#discovering that it captures the way I see the world and the dynamic way I see interpersonal relationships like nothing I've ever read befo
unhelpfulfemme · 9 months
...because in this, as with everything he did, there were layers of intent, moments when expected patterns would suddenly dissolve into something else.
This line is about a swordfight, but I feel like this sums up this entire book series, and Laurent's role in it, quite well. There is an internal logic, patterns and symmetries, to everything that's happening, but the moment you think you've grasped them they shift into something different (and as someone really fascinated with dynamic systems I love it). It's like that with the plot, it's like that with the romance, it's like that with the characterization, it's even like that with the worldbuilding through the power of Damen's very biased narration.
And what I particularly like is that it doesn't only get patterns, but it also gets dynamics, because things must be done in the right order, in the right moment, with the right intensity, to have an effect, and interpersonal relationships shift and change as a response to this constant back and forth. And this principle is everywhere: the battles, the politics, the swordfights, the sex, the chivalric tournaments.
He thought of Laurent's delicate, needling talk that that froze into icy rebuff if Damen pushed at it, but if he didn't - if he matched himself to its subtle pulses and undercurrents - continued, sweetly deepening, until he could only wonder if he knew, if they both knew, what they were doing.
^ Like that, for example. Or the way some things have to happen as a precondition to Laurent feeling safe, at first: on a micro level, there must be some token show of dominance on Laurent's part, to which Damen should respond sweetly and unintrisively, before he lets himself go, and on a macro level, the show of dominance before he lets himself go is the entire first half of book 1. You must always do something, which will then change the thing that you're acting upon, put it in the right position for you to do what you wanted to do all along. I love this.
Finally, I'm not a person who's very partial to symbolism. It tends to ruin my sense of immersion when the weather is dreary because the character is sad and the curtains are blue because they symbolize the sadness of the scene, because it always makes me feel like the world is small and unreal and like the writer perceives the world in a deeply egocentric way (I hate antropomorphising; if you have to project yourself onto something to appreciate it, you're not appreciating it. real appreciation requires accomodation, not assimilation). But man the symbolism in this, and the way it intertwines the cultural and the personal, makes me go feral.
The intricate crisscrossing laces of Veretian clothing paralleling the tangled threads of Laurent's mind, both of which require skill and patience to unravel, both of which have both a protective and a stymying purpose, and how they contrast with Damen's straightforward nature, because he is a man who sees beauty in simplicity and seeks to achieve it. The intricate lacing of Veretian clothing also reflecting the intricate, overly complicated way they do everything, which is also reflected in their intricate, overly complicated architecture, and Damen's immediate reaction to all of it. The Akielon philosophy of appreciating things for what they are - striving for measured simplicity in order to appreciate the quality of the fabric, the stone, the body, and how it makes Damen receptive to how artless Laurent gets when he's vulnerable. The man who is an unbeaten champion of the okton, a sport where you have to have the strength and precision and self-control necessary to ace a spear throw while dodging other people's spears flying by you while riding a horse, being the one who knows the right move to make at the right time regarding the saw trap that is Laurent's personality. The man who enjoys having spears thrown at him for fun taking on Laurent's prickliness in a spirit of sportsmanlike challenge.
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poisonlove · 7 months
It's a Date? | w.a
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Y/n invites Wednesday Addams to an unusual forest outing, pretending there's a mystery. In the cemetery, amid gravestones and shadows, they share a special moment, discovering an unexpected connection.
I find myself in front of Enid and Wednesday's room. My throat is tight, and my heart beats so loudly it echoes in my ears. Inviting Wednesday on a date makes me strangely nervous, a whirlwind of emotions translating into an exhilarating anxiety, a feeling of fear and anticipation blending together.
The plan was simple... invent an excuse to capture Wednesday's attention and venture into the woods, where the date would take place.
I take a deep breath and open the door, immediately seeing my best friend in bed, while Things does her nails. I slowly move my eyes to the other side of the room, where Wednesday Addams is immersed in writing her novel with the typewriter.
Wednesday Addams, sitting in front of the typewriter, exudes an air of cold calmness. Her long black hair is neatly tied into two braids, falling gracefully over her shoulders. Her facial profile is regular, with a fine nose that rises with grace. Thin lips are closed in a determined expression as her fingers move precisely on the keyboard. The atmosphere is charged with creativity and mystery, with Wednesday seemingly completely absorbed in her narrative world.
Enid genuinely smiles when I enter. "Hey, Y/N, how are you?" she asks with her warm smile.
"Fine, Enid," I reply, trying to hide my nervousness. "Um, how's your boyfriend doing?"
Enid laughs slightly. "Well, you can imagine, always busy with work. But let's say everything is fine. But now, tell me, what brings you here?"
I shift my attention to Wednesday, trying to keep a seemingly casual tone. Enid smiles mischievously, aware of the reason for my visit.
Enid glances out of the corner of her eye at Wednesday and smiles broadly.
The blonde clears her throat. "You know, the other day something strange happened in the woods..." Enid exclaims casually.
Wednesday straightens up and stops typing on the typewriter. "What happened?" I ask with genuine confusion.
"Don't you remember? You told me the other day! Someone died, but the body disappeared into thin air. The only thing they found was a shoe. Now it's in the sheriff's hands in case there are any developments," Enid says, tilting her head to the side and looking at me with confusion.
I open my mouth and understand her look. "Oh yes, yes... I needed someone to come with me to see," I mutter distractedly.
In the most subtle way possible, Wednesday puts the papers aside on the desk and stands up from the chair. After the solved mystery of the Nevermore monster, Wednesday had no more stimuli to satisfy her investigative side. This mystery seemed perfect.
Wednesday's movement catches the attention of the two girls. "I'm coming with you," Wednesday mutters softly.
I widen my eyes, and Enid immediately corrects Wednesday, "No, no, I can't come," the blonde murmurs quickly.
Wednesday thinks Enid is scared and observes her friend.
With determined steps, Wednesday approaches me, and at that moment, the considerable height difference between us becomes evident. Her intense eyes scrutinize me with curiosity, and as the distance between us shortens, we both sense the peculiar dynamic developing between us. Her presence, albeit cold and distant, conveys a subtle tension that cannot escape careful observation.
"Shall we?" I murmur with a thread of voice.
Without saying a word, Wednesday turns quickly, grabbing her bag from the chair. She tightens her lips and tries to slow down her heartbeat by breathing slowly.
"Get ready for an... interesting experience," Wednesday murmurs, adding a touch of mystery to her monotone voice.
The strange combination of enthusiasm and detachment in her words is fascinating as we head towards the exit of the room.
I walk nervously through the woods, the sound of my steps blending with the rustle of twigs and leaves crushed under my feet. I'm lost in my thoughts, focused on the daunting task of keeping the conversation with Wednesday. I feel her behind me, silently observing me with curiosity as we venture deeper into the forest. Her presence, almost ethereal among the trees, adds a mysterious dimension to the surrounding atmosphere. The forest seems to respond to our passage, a succession of sounds and shadows fueling nervousness and anticipation.
We walk through the woods, "How much longer, Y/N?" Wednesday breaks the silence. Knowing the forest quite well, Wednesday seems intrigued by the fact that we've taken an unfamiliar path. I move a branch obstructing our way and stop, looking at her with curiosity.
"Here we are," I whisper softly, diverting my gaze to the ground beneath my feet.
Wednesday Addams gives me a quick glance before discovering a cemetery around us. "Interesting," she comments with her monotone voice, but her eyes reveal a hint of happiness.
Wednesday notices a blanket near a tombstone and raises an eyebrow, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and indifference. "What's interesting here?" she asks, her voice as sharp as a knife. As I approach, I notice the blanket, and my gaze meets Wednesday's. "It seemed like a good place to stop," I reply, trying to maintain composure that seems to elude me when her eyes scrutinize the cemetery carefully.
Wednesday nods slightly, perhaps approving the choice. "So, what have we planned?" she asks, her interest hiding behind the veil of her tranquility.
I feel warmth rising to my cheeks as I respond, trying to maintain composure. "I thought it might be an opportunity to... spend time together." My voice betrays a slight insecurity, but Wednesday seems to show no emotion.
After the question, Wednesday realizes the basket of food on the blanket, understanding that everything was planned. There was no mystery in the woods, at least not one related to a dead person.
"Is it a date?" she asks with curiosity, looking at me seriously. I nod, feeling my cheeks blush as I sit on the blanket. "I thought it might be a good way to get your attention," I confess, smiling with embarrassment.
Wednesday tilts her head to the side and approaches me more closely. The little Addams kneels, reaching my eye level. With an embarrassed smile, I take a black rose and a Dahlia from the basket. Wednesday watches with curiosity as I do so, and later, she gives me a small smile, seeing the flowers in my hands. Her smile widens, and I unconsciously smile, realizing it's the first time Wednesday has smiled in that way.
In an unexpected move, Wednesday leans in and delicately places her lips on mine. I'm surprised by the speed of the gesture and, above all, by the sensation of her lips, which are lethally cold. A shiver runs down my spine, while the woods around us seem to whisper secrets. It's a moment of quiet mystery among the graves, where the world seems to stop as Wednesday and I share that delicate kiss in the silent cemetery.
Timidly, I melt during the kiss, placing a hand on Addams' side. Her lips are surprisingly cold, but in that moment, the cold seems only to intensify the aura of mystery surrounding us. When we finally break the kiss, I notice Wednesday's lips pulling into a small smile. "There was no need to do all this to get my attention... my eyes are always fixed on you, Y/N/N," she says with a seriousness that makes me blush.
I look around uncomfortably, even though I know we're alone. "I don't like cemeteries," I mutter weakly, reading the name engraved on the tombstone. Two fingers gently touch under my chin, forcing me to meet Wednesday's black eyes. "I know... you mentioned it some time ago," she says with a cold voice.
I raise an eyebrow, and Wednesday fiddles with the flower between her fingers. "Not answering you doesn't mean I don't pay attention when you speak," Wednesday murmurs softly, and I can't help but smile at her unexpected sincerity.
It wasn't an official date, but as Wednesday walked away, her heart was racing. A strange sensation, like spiders weaving a web, made its way into Wednesday's stomach, creating a pleasant restlessness.
I look at Wednesday with surprised eyes. "Was all this not necessary?" I ask incredulously.
Wednesday, with her intense gaze on me, responds calmly: "Maybe not, but it was a welcome surprise."
We sit on the blanket in the silent cemetery, the twilight light dancing among the tombstones. It's a timeless moment, where the mystery of the dark woods merges with the mystery of our connection. Her eyes gaze into mine, and I can feel her heart beating fast. A slight smile appears on her lips, almost like a shared secret.
"It's not official," I whisper, trying to understand the meaning of that moment.
Wednesday nods slightly, her hand getting closer to mine. "It doesn't need to be official to be real," she says timidly while looking at the sky slowly tinting orange.
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bunnysbrainrot · 10 months
Easy Access
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Relationship: Negan x fem!Reader
Content: free use kink, fingering, p in v, dom/sub dynamic, overall dirty talk, breeding kink
Summary: After becoming one of Negan’s wives, you soon come to find out exactly why he prefers you all in dresses. One day, when Negan instructs you to wear less than normal, you discover something that riles him up more than anything.
A/N: This is my first Negan story, and although it’s just a oneshot, I hope you all enjoy!
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The last few months had become a blur. One day, you were captured by the Saviors from your small community, seemingly the next Negan was scouting you out to be his new wife. Originally opposed to the idea, worries of feeling like a prize than a person, Negan had shown you that he gives each of the wives individual attention. After surviving in the post-apocalypse world, wearing dresses again was foreign. Something about the outfit reminded you of your safety - that would wouldn’t have to run to live anymore, that you could finally focus on your looks again.
Your ‘job’, if you could call it that, was to be beautiful and obedient, though the obedience part was sometimes difficult. But, you had proven yourself to your leader and remained faithful to him. He delivered above and beyond any sexual experience you had before him, leaving you absolutely starstruck and hungry for more when you had time together.
Yesterday Negan had instructed you to ‘forget the panties’ today, so all that was left what your elegant black sundress, a bra, and your heels. The feeling of the occasional breeze up your bare legs was odd, but something tightened in your stomach when Negan saw you in the afternoon, when the wives met with him to relax together.
