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viejospellejos · 8 months ago
La discusión más épica de la historia:
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caostalgia · 2 years ago
"Mi corazón no es cobarde, sinó selectivo y se desgasta por aquello que considera, sí tiene un camino que lleve a algún destino"
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chipadequeso · 2 months ago
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rat-rosemary · 1 year ago
You know what I think would make Ever After High much better? They don't get rid of the book in Wonderland, it's still a thing they're struggling on the next special, Raven's mom lures Apple to the room she's kept in
But instead of taunting Apple with her happy ending, she manipulates her by playing a loving mother. She asks about how Raven is doing in school, if she's struggling with any classes, does she have friends? Are they good to her? Does she have a partner? Is her favorite food still chocolate cake, how did prom go? Was her dress pretty? Is she having fun? How tall is she now, I heard she has taken after me in hight.
She's everything Apple wishes her own Mom was. She cares about more then Raven's grades, she remembers little meaningless things like her favorite cookies. She's an attentive loving mother that wants her daughter to be free and happy
And maybe she's evil, but who's to say she actually is? None of all the things Apple was told were true, so maybe this is a lie to! And Raven deserves to have her mom!
She frees the evil queen and she hides as a student saying that she's nervous to immediately meet with Raven after all this time
And then we get the plot and stuff
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sendinoutsmokesignals · 10 months ago
después de que me juzgaste, me destrozaste con tus comentarios sobre mi, yo te seguí tratando bonito y queriendote.
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lilisouless · 2 years ago
Nina: guys, is pride and prejudice good for movie night?
Jesper: is there a love triangle on it?
Nina: well, kind of but-
Jesper and Wylan: NOO!
Inej: is not exactly a triangle guys, you can calm down
Nina: what going on?
Inej: apparently we don't notice because we get too invested on the movie, but when we watch something with a love triangle things get a little...intense
Matthias: you just like Edward because he is rich!
Kaz: DUUH! what is your excuse? you like Jacob because he is a wolf?
Matthias: so what,Kaz? SO WHAT?!
Matthias: Aiden is a great guy! Carrie should stay with him!
Kaz: Mr Big is a millonaire!
Matthias: Thats you argument for everything! Also Big is a cheater!
Kaz: well your beloved Aiden got cheated on too!
Matthias: Why are we even fighting over this is neither of us like Carrie!
Kaz: i don't know but we already started
Matthias: Veronica is a frivolous rich spoiled kid! Betty is sweet
Kaz: Betty is a doormat! Veronica has her whole life ahead of her, therefore Betty should have the bland ginger!
Matthias: no! he should go to Veronica so Betty can find someone better
Matthias: you clearly don't understand the hunger games!
Kaz: oh please, the boring goody two shoes blondie has nothing on the competent, strong brunette
Matthias: its because you have not read the books! if you did you´d understand!
(meanwhile Jesper and Wylan locked in the closet)
Wylan: how comes the girls are NOT hearing that? they already broke like four plates
Jesper:shh! they´ll hear you
"both scream as the door opens"
Kaz: guys, we need your opinion on this
Wylan: please no
Matthias: how is a better match for Katniss Everdeen,Jonanna or Madge?
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pupuseriazag · 11 days ago
Maje no una gringa emputandose en twitter porque intento defender al viceministro de agricultura por andar una camisa de los proud boys y luego jugando la carta de "AY ME PUDIERON HABER EXPLICADO EN VEZ DE SALIR ENOJADOS 😡😡" como si hacer una puta busqueda en google (o tan si quiera leer el thread que le dejaron con la info) que el gobierno salvadoreño es facista la va a matar.
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De plano que es ilegal investigar sobre otros paises en estragos unidos o que putas, maje?
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peridotisthebest · 8 months ago
Talk about the lapidot gemling ( I think is a theme to talk with lapidot fans )
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I think the lapidot gemling is fun 😃 to see how lapis and peridot face the challenge of being mothers, and I especially like the couple themselves, it's like it's very well thought out, well, one of the best lapidot gemlings I've seen and read it is that of moonstonecoral, the children of lapis and peridot are called Bob, Pierre and Percy. (the reference to Bob, the hottest lapis on the market will soon be in your stores in your city, hehehe) Bob likes the daughter of pearl and amethyst, I think it's a good story, now tell me what you think, which is the best lapidot gemling?
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the-geek-librarian · 26 days ago
Omg,,,, this ch its fucking made me ill oh no,oh god fucking damn
I have thoughts, i have SO many thoughts but i need to get my act together first
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malichev · 9 months ago
I don't know what happened to the Patitos on the tweeter, but are they attacking the CC´s again? Literally, I want to understand why they think that the CC are obliged to make public speeches in defense of Quackity on topics that they are not related to, what fanaticism is this? The first thing that appeared on my Timeline today was attacks on Cellbit and his project( Ordem Paranormal), saying that Ordem only had quality content because of Quackit, (In other words, the person belittled everyone else involved, including other players like Roier, Foolish, Pac, Baghera… just to say that Quackity is the one who gave a lot of quality to the project, which is one of the biggest, if not the biggest RPG from Brazil.)
Peoople calling Cell a bad friend because he never came to defend Quackity in public, but people....Do you understand the meaning of reciprocity? Quackity never went public to defend him, or any of his friends from the mass attacks they suffered, and it's not like the streamer should take care of that, in fact, I've said it before and I'll say it again, the community, especially on Twitter, doesn't It's the CC's responsibility, they have to make an effort to take care of their own chat on Twitch, but for example Twitter, and these more public places are no longer something that is in the hands of Streamers exactly because of "freedom of expression/freedom of speech", people will attack each other on Twitter, it's their territory and they use it as they see fit, no streamer will have control from there. They may even say something, but that doesn't guarantee anyone's control. I'm shocked that mass attacks have started again for free..
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viejospellejos · 9 months ago
- “Bájate, bájate, cagón!”
- Vale, no se hable más…
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broken-heart-raven-queen · 11 months ago
Wich Matt Groening show would be the favourite of each Fox (+ Jerejean)?? I'm glad you asked because I know too much of this topic:
(Dis)Enchantment: Andrew, Kevin, Dan, Renee, Jeremy.
The Simpsons: Aaron, Nicky, Seth, Matt.
Futurama: Neil, Allison, Jean.
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aecta28 · 1 year ago
Wild card thoughts
So, I don't know if Kunigami was the only person in the wild card room or not, but if he was then that means he was basically in solitary confinement for about a month and a week. Spoilers, Kunigami went to the wild card room in chapter 94, when the 3 week tryouts for the blue lock eleven started. After the U-20 match there is a 2 week break. After that the Neo egoist league arc and then he is back in chapter 155. So in total that is 5 weeks in the wild card room if I did it right. And a month has 4 weeks. So Kunigami spent a little over a month in in solitary confinement, went through very VERY harsh training(Wild card tried to make a copy of Noel Noa), and if he did talk to anyone, it was probably a weird guy (Ego)through a screen. To add to that Shido said some rather impactful words that already messed with Kunigamis mental state. So yep that is all, and solitary confinement has not good effects, especially if it is for over a MONTH straight. Ok, goodbye! (Wait, is this not illegal? Could Ego get arrested? who knows) ( I checked its illegal, Egos going to jail)
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year ago
i've been saying it since june i will still be saying it now
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