel the same about you... You had noticed that the second you’d inadvertently struck up a conversation with another guy at the bar, Josh quickly stole your attention away again, bringing up a whole new topic of conversation that had nothing to do with the last.
He charmed you. Drew you in. Challenged your thoughts and opinions…made you talk like you’d never talked before. Laugh like you’d never laughed.
“You’re really smart, Y/N. I didn’t really notice that about you, before.” Josh smiled as he leaned over toward you on the bar. His cheeks were tinted the prettiest pink from the alcohol.
“Uhh, thanks, I guess?” You chortled, feigning being offended.
“No I mean, you surprise me. Keep me guessing, every time I turn around. Never had a friend like that before. I’m usually so bored with everyone I meet. You make me like, think. Ya know?” He explained as you nodded sweetly in understanding. You knew you were blushing.
“Last call!!” You heard Roy yell across the still-crowded room. You made blurry eye contact with Josh again.
“Damn, we didddit agin.” You stammered. “Let me pay, you’ve had a hard couple’a days.”
“No no no, no you don’t. I asked you here, my treat. Plus, my drinks were fuckin’ pricey tonight.”
“But Josh, let me treat you, for once...” You jutted your bottom lip out as you begged him. You watched as his eyes landed on your lips, stealing his attention again. Suddenly, you felt excited.
“Alright, alright. But I’m leavin’ the tip.” He agreed. “I just needed some sympathy…that’s all I wanted tonight.”
“And you got it, didn’t you? You forgot all about your messy breakup?”
“For the most part, yes.” He laughed. “But I like to look at the long run, ya know? Like to take each step, one by one. Let myself live in the sadness.”
You scoffed as you signed your name on the receipt and pulled your coat on. “Psh, Josh, didn’t you just cheers me and say ‘to moving on’?”
He stood from his stool, wrapping his arm around your neck tightly. The smell of his cologne mixed with the remnants of pizza filled your senses, temporarily making you dizzy as he squeezed you in his grip.
“I did, Y/N, I did. But I’m also drunk, now. So. And also, I don’t really wanna go home yet. ‘M gonna walk you to your Uber then hit up Chauncey’s…they stay open ‘til 2.”
You turned in his grasp, your face within inches of his as he held you tightly. “Don’t go back out, Josh. No sense in drinkin’ your sorrows away by yourself.” It felt like you were outside of your own body; all you wanted was to go home and strip down and crawl into bed, but for some reason, your mouth told Josh that apparently you didn’t want to go home, either. “Come back to my place. We’ll have one more drink, and we can share the blunt that TJ gave me yesterday.”
“TJ? The linecook?” Josh seemed surprised. “You letting strangers give you drugs now, Y/N?”
“He’s hardly a stranger, Josh. Why, you jealous?” You teased, while also testing the waters of what the hell this feeling the two of you apparently shared could actually be.
“Fuck no, I’m not jealous. I’m…I…” Josh opened his mouth, but nothing came out after that. “I don’t know, I just—“ You were still tightly wrapped up in the crook of his elbow, his face so close to yours that you could smell the liquor on his breath as he struggled to speak.
You decided to save him. “It’s alright Josh. You don’t have to come over. I’ll smoke it allllll by myself…” you sneakily wrapped your arm around his back, giving it a couple playful pats.
He looked down at you through his lashes, his jaw clenched tightly together. “You really want me to come over?”
You nodded. “I do. Come on, it’ll be fun.” More than anything, you wanted him to know you were the reason he had such a good night, and the reason he was able to forget about his breakup.
“Okay, jackass. You talked me into it. Let’s go get high.” He released you from his grasp as you confirmed your Uber on your phone, and your overwhelming satisfaction of claiming his attention again propelled you out the door.
“Cute place. You decorate it yourself?” Josh teased as you both entered your apartment. It was only half-decorated and you hardly had any furniture, spending most of your days working and saving up money to finish furnishing it.
“Shut up, dick head!” You shoved him backwards as he laughed. “I haven’t finished making it cute yet.” You pulled the bottle of liquor from the cabinet, shaking the little bit that was left. “I know you’ve been drinking whiskey, but…vodka’s all I’ve got.”
“Ah, it’ll work.” Josh responded, plopping down on your couch. “M’already fucked with a hangover tomorrow, might as well do it up.” You caught sight of his pretty light brown curls sitting on top of his head, and you felt another rush of that strange excitement soar through you.
You made the two drinks and joined him on the couch, pulling the blunt up under your nose as you breathed in its earthy scent. Josh took the drink from your hand, raising his eyebrows as he watched you smell the rolled marijuana.
“TJ usually has good shit, I will say.” He winked, sipping his drink.
You pulled your feet up underneath you on the couch, scooting yourself closer to him. “Thought you said I shouldn’t take drugs from strangers…”
“I never said you shouldn’t, I just meant that next time you should get your weed from me.” He spoke without a care, taking the blunt from your hand and bringing it to his own nose.
“Ah, well I was unaware I could do that, Joshua.” You snatched it back from him, taking the lighter from the table in front of you and lighting the end of the blunt. You inhaled the smoke slowly, noticing that Josh hadn’t responded to you.
You glanced at him, finding the most devastating half smile on his face. You swore you felt your skin tingle.
“Did you just call me by my government name, Y/N?” He whispered, leaning his head down to you.
You exhaled the smoke you didn’t realize you were holding, nodding slowly. “Yeah, you mad about it?”
You passed him the blunt. “Nah, kinda liked the way it sounded, actually.” You watched as his lips made a perfect O around the tip of the blunt, and you found yourself wondering what kind of chapstick he used to get them to look…like that…
You felt your eyes grow heavy as your first hit found you, the THC entering your system quickly. Josh must have noticed, as he giggled at your appearance. “Told you TJ had good shit.”
“I swear to god I’m already fuckin’ high…” you laughed, taking another big hit.
“Mmm, no baby, you’re crossed. But not all the way. Yet.” Josh’s voice was gritty and buttery all at the same time. And the fact that he called you baby had you feeling that same feeling again. He calls everybody baby, though…all the girls at work…you’re not special.
The two of you sat and smoked until the blunt was a roach, and the air around you was thick with haziness. Your entire body was heavy and floaty, and you swore you could feel the blood pumping through your extremities. The conversation with Josh was so easy, so effortless, and the way the two of you held the complete attention of one another continued to astound you.
“So tell me about you. What’s your real story?” Josh asked, the both of you sitting facing one another completely, now.
You sipped your vodka drink. “What do you mean, real story?”
“I only know a little bit about you, where did you come from? What’s in your past?”
You took a deep breath. “Well, believe it or not, Josh, I kinda just got broken up with recently, too.”
“No way, you’re kidding. When? What happened?” He pressed.
“Ahh, about a month before I started at Angelo’s. I’m from about twenty miles away, up north a bit. Came here looking to start completely fresh. Still close enough to my family, if I need them. Ya know…” you trailed off. Josh’s eyes were telling you to continue.
“I got dumped, too. After a year of being with him. I thought we were serious, but apparently not. It didn’t hurt me too bad, I’m alright. Liking my new life pretty well, actually.”
Josh dramatically leaned back on the couch cushion, throwing his free hand over his face. “Ugh, god…how embarrassing. You handled bein’ dumped like a goddamned rockstar. I’m over here down in the dumps.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s okay, Josh. Four and a half years is a lot longer than one…”
“You’re right, I guess.” He sat back up, bringing his attention back to you. “So what was his reason? What was his last straw?” He asked, moving his face closer to yours. Your body was vibrating from the alcohol and the weed, and the presence of Josh sitting so close to you on your couch. You were positively buzzing.
“He uh, didn’t really give me one. Just said it was over.” You whispered, feeling your emotions flying all over the place. Josh’s hand reached up, twirling a piece of your hair between his fingers. “He also said I was a bad kisser, or something stupid.”
Josh winced at your words. “A bad kisser? I highly doubt that, Y/N…”
“And why do you doubt that?” You giggled.
“Because. I have a hard time taking my eyes off your lips, I can only imagine how hard it would be to take my lips off of them…” he smirked a little, laughing through his nose.
“You’re fuckin’ stoned.” You laughed, leaning your face onto his hand.
“And? I speak nothing but the truth, baby.”
“Mmmhm, yeah. Shut up.” You complained.
“I’m serious. I bet you really are a good kisser. That guy was just…stupid.”
“Maybe I’m a horrible kisser, how would I ever know?” You shrugged, feeling your body about to jump out of your skin simply from having this conversation with Josh.
He held his first two fingers up, motioning for you to come here. “Come on. Show me how you like to kiss.”
“What?! No, I’m not gonna do that.” You blushed, pulling away from him with shyness.
“Baby, it’s me. I’m just trying to judge your kissing skills. I’ll be completely honest with you, tell you if that guy was right or not.” Josh said, holding his hands out to the sides.
