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Safety being a priority at work during COVID-19 in UAE
Our tunnel is ideal for construction sites, shopping malls, staff accommodations, or any other public place where disinfecting people is mandatory. Designed and manufactured in Dubai as per the UAE standards, our decontamination and sanitization tunnel provides a perfect versatile solution. The disinfectants used are safe and in compliance with Dubai Municipality's prescribed standards. "A small initiative at every public place can prevent the fast spreading of the virus" 
For more info please get in contact [email protected] Call/Whatsapp +971 523648151 Stay safe, stay healthy!
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ave-aria · 4 years
ROTG Hope Week
Happy Easter, everybody! This was written for Hope Week, in response to these darker days we’re going through. Who can’t use a little extra hope?
Day 1: Hope Wordcount: 3,305 Tw: Coronavirus, Covid 19 Pairings: Jack/Bunnymund
Kudos to Chaos Incarnate for giving me the idea for the title. ;)
Can I Offer You A Nice Egg In These Trying Times?
"Whaddya mean, Easter's cancelled?"
Bunnymund's voice rang through the Warren, scattering the herds of unpainted eggs at his feet. Jack, however, remained unmoved. He crouched atop his staff, toes curling into the wood as he stared down at the Easter Bunny before him.
"Hey, it's not my fault," he raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just letting you know. This Coronavirus is shaping up to be some pretty nasty stuff."
"The—what virus?"
Jack narrowed his eyes at Bunny.
"Coronavirus. Covid-19." He said. "You have been keeping up on the news, haven't you?"
Bunnymund, caught with his head in the ground, sputtered. "Look, I am not the shut-in I used t' be, ok!" which was true; the Guardians had made great strides in getting out of their comfort zones in the past eight years. The attack by Pitch made them all realize how isolated they'd become. But… well. Old habits die hard. "So what if I missed a bulletin or two?"
"Bunny," Jack huffed, exasperated. "It's a worldwide pandemic."
Frustrated, Bunny threw his hands in the air. "It's less than a month till Easter! Whaddya want from me!"
Jack rolled his eyes. "A little less denial would be nice."
Fuming, Bunnymund threw his paintbrush to the ground and stormed towards his tunnels.
Sighing, and deciding to take pity on the Pooka, Jack hopped off his staff and followed him across the grassy field. Eggs parted to let him pass. There were dozens of them, hundreds, all waiting to be painted; more were due to hatch from the Eggplants in waves as the month rolled on. The fruits of long labor. Bunny'd put a lot of work into this year's Easter, like he did every year, and it was a shame to see it all go to waste.
Bunny beelined for the European tunnels, ducking into one that Jack knew well. Bunny always seemed to be using this path. It led to a little suburb in England, the very same place where he'd been walked through on that fateful failed Easter years ago. The Pooka never said as much, but Jack suspected; England and Australia seemed to be Bunnymund's Burgess.
So when the lagomorphs hopped down on all fours and darted out of sight, Jack didn't worry. He knew where Bunny was going.
After a few minutes of picking his way through the tunnels, Jack emerged into cool air and cloudy, overcast skies. The tunnel opened up in the narrow space between two long rows of houses, with a park visible down the road. The ground was clear of snow; Jack hadn't been active here lately, but looking at the green grass springing up between the pavestones, he thought he ought to change that soon.
Bunny, to his surprise, was not darting from bush to bush as usual. When Jack arrived, the Pooka was standing smack dab in the middle of the paved streets, subtlety be damned. He turned in circles, a bewildered look creeping onto his face.
Upon spying Jack, he threw his arms out. "Crikey, Jack, it's a ghost town out here! Where is everybody!"
Jack pointed at the long rows of houses. "Inside," he explained. "…Or they better be."
Bunny did another 360, scanning the streets. It was so empty out here, a tumbleweed wouldn't be out of place. "Mate, this—this seems bad," he admitted at last. "I've never seen this place so quiet."
Jack shook his head. "No kidding. You should see the cities."
Bunnymund froze. "The cities?"
"If you think this place is a ghost town, wait till you see London," Jack said. "Paris, Tokyo, Dubai— Venice is so empty the waterways are clear for the first time in ages."
Bunnymund warily scanned the neighborhood again. The lack of people, mid-day, was eerie. He held perfectly still, holding his breath. His ears pricked forward, waiting for sound, eyes on the empty space - as if he expected someone to jump out and yell "boo!" - but nothing came. Slowly, he took a wary step forward, eyes scanning the streets.
Jack stepped forward, reaching out. "…Bunny," he started.
Bunny's whiskers twitched. "So this Coronavirus," he said. "It caused this?"