Though the room was full of other gorgeous women, Negan could tear his eyes away from you, slowly trailing down your bare legs crossed in front of you. Goosebumps rose on your skin, an anticipation of what could happen if his hands wandered over you. As the wives talked to one another, you sipped a glass of white wine as you made eye contact with Negan. He gave you a lazy grin, to which you met it with a polite smile. His gloved hand pointed to his lap, a silent command to join him which you would happily oblige to.
You slowly walked over, swaying your hips in your new dress that hugged every curve in a way that made Negan drool over you. He greeted you with open arms as you settled onto him, resting his broad hands on your hips. As he gave idle small talk to the other wives his fingers teasingly moved across the fabric of your dress.
“So,” his husky whisper reached your ears, “you have anything on under this?”
You turned your head to him and shook it, eliciting a devilish grin from your husband. One of Negan’s fingers hooked at the hem of your dress tauntingly. Red painted your cheeks in a way that made Negan roll his hips up into yours, his hardened erection pressing against your ass.
“Ladies, I appreciate you taking the time to come here today. But, I do have some business to discuss with this one here,” he patted your leg, “This evening, I’m planning on hosting a dinner for all of you lovely wives, but in the meantime I’m gonna have to ask you all to head to your rooms.”
A few of the wives glanced your way in confusion, but your expression showed them that you had no clue what was going on either. Dutifully they left the room, leaving you and your husband to yourselves.
Silence fell in the room until Negan spoke again, making sure anyone else was out of earshot.
“Do you know why I asked you to ditch those panties for me?”
Your breath hitched slightly at his question, to which you shook your head, “No, sir.”
“Well, you see, my dear wife, I will let you know that it does happen to be a quite selfish reason,” he drawled on as a hand tugged at your dress. Negan hooked his fingers underneath and lifted the fabric until it rested at your hips.
With your thighs completely bare you shivered against the chill of the room.
“You’re shaking. You cold, sweetness?” You nodded to his question.
“Don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours, I’m gonna find a way to warm you up pretty soon,” he muttered against your ear. The warmth of his breath across your skin left you with your head rolling back to his shoulder as your legs spread for his touch.
Negan let out a low chuckle while his hands wandered upward toward the apex of your thighs. What your husband didn’t know was that ever since he eyed you in the meeting, the heat in your abdomen had left you soaked for him. Your slick covered your inner thighs, inviting him in to let his greedy fingers to take over your senses. Dipping a single finger between your folds, Negan let out a low growl of approval.
“And look at that,” he cooed, “you’re just dripping for me, ain’t you, sweet girl?”
Your hips bucked at his touch, a silent plead for more of his skilled fingers. Negan ran slow circles over your swollen clit, helping you ride through the pleasure as your breaths came out in shaky spurts.
“I thought having your pussy bare to the world could give me some excitement, but I think it may have done that to you, too, angel,” he breathed against your neck, “But you see, my dear wife, the reason I asked you to do that was so we wouldn’t have so many damn clothes in the way.”
You gripped his hand with your own, tugging at it lower to slide his digits to your entrance. Unfortunately this isn’t what Negan had in mind. He urged your hands away that brought a whine from your throat.
“Can’t having you getting handsy, darlin’,” breathed Negan, “‘cause right now, this pussy doesn’t belong to you. And I want you to take a wild guess as to who owns it.”
You hated when he made you use your words, but it gave Negan a thrill when you spoke up in a pleading voice, “You do.”
“I’m sorry, what was that, sugar?”
“It’s… yours.”
“And what is ‘it’, my love?” He demanded softly, tugging your arms back. Negan shifted to create space between you and pinned your arms against his torso, keeping you from breaking free and exposing your aching cunt to him.
“My… my pussy. It’s yours, sir,” that had satisfied him, erupting a groan against your beck. Negan left warm, sloppy kisses along your skin until he reached your ear.
“Now,” he softly spoke, “I’m gonna use this pretty little pussy until I’m drained. That cunt of yours is gonna take my cock and milk it dry. You understand?”
You desperately nodded, arching your back in reply. Negan brought one hand to your chest while the other remained trained on your pussy. The hand on your chest pulled at the straps of your sundress over your shoulders to expose your chest, covered by your bra. Negan’s fingers idly played with your clit as he unhooked your bra. The two of you wiggled you out of it, and now fully bare under your dress, Negan let the straps fall, your breasts laid out for his pleasure.
Two fingers took a nipple and gently twisted, drawing out a sharp moan from you. Negan’s fingers teased the entrance of your drenched cunt, inviting him inside.
“You see how much easier this is, sweetheart? We don’t have all of those pesky underthings in the way of me using you,” he explained in a husky voice. He pulled his hands away without warning. You let out a soft gasp in protest, but he was already freeing your arms from behind your back.
“Stand up for me, baby girl,” commanded Negan, to which you obliged. You stood with shaking knees between his legs, his large erection rock hard in his jeans. Your husband eyed you carefully, “Let’s see you take that dress off. I need to see my beautiful wife in all of that glory.”
You heeded his instruction and lifted the dress over your head, falling to the floor beneath you. Negan beckoned you over with a finger before removing his pants and boxers, springing his cock free to rest against his stomach. At the sight, you could’ve sworn your mouth began to water, eager for him in any way he pleasured you.
“I’m not using that beautiful mouth today. Right now, I need that tight pussy swallowing my cock into you.”
He coaxed you into his lap, his hard length pressing against your soaked folds. Negan took your hips in his hands, dragging you back and forth along his member. Your knees had become weak, slumping against Negan as the pleasure came over you. His hands cupped your ass and lifted you above his length, lining the thick head with your entrance.
“Go on, baby, I wanna see you take me in,” muttered Negan. Your hips lowered onto him, filling your aching heat with his thick girth. As you settled down, and your moans evened out, Negan took your arms into his hands, placing them behind your back with his fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” he whispered as you rode him gently.
“Get nice and settled for me, babydoll. I’m gonna take care of you, ‘kay?” His voice filled your senses completely, your mouth agape in ecstasy. Negan braced his feet on the floor to buck his hips upward, sending his cock deeper into your pussy. He groaned at the sensation, the mix of your noises creating a harmony of lust.
The strokes started out at an excruciatingly slow pace; eventually Negan began to pick up speed, the head of his cock crashing against your cervix. You weren’t sure how much of this you could take, though your moans fully took you over, carrying out throughout the room.
“I know, sweetheart,” he said sweetly, “I know it feels good, being stuffed with cock all nice and full. How about you cum for me, can you do that, darlin’?”
Almost at the very command, you tightened around his length, drawing out a groan from you husband while his cock bruised your cunt. The thrusts became harsher, striking in deep spots you couldn’t have imagined. Small cries fell past your lips: his name, pleads for more, pleads for him to use you as he saw fit.
“Damn, you’re just about fucked dumb, aren’t ya, sweetheart? Ain’t much else in there except wanting to be a cock sleeve,” Negan growled into your ear. “And might I say, you might just milk my cock for all its worth, the way you’re getting tight for me.”
Something taught in your abdomen snapped at his words, your pleasure erupting wildly around his cock. His thrusts remained as powerful as before, fucking you senselessly through your orgasm. You shook around him, arching your back as you fell quickly into another. The way his cock hit every inch of you sent shockwaves through your nerves, the climaxes hitting you in quick succession. Each time you fell apart for him, Negan seemed to unravel just as much, the only sounds in the room being the occasional growl from him, and the slapping of his skin against your drenched thighs.
Negan brought his mouth to your neck, mumuring sweet nothings until he reached your ear, whispering something that tightened your pussy around him yet again.
“I’ve got one rule, sweet thing,” he began, “I’m about to fill you up into next week, and I don’t want you to waste a single drop of it.”
You hoped that your body could do that. Not out of concern of a punishment, but in hopes to follow his every command perfectly. Negan’s thrusts became more erratic before he let out a rough grunt, his cock throbbing inside of your cunt as he spilled his warm load into you. You clenched around his length to keep his cum inside as he commanded.
“Attagirl,” he breathed heavily, “now, I’m gonna lift you up, and we’ll both watch all of the cum drip right outta you.” Your breath hitched at this, lifting your shaking hips up until his length left you feeling hollow. Warmth dripped past from pussy, to which Negan roughly opened up your legs further to give you both a good show. White ropes of cum dripped from you and onto his length, twitching against his abdomen.
“Now that’s a pretty sight. Look at how much you took, babydoll,” he praised, bringing a finger to your slick, bringing a shudder from you on your sensitive clit.
“You’re far prettier with my cum spilling outta you. All nice and filled up.”
Your breaths remained heavy as you watched the amount that leaked from your folds, over his fingers and onto his palm.
“Say, we should make a day of this,” he proposed. You looked at him in slight confusion while he slipped a finger into your soaked pussy, curling inside of you to strike your g-spot.
“I want… to set aside a day, just the two of us, for somethin’ special.” Negan pumped his fingers in and out of you slowly, “I want to see how much of me you can take in a day. We’ll see just how much cum this pussy can hold.”
The idea shattered you around him, clenching around his fingers as your orgasm soaked his hands.
“Oh, you like the idea of that.” He questioned, “What do you say, wanna be a cock sleeve for a day?”
You dumbly nodded, to which Negan smiled.
“Don’t you worry. This was just a practice round.”
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Thank you all for reading! I definitely have plans to expand upon this, so be prepared.
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dollypopup · 3 months
I think something we don't talk enough about is just how relatable it is that Colin's completely lost in life and is also just 22 years old. His whole thing in the books was that he was 33 and running away from his responsibilities, not wanting to be in just one place, least of all Mayfair, and frustrated at himself for being aimless and unsure of his future. But that just doesn't work in the same way in the show because. . . who of us wasn't unsure and adrift in our early twenties?
Of course he doesn't know what to do with his life. Did any of us? Personally speaking, I certainly didn't. The modern equivalent is that he almost got married in his undergrad and then finished his degree studying abroad when the engagement fell apart. He was sad and disappointed in himself. He is one of eight siblings, those of whom are around his age already more successful than he is. His eldest brother is the head of the family, his elder brother was in art school and close to his siblings, his younger sister is married with a title. His other younger sister is embroiled in political efforts and another is about to make her debut in society and will also be wildly successful.
Colin is deeply, deeply relatable. He wants to live up to the expectations of his family, expectations that are, in many ways, in his own head. He's a middle child, frequently lost in the shuffle. A chronic people pleaser who just wants to bring some ease. Sure, we have Chaos Colin, but in Season 1 and 2, all he really wants is to be useful. He doesn't have much use in his familial dynamic, so he looks to be useful to other people- Will and Penelope in particular.
I think there's a lot about Colin that, once you scratch beneath the surface, is a reflection of a lot of people. He's unmoored, yes, but especially in our current time, that is incredibly common. He's a young man trying to find his foothold in the world, and nothing he does seems to fulfill that. Colin tries to drink like Benedict, but it doesn't make him happy. He tries to marry like his Mum preaches about, like Daphne is expected to, and it's looked down on. He tries to travel, to be a worldly, educated person, and it doesn't bring him peace. He writes, but not to share with anyone, least of all after he gets so few replies. If his own family doesn't want to hear or read his recollections. . .who will?
We talk about wanting to see Colin humbled in our fandom. . .but let's be honest, he is already humbled. Colin is, for most intents and purposes, alone. He's lost his father and his previous engagement, his mother hardly notices him, he's curled in the shadow of his siblings, he tries things and none of them capture his heart or reveal themselves as his talents, nothing he seems to do is ever good enough. I think almost everyone can find something about him to go 'wow, that's me'.
Colin is discovering who he is, and I'm curious as to his story and how they're going to take it, because so much of the book dynamic with him just can't fit. Sure, he can be jealous of Penelope's success, she's younger than him and seemingly found her purpose, is much more established than he is as a person, but beyond that? I love book Colin deeply, but 22 year old Colin and 33 year old Colin have different struggles and different dynamic. Colin's not a rake. He doesn't frequent brothels or break hearts. Hell, in S2 he even said he's just a bystander, not taking part in any flirting or conversation with women looking to be married (save for Pen). His reputation as a flirt isn't established like it is in the books, and he's struggling to make sense of himself. He's not running from the yoke like his book counterpart, and the argument between him and Pen, in which she accuses him of running away to avoid his responsibilities, just doesn't hold water the same way. He's a confused, lost man, doing his best and trying his best and falling flat on his face. That speaks to a lot of us.