You stopped, staring at Josh through your slit eyelids, trying to figure him out. He met you with sincere eyes, and though you were both extremely intoxicated, you didn’t feel uncomfortable in the least.
“I’m serious. Just kiss me.” He said matter of factly. “S’no big deal.”
You took a deep breath, feeling the air surrounding you heavy with normalcy, but also heavy with yearning.
You slowly pulled yourself in closer to him, gently wetting your lips as your mind went back and forth on whether or not to do this. Your breath became a little chopped, nerves bursting through the wall of your drunken carelessness.
Finally you were close enough to feel his breath on your lips, and your hands naturally shot up to cup his jaw. He clenched it, his eyes falling heavy again as his breath caught. Your heart was absolutely pounding from your chest.
“Do it.” He whispered. “Show me.”
You finally let your lips press gently to his, your hands still cupping his jaw, as his hands sat comfortably in his lap. The feeling of them was exactly what you had imagined, soft, supple, and sweet, with the tiniest bit of sting on them from the leftover liquor. You finally exhaled, pulling away a bit to gauge his reaction.
“You can get into it, baby.” He smiled, urging you to push through your nerves. “I’m just here to help, s’just me…” his voice was like honey, the sound of it tearing through your body as he motivated you.
You leaned in again, this time letting yourself be a little more brazen, a little more steadfast as you worked to prove your ex wrong. Worked to impress Josh. Worked to show him. You opened your mouth a little, letting your tongue skirt across his bottom lip. The flavor of him almost knocked you down.
You began to get into it some more, letting your high take over, and letting your guard down as you found yourself really, really enjoying kissing him. You perched up a little bit moving to your knees to get a better stance.
“Mmmhmm… keep goin’ baby…” Josh mumbled when you broke away for a second. His words urged you on, and you felt brave enough to push your tongue further into his mouth, but only a little. You didn’t want to overwhelm, just experiment. His tongue met yours in the process, tasting each other for the very first time.
Your hands curled up in his hair, squeezing at the roots a bit. He let out a little whine, so quiet that you almost didn’t even hear it. It ignited something inside you again, and you knew you had to drive it home. Had to prove yourself. You pulled away for a second, hissing in air as you bit his bottom lip, pulling it out a little and making eye contact before pressing into him again, both of you moving in such unison that you were fully involved in the sultry kiss, now.
At this point you felt like you were teetering on the thin line of platonic kissing; you were still trying to prove yourself, but also…he tasted so good…
You felt the need to be touched. You reached down and grabbed Josh’s wrists, pulling them up to rest on you- one hand on your thigh, and the other around the back of your neck. You wanted reciprocation. He obliged, and as you licked into his mouth, his hand squeezed into your thigh, strong and needing. His fingers felt like burning embers on your leg, and you wished that you had changed into shorts when you got home.
His hand pulled at the back of your neck, burying your mouths further into one another. “Fuck, baby…he was wrong, you proved him so wrong…” Josh said, smiling against your lips as he delved back in. Your mind was swimming from his words of praise, and you decided that though this was simply an act between friends, you knew that you could kiss him all day long, never tiring of the feeling of his lips on yours. You were completely surrounded by him, by his warming presence. His scent, his sounds, his touch… It was all too much. You felt like you were drowning in him, but you didn’t dare try to pull yourself from his waters.
Your hands squeezed at his hair one last time as you let them drift down his cheeks and neck, tickling the back of his neck before rolling across his shoulders. You slowly brought them down to his pecs, and finally rested them on his cheeks again, pulling his face away from yours for a split second before landing one last peck.
When you finally disconnected, you took in the sight of him…hair disheveled, eyes black and glazed, and his hands still rested gently in the places that you put them.
“Holy fuck…” he breathed.
“Oh my god, was it bad? It was bad, wasn’t it? He was right, I’m a horrible kis—“ you were completely cut off by Josh’s lips on yours again, this time forcefully pulling you into him. This kiss was pleading, unbridled, and wanting, and each time you pulled away, you both were panting with want.
“What the fuck are we doing?” You breathed when you broke away.
“Kissing contest.” He answered, his hand respectfully staying on the back of your neck. “I think I’m winning, though…”
“Mmm, I don’t know about that…” you said with a bit more confidence in yourself after seeing how you made him feel.
“Yeah you’re right.” He agreed through an inhale. “You’re kicking my ass at this experiment.” He drove his tongue into your mouth again, but it didn’t make you want to retract…it made you want to pull it in further. You began to feel the heat that the two of you were emanating, and the sweat that was forming on your skin.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely turned on, but you would never let him know that. You couldn’t. You’re just friends. One friend helping another get over his ex by having a kissing contest. Makes total sense.
Finally you pulled away again, covering your mouth with your hand. You laughed, making Josh in turn laugh with you. “Well? What’s the verdict? Was he right?” You asked.
“Fuck no, he wasn’t right. You’re a hell of a kisser, Y/N.” Josh’s smile stretched all the way across his face, completely blissed out in his high. “God damn, you left me a panting mess, baby.”
Your heart stopped at his words, feeling more confidence in yourself than you’d felt in a long, long time. Suddenly, the wildest idea to ever come across your mind escaped right through your lips.
“Josh, we’re just good friends, right?” You asked.
“Yeah, baby. Real good friends.” He wiped his hand across his mouth before extending both arms across the back of your couch.
“Do you—do you care if I finish what I started?” You asked in an absolute moment of weakness. The look on his face turned up into surprise, and you weren’t sure how he was going to react to your question.
“What uh, what do you mean, Y/N?”
You moved toward him again, wanting to feel him again. Feel his hands on you again. Be the center of all his attention again.
“Can you judge something else for me, Josh? I’ve always wondered how well I…performed…and who better to be the judge than my very good friend? Who will be completely honest with me?”
WHO even are you?! You felt like a person outside your own body. The confidence he was giving you was…
“This ain’t no way to treat the broken-hearted, baby…” he replied, his voice a soft breath of air as his head lulled backwards. You paused again, unsure how to take him. “But I’ll be your judge…”
“Really? You will?” You asked, feeling vulnerable, but also wanting to show out for him.
“Mhm. If that’s what you really want…” He bit his lower lip into his mouth, letting his eyes fall onto your lips like they had been doing all night.
“Just friends…” you reiterated.
“Just friends.” He parroted, lightly tapping your cheek with his hand.
This was absolutely something you never did, and definitely wasn’t something you could ever even see yourself doing with Josh, of all people. You were supposed to be making him forget about his ex, letting him talk through it… hell, he was just dumped twenty-four hours ago. But there was something other-worldly spurring you on, whispering in your ear to just do it. And he was letting you. Was it wrong? Maybe, probably… but honestly, where was the harm in it? You were both obviously into each other, and as long as you were just making each other happy, you didn’t see anything wrong with it.
Besides, this new need to make him think about nothing but you at every single second was making your head spin, and you wanted his focus completely on you, right now. You moved to press your lips to his again, letting things naturally heat up so that you could continue on with your intentions. You took a deep breath, confidently removing yourself, and placing yourself in the floor in front of him. It was at this second that you were extremely thankful for your liquid courage, and the fact that you were too stoned to care about much else besides pleasing Josh. He almost made it easy.
“Ten.” Josh said out of nowhere.
“What?” you asked.
“I give your kissing a ten out of ten. Seriously.” He said, smiling from the corner of his mouth as he ran his hand along your arm, peering down at you as you kneeled on the floor.
You felt your face turn beet red, and you halfway didn’t really believe him.
“Stop playing, you don’t have to be nice.” You erred.
“M’not just being nice. Seriously, I rate it a ten.” He stated, and you knew by the sincerity in his voice that he was telling the truth.
“Wow. Didn’t expect that, honestly.” you pulled a few strands of hair behind your ear. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Now, you gonna finish what ya started, or not?” There was a darkness in his tone that you hadn’t noticed yet, and it made your stomach turn over with nerves. But even more so, it lit a fuse in your chest that was slowly burning, ready to explode at any given second. And with each passing minute, you wanted to impress him even more.
You maneuvered yourself on your knees, gripping his thighs and pulling them apart so that you could place yourself between them. Your hands stayed there on his legs, squeezing and kneading at his muscles as you moved your hands closer and closer to where you both really wanted them to be. You could almost physically see him getting harder through his dark jeans, and you could hear his breathing picking up, too.
You let your hands drift to his groin, squeezing the muscles there as he leaned down in his seat, giving you extra space as his head fell back on the cushions. You found the button on his jeans, pulling the fabric sideways and undoing the button with one hand and unzipping the zipper. “Damn, alright…” Josh laughed, holding his hands up. “Show off.”