Jack held up a hand. "They're self-quarantining, for the most part. To help slow the strain on the hospitals. Practically everything is shutting down, everywhere."
"Must be some virus." Bunny replied. "…Takin' out kids and the elderly, I assume?"
"Mostly the elderly. And people with underlying health conditions. It's like the flu on steroids, with a ridiculous incubation period." Jack drew up to his side.
"How many dead?"
Jack winced. "It's… not clear—"
"Give it to me straight."
"…Over four thousand deaths in Italy so far." Jack said, reluctantly. "And more to come. China's not far behind. The US—well." He shrugged. "With the state of healthcare there? Bound to be ten times worse."
It felt different saying it aloud. Four thousand deaths.
A chill ran down his spine.
Jack cast a worried glance at Bunny. He seemed… withdrawn, and Jack hated that. Good news—if he could just think of good news— "Kids though! They seem largely unaffected, thankfully. Gotta catch some breaks, right?"
Bunny looked at least a little relieved at that. Jack went on. "But—the kids're taking it home and giving it to their parents, their grandparents… a lot of places are talking about closing down schools." He slung his staff over his shoulders. "Which, I might add, is totally unfair. I mean, I drop three feet of snow on Burgess and Jamie's highschool might close for, what, a day? Two at most? And then one little pandemic comes along and completely wipes out my record by a mile."
Bunnymund snorted at that. "You're full of yourself."
"I try."
"So," Bunny said. A pause, and his shoulders slumped. "…No Easter this year."
Looking at Bunny's crestfallen face, knots twisted Jack's gut. "Hey, that was the Pope. He cancelled Easter. But I'm sure your status as the Easter Bunny outweighs his authority."
Not even a smile at the comment. "Quarantining means no egg hunts," Bunny said. His ears drooped further. "No egg hunts means no Easter."
Jack took a deep breath and let it out slow. "…Yeah."
They stood silent for a long minute.
"S'not even about the egg hunts, really," Bunnymund said at last. "What worries me is skipping Easter—at a time when the world needs hope the most."
Jack bit his lip. "You could still—I mean, not to bring up North's method, but—pop inside the houses, leave eggs around the house?"
"I already do that, some places," Bunnymund told him. "But if I get the virus on me fur, or me googies, and take 'em inta a clean house—"
Jack sighed. "…Right. Kinda destroys the point of quarantining." He said. Still, he cats about for options, something to lift Bunnymund's spirits. "…Maybe if you disinfect between each place—"
That, oddly, drew a laugh from the Pooka's lips. Bunnymund ruffled Jack's hair, messing it up even worse than it already was. Jack ducked under the noogie, squinting up at Bunny.
"Appreciate it, really," said the Pooka. "But… you're right. Unless somethin' changes, fast, there's - there's just no Easter this year."
Jack straightened, frowning. Giving up wasn't Bunny's MO. He'd thought - he knew the news would hit hard, if he hadn't already caught wind of it, but he thought for sure Bunny would come at this swinging. Maybe try to brainstorm some solutions to the problem, or pull out an unexpected ace hidden up his sleeve.
But just giving up? "Hey now—"
"It's for the best." Bunny cut him off. Apparently it was written all over his face. "In the grand scheme of things - a couple of googies is a small sacrifice to pay fer a safe community."
Jack's frown twisted. Sure but… still.
Bunny gave Jack a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I'm headin' back. Better find somethin' to do with my newfound free time." He added, in a mutter. Turning back to Jack, he asked, "Need a lift anywhere?"
Jack's eyes lingered on Bunny for a long moment. At last, he shook his head.
Bunny's hand dropped from his arm, and it felt like defeat. "Ta, mate," Bunny said, giving a halfhearted salute. In two taps of a paw, a tunnel opened up, and he was gone.
Jack watched him go, wishing, for the life of him, that he could find a way to fix this.
Staring down at the bare earth where the tunnel disappeared, a cold resolve settled in Jack's heart.
He had to find a way to fix this.
It was three days and as many consecutive sleepless nights later that Jack came knocking again. The tunnel opened reluctantly, Bunnymund's magic sluggish to match its owners mood, and the rabbit didn't meet him in the field. When Jack arrived, the Pooka was still curled up in his Burrow, slumped at the kitchen chair with a hot tea and sweets littering the table.
"Go 'way," he moaned when Jack's silhouette darkened the doorway. "Let me mourn my holiday in peace." A couple of eggs, unpainted, butted at Bunnymund's heels; the rabbit hadn't had the heart to get rid of them.
Aha, Jack thought, triumphant. Bunny wasn't as satisfied with giving up as he'd pretended to be.
"Pick up your paintbrush and get back to work," Jack told him, eyes gleaming. "Easter's still on."