I don't know, I just love both versions of him dearly, and I hope the show allows him the depth of nuance he deserves.
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azullumi · 1 year
scara's headcanons with a artist reader?
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summary — you create canvases on his skin, creating art in him in which he will learn how to love not only the essence and the brushstrokes you make but also himself.
pairing — wanderer or scaramouche/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship, this could be fatui scara talking or just wanderer himself ; headcanons
words — 766
note — working on requests again huwahjshad sorry for the late upload and i hope u like this onee :D
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what a strange dynamic you two have; one who loves and creates art and one who grew up with it and comes to hate it. he was one who lived a life filled with art, dancing, singing, playing instruments, and everything but taking the form and name of scaramouche had made him hate those things because he once hated those parts of himself that reminded him of how weak, sensitive, and emotional he once was—but then he found beauty, he found it once again when he found you.
no, it wasn't in a way that he immediately loved art just because you create and love them but it was in a way that he loved art because it reminds him of you, it reminds him of your hands, your fingers carefully and beautifully painting sceneries, molding sculptures, the dedication and focus that it requires and you give, the effort and time you make, he adores every moment of it—he discovered how it is to bask in the beauty of art once again, to have himself mesmerized and captured by the colors, by the edges, by the messy workplace, and anything that reminds him of you, of art.
if you were to ask him to model for you or to ask him to be used as a reference of one of your paintings, he would, of course, raise an eyebrow at you and say why should he do that but then proceed to comply with your request anyways. he wouldn't like it when you would look for someone else to be the reference of your art, he gets quite jealous and grumpy, you see thus many of your artwork, papers, and sketchbooks are filled with images and drafts of him. 
he would sometimes look through your art books and sketch pads, especially the ones filled with him, with awe in his face. there's a small smile on his face that he tries to hide—an artist can paint their own views of the world on paper and to think that you see him like this makes his heart flutter, you capture him so well and so perfectly.
all the materials that you need, everything that you'll ever want, he'll give it to you as long as it keeps you happy, as long as it will put a smile on your face. he never admitted it to you outright but he will support you in every thing that you will ever do and want to achieve.
thus despite of how much of a jerk he is, of how much an asshole he can be, he wouldn't dare to try and disturb you whenever you're focused on what you were doing, he wouldn't want to risk ruining things. he'll just choose to watch you on the sidelines and admire what you are doing, often observing the small habits you make at times. sometimes he'll work alongside you—no, he will not paint and draw on a canvas or sculpture anything but he will do some of his work while you're in the same room as him and doing your own thing at the same time also. there's only just the peaceful silence being shared with only the sound of pages being flipped, pen on paper, and brush on canvas being heard.
he can get really needy after some time though, asking that you pay attention to him, and you could tell it when he's already asking you when you are going to finish while you are mixing paint and when he goes back and forth your spot, seeming like he's feeling uneasy.
if only he could completely express himself, if only he could tell you how talented you are and how much he adores you, if only he doesn't bite back his tongue when speaking his feelings so he settles on watching you from your behind and admiring your work as he keeps pages of it on his desk to which he'll admire and trace with his fingertips, he settles in the actions and gestures he make just for you, hoping that his message will reach you and wishing that you'll understand.
you create canvases on his skin, creating art in himself in which he will learn how to love the bruises that he has earned, the scars that he was given, the flaws that make up all of it, kissing and mumbling sweet and affectionate words that he could either listen and think about for the time that will come or ignore only for him to yearn to hear it once again—aren't you supposed to burn if you're a star?
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Could it be possible to have a small analysis of asteroid (4017) Disneya when looking at one’s chart? I do know it directly related to Disney, that’s for sure.
Asteroid Disneya (4017): Understanding its Signs, Houses and Aspects
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Warning: Did you come to my askbox for a short post? Sorry. This post is huge!
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About the Asteroid: Asteroid Disneya was discovered in 1980 and named after Walt Disney.Okay, dive with me on this asteroid. I FOUND NOTHING ABOUT IT, NOTHING! So I took a few paths to interpret. The first thing that is most often done by the astrology community in their studies is to get people's birth charts, see about the planet/asteroid and research the subject, I did that. But I also took the path of what Disney evokes in us. (I emphasize that this post is totally experimental, trying to find ways of interpretation).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sources and inspirations:None, I guess.. but I’ve four main points: Imagination and creativity; Innocence and nostalgia; Entertainment and escapism and finally how Disney affected the native life. The signs are more about what the native likes about Disney and the houses where they show it and how they like it. And when I talk about the Eras, I am talking about this. Also, the image template in from minikyuns on deviantart.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Asteroid Disneya in famous people birth chart:
Walt Disney (co-founder of The Walt Disney Company): Disneya conjunct Mercury and sextile Venus indicates that the Disney legacy and the communication of its ideas were deeply intertwined for Walt Disney. This aspect suggests an ability to creatively and effectively convey the magical essence of Disney's storytelling. The sextile to Venus further emphasizes the charm and appeal of Disney's creations.
Demi Lovato (musical artist): With Disneya trine their Moon, Uranus, and Neptune, and conjunct their Venus and Jupiter, it suggests a strong affinity for the imaginative and creative realms. This aspect may indicate that Demi Lovato's emotional expression, individuality, and spirituality are deeply influenced by the themes associated with Disney and its magical world.
Selena Gomez (singer): Having an unaspected Disneya suggests a unique and individualistic expression of the Disney influence. This could manifest as an independent and unconventional approach to creativity and entertainment. It's possible that Selena Gomez's connection to the Disney legacy is less influenced by traditional or structured expressions and more open to personal interpretation.
Miley Cyrus (singer, songwriter): With Disneya square her Mars, it suggests that Miley Cyrus may have experienced some tensions or conflicts in expressing her personal drive, ambition, or assertiveness within the Disney context. This aspect could represent a struggle to reconcile her own individuality with the expectations or constraints imposed by the Disney image or brand.
Zac Efron (actor): Disneya sextile his Sun, trine his Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus indicates a harmonious integration of the Disney influence with Zac Efron's identity and personal growth. This aspect suggests that the Disney association has contributed positively to his self-expression, expansion, discipline, and ability to embrace change.
Les Clark (animator): Disneya opposing his Mercury, square Jupiter, and trine Uranus suggests a dynamic interplay between Les Clark's communication style, expansion, and innovative thinking influenced by the Disney legacy. This aspect may have contributed to his ability to bring new ideas and creative concepts to life within the Disney realm.
Floyd Gottfredson (cartoonist): Disneya trine his Venus and Uranus, opposing Saturn, and sextile Neptune indicates a harmonious blending of creativity, uniqueness, and visionary qualities influenced by Disney. This aspect suggests that Floyd Gottfredson's artistic expression and ability to capture the imagination of others were deeply connected to the Disney legacy, despite potential challenges or responsibilities represented by the Saturn opposition.
Abe Levitow (animator): Disneya square his Sun and Pluto, sextile Mars and Neptune, and opposing Jupiter suggests a complex interplay between personal power, transformation, artistic drive, and expansion influenced by Disney. This aspect may indicate that Abe Levitow's connection to the Disney archetype had profound transformative effects on his creative expression and sense of purpose.
Asteroid Disneya by Sign
✧. ┊ Aries: may indicate a strong sense of individuality and independence in expressing the Disney influence. The person may have a pioneering spirit and an assertive approach to creative endeavors influenced by Disney themes. This native may like more active Disney films like Mulan or think that everything Disney is too childish, too fanciful or just for the money. They may also have an affinity for The Wartime Era films. Disneya in Aries stimulates a dynamic and pioneering imagination, fueling the individual's creative endeavors with enthusiasm and boldness. They may excel in areas such as animation, writing adventurous stories, or expressing their creativity in an assertive manner.
✧. ┊ Taurus: could suggest a connection to the sensual and material aspects of the Disney world. The person may appreciate the beauty, craftsmanship, and tangible elements of Disney's creations. This person might like older Disney movies like Snow White and Fantasia. They might also be the type that likes the Disney aesthetic. Disneya in Taurus fosters a creative imagination with a focus on sensory experiences and tangible expressions. These individuals may be skilled in creating visually appealing artwork, designing themed environments, or engaging in practical forms of creative expression inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ Gemini: may signify a versatile and communicative expression of the Disney influence. This type of person may know all Disney movies and musics but not delve into any of them, or their favorite movies could be Disney-Pixar movies. Disneya in Gemini stimulates a versatile and intellectual imagination. These individuals may enjoy exploring different genres of Disney storytelling, engaging in animated conversations about Disney, or expressing their creativity through various forms of communication, such as writing, podcasting, or social media.
✧. ┊ Cancer: could indicate a deep emotional connection to Disney's themes of family, nostalgia, and home. The person may seek comfort and a sense of security through the enchanting and familiar elements of Disney. This native will like the movies they watched in their childhood and period, if childhood was in 00 it will be one type of movie, if it was in 2010 it will be another one. They might also like the Silver Age Era movies. Disneya in Cancer evokes a deep emotional connection to the world of Disney and a nurturing imagination. These individuals may excel in creating emotionally resonant art, evoking nostalgia through their creative work, or expressing their imaginative prowess within the realms of family and home.
✧. ┊ Leo: may highlight a strong creative flair and a desire to shine in the realm of entertainment influenced by Disney. The person may possess a natural ability to captivate and entertain others with their Disney-inspired expressions. This native may like Disney's most successful films like Frozen or the Golden Age Era films. Disneya in Leo ignites a vibrant and dramatic imagination. These individuals may shine in creative fields, seeking recognition for their Disney-inspired expressions. They may be drawn to performing arts, showmanship, or using their creativity to entertain and captivate others.
✧. ┊ Virgo: suggests a meticulous and analytical approach to the Disney influence. The person may pay attention to the details, craftsmanship, and practical aspects of Disney's creations. This is the type of person who might like Disney princess movies better, or who at least have a female lead. Also, they can be very interested in merchandise, especially official ones. Disneya in Virgo stimulates a meticulous and detail-oriented imagination. These individuals may have a keen eye for the intricacies of Disney's creations and may excel in the technical aspects of animation, visual effects, or craftsmanship related to Disney-inspired projects.
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✧. ┊ Libra: may emphasize a love for harmony, beauty, and the social aspects of Disney. The person may appreciate the aesthetics, relationships, and partnerships that arise from the Disney world. They might like Disney princess movies, or ones with two leads like Wreck-It Ralph. It could also be those people who have the most affinity for Revival Era Movies. Disneya in Libra encourages a harmonious and aesthetically focused imagination. These individuals may excel in creating visually appealing artwork, designing Disney-inspired fashion, or using their creative expression to foster balance and beauty in the world.
✧. ┊ Scorpio: may indicate a transformative and intense connection to the Disney influence. The person may delve into the depths of Disney's themes, exploring the darker or mysterious elements that lie beneath the surface. It's the native who likes little known movies like The Black Cauldron or who makes it clear that it's not just a cute movie like The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Disneya in Scorpio evokes an intense and transformative imagination. These individuals may express their creativity through exploring complex and psychologically rich themes within their artwork or creative pursuits.
✧. ┊ Sagittarius: could signify an expansive and adventurous approach to the Disney world. The person may enjoy exploring different cultures, traveling to Disney parks, or embracing the broader philosophical and spiritual messages within Disney's storytelling. This is the kind of native that likes Disney because everyone knows what Disney is, it's a universal conversation, you can ask anyone "Who is your favorite Disney princess?" or "What's your favorite song?" that the person will understand. Disneya in Sagittarius stimulates an adventurous and expansive imagination. These individuals may be inspired by Disney's tales of exploration and may express their creativity through travel, cross-cultural storytelling, or by incorporating themes of spirituality and philosophical insights into their work.