You took that as a tiny win, and decided to keep it going, playing on his words from earlier. ‘You keep me guessing at every turn…’
You pushed your hair back behind your shoulders, and leaned yourself down, letting your mouth meet his boxer-covered dick. You nipped your teeth lightly at it, making him hiss. You could tell just from this little bit of contact that he was well-endowed, and you felt your mouth physically watering for him. You needed to taste him. Your lips bounced around, peppering little kisses all over… the indirect contact making his hips jut up a little.
You sat back, motioning with your hands. “Pull them down for me.” you demanded of him, and he gave you the sneakiest smirk, leaning back and pushing his pants and boxers down far enough to spring himself free.
You weren’t wrong. He was perfectly sized, and it reassured you that you were okay with going forward with this. What you did notice, though, was he wasn’t as hard as you wanted him to be. Your hands rested on his thighs again as you sized him up, licking your lips as you prepared yourself.
Josh had been the one urging you on all night, but suddenly, it felt like there had been a little bit of a shift. You finally brought your moistened lips to him, licking little circles around his tip, starting slowly at first, then picking up a little bit of speed. You swirled and gently suckled, and you felt him take in a big breath of air into his lungs. You glanced up at him, finding him looking up at the ceiling as he bit his lips.
“What’sa matter, Josh? You okay?” you pressed, knowing that you could stop at any second, if that was what he wanted.
“No, yeah. I’m fine. I’m sorry, I just… this is the first time someone else…since…” he didn’t need to say anything more.
“God, yeah. I’m sorry, your breakup is so fresh, I’m sure this is more mental than anything, for you…” you agreed as you sat back. “We don’t have to–”
“No. Yes we do, Y/N. I’m just…” You could tell Josh was having a hard time with his words again, for the second time tonight.
“Just what? You can tell me…”
He swallowed, placing a sweet hand on the side of your face. “This is the first time I’ve um…been…with a woman…in a very long time.”
“Oh.” You muttered, his sentiment catching you off guard a little. You hadn’t realized you never even asked the name of his ex, let alone any details about the relationship.
“But it’s okay, Y/N…” He smiled, letting his thumb brush your cheek. “I may be wallowing in my sorrows, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want this, want you to do this. Just…in my head a little bit.” He admitted, putting a hole through your heart.
You sighed. “It doesn’t feel wrong?” Your voice was tiny as it escaped you.
He quickly shook his head side to side as he layed back on his elbow behind his head. “No. That’s what’s making me freak out a little, it doesn’t feel wrong in the least.” He swallowed. “Maybe I…Maybe I wasn’t as in love as I thought I was.”
You smiled a pitiful smile as you rested your elbows on his knees, taking a deep, recentering breath of your own.
“You’re really fuckin’ pretty, Y/N.” He complimented you out of the blue, his thumb still grazing your cheek. “And I’m really into you.”
“You are?” You asked.
“Yeah. I know we said we’re friends, but friends can do this. Right? Doesn’t stop the fact that I’m attracted to you.” His glossy words made your stomach do flips again as you realized maybe his feelings were the exact same as yours. Unexplainable, but still overwhelmingly good.
“Yeah. I really think friends can do this.” You agreed. And you were serious. If you were going to be this person for Josh, then he could also in turn be this person for you.
“Plus, the feeling of your lips on my cock just now…” He laughed through his nose. “Might be in competition with your ten out of ten kissing. And you hadn’t even…” He stopped there, biting both his lips into his mouth as he slid his hips down again.
Good god, you’d hoped he would have a little bit of a dirty mouth.
“You want me to keep going?” You asked.
“Fuck yeah, I do. I gotta judge your skill, don’t I?” He played, removing his hand from your cheek and running it through your hair. He gripped it a little, making you stiffen your neck. Your eyes flashed to his, and you didn’t even need to say anything, he knew what you meant. He nodded, giving you the go ahead, and you prayed that he wouldn’t remove his hand from tangling up in your hair.
You slowly leaned down to him again, starting things up just as you had before. Your tongue swirled on his tip, wetting it in circles as you let the saliva build up in your mouth. Around and around you took it, descending further and further onto him with every rotation. You heard him breathe out, his hips shaking a little beneath you. As you got as far as you could get, you pursed your lips down, tightening them around the base of his cock before sucking hard, pulling up and off of him completely. His hand tightened in your hair, showing you that he was liking it so far.
He let out a groan, followed by a little laugh. “Fuck yeah, Y/N…”
You quickly found a rhythm, letting your head begin to bob as you worked your tongue and cheeks, alternating forceful suction mixed with light little pops of your lips. His hips were jutting with every movement, and the sounds that were coming from him were enough to keep you going, keep you striving to impress him…
You took him in your hand, gripping at the base and using the saliva that had dripped down as lubrication to move your hand, twisting and pumping it. “Jesus Christ, you’re…” You took a second to glance up at him, seeing his jaw tightly clenched and his chest heaving with labored breaths. He brought his other hand down, pulling the hair that had drifted down away from your face, pulling it all back to the nape of your neck and holding it tightly there. You nodded, letting him know you were okay with him guiding your movements.
“Mhm.” You hummed on him. “Show me how you like it.”
He let out a choke of breath and readjusted in his seat, spreading his legs wider for you. He gripped a little harder on your hair, pulling you up and across his stomach, your faces almost touching as he brought his mouth close. He didn’t say anything, just hissed through his teeth as he scanned over your face. He then used a little bit of force to push your head back down to where it was, and you resumed your work.
Fuck, what the hell is happening… your chemistry with Josh was absolutely off the chain. You felt like you would follow every command he would ever give you, let him use you in the worst ways, completely trusting him to do as he pleased. You were absolutely yearning to satisfy him.
“I’ll show you exactly how I like it baby, but this is your show, remember? You’re calling the shots…” he growled, his voice deeper and more grating than it was earlier. You shrugged one shoulder, replacing your hand around his base. You moved it up and down opposite of your mouth, making his whole body start to shake. Your tongue worked on him, as your mouth drifted down as far as it could possibly go, with the help of Josh’s light guidance.
The weed had contributed to your slow, languid movements while the alcohol made your inhibitions fly out the window… the beautiful combo of the crossfade sending you both into a blurry and slow-motioned entanglement. You swore you could listen to his noises and praises on repeat. “So fuckin’ pretty, Y/N… so fuckin’ pretty…” He mumbled, lightly thrusting himself into your mouth as your neck began to ache a little. “Slow and steady, just like that…”
He puffed out a quick breath with a blow of his lips, and you could tell that he was enjoying himself just as much as you were. Normally, you would finish up the job, and expect repayment, but getting Josh to even feel the tiniest bit of pleasure at your hand was enough. It was that draw, that need to make him feel good. Keeping him and him only in the spotlight. And if you had to guess, you were doing a pretty good job at it.
After a few seconds, his movements became jostled, and his once slow grinding movements started to falter. You felt him start to throb in your mouth, and you knew it wouldn’t be long until he was crumbling beneath you, all at the mercy of your mouth.
“Hey, you want me to–” he said, suddenly shuddering.
You nodded again, pleading with him to let it all go. You wanted the whole thing, wanted him to have the full experience. You needed to see what he tasted like.
His breath started to pick up as he gripped your hair tighter, his hips pushing his dick further into your mouth as you let him graze the back of your throat, tears pouring from the sides of your eyes. “Come on baby, come on… just a little bit longer…fuck…”
Finally, he was letting it all go, filling up your mouth as you swallowed his bitter-sweetness down, savoring the taste of him on your tongue. His whole body went rigid as he came, shaking and jerking as you worked to make sure not a drop was left behind. You squeezed your hand around him, pulling him up into your mouth. His whines were like music to your ears, pathetic and pitiful as he worked to come back down to earth.
“Son of a bitch, Y/N… that was…” he said as you sat back up, wiping your mouth off with the back of your hand. He caught your jaw in his grasp, squeezing your cheeks together and forcing you to open your mouth. He pulled you closer, bringing you in for a heated kiss that left you smoldering for him.
When you finally pulled away, you met eyes with him, and you could tell he was completely blissed out. “S’been a long time since I’ve had anything like that.” He admitted, pulling your back up to sit by him on the couch again.
He tucked himself back in his boxers but decided to forgo buttoning back up. “Really? Even in a four and a half year long relationship?” You asked.
“Ah, I dunno. We were long distance, so… it was few and far between but. Really I meant being with someone who actually showed passion about making me feel good. You know what I mean?”
You couldn’t help but smile. That was exactly what you wanted out of this. For Josh to feel that you wanted to be there.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I just…wanted to make you feel good.” You admitted, shrugging one shoulder up as you brushed your disheveled hair back into place. “So, what’s my rating, huh? Give it to me straight.”
Josh closed one eye and looked up with the other as if he was thinking really hard. “Uh, nine and a half.”
Your mouth fell slack, and you felt the soreness in your jaw joints. “Ah! Why the half?!” You argued. “Not a ten?”
