#disco overtones
yellow-yarrow · 2 years
"I am hereby presenting you the first ever novella to be published in the Elysium world — in fact the first ever anything to be published in the Elysium world (12./11/2012). I also have to warn you for its content, which includes slurs and nihilism, it portrays some kinds of edge lords, and ZA/UM itself can also be said to have consisted of a variety of edge lords and ladies, which was in fact rather uncommon for that geographic region for this era."
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gazorninplat · 6 months
As much as I love Disco Elysium, I think I was not prepared for Sacred and Terrible Air. Of course, I was expecting to know more about the world of Elysium as a whole, and Robert Kurvitz is a very good writer, but the thesis of the novel (and how it makes its points) flash-banged me.
Disco Elysium this is not, and it wasn’t supposed to be, but I think I can understand better now what the team at ZA/UM was getting at with this specific setting, and these specific narrative angles. Kinda messy, because it’s been a week since I finished it, but here are some things I’d like to highlight: 
1. The pedophilia. I surely wasn’t expecting this to be such a central theme of the novel, but a lot of its main points revolve around it. The most interesting use of this, as a narrative device, is how the girlfriend of Jesper basically accuses him of being a pedophile because he cannot relate to the adults around him. He’s still obsessed with a girl he met when he was 13 years old, and fetishizes a scrunchie he stole from her bag two decades ago. Yeah, I guess Jesper, well into his thirties, is still in love with a 13 year old girl. His girlfriend is almost half his age, and they started dating when she was 15 years old and a lingerie model (!). Zigi mentions how pedophilia was a bougie disease, and well… That idea went right into my thought cabinet (I call it “Bougie Babies for Sale).
Still processing it.
Now, let’s go back to the rest of the main characters. With all this in mind, a pedophilic overtone covers their interest in these four missing girls, but Jasper is the only one who acts on it, sort of. Khan remains in a sort of arrested development (he still uses a shirt he had when he was 13), foregoing normal adult relationships, and Tereesz joins the police as an investigator with the idea of still finding them some day (essentially letting these eternally prepubescent girls define his entire existence), leading him to a very dark path. I wonder if the brutality they afford to the “actual” pedophiles in the story (Vidkun Hird and the Linoleum Salesman) comes from the realization that they are not that different?
2. Obviously, though, this fetishization of the Lund sisters is also a fetishization of the past. The novel states it in the first few pages; they disappeared twenty years ago, in a time that most conservative people remember as the “good old days”. Basically their version of the American Fifties. Now, being obsessed with the past is a running theme in both SaTA and DE, but the angle here is different.
I already said it: the past is not remembered, is fetishized with an almost sexual yearning by a lot of the male characters of the book. They want to be consumed by it (and lucky them! It will) and do nothing more than serve it. It reminds me of a poem by Yamil Nardil Sadek, which, translated to the best of my ability, goes like: 
She awaits me
sitting on the bed,
wearing leather,
and armed to the teeth,
the Memory.
Yeah, that sums up Sacred and Terrible Air pretty well. Everyone is being consumed by the past, bite by bite, and enjoying it. Vidkun Hird, by the mythologized version of his tribe’s history; Sarjan Ambartsumjan, by a miniature ship model that requires constant, devoted thought or else it will disappear, the three main characters by the memory of that summer with the Lund girls. Even the Linoleum Salesman is being haunted and consumed, of sorts, by his sickness and dementia that only sometimes let him take a peek of the past. Beyond that, there are very few characters that do not spend time being followed by relentless ghosts. Literally, in the case of Zigi. Which brings me to…
3. The Pale. It was a really cool concept in Disco Elysium, and it’s an existential nightmare in Sacred and Terrible Air. It always was, really. But here it lets you take a look into it in a way that’s applicable in real life. The Pale is a metaphor for many things, but actually for a single one: A world where our current Capitalist reality facilitates both apathy and yearning for better days, often idealized in our collective pasts.
My favorite scene, one that was incredibly puzzling but so obvious in retrospect, is a beautiful speech by the ghost (?) of Ignus Nilsen to Zigi. I will just paste it here:
“I said terrible things, yes! I stood on a white horse, in a blizzard, and gave speeches. In the mountains, on the construction site… I swung my sword, with silver sunbeams on the hilt. And all around me fluttered white flags, crests of crowned horns made with silver thread, a pentagon between the prongs of the horns, the branches raised to heaven. Everyone who came here with me became happy, Zigi! Communism is powerful! Believe in Communism, it’s a burst of enthusiasm! I promise! It’s beautiful when you believe in a person, but without it…!”
“Without it, there is nothing.”
“Nothing. It was a blizzard, but it was bright, it was morning. Communism is white, it sparkles! Communism is the morning, it is a jubilation!” 
The Pale begins to recede dangerously around the entroponaut.