"Jack," Bunny groaned. "We already talked about this—"
"No egg hunts," Jack flapped a dismissive hand. "We're doing this the old fashioned way."
Bunny sat a bit straighter at that, raising a curious ear. "And what would that be?"
Jack's eyes sparkled, glimmering with hope.
"Baskets," he said, and that was that.
Egg hunts hadn't always been the center of the holiday.
In Jack's time, rumor was that if you left a basket - or a hat, upended like a basket - on your doorstep, the Easter Bunny would drop by and fill it to the brim with goodies galore. The practice died out slowly as Bunnymund realized that encouraging folks to go out and seek for the good things in life was a more effective method at garnering Hope; but this year, it was coming back full force.
"Wicker. Ribbons. Paint." Bunnymund dumped another armload of supplies on the grass, and dusted off his paws. "Who's on weaving duty?"
"On it," Jack called, sandwiched between two yetis. He'd all but kidnapped them from North as it became apparent that Bunny's basket production needed to skyrocket, fast. North readily obliged, and even donated some holiday gift baskets he had sitting in the warehouse, unused.
Bunnymund eyed the donated baskets; "…as long as they're not painted red, they'll do."
Over the next few weeks, they emptied Bunny's storage and wove baskets until their fingers fell off. Some were simple affairs, others were elaborate, oversized displays, reserved for houses with large families. In addition to painting eggs, Bunny quickly doubled his output of chocolate, peeps, and hard candies.
Sandy had an eye for basket-arranging, easily assembling multiple at once with the aid of his dreamsand. After Tooth disinfected each finished basket, her Mini fairies carried them off to a cooler and semi-refrigerated room of the Warren that Jack had helped set up. They would remain in isolation until Easter.
They worked at a steady pace, some coming and going, everyone pitching in. When the wicker ran out, Bunny went and found more. North donated plastic baskets as he churned them out. One night, Tooth and Sandy disappeared with a sack of quarters and came back with a truckload of baskets, procured in bulk from closed dollar-tree stores.
"Technically they're paid for!" Tooth insisted when Bunny hemmed and hawed over the gift.
At last, he accepted them. A month was a short time to make millions of baskets, even with everyone helping out. He wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
"You know," Bunny remarked, a few days before Easter Sunday, as he and Jack wove a handful more baskets to put them over the top. "This just might work."
"Might?" Jack echoed, offended. He flexed his overworked fingers, scowling. "Don't sell this short. Of course it'll work. It's brilliant."
Bunnymund chuckled. "Aye," he said. "But you do realize there's one tiny problem with yer plan?"
Jack paused. "Problem?"
"Quarantine," Bunnymund said. "Most o' these people haven't left their houses in weeks. What makes you think they'll notice the baskets on their doorstep before the eggs start to stink?"
Hm. That was a valid point. Jack set down his half-woven basket and leaned on a hand, thinking.
"We knock," he said at last.
Bunny huffed, amused. "That's your brilliant plan? Knock?" he, too, set his basket down. "Mate, even if it were that simple, I can't. They'd see me."
"Ignoring the fact that being seen isn't as dreadful as you make it out to be," Jack flapped a hand, "I'm not dumb. I wouldn't have you knock." When Bunny cast a confused glance at him, clearly not understanding, Jack said; "I'll have you know I'm a master at ding-dong-ditch."
Bunny studied Jack's face for a long moment, then cracked a smile.
"So you're inviting yourself on my run, huh. You think you can keep up with me?"
Jack laced his fingers and turned his palms outwards, stretching. "I know I can, cottontail. In fact, I'd say I'll knock this one out of the park."
Bunnymund groaned. "No. No puns."
"Hey," Jack laughed. "Hey—knock knock!"
A resigned sigh. "Who's there?"
"Boo," Jack said.
"…Boo who?"
"Why are you crying?" Jack asked. "Easter isn't canceled anymore."
The smile Bunny sent Jack was the most genuine one he'd seen all month.
Operation Ring-Every-Doorbell-In-The-World was a go.
"Finished with China," Bunny's voice said through Jack's earbud. "Headin' down to Oz. Catch up, slowpoke!"
"Ohhhh you're dead when I get down there," Jack shot back, flitting from house to house.
So this was a biiit tougher than he thought it'd be. Jack wasn't well-known worldwide yet, so no one had spotted him, and all he had to do was press a button at each station, an easier task than carting whole armfuls of baskets to the surface. He was running into unexpected walls, however, when he realized to truly make this work, he had to ring doorbells in a certain order.
Apartments, Jack decided, were the worst. He had to ring every doorbell in each hall before anyone answered their door; if he didn't, those who'd emerged would realize their neighbors' doorbells were ringing of their own accord. But he couldn't be too quick about it, either, since people exiting their houses en-mass was also, in a way, counterproductive to the quarantine.
