#but it is something that should be discused more
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aecta28 · 1 year ago
Wild card thoughts
So, I don't know if Kunigami was the only person in the wild card room or not, but if he was then that means he was basically in solitary confinement for about a month and a week. Spoilers, Kunigami went to the wild card room in chapter 94, when the 3 week tryouts for the blue lock eleven started. After the U-20 match there is a 2 week break. After that the Neo egoist league arc and then he is back in chapter 155. So in total that is 5 weeks in the wild card room if I did it right. And a month has 4 weeks. So Kunigami spent a little over a month in in solitary confinement, went through very VERY harsh training(Wild card tried to make a copy of Noel Noa), and if he did talk to anyone, it was probably a weird guy (Ego)through a screen. To add to that Shido said some rather impactful words that already messed with Kunigamis mental state. So yep that is all, and solitary confinement has not good effects, especially if it is for over a MONTH straight. Ok, goodbye! (Wait, is this not illegal? Could Ego get arrested? who knows) ( I checked its illegal, Egos going to jail)
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All of that was for a single kiss (Lee Know x fem!reader)
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Pairing: Lee know x fem!reader (established relationship)
Trope/Genre: Grumpy x sunshine, fluff, angst if you squint
Warnings: Very suggestive so MINORS DNI, Slight discusion of insecurity and one slight mention of a knife
Bangchan makes an appearance 
1,283 words
Summary: You and your boyfriend go shopping and a stranger insults him. He claps back like the absolute king he is and he teases you about finding it hot. He also gives you cuddles because I like cute shit.
You and your partner Minho have been dating for 10 months. Your life has never been better because you have someone that you can truly let down your guard around and be genuine with. Before you two had met, the people in your friend group had always referred to him as cold and rude, but strangely loveable. You didn’t have very high expectations when you met him, to say the least.
 But when you went to your friend's house for a birthday party and saw him there, you couldn’t understand what everyone was talking about. When people saw how you two interacted their jaws would drop. Since you were known as a sweet, upbeat and kind person nobody could understand how you got along so well. 
The chemistry that you two had was surprising to everyone but Christopher, a mutual friend of you and Minho. Chris and Minho had known each other for years and Chris knew him inside out. Which is how he figured out that Minho had a crush on you. Whenever the two of you interacted, Minho’s icy personality would melt away and he would turn into a soft and blushy mess. He could also tell that you liked Minho because you would turn away from your infinitely kind persona and lightly tease him sometimes. Chris would tease him about liking you for weeks. Every time that he would tell Minho that you liked him back, Minho would deny it because of his own insecurities. 
Chris decided that he would hatch a plan. He invited both of you to a perfect setting for a first date. A beautiful restaurant with incredible food, cheap prices and private seating. A few minutes after both of you arrived, Chris was basically third-wheeling already. You and Minho were laughing about something that you said when Chris suddenly pulled out his phone and said “Guys, Berry tore up the furniture in my house. My roommate just texted me. I need to go home.” Despite your protests, he quickly scrambled away, leaving you and Minho alone. 
You two ate and talked for about 2 hours before he decided to drive you to a hill so you could watch the sunset. There was a pause in the conversation. His eyes met yours. Your heartbeat quickened. Your breathing slowed. His face was a stunning shade of bubblegum pink. He leaned closer. You closed the gap between you and him and you kissed. 
Now, here you are, ten months later at a grocery store with your hand comfortably intertwined with your boyfriend’s. “What fruit should we get this time babe? Strawberries or Raspberries?” he said. “Hmm. I’m not sure, but right now I feel like ice cream”. 
“That’s not a fruit” he laughed. “If we stuck it in a tree and put some seeds inside of it, technically it could pass as one.” “Y/N. I love you so much, but what the fuck goes on in your brain?”. He playfully poked your cheek as you pouted. “You love my brain.” “I do love your brain, but it’s not normal in any way.” “Just choose the cheapest one.” “Strawberries it is then.” “Can we also get strawberry ice cream? Please?” You asked. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he said while walking over to pick up some ice cream. 
You had just come back from the chip aisle when you saw a random girl speaking to Minho. You weren’t the type to get jealous and you trusted your partner, so you just put the chips in the cart, allowing him to continue his conversation. 
“You should smile more! I see you here every week with that girl and you look miserable!” She pointed at you. “I just have an RBF.” “Wow! You’re just as rude as you come off! No wonder she’s ignoring you, she’s embarrassed to be seen near you.” The words that she said felt like a jab with a knife. You butted in. “I was just trying to be polite by not interrupting, but now I think I have to.” Minho looked at you with a smile as the girl continued. “Why is he so crabby all the time? Who hurt him?” 
“Maybe the reason I always look upset around you isn't because I’m just always like that. The call is coming from inside the house.” You smiled. You loved the bluntness of his personality. His remarks always made you laugh. He continued. “You have a bad vibe. You seem like the type of person to unironically say “Live laugh love” and talk about how ugly your “besties” are behind their backs. You want everyone to have the same “happy” facade that you have even though your real personality is just as cold as how I come off as.” This was the final straw for the girl. She seemed tongue-tied as she opened her mouth to say something and then walked away. 
“Holy shit, she was such a bitch! She came up to me, said hello and immediately started criticising my personality! What the actual fuck.” His rant was interrupted by you staring at him with wide eyes and a tinge of red covering your face. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You avoid eye contact until you reach the car after paying for your groceries. 
“Ok don’t judge me.” “Oh no, what is it now Y/N” “Fuck, uh. What you said back there. What you did back there. Was actually really hot”. Even though you mumbled the last sentence, he heard you loud and clear. “Oh really?” You felt your face heat up. “Me being rude was hot? Oh my god you’re seriously blushing so much you look like you’re going to explode!” He was smirking as he leaned in closely, about to kiss you and then pulled away at the last second. “Okay It’s time to go home!” He was giggling about your reaction to not being kissed the whole ride back to your shared apartment. 
Your face was still cooling down while you put the items that you bought away and Minho was folding some newly washed washing. You flopped down onto the couch next to him and sighed dramatically. Minho ignored you. You sighed again, even louder than before. Minho ignored you. You sighed for a third time as Minho placed his hand over your mouth.
 “What do you want?” “Something that I deserve.” “The ice cream?” “No Minho, not the ice cream!” You laughed. “What is it?” “I don’t want to say it.” “Why?” “It's embarrassing” “And telling me about your secret kink wasn't embarrassing?” “It was, and now it's even worse.” He stopped for a second, thinking about the events of the day. His eyes lit up in realisation. 
“Oh! You want a kiss!” “Yes finally!” “No.” “No?” “No.” 
It had turned into a wrestling match. Minho was trying to run away from you while you hunted him down. Eventually, you had him pinned under your body weight. All of that was for a single kiss. “You’re blushing.” You said as his face heated up even more. “No, I’m not!” “Oh no maybe now I’ve discovered your secret kink.” You laughed and kissed him, and he melted into the kiss. 
You both ended up sitting on the couch cuddled up together with Minho’s arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed your neck. 
“Thank you.” You said, as your eyes fluttered shut. You didn’t need a blanket to sleep because Minho’s body heat was enough to keep you warm. As you slowly drifted off to sleep, you could feel kisses being planted on your face. 
The last thing you heard was a whispered “I love you” before you began to dream.
Author note: This is the first fanfiction I’ve ever written! TYSM for reading and advice is appreciated!
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just-1-scorpio · 2 months ago
Reading Asterion by Alessa Thron, so you don't have to. Chapter 18 and 19.
This is a shared review, and discusion/dissing by me, and @wordsmithic
This time. I have only one positive.
The look of the Pithos's leader is pretty good. I like it.
A woman with a voice changer, and wears an ancient Greek depicting an exaggerated smile, has tears painted on it, and is made out of porcelain? The concept on paper is pretty good. In a batter book she would have actually be intimidating.
That's all with the positivs.
Chapter 18 starts after chapter 17. Asterion, Ariadne, and co, are about to attack the Pithos building. The plan is that they split in to two groups. Group one is Asterion and a few of his men, who go in from the front, whaile group two witch is Ariadne as the lead, Vin, and Theseus from the other said. They go in, and fight insues.
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wordsmithic: Since when is Asterion trained to be the leader of an assault team? That's so weird
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wordsmithic: Yes, okay Theseus is the mole 99%! If I can understand it, why does Ariadne not even *suspect* it??
scorpio: I don't get this eather. It's clear that Theseus acts suspicious, and she doas not even suspect something. When she is suposed to be smart.
Then sudenly Minos's assasins apear, and Ariadne has a little fight with them, where she literally says "You don't have to do this" to an assasin we literally seen only once in the begining, and probably completly forget about. And it also turns out that Theseus is the mole, to nobady's suprise. I'm sorry, but this was basicly one of the most oviouse plot twists ever.
And Asterion is laying in a pull of blood. Then Ariadne confesses her love to him, and then Pithos kidnaps her.
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wordsmithic: Okay, we both called it! But no character saw it coming... Sure... 🤦‍♀️
scorpio: Theseus being the mole, is a pretty badly writen plot twist. Maybe if there was more build up and was less oviouse it could have worked.