The fucking Pale recedes with talk of Communism! At first it might appear a little heavy handed (yeah, Communism, by itself, could save the world). But then I got into how Communism could be a solution to the antipathy and chronic nostalgia that sustain Capitalism, and then it hit me. Nilsen, a literal ghost from the past, is talking about a future that could have been. That he wanted to accomplish. That people, probably, can still achieve. The Pale is not eternal, it can be pushed back. Because the Pale seems to subsist on the past, it abhors any talk of the future. A better future. That’s how we solve things, and for a central thesis, is not bad at all.
With that being said, and because I’m just rambling here while pretending I’m working, there are also some things that I just didn’t understand, but maybe it was because of the translation. The original novel is written in a very poetic style, and some of that is still here, but I still need to untangle…
1. The Man. It is said that the day the Lund girls disappeared, they were joined by a mysterious Man that nobody seemed to remember correctly. A character even suspects that she was remembering wrong. Now, the Pale erases people and memories retroactively, so maybe it had something to do with it, but… Who was that? Is there any theory about that Man, or I just missed something? Some scenes and narrations were tough to parse for me (my primary language is not English).
2. Was Malin Lund pregnant? That flash with the fetus was sudden and weird.
3. What was the significance of the three meat piroshkis? They mention that it was unusual that the girls bought them (and if you do the math, you can realize early on that they were not planning to get back home. That purchase didn’t leave them enough money for the bus fare back), but that’s it. Were they for the Man? Also, the narration mentions that Lund girls’ picnic basket contained “the kind of things girls like to eat”, so maybe they were planning to see the boys and bring them the kind of things boys eat? I’m overthinking that? The chapter actually titled “Three Meat Piroshkis” just left me even more confused.
4. I don’t understand how Khan’s pen works at all. The one he brought to the school reunion. That was the part I re-read the most. Anyway, even with that, I loved Sacred and Terrible Air. Definitely one of the most enthralling reads I had, with or without the background of Disco Elysium. I’d still like an official translation that could potentially solve the issues I had, but for now, a Top 10 Book for me.
Go for it now.
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vvindication · 2 years
flabbergasted by the fact that when posting about the new Disco Elysium collage update on Steam, they made a fucking Attack on Titan reference. you know. the fucked up antisemitic fascist overtones anime? could they be more tone-deaf
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vikinglanguage · 11 months
An assortment of more or less ridiculous Danish phrases to incorporate into your day-to-day life! (part the 2nd)
strømpesokker (noun, fk. pl.) – socksocks Or stockingsocks, if you will. It's socks either way.
(hjemme)futter (noun, fk. pl.) – (home)choos I literally had no idea how to translate this, but basically futter (fut in singular) are like slippers or any kind of cozy, comfortable shoes you'd wear indoors. I don't know why we sometimes call them that, but fut is also the sound a train makes. Thus: choos.
blamsefi (noun, fk.) – blasmephy Blasphemy, but wrong because it sounds funnier like this
idyd (interj.) – indeed This is what we in Danish tend to call an undersættelse (see below) of the English indeed. I 'in' and dyd 'virtue', but it kind of sounds like deed. Again, I don't know anyone who uses this except from my immediate family
undersætte (verb) – transearly (extremely not literally) Allow me to explain: in Danish translate is oversætte (lit. over + set, likely a calque of Latin trādūcō via German übersetzen). When you underdo the act of oversætte, so when you translate something badly, especially if you do it too literally, you have not translated it – you have transearlied it (excuse my creative liberties here)
hils (verb, imperative) – tell them I said hello You can use this in literally any situation when someone announces they are going anywhere at all. To Austria? Hils! Grandpa's uncle's dog's funeral? Hils! The restroom? Hils! (even better if it's not a public restroom). However, this is traditionally used to tell someone to tell the person on the other end of a phone call hello from you
knep (interj.) – fuck (literally) Literal translation of English fuck. This is considered extremely vulgar in the same way that I think fuck is to especially older speakers of English (?)