He chuckled. “Would be a ten, but I only took away the half because I know that I won’t be able to feel you like that all the time.” You both stared at one another as you let his words sink in.
Could you, though?
“And because I feel like you were holding back, a little. Weren’t you?” He pressed. His statement took you by surprise, because he was right.
“You shouldn’t have. It’s just me, remember. Guess you’ll have to show up and show out next time. See if you can get a perfect ten.” He said with nonchalance.
“Next time?” You spat without a thought.
He shrugged, squeezing his hand around your thigh. “Sure, why not? If you want to, of course. Might be fun to have a little situation we’re both comfortable with… no strings attached type thing…”
You ran over the idea in your head, not really seeing anything wrong with it. You nodded, agreeing with his outlandish proposal.
“But, there is one thing, Y/N.” He swallowed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. “Obviously I… um. I didn’t make you feel good, tonight. But, just give me some–”
You cupped your hand over Josh’s mouth. “Josh, honey, shut up. You don’t have to explain it to me. I understand, and it’s okay. If we’re gonna do this, it's all gonna be in good fun, right?”
He nodded from behind your hand. “Right.” He mumbled.
“And I certainly didn’t feel uncomfortable with you, so. I’m pretty positive we could just sit here and look at each other and we would have a good time.” You laughed, pulling your hand from his face. He caught your hand in his, and gave it a sweet squeeze.
“Not sure I’d be able to sit by you for too long without something happening. You’re a fuckin’ treat, Y/N. I swear.” His eyes traveled down your body again, and you watched his gears turn as his gaze drifted over your breasts. “Thank you, for tonight.”
“Thank you.” You whispered. “We still friends?”
He took your chin between his fingers. “Yeah. Good friends.”
As the air between you finally started to settle and the intoxication turned into sobriety, you realized that the night was nearly about to turn into morning. You didn’t have to be at work until 11, so you were going to be able to get at least a little bit of sleep before your shift tomorrow.
“It’s too late to get an Uber, Josh. Just stay here.” You more demanded than suggested, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch and tossing it overtop of his lap. You stood, stretching your body as you made your way toward your bedroom.
“What, you not gonna invite me to your bed?” He asked, throwing you off.
“Uhh, I mean, sure–”
“I’m kidding, Y/N. We’re friends. Friends don’t sleep in beds together. Friends sleep on couches.” You watched as he burrowed himself under the puffy blanket and made himself horizontal.
“Maybe one day you’ll end up in my bed.” You tossed the joke over your shoulder, walking down the short hallway.
“And maybe one day you’ll get a perfect ten.”
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For Death Or Glory : Chapter Eighteen

Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: Some vague spiritual mentions, VERY LIGHT spooky theme, yearning, pining (can you tell it's a jake chapter?) anxious themes, slightly tense conversation? (not an argument don't worry) fluff fluff fluff fluff, may cause butterflies, a lot of physical touch type of affection, and certainly important: Jake is the definition of 'if he wanted to, he would.'
Word Count: 6k 🤭 (couldn't stop yapping this chapter)
Summary: Jake has a cute little surprise for Charlotte, which is why he insisted on her spending the night.
Author's Note: FOLKS- this one is fucking cute. The words just kept flowing and I think we're at a point in the story where this is going to be a trend. (We're in the home stretch, which makes me want to cry, but also-there's just so much to say in the chapters, that I don't foresee them getting much shorter from here on out!) I can't wait to see how you feel at the end 🤭 ((I'm sorry in advance, don't yell at me))

Crystal - Stevie Nicks "Like the love that had finally, finally found me, Then I knew, In the crystalline knowledge of you."
God, it’s early.
I managed to carefully slide out of bed without her waking up, which was already difficult because I wanted nothing more than just to stay curled up around her. But I need to be awake for a little bit before I surprise her today.
She told me when she was upset that her best friend and she had a tradition of going to Salem for her birthday every year. She wasn’t super into the spiritual side of things, but she loves Halloween, and with her birthday only being a few days before, she’s a bit biased.
Unfortunately, this year, they never made it, and my heart shattered watching her tell me that the funeral was just a week prior to her birthday. I’ve never wanted just to squeeze someone harder than her at that moment. When I had gone and talked to Josh, I had asked if he minded covering the bar that night because she was so upset and I didn’t have the heart to just.. let her be alone after that. But I told him that I would stop by the bar before I came home so I could talk to him about today. Thankfully, he was happy to take care of everything for the day, with the help of Danny.
I sip on coffee as I figure out what I’m going to wear for the day, assuming that she will probably look nicer than my typical outfits. I know it doesn’t really matter what I’m wearing, but I want to make sure she has a good day and that I can manage not to look homeless sometimes.
Grabbing a few things from my closet quietly, I sneak back out of my room so she can sleep for as long as possible. I drop them on the couch, deciding to really just go for it today.
I pull my hair back into a bun, stealing a little more of Josh’s shaving cream, it’s not super grown in, but I may as well. Taking the time to make sure my face is clean-shaven before waking her. Remembering the fact she said I looked cute on Facetime after I shaved reluctantly, but if this is what she prefers, then I don’t mind. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I sit on the bed next to her, just watching her sleep for a minute. She’s curled up with my pillow, which she must have stolen when I left the room. I don’t want to wake her up; she looks so comfortable.
Softly, I run my hand down the back of her head, and she doesn’t flinch at all. I gently scratched her back, hoping that the contact would help, but still, she didn’t budge.
I lean down, kissing her temple and then whispering. “Hey you,” into her. Pressing slow, soft kisses into the side of her face.
“Mmm..” her sleepy little groan made me laugh.
Peppering a few more kisses against her cheek, mumbling, “Goodmorning.”
It takes her a minute, but she finally opens her eyes slightly and looks up at me.
I whisper, “There she is.”
“Why are you up?” She mumbles, reaching her arms out to me. Wrapping her up in a hug, she tucks her little face into me. Maybe we can just stay like this instead.
“You should get dressed and come with me. I have a few things I need to do,” I tell her, hoping she’ll not fight it.
“How dressed are we talking?”
I sit up a little to look at her, “Um.. we’ll be like.. in public.. Does that help?”
She touches my face, ignoring my answer, “Did you just shave?”
“Mhm,” I respond, choking back a laugh. “Come on, sleeping beauty, don’t get distracted.”
”Your face is soft,” she says quietly, as she’s running her hand down my cheek and holding my chin.
“Just for you,” I giggle before leaning down and kissing her. “I have coffee for you, too.”
“What are you up to?” She squints at me; there’s no way she’s figured it out already.
My eyebrows pull together, “What do you mean?”
“You’re being extra sweet this morning..” her voice trailing off.
“Am I not allowed to be nice to you?” I laugh. “I can be mean if you’d prefer.”
She laughed with me this time, “I can’t even imagine that.”
“I don’t think I could be mean to you if I tried.” I would never. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
While she’s getting herself together, I pull on the outfit I had picked out earlier. Cuffing the bottom of my pants so they sit nicely with the boots I’m about to grab. Am I hoping that she’ll think I look nice? Maybe. Opening the drawer of my nightstand, the few rings that I have and my watch sit there. I slide on one of the rings and decide to actually wear my watch today. Staring at myself in the mirror, I feel like I look kind of put together? I don’t think I could tell you the last time I tried this hard with an outfit.
I’m sitting on the couch, just scrolling through emails, when I hear her walking out of the bathroom. I glance up from my phone as she walks over to me.
Her voice was so low when she finally let out, “Okay, I’m ready.”
I take her in, her sweater tucked into a little plaid skirt, leaving her legs on display even if they’re covered by black tights. Even with a coat over it, she looks so good. I just quietly stand up, still looking at her but unable to form words.
“Oh,” she squeaks, looking me up and down. “You look cute.”
“Hah, thank you,” I can’t shake the nerves from my voice when I say it. “You–” I hesitate, not even knowing how to compliment her at the moment.
“I’m what?”
“You just look,” I start, glancing down at her again. “Wow.”
She giggles at me as I struggle to find words, “Stop it!”
I shake my head as if it’ll help me refocus. I wasn’t prepared for her to be able to look like this on a whim.
“Alright, you, let’s go.” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Once we’re in the car, I hand her my phone, letting her pick whatever for music. I had already put an address into my maps, just to at least get me to Salem– assuming that she would have something picked out by the time we got there. We hardly make it to the turnpike before I feel her staring at me.
“Jacob,” she pauses, “Where are we going?”
“Well,” I glanced over at her for a second. “You said you always went to Salem around your birthday and that you hadn’t gone this year because of everything going on so..”
“Wait- really?” Her voice was small.
I reach over, resting my hand on her thigh, “Mhm. I figured it’s not fair for you not to do anything for your birthday, and I’m sure you already know some things you like to do there.”
She leans over the center console, kissing my cheek a few times before letting a small “thank you” squeak out.
