#diseño urbano
zoomdigitaltv · 1 year
Rediseñando el Futuro: Cómo el Diseño Urbano Incluyente está transformando las ciudades
“Como ciudadanos, incluirse en el proceso creativo es vital para lograr un entorno más amable para todos.“ Javier Rivera, docente del Máster en Paisajismo Urbano de la Escuela de Diseño Superior  ESDESIGN  México, Agosto 2023– En la actualidad, la búsqueda de identidad basada en la individualidad ha tenido un impacto significativo en diversos sectores, y el diseño urbano no ha sido la excepción.…
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magicfeatherspecialist · 10 months
Mucho "podrá Argentina cerrar el portal?" pero seamos sinceros el portal está ahí cortando dos carriles de la 9 de julio hace ya años. Similares ya aparecieron en Córdoba, Chubut, Tierra del Fuego, Salta y Misiones. Lo que si se van expandiendo en el cielo con ciertos eventos. Ya el brillo violeta se ve en todos los sectores del país. Hoy se juega a ver si se produce la convergencia y todos los portales se unen cubriéndonos a todos o lo volvemos a neutralizar un rato.
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arquitecturayobrasbo · 5 months
Phone: 911179484
Address: C. Hermanos Machado, 3, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
Bienvenido a Arquitectura y Obras, tu empresa de construcción y diseño en Boadilla del Monte. Desde la construcción de casas hasta la rehabilitación de edificios, ofrecemos soluciones integrales para tus proyectos arquitectónicos en Boadilla del Monte y sus alrededores.
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arquitecturayobrasma · 5 months
Phone: 911176255
Address: Calle de María de Molina, 29, Chamartín, 28006 Madrid
Empresa de Construcción Madrid se destaca en el sector por su enfoque en proyectos de construcción innovadores y sostenibles. Desde construcción de casas y chalets hasta edificaciones de vivienda unifamiliar y promociones de obra nueva, nuestro compromiso es con la calidad, la sostenibilidad y la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro equipo experto lleva a cabo cada proyecto con precisión, desde los planos de vivienda hasta la construcción de oficinas y restaurantes, asegurando resultados excepcionales que superan las expectativas.
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ernestdescalsartwok · 6 months
PLAÇA DE LA REFORMA-PINTURA-ART-MANRESA-ESCALES-BASLICA-LA SEU-PAISATGES-URBANISME-CAPVESPRE-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: PLAÇA DE LA REFORMA-PINTURA-ART-MANRESA-ESCALES-BASLICA-LA SEU-PAISATGES-URBANISME-CAPVESPRE-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Escenas paisajistas del atardecer en la ciudad de MANRESA, la PLAÇA DE LA REFORMA y las escaleras de suben hacia la Basílica de LA SEU, nuevo urbanismo que ha cambiado la atmósfera de esta plaza con arquitectura y diseño moderno, suave luminosidad que se refleja en el vibrante cielo y en los edificios y en el asfalto mientras algunas personas se mueven en dirección al Bar Caraques, las farolas encendidas y los árboles complementan las sensaciones de vida. La luz del momento impregna al paisaje urbano de poesía plástica. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel cartulina de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintar los lugares del Barri Antic manresano.
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angeldecuir · 8 months
El diseño de los tenis PUMA, ya sean urbanos o deportivos, no solo es una cuestión estética, sino que también refleja la fusión entre la...
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mexicoantiguo · 3 days
Imagen de un puente sobre el canal de la Viga en México D.F.
Ca. 1850-1900
La mayoría de los puentes eran de piedra o madera, materiales comunes en las infraestructuras de la época. Algunos puentes más pequeños, especialmente en áreas rurales cercanas a Xochimilco, eran más rústicos y hechos casi exclusivamente de madera.