stande (verb, dialect) – refurb An alternate way to say istandsætte (long, boring, standard Danish) in the dialect of the area of Jylland where I'm from (Salling). It means to fix, repair or refurbish
slo (adj., dialect) – stale Literally means the same as stale, which (imo) doesn't have an actual word in standard Danish. Your crisps got old and soft? Slo. Bread old and dry? Slo. Straw wet and moldy? Slo. Soda lost all its fizz? Slo. Again, this is sallingbomål <3
goddawsbjerg (interj.) – g'day-hill Say this when it is clear someone has not been following what has been said or has happened around them, kind of as to say "thrilled you decided to join us mentally as well as physically". As for the prevalence, I literally don't know anyone outside of my immediate family who uses this
idyllerisk (adj.) – idyllicish Literally just idyllic but funnier
bajselademad (noun, fk.) – pinchocowich Bajselademad is a portmanteau of the words bajer/bajser 'beer' (slang, so I used pint instead of beer) and chokoladelademad 'chocolate sandwich' (open faced, obviously). It literally just means a beer
puttesove (verb) – tucky-sleep A sorta cutesy, joking way to say sleep. Putte is the word for tucking someone in, as well as just chilling in bed – with at least a blanket or duvet if not several in addition to pillows
diskodaskoluderbenzin (noun, uncountable) – disco dasco whore gasoline Excuse the misogynistic overtones, but I just genuinely think this is a very funny was of describing low percentage vodka- or rum-basesd drinks (for example Bacardi Breezer)
kodyl (adj.) – aspirin Kodyl means great or exaggerated, and you can also use it as an interjection kodylt! like you would use 'swell!', because it is pretty outdated. Kodyl was originally a brand of painkiller
hurtigkneppersko (noun, fk. pl.) – fast-fucker shoes Expensive men's shoes, usually of some kind of skin, be it leather or snake. It implies the wearer of the shoes is a braggart with nothing to really brag about. This was added to the dictionary fairly recently, to the great amusement of many Danes
slam! (onomatopoeia) – whack! An onomatopoetic word imitating the sound of being hit. Used not unlike the (now somewhat outdated) English "oooh, burn!" or just "ouch!" to indicate that something said to someone in your company was (perhaps unnecessarily) blunt, rude, or just shut them down really quickly – like a slap to the face
hjemmebragt (adj.) – home mrade Or, more accurately, home brought. Most commonly used for baked goods (originating from hjemmebagt 'baked at home') that you intended to make yourself, but you just didn't have time, so you bought it at the corner store instead. Its use has, however, in my experience been extended to include most anything that """should've""" been homemade, but isn't
konge (adj.) – king When something is really good, it's konge. Anything can be konge, from a chair to the meal your mother cooked you on your bi-annual visit at home.
brugsvildledning (noun, fk.) – user misleader · deceptions for use A play on the word for 'user guide', brugsvejledning, swapping out the nominalised form of the verb vejlede 'guide, lead' for that of vildlede ' 'mislead, decive'
ork (noun, fk.) – bear An ork is something that you just really cannot be bothered to do, because it would require some kind of effort. Doesn't matter how much effort, as it could be anything from getting your drink that you forgot in your kitchen, only realising this after you sat down, to explaining to your homophobic uncle why it's not acceptable to call gay people slurs, even if it is "just a joke". Most often, it is the former of those two scenarios
dak (noun, uncountable) – boom* Short for dakkedak, which is an onomatopoetic name for music with a strong, repetitive bass rhythm. *this is a bad translation, but it's the best I could come up with
gråssenollike (noun, fk.) – greyish feather-brain A joke-y name for a house sparrow, gråspurv. Gråsse is presumed to either originate from plain gråspurv or gråsset 'grey-ish', and nollike is a word that can mean fool, but also be used about animals or women in jest.
skemad (noun, uncountable) – spoon food Literally anything you can eat with a spoon. I believe its most common use is for the food you first give babies when they are moving on from nursing to real food, but I know quite a few people who use it for cereal because we literally only have the word “morgenmadsprodukter” for it, which is a mouthful to say.
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it-happened-one-fic · 9 months
500 Followers Playlist Starter Pack: The Twisted Wonderland Version!
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Thank you so much!!! I'm afraid I don't have time to do a full event (Christmas and all that jazz) but I did want to say thank you to everyone so I came up with this! I have a habit of listening to music while writing so I used few songs (I aimed for four each but didn't always make it) from my playlists to form sort of a starter pack under the cut! Again, thank you so much!!!