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wordsmithic: I am confused... Minos's assassins worked with Pithos? I don't remember this, if it happened.
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wordsmithic: oohhh noo, not the "mine" thing!! Some readers like those animalistic instincts and I get that I am not the target audience for this but.. damn I cringe every time
scorpio: This "mine" thing is pretty cringe in my openion too.
After this Asterion, and his only surviving man, Vin, are taken to the hospital, where Selene is the nurse for some reason. Hades apears. Asterion wants to find Pithos, to get Ariadne back.
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wordsmithic: HADES BEING THE VOICE OF LOGIC! THANK YOU! Too bad the narrative tells us we should not listen to him
scorpio: I agree with Hades too. They bearly know each other, but act as if they had a long romanc.
scorpio: I'm the only one who has the question that, why is Selena a nurse? Maybe I don't know much about her, but as far as I know she has not conection to medicine and healing. She is the titan Goddess of the moon.
wordsmithic: Well yeah she's The Moon basically. Yeah I have no idea why she would do the healing :O
So this is where chapter 18 ends. Don't worry it will be mentiond agein a bit.
So chapter 19 starts with Ariadne being inprisond by Pithos. She thinks a bit, then Thesues steps in, and takes her to they leader, whaile they arguing. Where do to the lack of context, or knowlige about Theseus's life, Ariadne looks rather bad and unsymphatic.
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wordsmithic: Yes, thank you, that was my question as well. Why wouldn't they collaborate from the beginning? I hope she can explain this a little bit better although... I doubt it xD
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wordsmithic: Eeeeeh.... Didn't she, herself, tell him to come find her a chapter ago? "Listen to me, Asterion. You need to get better, and then you need to come and find me. You did it once, so I know you can do it again." To quote her.
scorpio: Yes too. Doas she want him to find her, or not?
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wordsmithic: Finally, something remotely accurate!
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wordsmithic: I mean....even if he was not a Monster, Asterion is kind of a mafia boss with his own fighters. Of course he has blood on his hands. Theseus is not entirely in the wrong here.
scorpio: I have a feeling "Theseus is not being in the wrong here" was not intentional on Alessa's part.
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wordsmithic: Sorry.... how can you "fight" gods?? That's not even in the myths or Greece's history. The Greeks just changed their religion man. They didn't fight off the actual gods xD No saint went campaigning against Zeus to take him down from his throne.
scorpio: I have this question too? Is changing your religion means "fighint the gods" in this book, or what? What was Alessa thinking?
wordsmithic: She thinks we went on a crusade or something 😂 basically anything else than that characterization would be better
So then Ariadne is taken outside, and we learn that Pithos has basicly an army. Men and women with weapons, and full on military equipment are working for them. And we also meet Pithos's leader.
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wordsmithic: "A palace". Thank you, Alessa, for the detailed description. Also what type of palace?? Does she think that all the European countries have one type of palace? Are we still in Greece? Cause we have... two palaces in the whole country, I think?
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wordsmithic: As far as I know there are zero palaces on Crete. Does she mean they are on the ancient ruins of Knossos? Or did they build a new palace to stay in? Ughh that is so confusing.
scorpio: I have this question too. The Knossos palece is in ruins. I don't get this eather.
scorpio: I feel like these two chapters were supposed to be emotional. But it faild being it.
scorpio: Ariadne, and Asterion are more annoying then likable, we haven't seen or known Theseus, or Vin to have an emotional gut punch. Same with the Minos assasins apearing. I feelt nothing when Ariadne said "You don't have to do this" to Lynx, or what was her name.
wordsmithic: The Theseus being the mole plot twist, was so predictable, that it faild at being a suprise.
scorpio: Yes. He is the only one logical here, even if we don't agree with him.
wordsmithic: Also, yes, who cares about Lynx and the rest.. we only saw them in one scene
scorpio: I precticly forget about her existenc.
wordsmithic: Same 😂
wordsmithic: Also some said that Ariadne is "Minos' favourite". And ok this makes some sense because Ariadne is "the high priestess" But we don't see what "his favourite" means. Minos treated her like shit all her life. And we still don't know what "high priestess" is supposed to represent
scorpio: I think we don't get an answear to this. At this point we will not learn what it supposed to represent.
wordsmithic: That's what I'm thinking too 😂 What a fail
scorpio: Yes.
wordsmithic: Ariadne is The Bestest and Most Important but we have no idea what her title means
scorpio: Alessa failing at basicl world building. Agein.
scorpio: Also I'm the only one who still has the question about what happand? Okey there were riots, and such but what happand exectly for that day to be referd to as a fall.
wordsmithic: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Apparently the whole country collapsed with riots and fire
scorpio: The fect that we bearly know anything about both that day, and Theseus, makes Ariadne kinda look bad in the conversetion she has with Theseus. All we know he was poor, and lost is family in a fire. Or something
wordsmithic: Yes! I felt it too. I'm not sure if this collapse is realistic in the first place. Yes, governments and systems do collapse like that but riots alone are not enough to dismantle a whole country. She should have done w civil war or something
wordsmithic: >> All we know he was poor, and lost is family in a fire. Exactly
scorpio: YEs. Riots are not enough.
wordsmithic: "oh you must've been rich if you hae things to lose" Let's stop the assumptions please. Alessa wants us to accept this as reality, ofc
scorpio: It would have been easy to explain that "it was a civil war" instead of riots.
scorpio: The "your angry beacause you now have to work like the rest of us" just sounds bad, when we don't know anything about him.
wordsmithic: "She drowned in a spoonful of water" as we say in Greece
scorpio: Also if instead of riots it was a civil war, that could have been an explonations about why Pithos has guns, and military gear.
scorpio: The only good thing in my openion in these two chapters was the apearenc and look of Pithos's leader. It's a good disgne in my openion. It's just a shame, that it had to apear in this book.
wordsmithic: That's good! So far you have great points and better world building than her
scorpio: Thanks.
scorpio: I know someone who was in the Hungarian Defense Forces. He said that militrary equipment is expensive. So if instead of riots Alessa went with a civil war, then she would have get rid of the "where do they get the money for this", because then Pithos could have used lthe military equipment that was left from the civil war.
wordsmithic: Yess! And Pithos could've been born from the civil war
I think from this little conversetion, it's clear what are the problems with the book.
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the-kestrels-feather · 8 months ago
So through listening to Broadway Gatsby's songs they've released an uh... Truly unhealthy amount of times, I've come to the realization that I like it as a show but not as a Gatsby adaptation, and that I also think that Gatsby as a book is fundamentally gonna be REALLY hard to work into a musical
Before I get too far into this I want to specify I'm specifically talking about Gatsby on Broadway in this post. I don't know much about Gatsby: An American Myth outside of a few production photos and a video I'll talk about in a second, so I don't feel super qualified to talk about it. Second, I'm gonna link Wait in the Wings' fantastic video right here. It mainly discuses An American Myth, but I think he makes a lot of great points about Gatsby as a musical that I'm pretty sure I'll end up parroting at some point and I don't wish to pull a James Somerton. Also I should add I have not SEEN Gatsby. I'm broke and live in the Midwest so that's not possible right now, I'm basing this solely off what is publically available online, a friend who did get to see it, set photos, music, and WITW's other FANTASTIC Gatsby video.
But so I wanna say again, I do really like Gatsby on Broadway based on what I've seen. I love Eva Nobelzada, the set photos are BEAUTIFUL, I wish the music that was released was jazzier seeing as it's the literal JAZZ AGE but I like it overall, and Jeremy Jordan is... Also there (he's fine and I think he's very talented, but like if I were able to go see it he wouldn't be the reason I went to see it. JJ Stan girlies please don't come for me), but in terms of like. How faithful it is to the novel, I think it's kind of fundamentally just. Not Gatsby. And I don't think that musical theatre specifically will ever create something that is. I think if Gatsby was a straight play specifically it would work better. The OG novel hides so many things and has a fundamentally unreliable narrator and has so much subtext, and I think that putting it into a medium where characters have to reach this heightened state of emotion where they reach a point that words fail and they have to sing their feelings doesnt realky lend itself well to that. That's part of the reason love stories work so well in musicals, and I think why Gatsby Broadway seems to be focusing on the love story.
There's also the fact that creating theatre that's critical of the Wealthy class for Broadway is... Extremely hard to say the least. Lindsay Ellis goes more into this in her Rent video, but Broadway is a business first and foremost and moreover is a business funded by the wealthy people who can buy tickets. I know that's obviously not a universal assumption, but whether we like it or not at the end of the most of Broadway is funded by the wealthy people buy $200+ tickets. And making any piece of art that is critical or alienating to that group is going to be, shall we say, a bit of a hard sell. Gatsby at its core is a criticism the American Dream and the idle rich. I just don't think a musical that attempted to hit those plot points well would've ever done well commercially, or if they'd tried to I don't think it would've come across as anything other than largely toothless. The only musical that has been on Broadway in the last few years that I can think of that has achieved mainstream success and hasn't closed within the year that does it fairly well is Hadestown, and even that one had its more anti-capitalist edges softened before it transferred to Broadway. So they choose to focus on the love story, no matter how tragic and at the end of the day not a love story it is.
