#disc golf community
hello-its-j10 · 1 month
i made an object show concept !! guess who the host is [or not ^^]
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i may or may not animate some mini movie/episode
[im gonna make an account for this sometime >:]]
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bpgpfesyi · 3 months
rhythm heaven fever characters (most of them anyway) translated 100 times!
Girl - investigate 
Marshal - Apply the law
Cam - you sleep
Ms. Ribbon - connective tissue
Male Golfer - golf
Monkey (Hole in One)- You are right
Mandrill - Remove the sand.
Screwbots (Robots) - A dream is a dream
See and Saw - truth
A Boy - This is what you asked for
His Crush - This is your failure 
Weasel Couple - A Welsh couple
Monkey and Frogs - The Monkey and the Frog
Fork - Home
The Executives - Head 
Assistant - Therefore;
Monkey (Assistant)- for a specific purpose
Small Monkeys - i have a monkey 
Dough Dudes - The boy is missing.
Mr. Game and Watch - Save the disc
Widget - I’ll bring some wine
Baxter and Forthington - Viruses and money
Muscle Doll - canned meat 
Reporter and Wrestler - Journalist and director 
Employee 333-4-591032 - Personal 333-4-591032
Microbe - The monk said:
Demons - House
Pinwheel Girl and another child- More news for women and children
Ann Glerr - Anna Galerová
Quicknibble - Good day
Pausegill - neck
Threefish - three
Flippers - Are you there?
Captain Tuck - Captain Tucker
Slugger - neck
Pitcher - I bless you
Monkey Umpire - ape culture
The Huebirds of Happiness - happy animal
Rhythm Rockets - Get the videos
Uhh… these guys? - You do bad things
Love Posse feat. MC Adore - I love working with Hello Mike
Bossa and Nova - I broke my leg and it hurt a lot.
The Tall Tappers - small battery
The Shrimp Scamperers - They eat wild animals
School Library Pep Squad - Commission for Education Reform
Bunny Man (Samurai Slice 2) - It’s a rabbit
Female Golfer - artist
Dough Person (?) (Working Dough 2) - E-mail address 
Cat (Remix 9) - One day after the cycle
Hato-kun, Mezamashi-kun and Omame-chan (Wake-Up Caller) - Hardwell, Lord Miles and Mr.
Kasuke and Kosuke - know yourself
Lady Cupid - The rest are women
Girl’s Basketball Team - Women’s soccer team
Frog and Frog Princess - Frog and heat
Chameleon and Flies - they have color
Clap Trap Doll - 2 books
Driver (Toy Car) - a pilot
Pirate Captain Jackie and her crew - Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew.
Police Call Guy - Call the police!
Mr. Hi-Hat (yes, that is really his name) - Community acceptance 
Rhythm Fighters - We are not like that.
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
Neutrals — New Town Dream (Slumberland/Static Shock)
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Photo by Kelly Sullivan
Neutrals are a San Francisco-based band but you wouldn’t know it by listening. The singer, Allan McNaughton, has a knotty Scottish burr, even now, years on from relocating to the Bay Area. Musically, he and his bandmates — Lauren Matsui on bass and Phillip Lantz on drums — favors a kicky, catchy, bash-and-pop variety of post-punk that has more than a whiff of the Television Personalities in it.
New Town Dream is a bit of a concept album, referring in multiple places to the Pollok Free State protests of the early 1990s, where residents banded together to stop the construction of a highway through their beloved park in the suburbs of Glasgow. For two years, people lived in makeshift shelters in the park, cooking communally, making music and developing strong bonds with one another.  Some even took up residence in the trees themselves. The protests were ultimately unsuccessful, and the highway was built.  “Stop the Bypass,” one of the disc’s most raucous tunes, includes a chant from the protests; “The Iron that Never Swung” seems related, too, mourning a golf course promised but never delivered. Sings McNaughton, “All the effort was in vain/we lost our land to eminent domain/where there should be a fairway, the council put a new motorway.”
Indeed, if there’s a running thread through New Town Dream, it’s the gap between idealism and what actually happens once money and politics and other real-world factors come into play. “New Town Dream (Version)” is an altered version of a song from the Bus Stop Nights EP in 2022. Dusted’s Jonathan singled it out, writing, “Musically the guitar tone takes on a razoring, quixotic quality, most urgently on “New Town Dream” and its 107 seconds of keening post punk. A little more dissonant and it could be a Swell Maps tune, tucked in among that run of short songs that opens A Trip to Marineville.”  Here it runs closer to Gang of Four with its melodica and dub bass, but it slips in some extended retro-futurist spoken word about planned communities. An educational voice making the case for planned communities outside of city centers, including shops, banks, homes and, critically, green space, as an antidote to what, “people rightly deplore in this country [which] could be called a yob culture.”  The kicker is, of course, that the minute city planners need that land for something else, poof, it’s gone.