Aunque su diseño era generalmente utilitario, los puentes más grandes y transitados, especialmente cerca de los centros urbanos, tenían arcos y barandales q…
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mondosalamone · 1 month
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Palacio Municipal de Coronel Pringles
Ubicado en el corazón de la plaza Juan Pascual Pringles, este emblemático edificio fue construido por Francisco Salamone en 1937. No solo diseñó el Palacio, sino también el entorno urbano y las avenidas, creando un espacio que aún hoy se mantiene fiel a su propuesta original.
Su entorno, adornado con jardines y fuentes. El piso de la plaza luce su distintivo diseño en zigzag.
La construcción fue llevada a cabo por la empresa Sumbre y Cía., con Luis Constantini a cargo de los jardines, ramblas y equipamiento, y Ángel Pagano de la iluminación.
El diseño del Palacio sigue una tipología de basamento y torre, con una estructura simétrica organizada en tres ejes circulatorios. El acceso principal, destacado por una torre reloj, se encuentra en el centro de la fachada. Los accesos laterales conducían originalmente a los despachos del Intendente y el Juez de Paz.
La ubicación central y la escala del edificio subrayan su monumentalidad, ofreciendo una vista imponente desde cualquier perspectiva.
Fuente: Autores varios. Colección Patrimonio Argentino. Ediciones Arq Clarín - Cicop. Buenos Aires, 2012.
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Corea Joseon-Cerámica/porcelana.
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Cuenco de té de cerámica coreana, dinastía Joseon (siglo XVII).
Durante la epoca Joseon, (1392–1897). Las porcelanas hechas en los hornos regionales fueron exportadas. La dinastía gozó un período largo de crecimiento en casi todos los klins reales, urbanos y regionales. La influencia china a lo largo de los colores, las formas y técnicas. La celadón, la porcelana blanca y los recipientes eran similares, mientras que los cambios aparecieron en las vidriadas y los diseños florales. La influencia desde la China de los Ming en las porcelanas blancas y azules.
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emvisual · 3 months
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Don't take this the wrong way es un estudio usamericano autor de esta maravilla. Una herramienta necesaria en todas las ciudades para descargar las frustraciones diarias.
Estas fotos son de New York.
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openvimark · 2 months
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(vía Bolsa de tela con la obra «The coolest skater cat in the neighborhood» de 0penvimark)
The coolest skater cat in the neighborhood El gato skater más cool del barrio Description: A super stylish urban cat surprises us with his look and his ability to skate. An image that will make you smile! Descripción: Un gato urbano y súper estiloso nos sorprende con su look y su habilidad para el skate. ¡Una imagen que te sacará una sonrisa! Design/Diseño. https://www.redbubble.com/es/shop/ap/163005727 Store/Tienda. https://www.redbubble.com/es/people/0penvimark/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
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El Puente del Bósforo 🌟✨ es un símbolo icónico que no solo conecta dos continentes, Europa y Asia, sino que también representa la fusión de culturas, historia y grandeza arquitectónica de Estambul, Turquía. Esta obra maestra de la ingeniería es un testimonio perdurable de la influencia única que la ciudad ejerce en el mundo, uniendo dos mundos de una manera simbólica y tangible. Con 1.560 metros de longitud, el puente se alza majestuosamente sobre las aguas del estrecho del Bósforo, ofreciendo una vista impresionante del paisaje urbano y el hermoso entorno natural. Su diseño moderno y elegante es un ejemplo notable de la ingeniería civil y su presencia destaca la capacidad humana para superar desafíos geográficos y unir comunidades a través de la infraestructura. Ha sido esencial para el desarrollo socioeconómico y cultural de Estambul, facilitando la movilidad de personas, bienes y servicios entre dos continentes. Además, su importancia simbólica ha contribuido a la cohesión y la identidad de la ciudad, marcando una transición armoniosa entre dos culturas y formas de vida únicas. También es el escenario de importantes eventos y ceremonias que atraen a visitantes y residentes de todo el mundo. Su esplendor arquitectónico y su impacto simbólico lo han convertido en un ícono reconocido a nivel internacional, y su presencia es una representación tangible de la grandeza histórica y cultural de Estambul.