I don't know if any of this makes any sense or if lit Tumblr (or even theatre Tumblr for that matter) will see it as a valid take, I mean, I also personally think 2013 Gatsby movie was pretty good, so I don't know if that decimates my credibility or not, but I needed to word vomit this out
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comical-icicle · 1 year ago
ideas for the island:
i think maybe the main gameplay could be some villages made near the ruins of the castles of icy's family and her fiance's family maybe 1,000 years or maybe a few centuries less than that and the player bassically goes around questioning the locals who are terrified buying roses and trying to put them on their doors and windows before winter starts that night. the player can get information on icy's lore and maybe they meet icy's daytime durring winter split dressed like a regular local and the player meets her and then she says omninously she is preparing for tonight when you ask her why she seems semi-distressed. one of the locals asks the player since they are an adventurer if they can keep a look out for the lady of frozen roses for them, since they are worried that *icy's human discuse* wasn't able to get any roses for her house that night
then when night happens and the first snow falls the player sees a figure walking in the night with an agry expression and snow and ice around them. the player grabs a rose they got from one of the vendors that they had in their inventory and throw it at the figure, the figure disapears in that dirrection while the player runs twards the house of *icy's human discise* and see it is open and empty. thinking the ice spirit took her, the player gathers every stray rose they can find and runs twards the last spot they saw the ice spirit, only to find a trail of ice leading to the ruins, the player runs twards it and encounters the figure, with impaled figures of people who didn't put the roses on their doors stabed by ice spikes, the figure finnally turns tward you in the moonlight and you can see it looks eirily like *insert icy's human discuse* the figure slowly moves tward you, eyeing the roses in your inventory bag, and you take them out and hand them to the figure. the figure's glare softens and then the player asks icy some questions, maybe like backstory questions or why is she at the ruins again?
maybe icy has the player do a task for her, and maybe after that she is able to move on from that area and you see her apearence change to one of a teenager, and less intimidating but still clearly her. and maybe you get the medalion after that and it is one made of ice in the shape of a rose.
also maybe as a reward you get an icy fang follower you can equip or something
also i want to name the island something but idk what to name it
maybe "legend of the lady of roses island" or "the winter legend island"? idk what should i name it none of the names i am thinking of seem right.
Ooh, interesting ideas!
First, I love that Icy has a regular disguise so she can go out and such. It gives a lot more stalking prey vibes, like figuring out which houses have roses and which ones don’t.
It would be interesting to see and interact with icy without it being totally antagonistic (at least with this current version).
Not entirely sure how ice in the shape of a rose would work for a medallion design since… all gold. But maybe the design is a snowflake on the outer edges leading to a rose in the center?
Doing a task for icy does sound interesting and I can only wonder what exactly a task for an ice spirit entails.
Not to mention that she is actually able to talk about her own backstory. Like, we get the lore from the townsfolk with their version versus Icy’s perspective.
Good luck with the name of the island. For a temporary name, Winter Legend Island sounds good. But that’s just if you need to pick one right now, that’s the option I would use but again you can do whatever, it’s your island!
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maraguanabana · 1 year ago
so. I was just wondering. this whole situation with horner. I, as one, have a dilemma. I would say that it should not have come out to the public just yet, because it's kinda invasive as fuck (if the victim was begging for a last little help, well, that's a whole different thing, but, and I speak from a ignorant place as we all do because we don't know shit, this was apparently leaked by a newspaper, that's what I personally consider invasive. anything that's not pre-arranged and discused and consensual before giving away any type of info I consider invasive, but that's just me) BUT at the same time I feel like, it sounds awful, but I do not know how to fucking phrase it. is good? like obviously not the part of someone being hurt, regardless of whatever outcome this has (there's no way on earth this was good for fucking anyone. if someone was hurt, like SOMEONE WAS HURT, that's bad enough, and if someone wasn't hurt, like some assholes like to asume, it is bad enough to permanently stain someone's reputation little dickhead. you don't go around using this kind of acussations to get more views. be fucking for real) because it shows where we stand as a sport and as a community regarding this specific kind of situations. guess what. the bar is under satan's ass. it has shown some people's "real colors", to say it somehow, and sadly, it has given us women a reality check. the world is just as fucked up as expected. that's why, gentle reminder, idolizing people is as bad as it is painful.
these are real people. and at the same time, they are not, at least not to us. we do NOT know them. we do NOT know how they are and how they act. keep that always in your mind, and remember that putting your hand in the fire for someone you don't exactly know is bullshit. yeah, we can defend them as drivers, but we cannot do so with them as people, because, again, we don't know them actually. unless you do. then, do whatever the fuck you want. and just in case, once meeting is not enough to say that you know someone. don't come at me, that's just like, facts.
pd. I wrote this at 12:41 am. it probably doesn't make any sense but yeah. I'm sleepy and also wanted to say something before I go to sleep. 8M is like. now. remember. this day, is not a celebration. it's a reminder for the world. that this situation happening in f1 right now, happens all the time. and it should NOT happen. be careful if you're going to a manifestation and yeah that's it
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sambrennan03 · 3 days ago
Blog 7
This week reading “Finding the Balance Between Free Speech and Censorship” (pp. 180-184) by Steven Heller was actually the most intriguing to me. The idea of censorship versus free speech especially in the art world is always a topic that was more difficult for me to grasp and fully deep dive into. Designer Mirko Ilic’s debacle with the poster of Anne Frank and his inclusion of the swastika, well known as a Nazi horror symbol was rejected due to its relation to the vulgarity and its history. This adheres to that fine line of censorship and free speech that to me, can get extremely controversial and must be delegated based on design, but as well as demographic and audience. To me, the symbol is hatful and obviously not something that is acceptable, but on a history poster of Anne Frank should I tb accepted? It is a constant debate in my opinion.
In relation to this weeks work, I have two examples of comparison to the text. First, when I read the article I immediate thought back to our second class where Professor Nace brought forth the question of “Is there any client you would refuse to work with?” and I initially had said no, and that was due to the fact that unless it completely went against my morals as a human, not to be confused with my political or social stances, but actual morals I would work with anyone. However, after reading I am unsure if I would feel comfortable having symbols such as the swastika related to my portfolio, and I feel that there is a line much more clear than I had originally predicted that I wouldn’t cross. In addition, the packaging portion of my project dabbles into this idea as well. My project discuses the concept of losing/ gaining friends based on past issues that caused distress and friendship breakups. Within my packaging of a shadow box, would it be harmful to the overall message to include aspects of the bad portions of the friendships? The hateful, or negative relations that came with the relationships or should it only be the positive. Again, that fine line that needs to be found for best production. 
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cavemanyaxye · 8 days ago
discusion 4
Compare and contrast the two views.
Make sure to include a quote from Jean Twenge's article to show understanding.
Since this is a blog post with greater depth, explore your own personal experience in your comparison and contrast. Think back to when you got your first smartphone and how it impacted you. How important has your smartphone become in your life? If you tried an experiment and left it in a drawer for a day how much would you miss its absence?
What do you think are the ultimate lessons on smartphones? What else can we learn about how to use data to make an argument from these articles?
In both articles there are points that lead into a wider understanding of how social media affects the newer generation named igen in the article written by Jean  “have smartphones destroy a generation.” The Jean article has percentages and graphs to prove the reasons why social media is harmful, not like an article written by Sarah who just re-words Jean's pont and goes against it by trying to disprove Jean's writing. Sarah's article is subjective and persuasive to give you the other side of the coin that Jean is giving towards. They both try leading the reader to agree with their points and use quotes and other peoples experiences and reaching  the topic of social media affects on igen and Sarah trying to disprove Jean is not only what she does in her article Sarah also agrees with Jean on some of her point like  ‘Depression and suicide have many causes; too much technology is clearly not the only one. And the teen suicide rate was even higher in the 1990s, long before smartphones existed. Then again, about four times as many Americans now take antidepressants, which are often effective in treating severe depression, the type most strongly linked to suicide.’ They both think that correlating the variables of depression and smartphone use cant be completely blamed and there is some leeway between depression and smartphones being the cause. I got my first iphone was summer leading into 8th grade it was an amazing feeling even though it was a hand me down from my sister i still wanted to feel like how my friends with iphone had and it truly became a part of me i love calling my family ay frost and it got to me calling my friends and facetime them though quarantine back in 2020-2021. My iphone has become something i can't go a full day without but some days i like to work to limit myself on my phone usage.  If i left it in a drawer i would not be able to last more than 2 hours without getting bored. Only if I had a busy schedule outside would it be fine but if I'm home and it's still in my mind I'll be back on it in no time.  The ultimate lesson is that smartphones have good ways to see smartphones and bad. Just try to not have your life centered around smartphones and get outdoors with your family and friends and enjoy life not stuck to your phone. We can learn to take in data and make it so its not just assumptions made with bias facts that aren't true. Putting data together and calling it true isn't what should be put out there and arguments like these need support from data that is proved through experiments not just mashing data together.