“Of course,” I can feel my face warm, squeezing her leg a few times. Her hand holds my forearm gently, and the little bit of contact gives me butterflies.
“I’m assuming you’ve been to Salem?”
“Not in a long time, so whatever you want to do will basically be new to me.” Her eyes light up, and she quickly grabs her phone.
She’s quiet for a few minutes, just buried in her phone until she holds it out in front of me, “Loook! We could do this!” I pull it closer so I can actually see; it’s a video of people getting their aura photos done.
“We can, if you want,” I tell her.
She’s precious; the way her face lights up when she’s excited makes me want to just give her everything and anything she wants.
She spent a lot of the drive there finding little things that we could do and excitedly telling me about them. Even if I had to keep reassuring her that whatever she chose was fine. I don’t think she’s used to people doing things for her. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Her voice is quiet when she asks, “Can we get coffee?” as if she thinks I’ll say no.
“Mhm,” I hum back. “Just pick where from.” The way she gets shy asking for things makes me laugh to myself.
“Are you sure?”
“Mhmm,” I giggle, looking over at her. “Whatever you want, Char.”
After finding the one she had decided on, I listened to her try and decide which drink she wanted to try; the way she was tied between the two made me laugh.
“Whichever one you get, I’ll get the other one,” I whisper to her.
Her head whips over, “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind,”
We finally move up to order; I make her go first so I can order the other drink she didn’t pick. Avoiding looking at her when I could almost feel the wind from how fast she snapped her neck to look at me. I pull out my wallet and quickly pay as her jaw slacks open, staring at me.
“You just-”
My eyebrows raise as she hesitates, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Well,” her voice is low, looking at the ground for a second. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and pulling her over to a table. “I’ll go grab the drinks; make yourself comfortable.”
I pull out my phone while I wait for our drinks to be made. Clicking on the app for our cameras, which I honestly don’t really look at often. I can just look real quick, so I don’t have to bug them.
Switching between the few, everything seems normal, but I still feel compelled to check my texts. Nothing.
Me: hey, if you need anything just let me know okay?
Me: Also, daniel will be there around like 4pm so you won’t have to close alone
Josh: i know! don’t worry about us just go have fun with your lady!
‘Jake’ gets called, and it pulls me out of my phone. I grab our drinks and wander back over to the table. Her hands reach out as soon as I get close to her; she’s almost vibrating with excitement over it.
She sips on her drink, letting out little ‘mmm’s as she does. It’s unfair how adorable she is. Thankful that the drink I chose wasn’t terrible, I finally tried it, realizing that she had her eyes locked on me.
“Here,” I hand her my drink, her eyes lighting up as she takes it from me. The fact she didn’t hesitate to sip on it gives me butterflies. You would think I’d never kissed her with the way my body reacts to basic things she does.
Josh: do we have more downeast somewhere or is this it
Josh: it’s not urgent just whenever you get a second
Mel: do you want me to go in at all? I can just help out if you don’t want me to make drinks.
‘Motion Detected’ notifications from Josh opening the bar sit on my lock screen.
“Hey,” she says, bringing me back to reality. Her hand reaching up and tapping in between my eyebrows lightly, “What’s going on?”
“Just have a bunch of texts from Josh about the bar,” I tell her, trying not to let my eyebrows pull back together.
Her eyes look between mine as we sit there, “Everything is going to be fine. Danny won’t let the bar burn down.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” I tell her, sliding my phone into my pocket. “Where would you like to go first?”
“Do you want to see some of the witch trial sites?” She asks. “Or is it too spooky for you?” Followed with a slight giggle as she looked at me.
“Oh, don’t start with me,” I laugh before deciding to tease her back. “I’ll hold your hand if you get too scared, though.” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I can tell she really enjoys it here because she can just glance at her maps and then know where to wander off to. She really seems in her element getting to bring me to all these sites. Almost makes me wonder if this is what they would do every year. Telling me about everything that happened in each of the spots. She made sure to point out little details that she really enjoyed.
My phone has vibrated a few times, and I’m genuinely fighting demons, trying not to look at what it is. Everything is fine. Dan is there. It’s okay. I spend a minute trying to shake the thought and refocus on her as we walk through a little bit of the cemetery.
“Not too scared yet, are you?” she taunts.
A slight grin sneaks onto my face, “And what if I was?”
“Oooohhh, poor baby,” she teases me further, her hand running over my cheek. I know she’s trying to be funny, but hearing her call me ‘baby’ makes my knees weak. The way her lips pouted when she said it also made me wish I could just kiss her freely.
“I offer to hold your hand, and you just make fun of me?” I let out dramatically. “I see how it is.” Hearing her laugh is worth having to be a bit dramatic. I pout my lip out at her as she giggles at me.
“I’d take it back,” She starts. “But, you’re cute when you do this.” She taps my bottom lip gently, and I can’t stop the grin that forms when she does. Maybe I am scared.
“Where else do you want to show me? Or are we just trying to pick up some spirits to bring home with us?”
She finds a few that she hadn’t been to in a while, leading the way. I would gladly follow her around even if she were lying to me about every single thing. She kept touching my arm when she would tell me things, and it was taking everything in me to stay calm about it. It’s not that deep, Jake. Chill out. I try to tell myself, and then she tells me the history of the next place, and her hand lingers on my bicep for a minute, which makes all the hair on my body stand.
I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket as we walk to another spot that she’s excited about. It’s not important. They have everything under control. I try to ignore the feeling and focus on her. But the incessant vibration against my leg is making it difficult.
For fucks sake, what could be happening?
I pull out my phone for what feels like the thousandth time, seeing a handful of notifications sitting there.
Josh: imagine I just get super drunk because it’s slow!!
Josh: i’m so kidding
Josh: or am I? the world will never know.
Danny: Please just ignore Josh. He’s cackling like a witch behind the bar so I know he’s being a little shit.
Josh (in the Caravel Chat) : Hear me out- We just close early today for fun!
Sam: why is josh asking me to come help him lol
Quinn: Did you leave Josh alone at the bar?
Danny: Everything is fine I swear.
Sam: actually if you pay me for the night, i’ll do it
Staring at all the texts that have come in, I can’t fight the way my hand rubs over my face. As I’m trying to decide what to respond to first, I feel her hand grab my arm.
“Babe,” she says, squeezing me gently. My heart is simultaneously pounding at her casual pet name but also aches at the look on her face. Get off your phone, you dumbass.
Locking my phone and shoving it into my pocket, I look back at her, “I’m so sorry.”
She gently grabs my chin, forcing me to look at her, “I think it’s wonderful how much you care about your job, but they can handle it.”
“No, no, you’re right. I’m still sorry, and I promise I’ll stop,” comes out a bit sadder sounding than I expected. She leans up, placing a kiss on my cheek.
“It’s okay,” she says quietly, “I just want you to have fun too.”
“I am,” I whisper. “Come on, the aura photos are calling our names.”
I pull open the door to the little shop that offers the photos, letting her excitedly go in first. She doesn’t go far, just waiting for me to come in with her. There’s someone already talking to the girl working there, so we just wander around looking at the selection of crystals and stones they have. She’s kept herself close to me while I pick up random crystals to look at them closer. Is she nervous? She has such a strong personality when it comes to her job, which I know is part of the gig for her, but it’s interesting to see how she acts when she doesn’t have to be in charge. The fact she has been attached to me from the moment we walked in is throwing me off.
Hearing the door chimes ring, the girl behind the counter glances over at us.
“Hi! Did you have any questions?” her voice was bubbly.
I feel her gently tap my arm, seeing her stare at me from the corner of my eye. I have to fight the laugh when I realize she wants me to ask.
“Actually, yes,” I start. “Is there any chance we can get our aura photos done?”
“Oh, absolutely!” She says. “Did you want individual ones?”
“Please,” I tell her. “If you have time, obviously.”
She laughs boisterously, “Lucky for the two of you– after Halloween, we die off so quickly! I have so much time; I don’t know what to do with myself.”
She brings us to the area they have set up, explaining the process and how it works before having Charlotte sit down first. She’s so graceful as she gets situated. So, she carefully made sure her hands were in the right place after adjusting her hair a few times. The girl working here was so friendly and was talking her through it to help make sure that she was relaxed, so she got an authentic reading.
I don’t know what it is about her that is so incredibly captivating, but the entire time, I can’t look away from her. I stand far enough out of the way that she can’t see me, but all I can think is– she is effortlessly beautiful. The feeling I get when I look at her scares me; my heart races, and the way my stomach turns. The witch trial sites could never compare.
It only takes a few minutes before we’re swapping spots. She, on the other hand, stays within eyeshot for me. Doing everything I can to focus on the employee and not her, I feel myself calm down a bit. The girl leans down to take the photo, and I can see Charlotte in my peripheral. With the soft smile on her face, as she watches, I find myself unable to hold back the full smile as I hear the shutter of the camera.