But he managed, staying just a step or two behind Bunnymund at all times. Ring and knock; flit to the next target.
Doors opened as he passed, with surprised folks drifting out into the street. He saw dozens of people in pajamas, more who sorely needed haircuts, and a handful who were apparently sitting around their house in Wedding Dresses and Dinosaur Costumes. Quarantine fashion - an interesting trend. The delighted gasps and laughs that echoed in his wake were well enough to spur him on.
They caught their breath over the atlantic ocean, ("Good news! Right now, Greenland's virus-free!") before diving back in to work on the Americas. By the time they hit Alaska, Jack was about ready to drop.
"How do you do this?" Jack wheezed as they drew up to the final house on their stop. Bunnymund was waiting, tweaking the ribbons and eggs that had shifted in transit. "Every year?"
Bunny smirked. "Stamina, mate. It's a marathon, not a race."
"I hate that you're not even winded," Jack groused back.
Satisfied with the presentation, Bunnymund stepped back. "Care to do the honors, mate?" he motioned to the doorbell.
Jack stole an extra minute longer, leaning on his staff for support. Then, with one last deep breath, he raised a hand - no doorbell on this house it seemed - and knocked.
A rustling inside the house. "Mama!" called a young voice inside. "Mama who knocked? Is it the pizza man? Did you order pizza on Easter?!"
Quick as a blink, the two retreated a safe distance back. The front door opened seconds later; a young girl, six years old, stuck her head out.
Her eyes landed on the basket and, all at once, lit up. "Mama!" she screeched in delight. She gathered up the basket—nearly as tall as herself—and waddled back inside, leaving the door hang open. "Mama, he came! You said he wouldn't be here but look, he came!"
"What?" a bewildered voice called from inside the house. Bunnymund and Jack traded a sly look, and a snicker.
The mother stuck her head out of the doorway, glancing this way and that for the culprit. Bunny made sure to flatten his ears and duck down low to avoid detection.
"Huh," said the woman, to herself. "I guess someone in the community is looking out for us after all."
After the door closed, Jack went ahead and dramatically collapsed on the ground before them. "Tell me we're done," he said, though he knew full well they were.
"Righto," Bunny knelt at his side, amusement in his smirk. "Need a lift back t' the Warren?"
"Why would I run to the Warren when I'm perfectly content to die right here?"
Bunnymund chuckled. "Always with the dramas," he said, and scooped Jack up in his arms.
"H-hey!" Jack balked, blushing deeply. "I can walk!"
"Can ye now?"
"Yes!" Jack squirmed out of Bunny's hold and skittered away, then raised his chin defiance. "Though I reserve the right to complain the whole time."
"As ye wish." He tapped twice and summoned a tunnel, motioning Jack in first.
Jack paused at the lip, but just before jumping down, caught Bunnymund staring back at their last house. He turned to look, too, companionable in their silence.
"We did pretty good, huh?" Jack said. "Considering."
Bunny gave a nod. "The world's doing pretty good right now, considering." He remarked. "A couple 'o baskets might not be much, but hopefully, it's something."
"It's the little things," Jack agreed.
"…It really is."
Bunnymund broke his gaze with the house to rest his paw on Jack's shoulder, and this one, in a sharper mirror of the same gesture a month prior, felt like sun on the skin. Bunny smiled at Jack, shining with soft gratitude.
"Thanks fer bein' here, Jack," he said. "Couldn't've done it without ya."
Jack smiled back. "Happy Easter."
Bunny nodded at the tunnel. "Now c'mon," he said, tossing something to Jack which the winter spirit just barely caught; "We've got a disinfecting bath and a nap waitin' fer us in the Warren."
Jack paused, unfolding his hands to inspect what he'd caught: an Easter Egg, painted a vivid blue, speckled with snowflakes and a golden scrawl that read Thank You.
Jack beamed at the egg, holding it gently in his hands, then turned the smile up at Bunny.
Bunny's own grin turned wicked. "—Race ya," he said, diving into the tunnel.
"What!" Jack stiffened, sore muscles seizing. Any protest he might utter fell away at the sound of Bunnymund's bright, ringing laughter.
Pocketing the egg, Jack dove in after him, his center bursting with joy and hope.
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jumbledubai · 4 years
Beat the summer heat with the best escape challenge in Dubai
Summer, the season of heat and sweat, augments the incessant need for a break. With the blazing Dubai sun sucking the life out of everybody, it's time to shake things up with some of the best indoor adventure activities in the city. 