(NOTE: The links go to Youtube)
Genshin Impact Playlist Starter Pack
Riddle Rosehearts: 
New Rules - Dua Lipa 
Come Along - Pentatonix 
Oh No! - MARINA 
Black Roses - Charli XCX (includes cursing) 
Trey Clover:
Sugar Sugar - The Archies 
Gambling Man - The Overtones
Home - Philip Philips 
Honey Bee - Blake Shelton 
Cater Diamond:
The Tracks of My Tears - Smokey Robinson and The Miracles  
Call Me - Blondie 
Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris (feat. Florence Welch)  
Dance the Night - Dua Lipa 
Ace Trappola:
Troublemaker - Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) 
Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield 
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany 
Fire Alarm - Castlecomer 
Deuce Spade:
Waiting for a Star to Fall - Boy Meets Girl
Somebody to You - The Vamps
Hey Look Ma’ I Made It - Panic! at the Disco
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
Leona Kingscholar:
Send Them Off! - Bastille
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
We Don’t Have to Dance - Andy Black
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
Ruggie Bucchi
Roll To Me - Del Amitri
Two Princes - Spin Doctors
The Way I Are - Timbaland, Keri Hilson, & D.O.E
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
Jack Howl
Silver Night - The Rasmus
I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen
Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
I Will Never Let You Down - Rita Ora
Azul Ashengrotto:
Material Girl - Madonna
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
I’d Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
Diamonds - Sam Smith
Jade Leech:
Curses - The Crane Wives
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Staring At You - Diane Birch
Break the Ice - Britney Spears
Floyd Leech
Out of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
Bad Word - Panicland
Rag Doll - Aerosmith
I Was Made For Dancin’ - Leif Garrett
Kalim Al-Asim
Golden - Harry Styles
Budapest - George Ezra
Boogie Shoes - KC & The Sunshine Band
I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue
Jamil Viper:
Can’t Remember to Forget You - Shakira & Rihanna
Power & Control - MARINA
Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy & Foxes
Move Your Body - Sia
Vil Schoenheit:
You Make Me Feel - Cobra Starship (feat. Sabi)
Vogue - Madonna
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Pretty in Pain - Diane Birch
Rook Hunt:
The Look of Love, Pt. 1 - ABC
Come To My Window - Melissa Etheridge
I Will Follow Him - Peggy March
Happy Together - The Turtles
Epel Felmier:
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (cursing)
Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver
Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner
So What - P!nk (cursing)
Idia Shroud:
Something About Us - Daft Punk
Come Inside of My Heart - IV of Spades
He’s So Shy - The Pointer Sisters
Heavy In Your Arms - Florence and the Machine
Ortho Shroud:
Electric Angel - Hatsune Miku
One More Time - Daft Punk
Malleus Draconia:
I Found - Amber Run
Deeper than the Night - Olivia Newton John
Disturbia - Rihanna
Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran
Lilia Vanrouge:
I Love the Nightlife (Disco Round) - Alicia Bridges
Raise Your Glass - P!nk
Saturn - Sleeping at Last
We are Family - Sister Sledge
Fireflies - Owl City
(They Long To Be) Close To You - Carpenters
When You Say Nothing At All - Allison Krauss & Union Station
Son Of Man - Phil Collins (From Disney's Tarzan)
Sebek Zigvolt:
The Glory of Love - Peter Cetera
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Shout - Tears for Fears 
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spagnews · 7 months
i want you to hold me (please never let go) music dump
hello hi! feeling extra grateful and overwhelmed by the traction that this fic has gotten so far and I wanted to provide you all with some more content. So, as my friend Jonesy will tell you all (and I will send him this post so he sees since he is Not on tumblr) I am not the greatest at creating curated playlists. So instead of creating a curated playlist, I have a list of songs that inspired each part of iwythm- broken (mostly) into three parts: the theme song, songs i listened to a lot while writing the part & other songs related to the part. There may be some overlap but I'm going to try my best!
part one:
theme song: You and I by Anarbor
songs I listened to a lot while writing: Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) by Studio Killers, Smooth by Santana, Rob Thomas
other related songs: Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) by Pierce the Veil
part two:
theme song: Take on the World by You Me At Six
songs I listened to a lot while writing: Dusk Till Dawn by ZAYN, Sia
other related songs: Middle of the Night by Loveless, Intoxicated by The Cab
part three:
theme song: Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran
songs I listened to a lot while writing: Stereo Love- Molella remix by Edward Maya, Vika Jigulina, Movement by Marshmello, HOL!, Hypnotic Data by Odetari
other related songs: Sober by P!nk, Boys Boys Boys by Lady Gaga, Troublemaker by Olly Murs, Flo Rida, If I Had You by Adam Lambert
part four:
theme song: All Around Me by Flyleaf
songs I listened to while writing: Just Pretend by Bad Omens, Breathing by Yellowcard
other related songs: Rescue Me by Marshmello, A Day to Remember
part five:
theme song: I Hope I'm Not Sick by Loveless
songs I listened to while writing: Charlie Be Quiet! by Charlie Puth, House of Memories by Panic! At the Disco
other related songs: RUNRUNRUN by Dutch Melrose
part six:
theme song: Battling My Demons by Jeris Johnson, BOI WHAT
songs I listened to while writing: Gambling Man by The Overtones, Sign of Life by Motionless in White
other related songs: Beautiful Things by Benson Boone, Infected by Bad Religion, Genius by Sia, Diplo, Labrinth, LSD
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lettucehouse · 4 months
The Fame Monster - revisiting albums
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There are times I can only listen to five old disjointed songs on repeat and others where I am thirsty for the unfamiliar. Revisiting The Fame Monster was a moment of wanting both.
I LOVE music videos and Bad Romance at age 11 was the beginning. This album is full of her biggest hits that are painted with nostalgia of the 2010s (Alejandro, Telephone, Just Dance etc.) and the melodies, rather than the stories, are deeply remembered by me.
I'm not about to say anything that hasn't been said before, after all this is an almost 15 year old album. I am only a casual listener of music.