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inland--empire · 12 days ago
Okay, so i have to talk about the Nicholas focused chapter because it is interesting to me, but ultimately it failed to make me sympathize with Nicholas or to even like him a little bit more as a character
The whole chapter happens in Christmas day when like, Nicholas is out in the streets or something and then he starts having flashbacks and in that he runs into Joy and the two of them recognize the other and Joy invited them over and they have like, a discusion about how both Bibi (me~) and Amy are adults now and how they both kind of weren't the best guardians. But ultimately it makes me feel like the creator of my source was trying too hard to create a paralel between Nick and Joy because the worst Joy did was being an overbearing parent, meanwhile Nicholas was actively neglectful and also implied to be abusive so ultimately i don't think it works very well.
Another aspect of the chapter i did not like is they also have this thing were Joy reminds Nicholas of Sally at one moment, which, i also found pretty forced if i am being honest. I am not sure where the comparison comes from considering we have seen like three seconds of Sally so we cannot really make out if Sally and Joy are all that similar.
Whatever, the episode ends with Joy basically convincing Nicholas to do right by Bibi and he comissions two plushies, one which looks like Snowball and the other which looks like Larry (our old dog). Which is all good and fine on its own but he doesn't even deliver them in person. He just kinda sends the package to Bibi's and Amy's house and it kinda lessens the impact of what all things considered should be an emotional moment but i don't know
Ultimately i see what they were trying to do with like, a chapter saying Nicholas is trying to better himself as a person but i think it falls flat in a lot of aspects and it ultimately made me fail to feel much of anything.
It seems like the whole chapter is a microcosm of Nicholas himself. There may have been good intentions but there is not nearly enough effort to make it worthwhile and his emotional beats are shallow at best.
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fanonimus · 3 months ago
Remember, you asked.
First, you misunderstand the batfamily's concept, or what fanon made them to be (canon is a lil shit we don't like bc its inconsistent.) I would not call them brutal, in the slightest. "Brutal" means savage, uncontrolled violence, which you could say is true to the batfamily, but they are not "brutal" as a family unit, and rarely brutal as individuals. The violence is more often than not stricktly neccesary.
The batfamily is inherently human, a huge family made by choice, with flaws, grief and anger coating every bond, because of the line of work they are in. They are different, yet they still find comfort and familiarity in each other. You can call them toxic, because they are in canon, but the fandom had managed to make something better, something functioning out of it.
The batfamily heals each other, and they offer a place of healing for others.
But then, why DP? You asked.
First, there is the obvious joke we should adress, the adoption bait Danny is. Black hair, blue eyes, trauma is basically Bruce waynes exact adoption type.
Second, Danny has a broken homelife, as much as people want to overlook it. Jack and Maddie are not good parents, fixated on their job, neglecting their kid. Because it is neglect, even if they love him.
Oh look! A sudden point that comes up! Paralells.
Danny's relationship with his parents brings a paralell to Tim's relationship with his own. The Fentons and the Drakes both love their son, but their job is always more important. They were not fit for parenthood, and they have no clue what to do with a child.
And lets not forget that Danny died a pretty traumatic death, which realistically would cause a fourteen year old biig ptsd, which I feel like is not properly explored in the show (shocker). And then he is brought back by this green goo (more on ectoplasm later), which brings us our second paralell, which is Jason Todd. Jason also died a traumatic dead at age fourten, and then was brought back to consciousness by green goo.
So, you have a teenage vigilante with black hair, blue eyes who had to die to gain his powers, is super traumatised, and hunted by his own parents, also has a creepy old man who wants to make him his sucsessor.
Yeah that is another paralel to Tim, and surprisingly Dick. (Slade when I cach you...)
I dunno about you, but Danny just fits into this little found family thing they have going on.
But what about Jass, I hear you asking.
Jass was also neglected, and then forced to take on a third parental role when Danny was born. Her love for psychology is not an accident, she wants to provide the best life for her brother, and emotional growth can only be supported by an emotionally mature person.
Add that to the fact that her brother technically died at fourteen, and you get a pretty good gist about how much trauma she herself might be repressing, which is an amazing point of discusion in any media.
Now onto the worldbuilding, and why DP adds so much to the DCU.
First, lets address the elephant in the blog, green goo. The lazarus pitts make so much sense as contaminated ectoplasm, it's not even funny. Ectoplasm is what ghosts are made out of, its what gives them life, what helps them heal. So it would make sense that it would assist with bringing back a person, but really wrong. It's dirty with age, and death, that's why it works as it does. It's an excellent plot drive, with Danny hellping Jason overcome the effects of this horrid thing inside him, and it also gives us an exciting premise of Jason being somewhat an opposite of Danny. Fully dead, and fully alive, not some half this half that. Jason is not just a ghost possessing his own body, he's him, he's still one, body and soul, even if he died.
Second, the GIW (Guys In White/Ghost Investigation Ward) and the AEA (Anty Ecto Acts).
The AEA goes against Meta Protection Laws, dehumanizing ectoplasmic beings and taking away every right denizens (residents of the infinite realms/ghost zone, more on that later) would deserve as sentient beings.
This brings in a tension point for the justice leauge and the gowernment, makind for stellar drama. Also a tension point for Damian and Jason, who are considered Ectoplasmic beings (lazarus pit).
The GIW are the enforcers basically. They experiment on denizens, they are a government organization, and such.
The implications of the Infinite realms, and how it fits.
As we know, the DCU is a multiverse, with a lot of different universes, The ghost zone, or Infinite realms, depending on who you ask, is basically the veins of the universe, and the ectoplasm is its blood. There, it fitts nicely, I am not going into politics bc that is really author dependent.
All in all, the two just fits together so perfectly, it would have been strange not to decide a crosover is due.
This is all I have right now, if I missed something, feel free to tell me.
I genuinely want to know where DC×DP got started. Who looked at this brutal, angry, violent family and said "you know who would go great with this? An overrated nickelodeon cartoon about ghosts" like ?????
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fansideblogtocjcherryth · 1 year ago
Notes From Book 6 Explorer
October the 2 of this year
Okay so done one was able to let me beable to read the book on libby. Also I notices that for some reason on the libby pages are around 652 in this book while it says the book has 408 pages. Could it be a way to move mire words onto a page or something?
Well shits got to be intense if him getting a shower in this book 
Bren going into a mental nite if the back round to the series
Bindanda helps him get dressed for the day. Kind of have to remember that the atevi can make a adult human look like a ten year old in height
He really wants his old job back . He already hates being the lord of the heavens.
Kaplan is there to meet them and jago out side his office on the ship.
Bren has a photo of jase catching a fish from the planet
Holy shit sabin should not have pissed off ilisidi or she would not have been food poisoned.
Bren and jase are trying to look through the records to try to find proof that there might be more things about the situation.
Bren is now paranoid about potential treachery. 
Jase is like currently 30 years old. Holy hell he has daddy issues / what was i made for? Around his dad figure ramirez. 
For some reason jase and Yolanda was taught culture and history from earth 
Seems like sabin and ogun were in a currently unknown relationship of ship politics.
Nine years so the station may have repaired itself.  
Thry plan on confronting sabin about the whole shit show they are in.
Bren asks banichi to tell the staff that everything is under control.
Kaplan makes some tea for the meeting with sabin.  From what happened last time I don't blame her for taking it at first.
Bren explains to her knowing that ramirez faked the monitor output before seeing the survivor's. 
Damn bren is trying his attempt at diplomacy with a roughly tough old lady.
So ramirez may have had contact with something that the guild known about.
Well shit it looked like they ship folk like tamun were planing to help the humans try to take over the atevi continent. That would not have worked due to mostly those humans hatting doing what the ship folk told em too. Luckily sabin kind of gained acceptance of the atevi. 
The situation was a success, they got alot of info and keeping an eye on sabin for anything new.
         Bren talks with banichi and jago about sabin and the situation.
god damn it caljeiri you scared me, thought an attack was happening. even jago is a little done with the bull shit. caljeiri please do not tick her off.
caljeiri tells bren that ilisidi asked for him to visit her at breakfast but that time kind of passed for obvious reason.
currently the kid is seven so its been kind of a while.
bren gives a little word about how aijiin have the security defend them instead of gun's , bows and arrows. also the kid is in brens man'chi
he gose to ilisidis study to visist her with cenedi being by her side as always.  its kind of funny how she has the vibes of a disaproving grandmother twords bren being kind to caljeiri.
they discuses what has been going on and the deception of what has been happening. as well as the contrasting theory's of why ramirez was trying to consider doing what he did.
ilisidi says that its gonna be funny when she gets back to grigiji and rub in his face about all the stars she has seen.
bren kind of feels like that sabin is rather unpredictable and kind of reminds him of tatiseigi , ilisidis maybe old lover and  tabini's wifes uncle.
after talking with her theory on why sabin acts the way she dose , he decided to go to gin or ginny kroger who is on the ship.
ginny is maybe sixty years old by this point.
she is damn worried about all of this shit for good reason. deception is definitely something she is understandable pissed about. happy sabin was able to agree to the idea. 
ginny discusses home and the seasons that are probably going on. bren thinks about the fortress of ilisidi's home with the mecheita .  offers to get him dinner when they get back.
god damn it she knows about jago's and his relationships with each other. ginny is learning ragi and compliments bindanadi cooking.
they have pizza being made for dinner. from what I remember I think the pizza is green instead of red.
bren praises whos been along for the voyage and Ginny practices ragi to praise the dinner. bren is so happy that this has been a social success .
he is hoping that jase gotten to bed.
after going to bed after looking through notes he made of the day, he and jago did the deed of darkness or as the mospheirans say make love.
damn this feels like a love confession even though it technically is not.
oh shit there is a "oh-god" in the morning news of ship moving in one hour. he thinks of his brother and the world and screwed up the family he left behind.
if kind of cajeiri to make racing wheel cars he learned from the archives.
they are looking through the tapes for anything new and cajeiri is viewed wonderfully by ginny's engineers and mechanics
he writes a letter to toby as a way to try to talk about how he feels about everything.