✧. ┊ Capricorn: suggests a practical and disciplined approach to expressing the Disney influence. The person may appreciate the business side of Disney, aiming for success and recognition within the industry. This native may like to know about Disney's work, about producers, artists, writers... It may also be that person who doesn't like Disney because it thinks it's too childish. As well as liking more the Live-Actions and series that Disney shows on its channel Disneya in Capricorn encourages a practical and disciplined imagination. These individuals may approach their creative pursuits with structure and ambition, seeking to manifest their Disney-inspired ideas into tangible achievements within the realms of business, management, or entrepreneurship.
✧. ┊ Aquarius: may highlight an innovative and unconventional approach to the Disney influence. The person may appreciate the progressive and futuristic elements of Disney's creations, and they may contribute to the evolution of Disney's legacy. This native can be that Disney fanatic, as it brings together generations, creativity, technology... practically everything that aquarius has an affinity for. They could also be the person who likes Post-Renaissance Era movies. Disneya in Aquarius stimulates an innovative and unconventional imagination. These individuals may think outside the box when it comes to expressing their creativity, bringing fresh and progressive perspectives to Disney-inspired art, technology, or social movements.
✧. ┊ Pisces: could indicate a deep connection to the imaginative and spiritual dimensions of the Disney world. The person may be highly intuitive, empathetic, and feel a profound resonance with the dreamlike qualities of Disney's storytelling. This native can spend hours listening to Disney music and have a greater appreciation for Renaissance Era movies. It is also one more for the list that has princess movies as a favorite. Disneya in Pisces evokes a dreamy and spiritually attuned imagination. These individuals may excel in creating ethereal and fantastical artwork, expressing their creativity through music, dance, or embodying the mystical essence of Disney's storytelling in their creative pursuits.
Asteroid Disneya by House
✧. ┊ 1st House: suggests that the Disney influence is a significant part of the individual's self-expression and identity. They may embody the magic of Disney in their personal presentation. This native may have been influenced by movies on how to dress, speak, and behave in the world, and be inspired by some characters. It is also the native that, when Disneya aspects the ascendant, they appear like a character. Disneya in the 1st house brings a strong sense of innocence and nostalgia to the individual's self-image and identity. They may have a youthful aura about them and carry a childlike wonder in their approach to life. Nostalgia may play a significant role in shaping their personality and how they express themselves to others. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through self-expression and personal image. They may enjoy adopting Disney-inspired personas or engaging in activities that allow them to escape from reality and embrace a sense of playfulness and joy.
✧. ┊ 2nd House: could indicate a connection between the Disney influence and personal values, finances, or possessions. The person may find value in Disney merchandise or have a talent for monetizing Disney-inspired ventures. This native may have learned life and moral lessons from some Disney movies, as well as taking inspiration from the melody and voice of the songs. Disneya in the 2nd house highlights a nostalgic connection to material possessions and personal values. These individuals may find comfort and a sense of security in collecting Disney memorabilia or investing in Disney-related ventures. They may have a sentimental attachment to items associated with Disney or seek to preserve the innocence and joy associated with childhood through their material acquisitions. This placement suggests that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through material possessions and financial resources. They may also invest in experiences that allow them to escape into the enchanting world of Disney and find pleasure in material indulgence associated with Disney themes.
✧. ┊ 3rd House: suggests that communication, learning, and short journeys may be influenced by the Disney world. The person may enjoy discussing Disney topics, writing about Disney, or engaging in Disney-themed educational activities. It's the native who will know a few more details about Disney (like the Eras... yes, I'm that native) and who will like how Disney uses elements other than just speech to communicate, like shapes and colors. Disneya in the 3rd house infuses the realm of communication and learning with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may have a fondness for storytelling and may enjoy sharing Disney-inspired tales or engaging in conversations that spark nostalgic memories. They may also have a nostalgic connection to their childhood education or early experiences with reading Disney books or watching Disney movies. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through communication, learning, and social interactions. They may enjoy discussing Disney-related topics, sharing their knowledge about Disney, or engaging in activities like Disney trivia nights, book clubs, or movie marathons with friends and acquaintances.
✧. ┊ 4th House: signifies a deep emotional connection to the Disney influence, especially within the family and home environment. The person may create a nurturing and magical atmosphere inspired by Disney within their living space. It's the native who likes stories that involve family like Lilo and Stitch and who can show more intimate messages using Disney narratives, as if using as an example "Oh, it's like that scene from Princess and the Frog that happens this, this, and that". These movies become a way of communicating what they want. Disneya in the 4th house deeply influences the individual's sense of home, family, and emotional foundations with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may create a nurturing and magical atmosphere within their home, surrounding themselves with Disney-related items or creating family traditions rooted in the innocence and joy of Disney's storytelling. Nostalgia may play a significant role in their family dynamics and upbringing. This placement suggests that the individual finds entertainment and escapism within the realms of home and family life. They may create a Disney-themed sanctuary at home, host Disney-inspired gatherings, or use Disney-related activities to bond with family members and create nostalgic memories.
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✧. ┊ 5th House: emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and joy derived from the Disney world. The person may find pleasure in artistic endeavors, entertainment, or working with children, drawing inspiration from Disney. It's the native who will watch the movies when the kids are watching and sing along to Disney songs. For them, music is a source of inspiration. Disneya in the 5th house accentuates the house of creativity, self-expression, and joy with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may find great pleasure in artistic endeavors inspired by Disney, such as drawing, painting, or performing in Disney-themed productions. They may seek out recreational activities that allow them to tap into the nostalgia and childlike wonder associated with Disney. This placement suggests highlights that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through creative self-expression and recreational activities. They may enjoy engaging in Disney-themed arts and crafts, performing in Disney-inspired shows or productions, or participating in activities that bring joy and a sense of playfulness inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ 6th House: suggests that daily routines, work, and service may be influenced by the Disney world. The person may find motivation and fulfillment by incorporating Disney elements into their professional life or daily tasks. It's that person whose work backpack has a huge Minnie, and at work celebrations and parties, everyone gives something from Minnie to this native. They’re also one of those natives who carry their favorite character into adulthood, not afraid to show that they still like Disney. These individuals may find joy and inspiration in jobs or volunteer work related to the Disney world, such as working at Disney parks or participating in Disney-themed events. They may infuse their daily tasks with a sense of innocence and nostalgia, seeking to create a magical experience for themselves and others. Disneya in the 6th house indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through work, routines, and service.They may find solace and joy in integrating Disney magic into their daily routines and responsibilities.
✧. ┊ 7th House: indicates that partnerships, relationships, and collaborations may be influenced by the Disney influence. The person may connect with others who share a love for Disney, and the Disney world may play a role in their romantic or business partnerships. It's the kind of person who wants to marry in Cinderella or Belle's dress and who daydreams to have a Disney-style relationship, whether that be romantic or professional. They may be attracted to partners who share their love for Disney or engage in relationships that have a nostalgic connection to their shared Disney experiences. They may seek out opportunities to create memorable Disney-inspired moments with their partners or collaborate on creative projects influenced by Disney themes. Disneya in the 7th house suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through partnerships and relationships. They may seek out partners who share their love for Disney or engage in activities that allow them to escape together into the world of Disney. They may also enjoy attending Disney-related events or traveling to Disney destinations with their partners.
✧. ┊ 8th House: suggests that the Disney influence may have a transformative and deep impact on the person's life, particularly in the realms of shared resources, intimacy, or psychological growth with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may have a deep emotional connection to the transformative power of Disney's storytelling and may seek solace or catharsis through Disney-related experiences. They may use the nostalgia associated with Disney as a form of emotional healing or as a way to connect with others on a profound level. This native may have a liking for the villains. Disneya in the 8th house indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism within the realms of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. They may use Disney-related experiences as a form of emotional release or engage in activities that allow them to explore the deeper, more transformative aspects of themselves through the lens of Disney's storytelling.
✧. ┊ 9th House: highlights the connection between the Disney world and higher education, philosophy, travel, or spirituality. The person may find inspiration in Disney's storytelling and themes as they explore these areas of life. Disneya in the 9th house expands the individual's quest for knowledge, spirituality, and travel with innocence and nostalgia. They may seek out spiritual or philosophical teachings rooted in Disney's themes or embark on journeys to Disney parks or destinations that hold nostalgic significance for them. They may also be inspired to pursue higher education or engage in storytelling that evokes a sense of innocent wonder. This placement suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through travel, higher education, and spiritual exploration. They may enjoy visiting Disney parks or destinations, studying Disney-related topics, or incorporating Disney-inspired elements into their spiritual practices and beliefs.
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✧. ┊ 10th House: suggests that the Disney influence may be prominent in the person's career, public image, or achievements. They may pursue professions related to entertainment, animation, or creative industries influenced by Disney. Disneya in the 10th house influences the individual's career, public image, and achievements with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may pursue professions within the entertainment industry, animation, or creative fields that are directly influenced by Disney. They may be known for their ability to evoke a sense of innocence and nostalgia in their work, garnering recognition for their contributions to the magical world of Disney. This placement indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through their career, public image, and achievements. They may pursue professions within the entertainment industry, animation, or creative fields that allow them to be involved with Disney-related projects. Their career success may be intertwined with their ability to provide entertainment and escapism to others through their work.
✧. ┊ 11th House: signifies a connection between the Disney influence and friendships, social networks, and community involvement. The person may find like-minded individuals who share their passion for Disney. Disneya in the 11th house connects the individual's friendships, social networks, and community involvement with innocence and nostalgia. They may find like-minded individuals who share their love for Disney, forming friendships based on a shared appreciation for the innocence and joy of Disney's storytelling. They may also participate in Disney-themed community events or engage in social activism related to Disney causes. This placement suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through friendships, social networks, and community involvement.
✧. ┊ 12th House: suggests a deep and hidden connection to the Disney world, possibly through dreams, subconscious influences, or spiritual experiences. The person may find solace and inspiration from the magical realm of Disney in their private moments. Disneya in the 12th house signifies a deep and hidden connection to the realms of dreams, subconscious influences, and spirituality. These individuals may find solace and inspiration from the magical world of Disney in their private moments or through dreams and subconscious experiences. They may use Disney-related imagery or narratives as a form of spiritual or emotional guidance. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism in the realms of dreams, subconscious influences, spiritual experiences or are ashamed to accept that likes Disney. They may find solace and inspiration from Disney-related dreams, engage in activities that tap into the hidden realms of the subconscious, or seek spiritual meaning and guidance through Disney's storytelling and themes.
Asteroid Disneya Aspects
✧. ┊ Conjunction: When Disneya forms a conjunction with a planet, it intensifies and amplifies the energy of that planet. It can bring a strong focus on themes related to Disney, entertainment, and escapism in the areas of life represented by the planet. For example, a Disneya conjunction with the Sun may indicate a strong identification with Disney's magical world and a desire to express oneself creatively through Disney-inspired pursuits.
✧. ┊ Sextile and Trine: Disneya in harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) with a planet can bring opportunities and ease in incorporating Disney-related themes into the energies of that planet. It can enhance creativity, imagination, and a sense of joy associated with Disney. For instance, a Disneya sextile with Venus may indicate an effortless ability to find pleasure and enjoyment through Disney-related activities and a talent for creating art inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ Square: A square aspect between Disneya and a planet creates tension and challenges. It may indicate a conflict between the energies represented by the planet and the desire for entertainment and escapism associated with Disney. For example, a Disneya square with Mars could suggest a struggle to balance assertiveness and taking action with a tendency to get lost in fantasies or distractions related to Disney.
✧. ┊ Opposition: An opposition aspect between Disneya and a planet represents a polarity and potential inner conflict. It may indicate a need to find a balance between the energies of the planet and the desire for entertainment and escapism associated with Disney. For instance, a Disneya opposition with Saturn could suggest a tension between the need for structure, discipline, and responsibility versus a desire to indulge in carefree and joyful experiences inspired by Disney.
Kisses from the Sea! 🪸
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
Cal/Merrin fic recs? 🥺🥺🥺🌹🌹🌹
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ANON YOU JUST MADE MY WHOLE LIFE! I would love love love LOVE to give you some recs over here!!!
Okayyy, first of all, @merricalfic is always a great place to start! I feel like here in the Merrical fandom, there are so many authors writing passionate and amazing fics for our fav space ginger and space goth lovers duo. There are plenty to die for, so here are some for ya!