Not all the songs stick to this broad topic, and indeed, a couple of the best are less didactic. “That’s Him on the Daft Stuff Again” is pure C-86-ish bliss, full of joy and melancholy in equal measure. McNaughton sings in a half-chant, a twist of melody under a rain of mordant words and very like the Television Personalities’ Dan Treacy. The resembles continues through the instruments, all a bounding bass and chiming, rainbow-splintering guitar chords and bumptious, disruptive drumming.
“Substitute Teacher,” slashes a little more sharply, its jutting, off-kilter guitar work sharing near equal billing with the growl of bass. The “s-s-substitute” stutter nods to the Who, the lyrics are closer to the Kinks’ lyrical wordplay. The kids may have written him off before he finishes writing his name on the board, but a distinct, individual person comes to life in a few lines: “He’s got a passion for mathematics/after work he’s into amateur dramatics/you may have seen him in a Death of a Salesman, you may have seen him in Pirates of Penzance/he was a triumph in the Scottish play/he’s only here for a day.”
All of which put Neutrals in the very top tier of jangling, hyper-articulate pop-punk bands, alongside Ducks Ltd., Reds, Pinks and Purples and the Infinites. There’s really nothing neutral about them.
Jennifer Kelly
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witchw00d-a · 1 year
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even though sleepy hollow was a small community, it was a tourist trap, which meant that rent? insane. especially when there were landlords like doufee martling that could charge practically whatever they wanted with no contest. so, when anne advertised that she was looking for a roommate to share the four bedroom house she was renting downtown, she hadn't expected three roommates. but she knew the babes from high school, and she knew they were trustworthy, and soon, the house was half - tj maxx and half - frat house.
living with the three babes meant that there was rarely a dull moment. they were energizer bunnies that were always ready to party, and there were times she just came home from work and greeted them before she retreated into her bedroom to take a bath and wind down for the night. they were wild, but when they saw how tired she was on those particular days, they were respectful of that, at least.
today was one of the those days. baltus was particularly dreadful and demanding, and she had not been wearing the right shoes to do all of the running she had today, so the soreness was creeping up from her feet to the rest of her body. there was nothing more she wanted than some peace and quiet . . . which she unexpectedly got the second she turned the key and entered the home. she had seen the van in the driveway, so her brow furrowed at the sound of no thumping music or the guys talking. the boys had mentioned there being a new disc golf course at the end of the neighborhood, so she figured that was where they were. she set her bag down and stepped out of her flats before she entered deeper into the home, running a hand through her shoulder-length waves as she stepped into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of chardonnay. she took a sip and released an audible breath as the alcohol burned its way down into a warm pool in her stomach.
bare feet padded down the hallway towards her room at the end before she heard a noise from @babeno1's room. one that she didn't fully process, but the door was cracked. he was home without the others? weird . . .
she gently knocked on the door and pushed it open. " tripp? hey, it's me. i'm ho -- oh my god! " she cut herself off with a shout when she caught eye of him laying on top of the blankets of his perfectly made bed, hand pumping the shaft that was pulled out of his shorts. her brown eyes widened and she was quick to slap a hand over them, nearly sloshing the wine out of the glass in her free hand. " holy shit, i - i am . . . fuck, i am so sorry -- i just wanted to tell you i'm here, and i -- you just keep going, okay?! you're doing great over there, champ! yep! didn't see anything! definitely didn't just see your dick! " she rambled as she started to back towards the doorway, fully bumping into it and now sloshing some wine. " shit! f - fuck, i - i'll clean that up, i -- later! when you're done -- "
[ MASTURBATE ] ; the receiver catches the sender masturbating.
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finnelfin · 5 months
Hello! 🫶🏼 For the ask thingy:
what song makes you feel better?
what’s something you’re excited for?
Futures by Jimmy Eat World is my song. It feels so hopeful, but there's an acknowledgement that sometimes shit sucks.
I am so, so excited for a disc golf tournament this summer! The Masters world championships are being held here, and I can't wait to go watch a bunch of my favorite players. The vibe of the disc golf community is immaculate always, but the Masters events always feel even more fun for me.