His mom is described as " was one of those women who defined herself by her children. And who consequently cannibalized their growing live until,  ultimately,  the campaign drove the family apart " 
He even writes to tabini about everything. And the work of his son.
Knowing the ship has a gymnasium and he works it off the food.
Oh my god the idea of bren translating the games on the archive to let the staff and the kid use is so damn wholesome. I hope some one gets the idea to maybe make a fanfic something like that. Cajeiri making the planes as well.
whist is brens favorite game.
They just adore godzilla . Hamlet was like, confused by Romeo and juliet and horrified and gratified by oedipus.
He wants to join the atevi and feels he is unable to. He is also desperate for answers.
He talks with cajeiri who wants ginnys crew to help him fix his car. Bren only agrees if cenedi wants to. 
Caljeiri I think accurately behaves like a 7 year old. 
It's funny that he has to avoid showing anything to caljeiri that defys authorities like a parent avoiding things with sex in them. The three musketeers is chosen.
Banichi and jago are playing chess and the staff are placing bets.
Bren writes a letter to toby about his moments of homesickness. 
Bren is done and says fuck it he is talking to sabin with the log. Banichi joins him.
He dose get a copy of a log of the encounter of ramirez of the aliens near planet gamma .
he falls asleep trying to find more information and is advised by narani to get a shower, he falls asleep in there as well.
he thinks for a bit about ramirez actions but even ilisidi thinks he should as the parody book gose "Go The Fuck To Sleep"
he talks with jago about the actions of ramirez but unfortunetly even she wants him to rest as well. but then he falls of the bed when jase tells tells him that they might finnaly have something in sight.
he gets the news to jago and ilisidi and everyone else who may need to know.
he is told that sabin is now in charge and warning the poeple of the voyage to take hold as they start to drop . 
bren is so scared that he starts having flash backs to pre and during book one of this time with tabini and ilisidi
bren and his group go to the bridge to see what is happening
bren tells all that are with them that they may have arrived at the destination that they have been trying to get to.
ilisidi talks to sabin and jase about what is going on and it seems like they are close but not there.
Ginny comes up to visit with moral support and advice as she put it.
ilisidi got a bit snappy with caljeiri about wanting to see the screens of the ship with her cane.
this whole book up at this point is just me adoring ilisidi and caljeiri. 
they got a connection to the station , bren is considering maybe trying to give sabin advice. she just loves calling him bitch or bastard doesn't she?
oh crap something else just caught a signal for them, and its not from the station they are trying to get to.
he suggests to use lights on the ship to try to send a patter response to who ever it may be.
something may have happened and the lights may have worked enough so that they may have to be cautious around what just contacted them . 
bren is gonna try to contact them and not ghost them like ramirez did before. bren is impressed that a phoenix caption actully told the truth. 
ilisidi wants to join the action as well as ginny. also for some reason the station has not even answered any of there questions.
okay so a dude called guild-master Braddock answers them with maybe not get close to where they are trying to go towards.
the aliens flashed more lights that are more better of a message then braddock's.
sabin is complaining about how bren , her , cenedi , banichi , jago , gin and jerry are in the same room as her , saying it ain't a tour. 
bren is still tired as hell but still trying to do what he dose.
sabin is doubting his hope for cooperation with the aliens. 
"works in downtown jackson traffic" such a funny line when you plan to use lights to try to communicate with aliens.
banichi and jago being able to sandwich him between them to keep him from shivering is so funny.
he is able to rea sure banichi about the situation 
hey station , maybe take sabins instructions if you want her to take yours. they say fuck it lets take the aliens route instead
 the aliens are coming to them.
ilisidi gets some tea for bren to talk about the situation at hand. they think it might be a robot or aliens.
the alien ship mimics there ships actions so that it migh be good. 
to not lose more fuel they use beeps from radio to make sounds and images to communicate with the aliens. 
they realize the delays may be because these are aliens instead of organic.
oh shit the aliens are innovating the images they got. they are trying to communicate what happened 10 years ago with ramirez . they drew a little stick figure of themselves.
well shit the guild might be hiding bullshit, great. welp blowing up a random due is one way to piss off an alien and vow vengence.
banichi gives some advice to maybe keep communicating.
yep the guild might have stolen a body or dude. great job guys
bren is goona try to negotiate the body back from the guild.  and is worried that they may be getting over there heads. 
ilisidi is hopeing he is goona sleep.
lies , lies everywhere, here there be lies.
he is awoken by ginny who is telling them that sabin is not telling the guild anything by giving them the silent treatment.
the station is pissed with there current actions. and they are gonna try to get on board. 
sabin warns everon on the speaker that the stations situation in unknowable so to be cautious.
Its so funny that jase hats the situation that he wants yolandas current job and bren wholeheartedly agrees
jase is corrected by bren the word is eavesdroppers instead of bureaucrats.
ilisidi calling caljeiri a blood thirsty child is so damn funny to me. 
and now things are suspicious , damn it station master Louis Baynes Braddock.
baraddock is already lying , fantastic . sabin is not taking the red tape shit.  they are threatening them with a bomb.
sabin is ignoring his advice and he gets pretty sad a bit.
sabin tells them if they have her they can atleast escape with akers , one of the captions and jase. 
ilisidi is adviced to go below deck. she and almost all of the atevi come along with her.
banichi is also explained about the situation.
they get bren dressed and even give him a gun to protect himself from what ever could happen. 
he wakes care of somethings before exiting the ship. he really hates how lonley he is with out those he cares about. 
he realises that some one in his office could see the photo of jase with the fish and realize more stuff was going on then what they though.
he encounters a bunch of humans in the gallery and asks for some basket of sandwiches to take back up to the bridge of the ship. he also warns them that the station might try to take the ship by force and to be carfuel.
well one of the damn station guards is here and jase is trying to keep him from getting mad. its funny seeing bren act like a low ranking , cheery crew member . 
jase is being so damn cool , there is gose off to being damn cool.
hey guild maybe being lying little shits can't help you know.
the gaurd might be suspecting everything. oh shit dose one of the crew members esan might have something contagious.
holy hell bren , kaplan and jase lock the intruder in jases office.
they don't care, whats stopping them from from collectivly beating the shit out of the security from the station is sabin isn't answering?
kaplan , polano and press men with also a few others dragged out the neeted men with out armors or weapons.
jase gose out to tell everyone that they got control of the ship back and to get sabin back. ilisidi also aproves
they call jase taylors son, the man who sacrificed himself long ago to save others and is the source of jase's existence . 
jase is worried that sabin might be a traitor. 
he goes back to the atevi who are pretty happy to see him back. cenedi and cajeiri go to him to congragulate him for his sucess by ilisidi. even ilisidi her self praised him.
bren explains to ilisidi about the little hostage situation for sadin if the guild master tries shit with also the pissed crew.
bren hopefully tries to get to bed.  and thanks ilisidi and cenedi for the advice. 
banichi suggests to take over the station as they help him to bed . thank goodness the gets the rest he needs.
jago is sad to have to wake him up. jase wants to tell him to to try to interrogate there guests.
he tells jago to hide while he deals with this with there guards they have with the ship crew. he also tells her to please sleep. 
jase is waiting for him and bren has given him food to eat and also  the prisoners.
he has the little hard fruit candies and give them to kaplan . polano and jase in a way to calm down.
oh shit they have ave got some sick crew members. from the archives in maybe origins.
he is taken to where the prisoners are , in the medial bay. bren tries  to tempt them with food. they do not want to take it.
he is rubbing in their face about how much things are better are back at the phoenix.
damn bren knows how to guilt trip these guys.  he is also just getting to them. 
he dumps the bomb about what is happening to the whole thing that happened those thousend years ago.
becker may not have budged but bren might keep trying.
he is getting dressed to plan to see what is going on with jago and banichi to see what could be.