Alriiiight, prepare yourself because it’s about to get looong!
Authors that I would just suggest you go and read all of their works:
believe_in_alderaan (@believe-in-alderaan) Yess, Bex has a series of oneshots called JFO Ficlets and Drabbles which is a series of just the cutest collection of our idiots falling in love!
Missuniverse5000bc and lightlark (@misfitz-7) Let me tell you…these two (who write a lot of amazing fics both together and separately) are like the real MVPs of this fandom. They have written SO many fics for us and I could not be more thankful for them!
myfaenwy (@myfaenwy) This author has a series of oneshots called But when I hold you I hold everything that is which is a very well written series that is just friends to lovers FLUFFY CUTENESS!
you part the waters by januarys (G, 3k) Okay, I literally just read this, and it is so good! It is so well written it is almost astounding. The way this author has with words. It’s a first kiss story for the ages because I feel like this author captures Cal and Merrin’s dynamic so well (i.e., all of the unspoken understanding—that right there, is like the most Merrical shit ever imo)
Marriage; (noun) by Missuniverse5000bc (T, 15k) Okay, I know I already gave this author a shoutout, but I also literally just read this and it is fresh in my mind and I am dying. Our two fav oblivious idiots not realizing they are together but everyone else does at its best! And a few other delicious tropes to boot!
heart undenying by sunsorbit (@sunsorbit) (T, 10k) This is very well written and the tension dear freaking lord sweet baby virge Cal is like WHAT IS THIS WHAT AM I FEELING because the Jedi are a bunch of repressed weenies…so yeah he discovers what it means to feel attraction and it’s great.
you’ve broken new ground by sunsorbit (M, 6k) Okay, same author as above, same story, but from Merrin’s POV. Basically her being like omfg when is Cal going to notice that we are super attracted to one another WHEN??
A Failed Insurrection by aslanbrooke (T, 4k) Although this is based off a very heavy topic, this modern AU with both Cal and Merrin as police officers, is very well done. There is definitely some domestic bliss for our married babies with their own babies!
Funny Feeling by believe_in_alderaan (NR, 1k) Again, I know I already gave Bex a shoutout, but I put this one in here specifically because it is based off of a prompt suggested by yours truly AHHHH it’s so fluffy and cute oblivious Cal realizing in battle that he is in love with Merrin we love to see it.
Oneshots (Rated M & E):
I separated these out if smut is not your thing, but HEY if it is…😏😏😏
Let go of what you fear by Namesonboats (E, 3k) Okay so this is written by my giiiirl @namesonboats (also another author I am going to shoutout a lot sorry not sorry) and I mean, I am a sucker for one of the only other couple of modern AUs out there. It is very spicy and I love it like Merrin goes over to Cal’s apartment and tells him some great news, but then is just like…um yeah why haven’t we boned like yesterday??!!?!??
a different world by freedomatsea (@freedomatsea) (E, 2k) I mean, we love some awkward virgins doing it in the back of a space craft.
The Bad Girl and the Bounty Hunters by MaraLan (@darkowl-records) (E, 4k) Cal is kidnapped and guess who comes to the rescue??? OH YEAH. Ooooomg there is a line in this one and I am like…wow…that was good. That was very good for all of us.
Synchronous Orbits by FlyingMachine (M, 5k) Set after JFO, and it explores how Merrin and Cal grow close with one another (and yes there is some spicy stuff in there too) but it is amazingly well written and there are also a ton of fluffy and cute moments.
The Cave by ParaCord (M, 3k) Cal and Merrin get stuck in a storm, and they take refuge in a cave…so what do you think is going to happen hmmmmm? (they do it)
What We Fight For by YamadaJisho (M, 61k) Okay, this one. This one and I cannot emphasize this enough, THIS ONE. OMFG. THIS ONE. SO. FUCKING. GOOD. First multichap Merrical fic I read and WOW. Set after JFO, Mantis crew sets up with the Partisons and they slowly fall in love as they do their part to save the galaxy.
A Path Forward by Namesonboats (M, 36k) Okay, another one by my girl, so good. Binged it in one day. Slow burn set after JFO. Oblivious idiots falling in love. Deals in serious issues of loss and what it means to carry on a legacy that is no longer around. SO GOOD.
Paths Aligned by Namesonboats (M, 77k) *DJ Khalid voice* ANOTHA ONE! Well HEY, look here QUEEN WROTE A SEQUEL!!! Set after A Path Forward and WOWIE I could literally talk about this fic alllll day (also binged this one in the same day lol). Cal takes on a purpose that I feel is so realistic; this should literally be canon. Lots of fun cameos by other SW universe characters. Sexy spy mission. Falling deeper in love. You know, just Merrical things.
Above Dathomir by RepeatOdyssey (M, WIP, 159k) Pretty sure this is the most popular fic in the fandom, and for good reason! An AU where Cal landed on Dathomir after Order 66 instead of Bracca. Very angsty slow burn, but hey, you know I am a fan of those. So good, really gets into their characters, and by the time they finally meet, you’ve already been taken on this amazing journey. Cute, awkward space cupcakes falling in love with a galaxy wide war and rancor attacks to just add to the angst.
Cultural Differences by MaraLan (E, 5k) (This is smut, obviously with the E rating) Lots of fun teasing between these two. They wanna bone and they know it. Author implements the game mechanics into the boning and I could not be happier about it (akaaaa Cal uses force slow and let’s just say he’s QUITE proficient).
Now, I am 100% sure that this is not even beginning to touch on all the many more amazing fics out there in our fandom, so Merricals, please I implore of you, if you love a fic and it is not on this list, please let me know on this post or send me a DM. There are a few fics out there on my “to read list” that I can think of already, so I will definitely update this list accordingly to spread the word of beautiful fics that need recognition!
Thank you so much for asking me anon! I loved compiling this list together! Hopefully this was helpful! 🥰😘🤩
Edit: there are some peeps I missed tagging, so if your fic is on here and you aren't tagged, just lmk!
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Fic Recs: Old Favorites!
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This week, we have a recurring theme - older favorites! Look below the cut to see 15 recs for fics published before the finale (or thereabouts). As always, if you like them, try to give comments and kudos - especially on older works, they tend to get ignored!
To Love Something Small by Jakia (9662,Teen) Warnings: None
Essek's point of view during the campaign, and an imagined afterwards
Reccer says: I love how they capture Essek's initial arrogance but also allow for some growth and depth in change
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and who could make this heart their home? by eldritch_beau (7042,Teen) Warnings: None
The night after the peace talks, Essek gets drunk. Caleb visits him.
Reccer says: It's very tender and allows for Caleb's anger along with Essek's guilt.
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That Carnivorous Dark by Cers (88169,Mature) Warnings: Angst, grief, bioweaponry, torture
After returning to Rosohna from Rumblecusp, the Mighty Nein discover that Essek has been kidnapped and brought to the Vergesson Sanatorium
Reccer says: Good angsty fic with an emotionally devastating sequel. There's a great exploration of emotions and trauma, while staying in character. Also, as a bonus, this is by the same author as "The Fullness of Time" so if you liked that work you'll probably like this one too :)
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Return to the Earth by LadyOrpheus (2920,Teen) Warnings: Main Character Death
From the fic: Centuries after the adventures of the Mighty Nein a pair of old friends meet, remember, and contemplate. Essek returns to the Grove after a long and full life to visit old friends.
Reccer says: This is one of the first CR fics I read, and I remember sobbing my way through it in the most cathartic ways. It's heavy, but beautiful in the weight of emotion that it weaves through and the sense of care and love.
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Lacuna by Sangreal (94811,Explicit) Warnings: Creator Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings - check the tags and author's note for more details
An alternate take on Essek being found out for his crimes, and the aftermath of what happens next.
Reccer says: This one is full of interesting circumstances, where it asks the question of if a part of your memories that make you /you/ are removed, who would you be if you could choose? It's fascinating, full of character moments and detailed prose.
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impossible magic by royalgreen (allyoop) (2112,Mature) Warnings: Torture, Whump, Angst, Blood and Injury
Essek is captured by an enemy that does not underestimate him. His magic is now completely blocked and all hope is gone. And yet.....someone hears him. Someone comes.
Reccer says: The mystery and worldbuilding is so excellent. Written during the hiatus, before we knew Essek was in Eiselcross, great alternate take on what could have been.
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hopeful hearts by royalgreen (allyoop) (3108,Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Misfortune has led to Essek needing to hide with the Nein in Caleb's tower, but it is a beautiful place to be hidden within. Essek receives a tour of the tower....as well as something else magical he hadn't quite expected.
Reccer says: The pining and softness is so good. A warm cozy blanket of a fic.
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the delicate thing you prize so much by mousecookie (13375,Teen) Warnings: None
Essek escapes the stress and isolation of his life with lucid dreaming, until the Mighty Nein (and Caleb especially) disrupt all his patterns and Essek's waking and sleeping world both spiral out of his control.
Reccer says: A portrait of loneliness with a nice ending, and the dream descriptions are cool.
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rational animals by the_littlest_goblin (11963,Mature) Warnings: None
A post-canon fic spawned from Liam's infamous 'they could be spymasters' -- a version of post-campaign life of Essek and Caleb working as spymasters and spending quality time with each other around it.
Reccer says: It's fun, witty, the banter is great as is the way the different dynamics have been built. I reread this one frequently. It's an interesting view on if Caleb ended up in the archmage position and the CA was wiped out in a different way.
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by his hands by wytch-lyghts (flight_on_broken_wings) (4182,Explicit) Warnings: None
A darker moment at the Vurmas Outpost where Essek teaches Caleb Dark Star.
Reccer says: This is full of the wizards leaning into their darker sides and the temptations that it offers. Incredible tension throughout as Essek tests Caleb's concentration in a hands-on way.
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Tundra by KmacKatie (4791,Explicit) Warnings: none
Caleb and Essek are caught in a blizzard and have to find some way to keep warm
Reccer says: Nothing
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My Life and Its Work in Exchange For Yours by Alipopsie (3234,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (temporary)
The Mighty Nein TPK and Essek spends years trying to get them back.
Reccer says: Nothing
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proof by contradiction by Chrome (19620,Teen) Warnings: Psychic violence (not depicted but discussed)
Essek is captured by the Cerberus Assembly, Beau asked Dairon to help get him out.
Reccer says: It is beautifully written and super interesting, especially from Dairon's point of view
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Unbinding by hanap (20605,Teen) Warnings: None
Incredible coming of age fic featuring Essek, pre- and post-M9.
Reccer says: So much great Dynasty lore in this fic, especially around the tradition of wearing braids!
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It used to be if you don't like it you could leave by thought (24252,Teen) Warnings: none!
In which the humans do a politics, the Xhorhasians learn about potato's, and everyone decides five hundred years of living in disguise and on the run isn't actually a great life plan, Essek.
Reccer says: I love the homeliness of Essek and Yasha's lives as Rexxentrum housewives and the wizards' dumb pining. This is a very comforting read!
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. And hey! Don't forget to leave comments and kudos for the lovely authors! Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week’s theme is: Over 100,000 words!