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hoghtastic · 5 months
Alex on Reddit
It was brought to my attention (thank you so much! 💖) that there's a thread about Alex, in a Danish gossip community on Reddit. 😊
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Some comments are positive, while others not so much, but it's definitely interesting to read his fellow Danes' perspectives on him. 😊 I'll also leave some translated comments bellow:
❝ Worked with him over a long period of time and he was super nice, approachable and down to earth. Also towards the "ordinary" children and young people in the cast. Of course, no one is perfect, so he has guaranteed something see me hear me in him as well. Think his enthusiasm and wanting to hype things up can make him seem annoying, arrogant and hurtful. But he's good 🤷🏼‍♀️ ❞
❝ I had a bit of a crush on him in Vikings. I thought he was cute when I saw him in the night shift at one point. Just tried to watch the interview you linked to. Couldn't watch it all. It was cringe enough. However, I'm also not much into Danish series and films and not that genre at all. Him and his girlfriend look so cute and she seems like someone with her feet firmly planted in the ground. Sometimes you can also talk a lot when you are passionate or when you are insecure. Maybe it just is. If he's been missing something to do, he'll probably want this series to be a success. ❞
❝ He was a Sunday guest on Go'morgen Danmark last Sunday, where he seemed very down to earth, and not particularly high-spirited. ❞ ↳ ❝ I saw it too, and think he was way too 'on'. Interrupted often with a half-assed remark, especially when they surprise him with his girlfriend. I actually like him, but I was fine with that. Think maybe he was nervous and therefore drove in overdrive. ❞ ↳ ❝ I was thinking the same. Super annoying that he kept interrupting! "Eeeee honey how annoying you are!" ❞ ↳ ❝ Precisely! And he also almost took over for him the professional disc golf player, way too much "look at me look at me" attitude, I was completely stressed by it. The best thing about that feature was Janni who couldn't hit, or she could hit everything but the target itself 😂 ❞ ↳ ❝ I saw that too, and think he was his usual (annoying) self. ❞
❝ After all, he doesn't even speak "American" but pronounces several words like "idea" in a way that tries to SOUND American but just falls through because he's trying SO hard. We have so many good actors in Denmark who speak a formidable American- or British-inspired English, but they don't try as hard as Alex, who can't get enough of the sound of his own voice. I am absolutely convinced that he thinks he speaks such wonderful Danish, English, you name it, that the world just HAS to hear more. ❞
❝ I have known him since I was a child, as our parents are good friends, and still meet him often. He is super sweet and nice and really comfortable. He never talks about his roles or anything, but rather asks how you are, etc. In any case, he is in no way self-absorbed in our company. ❞
❝ There's something about him that annoys me, but I can't quite figure out if he actually comes off as a jerk to me. Saw him in the Night Shift a few times, and there I think perhaps more that he appears as someone who really wants to be both smart in a hurry, clever, good at his work, etc. But where it falls a little through, and most of all just becomes a little annoying . I have no doubt that he is passionate about what he does, and maybe he just wants it THAT badly. ❞
❝ I have the same impression as you - he is very cocky! ❞
❝ I have met him and he was simply so nice and down to earth and he took the time to talk to us. ❞
❝ I actually like him a lot. When he was in the Vikings and right after that, I think he seemed a bit annoying. But didn't really know him as an actor and personality. Subsequently, I have seen more things with him and think he seems quite down to earth and sweet. Seriously don't think he's trying "too hard" to speak American. It's just quite natural for him after the Vikings, I think. ❞
❝ At first I think he seemed really sweet and nice, but after a while I also felt he was annoying and interrupted people. ❞
❝ I wouldn't say cocky. More like he tries a little too hard to please everyone 😆 ❞
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creativeeventideas · 1 year
Boosting Team Cohesion with Fun Corporate Picnic Games & Ideas!
For the last three decades, I have been producing the most socially-dynamic, interactive corporate picnics on the planet, and the one thing that always comes standard in my book is field day games for team-building fun!
There's not a single corporate picnic quote that goes out without this ONE entertainment line item because it's the staple that puts the whole event together; creating strong team bonds and connections effortlessly.
So what makes field day games THE best game ideas for corporate picnics?
Field day games compel a group of employees to cohesively work together for a common goal and of course, friendly bragging rights among peers.
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Fun-Filled Corporate Picnic Games: Our Top Picks!
When we do a corporate picnic we bring enough field games for us to run the games for about 2.5 - 3 hours, this is a good amount of time for these activities without it getting repetitive or boring at your event.
This series of entertaining corporate picnic competitions improve teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and other skills by developing an atmosphere where employees can interact freely with each other.
3-Legged Race
This is one I think we all know and remember for those school field days. Participants run together with the left leg of one person strapped or tied to the right leg of another person.
Balloon Toss
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. Teams will need to be an even amount of players for this activity to work. A player on one side must toss their balloon to their teammate on the other side without breaking it. If the balloon breaks the two players must step out of the game and leave the remaining people. This is repeated until there is only a pair of participants left.
Frisbee Golf
Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, is a recreational sport that combines elements of traditional golf with the concept of throwing a flying disc (frisbee) into a series of targets, typically metal baskets with hanging chains, in as few throws as possible. For your corporate picnic field games, you really only need two of these targets depending on the number of teams you have. The players on each team take turns throwing their discs toward the target. If they miss, they're out. The team with the most players to hit the target at the end of the set wins the competition.
Hula Hoop Contest
A hula hoop contest is a fun and entertaining game where employees compete to see who can hula hoop the longest without dropping their hoop. You can either decide on a time frame, 1 or 2 minutes or play to the death, to see who can go the longest without a time frame. The participants that lose control and drop their hoops must step out of the game leaving only the ones who are still going. The last remaining hooper wins. If it's a timed game, you can keep repeating until the last hooper is standing.