“If you want, I can give you guys a little explanation of what your colors mean!” The girl offers, and we have the time to kill, so we obviously take her up on the offer.
We follow her back up to the counter, where she slides both of our photos over to us. My eyes go to her right away; our colors are not the same at all.
“Ladies first,” the girl says, nudging Char’s photo forward a bit. “You have quite a bit of red in here, dear. Red typically represents a passionate, intense, loyal person. Depending on the shade of red, it can also have some romantic representations as well.”
I glance over as Charlotte is just beaming at this girl while she explains. “You also have a little bit of a deeper purple in there, which means you may have something that is bothering you. Some sort of obstacle that you need to overcome.”
Oh no. My hand finds hers, lightly tapping just to let her know I’m still there. She so softly wraps her hand around my index finger, squeezing a few times, almost like a ‘thank you.’
“And now for you,” the girl taps my photo forward. “You have majority green, which is usually characterized by the person’s nurturing disposition. You embody compassion and understanding. Since yours is also more of a mint green, you must be someone who just radiates peace and serenity to those around you.”
Charlotte’s soft laugh, “Sounds about right.”
“You’re obviously welcome to look up more about the meanings behind the colors! I just figured I would give you a baseline of what they mean,” she tells us.
“No, thank you so much for that, actually,” Charlotte finally chimes in.
The girl chuckles as she runs my card for everything, looking at me as she hands it back, “You know it’s kinda cute; your aura colors complement each other well.” Shooting me a wink as she glances down at the photos. Why is she trying to torture me?
There’s no way my face isn’t a little red at her comment, and then I glance over at her; the subtle pink in her cheeks makes me feel less insane. But is she just embarrassed, or is she into that?
“Thank you again,” I tell her as we go to leave, pushing the door open for Charlotte to go out first. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“Where to next?”
Her excitement is palatable, “Oooo, I have an idea!”
I watch her as she leads me to another little shop that she likes to look through. My heart feels.. different as I watch her. Seeing her get excited over these things that she looks forward to year after year, the way she just beams back at me like I’m the one who founded this town. She keeps holding my hand, and even when she lets go to show me something, she always finds her way back to it. She walks so close that she bumps into me constantly. Okay so.. I have a crush on her.. But how could I not?
Her sweet face when she turns to me with something that she’s found. I don’t know what’s worse, the soft sparkle in her eyes or trying to focus on anything beyond how perfectly painted her freckles are over her nose. Her little voice every time, ‘Jacob look!’ she would whisper, made me laugh to myself.
“Do you want it?” I whisper after she’s shown me just about everything in the store.
And she’s suddenly shy again.
“No, no, it’s just cute,” she tries to backpedal.
I take the dainty chain bracelet from her, “It’s very cute.” Inspecting it closer, knowing I’m going to just hold onto it even if she tries to fight me on it. She can’t just show me a million things and think I’m not going to offer to get one of them, at the very least, for her.
I go to set the bracelet back in its place, “Do you want to keep looking around?”
She nods quickly, grabbing my free hand gently. As soon as she turns her head, I pull the bracelet back to me, keeping it tucked in my hand so she doesn’t see it.
We spent a few more minutes wandering around with her, continuing the same routine of finding something she liked and turning to show me.
“We can go,” her soft voice rings as we’re walking towards the front.
I look over at her, fighting the urge to smile, “Give me like two minutes.”
Walking up to the counter, I hand the bracelet to the employee, knowing there’s no way she isn’t going to notice. Her hand tightened around mine as they dropped the bracelet into a little paper bag, handing it over to me with my receipt.
Tugging her behind me as we leave, I turn to her, holding out the bag, “For you.”
“You’re so–” She starts, but pouting her lip when she’s stumped for words. “Thank you, babe.”
Please just keep calling me that. If I thought her pet naming me woud be bad, I was severely unprepared.
“Can you help me?” She sweetly asks, holding up the ends of the bracelet to me.
I grab them from her, and she holds out her wrist for me. Something about the motion of clasping this little chain on her feels like time has slowed. The look on her face, her skin is so soft, and the dainty bracelet looks so perfect on her. I turn it around to see the little charm that’s on it, just holding her wrist for a second. ‘Crush’ may not be the word anymore. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
We spent a little while wandering in and out of shops throughout the little street. As we walk further, the iconic Witch House comes into view. A giant black house with three distinct peaks in the roof, it’s hard to miss, but she still points it out to me.
“Ooooh! We used to take cute pictures in front of it every year.”
“Are you saying that you want a picture?”
“Maybe,” She grabs my hand, tugging me along with her. She pulls her phone from her bag, and I reach my hand out, thinking that she just wants me to take it. “No, come here.”
She pulled me close to her and reached out to take a picture of us. She wants.. a picture of the two of us? My arm wraps around her waist gently as she tucks herself into me; she beams at the camera; her smile could light up a room at this moment.
“You better show off those teeth, Jacob,” she says, making me chuckle to myself. Smiling but looking at her, I can see her clicking the shutter button out of the corner of my eye.
“Um, do you guys want me to take one for you?” a stranger quietly interjects as they’re passing by.
“Oooh, yes!” she quickly hands them her phone. Okay, we’re doing this now, haha, that’s so fine.
She comes back to me, leaning into my side and letting her hand rest on my stomach. Oh, uh. My arm pulls her into me, and my hand sits on her lower back; I can feel her staring at me, so I glance over. Her lips pulled into the cutest smile; I swear she could feel my heart pounding. Her eyes dropped to my mouth and then back up, making me fully smile at her.
“Perfect,” she whispers as she looks over at the person, but I don’t want to stop looking at her. I force my head to turn away from her. I looked over to the camera and felt her leaning against me slightly. It takes two seconds before they start walking back over with her phone. She clicks on her camera roll, quickly swiping through them and thanking the person for helping. She turns to me as she looks through them again.
“Stop, this one’s so cute,” she turns it to me. They caught me looking at her.. We look like a couple; my stomach tenses at the thought. I... Watching as she sends me a bunch of them, taking a second to favorite a couple of them so she doesn’t lose them. “Oh wait, this one too!” The one moment of her looking at me, her hand sitting on my stomach and full teeth smile on display, looking right at her– my heart flutters at the sight of it. I hadn’t considered how we look together.. from someone else’s point of view. I look like I’m in lo—.
She cuts me off, “Do you want to get some food? I don’t know how late you planned on being here, but at least then, we aren’t starving on the drive home.”
“Um, yeah, we probably should,” I stumble over my words for a second. “Was there somewhere you had in mind?” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
We wandered around for a bit trying to decide what we wanted. It probably would have gone quicker if we focused and weren’t talking about all the things in the window displays as we passed them. But the way she hardly let go of my hand the entire time, I wasn’t about to stop her from doing whatever it is she wanted.
We almost walked past the restaurant she decided that she wanted to try, but I think if you looked hard enough, you would have seen the smoke from how fast she hit the brakes when she realized it was next to us. It was a treat for me to see her so.. joyful.
The server dropping off our drinks and taking our order, we have time to just stare at each other and I listen to her tell me how she’s been looking at this place on instagram for a while.
I finally ask, “Was this a good surprise at least?”
“Are you kidding? Of course it was,” she said, leaning forward with a sweet little grin on her lips.
“I know it’s not the same, but—“
She stops me quickly, “If I didn't think she’d hear me, I’d say it might be even better.“ Don’t tell me that.
“I don’t know about that,”
“Hey,” she almost scolds me. “It was very sweet of you– no but’s allowed.”
I giggle at the tone of her voice, knowing she would absolutely yell at me if I kept going. The server dropped off our food quietly as we kept talking about the little things we saw today. She kept asking what I liked most, and I couldn’t be honest because it was just getting to be with her. She told me about how she and Cass would always try to find new things every year, but they also just enjoyed wandering through the same historical sites because it was just interesting to see.
“Are you still panicking over the bar?” She asks, scooting her plate away from her.
It hits me that I’ve been distracted enough that I hadn’t even looked at my phone.
“Actually.. I hadn’t thought about it,” I tell her.
She fakes a gasp at me, “Well, look at that.”
“Growing up so fast,” I giggle. Or it could be the fact I spent the whole day getting to watch a beautiful girl smile at me for bringing her here.
“Proud of you,” she whispers with her foot grazing my leg.
She’s absolutely killing me.
Our server came over with our bill, and I had just held my hand out for the little black folder. I slid my card in without hesitation and handed it back to them. I quietly let out a small ‘Thank you’ as they took the small folder away from me. I look back over to her, and the pink tint to her cheeks is more noticeable than I’m sure she’d like. What is she blushing over?
“You okay?”
“Mhm,” she hums back.
“You sure?”
“Yes,” she laughs. “..just you.”