The Fame Monster
The Fame Monster is a masterclass in injecting catchy electropop with authenticity and a dark gothic theme. This album is an addition to The Fame with the first “side” being eight new songs and the second being The Fame. It pulls back the curtain on the glitz and the glam and instead Gaga's struggles are on full display.
Mixed in with those, as you would expect, dance-y vocals and melodies, is Gaga singing about a boy who "ate my heart" and "I wanna just dance, but he took me home instead" on Monster. Not so subtly alluding to a man who has sexually assaulted her yet she wonders "Could I love him?" Gaga wanting to salvage relationships that may not be good for her seem to be a common theme in the first half of this album. Bad Romance, although a more dominant and in-control tone for Gaga, is still talking about an unstable relationship. Whereas in Speechless, there's a sense of hopelessness that the other person is giving up and she cannot believe it.
Speechless sets up the tone for the next part of the album, as a power ballad. Extremely theatrical, emotional and is a refreshing display of Gaga's vocals.
The second half of the album starts with talking about Gaga's own “monsters.” In Dancing in the Dark, an almost somber song where she sings about a glamorous but insecure woman. She's afraid of showing her self in the light and wants to "dance in the dark."
So Happy I Could Die is a flowy and sweet pop song with a sexual overtones about how alcohol makes her feel "so happy I could die." I love the progression into giving into the starry eyed feelings of being at a club, but something is not quite right.
Finally, the album ends with Teeth a vampy, pounding, march about desire with clear references to BDSM.
I love the frequent references to literal monsters. I love the vivid stories she tells in the songs. They progress through a night out or as feeling change. She is able to sing about very personal and interesting topics with insanely fun production. The songs feel multidimensional and real.
The Fame
I'm not going to say much here except this is such a fun 2010s pop album. Boys, money, parties, music, sex, drugs, beauty wrapped together in varying fun production. It really never gets boring! AND it's very cohesive. Honestly, I can hear some 2nd Gen Kpop starting to get inspiration from this style. Also her sound has held up surprisingly well for how dated some 2010s music sounds now. I hear a lot of current girlypop and emopop referencing this style.
For some of the less listened to songs on this album1, I really enjoy Beautiful Dirty Rich, Disco Heaven and Boys Boys Boys.
Maybe people in their 20s get a calling to make art. This album feel inspired, someone bursting at the seams to express themselves and I love that I'm here in my 20s getting to consume it!
I think a lot of current pop stars could take note of how Gaga is able to write about herself with such vivid imagery and tight themes, without being overly corny. Not for Rina Sawayama to catch a stray here, but this but this was an issue I felt about her latest album Hold The Girl. Also a pop album about her struggles but so full of cliche, pandering platitudes and boring production like a diary entry or a therapist doing CBT rather than a song.
Although I think Gaga has lost some of her soul a bit in recent years, but it's understandable. Your late 30s are not the same as your 20s. Plus she's rich now.
Love that Spotify's UI has gotten so bad it's making only want to listen to albums.
P.S. maybe I was really meant to be 25 in 2011 because why am I making posts like this on tumblr in 2024. I should really have substack shouldn't I
I mean her least listened to song (Disco Heaven) still has 14.8 million streams but still compared to Poker Face's 1.2 billion it's less listened to. 
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
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this is the same 5 pieces of media as usual but whatever thee sources are twin peaks fire walk with me, barry, strange overtones by david bryne, better call saul, and disco elysium <3. all the Google docs screenshots are by/from @werewolfstory
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bzedan · 1 year
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March! This was very close to being 3 hours, 31 minutes but then some cool new tracks released so they were added and we ended at 3:35.
Anyway, obvi the primary goal here was to include 'Brutus' by The Buttress as track fifteen. Ides, babyyyy. Really tried to work a lot of Ides of March and March as Spring in here. I felt very clever opening with De La Soul's 'The Magic Number' (it's three like the month). 
I encountered some new and old faves this month, always stoked to find new bands and to discover new covers - Grace Slick covering 'Nature Boy,' do you KNOW how amped teen me would have been??!! Overall this might be the most "concept album" of monthly playlists I've done and I'm quite pleased with it! Also this cover is maybe my current favourite thing.
Anyway here's a link to March's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
And also embedded, if you like that sort of thing:
'The Magic Number' - De La Soul
Poison' - Bell Biv DeVoe  
'Sussudio - 2016 Remaster' - Phil Collins  
'Change the Channel' - Cheryl Lynn  
'I Don't Wanna Stop (feat. Kylie Auldist)' - The Bamboos  
'Spooky (Single Version)' - Dusty Springfield  
'Groove Is In The Heart / California Girls' - Crocodiles  
'kiss me thru the phone' - Skatune Network  
'Mr. Brightside' - Izzy Perri  
'Vitamin C - 2004 Remastered Version' - CAN  
'8 Million Stories' - A Tribe Called Quest  
'Bored' - Ari Abdul  
'Nobody Wants to Die a Martyr' - Dead On A Sunday  
'Afilando Los Cuchillos' - Residents de calle  
'Brutus' - The Buttress  
'The Quick & The Dead' - Ladyhawke  
'The Court - Dark-Side Mix' - Peter Gabriel  
'Things I Don't Remember' - Ugly Casanova  
'Napolese' - Ochre  
'Narcissist, Baby (Altruistic Mix) - Cal's Version)' - Boy Jr.  