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dwreader · 10 months
A Meal to Remember hosted by @iwtvfanevents
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Part 1: One Shots/Short Fics
These are only a handful of my favorites. I tried to pick one per writer so I could spread more love around but do check out all works by each one mentioned here as they are all super talented.
among the wildflowers (T) by ipsilateral - probably my favorite louis character study about his family, relationship with jonah and life before lestat, which we sadly do not see enough of in fic.
babyfather (T) by nlbv - louis's first night with the new baby claudia is so heartbreaking and sweet and 100% canon to me. made me so so sad though!!
the night island (E) by vampdf - this mob wife loumand au is everything i ever wanted. also ft deadbeat loser lestat. enough said discover the rest for yourself.
rumpelstiltskin (E) by weathermood - 10/10 insane loumand vibes, absolutely unhinged levels of sexy bdsm, also this is the most romantic thing in the world to me.
put on your records and regret meeting me (E) by dreamtiwasanarchitect - this was one of the first fics i read in this fandom that i felt really captured the sexy toxic dynamic of loustat. warning i would definitely consider this dubcon!
dirges (E) by boltcutters - very unsafe and romantic (to me) loumand dynamic. that second chapter omg…. your brain is too big.
nothing left to give you now (E) by gaypiratedivorce - i haven't read much fic with daniel but this danlou is soooo good and has the perfect dynamic (daniel is down bad for louis). old daniel is my only daniel!!!
lucky lucky boy (E) by dirtygoldensoul - adorable trophy wife louis au where lestat is a billionaire and louis has a bellyring. hilarious appearances by armand and mother-in-law gabrielle. every line is so funny.
raw wound as a destination (T) by The_Lame_Goat - angst heavy loumand that deals with one of their most traumatic issues in a way that’s so believable.
paragon (E) by thelioncourts - hot as hell lestat pov loustat which means a lot of louis worship exactly as god intended.
firecracker (E) by baberainbow - one of babe's MANY many crimes but i chose this one cause it has the perfect loustat + claudia family dynamic of ep4.
heavy empty (E) by wayunderground - sexy messed up loustat which is exactly as they should be. does such a great job with the maker/fledging, teacher/student dynamic.
grab the rings of saturn (E) by verseau- hot!!!!! louis’s first night as a vampire with lestat and losing his you know what.. so many unhinged and romantics lines.
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tootalltech · 13 days
tbb s3 review
okay. now that i've gotten a full nine hours of sleep and am probably a bit more coherent, i'm going to give a post summarizing all my final thoughts on season 3 of the bad batch. bc while i am annoyed about the way things were handled with tech, there were absolutely parts of the season i enjoyed as well.
i LOVE royce hemlock as an antagonist and i have since he first appeared. this season continued to show just how far he's willing to go and how completely removed from any empathy or compassion he really is- all hidden behind a cold, calm, scientific front. he ties very nicely into the overarching theme of dehumanization in this show, whether with the clones or the force-sensitive kids he captured. all in all, he's very evil and very cool and i didn't dislike anything they did with him. not even his death (bc get fucked poison boy and also he died about the same way tech did which was very much deserved). 10/10 no notes.
on the subject of tech's death though. it was very frustrating to me that they didn't show crosshair finding out. i feel like it's still very unclear when he even did; i was questioning if he knew or not by maybe the 3rd or 4th episode based off the exchange between him and omega about tech having her memorize all the plans. crosshair discovering he's dead could have been a good moment between him and omega, it could have been a good moment where we get to see just how much he misses his brothers and feels bad about everything if he somehow finds out alone while still imprisoned at tantiss, it could have been a good moment between him and HUNTER if it was discovered before they worked things out a bit more and it would have been a bigger catalyst for their fighting in "the return", etc etc etc. i don't think there was any good reason to just have crosshair find out at some point offscreen. that is his brother.
i thought the cameos from characters we've seen in earlier seasons were generally cool. fennec shand showing up pretty much made sense seeing as the batch already kinda knew of her so i thought that one was fun. cad bane seemed a LITTLE unnecessary (like it could've been another bounty hunter and nothing would have changed) but i didn't hate it. ventress was cool i'm glad omega has a new lesbian aunt and i thought it was funny when the batch decided they were gonna try and fight her because that was SO OBVIOUSLY not going to end well for them.
and then doing a separate thing for other clones bc thats really its own category. i loved seeing howzer again i missed howzer <3 rex is always a winner. wolffe's thing was cool although i feel like he's going to die now? like. if anyone ever found out that he just let them go. yk? and then we got to see gregor for like .2 seconds but whatever. in true tbb fashion the only other named reg clones on the batch's side that we met died or were never seen again within 1-2 episodes. which is fine. it is called the bad batch. no matter how much it functions more as a tcw sequel show...
speaking of the tbb/tcw world though. echo. is just. i don't understand why they make the choices they make with him. him helping rex makes sense, but he also has a good dynamic with the bad batch (especially tech honestly) and he's a part of their squad? like. this is really more of a renewed complaint from season 2 because it continued into this season but. why have him join clone force 99 if he's then going to leave again and just kind of exist in the background occasionally halfway through the clone force 99 show? i wish we saw more of him in season 3. especially after they lost tech, i feel like there was a way writing-wise to have him be with them more. if some corny "we need to stick together" shit is what it takes then so be it. BECAUSE THEY DO.
i'll go back to antagonists now. I LOVED THE ENTIRE PLOT LINE WITH RAMPART. for one thing, the beard looked GOOD on him. he was a dramatic bitch the entire time he was with the batch and his dynamic with them was hilarious. like hemlock, he died in a very deserved way, although i did see someone else say that his death didn't really make sense and i'm... inclined to agree. like, nala se isn't ever going to be redeemed in many fans' eyes and i don't think what they did with her in the finale was going to cut it. and rampart. GET OUT OF THERE DUDE. why would he be so interested in that data all of a sudden? especially given that he famously DOES NOT LIKE CLONES. why would he care? i know he wanted to bargain with the empire, but come on, that would never work and was a pretty stupid idea. it really did just seem like a moderately lazy way to try and show nala se doing something good while killing a villain in the process. i have no qualms with rampart dying, but why not have him die as a result of like. refusing to side with the clones or something? that would make more sense than him making a really dumb decision when he's supposed to be a smart guy. he didn't make it to vice admiral on looks alone remember!
and now for the cx-2/tech rant. i might make this into its own post, but for now what i'll say is that it simply would've made so much sense to have that goddamn operative clone be tech. we never saw his body. hemlock literally taunted the batch about this, which is SO something he would do if he HAD TECH. hemlock had a very hard-to-kick habit of doing weird science fuckery which would ABSOLUTELY lead to him trying to make tech into one of his operatives if he had him. we already know that the clones he tried to condition into being his operatives with this deep-cover program did not have to be willing to do it at all, because he tried it with crosshair. and we know that if the conditioning took, the clones would "come out different", so it would make PERFECT sense for tech to BE CX-2 and have no qualms whatsoever about hurting his old squad and a kind of different voice. like, look what happened to crosshair's hand. there are clearly physical side effects, and the process didn't even work on him. there were also tons of similarities between tech and cx-2 in my opinion, and all in all it just would've been a good choice narratively. he even could've stayed dead! like i said. i'll make a separate post.
finally, i feel like i should devote some rambling to tantiss, crosshair, hunter, wrecker, and omega. in the same way that i liked hemlock, i thought most of the choices with tantiss and the connections to omega were very cool this season. i think they handled crosshair coming back decently although it could've been a little more fleshed out. i liked that crosshair immediately became omega's fifth dad. i liked batcher! and omega's doll going to eva! all the force-sensitive kids were really cute and i liked them. emerie karr was like. alright i guess? i didn't find myself ever really caring about her a bunch but her story still made sense. and onto the male clones, i do feel like narratively they haven't really known what to do with wrecker for a while besides have him like. blow things up. which is unfortunate because i really enjoy him. then again it's just also not always an incredibly deep show and they are all clones who don't know how to talk about their feelings which i've been saying for a while now <3. i liked hunter going back to defending crosshair in "infiltration" and wrecker's "just like old times!" callback in the same episode. and i REALLY like omega becoming a rebel pilot, i think that makes a lot of sense for her and it also is, of course, sweet because tech taught her how to fly and all that. and finally, the scene with older hunter and omega itself was nice although i think they could've had crosshair, wrecker, and echo there. we all know hunter is the main dad, but he's not the ONLY one and the others are also very important. but oh well...
in conclusion. i do still absolutely adore this show and all of these characters. season 3 did not give me everything i wanted but it wasn't necessarily bad either. and i have to acknowledge that i am very biased and never going to get over them killing off tech so i mostly just can't think about that and have to live in denial. but anyway. season 3 was a mostly solid end to a show that started off so strongly i made a tumblr for it, and i will always love the bad batch for being my first ever hyperfixation and the show that really got me back into star wars <3
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creative-aces · 1 year
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Would you LOVE to have a full book of gorgeous ace art?
Discover the vibrant and expressive world of the asexual community in “What You See,” the first-ever art book dedicated to be for aces and by aces. This collection of full-color pages showcases the diverse and heartfelt perspectives of asexual artists, celebrating pride in all its forms. From bold and powerful statements to cute and whimsical illustrations, these pages capture the spirit of the asexual community in a truly unique way.
This collection serves as a time capsule from the inaugural #AceDay on May 8th, 2015 founded by Fuck Yeah Asexual and The Asexual Blog. “What You See” is both a celebration of the past and a vision for the future, inviting readers to explore the rich and dynamic world of asexual identity and creativity.
The physical collection is available for sale here, however Amazon was refusing to update any of the metadata so I got annoyed with that so now there’s a free digital version here with updated to include Asexual Manifesto 2022: Radical Asexual Politics, 50 Years On.
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skynapple · 3 months
Btw I finally finally got the gist of my story down that I've been world building since like,,, middle school. It's messy and long.
Genre: fantasy
Tl;dr - girl gets sucked into her favorite book, makes a lot of difficult decisions, falls in love but not with the main character (sort of).
Summary: An average young woman, Lynna, falls into a fantasy book and realizes she's a crucial part of the story. A knight, Daniel, in the story has been able to hear her speaking out loud to her book the entire time she was reading, so now she gets to befriend him and his brother, the prince "Charles" god I was not original but now I'm attached to the names, in person. In her fantasy-self, a powerful entity has possessed her, allowing her a host of magical abilities but also the ability to travel between her home and fantasy dimension. Over the course of time, she finds love in a manner of forms, and discovers the meaning of selflessness and devotion. In the end, she becomes a permanent part of the world and helps rightfully close the rip in time that brought the two dimensions together.
Characters: Lynna - Female, 20's, Book editor, American but presides and works out of London, UK.
Charles - Male, 20's. Prince in the book, married young (arranged), a year younger than Daniel.
Daniel - Male, Mid-20's. "Main character" in the fantasy book, prince's adopted brother and serves as his knight/protector
Erika - Female, early-20's. Side character, brief antagonist for a subplot, talented magician and organized thief
Storyline (Messy and plot holes but whatever):
Beginning: Daniel fell in love with her purely because she was the voice in his head encouraging him to press on through a difficult circumstance (because in the modern world she was fangirling out loud to herself). Charles though, pretty much fell in love at first sight but knows his brother has been talking about this girl for so long so he just doesn't get in the way and ends up in a loveless arranged marriage. Lynna does fall for the knight so their together at the end of I guess the first act.
Lynna has sort of an emotionally abusive family so the book for her was escape, so as soon as she realizes where she is she just accepts it as a blessing. Is very intrigued by the prince because he wasn't really in her storybook all that much.
The Middle: ok here's the messy bit. Charles is shown to be sneaking off to, I guess we'll call it the "villains" location, the king next door, and asks to be 'returned home.' The villain has similar magical abilities to Lynna, and sends Charles through a portal. We don't know where yet. This is just to show a bit of shady behavior and foreshadow some things. The assumption to everyone else is he's away on diplomatic business.
At some point, the castle is attacked by a group of magic-wielders, one of whom steals a precious conduit stone. Daniel leads a pursuit and captures her. He's at first intrigued cause... sword wielding woman with a flirty tongue but more like, 'how did you end up like this.' The thief, Erika, is intrigued by his apparent compassion. She escapes, and he pursues her again, but this time he lets her go if she can promise to return what she stole and seek honest avenues, she agrees but he has no idea if she's lying. They have an interesting dynamic, he did a bad thing for her, she did a good thing for him. Returns as normal and just says she got away.
Charles returns and is mostly absent, his wife is shown to be pompous and selfish. Charles realizes she's been sneaking a man into their room and threatens her, but she sobs and he kinda sees it as an out, so he agrees to a quiet divorce on a grounds of... idk they make up some kind of legal separation agreement. This actually ends up changing her drastically and as she becomes ruler of her nation alongside her true lover, she remains endlessly devoted to Charles. Platonic soulmate type of thing. Also illustrates that Charles is a bit manipulative himself and yet has a lot of compassion.