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Arquitecto y Aparejador en Madrid
Madrid, la vibrante capital de España, es un crisol de estilos arquitectónicos que reflejan su rica historia y su continuo desarrollo. En esta dinámica ciudad, los arquitectos y aparejadores desempeñan un papel crucial en la creación y renovación de espacios que combinan funcionalidad, estética y sostenibilidad. Este artículo explora la colaboración entre estos profesionales y su impacto en el paisaje urbano de arquitecto Madrid.
El Papel del Arquitecto
El arquitecto es el profesional encargado de concebir y diseñar edificios y espacios habitables. En Madrid, los arquitectos enfrentan el desafío de integrar nuevos proyectos en una ciudad que valora tanto su patrimonio histórico como su capacidad de innovación.
Funciones Principales del Arquitecto
Diseño y Planificación: El arquitecto desarrolla conceptos y planos que traducen las necesidades y deseos de los clientes en proyectos realizables. En Madrid, esto incluye desde la rehabilitación de edificios históricos hasta la creación de modernos rascacielos.
Innovación y Estética: Los arquitectos en Madrid buscan constantemente soluciones creativas que respeten el entorno urbano y cultural de la ciudad.
Supervisión de Obras: Durante la fase de construcción, el arquitecto supervisa el desarrollo del proyecto para asegurar que se cumplan las especificaciones técnicas y de diseño.
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El Rol del Aparejador
El aparejador Madrid, también conocido como arquitecto técnico, es el profesional que garantiza la viabilidad técnica y económica de los proyectos. Su enfoque práctico es esencial para la ejecución exitosa de las obras.
Funciones Principales del Aparejador
Control de Calidad y Seguridad: Supervisa la obra para asegurar que se cumplan los estándares de calidad y las normativas de seguridad.
Gestión de Costos y Presupuestos: Elabora y controla los presupuestos del proyecto, asegurando que se mantenga dentro de los límites financieros establecidos.
Asesoramiento Técnico: Brinda asesoramiento técnico durante todas las fases del proyecto, desde la planificación inicial hasta la finalización de la obra.
La Sinergia entre Arquitecto y Aparejador
La colaboración entre arquitectos y aparejadores es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier proyecto arquitectónico en Madrid. Esta relación asegura que los proyectos no solo sean estéticamente atractivos, sino también técnicamente viables y económicamente sostenibles.
Ejemplos de Proyectos en Madrid
Rehabilitación de Edificios Históricos: La restauración de edificios emblemáticos en el centro de Madrid es una tarea común. Estos proyectos combinan técnicas modernas con materiales tradicionales para preservar la esencia histórica de la ciudad.
Construcción de Viviendas Sostenibles: La creciente demanda de sostenibilidad ha llevado a la construcción de viviendas que utilizan energías renovables y materiales ecológicos, contribuyendo a un entorno más verde.
Diseño de Espacios Públicos Modernos: La creación de nuevos parques, plazas y áreas recreativas que fomentan la convivencia y el bienestar de los ciudadanos es otra área clave de colaboración.
El trabajo conjunto de arquitectos en Guadalajara y aparejadores en Madrid es crucial para el desarrollo continuo de la ciudad. Su colaboración asegura que los proyectos arquitectónicos no solo sean visualmente impresionantes y funcionales, sino también sostenibles y respetuosos con el patrimonio cultural. Gracias a la dedicación y profesionalismo de estos expertos, Madrid sigue evolucionando como una metrópolis que equilibra su rica historia con la modernidad y la innovación.
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architectuul · 4 months
Mexico's Urban Improvement Program
For five decades, few architects had public or social commissions in Mexico, and it was not until the election of the left‑wing political party Morena in 2018 that selected architects were given the opportunity to design for the wider population. During his six‑year term in office, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) wants to bring about a better future for neglected populations by implementing roughly a thousand urban infrastructure projects in Mexico’s poorest and most dangerous neighbourhoods with the Urban Improvement Program.