And what can be more fun than a visit to Jumble – an amazing place more than an escape room in Dubai! Designed for families, kids, and corporate groups alike, Jumble's escape room challenges make for the perfect getaways from the scorching sun. What's more, you can have oodles of fun and build lasting bonds. 
If you're sick and tired of the mundane summer blues, Jumble's escape challenges in Dubai will give you the energy to get going.
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Jumble: Invigorating Indoor Adventures
Jumble is a truly unique indoor adventure park and escape room in Dubai. Your team won't be restricted to solve just one challenge within the time limit; instead, you've got 16 action-packed Jumbles to explore, each having 2-6 rooms. Here, you have the freedom to pick the challenges you want and change your room whenever you like!
From mind twisters to testing your physical endurance, Jumble has something for everyone. No two challenges are similar in nature, and the experience of each will give you a run for your money.
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Gather your mates and immerse yourself in the mind-wrenching puzzles that Jumble has to offer. Awaken your tepid senses and be on the lookout for hidden clues to solve the tricky brain games in this escape challenge in Dubai. Get to know your group's strengths as you put your heads together to devise the winning strategy. 
If your team can't find the way out, don't worry! The Ninjas over at Jumble are ready to help your team connect the dots and achieve success.
Test Your Physical Fitness
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Responsible Fun at Jumble
Health and safety have been an important factor for Jumble since day one. So in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, you can rest assured that meeting the mandatory safety standards is the top-most priority at the indoor adventure park. 
Separate entry and exit points are designed to facilitate the smooth movement of visitors, keeping in line with norms of physical distancing. The disinfection of every Jumble, wristband, locker room, and other touchpoints in the indoor adventure park is carried out regularly with the utmost care. 
Wrapping Up
Irrespective of your win or loss, coming out smiling and having a great time together with your friends and family should be your ultimate goal. Jumble's escape challenges in Dubai keep you cool in the summer and offer a healthy dose of energy, fun, and amusement!
Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime without compromising your safety during the pandemic at Jumble!
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promotion101stuff · 4 years
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tektron · 4 years
TEKTRONIX TECHNOLOGY Company builds a tunnel to spray disinfectant tunnel on staff before they begin work in bid to prevent coronavirus outbreak People walk through a ‘sanitizing gate’ spraying disinfectans tunnel gate spray against coronavirus before entering into a mall shopping mall, government office, Schools, A company in the UAE DUBAI has built a tunnel to spray employees at an industrial complex with disinfection spray the gate before they begin work. For all GCC MENA ALL DUBAI ALL EMIRATES
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simmyseo · 4 years
Sanitizers are a type of antiseptic, which is a significant component of an infection control program when used as an alternative to washing hands with water and soap.
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mistershadeuae · 4 years
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The wake of corona virus and the world wide lock down has led to the economy crashing. The only way to endure this pandemic and the economic consequences is to learn to survive with the virus. When the world is bouncing back to normal life, it is mandatory to take necessary precautions or else it can be fatal. Mister Shade ME is on a mission to fight against the deadly COVID- 19 which is why we started the manufacture, supply and installation of the disinfection gate in UAE
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Spray that costs pennies and kills viruses instantly could be a simple solution to Covid nightmare
Whether they’re in China, Hong Kong or Japan, they’ve become a familiar sight: men with giant cylinders on their backs spraying everything around them.
Lampposts, train carriages, classrooms, railings, restaurants, bars, shops, airports, entrances to hospitals, schools, government buildings – they are all targets.
And it seems to have paid off in the fight to tame Covid-19.
Or, at least, it’s played a vital role in curbing the spread of the virus and helping to unlock those countries from their respective coronavirus shutdowns.
But what exactly are they spraying? And why, if it’s so effective, aren’t we doing something similar here? The answer to the first question is rather more straightforward than finding an explanation for the second one.
What’s being sprayed is hypochlorous acid – known more widely as HOCl.
It is 100 times more effective as a disinfectant than bleach, killing germs and viruses instantly. 
A woman wears a face mask as she goes through a cleaning and disinfection tunnel called the ”Life Tunnel”, which through electrolyzed water – hypochlorous acid – helps sanitize the people who enter the central market in Santiago
Yet it’s free of potentially harmful additives: non-toxic, cheap to produce, easy to use and completely safe for humans. You simply spray HOCl, which appears like water, on your hands, clothes, or surfaces.
Scientists, doctors and healthcare experts want to know why it is not being deployed in this country more widely.
 It took until this week for the Government to give the green light to official trials in Britain. One suggestion is that when theatres open on August 1, audience members could be sprayed with the disinfectant by walking through metal detector-style arches on their way into venues.
‘We should have used HOCl from the very start. It would have made a huge difference – but it’s still not too late,’ said Dr Darren Reynolds, professor in Health and Environment at the University of the West of England, in Bristol.