Lynna notices Daniel is growing distracted, and it becomes apparent when Erika returns, this time on the kings business as she has turned a new leaf, that he can't keep his eyes off her. She watches them sword fight together and can't handle it. She breaks things off with him and at this point he can't deny that there's something pulling him towards Erika either. (This is devastating for him because being loyal is such a crucial part of his very being that even though he never was really disloyal to Lynna ever, just the whole thing is overwhelming for him. He needs a min.) Mourning the loss of the relationship, Lynna decides to return home indefinitely realizing that fantasy isn't all that much better than reality.
At the end of this part, she runs into Charles at a library in London, where she realizes that he lives an entirely double life and goes strictly by "Charlie."
At first she's just surprised to see him and that he has a family (mother, father, sister) in London. He's confused why she's there too, since she's American. She moved abroad to study and ended up staying to live permanently after graduating. Mostly she's wondering why he never mentioned it, and wonders if he read the same book/fell into it too, and how he got there. He does say he's read the book, and has a conduit that lets him travel (didn't mention the villain king). This actually leads to a fight where he reveals he knew that Daniel and Erika were supposed to end up together at the end of the story (that their soul mates) and didn't tell her. She knows that wasn't in the book and he just pretends he had a different version. So they kind of part ways and don't talk for a while, because to her he's obviously hiding a lot. They end up running into each other a lot and she ends up sort of getting a lot closer to him.
Lynna has a lot of trust issues, and has a tendency for escapism. She doesn't like confrontation and would literally rather live overseas far away from her family than confront any personal issues. This carries over in small form, like ignoring texts so she doesn't have to deal with them. Charlie calls her out on this as he gets to know her. She calls him out on a lot of things too, like his anger issues and how he constantly fleas from responsibility, and that he's a bit immature. They yell a lot but they're really just stripping each other down to their cores and realize they're both a mess inside.
Charlie finally opens up about his past, that he was kidnapped by the villain king and sent "to a world without magic" until his royal parents could pay ransom. His royal parents suck and took their time but also the villain requested half the kingdom as his own, so they finally obliged to get their son back which is why he rules the nation next door now. Meanwhile, time is different in the modern world. Being a child, he was inserted into the foster system since he was kinda picked up off the streets with no records. He was adopted by his current family in London and grew up there thinking all his memories of his early years were just psychological escape fantasies from whatever situation lead to him ending up on the streets. He takes lots of prescribed medications.
For a while he grew up as an adult and then one day was virtually sucked back into the fantasy world, as a child again and had to grow up again as a prince. By the time he's mostly the same age as he was in the modern world, the villain visits him and offers him a deal to "go home" and return him back to his "true family." At first Charlie refuses, but after realizing he will never have the love, freedom, and warmth that he felt in the modern world, he agrees to the terms and is allowed to travel back and forth whenever he wants. The portal is more stabilized so, he can gauge how much time has passed.
Lynna's upset he made a deal with a villain. Charlie is conflicted because the manipulation has sort of worked on him. The villain hasn't appeared to do anything super harmless on the surface, and Charlie is too enamored with his average life to really think too critically about it. He shares his dream with her of getting his doctorate and becoming a professor. She argues that he has responsibilities to his crown and that he owes his people better leadership than what his father has shown. She believes he will become a good king. Charles asserts that he's worse.
It sticks with him though and he announces he'll return to the fantasy world and try to be better. Over time she realizes that as much as she fought with Charlie, that she loves him because no one else has really opened her up and exposed her to herself really like how he did. She decides to return also and to stop running from her problems all the time. They make up some excuse for the absence... Erika and Daniel have gotten married by the time they return. Charles invests himself in actual diplomatic relations and trying to establish a proper setup for things for his coronation. Lynna compliments his efforts. He says it's all for her. She asserts that its not, he just tells himself that so that he won't have to de with the fact that he's known what his purpose is all along and that he knows he really wants to be a good king, because he was born for it. She's right.
They do end up together and she makes him promise that whenever he wants to visit "home" that he'll ask her, and not the villain king. Along the way she's been sort of being "trained" by the entity inside her. The entity serves as a conduit for the world, helps the seasons change, maintains a certain power balance between the nations by being sort of omnipotent she can keep the other nations in check. She's not a god per se but.... yeah. The entity has to choose a pure soul. For as 'flawed' as she was, the entity was basically able to see her character development in the future LOL. The conduit Erika stole originally, however, was a mini version of the one thing that can kill Lynna.
The villain king has found a way to obtain it and is upset that his manipulation tactics are no longer working on Charles. He basically has, through treaties, manipulated the neighboring nations into owing him and even though he doesn't rule them, he essentially controls them. So without Charles, its kinda the last missing puzzle piece and thorn in his side. He knows Lynna is the reason, but also the power. He knows if he has Lynna, he has Charles, and has all the power.
Lynna and Charlie get married, making their nation the most powerful because of her entity. So the villain decides to make his move to kill her by possessing Erika. Erika has been the keeper/protector of this massive conduit (the whole world runs on magic so it's just this massive power generator thing that when stolen cripples a lot of things). Erika is the only one who can actually weild it. It's sort of Lynna's kryptonite. The world, and thereby a certain sort of her own power is sort of channeled into it, and yet its the only thing capable of killing her, so she's weak to it. Erika isn't stronger than her but is definitely able to easily get the upper hand. Right before dying, Lynna wills the entity to enter Charles's body, making him the new entity.
Charles was at a safe place away, being protected by Daniel, (aware that a battle was happening but having complete faith in his wife and also completely unaware that the special conduit was being used against her). Now in the entity form, he's able to see her last moments. He immediately recognizes that its not Erika, but unlike Lynna, knows the secret place the villain king is manipulating it for because of his close relationship with the villain king. He's able to teleport to that place since he's been there before, and kills the king. With his abilities, he's also able to revive Lynna and Erika (Erika died when the king did). After returning the entity, they make a few discoveries.
The dimensions were torn and a lot of people who currently live in the fantasy world were people who fell from earth, including Daniels original parents. The dimensions have been destabilizing, so they make the difficult decision to close it, cutting them off from their earth families but preserving current life otherwise. And I guess they all live happily ever after.
Sidenote: Charlie was the author all along of the original book, having written it during his time in london as a way to collect all his weird dreams and flashbacks, visions, and memories (some of which happened some didn't; he sees weird things as a result of the dimension destabilization), some of it he wrote as "ideal." so he had pretty much written himself out of the narrative, wanting it to focus on his brother instead, which is why Lynna was originally attached to Daniel more and had not recognized Charlie as a character. So rather than the fictional character Charlie essentially created, Lynna falls for the author instead.
Sidenote: Since Lynna's occupation before all this was as an editor. Every writer needs their editor to make a story flow :)
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One Piece Film Red is Cinematic Gold
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The latest one piece film is a visual and musical feast for fans old and new alike. The center focus is on Uta, a childhood friend from Luffy's past who is none other than Shanks' (adoptive) daughter. She uses her talented singing skills to charm the audience and usher in a new era of peace. But at what cost will she manifest her dreams?
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Uta is an exemplary example of an anti villain done right. She grew up seeing how much despair pirates cause with their mayhem so she set out to make songs to soothe the hearts of their victims. She genuinely wants what is best for the world but goes about it in the worst way possible. I loved the dynamic she had with Luffy. It started out as a cheerful reunion between two distant friends before their clashing ideals results in conflict. Luffy embodies the idea of freedom while Uta uses forceful measures so everyone follows her version of happiness. This contrast makes the drama all the better. Seeing Uta devolve from a high spirited girl to a broken martyr was so gut wrenching to sit through. I truly feel that she's one of the best female characters in the entire franchise from just one movie alone.
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The animation and music were also stunning throughout the entire movie. Uta's musical numbers were vividly animated and full of detail. Character designer Masayuki Sato elevated Oda's designs to the next level and brought them to perfection. I wish he was the main character designer for the anime, but the art has improved ever since the Wano arc began so I'm content. The animation goes full throttle during the final battle against Tot Musica where all the straw hats and Shank's crew team up, albeit indirectly. One piece has never looked so eye catching before. Luffy briefly tapping into gear 5 in the final battle was icing on the cake.
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Ado absolutely killed it on this soundtrack. I've been a fan of her since discovering usseewa and she doesn't disappoint at all. Each song captures how Uta feels at the current moment in the film and sheds light on her character. My favorite songs are the victorious sounding "Backlight" and the captivating haunting " Tot Musica", which is also the name of the ultimate villain in Red. Fun fact, Tot Musica was composed by legendary composer Hiroyuki Sawano, the same guy who worked on titles like Promare and blue exorcist. He's not the only high profile name on the list either. New Genesis is composed by Yasutaka Nakata, a man who played a pivotal role in the 2000s J-pop scene. I'm hoping these ambitious musical collabs become more common in one piece soon.
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Overall, One piece film Red outshines all other films in the franchise with its gripping character drama and impeccable soundtrack. You can officially watch the movie on Vudu.
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Hello, anon! Thank you so much for sharing this with me.
It is not weird in the least. I'll answer this personally to start: I've been watching almost only exclusively BLs for the past almost-year, in part due to my wanting to learn more about the Thai BL genre.
But also: I'm gaining a tremendous amount of knowledge -- and, more importantly for me, an experience of relatability -- when I watch on screen the struggles of a queer relationship, or multiple queer relationships, to succeed.
BLs (at least the best and very best ones), for me, capture and define the struggles of vulnerable populations/demographics to succeed and be happy in oftentimes brutally biased worlds.
I'm a woman of color and a first-generation American: the majority-white society and pillars of power in the States are not built to accommodate my success and happiness. So, very often in my career and my personal life, I struggle against assumptions, biases, racism, sexism, bigotry, xenophobia, the whole bit.
I see that reflected in BLs. I see the struggles of queer people working against, and sometimes with, foundations of power to find their happiness. Same-sex marriage is not legal in Thailand, yet I just watched Kuea and Lian get married in Cutie Pie 2 You; I saw how Make It Right and Bed Friend ended in proposals. Those notes of hope resonate with me.
I hope this is answering your question in some way, but. I want to note that even if you're not queer, you can gain tremendous artistic satisfaction and experiences of relatability in watching art that may not exactly represent your own personal demographics. And that's not only okay, it is WONDERFUL that you're spreading your wings and exploring content out of the genres that you used to read. You're getting something out of BL/QL content -- over time, you can think about naming those satisfactions, and even celebrating them, like I do. There is nothing weird about this process: it is so fabulous that you are gaining new perspectives.
Big hugs, anon! I'm so happy for you to be discovering new art, and growing because of it.
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zyris · 2 years
Late to posting this (my first draft got deleted and I lost motivation lol) but wow the new episode was amazing and I shed some tears Honestly I just wanna give a little love letter to Teruki's character because he's one of my favorites and I always just appreciated him being on screen as a support cause he's just an absolute sweet heart and seems like someone who seems like a pleasure to be around. And I wanna appreciate how far he's come cause this character conclusion was so good for him
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One thing I always loved about him was his constant drive to genuinely want to improve himself as a person.
I think we all know him trying to humble himself after having such a heavy superiority complex is a big part of it. But I feel like we don’t remind ourselves enough that Teru’s superiority complex stemmed from trying to hide an inferiority complex. It’s not JUST a struggle about going over your head even if that’s apart of it. But it’s also a journey of discovering what it truly means to be equal with others. It’s a concept I really appreciate being explored here because it’s something I struggle with myself. And while his arc is subtle for a lot of the series. It’s definitely there.
This is why his dynamic with Mob is so important. How he feels about Mob throughout the series perfectly captures his character arc. Seeing him as a threat to his ego and life and needing to establish “the hierarchy” but then putting him on a pedestal and admiring him greatly and essentially labelling Mob as someone “Above him” There’s still a lot of little things in the series that adds up to him still viewing the world through this hierarchy he’s made in his head even if he’s trying to rid of it.
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This moment was really great and you can see the horror in him as he truly has to take in what’s happening and the dangers with it. I adore that the way Teru finally sees Mob as an equal is also seeing him at a very low point in his life. He’s not above mistakes, and everyone has their bad days and things they want to hide about themselves.
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Calling himself a common constantly is pretty blunt and perhaps harsh in some peoples eyes. But it means what it means, he’s not above or below anyone, he’s just like everyone else.