Horseshoe Toss
Horseshoe toss, also known as horseshoe pitching, is a field game that involves players taking turns trying to throw horseshoes around a stake in the ground. Points are scored based on the closeness of the horseshoe to the stake. The team player with the horseshoe closest to the stake (or with ringers) scores points for that round. The first team to reach the predetermined point goal (e.g., 21) is declared the winner.
Football Toss
Football toss is a field day game where participants throw a football at a target to score points. Participants will aim to throw the football through a target, like a hole in a board, to score points. The team that scores the most points wins the challenge.
Potato Sack Races
In this game, participants hop inside large, durable sacks (often resembling potato sacks) and compete by racing against each other to reach a designated finish line. Participants must remain inside their sacks at all times during the race. For team building, the race will be done in multiple rounds, with winners from each round advancing to a final round or championship race.
Ring Toss
Ring toss is a classic picnic game where players attempt to toss rings onto a target in an effort to encircle an object with the rings. Ring toss is a game of skill and accuracy and will require your employees and their staff to work together on their technique, spacial distance, and aim.
Relay Races
Picnic relay races are a fun and engaging way to add some excitement and physical activity to your picnic or outdoor gathering. They involve teams or individuals competing against each other in a series of relay-style challenges. These races can be adapted with different elements to make it more fun and exciting.
Sharp Shooter
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. One side will be given water guns and the other side a target of some sort to stop the water. The side with the target will also be given a bucket beneath them in order to redirect the water being shot at them into the bucket to fill it first. The players to fill their bucket to the line wins the challenge.
Magic Carpet Ride
A magic carpet ride refers to the fantastical experience of gliding on a potato sack or tarp across the field on a magical carpet. Participants line up at the starting line with their partners on the magic carpet. When the whistle blows, the race begins and the participants must do their best to give their teammates a magic carpet ride to the other side of the field without them falling off. If your teammate falls off, you're out. The game is repeated til there is only one set of team players remaining.
Tug of war is a test of physical strength and requires teamwork, strategy, and coordination among team members. Divide the players into two teams if you haven't already. Each team holds a specific end of the rope. The players usually stand side by side, with their feet braced and their bodies leaning back, using their combined strength to pull the rope. The team that successfully pulls the other team across the center line wins. Tug of War can be played in multiple rounds or as part of a larger team-building competition.
Get Your Game On: Leading the Fun at the Corporate Picnic
The most important thing you can do for your corporate picnic games is get the right game leader! A game leader that can engage and entertain a crowd is pure gold to your event entertainment because they increase participation and create a positive, memorable experience out of what would have just normally been outdoor field day games.
Anyone can grab a list of games and supplies off the internet and bring them to a corporate picnic and hope to have a fun-filled day of team bonding. It's really not that simple. You need an icebreaker. You need a comedic, spontaneous person to bring the games to life in order to develop the right atmosphere for the employees and their guests to feel comfortable joining in and letting go of their reservations.
The games at a corporate picnic should be exciting and fun for the participants and the spectators.
Rock Your Corporate Picnic with Audio & Stage Support!
Audio Support
The game leader is going to need to be loud in order to grab the attention of not just the participants but also the spectators (because you want to engage the entire crowd at the picnic, not just those playing the games).
There's the option to use a wireless mic and speaker set up OR for super small picnics, you could use a megaphone like a coach on the sidelines.
Presentation Stage
A small, mini-stage rental can add so much value to your corporate games because it allows you to have a place where the game leader can be above the crowd to give game instructions and do other announcements, and be seen in clear view.
Corporate Picnic Game Prizes: Rewarding Fun and Teamwork
One MEGA HUGE incentive to get a crowd to participate in the corporate picnic games is when you see there are prizes to be had.
Whenever I do a corporate picnic game package, I always include small prizes and a prize redemption table in clear view of the crowd. These small prizes (or big if you choose) will be of major value to the people at the picnic.