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But there is a lack of time, money and experience among most of the people involved, as well as a lack of expertise and interest in maintenance after completion. For a project to have the best chance of long‑term survival, adoption by the population and the lowest possible maintenance requirements are crucial. In Mexico City I had an opportunity to talk to Mr. Román Meyer Falcón, a prominent figure in the field of urban and agrarian development, currently serving as the Secretary of Agrarian, Land, and Urban Development (SEDATU) in Mexico.
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Mr. Meyer Falcón's extensive background in public service and urban planning has positioned him as a key advocate for equitable and inclusive urban development in Mexico. His leadership has played a significant role in shaping policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing, land rights, and sustainable urban growth. In addition to his national role, he holds the position of President of the UN Habitat Assembly. In this capacity, he spearheads international intergovernmental efforts to address global urbanization challenges, working toward the implementation of sustainable urban development goals on a global scale.
‘The work of architects on public projects in Mexico goes far beyond mere design’
Who, how and why started this process of the Program of Program Improvement?
RMF: When we started this administration in 2018, we had already worked in advance with the transition team of Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, now President. The idea was how we could establish a comprehensive program that could address the major needs in urban contexts of high marginalization; that is, those neighborhoods lacking water, electricity, drainage, paving, basic services, infrastructure. We set out to create a comprehensive program to make these facilities and public spaces that do not exist in the neighborhoods of greatest marginalization, which, unfortunately, often —not always— are the neighborhoods with the highest crime insecurity.
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The new public market in Huimanguillo, Tabasco by 128 Arquitectura y Diseño Urbano replaces the old, which was affected in its infra and superstructure derived from the lack of maintenance and the high level of corrosion. Photo © F8PHOTO, Alejandro Gutiérrez
In addition to this issue, the Program not only makes facilities and public spaces with an added value —architecture—, but also, in the vicinity of the works, of a plaza, of a sports facility, within 500-600 meters, we provide direct housing support so that women, in particular, can make improvements: build a bathroom, add a second level, install a water tank, make a door, apply waterproofing. They are not given the money directly. Also, within the same radius, 500-700 meters from a facility, we deliver public deeds; that is, the documentation or possession title that proves that people own their house. The fourth element of the Program is that in those same municipalities we update the urban development plans, which are the basis for the granting of construction permits. So, these are the four components of the Program: public facilities spaces, housing actions, regularization of land tenure actions, public deeds, and something very important for us, the issue of planning; that is, these documents that grant construction permits, that establish where we should not urbanize, where we should and how we should do it as efficiently as possible: where housing goes, where commerce goes, where infrastructure goes, etc.
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The renovation of the Old Municipal Trail in San Cristobal de las Casas by LAU creates new public spaces that allow the integration with the cultural elements that are part of the collective memory. Photo © Jaime Navarro
And the component for which I imagine this interview is about is one of the four pillars of the Program, which is the facilities. When we analyzed this, at that time with Mr. López Obrador, we put on the table, sort to speak, the possibility of addressing a specific type of infrastructure. Commonly, when talking about public infrastructure or urban services, water, paving, lighting are thought of as the most important. But there is a type that we think is the most important urban infrastructure of all, which brings together all the elements: and that it is public space, which combines water, light, drainage, paving, vegetation. And in neighborhoods with lag or marginalization, it is a very often lacking element, and that is where we work  in those neighborhoods.
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Chicxulub Market Square by MMX Studio improves the square and the construction of the market. Photo @ Dane Alonso
We have worked in advance with the communities. This means that 8 months or maybe a year before a backhoe comes in to do the foundation, we had participatory workshops with the community, with the local authorities, sometimes with the State government, to tell them “well, of all the needs you have, let's define which are the most important." So they tell us "well, for us a high school is very important, because our children currently take an hour and a half to go to the closest one, because we don't have one." Alright, then we ask "what else?", considering that we have a limited budget. And we work on a program based on the main needs.