The server comes back with the folder, taking my card out. I can feel her stare as she watches me sign the receipt and slide cash into the folder for their tip. I look up at her and softly ask, “You ready?” Letting her lead the way out, my hand found its place on her lower back, trying to keep her close to me.
“It’s so cute here when it’s dark out,” she says as she’s looking at all the shops lit up now that the sun is set.
I just watch her take everything in, the pure joy on her face, and my heart feels like it’s melting for the hundredth time today. She slides her hand into mine, leaning into my arm and wrapping her free hand over my bicep as we walk. What is she doing?
“Thank you for everything today,” She squeaks out.
I look over, placing a kiss on the side of her head, “You’re very welcome.”
She stops walking, tugging my arm lightly. I turn around to face her when she closes the gap between us. Tilting her head back slightly as she leans into my chest, leaving a few sweet kisses against my lips.
“I’ve been waiting for that all day,” she mumbles into me. She’s been waiting? I COULD HAVE DONE THAT SOONER?
“I’m sorry, hun,” I mumble back. “I’ll just have to make up for it now.” Earning the biggest smile out of her, making me laugh at how eager she just got.
“In that case,” she laughs, wiggling herself out of my arms but grabbing my hand instead. “Let’s go, baby!”
After a lovely little walk filled with giggles and a few more pit stops that she insisted on just to give me a kiss, we finally made it to the car. I can see her trying to readjust to be more comfortable, moving her legs around every which way.
I look over at her, letting out a small ‘hey’ before patting my leg. I reach over, carefully grabbing her ankles and pulling her legs out over my lap. We sit in the comfortable quiet for a bit, whatever song she’s chosen playing softly while she just looks through her phone. My hand hasn’t left her since I moved her legs. Rubbing little circles on her ankle or just sliding up the side of her foot. Anything to keep some sort of contact, and she doesn’t seem to mind.
She reaches over, lightly running her fingertips over my cheek. It’s hard not to smile at it; she’s so fucking cute.
“Your face is still so soft,” she giggles.
“I wanted to look nice,” I admit.
She rebuttals quickly, “You always look nice.”
“Mmm,” I start. “But standing next to you all day, I wanted to make sure I at least looked half as good as you.” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The drive home felt short in comparison, but the lack of anxiety I felt this time probably helped. We immediately head up to the apartment, surprisingly avoiding the bar.
“Sooo..” I start, keeping my voice low as I sneak up behind her, sliding my arms around her waist. “The bar doesn’t close for a couple more hours..”
She twists around in my arms to face me, “Jacob, you’re not about to go to work right now.”
“That wasn’t my thought, but thank you for that,” I let out in the most monotone voice.
“Oh! Are you turning a new leaf already? One day of me pestering you to stop working is all it took?” She teases me with a little smirk plastered on her face.
“You really don’t have to make fun of me,” I say, letting my hands settle on her hips. “But, yes— maybe it helped.“
Her hands held the sides of my face, “It is nice to just enjoy you outside of the bar.”
I mumble back, “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” Her body leans into me. “I don’t have to share you with anyone else this way.” You’re not sharing me in there either, trust me.
“Are you trying to say you want more attention?” I question her.
“From you? Absolutely,” her voice is so sexy; my body feels like it’s on fire. I want quite literally nothing more than to do that.
Pulling her into me, I whisper, “What kind of attention do you want, hun?”
“Mmmm…” She hums, before her head tilts slightly and with a delicious little smile on her lips. And then she whispers, “You’re full of surprises today; why don’t you decide, babe?”
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
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Chapter 16- A World Apart with Just One Heart Is Bound to Keel and Fade Away
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Genre: angst, hurt(literal)/comfort
Word Count: just over 2.8k
Warnings: AU typical events/threats/violence, scorpion, slightly graphic fighting, sort of seizure
Saturday, July 16th
“Samuel.” Danny nudges his leg gently, trying not to startle him too much. When that doesn’t work, he moves to crouch in front of him, bringing his hand to Samuel’s bicep to shake him. “Samuel. Sam, wake up.”
“Hm?” Sam shoots upright, his eyes wide and scanning the area around them. “I’m up. What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Danny tries to keep his thoughts away from how Sam was still clutching his arm even after he had regained full consciousness. “It’s just morning, figured we should get a move on or plan what we’re doing next.”
“Oh, yeah, good idea. You wake Hazel yet?” Glancing over to her, he rubs the sleep from his eyes, seeing that she was still fast asleep across the cavern.
“No, she still has that machete. Didn’t want to risk her taking a swing at me.”
“That’s probably for the best, I got it don’t worry.” As Sam makes his way over to Hazel, Danny tries to keep his eyes to himself, fearing how it would look if he was caught staring. As embarrassed as he was to admit it, the entire time that Sam had been asleep, his eyes had been on him. He felt calmer watching the way his chest rose and fell with every breath, his lips slightly parted in his sleep as he cradled something only he could see in his dreams. Even though it made him feel like a creep.
“Sleep well princess?”
“Fuck off.”
“I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or- cave.” Danny listens in on their interaction with a smile, knowing he should stay out of it but finding Sam’s annoyed sass from dealing with Hazel amusing nonetheless. “So, what are we doing today? Any ideas? Daniel? Hazel?” Sam plops back down onto the ground next to Danny, closer than he would have expected as their knees brush.
“I think I saw some obsidian shards out there yesterday, we could go out and collect some to make weapons.”
“Do we really need more weapons?” Neither Danny nor Sam miss Hazel’s frustrated huff at Sam’s question, not stopping him from continuing as he counts their inventory out on his fingers. “We have my sword, the machete, the bow and arrow, Daniel’s axe, and an assortment of knives. I think we’re good.”
“Either way, getting out of this goddamn cave is better than being stuck in here with you two the whole day.”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Sam’s voice raises at her comment, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion and anger.
“Take it how you want, let’s get ready to go.” The air between them becomes uncomfortably silent as they all pack up their supplies, doing a once-over to make sure nothing had been missed or forgotten before Danny and Sam follow Hazel out of the cave. “Keep your eyes sharp, we don’t know who else is here.”
For once, Danny isn’t immediately annoyed by her words, somewhat thankful that she had said what he had been thinking. The cliffs surrounding them slowly shorten as they walk, until they emerge at the other side of the canyon onto a vast, blackened landscape. With the ground uneven and even leaking lava in some places, Danny calculates each step so as not to fall or trip, worry growing in the pit of his stomach as Sam saunters onwards, narrowly avoiding large holes in the ground as he walks. It isn’t long before Danny’s attention is captured by a large pool of water set into the molten rock, the water bubbling a clear blue.
“Hey, I think I found some obsidian for you.” Danny barely glances over his shoulder to see Sam reaching into a small hole, his gut screaming at him that something was wrong.
“Sam, I really don’t think you should reach in there.”
“It’ll be fine, almost got it.” Just as the words leave his mouth, he cries out in pain, ripping his right hand back towards himself as a large, pitch-black scorpion scurries out of it. The crunch of its exoskeleton under Sam’s boot sickens Danny, and he tries to distract himself from the sound by turning his attention to Sam’s hand as he finds his side. “It’s fine, I’m fine.”
What the fuck. Fear seizes Danny’s heart as he holds Sam’s hand in his own, a large, black welt on his skin forming as black tendrils snake their way across the surrounding skin. “This isn’t fine, Sam. Fuck, what do we do? How do you feel?” Danny tears his eyes to Sam’s face, relieved to see that he looked normal.
“I feel fine, I promise. It just stung me, which hurt, but other than that, I’m alright.”
Catching the way his voice broke ever so slightly, Danny narrows his eyes at him, hoping he would crack and admit he wasn’t ok as he claimed he was. Unfortunately for him, Sam holds strong under his gaze, his expression unfaltering until Danny finally gives up. “Fine, but we’re keeping an eye on you.” He finally realizes that Hazel was 20 feet ahead of them, unfazed as she hadn’t stopped to wait for them. Danny stays true to his word as they walk towards her, watching Sam carefully out of the corner of his eye for even one misstep or falter.
“What were you guys lollygagging on?” With that bitchy tone, either she doesn’t know or doesn’t care.
“Sam got stung by a scorpion.”
Instead of being concerned, Hazel only rolls her eyes as she looks at him. “Idiot. You better not slow us down.”
“That was uncalled for, I was only trying to get you some obsidian. And it won’t, I’m fine.” All three go silent as they continue on, only stopping each time they find shards of the volcanic glass as Hazel collects them.
Coming across another small pool of bubbling water, Danny stops near it, bending to observe. Feeling Sam’s presence next to him, he turns towards him slightly. “What do you think these are?” His words fall on deaf ears as Sam’s eyes lock on the distance, and Danny follows his gaze to see nothing there. Standing, his hands find Sam’s biceps, trying to snap his attention back to him with a light shake. “Sam?”