HOCl has been previously described as ‘the gold standard by which all antiviral, antibacterial agents must now be compared’. 
It was in early March that HOCl was confirmed as being instrumental in containing the spread of Covid-19 in South Korea.
At the end of their shifts, frontline workers at drive-through corona testing stations were ‘stepping fully clothed into a small portable booth called the Clean Zone , in which they were showered in hypochlorous acid disinfectant.
This is a ShieldMe device which looks like an airport scanner with a pressure pad on the floor that triggers jets of natural disinfected that zaps Covid away in seconds
This practice is known as ‘fogging’ or ‘misting’ and is something the HOCl Trust – a charity set up in 2016 to inform and educate the general public about the benefits of hypochlorous acid – believes could play a huge role in avoiding a second spike of the disease.
And it would be cheap. HOCl can be made by dissolving in water a readily available man-made compound called sodium dichloroisocyanurate, the main ingredient of chlorination tablets.
‘We fog our dental practice at regular intervals during the day and I can’t understand why it is not more widely used,’ said James McDonald, a partner at Dutch Barton Dental, in Bradford-on-Avon in Somerset.
The hand-held fogging machine in his practice looks like a leaf-blower, but fogging tunnels have become commonplace in the East.
They look like airport scanners but have a pressure pad on the floor that triggers a fine mist of HOCl as people walk through.
A company called Trimite distributes sanitising fogging tunnels in the UK under the name of ShieldMe. 
They are made by a company called Naffco in Dubai, where they are seen at bus stops, train stations, in airports and in the foyers of cinemas. ‘The potential of fogging with hypochlorous acid is huge,’ said David Roberts, chairman of Trimite.
‘We are currently in discussions with some Premiership rugby and football clubs – and we think our three-man tunnels are the solution for bringing spectators back into stadiums.
‘There will be some queuing but it will take no longer to walk through a fogging tunnel than it will to go through a turnstyle where you have to show your ticket.’
Mr Roberts has tried approaching the NHS about installing fogging tunnels at the entrances to hospitals but without success: ‘I could pull my hair out dealing with the NHS. They have got to get some commercial people in who understand a supply chain.’
Professor Reynolds told the Mail he got as far as making contact with the relevant office at the Department of Health and suggested HOCl could be made cheaply and in vast quantities but it came to nothing. ‘I got a call back and was told that it would be discussed but that was it,’ he said. ‘There seems to be an inherent resistance to new ideas. Our inability to respond quickly to innovation is deeply frustrating.’
Tania Wedin, a trustee of the HOCl Trust, last week finally succeeded in getting the attention of NHS England’s PPE-reuse team but was told that ‘further testing will be required to positively prove the efficacy of the fogging process specifically against gowns, masks and eyewear, particularly at the scale of decontamination that we are interested in’.
Meanwhile, the NHS team acknowledged it is a ‘promising concept’ and is looking at it as a potential ‘innovative solution’.
But Miss Wedin said she is not holding her breath. She said: ‘The NHS now has a duty to have the necessary testing done and routinely use HOCl.
‘Then, should a second wave be apparent, or a future pandemic, HOCl will be immediately available for frontline key workers to protect themselves, saving the NHS money, and, more importantly, reducing the cost in lives.’
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If successful, the sanitization gateway is the first to be employed in a commercial capacity, will be rolled out across all of all staff accommodation centres in the UAE.
A similar sanitization system has already been installed at Abu Dhabi MEDIA OFFICE to protect essential workers, using the SAFF ENTRANCE GATE. It too is expected to be rolled out at other transport hubs around the country.
 The abu Dubai media Authority, has developed an Human Disinfection Tunnel to ensure the health and safety of its employees, customers, and residents at the ABU DHABI MEDIA OFFICE. The initiative is in line with the National Disinfection Programme and the preventive measures applied across Dubai to ensure the health and safety of all workers in vital sectors.
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genesiscinemas · 4 years
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Disinfection Booths For Sale They are called Disinfection Tunnels. As you pass through them, sometimes after washing your hands, nozzles spray a disinfectant mist on you which reportedly kills most germs and viruses, including, hopefully, the COVID-19 Price Nigerian fabricated 1.5 million naira Dubai Made 2.5 million naira Korean made 7 million naira Made of Different components : *Interior is steel Exterior is PVC * Chemicals &sanitizers can be refilled after usage. *Automatically disinfects entire body *Automatically dispenses sanitizer *Checks body temperature and gives off an alarm if temperature is abnormal. *W.H.O certified * Dubai 5 days Delivery * Lagos and Abuja same day delivery * KOREAN 3days Delivery and installation is free for all except we will be traveling to install. Face and mask recognition Contact Ceni plug 09083275571 (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBAe78WJ8Mj/?igshid=1xwxdj7zz4sxm
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
COVID-19 safety: How will Dubai malls control crowds, monitor temperature?