I need to count when ilisidi hits caljeiri with the cane in this book, cuse it happens a bunch.
ilisidi is a hundred percent done with the stations bullshit and says fuck it we are going to tell the prisoners to stop getting in her way.
its so funny that kaplan calls ilisidi gran sidi . he is also worried they are not gonna be polite as he puts it.
those poor bastards have no idea what they are dealing with. and the crew are fucking cheering for her to beat their ass. 
turns out the guild members are looking for the log and they may have found it.
holy hell one of them named coroia who has kids and kind of admit they need help. becker do no fucking shout in front of ilisidi , the fucking atevi hate that when superiors are shouted at.
polano you doing amazing sweetie. go crew go!
becker is shocked that cajeriji is a 7 year old kid . 
one of the prisoners dropped a bomb shell that there was no dead alien , because the humans managed to get on and hold them prisoner.
they give them a deal to get the families a chance to get on the ship so that they get the fuel and the alien prisoner. hell even becker says fuck it he is helping these poeple to not have there loved ones not be on that damn station anymore.
okay ilisidi wacked cajeriji with her finger this time.
ren comes up with a plan to carry out to invate the ship.
bren admits to jase he took the photo from his office to protect them when the thing would happen. also to tell jase to get some rest.
they talk about the nightmare fuel of senarios that could be dealing with the situation. he also asks jase to get a sleeping pill to rest better.
he tells narani to try to make a bunch of written paper for jase idea on how to get the atevi to not be seen as a threat.
jase sleeps , thank goodness 
he talks with jago to explain to her the disappearance of sabin. 
banichi is so insist on to taking the station. he suggests to use the access to get control of the ship and seek out the location of the prisoner.  banichi is at first weirded our by the plan but he gos around to it.
he suggests to go with banichi to help with the who thing. they also get help from gin and cenedi. 
gin is upset about the robots being used and the translating for robot is roboti
to annoy the gaurds.
he writes a letter to both tabini , toby , his staff and jase about this plan if it gose to shit.
jase Aproved of the plan and warns him of the fact that ramirez's key maybe with ogun or sabin.
the fucking brochures look like travel brochures except for a planet.
 he gets anxious when the numbers are not an odd number. gin , the atevi and him go through. with barnhart with them. 
there is a damaged station waiting for them while they are in a pod. and a shoot out happens.  jago grabs him to shield him from harm.
they slowly make there way to the place . bren Give a brochure to a guy in a man at a desk. stop the guy from trying to call security and get him to find the prisoner. 
is funny how he get some one to look at the brocure befor seeing a scated bren aming a gun to the guys head.
they get to the prisoner then get the hell out with them. seems to blow gas out. they succeed but something might have happened and jase wants to speak with them.
oh shit jenrette is there and hurt with kaplan. esentually the robot plan helped jenrette to get back to the ship to try to help get a message from sabin.
bren suspects that ramirez wanted to go back to take the station from the guild .  he also supects that jenrette may have killed ramirez and is fucking lying. 
wow jase is not having it with jenrette shit. deskbound is a new one. it may have hitted jenrette . holy hell jentrette is one back stabby bastard. wow as a traitor deserves as they say, making him go out to spy again for a parden.
they plan to try to talk to the alien in what way they could.  
bren meets back and finds that his staff got clothes that do not look like shit.
the laine tried to bite poeple. gin is also grieving her robot who heroicly was destroyed to help them. 
sigaiji . a work for a leader who could not get more followers. or  a rouge
poor bindanda having to make new clothes quickly.
cajeiri wants to see the alien but cenedi looks at him to say no.
the aliens name may be prakuyo. its kind of sad and funny that prakuyo just says "Damn Dumb Shit". also brings up Madison 
they get Prakuyo to go to the the dinner and serve the guest tea cakes. they get him some more stuff to eat. 
they use stuff to illustrate and try to explain what happened. ilisidi joins and trys to help in what she can
jases comes up and tells them that he needs bren because the ship is back.
there is a little of a bit of chaos and jase is haveing to explain to braddock to deal with the ship.
during the argument sabin Finnaly is heard. and tries to get the situation for braddock but jase is not taking it.
prakuyo seems okay in ilisidi company . 
braddock is a little pissy that jase gave him the hand in a way. jase and bren try to fidue out what could have happened to cause the situation.
welp a bunch of the poeple are boarding the ship because fuck the guild master. gin says fuck it she is getting the suit to try to fix the shit herself.
bren gets his security and himself to help go with gin. 
it takes a good minute to explain how this mob of umans may have come to the ship's door. 
banichi , jago , bren , barnhart and three of ilisidi's men desabi , anaro and kasari are in a lift to see the humans.
getting poeple to evecuate the station is a fucking night mare.
they get into a nasty as hell pelleting of the gaurds and thankfully bren is protected  by his gaurds and still tries to act politely . they are tool that braddock is in his office .
yeah fuck you baraddock fuck you. jag thank you for getting him. barnhart gets the speaker in the office to announce to everyone to start getting of the station.
while he is around he heard sabin and finds jenrette . thay also kind of do not know where gin is. and jenrette is already in everyone's shit list so no one mourns his death
sabins okay and helped them get the fuel for the ship. says hato . word for good in ragi. she just wants her wounded crew aboard the ship.
they kind of startle the refugees but they do make it to the medial. 
the situations a bit chaotic and bren explains what is currently happening and seems like they are still talking to the alien ship.
banichi got a minor cut that bren got a bit worried of. banichi tells branhart that he owes him a drink for the help.
oh my gosh ilisidi , cajeiri , parakuyo and ilisidi and brens staff are watching black and white cartoons.
he finds out jago and banichi with held injuries to keep him from worrying about them 
he explains the situation to ilisidi and what they need to do for parakuyo. parakuyo is a fast ish ragi learner. ilisidi says fuck it lets call up the alien ship for parakuyo. 
bren theories that ragi is easier for patakuyo then english .  jase is a little worried about ilisidi and cajeiri and bren to visit the ship.
they get ready for they whole shit show on the alien ship.
parakuyo Poeple are called the kyo . seems to not want to be included or maybe assimilated .
the ships here to take them abroad to try to settle the 6 year bullshit once and for all.  cenedi , ilisidi , cajeiri and bren are with parakuyo . 
is in a bit of an argument with the ship owners who probably have a long ass grievance with the humans .
the aliens offer the group  a drink to chill the fuck out.
after explaining that the humans and atevi are gonna fuck off back to their solor system cajeiri gives parakuyo his toy car . 
they explain the good news the jase. 
Bren writes a letter to toby and tabini explaining the good news that . the assimilation part is due to the kyo being poeple who have a tendency of assimilating others into there nation. 
he fell asleep at his desk writing it for tabini's letter . he gose back to meet with jase , sabin and ilisidi. 
he gets into the seat to get ready to travel back to earth and carejiri got in trobule with dice fron what jago told him. 
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keepmeinshape · 2 years ago
Things that motivate me
This topic is pretty important to me since this is what keep me going while deciding to eat more healthier plus work out. Okay, so back in the high school I used to be overweight. You know what they say when you're overweight you become unattractive. I have no idea who started this mindset at first place. This kind of mindset killed someone's self-confident. You can still be attractive when you love yourself and you accept your flaws because nobody was born perfect. Not going to lie, I got bullied when I was overweight. Things got a little rough ever since then. And "what motives me to lose weight?" you asked. Oh well, it's all because I wanted to look good wearing the dress I like. To be honest, I used to be a tomboy girl (I liked wearing boy's cloths since it's pretty comfy). I used to think that visual appearance didn't really matter but guess I was wrong. The thing is, we live in the society where everyone is judged visually. That's why a lot of people tried so hard to go under the knife. Okay now back to our main topic, Things that keep me going are the full support from my mom, my best friends, my personal trainer (shout out to him, he helped me a lot). Not gonna lie, Lisa Blackpink took some part in my journey of losing weight (every time I crave for something sweet, I remind myself about how good Lisa's body proportion is. And so, I chose apple/ banana instead) To me, that helps a lot actually. You can also try that one out but remember you don't have to feel bad when you eat junk food. I mean that's okay when you eat that as long as you don't eat it every day or most likely you can control the amount of it. In my case, since I don't do 100% clean eating (I tried that but at the end of the day I crave something sweet more than I've ever been) I divided the amount like 70% for the benefit food/ healthy food and 30% for the food I always crave , example ; like French pastries( I always crave for Croissant, Macaroon, Pain Au Chocolate, Pain Au Raisins. I mean French pastries is to die for) Indonesian traditional cakes (Indonesia is most known for its food but have you tried traditional cakes one? oh man, I should talk about it in different topic later) I think I said it all. That's all about it. Probably gonna upload some video of me baking in future to keep you updated. Last but not least, hope this topic can help you. If you have something to talk or discuse leave a comment below or email me, I'm open for that.
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the-dragon-hearted · 4 years ago
I feel like we, as human beings should address the one overarching issue of not just the Dream smp fandom, but any place where people come together and discuss things they love. The issue: Debate. Discourse. Deliberation. Okay, that was three issues, but you get the picture. We, as a society (yes I'm throwing the 'S' word out there) need to get better at Debate. I get it, the four-year-olds on political stages have set a horrible example but I am here to give y'all a Tedd Talk on arguments, mostly pertaining to content creators but this can be used in any disagreement you ever hold. How to Properly Hold an Argument without being a Child in 4 Steps: Step 1: Never walk into a Debate expecting to change the other's mind This is a big one and it's one of the hardest to grasp. What? What do you mean? What's the purpose of argument if I don't convince the other they're wrong? The purpose of a debate is to offer your opinion and defend it against the world while you pick another's claim apart. Don't expect to change someone's mind. For your own benefit. If you see an opinion that is absolutely horrendus out there on social media, YouTube, Twitchchat, et cetera... and you click on it to refute it. You need to understand you're not refuting it to change that person's mind, but to display to the rest of your collegues why that opinion is, well... Bullshit. You live in a society where people are Ignorant, Misinformed, Sensationalists, or Trolls. Frankly, against certain people (namely trolls) you can't win. No matter what you say or how 'awesomely' constructed your argument is. You can not and will not win. All you can do is build up an opinion and post it and then suffer what 'deez nuts' jokes you get. Here, an example:
Troll: *insert terrible opinion here* Person A: No. That's wrong for reasons a, b, and c. You shouldn't believe that or spread it. Troll: lol, take a joke will you. You're so sensitive.