'No One's Gonna Know' - Tristen  
'Spring Break' - Bart Graft  
'EYES' - The Blaze  
'Strange Overtones' - David Byrne  
'A Ghost Story' - Nick Lutsko  
'Nature Boy' - Grace Slick  
'Cloudbusting' - Kate Bush  
'Saint Jimmy O' - Bonus Track' - Cobalt Chapel  
'I Feel Love - Edit' - Disco Culture  
'We Can Get Down' - A Tribe Called Quest  
'Infinite Realm of Incomprehensible Suffering' - Clown Core  
'Love Lasts Forever' - All Saints  
'What Do You Do When Love Dies' - Dusty Springfield  
'Heavy Metal' - Bart Graft  
'Cloudbreak' - Ochre  
'Bangalter: Mythologies: XIII. Le Minotaure' - Thomas Bangalter  
'Quick Decisions' - Izzy Perri  
'Paper Unicorn' - Ochre  
'Deeper Shadows' - Jaakko Eino Kalevi  
'Hopelessly Devoted to You' - The Orion Experience  
'Hooves' - Sir Chloe  
'Dammit (After Dark)' - Dead On A Sunday  
'HAZE' - The Blaze  
'Red Rain' - Peter Gabriel  
'Post Hero' - Kettel  
'$1 One Vote!' - The The  
'Diadems' - Megadeth  
'Lay Low' - Tiësto  
'Kyrie' - Mr. Mister  
'Purgatory' - Tyler Childers  
'Fast As You Can' - Fiona Apple  
'Tether Beat' - Twin Shadow  
'Dreamland' - Dreamtale  
'To the Throat' - Feminazgul  
'So Happy I Could Die' - Lady Gaga  
'Échame La Culpa' - Luis Fonsi  
'Eye For An Eye (Single from John Wick: Chapter 4 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)' - Rina Sawayama
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nnjzz · 7 months
MARDI LE 05.03
TREIZE 24 rue Moret 75011 M° Couronnes / Ménilmontant
19:30 PORTES
20:00 ACTION !
ETERNITIES us utah nyc " deep presence, resonant feedback, melodic drone, and overtone magic, in the fluid realm between intention and indeterminacy. We use harmonic tones from wind instruments played within feedback systems to create deep spectral drone. "
Duo composé de Katie Porter ( clarinette basse ) et Bob Bellerue  ( electronics, feedback ).
Musicienne spécialisée surtout dans la musique expérimentale / contemporaine ( interprétant p. ex. les musiques de John Luther Adams, Jason Ajemian, Mike Kelley, Michael Pisaro, Larry Polansky, Stephanie Richards, Morris Rosenzweig, Arthur Russell, James Tenney, Maayan Tsadka, Christian Wolff, entre autres ) mais pas que  ( "   She exists mainly in the experimental realm, but can sometimes be found elsewhere. " ) , Katie Porter est aussi curatrice, passionnée par la création de communautés musicales - elle a cofondé p.ex. Listen/Space (Brooklyn) et est commissaire des Listen/Space Commissions, responsables de 46 nouvelles œuvres pour groupes de chambre mixtes.
Elle co-dirige également le Symposium biennal VU pour la musique expérimentale, improvisée et électronique (Park City, Utah) et travaille sur un projet de longue haleine ( jeu de mots intentionnel ) pour clarinette solo dans l'installation Sun Tunnels ( 1976 ) - en cours de restauration -  de  la land-artiste, Nancy Holt, dans l'Utah.
Plusieurs projets dont le duo RED DESERT ENSEMBLE (   “a finely poised musical partnership”- THE WIRE,  ) avec le percussionniste/compositeur Devin Maxwell, qui a publié un album  sur le label de feu Phil Niblock, XI.
Bob Bellerue est artiste sonore / noisician, ingé-son, technicien et entre autres choses, curateur, entre autres, et notamment LE responsable principal de l'immensissime festival de musiques oufissimo-interlopissimes, ENDE TYMES. 
Sa pratique sonore tourne souvent autour des systèmes de rétroaction résonnante, utilisant des instruments, des objets, des enregistrements et des espaces amplifiés, en combinaison avec des composants électroniques et des logiciels écrits dans le langage de programmation de synthèse audio Supercollider.
Au cours des 30 dernières années, il a été impliqué dans la création et la présentation d'un large éventail d'activités sonores – entre noise, art sonore, musique expérimentale, percussions junk metal, gamelan balinais, bandes son pour la danse/théâtre/vidéo/art de la performance et  installations vidéo / son. 