The SIRA digital convention in progress Picture Credit score: Equipped
Dubai: Amongst different issues, coronavirus has modified the necessities of public safety.
As prime officers and trade consultants mentioned the matter at a digital convention organised by the Safety Trade Regulatory Company (SIRA) on Wednesday, the efficacy of every part from disinfection tunnels, thermal cameras and applied sciences to monitor social distancing and crowd capacities got here beneath evaluate.
To start with, walk-through sanitising gates, it was felt, wanted extra analysis for use as a long-lasting answer in combating COVID-19.
As contributors debated the efficacy of disinfection gates, getting used as pilot initiatives in some places, Reem Hassan, head of safety methods and tools testing lab at SIRA, stated the set up of the gates is a waste of cash as extra analysis was wanted earlier than they may very well be put into use.
“Many institutes are using gates that take 10 to 15 seconds for the person to cross over. We need more research on their safety to see if they might have any negative impact on people’s health. It might be a relief for the person who cross the gates as it disinfects their clothes, but it can’t eliminate COVID-19,” she stated on the digital session that highlighted the position of safety in opposition to COVID-19 in Dubai.
The query of the gates’ security if an individual passes by way of them a number of occasions a day or if youngsters and the aged had been to make use of them was additionally mentioned.
“We can’t let kids go inside those gates as they are not like us. They will not understand the instructions. Elderly people over the age of 60 and people with respiratory problems can be adversely affected too,” she added.
Thermal cameras
Engineer Arif Al Janahi, safety operations and providers supervisor at SIRA, stated that putting in thermal cameras isn’t obligatory, however SIRA has really helpful it as precautionary measure to detect folks’s temperature, a key symptom of COVID-19.
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Eng Arif Al Janahi
“It’s important to buy cameras of high standard as they could give inaccurate readings otherwise, causing confusion,” stated Eng Al Janahi.
He stated that thermal cameras are essential for giant purchasing centres and SIRA will problem detailed pointers on how they have to be employed to scan guests.
Paul Tennent from TenTec Consultancy and Coaching within the UK stated that there are some elements which may influence the accuracy of thermal cameras like warmth sources, lighting, air-conditioning and ranging physique temperatures – all of which wanted to be studied. However utilizing the cameras per se didn’t have any dangerous results on folks.
“Thermal cameras work by detecting and measuring the infrared radiation emanating from objects. It is now used on a large scale at airports, hotels, sport facilities, hospitals and transportation,” Tennent stated.
Social distancing and crowd control
Eng Al Janahi really helpful that main purchasing centres scale back the variety of their entry factors to monitor the quantity and circulation of tourists. Monitoring the variety of passengers in each automotive coming into the mall was additionally useful. Utilizing completely different exit factors would additionally turn out to be obligatory.
Brian Tarpey, safety marketing consultant at SIRA, stated that expertise can be utilized to depend variety of folks at any level inside a purchasing centre.
“Technology can count the people coming in and going out the mall. Malls can have a monitoring system to know if the capacity reached at any point is more than 30 per cent and accordingly close the entry point until the crowd inside clears. It is not easy, but it’s vital for safety,” Tarpey stated.
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jumbledubai · 4 years
Jumble Is the Place to Go If You Want to Have Fun and Not Worry About Your Safety!
The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to stay indoors, keeping us away from activities that were considered normal in pre-COVID times. With medically advised restrictions on the size of gatherings and the precautions to be taken when outdoors, you might think that there aren't too many options available for you to step out and have fun. Jumble ticks all the right boxes for you.
Adventure Awaits at Jumble!
Jumble is an indoor adventure park that has completely reinvented the idea of escape rooms in Dubai. The first of its kind in the UAE, Jumble offers an adventure like no other, with 16 exhilarating jumbles to choose from, each containing 2-6 challenging rooms for your team to solve!
Both physically energizing and mentally stimulating, the indoor activities during COVID at Jumble ensure that you, your family, and friends have the best day out. These challenges are also bound to keep you hooked. Completing the first means you move on to the next. However, failing means having to start all over again or choosing a new room.
You and your team can choose whichever jumble you'd like to head into first and in which order. You'll have to work with your team, solving all kinds of clues, balancing as you walk across beams, crawling through tunnels, climbing the monkey bar, and testing your strength, speed, and stamina, all at the same time!
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Jumble's safe indoor activities during COVID are open to anyone older than 10 years of age, and children of ages 10 and 11 must be under adult supervision. It's the perfect venue for a memorable birthday party and family gatherings. You can even build lasting relationships with your work colleagues by booking a private space for corporate events.