Which were the criteria of the selection of the communities and location?
RMF: Primarily, in 60% or 70% of the cases, the locations correspond to places where the Federal Government has some major infrastructure project. So, this means, for example: the Maya Train corridor, which is 1600 km long; the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Corridor, which is 400 km; the vicinity of the Felipe Ángeles International Airport; the northern border with the United States, which was more of a fiscal incentive project. That's where the program supports the large federal infrastructure investments with its four components. So, we attend or accompany these large developments. For example, in the case of the Maya Train, some neighboring municipalities: having a train station does not mean that there are automatic immediate urban benefits. So, to avoid having, let's say, elements of great contrast, if the train station influences or benefits a population one or two kilometers away, we still have very lagging neighborhoods further away. So, we do complementary actions in those surrounding areas, but far from the train station itself. 
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Bacalar Ecopark by Collective C733 reduces the requested program to a minimum and act with actude to be able to wander through the natural richness of the flora and fauna of the site, affecting as little as possible. The lagoon is in the largest freshwater bacterial reef in the world. Photo © Rafael Gamo
So in every location you kind of need to do the preliminary research of what the community needs?
RMF: Yes, we arrive with a team of urban planners, architects, sociologists, so that they can start working as quickly as possible with the communities and with the local authorities. And that's where we make a basic master plan of the city. We say, "well, the marginalization of this city, which is in the middle of the Maya Train path, is more prevalent in these neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are the ones with the greatest lack of basic services." And among those basic services lacking, we focus on public space. So, we go from the general to start defining polygons or neighborhoods, and once we have those polygons, with densities, with levels of marginalization and needs, we go to the chosen neighborhoods and conduct participatory workshops in coordination with the municipality. And there we start to cross the different interests: because, for example, the municipality might say "I want this," which is usually what the Mayor has in mind. But it is also important to attend to the Mayor, because otherwise he will say "you never asked me what to do, so why do I have to maintain and operate the space?". So, we have to cross-reference the needs of the community and the local authority, so that, as far as possible, both parties are satisfied and say "well, maybe it wasn't what I wanted, but I agree that a high school should be built"; "I agree that a fire station should be built"; "I agree that a public market should be built." With that, we define: we see what are the best possible lands, which can be granted to us by the local or state authority. Because we do not buy the land, it must be given to us as a donation, because the infrastructure is handed over to the municipalities; it belongs to them. That is, that high school belongs to the Municipality; that market belongs to the Municipality, that sports facility belongs to the Municipality. We do not keep the infrastructure: it is a federal Program to support local authorities.
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Museum of Geology by MMX Studio in Progreso, Yucatan is a cultural element and an element of public space. Photo © Dane Alonso
How actually could you manage to make so many projects in such a short time?
RMF: It's an intensive job, there's no other way... A team effort, yes. But also I personally visit each of these facilities, on average, 10 times. Before the backhoe comes in, I check the plan, I tell them "yes, move the building, move it here, place it here, it's misoriented." I do other visits during the preliminary works, during the foundation stage, during the structure formation, during the configurations of facilities, during the masonry, finishing, and completion stages. 
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The Pyrotechnics Museum by Miguel Montor concerns a location that is recognized for its work with pyrotechnics at a national and international level for many years. As part of the request for post-pandemic economic recovery, it was proposed that the local workforce was to be used throughout the construction of the project, in order to generate employment. Photo © Onnis Luque
There's a very common phrase in Mexico that says: “a una orden dada, no supervisada, se la lleva la chingada”, that implies that if an instruction is given but not properly overseen or followed up on, it is likely to be neglected, forgotten, or poorly executed. Which is somewhat the nature of this administration and this government. The President is also a construction supervisor: every 15 days, for example, he goes to the Maya Train and checks the status of the project. And so, the only way to achieve these goals is for you to be physically supervising.
But you also work not only to check the work of architecture, also as you told you work very strongly with the communities. How do you get the trust of people?