Naturally, this would upset you. I would be upset and it's okay if you are too. But you should not under any situation continue to feed the troll. Never expect to change someone's mind and never expect to win, especially against people like this. There is no winning in an argument, there's only hurt feelings and over-used claims. The best you can hope for is for your argument to sound and appear as the best option/opinion. Alright? Don't attack people and don't reply with pure emotion. Just breathe easier knowing you made a good argument, posted it, and the other is making a fool of themselves. Honestly, who's the fool? The informed person or the twelve year olds laughing about Bofa? Bofa what? Bofa deez - Aaand we're shutting it down there. So now you know what to walk in expecting in an argument. What do you do next? Step 2: Construct a solid Claim DON'T RUN! I SWEAT I'LL BE MORE CONCISE THAN THE ENGLISH TEACHERS OF HIGH SCHOOL! A claim is the core of your argument; the thing you're arguing about. It can be broad, it can be specific, but the most important part is that you stay on topic. Don't lose yourself to ranting. Always re-read what you type and delete any paragraphs that change the topic. For instance, if you're talking about the Dream speed-runs, you probably shouldn't go on a rant about the manhunts as they're two seperate catagegories and you'll look a bit confused. Step 3: Be mature, be concise, and do some research First things first: Don't deflect in an argument simply because you don't know something. Take your time, do research, form an opinion and come back to it. This will give you time to blow of steam AND stay informed. On the same note, absolutely do NOT use red herrings. Red herrings? Oh, that's when you deflect attention from the main topic with a shallow issue that's related. For instance, let's use discourse discusing a content creator's bias against... let's do something stupid like stuffed animals:
Person A: We need to talk about cc!So-and-So and they're Bias against stuffed animals. Person B: Sure, but there are so many children out there who are lacking connection and are never able to get stuffed animals due to strict parents. It feels wrong to only focus on one subject when there's a whole problem out there.
^^ This is a red herring. It's not always this obvious but for the love of all things good, don't do this. Second things second - this is SUPER important. Stop using Ad Hominem attacks in any and all debates. Ad Hominem attacks are the type that personally attacking your opponent instead of focusing on their position. I'm sure you can tell that politicians love that one - but it's actually an immature approach that cheapens your argument. To see it in practice:
Person A: I don't think it's a big deal that cc!So-and-So did blank and I don't see why everyone's making a big deal out of it. Person B: That's because you're a cc!So-and-So Stan. Person A: Well you're just a hater.
Right away you should be able to tell that there was no tangible argument against or for the content creator. Just a bunch of kids slinging mud on their opponents. Calling someone a 'hater' or a 'stan' shouldn't invalidate their opinion or bolster your own argument. Just because someone 'likes' or 'dislikes' something doesn't mean they can't talk about it, it just means they're likely to possess Implicit Bias or a subconcious bias towards something. Implicit Bias isn't a bad thing and it isn't something that invalidates an argument, it's something that should allow you to at least understand the reasoning for someone to hold a position. If you attack someone's personal standing instead of their opinion it only cheapens your argument because people now assume YOU have no idea what you're talking about and all you can do is hiss at your foe like a feral raccoon on drugs. No one wants to agree with a feral racoon on drugs, kind of how no one wants to agree with a politician. So, how can you better form an argument without mudslinging? It's a bit more complicated, but worth it. You research, you think before you type, you stay respectful, and... you listen to Step #4. Step 4: Sometimes. You have to accept that you were initially wrong. This one hurts. It hurts you and your confidence and all you can do is handle it best you can. I've taken debate and been in dozens or "professional arguments" (I hate that phrase) and I have been 'wrong' plenty of times. There's grace in that and it's an important lesson to learn. It is impossible to be right 100% of the time and it's impossible to be infallible. You have to accept that of yourself and those around you. If your opponent accepts they were wrong, do not continue to harp on them. That's cruel. Alternatively, if you realize you were wrong with your claim, you can admit you were mistaken and amend it. It takes a big person to do that and if your opponent has any decency, they'll recognize that. If they don't, congratulations, you've been arguing with a literal child. And now, you know everything about Debate. (That's a lie, but you know the basics and you can do a lot with the basics.) A good friend of mine once said that every opinion out there came from the mouth of both an asshole and an angel and we all have to be one of those things at some point in our lives. Debate, discourse, argument, all of that is hard and it can be straining or even toxic. Take a step back when necissary. Take a deep breath. Know that if you're feeling personally attacked, you're opponent is using immature methods to tear down your arguments. If you're argument is torn down and you don't know what to think, that's okay too. Take a breath, take a break, and allow yourself to mull it over. Forming your own opinion takes time and a clear mental space. You need both. So next time you see a troll, a jerk, an asshole, a hater, or a stan - don't let emotions get the better of you. Remember you are an intelligent person who is capable of forming your own opinions and NO ONE can take that away from you. Think, research, and then type.
TLDR: Don't expect to win every argument, don't expect to be always right, don't divert your opponents attention, don't personally attack your opponent, always be respectful, always do research, never do anything with pure emotion. Remember you're forming your own opinions and that takes time and space so give yourself that when you need it.
That's it! Best of luck Debating~
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planet4546b · 3 years ago
this is an extremely bizarre question i just thought of but. thoughts on the s/n cast being in a lighthearted (??) au a la hs/college/coffee shop au but still forced to meet (group project members, reluctant coworkers, etc.). i have no idea if this makes sense fksjks
ohohoho this is very fun. time to normalify my favorite weirdos!!!!
lighthearted au of choice is 'everyone works in the same shitty mall' because its the one i can make make sense in my head the best. dont ask why jdhslkag
sam is the long suffering assistant manager for a best buy. eric is the actual manager and the rest of the spire network folks are the other employees here. darcy has stolen at least 2 entire xboxes. indrani, grace, and sam walk to the food court together every day to have lunch together and shittalk everyone else.
sam has a ham radio hobby and uses her store discount to buy parts (i havent been to a best buy in forever idk if they have those. bear with me here). she is a radio nerd in every universe and i love her <3
mel works in the new escape room (cy also works here) and is weirdly serious about it?? emily works in a trader joes. jackie is in the weird little board game store you know the kind.
jackie steals pokemon cards from behind the counter for mel. mvp
i could literally just have said they know each other from working in the same store but instead im about to build the weirdest relationship map ever because #ilovecomplexity. ok here we go
mel, em, and sam have lived in this town and known each other since they were kids. mel and sam were closer in high school, but then mel left town to go to college for a few years (before dropping out), and sam and em started hanging out a lot more. jackie just recently moved to town to go to the state school nearby (fun fact: in a previous version of this story it took place in suburban illinois, and emily went to university of illinois urbana-champaign so lets say its there for funsies). emily is also taking classes there so she and jackie ended up in a class together (em is a math major and jackie is the worlds most pathetic physics major so they probably took like calc 3 together or something) and thats how jackie got dragged into the group!!!
sam has the worst little awful apartment youve ever seen (its literally the r/malelivingspaces i dont deserve a bedframe post) and jackie is somehow always hanging out there (jackie lives with 3 roommates and is always in a fight with one of them). sam frankly does not mind. the two of them get a long a LOT better without an impending apocalypse. physics student jackie + radio enthusiast sam spend a lot of time discussing like, the electromagnetic spectrum and also jackie is making sam watch breaking bad and sometimes they play minecraft.
emily: im gonna ask sam to have dinner at the california pizza kitchen with me
mel: what the fuck. thats a terrible idea. why would you take her to the fucking california pizza kitchen in the mall we literally work at. what??
emily: ...... should i do the cheesecake factory??
jackie is the ultimate 'lie to your boss. leave work for no reason. just walk out. fuck it ✌️' guy and is constantly trying to get the other three to spend work hours just sort of fucking around and hanging out with them. like theyll tell their manager theyre taking a bathroom break and then walk down to the escape room and talk to mel for 30 minutes. mel, who takes her work in this universe as seriously as in canon, absolutely HATES this and is like no im not skipping work with you. stop it. but caves eventually and spends a lot of time just sort of wandering through the weird field behind the mall with jackie and getting high. its great
chaos and absolute tragedy when the sbarros in the food court is replaced by a fancy health food place and its the only topic of discusion for months. no survivors
emily and mel are on a much better path towards actually mending their relationships in this world. i think they both still live at home, and having their other siblings leo and addie around (as well as their mom and grandma) makes them WAYYYY less likely to want to tear out each others throats. sam loves going to dinner at em and mels because it reminds her a lot of her own family (and because shes known them so long shes been going over there forever. helped addie with her math homework when addie was in hs kinda vibe. its nice)
also while sam is still estranged from her family in this version, the paternal relationship between her and eric is also much more clear, which is also nice. sam PEOPLE LOVE YOU.
luna this is bad. im actually kind of very invested in this au now. im kind of going to keep thinking about it all week. uh oh. anyways this is very scattered but thank you for the very fun question MUAH
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songofclarity · 4 years ago
Im curious. Do you think much or anything at all would have changed if dad-nie had not died? Ramble to your heart content, this is not a topic i often see discused, if ar all.