Safety Always Comes First
Jumble has left no stone unturned in making sure that you and your team are safe while making memories that last a lifetime. It's the ideal space for safe indoor activities during COVID.
While we have always delivered exceptional standards of Health and Safety, during the closure, Jumble has focused on providing enhanced safety procedures to ensure that you're in the safest of hands. The entire premises is thoroughly disinfected and sanitized throughout the day with cleaning agents who have been certified by the Dubai Municipality.
Additionally, other procedures, such as a separate entry and exit for customers, have also been laid out. All lockers, wristbands, and other props are sanitized multiple times throughout the day, and wearing a mask is mandatory at all times.
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Set Aside Your Fears at Jumble
In times like these, keeping ourselves as safe as possible is important, even when we're having fun outside of our homes. That's why Jumble is committed to bringing you and your family or friends closer together in the safest, cleanest, and most enjoyable environment possible.
So reserve yourself, your friends, and your family a date with Jumble today. Rest assured that you'll have the time of your life without anything to worry about!
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Global Sanitizing Tunnels Market Research Report Covers, Future Trends, Past, Present Data and Deep Analysis 2020-2027 By (COVID-19 Impact)
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“A SWOT Analysis of Sanitizing Tunnels, Professional Survey Report Including Top Most Global Players Analysis with CAGR and Stock Market Up and Down.”
The “Sanitizing Tunnels Market” research report presents an all-inclusive study of the global Sanitizing Tunnels market. The report includes all the major trends and technologies performing a major role in the Sanitizing Tunnels market development during forecast period. The key players in the market are Tektronix Technology System LLC., PROTECH GROUP, Vimachem, RGF Environmental Group, Douglas Machines Corp, Microteknik, Newsmith, Marchant Schmidt, SYSPAL Ltd, Security Solutions Dubai, Imdaad, Dantech UK Ltd, Dinies Technologies GmbH. An attractiveness study has been presented for each geographic area in the report to provide a comprehensive analysis of the overall competitive scenario of the Sanitizing Tunnels market globally.
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Furthermore, the report comprises an outline of the diverse tactics used by the key players in the market. It also details the competitive scenario of the Sanitizing Tunnels market, placing all the key players as per their geographic presence and previous major developments. SWOT analysis is used to evaluate the growth of the major players in the global market.
The report presents a detailed segmentation UV Disinfection, Disinfectant, Heat Disinfection, Market Trend by Application Hospitals, Food Industry, Chemical Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Others of the global market based on technology, product type, application, and various processes and systems. Geographically, the market is classified into. The report also includes the strategies and regulations according to the various regions stated above. Porter’s five forces analysis describes the aspects that are presently affecting the Sanitizing Tunnels market. Moreover, the report covers the value chain analysis for the Sanitizing Tunnels market that describes the contributors of the value chain.
Impact Of COVID-19
The most recent report includes extensive coverage of the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Heated Jacket division. The coronavirus epidemic is having an enormous impact on the global economic landscape and thus on this special line of business. Therefore, the report offers the reader a clear concept of the current scenario of this line of business and estimates the aftermath of COVID-19.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at:: https://www.marketresearchstore.com/market-insights/sanitizing-tunnels-market-814992
The report also puts forth the restraints, drivers, and opportunities expected to affect market’s growth in the forecast period. Further, it offers a holistic perspective on the Sanitizing Tunnels market’s development within stated period in terms of revenue [USD Million] and size [k.MT] across the globe.
The all-inclusive data presented in the report are the outcome of detailed primary and secondary research along with reviews from the experts and analyst from the industry. The report also evaluates the market’s growth by taking into consideration the impact of technological and economic factors along with existing factors affecting the Sanitizing Tunnels market’s growth.
The additional geographical segments are also mentioned in the empirical report.
North America: U.S., Canada, Rest of North America Europe: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North Korea, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America Middle East and Africa: GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa
There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Sanitizing Tunnels market
Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Sanitizing Tunnels, Applications of Sanitizing Tunnels, Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Sanitizing Tunnels, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Sanitizing Tunnels Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Sanitizing Tunnels Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Sanitizing Tunnels ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type UV Disinfection, Disinfectant, Heat Disinfection, Market Trend by Application Hospitals, Food Industry, Chemical Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Others; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Sanitizing Tunnels ; Chapter 12, Sanitizing Tunnels Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Sanitizing Tunnels sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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bestaccountingin · 4 years
The prestigious sanitizer tunnel supplier in Dubai, MBM Gulf Electromechanical provides eco-friendly options to the customer. If you are looking for a reliable sanitizer tunnel supplier for your commercial premises, simply contact MBM Gulf.
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