RMF: I believe in trust, but also determination. Because we cannot afford to be ambiguous. We have so little time to complete these projects —because the program, from planning to the delivery of the work, has to ideally be done within a year or a year and a half—, so you have to close the fieldwork as quickly as possible: agree with the authorities and communities. Collaboration agreements are signed where it is stated 'yes, we all agree that we are going to make here the new public square' and everyone signs in understanding. And, as much as possible, as the construction process goes on, solve socialization problems. 
Public works are a constant conflict. In general, construction is a conflict. If you build, it's a conflict, whether it's public or private. But when it's public, it's greater, because it is a matter of common interest; because public funds belong to everyone, to all Mexicans. So, let's say, many points of view, local interests come into play, which must be politically addressed as much as possible. Because otherwise, upon delivery, the reception and operation of the spaces can become a conflict. That's why we, every two months, go back to each space and do supervision work: we check if there is light, if the bathrooms are working, if they are open, if there are waterproofing problems, if the municipality is correctly giving operation and maintenance.
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The renovation of the main square in Cosoleacaque, Veracruz by Colectivo MX, Gabriel Konzevik, Reyes Ríos and Larraín arquitectos improves the quality of social life based on an in-depth review of how and why people have used existing facilities. Photo © Andrés Cedillo - Grupo Provimex
So, it's not only about the construction, but also about following up every two months with the local authorities to see if they are using and taking advantage of them. And if not, you call the Mayor the Governor and say “listen, I have three abandoned projects in your state, what happened?”. So, it's a constant political pressure of supervision.
Something interesting is that almost all the facilities made in the first years, 2019 and 2020, are now active; I believe all of them. Because a political effort was made to ensure permanence. This means that when a work is delivered, it does not mean that it will function the next day. You have to wait approximately two years for a sense of permanence to consolidate among the community and the local authorities to understand that it is a place that needs to be followed up. So, after delivering a facility, you have to be two years behind those responsible.
And how did you do the selection of architects?
RMF: In the first year, we worked with UNAM’s Architecture Faculty, for better or worse. Because UNAM, which is the great National University, is also a very complicated bureaucratic apparatus, and when two bureaucratic apparatuses want to work in short times, it's a disaster. But aside from that, it gave me the opportunity to get to know the work of many architects. It was, let's say, a letter of introduction to good and not-so-good architects.
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The House of Culture and the Kindergarten (CADI) in Tlatenchi by Taller CD represent two projects developed jointly, although in separate properties. Photo © Andrés Cedillo
After that year of work, in which the University and the Faculty made the executive projects, we were able to meet many architects and from there we began to define which ones were the good ones and for what types of projects. We chose many of them for other years insofar as they were architects or firms who are interested in reviewing the work on-site. Because there were some who delivered the executive project and afterwards never returned to the site.
The architect is forged in the field. Indeed, it is important that they enroll in a Faculty and study. But architecture is done in the field and, hence, the only way to learn is by stepping on the territory, there's no other way. So, we also got involved with those architects who we know return to the building sites, who supervise their own works without us having to pressure them; those who return, that review the project with the company, with the director, make their observations, and that when I see them —in those visits that I make— raise their hand and say what is wrong and, in front of the construction company, in the field, we debate.
How many architects are included in the Program?
RMF: Well, there must be more than a hundred, and all of them are nationals.
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Can you present me with one of the studios?
RMF: Yes, for example, we have Loreta Castro from the firm Taller Capital. Just yesterday, we delivered a project of hers, the Bicentennial Park in the municipality of Ecatepec. It is the most intensively used urban park in the country, located in one of the poorest and most densely populated municipalities. It also serves as a regulating basin, capturing and filtering water due to significant water shortages in the area. We also have Gaby Carrillo, who has assisted us in many projects, as well as Estudio MMX, which is, let's say, "special," but good. Miguel Montor, who worked on the Mammoth Museum. They all teach somewhere...
What’s next? Will you continue to do this?