I'm going to answer this one on the assumption that the saber incident just does not happen. And I accidentally first read the question as would anything have changed for Nie MingJue if dad-nie had not died? Which shows I just have Da-ge on the brain all day, every day.
The big change, of course, is that Nie MingJue wouldn't become a Sect Leader as a teenager!
I think a large part of Nie MingJue's character, how reserved he is at times and how dedicated he is to his job, is because he becomes a leader at a young age to an angry sect when he, too, is angry. Tensions are high and the chance for vengeance to relieve that tension are low. Everyone is upset, including him, and yet he's the one who is in charge of making decisions and handling all of this. This helps Nie MingJue learn to set aside his own feelings, in that he can put his saber down when filled with fury at being betrayed and focus on making goal-oriented decisions, but the cost for that lesson is high. There is no more time for play and he has to get straight to business. So goodbye hobbies and friendship and hello office hours!
That's stressful! I know popular fanon is Da-ge To All, but I actually think Nie MingJue makes (sadly) a very pitiful if well-meaning Da-ge even to those who called him Da-ge. He is not having an easy time of things and it shows. Lan XiChen and Meng Yao are both the closest people to him by the time he's at Hejian because they are kind, mild-mannered, and eager to help. He needs help whether he asks for it or not. That's why he accepts Lan XiChen's help during the war without question, not even realizing the information Lan XiChen provided meant there was a spy. That's why he accepts Jin GuangYao playing music for him even though he hates the kind of person Jin GuangYao has revealed himself to be. Nie MingJue is just trying to do his best and keep himself and everyone else alive--something his father failed to do when he let his rage destroy him and left his family and sect picking up the pieces.
So keeping Nie Dad alive would arguably mean Nie MingJue is spared all that. He could have hobbies! He could have casual friends! He wouldn't feel responsible for Nie HuaiSang's education or protecting Nie HuaiSang from the hard truth of their saber cultivation. There are adults, adults who aren't angry about a dead Nie Dad, who can handle all that and provide the needed discipline. So ideally his relationship with Nie HuaiSang would improve as well. They could be proper brothers. If Nie HuaiSang doesn't want to practice his saber, Nie MingJue could weigh in why he thinks Nie HuaiSang should, but it's not on him now to force it. Nie HuaiSang will not have to wait until Nie MingJue dies to realize that his brother cares for him.
Another change, then, is that Nie HuaiSang might not be as spoiled or be able to run off to do as he pleases with dad around and the sect functioning normally lol
Although much of this depends on what kind of man Nie Dad was, and what that would mean for Nie MingJue and the Nie Sect if he were still alive. Was he as arrogant and prideful as the guest cultivator said? Would his behavior have created a stressful environment at home? What if Nie Dad truly did prize and prioritize his saber and he was the one who made Nie MingJue throw his hobbies away and focus only on saber practice in the first place?
Nie HuaiSang could have turned out very differently in that case.
There's also the possibility that Nie MingJue was just always being a dutiful son to his father's wishes, whether his father lived or died. Maybe Nie MingJue never though about having hobbies in the first place because of this. Him becoming sect leader in the canon timeline could have been him simply copying Nie Dad.
Maybe Nie MingJue would still be the exact same person in that case.
And then there is the maybe that Lan XiChen and Nie MingJue never become friends, or have to become friends much later in life, because the Qinghe Nie are stable and don't need help from outsiders this time around.
Maybe Nie Dad staying alive would have made things worse.
Maybe Nie Dad was obedient and subservient to the Qishan Wen already. After all, he went when summoned and handed over his saber when asked and was only annoyed by Wen RuoHan's attitude rather than alarmed or insulted by it. Perhaps he was not unlike Jin GuangShan, trying to warm up to a higher power by being helpful and obedient. Without Wen RuoHan's trick, the Qinghe Nie remain at the side of the Qishan Wen, who now become unstoppable.
Which is an interesting contrast to the canon where the Nie Sect under Nie MingJue bow to no one. Out of all the Sects, the Qinghe Nie after the death of Nie Dad were the ones who seemed to have escaped the bullying of the Qishan Wen. Nie HuaiSang isn't mentioned as being at the indoctrination camp and any supervisory office should have been in Qinghe or the Unclean Realm, not way off in Hejian if it was even there at all. Wen RuoHan notes that Nie MingJue does not bend and likely he means Nie MingJue will not bend to the will of the Qishan Wen. After Nie Dad dies, the Qishan Wen appear to have just ignored the Qinghe Nie, who had gone feral against them and might have not been worth the effort to subdue lol
Because consider the canon set-up: Cloud Recesses was destroyed, Lotus Pier was massacred, and the Lanling Jin were expected to go crawling back to hug the leg of the Qishan Wen for protection... But the Qinghe Nie stood on their own. With Nie MingJue's leadership, they were the first out the door and they fought the hardest and the longest compared to everyone else. They were ready to fight to protect themselves and others. Under Nie MingJue's leadership, it was the Qinghe Nie, not the Lanling Jin, that were set to take the place of power of the Qishan Wen post-Sunshot Campaign.
Nie MingJue made the Qinghe Nie powerful! The only reason the Lanling Jin came out on top was because Meng Yao dealt Nie MingJue a critical blow and Nie MingJue never wanted power in the first place.
Could Nie Dad have done the same or better?
in which case I propose a BIG change: a Qishan Wen and Qinghe Nie alliance where everyone lives/nobody dies.
Before the guest cultivator spoke up, the Wen Sect and Nie Sect appear to have had a good relationship. Remember how Wang LingJiao at Lotus Pier was like, the boy shot down a kite that looked like the sun and the Qishan Wen are represented by the sun so the boy was shooting down the sun? Now we apply it to the gifted saber Wen RuoHan received. Wen RuoHan likes this gifted saber and the Qinghe Nie are a sect that prize sabers so Wen RuoHan likes the Qinghe Nie.
Truly, the only possible outcome from what the guest cultivator was saying was to destroy Wen-Nie relations. Nie Dad can no longer be trusted to speak the truth, Wen RuoHan is offended and wants to punish, and if Nie Dad ends up injured or dead, the guest cultivator isn't going to cry about it when he's sitting at his second fancy Wen banquet. So when the Qishan Wen and Qinghe Nie are getting too cozy with each other, the guest cultivator speaks up and ruins it.
But now we have Nie Dad still alive and relations are still good with Wen RuoHan, who is either just a powerful sect leader or the most powerful sect leader. We know that all the other sect leaders failed to make Wen RuoHan respect them, but what if Nie Dad was the exception all along? Considering how powerful Nie MingJue was at 25 that Wei WuXian ranked him in the top three cultivators, Nie Dad at 40/50/60+ has a reason to feel prideful towards his saber and his position in life!
If what the guest cultivator was saying, then Nie Dad bows to no one and he met Wen RuoHan face-on as equals.
Nie MingJue said before at Koi Tower that if the right person, such as Wen Qing, just spoke in Wen RuoHan's ear, all that disaster and chaos might not have happened. Just one person.
And maybe that was Nie Dad.
Nie Dad, dad to all...
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leprachaunsean · 1 month ago
Okay two more things (sorry i wanted to leave this alone but i gave in and checked the notes on the op a while ago and it wont leave my head now) the argument "oh he did mention trans women because he mentioned women and trans women are women" he mentioned women in the context of the people who are the main focus of discusions around reproductive autonomy
I want you to look my in my fuckimg eyes and tell me that trans women are included in the main focus of discusions around reproductive fucking autonomy come the fuck on
"This post was about one thing make your own" that thing affects trans women its fucked up to exclude a marginalized group's expirience with a mode of oppresion because that group's inclusion makes you uncomfy in a post about how its fucked up to exclude a marginalized group's expirience with a mode of oppresion because that group's inclusion makes you uncomfy
you dont even have to go so far as talkimg about sterilization (although you should) just the way that laws as written exclude ppl from protections to the gyno care that they need, something you clearly intended to be included in the original post but only when its yall suffering from it aparently, because mentioning trans women makes you dysphoric
I try so hard to stay out of intra community fights because deescalate all conflict not with the enemy and all that but like
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This is insane right, for context op (dont track him down) is saying that it triggers his dyphoria to mention that trans women are affected by laws limiting reproductive rights and affectimg reproductive health, the original post was complaining about trans men and mascs (and nobinary and intersex ppl which includes some of us i guess) being left out of said conversations but leaving trans feminine ppl out of the conversation is fine?
its not like you even went into the ways reproductive health care restrictions affected each of the mentioned demographics it was a fucking list Im sorry that the existence of other trans ppl triggers your dysphoria to the point that you cant even mention them but youre gonna have to fucking get over that
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