Il a publié moult enregistrements, notamment chez Elevator Bath Records, iDeal Recordings, Banned Productions, Fabrica, P-Tapes, RRR Records, Love Earth Music, Prison Tatt Records, Los Discos Enfantasmes, Zelphabet, Peyote Tapes, No Rent Records ou sur ses propres labels, Anarchymoon Recordings and Sleepy Hollow Editions. 
earthworm us uk Nouveau duo / projet collaboratif composé de Christi Denton, artiste sonore et compositrice polyvalente originaire des États-Unis et de France, et de Margaret Fiedler McGinnis ( US / UK ), auteur-compositeur et multi-instrumentiste connue pour son travail avec au mitan des années 90s MOONSHAKE et LAIKA ensuite, et plus récemment avec  PJ Harvey & Wire ( excusez de peu).
 Dans une pièce spécialement composée pour Le Non_Jazz aux Nautes, elles s'aventureront dans le domaine de l'improvisation structurée. Conçu pour faire écho aux pousses vertes tendres de la saison, SPRINGS promet une expérience sonore immersive. Denton et Fiedler McGinnis créent une partition graphique unique pour l'électronique réactive, la guitare et d'autres éléments qui n'ont pas encore été révélés. Cette approche innovante s’entremêle avec les battements de cœur des musiciens et d’autres rythmes organiques, créant une interaction dynamique entre les interprètes et l’esprit éveillé de la saison.  https://www.christidenton.com/
AUGUSTÉ VICKUNAITÉ lt   Performeuse / collagiste sonore, avec une formation en sciences physiques ( ! ). Elle utilise principalement des magnétophones à bandes pour jouer, enregistrer et créer des compositions instantanées à base de d'enregistrements de terrain divers, dysfonctionnements de la technologie vintage ou encore des sons d'instruments enregistrés dans des environnements naturels.
Sa performance contiendra des boucles de bandes audio et des collages effectués à partir de de bandes trouvées.
SIMONAS NEKROŠIUS lt Artiste interdisciplinaire de Vilnius, spécialisé dans l'art sonore et la construction d'instruments électro-acoustiques et d'objets sonores faits maison.
Son travail est souvent associé aux notions de « ready-made » et de « DIY ». Il perçoit la créativité et les objets d'art comme un processus, réduisant ainsi l'importance des résultats finalisés dans ses projets. En conséquence, son travail a tendance à être indéterminé et transformateur au fil du temps.
ALANAS GURINAS lt Jeune artiste interdisciplinaire, adepte des performances sonores et des installations audiovisuelles.
Dans sa démarche, il explore le son en tant que phénomène textural, les thèmes de l'éphémère et les relations entre divers objets et espaces audibles et inaudibles.
A slightly light tone  ( Strained paper sheets, weights, vibro motors, various sound objects ) 
est une performance sonore acoustique live qui utilise le papier comme matériau principal pour produire du son. Différents types de papiers sont placés entre deux pinces en bois et, à l'aide de poids, sont tendus jusqu'à ce qu'ils trouvent leur état de résonance. En conséquence, différents tons, drones et textures générés par du papier en suspension sont produits. (La durée de la représentation est de +- 30 minutes)  
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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beyond-a-name · 1 year
Sometimes I get worried that the things I reblog are too horny or sexual and then one of my mutuals reblogs something like "Cause of Death: no icky stinky boy pits" or some fanart of a Disco Elysium dude getting eaten out in an elaborate shibari set up and I'm beautifully reminded that the overton window is actually really in my favour 'round here.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Various artists - Saturday Night Fever
Do you know what your threshold for camp is? If you can make it to the end of this album then it's higher than most people's. From the absolutely iconic Bee Gees tunes to the inspired instrumentals to the absolutely unhinged disco covers of classical music this album is a mood and a half. Some of the tracks like The Trammps' Disco Inferno, KC & the Sunshine Band's Boogie Shoes, or anything by the Bee Gees are certified classics. Other aren't as well known but should be. The idea of making a disco version of Mussorgsky's Night On Bald Mountain is absolutely insane, the fact that it works is sincerely confusing to me. I love this stuff so much, it's so much more inspired and fun than you would think. Then again I'm a huge disco fan so I'm not an unbiased source. Like I said you need to be able to tolerate a lot of camp, but if you bask in random aesthetics like I do then you'll be right at home.
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Pulp - Different Class
Luscious britpop with aspirations of art rock. That's what pulp brings to the table with Different Class. Jarvis Cocker manages to bring class consciousness and sexuality together and deliver with the deadpan energy of someone who is just narrating their everyday life. Different Class is just full of fantastic lines. Obviously the sort of hit Common People is just loaded with digs at bourgeois poverty tourists, Pencil Skirt has the exquisite line "But I've kissed your mother twice / And now I'm working on your dad" and I Spy has "The crowd gasp at Cocker's masterful control of the bicycle / Skillfully avoiding the dog turd outside the corner shop." Fantastic stuff, if I could write lines like that I would be famous.