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Season 1 DISC 1 S01E01 Andy and Helen Get Married 1960 S01E02 The Harvest Ball 1960 S01E03 The Race Horse 1960 S01E04 Help on the Farm 1960 S01E05 The Copy Machine 1960 S01E06 The Panel Show 1960 S01E07 Youth Takes Over 1960 DISC 2 S01E08 The Church Play 1960 S01E09 Mike's Losing Streak 1960 S01E10 Sam Gets a Ticket 1960 S01E11 Emmet's 50th Birthday Party 1960 S01E12 Miss Farmerette 1960 S01E13 Sam and the Teenager 1960 S01E14 New Couple in Town 1960 DISC 3 S01E15 Aunt Bee's Cruise 1960 S01E16 aunt bee and the captain 1961 S01E17 Driver Education 1960 S01E18 Howard's Hobby 1960 S01E19 The Camper 1960 S01E20 Sam the Expert Farmer 1960 S01E21 The Pet Shop 1960 DISC 4 S01E22 An Efficient Service Station 1960 S01E23 Emmett's Retirement 1960 S01E24 Millie's Girlfriend 1960 S01E25 The Church Bell 1960 S01E26 Sister Cities 1960 Season 2 DISC 1 S02E01 Andy's Baby 1960 S02E02 Saving Morelli's 1960 S02E03 Howard the Poet 1960 S02E04 Goober and the Telephone Girl 1960 S02E05 Millie the Model 1960 S02E06 Mike's Birthday Party 1960 DISC 2 S02E07 The Farmer Exchange Project 1960 S02E08 The Caper 1960 S02E09 The New Farmhand 1960 S02E10 Palm Springs, Here We Come 1960 S02E11 Palm Springs, Here We Are 1960 S02E12 Millie and the Palm Springs Golf Pro 1960 S02E13 Palm Springs Cowboy 1960 DISC 3 S02E14 Goober's Niece 1970 S02E15 Emmett Takes a Fall 1970 S02E16 The New Well 1970 S02E17 Emmett and the Ring 1970 S02E18 Goober's Brother 1970 S02E19 The Mayberry Road 1970 S02E20 Millie and the Great Outdoors 1970 DISC 4 S02E21 The Sculptor 1970 S02E22 The Health Fund 1970 S02E23 The Mayberry Float 1970 S02E24 Aloha Goober 1970 S02E25 Millie the Secretary 1970 S02E26 The Mynah Bird 1970 Season 3 DISC 1 S03E01 Emmett's Domestic Problem 1970 S03E02 Sensitivity Training 1970 S03E03 Goober's New Gas Station 1970 S03E04 The New Housekeeper 1970 S03E05 All for Charity 1970 S03E06 Hair 1970 DISC 2 S03E07 Millie the Best-Dressed Woman 1970 S03E08 Howard's Nephew 1970 S03E09 Goober the Housekeeper 1970 S03E10 Millie's Dream 1970 S03E11 Community Spirit 1970 S03E12 The Harp 1970 S03E13 The Bicycle Club 1970 DISC 3 S03E14 Mike's Project 1970 S03E15 Howard the Dream Spinner 1970 S03E16 Millie's Egg Farm 1970 S03E17 The Kid from Hong Kong 1970 S03E18 The Moon Rocks 1970 S03E19 The World Traveler 1970 S03E20 Goober the Elder 1970 DISC 4 S03E21 Alice and the Professor 1970 S03E22 Howard the Swinger 1970 S03E23 Mike's Car 1970 S03E24 Goober the Hero 1970 S03E25 The City Planner 1970 S03E26 Emmett's Invention 1970
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beginnerdiscgolf · 1 year
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Disc golf is the perfect balance of community, competition and fun.
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roundrocktx · 2 years
Things to Do in Round Rock Texas
When you're seeking a fun task, Round Rock, TX is the place to go. This Texas city is free to get in and also has lots of things to do. You can see the old-fashioned Old Settlers Park, or discover the city's history at Dell Computer HQ or Memorial Park. There are likewise lots of regional locations to see a motion picture. To top everything off, Round Rock is likewise understood for its fantastic nightlife.
If you're looking for a playground, Round Rock supplies more than 20 various parks for children to enjoy. Old Settlers Park includes a Joanne Land Playground, among the city's most popular play areas. Play For All Capabilities Park is an additional prominent area for kids to play. Its several activities make it a great area for families with children of any ages as well as capacities. In addition to park tasks, there are likewise a variety of galleries and also other destinations that are worth visiting.
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If you're trying to find a day at the park, you can play sporting activities like baseball or soccer. The city also provides fun family members tasks, like going to a home video game. The city additionally uses a water park called the Rock 'N River. Found in the town facility, the water park includes a water play area, a lazy river, and also water slides. There's also a waterfall wall surface where you can climb. You can play water volley ball as well as basketball in the water as well.
You can also take the kids to the Texas Leaping Beans, an interior amusement park that is a wonderful place for children to run around. The Texas Leaping Beans likewise uses bounce residences for celebrations as well as various other events. The area is one of the most effective things to do in Round Rock and is an enjoyable task for the whole family members. Make the most of the many attractions and activities in Round Rock and also enjoy your remain in this Texas city.
If you delight in baseball, Round Rock is residence to the Dell Ruby, the AAA associate of the Texas Rangers. The arena is loaded with upscale facilities and also is family-friendly. You can also obtain close to the action by sitting behind home base. Round Rock also has a lot of fantastic dining establishments. These dining establishments rarely call for appointments, and also parking is never ever a problem. So whether you're planning an enchanting supper or an enjoyable evening out with your liked one, Round Rock has something for you.