Also note I’ve been anime only for Mob Psycho since I’ve started watching in middle school though I have read a few chapters of the manga and plan to do a full read when the anime is done. But for this arc I’ve been reading the manga chapter right after the episode and I just wanted to talk about this line that was cut
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(The last panel) I’m really sad about this change because it really says how much Mob hates himself and all it does is break my heart and make me reflect on how innocent all this started. He spent so much time trying to gain the courage to ask his crush out flowers and everything and he ended up with a near death experience and destroying everything around him and hurting his friend. I might make a seperate post talking about him in this episode or perhaps wait for the next to do so.But Teru refusing to hurt him and claiming his victory through saving the people around him is honestly so amazing so many ways. Not only is he easing the pain of his friend and making sure his worst fear doesn’t happen. But it truly speaks where his values now lie.
Originally a gang leader drunk on power and participating in fights because it was the biggest boost for his ego to someone who wants to whole heartedly help other people.
Those other psychic kids from the awakening lab in season one he took upon himself to train, he always tries to help take claw down, his absolute refusal to be brain washed and let that happen to the city, he always tries to help Mob out when he’s in trouble.
When Teru says “I win” he did. It’s an amazing victory for him because he accomplished his goal of protecting others and wants to make the world a better place and he’s become a true leader in the process.
I can’t help but think back to season 2’s Toichiro when thinking of Teru. The idea of being so drunk on power and dismissing the importance of others he expresses. Human connection is a very important theme in Mob Psycho and I think human connection is also very important to Teru’s arc for the reasons stated above
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A while back my friend showed me some things in the fan book that didnt contain manga spoilers and I think the last line stuck with me because of this idea. It also took me back to that omake with him and Reigen of him having a fun summer after seeing them as boring.
I’m very very proud of him for not closing his heart off. He did a great job.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
sub!steve and sub!bucky but with a femdom in between them..
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Hell. Yeah.
I love this and I have actually been reading a lot of fics with Steve/Bucky/Natasha recently so this is very pertinent to my current fandom consumption lol
There's just something so good about two subs and one dom and you add stucky to that dynamic and I-
*chef's kiss*
I'm fucking DONE FOR. My queer ass is over.
Specifically though, something that I'm ALWAYS down for is Steve and Nat or Bucky and Nat who already have a dynamic, then bringing the other into the fold because they want them so bad. Both of them together want the third. There's something about it that scratches both peak romance and lust for me, saying that we have each other and that is wonderful but we're also open to discovering more. We're open to more love and more lust and you, this additional person, bring that to us. If you will have us. And if you will... all of us together will be us also, just a new version of us.
However, what I can't decide here is if I'm more into the idea of Romanogers (Nat and Steve) or Winter Widow (Bucky and Nat) first becoming an item™️ before they all get together... like:
Romanogers has Good Potential in origin...
Especially when you think about sub!Steve, because Natasha could be Steve's first dom since Bucky (if we pre-establish them before the fall and ice) and his first dom in the new century.
Natasha makes Steve feel safe.
She sees his soft side and his needs (needing to go down after such a long, stressful time out of subspace that it is splintering him apart, harming him) before he can even recognize those needs himself. Either before he can recognize them because he's so stressed and anxious he can't think OR recognizing his needs before he can because he doesn't know. Maybe all Steve knows is that Bucky and him played rough, non-traditionally, and Bucky told him what to do back in the day. They didn't call it dom/sub back then. Now they do.
Now Natasha helps him figure it out.
Domination and submission. A dominate partner, a submissive partner.
Now Steve helps Natasha at the same time that she helps him because she doesn't have to put energy into reading Steve, Steve is open, everything Steve does is done because he wants to follow Natasha's orders, he wants to please her. He has no alternative motives and its soothing. Steve is simple. Steve is simply controlled by her, unlike every other part of her life where she was controlled or follows orders as a gun for hire. Steve is controlled, held safe in the orders she gives rather than being the leader (despite being the youngest Avenger at the time he is thawed and reintroduced to the world).
They help each other.
When not Avenging, they're wrapped up in each other, knowing each other so intimately.
And when Bucky comes back...
Steve cannot help the pull he has toward him. Natasha feels the pull too and at first she cannot differentiate if (a) she is so connected to Steve, intertwined, and Steve's pull toward Bucky is so strong that she feels it too, if (b) she is pulled to Bucky because of their danced history in the shadows of the redroom together, or if (c) she is simply attracted to him. After all, he does have a very attractive face in general...
Either way, she gives Steve the go-ahead. Chase him. Talk to him. Whatever comes of it will come of it.
All the while, Natasha thinks. Staying distant from their once more growing connection but not too far. She processes her feelings and comes to the conclusion of yes. All of those reasons she feels pulled to Bucky are true, but mostly, she does want him. Independently, she herself- she wants him.
That then established, they begin a relationship. All of them together.
And later, based on Steve's hushed previous words that were always tinted with pink cheeks and fidgeting hand... Natasha expects that Bucky's previous dominant nature and his capture under HYDRA's boot heel will make him like her, when they eventually get to being intimate (if he ever wants to go there at all, he doesn't have to)... but it doesn't.
He doesn't want to dominate her. Or Steve. He actually wants...
He wants to be made to not think.
He, at first, is exhausted by having to care for himself when he barely feels worth the effort, but then, later, he relishes in the power of giving over control again but this time at his own choice. His reestablished free will. Submission is a gift. Submissives may be giving themselves over and they may be the ones who's body is used but they have the power. They can say one word and their dominant will stop. Bucky likes the freedom yet remaining control of being submissive.
Steve likes the freedom too. He likes being made to pleasure Bucky on Natasha's orders; nothing but a toy or a pet for his dominant to use on her submissive... sucking and licking and warming Bucky's cock until he's dizzy with oxygen deprivation, red in the face and sweating where he's kneeling between Bucky's spread thighs, his lips swollen, drooling, and yet still ready to stay put because Natasha told him to. Natasha told him he needs to get five out of Bucky, then he can have his. Not that it matters if their pet is good enough to wring five orgasms out of her submissive because, well, pets don't need much, do they? Anything gets them up and ready, humping anything they can get between their legs even though their pleasure doesn't matter too much. Needy and cute.
Winter Widow has Good Potential in origin too though...
Like, maybe Steve and Natasha don't interact that that closely other than their work as Avengers because basically as soon as Steve is in the modern world he is fighting, fighting, and f- finding Bucky.
Finding Bucky with Sam.
Then, on the run with Sam.
So, Steve isn't around Natasha a ton, not until Bucky after comes back and they're no longer criminals for not killing Bucky on sight. And with Bucky back, Natasha is there. Natasha and Bucky bond because words are hard for Bucky at first and more often then not, when they do come out, they're in Russian. Natalia understands Russian. Natalia also understands when the bad memories come back first. Not the good ones, those are harder to find. The bad memories are hazy, dark, frightening, no, bone-chillingly terrifying of the abuse, torture, and some memories of the redroom that she can help Bucky to untangle. Other than knowing that he knows Steve, Bucky does not remember much of his life with Steve at first. He uncovers the redroom memories before those ones. The memories of Natalia. The only person who has been through that that he can see and touch and is real.
But also he just-
He finds it easy to be with her. Steve can be very painful to be around constant because he's so earnest, always a bleeding heart. Natasha knows it can be overwhelming and can give him that cooling balm when he needs it, caring but... instead of fixing him with a stare that would make anyone well with tears, its so empathetic, she pats him and shrugs, mumbling about how shit life can be. Intentionally slightly calloused and slightly cold. Because she knows it helps. Its what she would've needed. It's not that she doesn't care for him. She just...
She shows it in a different way.
And after a while they fall into a routine. A routine that builds and builds... Bucky comes to her when he needs her, she pets him or she cases the demons away by controlling him and never abusing it, never taking advantage of his willingness to submit to her, in exhaustion and also in primal need, only ever building upon the submission and pushing him to places he thought he'd forever left. Good places. Natasha comes to him when she needs it, when she needs something that will not dissolve under a façade or double-cross. Something that is real. Something that is warm, even blazingly hot, rather than cold. Someone. When she needs someone. It works. The more they do it, smoothing out the wrinkles, the better it gets.
It builds and builds and-
Then it breaks.
It breaks when Bucky cannot push down or forget his feelings for Steve and he doesn't know what it will do to them. He openly communicates his feelings toward Natasha. And Natasha recognizes those feelings too, like she recognizes the unreal seeming but terrifyingly true and real places of Bucky's nightmares. She knows Steve is very attractive. She couldn't believe her eyes the first few times she stood in front of him. The first time she saw him topless, just in his underwear, or his skin-tight undersuit for medical checkups or because of injuries... she had to drag her eyes back to his face in a way that she couldn't remember having to truly do in a very, very long time. Not acting. Feeling.
A fiery feeling.
But, she didn't let it burn through her, she threw her interest in Steve into getting him into someone else, believing at the time that relationships don't last. Relationships are messy and getting into one with someone on her team would be a mistake. Every time. Except...
Bucky is different.
She is learning that it is different... relationships in general.
It is untrue that all relationships become failures or exploits.
And if her relationship with Bucky is different-? Different in a positive way. Being with Steve would be different too... right?
So, as Bucky re-discovers, she too unburies her own feelings toward Steve in parallel. Is this what she wants too? Yes. Okay. Then... they'll do it. Together.
Together, they invite Steve into their relationship.
Natasha is not sure what Steve will be like in the bedroom, once the threshold of establishing and getting comfortable with each other in general is crossed. She has watched that handsome jaw clench as those blue, blue eyes drag covertly over charming brunettes with pale, sparkly eyes, men and women, when he thinks no one else is watching him. Yet she has also watched those cheeks turn pink the second a woman at a bar hits on him (and it is a regular thing. Again. He's very attractive. Everyone- anyone can see.) She has watched Steve come down shaky with an adrenaline crash from missions, not understanding what was happening to him to the point of terrified clinging to the nearest stable object with frantic breaths heaving in and out of that huge chest. She has watched Steve come off of a mission still heated and angry, stomping down to the gym with injuries that should be treated but no one can make him go go medical for. He will resurface in a days time with battered knuckles and bleeding lips and fire still in his eyes, even as his body finally, finally gives out on him, allowing someone to creep in close enough to tend to his wounds. He is an exercise in juxtaposition. The ulmitate physical form and designed to be that way by the serum yet... not a perfect soldier.
So, if anything, she expects he might be a switch. Maybe even a dom, the serum might make him always hunger for control, optimizing him, the ideal soldier, or it might've preyed on that small, sickness riddled man that didn't have something to prove, not exactly, just knew what needed proving. Making him prove what he can do, how much pleasure he can inflict on a partner. Thus, dominant.
She doesn't know...
But, ultimately, she is not expecting to watch him crumble the second Bucky lays a hand on the back of his neck as they kiss for the first time (this century) after dinner. She is not expecting them both, eyes dark and wide, to turn to her with eagerness written all over their faces and body language, listening fully, when she purrs low in her throat instinctively.
Between the two of them, Bucky and Steve, Steve is much more affected by her sound. By Bucky's hold. By the situation at large as it unfolds.
God, just the way he moves the second she crooks her finger, on edge, almost twitchy, yet... moving through honey. Soft and malleable. Hazy. Sweet. It is beautiful.
Natasha already knows what Bucky likes, before and after she learns that Steve is submissive. So, their first time, all of them together, she has Bucky do what he likes... ordering him to crawl between her legs, as she sits reclined against the headboard, and eat her.
Ordering him to lick and savor and please her with that charming, handsome mouth.
He's very good at it.
She bites her lip and lets her eyes roll back into her head for a moment. The feeling is exquisite. Then...
She thinks of something for Steve to do. Her second submisive. All hers for the taking, looking enraptured by the show before him. Naked and hard, whining subconsciously in the back of his throat.
She has him lay against her side and use his mouth too. His mouth soft and sweet on her breasts. Not too hard, not too soft, just because she told him so.
Either way, both her subs are eager to please. Eager to worship their girl.
Bucky is wicked and lush. Charming, sharp even as he submits so beautifully. Steve is soft and sweet. Malleable and honey-like as he submits gorgeously. The same and yet different. Better together. Better for Natasha when they're together.
So, uh, yeah. Pick your poison I guess haha
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