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Crosby, Stills & Nash - s/t
I think it's a little less fully realized and dynamic than their follow up with Neil Young, but the debut by supergroup Crosby, Stills & Nash is still quite delightful. There's an angelic majesty to the way they compose harmonies from the bombastic Suite: Judy Blue Eyes to the pastoral Guinnevere. It's an essential piece of late 60s hippie folk camp.
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Pearl Jam - Ten
Eddie Vedder had a voice that belonged in a hair metal band and he used it to make the mopiest music imaginable. Ten cemented the grunge sound as something beyond a miniscule punk movement pushing it into the mainstream. It also pushed the sound towards a more classic rock / hard rock sound that would become a major staple of later bands like Soundgarden, Alive In Chains, and Stone Temple Pilots. The album is moody and heavy, dealing with themes of alienation, abuse, homelessness, suicide, it's bleak stuff. But it put a voice to the darkest human feelings with a sincerity that definitely resonated with people.
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The Police - Synchronicity
A pop rock masterpiece. Sting's anxiously urgent delivery and cryptic lyricism blend with the manic and complex percussion of Stewart Copeland. It The Police's finest album. Most people know classic stalker song Every Breath You Take but there are so many standouts from the chaotic arpeggios of the two title tracks to the psychotic breakdown that is Mother or the incredible drumming on Murder By Numbers. It's the softest of all their albums, but the most artistically concise as well.
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Erykah Badu - Mama's Gun
The rich depth, both musical and emotional, that can be felt on this album is enough to drown in. Erykah Badu perfects the confessional song airing every emotion, every grievance, every guilty thought into an hour plus epic. As a member of the Soulquarians she also had access to an all star cast of musicians and producers including J Dilla and Questlove. The beats have subtle elements of funk with strong jazzy overtones, jazzier than her neo soul contemporaries for sure. Mama's Gun probably runs a little long at an hour and ten minutes, but the long songs are worth it. This album is the blueprint for things I like about neo soul and honestly even the albums I like better refer so heavily to it that Mama's Gun ought to be remembered as one of the greatest achievements in the genre.
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weekendance · 2 years
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 10 GENNAIO 2023 1) OLIVER SIM > Sensitive Child (Soulwax mix) 2) YELLO > Downtown Samba 3) IC-RED > 2023 4) NIGHTSHIFT > Hologram 5) ORKES KELANA RIA > Sojang 6) ABADDON > No es computable 7) CARLOS CUTAIA > Operativo 8) SEXO Y FANTASIA > Love Delivery 9) NYX NÓTT > Caper 10) ROMANSKI > Tagh Tagh 11) MARXIST LOVE DISCO ENSEMBLE > Material 12) OVERTONE SERIES > Speak for Yourself 13) ALAN RANKINE > Love in Adversitys (PS: se non visualizzate il widget, lo streaming della puntata è QUI)
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lastwave · 2 years
hugh its with grief in my heart it was through your post i found out that disco game has gay *undertones* and the two guys kissing is not like.actually the main thing about it
aaoooiighhh. sad that a lot of people seemed to only get that from playing it. the fuckijg themes tho. alice its nuts. at its core its about hope in the face of a hopeless situation. and communism . all the characters are so HUMAN. even the ones you think are the villains at first. harry and titus are really two sides of the same coin. liz and kim have similar parallels. and also its really refreshing to see poor ppl portrayed as PEOPLE. its such a good game . the narratives are insane. i could talk for hours
point being . they dont even kiss. (they are both way too repressed to do that in the time span of the game and also harry literally doesn't remember ANYTHING. it would be weird if they DID) i wont say they DONT have a gay thing going on bc there is like a solid 15-45 minutes where its overtones. (this is out of a game that is like. 8 hours gameplay MINIMUM)
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thetuesdaytapes · 2 years
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 10 GENNAIO 2023 1) OLIVER SIM > Sensitive Child (Soulwax mix) 2) YELLO > Downtown Samba 3) IC-RED > 2023 4) NIGHTSHIFT > Hologram 5) ORKES KELANA RIA > Sojang 6) ABADDON > No es computable 7) CARLOS CUTAIA > Operativo 8) SEXO Y FANTASIA > Love Delivery 9) NYX NÓTT > Caper 10) ROMANSKI > Tagh Tagh 11) MARXIST LOVE DISCO ENSEMBLE > Material 12) OVERTONE SERIES > Speak for Yourself 13) ALAN RANKINE > Love in Adversitys Ascolta su MIXCLOUD Ascolta su SPREAKER Guarda su YOUTUBE
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1757co · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Large freshwater pearls Necklace.
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