Outside activities are a big draw for this city near Austin, Texas. Visitors can trek, bike, fish, and play disc golf in the town's many parks. Round Rock is additionally house to an old rock, the Round Rock, which marks low-water crossings for wagons throughout the 19th century. The city's background as a cattle-driving community can also be mapped by checking out the Chisholm Route Crossing Park, which includes plaques detailing the city's cattle-driving history. Other outside destinations include Old Settlers Park, which features baseball fields, play grounds, disc golf, and also a fish-stocked lake.
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Shopping is another significant draw for Round Rock visitors. The midtown area and also historical area use a wide range of boutiques as well as restaurants. In addition, there are outlet malls in Round Rock, consisting of the Round Rock Costs Outlets. In addition to a selection of stores, this shopping center also boasts restaurants and a cinema. You can additionally have a look at the newest indie films in a movie theatre in the community.
While you remain in Round Rock, do not fail to remember to order a donut at Round Rock Donuts. The city is known for its world-famous gold doughnuts. The original recipe is utilized to make the sweet treats, and also each bite is fried to excellence. Along with conventional doughnuts, Round Rock Donuts likewise supply cake donuts, cinnamon rolls, and muffins.
One of the most effective locations for your household to spend a day in Round Rock is Bushy Creek State Park, which features lots of tasks and also tourist attractions. Situated on 600 North Lee Road in Round Rock, Texas, Bushy Creek State Park is among the leading Round Rock destinations. As soon as you've looked into the park, you'll know specifically why it's a fave of residents. While visiting Round Rock, don't forget to try one of the renowned "rounded rocks"!
On this area you can discover Blingle outdoor lighting company in Round Rock concentrates on patio, vacation, and event lights for residence as well as company. They likewise supply long-term home exterior lighting services and also industrial illumination installations. With greater than thirty years of experience, Blingle makes use of specialist quality lighting items and also technologies for every task, so you can appreciate your lights for a long time. Furthermore, the components used by Blingle are created to withstand the difficult climate condition of the Southwest.
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Blingle 7 Applegate Cir Suite 120, Round Rock, TX 78665, United States 512-881-1013 https://blingle.com/round-rock-texas
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hello-its-j10 · 1 month
guyz, yk how in my last post i said id make an account for my object show concept "Repetitive MVsic O' Show"??
guess what.
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i did ^^
0 notes
katytx0 · 2 years
Things to Do in Katy Texas
There are numerous points to do in Katy, Texas, consisting of historic sites, galleries, as well as shopping. The midtown Katy exterior market is a fantastic area to spend the day. Site visitors can find over 65 neighborhood vendors as well as food vehicles there, as well as online music. Furthermore, the MKT Distillery lies in Midtown Katy, as well as you can sample bourbon distilled on-site. For a day of fun, you can likewise check out Tropical cyclone Texas, a theme park that uses rides for every ages.
For family members with children, there's the Katy Heritage Park. The park includes recovered historic structures and also landscaping. The Heritage Culture additionally uses tours of the historic homes and buildings in the park. There's also a play area as well as a strolling trail for households to explore. The Katy Veterans Memorial Gallery is likewise located in the park. The gallery is open Monday with Friday, in addition to the initial Saturday of each month.
There are plenty of totally free exterior activities in Katy Texas, including going to the Katy Farmers' Market. This occasion is held every 3rd Saturday in downtown Katy. Greater than 100 suppliers sell fresh fruit and vegetables, handmade bath items, fashion jewelry, as well as other things. There are likewise food trucks as well as live music. Visitors can additionally delight in the market's art and also antique shops. The area likewise boasts several public parks, pocket parks, as well as other green spaces.
The city likewise includes a huge public park, Mary Jo Peckham Park, situated in historic Old Katy. The park includes plenty of green space for strolling and picnicking. It also has a lake as well as water fountain. Along with parks, there are a number of galleries and historical structures to discover. In addition, there are dining establishments, stores, and also antique stores. Whether you intend to unwind on a beach, capture a video game of tennis, or just browse around the city, there is something to please every person in Katy, Texas.
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Visitors can appreciate the city's background by participating in a local art museum. The city additionally has a number of world-class golf courses. If you're a fan of art, the Houston Gallery of Penalty Arts is a must-see for art enthusiasts. The Houston Museum of Penalty Arts, which includes over 17,000 items of art, is located in the city's eastern end.
Katy is a western suburb of Houston with a number of intriguing places to visit. The Katy Heritage Culture Railroad Gallery features displays related to trains in a restored train depot. The gallery additionally presents vintages and also classic farming equipment. The city also has Mary Jo Peckham Park, a huge park that consists of a lake loaded with fish. The park also has baseball fields and also barbecue areas.
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Another great place to go to in Katy, Texas is Willow Fork Park. This park includes a lake as well as marshes that are both serene as well as picturesque. You can likewise play disc golf at the park. The park likewise has outing locations and also hiking routes. There are different kinds of birds and turtles that reside in the park. It's a dreamland to see wild animals and also sundowns.