RMF: I believe so. You know, there's a saying: "an old monkey doesn't learn new tricks." At our age, we're already specialized in something. In our case, urban planning and architecture. It's very unlikely that I'll quit. So I have to stick with something I like; it's a vocation; something I enjoy despite the unfriendly bureaucracy and the fact that it is often tyring.
For instance, I like the project behind you: it's the new Agrarian Archive, the second largest and most important archive in Latin America, located on Reforma Avenue, the most important one in Latin America as well.
This section over here is a Botanical Garden, with sections that range from jungle to desert, with different lighting conditions. It also has a public plaza with a small skatepark. Below is the entire archive, and we have the bureaucratic part as well. This is an example of institutional projects that we undertake within the Ministry without architects. These are the types of projects that we have been very enthusiastic about. This particular project is already about 65% complete. The structure is already up, and we are working on coverings and facilities: there's, for example, an Agrarianism Museum, which will be made up of pieces that blend in with the landscape and the botanical garden. We have pieces from the National Institute of Anthropology and History from the 16th and 17th centuries, which we will use as references for why agrarianism in Mexico is so important. 
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mondomoderno · 5 months
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Las escuelas monumentales de Córdoba o “las escuelas de Sabattini”, representan un hito arquitectónico y cultural en la historia de la provincia. Diseñadas como parte del ambicioso plan del Gobernador Amadeo Sabattini cuyo lema de campaña había sido “agua para el norte, caminos para el sur y escuelas en todas partes”. Con más de 150 escuelas construidas en solo cuatro años (1936-1940), se buscó cubrir la creciente demanda educativa.
Se trató de un plan educativo integral en el que la Ley Nacional 1420 establecía la educación común, gratuita, laica y obligatoria. La influencia del racionalismo y el expresionismo europeo, fueron los estilos adaptados y aplicados de manera única. También influyeron los principios del Movimiento Moderno en relación con aspectos higienistas, en cuanto a ventilación e iluminación.
A través del talento y la visión del arquitecto Nicolás Juárez Cáceres, las escuelas se convirtieron en verdaderas obras de arte. Su diseño, a menudo monumental y simétrico, impactaba en el paisaje urbano, contribuyendo a fortalecer la identidad de los barrios donde se encontraban ubicadas. NJC había egresado de la UNC en 1936 y en sus comienzos trabajó junto al arquitecto Lo Celso.
Entre las escuelas más destacadas se encuentran, en la capital cordobesa, la Escuela Presidente Rivadavia, la Mariano Moreno, la Presidente Yrigoyen, la Roque Sáenz Peña y la Presidente Sarmiento, todas construidas entre los años 1937 y 1939.
La visión de Juárez Cáceres trascendió el simple diseño arquitectónico; sus obras fueron un reflejo de los ideales de progreso y funcionalidad propios del movimiento moderno, adaptados de manera única a la realidad local. Aunque su autoría no es exclusiva, su influencia en estas construcciones es innegable.
📚 http://archivo.lavoz.com.ar/suplementos/arquitectura/07/02/17/nota.asp?nota_id=45100 Cattaneo, Daniela Alejandra.La arquitectura escolar como instrumento del Estado: contrapuntos nación, provincias en la década de 1930, 2015. FB Buscando a Salamone. https://www.archdaily.cl/cl/02-354616/clasicos-de-arquitectura-escuela-presidente-sarmiento-nicolas-juarez-caceres
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Aprilia SR GT 125
Hasta el 31 de mayo, la Aprilia SR GT 125 está disponible por 3.499 euros, con un descuento de 500 euros en su precio original.
Esta scooter combina estilo urbano con elementos deportivos y características de los SUV, como su diseño compacto y divertido, perfecto para el día a día en la ciudad. Su estética moderna en negro y gris lo hace destacar en cualquier entorno urbano. Con neumáticos mixtos y manillar alto, ofrece una experiencia de conducción versátil, adaptándose tanto a las calles de la ciudad como a terrenos más accidentados.
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