“Hm?” Although he locks eyes with Danny, his were distant and far-away, as if his mind had clouded over. His skin looks pale, too pale. What the fuck-? Danny’s gaze is ripped to Sam’s neck, where black lines had been snaking their way up his skin, starting to work up and over his jaw.
“Sam, are you ok?”
“Mhm, fine. I’m fine.” He mumbles the words out before collapsing without another word, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as Danny scrambles to catch him. Terror overtakes his mind as the other man starts spasming in his arms, trying to keep his head from hitting a rock as he holds him, both having fallen to the ground directly beside the water.
“HAZEL!” The words rip at Danny’s throat, but he doesn’t feel the burn as he desperately looks over to see her looking back with an annoyed glare. That is until she sees the state that Sam was in. She rushes over to their side with wide eyes, kneeling next to them as she looks from Sam to Danny.
“What the fuck happened?!”
“I don’t know! He just- he just collapsed!”
“Fuck! Shit! What do we do?!”
“I don’t fucking know!” Tears threaten to spill from his eyes as he clutches Sam’s convulsing, unconscious body, his stomach turning as he sees black foam seeping from the corners of his lips.
“We need to kill him.”
“OF COURSE I’M NOT FUCKING JOKING! We need to put him out of his misery!” Hazel’s arm holding her machete twitches, as if she were preparing to strike.
“Stay the fuck away from him I swear to god!”
“Do you have a better idea?!”
“I-” Danny doesn’t even notice Sam’s right-hand flop into the bubbling pool beside them in his panic, his mind darting between solutions faster than he can process. Before he can come up with an answer, Sam’s movements stop completely, his eyes wide open and still slightly rolled back, the small veins of his eyes stark black against the whites. “Sam?” Danny can feel his frantic heartbeat pounding in his skull as he’s met with no response, realizing that the familiar, comforting rise and fall of his chest had ceased. “Sam!? Please!”
As Danny shakes him roughly, his tears spill over his lash line before he feels Sam’s hand hit his back, his body limp in his arms. Realizing what had happened, Danny rips his eyes to his hand, expecting to see the skin raw and burned from the water. Instead, he finds his skin unmarked, the sting almost completely gone as the black lines recede. Could it-? No, they wouldn’t be that merciful. It could be though… I have to try. I can’t- I can’t let him die like I did the others.
Danny wastes no time as he sheds his bag and rips Sam’s off before dragging him into the water with him, holding his back to his chest as his head lolls onto his shoulder. Please, please work like I think it will. Please dear God. Hazel says nothing as she watches, the ghost of defeat passing over her face as she accepts that Sam wasn’t waking up again. It has to work, it has to. Danny’s face finds the crook of Sam’s neck as his hopes slowly dwindle, his tears falling onto the other man’s skin as they become sobs. “Please, Sam. Please.” He doesn’t even realize that his lips were brushing against the soft skin of his neck as he whispers the words out like a prayer, begging Sam and anyone that would listen to bring him back.
Just as he begins to accept defeat, Sam gasps for air, his hands clawing at Danny’s still wrapped tight across his chest as he fights against him. “Sam! Calm down, calm down. It’s ok, I’ve got you. You’re ok.” Danny’s sobs become tears of happiness as he feels the other man’s breaths evening out, his body slowly relaxing in his arms as his head falls back to rest on Danny’s shoulder once more. “You’re ok.”
“What- what the fuck happened.”
“The sting, it must have been venomous. You collapsed and were- you looked like you were having a seizure.”
“Yeah, it was really fucking disturbing. Your eyes were all black and you were foaming at the mouth.”
Danny shoots Hazel the deadliest glare he can muster, rage filling him at her words. He casts them aside momentarily to continue his explanation for Sam, knowing he must be beyond confused and lost at what had occurred. “Your hand fell into the water and then it healed the sting, so I thought that maybe it was healing water or something, so I dragged you into it and now- uh then you woke up.” Danny finishes his ramble, feeling his cheeks tint as Sam looks up at him, still looking as if he was in a daze but understanding his words.
“Oh- thank you, Daniel.”
“Yeah… no problem.” Danny realizes immediately that they were still in the water, with Sam still pressed directly to his front. “Hazel, help him out, will you?”
Snapping out of her own daze, she grasps Sam’s forearm as she uses her entire body weight to yank him out of the water while Danny climbs out. Sam collapses to the ground immediately, seemingly uncaring at how the rock below him must have dug into his back. Danny finds a spot next to him, crouching as the once warm water soaking his clothes becomes colder in the air, the chill seeping into his bones. He pushes the feeling aside as he focuses on Sam, watching for any sign that the water hadn’t fully healed him. “You ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just need a minute.” Sam closes his eyes as his breaths continue to even out, not seeing the way Hazel refused to look at him. Danny waits patiently, allowing Sam all the time he needed to recover as he gently rubs comforting circles into his shoulder with the pad of his thumb.
“We need to get going.” Is she actually fucking serious right now? Danny rips his eyes to Hazel as rage fills him, her blank expression only further angering him.
“Are you kidding?! Sam almost fucking died, you suggested we kill him, and now you’re in a rush to leave again?!”
“Wait what?!” Sam’s eyes fly open at his words, trying to sit up to look at Hazel as betrayal twists his features. “You were going to kill me?!”
“I thought there was nothing we could do for you! I thought it would be better to kill you quickly than to let you suffer! Don’t act all offended, you would have done the same if it were me.”
“No, I fucking wouldn’t have, Hazel! You want to know why? Because we’re allies. We’re supposed to look out for each other. As much as I fucking hate you, I would have tried to save you before resorting to that.”
“Let’s just go.” Hazel rolls her eyes as she stands, already making a move to walk away from them.
“No, Hazel, I think you should go.” Sam’s voice is firm as he glares at Hazel, accepting Danny’s hand to help him to his feet as they stand.
“You need to go. I don’t- I can’t trust you at all anymore, and I can’t be allies with someone I can’t trust.” She’s gonna snap, she’s gonna try to fight, I can feel it. Danny bends to retrieve his axe, the handle sticking out of his bag as slow as he can so Hazel wouldn’t focus on his actions as she huffs out an exasperated breath.
“Are you joking right now?” His hand finds the handle as he pulls it from the bag, thankful that her attention was still on Sam.
“No. I’ve never been more serious. Leave now or we kill you.”
“I can’t believe you right now! You’re just gonna ditch me the second you get your little boy toy on your side? Is that what this is? You just wanted to be allies with him and were only keeping me around until you got that?!”
Boy toy? What is she saying?
“You have five fucking seconds to get out of my sight, I swear to god.” Rage tints Sam’s tone as Danny looks between the two, hoping that if she tried to attack, he could get Sam to safety in time. He’s weak right now, I don’t know how long he’d last in combat, even with me helping.
“LIKE FUCKING HELL I DO!” Danny blocks her strike with the handle of his axe as she arcs the machete towards Sam, pushing him behind himself as she recovers from his block.
“You don’t have to do this, Hazel.” He tries to keep his voice as steady as possible as he meets her eyes, a wild, crazed look behind them as she stares back unblinking.
“Oh yes I fucking do. I can’t wait to make Sammy boy watch you bleed out. Then, I’ll fucking kill him. Slowly, painfully.” She grins wide as she speaks, turning Danny’s fear into fury as he anticipates another attack. She’s not touching a hair on his goddamn head.
Hazel lunges at him, her blade directed towards him specifically this time. Danny has no trouble blocking it but doesn’t expect her brisk sidestep as she sends a punch to his liver, sending him to the ground and gasping for air. Fuck. I may be stronger and bigger, but she’s faster. Instead of attacking him again, Hazel’s attention turns to Sam, who stood weaponless behind Danny.
“Run!” The word earns him a slash to the face as his vision cuts out momentarily, pain beginning to pulse above and below his left eye as he hears boots scuffling across the rock. Blinking through the blood clouding his vision, he can barely make out two forms sprinting away from him, with Sam in the lead only by about 10 feet. Grabbing his and Sam’s bags, he forces himself to his feet as he stumbles after them, praying that he wouldn’t be too late to protect Sam from her.
Catching up to them, he watches in terror as Hazel chases Sam up a small cliff, the edge of it growing closer and closer as Sam realizes he had nowhere left to run. No. No. NO. Sam turns towards her as he reaches the edge, squaring up as if he were preparing to fight her. Just as Danny reaches the bottom of the cliff, he sees Hazel swing her blade at Sam, catching his cheek as he jumps backwards. Before Danny can process it, he loses his footing, falling backwards off the edge and disappearing from his sight as Hazel stands triumphantly above him.
Taglist: @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @sanguinebats @cheersdannyx2 @musicislove3389 @holdingup-fallingsky @freyjalw @hailthegodsong @Maddie-Rae
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fan fiction#gvf fic#daniel gvf#sam gvf#sanny gvf#greta van angst#sam kiszka x danny wagner#sam kiszka#danny wagner#hunger games au
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