A great area to go with youngsters is Katy Heritage Park, which is established like an old town. The community was initially a railroad town in the 1800s. Its buildings have actually been brought back as well as provide an understanding right into the early days of Katy. The park also has benches where you can sit and loosen up.
If history is your point, you can additionally discover Katy by checking out the MKT Railroad Gallery, an old train depot that was made use of as a stop by vapor trains on their means to Houston. It is residence to a number of artefacts, including historic lorries, as well as the popular red cabin. Its museum serves as the city's visitor center. While it is not the most significant attraction, it uses a special consider the city's past.
The Arts Museum TX is an additional location worth checking out. It is a gallery that celebrates all types of art and also culture. In addition to displays, the gallery supplies a range of occasions as well as tasks for site visitors.
One more fantastic location to eat in Katy is Antonia's Restaurant, which uses a diverse food selection with neighborhood price. There is also a prominent outside restaurant called Cucina Italiana, which offers seafood, Italian, and Southern American food.
In this city you can rely on Blingle! Located in Katy, Texas, Blingle! deals year-round luxury lighting solutions as well as maintenance. Whether you're entertaining, company occasion, or unique occasion, Blingle! can help establish the state of mind. Their qualified professionals can aid you with the set up as well as take-down of the event. If you're trying to find outside occasion lights rental, there are numerous neighborhood companies to select from. See to it to locate a company with a tried and tested record of supplying extraordinary service.
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Blingle! 3313 Porter Road Suite 103 Katy, TX 77493 281-697-4989 https://blingle.com/katy-tx
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valloninfo · 17 days
Suite au communiqué de la Commune de Val-de-Travers, un appel à idées est lancé pour transformer la bande herbeuse située au nord du terrain de football de l’espaceVAL. Ce vaste espace, autrefois partagé avec l’ECAP, est désormais libre d’utilisation. Le Conseil communal souhaite aujourd’hui mener une réflexion globale à long terme afin de créer un espace convivial et fonctionnel qui réponde aux besoins de la population locale et des clubs sportifs. L’idée est simple : recueillir des propositions réalistes et financièrement viables qui s’intègrent harmonieusement à l’environnement existant. Cet appel s’adresse autant aux clubs sportifs qu’aux citoyens afin de concevoir ensemble des aménagements qui enrichiront la vie sociale et sportive de la commune. Surfaces disponibles Deux zones ont été identifiées pour le développement de ce projet : Le Grand rectangle : d’une surface d’environ 1'500 m² (80m de long x 20m de large). Le Petit rectangle : d’environ 200 m² (25m de long x 8m de large). Ces espaces offrent une opportunité unique d’apporter une plus-value à l’ensemble de la communauté, que ce soit à travers des infrastructures sportives, des espaces de détente ou des installations récréatives. Projets déjà envisagés La Commune a déjà mentionné quelques idées dans son communiqué : Bâtiment multifonction comprenant une buvette, des vestiaires et des salles de réception pour répondre aux besoins des événements sportifs et récréatifs. Terrains de padel, un sport de raquette très populaire et accessible, qui pourrait dynamiser la vie sportive locale. Idées complémentaires pour la bande herbeuse Afin de diversifier l’utilisation de l’espace et répondre à une variété de besoins, voici quelques propositions supplémentaires : Terrain de pétanque : Le Petit rectangle pourrait accueillir un terrain de pétanque avec plusieurs pistes. La pétanque est un sport convivial, facile à entretenir, et qui attire un public large. Aire de fitness en plein air : Une partie du Grand rectangle pourrait être dédiée à des équipements de fitness (barres de traction, bancs abdominaux, etc.), permettant à tous de s’entraîner en plein air. Parcours de santé ou mini parcours de course d'obstacles : Disposer de stations d’exercices ou obstacles le long du Grand rectangle favoriserait la pratique d’un sport ludique et complet. Terrain de mini-foot ou de volley-ball : Un terrain polyvalent, utilisable pour plusieurs sports (volley-ball, mini-foot), pourrait facilement être installé sur le Grand rectangle. Aire de jeux pour enfants : Dans le Petit rectangle, une aire de jeux avec des toboggans, balançoires et structures d’escalade offrirait un espace récréatif pour les familles. Mur d’escalade extérieur : Un mur d’escalade de faible hauteur, installé en bordure du Grand rectangle, offrirait une activité ludique et sportive, surtout pour les jeunes. Terrain de boccia ou Mölkky : Proposer des variantes ludiques de jeux de lancer, comme le boccia ou le Mölkky, pour ajouter une dimension intergénérationnelle aux activités proposées. Zone de slackline : Installer des lignes de slackline entre des arbres ou des poteaux offrirait une activité amusante et technique pour développer l’équilibre. Disc Golf (Frisbee) : Installer un parcours de disc golf dans le Grand rectangle, avec des paniers de cible dispersés, permettrait de pratiquer une activité ludique et en plein essor. Sondage : Participez à l'aménagement de votre commune La Commune souhaite obtenir votre avis sur ces propositions et recueillir vos idées pour la mise en valeur de cette bande herbeuse. Quels aménagements aimeriez-vous voir réalisés ? Quels sont vos besoins pour cet espace ? Prenez part à cette consultation par courriel ([email protected]) avant le 31 octobre 2024. Vallon.info vous partage quelques idées à travers notre sondage ci-dessous. Contribuez à façonner l’avenir de ce lieu. [forminator_poll id="44528"] Votre contribution est essentielle pour créer un espace
qui répondra aux attentes de chacun et contribuera à l’épanouissement social et sportif de notre belle région.
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bohotude · 2 months
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zertuchehomes · 2 months
Unlocking the Value: Creative Ways to Use Undeveloped Land in San Antonio
Unlocking the potential of undeveloped land in San Antonio is a venture that transcends the mere act of ownership. It’s an exploration into the realm of possibilities, an imaginative journey where creativity meets real estate, generating revenue in the process. In this expansive landscape, the canvas is blank, and the potential is boundless.
Let’s delve into the creative ways one can unlock the value of undeveloped land in San Antonio, where innovation transforms raw estate into thriving spaces.
Reimagining Vacant Land: Unleashing the Potential
Undeveloped land often lies dormant, waiting to be activated and transformed into something more meaningful. By embracing creative approaches, you can unlock the value of these vacant spaces, fostering sustainable development, enhancing community well-being, and most importantly, investing to make the most of the land.
1. Urban Agriculture For Profit or Self-Reliance
Undeveloped land presents an ideal canvas for urban agriculture, a sustainable practice that brings fresh, locally-grown produce to urban communities. By establishing community gardens, rooftop farms, and vertical farming systems, you can revitalize vacant spaces while either generating a profit or promoting self-reliance.
2. Using the Land as a Recreational Facility
Amidst the bustling cityscape, undeveloped land can be transformed into a tranquil recreational facility. You can utilize the land to serve as a private sports facility that can earn you a decent profit. For instance, a small soccer field in San Antonio could be rented out for $100 per hour (source). If the field is rented out for 20 hours per week, it can generate $2,000 per month.
You can also use your property as a park which can earn you good revenue in the long term (if your property is big enough). When using your property as a park, you can charge people lot rent and utility fees. Another creative recreational use for a property that is big enough is to repurpose it as a disc golf course. 
3. Wellness Retreats
Undeveloped land offers the canvas for creating havens of rejuvenation. Wellness resorts, spas, and yoga retreats can be designed to harmonize with the natural surroundings, providing spaces for relaxation, mindfulness, and holistic well-being. These retreats or resorts are also a great way to generate great profit off of your property that might otherwise be lying vacant.
4. Camping Ground
Using your property as a campground in San Antonio can be a viable way to make money. The San Antonio area boasts a thriving tourism industry, attracting millions of visitors each year. With its warm climate, diverse attractions, and proximity to natural beauty, San Antonio offers a perfect setting for a successful campground.
5. Farm
The San Antonio region boasts diverse agricultural opportunities, with favorable climate and soil conditions suitable for various crops and livestock. Whether you’re considering a small backyard garden or a larger, multi-acre operation, understanding the specific possibilities and challenges is crucial. Moreover, estimating potential revenue depends heavily on farm size, chosen crops/livestock, and marketing strategies.
The Impact of Creative Land Use
Urban agriculture has the potential to generate over $1 billion in economic output and create thousands of jobs in San Antonio.
Parks and recreational facilities can potentially increase property values by up to 20%.
The global sports facilities market is expected to reach $ 153.0 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 4.9%.
The camping industry generates over $ 167 billion annually in the U.S. and supports 1.4 million jobs (Source).
Farms contribute to local food security and provide access to fresh, healthy produce (Source).
As San Antonio continues to grow and evolve, the creative utilization of undeveloped land presents a pivotal opportunity to shape the city’s future. By embracing innovative approaches that promote sustainability, community well-being, and economic growth, we can transform vacant spaces into vibrant hubs of activity, enhancing the city’s livability, resilience, and overall character. As a Realtor covering land transactions, reach out, and let’s talk about creating your vision.
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discgolfunited · 3 months
Disc Golf United
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Disc Golf United (DGU) is a premier online platform catering to disc golf enthusiasts. It offers a wide selection of discs, gear, and accessories, ensuring players have access to top-quality equipment. The website features an extensive catalog from renowned brands, making it easy for players to find their preferred discs and gear. DGU also provides resources such as articles, tips, and event information to help players improve their game and stay connected with the disc golf community. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, DGU is a one-stop shop for all your disc golf needs.
Disc Golf United
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